Purpose Enchondroma of the hand with a pathologic fracture is generally treated by tumor
curettage and bone grafting after the fracture has healed. However, delayed surgery post-
pones definitive diagnosis and prolongs the period of disability. We have treated pathologic
fractures in a single stage through a modified lateral surgical approach with curettage of the
tumor and stabilization using injectable calcium sulfate cement. The aim of this study was
to report the outcomes of treatment with this material and the modified approach.
Methods Between 2006 and 2010, we enrolled 8 patients with solitary hand enchondromas
and pathologic fractures. The surgical procedure involved a lateral approach, an extended
lateral cortical window, thorough tumor evacuation, and reconstruction of the bone defects
using commercially available injectable calcium sulfate cement. We performed evaluations
before surgery and in the postoperative follow-up series by radiographs and clinical assess-
ments, including measurement of joint motion by goniometry and a visual analog pain scale.
Results The average time of follow-up was 19 months (range, 12–36 mo). The pathologic
fractures of all patients healed clinically and radiographically within 8 weeks after surgery,
and the mean active motion arcs of the metacarpophalangeal joints and proximal interpha-
langeal joints of the involved digit were 90° and 94°, respectively at 3-month follow-up. All
patients returned to ordinary daily activities without obvious pain by 3 months postopera-
tively. We found no major complications, such as unacceptable alignment, nonunion,
infection, or tumor recurrence, during follow-up.
Conclusions This study demonstrated the outcomes of early management of phalangeal
enchondromas with pathologic fractures using a lateral approach and injectable calcium
sulfate cement for reconstruction. This combined approach avoided the need for sup-
plemental internal fixation, allowed early mobilization, and resulted in minimal joint
stiffness. (J Hand Surg 2013;38A:104–109. Copyright © 2013 by the American Society
for Surgery of the Hand. All rights reserved.)
Type of study/level of evidence Therapeutic IV.
Key words Enchondroma, pathologic fracture, calcium sulfate.
bone tumor in the hand.1–3 Because of asymp- dromas may be treated by observation only, whereas
tomatic growth, enchondroma commonly pres- surgery is usually needed for symptomatic manifesta-
ents as a pathologic fracture associated with pain, de- tions. The goals of treatment of enchondroma with
From the Department of Orthopedics, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital; and the Department of Corresponding author: Yin-Chih Fu, MD, Department of Orthopedics, Faculty of Medicine, Kaohsi-
Orthopedics, Faculty of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ung Medical University, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, No. 482, San-Ming Rd., Hsiao-
Received for publication December 12, 2011; accepted in revised form August 30, 2012. Kang Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan; e-mail:
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received related directly or indirectly to the 0363-5023/13/38A01-0018$36.00/0
subject of this article.
FIGURE 1: Surgical procedure. A We approached the finger through a lateral incision. The extensor and flexor tendons were
retracted in the dorsal and volar directions, respectively, to expose the lesion. B We created an extended lateral cortical window
(approximately 3 mm in width) on the diaphysis along the long axis of the finger with a high-speed burr drill. Then, we removed
the tumor with a small curet under direct visualization. C We filled the cavity remaining after tumor evacuation with MIIG X3.
pathologic fracture are fracture stabilization and tumor surgery, we created an extended lateral cortical window
removal. Because it is technically difficult to stabilize a through a lateral approach, instead of creating a dorsal
fracture and remove a tumor in the finger in 1 proce- bone window in a dorsal approach.
dure, the fracture is usually permitted to heal before In this study, we report the results of treating acute
tumor curettage and bone grafting. Although effective, pathologic fractures caused by phalangeal enchondro-
this results in a prolonged period of pain and disability. mas using a modified surgical technique and an inject-
Similar to other orthopedic surgeons,4 – 6 we favor treat- able high-strength calcium sulfate for reconstruction.
ment with early curettage and fracture stabilization for
enchondroma in the presence of a pathologic fracture, MATERIALS AND METHODS
because it provides early histological diagnosis and pain From November 2006 to February 2010, we screened
relief. all patients presenting with a pathologic fracture of the
The traditional surgical procedure for enchondromas finger resulting from an enchondroma as potential can-
with healed fractures involves a dorsal approach, tumor didates for this study. The inclusion criteria included
excision, and bone grafting. For reconstruction of the solitary enchondroma of a digit with a nondisplaced or
defects after tumor evacuation, autogenous bone or minimally displaced pathologic fracture diagnosed on
allograft is still the reference standard grafting material. radiographic examination, no joint involvement, and
However, the donor site morbidity of cancellous au- the patient’s willingness to participate and attend regu-
tograft is a major concern,7 and allografts may carry lar postoperative visits for at least 1 year. We excluded
immunogenicity as well as a potential risk of disease patients with other conditions such as Ollier disease,
transmission.8 To solve these problems, many types of vascular or neurologic diseases, or uncontrolled diabe-
bone graft substitute have been used to fill the void after tes. After enrollment, all patients meeting the inclusion
tumor removal. Unfortunately, none provides sufficient criteria received surgery performed by the same sur-
stability for early mobilization, and supplemental inter- geon within 1 week after diagnosis.
nal fixation is needed.9 Therefore, for better stability, During surgery, we used a lateral approach to expose
we have used commercially available injectable cal- the lesion. Through a longitudinal incision made over
cium sulfate,10 which is characterized by high initial the lateral aspect of the fractured phalanx, we bluntly
strength and is commonly used for the reconstruction of dissected the soft tissue and retracted the extensor and
compression fractures and bone defects resulting from flexor tendons in dorsal and volar directions, respec-
trauma. To minimize irritation to the extensor mecha- tively, to expose the diaphysis (Fig. 1A). We created an
nism and permit technically easy injection of the ce- extended lateral cortical window (approximately 3 mm
ment into the full length of the tumor cavity during in width) longitudinally passing through the entire di-
6 wk 3 mo
Length of Time to 3-Month
Patient Number Follow-Up (mo) Healing (wk) MCP PIP MCP PIP Preoperative Follow-Up
1 36 8 60 40 90 95 9 0
2 12 8 45 30 90 90 9 0
3 36 8 50 30 90 95 10 0
4 14 8 60 35 90 95 10 1
5 12 8 50 30 90 90 9 1
6 12 6 60 30 90 100 10 0
7 13 8 60 30 90 95 10 0
8 14 8 50 30 90 95 9 0
Mean 19 8 54 32 90 94 10 0.3
tion of the tumor cavity necessitates supplemental hard- malunion who required additional surgeries to correct
ware fixation for fracture stabilization while bone the digital overlap, but the presence of CPC made early
healing occurs. This may prevent early mobilization corrective osteotomy difficult in that patient. In this
and result in postoperative tendon adhesions and joint study, we used injectable high-strength calcium sulfate
stiffness. To solve this problem, several types of inject- cement to fill the tumor cavity and provide initial me-
able bone cement have been used to fill the cavity chanical strength for fracture stabilization in patients
resulting from tumor removal, to provide immediate with phalangeal enchondromas. Our clinical results
stability. Bickels et al5 used nonresorbable polymethyl- were satisfactory. All of the fractures and defects united
methacrylate (PMMA) and intramedullary hardware to without complications, and the calcium sulfate cement
reconstruct the cavity after tumor excision. Despite the appeared to be completely absorbed and replaced by
advantages of early mobilization, the authors reported new bone within 12 weeks in all patients.
that 50% of the patients lost some degree of joint Calcium sulfate has been used as an osteoconductive
motion. At present, apart from PMMA, most of the bone graft substitute since the 19th century,15 and dif-
available injectable bone graft substitutes are based on ferent forms of calcium sulfate have been made avail-
either calcium phosphate or calcium sulfate. Joosten et able in the form of powder or pellets. This material has
al14 used injectable calcium phosphate cement (CPC) the advantage of having a uniform crystalline structure
(BoneSource; Leibinger Corp., Kalamazoo, MI) to treat such that its resorption is relatively fast compared with
enchondromas of the hands without internal fixation, calcium phosphate, which will remain several years
and reported good clinical outcomes. However, they after implantation.16 Turner et al17 used calcium sulfate
reported that there was little evidence of new bone pellets in an animal model of bone defects and reported
formation in the cavities over the 1-year assessment that its resorption rate corresponded to that of new bone
period. A subsequent study by Yasuda et al13 treated 10 growth with little or no foreign-body giant cell reaction.
patients with digital enchondromas with curettage and Another study showed that the amount of new bone
CPC (Biopex; Mitsubishi Materials Corp., Tokyo, Ja- formation in bone defects packed with calcium sulfate
pan) grafting with a minimum of 2 years of follow-up was approximately equivalent to that observed in de-
evaluation. They presented good results in 5 patients fects treated with autogenous bone.18 However, the
without pathologic fractures and 4 patients with patho- initial mechanical strength of conventional calcium sul-
logic fractures treated by delayed surgery after fracture fate bone graft substitutes is not great enough to allow
healing. Only 1 patient treated with multiple pins to load-bearing without support from additional fixation.
stabilize a displaced fracture experienced a malunion. MIIG X3 is a recently developed surgical-grade cal-
However, in 2 patients in their series, the CPC did not cium sulfate cement in which the powder constituent is
completely resorb. One of them was a patient with alpha calcium sulfate hemihydrate. Similar to other
FIGURE 2: Plain radiographs of two 26-year-old patients with enchondromas over the right index finger A–C and the right middle finger
D–F, respectively. A, D Preoperative radiographs show an osteolytic lesion on the proximal phalanx with a pathologic fracture. B, E
Postoperative radiographs show satisfactory reduction of the fracture and filling of the tumor cavity with calcium sulfate cement. C, F
Follow-up radiographs demonstrate union of the fracture in 8 weeks C and complete resorption of the cement in 3 months F.
types of calcium sulfate-based bone substitutes, MIIG Compared with CPCs, MIIG X3 also has greater
X3 has good biocompatibility and biodegradability. It mechanical strength. One in vitro study21 reported that
has been reported to be completely resorbed within 12 the compression strength of MIIG X3 22 MPa on av-
weeks.10 During resorption, it creates a slightly acidic erage, which is higher than that of some commonly
environment that may result in demineralization of ad- used CPC products. Carroll et al22 studied the mechan-
jacent bone19 with release of matrix-bound morphoge- ical properties of MIIG X3 in treating vertebral com-
netic proteins that have a stimulatory effect on bone pression fractures and reported that the compressive
formation.20 Because the cement is pastelike and inject- strength of MIIG X3 was comparable to that of PMMA
able, it has the additional advantage of better void filling but much higher than that of CPCs. Because of the high
in irregularly shaped defects than calcium sulfate pel- mechanical strength of MIIG X3, it can provide instant
lets. Most important, its modified crystalline structure skeletal stability such that no internal fixation is re-
results in a nearly 3-fold increase in initial strength quired during surgery. Although the property often used
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