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1. In sunny spain (1882-1885) 2.

Paris to Berlin (1885-1887)

- Jose already departured from philippines. (May 03, - Rizal specialized ophthalmology at Paris and Germany.
1882). To cure his mothers eye ailment.
- Jose finished 4th year of medical course. Completed - Berlin, capital of Germany. Dr. Feodor Jagor, Dr. Adolpj
studies in spain. B. Meyer, Dr. Hans Meyer, and Dr. Rudolf Virchow
- Spain a constitutional monarchy, granted human rights. - After hes done of his studies. Rizal went to Paris in
- Mission: observe the life, culture, customs, language in order to acquire more knowledge in his specialties.
Spanish. (Ophthalmology)
- Singapore: He is the only Filipino on the ship. , May 09, - Barcelona, visit his friend, Maximo Viola, medical
1882 docked. Registered at Hotel Dela Paz, spent to 2 student, rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan. One of the
days. person who help rizal to published Noli me Tangere
- From Singapore to Colombo (ship: Djemnah), May 17 - Nov 1885 - Living in Paris.
reach Point Galle. - Dr. Louis de Weckert (1852-1906) Rizal worked as
- First trip Suez Canal (Inhospitable land but famous). It assistant to him. In 4 months.
took 5 days to traveled. - January 1, 1886, Rizal wrote a letter for his mother, to
- Rizal June 11, reached Naples, Italy. June 12, docked informed the rapidly improving of his specialty.
the French harbor of Marsielles - Rizal visits his friends. Trinidad, Felix and Paz, Juan
- Barcelona on June 16, 1882. Luna and Felix Resureccion Hidalgo.
- Amor Patria (Love of Country) 1st Article - Juan Luna works, The Death of Cleopatra (Egypt
- He sent Basilio Teodoro Moran (Diaryong Tagalog, Priest), The Blood Compact. (Sikatuna)
Laong Laan) - Rizal as Musician (Flutist; Alin Mang Lahi (Any race),
- Amor Patria (Appeared on August 20). La Deportacion (Deportation))
- 2nd Article Los Liajes (Travels).
- 3rd Article Revista de Madrid (Review the Madrid) he - In Historic Heidelberg
wrote in Madrid on November 29, 1882 • February 1, 1886 – left gay Paris.
- Manila Moves to Madrid, Sep 15, 1882 Rizal Received • February 3, 1886 – arrived in Heidelberg (a historic city
Letter from Paciano. More people are dying. in Germany famous for its old university and romantic
- Chengoy (Jose M. Cecilio) Recounting the surroundings.
unhappiness of leonora rivera. • Rizal was a good chess player and became a member
- Nov 3, 1882, rizal enrolled Universidad Central de of
Madrid. Medicine and Philosophy and Letters. Chess Players Club.
- Saturday Evening. Don Pablo Ortiga y Rey City Mayor • He became popular among German students because
of Manila. 1869-1871 liveral governor general Carlos Ma he joined them in their chess games and beer-drinking
De la Torre. and watched their friendly saber duels.
- Consuelo Ortiga y Perez. fell inlove to Rizal. • He worked at the University of Heidelberg under the
- Rizal composed August 22, 1883 dedicated to her A la direction of Dr. Otto Becker, German ophthalmologist.
Seniorita C.O. y P. The Romancce didn't blossom
because of two reasons. a.) Rizal was engaged to - TO THE FLOWER OF HEIDELBERG
Leonora Rivera. b.) Eduardo de Lete is inlove to • He was fascinated by the blooming flowers
Consuelo. along the cool banks of the Neckar River
- Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano-Filipino. And wrote a • The light blue forget-me-not– his favorite
poem Mi Den Versos. Dec. 31, 1882 flower
- Rizal as a lover of books. Rizal affected by Uncle Tom • April 22, 1886 – he wrote a fine poem A Las
Cabin and the Wandering Jew Flores de Heidelberg(To the Flowers of
- Rizal First visit to Paris Heidelberg)
- Vacation Paris, France, June 17 to August 20, 1883
- Rizal spend in museums, hospitals, studying medicine. - WITH PASTOR ULLMER AT WILHELMSFELD
- Financial Worries: Allowances arrived late. Paciano sell • Wilhelmsfeld - where Rizal spent a three-month
his younger brothers pony, to send money. summer
- Rizal as a Mason, Master Mason on Nov. 15 1890. vacation
Rewarded Master Mason kn Feb 15, 1892 • Protestant Pastor Dr. Karl Ullmer - where Rizal stay at
- Rizals salute to Luna and Hidalgo. Banquet evening the vicarage of their house and who become his good
June 25, 1884 friend and admirer
- Lunas Spoliarium. 1st • May 29, 1887 - Rizal wrote from Munich (Muchen) to
- Hidalgos Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populance. Friedrich (Fritz)
- November 20, 21, 22 1884. Madrid exploded in bloody - FIRST LETTER TO BLUMENTRITT
riots. Dr. Morayta, excommunicado. • July 31, 1886 - Rizal wrote his first letter in German
- Rizal completed medical course in spain. June 21, to Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt.
1884. • The book was entitled Aritmetica (Arithmetic) and
- Philosophy June 19, 1885 was published in two languages (Spanish and
• Rizal was fortunate to be sojourning in Heidelberg serious
when the famous University of Heidelberg held its 5th diligent
centenary on August 6, 1886. educated
• August 9, 1886 - Rizal left Heidelberg. Spanish women:
• August 14, 1886 - when he arrived in Leipzig. Gossipy
• Leipzig - Rizal translated Schillers William Tell from Frivolous
German into Tagalog. He also translated Fairy Tales of Quarrelsome
Hans Christian Anderson. He stayed about two and
half month in Leipzig. - German Customs
• October 29, 1886 - he left Leipzig for Dresden where • Christmas custom of the Germans delighted
he met Dr. Meyer him most.
• Dr. Adolph B. Meyer ± director of the Anthropological • Another interesting German custom observed by
and Ethnological Museum. Rizal is self-introduction to strangers in a social
• Nov. 1 - he left Dresden by train, reaching Berlin in gathering.
the evening. • According to the German code of etiquette, it is
a bad manner for the guest to remain aloof, and
- RIZAL WELCOMED IN BERLINS SCIENTIFIC wait for his host or hostess to make the proper
CIRCLES introduction.
• Berlin - where Rizal met Dr. Teodor Jagor
• Dr. Feodor Jagor - author of Travels in the Philippines - RIZALS DARKEST WINTER
• Dr. Hans Virchow professor of Descriptive Anatomy • Winter of 1886 – Rizals darkest winter in Berlin.
• Dr. Rudolf Virchow – German Anthropologist • He lived in poverty because no money arrived
• Dr. W. Joest - noted German geographer from Calamba. Rizal starved in Berlin and shivered
• Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger - famous German with wintry cold, his health down due to lack of proper
ophthalmologist where Jose worked in his clinic nourishment.
• Rizal became a member of the Anthropological Society
Ethnological Society Geographical Society of Berlin
3. Noli Me Tangere (Touch me not) Published in
- Five reasons why rizal lived in Berlin 1887
Germany:  He manage to finish the first half of the novel in
1. Gain further knowledge of ophthalmology Madrid.He continued in Parisand Finished it in
2. Further his studies of sciences and languages Germany.
3. Observe the  Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
economic and inspired Rizal. To create a novel that reflects
political conditions of the miseries of Spanish tyrants to people.
the German nation  Maximi Viola paid 300 pesos for 2000 pages.
4. Associate with Books finally released in March 1887.
famous German  Rizal studied Hebrew. To defend the
scientists and controversial religious issues.
scholars  Noli Me Tangere - Latin phrase.
5. Publish his novel,  John 20:17, the newly-risen Christ says to Mary
Noli me Tangere Magdalene :Touch me not; I am not yet
ascended to my Father, but go to my brethren,
• Madame Lucie and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and
Cerdole - French your Father, and to my God and your God.
professor; she  The Social Cancer as alternative English title
became Joses (by Charles Derbyshire). AWAKENING OF
took private lessons in RIZALS TIME.
French in order to  Rizal returned to Calamba. To operate his
master the idiomatic mothers eyes, to help his Family and the Filipino
intricacies of the people. Also to find out why Leonora Rivera is
French language nonchalant about, while he was in Rome.
  On June 29, 1887. Rizal sent a letter to his
RIZAL ON GERMAN WOMEN Father, about his Homecoming.
March 11, 1886 - Rizal wrote a letter addressed to his  Djemnah ship that Rizal brought to Europe 5
sister, Trinidad, expressing his high regard and years ago. July 3, 1887.
admiration for German womanhood
 Rizal reached Manila on August 06. Retuned - Rizal carried all his letters from family and friends,
to Calamba on August 08 according to Viola.
 Governor General Emilio Terrero requested him - Their first stop was Dresden, known as"one of the best
to come to Malacanang Palace to explain the cities in Germany.
Noli Me Tangere content.
 Spanish lieutenant named Don Jose Taviel de DRESDEN
Andrade, bodyguard of Gov. Gen. - Rizal and Viola spent a considerable time in
 Noli Me Tangere banned. Dresden.

THE CHARACTERS OF NOLI ME TANGERE: - Their visit coincided with a beautiful regional
1. Crisostomo Ibarra - Full name; Juan Crisostomo flower exhibition.
Ibarra y Magsalim. Main Character
2. Elias - Ibarras friend - Rizal, fascinated by botany, examined the
3. Maria Clara - Full name: Maria Clara de los "numerous plant varieties of extraordinary beauty and
Santos. Ibarras sweetheart. size"on display.
4. Father Damaso - Antagonist. Damaso
Verdolagas. Maria Claras biological father. - While at the flower expo, they met Dr. Jagor.
5. Sisa - the mother of Basilio and Crispin. Lost his
sons - Learning of their plan to visit Leitmeritz to
6. Captain Tiago - Father of Maria Clara. Don meet Blumentritt for the first time, Dr. Jagor
Santiago de los Santos. advised them to wire Blumentritt due to his
7. Pilosopong Tasyo - Don Anastacio. Role of nervous temperament and potential shock from
Philosopher. a surprise visit.
8. Dona Victorina. Victorina de los Reyes de
Espedana. Hard rich woman. - Following Dr. Jagor's suggestion, Rizal and Viola
9. Pedro - Abusive husband of Sisa sent a telegram to Blumentritt from their next
10. Don Rafael Ibarra - Father of Protagonist. stop, Teschen (now Decin, Czech Republic
11. The School Master - Teacher at San Diego.
12. Tandang Pablo - Leader of the rebel. FIRST MEETING WITH BLUMENTRITT
13. Basilio - Elder son of Sisa - While at the flower expo, they met Dr. Jagor.
14. Crispin - Youngest son of Sisa.
15. Padre Sibyla - Hernando de la Sibyla. A Filipino - Learning of their plan to visit Leitmeritz to
Friar. meet Blumentritt for the first time, Dr. Jagor
16. Padre Salvi - Secret Admirer of Maria Clara. advised them to wire Blumentritt due to his
Bernardo Silva. nervous temperament and potential shock from
17. The Alferez - Chief of Guardia Civil. a surprise visit.
18. Don Tiburcio - Spanish Husband of Dona
Victorina. - Following Dr. Jagor's suggestion, Rizal and Viola
19. Dona Consolacion - Wife of the Alferez. sent a telegram to Blumentritt from their next
20. Captain General - Most Powerful Official. A stop, Teschen (now Decin, Czech Republic)
friend of Ibarra.
- On May 13, 1887, Rizal and Viola arrived by train at the
4. RIZALS GRAND TOUR IN EUROPE with Viola Leitmeritz station in Bohemia.
- After the publication of the Noli, Rizal planned to visit
the important places in Europe. Dr. Maximo Viola agreed - Professor Blumentritt, alerted by their telegram,
to be his traveling companion. Rizal had received greeted them at the station. He recognized Rizal from a
Paciano's remittance of P1,000 which was forwarded by pencil sketch sent earlier.
Juan Luna from Paris. He immediately paid Viola the
sum of P300 which the latter kindly loaned so that the - Their first in-person meeting was filled with warmth.
Noli could. be printed. Having paid his debt, and with They conversed fluently in German.
adequate funds in his pocket. He was ready to see
Europe before returning to Calamba. First, he and - Blumentritt, a kind Austrian scholar, embraced Rizal
Viola visited Potsdam, a city near Berlin, which like a son.
Frederick the great made famous.
- The hospitable professor secured them a room at Hotel
THE TOUR BEGINS Krebs and then introduced them to his family.
- At dawn of May 11, 1887, Rizal and Viola, two Filipino
doctors, departed Berlin by train. - Rizal and Viola enjoyed their stay at the Blumentritt
- Spring was in the air, making it an ideal time for travel. household from May 13 to
- Flowers bloomed, meadows turned green, and 16, 1887.
villages buzzed with activity across Europe.
- The Blumentritt family's hospitality warmed him.
- They met Blumentritt' s friends, Austrian scholars
- He enjoyed delicious Austrian dishes cooked by Masner and Nordmann.
Mrs. Blumentritt.
- Blumentritt showed them scenic and historical - Rizal and Viola embarked on a scenic Danube
- River cruise on May 24th.
- At a beer garden, Rizal' s fluency in German amazed
the burgomaster and others. - Rizal observed the sights along the river, including
barges, riverside villages, and boats serving as homes.
- He delivered an impressive speech in German at the
Tourists' Club meeting. - He noted the use of paper napkins by passengers, a
novelty he found hygienic and economical.
- To thank Blumentritt, Rizal painted his portrait.
- The river journey concluded in Linz, followed by land
- He met other scientists like Dr. Czepelak and Professor travel to Salzburg.
- In Munich, they enjoyed the famed Munich
- A farewell dinner was held for Blumentritt at their hotel. beer before continuing to Nuremberg.

- With tearful goodbyes, they departed Leitmeritz on May - Nuremberg offered sights of torture
16th. machines used by the Inquisition, which
Rizal examined closely.
- Rizal wrote to Blumentritt expressing concern for his
daughter Dora's illness. - The city's doll manufacturing industry also
impressed them.
- He felt a strong connection to Leitmeritz and its
people. - After Munich, they visited Ulm, where they
climbed the many steps of the city's massive
- He promised to keep Blumentritt and his family in his Cathedral.
- Rizal ascended effortlessly, while Viola needed
- Rizal also informed Blumentritt about his forgotten breaks and felt dizzy upon reaching the top.
diamond stickpin.
- Their journey continued to Stuttgart, Baden,
PRAGUE and finally to Rheinfall, where they witnessed
Europe's most beautiful waterfall.
- After Leitmeritz, Rizal and Viola traveled to the historic
- After Munich, they visited Ulm, where they climbed the
- Armed with letters of recommendation from many steps of the city's massive cathedral.
Blumentritt, they met Professor Willkomm, a natural
history professor at the University of Prague. - Rizal ascended effortlessly, while Viola needed breaks
and felt dizzy upon reaching the top.
- Professor Willkomm and his family warmly welcomed
them and offered a tour of Prague 's historical sites. - Their journey continued to Stuttgart, Baden, and finally
to Rheinfall, where they witnessed Europe's most
VIENNA beautiful waterfall.
- In Vienna, the "Queen of the Danube, "Rizal was
captivated by its beauty, architecture, music, and overall GENEVA
charm. - Following their exploration of Lausanne, Rizal and
Viola took a boat across scenic Lake Leman to Geneva.
- They met with Blumentritt's contact, Norfenfals, a
famous European novelist who was impressed by Rizal. - Renowned for its beauty, Geneva attracted tourists
- Rizal retrieved his lost diamond stickpin, found at their
previous hotel and forwarded by Blumentritt. - Rizal's language skills were showcased as he
conversed with the locals in French, German, and
- Staying at Hotel Metropole, they explored Vienna 's Italian.
churches, museums, art galleries, theaters, and parks.
- Beyond sightseeing, they enjoyed a boat excursion on
the lake, where Rizal' s childhood rowing skills came in  To serve Filipino people, to operate his mothers
handy. eyes, to know how his work Noli Me
Tangereaffects the Filipinos and Spaniards. Also
- On June 19th, Rizal celebrated his 26th birthday with a especially to know why Leonor Rivera became
special meal for Viola, following a Filipino tradition. nonchalant to him.
 Paciano Mercado - Rizals adviser
- After 15 enjoyable days in Geneva, their travels  Silvestre Ubaldo - Rizal brother in law.
diverged. Viola returned to Barcelona, while Rizal  Jose Ma. Cecilio (Chenggoy) - Closest friends
embarked on the Italian leg of his tour.  JULY 03, 1887 - Rizal boarded Djemnah,
same ship that took him to Europe 5 years ago.
RIZAL RESENTS EXHIBITION OF IGOROTS IN 1887  AUGUST 02, 1887 - He transferred to another
MADRID EXPOSITION steamerHaiphong which bound for Manila.
- While touring Europe, Rizal learned about the  AUGUST 06, 1887 - He arrived in Manila and
Philippine Exposition in Madrid. was surprised by his family.
 AUGUST 08, 1887 - Rizal Returned to
- The exhibition displayed Igorots from Northern Luzon in Calamba.
poor conditions.
- Rizal, a defender of human dignity, was deeply - He established a medical clinic.
disturbed by this portrayal. - Dona Teodora- First Patient
- He painted several landscapes
- In letters to Blumentritt, he criticized the treatment of - He Translate German poems of Von Wildernath in
the Igorots as objects of mockery. Tagalog.
- Rizal was called, Doctor Uliman. Because he came
- He argued for an "industrial exposition"showcasing from Germany.
Filipino products, not human beings. - He earned 900 pesos few months and 5000 pesos
before he left the Philippines.
- He condemned the Igorots ' living situation in a - Gymnasium - opened by Rizal for young people.
"barraca"and their deaths from illness. - He introduced European sports fencing and shooting to
discourage them in cockfighting and gambling.
RIZAL IN ITALY - Leonor Rivera - Rizal tried to visit her, but her parents
- In Italy, Rizal visited Turin, Milan, Venice, and forbid.
Florence. - Olimpia Mercado-Ubaldo - Died because of
- On June 27th, he arrived in Rome, the "Eternal City,
"and was captivated by its historical significance. - Governor General Emilio Terrero - Requested Rizal
to come to Malacanang Palace.
- He described the grandeur of Rome's historical sites - Rizal explained about his work: Noli Me Tangere, that
like the Capitoline Hill, the Tarpeian Rock, the Palatine he merely exposed the truth. But did not advocate
Hill, the RomanForum, and the Colosseum. subversive ideas.
- And GGET, asked for a copy of the novel.
- He found cafes and modern distractions out of place
but cherished the atmosphere of the Colosseum and RIZAL VISITED THE JESUITS
Roman Forum. Rizal visited fathers to ask for their feedback on the
novel. They welcomed Rizal
- He also visited churches and museums, including the Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez
Capitoline Museum and the Church of Santa Maria Fr. Jose Bech
Maggiore. Fr. Federico Faura - told Rizal that everything in the
novel was truth and warned him that he may lose his
- On June 29th, the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul, head because of it.
he visited the Vatican, impressed by St. Peter's Church,
the art, St. Peter's Square, and the religious atmosphere. GENERAL EMILIO TERRERO
He knew that Rizals life was in jeopardy. Friars were
- After a tiring but exciting week, he prepared to return to powerful. He gave Rizal a bodyguard to protect him.
the Philippines.
A young Spanish lieutenant.They became good


Rizals First Homecoming (1887-1888)
- Fr. Salvador Font Printed copies of the commissions
report. - The Dominican Orders hacienda in Calamba,
encompassing the town, saw profits increase due to
- Fr. Jose Rodriguez – Augustinian Prior of Guadalupe arbitrary increase in rents. The owner did not contribute
Published a series of eight pamphlets under the heading to fiestas, education, or agriculture improvements.
Questions of Supreme Tenants who worked hard were dispossessed, and if
rents were not paid, their property was confiscated.
The novel was fiercely attacked in the session hall of the
Senate of the Spanish Cortes.Senators:
- General Jose de Salamanca
- His presence in Calamba was jeopardizing the safety
- General Luis de Pando and happiness of his family and friends.

- Sr. Fernando Vida - He could not fight better his enemies and serve his
country cause with greater efficacy by writing in foreign
- Vicente Barantes – Spanish academician of Madrid countries.
who formerly occupied high government position in the
Philippines bitterly criticized the novel in an article
published in the Madrid newspaper, La España FAREWELL PHILIPPINES
- February 03, 1888. Rizal left his country with a
heavy heart. But this is for his own good and the
DEFENDERS OF NOLI ME TANGERE safety of his Family and friends.

- Propagandists such as Marcelo H. del Pilar,

Graciano Lopez-Jaena, Antonio Ma. Regidor,
Mariano Ponce rushed to uphold the truths of the

- Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez – Rizals

favorite teacher in Ateneo defended and praised the
novel in public.

- Don Segismundo Moret – former Minister of the


- Prof. Miguel Morayta- historian and statesman

- Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt – Rizals best friend


- A Filipino-Catholic priest- scholar and theologian of

Manila and a Tagalog translator of the famous imitation
of Christby Kempys

- He wrote to defend Noli Me Tangere under the pen



GGET ordered an investigation into friar states. To

address land taxes and tenant relations issues, with
Rizal Assistance in gathering facts and implementing
agrarian reforms.

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