12 Engineering Graphics
12 Engineering Graphics
12 Engineering Graphics
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer All Questions
All Questions carry EQUAL marks [5 X 14=70]
1 a Trace the curve traced by a point which is moving in such a way that the ratio of
the distance from fixed point to a fixed straight line is Unity. The distance [7M]
between the fixed straight line and the fixed point is 50mm.
b Construct a diagonal scale of 3:200 to show meters, decimeters and centimeters
to measure up-to 6 meters. Indicate 4.46 centimeters on the scale.
2 a Construct a scale of 1:60 to read yards and show foot and long enough to
measure up to 5 yards. Indicate 3yd 2ft on the scale.
b Outline a regular pentagon inserted in a given circle of diameter 100mm [7M]
3 a Illustrate the orthographic projections of the following points.
(a.) Point P is 30 mm. above H.P and 40 mm. in front of VP
(b.) Point Q is 25 mm. above H.P and 35 mm. behind VP [7M]
(c.) Point R is in v.p and 35 mm. above H.P
(d.) Point S is in H.P and 48 mm. in front of VP
b Trace the projections of straight line AB 60 mm long parallel to HP and inclined
at an angle of 400 to VP. The end A is 30 mm above HP. and 20 mm in front of [7M]
4 A pentagonal plane of side 40 mm is perpendicular to HP and makes an angle of
45° with VP. Outline its projections
5 A right regular pentagonal prism, side of base 30 mm and height of axis as 75mm
rests on HP on one of its base corners such that its long edge containing the [14M]
corner is inclined to the HP at 60°. Sketch its projections.
6 A cone with base 30mm diameter and axis 45mm long lies on a point of its base
on VP such that the axis makes an angle 45° with VP. Show the projections of [14M]
the cone.
7 A Pentagonal prism of side of base 20 mm and height 50 mm stands vertically on its
base with a rectangular face perpendicular to V.P. A cutting plane perpendicular to V.P
and inclined at 60° to the axis passes through the edges of the top base of the prism.
Develop the lower portion of the lateral surface of the prism.
Regd. No. Subject Code: 1003231102
8 Develop the lateral surface of the frustum of the square pyramid of side of base
30 mm and axis 40 mm, resting on HP with one of the base edges parallel to V.P. [14M]
It is cut by a horizontal cutting plane at a height of 20 mm.
9 Outline the front, top and side
views for the isometric view of a
solid given below and give
appropriate dimensions.
10 Sketch the iso metric view of an
object, whose orthographic
views are given below.