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Rose Gold Plating Solution



Product Name: Rose Gold Plating Solution

Other Means of Identification: Rose Gold Brush Plating Solution, Rose Gold Bath Plating Solution

Intended Use of the Product: Electroplating bath and brush

Restrictions on Use: For professional use only

Name, Address, and Telephone of the Responsible Party

Distributor: Gold Plating Services
378 North Main #112 Layton, UT 84041
T: (801) 546 6200

Emergency Telephone Number

PERS (801) 629-0667 or (800) 633-8253


Classification of the Substance or Mixture

OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION Skin corrosion (Category 2); Serious eye damage (Category 1);
Acute Toxicity, Oral (Category 3); Acute Toxicity, Dermal
(Category 3); Acute Toxicity, Inhalation (Category 4); Acute
aquatic toxicity (Category 3)

REACH/CLP Skin corrosion (Category 2); Serious eye damage (Category 1);
Acute Toxicity, Oral (Category 3); Acute Toxicity, Dermal
(Category 3); Acute Toxicity, Inhalation (Category4)

EU DIRECTIVES 67/548/EEC; 1999/45/EC Corrosive. Toxic. Dangerous for the Environment [C, T, N]

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

Label Elements
Hazard Pictograms:

Signal Word:
Hazard Statements:
● Toxic if swallowed or in contact with skin.
● Causes skin irritation.
● Causes serious eye damage.
● Harmful if inhaled.
● Harmful to aquatic life.
Precautionary Statements:
● Keep out of reach of children.
● Avoid breathing mist, vapors, or spray.
● Wash thoroughly after handling.
● Do not eat, smoke, or drink when using this product.
● Use in well-ventilated areas.
● Avoid release to the environment.
● Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
● IF SWALLOWED: immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. Rinse mouth.
● IF ON SKIN (or hair): take off all contaminated clothing immediately. Rinse skin with
● IF INHALED: remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing
● IF IN EYES: rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present
and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
● Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
● Specific treatment (see Antidote on this label).
● Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
● Store locked up.
● Dispose of contents/container to an approved waste disposal plant; precious metal reclamation
should be considered.
● If breathing is difficult or victim is unconscious, administer amyl nitrite.

Other Hazards
Physical Description: This product is light yellow with a slight, almond-like odor.

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

Health Hazards: This product is severely irritating to exposed tissue. This solution is
poisonous; ingestion in small quantities can be fatal. Additionally,
inhalation over-exposures may be harmful or fatal. Skin contact may cause
severe irritation or tissue damage, especially upon prolonged exposure.
Fire Hazards: This product is not reactive or flammable under normal conditions.
Physical Hazards: If heated to decomposition, this solution may produce toxic vapors
containing hydrogen cyanide and sodium and potassium compounds.
Environmental Hazards: This product may be harmful or fatal to contaminated terrestrial and
aquatic life-forms.

Unknown Acute Toxicity

Not applicable


COMPONENT CAS NUMBER EINECS # EC Class/Risk Phrases % (w/w)
Sodium Cyanide 143-33-9 205-599-4 Not Established <2

Gold 7440-57-5 231-169-5 Not Established <1

Potassium Cyanide 151-50-8 205-792-3 Not Established <1

Sodium Hydroxide (formed in 1310-73-2 215-185-5 Risk: C (Corrosive) <1

solution along with small R35: Causes severe burns.
amounts of Gold Cyanide
Water and other components - Each of the other components is present in less than 1 percent
concentration (0.1% concentration for potential carcinogens, reproductive toxins, respiratory tract
sensitizers, and mutagens) and EC Class/Risk Phrases are not established.


Description of First Aid Measures

After Inhalation: If vapors, mists, or sprays of this product are inhaled, remove victim to fresh air.
If necessary, use artificial respiration to support vital functions.
After Skin Contact: Flush area with warm, running water for 15 minutes.
After Eye Contact: Flush with copious amounts of water for 15 minutes. Roll eyes during flush.
Seek medical attention immediately.

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

After Ingestion: Contact a Poison Control Center or physician for instructions. If professional
advice is not available, do not induce vomiting. Victim should drink milk, egg
whites, or large quantities of water. Never induce vomiting or give diluents (milk
or water) to someone who is unconscious, having convulsions, or who cannot

Most Important Symptoms and Effects, Both Acute and Delayed

After Inhalation: Over-exposure to mists or sprays of this product by inhalation may cause irritation
of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Inhalation over-exposures to this product
can also cause cyanide poisoning. Symptoms of such poisoning can include
weakness, headache, confusion, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, coma, and
possibly death.
After Skin Contact: Sodium Cyanide and Potassium Cyanide (components of this product) can be
absorbed through the skin. Symptoms of such over-exposure will include those
described for “Inhalation.” Repeated or prolonged over-exposures can be fatal.
Brief contact with the skin is irritating; repeated or prolonged skin contact can
cause dermatitis (i.e. red, inflamed skin) and “Cyanide Rash” (i.e. itching,
macular, papular, and vesicular eruptions). Sodium Cyanide and Potassium
Cyanide (components of this product), are sensitizers and can cause the
development of allergy-like skin reactions (i.e. rashes and welts).
After Eye Contact: If splashed into the eyes, the solution will cause immediate irritation. Symptoms
of such overexposure include discomfort, tearing, and blurring of vision.
Repeated or prolonged exposures of this product with the eyes can also cause
corneal opacity (clouding of the surface of the eye) and possibly permanent eye
After Ingestion: Though not anticipated to be a significant route of occupational exposure,
ingestion of this product, even in small quantities, can be fatal. The symptoms of
cyanide poisoning are described under “Inhalation.”
Chronic Symptoms: Chronic over-exposures to this solution can cause dermatitis (inflammation of the
skin) after prolonged or repeated skin contact and may damage optic nerves.
Sodium Cyanide and Potassium Cyanide are sensitizers and can cause the
development of allergy-like reactions.
Target Organs: Skin, eyes, respiratory system, blood, and metabolic enzymes.

Indication of Any Immediate Medical Attention and Special Treatment Needed

Recommendations to Physicians:
Treat symptoms and eliminate exposure.
Cyanide Exposure Preparedness:
All persons working with this product should be aware of the potential for cyanide poisoning and
trained to provide first aid using oxygen and amyl nitrite. Always have on-hand the materials
needed. Actions to be taken in case of cyanide poisoning should be planned and practiced before
beginning work with cyanides. Identification of community hospital resources and emergency

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

medical assistance in order that they be equipped and trained on the handling of cyanide
emergencies is essential.
If the victim has difficulty breathing, is becoming confused, and/or is losing consciousness,
administer amyl nitrite. The following procedure is recommended:
● Crush one pearl of amyl nitrite onto a cloth and hold to the victim’s nose for 15 seconds,
then take away for 15 seconds. Repeat 5-6 times, using a new pearl every 5 minutes (0.3
mg size) or every 3 minutes (0.18 mg size) until patient regains consciousness.
● While amyl nitrite is being used, monitor the victim’s blood pressure. If it drops below
80/60, stop the amyl nitrite and obtain the opinion of a physician immediately.
● If breathing has stopped, trained personnel should begin artificial respiration or, if the
heart has stopped, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately (avoid mouth
to mouth contact). If breathing is difficult, oxygen (preferably 100 percent) may be
● Quickly transport victim to an emergency facility.
● Physicians should refer to Section 11 (Toxicology Information) for additional
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Overexposure:
Over-exposure to this product may aggravate pre-existing respiratory, blood, and skin conditions.


Suitable Extinguishing Media

Water spray, water jet, dry powder, foam, carbon dioxide, halon, or any other.

Unsuitable Extinguishing Media

None known

Specific Hazards Arising From the Substance or Mixture

NFPA Flammability Classification: Not flammable.
Unusual Hazards In Fire Situations: Due to the presence of cyanide compounds, this
solution presents a significant health hazard to
fire-fighters. When involved in a fire, this material
may decompose and produce irritating fumes and
toxic gasses (e.g., hydrogen cyanide and potassium
and sodium compounds).

Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: Not sensitive.

Explosion Sensitivity to Static Discharge: Not sensitive.

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

Advice for Firefighters
Precautionary Measures: Move containers from fire area if it can be done without risk to
personnel. Otherwise, use water spray to keep fire-exposed
containers cool. Contaminated equipment should be rinsed with a
10% bleach solution, then thoroughly rinsed with water, before
returning to service.
Protection During Firefighting: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective
equipment for fire response.


Personal Precautions, Protective Equipment, and Emergency Procedures

Response to Incidental Releases:
Personnel who have received basic chemical safety training can generally handle small-scale
releases (e.g., under 1 gallon). For small releases, the minimum Personal Protective Equipment
should be rubber gloves and rubber apron, splash goggles, or safety glasses. In the event of a
release situation during which there is a potential for inhalation of mists or sprays, respiratory
protection should be worn. If necessary, use an air-purifying respirator with high-efficiency
particulate filter cartridges with face-shield. Use caution during clean-up; contaminated
floors and items may be slippery.
Response to Non-Incidental Releases:
If oxygen levels are below 19.5% or are unknown, or if the release is deemed non-incidental,
clear the affected area, protect people, and respond with trained personnel. Minimum Personal
Protective Equipment should be Level B: triple-gloves (rubber gloves and nitrile gloves over
latex gloves), chemically resistant suit and boots, hard-hat, and Self Contained Breathing
Apparatus (SCBA). SCBA should be worn when oxygen levels are below 19.5% or are

Environmental Precautions
Avoid response actions that can cause a release of a significant amount of the substance (1 liter or more)
into the environment. Prevent entry to sewers and public waters. Notify authorities if liquid enters
sewers or public waters.

Methods and Material for Containment and Cleaning Up

Absorb spilled liquid with polypads or other suitable absorbent materials. Treat any potentially
contaminated item or surface with 10 percent bleach solution followed by a triple rinse with

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12


Precautions for Safe Handling

Keep out of reach of children. Follow good chemical hygiene practices. Do not smoke, drink, eat, or
apply cosmetics in the chemical use area. Avoid inhalation of vapors, mists, and sprays. Use in
well-ventilated areas. Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Remove contaminated clothing promptly. Clean
up spilled product immediately. Medical treatment kits for cyanide poisoning should be conveniently
located for easy access. Employees must be appropriately trained to use this product safely as needed.
Keep containers closed when not in use.

Conditions for Safe Storage, Including Any Incompatibilities

Ensure all containers are correctly labeled. Store containers away from direct sunlight, sources of intense
heat, or where freezing is possible. Store this product away from incompatible chemicals (See Section
10, Stability and Reactivity). Empty containers may contain residual liquid; therefore, empty containers
should be handled with care. Material should be stored in secondary containers, or in a diked area, as
appropriate. Storage and use areas should be covered with impervious materials. Storage areas should be
made of corrosion-resistant materials. If appropriate, post warning signs in storage and use areas. Inspect
all incoming containers before storage to ensure containers are properly labeled and not damaged.


Exposure Limits
U.S. National Exposure Limits:
Sodium Cyanide , 5 mg/m3, Ceiling (as TWA - 5 mg/m3 ;Skin NE NE
Potassium Cyanide, Cyanide Salts); Skin
(Cyanides, as CN)


Sodium Hydroxide 2 mg/m3, Ceiling TWA - 2 mg/m3 2 mg/m3, Ceiling NE

International Exposure Limits:

COMPONENT Federal Republic of Germany (DFG) OTHER
Maximum Concentration Values in
the Workplace (MAKs)
Sodium Cyanide , United Kingdom Workplace Exposure United Kingdom Workplace
Potassium limits: TWA = 5mg/m3, Skin Exposure
Cyanide, (Cyanides, as CN) limits: TWA = 5mg/m3, Skin

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

Gold NE NE

Sodium Hydroxide NE United Kingdom Workplace

limits: STEL = 2mg/m3

Biological Occupational Exposure Limits: None available for the components of this product.
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL): Not established
Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC): Not established

Appropriate Engineering Controls

Use this product in a well-ventilated environment. Safety showers, eye wash stations, and hand-washing
equipment should be available.

Personal Protective Equipment

Hand Protection:
Rubber or neoprene gloves should be used. Use triple gloves for spill response.
Eye Protection:
Splash goggles or safety glasses. If more than 1 gallon of this product is to be used, a face shield
should be considered.
Skin and Body Protection:
Use a body protection appropriate to task (e.g., lab coat, coveralls, or apron). Care should be
taken to select protection for potentially exposed areas when splashes, sprays, or prolonged
exposure could occur in occupational settings.
Respiratory Protection:
None needed under normal conditions of use. Use NIOSH approved respirators if ventilation is
inadequate to control mists. Maintain airborne contaminate concentrations below guidelines
listed in Section 3. The following is the NIOSH Respiratory Guideline Protection Equipment
recommendations for Sodium Cyanide:
● Up to 25 mg/m - Supplied Air Respirator 3 or full facepiece Self Contained Breathing
● Emergency or Planned Entry Into Unknown Concentrations or IDLH Conditions -
Positive pressure, full facepiece Self Contained Breathing Apparatus; or positive
pressure, full facepiece Supplied Air Respirator with an auxiliary positive pressure Self
Contained Breathing Apparatus.
● Escape - Gas mask with high-efficiency particulate filter and canister to protect against
cyanides; or escape type Self Contained Breathing Apparatus.

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12


Physical State: Liquid

Color: Light yellow solution
Odor: Slight, almond-like odor
Odor Threshold: Not determined
Melting Point: Not available
Freezing Point: Not available
Boiling Point: Not available
Flammability (solid, gas): Not flammable
Upper/Lower Explosion Limits: Not applicable
Flash Point: Not applicable
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable
Decomposition Temperature: Not determined
pH: > 12.10.
Kinematic Viscosity: Not determined
Solubility: Soluble
Partition Coefficient N-Octanol/Water: Not determined
Vapor Pressure: Not determined
Relative Density (water = 1): Approximately 1.0
Relative Vapor Density: Not determined
Particle Characteristics: Not applicable
Evaporation Rate (water = 1): Approximately 1.0


Reactivity: Not reactive under typical conditions of use or handling; contact

with water can generate some amount of heat.
Chemical Stability: Normally stable under standard temperatures and pressures.
Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: This product is not self-reactive or air-reactive.
This product will not undergo hazardous polymerization.
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid contact with incompatible chemicals.
Incompatible Materials: This product is not compatible with oxidizers or strong acids.
Contact of this product with acids or acid salts can release toxic
hydrogen cyanide gas.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: The products of thermal decomposition include hydrogen cyanide,
other cyanide compounds, and substances containing sodium,
potassium, and gold.

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12


Routes of Exposure and Symptoms

Inhalation: Mists or vapors of this product can cause nasal irritation, sore throat, choking,
coughing, and breathing difficulties.
Skin Contact: May cause moderate to severe skin irritation and chemical burns. Repeated
exposure to this material can result in absorption through skin causing significant
health hazard.
Eye Contact: May cause moderate to severe eye irritation and chemical burns.
Ingestion: Although not anticipated to be a significant route of occupational over-exposures,
ingestion of this product may be fatal.
Note: This product can cause cyanide poisoning by all routes of exposure.

Delayed and Immediate Effects & Chronic Effects from Short and Long Term Exposure
Degree of Irritation:
Moderate to severe especially after prolonged exposure.
Sodium Cyanide and Potassium Cyanide (components of this product) are sensitizers and can
cause allergy-like skin reactions upon repeated or prolonged exposure.
Reproductive Toxicity:
This product is not reported to have adverse reproductive effects in humans. Clinical studies on
test animals exposed to relatively high doses of Potassium Cyanide and Sodium Cyanide (a
component of this product) indicate adverse reproductive effects.
Mutagenic Effects:
This product is not reported to have mutagenic effects in humans. Mutation data are available for
Potassium Cyanide and Sodium Cyanide (components of this product); these data were obtained
during clinical studies on specific human or animal tissues exposed to high doses of these
Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Single Exposure and Repeated Exposure:
Not classified.

Acute Toxicity Estimates

Sodium Cyanide
LDLo - Oral - Human 2800 ug/kg

LDLo - Oral - Human - man 6557 ug/kg: Behavioral - fluid intake; Gastrointestinal - gastritis

LDLo - Oral - Human 2857 ug/kg

TDLo - Oral - Human - man 714 ug/kg: Behavioral - hallucinations, distorted perceptions;
Behavioral - muscle

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

LDLo - Unreported: Human - man 2206 ug/kg

LD50 - Oral - rat 6440 ug/kg

Potassium Cyanide
LDLO Oral – Human 2.857 mg/kg

LD50 Oral – mouse 8.5 mg/kg

LD50 Oral – rabbit 5 mg/kg

LD50 Oral – rat 6 mg/kg

Interactive Effects
No data available

Carcinogen Listings


Based on available data, this product is anticipated to be harmful or fatal to contaminated terrestrial
plants or animals and aquatic plants or animals. It has the potential to significantly raise the pH of the
surrounding local water systems. The following aquatic toxicity data are available for components of
this product:

Potassium Cyanide
LC50 (Salmo salar atlantic salmon) 24 hours = 0.08-068 mg/L

EC0 (Salmo gairdneria rainbow trout) 40 minutes = 0.001 mg/L

TLm (bluegill) 48 hours = 0.16 ppm

TLm (zebrafish) 48 hours = 0.49 ppm

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

Sodium Cyanide
TLm (bluegill) 96 hours = 0.15 ppm

50LC (prawn) 48 hours = 0.25 ppm

LC50 (Pimephales promelas fathead minnow) 96 hours = 0.32 mg/L

LC50 (Salmo gairdneri rainbow trout fry) 96 hours = 0.0521-0.0748 mg/L

LC50 (Dinophilus gyrociliatus worm) 96 hours = 5.94-7.57 mg/L

LC50 (Daphnia magna giant water flea) 96 hours = 0.17 mg/L

LC50 (Helisoma trivolvis mollusk) 96 hours = > 100 mg/L

LC50 (Gammarus fasciatus crustacean) 96 hours = 1.7 mg/L

LC50 (Lumbriculus variegatus worm) 96 hours = 21 mg/L

Persistence and Degradability

When released into the soil, the components of this product are expected to dissipate in soils via
oxidation, or otherwise chemically degrade or photo-decompose via solar radiation.

Bioaccumulative Potential
The following components of this product are not reported to bioaccumulate significantly.

Mobility in Soil
It is to be expected this product will have small mobility in soil. Some of the components may get into
the soil and, ultimately, the ground water. Product spreads on the water surface.

Other Adverse Effects

No component is reported to be an endocrine disruptor.


Waste Handling Recommendations: Prepare, transport, treat, store, and dispose of waste product
according to all applicable local, U.S. State, and U.S. Federal
regulations, the applicable Canadian standards, or the appropriate
standards of the nations of the European Community.
Precious Metal Reclamation: Users of the product may wish to utilize precious metal
reclamation services for final disposition of wastes.
EPA RCRA Waste Code: D002; P030
European Waste Code: 11 03 01, Wastes Containing Cyanide

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12


In Accordance with IATA

This product is regulated as dangerous goods by the International Air Transport Association. Use the
following information:

Proper Shipping Name: Corrosive liquid, toxic, n.o.s. (Sodium Hydroxide, Gold Cyanide)
Passenger & Cargo Aircraft: Limited Quantity - Packing Instruction: 841
Max. Qty per PKG: 1.0L
Packing Instruction - 852
Max. Qty per PKG - 5L
Cargo Aircraft Only: Packing Instruction - 856
Max. Qty per PKG - 60L

European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
This product is considered dangerous goods. Use the above information for transport classification.

Environmental Hazards
None described, as related to transportation.

Special Precautions for Users

Not applicable

Transport in Bulk
Not applicable


US Federal Regulations
U.S. SARA Threshold Planning Quantity:
Sodium Cyanide = 100 lb (45.4 kg)
Potassium Cyanide = 100 lb (45.4 kg)
U.S. SARA Hazard Categories (Section 311/312, 40 CFR 370-21):
Acute: Yes
Chronic: Yes
Fire: No
Reactive: No
Sudden Release: No

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

U.S. CERCLA Reportable Quantity (RQ):
Sodium Cyanide = 100 lb (45.4 kg)
Potassium Cyanide = 100 lb (45.4 kg)
U.S. TSCA Inventory Status:
All components of this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory.
US SARA 313:
This material contains cyanide compounds (Sodium Cyanide, Potassium Cyanide) that are
subject to the requirements of SARA Title III and 40 CFR Part 373.

International Regulations
Canadian DSL/NDSL Inventory Status:
The listed components of this product are on the DSL/NDSL Inventory.
Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) Priorities Substances List:
The components of this product are not on the CEPA Priorities Substances Lists.
German Water Hazard Classification:
2 (moderate hazard to waters)


Current SDS preparation date: October 22, 2024

Last SDS Preparation Date: January 15, 2022
Original SDS preparation date: May 27, 1999

Other Information
This document has been prepared in accordance with the SDS requirements of the OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200.

Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However,
neither the above-named manufacturer/supplier nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any
liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained
herein. Final determination of the suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of
the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution.
Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the
only hazards that exist.

Rose Gold Plating Solution Revised 10/22/2024 12/12

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