In UCD, design teams involve users throughout the design process via a variety of
research and design techniques, to create highly usable and accessible products
for them.
Example: When a product team develops digital products, it takes into account
the user’s requirements, objectives, and feedback. Satisfying users’ needs and
wants becomes a priority, and every design decision is evaluated in the context of
whether it delivers value to the users. The user-centered design gives you a way
of adding an emotional impact to your products.
Visibility: Users should be able to see from the beginning what they can do
with the product, what is it about, and how they can use it.
Language: Short sentences are preferred here. The easier the phrase and
the words, the better.
Phases of UCD:
Specify the context of use: Identify the people who will use the product,
what they will use
it for, and under what conditions they will use it.
Create design solutions: This part of the process may be done in stages,
building from a rough concept to a complete design.
Market Success: Companies can increase their chances of success with the
products developed by UCD. A product that strikes a chord with users and
addresses their key requirements is superior and more likely to spread.
User Research: This is the core of UCD. The user research entails methods
such as surveys, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, usability testing,
ethnographic observation, focus groups as well as creating personas to
learn on the user’s needs, behaviors, and motivation.
Human Computer interaction
1. Research
2. Design
Make sure it suits the client’s tastes and preferences, as well as addressing
their needs.
3. Testing
4. Refinement
5. Launch
Also, collect user feedback after the launch and incorporate them into
further enhancements.
User Centered Design is not a simple checklist, it’s a philosophy, a point of view
that recognizes importance of understanding who they are trying to help and
empathy for them, it is an improvement as a continuous practice. It is quite
demanding but has great payouts. People do not just like products that deliver
exactly what they expect, instead; those who do so attract brand followers,
repeat buyers, and promoters.