Department of mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimri-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763,
Republic of Korea; hhs4607@hanyang.ac.kr (H.H.); xiayuen@hanyang.ac.kr (Y.X.)
* Correspondence: sungha@hanyang.ac.kr
Abstract: This study presents a methodology for characterizing the constituent properties
of composite materials by back-calculating from the laminate behavior under fatigue load-
ing. Composite materials consist of fiber reinforcements and a polymer matrix, with the
fatigue performance of the laminate governed by the interaction between these constitu-
ents. Due to the challenges in directly measuring the properties of individual fibers and
the polymer matrix, a reverse-engineering approach was employed. Using the micro-me-
chanics of fatigue (MMFatigue), we predicted the laminate’s fatigue behavior based on
assumed constituent properties and compared these predictions with experimental data
from fatigue tests. The properties of the fiber and polymer matrix were iteratively adjusted
to minimize the differences between predictions and experimental results, enabling accu-
rate fatigue characterization. To ensure robustness, three laminate angles—0°, 30°, and
60°—were evaluated at three temperatures: low temperature (LT: −40 °C), room tempera-
ture (RT: 25 °C), and high temperature (HT: 85 °C). The error, defined as the fatigue life
difference between the prediction and the experimental results, were obtained as 2.48% at
LT, 7.18% at RT, and 1.25% at HT for a laminate angle of 45°. Finally, the applicability of
the multiscale-based fatigue life prediction method was demonstrated through studies on
laminates with various angles under tension–compression, and compression–compres-
sion cyclic loads, as well as composite pressure vessels under cyclic loading.
mechanical properties. The interaction between these two constituents significantly affects
the fatigue failure of laminated composites [3].
Fiber-reinforced composite laminates exhibit different mechanical properties, fa-
tigue, and durability characteristics, and application scenarios depending on the type of
fibers (carbon fiber, glass fiber, basalt fiber) and resin matrix (thermosetting and thermo-
plastic resins) are used [4–6]. The fatigue properties of different FRPs can vary signifi-
cantly based on the characteristics of the fibers and resins as well as the manufacturing
process. To understand these composite characteristics, applying a multiscale technique,
which involves characterizing the fiber and resin separately, is essential.
The fatigue failure mechanisms of fiber-reinforced composites show distinct differ-
ences between unidirectional longitudinal (UDL) composites and biaxial (BX) laminates
due to their structural configurations [7,8]. In UDL composites, fatigue loading induces
cracks that progressively grow, leading to fiber failure or debonding between the fibers
and the matrix. By contrast, BX laminates, with fibers arranged perpendicularly in two
directions, experience fatigue failure primarily due to matrix cracking. These cracks cause
stress concentrations within the matrix, eventually resulting in debonding between the
fibers and the matrix. Such differences serve as important criteria for distinguishing the
fatigue failure mechanisms of UDL and BX laminates.
Early theories on fatigue analysis in composites, developed by researchers like
Hashin and Rotem [9] and Ellyin and El-Kadi [10], aimed to classify fiber and matrix fail-
ures based on laminate angles. These early theories laid the groundwork for modern mul-
tiscale analysis and helped deepen our understanding of the heterogeneous properties of
composite materials. However, the anisotropic nature of composites made accurate fa-
tigue life predictions difficult, requiring lots of tests with varying stress ratios and lami-
nate angles.
Sayyidmousavi et al. [11] developed a multiscale fatigue analysis based on Aboudi’s
method of cells [12]. In this model, fiber-direction stresses were considered indicative of
fiber failure, while transverse and shear-direction stresses indicated matrix failure, creat-
ing a fatigue damage model. Fatigue life predictions were performed to laminate speci-
mens at various angles (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°). In this study, tension and compression fa-
tigue (R = 0, ∞) were investigated; however, the mean stress effect, which is necessary to
account for various stress ratios, is not considered.
Brunbauer et al. [13] developed a fatigue model based on Puck’s criterion to distin-
guish between fiber and matrix fatigue failure, allowing for the prediction of fatigue life.
Fatigue test results from three laminate angles (0°, ±45°, 90°) and two stress ratios (R = 0,
R = −1) were used to analyze fatigue damage parameters. Additionally, the influence of
stress ratios was examined using Haigh diagrams. In this study, each laminate angle was
analyzed independently, treating them as having different material properties. This ap-
proach required a significant number of tests when considering various laminate angles.
Kumar et al. [14] used a modified Gerber model based on both creep and fatigue,
with the Tsai–Hill model. This model was used to predict the lifespan of composites at
various stress ratios (R = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) and laminate angles (15°, 30°, 45°, 60°). The finite
element method (FEM) was used to analyze the stresses in the fiber and matrix under
fatigue loads. Due to the limitations of the model, predicting the fatigue life under com-
pressive loading is not considered.
Yun et al. [15] developed a fatigue analysis model based on a multi-level damage
approach that considers sequential interface debonding using Eshelby’s tensor [16]. Dam-
age parameters were obtained from stiffness degradation experiments conducted by
Shokrieh and Lessard [17] under fatigue loads in longitudinal, transverse, and in-plane
shear directions. The results aligned well with the fatigue test data, and the model was
validated across various angles and laminates. The model for different stress ratios needs
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 3 of 24
Model Sayyidmousavi [11] Brunbauer [13] Kumar [14] Yun [15] Ha [18]
Issue date Jul/2015 Oct/2015 Sep/2023 Jun/2024 Aug/2011
Various biaxial angle YES NO YES YES YES
Multiscale approach YES NO YES YES YES
Various stress ratio NO YES YES NO YES
Rain-flow counting YES YES YES NO YES
2. Methodology
Physically, constituents of fiber and polymer matrix construct a ply, thus the proper-
ties of a ply are determined by the properties of constituents and their respective content
ratios. The plies are then stacked and laminated with ply angles, forming a laminate. If
the laminate consists of balanced angles, such as plus and negative angles, with respect to
a reference axis, the laminate is called a biaxial (BX) laminate. Obviously, the mechanical
response of the BX laminate under mechanical and environmental conditions is deter-
mined with the constituent properties. The current procedure for the fatigue analysis of
fiber-reinforced composite laminates using a multiscale approach is illustrated in Figure
For computation of the mechanical properties of the ply, a representative volume
element (RVE) is used to represent a unit cell in a repeated array of fibers within the pol-
ymer matrix with the fiber volume fraction. With the RVE, the effective ply properties are
obtained with proper repeated boundary conditions [20], and the stress concentration due
to the presence of fiber within a ply can be also obtained from the RVE. However, the
constituent properties are difficult to measure, and they can vary during the manufactur-
ing process. To overcome this, the approach defines and determines key property factors
essential for constituents using an iterative analysis until matching with laminate-based
test data. This approach is defined as a reverse-engineering approach, which is described
in Section 2.2.3. This process allows for the functional determination of temperature-de-
pendent constituent properties, enabling fatigue life predictions for laminates across var-
ious temperatures. During the process, once the ply properties are obtained, the mechan-
ical behavior of the BX laminates is determined from the ply properties and stacking ply
angles, as well defined as in CLT [21].
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 5 of 24
Figure 1. Flow chart of fatigue prediction of composite laminates using multiscale approach.
𝜎̄ = 𝐶̄ 𝜀̄, 𝑆̄ = 𝐶̄ −1 (1)
where 𝜀̅ is the strain tensor of the ply, 𝜎̅ is the stress tensor applied to the ply, 𝑆̅ is the
macro compliance of the unidirectional ply, composed of the fiber elastic moduli (𝐸𝑓1 , 𝐸𝑓2 ,
𝑣𝑓12 , 𝑣𝑓23 , 𝐺𝑓12 , 𝐺𝑓23 ), the polymer matrix elastic moduli (𝐸𝑚 , 𝑣𝑚 ), and the fiber volume
fraction (𝑉𝑓 ).
1 1 𝑆̄21 𝐸̄𝑦 1
𝐸̄𝑥 = , 𝐸̄𝑦 = , 𝑣̄𝑦𝑥 = − , 𝑣̄𝑥𝑦 = 𝑣̄𝑦𝑥 , 𝐺̄𝑥𝑦 = (2)
𝑆̄11 𝑆̄22 𝑆̄11 𝐸̄𝑥 𝑆̄66
where 𝐸̄𝑥 , 𝐸̄𝑦 , 𝑣̄𝑥𝑦 , and 𝐺̄𝑥𝑦 represent the ply effective properties, and 𝑆𝑖𝑗 are the com-
ponents of the compliance matrix.
The SAF represents the relationship between the micro stresses and macro ply
stresses at each local points in the OFM [24].
𝜎 (𝑖) = 𝑀𝜎 𝜎̄ (3)
(𝑖) (𝑖)
𝜎1 𝑀11 𝑀12 𝑀13 𝑀14 0 0 𝜎̄1
𝜎2 𝑀21 𝑀22 𝑀23 𝑀24 0 0 𝜎̄2
𝜎3 𝑀 𝑀32 𝑀33 𝑀34 0 0 𝜎̄3
𝜎4 = 𝜏23 = 31 (4)
𝑀41 𝑀42 𝑀43 𝑀44 0 0 𝜎̄4 = 𝜏̄ 23
𝜎5 = 𝜏31 0 0 0 0 𝑀55 𝑀56 𝜎̄5 = 𝜏̄ 31
(𝜎6 = 𝜏12 ) [ 0 0 0 0 𝑀65 𝛼 ⋅ 𝑀66 ] (𝜎̄6 = 𝜏̄12 )
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 6 of 24
where 𝜎 (𝑖) is the micro-stress tensor inside the fiber and matrix in the RVE, and 𝑀𝜎 is
the SAF matrix. 𝜎̄ are the on-axis stresses on the ply. The parameter represents the
shear stress reduction ratio applied to the shear term in the SAF matrix due to the nonlin-
ear effect of the matrix with the interface.
In this approach, the MMFatigue theory was employed, as described in Appendix A.
The fatigue behavior of composite materials under cyclic loads is analyzed by decompos-
ing the applied fatigue loads into two main components: mean stress (𝜎mean ) and ampli-
tude stress (𝜎amp ), as shown in Equation (3). These micro-stress components within the
fiber and matrix are computed and then converted into equivalent stresses. The equivalent
stresses are subsequently calculated to effective stresses using a modified Goodman
model (Figure A1a).
The SN curve in this study follows Basquin’s model (Figure A1b) [25], and the equa-
tion is as follows:
𝜎eff = 𝑏𝑁𝑓 −𝑚 (5)
where 𝐸UDL is the elastic modulus of UDL laminates, and 𝐸BX is the elastic modulus of
BX laminates with a biaxial angle of 𝜃. 𝑓𝐸UDL and 𝑓𝐸BX are implicit functions of the elastic
modulus for UDL and BX laminates, respectively, and are based on constituent properties.
The strength of laminates is implicitly influenced by constituent micro-level failure
factors, such as the strength of the fiber and matrix, and shear stress reduction ratio, in-
cluding the parameters for Equation (6). These properties incorporate necessary proper-
ties for determining the failure of laminates based on failure criterion in the MMF.
The strength of UDL laminates is primarily dependent on the fiber, as most of the
stress is applied along the fiber’s axial direction. By contrast, BX laminates are primarily
matrix-dependent; as the angle increases in BX laminates, the primary stress shifts to the
matrix. Thus, the strength of UDL and BX laminates can be expressed in implicit functions
as follows:
𝑋UDL = 𝑓𝑋UDL (𝐸𝑓1 , 𝐸𝑚 , 𝑇𝑓 , 𝑉𝑓 )
𝑋BX = 𝑓𝑋BX (𝐸𝑓1 , 𝐸𝑚 , 𝑇𝑚 , 𝐶𝑚 , 𝛼, 𝑉𝑓 , 𝜃)
where 𝑋UDL is the strength of UDL laminates, and 𝑋BX is the strength of BX laminates
with a biaxial angle of 𝜃. 𝑓𝑋UDL and 𝑓𝑋BX are implicit functions of the strength for UDL
and BX laminates, respectively, and are based on constituent properties.
The fatigue life of laminates is implicitly influenced by constituent micro-level factors
of the SN curve, such as fatigue properties of the fiber and matrix, including the previous
parameters for Equations (6) and (7). These material properties are for fatigue life predic-
tion using the MMFatigue.
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 8 of 24
The fatigue life varies with load and stress ratio (𝜎̃𝑚𝑎𝑥 , 𝑅 ), and this must be ac-
counted for in the calculation as IVs. For UDL laminates, fatigue life is fiber-dependent,
whereas for BX laminates, it is matrix-dependent. Thus, the fatigue life of UDL and BX
laminates can be expressed in implicit functions as follows:
𝑁𝑓,UDL = 𝑓𝑁UDL (𝐸𝑓1 , 𝐸𝑚 , 𝑇𝑓 , 𝐶𝑓 , 𝑏𝑓 , 𝑚𝑓 , 𝑉𝑓 , 𝜎̃𝑚𝑎𝑥 )
𝑁𝑓,BX = 𝑓𝑁BX (𝐸𝑓1 , 𝐸𝑚 , 𝑇𝑚 , 𝐶𝑚 , 𝑏𝑚 , 𝑚𝑚 , 𝛼, 𝑉𝑓 , 𝜃, 𝜎̃𝑚𝑎𝑥 )
where 𝑁𝑓,UDL is the fatigue life of UDL laminates, and 𝑁𝑓,BX is the fatigue life of BX lam-
inates with a biaxial angle of 𝜃. 𝑓𝑁𝑓,UDL and 𝑓𝑁𝑓,BX are implicit functions of the fatigue life
for UDL and BX laminates, respectively, and are based on constituent properties.
𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑜: 𝐱 𝑙 ≤ 𝐱 ≤ 𝐱 𝑢
where 𝐱 are variables of constituent material properties, the function 𝑓(𝐱) is defined as
in Equations (6)–(8), and 𝑓 ′ is test data. 𝐱 𝑙 , 𝐱 𝑢 are the lower and upper bounds of con-
stituent variables, respectively, to ensure the constituent properties are within practical
value ranges.
To address the overlapping constituent properties, described as DVs, within each
predicted laminate behavior, this process is divided into four sequential steps, as illus-
trated in Figure 2 and Table 3. Each step focuses on characterizing a specific DV by com-
paring predicted parameters with experimental data, then passing the characterized pa-
rameters to the next step.
The process begins with Step 1, where the elastic modulus of the fiber is characterized
by comparing predicted values with the experimental results for the elastic modulus of
UDL laminates. In Step 2, the elastic modulus of the matrix is characterized by comparing
predictions with the experimental results for the elastic modulus of BX laminates. Then,
to perform failure analysis of the constituents using a multiscale approach, a microme-
chanics model is constructed using the elastic modulus of the constituents obtained in
Step 1 and Step 2. Step 3 and Step 4 focus on determining the strength and fatigue prop-
erties of the fiber and matrix, respectively. Since strength and fatigue properties are inter-
dependent, the characterization process employs a combined error function to minimize
discrepancies. Specifically, the strength and fatigue properties of the fiber are
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 9 of 24
characterized based on the strength and fatigue life of UDL laminates, while those of the
matrix are based on BX laminates.
Through these processes, the constituent material properties of the fiber and matrix
for multiscale fatigue analysis can be separately determined. This approach ensures that
both fiber and matrix properties are accurately characterized, providing a solid founda-
tion for reliable multiscale fatigue analysis.
where 𝑎𝑝 , 𝑏𝑝 , and 𝑐𝑝 represent polynomial constants for each constituent property (𝑝).
This simplifies the multiscale analysis of temperature-dependent composites, allowing
the fatigue analysis to be performed over a range of temperatures.
temperature (HT: 85 °C), to characterize the constituent properties under different tem-
perature conditions as needed in the model.
where 𝜌𝑐 represents the density of the composite, measured using Archimedes’ principle
by immersing the samples in water. The densities of fiber (𝜌𝑓 ) and matrix (𝜌𝑚 ) were refer-
enced from the manufacturer’s technical data sheets (TDS) as 1.8 g/cm3 and 1.17 g/cm3 ,
respectively [31,32].
A fiber volume fraction of 60% was measured for the UDL laminates, while the BX30
and BX60 laminates showed a fiber volume fraction of 52%. This difference arises from
the stacking methods used. In UDL laminates, fibers are stacked in the same direction
with minimal gaps, maximizing fiber volume. By contrast, BX laminates are stacked with
alternating layers, creating more gaps and reducing the fiber volume fraction.
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 11 of 24
in Figure 4, while the summary of averaged static test results under LT, RT, and HT con-
ditions is presented in Table 5.
Figure 4. Stress–strain curve at RT: (a) UDL; (b) BX30; (c) BX60.
Table 5. Summary of averaged static test result under different temperature (values in parentheses
indicate standard deviation).
In the fractured specimens of UDL laminates, the fiber breakage was accompanied
by the separation of the polymer matrix. This observation suggests that, as the UDL lam-
inate undergoes tensile loading, the fibers, which possess a higher elastic modulus, bear
most of the load, leading to fiber failure. Subsequently, cracks form in the polymer matrix,
resulting in fiber debonding. By contrast, the failure in BX laminates appears to originate
from matrix cracking, which propagates and leads to the debonding of the fibers from the
matrix. These observed failure mechanisms align well with the findings presented by
Talreja [8].
Under different temperature conditions, strength and fatigue life were measured to
be highest at RT, followed by LT and HT. Although RT and LT showed minimal differ-
ences, with less than a 15% variation across all laminates, a significant reduction was ob-
served at HT, where reductions of more than 35% were seen in tests on BX laminates.
The slight decrease in strength at LT, which contrasts with typical composite behav-
ior where strength tends to increase at low temperatures, can be attributed to the increased
brittleness of the polymer matrix at lower temperatures. This brittleness makes the poly-
mer matrix more susceptible to interface separation and failure [27]. During the filament
winding process, voids can form at the interface, leading to separation and reducing com-
posite strength and fatigue life compared to RT.
At HT, polymer degradation further reduces the strength and fatigue life of the com-
posite. Polymers generally degrade progressively until reaching their glass transition tem-
perature (Tg), beyond which strength reduction accelerates [28]. The HT condition of 85°
C in this experiment was sufficient to initiate degradation. However, in UDL laminates,
carbon fibers bear a significant portion of the load, resulting in less reduction in strength
and fatigue life compared to BX30 and BX60 under HT conditions.
Figure 5. Measured SN curve at RT (in blue), HT (in red), and LT (in green): (a) UDL; (b) BX30; (c)
constituent properties with temperature coefficients are summarized in Table 6. Note that
these were determined to best fit the MMFatigue theory, and the experimental data ob-
tained from the winding manufacturing process.
Table 6. Constituent material properties, determined from the UDL, BX30 and BX60 test results.
Ef1 GPa 228.46 227.37 230 226.39 +3.49 × 10−6 −1.65 × 10−2 227.37
Tf MPa 4251.5 4367.8 4900 4104.6 −4.94 × 10−2 −1.42 4367.8
Carbon Fiber
(T700) bf MPa 10,525.4 9304.0 - 6280.5 −2.53 × 10−1 −3.52 × 101 9304.0
mf - 6.77 7.66 - 8.1 −5.75 × 10−5 +9.95 × 10−3 7.7
Em GPa 4.03 3.11 2.84 2.03 −3.08 × 10−5 −1.62 × 10−2 3.11
Tm MPa 37.6 47.7 72.5 25.0 −4.26 × 10−3 −1.22 × 10−1 47.7
Epoxy resin (Re-
Cm MPa 58.5 81.0 - 35.1 −8.90 × 10−3 −2.32 × 10−1 81.0
bm MPa 107.1 117.2 - 108.0 −2.48 × 10−3 −5.11 × 10−3 117.2
strength. This reduction is likely due to voids and defects formed during the manufactur-
ing process, reflecting the polymer’s actual properties under manufacturing conditions.
While some material properties, such as elastic modulus and tensile strength, are pro-
vided by TDS at RT, properties at HT and LT are not available in TDS.
In this study, UDL, BX30, and BX60 composites showed a decrease in strength at both
LT and HT, largely due to the reduction in the polymer matrix’s strength under these
conditions. The tensile strength and compressive strength of the polymer matrix (𝑇𝑚 , 𝐶𝑚 )
were highest at RT (47.7 MPa, 81.0 MPa) but dropped at HT (25.0 MPa, 35.1 MPa) and LT
(37.6 MPa, 58.5 MPa). At LT, the polymer matrix became more brittle, making it prone to
cracking, while HT reduced its strength due to thermal degradation. Similarly, the slope
parameter of the SN curve for the polymer matrix (𝑚𝑚 ) was 4.9 at HT, 5.9 at LT, and 6.7
at RT. This trend underscores the polymer matrix’s susceptibility to temperature, being
most vulnerable at HT and prone to failure because of brittleness at LT.
5. Verification Tests
In this section, as a verification of our approach, we predict the fatigue life of BX45
using material properties obtained from the UDL, BX30, and BX60 laminates, outlined in
Section 3. The BX45 was fabricated using the same methodology as BX30 and BX60, and
its strength and SN curves were measured to validate the accuracy of the predictions.
To better understand the variation of static strength, stiffness, and the fatigue SN
curves along with the fiber angles, the on-axis stresses are calculated and plotted in Figure
6. For the BX30, BX45, and BX60 laminates, matrix failure played a significant role in fa-
tigue performance. In this study, the compressive strength of the polymer matrix was de-
termined that 1.7 times higher than the tensile strength. Based on Figure 6a, the calculation
results of on-axis stresses across the biaxial angle of laminates using CLT [21], the trans-
verse stress (𝑆22 ) component in the on-axis stress distribution was observed to be com-
pressive for BX30 under tensile loading, while for BX45 and BX60, it was tensile. Under
compressive loading, as shown in Figure 6b, the transverse stress exhibited the opposite
trend: BX30 experienced tensile loading, while BX45 and BX60 experienced compressive
loading. Consequently, BX30 showed higher strength under compressive loading, while
BX45 and BX60 exhibited lower strength. This suggests that the effect of the buckling
mode, a primary failure mechanism in compressive failure, decreases as the biaxial angle
Figure 6. On-axis stress distribution across biaxial angle of laminates: (a) under tensile loading; (b)
under compressive loading.
Figure 7 highlights the consistency of the predicted SN curves for BX45 compared
with the experimental data for UDL, BX30, and BX60 under various conditions. The pre-
dicted SN curve was analyzed by dividing it into three parts—strength, fatigue life curve,
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 16 of 24
and limit stress—according to Figure A1b in Appendix A. The fatigue life curve (line) was
compared to individual fatigue test values (points), and the limit stress was determined
for a fatigue life of 106 (logNf = 6).
The error rates for each dataset were calculated using Equation (9), demonstrating
the accuracy of the predictions. UDL primarily served to characterize the fatigue proper-
ties of fibers, with average error rates of 1.60%, 1.44%, and 4.57% under LT, RT, and HT
conditions, respectively. BX30 and BX60 focused on characterizing the fatigue properties
of the matrix, showing average error rates of 3.45%, 2.65%, and 7.69% under LT, RT, and
HT conditions, respectively. BX45 was utilized as a validation dataset for predicting fa-
tigue life at various angles, with error rates of 2.48%, 7.18%, and 1.25% under LT, RT, and
HT conditions, respectively.
Additionally, the SN curves under LT conditions have minimal impact on the overall
results compared to HT conditions, where higher temperatures (RT–LT = 65 °C; HT–RT =
60 °C) accelerate material degradation. This indicates that the resin properties under LT
conditions are more stable and less sensitive to degradation compared to HT conditions.
Figure 7. Predicted SN curve in RT (in blue), HT (in red), and LT (in green): (a) UDL; (b) BX30; (c)
BX45; (d) BX60.
The measured static elastic modulus and strengths of BX laminates, including the
UD, were also compared with the predicted values for the angles from zero to 80 degrees,
as shown in Figure 8a,b. Two different fiber volume fractions were considered in this
study from 52% to 60%. Note that we achieved the fiber volume fraction of 52% for BX
and 60% for the UDL laminates. Both strengths and stiffness are well predicted. It was
observed that volume fraction influenced both the elastic modulus and strength predic-
tions, especially between 0 and 20 degrees.
The measured SN curve’s magnitude coefficient (intercept) and slope parameter of
BX laminates, including the UDL, were also compared with the predicted values for the
angles from zero to 80 degrees, as shown in Figure 8c,d. The predictions were based on
curve fitting using data at 80%, 70%, 60%, and 50% of the strength. Overall, UDL, BX30,
BX45, and BX60 exhibited good agreement with experimental data, except for slight
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 17 of 24
deviations in the SN slope of BX60 under HT and BX45 under LT. Although BX60 was
included in the material property determination process, the polymer matrix’s nonlinear
behavior at elevated temperatures resulted in deviations. In the case of BX45, which was
not used in the property determination, predictions were made based on the behavior of
BX30 and BX60. At low temperatures, the polymer matrix exhibited increased brittleness,
leading to discrepancies with the original polymer prediction model. The material behav-
ior predictions were based on the MMFatigue model [18], which relies on shear strain
energy, suggesting that changes in shear behavior under brittle conditions caused slight
Discontinuities in the predicted data were shown in fiber and polymer matrix failure
mode transition. Typically, at 0°, fiber dominates the behavior, while its influence dimin-
ishes as the angle increases. Transitions in failure modes were predicted around 4° under
RT and LT conditions and around 5° under HT conditions. In fatigue tests, the fiber vol-
ume fraction had a significant influence, especially at near 0° angles, although the SN
curve’s slope was largely unaffected by fiber failure.
The predictive analysis, validated through the verification process, demonstrated
well agreement with experimental data across various conditions and layup angles, con-
firming the robustness of the proposed characterization and prediction methods. Alt-
hough a divergence between fiber and matrix failure was observed around 4° to 5°, this
had minimal impact on the overall assessment of laminate failure across different config-
urations. This study verified that the proposed characterization technique for the fatigue
properties of composite materials is applicable to a range of layup angles and temperature
conditions, confirming its potential for use in the fatigue design of composite structures.
Figure 8. Prediction results of BX laminates under 0°–80° and test data at RT (in blue), HT (in red),
and LT (in green): (a) elastic modulus; (b) strength; (c) slope parameter of the SN curve; (d) magni-
tude coefficient of the SN curve.
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 18 of 24
6. Parametric Study
6.1. SN Curve of BX Laminate at RT for R = 0.1, R = 10, and R = −1
Parametric study was performed to predict fatigue analysis results of various stress
ratios using a modified Goodman model, and specifically determined material properties
by fatigue test under tension–tension fatigue tests (T-T), as shown in Figure 9. The analysis
covers various laminate configurations, including UDL, BX30, BX45, and BX60. Here, the
stress ratio is defined as the minimum load divided by the maximum load, and the anal-
ysis incorporates common stress ratios used in composite fatigue testing: 𝑅 =
0.1, 10, and − 1 . Specifically, 𝑅 = 0.1 corresponds to T-T fatigue tests, 𝑅 = 10 to com-
pression–compression fatigue tests (C-C), and 𝑅 = −1 to tension–compression fatigue
tests (T-C).
Figure 9. Fatigue analysis using a modified Goodman model for various stress ratios.
Generally, in composite materials, the slope of the SN curve in C-C mode is less steep
than in T-T mode, while it decreases sharply in T-C mode. This is because crack propaga-
tion is suppressed in C-C mode, whereas it is accelerated in T-T mode, resulting in higher
fatigue resistance under C-C loading. However, for UDL laminates, the fibers are prone
to buckling under high C-C fatigue loads, leading to microstructural failure before the
material reaches ultimate failure [36]. This characteristic was incorporated into the modi-
fied Goodman model used for UDL, BX30, BX45, and BX60. The predicted SN curves of
T-T, T-C, and C-C for UDL, BX30, BX45, and BX60 are shown in Figure 10. These SN curves
were analyzed by dividing it into three parts—strength, fatigue life curve, and limit
stress—according to Figure A1b in Appendix A.
For UDL laminates, fiber failure dominates, and the compressive longitudinal fiber
strength was assumed to be 70% of the tensile longitudinal fiber strength. Thus, the com-
pressive strength of UDL was estimated to be 1851.2 MPa, while the tensile strength was
2644.6 MPa. As a result, the compressive strength was predicted to be 70% of the tensile
strength. Additionally, while the slope of the SN curve in T-C mode decreased sharply, it
showed a gradual decline in C-C mode.
For BX laminates, polymer matrix failure is the primary cause, with the tensile
strengths of BX30, BX45, and BX60 predicted to be 247.3 MPa, 69.5 MPa, and 37.1 MPa,
respectively. These values are based on actual experimental data and were used to deter-
mine the strength of the polymer matrix. The compressive strengths for BX30, BX45, and
BX60 were predicted to be 116.7 MPa, 77.8 MPa, and 95.3 MPa, respectively, with esti-
mates derived from the tensile strength experimental values. For BX30, the tensile strength
was predicted to be higher than the compressive strength, whereas for BX45 and BX60,
the compressive strength was predicted to be higher than the tensile strength, as shown
in Figure 6.
Regarding fatigue life, in T-C mode, the combination of tension and compression ac-
celerates fatigue in the polymer, resulting in a sharp decline in fatigue life. By contrast, in
C-C mode, the predicted fatigue life is higher than in T-C mode. This is because, due to
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 19 of 24
the nature of polymers, fatigue crack propagation is suppressed under compressive con-
ditions [36].
In this study, although compressive static and fatigue tests were not directly con-
ducted, the derived material properties and the modified CLD model allowed for predict-
ing fatigue behavior across various stress ratios. As a result, the analysis method of the
modified Goodman model in the MMFatigue model has been proven effective for analyz-
ing a range of stress ratios in composite laminates. This model enables more comprehen-
sive fatigue analysis of fiber-reinforced composites, especially when experimental data
are limited. However, for reliable fatigue predictions across various stress ratios, a CLD
model based on extensive experimental data, such as a piece-wise linear constant life dia-
gram [37], is necessary.
Figure 10. Prediction results of fatigue analysis under R = 0.1 (in orange), R = 10 (in violet), and R =
−1 (in cyan): (a) UDL; (b) BX30; (c) BX45; (d) BX60.
Figure 11. Prediction results of the SN curve for pressure vessel under multiaxial pressure loads.
The burst pressure for CASE-30 was predicted as 29 bar, CASE-45 as 81 bar, and
CASE-60 as 126 bar, whereas CASE-DD exhibited a significantly higher burst pressure of
217 bar compared to the other cases. The increased burst pressure in CASE-DD can be
attributed to the balanced laminate structure achieved through the double–double config-
uration, which are well demonstrated in this study. The entire SN curves are reasonably
well obtained as well as the burst pressures. Without the current method, the tests would
have taken months to perform the entire fatigue tests.
7. Summary
This study investigated a multiscale approach for characterizing fiber-reinforced pol-
ymer composites, focusing on material property determination and fatigue life prediction.
The following conclusions were drawn based on the experimental and analytical findings:
• A reverse-engineering method was developed to determine the material properties
of fiber-reinforced polymer composites.
• Static and fatigue tests were conducted on UDL and BX laminates at angles of 0°, 30°,
and 60°, and results were validated using 45° BX laminates, confirming that fatigue
life could be predicted with tests at only three specific angles.
• The elastic modulus values obtained were consistent with known data, while lower
strength values were attributed to micro-defects introduced during the manufactur-
ing process.
• Temperature changes significantly affected composite performance. At LT, strength
and fatigue life decreased, while at HT, strength was reduced, and the SN curve be-
came more gradual. The temperature-dependent constituent properties were func-
tionally represented, enabling analysis across various temperature conditions.
Ultimately, this study succeeded in deriving temperature-dependent constituent
properties, including the effects of manufacturing defects, enabling their application in
the multiscale approach.
However, further validation of the current MMFatigue is necessary across a wider
range of stress ratios. Currently, the model uses CLD based on a stress ratio of R = 0.1,
which regresses tensile and compressive strength to predict fatigue life. As shown in the
results of Section 6.1, the limitations of the current CLD approach indicate that it alone is
insufficient for predicting fatigue life across various stress ratios. Future work should aim
to verify this approach using other fatigue models, such as a piecewise-linear approach,
to extend its applicability to a broader range of stress ratios.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.H. and S.K.H.; funding acquisition, S.K.H.; methodol-
ogy, H.H., Y.X., and S.K.H.; project administration, S.K.H.; software, H.H.; supervision, S.K.H.;
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 21 of 24
validation, H.H., Y.X., and S.K.H.; writing—original draft, H.H. and S.K.H.; writing—review and
editing, S.K.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and
Planning (KETEP), funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), Republic of Korea
(grant number 20223030020160, “Development of Recycling Technology Using Recyclable Resin of
Wind Turbine Blades”).
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article and supplementary materials.
Acknowledgments: The authors are thankful to Aditya Birla Advanced Materials for providing the
necessary materials, and 3P.COM for their technical assistance.
The mean equivalent stress is also defined in the same manner as in Equations (A2–
A3), e.g., the superscript “amp” replaced with the “mean”.
Fatigue life is calculated using a CLD based on the mean and amplitude of the equiv-
alent stress. The modified Goodman model (Figure A1a) is applied to relate the CLD to
both tension and compression strength, resulting in an effective stress model. This ap-
proach enables comparison with the SN curve regardless of the stress ratio. Fatigue loads
are divided into mean and amplitude components, which are used to calculate effective
stress, and this value is then compared to the SN curve to estimate fatigue life.
The effective stress is defined to consider the effect of the mean stress on the SN curve:
𝜎eq 𝑇
𝜎eff = (A4)
𝑇+𝐶 mean − 𝑇 − 𝐶 |
− |𝜎eq
2 2
Polymers 2025, 17, 157 22 of 24
where 𝑁𝑓 is the number of cycles to failure, 𝑏 the y-intercept of the logarithmic SN curve,
and 𝑚 the inverse of the slope.
Figure A1. Graphical representation of: (a) modified Goodman model; (b) Basquin’s model.
The fatigue models of amplitude equivalent, mean equivalent, and effective stress for
the fiber is assumed to take the same form as the matrix (A1–A5). However, one stress
component along the fiber direction is considered instead of all six components of stresses.
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