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International Journal of Energy Economics and

ISSN: 2146-4553

available at http: www.econjournals.com

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2022, 12(6), 272-282.

Potential of Small-wind Turbine for Power Generation on

Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in Malaysia

Chee Sze Yan1, Siow Chun Lim1*, Chan Kah Yoong2

Centre for Electric Energy and Automation, Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia, 63100
Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia, 2Centre for Advanced Devices and Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University,
Persiaran Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia. *Email: chunlim87@gmail.com

Received: 03 August 2022 Accepted: 02 November 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.13433

On most of the offshore oil and gas platforms, the current means of generating power are through the use of generators i.e. gas turbines and diesel
power generators, or micro-generators for some smaller equipment. These generator sets are less reliable, especially on unmanned platforms. Hence,
the deployment of renewable energy, such as the use of wind turbines, would be better for energy security, economic development and also protection
of the environment. Instead of using wind power to power up the whole platform, small wind turbines can be utilised to power up some utilities and
instrumentations on the platform, while having generators as back up, as the wind speed is beyond control. However, the capability of a small wind
turbine in generating enough power is constantly under doubt as it is yet to be widely employed and only meagre data is available. This is caused by
the issue of having insufficient studies regarding the implementation of small wind turbines for power generation on offshore oil and gas platforms.
Hence, this paper studied the capability of small wind turbines for power generation on offshore platforms in Malaysia. Several models of small wind
turbines were selected and their abilities in generating power to fulfil the annual energy consumption on a typical offshore platform were examined
through precise calculations. The common offshore locations in Malaysia were identified and the average wind speeds from 2017 to 2019 at these
locations were analysed. The result shows that certain models of small wind turbines are able to provide a significant amount of power for an offshore
platform especially to power up the low power machineries. It was found that Kerteh, Terengganu is the most suitable offshore location to harness
wind power due to its averagely high wind speed throughout the year. The highest amount of energy that can be produced was around 1445kWh per
annum at Kerteh by the small wind turbine with the largest swept area and the lowest cut-in speed. This paper aims to serve as numerical validation
on the plausibility of integrating small wind turbines for the generation of electricity on offshore platforms in Malaysia while also providing the
recommended locations that are suitable for this region.
Keywords: Small Wind Turbine, Offshore Platform, Micro-Generation, Kerteh, Wind Energy
JEL Classifications: Q42, Q47, Q56

1. INTRODUCTION noise of diesel engines, the risks of diesel generator explosions,

and the cost considerations due to the continuous use of diesel fuel,
Offshore oil and gas (O&G) platforms are conventionally equipped these may affect the energy production rates. Wind energy is an
with power supply based on fossil fuel such as gas turbines and option to replace them to produce cleaner and safer energy. The
diesel generator sets (Aardal et al., 2012). The power generated is alternative to constructing an offshore wind farm that occupies a
used for offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities coastal area and may harm marine animals are small wind turbine
which require energy not just to power their main and supporting (SWT) installed on offshore platforms for microgeneration that
activities but also instrumentation and utility supply. However, the combined with other renewable energy sources in a hybrid system
unreliability of them-the bulky size of generator sets, the vibration to ensure a smooth and stable supply. However, some of the O&G

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272 International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | Vol 12 • Issue 6 • 2022
Yan, et al.: Potential of Small-wind Turbine for Power Generation on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in Malaysia

operators in Malaysia doubt a SWT’s ability in producing sufficient productions (Choi et al., 2017). A recent study has quantified the
power for the equipment on O&G platforms. O&G consultants improvement due to single axis tracker technology (Dawoud and
who design platforms for the operators that intend to employ Lim, 2021). A 300MW, 29MW, and 7MW solar thermal systems
SWT on the platforms for safety and cost considerations may be are applied to generate electricity for different gas field locations
met with disagreements from the operators. As the application of to provide thermal energy for the required production activities at
SWTs installed on platforms is unpopular compared to large wind gas production sites too. A few of 5MW wind turbines were built
turbines (LWTs) in offshore wind farms, the reliability of SWT and they supply 30% of the total power demand on a platform in
for power generation is not fully understood yet. The root of these the United Kingdom (UK) (Choi et al., 2017). Among all of the
issues is the insufficient studies regarding the implementation offshore renewable energy sources, offshore wind energy has the
of SWT) for power generation on offshore oil and gas (O&G) most developed states in terms of capacity, technology, and policies
platforms. Thus, a research on the application of SWT on offshore (Appiott et al., 2014). Due to this, offshore wind energy has the
O&G platforms was conducted to ascertain its reliability for power greatest potential for efficient energy production, grid integration,
generation and its applicability in Malaysia. and environment protection as compared to the other marine
renewable energy resources. Although offshore wind projects
are more complicated and expensive to install and maintain than
2. EQUIPMENT ON AN OFFSHORE OIL onshore wind projects, offshore wind is typically faster and steadier
AND GAS (O&G) PLATFORM hence results in greater electric power generation. In addition, the
exploitable offshore wind in the world was estimated to be about
An offshore platform can be intended for oil or gas exploration, can 74,000 GW which is 30 times higher than the average electric
have or have no living quarter platform, can perform processing power generation (Appiott et al., 2014). The North Sea region is
or can be just a wellhead platform, can include or exclude an currently the front-runner in offshore wind, in terms of installed
oil recovery package (Samie, 2016). Hence, the equipment and capacity and technical capability (Appiott et al., 2014). As offshore
facilities installed on an offshore platform depend on the platform’s wind turbines interact with oncoming wind, the more stable the air
function and crude composition. The choice of categorisation of patterns are, the more consistent the power output generated. As
equipment solely based on the platform’s owner and developer’s wind depends on the atmospheric pressure, the wind resource is
decision according to the intended usage of the platform. The not predictable. However, the use of offshore wind turbines with
equipment can be categorised into process system, utility long fetch lengths results in faster and steadier wind as compared
system, instrumentation and control system, safety system, and to the extraction of wind power at onshore sites (Cathlyn and
accommodation system (Samie, 2016). Tables 1-5 summarises Bryony, 2018). There are two types of foundation structures
the equipment involved and the function of each system and for offshore wind turbines namely the fixed bottom foundation
equipment. and the floating foundation. The development and deployment
technologies of floating wind turbines are still in its early stage
while fixed bottom offshore wind energy technology is considered
3. OFFSHORE RENEWABLE ENERGY as the most mature technology in the offshore renewable energy
POTENTIAL industry (Cathlyn and Bryony, 2018).

Solar systems have been employed at oil and gas field locations Ocean energy can be classified into tidal energy, wave energy,
in the United States of America (USA) for oil and gas field ocean current energy, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)

Table 1: Equipment of process system (Samie, 2016)

Process system – process, treat and transport the crude
Equipment Function
Xmas (Christmas) tree Protect topside equipment from the pressure of reservoir
Production header Collect fluid from wells and guide them to the equipment
First‑phase separator Separate the gas, hydrocarbon, and water in crude
Slug catcher “Catch” the slug and sand in the crude
Sand management system Transfer the sand in oil or gas platform to the topside via crude
Dehydration package Absorb the remaining water vapour left by the separator in the crude gas
Sweetening system Absorb CO2 or H2S in the crude gas
Oily water treatment system Filter the oil from the water reservoir before discharging the water to an open drain system
Chemical injection system Inject chemicals to crude to prevent hydration, corrosion and etc.
Flare system Separate associated gas separated from oil to be used in power generation, transferred to onshore, or
injected to reservoir to boost oil production
Closed‑drain system Route non‑hazardous drain to the sea
Fuel gas treatment To process the associated gas from crude or gas directly from header to be used as platform fuel
Compression system Force air into the system to produce suitable pressure for the operation of pneumatic instrument
Water injection system Inject water to bring crude oil up to the surface when the pressure of reservoir reduces
Pig launching and receiving system Clear water or slug to prevent the blocking of pipeline where the final product of each platform is directed to
Electrical submerged pump Lift fluids from wellbores (an artificial lifting method)
Export meter Measure oil and gas

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Yan, et al.: Potential of Small-wind Turbine for Power Generation on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in Malaysia

Table 2: Equipment of utility system (Samie, 2016) Compared to tidal energy, wave energy is less suitable in Malaysia
Utility system – power and facilitate the process system without due to the average annual wave power density that is <50kW/m2
affecting the crude (the requirement of a wave energy converter) in Malaysia’s ocean
Equipment Function (Chong and Lam, 2013). Under-water turbine technology could be
Wellhead control panel Supply hydraulic force for the operation used to harness the enormous amount of untapped ocean current
and hydraulic power unit of actuators of main valves energy from the large ocean currents at the Gulf Stream off the
(WHCP/HPU) east coast of the USA and Japan (Appiott et al., 2014). Sabah,
Compressed air system Supply power for pneumatic instrument
Diesel oil system Provide fuel to generate power
Malaysia has the potential to harness the ocean thermal energy at
Power generation system Supply electricity to all equipment the Sabah trough where the water depth is 2900 m and the surface
Electrical power storage Ensure uninterrupted power supply temperature is 29°C while the bottom temperature is 3°C (Chong
facility and Lam, 2013). Due to the high rainfall rate in Malaysia which
Inert gas Prevent the intrusion of air to is around 250 cm per year, the main rivers at the west coast of
inflammable spaces
peninsular such as Sungai Selangor and Sungai Perak are drained
Atmosphere vent Disperse gas into a safe area
Open drain Provide a stilling place to separate the into the Straits of Malacca and result in the exchange of nutrients
oil from water that is to be discharged to at the mouth of the river thus producing salinity gradient (Chong
the sea and Lam, 2013). Yet, most of the technology to harness ocean
Hypochlorite system Prevent the growth of algae in the piping energy is still at the research and development level.
Service seawater For housekeeping
Pedestal crane Transfer spare parts, chemicals, fuels and A few renewable sources can be combined and form a hybrid
food from supply boat renewable energy system to ensure a smoother and steadier supply.
Material handling system Move equipment, spare parts, and The capability of the combination of wind and solar power to
materials on the platform generate power for offshore application on a platform in Sabah
was researched in (Tiong et al., 2015). In (Kalogeri et al., 2017),
Table 3: Equipment of instrumentation and control the combined exploitation of offshore wave and wind energy was
system (Samie, 2016) studied. It was found out that the most suitable location for this is
Instrumentation and control system–monitor and control all
the western part of offshore areas in the Europe.
equipment on the platform
Process control Receive signals regarding the operation of
system equipment such as start/stop and open/close
Emergency Receive signals regarding emergency conditions
shutdown system that lead to platform shutdown Large wind turbines (LWTs) can either be installed individually or
Fire and gas Receive signals regarding safety hazard and grouped as a wind farm that can be connected to a utility power grid
system control fire and gas detectors or even combined with other renewable energy sources such as wave
Choke valve Adjust well pressure fluctuation energy or solar energy to form a hybrid power plant (Kumar et al.,
On/off valve Use for shutdown, blowdown, and isolation of
packages 2016). Offshore wind power systems typically use larger wind turbines
Motorised valves Use for the control of actuators to build power plants such as the use of Statoil Hydro’s turbine that is
700 m deep and based on a floating foundation to supply the North Sea
oil installations (Kumar et al., 2016). In (He et al., 2013), the feasibility
Table 4: Equipment of safety system (Samie, 2016) of offshore wind farms with LWTs to act as power source to offshore
Safety system–eliminate hazard, extinguish fire and rescue staffs oil and gas (O&G) platforms was studied and it was concluded that
Equipment Function the three cases of applications and connections of the offshore wind
Firefighting Extinguish fire actively farms to O&G platforms are economically and technically feasible
Fire barrier Prevent collapse of structures and limit effect
based on the theoretical analysis conducted.
of helicopter fire
CO2 total flooding Extinguish fire by flooding CO2 above The environmental impacts of offshore wind farms were summarised
system oxygen, preventing it to reach the top in (Vaissière et al., 2014). The impacts caused during the
Dry chemical Extinguish helideck fire construction of an offshore wind farm is more intense but happen
extinguishing system
for a shorter duration as compared to the operation phase. During the
Lifeboat Move staffs away from platform during fire
Safety shower Wash off crude oil splashed on body construction phase, species living on the seabed are affected during
Oxygen breathing Prevent the intake of toxic gas released the underwater cable installations, material from the stirred-up
apparatus sediment may reduce the light penetration and photosynthesis hence
affecting the trophic chain balance and the underwater vibration and
power, salinity gradient power and energy from marine biomass noise during the construction may affect marine animal’s health too.
(Chong and Lam, 2013) (Appiott et al., 2014). The World Offshore The impacts during the operation phase are less intense but will
Renewable Energy Report 2004-2008 estimated that 3000GW be permanent over the entire lifetime of the wind farm. The use of
of tidal resource is available. However only <3% of the tidal LWTs leads to the risks of collision which may harm birds during
energy is located at the suitable areas that allow power generation. poor visible periods such as nigh time or bad weathers.

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Other than LWT, small wind turbine is also available and has the limited power capacity of a SWT. The SWTs installed on a
recently been explored in terms of its potential application to platform will only be used to power up some of the equipment.
power up TELCO towers in Malaysia (Lim et al., 2019). A SWT, Instead of determining the percentage of power that can be
SD3EX specially designed and manufactured by SD Wind Energy supplied by SWTs to the whole platform, knowing the type of
to be used in the power generation of O&G field and it has been equipment that can be sufficiently supplied by SWTs is more
functioning effectively in the North Sea for more than a decade useful as the SWTs might not be able to supply every each of the
(Turbine, 2006). SD3EX is an ATEX approved SWT that has equipment on the platform. Hence, the equipment list obtained was
a power rating of 3kW, diameter of 3.9 m and a cut-in speed categorised into three groups-“High,” “Intermediate” and “Low”
of 2.5m/s. Another use of SWT for offshore platform power based on their daily energy consumption. The equipment was
generation is the Airdolphin Mark-Zero SWTs which are used build first arranged in descending order in terms of their daily energy
a mini wind farm on the platform and utilised as an off-grid power consumption before categorizing them into different categories as
source for the unmanned platform (Zephyr Corporation, 2012). shown in Table 6 (Science Direct, 2020).

5. METHODOLOGY There are different types of SWTs available in the market. Different
models of SWTs may have different rotor radius, cut-in speed,
Figure 1 shows the overall flowchart of the research study. power rating, input voltage, certifications and etc. However, not all
of the SWTs can be used on offshore O&G platforms. An offshore
Practically, SWTs will not be used to supply all of the facilities O&G platform consists of potentially explosive atmosphere
on a platform as many turbines will have to be installed due to and the equipment used on the platform need to be explosion-
proof. Explosion-proof equipment is equipment that is capable
Figure 1: Flow of study
of enduring explosion. There are a few international standards
to ensure the safety of equipment being used in an explosive
Literature Survey of equipment and energy environment. In Malaysia, the standards and certifications that
source of offshore platform
are commonly used are ATEX and IECEx certification. However,
in Malaysia, there is no strict rule regarding the need of using of
Performance analysis of the SWTs
explosion-proof SWT on an offshore platform, the choice of SWT
depends on the client’s preference. In the research conducted,
the types of SWT chosen are SWT with ATEX or/and IECEx
Meteorological study of certification and SWT without explosion-proof certification but
wind energy in Malaysia
is currently being used by several offshore platforms in Malaysia.
Potential analysis of
The SWT selected also has to be a 24Vdc wind turbine as the
SWTs for offshore equipment list used in this research was initially connected to a
oil and gas platforms
24Vdc solar panel. Four models of SWTs were selected for the
research and the significant specifications of the selected wind
AQ5 Table 5: Equipment of accommodation system turbines which are the rated power, rotor diameter, cut-in speed,
(Samie, 2016) cut-out speed and certifications on ATEX/IECEx were recorded.
Accommodation system–facilitate operators and staffs’ life and In order to analyse the performances of the SWTs selected for
job on the platform the project, the power that can be generated by different SWTs at
Equipment Function different wind speeds were calculated. The power extracted by a
Ventilation and air Provide cooling air for motors and oxygen wind turbine at different wind speeds were calculated by using
conditioning system for staffs the equations in (Kalmikov, 2017):
Fresh water system Provide water for the shelter of operators
Sewage treatment Treat sewage from shelter before
system discharging to sea PT  0.5  Av3CP  (1)
Incinerator Burn waste/sewage that is allowed for offshore
burning to prevent transferring back to onshore Where
Helicopter’s fuel Pump fuel to helicopter to ensure sufficient R-turbine radius (m)
system fuel for return trip A-rotor swept area (m2)

Table 6: Guidelines to categorise the equipment based on their daily energy consumption
Category Daily energy consumption‑DEC (Wh/day) Description (Science direct, 2020)
High DEC ≥ 2400 • Equivalent to leaving a desktop computer at sleep mode (20 Wh/h) for 120 h
(5 days) or more
• Equivalent to making at least 60 servings of toast by using a toaster (40 Wh/serving)
Intermediate 400 ≤ DEC < 2400 • Equivalent to leaving a desktop computer at sleep mode (20 Wh/h) for at least 20
h but < 120 h (5 days)
• Equivalent to making at least 10 but < 60 servings of toasts by using a toaster
(40 Wh/serving)
Low DEC < 400 • Equivalent to leaving a desktop computer at sleep mode (20 Wh/hr) for less day 20 h
• Equivalent to making < 10 servings of toasts by using a toaster (40 Wh/serving)

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ρ-air density (typically 1.2 kg⁄m3) • For the calculations of power and energy generation in order
v-wind speed (m/s) to determine the minimum amount of wind power generation
CP-power coefficient that is feasible at each location in Malaysia
PT-power extracted by the wind turbine (W) • Ideal operation was assumed, hence Cp=16⁄27=0.593
• 2017, 2018 and 2019 were common years, hence there were
The calculation of the power generated by a wind turbine 28 days in February for these 3 years.
depends on several parameters – wind speed, rotor swept area
(a function of rotor radius), power coefficient, and air density 6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(a function of air pressure, air temperature and humidity). To
calculate the power generated by a wind turbine, the rotor swept In Table 7, the equipment that are normally powered by a solar
area was first calculated by applying the formula, A=πR2 where power system on a typical offshore O&G platform in Malaysia and
R is the radius of the turbine. Cp is the power coefficient that their energy consumed per day were stated. From the table, it can
indicate the maximum power that can be extracted by a wind be seen that the daily energy consumption of different equipment
turbine from wind. According to Betz Limit, the maximum varies and ranged between 72Wh and 3840Wh.
possible power that can be converted by the wind turbine is
only 0.593 (59.3%) or 16/27 of the total power in the wind. Table 8 shows the selected models of SWTs and the important
The air density, ρ is usually 1.2 kg/m3. Hence, to calculate the specifications that were involved in the research project. Referring
power generated by SWT1, SWT2, SWT3 and SWT4, several to Table 8, four models of SWTs, including ATEX or/and IECEx
assumptions were made: approved SWT and also non-explosion proof SWT that is currently
employed on some platforms in Malaysia were selected for the
Assuming an ideal SWT operation and a usual air atmosphere, study of their capability to generate power sufficient power for
• Cp=16⁄27=0.593 (ideal operation) an offshore platform. SWTs that require a 24V battery storage
• ρ=1.2 kg/m3 (usual air atmosphere) are selected as the electrical load list used in the research project
was initially powered by a solar panel system connected to a 24V
These are the important notes in calculating the total energy battery bank.
generated per annum by different SWTs at different locations:
• Wind turbines will start to generate power only after their SWT1 and SWT3 have the lowest cut-in speeds, SWT2 has the
cut-in speeds are exceeded highest cut-in wind speed while the cut-in speed of SWT4 is in
• The maximum power that can be produced by each SWT is between. SWTs will start to generate electricity only after its
the rated power cut-in speed is exceeded. Hence, it is better for a SWT to have
• Only one unit of SWT was involved low cut-in speed. While for the rotor diameter, SWT1 has the

Table 7: Categories of equipment and the total daily energy consumption

No. Equipment arranged from highest to lowest energy Daily energy Category Total Daily energy
consumption consumption (Wh/day) consumption (Wh/day)
1 Telecom equipment 1 3840.00 High 17040.00
2 MPFM (Flow computer unit) 3600.00
3 SIS/FGS Panel‑Controller and cards 2400.00
4 Telecom Equipment 3‑PTZ CCTV Camera (Vent Area) 2400.00
5 Telecom Equipment 3‑PTZ CCTV Camera (Boat Landing) 2400.00
6 Corrosion inhibitor pump A/B 2400.00
7 PMCS panel ‑ controller and cards 856.80 Intermediate 5384.40
8 WHCP/HPU pump 750.00
9 LED escape lightings 744.00
10 DEG battery charger (UCP panel) 633.60
11 PMCS panel‑transmitters 528.00
12 Telecom equipment 2 480.00
13 Telecom equipment 3‑network switch 480.00
14 Switch‑rack control and protection circuit 480.00
15 SIS/FGS panel‑transmitters 432.00
16 PMCS panel‑ultrasonic flow meter 360.00 Low 2055.80
17 SIS/FGS panel‑beacon 300.00
18 SIS/FGS panel‑F&G detectors 264.00
19 Solar battery charger 256.80
20 PMCS panel‑solenoid valves 240.00
21 SIS/FGS panel‑solenoid valves 240.00
22 Telecom equipment (VHF–FM Base station) 195.00
23 PMCS panel–HMI 100.00
24 Racon 72.00
25 SIS/FGS panel‑linear heat sensing cables 28.00
Total 24480.20

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Table 8: Different models of SWTs and their specifications Figure 2: Power curves of different SWTs at different wind speeds
(SD3DEX datasheet, 2006) (Kingspan Wind, 2013)
(Zephyr Corporation, 2011) (JCE Energy, 2016)
Rated power (kW) 3 2.5 1 1.05
Rotor diameter (m) 3.9 3.8 1.8 1.7
Cut in speed (m/s) 2.5 3.5 2.5 3.0
Cut out speed (m/s) None‑continuous operation
Certification ATEX ATEX Not explosion proof ATEX
buy it is currently IECEx
used in Malaysia

longest diameter while SWT4 has the smallest diameter. A longer

diameter corresponds to a greater rotor swept area which means
more power can be extracted from the wind given that the cut-in
Figure 3: Comparison of the trend of wind speeds from January to
speed is exceeded. As there is no cut-out speed for the SWTs,
December (2017-2019) at different locations
they will rotate and generate power continuously as long as the
cut-in speeds are satisfied, unless the amount of power generated
reaches the rated power.

Figure 2 shows the power generated by different models of

SWT at different wind speeds. The power curves of different
SWTs are indicated by different colours as stated in the legend.
A wind turbine will start to generate power only after the cut-in
speed is exceeded by the wind, the cut-in speed of each SWT is
denoted as vc in the figure. It can be seen that, SWT1 generated
the highest power at different speeds as it has the lowest cut-in
speed which is 2.5 m/s and also the largest swept area. Similarly,
SWT2 generated slightly lower power as compared to SWT1
as its swept area and turbine radius are a little smaller than
the SWT1’s. As SWT3 and SWT4 have rotor radius which are Table 8 stated that the lowest possible cut-in speed for the selected
a lot smaller than the one’s of SWT1 and SWT2, the power models of SWT that can be installed on offshore platforms in
generated by them were a lot lower than the power generated Malaysia is 2.5 m/s. Referring to Figure 3, it can be seen that,
by SWT1 and SWT2. SWT1 and SWT3 started to generate the average wind speed for every month throughout a year in
power after the wind speed exceeded 2.5 m/s while SWT2 and Kemaman, Labuan, Bintulu and Miri were lower than 2.5 m/s.
SWT4 generated zero power until the wind surpassed 3.5 m/s Hence, these locations do not have the potential to harness wind
and 3 m/s respectively which are their cut-in speed. As there power via SWTs.
is no cut out speed for the SWTs, after their cut-in speed were
satisfied, the power generated increased as wind speed increased There are two monsoons, in other words, wind seasons in
until their rated power were reached. The maximum amount Malaysia-Northeast Monsoon and Southwest Monsoon. The
of power that can be produced by SWT1, SWT2, SWT3 and Northeast Monsoon happens from mid-October to the end of
SWT4 are 3000W, 2500W, 1000W and 1050W respectively. In March while the Southwest Monsoon hits during late May to
conclusion, among all of the selected wind turbines, SWT1 is September. The Northeast Monsoon which is also called the east
able to generate the highest amount of power at any wind speed, coast monsoon of the peninsular Malaysia hits the eastern side of
followed by SWT2, SWT3 and SWT4. the peninsular-Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. Hence, it can be
seen that the wind speeds in Kerteh (green line), Kuantan (black
The average wind speeds of the ten identified locations from line), Kota Bharu (light brown line), and Kuala Terengganu (pink
January to December for the past 3 years, 2017 to 2019 were line) escalated in the mid-October and their wind speeds remained
obtained from (World Weather Online, 2019). The data from above 3 m/s until the mid-March or the end of March, except for
2017 to 2019 for each location was combined into just 1 year by Kuala Terengganu. The wind speeds in Kota Bharu and Kuala
calculating the average values for these 3 years, as recorded in Terengganu stopped rising and started to drop since January as
Table 9. they are located at the top of the east coast of peninsular hence,
they are less affected compared to the other towns/cities. While
The average wind speeds throughout 12 months (2017-2019) for during the Southwest Monsoon (late May to September) that is
the ten different locations were plotted in Figure 3. This was done coming from the southwest direction of Malaysia, is also called the
in order to analyse the trend of wind throughout a year at different west coast monsoon that affects the western part of the peninsular.
locations and also to identify the locations that are feasible to However, the effect on the western part of the peninsular-Perlis,
harness wind power via SWTs. Kedah. Penang, Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya,

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Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor were not noticeable as the rotor swept areas, the average wind speeds and the average air
wind was be blocked by Indonesia which is located right below densities (Haponiuk, 2019) taken from year 2017 to 2019 (average
the west coast of the peninsular. Although the wind was coming values). Figures 4-9 shows the power generation of different
from the southwest direction, it would still ‘pass by’ the east coast models of SWTs at the six locations from January to February
of peninsular and the top of the east Malaysia-Sabah. Therefore, (2017 to 2019) at the recorded average wind speeds. Note that,
the wind speeds in these places gradually increased from May power generation starts only after the cut-in speed of wind turbine
to September. Although there is no wind that hit directly on the is exceeded.
east Malaysia-Sabah, Labuan and Sarawak, the wind speeds in
Sabah remained average throughout the year as it is located at the Figure 4 shows the power generated by different models of SWTs
top of Borneo and the wind would “pass by” in either direction. at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah under the average wind speeds from
The wind speeds in Sarawak and Labuan were low and it is not January to February (2017–2019). Apparently, in April, May, June
suitable to explore the wind energy in these two areas as they are and November, none of the SWTs was able to extract power from
located at the bottom part of the Borneo and the impact of wind the wind as the average wind speeds in these months were around
is relatively weak. 2.0 to 2.5 m/s which did not exceed the cut in speeds of all the
SWTs. For the other months, only SWT1 and SWT3 generated
The locations where offshore O&G platforms are normally located power, where SWT3 generated lower power than SWT1 due to
which have the potential for wind power are Kerteh (green line), its smaller rotor swept area. SWT2 and SWT4 were not able to
Kuantan (black line), Kota Bharu (light brown line), Kota Belud generate any power in Kota Kinabalu throughout the year as
(grey line), Kota Kinabalu (orange line) and Kuala Terengganu the highest average wind speed from January to December was
(pink line). Among all these locations, Kerteh has the highest only 3.0 m/s where the cut in speed of both of the SWTs were
average wind speed and Kuala Terengganu has the lowest wind not exceeded. In August, the highest average wind speed from
speed throughout 12 months. January to December was reached at 3.0 m/s. The highest power
throughout 12 months was extracted by SWT1 in August which
Table 10 shows the updated locations that have the potential to was around 110W.
apply SWT for power generation on offshore O&G platforms and
their average wind speeds throughout 12 months (2017 to 2019). Figure 5 shows the power generated by different models of SWTs
There are six locations in total that are viable for power generation at Kota Belud, Sabah under the average wind speeds from January
on offshore platforms via SWTs. to February (2017-2019). All of the SWTs was not able to extract
any power from the wind in May and June as the maximum average
The power generated by different models of SWTs at different wind speed reached in these months was only 2.5 m/s which did not
locations from January to February were calculated by using the exceed the cut in speeds of all the SWTs. SWT1 and SWT3 were

Table 9: Average wind speeds at the identified locations from January to February (2017‑2019)
(World Weather Online, 2019)
Average Wind Speeds from January to December (2017‑2019) (m/s)
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Labuan 1.77 1.90 1.80 1.73 1.73 1.70 1.73 1.87 1.73 1.77 1.60 1.70
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 2.67 2.97 2.63 2.33 2.30 2.50 2.83 3.00 2.67 2.80 2.50 2.70
Kota Belud, Sabah 3.37 3.67 3.27 2.57 2.17 2.30 2.90 3.00 2.73 2.73 2.77 2.97
Miri, Sarawak 2.10 2.40 2.07 1.87 1.77 1.87 2.10 2.23 2.10 2.20 2.07 2.33
Bintulu, Sarawak 2.03 2.40 2.17 1.90 1.70 1.80 1.87 1.93 1.90 2.13 1.97 2.27
Kerteh, Terengganu 4.30 4.10 2.93 2.40 2.93 3.37 3.87 4.07 3.23 2.33 2.80 4.03
Kuala Terengganu, 3.40 1.97 2.37 2.20 2.37 2.43 2.63 2.83 2.37 2.17 2.43 3.27
Kemaman, Terengganu 2.17 2.43 1.90 1.47 1.47 1.60 1.80 1.83 1.50 1.17 1.37 1.83
Kuantan, Pahang 3.83 4.17 3.17 2.33 2.33 2.63 3.10 3.20 2.60 2.07 2.50 3.73
Kota Bharu, Kelantan 3.77 3.57 3.13 2.80 2.30 2.27 2.23 2.27 2.23 2.27 2.77 3.40

Table 10: Offshore locations that are feasible to harness wind power via SWTs and their average wind speeds from January
to December (2017‑2019) (World Weather Online, 2019)
Average wind speeds from January to December (2017‑2019) (m/s)
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 2.67 2.97 2.63 2.33 2.30 2.50 2.83 3.00 2.67 2.80 2.50 2.70
Kota Belud, Sabah 3.37 3.67 3.27 2.57 2.17 2.30 2.90 3.00 2.73 2.73 2.77 2.97
Kerteh, Terengganu 4.30 4.10 2.93 2.40 2.93 3.37 3.87 4.07 3.23 2.33 2.80 4.03
Kuala Terengganu, 3.40 1.97 2.37 2.20 2.37 2.43 2.63 2.83 2.37 2.17 2.43 3.27
Kuantan, Pahang 3.83 4.17 3.17 2.33 2.33 2.63 3.10 3.20 2.60 2.07 2.50 3.73
Kota Bharu, Kelantan 3.77 3.57 3.13 2.80 2.30 2.27 2.23 2.27 2.23 2.27 2.77 3.40

278 International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | Vol 12 • Issue 6 • 2022
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Figure 4: Power generated by different SWTs at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Figure 7: Power generated by different SWTs at Kuala Terengganu,
under the wind speed from January to February (2017-2019) Terengganu under the wind speed from January to February

Figure 5: Power generated by different SWTs at Kota Belud, Sabah

under the wind speed from January to February (2017-2019) Figure 8: Power generated by different SWTs at Kuantan, Pahang
under the wind speed from January to February (2017-2019)

Figure 6: Power generated by different SWTs at Kerteh, Terengganu

under the wind speed from January to February (2017-2019) Figure 9: Power generated by different SWTs at Kota Bharu, Kelantan
under the wind speed from January to February (2017-2019)

capable to extract power in all the other months except for May
and June. SWT2 was only able to extract wind power in February
had an average wind speed of 3.67 m/s. In February, the maximum
as it requires the highest cut-in speed among (3.5 m/s) all of the
SWTs and it generated a relatively high level of power compared power throughout 12 months was extracted by SWT1 at more than
SWT3 and SWT4 due to its large rotor sweep area. SWT4 was 200W. SWT2 generated the second highest power in February
only able to generate power in January, February and March as it which was slightly below 200W.
has a high cut in speed which is 3.0 m/s and the power generated
was low on average due to its small sweep area. All of the SWTs Figure 6 shows the power generated by different models of SWTs
extracted their maximum power from the wind in February which at Kerteh, Terengganu under the average wind speeds from January

International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | Vol 12 • Issue 6 • 2022 279
Yan, et al.: Potential of Small-wind Turbine for Power Generation on Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in Malaysia

to February (2017-2019). The wind speeds in April and October the category ‘High’ are high power machineries, its annual energy
were lower than 2.5 m/s hence no SWTs were able to generate consumption was the highest among the three categories, followed
power in these months. Similarly, SWT1 and SWT3 were able to by “Intermediate” and “Low.” The values of the annual energy
generate power for all the months except for April and October. consumption were used to calculate the percentage that could be
SWT2 generated power only in January, February, July, August supplied by different SWTs at different locations to each category
and December. The power generated was high in general but was as shown in Table 12. Referring to Table 12, on an offshore
still lower than that of SWT1’s. SWT4 worked in every month platform at Kota Kinabalu, SWT1 could either supplied 13.41%
except for March, April, May, October and November. Among all of the annual energy consumption of category “High” or 73.55%
of the SWTs, it generated the lowest level of power throughout of the annual energy consumption of category “Intermediate” or
the year due to its smallest rotor sweep area. The highest power 192.63% of the annual energy consumption of category “Low” at
was extracted from the wind in January by SWT1 at more than a time. For the percentage that was more than 100%, it means that
300W as the wind speed exceeded 4.0 m/s. the SWT was able to generate more than the amount of power that
was required by that category of equipment per year.
Figure 7 shows the power generated by different models of SWTs
at Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu under the average wind speeds To better visualize the percentages recorded in Table 12, a stacked
from January to February (2017-2019). The wind speeds from bar chart was constructed as shown in Figure 10.
February to June and September to November did not exceed
2.5 m/s, hence zero power was produced throughout these From Figure 10, it is apparent that, among all of the SWT, SWT1
months. SWT1 and SWT3 were able to generate power for all is able to supply the highest amount energy for the annual energy
of the months except for the months mentioned just now. SWT2 consumption on a typical offshore platform at any of the six
cannot be used in Kuala Terengganu as the highest wind speed offshore locations in Malaysia. This is then followed by SWT2,
throughout 12 months was only 3.4 m/s which is lower than its SWT3 and SWT4 with the exception of a few locations which are
cut in speed. SWT4 only managed to generate power in January Kota Kinabalu, Kota Belud, and Kuala Terengganu.
and December. The highest power generated was in January by
SWT1 which was around 160W. Table 11: Total annual energy consumption of different
categories of equipment
Figure 8 shows the power generated by different models of SWTs Category of Total daily energy Total annual energy
at Kuantan, Pahang under the average wind speeds from January equipment consumption (Wh/day) consumption (Wh/annum)
to February (2017–2019). The wind speeds in April to May High 17040.00 6219600
and October to November did not exceed 2.5 m/s, hence there Intermediate 5384.40 1965306
was no power generation occurred in these months. SWT1 and Low 2055.80 750367
SWT3 were able to generate power for all the months except for
the months that the wind speeds did not exceed 2.5 m/s. SWT2
generated power only in January, February, and December. The Table 12: Percentage of annual energy consumption of
power generated was only slightly lower than that of SWT1’s as each category of equipment that could be supplied by
they have similar rotor sweep area. SWT4 worked only in the different SWTs at different locations
months that had average wind speeds higher than 3.0 m/s which Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
were January to March, August to September, and December. Category SWT1 (%) SWT2 (%) SWT3 (%) SWT4 (%)
Similarly, it generated the lowest level of power throughout every High 8.37 0.00 1.78 0.00
month due to its smallest rotor sweep area. The highest power was Intermediate 26.48 0.00 5.64 0.00
extracted from the wind in February by SWT1 at almost 300W. Low 69.35 0.00 14.77 0.00
Kota Belud, Sabah
High 13.41 2.10 2.86 1.11
Figure 9 shows the power generated by different models of SWTs Intermediate 42.43 6.63 9.04 3.50
at Kota Bharu, Kelantan under the average wind speeds from Low 111.12 17.37 23.67 9.16
January to February (2017-2019). There was no power extracted Kerteh, Terengganu
from the wind by any of the SWTs from May to October as the High 23.24 15.51 4.95 3.75
average wind speeds in these months were <2.5 m/s. Similarly, Intermediate 73.55 49.08 15.67 11.87
Low 192.63 128.56 41.03 31.09
SWT1 and SWT3 were able to generate power for all the months Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
except for the months having wind speeds below 2.5 m/s. SWT2 High 5.65 0.00 1.20 0.69
generated power only in January and February as the average Intermediate 17.88 0.00 3.81 2.20
wind speed exceeded 3.5 m/s. SWT4 worked only from January Low 46.84 0.00 9.98 5.76
to March and December. Similarly, compared to the other SWTs, Kuantan, Pahang
High 14.85 8.11 3.16 2.50
it generated the least power in every single month due to its Intermediate 46.98 25.65 10.01 7.91
limitation of rotor swept area. The highest power was extracted Low 123.05 67.18 26.21 20.72
from the wind in January by SWT1 at almost 300W. Kota Bharu, Kelantan
High 10.15 4.43 2.16 1.54
The energy consumed per annum by each category of equipment Intermediate 32.14 14.02 6.85 4.88
was calculated and recorded in Table 11. As the equipment under Low 84.17 36.73 17.93 12.77

280 International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy | Vol 12 • Issue 6 • 2022
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Figure 10: Visualization of the percentage of annual energy consumption of each category of equipment that could be
supplied by different SWTs at different locations

In Kota Kinabalu, SWT2 and SWT4 would not be able to generate combining a storage bank with the wind energy source, a smooth
any electrical power as the average wind speed in Kota Kinabalu and stable supply can be guaranteed despite the unpredictable
is low and the cut in speeds of both of the SWTs are not satisfied. weather conditions. However, it is recommended to use a hybrid
Hence, SWT1 and SWT3 are the only choices and SWT1 generates system that integrates more than one sources together such as
higher power than SWT3. In Kota Belud, SWT1 generated the solar panels and wind turbines due to the active lightning activity
highest percentage of the energy consumed by each category of in Malaysia that might strikes the wind turbine and destroy the
equipment per year on an offshore platform, followed by SWT3, electronic parts. The application of hybrid system that involves
SWT2 and SWT4, as SWT2 requires higher cut in speed than wind as one of the energy sources is better than installing only
SWT2 and the wind speed in Kota Belud was not as high as the solar panels as the installation of SWTs help to save up spaces.
other locations. In Kuala Terengganu, the similar order implies
except that SWT2 cannot be used here as the average wind speed The research was conducted in order to determine the viability
in Kuala Terengganu would not exceed its cut in speed which is of SWTs on offshore platforms at different locations of Malaysia.
3.5 m/s. SWT requires a certain amount of speed in order for it to be able to
function properly. According to the research conducted, not every
Among the three categories of equipment, the total annual area in Malaysia is suitable for SWT application. The areas that are
energy consumption of the low power consumption equipment – suitable for SWTs are Kota Kinabalu (Sabah), Kota Belud (Sabah),
category “Low” will be fulfilled the most, followed by category Kerteh (Terengganu), Kuala Terengganu (Terengganu), Kuantan
“Intermediate” and category “High.” Among the six offshore (Pahang) and Kota Bharu (Kelantan). These areas experience
locations with wind power potential, the most amount of wind relatively even wind speed throughout the year averaging about
power can be harnessed at Kerteh while Kuala Terengganu has eight to 10 months of possible wind collections, and SWT can
the weakest wind power potential. generate electricity for, with the exception of Kuala Terengganu
and Kota Bharu where wind collections are only possible for 4
7. CONCLUSION and 6 months respectively. The places that are not suitable for
SWT such as Labuan (Federal Territory of Malaysia), Bintulu
The need of replacing fossil fuels on offshore O&G platforms with (Sarawak), Miri (Sarawak) and Kemaman (Terengganu) are
renewable energy sources is encouraged as an effort in fighting determined to be not feasible to harness wind power via SWTs as
climate change. Harnessing wind power by installing small wind the wind speeds throughout the year in these places were lower
turbines (SWTs) on the platform is a good alternative as their than the minimum cut-in speed among the four selected models
installations occupy lesser space as compared to solar panels. By of SWTs which is 2.5 m/s.

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