Academic Expences

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Academic Expenses

Annual Fee for Undergraduate Students (Term: August, 2011)

Sl. No. Type Level-1 Level-2 to Level-5
01 University Dues 7,451/- 521/-
Residential Hall Residential Students Attached Students Residential Students Attached Students
Ahsan Ullah Hall (North) 6,325/- 2,225/- 5,275/- 2,175/-
Ahsan Ullah Hall (West) 6,235/- 2,225/- 5,185/- 2,175/-
Chattri Hall 6,355/- 2,275/- 5,305/- 2,225/-
02 Dr. M.A. Rashid Hall 6,175/- 2,225/ 5,125/- 2,175/-
Nazrul Islam Hall 6,175/- 2,225/ 5,125/- 2,175/-
Sher-e-Bangla Hall 6,175/- 2,225/ 5,125/- 2,175/-
Suhrawardy Hall 6,175/- 2,225/ 5,125/- 2,175/-
Titumir Hall 6,115/- 2,225/ 5,065/- 2,175/


1. Caution Money of Tk. 1000/- is included with the dues of Residential Students, which is refundable.
2. Tution fee of Tk. 180/- is included with the University dues which is not applicable for the students obtaining a Scholarship.

Semester Fee for Postgraduate Students (Semester: October, 2011)

Sl. No. Type 1st Semester Next Semesters

† 1037/-* (except PG. Dip (ICT/WRD)) 537/-* (except PG. Dip (ICT/WRD))
01 University Dues †† 1000/-** (For PG. Dip (WRD)) 500/-**(For PG. Dip (WRD))
††† 1000/-*** (For PG. Dip (ICT)) 500/-*** (For PG. Dip (ICT))

Residential Hall Dues

a) Residential Students 3,810/- 1,760/-
b) Attached Students 830/- 780/-

4,847/- (except PG. Dip (ICT/WRD)) 2,997/-(except PG. Dip (ICT/WRD))

Total for Residential Students
4,310/- (For PG. Dip (WRD/ICT)) 2260/- (For PG. Dip (WRD/ICT))

1,867/-(except PG. Dip (ICT/WRD)) 1,317/-(except PG. Dip (ICT/WRD))li>

Total for Attached Students
1330/- (For PG. Dip (WRD/ICT)) 21280/- (For PG. Dip (WRD/ICT))


1. *In addition, course registration fees are to be paid at the rate of Tk. 100/- per credit.
2. † In addition, Caution Money of Tk. 1000/- is to be paid (except PG. Dip (ICT/WRD)).
3. **In addition, course registration fees are to be paid at the rate of Tk. 200/- per credit.
4. †† In addition, Caution Money of Tk. 1000/- is to be paid for PG. Dip (WRD).
5. ***In addition, course registration fees are to be paid at the rate of Tk. 500/- per credit
6. ††† In addition, Caution Money of Tk. 5000/- is to be paid for PG. Dip (ICT).

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