Compound17 Song Collaboration Agreement
Compound17 Song Collaboration Agreement
Compound17 Song Collaboration Agreement
By entering this agreement you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions in their entirety
and understand that COMPOUND17 withholds the rights to make changes and adjustments to this
BEFORE any and every use, YOU MUST inform COMPOUND17 of your intentions and how you plan to
enact your intentions.
COMPOUND17 allows YOU to use this instrumental for the creation of a song that MUST include
lyrics, this song can only be used once lyrics have been added by YOU. The whole IP for the lyrics
MUST be owned in their entirety by YOU or YOU must have writing legal consent of the owner.
COMPOUND17 allows YOU to distribute the song by all normal distribution means (social media,
streaming platforms designed for music, radio and physical copies) so long as the compensation
terms are adhered to.
YOU MUST credit COMPOUND17 in any and all descriptions. e.g Youtube or Soundcloud