Chapter 4-Working drwng
Chapter 4-Working drwng
Chapter 4-Working drwng
Chapter 4
• Size dimensions - define size of features (radius, diameter, length, width, thickness, etc).
Location dimensions - define location of part features (such as holes)
Types of Dimensions
Dimensions may be divided into three different types; Linear dimensions, Angular dimensions,
and Leader dimensions.
• Linear Dimensions - they are either horizontal or vertical to the dimensioning plane.
• Angular Dimensions - they are usually specified in decimal degrees (e.g., 27.5°). Also they can
be specified using degrees and minutes or degrees minutes and seconds (e.g., 27°30' or
0°15'40" ).
Identify project requirement
• Leader Dimensions - they are usually used to specify a diameter or a radius where a leader
line is used to point towards the feature being dimensioned.
4.2. nominated locations for project
It shows the relationship of the property to adjoining properties. It establishes discrepancies
between actual occupation or use and the description of record. It indicates the location of
physical improvements in relation to the property lines. A location is the place where a
particular point or object exists. A place's is its exact place on Earth, often given in terms of
latitude and longitude absolute location. For example, the Empire State Building is located at
40.7 degrees north (latitude), 74 degrees west (longitude).
Location is the position of an place, relative or global. An area is a region or part of a town,
world, etc. surrounding a place or an event.
A site is a place on which you build a building, a small town, etc or some event might be taking
place Site selection indicates the practice of new facility location, both for business and
government. Site selection involves measuring the needs of a new project against the merits of
potential locations.
Identify project requirement
• industrial-type structures
Within each of these types of construction, there are lots of sub-categories. For instance,
buildings include both residential homes and commercial skyscrapers. Building projects may
involve renovations on existing buildings or building from scratch. Public works involve roads,
railways, water and waste water distribution and purification systems, damns, and bridges.
Finally, industrial projects include refineries, pipelines, power utilities, manufacturing plants,
and telecommunication infrastructure.
Identify project requirement
1. Prescriptive Specifications
the three types of construction specifications, prescriptive specs focus on the details for the
types of materials used and the installation of said materials. Architects or engineers tend to
take over the job of project design in prescriptive specs. Prescriptive specs give a better image
of what the final product will look like compared to other specs. Prescriptive specs can be
broken up into three separate parts: general, products, and execution. General consists of
information such as national quality standards, product handling, design requirements, and
keeping quality control. The products phase will go over the different products necessary for
each task as well as the individual performance levels of each product. The execution phase will
go over how to prepare materials and go through with installing them. This process also
involves testing the quality of the materials and checking if they were installed correctly.
2. Performance Specifications
After prescriptive specs come performance specs. Performance specs discuss the operational
requirements of a project. It details what the final installed product has to be capable of doing.
In this phase, the owner or general contractor doesn’t give a subcontractor specs detailing how
to finish the job. Instead, designers and architects give contractors details on how the final
product has to work in this phase. For example, a contract asks the team to make a pump that
pumps 300 gallons per minute.
There are no directions on how to make the pumping system go that fast, so it is up to the
contractor to figure it out. Of the three types of construction specifications, this phase involves
most of the testing to make sure a project meets all of its operational requirements. The
architect or engineer describes the project outcome, and trusts the trade contractor’s
experience to get there. Since the contractor has to figure out what do, decisions about
materials and strategy move away from the architect and engineers and shift towards the
3. Proprietary Specifications
Proprietary specs are used when you need to use a single type of product for any kind of
installation. These are the least common of the three types of construction specifications, but
Identify project requirement
they are for jobs involving existing equipment and already completed installations. When the
owner or client wants to be consistent with their materials or just prefers a specific type of
material, use proprietary specs.
Contractors use proprietary specs when their section of the project is dependent upon the
performance of a specific product. Architects and engineers tend to try and avoid proprietary
specs because it can lead to promoting a specific manufacturer. Favoring a manufacturer can
discourage competition during the bid phase of the project, which may increase the total cost
of the project. Architects and engineers will give the contractor a list of reliable suppliers to
choose from to stop.
Identify project requirement
provides a framework to maximise the useful life of materials when waste cannot be avoided.
Waste from construction and building sites should be managed in accordance with the waste
management hierarchy.
3.2. locations
Location is the position of an place, relative or global. An area is a region or part of a town,
world, etc. surrounding a place or an event. A site is a place on which you build a building, a
small town, etc or some event might be taking place Site selection indicates the practice of new
facility location, both for business and government. Site selection involves measuring the needs
of a new project against the merits of potential locations.
Identify project requirement
A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. A place's is its exact place on
Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude absolute location. For example, the Empire
State Building is located at 40.7 degrees north (latitude), 74 degrees west (longitude).Location
is the position of an place, relative or global. An area is a region or part
of a town, world, etc. surrounding a place or an event. A site is a place on which you build a
building, a small town, etc or some event might be taking place
Site selection indicates the practice of new facility location, both for business and government.
Site selection involves measuring the needs of a new project against the merits of potential
4.2. Dimensions.
Dimensions are a very important part of construction drawings. Without them, no-one would
know what size anything should be. In this section, we’ll look at some of the different types of
dimensions and how they are shown in drawings.
A good designer or draftsperson will make sure that a drawing has all the information needed
about the length, width and height of everything that is to be built. Length and width are
usually indicated with rows of ‘dimension lines’ that align with the various features of the
drawing. Alternatively, there might be a note near the feature – for example, ‘830 wide × full
height opening’.
4.3. Tolerances
The general tolerances entered in the supplementary portion of the Title block shall control all
dimensions applied to the drawing, except those specifically labeled “Max,” “Min,” “Ref,”
“Datum,” or “Basic,” or dimensions having tolerances applied directly thereto, or dimensions
controlled by notes or documents invoked on the drawing. General tolerances may be changed
to the prevalent tolerances that are required by the drawing type. This is done by striking
through the tolerance and inserting the new tolerance beneath the old. In the case where
metric tolerance is required.
Identify project requirement