Adobe Scan 28 Dec 2024
Adobe Scan 28 Dec 2024
Adobe Scan 28 Dec 2024
No. ofpages - 24
~ "1'
-H,-q-,~- l"tt:f 4'1:
3. @o:s 'en' ll "SITT ~·@1 1 ~ 16 'd'q; at~fqcfi~q')·i, SicfiR ~ ~ f I Sif4cfi ~ 1 3rcf> cf;l ti
4. @O:g , ~ t ll ~ ~·@1 17 ~ ~1 ~ 3l@ ~ a=a.Oll
Slcfil{ ~ ~ f l Slf4cfi ~ 2 am= cf;l
5. @O:S 'llt ~ ~ ~f@I 22 ~ 28 'd'q; ~ 3-d-Oll SlcfiR ~ ~ fl Slf4cfi ~ 3 am= cf;l t1
6. @O:S 'tit ~ ~ ' ~·&-11 29 0~ 30 ~ am= cf;l t,
311infur ~ ~, SIMcfi ~ 4
Questions No. 1 to 16 are Multiple Choice (MCQ) type que$tions, carrying 1 mark
each. There is no internal choice in this section.
2. Which of the following solution of KC£ will have highest value of molar conductivity?
3. How many Faradays are required to reduce 1 mole of MnO; to· Mn +?
(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 6 (d) 5 1
7. Racemisation occurs in:
(a) SN 1 reaction
(b) SN 2 reaction
(a) (b)
. .
.• (c) . (d)
(a) CH3COONa . . ..
.(b) CH3CH2Br
(d) CH3NH2 1
. )
H3C - C - ~r + NaOCH3 - -
CH 3
• · CH3 CH 3
(b) H3C-C-OCH 3
CH3 'CH 3
·cH3 CH 3
CH 3 I I
(d) H3C-C-O-C -CH3 1
(c) I
CH 3 CH 3
h diet
11. Amino acids which cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained throug
are known· as :
tion ••
For Question number 13 to 16, two statements are given one labelled as Asser
(A) and other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these
from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true anq Reason (R) in the correc
explanation.of the Assertion (A)
•(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correc
explanation of the Assertion (A)
15. Assertion (A): Low spin tetrahedral complexes are rar~ly observed.
. 1
Reason (R): The orbital splitting energies are not sufficiently large to force pairing
16. Assertion (A): Boiling points of alkyl halides decrease in the order.
The following ques~ons (17 to 21) are very short answer type questions
(i) a pressure greater than osmotic pressure is applied on the solution side
(b) Give two differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions.
18. Account for the following:
(i) • The cell potential of mercury cell remains constant throughout its life.
(ii) Rusting becomes quicker in saline medium.
marks each. One
This section contains 7 short answ~r type question§ carrying 3
[log2 == 0.3010, log3 == 0.4771, loglO == 1]
ute temperature
23. The rate of a chemical reaction doubles for an increase of IOK in absol
from 298 K. Calculate Ea
decomposition of
The following data were obtained during the first order thermal
S0 2C.e 2 at constant volume.
1 0 •0.5
2 100 0.6
- -- - - - - .
d with aqueous
(ii) Write the product formed when p-nitrochlorobenzene i's heate
• • , ~ ~ ,, #
CHO+ CH3 -C.- CH l
. .
.The following sections are case based questions. Read the carefully and answer the
questions that follow:
.9. Amines constitute an import~nt class of organic compounds derived by replacing one or . · .,.
I I f"
more hydrogen atoms of ammonia molecule by alkyl/aryl groups. Amines are ·usually .-J • ,.
• I • r I
formed from nitro compounds, halides, amides etc. They exhibit hydrogen bonding
which· Amines h\fl\ their· physical properties Alkyl are found to be stronger bases
th~ Ammonia. ~ ·1n •aromatic amines electron releasing and withdrawing groups,
respectively increase and decrease their basic character. Reactions of amines are •
governed by availability of the unshared pair of electrons on nitrogen. Influenc~ of the
numb~r hydrogen at ~itrogen atom on the typ~ _of reactio1:1s and nature of products
is ·respo~s~ble for identification and distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary
. .
•ainines. Reactivity· of arom~tic amines can be contr~lled br acylation process.
(ii) Arrange the following in -~he increasing order ·of their pkb -values :
\ .. '
(iii) (a) Write the struc~e·s of A and Bin the fo.llowing reactions:
• 30. . The rate law for a chemical reaction relates the reaction rate with the concentrations or
partial pressures of the reactants. For a general reaction aA + bB ➔ C with no
intennediate steps in its reaction mechanism, meaning that it in an elementary reaction,
. . '. .
the rate law is given by r = k[AY[BY, where [A] & [B] expresses the Conc~ntrations of
A and B in nioles per litre. Exponents x .& y vary for each reaction and are determine~ .
experimentally.· Th~ yalues of k v~ries with conditions that affect reaction 'rate, ~uch as
temperature, pressure~ surface area etc. The sum of these exponents is ~own as overall
rea~tion order. A zero order reaction has a constant rate that is independent of the
concen~ation of reactants. A first order reaction depends on. one the concentration of
only one reactant. A reaction is said to be .second order when the overall order is two.
. .
Once we have determined the order of the reaction we can go back and plug in one set of
' . .
our initial values and solve for k."
(ii)· A reaction is .second order with respect to .a· r~actant. How is the rate of reaction •
affected if the concentration of the reactant is reduced to half? •
(iii) (a) A first order reaction has rate con;tant 2 x 10-3 s-1. How long will 6 g this •
reactant take to reduce to 2 g?
· • OR
. .
(b) The half life for radioactive decay of 14C is 6930 years. An archeological
artifact containing wood had only 75% the 14C found in a living tree. Find·
the age of the sample.
This section c · . • •
ontains 3 long answer questions. Each question carries 5 marks and
each questi b .
• on as internal choice.
. ,
31. (a) {i).
Why is boilig point· of IM NaCl!, solution more than that of IM glucose •
(ii) Detennine
· .· the osmot~tc pressure of a. · prepared by d.1ssoIvmg
solution •
-2 • .
xIOg of K2SO4 in 2L of solution at 25°C, assuming that i<:2S04 in
completely dissociated.
(b) (i) At the sam~ temperature~ CO2 is more ·s~lubl~ in water tha~ 0 2 gas~ Which
• . • . 1
one of them will have ~igher value ofKH and why?
(ii) Define colligative property. Which colligative property in preferred for the
molar mass determination of macromolecules?
(b) {i)
Complete and balance the following chemical equatiom
(1) Mno; + OH- + 1- ~- 1
(3) Transition metals and their many compounds act as good catalysts. 2+3
,3_ (a) (i) An organic compound (A) having molecular formula C4H80 gives orange
red precipitate with 2,4-DNP reagent. It does not reduce Tollen's reagent but
gives yellow precipitate of iodofo~ on heating _with NaOH and 12•
Compound (A) on reduction with NaB ~ gives compound (B) which
undergoes dehydration reaction on .heatin
g with cone. H2S04. to . form.
( 1) Oxidation of . .
propanal 1s easier than.propanone.
2 tic acid.
( ) Chloroacetic ilcid is more Acidic than ace 3+2
(b) (i)
Draw stru ctu re of the 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone of benzaldehyde.
• ,·
/ ..
. ' " ..
mund's reduction.
(ii) Write the chemical equation involved in Rosen
ketones acidic in nature?
(iii) Why are a-hydrogen ato~s of aldehydes and
. -
the following pairs.
(iv) Write a chemical te·st to distinguish p~tween