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MediaCentral | Cloud UX™

User's Guide
Version 2024.2
Legal Notices
Product specifications are subject to change without notice and do not represent a commitment on the part of Avid Technology, Inc.

This product is subject to the terms and conditions of a software license agreement provided with the software. The product may only be used in accordance with
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Reasonable care has been taken in preparing this guide; however, it may contain omissions, technical inaccuracies, or typographical errors. Avid Technology, Inc.
disclaims liability for all losses incurred through the use of this document. Product specifications are subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2024 Avid Technology, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.

The following disclaimer is required by Apple Computer, Inc.:


The following disclaimer is required by Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics, Inc. for the use of their TIFF library:

Copyright © 1988–1997 Sam Leffler

Copyright © 1991–1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software [i.e., the TIFF library] and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam
Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of Sam Leffler
and Silicon Graphics.



The following disclaimer is required by the Independent JPEG Group:

This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

This Software may contain components licensed under the following conditions:

Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and
that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by the
University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is
provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

Copyright 1995, Trinity College Computing Center. Written by David Chappell.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is
provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

Copyright 1996 Daniel Dardailler.

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear
in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Daniel Dardailler not be
used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Daniel Dardailler makes no representations
about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

Modifications Copyright 1999 Matt Koss, under the same license as above.

Copyright (c) 1991 by AT&T.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in all
copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software.


This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.

The following disclaimer is required by Nexidia Inc.:

© 2010 Nexidia Inc. All rights reserved, worldwide. Nexidia and the Nexidia logo are trademarks of Nexidia Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. All Nexidia materials regardless of form, including without limitation, software applications, documentation and any other information relating
to Nexidia Inc., and its products and services are the exclusive property of Nexidia Inc. or its licensors. The Nexidia products and services described in these
materials may be covered by Nexidia's United States patents: 7,231,351; 7,263,484; 7,313,521; 7,324,939; 7,406,415, 7,475,065; 7,487,086 and/or other patents
pending and may be manufactured under license from the Georgia Tech Research Corporation USA.

The following disclaimer is required by Paradigm Matrix:

Portions of this software licensed from Paradigm Matrix.

The following disclaimer is required by Ray Sauers Associates, Inc.:

“Install-It” is licensed from Ray Sauers Associates, Inc. End-User is prohibited from taking any action to derive a source code equivalent of “Install-It,” including
by reverse assembly or reverse compilation, Ray Sauers Associates, Inc. shall in no event be liable for any damages resulting from reseller’s failure to perform
reseller’s obligation; or any damages arising from use or operation of reseller’s products or the software; or any other damages, including but not limited to,
incidental, direct, indirect, special or consequential Damages including lost profits, or damages resulting from loss of use or inability to use reseller’s products or
the software for any reason including copyright or patent infringement, or lost data, even if Ray Sauers Associates has been advised, knew or should have known
of the possibility of such damages.

The following disclaimer is required by Videomedia, Inc.:

“Videomedia, Inc. makes no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied, regarding this product, including warranties with respect to its merchantability or
its fitness for any particular purpose.”

“This software contains V-LAN ver. 3.0 Command Protocols which communicate with V-LAN ver. 3.0 products developed by Videomedia, Inc. and V-LAN ver. 3.0
compatible products developed by third parties under license from Videomedia, Inc. Use of this software will allow “frame accurate” editing control of applicable
videotape recorder decks, videodisc recorders/players and the like.”

The following disclaimer is required by Altura Software, Inc. for the use of its Mac2Win software and Sample Source Code:

©1993–1998 Altura Software, Inc.

The following disclaimer is required by Inc.:

Certain waveform and vector monitoring capabilities are provided under a license from Inc.

The following disclaimer is required by Interplay Entertainment Corp.:

The “Interplay” name is used with the permission of Interplay Entertainment Corp., which bears no responsibility for Avid products.

This product includes portions of the Alloy Look & Feel software from Incors GmbH.

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (

© DevelopMentor

This product may include the JCifs library, for which the following notice applies:

JCifs © Copyright 2004, The JCIFS Project, is licensed under LGPL ( See the LGPL.txt file in the Third Party Software directory on the
installation CD.

Avid Interplay contains components licensed from LavanTech. These components may only be used as part of and in connection with Avid Interplay.

Portions © Copyright 2003-2007 of MOG Solutions.

This product includes FFmpeg, which is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.

This product includes software that is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team.

This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

This product includes libjpeg-turbo, which is covered by the wxWindows Library License, Version 3.1.

Portions copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Funded under Grant

P41-RR02188 by the National Institutes of Health.

Portions copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Boutell.Com, Inc.

Portions relating to GD2 format copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Philip Warner.

Portions relating to PNG copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Greg Roelofs.

Portions relating to gdttf.c copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John Ellson (

Portions relating to gdft.c copyright 2001, 2002 John Ellson (

Portions relating to JPEG and to color quantization copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, Doug Becker and copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, Thomas G. Lane. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. See the file README-JPEG.TXT for more information. Portions
relating to WBMP copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Maurice Szmurlo and Johan Van den Brande.

Permission has been granted to copy, distribute and modify gd in any context without fee, including a commercial application, provided that this notice is present
in user-accessible supporting documentation.

This does not affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent is to assure proper credit for the authors of gd, not to interfere with your productive
use of gd. If you have questions, ask. "Derived works" includes all programs that utilize the library. Credit must be given in user-accessible documentation.

This software is provided "AS IS." The copyright holders disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this code and accompanying documentation.

Although their code does not appear in gd, the authors wish to thank David Koblas, David Rowley, and Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation for their prior

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (

MediaCentral may use OpenLDAP. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights Reserved. OpenLDAP is a
registered trademark of the OpenLDAP Foundation.

Attn. Government User(s). Restricted Rights Legend

U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. This Software and its documentation are “commercial computer software” or “commercial computer software
documentation.” In the event that such Software or documentation is acquired by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the U.S. Government, all rights with respect
to this Software and documentation are subject to the terms of the License Agreement, pursuant to FAR §12.212(a) and/or DFARS §227.7202-1(a), as applicable.


Avid, the Avid Logo, Avid Everywhere, Avid DNXHD, Avid DNXHR, Avid NEXIS, Avid NEXIS | Cloudspaces, AirSpeed, Eleven, EUCON, Interplay, iNEWS, ISIS, Mbox,
MediaCentral, Media Composer, NewsCutter, Pro Tools, ProSet and RealSet, Maestro, PlayMaker, Sibelius, Symphony, and all related product names and logos,
are registered or unregistered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. The Interplay name is used with the permission of
the Interplay Entertainment Corp. which bears no responsibility for Avid products. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For a full list of
Avid trademarks, see:

Adobe and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Apple and
Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.


Ice Festival, London Zoo, Feng Shui - Courtesy of Reuters.

Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX User’s Guide • Created 7/9/2024 • This document is distributed by Avid in online (electronic) form only, and is not available for
purchase in printed form.


Contents 5
Using This Guide 22
Beta Apps 22

Symbols and Conventions 22

If You Need Help 23

Avid Training Services 23

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start 24

Opening MediaCentral Cloud UX and Browsing Your Databases 24

Opening a Clip in the Asset Editor 26

Creating a Sequence 30

For More Information 32

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX 33

Signing In to MediaCentral Cloud UX 33

Understanding the Fast Bar 36

Working with Layouts 38

Creating a New Layout 40

Activating a Layout 41

Reordering and Sorting the Layout List 41

Working with Default Layouts 42

Editing or Deleting an Existing Layout 43

App Types 44

Opening and Closing Apps 44

Docking Apps 45

Opening Multiple App Instances 47

Choosing the App for Opening Assets 49

Opening Assets with an External Application 51

Understanding the Actions Menu and Process Creation 54

Understanding Processes 55

Actions Menu: Location and Contents 56


Basic Process Creation Steps 58

Understanding the Process Creation Dialog Box 58

Providing Process Metadata 61

Assets and Files as Process Attachments 62

Using File Attachments During Process Creation 62

Getting Information on Allowed Attachments 65

The Asset Editor 66

The Notifications App 70

Using the My Collection Tool 72

Using the Help & Learn System 74

Using the Product Board 75

3 Using the Browse App 76

Navigating the Browse App 77

Creating and Using Browse Favorites 80

Creating a Browse Favorite 81

Using a Browse Favorite 82

Renaming a Browse Favorite 83

Changing the Private / Public Status of a Browse Favorite 83

Reordering Browse Favorites 84

Deleting a Browse Favorite 84

Creating a Browse Favorites Team 85

Editing a Browse Favorites Team 86

Deleting a Browse Favorites Team 86

Creating a Folder 86

Reordering and Renaming Folders 88

Deleting a Folder 88

Collapsing the Browse Sidebar 88

Locating Assets in Folders 89

Understanding the Layout of the Results Area 90

Selecting Assets in the Results Area 94

Using the Hoverscrub Feature 95


Working with MediaCentral Production Management Assets 95

Identifying MediaCentral Production Management Media Assets 96

Creating a New Folder 96

Moving or Copying Folders 97

Renaming a Folder 98

Using the Search in Folder Feature 98

Moving or Copying Assets 99

Duplicating Assets 99

Renaming Assets 100

Transcoding Assets 100

Delivering Assets and Media 102

Restoring an Asset from MediaCentral | Archive Production 105

Working with MediaCentral Asset Management Assets 106

Identifying MediaCentral Asset Management Media Assets 107

Creating a New Folder 108

Renaming a Folder 108

Moving or Copying a Folder 109

Deleting a Folder 109

Adding Asset References to a Folder 109

Creating Assets 110

Uploading Files to Assets 112

Deleting Assets and Basic Sequences 117

Moving or Copying Asset References 119

Renaming Asset References 119

Removing Asset References 119

Viewing Asset Management Document Files 120

Viewing Asset Management Image Files 122

Maintaining Reserved Asset Management Assets and Shotlists 123

Working with MediaCentral Newsroom Management Assets 126

Working with Maestro News Assets 127

4 Using the Search App 128


Searching for Assets 129

Search App Header 129

Understanding Search Types 132

Using the Phonetic Search Type 133

Incomplete Search Terms 135

Reviewing the Search Type Menu 135

Using Super Pills 141

Searching by a Single Term 143

Searching with Multiple Terms (Multiple Pills) 144

Searching with Multiple Terms (Single Compound Pill) 146

Editing or Clearing a Search 147

Additional Search Options 147

Using Wildcards 148

Fuzzy and Proximity Searches 148

Searching by Current User 149

Boolean and Numerical Search Terms 150

Using Compound Phrases 150

Using Taxonomies 152

Search Word Breaks 153

Working with the Search Sidebar 154

Using Filters 154

Creating and Using Search Favorites 158

Using Recent Searches 166

Collapsing the Search Sidebar 166

Using the Results Toolbar and Search Results 167

Refresh Search 167

Results Count 168

View Options 168

Sort By Menu 168

Display Options 169

Export Options 169


Selecting Assets in the Search Results 170

Opening Assets from the Search Results 170

Using the In-Line Hits Window 170

In-Line Hits: Metadata View 171

In-Line Hits: Timeline View 173

Opening the In-Line Hits Window 175

Adding Markers & Segments to a Sequence 175

Using the Search Context Menus 176

Using the Asset Editor Hits Tab 176

5 Working with Media 178

The Media Viewer and Asset Editor Tabs 178

The Media Viewer 179

Full Screen Viewer and Casting 181

Media and Playback Controls 182

User Settings for Working with Media 185

Selecting the Aspect Ratio 186

Selecting the Playback Quality 186

Adjusting for Playback Latency 186

Reloading the Media Status 187

Playback of Simple and Complex Sequences 187

Working with Remote Assets 189

Viewing Markers and Restrictions 191

Displaying Stratum Annotation as Overlay 192

Using the Timecode Displays 193

Modifying the Start Timecode 194

Entering Timecode to Cue a Frame 194

Working in the Viewer Timeline 196

Audio Scrubbing 196

Marking In and Out Points 196

Using the Viewer Zoom Bar 198

Playing Back at the Highest Resolution 199


Using Match Frame 199

Viewing and Editing a Clip During Ingest 200

Creating Subclips 201

Downloading an Image 202

Using the Quick Send Feature 204

Using Quick Send with Asset Management Modules 206

Using Quick Send to Send To Playback 206

Publishing Sequences with Graphics 209

Using Player Actions Processes 209

Updating the Asset Thumbnail 210

6 Working with Audio 212

The Audio Tab 212

Audio Monitoring 215

Panning for Assets, Shotlists, and Sequences 216

Setting the Audio Mix 217

Setting the Reference Level 218

Working with Audio Tracks in a Sequence 218

Reassigning Audio Sources in the Sequence Timeline 218

Working with Audio Tracks in a News Sequence 219

Overriding the Default Audio Track Patching 220

Panning for News Sequences 221

Recording a Voice-Over 222

Recording a Voice-Over in Source Mode 223

Recording a Voice-Over in Record Mode 225

Displaying Audio Waveforms 226

7 Working with Metadata 228

The Metadata Tab 228

Understanding Production Management Metadata 232

Understanding Asset Management Metadata 233

Editing Metadata 237

Editing Text Properties 239


Editing Boolean Properties 240

Editing Duration and Timecode Properties 241

Editing Date, Time and Date/Time Properties 241

Editing Float Properties 242

Editing Integer Properties 243

Editing Legal List Properties 243

Editing Thesaurus Properties 244

Editing Master Data Properties 244

Editing Multi-Value Properties 248

Editing Multi-Value Compound Properties 250

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management) 255

Understanding Essences and Essence Packages 255

The File Info Tab Layout 256

Information in the Essence Packages view 256

Information in the Essence Details view 258

Information in the Locations Details view 260

Working in the File Info Tab 261

Editing an Essence Package 262

Cleaning Up Essence Packages 264

Editing the Properties of an Essence 265

Displaying Locations Details for an Essence 267

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab 269

Understanding Production Management Concepts 275

Example Workflows 275

Understanding Production Management Markers and Restrictions 276

Understanding Asset Management Strata 278

Adding, Saving, and Deleting Markers 280

Adding, Saving, and Deleting Restrictions 283

Creating and Deleting Strata Segments 284

Creating Segments with Gaps 286

Creating Adjacent Segments 287


Creating Overlapping Segments 289

Creating Segments Using the Create Segment Feature 291

Deleting Segments 293

Annotating Text Fields 293

Annotating Segment Properties 294

Filtering Markers, Restrictions and Segments 295

Navigating by Markers, Restrictions and Segments 296

Copying and Downloading Markers or Strata Information 297

Thumbnail Options in Card View Layout 299

Working with Card View Layout 301

Working with the Thumbnails Layer 303

Adding Storyboard Items to a Sequence or Container 306

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems 309

What is a Graphics Management System? 309

Viewing Maestro News Assets 309

Understanding the Graphics Tab 311

Integrating with the Rundown App 313

Adding Graphics to a Newsroom Story 314

Adding Graphics to a Story Sequence 316

Deleting a Graphic Item 318

Editing and Previewing Graphic Elements 318

Loading and Editing Maestro Templates or Items 319

Adding Media to a Maestro Template or Item 319

Removing Media from a Maestro Template or Item 320

Editing the Clip Parameters 320

Modifying VSlot and Channel Assignments 321

Modifying In-Out Timecode 321

Previewing Graphic Elements 323

11 Editing a Sequence 325

Understanding Sequence Types 325

Sequence Size and Complexity 327


The Sequence Timeline Area 328

Creating a Sequence 330

Creating a Production Management Sequence 330

Creating an Asset Management Sequence 332

Audio-Only and Video-Only Sequences 333

Audio-Only Shotlists 333

Displaying Media Status in the Timeline 333

Navigating in the Sequence Timeline 335

Changing the Timecode Bar Display Format 335

Using the Sequence Zoom Bar 336

Using the Save Button 337

Saving a Sequence 338

Saving a Version of a Sequence 338

Synchronizing a Sequence 339

Renaming a Sequence 339

Recovering Sequences 339

Opening and Editing a Sequence Created in a Different Application 340

Working with Sequences 341

Locking a Shotlist 342

Performing a Splice-In or Insert Edit 342

Performing an Overwrite Edit 346

Position Indicator Placement After an Insert or Overwrite Edit 350

Performing a Replace Edit 350

Three Point Editing 353

Working with Audio Tracks on News Sequences 354

Using a Sequence as a Source 355

Loading a Clip from the Sequence Timeline 357

Undoing and Redoing an Action in the Sequence Timeline 357

Deleting Segments in the Sequence Timeline 357

Extracting and Lifting Segments 358

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting 358


Moving Segments in the Timeline 359

Adding and Removing Audio Segments in News Sequences 360

Creating Audio-Only Segments in a News Sequence 361

Snapping in the Timeline 362

Trimming Segments in the Timeline 363

Creating L-Cuts in News Sequences 367

Splitting a Segment 368

Displaying Markers in a Sequence 369

Working with Multiple Sequence Tracks 370

Working with Transition Effects 374

Editing Mixed Sequences 377

Creating, Editing, and Syncing Mixed Sequences 379

Releasing the Sync Lock 379

Known Limitations for Draft Sequences 380

Editing a Sequence Associated with a Story 382

Opening a Sequence Associated with a Story 383

Saving a Sequence Associated with a Story 384

Working with Story Segments and Timing Blocks 384

Working with Timing Displays 385

Editing Media into Timing Blocks 387

Extending a Segment into Another Timing Block 388

Showing and Hiding Empty Timing Blocks 389

Manually Adjusting Timing Blocks 391

12 Working with Group Clips 392

Group Clips and Multicamera Workflows 392

Introduction to Group Clips 392

Loading a Group Clip and Changing the Angle View 394

Working with Banks 395

Selecting the Active Angle 395

Playing a Group Clip 396

Timecode and Group Clips 397


Selecting Audio Monitoring Preferences in Source Mode 397

Markers and Restrictions for Group Clips 399

Creating a Shotlist with Group Clips 399

Adding an Active Angle of a Group Clip to a News Sequence 400

Using Match Frame for Group Clips 400

Sending a Sequence with Group Clips to a Playback Device 401

13 Working with the Rundown App 402

Creating a Story 404

Segmenting Stories 405

Writing Stories in Right-to-Left Languages 407

Editing a Story 407

Formatting a Script 408

Adding Production Cues 409

Adding Machine Control Instructions 410

Adding a Primary Machine Control Instruction 411

Locking and Unlocking a Story 412

Inserting Script Templates 413

Inserting MOS Placeholders 413

Adding Media to a Story 414

Associating a Sequence with a Story 415

Creating a Sequence for a Story 417

Creating a Text-Only Story Segment 419

Story Ready Status 420

Recovering Stories In Case of Disconnect 420

Deleting or Recovering a Deleted Story 421

Production Tasks 422

Grouping Stories 422

Renumbering Stories 423

Ordering a Queue 424

Using the Timing Status Bar 426

Tracking a Show in the Rundown App 427


Copying and Moving Stories Between Queues 428

Floating Stories 430

Modifying Fields in the Queue Grid View 431

Printing a Rundown or Stories 434

Loading Large Queues 439

14 Using the Collaborate App 440

The Planner Panel 446

The Planner Sidebar 447

The Planner Explorer 450

Collaborate People and Resources 453

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Contacts 454

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Resources 457

Working with Topics 459

Creating a New Topic 463

Opening an Existing Topic 465

Assigning the Priority and Status 465

Adding and Removing Team Members, Resources, and External Contacts 466

Adding and Removing Tags 467

Working with Metadata 467

Duplicating a Topic 468

Deleting a Topic 468

Working Within the Media Container 469

Adding Assets to the Container 472

Adding a Weblink to the Container 473

Loading Assets from the Container 474

Restoring Assets from the Container 474

Removing Assets from the Container 475

Using the Notes Editor 476

Creating a Collaborate Note 477

Editing a Collaborate Note 477

Using Ninja Mode! 481


Deleting a Collaborate Note 483

Working with Assignments 483

Creating a New Assignment 486

Opening an Existing Assignment 487

Editing an Assignment 488

Working with Assignment Tasks 489

Moving an Assignment to a New Topic 491

Exporting to a Calendar 492

Duplicating an Assignment 493

Deleting an Assignment 493

15 Working with the Acquire App 495

User Interface Elements 495

Calendar Picker 496

Clock 497

Schedule Timeline 497

Recording Details | New Window 499

List View 501

Channels View 501

Ingest Devices and Channels Section 502

Live Preview Button 503

Creating Crash Recordings 504

Scheduling New Recordings 505

Using Tokens with Acquire 511

Adding or Removing a Target 512

Editing Previously Scheduled Recordings 512

Deleting Recordings 516

Monitoring Recordings 517

Viewing Recording Information 518

Viewing Ingest Server Information 520

Viewing the Event Log 520

Viewing Crosspoints 522


16 Using the Clip Mover App 524

Workflow Overview 524

Working with the Clip Mover App 526

Transferring Clips 526

17 Working with the Log App 528

Organizing Folders in the Sidebar 530

Collapsing the Sidebar 531

Working with Templates 532

Creating and Editing Templates 534

Defining the Template Layout 537

Editing Components on Templates 539

Creating Keyboard Shortcuts 544

Coloring Buttons and Dropdown Values 546

Working with Events and Sessions 547

Creating and Editing Events 549

Creating and Editing Sessions 550

Logging Sessions 552

Logging Concepts 553

Modifying the Text Logging Area Layout 556

Logging a Session against the Wall Clock 557

Logging a Session with Attached Asset 559

Searching for Sessions and Associated Media 562

Downloading Logged Session Contents 564

Adding Spans to a Sequence 565

18 Using the Publisher App 566

Publisher App User Interface 567

Accessing the Publisher App 575

Adding Content to the Publisher App 578

Publishing Video Clips and Media Assets 581

Enhancing Video Clips and Other Media Assets 585

Adding Pre and Post Roll 586


Adding Video Transitions to Preroll or Postroll 587

Adding Audio Transitions to Preroll or Postroll 587

Adding Dynamic Overlay 588

Adding Text Overlay 590

Adding Image Overlays 593

Editing 1:1 Video 593

Editing 9:16 Video 594

Using Closed Captions with Your Video Clips 594

Adding or Editing Exclusion Zones within the Video Clip 599

Downloading Clips to Your Local Workstation 601

Downloading Subtitles to Your Workstation 602

Cloning a Video or Image 602

Setting Thumbnail Images 603

19 Using the Associations App 608

Understanding Asset Management Associations 610

Understanding Production Management Relatives 611

Working in the Associations App 611

Display Options in the Card and List View Layout 613

Viewing Relations 617

Opening Recently Viewed Assets 618

Showing and Hiding the Filters Sidebar 618

Filtering the Displayed Relation Types 619

Switching Between Related Assets Within the App 621

Opening Related Assets in the Asset Editor 621

Reusing Related Assets 622

Creating Associations (Asset Management) 623

Moving or Copying Associations (Asset Management) 627

Deleting Associations (Asset Management) 628

20 Working with the Process App 630

Using Basic Process App Features 634

Showing Additional Processes 634


Showing and Hiding Columns 635

Refreshing the Process List 636

Sorting the Process List 637

Working with Process Groups 637

Working with the Process Hierarchy 638

Applying Filters from the Toolbar 640

Working with the Process Sidebar 641

Showing and Hiding the Process Sidebar 641

Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar 641

Creating and Using Process Favorites 646

Viewing Archived Processes 654

Canceling Processes 655

Using Export Options 655

Downloading the Processes List 655

Copying Process Information 656

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management) 657

Working in the Tasks App 660

Filtering Displayed User Tasks 661

Delegating User Tasks 663

Assigning User Tasks to Users and Groups 664

Applying Actions to User Tasks 664

Displaying and Editing User Task Data 665

Adding and Editing User Task Attachments 666

Getting Information on Allowed Attachments 666

Uploading Files as Attachments 667

Downloading File Attachments 668

Deleting Attachments 668

22 Using the Bookmark App 670

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Bookmarks 670

Creating Bookmarks 671

Editing a Bookmark 671


Deleting a Bookmark 672

Working with the Bookmark App 672

Opening a Bookmarked Page 672

Collapsing and Maximizing the Bookmark Sidebar 672

A User Settings 674

Selecting the Language 676

Setting the Default Time Zone 677

Setting the Default Date Format 677

Cleaning the Local Cache Storage 677

Setting the Default Save Location for New Sequences 678

Setting the Default Save Location for New Subclips 678

Muting Audio Tracks 678

Revoking Access Authorization for External Applications 679

Configuring Notifications 681

B Keyboard Shortcuts 684

General Shortcuts 684

Asset Editor Shortcuts 685

Associations App Shortcuts 690

Browse App Shortcuts 691

Collaborate App Shortcuts 691

Layout Menu Shortcuts 693

Log App Shortcuts 694

Metadata Tab Shortcuts 694

My Collection Shortcuts 696

Rundown App Shortcuts 696

Search App Shortcuts 697

Storyboard Tab Shortcuts 699

Tasks App Shortcuts 701

Using This Guide

Using This Guide

This guide is intended for all users of a MediaCentral Cloud UX system. This guide describes product
features and basic user procedures, such as browsing, searching, creating sequences, and creating news

For installation, configuration, and administrative information, see the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX
Installation Guide.

Important: See the following link on the Avid Knowledge Base for the latest updates to this guide and all
related documentation:

Revision History

Date Revised Changes Made

July 9, 2024 Additional information about the Clip Mover workflow: a "LONG-GOP Editor Send-To-
Playback" format needs to be selected in the FastServe | Playout Send To Playback
settings. For more information, see "Workflow Overview" on page 524.
February 29, 2024 Initial release

Beta Apps
This release of MediaCentral Cloud UX might contain features that are included as beta. Apps or features
that fall into this category are clearly identified with a Beta label in the user interface and/or the
MediaCentral Cloud UX documentation. All other features discussed in this document are fully implemented
and are not considered beta.

What is a Beta?

Avid Technology defines the term beta as a feature that is offered to customers for experimentation with the
understanding that Avid expects to fully implement the feature in a future release. Beta features are
officially unsupported and potentially incomplete or unsuitable for production systems. It is possible that
due to unforeseen circumstances, the feature will be altered or altogether removed from the shipping
product. In the future, beta features might be licensed and sold by Avid and use of the feature does not
constitute receipt of a permanent license.

Customer feedback regarding the beta is welcome. Customers may contact Avid Customer Care to create
support cases regarding the feature. However, cases specifically related to beta features will not be
escalated to critical status and might not be resolved.

Symbols and Conventions

Avid documentation uses the following symbols and conventions:

Symbol or Convention Meaning or Action

n A note provides important related information, reminders, recommendations, and

strong suggestions.

c A caution means that a specific action you take could cause harm to your computer
or cause you to lose data.
This symbol indicates menu commands (and subcommands) in the order you select

> them. For example, File > Import means to open the File menu and then select the

Using This Guide

Symbol or Convention Meaning or Action

Import command.

t This symbol indicates a single-step procedure. Multiple arrows in a list indicate that
you perform one of the actions listed.
Bold font Bold font is primarily used in task instructions to identify user interface items and
keyboard sequences.
Italic font Italic font is used to emphasize certain words and to indicate variables. Variables are
often enclosed in angled brackets: < >.
Courier Bold font Courier Bold font identifies text that you type.
Ctrl+key or mouse Press and hold the first key while you press the last key or perform the mouse action.
action For example, Command+Option+C or Ctrl+drag.

If You Need Help

1. Retry the action, carefully following the instructions given for that task in this guide. It is especially
important to check each step of your workflow.
2. Check the latest information that might have become available after the documentation was
published. You should always check online for the most up-to-date release notes or ReadMe because
the online version is updated whenever new information becomes available. To view these online
versions, select ReadMe from the Help menu, or visit the Knowledge Base at
3. Check the documentation that came with your Avid application or your hardware for maintenance or
hardware-related issues.
4. Visit the online Avid Knowledge Base. Online services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Search this online Knowledge Base to find answers, to view error messages, to access troubleshooting
tips, to download updates, and to read or join online message-board discussions.

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For information on courses/schedules, training centers, certifications, courseware, and books, please visit and follow the Training links, or call Avid Sales at 800-949-AVID

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

This chapter gives you a quick way to learn about the basic features in MediaCentral Cloud UX. It shows
you how to locate media assets and use them to create and edit a new sequence. The chapter is divided into
the following topics:
l "Opening MediaCentral Cloud UX and Browsing Your Databases" below
l "Opening a Clip in the Asset Editor" on page 26
l "Creating a Sequence" on page 30
Each topic provides links to more detailed information about working with MediaCentral Cloud UX.

Opening MediaCentral Cloud UX and Browsing Your Databases

Your administrator will provide you with information for signing in to MediaCentral Cloud UX. (For details,
see "Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX" on page 33). After you sign in, the MediaCentral Cloud UX window
opens with the Browse app displayed. The following illustration shows the Browse app opened, with
databases from three workflow modules displayed:
l MediaCentral | Asset Management (shown here as ASSET-MNGT)
l MediaCentral | Newsroom Management (shown here as NEWSROOM)
l MediaCentral | Production Management (shown here as PRODUCTION)

The Browse app displays the modules that are configured for your system. Your system might be configured
with more or fewer modules than those illustrated here.

The Fast Bar

Before browsing a database, let’s take a look at the Fast Bar. It’s located at the top of the MediaCentral
Cloud UX window and has several groups of icons that represent apps that you can open.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

We already have the Browse app open, so the icon is highlighted and colored dark blue (each app has its
own color). Hover your mouse pointer over an icon and a tool-tip with the name of the app is displayed. For
more information about the different apps that are available in the Fast Bar, see "Understanding the Fast
Bar" on page 36.

The Browse App

Now, back to the Browse app. It’s divided into three sections: the app header at the top, the Directory
sidebar on the left, and the toolbar and Results area on the right. The following illustration shows these
three areas and the contents of the folder named “TechPubs.”

Top: App header. Left: Directory sidebar. Right: toolbar and Results area.

l The app header displays the Browse app icon, the path to the open folder (or breadcrumbs), the
Dock/Undock button, the App Menu button, and the Close button.
l The Directory sidebar gives you access to the MediaCentral modules that are configured for your
system. The directory uses a familiar tree structure. Use the turn-down arrows to navigate through
the tree structure and display the contents of a folder.
l The toolbar above the Results area gives you a range of options for changing how assets are
displayed. The assets in the previous illustration are shown in List view. In addition to List view, you
can display assets in Card view, as shown in the following illustration.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

You also have various ways you can sort the results, and can select which attributes to display in the list.
For more information, see "Understanding the Layout of the Results Area" on page 90.


If you want to quickly preview a clip, you can use the hoverscrub feature (if your system is licensed for it).
Just place your cursor over an image in Card view and after a moment, a vertical bar appears that allows
you to scrub the asset by dragging your cursor to the left or right.

For more information, see "Using the Hoverscrub Feature" on page 95.

Docking an App

The left side of the MediaCentral Cloud UX window is the place where you can dock an app. It’s where you
can store an app you’re only using on occasion. To dock an app, click the Dock button. The app collapses to
a narrow view to the left side, available for use but not occupying primary screen real estate. After you dock
the app, you can click the separator bar and use the double-headed arrow cursor to enlarge or reduce the
dock space. The following illustration shows the Browse app docked, with the Dock button and the double-
headed arrow cursor circled.

To restore the app to take up the full screen, click the Dock button again. You can dock any core app (such
as Browse or Search), but you can only dock one app at a time. For more information, see "Docking Apps"
on page 45.

n You might need to review your User Settings before starting your work. You will probably need
information from your administrator to complete most of these settings. For more information, see
"User Settings" on page 674.

Opening a Clip in the Asset Editor

You might have noticed a collapse/expand icon on the right side of the window. This opens and closes the
Asset Editor.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

The Asset Editor is always available, not only for Browse, but for Rundown, Search, and all other apps. You
can use the collapse/expand icon to open the Asset Editor, or just double-click on an asset. In this section
we’ll open and view a clip.

The following illustration shows the Asset Editor with a master clip loaded and the two main areas outlined:
the Media Viewer and the Asset Editor tabs.

The Asset Editor also includes the Sequence Timeline, which you use when working with sequences. We’ll
look at that later in this chapter.

Playing a Clip

You can use the playback controls, located below the monitor, to play and navigate through the clip, or just
drag the blue position indicator to scrub through the clip.

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to navigate through a clip. For example, use the space bar to start and
stop playback, or use the J-K-L keys for variable-speed play. For more information about keyboard
shortcuts, see "Asset Editor Shortcuts" on page 685.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the Asset Editor tabs.

The Audio Tab

The Audio tab provides you with a lot of different ways to monitor the audio in the asset that you are
inspecting. Each track of your asset is displayed (enlarge the Asset Editor or use the scroll bar at the bottom
of the Audio tab if you need to see more tracks). You can adjust the master volume (on the right), or levels
on individual tracks. And if you want to hear only one track, click the S (solo) button for track, and all other
tracks are muted. The following illustration shows the Audio tab with controls to adjust the levels for multiple
audio tracks.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

For more information, see "Working with Audio" on page 212.

n Adjustments that you make to audio are saved only for sequences that you edit and save in Record
mode of the Asset Editor.

The Metadata Tab

The information displayed in this tab depends on the type of asset that you load into the Asset Editor. For
example, a clip stored in a MediaCentral Production Management database and a clip stored in a
MediaCentral Asset Management database show different types of metadata. Some items are editable,
some are not. The following illustration shows metadata for a Production Management clip.

For more information, see "The Metadata Tab" on page 228.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

The Storyboard Tab

The Storyboard tab provides features for editing and viewing metadata added to clips at particular
timecodes. Using the Storyboard view you can do the following;
l View, add, and delete markers and restrictions of Production Management assets
l View the strata and edit the segmentation of Asset Management assets
l View the thumbnails of Production Management and Asset Management assets
In some cases your asset might have multiple layers of metadata. Production Management assets include
layers for each audio and video track, an All markers layer (which displays all markers from all tracks) as
well as a Restrictions layer; while Asset Management assets include layers for each level of strata. Common
to both systems, the Thumbnails layer displays a group of representative images for the asset that is
currently loaded in the Asset Editor. You can control the layer display through a selection menu that is
located at the top of the Storyboard tab.

Depending on the type of the asset and selected layer, the Storyboard tab provides different editing
options. For example, if you select the Thumbnails layer, different time- and marker-based filter options are
available that let you adjust the display of the series of small images of the asset (thumbnails). Viewing and
double-clicking thumbnails can help you navigate through lengthy source clips and markers more quickly.
The following illustration shows thumbnails set for 10 second intervals as well as thumbnails for markers and

For more information, see "Working with the Storyboard Tab" on page 269.

Other Tabs

You might use one or more of these other Asset Editor tabs:
l The File Info tab, which provides technical information about video, audio, image, and text files that
are associated with a selected asset in the MediaCentral Asset Management database. See "The File
Info Tab Layout" on page 256.
l The Graphics tab, which is used when adding graphics assets to your story. See "Working with
Graphics Management Systems" on page 309.
l The Hits tab provides information about the exact location of phonetic, and marker & segment
matches that are returned through a search. See "Using the Asset Editor Hits Tab" on page 176.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

Creating a Sequence
When you want to create a sequence, you can choose from one of three sequence types:
l Sequence: A flexible sequence type that allows you add multiple audio and video tracks and perform
more complex editing.
l Shotlist: A sequence that includes a timeline with one video track and one audio track. This single
audio track represents all source audio tracks. Typically you use it to create a simple sequence
(sometimes referred to as a cut list or EDL).
l News sequence: A sequence that includes a timeline with one video track and three audio tracks.
These tracks are labeled NAT, SOT, and VO for use in broadcast news workflows.
Part of the Asset Editor, the Sequence Timeline is located at the bottom of the screen. This area shows your
loaded sequence and it is synchronized with the Media Viewer to enable editing.

For now, let’s create a shotlist and select clips through the Browse app. Then we’ll use the Asset Editor to
build the shotlist. The examples in this section use clips to create a feature story about the London Zoo.
Start by creating the sequence:

1. In the Browse app, navigate to the folder in which you want to store the sequence.
2. Right-click the folder (or within the folder) and select Create Shotlist.

Your sequence is created in the folder as “New.Shotlist.” Locate the sequence in the Browse app, and
double-click it to load it. It’s empty, but it opens in the Media Viewer, with a start timecode displayed.
There’s metadata in the Metadata tab, and two tracks in the Sequence Timeline: V (Video) and A (Audio). If
you don’t see the Sequence Timeline at the bottom of your screen, click the Timeline button in the top-right
corner of the Asset Editor to display it.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

Click once on the name of the sequence in the Browse app (in this example, New.Shotlist) and give it a new
name (for example, London Zoo Shotlist). Now you can start building your sequence.

Browse to find a clip that you want, and double-click it to load it into the Media Viewer. You’re now in
Source mode. You can easily verify which mode you are in from the color of the timecode display above the
viewer. Blue is for sequences and green is for individual clips.

You can drag the blue position indicator to scrub through the clip, or use controls to play forward and back,
until you have decided on your In and Out marks. In this example, In and Out marks are set for a duration of
35 seconds, as shown by the In to Out Duration in the upper right. Note how the timecode setting is set for
Master (m), which represents the timecode for the position indicator. Click the turn down arrow to change
the timecode setting.

1 MediaCentral | Cloud UX Quick Start

To add the edited clip to your sequence, click the image in the monitor and drag it to the Sequence Timeline,
so that the pointer is below the thin guideline and the outline of the clip is yellow (which indicates an insert
edit). Then release the mouse button. Your new sequence now has its first clip.

Press Ctrl+S to save your sequence.

You might have noticed that if you rest your mouse pointer above the guideline, the outline of the clip is red.
This indicates an overwrite edit. In the case of adding the first clip in a new sequence, it doesn’t matter if
you add the clip as an insert or an overwrite. However, you should pay attention to this when adding
additional clips as it will make a difference to how you build your sequence.

For More Information

MediaCentral Cloud UX includes many features to help you create and deliver your content. The graphical
user interface makes it easy to explore on your own. And there are resources to help you — such as the web-
based Help system which is built from the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX User's Guide. To access this online
resource, click the User Profile icon in the top-right corner of the user interface and select Help & Learn.

For even more product information, you can visit the MediaCentral Cloud UX product page at

Enjoy your journey!

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

MediaCentral enables geographically dispersed teams to connect, communicate, and work together more
easily. Teams have full access to MediaCentral available through MediaCentral Cloud UX — an easy-to-use
and task-oriented graphical user interface that runs on virtually any operating system or mobile device.
Journalists, editors, producers, and other contributors can access tasks, projects, and media from
anywhere, using any device, thus increasing efficiency.

MediaCentral offers a wide array of apps that provide all the capabilities required for high-efficiency media
production, from searching and browsing media, writing stories, editing, publishing, and more — all
accessed from within the MediaCentral Cloud UX interface to provide a consistent and unified user

If you can navigate a web page or smart phone, you can master MediaCentral Cloud UX. Its task-oriented
graphical interface enables you to jump right in and start working immediately.

Signing In to MediaCentral Cloud UX

You can access Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX by entering the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the
server or cluster in the address bar of a supported web browser.

To sign into Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX:

1. Launch a supported web browser on your Windows or macOS client.

For a list of supported browsers, see the Software Compatibility Matrix on the Avid Knowledge Base.
2. Enter the URL of the MediaCentral Cloud UX server in the address bar:
Where <hostname> is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the server or cluster.
When connecting to MediaCentral Cloud UX, you must always enter the server’s FQDN. Do not use
the short host name or the IP address.
The MediaCentral Cloud UX sign-in page appears. Depending on the setup, you might see different

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Example for the sign-in page with the single Microsoft Active Directory sign-on feature enabled.

Example for the sign-in page with OpenID multi-factor authentication enabled.

n If you click the Avid logo in the upper-left corner, the sign-in screen switches to access the
MediaCentral Cloud UX Administrator apps. When this happens, the look of the screen changes
slightly and the word Administrator appears over the User Name field. If you arrived at the
Administrator page by accident, you can click the Avid logo again to return to the standard user
login window. For more information, see “Administrator App Overview” in the Avid MediaCentral
| Cloud UX Installation Guide.

In place of the sign-in screen, you might see a warning indicating that the connection is not private,
as in the following illustration.

Example image from Google Chrome.

If you are presented with this or a similar page, it indicates that a security certificate for the
MediaCentral Cloud UX server does not exist on your workstation. Contact your system
administrator to eliminate this warning message.

c Any attempt to bypass this security warning without a valid signed certificate is unsupported
and could result in negative impacts to your MediaCentral Cloud UX experience.
3. (optional) Click the Language button and select an alternate language for the user interface in the
drop-down menu.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

After signing into the system, you can alter your language selection in the General area of the User
Settings. For more information, see "User Settings" on page 674.

n If you sign in to MediaCentral Cloud UX on a new workstation or through a Chrome Incognito

window, the MediaCentral Cloud UX welcome screen cannot automatically predict your
preferred language. If you do not change the setting, the language associated with your User
Settings is used.

4. Provide your user credentials or authentication information. Depending on your system

configuration, you might have any of the following options:
t Provide your MediaCentral Cloud UX user credentials.
Enter your user name and password and click the “Sign In” button to access MediaCentral
Cloud UX. If one or more users has signed in before on this workstation, a list of users might
appear when you click on the user name field.
t If your administrator has enabled the Single Sign-On option in the MediaCentral Cloud UX
Configuration Settings app, you might see a Sign In With Microsoft button. If you are working
on a Windows workstation, you can click this button to pass your Windows user credentials to
MediaCentral Cloud UX.
t If your administrator has enabled the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), you might need to
verify your credentials using a separate authentication system such as Okta.
a. On the MediaCentral Cloud UX sign-in page, click the "Login with your company SSO"
b. On the Sign In window, enter your user name and password and click the “Sign In”
c. If applicable, verify your identity through any additional prompts that might be
generated by your authentication provider.
After you click the Sign In button, one of the following occurs:
– If you enter a valid user and password, you are granted access to MediaCentral Cloud UX. The
Browse app is displayed by default for every new login.
– If you enter valid credentials, but all licenses are consumed by other users, the system displays
the following or similar message: “Your MediaCentral | Cloud UX Platform licenses are all in
use. Please contact your administrator.”
– If you enter invalid user credentials, the system alerts you to the issue and allows you to try
again. If you enter invalid credentials too many consecutive times, the system temporarily
blocks access to MediaCentral Cloud UX. The sign-in screen displays the following message:
“Login attempt rejected, too many attempts. Next login in 5 seconds”.
If you keep trying, the “cool-down” period increases to a maximum of 30 seconds. This is a
security measure to prevent “brute force” attacks on the system.

5. The first time any user signs in, the Avid Software License Agreement is presented.
If you are presented with this screen, click the Accept License Agreement button to proceed.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

To sign out of Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar.

2. Select Sign Out.

Avid recommends to that you always sign out of MediaCentral Cloud UX before you close your
Chrome browser. This process ensures that your session ends gracefully and that your client licenses
are released in a timely manner.

Understanding the Fast Bar

The Fast Bar at the top of the screen provides easy access to available apps. If you reduce the size of your
browser window to a point at which all apps cannot be displayed, the Fast Bar responsively scales by hiding
apps from right to left. You can access hidden apps by clicking the app overflow button, illustrated below.

The following table provides a list of the most common MediaCentral Cloud UX apps. Your system might
include more apps or fewer apps than those detailed below.

Button Title Description

Acquire The Acquire app is a scheduler for Avid’s ingest servers (MediaCentral |
Stream and FastServe | Ingest) that enables automated recordings
allowing you to schedule and monitor recordings.

For more information, see "Working with the Acquire App" on page 495.
Associations The Associations app is used to show, add, edit, and delete associations
between Asset Management assets. You can also view the relatives of
Production Management assets.

For more information, see "Using the Associations App" on page 608.
Bookmark The Bookmark app allows you to organize and view web links directly from
within the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface. Administrators can
create and share links with all users.

For more information, see "Using the Bookmark App" on page 670.
Browse The Browse app provides easy content navigation and viewing with a
familiar web search approach; analysis and details of any asset type such
as videos, audio clips, and graphics; and quick forward and backward
scrubbing through any clip. This app is opened by default when you sign
into MediaCentral Cloud UX.

For more information, see "Using the Browse App" on page 76.
Clip Mover The Clip Mover app provides organizations with a method of transferring
an incoming, growing recording to playout without having to set an
outpoint first.

For more information, see "Using the Clip Mover App " on page 524.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Button Title Description

Collaborate The Collaborate app provides organizations with a central hub around
which users, tasks, equipment, stories, and more can be organized and
tracked from the inception of a project, through its evolution, and eventual

For more information, see "Using the Collaborate App" on page 440.
Ingest The Ingest app allows you to import field footage shot in various formats
into MediaCentral Cloud UX. The imported clips can be quickly processed
against pre-defined profiles that orchestrate copy, naming and transcode
processes via a powerful rules system.

For more information, refer to the MediaCentral | Ingest User's Guide.

Log The Log app lets you create a layout especially for live event logging, such
as a particular sporting event, reality show episode, or other production.
You can design the layout to include data that is specific to that
production and then use the template in the Log app to quickly create logs
for the production, using the data specified.

For more information, see "Working with the Log App" on page 528.
Process The Process app lets you monitor all processes you created, such as Send
To Playback jobs, draft sequence creation, and others.

For more information, see "Working with the Process App" on page 630.
Publisher The Publisher app is a SaaS (Software as a Service) offering in which all
transcoding, content staging, and publishing is handled automatically,
enabling you to spend more time creating high-value content that drives
traffic and revenue. The app also provides the ability to customize your
content with preroll, graphic and text overlays, subtitles, and more.

For more information, see "Using the Publisher App" on page 566.
Rundown In MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can create Newsroom Management stories,
edit them in the Rundown app, and save them on a Newsroom
Management server. The Rundown app includes an area for a Newsroom
Management queue and story, as well as components of the Asset Editor.

For more information, see "Working with the Rundown App" on page 402.
Search The Search app provides a powerful global search and filtering tool that
enables you to locate video, audio, graphics, and document content —
based on searches that use keywords, metadata, and other specified

For more information, see "Using the Search App" on page 128.
Tasks The Tasks app shows you all tasks that allow you to complete an action.
These tasks can be part of processes that you created or have been
(personal app) created by other users and delegated or assigned to you.

For more information, see "Working with the Tasks App (Asset
Management)" on page 657.
Layouts Allows you to personalize the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface.

For more information, see "Working with Layouts" on the next page.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Button Title Description

Notifications Alerts you to system events.

(personal app) For more information, see "The Notifications App" on page 70.
User Profile The User Profile menu includes the following entries:

l About: Opens a screen with information about the product such as

the version number and System ID. The About window also displays
the name of the currently signed in user and the type of User
License currently consumed by the user.
l User Settings: Opens the User Settings dialog box with configuration
options available for modification to non-administrative users. For
more information, see "User Settings" on page 674.
l Help: Opens the MediaCentral Cloud UX Help system. For more
information, see "Using the Help & Learn System" on page 74.
l Sign Out: Leaves the application and returns to the sign-in screen.

Your access to these and other apps depends on the following factors:
l Is the app installed?
l Is your system properly licensed for the app?
l Has your system administrator enabled the app’s entitlement for your user account (user group)?
Entitlements can be assigned by administrators through the MediaCentral Cloud UX User Settings app. If
your user account does not include an entitlement for an app, it does not appear in the user interface.

Working with Layouts

Located at the far right of the Core apps section of the Fast Bar, the Layouts button allows you to
customize the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface, and then save those customizations for future
sessions. For example you might create a layout that opens your favorite apps and tools used in a Logging
workflow, or you might create one that is more applicable to creating stories in the Rundown app.

You can create layouts that are exclusive to your user account, or you can save a layout as a public
resource so that other members of your organization can benefit from it. Layouts are saved on the
MediaCentral Cloud UX server on a per-user basis. This ensures that you have access to your layouts
whenever and from wherever you sign into the system.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

The Layouts menu is divided into to sections:

l My Layouts
l Public Layouts
The following illustration and table provide more information about the Layouts menu.

# Description

1 Sort button. For more information, see "Reordering and Sorting the Layout List" on page 41.

2 My Layouts area lists all layouts that are created by you and are available to you only.

You can click the chevron on the right of My Layouts and Public Layouts to collapse or expand that
section of the menu.

3 The white star identifies your personal default. For more information, see "Working with Default
Layouts" on page 42.

4 Blue highlighting identifies the active layout.

5 The Layouts menu might display one or more layouts that are greyed-out. This might occur if your user
account does not have permissions to access a certain app or if you are accessing MediaCentral Cloud
UX through a panel, such as the MediaCentral Panel for Media Composer. In this illustration, the
LOG layout is unavailable to the user.

You cannot edit an unavailable layout or set it as your default, but you can delete an unavailable
layout if you have the correct user permissions.

6 Public layouts are visible to all MediaCentral Cloud UX users. Any administrator-created, all users
layout also appears in this area. Public layouts created by other users appear below any layouts that
you might have created.

7 The star with gear icon identifies an Administrator-created "all users" default. For more information, see
"Working with Default Layouts" on page 42.

For more information on keyboard shortcuts, see "Layout Menu Shortcuts" on page 693.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Creating a New Layout

Avid does not currently impose a limit on the number of potential layouts that you can create. When you
create a new layout, the following values are saved:
l App position (docked or main) and the width of the panel that contains the app.
l The individual state of a multi-instance app.
Layouts save the state of the app in the docked and main area if the UI only. If for example you dock
the Browse app, create another Browse instance in the main area, and then create a third instance
(accessible in the Fast Bar), the layout saves only the docked and main instances of the app.
l The Asset Editor status (open or closed only).
The layout displays the Asset Editor in its default view (Media Viewer open, Tabs open with Audio tab
l The Tasks app status (open or closed).
l (Browse app) The selected tab in the Browse app sidebar.
The layout also saves the current position in the folder structure.
Favorites: The layout saves the state of each favorite folder (expanded or collapsed).
l (Browse app, Search app) The selected view of the Results area (Card or List view). This includes
information on the order and size of the columns, Display Options, Sort By and sort order.
l (Search app) The selected tab in the Search app sidebar.
– Filters: The layout saves any filters that have been applied in the sidebar.
– Favorites: The layout saves the state of each favorite section (expanded or collapsed). If new
folders are created after you create the layout, they appear collapsed by default.
l (Search app) If you configure the Search app's Location pill, the layout saves your current selection /
folder path.
If you save a location as part of your layout and that location is later renamed, deleted, or is
otherwise unavailable to you, the system notifies you about the change when selecting the layout. In
this case the Location pill is reset to display All Systems.
To create a new layout:

1. Configure the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface to your desired configuration.

2. Click the Layouts button in the Fast Bar.
3. Click the Save Layout option in the menu.
4. Configure the required fields and options in the Save Layout window.
a. Enter a name for the layout.
While there is no character limit, the Layouts menu displays a maximum of eleven characters.
If you exceed that limit, the menu displays a set of ellipses to indicate that some characters are
The Layout menu allows you to create more than one layout with the same name. This
behavior is intentional to enable new functionality in future releases. After you save the layout,
you can hover your cursor over the Layout menu item to display the full name as a tool-tip.
b. Configure the default layout check box.
For more information on this setting, see "Working with Default Layouts" on page 42.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

c. If you want to save this layout so that is available to other members of your team, select the
Public check box.
d. (Administrators only) Configure the "Set this layout as default for all users" check box.
If you select this option, the "Make this view public" option is enabled automatically and
cannot be deselected. For more information about default layouts, see "Working with Default
Layouts" on the next page.
After you create and save a layout with this setting enabled, the layout appears under the
Public section of the menu.
5. Click the Save button.
Your new layout is saved. If you have more than one layout, the most recent layout is displayed at
the bottom of the list by default.

Activating a Layout
Complete the following steps to select a layout.

To select a previously created layout:

1. Click the Layout button in the Fast Bar.

2. Click the Layouts sub-menu and select your desired layout.
The user interface reconfigures itself to match the layout.
If your layout includes the Search app, the layout automatically executes any search or filters that
might have been saved with that layout.

Reordering and Sorting the Layout List

Layouts are displayed with the most recent layout at the bottom of the list by default. However, you can
reorder the layouts that are included in the My Layouts area. You cannot drag a layout from My Layouts to
the Public Layouts list.

To sort the list:

t Click the Sort button at the top of the Layouts menu and selecting a sorting option: Ascending,
Descending, or Custom (the default).
To reorder the list:
t When in the Custom sort view, click, drag, and drop a layout from the My Layouts section to a
different position in the list.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click multiple layouts and then drag them as a group to the new position.
As you drag the selection, the system displays a counter in the upper-left corner to note the number
of layouts to be moved.

The list is reordered.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Working with Default Layouts

When you create a layout, you have the option of enabling the "Make this layout default" feature. Default
layouts load automatically when you sign into MediaCentral Cloud UX. You can alter the look of the default
layout or define a new default at any time. If you are a system administrator, the Save Layout menu
includes a "Set this layout as default for all users" option that allows you to configure a default layout for
the entire system.

Note the following when creating or working with defaults:

l You are not required to define a default layout.
l If you or your administrator do not define a default layout, the system displays the Browse app on
login by default.
l If your administrator creates a default layout for all users, the following applies:
– New users see this layout automatically when signing into MediaCentral Cloud UX.
– The system displays this layout automatically (after the next sign-in to the system) for any
existing user that did not define a personal default layout.
– Existing users who have already defined a default layout maintain their existing default.
– If an administrator deletes the all-users layout, the system defaults to the Browse app, or to
the user's individual default layout.
l If you delete your default layout, the following applies:
– If an all-users default layout exists, that layout is displayed on the next sign-in to the system.
– If an all-users layout does not exist, the system displays the Browse app by default.
l Individual users are free to define a personalized default, overriding any default layout created by an
l If your user rights change and your default layout becomes unavailable, the system displays a "No
application config found" message when you sign in. If this happens, speak with the system
administrator about your user rights, or set a new layout as your default.
To define a new default layout through the Layouts menu:

n The following process applies to personal defaults only. To enable or disable administrator created all-
user defaults, you must edit the layout and enable or disable the option.

1. Click the Layout button in the Fast Bar.

2. Hover your cursor over the layout that you want to use as the new default layout.
As shown in the following illustration, the current default layout (“My Default Layout” in this
example), is associated with a solid star icon. All other layouts display a hollow star button on hover.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Not shown: Administrator-created "all users" default layouts appear in the Public section with a different icon.

3. Click the star button to the left of the layout name to make it your new default.

Editing or Deleting an Existing Layout

This topic includes information on how to edit layout settings, and how to permanently delete a layout.
Public layouts can only be edited or deleted by the user that created that layout, or a system administrator.

If you delete your default layout and your administrator has created an "all users" default layout, the
system uses the "all users" layout as your new default.

To update an existing layout:

1. Click the Layout button in the Fast Bar and load the layout that you want to update.
2. Make changes to the user interface — such as docking a different app, opening or closing the Asset
Editor, or other.
3. Click the Layouts sub-menu and click the Layout Settings button to the right of the layout that you
want to update.
4. Click the Save button to update the layout.
To change the name of a layout:

1. Click the Layout button in the Fast Bar.

2. Click the Layouts sub-menu and click the Layout Settings button to the right of the layout that you
want to rename.
3. Enter a new name for the layout.
4. Click the Save button to update the name.
To delete a layout:

1. Click the Layout button in the Fast Bar.

2. Click the Layouts sub-menu and do one of the following:
t Click the Delete button to the right of a single layout.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click multiple layouts and then click the Delete button to the right of any of
the selected layouts.
This feature allows you to delete multiple layout simultaneously. As long as you are the owner
or an administrator, you can delete any combination of private and public layouts in the same
delete action.
3. Click the Delete button in the Delete Layout confirmation window, or click Cancel to abort the
If you selected multiple layouts, the confirmation window displays the number of layouts that will be

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

App Types
MediaCentral Cloud UX distinguishes two types of apps:
l Core apps: Apps that are dedicated to most basic, fundamental tasks within a workflow. Core apps
are launched full screen and can be docked to the left side of the MediaCentral Cloud UX window so
you can use a core app alongside other apps.
l Personal apps: Apps that are dedicated to user-specific tasks or a presentation of user-specific
information. Personal apps are launched at the right side of the MediaCentral Cloud UX window so
you can use them alongside other apps. Personal apps cannot be docked.
The Tasks app and the Notifications are examples of personal apps.
The type of app determines how the app is opened and closed, and its docking behavior. For more
information, see "Opening and Closing Apps" below and "Docking Apps" on the next page.

Opening and Closing Apps

When you click on any of the icons in the Fast Bar, the selected app opens and the icon is highlighted to
indicate that the app is active. Clicking on a different app switches the user interface to the newly selected
app, unless that app is docked. For more information, see "App Types" above and "Docking Apps" on the
next page.

You can have up to three apps open at the same time, as shown on the following illustration:
l One docked core app
l One core app
l One personal app

From left to right: docked Browse app (blue border), Search app (main area, orange border), Asset Editor (collapsed, no border), and the
Tasks app (red border)

Additionally, you can show the Asset Editor to the right of the core app. For more information, see "The
Asset Editor" on page 66.

You can hide or close an app. Note the following difference between closing and hiding an app:
l If you hide an app, the app is removed from the layout in its current status. When you open the app
again, it shows the same status as when it was hidden.
For example, if you navigate in the Browse app to an asset in a folder, then hide and open the Browse
app, the same folder is selected in the Directory sidebar and its contents are shown in the Results

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

l If you close an app and open it again, the app shows its default settings.
For example, if you navigate in the Browse app to an asset in a folder, then close and reopen the
Browse app, the Browse app’s Directory sidebar is not expanded but shows the top-level entries.
To open an app:
t Click the app button on the Fast Bar.
Core apps are loaded into the main area of the user interface, while personal apps are loaded to the
right of the Asset Editor.
t Place your cursor over the icon of a core app in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the left side of
the user interface.
The app is docked. For more information, see "Docking Apps" below.
t Place your cursor over the icon of a core app in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the main area of
the user interface.
If you do not have any other apps open, the new app is added to the main area of the user interface.
If you already have a core app loaded into the main area of the user interface, the drag action adds
the new app to the main area and docks the original app.
As shown in the following example illustration, the Browse app is open and the user is in the process
of dragging the Search app to the main area of the user interface. MediaCentral Cloud UX provides
graphical feedback by outlining the area in blue and showing the name of the app.

To close an app:
t Click the close box in the app header.
To hide an app:
t (Personal apps only) Click the highlighted app button on the Fast Bar.
t (If the app is not docked) Click the button of another core app on the Fast Bar.
t (If the app is docked) Dock another core app.

Docking Apps
The left side of the MediaCentral Cloud UX window is the place where you can dock an app. When an app is
docked, the app reduced in size and placed to the left side of the user interface. You can then use the
docked app alongside other apps. Apps that support docking provide a Dock / Undock toggle button in the
app header.

Note the following basic docking principles:

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

l You can dock any core app, but you can only dock one app at the same time. If you have one app
docked and dock another app, the first app is hidden.
l If you have one app open and you dock it, you see the empty main area to the right of the docked
l If you have one app docked, any new app is opened to the right of the docked app.
l If you undock an app, you hide any other open core app. Personal apps are not hidden when you
undock an app.
l You can change the size of a docked app by dragging the double-headed arrow cursor to the left or
right. If you have another app open, the size of this app is also changed. Changing the size of a
docked app does not affect the width of the Asset Editor.
The following illustration shows an example for docked apps: Browse app (left) and Search app (right). The
Undock button is marked.

To dock an app, do one of the following:

t Click the app’s Dock button.
t Place your cursor over the icon of a core app in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it downward to the
left side of the user interface that will be highlighted as drop area (shown dimmed and marked with a
blue frame).

To undock an app:
t To restore the app to take up the initial width, click the Dock button again.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Opening Multiple App Instances

In some cases, your workflow might benefit from have multiple copies of the same app open at the same
time. For instance, you might want to open two copies of the Browse app to enable a drag and drop
workflow for easier media management. Alternatively, you might want multiple copies of the Search app
available — each containing different searches and results. To this end, MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you
to open multiple instances of the same app within a single user session.

Whenever you open two or more instances of the same app, a number appears over the button in the Fast
Bar to indicate the number of available instances. Every time that you create an additional instance, this
number is incremented by one. The following illustration shows that three instances of the Browse app have
been created.

After you create more than one copy of the same app, you can right-click on the app in the fast bar to
switch between the different instances. The following illustration provides an example of this menu.

If you are working in the Browse app, the name of each instance reflects the current location in the
directory structure. If you have not navigated to a specific location, the name of the instance is “Browse”. If
you are working in the Search app, the name reflects the Search Terms.

If you right-click on an app that you have not yet accessed, the multi-instance menu indicates that there
are “No open instances”. In this case you can create a new instance or close the menu by pressing the ESC
key or by clicking anywhere else in the user interface.

You can enable multi-instance workflows in the following ways:

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

l Dock the first instance of the app and then open a second instance of the same app in the main area
of the user interface. This process enables a side-by-side workflow.
l In the Browse app, right-click an item and in the Open in context menu that opens, select Browse.
This process enables a side-by-side workflow for the Browse app.
l Right-click on the button in the fast bar to switch between multiple instances of the app.
l Load an asset into the Asset Editor and click the Open in Browse button in the Media and Playback
Controls bar.
When working with multiple app instances, note the following:
l MediaCentral Cloud UX supports up to 30 instances of each app in a single user session. If you reach
the maximum of 30 instances, the menu prompts you to close an instance before allowing you to
create another.
l If you sign-out of MediaCentral Cloud UX, your app instances are not retained when you sign back
in. If you refresh your browser, any instances that are not docked or loaded in the main area of the
user interface are lost.
l If you switch to a different app and then return to the app that includes the multiple instances, the
user interface displays the first instance of the app.
l In this release, only Browse and Search support a multi-instance workflow.
The following processes describe how to open, close, and switch to different instances of the same app.

To open multiple instances of the same app:

t Right-click on the app in the Fast Bar to access the menu and click Create new <app> instance.

t Ctrl+click (Windows) or Alt+click (macOS) the app in the Fast Bar to open another copy of the app.

The user interface switches to the new instance of the app. If the app is docked, the new instance of
the app opens in the main area of the user interface.

To switch between app instances:

t Right-click on the app in the Fast Bar to access the menu and select one of the open instances.
If you have multiple instances opened (one docked and another open in the main area of the user
interface), the new instance is loaded in the main area of the user interface.
To close one app instance:
t Right-click on the app in the Fast Bar to access the menu and click the X to the right of the instance
that you want to close.
t If you are currently viewing an instance, you can close the app to exit the current instance.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Choosing the App for Opening Assets

MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to open and view assets using a variety of methods. While you have
always been able to double-click an asset to load it into its default app, MediaCentral Cloud UX v2020.4
introduced an “Open in” menu option that allows you to open the asset in an alternate app, or define a new
default app for the asset type. The following list provides more information on each of these options:
l Double-click: Double-clicking an asset opens it in the app that is defined as the default app.
l Open in: The context-menu provides a list of apps in which the selected asset can be opened.
Selecting an option in the Open in menu opens the asset directly in the app even if the app was not
open yet.
l Default app: For each asset type, a default app is defined. This is the app in which an asset is opened
when you double-click the asset. You can define the default app by using the Manage default
application option in the Open in context-menu.
MediaCentral Cloud UX provides a definition of allowed applications for each asset and system type. The
“Open in” context menu displays a list of all apps that support the selected asset type and it shows the
current default app with a “(Default)” identifier.

When using the Open in feature, note the following:

l When you use the Open in feature, the app from which you invoked the feature is docked and the
asset opens in the selected app in the main area. This closes any other app which is already open in
the main area.
l When you use the Open in feature in an app that is open in the main area while another app is
– If the target app is an already docked Associations or Rundown app, the asset opens in the
docked app and the app in which you invoked the feature remains open in the main area.
– If the target app is another app, the app in which you invoked the feature is docked and the
asset opens in the selected app in the main area. The previously docked app is hidden.
l If you are working with the “Open in” feature in the Browse app, the current instance of the app is
docked and a new instance opens in the main area of the user interface. This process enables a side-
by-side workflow. The name of each instance reflects the current location in the directory structure.
See "Opening Multiple App Instances" on page 47.
l If you use the Open in feature to open an asset in the Collaborate app, the system displays a window
that identifies each assignment in which that asset exists. In the following example, the asset is
included in two different assignments (within two different topics):

l In all cases, the selected asset is loaded into the Asset Editor (if applicable) and the Asset Editor is
expanded to display the asset.
l You can use the Open in feature with only one asset at a time. Multi-selection is not supported.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

When defining the default application, note the following:

l By default, the Asset Editor is defined as the default application for Production Management and
Asset Management assets. For Newsroom Management queues and stories, the Rundown app is the
default application. Until changed, the apps are marked as “default” in the corresponding Open in
context menu and selected when you open the Manage default application dialog box.
l The Asset Editor has the highest priority for Production Management and Asset Management asset
types. A Production Management or Asset Management asset will always be opened in Asset Editor
when it is double-clicked even if another app is defined as the default application for that asset type.
In this case, you open the asset by double-clicking both in Asset Editor and in the defined default app.
l Each changed default app definition is stored locally for your browser and persists from one session
to another. The changed default app definition is not retained when you access MediaCentral Cloud
UX from another device or workstation.
The following processes describe how to use the Open in feature and define the default application.

To open an asset using the Open in menu:

1. Right-click an asset.
2. In the Open in context menu that opens, select the app in which you want to open the selected asset.
The following illustration shows the Open in menu for an Asset Management asset.

3. (if applicable) If you select the Collaborate app, do one of the following:
t Select the assignment that you wish to access, and click Open.
t If your asset is not included in any Collaborate assignment or it is included at the topic-level
only, the Select window informs you that you cannot open the asset in the Collaborate app.
Click the Cancel button to close the window.
To define the default app:

1. Right-click an asset and in the Open in context menu that opens select Manage default app.
The Manage default application dialog box opens. The dialog box shows all apps that can open the
selected asset type. Therefore, the entries in the Manage default application dialog box may vary
depending on the asset for which the dialog box was opened. For example, the dialog box will show
other apps for a Production Management master clip than for a Newsroom Management story. The
following illustration shows the Management default application dialog box for an Asset
Management asset.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

2. Select the option button of the app you want to define as the default app.
3. Click Save.
Double-clicking an asset of the selected type will now open the asset in the new default app.

Opening Assets with an External Application

Starting with version 2020.9, MediaCentral Cloud UX enhances the options on how to open assets in apps:
Administrators can define one or more applications that can be used to work with Avid assets, outside of
MediaCentral Cloud UX. This allows you to potentially take advantage of features included in other
applications that are not present in MediaCentral Cloud UX to review or enhance your assets.

External applications can open or work with the asset, only if they understand the asset parameters or
type. MediaCentral Cloud UX provides a sample configuration that allows Asset Management users to load
video- and audio-type assets in Asset Management Cataloger to create or edit the stratified annotation of
the asset.

When using the “Open with external application” feature, note the following:
l External applications that are to be started from within MediaCentral Cloud UX require a valid
configuration in the MediaCentral Cloud UX administration application.
l The “Open with external application” context menu is only shown for asset types that are defined in
the External Application configuration.
l When you start the external application from within MediaCentral Cloud UX for the first time, you are
prompted to grant access for the external application with specified rights. The rights grant persists
for 30 days and will be extended for 30 days each time you open an asset in the external app during
the expiration period. You can revoke the granted rights any time in the User Settings. After that, you
are prompted to grant access for the external application again the next time when you start the
external application from within MediaCentral Cloud UX. For more information, see "Revoking Access
Authorization for External Applications" on page 679.
l You can apply the Open with external application feature to one asset at the same time. Multi-
selection is not supported.
l Independent of the language selected for the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface, your
administrator can define in the External Application configuration a language in which the Asset
Management Cataloger user interface is to be shown, such as German.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

The following procedure describes how to use the Open with external application feature for the Asset
Management Cataloger.

To open an asset in an external application:

1. Right-click an audio- or video-type asset.

2. In the Open with external app... context menu that opens, select the app in which you want to open
the selected asset. In this example, this is the Asset Management Cataloger.

When you start the Cataloger for the first time from within MediaCentral Cloud UX, a prompt asks
you to open MediaCentral Asset Management Cataloger.

3. To avoid this prompt in the future, select the “Always allow <MCCUX server name> to open links of this
type in the associated app” and then click the Open MediaCentral | Asset Management Cataloger
The Cataloger starting screen and a Login page open. The “Authorize Cataloger to” box shows the
edit rights that you will grant Cataloger for the assets that you open from MediaCentral Cloud UX.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

4. Enter your MediaCentral Cloud UX password. While you type, the Authorize button is activated.
The name that you used to sign-in to MediaCentral Cloud UX is already set and cannot be changed.
5. Click the “Authorize” button to load the asset into Cataloger.
This process can take several seconds. If you click Cancel, a message informs you that access cannot
be granted. The asset is not loaded into Cataloger.
Cataloger does not perform a “live” update of the asset: After editing and saving the stratified annotation
of the asset in Cataloger you need to reload the asset in MediaCentral Cloud UX to see the updated
annotation, for example in the Asset Editor’s Storyboard tab.

Certificate Validation Error

In place of the Cataloger starting screen, you might see a Certificate Validation Error warning. If you are
presented with this dialog, it indicates that a security certificate for the Asset Management or MediaCentral
Cloud UX server or both is invalid or not trusted (self-signed).

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

In this case, do the following:

l Click Exit and contact your system administrator to eliminate this warning message.
If your company policy allows using invalid or self-signed certificates, you could also do one of the
following. Note that this might result in negative impacts to your Asset Management Cataloger experience:
l Click Accept to load the object in Cataloger. If another certificate issue is detected — for example,
from the MediaCentral Cloud UX server —, the Certificate Validation Error warning might open again
before the asset is opened in Cataloger. The certificate is accepted during the Cataloger session.
l Select the Do this for all certificate validation errors and click Click Accept to load the asset in
Cataloger. This eliminates additional Certificate Validation Error messages. The certificate is
accepted during the Cataloger session.
l Click the Show link to locally install the certificate and explicitly trust self-signed certificates.

Understanding the Actions Menu and Process Creation

In several locations of the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface you might notice an “Actions” menu entry
in an App menu or context menu of an asset. The Actions menu allows you to create an Asset Management
process. The following topics provide information on the Actions menu and basic principles of process
l "Understanding Processes" on the next page
l "Actions Menu: Location and Contents" on page 56
l "Basic Process Creation Steps" on page 58
l "Understanding the Process Creation Dialog Box" on page 58
l "Providing Process Metadata" on page 61
l "Assets and Files as Process Attachments" on page 62
l "Using File Attachments During Process Creation" on page 62
l "Getting Information on Allowed Attachments" on page 65

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Understanding Processes
A process is a defined set of automated workflows and manual activities that are created to achieve a
specific goal; it defines the states, tasks, and the control flow that are used to achieve the goal. Processes
are modeled to mirror specific business workflows of customers with specific user interactions. When you
create a process, you automatically attach the open or selected asset to the process. Use the Tasks app if
you want to create a process without initially attached asset(s).

Your ability to create and initiate processes depends on Asset Management user privileges and rules. For
example, the credentials you use to sign in to must allow creation of processes. Beyond that, the
configuration of the process in Asset Management and in Media Central Cloud UX Process Modeler
determines which action can be applied and the number and type of assets that can be attached to a
process (for example basic sequence, video or audio, or mixed attachments). Therefore, for example, the
Actions menu might show different and fewer processes for an Asset Management image asset (left) than
for an Asset Management video asset (right), as shown in the following illustration.

If the required packages are installed or product options are available in Asset Management and the used
processes are configured accordingly, you can also attach Production Management assets or a Newsroom
Management queue or story to a process. Use the same procedure for creating processes for Asset
Management assets and assets from other modules. The following illustration shows an example of the
Actions menu for a selected Production Management master clip.

The following example shows the Actions menu for a Newsroom Management queue selected in the Browse
app (left) and for a story selected in the Rundown app (right).

For more information, see the Avid MediaCentral | Shared Library User’s Guide.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Actions Menu: Location and Contents

Apps that support the creation of processes provide an “Actions” menu item either in the App Menu or the
context menu of selected asset(s) or both to let you select the Asset Management system running the
process and the configured process types. These are:
l Browse app: App Menu and context menu
l Search app: App Menu and context menu
l Associations app: Context menu of an associated asset
l Collaborate app: Context menu of an asset in a container
l Tasks app: App menu. Here the corresponding menu item is labeled “Create Processes.”
l Rundown app: Context menu of a story
l Asset Editor’s Metadata and Storyboard tabs: Tab menu
l Special case: Asset Editor’s Media Viewer button bar: Instead of the Actions menu, a Quick Send and
Player Actions button give access to specific Quick Send and Player Actions processes. See "Using
Quick Send with Asset Management Modules" on page 206 and "Using Player Actions Processes" on
page 209.
The contents of the Actions menu depends on the number of available Asset Management systems, Asset
Management user privileges and rules, process configuration and selected asset.
l If there is one Asset Management system connected to MediaCentral Cloud UX that allows creating
processes, the process types are listed as menu entries in the Actions or Create Process menu.

l If there are several Asset Management systems connected to MediaCentral Cloud UX that allow
creating processes, a menu entry with the system name is shown for each system. Within the
individual system entries the process types are listed as sub-menu entries.

l If a process type provides options (for example, different targets or file types for an export process),
the process options are listed as sub-menu entries in the process type menu item.

l If the Asset Management system does not support process creation for the selected asset(s) or no
process type is applicable, the menu only shows a “No items” entry.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

l If no asset is selected (Browse and Search app) or loaded (Metadata tab), the Actions menu item is

l An “Actions” related error message — retrieving the supported process types has failed or timed out
— is shown inside the context menu.

l The available process types may differ for the same asset type if an individual asset or several assets
are selected. In case of multi-selection only the process types that support multi-selection for the
selected asset type are shown. For example, Archive Show only supports one attached queue; if your
selection includes more than one queue, the Archive Show process type will not be shown as Actions
menu option.
The same is true for mixed attachments: If your selection includes assets of different asset types, only
the process types that allow attaching all selected asset types will be shown. For example, if you
select an image and a video, the Analyse Multiple Videos process type will not be shown as Actions
menu option.
l If the list of process types contains many entries, a scroll bar is displayed that lets you navigate the

The order in which process types are listed in the Actions menu can be configured by an Asset Management
administrator. If sorting of the process types is not configured in Asset Management, the process types
appear in an unsorted order in the Actions menu. For more information on configuring the Actions menu, see
“Configuring the Actions Menu for MediaCentral | Cloud UX” and “Defining Actions Sub-Menus in
MediaCentral | Cloud UX” in the Avid MediaCentral | Asset Management Process Reference.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Basic Process Creation Steps

Although processes are modeled to mirror specific business workflows, they basically share the same
interaction patterns. There is one difference regarding the process creation context:
l In most cases, when you create a process, you automatically attach the open or selected asset to the
l There can be processes that do not require an attached asset upon process creation. These processes
can only be created in the Tasks app.
For more information, see "Assets and Files as Process Attachments" on page 62.

To create a process with attached asset(s):

1. Select one or more assets.

2. Do one of the following:
t (Browse and Search app) Click the App Menu button and select Actions.
t Right-click the selection and select Actions.
3. (if several are available) Select the Asset Management system on which the process is to be created.
4. Select the process type.
5. (optional) If the process type provides a sub-menu, select the desired menu item.
6. In the process creation dialog box that opens, supply the required information, upload files to the
process (if supported by the process), and click OK.
To create a process without initial attachment:

1. Open the Tasks app.

2. Click the App Menu button and select Create Process.
3. (if several are available) Select the Asset Management system on which the process is to be created.
4. Select the process type.
5. (optional) If the process type provides a sub-menu, select the desired menu item.
6. In the process creation dialog box that opens, upload files to the process, supply the required
information and click OK.
Once created, you can monitor your process in the Process app. For more information, see "Working with
the Process App" on page 630.

If the process requires you to take an additional action, the corresponding user task will be shown in the
Tasks app. For more information on tasks, see "Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)" on
page 657.

For more information on how processes are created in a specific context, see "Creating Assets" on page 110,
"Uploading Files to Assets" on page 112, "Deleting Assets and Basic Sequences" on page 117, "Removing the
Reservation Properties by Using a Process" on page 123, and "Cleaning Up Essence Packages" on page 264.

Understanding the Process Creation Dialog Box

After selecting a process type from the Actions menu, the process creation form configured for the process
opens. Although each process may show different details, all process creation dialog boxes share the same
layout, as shown in the following example.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Control Description
1 Attachments counter Shows the number of assets and files attached to the process. For more
information, see "Assets and Files as Process Attachments" on page 62.
2 Show Details button Opens the Allowed Attachment Types window that provides information
about the types and amount of assets that are allowed as attachments for
the process. For more information, see "Getting Information on Allowed
Attachments" on page 65.
3 Upload button If a process is configured accordingly, you can upload files to the process
during process creation. In this case, an Upload button is shown in the
process creation dialog box and dropping files to the process creation
dialog box is enabled. For more information, see "Using File Attachments
During Process Creation" on page 62.
4 Delete Attachment Is only shown if the process is configured to allow deleting file attachments.
button You cannot delete the asset(s) originally attached to the process.
5 Metadata area Displays process metadata. You can collapse and expand the area by
clicking the Expand/Collapse icon to the left side of the Metadata header.
The height of the area might vary depending on the number of properties
and attachments. If the number of properties exceeds the maximum height
of the area, a scroll bar is shown to the right side.

If a property is editable, the value field is underlined and a text box, drop-
down menu, or other input control is displayed. Read-only properties do not
provide an input control. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. As

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Control Description
long as there is an empty mandatory field you cannot create the process.
For more information, see "Providing Process Metadata" on the next page.
6 Attachments area Displays assets and files attached to the process. You can collapse and
expand the area by clicking the Expand/Collapse icon to the left side of the
Attachments header. The height of the area might vary depending on the
number of properties and attachments. If the number of attachments
exceeds the maximum height of the area, a scroll bar is shown to the right

For each attachment, an attachment card shows (from left to right) a type
icon, a thumbnail or icon in the Thumbnail column, the name, type, size,
and upload status. Attached files are shown first; below the files, attached
assets are shown (without Size and Status information).

You can resize the Name and Type columns by clicking the column divider
and dragging it to the left or right.
7 Buttons Let you create the process or cancel the process creation.

l Clicking OK creates the process with the provided metadata and

l Clicking Cancel discards all provided metadata and attachments
and closes the process creation dialog box without creating the
The same happens if you reload or close the Chrome browser tab,
and you click Reload in the “Reload site?” prompt that opens: the
process creation is canceled.

In some cases, the process creation dialog box will not show the Metadata and Attachments areas
immediately but a “Preparing process” message, as shown in the following example.

In those cases, the process performs some initial backend actions to prepare the display of all details. When
the actions are finished, the Metadata and Attachments areas will be shown in the process creation dialog

In case the process preparation fails, an error message is displayed, as shown in the following example.
Click the "Technical details" link to show the technical error message.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Providing Process Metadata

In addition to text properties, Asset Management process creation forms can provide several other property
types. Which properties are available and can be edited in a process creation dialog box depends on the
configuration of the process template in Asset Management Datamodel Administrator.

You can annotate editable fields of Asset Management process in the process creation dialog box.
“Annotation” here refers to the process of adding information to the process. Annotation related to an asset
can be entered and edited in the Metadata tab. Basically, you have the same options for annotating
process metadata as for annotating properties in the Metadata tab.

Unlike the Metadata tab, where saving changes might be required (depending on the configured save
mode), in a process creation dialog box changes are automatically saved when you position the cursor
outside the edited field (by clicking or pressing the Tab key) or you select a value from a legal list or

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. When you delete the input from a mandatory field, the
asterisk and the bottom line of the mandatory field are highlighted in red and a red exclamation mark is
shown; when you hover the mouse over the exclamation mark, a “This field is required” pop-up message
appears. As long as there is an empty mandatory field you cannot create the process: When you click the
OK button, the area scrolls to the empty mandatory property; if the Metadata area was collapsed, it is
expanded to show the properties.

For more information on how to edit the individual property types, see the corresponding Metadata tab
l "Editing Text Properties" on page 239
l "Editing Boolean Properties" on page 240
l "Editing Duration and Timecode Properties" on page 241
l "Editing Date, Time and Date/Time Properties" on page 241
l "Editing Float Properties" on page 242
l "Editing Integer Properties" on page 243
l "Editing Legal List Properties" on page 243
l "Editing Thesaurus Properties" on page 244
l "Editing Master Data Properties" on page 244
l "Editing Multi-Value Properties" on page 248
l "Editing Multi-Value Compound Properties" on page 250

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Assets and Files as Process Attachments

Depending on the process configuration, you can attach assets or files or both to processes and user tasks.
Note the following differences between asset and file attachments:
l Assets: Assets are registered, saved, and searchable in the Asset Management and MediaCentral
Cloud UX databases. You can attach assets during process creation or in the context of a user task.
– During process creation you can see the attached assets but cannot add assets or delete
attached assets in the process creation dialog box.
– In context of a user task you can apply actions, reuse assets in other MediaCentral Cloud UX
apps, and remove them from the task. You cannot download assets. See "Adding and Editing
User Task Attachments" on page 666 and "Deleting Attachments" on page 668.
In the process creation dialog box, for each attached asset an asset type icon, a header frame or
placeholder icon, the asset name, and asset type are shown.
l Files: Files only “exist” in the context of a process. You can upload files to a process or a task, but
they are not searchable and cannot be reused in other MediaCentral Cloud UX apps. You can delete
file attachments from the process creation dialog box and the Tasks app.You can download file
attachments only from the Tasks app. See "Downloading File Attachments" on page 668.
In the process creation dialog box, for each attached file a File type icon, an Upload thumbnail,
Name, Type, Size, and Status are shown. A Delete button and (only in the Tasks app) a Download
button might be shown.
For more information, see "Using File Attachments During Process Creation" below and "Getting
Information on Allowed Attachments" on page 65.

Using File Attachments During Process Creation

When you create a process in the Browse or Search app, you attach at least one asset to it. When you
create a process in the Tasks app, the process has no attachment. In each app, if a process is configured
accordingly, you can upload files to the process during process creation. In this case, an Upload button is
shown in the process dialog box and dropping files to the process dialog box is enabled. Which and how
many files can be uploaded depends on the configuration of the process in MediaCentral Asset
Management and MediaCentral Cloud UX Process Modeler.

Note the following:

l When you use file attachments for a process, you can finish process creation only if all file
attachments are completely uploaded. If this requirement is not fulfilled, the process dialog box’s OK
button is disabled.
l While you add files to the process creation dialog box, the configured allowed attachment maximum
is evaluated. If the limit is exceed, a message informs you about the allowed maximum, as shown in
the following example. After closing the message by clicking OK, adding files to the process is
canceled and no files are attached.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

l You can delete files from the process creation dialog, which are in Waiting status, while they are
being uploaded, or after they have been uploaded; deleting a file in Waiting status or that is being
uploaded first cancels the upload and then removes the file. Note that you cannot remove any asset
attached to the process.
To upload files:

1. Create a process to open a process dialog box.

The Details area shows the number of attached items in the header area, and each attached asset as
an “asset card” in the assets area.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Upload button in the process creation dialog box, then select the files to be uploaded
in the Open dialog box.
t Open the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS), select one or several files and drag them to
the process creation dialog box.
If dropping is possible, the drop area is highlighted with a blue frame, as shown in the following

The files are added to the Attachments area. The Attachments counter in the dialog box header is
adapted accordingly. If the Attachments area was collapsed before dropping the files, the area is
expanded; the view inside the dialog box scrolls to the last added file. If the amount of uploaded files
do not fit into the available space of the expanded Attachments area, the view scrolls to the top of
the uploaded files range.
For each file, an attachment card shows (from left to right) a File type icon, an Upload icon in the
Thumbnail column, the file name, type “File”, file size, and upload status. Below the files, the
originally attached assets are shown (without Size and Status information).

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

The status of a files can be one of the following:

– Waiting: An empty status bar and 0% are shown as long as the upload has not been started.
– In Progress: A blue progress bar and percentage data are shown during the upload.
– Completed: A green progress bar and 100% are shown for successfully uploaded files.
– Upload failed: A red progress bar and 100% are shown for failed uploads.
A tooltip over the Status progress bar also shows the percentage data.
If the same files were already uploaded or are in status Waiting or In Progress, a “Overwrite file”
prompt opens.

Do one of the following:

t Cancel: Closes the prompt without any action.
t No: Skips already uploaded file(s) but adds new ones.
t Yes: Closes the prompt and overwrites already uploaded file(s).
3. Click OK to create the process with the provided metadata and files attached.
If at least one attached file is in status “Upload failed,” a “Some files failed to load” security prompt
opens. Click OK to create the process without them; if you click Cancel, process creation is not
To delete file attachments:

1. Do one of the following:

t To delete a single file attachment, hover the mouse pointer over an attachment card and click
the Delete button that is shown on the right side of the attachment card.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

t Select several files in the Attachments area by using Ctrl/Shift+click and click the Delete
Attachment button in the header area of the process dialog box.

t Select one or several files and press the Del or Backspace key.
t Select one or several files, right-click the selection and select Delete.
A Delete Attachments security prompt opens.

If you select the Don’t ask me again check box, you disable the security prompt. To enable the
security prompt again, press the Ctrl key when applying a deletion command.
2. Click Delete to delete the file attachment(s).
The Attachments counter in the dialog box header is adapted accordingly.
If you click Cancel, press the Esc key or click outside the security prompt, the selected files are not
If the deletion of at least one file is not successful, a “Failed to delete” message opens that lets you to
decide how to continue: Click Yes to remove the file(s) from the attachments area anyway, click No to
leave the file(s) listed in the Attachments area.

Getting Information on Allowed Attachments

When you create a process, the Create Process dialog box shows the number of attachments in the
Attachments count. The same information is provided in the Tasks app when you select a task. See
"Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)" on page 657.

An Allowed Attachment Types window provides information about the types and amount of assets that are
allowed as attachments for the process. Note that the rules shown in the window only refer to assets but not
to file attachments. Only the Total field includes information about file attachments.

To get information on the allowed attachments:

1. Open the Create Process dialog box.

The Attachments count shows the number of attached items and the attached items are shown as
attachment cards in the Attachments area.
2. Click the Show Details icon beside the Attachments count.
The Allowed Attachment Types window opens.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

The Allowed Attachment Types window provides detailed information on the number and type of
allowed assets. Each row represents a rule.
– System: Type (Asset Management, Production Management, Newsroom Management,
Container Management) and name of the system to which the rule applies. If the rule applies
to all systems of a type, the prefix “Any” is shown.
– Asset Types: Name of the allowed asset type or “any” if there is no restriction.
– Allowed Range: Number and range of allowed attachments (none, any, exactly n, up to n, from
n-to m).
– Total: The maximum number of attachments allowed for the process. This includes assets and
files uploaded to the process.
3. Click anywhere outside the window to close the Allowed Attachment Types window.

The Asset Editor

The Asset Editor is a utility view that is available in core apps as a way to view information about an active
asset. The upper area of the Asset Editor provides a preview of most asset types — such as video clips, a still
images, or others — in the Media Viewer. This area also provides the appropriate shuttle controls and
timecode displays to interact with loaded assets. The Media Viewer includes a Source Monitor and Record
Monitor toggle button that allows you to switch between individual media assets and any sequence that is
loaded into the Sequence Timeline.

In the middle part of the Asset Editor, there is an area that displays several tabs to show different categories
of metadata for the asset. By default, these are the Audio, Hits, Metadata, File Info, and Storyboard tabs.
Additional tabs can be added in context when appropriate.

The Sequence Timeline at the bottom of the Asset Editor allows you view and edit a sequence. A portion of
media that is contained on a track in a sequence is called a segment. You can use the trim controls on the
timeline to adjust segments already contained in the sequence or you can use the Browse or Search apps to
add new content to the sequence.

n MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to drag assets from the Asset Editor to other areas of the user
interface — such as the Collaborate app. If you have a sequence with unsaved changes, you must
save the sequence before the drag and drop operation is allowed. If you attempt to drag an unsaved
sequence to another app, the Media Viewer displays the following message: “Drag is disabled,
sequence must be saved”.

As shown in the following illustration, the Asset Editor is collapsed by default when you first sign in to
MediaCentral Cloud UX or when you open an app. Opening an asset expands the Asset Editor
automatically. The Asset Editor is always positioned on the right side of the core app.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

The Asset Editor includes buttons to quickly access different areas of the tool. These buttons include:

Button Image Button Name

Expand / Collapse Asset Editor


Media Viewer

Tabs: Enables / disables the tabs area as well as toggles the single and dual column view of
or the Asset Editor.

Sequence Timeline

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Once the Asset Editor is fully expanded, the Media Viewer, Tabs, and Timeline buttons appear at the top of
the tool and are colored blue to indicate that they are open and active. You can click on any of the buttons
to show or hide different areas of the Asset Editor.

For instance, you might have an asset that includes a large amount of metadata that you want to review
and you are not interested in playing the asset at this time. In this case you could click on the Media Viewer
button to hide this area of the tool and provide more screen space for the Metadata tab.

Alternatively, you can use the horizontal divider between the Media Viewer and Tabs regions to increase or
decrease the area of either area of the Asset Editor as illustrated below.

If an area of the Asset Editor is hidden (button is gray), you can use the horizontal divider to reveal the
hidden region rather than clicking on the associated button.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

The Tabs area of the Asset Editor can be displayed as one or two columns of data. You might want to enable
the dual column view if you have an asset that is associated with a large amount of metadata. This option
allows you to play the asset while having more space to review the metadata. The following illustration
shows the two-column view, where the tabs are displayed to the left of the Media Viewer.

When in dual column view, you can use the divider in the middle of the two columns to increase or decrease
the size of either column. Alternatively, you can use the divider on the left side of the columns to increase
the overall size of the Asset Editor.

To show or hide the Asset Editor:

t Click the Expand / Collapse Asset Editor button.
To enlarge or reduce the Asset Editor width:
t To enlarge the Asset Editor width, click the separator bar and drag the double-headed arrow cursor
to the left.
t To reduce the Asset Editor width, click the separator bar and drag the double-headed arrow cursor to
the right.
If you drag the double-headed arrow cursor to the very right of the screen, the Asset Editor is hidden.
However if the Sequence Timeline is open, dragging the double-headed arrow cursor to the far right
does not close the Sequence Timeline.
If you drag the double-headed arrow cursor of a docked app to the right, the Asset Editor width does
not change.
To display the Asset Editor as one or two columns:
t Click the orientation menu to the right of the Tabs button in the Asset Editor toolbar and select the
single or dual column view.
To open an asset in the Asset Editor:
t Double-click an asset in the Browse or Search app’s Results area.
The asset is loaded and the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer and Tabs areas are displayed.
If you open a sequence, the asset is loaded in the Media Viewer, but the Sequence Timeline is not
automatically opened (unless it was manually opened prior to loading the asset).

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

t If you Ctrl+double-click (Windows) or Command+double-click (macOS) a sequence, the sequence is

loaded into the Source Monitor. Some sequences can be used as source material to edit into other
For more information, see "Working with Media" on page 178 and "Editing a Sequence" on page 325.

The Notifications App

Appearing to the left of the User Profile button, the Notifications app alerts you to system events that relate
to your MediaCentral Cloud UX user account. For example, users of the Collaborate app receive a
notification when they are added to a new topic, assignment, or task; users of the Process app receive a
notification when one of their jobs reached a final state (Cancelled, Completed or Failed).

When an action generates a new notification, a message banner appears in the upper-right corner of the
user interface that provides a synopsis of the notification. Each notification includes a title, message detail,
and the time at which the notification was generated.

Depending on the timing of the notifications, one or more might appear on-screen simultaneously. In this
case the notifications stack vertically with the most recent notification appearing at the top. Each message
remains on screen for a few seconds and then disappears automatically. When the notification appears,
you can either click the message banner to read it, click the X in the upper-right corner of the message to
clear it, or do nothing to allow it to close on its own.

If you are working in another area of the app and you receive a notification, focus is shifted to the
notification. You can press the ESC key on your keyboard to close the notification and return focus back to
the previous active element. Alternatively, focus is shifted back to the original location automatically when
the notification disappears naturally.

If you clear a notification (click the X button) or miss a notification, a number appears over the Notifications
app icon that details the number of unread messages. If you are not logged into MediaCentral Cloud UX
when the message is generated, the icon displays the number of notifications that you missed while you
were away. The counter clears itself after you access the Notifications app.

You can customize the frequency and types of notifications that appear in the Notifications app and on
your mobile device. If you don’t want to receive notifications, you can disable them by feature, app, or
delivery method. For more information, see "Configuring Notifications" on page 681.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

To access your notifications:

t Click the Notification app button.
The app appears as an overlay window from the right side of the user interface.

Notifications appear in order that they were received, with the most recent messages appearing at
the top of the list. The right-side of the window includes a vertical scroll bar that you can use to
navigate to older notifications. The app retains the last 50 notifications for review.
To use your notifications:
t Click on a Collaborate app notification in the Notifications app.
The corresponding topic, assignment, or task opens in the Collaborate app.
t Click on a Process app notification in the Notifications app.
The Process app opens. The corresponding job is not highlighted.
To close the Notifications app:
t Click the X in the upper-right corner of the app.
t Click in another area of the user interface (anywhere outside of the Notifications app).
t Click on a notification in the Notifications app.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

Using the My Collection Tool

Appearing to the left of the User Profile button, the My Collection tool allows you to gather assets from
multiple different apps and save them in a temporary bin for later use. You can think of the Collection tool
as an assets "scratch pad". As you work within MediaCentral Cloud UX, you might find an asset that sparks
an idea. You can drag that asset to your Collection and either return to your original task, or continue to
gather assets to build on your new creative goal.

The following illustration shows the My Collection window open and empty (left), and then again with
assets added to it (right).

Unlike most other areas of the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface, the My Collection tool is a floating
window that appears initially at the bottom-right corner of the user interface. You can move the window
around your screen, or close and reopen it at your leisure to add or remove content. When you reopen the
tool, the system displays the window in its last known position. You can also vertically resize the window to
increase the visible area.

You can add the following asset types to the My Collection window:
l Production Management and Asset Management assets (all types)
l Maestro News assets
l Assets created through panels, such as the Avid MediaCentral Panel for 3rd Party Creative Tools

n Although you can access MediaCentral Cloud UX through a web browser and add assets that
are created through these panels to the My Collection tool, the tool might not be available
directly through the panel itself.
l Local and Remote assets (multi-site configurations only)
l Assets located in the Media Container area of a Collaborate Topic or Assignment (excludes Notes,
and Weblinks)
l Folders of content from the Browse app
The My Collection button in the Fast Bar turns blue when the tool is open. When you add one or more items
to the window, a number appears over the button to indicate the number of assets that are included in your
collection. If you add a folder that includes multiple assets, the folder counts as a single asset in the My
Collection tool. You can add only one copy of the same asset into the My Collection widow at any one time.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

The items that you add to the Collections window are saved for the length of your user session. When you
sign out, the system removes all content from the collection window. This of course has no impact on the
original assets themselves.

You can double-click on playable assets, such as Production Management, or Asset Management media to
load them into the Asset Editor.

Review the following processes to learn how to use the My Collection window.

To add content to the My Collection window using drag and drop:

1. Click the My Collection button in the Fast Bar.

The My Collection window appears on screen.
2. Do one of the following to select an asset:
t Highlight an asset in the Browse app, Search app, or other.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click multiple assets.
3. Drag and drop your selection to the My Collection window.
You can also drag and drop an asset from the Asset Editor to the My Collection window.
4. Do one of the following:
t Continue to add content to the collection.
t Click the minimize button in the upper-right corner of the window to hide the tool.
Alternatively if the My Collection window is in focus, you can press the Esc key to close it.
To add content to the My Collection window using a context menu:

1. Do one of the following to select an asset:

t Highlight an asset in the Browse app, Search app, or other.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click multiple assets.
2. Right-click the section and select Copy to My Collection.
The assets are added to your collection. You are not required to open the My Collection window prior
to performing this action.

n You cannot access the right-click context menu from the Asset Editor or the Collaborate app's
Media Container.

To add content to the My Collection window using keyboard commands:

1. Click the My Collection button in the Fast Bar.

The My Collection window appears on screen.
2. Do one of the following to select an asset:
t Highlight an asset in the Browse app, Search app, or other.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click multiple assets.
3. Press Ctrl+C to copy the asset(s).
With the My Collection window already open, the selected assets are added to the collection.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

To copy content from the My Collection window to another app:

t Drag and drop the asset to the desired app or the Asset Editor. When doing so, note the following:
– Asset links are duplicated, not moved. For example if you drag an asset from Production
Management > NEWS to the My Collection tool, and then drag the same asset back to
Production Management > SPORTS, a copy of the asset is added to the new folder.
– You cannot drag an asset from one module (such as Production Management) to a different
module (such as Asset Management).
– You cannot drag local assets to a remote module, nor can you drag remote to local.
t Alternatively, you can Shift+click or Ctrl+click multiple assets to select them and drag them as a
When you drag an asset from My Collection to another area of the user interface, the item is not removed
from the collection. If an asset already exists in the drop location, the system might reply with an error
message to notify you that the action failed. As different MediaCentral modules allow for different
behavior, the response is module dependent.

To remove content from the My Collection window:

1. Click the My Collection button in the Fast Bar.

The My Collection window appears on screen.
2. Do one of the following:
t Hover your mouse over an asset and click the trash icon that appears to the right of the asset.
t Hover your mouse over an asset and press the Delete key on the keyboard.
t Press the Clear All button to remove all content from the collection.
In this case the app displays a confirmation dialog box. Click Remove to clear the collection.
For additional keyboard commands, see "Keyboard Shortcuts" on page 684.

To resize the My Collection window:

t Click and drag the top or the bottom of the window to expand its size.
The window retains this size for the length of your current user session.
You cannot expand the size of the window on a horizontal scale.

Using the Help & Learn System

The Help & Learn option in the User Profile menu provides you with access to documentation and tools that
can help you better understand the product. Your workstation must have an internet connection to access
these tools.

2 Basics of MediaCentral Cloud UX

To access the Help & Learn system:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar.
2. Select Help & Learn.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click Go to Help to access the online documentation.
This link provides an online version of the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX User’s Guide.
t Click Go to Tutorial Overview to access Avid’s online Tutorial Library.
Filtered automatically by MediaCentral, you can use the tools in the Library sidebar to find
video tutorials on a number of Avid products.
t Click the Go to What’s New button to access the Product Board.
Using the Product Board
The Go to What’s New button in the Help & Learn menu provides access to the MediaCentral Product Board.
This online tool provides more information about the new features provided in each MediaCentral release,
and gives you the opportunity to provide feedback directly to Avid.

The board’s Submit Idea button provides you with an opportunity to submit feature requests directly to the
Product Design team at Avid. You can also rate your idea as something that might just be “Nice to Have” to
something that you feel is critically important to your workflow.

To submit an idea to Avid:

1. After clicking the Go to What’s New button in the Help & Learn menu, click the Submit Idea button in
the upper-right corner of the Product Board.
The Submit New Idea window is displayed.
2. Enter your feature request in plain text in the body of the window (images not supported).
3. Click the Nice to Have, Important, or Critical buttons to rate your idea.
4. Enter your email address and click Submit.
The Product Board sends you a confirmation message to confirm your identity.
5. Check your email for the confirmation message and respond to submit your idea to Avid.

3 Using the Browse App

3 Using the Browse App

The Browse app is a core app that gives you access to whatever modules are configured for your system,
such as MediaCentral Production Management, MediaCentral Asset Management, MediaCentral
Newsroom Management, or others. The app includes breadcrumbs, the Directory sidebar, and the Results
area. The app displays assets in a folder hierarchy.

Assets are items that are stored in a database, such as stories, scripts, video clips, audio clips, and more.
The options you have for working with an asset depends on the type of asset you select. The Browse app is
often used in conjunction with the Asset Editor to play media assets and view additional metadata. For
more information on the Asset Editor, see "The Media Viewer and Asset Editor Tabs" on page 178.

The Browse app has three main areas, as shown in the following illustration.

Area Description

1 Header The Browse header displays (from left to right):

l The Browse app icon

l “Breadcrumbs” that display the directory path. Click on a folder name to select
the folder and display its contents. When the Browse app is docked, the
breadcrumbs are moved to the second line. For more information, see
"Navigating the Browse App" on the next page.
l The Dock/Undock button, which lets you collapse the Browse app to the left
side of the window so that only the Results area is displayed. Click the icon
again to expand the app. For more information, see "Docking Apps" on
page 45.
l The App Menu button, which provides options for the item selected in the
Directory sidebar or Results area. The contents of the App menu varies
depending on the type of item (folder or asset) and type of asset you have

3 Using the Browse App

Area Description
l The Close button: Closes the Browse app.
2 Sidebar The Browse sidebar includes a set of tools that enable you to quickly access folders
and its contents. The sidebar is divided into the following areas:
l Directory: The directory gives you access to the modules configured for your
system. Each module is shown as a top-level entry in the directory. The
Directory uses a familiar tree structure. Use the turn-down arrows to navigate
through the tree structure and display the contents of a folder. For more
information, see "Navigating the Browse App" below.
l Favorites: Lets you create favorites for direct access to folders that you
frequently use. Folder favorites can be private, team-related, or public.
For more information, see "Creating and Using Browse Favorites" on page 80.
l Collapse: Use the Browse sidebar’s buttons to show and hide the sidebar. For
more information, see "Collapsing the Browse Sidebar" on page 88.
3 Results The Results area shows the contents of the folder selected in the Directory sidebar. It
gives you a range of options for changing how assets are displayed. The assets in the
previous illustration are shown in Card view. In addition to Card view, you can display
assets as a list and specify which attributes to display in the list. You also have various
ways you can sort the results. By default, folder contents are displayed in List view.

For more information, see "Understanding the Layout of the Results Area" on page 90
and "Using the Hoverscrub Feature" on page 95.

n For information on remote assets in multi-site workflows, see "Working with Remote Assets" on
page 189.

Navigating the Browse App

The Browse app’s Directory in the sidebar gives you access to the modules configured for your system. Each
module is shown as a top-level entry in the directory and identified by a icon. Modules are identified by the
following icons.

Icon Module

MediaCentral Production Management

MediaCentral Archive Production

MediaCentral Asset Management

MediaCentral Newsroom Management

Maestro News


The Avid NEXIS system might appear in the Browse and Search apps if your system administrator

3 Using the Browse App

Icon Module

configures the Avid NEXIS API Services for use with the following products:

l Avid MediaCentral | Panel 3rd Party Creative Tools

l Avid MediaCentral | Panel for Media Composer
l Avid MediaCentral | Distributed Processing
Avid recommends that you browse (or search) the Avid NEXIS system only if you plan create and
manage Adobe Premiere Pro projects and assets through Adobe Premiere Pro workflow. For more
information, see the Avid MediaCentral | Panel 3rd Party Creative Tools ReadMe.

If included in a multi-site environment, MediaCentral Cloud UX uses different icons for remote modules than
for local modules. Icons for remote modules and media include a downward-pointing arrow. For more
information, see "Working with Remote Assets" on page 189.

The Directory in the sidebar uses a familiar tree structure. Each folder that contains at least one sub-folder
shows a turn-down arrow to the left side; folders without sub-folders do not show the turn-down arrow. You
have several options for navigating the Directory and showing folder contents in the Results area.

To open the Browse app:

t Click the Browse app icon in the Fast Bar.

t Place your cursor over the Browse app icon in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the main area of
the user interface.
t Place your cursor over the Browse app icon in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the left side of the
user interface.
The Browse app opens. If it was dropped to the left side of the user interface, the Browse app is
docked and the sidebar is hidden. If it opens in the main area, the Browse sidebar is shown with the
Directory being active by default.

To show the directory in the Browse sidebar:

t Click the gray Directory button on the Browse sidebar header so it turns blue.

3 Using the Browse App

To open a folder:
t Click the turn-down arrow to the left of the folder in the Browse app’s directory.
This action expands the directory to show its sub-folders while still retaining a view of the rest of the
directory file structure. To close the folder, click the turn-down arrow again.
t Select the folder in the Browse app’s directory.
This action opens the folder's contents in the Browse app’s Results area.
t Double-click the folder in the Browse app’s directory.
This action expands the directory to show its sub-folders in the directory and opens the folder's
contents in the Results area.
t Double-click the folder in the Browse app’s Results area.
Alternatively, select the folder and press Enter.
This action opens the folder's contents in the Results area.
t Right-click the folder in the Browse app’s directory or Results area and in the context menu that open
select Open in > Browse.
This action docks the current Browse app and opens a new instance of the Browse app in the main
area of the user interface. The folder’s contents is opened in the Results area of the new Browse app
instance; the Directory sidebar of the new instance shows the top-level entries (modules).
To navigate using the breadcrumbs:
t Click the folder name in the Browse header.

You navigate to the next folder up in the hierarchy and show the folder's contents in the Browse app’s
Results area.When the Browse app is docked, the breadcrumbs might show shortened folder names.
When you hover the mouse over a shortened folder name, the full name is shown.

t To navigate to the top-level folders in the directory, click the “Systems” folder in the Browse header
as illustrated below.

To open an asset:
t Double-click the asset in the Browse app’s Results area.
Alternatively, select the asset and press Enter.
The asset opens in the Asset Editor. If another app is defined as the default app, the asset also opens
in the default app.
t Right-click the asset in the Browse app’s Results area and in the Open in menu select the app in
which you want to open the asset.
The asset opens in the selected app and in the Asset Editor.
t With an asset already loaded into the Asset Editor, click the Open in Browse button in the Asset

3 Using the Browse App

Editor’s Media and Playback Controls bar.

If the asset exists in more than one location in your connected MediaCentral module, you are
presented with a window that allows you to select a specific directory path.
To close the Browse app:
t Click the Close button in the Browse header.
t Open another core app.

Creating and Using Browse Favorites

It is very common for a user to access the contents of some folders more often than other folders. To
address this workflow, MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to save and access frequently used folders as
browse favorites.

As shown in the following illustration, browse favorites are divided into three categories:

l Personal: Appearing in the list under the My Folders category, personal browse favorites are created
by individual users and they are not included in the list of Favorites for any other user.
l Team: Favorites created within a team are shared with specific user groups. The creator of the team
can allow all users to contribute to the team, or restrict access by configuring the team for read-only
l Public: Created by an administrator, public browse favorites are available to all users that are
connected to the same MediaCentral Cloud UX system. If your system is included in a multi-site
environment, the public favorite appears only to users connected to your local site.
Browse favorites are identified by a folder icon and displayed in a list view. Personal favorites appear first in
the list under the My Folders area, followed by favorite teams (if applicable), and then public favorites.

When working in Team or Public folders, you might see changes appear (or disappear) automatically as
other users populate these areas with content. However in some cases, depending on the nature of the
change (for example, when you have opened a public folder and another user in another instance of
MediaCentral Cloud UX adds a new favorite to that folder), you might see a red indicator light appear to

3 Using the Browse App

the left of a private, team or public folder. When this happens, you must either open the associated folder,
or take another action to refresh the Favorites list to view the update. If you hover your cursor over the
status indicator, the system displays a tool-tip with more information about the change.

n This release of MediaCentral Cloud UX allows each user to create a maximum of 99 personal browse
favorites and 99 team favorites. If you attempt to create additional favorites, you are prompted to
delete an existing favorite first. Administrators can create an additional maximum of 99 public

The following topics are covered in this section:

l "Creating a Browse Favorites Team" on page 85
l "Using a Browse Favorite" on the next page
l "Renaming a Browse Favorite" on page 83
l "Changing the Private / Public Status of a Browse Favorite" on page 83
l "Reordering Browse Favorites" on page 84
l "Deleting a Browse Favorite" on page 84
l "Creating a Browse Favorites Team" on page 85
l "Editing a Browse Favorites Team" on page 86
l "Deleting a Browse Favorites Team " on page 86
l "Creating a Folder" on page 86
l "Reordering and Renaming Folders" on page 88
l "Deleting a Folder" on page 88

Creating a Browse Favorite

The following process describes how to create a new browse favorite. Browse favorites are associated with
your MediaCentral Cloud UX user account and not with your local workstation. If you work in an
environment with multiple workstations, you can create a favorite on one PC, and then move to another PC
later in the day — your browse favorite list follows you to the next session and workstation.

Note that you can create only one favorite at the same time. If your selection includes more than one folder
— or an asset —, the Create Favorite feature is disabled.

To create a browse favorite:

1. Click the Directory button at the top of the Browse sidebar.

2. Use the Browse app directory and Results area to navigate to the folder for which you want to create
a favorite.
3. Do one of the following:
t In the Directory, right-click on the folder and select Create Favorite.
t In the Results area, right-click on a folder and select Create Favorite or click on a folder and
select Create Favorite from the App Menu.
If you right-click or click in an empty area of the Results area and select Create Favorite, the
favorite will be created for the parent folder.

3 Using the Browse App

t Click the Favorites button at the top of the Browse sidebar and then click the “Add as a
Favorite” button.
t Click the Favorites button at the top of the Browse sidebar, in the Favorites sidebar navigate to
a sub-folder of a favorite, right-click the folder and then select Create Favorite.
The New Favorite window appears. The name of the current folder is shown as the favorite name.

4. Enter a custom name.

You set the name of the favorite but do not change the name of the folder. You are not required to
create a unique name for each favorite. If desired, you can have multiple favorites with the same
5. (optional, administrators only) Enable the “Make this browse favorite public” check box to make the
favorite public.
6. Click the Save button to save your new favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
The new favorite appear first in the list under the My Folders area.

If you made the favorite public, it is moved to the top of the Public Folders area.

Using a Browse Favorite

After you create one or more favorites, you can use the following process to use the browse favorites.

For browse favorites set on folders in a Production Management database, a "Search in folder" option is
available. Using "Search in folder" selects the folder in the Production Management database and sets it
directly in the Search app's Location pill. Note that the "Search in folder" option is only available when the
browse favorites are not in edit mode.

n If the "Search in folder" option is not shown for the browse favorites of a remote Production
Management database, ensure that your administrator has enabled "Search Indexing" for the module
in the System Configuration section of the Multi-Site Settings app of the MediaCentral Cloud UX
Admin app. For more information, see “Linking and Unlinking Modules and Features” in the Avid
MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide.

3 Using the Browse App

To use a browse favorite:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Browse sidebar.
2. Navigate the list of folders.
3. Click on the browse favorite in the list.
The contents of the folder is shown in the Results area. For Production Management, up to 250
folders can be shown within a favorite.
If you click a public or Teams favorite that is set on a folder for which you do not have access rights in
the source module or click a favorite that is set on a folder that has been deleted, the contents of the
folder is not shown; instead a "This folder no longer exists or you do not have permission to open it"
message opens.
4. (optional) Work with the items in the folder, as described in "Working with MediaCentral Production
Management Assets" on page 95 and "Working with MediaCentral Asset Management Assets" on
page 106.
To use the Search in folder feature for a Production Management browse favorite:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Browse sidebar.
2. Navigate the list of folders.
3. Right-click a Production Management browse favorite in the list and select Search in folder.
A new instance of the Search app opens. The name of the folder in the Production Management
database is shown in the Search app's Location pill.
4. (optional) Refine your search criteria.
5. Click the Search button to execute the search within the folder.
For more information, see "Using the Location Pill" on page 130.

Renaming a Browse Favorite

After you create one or more favorites, you can change the name of the favorite at any time.

If you are not an administrator, a lock icon appears to the right of both Public Folders and any read-only
favorites team folder when you enter edit mode.

To rename a browse favorite:

1. Right-click on the favorite and select Edit Details from the context menu.
2. In the Edit Favorite dialog box, enter a new name.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.

Changing the Private / Public Status of a Browse Favorite

As an administrator you can set the public / private status while creating a favorite, but you can change the
status of a favorite at any time, as described in the following procedure.

If you are an administrator and you edit a public favorite, the changes are propagated to other users

3 Using the Browse App

To change the public / private status of a browse favorite:

1. Right-click on the favorite and select Edit Details from the context menu.
2. Alter the parameters of the favorite in the Edit Favorite dialog box.
t Enable the “Make this browse favorite public” check box to make the favorite public.
t Disable the “Make this browse favorite public” check box to make the favorite private again.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
A public favorite is moved to the top of the Public Folders area. If you made the favorite private, it is
moved to the top of the My Folders area.

Reordering Browse Favorites

When you create a new browse favorite, it appears at the top of the list of the My Folders area.

After you create two or more favorites, you can reorganize the order that the favorites appear in the list
using a simple drag and drop operation. Alternatively, you can use this same process to move favorites from
one folder to another — for example to move a favorite from My Folders to a team folder, or the Public
Folders area.

To reorder the list:

1. Right-click on a favorite, folder or empty area in the Browse Favorites sidebar and then click on the
Manage Browse Favorites option in the context menu. Note that right-clicking on the area or folder of
an expanded favorite does not open the context menu.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click and drag a favorite to a new position or folder.
t Click the check box to the left of one or more favorites and drag the selection to a new position
or folder.
If you select more than one favorite, a number appears in Manage Favorites header and in the
top-right corner of image during the drag action.

3. Release the mouse button to add the favorites to the new position or location.

Deleting a Browse Favorite

MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to delete a single favorite or multiple favorites simultaneously. You can
use the following processes to delete one or more browse favorites.

3 Using the Browse App

n Standard users can delete favorites from the My Folders area or any team folder to which they have
read / write access. Only system administrators have the ability to delete Public browse favorites.

To delete a single browse favorite:

1. Right-click on the favorite and select Delete Favorite from the context menu.
A confirmation window appears.
2. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
To delete multiple favorites:

1. Right-click on a favorite, folder or empty area in the Browse Favorites sidebar and then click on the
Manage Browse Favorites option in the context menu. Note that right-clicking on the area or folder of
an expanded favorite does not open the context menu.
2. Click the check boxes to the left of all favorites that you want to delete.
You can select multiple favorites within the same folder or group, but after you select a favorite in one
group, you cannot select a favorite in any other folder or group. For example, you cannot select a
favorite in My Folders and a team folder simultaneously.
3. Click the Delete button at the top of the list.
A confirmation window appears.
4. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
5. Click the green check mark at the top of the list to exit edit mode.

Creating a Browse Favorites Team

The Favorite tab allows system administrators to create special team folders that allow you to group
multiple favorites together around a common theme. Teams are shared with specific groups of users that
are defined by the administrator. As a result, your folder favorites list might or might not include any team
folders. Teams are listed alphabetically in the Favorites list between My Folders and Public Folders.

When creating a team, the administrator can enable or disable a Read-Only check box. If enabled, users
can see the team, but not make changes. If disabled, users have the ability to add, edit, or delete favorites
from the team folder.

If you hover your cursor over the team icon, the system displays a tool-tip that shows the names of the
groups that are associated with the team.

To create a favorites team:

1. Right-click on a favorite, folder or empty area in the Browse Favorites sidebar and then click on the
Manage Browse Favorites option in the context menu. Note that right-clicking on the area or folder of
an expanded favorite does not open the context menu.
2. (optional) Select the check boxes for one or more existing favorites before you create the team. When
you create the team, the selected favorites are added to the team automatically.
3. Click on the Team button at the top of the list.
The New Team Folder window is displayed.

3 Using the Browse App

4. Enter a name for the new team.

5. (optional) If you want to restrict access to this team folder so that other users cannot add, edit, or
delete favorites in this location, click the read-only check box.
6. In the Share Browse Favorite area of the window, click one or more check boxes to the left of the list
of user groups to define the users that should have access to the team.
If your system includes a large number of groups, you can enter a value in the Find a User Group field
to filter the list to display only those groups that include your filter criteria.
7. Click the Save button.
The team is created as a new category in the Browse Favorites sidebar.
8. Click the green check mark at the top of the Favorites list to exit edit mode.
If you did not assign favorites to the Team (see step 2), the new Team folder will be empty.

For information on how to add a favorite to a team folder, see "Reordering Browse Favorites" on page 84.

Editing a Browse Favorites Team

After you create one or more teams, administrators can edit the properties of the favorite team using the
following process.

To edit a favorites team:

1. Right-click on the team and select Update Folder from the context menu.
An Update Team Folder window appears with options to adjust the team name, read-only status, and
user group access.
2. Update the properties of the team folder as necessary.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Deleting a Browse Favorites Team

If you want to delete a favorites team, you can do so through the Favorites tab in the Browse sidebar. When
you delete a team, you also delete all favorites within the team. The ability to delete a team is restricted to
system administrators.

To delete a favorites team:

1. Right-click on the team and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
A Delete Folder and Enclosed Favorites confirmation dialog appears.

n The option to delete a favorites team is also available when you access the Manage Browse
Favorites function.

2. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the team.

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.

Creating a Folder
In addition to creating individual favorites, you can create folders within each favorite category to better
organize and manage your saved browse favorites. Nested folder structures are also supported, allowing
you to create multiple folders within folders.

3 Using the Browse App

Folders are identified by the icon of the category in which they are created.

n Each user is allowed to create a total maximum of 99 folders in the Personal and Team categories. If
you attempt to create additional folders, you are prompted to delete an existing folder first.
Administrators can create an additional 99 folders in the Public category.

To create a folder:

1. Right-click on a favorite, folder or empty area in the Browse Favorites sidebar and then click on the
Manage Browse Favorites option in the context menu. Note that right-clicking on the area or folder of
an expanded favorite does not open the context menu.
2. (optional) Click the box to the left of one or more favorites to automatically move the selected
favorites into the new folder.
3. Click on the New Folder button.
The New Folder window is displayed.
4. Enter a name for the new folder.
5. Click the Save button to save your changes.
The new folder is created at the top of your My Folders area.

6. (optional, administrators only) To make the folder public, select the folder and drop it to the Public
Folders area.
7. Click the green check mark at the top of the Favorites list to exit edit mode.

3 Using the Browse App

Reordering and Renaming Folders

When you create a new folder, the folder is added to the top of your My Folders area. However, you are not
required to keep the folder at that position. You can drag and drop the folder to a different position in the
Favorites list or even nest the folder inside another existing custom folder. You can also rename the folder at
any point.

To reposition the folder in the Favorites list:

1. Right-click on a favorite, folder or empty area in the Browse Favorites sidebar and then click on the
Manage Browse Favorites option in the context menu. Note that right-clicking on the area or folder of
an expanded favorite does not open the context menu.
2. Click and begin to drag your folder to a new position in the list of favorites. You can do any of the
t Drag the folder to a new position in your My Folders area.
If you drag the folder to a position between two other folder, a thin blue position indicator bar
appears between the folders.
t Drag the folder over the My Folders area to move the folder to the top position in the list.
t Drag the folder to another existing folder to create a nested folder structure.
t (if applicable) Drag the folder to a Team or to the Public area of the Folder Favorites list.
3. When over your desired position, release the mouse button to drop the folder to the new location.
The folder and all of its contents (favorites, other folders) are relocated to the new position.
4. Click the green check mark at the top of the list to exit edit mode.
To rename a folder:

1. Right-click on your custom folder and select Update Folder from the context menu.
2. Enter a new name for the folder.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
The renamed folder remains in its position.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.

Deleting a Folder
If you want to delete a folder, you can do so through the Favorites tab in the Browse sidebar. When you
delete a folder, you also delete all favorites and sub-folders within the folder.

n In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can delete one folder at a time only.
To delete a folder:

1. Right-click on the folder and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
A Delete Folder and Enclosed Favorites confirmation dialog appears.
2. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the folder.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.

Collapsing the Browse Sidebar

When you first access the Browse app, the sidebar is displayed at full size. If you do not need to access the
directory or favorites in the sidebar, you can increase the screen space for the Results area by either
resizing it or collapsing the sidebar.

3 Using the Browse App

To resize the Browse sidebar:

t Click and drag the divider that separates the sidebar from the results area to a new position.
To collapse the Browse sidebar:
t Complete one of the following actions to collapse the sidebar:
– Click the blue Directory or Favorites button on the left side of the sidebar header.
– Click the Collapse button on the right side of the sidebar header.
– Decrease the width of the Browse app by docking the app or increasing the size of another app
or the Asset Editor. When you decrease the width of the Browse app to a point where the
sidebar can no longer be displayed, it is collapsed automatically.
The sidebar is collapsed and the Directory and Favorites buttons appear in the Results area header
as illustrated below.

To restore the Browse sidebar:

t Click the Directory or Favorites button in the Results header to restore the sidebar to its original size.

Locating Assets in Folders

You can use the “Open in > Browse” command to open a folder that contains a selected asset in a new
Browse app instance. For example, you might want to locate a folder that holds a master clip you found in
the Search app; or you might want see other locations of the asset already open in a Browse app folder.
l You can locate Production Management assets and Asset Management asset references in a Browse
app folder.
l For a Newsroom Management story selected in the Search app, you can locate the folder of the
corresponding queue in the Browse app. For a Newsroom Management queue shown in the Browse
app, the Open in > Browse option is not available.
l You can use the Open in > Browse feature for an asset you select in a Browse app folder or in the
Search app’s result list, and for a related asset selected in the Associations app’s relations area.
l You can apply the Open in > Browse feature to one asset at the same time. Multi-selection is not
To locate an asset in a folder:

1. Do one of the following:

t In the Search app conduct a search.
t In the Browse app, open the contents of a folder in the Results area.
t In the Associations app, open an asset and expand all relation types so that the related assets
are displayed.
2. Right-click an asset and in the context menu that opens select Open in > Browse.
The source app is docked.
If the asset is not saved in a folder, an “Error while opening asset in folder” message opens. A new
Browse app instance opens in the main area and shows the top-level entries (modules) both in its
Directory sidebar and Results area.

3 Using the Browse App

If the asset is stored only in one folder, the folder opens in a new Browse app instance in the main
area, with the selected asset highlighted. If the folder contains more assets than can be displayed in
the visible range of the Results area, the Results area scrolls up or down to bring the highlighted asset
into the visible range. For a Newsroom Management story, the folder containing the queue to which
the story belongs, is opened in the Browse app; the queue is not highlighted.
If the asset is stored in more than one folder, the Select the folder to open window opens and displays
a list of folders that contain the asset.

Double-click one of the listed folders or select a folder and click Open. The folder opens in a new
Browse app instance in the main area, with the selected asset highlighted.

Understanding the Layout of the Results Area

The Results area displays the assets of the selected folder. As illustrated below, the Results area toolbar
includes information about the number of assets contained in the folder as well as a set of options that can
be used to modify the area’s view.

The following sections describes the features available in the Results area.

n When you dock the Browse app, the standard size of the docked app displays only the Refresh button,
Results count, and view options in the Results area.


The Refresh button allows you to update the contents of the current directory without navigating away
from your current location. If multiple users are working in the same directory, you can click the Refresh
button to see the latest content.

Results Count

The Results count in the upper-left corner of the area indicates how many assets are contained in the
selected folder. If the folder is empty, the count reports zero assets.

View Options

The Results area is displayed in List view by default. However, you can change the look of the area by
clicking the Card button. Depending on the selected view, assets are listed with varying levels of detail
related to the associated metadata.

3 Using the Browse App

Button Name Description

Card Displays each item of the folder as an asset card. For each asset, the following are

l A header frame (thumbnail)

l The asset name and type icon
l The creation date
When you hover the mouse over an asset card, three dots are shown at the bottom
right corner of the asset card; when you hover the mouse over the dots, a pop-up
window shows additional metadata. When you hover the mouse over the header
frame, you can use the Hoverscrub feature. See "Using the Hoverscrub Feature" on
page 95.

For each folder, the following are shown:

l The folder name

l A folder icon
List Displays the folder contents as a list. For each asset, the following are shown:

l The asset type icon

l A header frame (thumbnail)
l Selected metadata fields listed in columns
The following columns are shown by default: Asset type icon (no label), Thumbnail,
Name, Creator, Created, Modifier, and Modified. You can show and hide additional

You can adjust the width of columns and rearrange the order of columns by
dragging and dropping.

The following illustration shows you the Results area in Card view.

The following illustration shows you the Results area in List view.

3 Using the Browse App

If the header frame does not provide a good representative image of the asset, you can update the image
with an alternate frame of the same asset. For more information, see "Updating the Asset Thumbnail" on
page 210.

Changing the Order and Size of Columns

When in List view, you can reorder the columns by simply dragging and dropping the column to a new
position. Additionally, you can use your mouse to click on the divider between two columns to adjust a
column to a custom size.

To rearrange the column order:

t Click and drag a column head to the left or right column.
A blue line shown to the left of the column indicates the drop target.

To adjust the column width:

t Click the column divider and drag it to the left or right.

Sort By Menu

The Sort By menu lets you select the property that is used for sorting the contents of the Results area. The
Sort By menu is available in both the Grid and List view. In List view, you can also click on a column header
to sort the contents. The Name property is selected by default. The selection of the sort by property persists
from one session to another.

When you click the “sort by” field, the system displays a menu of single-value properties that can be used
for sorting. The menu is populated with a list of common sorting options followed by additional properties
grouped by module type. You can review the list of properties using the scroll bar on the right-side of the
menu. If you are looking for a specific property, you can search for the name of the property by entering it
in the text bar at the top of the menu.

3 Using the Browse App

To sort using the Sort By menu:

1. Click the Sort By drop-down menu.

A list of properties appears. The property that is currently used for sorting is highlighted with a blue
2. (optional) Do one of the following:
– Start typing in the filter text box. The menu filters the list to all properties containing the letters
you type.
– Scroll down the list and expand the property groups to show additional properties.
3. Click the property you want to use for sorting.
The Sort By menu closes and the contents of the Results area is sorted by the selected property.
Sort Order Menu

The Sort Order menu lets you define the sort order: ascending or descending. Ascending is the default sort
order. It sorts results sequentially, beginning with the lowest number and the first letter alphabetically. The
only exception are dates, for which Descending is the default sort order. It sorts results sequentially,
beginning with the newest date.

The last selected sort order persists from one session to another.

To change the sort order:

l Select Ascending or Descending from the Sort Order menu.
l (List view only) Click the heading of the column by which you want to sort.
The value selected in the Sort Order menu determines if sorting is applied in ascending or descending
order — and can be reversed by clicking the column heading again.
Display Options Menu

The Display options menu shows you all single-value properties from the connected modules that you can
use in the Results area. The menu lets you define the following:
l The columns that are shown in List view.
l The properties that are shown in the pop-up info for each asset in Card view.
The following are shown by default: Icon, Thumbnail, Name, Creator, Created, Modifier, and Modified. The
Icon and Name values are mandatory and cannot be hidden. Changes you apply to the Attributes menu
persist from one session to another.

You can change the display format of date-time attributes, such as Created or Modified, in the User
Settings. See "User Settings" on page 674.

When you click the Display options field, the system displays a menu of single-value properties that can be
used with the Browse app. The menu is populated with a list of common sorting options followed by
additional properties grouped by module type. You can review the list of properties using the scroll bar on
the right-side of the menu. If you are looking for a specific property, you can search for the name of the
property by entering it in the text bar at the top of the menu.

n The Production Management > Current Video Resolution option displays the resolution for the given
asset. As sequences might contain multiple assets at different resolutions, MediaCentral Cloud UX
displays the video resolution data from the first video asset in the sequence. Note that this data might
not be available on all sequences due to source and other complexities.

3 Using the Browse App

To select properties:

1. Click the Display options drop-down menu.

A list of properties appears. The properties that are currently used are highlighted with a blue check
2. (optional) Do one of the following:
– Start typing in the filter text box. The menu filters the list to all properties containing the letters
you type.
– Scroll down the list and expand the property groups to show more properties.
3. Click the check boxes to select additional properties and add columns to the Results area.
Alternatively, you can deselect properties to remove them from the area.
4. Do one of the following:
– Press Enter or click an area outside of the menu to apply your changes.
– Press Esc to revert your changes.

Selecting Assets in the Results Area

Clicking an item (shotlist, other asset, or folder) in the Results area selects and highlights it. Multiple items
can be selected in different ways.

To select an individual item:

t Single-click (once) to select a single item.
t With an item selected, press the Up or Down arrow key; or the Left or Right arrow key (Card view
To select several non-consecutive items:
t Ctrl+click the items you want to select, regardless of order or arrangement.
The items are selected and highlighted.
To select several consecutive items:
t Click an item and then Shift+click the item that ends the series you want to select.
The items in the series are selected and highlighted.
t Shift+click an item above or below the highlighted selection.
The selection is expanded or narrowed.
t Ctrl+Shift+click an item above or below the highlighted selection.
The selection is expanded with the series of consecutive items.
t Click an item and then press Shift+Up or Shift+Down to select multiple contiguous items; in Card view
you can also press Shift+Left or Shift+Right.
To remove the selection:
t Click outside an asset card (Card view) or row (List view) in the Results area.
t Click outside the selection.

3 Using the Browse App

Using the Hoverscrub Feature

The Hoverscrub feature allows you to scrub through a video asset when you hover the cursor over the
asset’s thumbnail in the Results area. While you move the cursor, you can view up to 170 images of the clip
from beginning to end. Hoverscrub is available when viewing assets in Card view in the Browse app.

n The Hoverscrub feature must be licensed and configured before it is available.

Note the following basic principles when using the Hoverscrub feature:
l Hoverscrub is only available in Card view.
l Hoverscrub proxies are created “on demand.” When you Hoverscrub an asset for the first time, a
Hoverscrub proxy is created. The process of creating this proxy can take some time. For all
subsequent Hoverscrub operations, the proxy is directly available.
l If you move the cursor outside the thumbnail while Hoverscrubbing, Hoverscrub ends and the asset’s
thumbnail is shown again.
l In a multi-site environment, you can Hoverscrub both local and remote assets.
To use the Hoverscrub feature:

1. Click the Card button in the Results area toolbar.

2. Move the mouse pointer over the thumbnail.
A white line, the position indicator, is displayed.

3. To Hoverscrub through the clip, do one of the following:

t To scrub forward, move the mouse pointer to the right.
t To scrub backward, move the mouse pointer to the left.

Working with MediaCentral Production Management Assets

A Production Management database holds media assets such as clips, subclips, sequences, and graphics.
You can browse the database in the Browse app and display a media asset in the Asset Editor. You can
rename assets but you cannot delete them.

The following topics describe working with media assets:

l "Navigating the Browse App" on page 77
l "Identifying MediaCentral Production Management Media Assets" on the next page
l "Creating a New Folder" on the next page
l "Moving or Copying Folders" on page 97
l "Renaming a Folder" on page 98
l "Moving or Copying Assets" on page 99
l "Duplicating Assets" on page 99
l "Renaming Assets" on page 100

3 Using the Browse App

l "Transcoding Assets" on page 100

l "Delivering Assets and Media" on page 102
l "Restoring an Asset from MediaCentral | Archive Production" on page 105
l "Creating a Production Management Sequence" on page 330
l "Creating Subclips" on page 201

Identifying MediaCentral Production Management Media Assets

Different icons are used to identify Production Management assets in the Browse app.

Icon Description

Audio asset

Video asset: master clip

Video asset: in-progress clip (Edit While Capture or EWC)

Video asset: subclip

Video asset: sequence

Video asset: sequence (locked)

If you have Read-Only access to the Production Management database, the sequence icon
appears with a lock to alert you that you cannot edit the asset.
Video asset: group clip

Video asset: effect

If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is included in a multi-site environment, a downward-

pointing arrow appears over the icon of any remote assets. For more information, see "Working
with Remote Assets" on page 189.
When a reservation is applied to a folder in the Production Management database, a red circle
appears over the standard folder icon. Reservations prevent non-administrators from deleting or
moving assets from the folder. For more information on adding or removing reservations, see
“Setting Reservations” in the Avid Interplay | Access User’s Guide.

When you hover the mouse pointer over the icon, a tool-tip shows you when the reservation
expires; this can be an exact date or “never.” While the reservation information is retrieved, you
might see a “Fetching reservation expiry date...” message for a short time. The reservation date
information is also provided for the assets in the reserved folder.

Creating a New Folder

You can create a new folder in the Production Management database. Your ability to create a new folder
depends on Production Management rules. For example, the credentials you use to sign in to the Production
Management database must allow creation of folders.

3 Using the Browse App

For more information, see the Interplay | Access User’s Guide or contact your Production Management

To create a new folder in the Production Management database:

1. In the Browse app, select a folder in the directory or the Results area.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the menu button and select Create Folder.
t Right-click the folder and select Create Folder.
t Right-click in the empty area of the Results area and select Create Folder.
The Folder Details dialog box opens.
3. Type a title and click Create.
The new folder is created as a subfolder within the selected folder.

Moving or Copying Folders

You can move or copy folders in the Production Management database by using drag and drop. You can
move and copy folders from the Browse app’s Results area to the directory or within the Results area.
Within the directory tree, you can copy or move one folder at a time. If there is already a folder with the
same name in the target folder, a message opens and the folder is not moved or copied.

If you Shift+select or Ctrl+select multiple items, a number appears in the upper-left corner of the drag
window that indicates the number of items that are being affected.

To copy a folder to another:

1. Select one or more folders.

2. Drag the selection to your target folder.
The target folder is highlighted.
3. Release the mouse button.
The folder including its contents is copied.
To move a folder to another folder:

1. Select one or more folders.

2. Drag the selection to the folder into which you want to move the folder.
The target folder is highlighted.
3. Press the Shift key and release the mouse button.
The folder including its contents is moved.

3 Using the Browse App

Renaming a Folder
You can rename Production Management folders in the Browse app’s Results area. Note that you cannot
rename the top-level system folders.

Note that the following characters are not valid for Production Management folder names: \ / : * ? " < > |
If you use an invalid character, a message opens when try to save the changed folder name. Click in
another area of the user interface to close the message. The changes made to the folder name are

To rename a folder:

1. In the Results area, slowly double-click the name of the folder and type the new name.
2. Do one of the following:
t To save the changed name, click outside the field or press Enter.
t To revert the changed name, click the Esc key.
Using the Search in Folder Feature
For MediaCentral Cloud UX systems that are integrated with a Production Management module, the Search
app's Location pill allows you to limit your search to a single Production database, or a specific location
within the database.

The Browse app provides a "Search in folder" option that allows you to select a folder in the Production
Management database and set it directly in the Search app's Location pill.

n If the "Search in folder" option is not shown for the folders of a remote Production Management
database, ensure that your administrator has enabled "Search Indexing" for the module in the System
Configuration section of the Multi-Site Settings app of the MediaCentral Cloud UX Admin app. For
more information, see “Linking and Unlinking Modules and Features” in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud
UX Installation Guide.

To use the search in folder feature:

1. Do one of the following:

t Right-click a folder in the Browse directory or Results area and select Search in folder.
t Open a folder in the Results area, click the App Menu button and select Search in folder.
t Open a folder in the Results area, right-click in an empty area of the Results area and select
Search in folder.
A new instance of the Search app opens. The folder name is shown in the Search app's Location pill.
2. (optional) Refine your search criteria.
3. Click the Search button to execute the search within the folder.
For more information, see "Using the Location Pill" on page 130.

3 Using the Browse App

Moving or Copying Assets

You can move or copy assets in the Production Management database by using drag and drop. You can
move and copy assets from the Browse app’s Results area to the directory or within the Results area. If
there is already an asset with the same identifier in the target folder, a message opens and the asset is not
moved or pasted.

If you Shift+select or Ctrl+select multiple items, a number appears in the upper-left corner of the drag
window that indicates the number of items that are being affected.

To copy an asset to another folder:

1. Select one or more assets in the Results area.

2. Drag the selection to the name of the folder into which you want to paste the assets.
3. Release the mouse button.
To move an asset to another folder:

1. Select one or more assets in the Results area.

2. Drag the selection to the name of the folder into which you want to move the assets.
3. Press the Shift key and release the mouse button.
The asset is removed from its original location and added to the new location.

Duplicating Assets
You can duplicate assets in the Production Management database. Duplicating an asset creates a new
asset with new Mob ID and same metadata as the source asset.

The Duplicate feature is available for all Production Management asset types.

To duplicate an asset in a folder:

1. Locate the asset to be duplicated in the Browse app folder.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click on the asset and select Duplicate from the context menu.
t Select the asset, click the App Menu button and select Duplicate.
A new asset is created in the same folder as the original asset, with the extension _Dup_<timestamp
integer value>.

3. (optional) Rename the duplicate asset.

For more information, see "Renaming Assets" on the next page.

3 Using the Browse App

Renaming Assets
You can use the Browse app to rename clips and other assets in the MediaCentral Production Management
database. If you want to rename a sequence, you can complete this same task in the Sequence Timeline.
For more information, see "Renaming a Sequence" on page 339.

Note that the following characters are not valid for Production Management asset names: / \ |
If you use an invalid character, a message opens when try to save the changed asset name. Click in
another area of the user interface to close the message. The changes made to the asset name are

To rename an asset:

1. In the Results area of the Browse app, slowly double-click the name of the asset and type the new
2. Do one of the following:
t To save the changed name, click outside the field or press Enter.
t To revert the changed name, click the Esc key.
Transcoding Assets
The Transcode feature lets you perform various media operations that are available through the
MediaCentral Transcode service. This feature is available for Production Management assets only.

The Transcode service provides media operations through the following modes. Some modes are available
only for particular media types.

Mode Description Available for

WHOLE Transcodes an entire clip. master clips

CONSOLIDATE Transcodes only the portion of a clip used to create a subclip or master clips,
portions of clips used to create a sequence. sequences
MIXDOWN Transcodes and mixes down the video and audio of a sequence to sequences
create one master clip.
DATAEXTRACT Extracts the D1 track as a separate MXF file when you transcode master clips,
DNxHD media that contains embedded ancillary data. sequences
DUALMIXDOWN Transcodes and mixes down the video and audio of a sequence to sequences
create a one master clip with two resolutions associated with it.
CROSSRATE Creates a master clip in a project format different from the project master clips
format of the original clip.

A Production Management administrator needs to create profiles for each of these modes. This topic
describes using the Mixdown feature in MediaCentral. For information about other modes, see the
Interplay | Production Services Setup and User’s Guide.

A common use of the Transcode option is to mix down a sequence. For example:

3 Using the Browse App

l Creating a master clip that is playable in the Asset Editor. If a sequence created in an Avid editing
system is too complex to play correctly in the Asset Editor, you can use the Mixdown feature to create
a new master clip. All master clips are playable. After mixing down the sequence, you can load the
new master clip, mark In and Out points, and add the segment to your sequence.

n For information about playing sequences, see "Playback of Simple and Complex Sequences" on
page 187.
l Creating a sequence that matches the send-to-playback resolution. If you want to send a sequence
to a playback device, the resolution of the sequence must match the resolution specified for the
playback device.
You can use the Mixdown feature to create a master clip that uses the required resolution. Then
create a new sequence containing the mixed-down clip, and send the new sequence to the playback
You can start the Transcode action for up to 50 assets at a time. For each asset, an individual transcode job
is created which you can monitor in the Process app.

To transcode Production Management assets:

1. In the Browse app’s Results area, select one or more Production Management assets.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Transcode.
t Click the menu button and select Transcode.
The Transcode dialog box opens.

3. Select a mode from the Mode menu.

If your selection includes master clips and sequences, the Mode menu will show all modes for both
asset types. If you select a mode that is only supported for one asset type (for example, MIXDOWN,
which is only supported for sequences), transcoding jobs for the other asset type will fail (in this
example, for master clips).
4. Select a Transcode profile from the Name menu.

3 Using the Browse App

Transcode profiles are created by a Production Management administrator in the Production Services
and Transfer Status tool. The Transcode dialog box displays the parameters of the profiles, but you
cannot edit them in MediaCentral Cloud UX.
5. Click Transcode.
The Transcode process uses the selected Transcode profile and begins the operation. You can view
the progress in the Process app.

To cancel the process, click the x icon. If the process was successful, the new master clip is created in
the same MediaCentral Production Management folder as the original sequence.
Media for the new master clip is stored in the workspace specified in the Transcode profile.

Delivering Assets and Media

MediaCentral Cloud UX provides the following features for delivering assets and media:
l Deliver to a remote workgroup (“Deliver”).
If your organization is configured to include multiple Production Management workgroups, you can
use MediaCentral Cloud UX to transfer assets and media from your current workgroup to another
workgroup. You use the Deliver action.
For information about configuring multiple workgroups, see the Production Management
l Deliver from a remote workgroup to a local workgroup (“Deliver To Me”).
If your MediaCentral Cloud UX server is part of a multi-site environment, you can search the
connected Production Management databases, view remote assets, and deliver them to your local
Production Management workgroup. You use the Deliver To Me action.
For information about multi-site configuration, see the Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX Installation
l Partial Delivery
If an administrator enabled the Partial option in your delivery profile, you can deliver assets to the
remote workgroup — sending only the portion of the media included in the asset. Partial Delivery is
supported for subclips and sequences only. MediaCentral Cloud UX does not mark these profiles with
any special identifier. If you are not sure which profile includes this option, check with your
Production Management administrator.
MediaCentral Cloud UX uses the Production Management Delivery service to perform workgroup-to-
workgroup transfers of clips and sequences and their media files. The Production Management Delivery
Receiver service must be running on a server in the workgroup to which you are delivering the assets and
media. These services are installed and configured as Interplay Production Services in a Production
Management workgroup.

When you use MediaCentral Cloud UX to transfer media, you select a Delivery profile that includes the
target workgroup, target video quality, and other information. A Production Management administrator
creates these Delivery profiles in the Production Services and Transfer Status Tool. These profiles are
created and stored in the local Production Management workgroup.

3 Using the Browse App

For complete information on Production Management Delivery, see “Working with the Delivery Service” in
the Interplay | Production Services Setup and User’s Guide.

You can transfer assets and media from the Browse app or the Search app, and you can track the status of
the transfer in the Process app.

Note the following:

l The Deliver feature is available for Production Management assets only and requires a MediaCentral |
Deliver license to enable this workflow for MediaCentral Cloud UX with the Production Management
l If the Delivery Service is not available or cannot be found or the user has no deliver license assigned,
the Actions menu options “Deliver” or “Deliver To” do not appear.
l You cannot play a clip or sequence in the Receiver workgroup until the delivery process is complete.
l Delivery of in-process clips (edit-while-capture or EWC) is not supported.
l You can start the Delivery for up to 50 assets at a time. For each asset, an individual job is created
which you can monitor in the Process app.
Delivering Assets to a Remote Workgroup (Deliver)
If your organization is configured to include multiple Production Management workgroups, you can use
MediaCentral Cloud UX to transfer assets and media from your current workgroup to another workgroup.

To deliver Production Management assets to another workgroup:

1. Do one of the following:

t In the Browse app’s Results area, select one or more Production Management assets.
t In the Search app, conduct a search for Production Management assets and select the asset(s)
you want to deliver in the Results list.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the App Menu button and select Deliver > [profile].
t Right-click and select Deliver > [profile].

For each asset, a job is submitted. You can view the status of the delivery in the Process app, job
group Delivery.

3 Using the Browse App

To cancel the job, click the X (Cancel) button. To restart a canceled or failed job, click the Retry
If the job was successful, the media and metadata asset are transferred to the destination
workgroup, as defined by the profile you used for the Delivery job. The job message displays the
source asset’s path and the used delivery profile followed by the asset path on the target system.
Delivering Assets to a Local Workgroup (Deliver To Me)
If your MediaCentral Cloud UX server is part of a multi-site environment, you can search the connected
Production Management databases, view remote assets, and deliver them to your local Production
Management workgroup.

When you select a profile, the list of profiles is determined by the profiles that exist on the remote
Production Services Engine and that have the local Production Services Engine set as the target.

To deliver Production Management assets to a local workgroup:

1. Do one of the following:

t In the Browse app’s Results area, select one or more remote Production Management assets.
t In the Search app, conduct a search for Production Management remote assets and select the
remote asset(s) you want to deliver in the Results list.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the App Menu button and select Deliver To Me > [profile].
t Right-click and select Deliver To Me > [profile].

For each asset, a job is submitted. You can view the status of the delivery in the Process app, job
group [Remote] Delivery.

n You currently cannot cancel and retry Deliver To Me/Remote Delivery jobs.
If the job was successful, the media and metadata asset are transferred to your local workgroup, as
defined by the profile you used for the Deliver To Me job.

3 Using the Browse App

Restoring an Asset from MediaCentral | Archive Production

You can browse a MediaCentral Archive Production database in the Browse app. Starting with
MediaCentral Cloud UX v2018.11, you can perform a search that includes a MediaCentral Archive
Production database. If you find that an asset and its media is archived, you can restore the asset and its
media to your local Production Management database. You can then play the asset.

There are several scenarios in which an asset needs to be restored, for example:
l The asset and its media does not exist on the local Production Management system.
l The asset exists on the local Production Management system, but the media is archived.
l The asset and low-res media exist on the local Production Management system, but the high-res
media is archived.
To restore an asset in MediaCentral Cloud UX, the following are required:
l Your Production Management workgroup must be properly configured with the Interplay Restore
service. The workgroup must also have the appropriate Interplay Restore templates available. For
more information, see the Interplay Production Services Setup and User’s Guide.
l Restoring from Archive Production uses the Shared Library “Restore Media from Archive” process.
Therefore you must have privileges to use Shared Library. The Shared Library profiles configuration in
the Workflow Settings app needs to contain at least one Restore profile for Archive Production that
references the same named Interplay Restore Service profile. For more information, see the
MediaCentral | Shared Library Installation and Configuration Guide.
Note the following:
l You can search for archived assets in the Search app. If you know that an asset is archived, you can
improve search time by selecting “interplay-archive” as the System Type filter criterion.
l You can display and edit the properties of archived assets in the Metadata tab.
l You can display the markers and restrictions of archived assets in the Storyboard tab.
l You cannot play an archived asset. If you try to play an archived asset, the Media Viewer displays a
black screen.
l You can restore only one asset at a time. Multiple selection is not supported.
To restore an asset from Archive Production:

1. Do one of the following:

t In the Browse app, navigate to the desired folder that contains the archived asset you want to
t In the Search app, select “interplay-archive” as the Type filter criterion and search for archived
assets you want to restore.
2. Select an asset and do one of the following:
t Click the App Menu button and select Actions > Restore Media from Archive.
t Right-click and select Actions > Restore Media from Archive.
The Restore Media from Archive dialog box is displayed.

3 Using the Browse App

3. Provide a name for the process in the Main Title field. This title helps you to identify the process in the
Process app. If you do not provide a title, the default title “Restoring Asset(s)” is shown as the process
title in the Process app.
4. Select a profile from the Restore Profile menu.
5. Click OK.
The Restore Media from Archive process is created. You can view the progress of the process in the
Process app.
6. When the restore process is complete, you can play the asset in the Asset Editor’s Media viewer.

Working with MediaCentral Asset Management Assets

An Asset Management database holds media assets such as video and audio assets, shotlists, and
graphics. The Asset Management workflow module allows you to carry out many aspects of day-to-day
work with these assets by mapping tasks to a tree structure. The Workspace is displayed as a set of folders
that contain references to media assets in the Asset Management database. For example, you save shotlists
or references to video assets to a folder. This allows you to access the media assets directly at a later date.

The Browse app gives you access to the Workspace of the connected Asset Management database. You
can see all folders that are released to you and browse and edit the folder structure in the Browse app. You
can also add and rename asset references in the Browse app.

Although users might be able to see assets in the Browse or Search apps, the ability to play or obtain
additional information through the Asset Editor is based on CBA rules. If you do not have the appropriate
permissions to the asset in the source MediaCentral module, an Access Denied message appears in the
Media Viewer when you load the asset.

The following topics describe working with Asset Management assets:

l "Navigating the Browse App" on page 77
l "Identifying MediaCentral Asset Management Media Assets" on the next page
l "Creating a New Folder" on page 108
l "Renaming a Folder" on page 108
l "Moving or Copying a Folder" on page 109

3 Using the Browse App

l "Deleting a Folder" on page 109

l "Adding Asset References to a Folder" on page 109
l "Creating Assets" on page 110
l "Uploading Files to Assets" on page 112
l "Deleting Assets and Basic Sequences" on page 117
l "Moving or Copying Asset References" on page 119
l "Removing Asset References" on page 119
l "Removing Asset References" on page 119
l "Viewing Asset Management Document Files" on page 120
l "Viewing Asset Management Image Files" on page 122
l "Maintaining Reserved Asset Management Assets and Shotlists" on page 123
l "Creating an Asset Management Sequence" on page 332

Identifying MediaCentral Asset Management Media Assets

Different icons are used to identify Asset Management assets in the Browse app’s Results area. Additionally,
they can be shown as asset placeholder icon until a specific image is assigned as a thumbnail.

Icon Description

Audio asset

Shotlist asset

Commercial or Commercial Version asset

Document asset

Episode or Episode Version asset

Feature or Feature Version asset

File asset or Default placeholder icon

Graphics or Scene asset

Image asset

Season asset

Series asset

Stock Footage asset

3 Using the Browse App

Icon Description

Trailer asset

Video or Rushes asset

If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is included in a multi-site environment, a downward-pointing

arrow appears over the icon of any remote assets. For more information, see "Working with Remote
Assets" on page 189.
Asset Management assets and shotlists can be temporarily “reserved.” A reserved asset or shotlist
cannot be deleted nor can its essences or locations be deleted. When a reservation is applied to an
Asset Management asset or shotlist, a red circle appears over the asset type icon. For more
information, see "Maintaining Reserved Asset Management Assets and Shotlists" on page 123.

When you hover the mouse pointer over the icon, a tool-tip shows you when the reservation expires;
this can be an exact date or “none.” While the reservation information is retrieved, you might see a
“Fetching reservation expiry date...” message for a short time.

Creating a New Folder

You can create new folders in the Asset Management Workspace. Your ability to create a new folder
depends on Asset Management rules. For example, the credentials you use to sign in to Asset Management
must allow creation of folders.

For more information, see the MediaCentral | Asset Management Desktop User’s Guide or
MediaCentral | Asset Management User Manager User’s Guide.

To create a new folder in the Asset Management Workspace:

1. In the Browse app, select a folder in the directory or the Results area.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the menu button and select Create Folder.
t Right-click the folder and select Create Folder.
t Right-click in the empty area of the Results area and select Create Folder.
The Folder Details dialog box opens.
3. Type a title and click Create.
The new folder is created as a subfolder within the selected folder.

Renaming a Folder
You can rename Asset Management Workspace folders in the Browse app’s Results area.

To rename a folder:

1. In the Results area, slowly double-click the name of the folder and type the new name.
2. Do one of the following:
t To save the changed name, click outside the field or press Enter.
t To revert the changed name, click the Esc key.

3 Using the Browse App

Moving or Copying a Folder

You can move and copy folders with their contents in the Asset Management Workspace by using drag and
drop. You can move and copy folders from the Browse app’s Results area to the directory or within the
Results area. Within the directory tree, you can copy or move one folder at the same time. If there is already
a folder with the same name in the target folder, a message opens and the folder is not moved or pasted.

Your ability to move or copy a folder depends on Asset Management rules. The folder permissions in Asset
Management Workspace must allow moving the selected folder and adding it to the target folder.
To copy a folder to another folder:

1. Select one or more folders in the Results area.

2. Drag the selection to the folder into which you want to copy the folder.
The target folder is highlighted.
3. Release the mouse button.
The folder including its contents is pasted.
To move a folder to another folder:

1. Select one or more folders.

2. Drag the selection to the folder into which you want to move the folder.
The target folder is highlighted.
3. Press the Shift key and release the mouse button.
The folder including its contents is moved.

Deleting a Folder
You can delete folders from the Asset Management Workspace in the Browse app. If you delete a folder, all
the references to media assets that it contains will also be deleted. Check whether you need the media
asset references contained in a folder before you delete it.

Your ability to delete a folder depends on Asset Management user privileges: the folder permissions in Asset
Management Workspace must allow the deletion of the selected folder. If the folder contains subfolders,
you also must have delete permission for each subfolder.

You can remove only one folder at a time. Multiple selection is not supported.

To delete a folder:

1. Select a folder.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Delete.
t Click the App Menu button and select Delete.
A security prompt opens.
3. Click Yes.
If your credentials allow deleting folders, the folder is deleted.

Adding Asset References to a Folder

You can add asset references to a folder from the Search app’s results list after you have conducted a
search. This action does not save or copy the asset to the folder. You are creating and saving only a
reference to the asset. If there is already an asset reference with the same identifier in the folder, a
duplicate of the asset reference is created.

3 Using the Browse App

To add asset references to a folder:

1. In the Browse app, open the folder to which you want to add asset references.
2. Dock the Browse app.
3. Open the Search app and conduct a search for Asset Management assets.
4. Select one or more assets in the search results list.
5. Drag the selection to the folder in the docked Browse app.
6. Release the mouse button.
Valid asset references are pasted into the folder. References to assets that are not allowed as
contents of the folder are not pasted.

Creating Assets
By default assets are created by ingests, watch folder imports, or import processes in Asset Management.
You can also create new assets in the Asset Management database manually from the Browse app. The
asset you create is a “placeholder” asset: It contains metadata but it does not contain any essence, such as
a video or audio file. Upload the essence file to the new asset in a subsequent procedure.
l If you create the asset from the top-level folder (“root folder”), no reference to the new asset is
created in the folder. You can search for the new asset in the Search app and upload essence files
from there.
l If you create the asset from any folder below the top-level folder, this action additionally creates a
reference to the asset in the selected folder. You can directly select the new asset in the Browse app
folder and upload essence files.
As an alternative, you can create a placeholder asset by uploading a metadata file in AXF format (*.axf),
which was exported from an Asset Management system, in the Tasks app. The type of the new asset is
determined by the asset type specified in the AXF file. You can search for the new asset in the Search app
and upload essence files from there.

Note the following limitations:

l You can create assets only if you have the proper permissions in Asset Management (you must have
the CBA creation right granted for at least one asset type).
l The folder configuration in Asset Management must allow creating assets.
l Your ability to upload files depends on Asset Management user privileges and rules.
To create a placeholder asset in the Browse app:

1. Select a folder.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Create Asset.
t Click the App Menu button and select Create Asset.
The Asset Details dialog box opens.

3 Using the Browse App

3. Select the type of the asset to be created from the Asset Type list. The list shows all asset types that
you are allowed to work with.
The fields of the metadata template configured for the selected asset type are shown.

n If you have already entered data on the template and then select another asset type, the
previously entered data is lost when the new template opens.

4. Type the main title for the new asset in the Main Title field.
5. (Optional) Supply optional information in the Asset Details dialog box. For information on the
different types of metadata fields that you might encounter, see "Understanding Asset Management
Metadata" on page 233.
6. Click Create to create the asset and keep the Asset Details dialog box open. This allows you to
continue creating assets.
The asset is created in the Asset Management database. An “asset created successfully” message
opens. Except for the top-level folder, a reference to the new asset is created in the selected folder.
The folder is updated and shows the new asset reference.
7. (Optional) Create additional assets.
8. Click Cancel to close the Assets Details dialog box.
The asset you created is a “placeholder” asset: It contains metadata, but it does not contain any
essence, such as a video or audio file. Upload the essence file to the new asset.
To create an asset by metadata upload from the Tasks app:

1. Open the Tasks app.

2. Click the App Menu button and select Create Process.
3. (Option) Select the Asset Management system on which the process is to be created.
4. Select Upload Metadata.

3 Using the Browse App

The Upload Metadata process creation dialog box opens.

5. Do one of the following:

t Click the Upload button in the process dialog box and double-click the AXF file to be uploaded
in the Open dialog box.
t Open the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS), select the file and drag it to the process
dialog box.
The drop zone is outlined in blue and a Move icon indicates if dropping is possible.
An asset card shows the file name, file size, and the upload status.
6. Provide a name for the process instance in the Main Title field. If you do not provide a title, the default
title “Upload Metadata” is shown as the process title in the Process app.
7. Click OK to close the Upload Metadata dialog box and start the AXF upload process.
8. (Optional) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the Upload Metadata process and its
subprocess Import Metadata.
When the Upload and Import Metadata processes are finished, the metadata asset is created.
Upload an essence file to the new asset.

Uploading Files to Assets

After you created a placeholder asset in the Asset Management database manually, you need to upload
essence file(s) to the new asset. Use the Upload Video process to upload a video file and the Upload File
process to upload non-video files, such as an audio, image, or document. In both cases, the uploaded file is
added to the MAIN essence package of the asset. If you want to upload additional collateral files to the
asset, use the Upload Collaterals process. In this case, files are added to the COLLATERALS essence
package. For information on essence packages, see "The File Info Tab (Asset Management)" on page 255.

Additionally, you can upload a metadata file in AXF format to an asset to update its metadata information.
Use the Upload Metadata process to overwrite the existing metadata information of the asset with the
metadata provided in the upload AXF file.

Note the following limitations:

l You can start the upload processes, as described below, both in the Browse and Search app.
l Your ability to upload files depends on Asset Management user privileges and rules.
l Individual features offered during file upload, such as Caption Extraction and Quality Check, require
the corresponding packages being installed on your Asset Management system.

3 Using the Browse App

l When you upload an essence file to an asset that has already an essence in the MAIN essence
package, the upload fails.
l When you upload an AXF file and the External_ID property is identical both in the asset metadata
and the upload AXF, the Upload Metadata process will fail.
To upload a video essence to a video asset:

1. Select an video asset.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click a selected asset and select Actions.
t Click the App Menu button and select Actions.
3. Select the Upload Video process type.
The Upload Video process creation dialog box opens. It shows the asset to which you upload the file
as an asset card. The dialog box provides preset process options and metadata fields. You can leave
the default values unchanged or adapt the fields before you upload the essence file.

4. Provide a main title for the process. If you do not provide a title, the default title “Upload Video” is
shown as the process title in the Process app.
5. (Optional) Provide settings for the Upload Video process.
– The Video Object Class list shows the asset type that you set when your created the asset. Do
not change the displayed value.
– Select Yes from the Do Archiving list if you want to archive the uploaded HiRes video. This
triggers an archiving process that runs in the background and can be monitored in the Process

3 Using the Browse App

– Select Yes from the Do Proxy Creation list if you want to create a browse proxy from the
uploaded HiRes video. This triggers the Create Proxy process that runs in the background and
can be monitored in the Process app.
– Select Yes from the Do Video Analysis list if you want to start the video analysis for the
uploaded video. This triggers the Video Analysis process that runs in the background and can
be monitored in the Process app. The process creates the Default stratum, the keyframes set,
and a thumbnail.
– Select Yes from the Do Caption Extraction list if you want to start a Caption Extraction
process. The process runs in the background and can be monitored in the Process app. Select
Yes only if your Asset Management system supports the Caption Extraction feature.
– Select Yes from the Do Quality Control list if you want to run a quality check on the uploaded
video. This starts a Baton Quality Control process that runs in the background and can be
monitored in the Process app. Select Yes only if your Asset Management system supports the
Quality Control feature.
6. (Optional) Provide metadata for the new asset:
– Type a new title in the Asset Maintitle field if you want to change the original main title of the
asset. This changes the “Main Title” property of the asset. You do not change the name of the
asset reference in the Browse app directory. Leave the field empty if you want to keep the
original main title.
– Select a value of the usage rights property from the Rights list.
– Type a production number in the Production Number field.
– Type a descriptive text for the asset in the Description field.
7. Click the Upload button in the process dialog box and double-click the file to be uploaded in the
Open dialog box.
An asset card shows the file name, file size, and the upload status.

8. Click OK to close the Upload Video dialog box and start the upload process.
9. (Optional) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the Upload Video process and its sub-
processes. Depending on your selection in the Upload Video dialog box, different sub-processes are
10. (Optional) Open the File Info tab and check the files in the MAIN essence package.
To upload an essence to a non-video asset:

1. Select a non-video asset, such as an audio, image, or document asset.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click a selected asset and select Actions.
t Click the App Menu button and select Actions.
3. Select the Upload File process type and then the “Upload file to asset” menu item.

3 Using the Browse App

The Upload File process creation dialog box opens.

4. Provide a main title for the process. If you do not provide a title, the default title “Upload File (with
sidecar) to Asset” is shown as the process title in the Process app.
5. (Optional) Provide settings for the Upload File process:
– Type a new title in the Asset Maintitle field if you want to change the original main title of the
asset. This changes the “Maintitle” property of the asset. You do not change the name of the
asset reference in the Browse app directory. Leave the field empty if you want to keep the
original main title.
– Select a value of the usage rights property from the Rights list.
– Type a production number in the Production Number field.
– Type a descriptive text for the asset in the Description field.
6. Click the Upload button in the process dialog box and double-click the file to be uploaded in the
Open dialog box.
An asset card shows the file name, file size, and the upload status.

7. Click OK to close the Upload File dialog box and start the upload process.
8. (Optional) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the Upload File process.
9. (Optional) Open the File Info tab and check the files in the MAIN essence package.

3 Using the Browse App

To upload metadata to an asset:

1. Select the asset.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click a selected asset and select Actions.
t Click the App Menu button and select Actions.
3. Select the Upload Metadata process type.
The Upload Metadata process creation dialog box opens. It shows the asset to which you upload the
metadata file as an asset card.

4. Click the Upload button in the process dialog box and double-click the AXF file to be uploaded in the
Open dialog box.
An asset card shows the file name, file size, and the upload status.

5. Provide a name for the process instance in the Main Title field. If you do not provide a title, the default
title “Upload Metadata” is shown as the process title in the Process app.
6. Click OK to close the Upload Metadata dialog box and start the upload process.
7. (Optional) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the Upload Metadata process.
8. (Optional) Check the updated information of the asset in the Metadata or Storyboard tabs.

3 Using the Browse App

To upload collaterals to an asset:

1. Select the asset.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click a selected asset and select Actions.
t Click the App Menu button and select Actions.
3. Select the Upload Collateral process type.
The Upload Collateral process creation dialog box opens. It shows the asset to which you upload the
file(s) as an asset card.

4. Click the Upload button in the process dialog box and double-click the file(s) to be uploaded in the
Open dialog box.
An asset card shows the file name, file size, and the upload status.
5. Provide a name for the process instance in the Main Title field. If you do not provide a title, the default
title “Upload Collateral” is shown as the process title in the Process app.
6. Click OK to close the Upload Collateral dialog box and start the upload process.
7. (Optional) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the Upload Collateral process.
8. (Optional) Open the File Info tab and check the files in the COLLATERALS essence package.

Deleting Assets and Basic Sequences

You can delete assets and basic sequences from the Asset Management database. In the Browse app, you
can delete up to 50 assets and sequences at the same time.

Note the following:

l You can delete assets and sequences only if you have the proper permissions in Asset Management.
l You can delete assets and basic sequence of all types.
l Deleting an asset or basic sequence removes the reference to the asset or sequence from the Browse
app directory only if you select the corresponding option in the Delete Assets and Sequences process
dialog box.

3 Using the Browse App

To delete assets and basic sequences from the Asset Management database:

1. In the Browse app, navigate to the desired folder and select the assets and basic sequences to be
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the App Menu button and select Actions.
t Right-click and select Actions.
3. Select the Delete Assets and Sequences process type.
The Delete Assets and Sequences process dialog box opens and shows the assets that are to be
deleted as attachments.

4. Provide a main title for the process. If you do not provide a title, the default title “Delete Asset(s) and
Sequence(s)” is shown as the process title in the Process app.
5. Select the Delete Folder References check box if the reference to the deleted asset or sequence is to
be removed from the Browse app’s directory.
6. Provide a reason for deletion in the Deletion Reason field.
7. Click OK.
The Delete Assets and Sequences process dialog box is closed and the delete process is triggered.
8. (Optional) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the delete process.
If you have not selected the Delete Folder References check box, the Delete process does not remove the
reference to the deleted asset or sequence from the Browse app directory. You can notice the following
change in the folder: The thumbnail or asset type icon of the asset reference is replaced by the Default
placeholder icon.

Delete the reference from the Browse app, as described in "Renaming Asset References" on the next page.

3 Using the Browse App

Moving or Copying Asset References

You can move or copy the references of shotlists and other assets in the Asset Management Workspace by
using drag and drop. This action does not move or copy the asset. You are moving and copying only the
reference to the asset.

Valid asset references are pasted into the folder, and references to assets that are not allowed as contents
of the folder are not pasted. If there is already an asset reference with the same identifier in the folder, a
duplicate of the asset reference is pasted. If your selection contained folders and individual asset
references, the folders and their contents as well as the individual asset references are moved.

You can move and copy asset references from the Browse app’s Results area to the directory or within the
Results area.

To copy an asset reference to another folder:

1. Select one or more asset references in the Results area.

2. Drag the selection to the name of the folder into which you want to copy the asset references.
The folder is highlighted in gray.
3. Release the mouse button.
To move an asset reference to another folder:

1. Select one or more asset references in the Results area.

2. Drag the selection to the name of the folder into which you want to move the asset references.
The folder is highlighted in gray.
3. Press the Shift key and release the mouse button.
The asset reference is removed from its original folder and added to the new folder.

Renaming Asset References

You can rename the reference of shotlists and other assets in the Asset Management Workspace. Note that
this action renames only the display name in the folder but not the shotlist or the asset itself. To rename the
asset or shotlist, you must change its Main Title property in the Metadata tab. If you want to rename a
shotlist, you can complete this same task in the Sequence Timeline. For more information, see "Renaming a
Sequence" on page 339.

Note also that the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer always shows the Main Title of an asset. If you only rename
the reference of an asset in the Browse app but not its Main Title property, you will see different names
displayed for the same asset in the Browse app and Media Viewer.

To rename an asset reference:

1. In the Results area of the Browse app, slowly double-click the name of the asset reference and type
the new name.
2. Do one of the following:
t To save the changed name, click outside the field or press Enter.
t To revert the changed name, click the Esc key.
Removing Asset References
You can remove references to shotlists and other assets in the Asset Management Workspace. Note that this
action removes the reference in the folder but does not delete the shotlist or the asset itself.

You can remove only one asset reference at a time. Multiple selection is not supported.

3 Using the Browse App

To remove an asset reference from a folder:

1. Select the asset reference.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Remove from Folder.
t Click the App Menu button and select Remove from Folder.
A security prompt is displayed.
3. Click Remove.
The asset reference is removed.

Viewing Asset Management Document Files

MediaCentral Asset Management systems might include documents as essence files. When you import a
document into the database, the Asset Management import and upload processes create a proxy version of
the file. This proxy is always created as a PDF — even if the document is not a PDF originally. When working
in MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can load these proxy files into the Media Viewer for review or you can
download the original full-resolution document directly to your local workstation for offline review.

If you are working in a Multi-Site environment, this workflow is available for both local and remote assets.

The following illustration shows a PDF in the Media Viewer with associated controls.

Display or Control Description

1 Scroll Bar You can use the vertical scroll bar to navigate between pages in the
PDF. When zoomed in, a horizontal scroll bar appears at the bottom of
the Media Viewer.

3 Using the Browse App

Display or Control Description

2 Download button Used to download a local copy of the PDF.

As shown in this illustration, the Download button is included in the

second row of buttons.

n If you right-click on the PDF in the Media Viewer, you might see additional options such as Print or
Rotate. You might also be able to select and copy text from the PDF. These features are not tested by
Avid as they are functions of your web browser and not features specifically implemented by
MediaCentral Cloud UX.

Note the following:

l Your Asset Management system must include a “browse” PDF version of the file (with preferred usage
“Preview”) before you can view the document in the Asset Editor. You can check the usage preference
of a file in the File Info tab. For more information, see "The File Info Tab Layout" on page 256. If you
open an asset without a browse PDF, the Media Viewer displays an “Asset has no document data”
l If you want to download the original document, your Asset Management system must include a
“HiRes” version (file with preferred usage “Editing,” “Distribution,” or “Archive”). If for some reason
the HiRes version of the document no longer exists (it was deleted), you can still view the proxy
version of the file (if it was created), but you cannot download the original document.
l Your ability to download documents depends on Asset Management user privileges and rules.
Downloading documents might be tracked, depending on your company policy. Download tracking
can be enabled and disabled by your Asset Management administrator.
To open a document:
t Use the Browse or Search apps to find and load a document into the Asset Editor.
The document appears in the Source Monitor of the Media Viewer.
To navigate the document:
t Use default controls to navigate the document.
– Use the scroll bar on the right side of the Media Viewer or use your mouse’s wheel button to
navigate up and down in the document.
– Press Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End to go to the first or last page of the document.
– Press the Page Up or Page Down key to navigate page-by-page.
– Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key to navigate line-by-line.
To scale the document:
t Click the Fit to Page toggle button to display the entire page in the pane.
t Click the Fit to Width toggle button to adapt the PDF page to the width of the pane.
t Click the Zoom In button to magnify the page in the pane.
After you have zoomed in, you might see an additional scroll bar at the bottom of the Media Viewer
that allows you to navigate left and right on the page.
t Click the Zoom Out button to reduce the magnification of the page.

3 Using the Browse App

To download a document:

1. Click the Show More Controls button in the bar below the Media Viewer.
2. Click the Download button.
The file is saved to the download location specified in your web browser’s settings. If the original
HiRes version of the document is not a PDF, the process saves a copy of the document in its original
format to your local workstation.

n Depending on your browser settings, you might be prompted for a download location.
Viewing Asset Management Image Files
After you load an Asset Management image file (.jpg, .png, or other) into the Asset Editor, you can click on
the image to view the asset in full screen mode. This mode fills your browser window with the selected image

If you double-click on the image while in full screen, the viewer zooms into the image and provides zoom and
pan controls that allow you to explore the image further. The following illustration provides an example of
this mode.

Notice the Zoom and Pan controls window in the upper-left corner of the image viewer.

To view an image file in full-screen mode:

1. Load an image asset into the Asset Editor.

2. Click on the image in the Media Viewer to enter full-screen mode.
To zoom or out of the image:
t While in full-screen mode, do one of the following:
– With the image at 100%, double-click in the viewer to perform a 20% zoom
– Use the scroll button on your mouse to zoom in or out

3 Using the Browse App

– Use the horizontal slide bar in the Zoom and Pan controls window to zoom in or out
– While zoomed-in, double-click the image to zoom back out to 100%
To explore the image using pan controls:
t After you enter full-screen mode and zoom into the image, do one of the following:
– Click on the image in the browser and drag the image in any direction to pan to a new area.
– When you click on the image, your standard arrow cursor changes to a cross-hair.
– Click on the white box in the Zoom and Pan controls window and drag the box to a new
position in the window.
To exit full screen mode:
t Click the X in the upper-right corner of the viewer.
t Press the ESC key on your keyboard.
Maintaining Reserved Asset Management Assets and Shotlists
Starting with version 2020.9, assets and shotlists can be temporarily “reserved.” A reserved asset or shotlist
cannot be deleted nor can its essences or locations be deleted. Deletion protection is triggered when a user
creates or updates an Asset Management shotlists (EDL): For the shotlist and all its clips reservation
properties (a RESERVED flag and RESERVATION date) are set. The reservation properties expire after a
configured time span (default: 24 hours) and are automatically removed.

In general, assets can be deleted if the RESERVED flag is not set. If the RESERVED flag is set, any deletion
request will be rejected.

As an administrator, you can maintain reserved assets and reserve assets manually in MediaCentral Cloud
l You can remove the reservation information from assets and shotlists by triggering a Clear
Reservation process from the Browse or Search app.
l You can modify the Reservation Date and Reserved properties for individual assets and shotlists in
the Asset Editor’s Metadata tab. In doing so, you can modify the reservation properties of reserved
assets but also set the properties for assets that are not reserved yet.
Removing the Reservation Properties by Using a Process
As an administrator, you can overrule the automatic deletion protection of reserved assets in MediaCentral
Cloud UX. If you want to remove the reservation information from an asset or shotlist, you can trigger a
Clear Reservation process. This process does the following:
l It removes the “reserved” flag from the asset (sets the value of the Reserved property to “false”).
l It clears the reservation date (deletes the value of the Reservation Date property).
The most efficient way is to search for assets using the Reserved property in the Search app, as described in
the following procedure.

To clear the reservation properties:

1. Sign in to MediaCentral Cloud UX as an administrator.

2. Open the Search app.
3. Click the arrow of the Search pill and select More.
4. Do the following:

3 Using the Browse App

a. Click in the Filter field and type reserved.

b. Scroll down in the menu and select the Reserved property.
Reserved is set in the Search pill and a list of supported qualifiers opens.

5. Select True to search for assets for which the Reserved flag is set.

The system clears any existing search results from the results list and returns assets that match the
criteria in the search results list.
6. (Optional) To apply an asset type-based filter, select the asset type or sequence.edl in
the Filters sidebar.
7. Select the assets in the search results list.
8. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Actions > Modify Multiple Assets > Clear Reservation.
t Click the App Menu and select Actions > Modify Multiple Assets > Clear Reservation.
The Modify Multiple Assets process dialog box opens and shows the assets from which the reservation
information is to be removed as attachments.

9. Provide a main title for the process.

3 Using the Browse App

10. Click OK.

The Modify Multiple Assets process dialog box is closed and the clearing process is triggered.
11. (Optional) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the process Modify Multiple Assets.
Modifying the Reservation Properties Manually
As an administrator, you can manually set and modify reservation information for assets in MediaCentral
Cloud UX: You can set and change the Reservation Date and Reserved properties for individual assets and
shotlists in the Asset Editor’s Metadata tab. In doing so, you can modify or remove the deletion protection of
reserved assets but also set the properties for assets that are not reserved yet.

To change the reservation properties for an individual asset:

1. Sign in to MediaCentral Cloud UX as an administrator.

2. Do one of the following:
t In the Browse app, open the folders containing the asset you want to edit and double-click the
t In the Search app, search for the asset you want to edit and double-click the asset in the
results list.
The asset opens in the Asset Editor.
3. Click the Asset Editor’s Metadata tab.
4. (Optional) To hide the Media Viewer and show only the Metadata tab, click the Media Viewer button
in the Asset Editor’s header.
5. (Optional) Select Content Housekeeping from the Select View menu.

The Metadata tab scrolls down to the Content Housekeeping group.

3 Using the Browse App

6. Go to the Reserved property and change the status of the check box.
7. Go to the Reservation Date property and select a date from the calendar picker.
8. Click Save.
Monitoring Clear Reservation Processes
Use the MediaCentral Cloud UX Process app to monitor processes that are triggered by the Clear
reservation features. The Process app lets you monitor the Clear Reservation processes that you created in
MediaCentral Cloud UX and the processes triggered by the ClearReservations scheduled tasks in the

To monitor processes in the Process app:

1. Sign in to MediaCentral Cloud UX as an administrator.

2. Open the Process app.
3. Click the Display Group Button so it turns blue to group the processes by the process group
properties in the Process List.
4. Define filter criteria.
a. Open the Filter sidebar.
b. Expand the Groups list in the Filters sidebar.
c. Select Modify Multiple Assets in the Groups list.
The Process app shows you the corresponding processes.
5. (Optional) Apply additional filter criteria in the Filter sidebar.
a. To filter the processes by creation time ranges, expand the Created list and select one of the
time ranges.
b. To show only processes of a specific life cycle, expand the Status list and select the Life cycle
status you want to show.,
The Process app shows you the processes that match the defined filter criteria.
The Process List updates automatically upon process changes matching the filter criteria.
6. (Optional) While you monitor the displayed processes, click the Refresh button to reload processes in
the Process List manually.

Working with MediaCentral Newsroom Management Assets

The MediaCentral Newsroom Management (formerly Avid iNEWS) database is a file structure that is
organized by directories that contain subfolders or queues, which in turn contain news stories and other
news-related assets.

The contents of directories are displayed in the Browse app. The contents of queues are viewed in the
Rundown app. For more information, see "Working with the Rundown App" on page 402.

To open a directory:
t Click the turn-down arrow to the left of the folder in the Browse app’s directory.
This action expands the directory to show its subfolders while still retaining a view of the rest of the
directory file structure. To close the folder, click the turn-down arrow again.
t Select the folder in the Browse app’s directory.
This action opens the folder's contents in the Browse app’s Results area.
t Double-click the folder in the Browse app’s directory.

3 Using the Browse App

This action expands the directory to show its subfolders in the directory and opens the folder's
contents in the Results area.
t Double-click the folder in the Browse app’s Results area.
This action opens the folder's contents in the Results area.
Different icons are used to identify queues and directories in the Results area, as listed in the following

Icon Description
Directory or subfolder in the Newsroom Management database


Working with Maestro News Assets

The Maestro News library is organized using a standard structure of folders and sub-folders. You can use
the Browse app to navigate through the library just like any other MediaCentral module that is connected to
MediaCentral Cloud UX.

The following table describes each of the asset types found in the Maestro database.

Asset Type Description

Page A page is a data entry template that uses scene graphics. Pages can be modified by users to
include custom data. Once modified with custom content and saved, a page becomes an item.
Item An item is an instance of a page that identifies graphical templates containing the data,
animation, tickers, or other elements that can be displayed during production.
Media Assets included in the Media directory of the Maestro News database can be added as elements
to graphic templates or pages.

For more information, see "Working with Graphics Management Systems" on page 309.

Card and List Views

When using the Browse app, you can choose to display the results in either a List or Card view.
l If you select List view, each Maestro asset is displayed in a column view with a smaller thumbnail
image and additional metadata.

l When you select Card view in the Browse app, each Maestro asset is displayed with a large
thumbnail image and associated metadata.
For more information about Maestro-specific metadata types such as vslot (virtual slot), see the Avid
Maestro | News User Guide on the Avid Knowledge Base.

4 Using the Search App

4 Using the Search App

The Search app enables you to quickly and easily locate assets across multiple connected MediaCentral
modules such as Production Management, Asset Management, Newsroom Management, and others. When
you initiate a search, MediaCentral Cloud UX accesses an index of text-based metadata fields to return
assets that match your search criteria. After you complete your search, you can filter and sort the assets to
further refine the results.

If your system is licensed for additional features, your search might include results from other indexed
databases. For example in the case of MediaCentral Phonetic Index, the Search app analyzes your audio
media and creates a catalog of phrases. After this index is built, you can use the Search app to find spoken
words through a text based search.

If your local MediaCentral Cloud UX system is part of a multi-site environment, your search results might
include assets from remote MediaCentral modules. For more information, see "Working with Remote Assets"
on page 189.

If your system is licensed for the Log app, your search results might include session data that is associated
with media assets. For more information, see "Searching for Sessions and Associated Media" on page 562.

You can access the app by clicking the Search button in the Fast Bar at the top of the user interface. If you
right-click on the Search button, you are presented with a menu that allows you to create (or delete)
additional instances of the Search app. For more information on this feature, see "Opening Multiple App
Instances" on page 47.

The app is divided into five primary sections, as shown in the following illustration.

Section Description

1 Search header Allows you to define custom search parameters and execute searches.

For more information, see "Search App Header" on the next page.
2 Search Sidebar The sidebar includes options to narrow your search through a series of
predefined filters. Additionally, options to create and use search favorites and
to review your search history are also included.

For more information, see "Working with the Search Sidebar" on page 154.

4 Using the Search App

Section Description

3 Results toolbar and Lists all assets returned by a given search.

Search Results area
For more information, see "Using the Results Toolbar and Search Results" on
page 167.
Although not technically part of the Search app, the Asset Editor provides additional functionality:
4 Asset Editor (Media Displays selected media assets for review.
For more information, see "The Media Viewer and Asset Editor Tabs" on
page 178.
5 Asset Editor (Tabs) The Tabs section of the Asset Editor provides additional detail about the
currently loaded asset. The Search app leverages the Hits tab to provide
additional information about phonetic, and marker & segment matches.

For more information, see "Using the Asset Editor Hits Tab" on page 176.

For more information on keyboard shortcuts that can be used with the Search app, see "Keyboard
Shortcuts" on page 684.

Searching for Assets

The following topics are includes in this section:
l "Search App Header" below
l "Understanding Search Types" on page 132
l "Using the Phonetic Search Type" on page 133
l "Incomplete Search Terms" on page 135
l "Reviewing the Search Type Menu" on page 135
l "Using Super Pills" on page 141
l "Searching by a Single Term" on page 143
l "Searching with Multiple Terms (Multiple Pills)" on page 144
l "Editing or Clearing a Search" on page 147

Search App Header

Displayed at the top of the Search app, the Search header includes controls that allow you to create and
execute a term-based search or to refine the parameters of an existing search.

When you open the Search app for the first time in a new session, a default search term or “pill” is displayed
in the left side of the Search header. You can add text to this field, add more terms to narrow your search,
or delete all custom terms to create a search based solely on filters that you select in the sidebar. If you add
more than one term, each is displayed in the Search header with a randomly selected color.

The following illustration and table describe the controls that are available in the Search header.

4 Using the Search App

Name Description

1 Location Pill This button allows you to search in a specific location of a Production Management

For more information, see "Using the Location Pill" below.

2 Search term As illustrated here, the search term is waiting for you to enter a custom value.
3 Add Term Adds a new term to the search.

For more information, see "Searching with Multiple Terms (Multiple Pills)" on page 144.
4 Clear Search This button removes all search terms and filters and populates the search header with
a new, empty term.

For more information, see "Editing or Clearing a Search" on page 147.

5 Search Executes the search.
6 Query Mode Allows you to display the search terms in either Compact or Form view.
7 Dock Docks the Search app.

For more information, see "Docking Apps" on page 45.

8 Context Menu Allows you to perform additional actions on assets in the Results area.

For more information, see "Using the Search Context Menus" on page 176.
9 Close Closes the Search app.

If you open multiple instances of the Search app, this button closes the current
instance of the app. You can access additional instances by left or right-clicking on
the Search app button in the Fast Bar.

Using the Location Pill

For MediaCentral Cloud UX systems that are integrated with a Production Management module, the
location pill allows you to limit your search to a single Production database, or a specific location within the
database. The following illustration shows the Location pill with its default value of All Systems (above), and
then with the Projects folder selected within the "PM-12" Production Management database (below).

4 Using the Search App

If your system is not connected to a Production Management module, the location pill is displayed, but it is
locked in the All Systems mode with no option to navigate deeper into a database. Administrators can
remove the Location pill from the user interface by deselecting the Search Folder Pill option in the
Configuration Settings app. For more information, see "Using the Configuration Settings App" in the Avid
MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide.

When selecting a system through the Location pill, the same system is not automatically selected in the
Systems filter in the Search app sidebar. These features work independently of each other. If you select a
different system in the sidebar, the results are not cumulative.

n If the Location pill is not working as expected, ensure that your administrator has enabled Asset
Visibility in the Interplay Administrator. For more information, see “Reviewing the Manage Status Tab”
in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide.

To use the Location pill:

1. Click the Location pill.

The pill defaults to searching for All (Production Management) Systems. When you click the pill, the
Search app displays a menu that lists all available local and remote Production Management
2. Do one of the following:
t Select a Production Management database, or click the chevrons to the left of any database to
expand the tree.
t Click the chevrons to the left of any database to expand the tree and select an individual
folder within the database.
If you expand multiple different folders and then you return to the location pill, the tree
expands to display the selected folder and its parent folder(s) only. All other folders appear
3. Click the Search button to execute the search.
You can select only one database or one location in the database using this feature. You can expand your
search to include additional systems using the System filter in the Search app sidebar.

Using the Query Mode Button

The Search app displays all terms in the Search header in a compact view by default in which each term is
displayed as a pill. This view hides the granular details that are included in each term. If you prefer to see all
terms with their full details, you can click the Query Mode button to switch to Form view. The following
illustration shows an example search in Form view.

When in this view, terms are always displayed in edit mode. After you exceed five rows of data, a vertical
scroll bar appears to the right side of the form window.

If you prefer Form view over the default Compact view, you can change your default preference in the User
Settings. For more information, see "User Settings" on page 674.

4 Using the Search App

Understanding Search Types

When you add a term to the header, the Search app associates the entry with a search type that partially
determines how your search is executed. Metadata is the default search type for every new search term,
but multiple other search types exist — each with their own icon. For example in the following illustration,
the user has created a new phonetic search with a value of “London”. You know that this is a phonetic
search because of the icon at the left-side of the term.

The following table describes the different Search Type options.

Icon Name Description

Any When you select this search type, MediaCentral Cloud UX looks for your search
term across all text-based Metadata fields, including those defined in the Dates
and Markers & Segments categories.

The Any search type does not return matches against Phonetic metadata.

n Avid recommends that organizations with many concurrent users avoid the
use of the Any search type. Users can achieve the same search results while
maximizing system performance through the use of targeted searches or
Super Pills.
Dates Searches for metadata types such as Date Created or Date Modified.

In some cases the Dates category might be limited to a date value only, while in
other cases you might be prompted to enter both date and time values.

When selecting a search type that requires you to enter a date or a date range,
the app displays a calendar that you can use to select your values. For more
information, see "Working with Date Fields" on page 139.
Markers and Select this option to limit your search results to include only assets that match
Segments marker metadata (comments), Asset Management stratum, or segment data
created through the Log app. These types of attributes are also known as Time-
Based metadata (TBMD).

n If you add two or more Markers and Segments pills to the Search using the
and (&) operator, each search term must appear in the same marker or
segment. If the search terms appear in different markers or segments in the
same asset, the asset is not returned in the search results.

This search type might also return strata annotation associated MediaCentral |
Analytics. This is an optional feature that provides a framework for automated
content indexing, such as facial detection, scene recognition, and speech-to-text
conversion, by using third-party capabilities. If your system is licensed for this
feature, the Search Type menu might include a number of additional options.

Markers and Segments includes options for the following secondary search

l Logged Metadata

4 Using the Search App

Icon Name Description

l Markers

l Restrictions
For more information on installing and configuring this feature, see the Avid
MediaCentral | Analytics ReadMe on the Avid Knowledge Base.
Metadata This is the default selection for each new search term.

Searches for text-based metadata - including both statically assigned values

such as format and resolution, as well as user-defined values such as asset
names. This search type does not return time-based metadata such as
information included in marker data.
Phonetic The Phonetic search type is available if your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is
(fast) licensed for MediaCentral Phonetic Index. This metadata is created by
phonetically analyzing assets that include one or more audio tracks.

Phonetic-based searches are available in two varieties: fast or accurate. The fast
Phonetic version of the search might provide a larger number of phonetic hits, but with less
(accurate) accuracy. Inversely, the accurate search provides fewer results, but the hits have
a much higher probability of matching your search criteria.

For more information, see "Using the Phonetic Search Type" below.
Time Associated with secondary search types, the Time search type allows you to
search for assets at a given time, without an associated date value.

Super Pill Allows you to combine multipe serach types into a single search pill.

For more information, see "Using Super Pills" on page 141.

Whenever you add two or more terms using the same search type, the search bar displays the same color
for each pill. For example two metadata terms might both be colored blue, but a phonetic term would be
displayed using a different color. This color-coding system can help you more easily identify multiple
search terms of the same type.

To change the search type:

1. Click on the search type icon on the left side of any search term.
The Search Type menu appears below the term with possible options.
2. Select a new search type from the menu.
The term is updated to reflect the change, as indicated by the search type icon.

Using the Phonetic Search Type

When indexing an asset that includes multiple audio tracks, Phonetic Index reads the first audio track only
by default. If you want MediaCentral Search to return phonetic data for additional audio tracks, you must
configure settings in your source asset management system.

Audio (phonetic) metadata is created through a background index process which scans the assets at a rate
of approximately 50x to 200x real time. When you perform a search, you are not searching the actual
audio assets, but rather an index of the audio. During normal system operation, the index service continues
to scan for new assets. While the process is extremely fast, it is possible that audio metadata might not be
immediately available for newly ingested assets.

4 Using the Search App

Phonetic searches work best with fewer terms. In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, you are limited to a
maximum of ten Phonetic search terms. If you create more than ten terms, the Search Results area displays
a message that asks you to delete the additional Phonetic terms. When adding multiple Phonetic terms, all
must be of the same type (fast or accurate). If you attempt to add a different phonetic search type, the
system asks if you want to maintain the original search type, or switch to the new one.

n Assets must be fully online and available before the audio can be indexed and discovered through a
phonetic search. Phonetic search results are returned only for online master clips and not for subclips,
sequences, or other asset types.

Conventional vs Large-Scale Searches

Conventional searches perform an in-depth analysis of the indexed data to produce the most accurate
results possible. Large-scale searches are often conducted on systems that include many hours of indexed
media. These searches use phonetic digests to expedite the speed at which the results are returned. As a
result, large-scale searches might return fewer assets because some phonetic hits might be missed by this
faster search algorithm.

When you conduct a Phonetic (Fast) search, MediaCentral Cloud UX might conduct either a conventional or
a large-scale search. The automatic selection process is partially determined by your search criteria and by
the Large Scale Threshold value that your administrator entered when configuring the system (200 hours
by default). If your search exceeds that value, the Fast search conducts a large-scale search automatically.

When you conduct a Phonetic (Accurate) search, the system conducts a conventional search only and it
does not switch to a large-scale search. If your phonetic index includes a large number of assets, your
search could take longer to complete, but the results will be more accurate. You can increase the speed at
the Search app returns results by including additional search criteria.

Consider the following use-case in which you know that you have an asset that was captured just two days
ago where the subject says the word “London”.
l You add a single Phonetic (fast) term to the search:

The engine most likely performs a large-scale search because it must search across the entire
phonetic index for this term. However in this case, the search does not return the asset because the
subject did not say the matching term clearly enough.
Result: The Search app finds zero assets.
l In this updated example, you add a date-range qualifier to the search:

The Created date range reduces the number of hours of indexed media below the 200 hour threshold.
Since the search includes far fewer assets, the engine conducts a conventional search. In this case
the conventional search’s deep analysis of the index includes the assets in the search results.
Result: The Search app finds 10 assets.
l As a final example, you change the search term to Phonetic (accurate)::

Result: The Search app finds the same 10 assets as the previous. Since this search was required to
perform an in-depth analysis of the entire search index, results were most likely slower to return than
the previous search.

4 Using the Search App

Phonetic Language Options

During the system configuration process, your administrator might have installed one or more language
packs on your MediaCentral Cloud UX system. Language packs provide a basic structure for Phonetic Index
to read your audio media. For instance, there might be different dialects for Canadian French as compared
to European French. Depending on your workflow, you might even have some media that includes multiple
audio tracks with different languages on each track. Language packs help to properly analyze the spoken
words in your audio media to provide you with more accurate search results.

Each phonetic term includes a menu on the far right-side of the pill that allows you to select a specific
language. If your system includes only one language pack, that language will be the only available
selection in the menu. The following illustration shows the language selection menu with three different

Normally defaulting to International English (EN), your administrator can alter the default language that
appears in the phonetic search pill based on your local preferences. This menu option affects phonetic
searches only. The language that you select on either the MediaCentral Cloud UX welcome screen or in the
User Settings has no bearing on your search results.

n If you add more than one phonetic term to the search, the last language that you select is used for all
pills. If you alter the language selection for one pill, all pills are updated with this same language.

Incomplete Search Terms

If you add a search term that does not include all required values, the term is ignored when you execute
your search. You must enter all required values if you want the search engine to include your term.

The following illustration shows an incomplete term on the left which appears as a darkened pill with an
outline. After you enter all the required values, the pill appears with a colored fill as in the image to the right.

While you do not want to include incomplete terms in your search, you might find it useful to start with a
template of incomplete or partial terms. If you save this type of search as a favorite, it is referred to as a
form. For more information, see "Creating and Using Search Favorites" on page 158.

Reviewing the Search Type Menu

As described above, the Search app allows you to adjust the search type for any term that you add to the
Search header. Whenever you access the Search Type menu, the short version of the menu is displayed.
However, MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to modify the contents of this menu to include frequently used
search types. If you click the More button, the Search Type menu expands to display a tree of additional

In the following illustration, the image on the left shows the (short) Search Type menu with the Any,
Metadata, and Phonetic options available. The image on the right shows the same menu after it has been

4 Using the Search App

The search types displayed in the long menu are divided into three categories: Primary, Secondary, and
Module. The Primary and Secondary categories allow you to search for values that are common to multiple
MediaCentral modules. For example, MediaCentral Production Management and MediaCentral Asset
Management both have a “Duration” metadata field. However, the actual name of that metadata value
might vary between each system. By selecting the Metadata: Duration search type, you can search across
all databases without knowing the name of each custom metadata value.
l Primary: Includes search types such as Any, Metadata, Phonetic, and others.
l Secondary: Some search types are associated with a sub menu of secondary options. For example,
the Metadata search type includes an extensive list of secondary values. You can access secondary
search types by clicking the arrow to the left of the primary name.

If you select a secondary search type, your search term limits the results to that specific metadata
In some cases, such as the Markers and Segments search type, the secondary menu might include
both individual options and module specific sub-menus.
l Module: The bottom of the Search Type menu includes a line item for each of the MediaCentral
modules that are connected to your system. Each module is associated with a sub-menu of metadata
values that are custom to that module. For example, the “KN Mark IN” metadata field found in a
Production Management system does not exist as a metadata value in a MediaCentral Asset
Management system.
You can review the list of search types by using the scroll bar on the right side of the menu. Alternatively if
you are looking for a specific metadata field in the full menu, you can use the filter option at the top of the
menu to refine the list. In the following illustration, the word color has been entered to limit the menu to
display only metadata types that include that term.

4 Using the Search App

If the term you use to filter the list returns too many values, you can enclose the term in quotes to look for an
exact match value — for example “color” instead of just color.

Secondary Search Types

When adding a term to the Search header that is associated with a secondary search type, you might be
required to enter one or more qualifying values. Secondary search types are divided into the following
l Single Value (Manual)
Requires you to type a custom value into the search term. For example, Metadata: Name requires you
to enter the name of the asset that you want to find.

l Single Value (Menu)

Requires you to select a value through a menu selection. As illustrated below, the Dates: Expiration
Date search term is associated with a list of predefined options. In some cases, the menu might
include one or more sub-menus from which can select additional values.

After you select an option from the menu, you might be allowed to enter a manual value (3 Days in
the following example illustration). You can also change the time-frame — for example from Days to
Weeks. The maximum allowed value for this field is 1000.

4 Using the Search App

l Multi-Value
Requires you to enter a range of information. For example Dates: Created (Between) requires you to
enter a starting and ending date range (hours and minutes optional).

Some search types require you to specify qualifier before you can enter any values. For example the
Created search type allows you to select a qualifier such as Between, On, or others from a menu of
possible options.
l Multi-Value Compound (MVC)
Some Asset Management assets might be associated with metadata fields where several properties
are combined into a single property. For more information, see "Understanding Asset Management
Metadata" on page 233. If you add a metadata type that is associated with a compound property,
the search term includes menus that are similar to the multi-value search type. In these instances,
you must select an option from the secondary menu, and then select values from the associated
menu or manually type a value.
The following illustration shows the MVC metadata value “Olympics”, where the user has selected
“Athlete” from the secondary menu, and then added two individual athletes from the associated

4 Using the Search App

n When selecting entries as filter for a master data attribute, the Search app cannot search within
master data attributes of type “text with unlimited length”. In the following example, the term
“HUDSON” would not be found in a search because the ATHLETE_REPRESENTATIVE attribute
was created with the unlimited length option enabled in the Asset Management data modeler.

n For this reason, Avid recommends that administrators create only master data attributes of
type “text with limited length” if they require the values to be found in the MediaCentral Cloud
UX Search app. For more information, see “Creating an Attribute” in the Avid MediaCentral |
Asset Management Datamodel Administrator User’s Guide.

Navigation and Auto-Complete

When working with the qualifier options, you can use either your mouse or in some cases your keyboard to
enter values. If you are entering data into a multi-value field, such as a date range, the input prompt moves
automatically to the next field after you enter the first value.

For example, consider the Dates: Created (On) search type in the following illustration. After you enter the
year, you are advanced to the month field automatically. If you want to manually navigate between fields,
you can press the Tab key to advance to the next field, or you can use the arrow keys to move left and right
between the fields. The Up and Down arrow keys allow you to alter each field by one — for example, change
the year from 1999 to 2000.

The Search app helps you limit the number of characters that you need to enter by analyzing your custom
data. If you enter “3” in the month field, the value is changed automatically to “03” because the system
knows that there are no months that start with 3 as the first digit.

Working with Date Fields

When you select a search type that includes a date variable, the Search app displays a calendar that you
can use to enter your required values. As shown in the following illustration, the calendar includes controls
that allow you to quickly jump to specific days, months, or years.

4 Using the Search App

The following controls are available in the date picker:

Icon Purpose Description

Back or Forward (large) Click these buttons to go back or forward by a larger amount of
time. The increments change based on your current location in the
calendar. For example if you are on the initial calendar page, these
buttons advance the date by one year at a time.
Back or Forward (small) Click these buttons to go back or forward by a shorter amount of
time. The increments change based on your current location in the
calendar. For example if you are on the initial calendar page, these
buttons advance the date by one month at a time.
Example: Current Month and Appearing between the back and forward controls, you can click
Year this button to display a monthly view in which you can select a
specific month within the current year.

If you click the center button again, you can select a specific year
(10 years displayed per page). In this case the back and forward
buttons increment by either 10 or 100 years at a time.
Example: Current Day The calendar displays today’s date with a blue outline (shown left in
this example).

After you select a day, the value is highlighted in blue (shown right
in this example).

Search terms that include both date and time variables might required you to enter values for all fields. If
you enter only a portion of the required data — for example the day and year, but not the month — the
search term might be added to your search as a template. The year field represents a special case, where
you can enter the year value only and leave the other fields blank. For example:

You might also encounter metadata terms that are associated with time-only or date-only values. Since
these terms do not require both date and time values, you can enter either a time or date value to create a
valid search term. The following illustration shows a time-only value on the left and a date-only value on the

4 Using the Search App

Adding or Removing Options in the Short Menu

The following steps detail the process of adding items to the short Search Type menu or removing options
from the menu.

To add or remove options in the short menu:

1. Click the Search Type icon or press Shift-Down (arrow) in a new or existing search term to access the
short menu.
If the term was not already active, you must click on the icon twice to access the menu — once to
activate the term and a second time to access the menu.
You can exit the Search Type menu at any time by pressing the ESC key on the keyboard.
2. Click the More button at the bottom of the menu to display the full menu.
3. Enable or disable the check boxes to the right of any search type to alter the options displayed in the
short Search Type menu.
4. Close the full menu by completing one of the following actions:
t Click the Less button at the top of the menu to show the short Search Type menu.
t Click anywhere outside of the menu or press the ESC key on your keyboard to exit and save
your changes.
The short Search Type menu now includes quick links to your selected options. In the following
illustration, the Markers & Segments and Created search types have been added to the short menu.

When you add a search type to the short menu, the value is saved to the server so that is persistent
across users sessions and workstations.

Using Super Pills

Super Pills allow you to combine multiple search types into a single search pill. You can use this feature to
search for a single value against multiple specific fields. For example, you could create a super pill that
searches for the word "London" across the Name, Markers, and Production Management > Original Bin
fields. This feature can save you time when compared to an alternative workflow in which you would create
and configure three individual pills.

The following illustration shows the Super Pill user interface.

4 Using the Search App

Left: Standard search pill (super pill disabled). Middle: Super pill enabled. Right: Super pill enabled with two attributes selected.

Super pills join search terms with an OR operator by default. In this example, the Search app would look for
your value in either the Name or the Markers and Segments fields.

n You cannot add master data or taxonomy values to super pills in this release.
To create and configure a super pill:

1. Click the Search Type menu to display the pill's options.

2. Click the Super Pill toggle button to enable the pill type.
The button turns blue to indicate that it is enabled and the pill displays the Super Pill icon. The Search
app also adds an Attributes field to the menu.
3. Select your first search type.
Your initial selection determines the availability of the remaining search types. You can combine only
those search types that are of the same class. For example, you could combine both Metadata and
Name types, because both of these are text-based fields. You would not be allowed to combine Name
and Created because the latter is a Date-based field.
You cannot combine Phonetic (fast) and Phonetic (accurate) search types.
If you activate the Super Pill option but you do not select a search type from the menu, the super pill
icon remains activated and the Search app enables the original search type. For example if you start
with a Metadata pill, you convert it to a super pill, but you do not select any search types, then
Metadata is enabled automatically.
4. (optional) Add one or more additional search types to the pill.
You can also deselect fields to remove them from the pill.
5. Do one of the following:
t Click the Check Mark button to confirm your selection.
t Click the X button on the right-side of the Attributes field to clear your selection.
t Click the Selected Attributes button to display a pop-out menu, and then click the X to the

4 Using the Search App

right of any value to remove it from the super pill.

t Click the data entry area of the search pill to add the search value.
6. Enter a value into the pill and click the Search button.
The system executes the search using the values that you configured in the Search header.
If you do not configure the super pill correctly, the pill reverts to its prior value. If for example you
configure a standard pill, enable the super pill toggle without selecting any attributes, and then click
Search button, the system reverts the pill back to its original state.

Searching by a Single Term

Referencing the concepts described above, you can use the following process to create a new search that is
based on a single-term. Whenever you add a term, you have the option of clicking on the term in the Search
header to alter any criteria associated with it. If you begin to alter the search term and change your mind,
you can press the ESC key on the keyboard to abort the changes and revert the term to its original settings.

If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is configured with Phonetic Index and you add a search term of type
Any or Phonetic and you add a special character such a “+” to the term, the Search app responds with the
following warning:

The search term '<value>' contains characters that are not allowed in phonetic search. The following
characters will be removed from the search term: <list of values>

After you click OK to the warning message, the invalid characters are removed from the search term.

After creating a term, you can click the X in the right-side of any term to delete it from your search.
Alternatively, you can click the Clear Search button to remove all phrases from your search simultaneously
and populate the Search Header with a new blank term. If you remove a term from your search, the search
results are updated automatically to reflect the change.

To search using a single search term:

1. (optional) Change the default search type by doing one of the following:
t Click the Search Type icon within the first term in the Search header or press Shift-Down
(arrow), and select a search type from the short menu.
t Open the short menu, click the More button to reveal the long menu, and click the name of a
primary or secondary search type to add it directly to the search term.
You can exit the Search Type menu at any time by pressing the ESC key on the keyboard.
2. Enter custom data into the search term, including data for any required qualifiers.
3. Click the Search button in the Search header or press Enter on the keyboard.

4 Using the Search App

The search is executed and the Results area is populated with all matching assets. If you have the
Search Sidebar displayed, the counters to the right of each filter are updated to provide additional
detail regarding the returned assets.

Searching with Multiple Terms (Multiple Pills)

When you add more than one term to the Search header, a boolean operator appears between each term.
These operators define the relationship between each search term and subsequently have a direct effect on
the results of the search. In the following illustration, the and (&) operator is used to tell the Search app to
return assets only if both terms are included in the asset metadata.

You can click on the operator to change the relationship between the terms from the default and (&) value
to an or ( | ) value or an and not ( - ) value. In many cases the or operator increases the number of results
because the relationship between the search terms is broken.

When you add three or more terms and you use more than one operator type, you begin to create an
“equation” of sorts. In the following illustration, the user changed the first operator from an and to an or.
This change caused the second two phrases to be enclosed in parentheses and the two terms are treated as
a unit.

n If you create a search with two or more terms and at least one of these terms uses the Phonetic search
type, the operators between each term must be either all and or all or. The Search app disables the
operator or search type menu options for any unsupported operation.

n If you attempt to alter the value of a single operator, the Search app displays a message that asks if
you want to switch all operators or cancel the operation. Additionally, this window allows you to
suppress future occurrences of the warning.

4 Using the Search App

In the following example the user added a fourth term and changed the operators again. In this case the
first two terms are linked with an and, and the second two terms are linked with an and not.

When creating a search with multiple terms and different operators, the and and and not operators take
priority over the or operator. In the following illustration, the first operator is changed to an or which
automatically links the second two terms together because and has a higher priority.

Also note that when creating a search with multiple terms and different operators, you can compound the
search by one level only. For example, the following search would not be possible:
((Phrase1 & Phrase4) | Phrase3) & ((Phrase2 | Phrase4) — Phrase3).

You can show or hide the presence of the parentheses characters in your User Settings. However this setting
effects the on-screen display only. The Search app executes the search and produces the same results in
either case. For more information, see "User Settings" on page 674.

n If you add an empty term (a term associated with no value), the term is ignored when you execute
your search.

To search for multiple phrases:

1. (if necessary) Create a new term by clicking the Add button in the Search header.
2. After you add the first search term, create a second term by doing one of the following:
t Click the Add button (the + symbol in the Search header).
t Right-click the Add button and select a boolean operator from the context menu.
t Add a new term with an and operator by pressing the Tab key.
t Add a new term with an or operator by pressing Alt+Ctrl+\ (Windows) or Opt+Cmd+\ (macOS).
Alternatively, you can read this as using Alt+Ctrl+(backslash).
t Add a new term with an and not operator by pressing Alt+Ctrl+- (Windows) or Opt+Cmd+-
(macOS). Alternatively, you can read this as using Alt+Ctrl+(minus symbol).
3. (optional) Change the boolean operator between the terms by clicking on the operator symbol and

4 Using the Search App

selecting an option from the context menu.

4. Click the Search button in the Search header or press Enter on the keyboard.
The search is executed and the Results area is populated with all matching assets.

Searching with Multiple Terms (Single Compound Pill)

As an alternative to adding multiple individual pills with single terms to your search, the Search app allows
you to combine multiple search terms within a single compound pill. Consider the following example

This search includes a combination of the following:

l Use of quotes indicate that the results must contain "London Zoo" as an exact term.
l The plus symbol indicates that the results must also include penguin or lemur.
l The parenthesis indicate that penguin and lemur are joined terms and the double-pipe symbol ( | |
) represents an OR value. The search results must include "London Zoo" plus penguin, or "London
Zoo" plus lemur.
l The minus symbol indicates that results must not include results that include the word gorilla.
You could create this same search using multiple terms, as shown in the following illustration.

If you add a parenthesis symbol to the pill, the Search app displays a Warning icon to the far right of the
pill. This serves as a reminder that your current search is incomplete. The warning is removed after you add
the second enclosing parenthesis symbol. You can hover your cursor over the warning symbol to display a
tool-tip that provides more information about the cause of the issue.

Although this verification process might assist in preventing some errors, it is still possible to create a search
that results in a failure. If for example you include a set of parentheses with no values ( ), the pill verification
would pass, but the search would still result in a failure. In this case an error is displayed in the Results area.

You can continue to use compound pills with other pills to create a multi-term search. The following example
adds a Date-based pill and a Metadata pill to the search.

Compound pills support the following options:

Symbol Name Type Symbol Name Type

+ Plus And || Pipe Or

AND Plus And OR Pipe Or

&& Plus And

- Minus Not " " Quotes Exact match

NOT Minus Not ( ) Parentheses Joined terms

! Minus Not ~ Tilde Fuzzy or proximity

Note the following when using compound pills:

4 Using the Search App

l All compound pills execute a multi-match search by default. If you add parentheses or an operator,
such as &&, the multi-match search is disabled. Multi-match searches require that each term exist
within the same metadata field, but they are not required to be found in that order, or even next to
each other.
l You can create compound pills when using Search Types whose data type is text-based only, such as
Metadata or Markers & Segments. Other search types such as Date, Legal Lists, or others do not
l When using AND, &&, OR, ||, NOT, or - , Avid highly recommends that you use parentheses as the
usual precedence rules are not honored.
l The AND, &&, NOT, || , and OR operators require a space before and after them. For example:
(penguin || lemur). If the space around the operator is not present, the operator does not function as
l The following operators (+, - and !) must precede the affected term directly, without a space. For
example:(-penguin +lemur !gorilla). If you add a space between the operator and the term, the
operator is ignored.
l The NOT and - (minus) operators are not supported when using the Any search type.
l Since the default operator within a compound pill is AND, using (AND, && and +) operators is optional.
While it can help clarify the intent of the query, it does not change its results.
l Avid supports using wildcards within compound pills. For more information, see "Additional Search
Options" below.

Editing or Clearing a Search

After you enter one or more terms to the search header, you can alter the contents of a term, add a new
term, or remove a term to alter the parameters of your search. When you select an existing term that
includes a custom text value, the text is highlighted so that you can easily replace it. If your search term
includes a value that is populated by a menu (e.g. Created : Last Week), the menu is opened automatically
when you click the term. When you click away from the search header, the search results are updated to
reflect your new search criteria.

Alternatively, you can clear all custom search terms and filters to start over with a new search.

To clear a search:

Complete any of the following actions to clear all search terms and filters.
t Click on the Clear Search button in the Search header
t Press Ctrl+Backspace on a Windows keyboard, or Cmd+Backspace on a Mac keyboard

Additional Search Options

While it is easy to execute a simple search, you can use the following concepts to refine your search or
create more complex searches. The following concepts are described in this section:
l "Using Wildcards" on the next page
l "Fuzzy and Proximity Searches" on the next page
l "Searching by Current User" on page 149
l "Boolean and Numerical Search Terms" on page 150
l "Using Compound Phrases" on page 150
l "Using Taxonomies" on page 152
l "Search Word Breaks" on page 153

4 Using the Search App

Using Wildcards
The Search app allows you to use a question mark and / or an asterisk as wildcard characters in a text-
based search. For information on using the tilde symbol ( ~ ), see "Fuzzy and Proximity Searches" below.

n If you create a search using the Any or Markers and Segments search types with multiple terms in the
same pill and you include a wildcard in the text, the rule that requires all terms to be found in the same
field no longer applies. In this case the search might return search results based on the individual

Question Mark

You can substitute the question mark ( ? ) for any single character in a text-based search. For example, if
you enter Lo?d?n, your search results might include matches for London, Loyden, or others.


You can substitute an asterisk ( * ) to replace one or more characters in a text-based search. You can use an
asterisk as the leading character, tailing character, or as a value in the middle of a term.

Consider the results for the following search terms. In this example, you can assume that the search index
includes assets with the following names: fire, wildfire, wildfires, bushfire, frame

Search term Result

type and value

Any: fire Returns: fire

No other assets are returned as the user did not add a wildcard as a leading character.
Any: wildfire Returns: wildfire, wildfires

The search engine understands the use of plural words and returns both assets, even though
wildfires is not an exact match.
Any: *fire Returns: fire, wildfire, bushfire

The search returns the exact match, as well as all assets that end with fire. In this case
wildfires is not returned because it is not a plural of “fire”. If you want the plural to be
included in your search results, you might search for *fire* or *fire? instead.
Any: f*e Returns: fire, frame

As the wildcard is used in the middle of the search term value, the search returns all assets
that start with “f” and end with “e”.

Fuzzy and Proximity Searches

You can use the tilde symbol ( ~ ) to conduct fuzzy and proximity searches. The use of the tilde applies to
text-based searches only; phonetic searches do not support these options.

Fuzzy Searches

Similar to a wildcard, the tilde character can be used to return assets for which you only know a partial
value of a search term. The syntax for this search requires you to enter a value, followed by the tilde ( ~ )
and a numerical value. In the following example, the user searched for: pengu~2.

4 Using the Search App

The value of 2 used in this example allows the Search app to replace up to two characters within each hit.
This allows the results to include a word like “genius” in which the letter “p” does not exist. You might
consider using a fuzzy search if you believe that an asset includes a misspelling — such as the word
“Lenguins” in this example.

n Alternatively, you can add the tilde without a numerical value. In this case the Search app assumes a
value of 2 automatically.

Proximity Searches

Proximity searches allow you to search for values that are grouped together, but are not necessarily
adjacent to each other. You can conduct a proximity search by enclosing two terms in quotes, followed by
the tilde symbol and a number. The number represents the maximum number of words in which the two
terms are separated.

Consider the following example in which a user is searching for an asset named “Penguins swimming
together at the London Zoo”.

Search Term (single pill) Result

“Penguins Zoo” No results. The two words are not a adjacent to each other.
“Penguins Zoo”~5 Asset returned. By adding ~5, you are telling the Search app that the two terms are
separated by at least five other words.

“Penguins Zoo”~3 No results. Although the two words are included in the title of the asset, they are
separated by more than three other words.
“*enguins Zoo”~5 No results. Avid does not support using a wildcard within a proximity search.

Searching by Current User

Some search types, such as Creator or Last Modified By, require that you specify a user name in the search
field. While you can always enter a specific user name, the Search app allows you to enter $user$ to define
the current user (you).

The “current user” search is especially beneficial if you want to save and share a search with another user.
When another user conducts a search, they find assets associated with their user account and not yours.

4 Using the Search App

Boolean and Numerical Search Terms

In some cases the search term secondary menus include True, False, Is Set, or Is Not Set operators. When
these modifiers are used, the term is identified as a boolean search term. For example the Metadata: Has
Audio search term includes these boolean options.

Some operators such as Is Set (=set) and Is Not Set (=!set) can be used with search terms that do not offer
this option in a sub-menu. In the following example illustration, the user selected the Metadata: System ID
search type and manually typed “=!set” into the field.

After pressing the tab key to advance to a new pill, the value is displayed as the more user friendly “Is Not
Set” text value. Because the value is configured for “Is Not Set”, the search eliminates any asset that
includes a System ID.

The secondary menus might also include numerical options such as Less Than, Greater Than, or others.
When using these operators, you might be able to select a predefined value such as > 1 Hour or you can
select a custom option such as > Greater Than and enter a custom numerical value. Unlike the Is Set / Is Not
Set options, you cannot type the manual equivalent of these values.

The following illustration shows the Asset Management: Air Duration search term using same “greater than 1
hour” search when entered as a predefined value (first search term) and a custom value (second search

n You can use boolean operators only if they are present in the secondary menu. For example although
Audio Bit Depth is a numerical value, you cannot use boolean operators, as they are not available in
the secondary menu for that metadata type.

Using Compound Phrases

Many of the examples in this chapter use a single phrase when describing a search term. However it is
possible to add multiple phrases to a single term. For example, you might want to search for a city like “New
York” or you might want to search for multiple words that you remember from the marker data of an asset.
In these cases, you must understand how the search engine treats these compound phrases to ensure that
you obtain the desired results.

The following table provides a comparison of how a search term with compound phrase is analyzed verses a
search with multiple separate search terms.

4 Using the Search App

Search Type Value Expected Results

One search term: Searches all metadata fields for New York.

Any Both words must exist within a single field

metadata field, but they are not required to be
found in that order, or even next to each other.
One search term: Searches for instances of New York in the title
(Name) field.
Metadata: Name
Both words must exist within the Name metadata
field, but they are not required to be found in that
order, or even next to each other.

In this case the Search app connects the two

terms with an implicit AND operator.
Two search terms: Terms New and York must both exist in the asset
metadata, but the terms can exist in different
Any and Any fields.
Two search terms: Either New or York must exist in the asset
metadata. The terms can exist in different fields.
Any or Any Any asset with either term is returned, but sorting
by relevance returns assets with both at the top of
the search results.
Two search terms: This search would return any asset that includes
an exact match for the phrase “New York”, as well
One with an exact as the individual terms: Big and Apple. All phrases
match must be found in some metadata field for the
One search term: Searches all metadata fields for “New York”. The
phrase must exist within a single field metadata
Any: Exact match field.

When you execute an exact match search that

includes a special character (e.g. “New_York”),
the Search app uses two different analyzers to
complete the search: Raw and Default.

l The Raw analyzer looks for the term with

the special character included. If the term
is found and it is the only value in that
metadata field, the match is boosted to
the top of the search results. However, if
the value is found in the middle of a
metadata field, the search algorithm still
returns the asset, but it cannot boost it to
the top of the results. An example might be
an asset whose name is: “Vacation in New_
l Following the Raw analyzer, the search
conducts a secondary pass using the
Default analyzer. This search remaps non-
alphanumeric characters to spaces —

4 Using the Search App

Search Type Value Expected Results

returning all assets that match “New

For more information on special characters, see
"Search Word Breaks" on the next page.
One search term: Combining an exact match phrase with
additional terms is not supported.
Any: Exact match
with additional If you combine an exact match search with
terms additional terms, the results might include New
York, or Big, or Apple from any metadata field.
Not Supported Avid does not recommend or support the use of an
operator between terms within the same pill. If
you want to join two terms, use two pills or quotes
as detailed above.

Taxonomies represent an exception to this rule.

For more information, see "Using Taxonomies"
below below.

Using Taxonomies
A variety of a secondary search type, taxonomies are metadata values associated with some MediaCentral
modules that include controlled vocabulary lists of data. These taxonomies allow you to search for
consistent values that are defined in the MediaCentral module’s database. In the following example
illustration, the user has selected the “Content Alert Code” metadata field from a MediaCentral Asset
Management system.

When you add a metadata value that is associated with a thesaurus, legal list, or master data list, the
search term’s value field displays a menu of possible options. In some cases this information is presented as

4 Using the Search App

a tree or list while others might be displayed as a grid of data. You can select one or more values for each
search term. If you add two or more values, the Search app separates each term with a comma — adding
an implicit OR operator between them.

When presented with a tree (list) of options, you can select a value at a higher level in the tree which selects
all values below that level automatically. In the above example, the top level option for “Illegal Drugs” was
selected. This action automatically enabled all values below that category.

When displaying a master data list, the Search app displays only those fields that are defined by hit lists for
the master data classes in the MediaCentral Asset Management Data Model. These are often considered
the most relevant or useful fields of data. If the list or grid exceeds the size of the menu, you can use the
vertical or horizontal scroll bars to display additional data.

To add a taxonomy value:

1. Do one of the following to add a one or more values to the pill:

t Click the check box to the left of any value in the menu to add it to the search term.
If you select a value from a grid, the value in the first column of data is added to the pill.
t Type three or more letters in the search term to filter the menu to display values that match
your text, and then click the check box to the left of the item to select it.
The characters that you enter can appear anywhere within any word or any column (grid).
2. (optional) If you added a master data list, you can change the default operator from an or ( | ) to an
and (&) to return only those assets that include all of your selected values.

To remove a taxonomy value:

Do one of the following to remove a taxonomy value:

t Deselect a check box from the menu to remove a single value.
t Click the Deselect All button at the top of the menu to clear all values.
t With focus in the search term, press the Backspace button to remove a value.
Search Word Breaks
Numbers as Word Breaks

When entering a combination of numbers and text (without spaces) in a search term, the point at which the
numbers and text meet are treated as a word break — as if a space existed. For example, consider the
following search: “Metadata>Name: London”. In this case, the Search app might return the following three
l London
l 01234London
l London01
The 01234London asset is returned because the search sees 01234 and London as separate elements (a
word break).

Mid-segment, partial, number-only, or text-only searches are not supported. If you completed the same
search for either “123” or “ond”, the search would not return any assets.

4 Using the Search App

Special Characters

Depending on your search, the app might treat special characters, such as the underscore, hyphen, period,
and others, as word breaks. Similar to numbers, the special character is ignored or it is treated as a space.
If you want to include a special character in your search, you might need to create an exact match search
by enclosing the term in quotes. For example you might search for New_York as “New_York” to ensure that
the underscore is included in your search.

n Due to the complex algorithms used to conduct all potential searches, it is impossible to provide a
complete list of special characters in this document. When in doubt, enclose your search in quotes.

Working with the Search Sidebar

The Search sidebar includes a set of tools that enable you to quickly modify or execute searches. The
sidebar is divided into the following areas.

Icon Button Name and Description


For more information, see "Using Filters" below.


For more information, see "Creating and Using Search Favorites" on page 158.
Recent Search

For more information, see "Using Recent Searches" on page 166.


For more information, see "Collapsing the Search Sidebar" on page 166.

Using Filters
The Filter option in the Search sidebar enables you to limit search results based on commonly used
metadata fields such as duration, asset type, and more. These filters are similar to the options available
through the Search Type menu. However unlike search terms, filters are paired with non-customizable

For example, the Created filter (illustrated below) includes a set of predefined, non-modifiable date ranges.
If you select the same Dates: Created option through the Search Type menu, you can customize the term to
include a specific date or date range.

4 Using the Search App

Each item in the Filters tab is displayed with a filter name and associated qualifiers. For instance, the
Created filter includes qualifiers such as Last 10 Minutes, Last 24 Hours, and others. The number to the right
of each filter indicates how many assets match this filter.

The Created and Modified filters both include Today and Last 24 hours filters. While the Last 24 hours filter
displays assets for a 24 hour period, the Today filter displays only those assets created or modified
between 12:00am and the current time. You should note that these filters respect the time zone of the local
client. This means that if you are working with a coworker in a different time zone, their search results might
be different than yours.

You can click the name of the filter or button to the left of it to add the filter to your search. When you make
a selection, the filter is applied immediately and the search results area is populated with matching assets.
Additionally, the Filter button in the sidebar header and the Applied Filters button are both updated to
reflect the change. The following illustration shows the Filter menu with two filters enabled.

4 Using the Search App

Name Description

1 Filter button When you select a filter, a number appears to the right of this icon to indicate the
number of filters currently enabled.
2 Applied Filters Displays the number of applied filters. If you click this button, the Applied Filters
fly-out window appears.

If you click the X on the right of the Applied Filters button, the Filter list is reset and
all filters are cleared from your search.
3 Filter Name Displays the category label. If you select any filters within a category, a counter
appears to the right of the name to identify the number of filters within this
category that you have added to the search.
4 Expand / Click the button to the left of the filter name to collapse or expand this filter
Collapse category.
5 Qualifier Used to enable and in some cases disable a filter. When enabled, one of two types
selection box of marks appears in the selection box:

l A bullet point appears in the box if you can select only one qualifier for the
filter. For example, you can only select a single option when using the
Created filter.
If you want to disable this type of filter, you must deselect it through the
Applied Filters fly-out menu.
l A check mark appears in the box if you can select more than one qualifier
with the filter. For example, the System category of filters allows you to
select multiple options.
If you want to disable this type of filter, you can either click on the selection
box again to remove the check mark or you can disable it through the
Applied Filters fly-out menu.
6 Applied Filters If you click on the Applied Filters header, a fly-out window provides more detail on
(fly-out) the selected filters.

You can click the X to the right of any filter to remove it from the list.
7 Asset count Displays the number of possible assets for each filter / qualifier.

After you apply a filter, the Search app updates the asset count for all other filters
to help you identify the number of assets that match your filter(s). The following
illustration provides an example in which the Created filter modifies the asset count
for the various asset types.

4 Using the Search App

Name Description

n You cannot modify or customize the list of filters in this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX.
The sidebar displays up to six selections for each filter category by default. In some cases such as the
System and Type filters, the app might display a “show more” or “show all” button that allows you to select
from additional filter options. If the category includes six or fewer additional selections, you can click the
Show More button to expand the category directly within the sidebar. If the category is associated with
more than six options, you can click the Show All button to open a break-out window that displays all
possible filters for that category.

If the list of filters extends beyond the size of the window, a scroll bar appears to the right of the list that
allows you to navigate to the additional filter options.

Phonetic Term Proximity

When you create a search that includes multiple phonetic-based search terms, a new Phonetic Term
Proximity filter appears at the top of the list. This filter allows you to narrow your phonetic search results by
location in the asset. In the following before-and-after illustration, the user created a search for two
phonetic terms: species and penguin.

The illustration on the left shows that the search returned one asset with both of these terms, and there are
a total of five occurrences of these phrases in the asset. Because the search is configured to search for both
terms in the same asset (the & operator), the Phonetic Term Proximity filter is added to the sidebar.

4 Using the Search App

In the illustration on the right, the user has selected the “Within 15 seconds” filter to narrow the search to
only show assets where both of these terms appear within 15 seconds of each other. Notice that after the
filter is applied, the same asset is returned, but with a different number of matching hits.

In either case, you can use the In-Line Hits window to obtain more information about each phonetic hit. For
more information, see "Using the In-Line Hits Window" on page 170.

Creating and Using Search Favorites

It is very common for a user to execute the same search more than once during the work day, or through the
life cycle of a project. For example it might be useful to search for all assets created by a specific user, or to
find media created during a particular date range. To address these workflows, MediaCentral Cloud UX
allows you to save and execute frequently used searches as Favorites.

As shown in the following illustration, favorites are divided into three categories:

l Personal: Appearing in the list under the My Searches category, personal searches are created by
individual users and they are not included in the list of Favorites for any other user.
l Team: Favorites created within a team are shared with specific user groups. The creator of the team
can allow all users to contribute to the team, or restrict access by configuring the team for read-only
l Public: Created by an administrator, public searches are available to all users that are connected to
the same MediaCentral Cloud UX system. If your system is included in a multi-site environment, the
public favorite appears only to users connected to your local site.
Favorites are displayed in a list view with each of the search terms displayed. Personal favorites appear first
in the list under the My Searches area, followed by search teams (if applicable), and then public searches.

The following illustration shows a side-by-side comparison of the same favorites. The image on the left
shows the standard view while the image on the right shows the collapsed view. The ability to collapse the
list allows you to show more favorites on screen at the same time. If you place your cursor over any of the
search pills within the favorite, a tool-tip appears that describes the pill. For more information, see
"Collapsing the Favorites List" on page 165.

4 Using the Search App

When working in Team or Public folders, you might see changes appear (or disappear) automatically as
other users populate these areas with content. However in some cases, depending on the nature of the
change, you might see a red indicator light appear to the left of a team or public folder. When this happens,
you must either open the associated folder, or take another action to refresh the Favorites list to view the
update. If you hover your cursor over the status indicator, the system displays a tool-tip with more
information about the change

In addition to creating detailed, customized favorites, you might also consider saving one or more favorite
forms. A form is a favorite that contains search terms, but no values. Forms allow you to execute the same
search format repeatedly without having to build a search from scratch every time. In the above illustration,
“Form-1” is an example of this type of favorite. The Metadata Name and Metadata Created (After) terms
are saved with no values. Any search pill that includes a term with no value appears in the search as an
“outlined” search pill (no fill color).

n This release of MediaCentral Cloud UX allows each user to create a maximum of 99 Search favorites. If
you attempt to create additional favorites, you are prompted to delete an existing favorite first.
Administrators can create an additional 99 public favorites and a maximum of 99 team folders.

The following topics are covered in this section:

l "Creating a Favorite Search" on the next page
l "Using a Favorite Search" on page 161
l "Editing a Favorite Search" on page 161
l "Deleting a Favorite Search" on page 161
l "Creating Search Teams" on page 162
l "Editing a Search Team" on page 163

4 Using the Search App

l "Deleting a Search Team" on page 163

l "Creating a New Folder" on page 163
l "Reordering and Renaming Favorite Folders" on page 164
l "Deleting a Folder" on page 165
l "Collapsing the Favorites List" on page 165
l "Reordering Favorites" on page 165
Creating a Favorite Search
The following process describes how to create a new search favorite. When you create a favorite, the
following fields and view options are included:
l Terms added to the Search header
l The language selected within any Phonetic search pill
l Matching options for the terms
l Relationships between boolean operators (and, or, and not)
l Super Pill information
l Location Pill information
If you save a location as part of your favorite and that location is later renamed, deleted, or is
otherwise unavailable to you, the Search app notifies you about the change when selecting the
favorite. In this case the Location pill is reset to display All Systems.
l Filters
l Current state of the Results area: view type (list or card), columns (width and position), sort order,
display options, and more.
l If you save a favorite with the Auto-Refresh option enabled, the favorite displays the auto-refresh
icon to the right of the name. For more information on this feature, see "Refresh Search" on page 167.
Favorite searches are associated with your MediaCentral Cloud UX user account and not with your local
workstation. If you work in an environment with multiple workstations, you can create a favorite on one PC,
and then move to another PC later in the day — your favorite search list follows you to the next session and

To create a favorite search using the Search sidebar:

1. Create a search using any combination of phrases and filters.

2. (optional) Customize the view of the Results area.
Since the look of the Results area is saved with your favorite, you might want to take a moment to
make sure that the sorting and display options are configured optimally for future use of the favorite.
3. (if necessary) Click the Favorite button at the top of the Search Sidebar.
4. Click the “Create a New Favorite” button.
The New Favorite window appears.
5. Enter a custom name.
You are not required to create a unique name for each favorite. If desired, you can have multiple
favorites with the same name.
6. (optional for administrators) Enable the check box for the public search option to make the favorite

4 Using the Search App

7. Click the Save button to save your new favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
Using a Favorite Search
After you create one or more favorites, you can use the following process to execute a favorite search.

To search using a favorite:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorite button at the top of the Search Sidebar.
2. Click on one of the favorites in the list to execute a search.
The Search header is updated to reflect the favorite search. If the Search header included terms from
a prior search, those terms are cleared when the favorite is loaded.
3. (if applicable) If you created a favorite form with empty search terms, enter values for the search
terms and click the Search button to execute the search.
Editing a Favorite Search
After you create one of more favorites, you have the option of editing the following values:
l The name of the favorite.
l (administrators only) The public / private status of the favorite.
If you are an administrator and you edit a public favorite, the changes are propagated to other users the
next time that they refresh the Search app user interface (close/open the app, close/open the Favorites tab,
etc). If you are not an administrator, a lock icon appears to the right of both Public searches and any read-
only search teams when you enter edit mode.

To edit a favorite search:

1. (if necessary) Click on the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar.

2. Right-click on the favorite and select Edit Details from the context menu.
3. Alter the parameters of the favorite:
t (optional) Enter a new name.
t (optional for administrators) Enable or disable the check box for the public search option.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
Deleting a Favorite Search
MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to delete a single search or multiple searches simultaneously. You can
use the following processes to delete one or more favorite searches.

n Standard users can delete favorites from the My Searches area or any team folder to which they have
read / write access. Only system administrators have the ability to delete Public favorites.

To delete a single favorite search:

1. (if necessary) Click on the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar.

2. Right-click on the favorite and select Delete Favorite from the context menu.
A confirmation window appears.

4 Using the Search App

3. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the favorite.

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
To delete multiple favorite searches:

1. (if necessary) Click on the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar.

2. Right-click in the space below the Create a New Favorite button and then click on the Manage
Favorite Searches option in the context menu.
3. Click the check boxes to the left of all favorites that you want to delete.
You can select multiple favorites within the same folder or group, but after you select a favorite in one
group, you cannot select a favorite in any other folder or group. For example, you cannot select a
favorite in My Searches and a team folder simultaneously.
4. Click the Delete button at the top of the list.
A confirmation window appears.
5. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
6. Click the green check mark at the top of the list to exit edit mode.
Creating Search Teams
The Favorite tab allows system administrators to create special team folders that allow you to group
multiple favorites together around a common theme. Teams are shared with specific groups of users that
are defined by the administrator. As a result, your search favorites list might or might not include any team
folders. Teams are listed alphabetically in the Favorites list between My Searches and Public Searches.

When creating a team, the administrator can enable or disable a Read-Only check box. If enabled, users
can see the team, but not make changes. If disabled, users have the ability to add, edit, or delete favorites
from the team folder.

If you hover your cursor over the team icon, the system displays a tool-tip that shows the names of the
groups that are associated with the team.

For information on how to add a favorite to a team folder, see "Reordering Favorites" on page 165.

To create a search team:

1. (if necessary) Click on the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar.

2. Right-click in the space below the Create a New Favorite button and then click on the Manage
Favorite Searches option in the context menu.
3. (optional) Select the check boxes for one or more existing favorites before you create the team. When
you create the team, the selected favorites are added to the team automatically.
4. Click on the Search Team button at the top of the list.
The New Team Folder window is displayed.
5. Enter a name for the new team.
6. (optional) If you want to restrict access to this team folder so that other users cannot add, edit, or
delete favorites in this location, click the read-only check box.

4 Using the Search App

7. In the Share Search area of the window, click one or more check boxes to the left of the list of user
groups to define the users that should have access to the team.
If your system includes a large number of groups, you can enter a value in the Find a User Group field
to filter the list to display only those groups that include your filter criteria.
8. Click the Save button.
The team is created as a new category in the Search Favorite sidebar.
9. Click the green check mark at the top of the Favorite list to exit edit mode.
Editing a Search Team
After you create one or more teams, administrators can edit the name of the team using the following

To edit a search team:

1. (if necessary) Click on the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar.

2. Right-click on the team folder and select Update Folder from the context menu.
An Update Folder window appears with options to adjust the team name, read-only status, and user
group access.
3. Update the properties of the team folder as necessary.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Deleting a Search Team
If you want to delete a search team, you can do so through the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar. When
you delete a team, you also delete all favorites within the team. The ability to delete a team is restricted to
system administrators.

To delete a search team:

1. (if necessary) Click on the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar.

2. Right-click on the team and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
A Delete Folder confirmation dialog appears.

n The option to delete a team folder is also available when you access the Manage Favorite
Searches function.

3. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the team.

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
Creating a New Folder
In addition to creating individual favorites, you can create folders within each favorite category to better
organize and manage your saved searches. Nested folder structures are also supported, allowing you to
create multiple folders within folders.

n Each user is allowed to create a total maximum of 99 folders in the Personal and Team categories. If
you attempt to create additional folders, you are prompted to delete an existing folder first.
Administrators can create an additional 99 folders in the Public category.

4 Using the Search App

To create a folder:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorite button at the top of the Search Sidebar.
2. Right-click in the space below the Create a New Favorite button and then click on the Manage
Favorite Searches option in the context menu.
3. (optional) Click the box to the left of one or more favorites to automatically move the selected
favorites into the new folder.
4. Click on the New Folder button.
The New Folder window is displayed.
5. Enter a name for the new folder.
6. Click the Save button to save your changes.
The new folder is created at the top of your My Searches area.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
Reordering and Renaming Favorite Folders
When you create a new favorite folder, the folder is added to the top of your My Searches area. However,
you are not required to keep the folder at that position. You can drag and drop the folder to a different
position in the Favorites list or even nest the folder inside another existing custom folder. You can also
rename the folder at any point.

To reposition the folder in the Favorites list:

1. Right-click in the space below the Create a New Favorite button and then click on the Manage
Favorite Searches option in the context menu.
2. Click and begin to drag your folder to a new position in the list of favorites. You can do any of the
t Drag the folder to a new position in your My searches area.
If you drag the folder to a position between two other folder, a thin blue position indicator bar
appears between the folders.
t Drag the folder over the My Searches area to move the folder to the top position in the list.

t Drag the folder to another existing folder to create a nested folder structure.
t (if applicable) Drag the folder to a Team or to the Public area of the Search favorites list.
3. When over your desired position, release the mouse button to drop the folder to the new location.
The folder and all of its contents (favorites, other folders) are relocated to the new position.
4. Click the green check mark at the top of the list to exit edit mode.

4 Using the Search App

To rename a folder:

1. Right-click on your custom folder and select Update Folder from the context menu.
2. Enter a new name for the folder.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
The new folder is created at the top of your My Searches area.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
Deleting a Folder
If you want to delete a folder, you can do so through the Favorite tab in the Search sidebar. When you
delete a folder, you also delete all favorites and sub-folders within the folder.

n In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can delete one folder at a time only.
To delete a folder:

1. Right-click on the folder and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
A Delete Folder confirmation dialog appears.
2. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the folder.
Collapsing the Favorites List
You can use the following process to decrease the height of each favorite so that more appear on screen at
the same time. When you collapse the list, you decrease the size of the favorites displayed in all categories
(personal, team, public). The display changes are saved on a per-user basis and are retained for all future
sessions on your current workstation only.

To collapse the list:

1. Right-click in the space below the Create a New Favorite button and then click on the Manage
Favorite Searches option in the context menu.
2. Click on the name of any favorite.
The list is collapsed.
3. Click the green check mark at the top of the Favorite list to exit edit mode.
Reordering Favorites
When you create a new favorite, it appears at the top of the list of the My Searches area.

After you create two or more favorites, you can reorganize the order that the favorites appear in the list
using a simple drag and drop operation. Alternatively, you can use this same process to move favorites from
one folder to another — for example to move a favorite from My Searches to a team folder, or the Public
Searches area.

To reorder the list:

1. Right-click in the space below the Create a New Favorite button and then click on the Manage
Favorite Searches option in the context menu.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click and drag a favorite to a new position or folder.
t Click the check box to the left of one or more favorites and drag the selection to a new position
or folder.

4 Using the Search App

If you select more than one favorite, a number appears in Manage Favorites header and in the
top-right corner of image during the drag action.

3. Release the mouse button to add the favorites to the new position or location.

Using Recent Searches

The Recent Search tab in the Search Sidebar displays a list of the most recent searches completed by the
currently signed-in user, sorted by time and date. The list includes up to 100 items. If you repeat the same
search multiple times, the list is updated to include a reference to each search request.

n The Recent Search list is saved to the local browser cache. If you move to a different workstation, the
list displays the most recent searches that you completed on that workstation only.

To search using the recent search list:

t Click on a search in the list.
The search is executed and the name of the search is added to the top of the Recent Search list.
To delete an item from the search list:
t Right-click on an item in the Recent Search list and click the Delete option in the context menu.
Collapsing the Search Sidebar
When you first access the Search app, the Search sidebar is displayed at full size and defaults to the Filters
tab. If you do not need to access the features in the sidebar, you can increase the screen space for the
Results area by either resizing it or collapsing the sidebar.

To resize the Search sidebar:

t Click and drag the divider that separates the sidebar from the results area to a new position.
To collapse the Search sidebar:
t Complete one of the following actions to collapse the sidebar:
– Click the button for current open tab in the Search sidebar. For example if you are already
viewing the Favorite tab, click the Favorite button to collapse the sidebar.
– Click the Collapse button on the right side of the Search sidebar header.
– Decrease the width of the Search app by docking the app or increasing the size of another app
or the Asset Editor. When you decrease the width of the Search app to a point where the
sidebar can no longer be displayed, it is collapsed automatically.

4 Using the Search App

The Search sidebar is collapsed and the buttons appear in the Results header as illustrated below.

To restore the Search sidebar:

t Click the Search Filters, Search Favorites, or Recent Search buttons to restore the sidebar to its
original size.

Using the Results Toolbar and Search Results

The Results area located in the center of the app displays the assets returned from your current search. As
illustrated below, the Results toolbar includes information about the search results as well as set of options
that can be used to modify the view of the Results area.

The following section describes the features available in the Results toolbar — as shown from left to right.

Refresh Search
The Refresh Search button updates the existing search results with any new assets that might have been
created since the last time that you executed the search.

If you hover your cursor over the Refresh button, you are presented with the ability to enable an Auto-
Refresh option that automatically updates your search results every 60 seconds. When in auto-refresh
mode, you can still click on the Refresh button to manually update your search results.

n The 60 second refresh-rate value is hard-coded and cannot be customized.

If the auto-refresh fails to update the search results for any reason, a warning indicator appears to the right
of the Refresh button. If you hover your cursor over the warning, a tool-tip appears that tells you how long it
has been since the last update.

To enable auto-refresh:

1. Place your cursor over the Refresh button.

The Auto Refresh menu appear to the right of the button.

2. Click the Auto Refresh menu to enable the feature

The menu turns blue to provide you with a visual confirmation of the change and the look of the
Refresh icon changes.

When you move your cursor away from the menu, the menu disappears, but the Refresh icon
maintains the updated look. Auto-refresh stays enabled until you do any of the following:

4 Using the Search App

– Manually disable auto-refresh

– Clear the current search from the Search header
– Close the Search app
– Sign out of your current user session

Results Count
This number indicates the total number of found assets. If your search did not return any assets, the count
in the upper-left corner of the toolbar reports zero assets.

Although the results counter provides information on the total number of returned assets, the Search app
can display a maximum of 1,000 assets in the Results panel at any one time. If you create a search that
does not return your desired assets within the first 1,000 items, you must refine your search to narrow the

In the following example, the user created a very wide search for the letter “a”. The Search app found over
32,000 assets that included that letter, but it is only displaying the first 1,000 assets.

n In some rare cases, the app might not be able to determine the total results count (the value in
parentheses). In these cases the value might appear empty or might show an “out of ?” message.

View Options
The Results area is displayed in List view by default. However, you can change how the results are
displayed by selecting the Card button in the Results toolbar. Depending on the selected view, assets are
listed with varying levels of detail related to the associated metadata.

Button Name Description

List This view displays the asset type icon, an asset headframe, and select metadata
fields listed in columns. Columns can be reordered by dragging the column header
to the left or right.
Card This view displays the asset headframe, title, and select metadata fields.

If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is licensed for Hoverscrub, the card view
allows you to scrub through media assets. For more information, see "Using the
Hoverscrub Feature" on page 95.

Sort By Menu
Although you might have already filtered your search, the Results view can be further modified by selecting
an option from the Sort By menu. This menu is populated with a list of common sorting options followed by
additional metadata fields grouped by type. A scroll bar appears to the right of the menu to allow you to
move up and down through the list.

You can review the list of options by using the scroll bar on the right side of the menu. Alternatively if you
are looking for a specific metadata value, you can use the filter option at the top of the menu to refine the
list. If the term you use to filter the list returns too many values, you can enclose the term in quotes to look
for an exact match value.

Additionally, you can use the Descending / Ascending menu to flip the results form top to bottom or bottom
to top.

4 Using the Search App

Display Options
The Display Options menu allows you to add or remove columns to or from the Results area by selecting or
deselecting check boxes in the menu. This menu respects Asset Management CBA rules which might limit
the number of fields or types of metadata that are available to some users.

Similar to the Sort By menu, you can scroll through the list or enter a term to filter the list. Columns can be
reordered by dragging the column header to the left or right. Additionally, you can click on the header of
any column (except for Icon and Thumbnail) to sort the results list by that column of data.

Export Options
The Results toolbar includes two additional buttons that allow you to export the search results from
MediaCentral Cloud UX:
l Copy Results
l Download Results

n When working in the Search Results area, these buttons are inactive until you select one or more
assets using the processes below. If you are working in the In-line Hits window, the buttons are always
active and apply to the current asset only.

Copy Results

This button allows you to copy metadata from the selected search results to a temporary buffer (the
clipboard) on your local workstation. Once the information is in the buffer, you can then paste the data into
an external application such as Microsoft Notepad, Mac TextEdit, or other.

To copy the search results:

1. Select, Shift-Click, or Ctrl-Click (Windows) or Cmd+Click (Mac) one or more assets from the search
2. Click the Copy Results button in the upper-right corner of the Results area to copy the assets to a
temporary buffer.
3. Open another application on your local workstation to paste the contents of the buffer.
Download Results

This button allows you to export selected metadata in the search results list to a CSV (Comma Separated
Values) file or a PDF. Files created in a .csv format are most commonly used in spreadsheet applications,
where each comma signifies a new column in the spreadsheet.

You cannot specify the name of the file at the time of its creation. The file is automatically assigned a name
based on your Date Format selection in the General section of the User Settings. For example if you select
the YMD option, the file is saved in the following format:

Search Results - <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss>.csv

The values represent the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minutes, and Seconds.

To download the search results:

1. Select, Shift-Click, or Ctrl-Click (Windows) or Cmd+Click (Mac) one or more assets from the search
2. Click the Download Results button in the upper-right corner of the Results area.
The app displays a context menu with the available download options.

4 Using the Search App

3. Select the file format of your choice (CSV or PDF) from the context menu.
The list of assets is downloaded to your local workstation. Check your browser’s settings to verify the
download location.

Selecting Assets in the Search Results

You can do any of the following to select assets in the Search Results area:
l Single-click (once) to select a single asset
l Ctrl+click multiple non-contiguous assets
l Shift+click multiple contiguous assets
l (List view only) With focus in the Results area, press Shift+Up or Shift+Down to select multiple
contiguous assets

n If your action selects an unavailable (offline) asset, you can use the keyboard controls to select or
navigate to other online assets. If you select multiple contiguous assets, offline assets are ultimately
not included in the selected data.

Opening Assets from the Search Results

After you complete a search, you can double-click on any asset to load it into another area of MediaCentral
Cloud UX. Note the following:
l If you double-click a Production Management or Asset Management clip, the asset loads into the
Source Monitor of the Asset Editor.
l If you double-click a Production Management or Asset Management sequence, the asset loads into
the Record Monitor of the Asset Editor. If the Sequence Timeline is not already enabled, you must
click the Timeline button in the Asset Editor to show the sequence in the timeline.

n You can Ctrl+double-click (Windows) or Command+double-click (macOS) a sequence, to load

the sequence into the Source Monitor.
l If you double-click a Production Archive clip or sequence, the asset loads into the Asset Editor.
However due to the nature of archived assets, you are not able to play the media. In this case the
Media Viewer reports that the media is offline.
l If you double-click on a Newsroom Management story, the asset is loaded into the Asset Editor. You
can use the Tabs area of the Asset Editor to obtain more information about the asset. If you want to
work with the story, you must first dock the Search app and open the Rundown App. For more
information, see "Working with the Rundown App" on page 402.
l If you double-click a Maestro News item or template, the graphic element is loaded into the Graphics
tab and the Source Monitor of the Asset Editor. For more information, see "Working with Graphics
Management Systems" on page 309.

Using the In-Line Hits Window

After you complete a search, the Results area allows you to access the In-Line Hits window in which you can
review detailed information about the selected asset. These details are displayed in a side-by-side
Metadata and Timeline view (tabs or panels). All hits that match your search criteria are highlighted for
easy identification.

The Search app respects Asset Management CBA rules which might limit the number of fields or types of
metadata that are available to some users.

4 Using the Search App

In-Line Hits: Metadata View

Similar to the content of the Metadata tab of the Asset Editor, the In-Line Hits window provides even more
detailed information about the asset. The following illustration and table provide more information about
this view.

Button Description

1 Asset Name In this case, the asset name includes the search term and is therefore highlighted
to indicate a match.
2 Asset Thumbnail If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is licensed for Hoverscrub, you can scrub
the video from within the In-line Hits window. For more information, see "Using the
Hoverscrub Feature" on page 95.
3 Metadata / If your web browser does not include enough space to display the entire In-Line
Timeline tabs Hits window, the information is presented in a tabbed view so that you can switch
between the Metadata and Timeline panels.
4 Previous Asset You can click this button to display the previous asset in your search results. If
you are viewing the In-Line hits for the first (or only) asset in the results list, the
button is disabled as shown in this illustration.
5 Asset Metadata Displays the metadata that is associated with your selected asset — similar to the
information presented in the Metadata tab of the Asset Editor.

If your asset is associated with a compound attribute, such as an Asset

Management thesaurus, the In-Line Hits window displays a preview of the first
100 entries. If the list is associated with more than 100 values, you must load the
clip into the Asset Editor to view the entire metadata set.
6 Open Button Click this button to open the asset in the Asset Editor. If the asset is associated
with a specific app, that app is opened — for example a story is opened in the

4 Using the Search App

Button Description

Rundown app, a session in the Log app, and so on.

Alternatively, you can double-click on any of the lines in the Timeline view to open
the asset and advance to the selected metadata value or phonetic hit.
7 Close Button Click this button to close the In-Line Hits window.
8 Asset If the source MediaCentral module is unavailable for any reason, a warning
Unavailable appears to alert you to the situation. In this case, you will not be able to click the
Open button to load the asset.
9 Hits Toolbar This toolbar includes a row of buttons that allow you to work with the asset and
the In-Line Hits window.

Described from left to right:

l Filter: You can use this button to display a text field that allows you to filter
the displayed data by a custom value.
l The Copy and Download options work similar to the functionality available
in the Search Results panel. For more information, see "Export Options" on
page 169. Exported content is determined by your selection in the In-Line
Hits window.
For example if you are parked on the Metadata tab and you do not select
any fields, the app exports all available all metadata for that asset. If you
highlight only certain metadata fields, then only that data is exported.
If you select the Timeline tab, timeline metadata is exported. If your
display is large enough to show both the Metadata and Timeline panels at
the same time, values for both panels are downloaded.

n When working in the Inline Hits window, the Download button

automatically downloads a CSV file and does not provide a sub-menu
with download options.
l All / Only Hits toggle. If you select All, all metadata is displayed for the
asset and hits are highlighted. If you select Only Hits, the window displays
only the data that matches your search criteria.
If you decrease the size of your browser, the buttons might be moved into context
menu. You can click this menu to access these features.
10 Next Asset You can click this button to display the next asset in your search results. If you are
viewing the In-Line hits for the last (or only) asset in the results list, the button is

n If you enable the Auto-Refresh option in the Results area of the Search app and the asset that you are
currently viewing in the In-Line Hits window is removed from the results list after the refresh, the
window closes automatically and it is replaced with a new window that displays the following
message: "The asset you were previewing is no longer available in search results. The asset might not
match the query anymore, or the asset may have been deleted."

4 Using the Search App

In-Line Hits: Timeline View

The Timeline panel displays all time-based metadata such as markers and segments, as well as all phonetic
hits (if applicable) in a list view that is organized by the asset’s timecode. All hits that match your search are
highlighted in blue for easy identification. If your asset does not include any time-based metadata, the
Timeline view displays a message to alert you of this condition.

Phonetic hits include not only a timecode reference, but also a percentage meter that rates the confidence
level of the hit being a match for your search.

The following illustration shows the Timeline panel to the right of the Metadata area. In this example, the
web browser window is large enough to allow both areas to be displayed simultaneously.

Displaying Layer Details

The Show All Attributes toggle at the top of the Timeline panel allows you to display the Marker or Segment
metadata in either full sized (default) or minimized rows.

Full Size Rows

When the Show All Attributes toggle is enabled (blue), the app displays all attributes of a layer segment, as
shown in the following illustration.

4 Using the Search App

The bar at the top of the row shows the relative position of the hit in the selected asset.

Minimized Row Details

If you disable the Show All Attributes toggle, the app displays a limited amount of information. This option
might be preferable if you have an asset with a large amount of marker and segment data. You can obtain
more information about any hit by clicking the context menu button to the far right of the associated row.

In this illustration, the Marker details panel displays information on the Owner, Comment, Color, and Track.
If you click on any of these metadata fields, the Timeline view updates to organize the hits by the field that
you selected. The Timeline view maintains this look until you either select a different metadata field or
change the filter options in the In-Line Hits window.

If you hover over any of the rows in the Timeline view, a number might appear to the far right of the row.
This value indicates that the hit is associated with additional matches for your search. In the following
example, the Timeline panel shows a match for “blue” and that there is +1 match that is not displayed.

If you click the context menu button or the additional hits button (+1 in this case), the app displays the
marker details panel. In this example, the second match is against the marker color — also blue.

4 Using the Search App

Displaying Layer Names

The Timeline panel displays a layer icon on the far left of each row of information. Hidden by default, the
Search app includes an accompanying text label for each row. Depending on your preference, you to
toggle this text field on or off. The following illustration shows an Asset Management asset with the labels

To show or hide the layer name:

t Right click on the icon and select either Show Stratum Name or Hide Stratum Name.
The system remembers your last selection for future sessions. If you hide the labels, you can still
hover your cursor over the icon to display the label as a tool-tip.

Opening the In-Line Hits Window

To access the in-line hits view:

1. Use the Search app to find your desired asset or assets.

2. Move your cursor to the far-right of the row that represents your asset in the Details area.
As shown in the following illustration, an Asset Inspection icon appears in the row for that asset.

List view shown. When in Card view, the icon appears in the bottom-right corner of the card.

3. Click the Asset Inspection button to show the In-line Hits window.

Adding Markers & Segments to a Sequence

Similar to the workflow available in the Asset Editor’s Storyboard tab, the Timeline view of the In-Line Hits
window allows you to drag Asset Management segments or Production Management Markers and
Restrictions directly to the sequence timeline to help you expedite the editing process.

n When you add a Production Management marker, the drag and drop operation creates a four second
segment that consists of 2 seconds before and after the marker.

For additional information on the Storyboard workflow, see "Adding Storyboard Items to a Sequence or
Container" on page 306.

To add timeline hits to a sequence:

1. Locate an asset through the Search app and open the Timeline view of the In-Line Hits window.
2. Open the sequence that you want to edit.
3. Click the Asset Editor Timeline button to display the Sequence Timeline.

4 Using the Search App

4. Click the Asset Editor Source/Record Monitor toggle button to switch Asset Editor to Source mode.
5. Click and drag the marker, restriction, or segment from the Timeline view of the In-Line Hits window
to a point in the Sequence Timeline.
As a reminder, make sure to save your sequence when your edit session is complete.

Using the Search Context Menus

Much like the Browse app, the Search app allows you to perform certain tasks on assets found in the Results
area. The actions available in this menu change based on the type of asset that you are working with. For
instance, the tasks available when right-clicking on a Production Management asset are going to be
different than those available for a Newsroom Management asset.

The following illustration shows the context menu for a Production Management asset.

You can access the context menu in one of two ways:

l Right-clicking on an asset (as shown above).
l Selecting an asset in the Results area and then clicking the context menu in the Search app header.
For more information about the actions available in the context menu, see "Using the Browse App" on
page 76. For more information on the Open In feature, see "Choosing the App for Opening Assets" on
page 49.

Using the Asset Editor Hits Tab

The Hits tab provides information about the exact location of phonetic, and marker & segment matches that
are returned through a search. It also displays information about the location of spans created through the
Log app. Results are displayed in alphabetical ordered rows of data, showing all phonetic hits first, followed
by marker & segment hits.

In the following example illustration, the user initiated a search for Marker & Segment: meerkat, Any:
restriction, Phonetic: breeding, and Phonetic: London. In this example, the Hits tab created five rows of data
— one for each of the different hits found in the asset. The icon at the beginning of the row identifies the
type of hit. Notice that the match for restriction is displayed as a span. The Search app identifies this as a
marker & segment hit because the user added the word “restriction” to the to comment text.

4 Using the Search App

The Hits tab displays a representative timeline that mirrors the Viewer timeline. If you move the position
indicator in the Viewer timeline, the position indicator in the Hits tab moves with it. If you click on a hit in the
Hits tab, both position indicators move to that position. The zoom functionality of both the Viewer timeline
and the Hits tab is also mirrored — zooming in or out of one, automatically changes the zoom on the other.

You can hover your cursor over any hit to display a tool-tip that provides more information.

If you access the Hits tab without conducting a search, or if the asset loaded into the Asset Editor does not
contain any hits, the tab displays a message to alert you of the current status: “Not a search result”, “No
Hits”, or other.

5 Working with Media

5 Working with Media

This topic describes how to work with the Asset Editor to view your video and audio assets.

The Media Viewer and Asset Editor Tabs

The Asset Editor is a MediaCentral utility that allows you to take a closer look at items in your MediaCentral
environment, ranging from clips and sequences to images and documents. For an overview of the Asset
Editor, see "The Asset Editor" on page 66.

If you use the Browse app or the Search app to find an asset that you are interested in viewing, double-click
the asset. The Asset Editor opens on the right side of the window, with the asset loaded in the Media Viewer.
Master clips and subclips open in Source Mode (green). Sequences open in Record mode (blue).
Alternatively, you can Ctrl+double-click a sequence to open it in Source Mode.

If for any reason the MediaCentral Cloud UX player service is unavailable, you might see a “Video server not
connected” message appear in the Media Viewer. This situation is most likely temporary. If you encounter
this message over an extended period of time, contact your local service representative for assistance.

The following illustration shows the Media Viewer and the Asset Editor tabs in the Dual Column view. The
Sequence Timeline is also part of the Asset Editor. For information about the Sequence Timeline, see "The
Sequence Timeline Area" on page 328.

Display or Control Description

1 Asset Editor header Displays an icon for the type of asset, the name of the loaded asset, and other
controls. See "The Media Viewer" on the next page.
2 Asset Editor tabs l Audio: See "The Audio Tab" on page 212
l Hits: See "Using the Asset Editor Hits Tab" on page 176
l Metadata: See "The Metadata Tab" on page 228
l Storyboard: See "Working with the Storyboard Tab" on page 269
l File Info: See "The File Info Tab (Asset Management)" on page 255
l Graphics: See "Understanding the Graphics Tab" on page 311

5 Working with Media

Display or Control Description

3 Media Viewer Displays timecode displays, timeline, zoom bar, and button bar. See "The
Media Viewer" below.

The Media Viewer

The following illustration and table describe features and controls in the Asset Editor header and the Media

Display or Control Description

1 Asset icon Displays an icon for the type of asset that is currently loaded into the Media
Viewer. For a list of asset icons, see "Identifying MediaCentral Production
Management Media Assets" on page 96 and "Identifying MediaCentral
Asset Management Media Assets" on page 107.
2 Asset History Displays the name of the asset that is currently loaded into the Media
Viewer. You can click the down arrow on this menu to display and access a
history of recent viewed assets. For more information, see "Playing Recently
Viewed Assets" on page 185.

n The title of an MediaCentral Asset Management asset might not match

the name in the Browse app. For more information, see "Renaming Asset
References" on page 119.
3 Source/Record button Toggles the Media Viewer display between Source mode (green) and Record
mode (blue).
4 Timecode Display Allows you to display the timecode associated with the current asset in a
menu number of ways. For more information, see "Using the Timecode Displays"

5 Working with Media

Display or Control Description

on page 193.
5 Reload Asset button Click this button to update the media status of the loaded asset. This is
especially useful when viewing an in-progress or “edit while capture” (EWC)
clip. See "Reloading the Media Status" on page 187.
6 Asset Editor buttons Use these buttons to enable or disable aspects of the Asset Editor.
Alternatively, you can use the Expand/Collapse button to open or close the
Asset Editor. For more information, see "The Asset Editor" on page 66.
7 Mark In, Mark In / Out This value displays the current Mark In point for the current asset. The value
to the right of the Timecode Display menu shows the Mark In / Out duration.
8 Monitor Displays video for a loaded asset, including master clips, sequences,
subclips, and graphics.

If your asset includes marker data (comments), the text is displayed as an

overlay at the bottom of the monitor. Error messages concerning media and
restrictions appear at the top of the monitor. The speed display for J-K-L
play is shown in the upper right. For more information, see "Using the J-K-L
Keys for Playback" on page 184.
9 Viewer Timeline and l The Viewer Timeline is a graphical representation of the length and
Viewer zoom bar time span of an asset or sequence. The Viewer Timeline includes
timing marks, a position indicator, and other controls. For more
information, see "Working in the Viewer Timeline" on page 196.
l The Viewer zoom bar lets you enlarge a section of the Viewer
Timeline. For more information, see "Using the Viewer Zoom Bar" on
page 198.

n Note the different in terminology here. When referring to the

Media Viewer Timeline, the term Viewer Timeline is used. When
referring to the larger timeline at the bottom of the Asset Editor,
the term Sequence Timeline is used.
10 Media and playback Lets you play, pause, step through, and mark in and out points. For more
controls information, see "Media and Playback Controls" on page 182.

5 Working with Media

Full Screen Viewer and Casting

If you load a video asset and hover your cursor over the Media Viewer, two buttons appear over the image in
the upper-right corner of the viewer as illustrated below.

l Full Screen
When you click this button, the asset fills your active monitor — the monitor on which your web
browser is currently positioned. When in this mode, you retain access to the Viewer Timeline, media
and playback controls, as well as the Timecode Display menu.
You can press the Esc key on your keyboard to exit Full Screen mode.
l Cast Display (Beta)
If you have two or more monitors connected to your local workstation, you can click the Cast button
to display the asset that is currently loaded in the Media Viewer on an external monitor. If you have
cast-compliant devices in your local network, you might also have the ability to cast to a display that
is not directly connected to your workstation.
While the ability to cast video and audio is possible in some cases, this beta feature is designed
primarily for casting video-only to a directly connected external monitor. For more information on
beta features, see "Beta Apps" on page 22.
To cast the Media Viewer to a compatible device:

1. Use the Browse app, Search app, or other source to load a video asset into the Media Viewer.
2. Move your cursor over the Media Viewer and click the Cast button.
A menu appears that displays all potential casting locations.

n The Sources sub-menu provides options to Cast tab, Cast desktop, or Cast file. At this time,
Avid supports the Cast tab option only.

3. Select a casting destination from the list.

You can use the controls in the Media Viewer to work with the asset as normal.

n In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, your secondary monitor displays a temporary image
when you begin casting. You must click the Reload Asset button in the Media Viewer to properly
view the asset on the external display.

4. When you are finished using the external monitor, you can click on the Media Viewer’s Cast button
again, and reselect the display to Stop Casting.

5 Working with Media

Media and Playback Controls

The button bar below the monitor in the Media Viewer contains various controls you can use when viewing,
playing, and editing assets in the Media Viewer. The following illustration shows the media and playback
controls displayed as two rows of buttons.

Display or Description

1 Quick Send This button produces a menu of actions, including a Send to Playback feature
for Production Management assets, and custom Quick Send processes for Asset
Management systems. For more information, see "Using the Quick Send
Feature" on page 204.
2 Match Frame See "Using Match Frame" on page 199.
3 Go to In Moves the position indicator to the In point.
4 Mark In See "Marking In and Out Points" on page 196.
5 1 Frame Back Moves the position indicator one frame back.

Press Shift+click to move 10 frames back.

6 Play/Pause Click to play the media; click again to pause the media.

When you initiate playback, the play button turns orange for a moment as the
asset is loaded into the buffer. The play button changes to an orange pause
button before returning to the standard gray button color.
7 1 Frame Forward Moves the position indicator one frame forward.

Press Shift+click to move 10 frames forward.

8 Mark Out See "Marking In and Out Points" on page 196.
9 Go to Out Moves the position indicator to the Out point.
10 Safe Areas Display two outlined boxes: the safe title area (inner box) and the safe action
area (outer box). Titles should remain within the inner box. The outer box is the
safe action area for video display.

The safe title and safe area boundary boxes are SMPTE compliant.
11 Hide/Show Text Displays or hides text overlay features such as Marker text and restriction
Overlays information.
12 Show More Displays buttons that are hidden, either in the second row of buttons or because
Controls you reduced the size of the Media Viewer. Also lets you toggle the display of the
second row of buttons.

5 Working with Media

Display or Description

13 Open in Browse Allows you to open the currently loaded asset into the Browse app. If the Browse
app is already open, a new instance of the app is created. For more information,
see "Opening Multiple App Instances" on page 47.

If not open, the Browse app opens, replaces the existing app the main area of
the user interface, and displays the asset in the correct folder location.

If the asset exists in more than one location in your connected MediaCentral
module, you are presented with a window that allows you to select a specific
directory path.

You cannot use the Open in Browse feature with Maestro News assets.
14 Player Actions This button is dispalyed only after loading a valid asset, and only if you are
connected to an Asset Management system that is configured for this feature.

For more information, see "Using Player Actions Processes" on page 209.
15 Multi-Angle View For more information, see "Introduction to Group Clips" on page 392.
16 Active Angle For more information, see "Introduction to Group Clips" on page 392.
17 Next Multi-Angle For more information, see "Introduction to Group Clips" on page 392.
18 Play In-to-Out Plays from the In point to the Out point.
19 Download Triggers a download action based on the currently loaded asset:

If an asset that includes a video track is loaded into the Media Viewer,
downloads an image to your local browser. For more information, see
"Downloading an Image" on page 202.

(Asset Management only) If a proxy PDF of a document is open in the Media

Viewer, downloads the original full-resolution document directly to your local
workstation for offline review. For more information, see "Viewing Asset
Management Document Files" on page 120.
20 Set As Thumbnail Allows you to update the representative video thumbnail for the asset as it
appears in the Browse or Search apps.

For more information, see "Updating the Asset Thumbnail" on page 210.
21 MultiRez The MultiRez button allows you to display media at the highest available
resolution. For more information, see "Playing Back at the Highest Resolution"
on page 199.

n For audio-only clips, stepping 1 frame is the equivalent of stepping .01 second.
There are keyboard shortcuts for the above buttons and for additional playback functions. See "Asset
Editor Shortcuts" on page 685. Also see the following topics for various ways to navigate through a loaded
l "Using the J-K-L Keys for Playback" on the next page
l "Audio Scrubbing" on page 196

5 Working with Media

l "Viewing Markers and Restrictions" on page 191

l "Entering Timecode to Cue a Frame" on page 194
l "Marking In and Out Points" on page 196
Using the J-K-L Keys for Playback
The J-K-L keys on the keyboard allow you to play and shuttle through media at varying speeds. This
feature, also referred to as three-button play or variable-speed play, allows you to use three fingers to
manipulate the speed of playback for greater control. While the video media plays at any speed, audio
playback is muted after reaching a 4x or faster playback speed.

The playback speed is displayed in the upper right corner of the Media Viewer. For backward play, the
display includes a left-pointing arrow. For forward play, the display includes a right-pointing arrow.

You can use the J-K-L keys with focus in the Media Viewer or in the Sequence Timeline area. If you are
working outside of the Asset Editor, you can press the Ctrl key plus J, K, or L to control playback.

n Your ability to use the J-K-L keys when playing MediaCentral Asset Management assets depends on
MediaCentral Asset Management rules. The credentials you use to sign in to the MediaCentral Asset
Management database determine if you are allowed to change the playback speed.

To play or shuttle through the media using the J-K-L keys on the keyboard:
t Press the L key to move forward through the footage at normal speed.
t Press the L key multiple times to move forward through the footage at faster speeds, as described in
the following table:
Press the L Key To Play Media At
2 times 2x normal speed
3 times 3x normal speed
4 times 4x normal speed

n An administrator can change the speed associated with the number of key presses in the
Workflow Settings app. For more information, see the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation
t Press the J key to move backward at the same shuttle speed increments.
t Press the K key to stop playback.
t Press the K and L keys together for slow forward at ¼ times normal speed.
t Press the K and J keys together for slow backward at ¼ times normal speed.
t Press and hold the K key and tap the L key or the J key to step through footage one frame at a time.
To slow or change play direction one speed at a time:
t Press Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) while you tap the J or L key.
t Play slows or changes direction one speed at a time from the speed at which you are currently

5 Working with Media

For example, you are shuttling backward with the J key at 2x normal speed. Press and hold Alt and
tap the L key once. Play slows to backward at normal speed (1x speed). Hold Alt and tap L once
again. Play stops. Continue to hold Alt and tap L once again. Play goes forward at normal speed.
Playing Recently Viewed Assets
MediaCentral Cloud UX keeps a history of the last 10 assets that you loaded in either Source mode or
Record mode of the Media Viewer. You can select any of these assets to load them into the Asset Editor,
rather than loading them from the Production Management or Asset Management database trees in the
Browse app.

The list of assets is stored in your local browser cache and the history persists from one session to another.
However as the history is stored locally, the same list does not follow you if you move to a different

To play one of the last 10 loaded assets:

1. In the Asset Editor header, click the down arrow to the right of the asset title to view the list of
recently loaded assets.

2. Click the name of the asset to load it in the Media Viewer.

User Settings for Working with Media

There are several user settings for working with media, which are listed in the Video/Audio section of the
User Settings dialog box. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User

5 Working with Media

See the following topics for more information:

l "Selecting the Aspect Ratio" below
l "Selecting the Playback Quality" below
l "Adjusting for Playback Latency" below
l "Setting the Reference Level" on page 218

Selecting the Aspect Ratio

MediaCentral Cloud UX automatically sizes the Media Viewer for the asset you select to play. If necessary,
you can change the aspect ratio in the User Settings.

To select the aspect ratio of the Media Viewer:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the settings group Video / Audio.
3. Click the desired aspect ratio: 16:9 or 4:3.
4. Click Save.

Selecting the Playback Quality

When you play media in MediaCentral Cloud UX, you are viewing media that is compressed for optimum
viewing over a network. Instead of viewing source media in its native format, the MediaCentral server
compresses it on demand for network-based playback.

You have the option of playing media using one of three quality options: good, better, best. Your choice is
usually based on the network connection between you and the server. If your computer is connected to the
MediaCentral playback server on a local network, you can choose best quality. If your computer is
connected to the MediaCentral server over a WAN (Wide Area Network), you might need to choose good
quality. Good quality consumes less bandwidth at the expense of image quality.

To select the playback quality of the compressed media:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the settings group Video / Audio.
3. In the Quality section, select the level you want.
The numbers associated with each level indicate the percentage of JPEG compression.
4. Click Save.

Adjusting for Playback Latency

MediaCentral Cloud UX automatically adjusts to avoid pauses in playback (latency). By default, the player
uses a small buffer and increases the size if the connection is interrupted or slow. The initial size is 200
milliseconds (ms), which provides very fast response when using J-K-L keys with a GigE network

If you find an unusual amount of latency, such as when using a remote wireless connection, you can adjust
the size of the buffer to improve the playback. Select the level of latency to improve it. For example, if the
latency is high (a lot of pausing or slow response from control keys), select High.

5 Working with Media

To adjust for playback latency:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the settings group Video/Audio.
3. In the Latency section, select the level you want.
– Auto: The player automatically adjusts the buffer size (the default).
– Low: The player uses a small buffer (200 ms).
– Medium: The player uses a medium-sized buffer (800 ms).
– High: The player uses a large buffer (2 seconds).
4. Click Save.

Reloading the Media Status

At times you might load an asset or sequence and see a “Media Offline” message. This situation could occur
for several reasons — for example, if a shared-storage workspace is not currently available. If the
workspace becomes available, and the media comes back online, the media might not be loaded
automatically. You can use the Reload Asset button to force the Asset Editor to search for the media again
and load it if it is available.

To update the media status:

t Click the Reload Asset button in the Asset Editor header.

Playback of Simple and Complex Sequences

MediaCentral Cloud UX can load and play both simple sequences and complex sequences. This section
describes the differences between these two concepts. For more information, see "Opening and Editing a
Sequence Created in a Different Application" on page 340 and "Sequence Size and Complexity" on
page 327.

Simple Sequences

Simple sequences include:

l Sequences created in Avid MediaCentral Cloud UX.
l Shotlists created in Avid applications that consist of cuts only, with no effects, in a single video track.
Multiple audio tracks are supported but are played through a single audio track. If you use Media
Composer to create a sequence which the underlying audio differs from the video, MediaCentral
Cloud UX identifies this as an uneditable, complex sequence.
l News sequences created in Avid applications that consist of cuts, L-cuts, audio pan/volume effects,
audio dissolve effects, video dissolve effects, and no more than one video track.
Sequences created in MediaCentral Cloud UX are considered simple sequences and can be edited unless
they are opened in another editor and changes are made to make them complex.

5 Working with Media

Complex Sequences

Created in Avid editing applications and stored in connected MediaCentral modules, complex sequences
can contain up to 24 video tracks, 64 audio tracks, and various kinds of effects. You can load and play
complex sequences in MediaCentral Cloud UX, but you cannot make changes to them. Complex sequences
open in the Sequence Timeline as uneditable.

The following illustration shows a complex sequence created in Avid Media Composer. As indicators that the
sequence is uneditable, the video and audio tracks appear darker than standard sequence tracks and a
lock appears over the sequence icon in the upper-right corner of the Sequence Timeline.

Take note of the following areas called out in this illustration:

1 Video Track 5 Complex sequences display all tracks associated with the original sequence. If the
sequence includes more tracks than you have space to view, you can use the
vertical scroll bar at the right-side of the Sequence Timeline to reveal any tracks
that appear off-screen.
2 Precompute Rendered effects appear as precomputes in the Sequence Timeline. These effects
can be played back within MediaCentral Cloud UX.

Sequences created in Avid editing systems that include effects other than dissolves
must be rendered in the editing system. You then need to check them into a
MediaCentral module before you can play them correctly in MediaCentral Cloud
3 Unrendered If the sequence contains unrendered effects that the player does not support
Effect (effects other than simple dissolves), the player displays an UNRENDERED EFFECT
message in the Media Player when you place the position indicator on the segment.
You cannot play back segments with unrendered effects.

To assure correct playback, a sequence must have all effects rendered and must be
checked in again when the rendering is done.

n If you render only high-resolution effects, the MediaCentral Cloud UX plays back effects as high-
resolution and plays back other segments as the proxy resolution.

Some sequences require additional preparation to be completely playable. A MediaCentral Production

Management editor working in a multi-resolution workflow can take the following approach to prepare a
complex sequence for review in MediaCentral Cloud UX:

5 Working with Media

1. In the editing application, make a copy of the sequence.

2. Change the Dynamic Relink settings as desired for review in MediaCentral Cloud UX.
3. Render the copy of the sequence.
4. Check the copy of the sequence into a MediaCentral Production Management folder.
5. In the editing application, restore the Dynamic Relink working resolution settings.
6. Continue working on the original sequence.

n Your system administrator can enable the Dynamic Relink setting during the MediaCentral Cloud UX
system installation process. Administrators can see, but not change this setting in the Configuration
Settings App.

Mixing Down Complex Sequences

If a sequence is not playable in the Media Viewer, and you do not want to render it, you can use the
MediaCentral Cloud UX Mixdown feature to create a playable master clip. See "Transcoding Assets" on
page 100.

Working with Remote Assets

MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to connect multiple MediaCentral Cloud UX systems together to create
a more seamless user experience for enterprise-level organizations. When multiple systems are connected,
this is referred to as a Multi-Site configuration. Systems that connect through multi-site might consist of
departments in the same physical location (News, Sports, Production) or might be district offices in
geographically disperse locations (Boston, Beijing, Paris).

Your multi-site experience can vary depending on the MediaCentral modules available to each system. The
following example illustration shows the Browse app with two Production Management modules (BOS-PM
and NYC-PM), two Asset Management modules (BOS-MAM and NYC-MAM), and one Newsroom
Management module (WAVD-NEWS). In this example, the NYC-MAM system appears as a darkened module
because it is either offline or unreachable.

The number of connected multi-site systems, the available modules, and your level of access to these
systems are determined by your system administrator. For more information, see “Using the Multi-Site
Settings App” in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide.

When browsing (or searching) through a remote database, MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a downward-
pointing arrow over the icon of any remote asset. These alternate icons help you to differentiate between
local and remote assets.

5 Working with Media

The following sections detail how different areas of the MediaCentral Cloud UX system benefit from a multi-
site configuration.

n In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, multi-site supports the Browse app, the Search app, the
Rundown app, and the Asset Editor.

Browse App

You can use the Browse app to navigate the directory tree of all remote MediaCentral modules as if they
were locally connected systems. If you double-click on an asset in the Browse app, it appears in the Asset
Editor for review.

Search App

When you create a search in a multi-site configuration, the results include assets from all indexed
MediaCentral modules — both local and remote. This is true for both text-based and phonetic-based

Asset Editor

You can load assets from the Browse and Search apps into the Asset Editor as if they were local assets.
Once loaded, you can play the remote assets, review metadata, and assuming that you have the
appropriate user permissions — edit the metadata (including Markers).

Deliver To Me

The multi-site workflow adds a new Deliver-to-Me option to the context menus in the Browse and Search
apps for Production Management assets. Other standard options available in the context menu for local
media assets are disabled for remote asset. For more information, see "Delivering Assets and Media" on
page 102.

Rundown App

The multi-site workflow adds the following functionality for Rundown app users who have proper read/write
l Users can open rundowns that are on a remote Newsroom Management system.
l Users can create, edit, and delete stories on a remote Newsroom Management system.
Users can associate sequences from remote Production Management systems to stories in the following
l Local story / Remote sequence
l Remote story / Local sequence
l Remote story / Remote sequence
Story and sequence is set according to the configured fields. You can update the timing field for a story
when you associate a sequence with it so that the duration of a story matches the duration of the
sequence. Likewise, if you un-associate a sequence from a story, the duration of the story returns to its
original value.

For more information, see "Working with the Rundown App" on page 402 and "Associating a Sequence with
a Story" on page 415.

5 Working with Media

Viewing Markers and Restrictions

Markers are frame-specific indicators that a user can add when logging media with Avid applications. For
information about logging in MediaCentral Cloud UX, see "Working with the Storyboard Tab" on page 269.

Marker icons are displayed in the Viewer timeline. If you park the position indicator on a marker that
includes text, the text is displayed as an overlay in the Media Viewer. You can click a marker to jump to it
and display its text. If you hover your pointer over a marker icon, its text is displayed.

Overlays are displayed by default. If you want to hide overlays, click the Show/Hide Text Overlay button so
that it turns blue.

1 Marker indicators in the Viewer Timeline 3 Show/Hide Text Overlay button

2 Marker indicator and marker text

You can use keyboard shortcuts to step to the next marker or to the previous marker.

To step to the next marker:

t Press Ctrl+Shift+right-arrow key.
To step to the previous marker:
t Press Ctrl+Shift+left-arrow key.
A restriction is a defined duration that indicates clips whose use is limited in some way, such as through
intellectual property rights management. Restrictions are marked in red in the timeline, and displayed as an
overlay, as shown in the following illustration.

5 Working with Media

Displaying Stratum Annotation as Overlay

A stratum allows you to view a media object from a specific perspective to consider its visual or editorial
content. Strata are annotation layers that build the basis for logging Asset Management assets: each
stratum can be segmented, each segment is defined by an In and Out mark, and then these segments can
be annotated. For more information about strata and segments, see "Understanding Asset Management
Strata" on page 278.

When you play an Asset Management video asset that was annotated in Asset Management Cataloger,
you can display stratum annotations of type “text” as an overlay in the Media Viewer. You can select the
stratum from which the annotations are displayed in the Storyboard tab. The Media Viewer Timeline shows
alternating orange and blue sections that represent the individual segments of the selected stratum.

1 Segments of the selected stratum 2 Annotation of the current segment

3 Show/Hide Text Overlay button 4 Stratum selector in the Storyboard tab

To show annotation of an asset as overlay:

1. Load an Asset Management video asset in the Asset Editor in Source mode.
2. If the Show/Hide Text Overlay button is colored blue, click the button so that it turns gray.
3. Click the Storyboard tab.
4. In the Storyboard tab, click the stratum selector and select the stratum for which you want to show
annotation as overlay.

n If the stratum contains sub-properties of type “text,” the annotation of the first sub-property is
shown. You currently cannot select sub-properties for overlay display.

The Media Viewer shows the annotation of the current segment as an overlay. The Media Viewer
Timeline shows all segments of the stratum as alternating orange and blue sections.
5. Navigate through the asset.
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Up Arrow key to navigate to the previous
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Down Arrow key to navigate to the next

5 Working with Media

The overlay shows the annotation of the active segment.

6. (optional) To hide Overlay display, click the Show/Hide Text Overlay button so that it turns blue.

Using the Timecode Displays

The Media Viewer provides three different timecode displays:
l The Mark In point display. The timecode displayed depends on your selected main timecode.
l The main timecode display. You can click the menu on the left-side of the display to select one of six
different options. Master timecode is the default. Alternatively, you click the actual timecode value
and press Ctrl+C to copy the timecode into your workstation’s clipboard.
l The Mark In/Out duration display. In Source mode, this duration is the time between In and Out
marks. In Record mode, it is the duration of the sequence.
The following illustration shows the timecode options as displayed in the Media Viewer. Note that the
Duration timecode for the main display is different from the In/Out duration display in the upper right. The
Mark In/Out duration display shows the time between Mark In and Mark Out points.

Shown from left to right: Mark In point display; main timecode display; Mark In/Out duration display

If you are playing a MediaCentral Asset Management audio asset, the timecode displays milliseconds
instead of frames (for example, 00:01:05:243).

The following table describes the timecode options for the main display.

Timecode Description
Master (m) In Source mode, displays timecode for the selected frame that corresponds to the
original (source) timecode for the asset. In Record mode, displays timecode for the
selected frame that corresponds to the timecode of the sequence.
Absolute (a) Displays timecode for the selected frame that is offset from the first frame of the asset
or sequence (time elapsed).
Clip (c) In Record mode, displays timecode for the selected frame that corresponds to the
original (source) timecode of the clip in the loaded sequence. This feature is especially
useful when logging sequences.

n If an uneditable sequence is loaded, the clip timecode displays the master timecode.
You can also select Clip for a clip loaded in Source mode, but this is less useful
because in Source mode the master timecode and the clip timecode are identical.
Remain (r) Displays timecode for the selected frame that is offset from the last frame of the asset

5 Working with Media

Timecode Description
or sequence (time remaining).
Duration (d) Displays the total duration of a loaded asset in either Source mode or Record mode.

n If you select Duration, you cannot enter a timecode or a frame-offset value to cue a
specific frame.
Start (s) Displays the timecode for the start frame. Use this display to change the timecode
start. See "Modifying the Start Timecode" below.

Modifying the Start Timecode

In some cases you might need to change the timecode for the first frame of a sequence. This feature applies
only to Production Management sequences.

To modify the start timecode of a sequence:

1. Load a sequence in the Media Viewer.

2. Click the Timecode Display turn-down arrow and select Start.
A lock icon is displayed.
3. Click the lock icon.
The timecode display is underlined.

4. Type the new timecode.

To restore the original digits of the timecode, press the Esc key or click outside the timecode box.
5. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (macOS).
The Modify Start Timecode confirmation box is displayed and asks if you want to save the sequence
with the displayed timecode.
6. Click Yes.
The sequence is saved with the new timecode and the lock is restored.
To switch between drop-frame and non-drop frame for NTSC sequences:
t Type a semicolon (;) or colon (:) at any time.
Entering Timecode to Cue a Frame
You can cue a loaded, playable clip or sequence to a specific frame by typing a timecode value, referred to
as direct-entry mode. You can also cue backward or forward from the current location by a specified
number of hours, minutes, seconds, or frames by using positive or negative frame-offset values. This is
referred to as offset mode.

To cue to a frame based on a known timecode:

1. Select Master, Absolute, Clip or Remain timecode.

2. Click the timecode display so that it is underlined.
3. Do one of the following:

5 Working with Media

t Using the standard number keys or the numeric keypad, type the timecode for the frame you
want to display. If you are using a numeric keypad, make sure that the Num Lock key is on.
You can use the period key (.) as a shortcut for entering a value of 00 (two zeros).

To find a timecode that starts at the same hour, minute, or second as the current timecode,
type only the last digits. For example, if the current timecode is 11:56:24:00 and you type
3000, the system finds the frame at 11:56:30:00.
To clear the entry without cueing, press the Esc key.
t If you have a valid timecode value in your workstation’s clipboard, you can press Ctrl+V to
paste the value into the timecode display.
4. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (macOS).
The position indicator moves to the timecode you entered.
If you enter an invalid timecode (one that is earlier or later than the beginning of a clip), the position
indicator remains in its current position
To cue to a frame based on a frame-offset value:

1. Click somewhere in the Media Viewer to select that area of the Asset Inspector.

n Unlike the process for cuing based on a known timecode, you must not click directly on the
timecode display menu when entering a frame-offset value.

2. Using the standard number keys or the numeric keypad, type a plus sign (+) to move forward or a
minus sign (-) to move backward. If you are using a numeric keypad, make sure that the Num Lock
key is on.
A plus sign or minus sign is displayed with an empty blue field.
3. Type the number of hours, minutes, seconds, or frames you want the position indicator to move. Use
the following formats:
– Type 1 through 99 to specify a number of frames forward or backward. For example, type –47
to move backward 47 frames.

– Type 100 or greater to move forward or backward a specified number of hours, minutes,
seconds, and frames: type multiples of 100 to move by seconds, multiples of 1000 to move by
minutes, and multiples of 10000 to move by hours. For example, type +500 to move forward
exactly five seconds, as shown in the following illustration.

To clear the overlay without cueing, press the Esc key.

You can use the period key (.) as a shortcut for entering 00.
4. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (macOS).
The position indicator moves the number of frames you typed.
If you type a number that is beyond the limit of the clip or sequence, the first or last frame of the clip
or sequence is displayed.

5 Working with Media

Working in the Viewer Timeline

The Viewer Timeline is a graphical representation of the length and time spans of an asset or sequence. The
Viewer Timeline includes timing marks, a position indicator, and a zoom bar.

1 Mark In point 3 Position indicator

2 Mark Out point 4 Zoom bar

The position indicator functions as a playhead: media for the frame marked by the position indicator is
displayed in the Media Viewer. You can drag the position indicator to scrub through a clip or sequence. You
can click a location in the Viewer timeline to move the position indicator and display a specific frame. In
Record mode, movement of the position indicator matches movement of the position indicator in the
Sequence Timeline.

Timing indicators in the Viewer timeline act like marks on a ruler that represent various time spans. The time
spans indicated depend on the length of the asset or sequence and the settings in the zoom bar. Timing
marks indicate the following:
l 1 second
l 10 seconds
l 1 minute (60 seconds)
l 5 minutes (300 seconds)
l 1 hour (3600 seconds)
These timing marks are intended for general navigation, not navigation to a specific timecode. For
information about working with timecode, see "Using the Timecode Displays" on page 193.

Audio Scrubbing
By default, scrubbing in the Viewer timeline is set to video-only to provide faster operation. You can perform
audio scrubbing to help you navigate through the audio track or tracks.

To perform audio scrubbing, do one of the following:

t Hold down the Shift key while you drag the position indicator.
t Press the Caps Lock key to toggle audio scrubbing on or off.
Marking In and Out Points
If you want to use only a portion of a clip, you can add In and Out points to the clip, and then add the
selected portion of the clip to the sequence. When you load a new (complete) master clip into the Asset
Editor, the Viewer timeline does not display any default Mark In or Out points. If you drag this master clip to
a sequence, the Asset Editor assumes that you want to add the entire clip to the sequence. If you load and
drag an edit while capture (EWC) asset into a sequence, the Asset Editor assumes Mark In / Out points
around the captured area of the asset only.

If you create custom In and/or Out points on an asset loaded in the Source monitor, the points are
displayed on the Viewer timeline and the marks are saved with the asset. This functionality extends to
sequences that are loaded in the Source Monitor.

5 Working with Media

If you add mark points to a sequence loaded in the Record monitor, the Sequence Timeline shades
unmarked area of the sequence so that the marked area is more obvious (brighter). In this case, the marks
are not saved with the sequence.

The following illustration shows the buttons in the Media Viewer that you use with In and Out points.

1 Go to In 4 Mark Out
2 Mark In 5 Go to Out
3 Play In to Out

To mark an In point:

1. Load an asset to the Media Viewer and navigate to the frame where you want to set the In point.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Mark In button.
t Press I or E on the keyboard.
The In point is added to your selected frame. If the clip is playing, marking an In point does not stop
You can change an In point’s location by dragging it along the Media Viewer timeline.
To mark an Out point:

1. Load an asset to the Media Viewer and navigate to the location where you want to set the Out point.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Mark Out button.
t Press O or R on the keyboard.
The Out point is added to your selected frame. If the clip is playing, marking an Out point does not
stop playback.
You can change the Out point’s location by dragging it along the Media Viewer timeline.
To navigate to an In point, do one of the following:
t Click the Go to In button.
t With focus in the Media Viewer, press Alt+I, Alt+E, or Q.
t With focus outside of the Media Viewer, press Ctrl+Alt+I or Ctrl+Alt+E.

5 Working with Media

To navigate to an Out point, do one of the following:

t Click the Go to Out button.
t With focus in the Media Viewer, press Alt+O, Alt+R or W.
t With focus outside of the Media Viewer, press Ctrl+Alt+O or Ctrl+Alt+R.
To play from an In point to an Out point:
t Click the Play In to Out button.
When you click the Play In to Out button, the position indicator moves to the In point and begins to
play the asset. Playback stops when the position indicator arrives at the Out point.
To remove a Mark In point:
t With focus in the Media Viewer, press Shift+I or Shift+E
t Shift+Click the Mark In button
To remove a Mark Out point:
t With focus in the Media Viewer, press Shift+O or Shift+R
t Shift+Click the Mark Out button

Using the Viewer Zoom Bar

The Viewer zoom bar is located below the Viewer timeline. You can use the zoom bar to enlarge a section of
the Viewer timeline so that you can work more easily with long clips. By default, the zoom bar is set to
display the entire clip in the Viewer timeline.

n The Viewer zoom bar is similar to the Sequence zoom bar (in the Sequence Timeline area), but the two
zoom bars operate independently.

The Viewer zoom bar includes a position indicator that matches the position indicator in the Viewer timeline
and is always visible, which is useful when you are zoomed in to a section of the timeline that does not
include the timeline position indicator.

The following illustration shows the zoom bar set for an entire 6-minute clip. The timeline shows tick marks
of different heights for ten seconds, one minute, and five minutes.

Circled, left to right: ten-second mark, one-minute mark, five-minute mark.

The following illustration shows the zoom bar set to show approximately two minutes in the timeline. This
span is referred to as the zoom region. Notice that the position indicator is displayed in the zoom bar, but is
not visible in the timeline.

You can click and drag the zoom bar through the clip to select any two-minute region.

You can click the position indicator in the zoom bar and jump to the position indicator in the timeline. The
zoom region moves to include both position indicators and to enlarge the section of the timeline that
includes the position indicator. The following illustration shows a two-minute zoom region that includes the
position indicator.

5 Working with Media

You can click anywhere in the zoom bar to move the zoom region left or right.

If you drag the position indicator in the timeline, or if you play the loaded clip or sequence, the zoom bar
and its position indicator match the movement in the timeline.

To zoom in to or out from a section of the Viewer timeline, do one of the following:
t Drag a zoom bar handle in to zoom in or out to zoom out.
t Press the Down Arrow key to zoom in by 50 percent or press the Up Arrow key to zoom out by 50
t Press Shift+Up Arrow to reset the zoom level to show the entire sequence.
t Position the mouse pointer over the timeline or zoom bar and rotate the mouse wheel forward to zoom
in by 50 percent or rotate the mouse wheel back to zoom out by 50 percent.

Playing Back at the Highest Resolution

When you play media in MediaCentral Cloud UX in a multi-resolution environment, the media server plays
the most compressed available media. You can choose to play back video at the highest available
resolution. If video is available only in one resolution, the video is displayed in that resolution.

You can choose to play back video at the highest resolution using the MultiRez button, in the second row of
the Media Viewer.

To play back at the highest available resolution:

t Click the MultiRez button.

The bottom half of the icon turns white and the highest available resolution media is displayed in the
Media Viewer.

To return to normal playback, click the MultiRez button again.

Using Match Frame

The Match Frame feature lets you locate the source clip for the frame currently displayed in the Media
Viewer. If a sequence is loaded, Match Frame loads the source master clip or subclip. If a subclip is loaded,
Match Frame loads the master clip used to create the subclip. This feature is useful when you want to locate
and re-edit source material.

5 Working with Media

If you use the match frame feature with a Sequence, the Asset Editor loads the source asset that is located
on the highest enabled track. For example if you have video media on tracks V1 (enabled) and V2 (disabled),
you match frame to the asset on V1. If all video tacks are deselected in the Track Selector, the match frame
loads the asset with the highest enabled audio track. If all tracks are deselected, the match frame loads the
asset on the highest video track.

To load a source clip of a subclip or sequence:

1. Load a sequence or subclip and navigate to the frame that you want to match.
2. Click the Match Frame button.

The source master clip or subclip is loaded in the Media Viewer, and displays the frame that matches
the frame in with the matching frame displayed. In and Out marks are displayed to match the
segment in the sequence, or to match the subclip.

Viewing and Editing a Clip During Ingest

MediaCentral Cloud UX lets you view and edit a master clip while it is still being captured through an ingest
device. These clips are called in-progress clips, and the process of working with them is called Frame Chase
editing or edit while capture (EWC). You can add the captured portion of an in-progress clip to a sequence
and send the sequence to playback before the capture is complete.

In-progress clips can be generated by either MediaCentral Production Management or MediaCentral Asset
Management modules. For more information about Frame Chase editing in Production Management, see
the MediaCentral Transfer documentation.

When you load an in-progress clip, the following occurs:

l The Viewer timeline represents the asset in its entirety. The captured portion of the asset is displayed
as an animated green bar. The remaining portion of the timeline (diagonal stripes) indicate the
portion of the asset that has yet to be captured.

5 Working with Media

l A “Capture In Progress” slide is displayed if you scrub past the end of captured media, or if the
position indicator moves past the end of captured media.
l When you reach the final frame of the asset, the pause button turns orange to let you know that the
player is waiting for the next chunk of the asset to be checked into the MediaCentral module.
l The Viewer timeline displays the expected duration of the clip (for example, one hour). The expected
duration is set on the capture device. If the expected duration is changed on the capture device (for
example, an additional hour), the Viewer timeline duration is also changed.
l The Duration and Remain timecode displays are set for the expected duration.
l When you load an in-progress clip, the zoom region is adjusted to show the current duration (what
has already been recorded). You can then manually adjust the zoom region to your preference.
(There could be a delay of up to 10 seconds before the zoom region shows the current duration.)
l You cannot set an In or an Out point past the end of captured media.

Creating Subclips
You can create a subclip from a clip that you load in the Media Viewer and store it in an existing folder in the
MediaCentral Production Management database. After you set the In and Out marks, you have two
l With focus in the Media Viewer, press the S key. The subclip is saved in the folder specified in the User
Settings. For more information, see "Setting the Default Save Location for New Subclips" on
page 678.
l Click in the Media Viewer, drag and drop the image to a folder in the Browse app.

n If you do not define IN and/or OUT marks and you drag the asset to a folder in the Browse app,
the system creates a subclip that is the same length as the original master clip. If this is your
intention, you can alternately use the Duplicate feature. For more information, see
""Duplicating Assets" on page 99".

After you create a subclip, the original clip remains in the Media Viewer. This is useful if you are creating a
series of subclips from the same master clip.

n Creation of subclips from sequences, group clips, or remote (Multi-Site) assets is not currently
supported. You can create a subclip from a subclip.

To create a subclip by using a dialog box:

1. Set an In point and an Out point for a clip that is loaded in the Media Viewer.
2. With focus in the Media Viewer, press the S key.
The Create Subclip dialog box opens.

5 Working with Media

3. The Save To location displays the path at which the subclip will be saved. If needed, you can change
the path by clicking on the menu and navigating to a new location. Alternatively, you can change the
default path for all subclips in the User Settings.
4. A default name is supplied, with the extension .Sub added to the clip name. Any other subclips you
create from the same master clip include an incremented extension — for example, .Sub.01, .Sub.02,
and so on. If desired, enter a new name for the subclip.
5. Click OK.
The subclip is added to the database.
To create a subclip by using drag and drop:

1. Set an In point and an Out point for a clip that is loaded in the Media Viewer.
2. In the Browse app, open the folder in which the subclip is to be created.
3. Click in the Media Viewer and hold down the mouse button.
4. Drag the image to the folder's Results area in the Browse app and release the mouse button.

The subclip is added to the database and shown as contents of the folder.
A default name is supplied, with the extension .Sub added to the clip name. Any other subclips you
create from the same master clip include an incremented extension — for example, .Sub.01, .Sub.02,
and so on. If desired, rename the subclip in the folder.
As an alternative, you can drag and drop the image to a folder in the Browse app directory. In this
case, you need to open the folder to see the created subclip.
5. Click the Refresh button to show the thumbnail of the new subclip.

Downloading an Image
After loading a video media asset, you can use controls in the Asset Editor to export the image that is
currently shown in the Media Viewer to your local workstation. If the asset is associated with multiple
resolutions, MediaCentral Cloud UX creates the exported image from the highest resolution media available
on the source asset management system. If the Media Viewer includes a text overlay, such as Marker text,
this overlay is not included in the downloaded image file.

As shown in the following illustration, the Download window provides a preview of the image that will be
downloaded to your local workstation. If you adjust options in the Advanced Settings area of the Download
window, the image preview is updated to reflect your changes.

5 Working with Media

You can download images from either a Production Management or an Asset Management module. If you
are working in a multi-site environment, Avid supports the ability to download an image from local or
remote media assets.

If you load an image file from an Asset Management module, the high-resolution source asset is
downloaded to your local workstation. In this case, you are not provided with any controls to adjust the
image properties.

n Your ability to download source image files depends on Asset Management user privileges and rules.
Downloads might be tracked, depending on your company policy. Download tracking can be enabled
and disabled by your Asset Management administrator. These same rules do not apply to Production
Management assets.

To download an image:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to find and load an asset that includes a video track into the Asset
Editor’s Media Viewer.

n You cannot download an image from an audio-only media asset. This includes MP3 audio media
files that might include an embedded image.

2. Click on the Download button in the media and playback controls.

t If you loaded a video asset into the Media Viewer, the Download window appears.
t If you loaded an Asset Management Image file, the high-res version of the source asset is
downloaded to your local workstation.
This process also triggers a task in the Process app. If successful, the Message column reports
“Custom Tracking Succeeded”.
The Download button is available through the Show More Controls button in the Asset Editor.
Alternatively, you can select the option for Two Rows of Buttons. For more information, see "Media
and Playback Controls" on page 182.
3. (optional) Enter a custom name for the image.

5 Working with Media

The default value for this field includes the name of the asset and the frame number on which your
blue position indicator bar is currently parked. For example: London Zoo_frame_5136
4. Use the Format menu to select the type of image file that you want to download. You can download
the image as either a JPEG or PNG file.
5. (optional) Click the arrow to the left of Advanced Settings to customize the image. The following
options can be adjusted:
– Preset: Use this menu to select a set of default values for your image download. Each of the
presets are associated with a specific width, height, and aspect ratio.
The image download process automatically selects a preset that matches the format of the
asset in the Media Viewer. For example if you have a a 720p HD media file, the 720 HD preset is
selected by default. If you have an asset that does not match a known format, the Custom
preset is selected.
– Aspect Ratio: If you selected the SD or Custom presets, you can select the aspect ratio for your
image. This option is locked for all other preset types.
– If you select SD, the Aspect Ratio menu offers 4/3 and 16/9 options.
– If you select Custom, the Aspect Ratio menu offers 4/3, 16/9, and Custom options.
– Width and Height: If you selected the Custom preset, you can enter a custom width or height
for the image.
– If you select either the 4/3 or 16/9 options, the width and height values maintain the
selected aspect ratio — so if you change one value, the other value is adjusted
– If you select the Custom option, the width and height values are independent from each
other. You can enter any custom Width or Height value.
– Quality: If you selected JPEG from the Format menu, you can adjust the compression ratio for
the image either by using the scroll bar to select a new value or by entering a new number in
the percentage field. You can enter a value from 1 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality).
If you selected PNG from the Format menu, the Quality options are disabled.
– Fields: If you are downloading an image from an interlaced media format, such as 1080i, you
can select which field is downloaded. If you have a progressive media format, this option is
disabled as it does not apply.
If you have interlaced media, select one of the following options:
– Deinterlaced: The download recombines the first and second fields into a full frame.
– First: The first field of the frame is downloaded.
– Second: The second field of the frame is downloaded.
6. Click the Download button to save the image to your local workstation.
The file is saved to the download location specified in your web browser’s settings. During the
download process, you can check on the Process app to monitor the progress of the download.

n Depending on your browser settings, you might be prompted for a download location.
Using the Quick Send Feature
The Quick Send button in the Asset Editor enables you to execute Asset Management Quick Send processes,
or send Production Management assets to a playback destination. The following illustration shows the
Quick Send menu with both Asset Management processes and the Production Management Send to
Playback option available.

5 Working with Media

When using the Quick Send feature, note the following:

l The Quick Send button is shown on the Media Viewer button bar only if you are connected to a
module that supports this feature.
– If you are connected to a Production Management module and your system administrator has
configured Send to Playback profiles in the Configurations Settings app, the Quick Send
option is present.
– If you have an Asset Management module connected to MediaCentral Cloud UX, the Quick
Send option is present.
l Your ability to create and initiate Asset Management Quick Send processes depends on your Asset
Management user privileges and rules.
l Quick Send fetches processes only from the Asset Management system from which the asset was
l Production Management assets must include both audio and video. Audio-only or video-only assets
are not supported in this workflow.
l Sequences must be fully online and not in a draft state. For more information, see "Editing Mixed
Sequences" on page 377.
l If you are working in a Multi-Site environment, the Quick Send feature is supported for local assets
For more information on the Quick Send features, see the following two topics:
l "Using Quick Send with Asset Management Modules" on the next page
l "Using Quick Send to Send To Playback" on the next page
l "Publishing Sequences with Graphics" on page 209

5 Working with Media

Using Quick Send with Asset Management Modules

MediaCentral Cloud UX provides a “Quick Send” feature for Asset Management assets for a quick transfer
of material to a certain destination.

n Before you can use the Quick Send feature, Quick Send processes must be created and configured in
MediaCentral Asset Management. Starting with version 2022.3, Asset Management systems on which
the Production kit is installed provide a default Quick Send process (“Quicksend Restore to Production
Mgmt”) that lets you restore an individual asset to Production Management. Asset Management
systems without Production kit do not include default Quick Send processes.

If Quick Send processes are configured, the Quick Send button below the monitor in the Media Viewer
provides a Quick Send menu item for a fast process creation for an asset. As opposed to the Actions Menu,
Quick Send offers a limited set of processes for Asset Management assets. If no process type is applicable,
the menu shows “No items.” When you create a Quick Send process, you select the process type and attach
the asset that is open in the Media Viewer to the process, but you do not need to provide additional data in
a Create Process dialog box. Information about In and Out points, the restore or export target, and other
default settings of the attributes of the configured Quick Send template are passed to the process.

For more information, see the Avid MediaCentral | Asset Management Quicksend Restore to Production
Mgmt Process Reference.

To create a Quick Send process from the Asset Editor:

1. Load an Asset Management video asset.

2. Set the In and Out marks and the position indicator in the Media Viewer timeline.
3. Click the Quick Send button, select Quick Send and the process type (for example, “Partial Restore to
Production Mgmt”).
The process is created and shown in the Process app. For more information, see "Working with the
Process App" on page 630.
If the process requires you to complete additional user actions, the corresponding task is shown in
the Tasks app. For more information, see "Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)" on
page 657.

Using Quick Send to Send To Playback

When working with MediaCentral Production Management assets, you can use the Asset Editor’s Quick
Send menu to send individual assets or sequences to a playback destinations such as Avid FastServe, Avid
AirSpeed 5500, a destination configured in Avid MediaCentral Transfer, or other locations.

The Quick Send menu offers a Burn Graphics feature that allows you to embed any timed graphics that
might be added to a sequence into the video stream. If you plan to use this feature, you must be aware of
the following requirements and special cases:
l If you send a sequence with graphics to playback, the sequence must include at least one asset with
video edited into the video track — in this context, graphics are not considered video assets.
l If your sequence includes a mix of timed and untimed graphics, only timed graphics are burned into
the sequence.
l For sequences with untimed graphics only, the Burn Graphics option is disabled.
l Graphics with embedded audio or clips are not supported with the Burn Graphics workflow.
l As production cues are associated with stories and not directly with sequences, you must load your
sequence into the Asset Editor through the Rundown app. If you attempt to load the same sequence
from either the Browse or Search apps, the graphic tracks are not displayed in the Sequence Timeline

5 Working with Media

and the Burn Graphics option in the Send to Playback window is disabled.
l When associating a sequence with a Newsroom Management story, you must use a Sequence or a
news sequence created through MediaCentral Cloud UX. Shotlists are not supported.
l If you create a sequence in Avid Media Composer and associate graphics with it using the Avid
Maestro AVX plug-in, the graphics are not associated with the Newsroom Management story and
cannot be burned-in through the send to playback process.
l If the frame rate of your sequence does not match the frame rate of your Avid Maestro News system
(as configured in the SystemSettings.ini file), timed graphics might appear off by a few frames when
sent to a playback device using the Burn Graphics feature of the STP workflow. To maintain proper
frame synchronization, Avid recommends that you maintain matching frame rates between the
components used in this workflow.
While available to any MediaCentral Cloud UX customer that is licensed and configured with a graphics
management system, the use of the Burn Graphics option is designed for organizations that need to
embedded graphics for output formats that do not support cued graphics — such as publishing to social
media. If you embed the graphics in the video stream and your organization uses a control system to cue
graphics in the Newsroom Management rundown, you risk the possibility of displaying the same graphic
twice (one embedded, one overlay).

To send an asset to playback using Quick Send:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to load an asset into the Asset Editor.
2. Click the Quick Send button in the Asset Editor and select the Send to Playback option.
A Send to Playback window appears.

The Send to Playback option might be unavailable in the following situations:

t If the Quick Send menu displays a "No Items" message, you might not have Send to Playback
permissions. Check with your system administrator to see if your user group has this
entitlement enabled in the User Management app.
t If your sequence or associated Newsroom Management story includes unsaved changes, the
Send to Playback option in the Quick Send menu is disabled. You must save the sequence,
story, or both before sending the sequence to a playback destination.
3. Review the following fields and options to configure your Send to Playback job:

5 Working with Media

a. If necessary, enter a Video ID for the job.

A VideoID is a unique identifier for the asset that is being sent to the playback device.
Depending on your workflow, you might be required to follow a strict naming convention when
assigning VideoIDs, or you might decide to assign an arbitrary name or number such as
“stp01” or “1234”. In any case, you must associate a VideoID with each Send To Playback job.
You can populate this field using one of the following methods:
– If you opened the sequence through the Rundown app, the Video ID is populated with
the Video ID that is assigned to the story.
– If you used an editor like Avid Media Composer to associate a Tape ID with the
sequence, the Tape ID is used as the Video ID.
– Manually through the Quick Send > STP window.
If a Video ID is already associated with the asset, the ID is added to the profile automatically
and the field cannot be altered. If you send a sequence to playback and you assign a VideoID
manually, the ID is saved in the sequence metadata when the job is initiated.

n Valid characters for the VideoID field are alphanumeric characters, hyphen, and
underscore. You cannot type invalid characters in the VideoID field. If you attempt to
copy/paste text that includes invalid characters into the VideoID field, the characters are
removed during the paste process.

n The VideoID field’s maximum character length can vary between different broadcast
playout devices and control systems. Check with your local administrator before
assigning a VideoID.

b. Click the arrow on the right side of the Profile field and select an option from the menu.
After you select an option from the menu, the associated fields are populated according to the
settings assigned to the profile.
Send to Playback profiles are configured by your system administrator. For more information,
see “Using the Configuration Settings App” in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation
c. (Optional) If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is integrated with a graphics management
system, and you are sending a sequence to playback that includes timed graphic elements,
you can enable the Burn Graphics check box to embed or “burn-in” the graphics into the video
stream. When the asset reaches your destination, the media includes a flattened track of
graphics and video.
If your system is not integrated with a graphics management system, you are sending an
individual master clip to playback, or your sequence does not include any timed graphic
elements, the Burn Graphics option is grayed-out. For more information on timed graphics, see
"Adding Graphics to a Story Sequence" on page 316.
d. (Optional) Select High Priority if you need the sequence to be transferred as quickly as possible
to the playback device.
This check box should only be used in rare circumstances where the playback job must happen
as soon as possible. Overuse of this feature by multiple users can decrease its effectiveness..
e. (Optional) Select Overwrite if you want to automatically overwrite any sequence with the same
VideoID already sent to the playback device.
If you attempt to send an asset that has the same VideoID as an existing asset on the playback
device, you receive an error message indicating that the job cannot be completed. Select the
Overwrite option only if you are sure that you want to overwrite an asset with the same

5 Working with Media

4. Finally, click the Send button to initiate the job.

If you want to watch the progress of the send to playback operation, open the Process app for a
status of all jobs submitted by the current user. If multiple Playback jobs have been submitted, you
can identify your job by noting the VideoID in the Process app’s Message column.

Publishing Sequences with Graphics

You can use the same Burn Graphics workflow described above to send sequences with embedded timed
graphics to your social media endpoints.

To publish a sequence with embedded graphics:

1. After sending the asset to your STP destination, use the Browse or Search apps to locate the newly
created <sequence_name>,render.transfer asset that was checked into your Production Management
2. Drag the mixdowned sequence to your Publisher app and use your standard publish workflow to send
the sequence with embedded graphics to your social media endpoints.

Using Player Actions Processes

MediaCentral Cloud UX provides a “Player Actions” feature that gives you access to Asset Management
processes for a quick transfer of material to a certain destination.

n Before you can use the Player Actions feature, Player Actions processes must be created and
configured in MediaCentral Asset Management. Asset Management systems do not include default
Player Actions processes. For more information, see the topic “Configuring Player Actions Processes”
in the MediaCentral | Asset Management Process Reference.

If you have an Asset Management module connected to MediaCentral Cloud UX, a Player Actions button is
available through the Show More Controls button in the Asset Editor. Alternatively, you can select the
option for Two Rows of Buttons. For more information, see "Media and Playback Controls" on page 182.

When using the Player Actions feature, information about In and Out points, the restore or export target,
and other default settings of the attributes of the configured Player Actions template are passed to the
process. For a Player Actions process, a Create Process dialog box is opened that lets you edit the process
data before creating the process.

When using the Player Actions feature, note the following:

l Using the Player Actions feature requires customization. MediaCentral Cloud UX and Asset
Management do not provide default Player Actions processes.
l The Player Actions button is shown on the Media Viewer button bar if you have an Asset Management
module connected to MediaCentral Cloud UX.
l Your ability to create and initiate Asset Management Player Actions processes depends on your Asset
Management user privileges and rules.

5 Working with Media

l If you are working in a Multi-Site environment, the Player Actions feature is supported for local and
remote assets. Like the standard Actions menu, the Player Actions menu also shows Player actions
from remote orchestration engines.
To create a Player Actions process from the Asset Editor:

1. Load an Asset Management — or, if supported by the process configuration, a Production

Management — video asset.
2. Set the In and Out marks and the position indicator in the Media Viewer timeline.
3. Do one of the following:
t If two rows of buttons are shown, click the Player Actions button, select the Asset Management
system (if more than one is connected) on which the process is to be created and then the
process type.
t If one row of buttons is shown, click the Show More Controls button, hover the mouse pointer
over the Player Actions menu, then select the Asset Management system (if more than one is
connected) on which the process is to be created and the process type.
The configured process template opens. The Mark In, Mark Out and Playhead fields are populated
with the values set on the Media Viewer timeline.
4. (optional) Edit information in the Player Actions process dialog box and click OK.
The process is created and shown in the Process app. For more information, see "Working with the
Process App" on page 630.
If the process requires you to complete additional user actions, the corresponding task is shown in
the Tasks app. For more information, see "Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)" on
page 657.

Updating the Asset Thumbnail

When you check a video asset into a MediaCentral module, such as MediaCentral Production Management,
each asset is associated with a representative thumbnail image. This image is often the first frame of the
asset. However in some cases, this automatically generated frame might not be a good representation of
the media.

The Set as Thumbnail option in the Asset Editor allows you to select a new representative frame for the
asset. This image appears in the Browse and Search apps in MediaCentral Cloud UX. Since the change is
saved to the source module’s database, the same thumbnail appears in tools associated with each
MediaCentral module, such as Interplay Access.

n You cannot update the representative thumbnail for audio-only assets.

The Set as Thumbnail button appears in the second row of buttons in the media and playback controls. If
you are showing a single row of buttons only, you can access this feature by clicking on the Show More
Controls menu. For more information, see "Media and Playback Controls" on page 182.

To define a new asset thumbnail:

1. Use the Browse app, Search app, or other method to load a video asset into the Asset Editor.
2. Move the position indicator in the Media Viewer timeline to a point that better represents the asset.
3. Do one of the following to update the thumbnail image:

5 Working with Media

t If you want to update the thumbnail without additional controls, click on the Set as Thumbnail
The button flickers briefly and then turns green to provide positive feedback of the action.
t Alternatively, there might be instances where you want to adjust the image’s aspect ratio or
field. In this case, you can Shift-click on the Set as Thumbnail button to update the thumbnail
in an interactive mode. The following illustration shows the Set as Thumbnail window.

When the window appears, you can adjust the following parameters:
– Aspect Ratio: Select either 16/9 or 4/3
– Fields: Select either First, Second, or Deinterlaced
If you alter either of these options, the image preview is updated in the Set as Thumbnail
Click the Save button to update the thumbnail or the Cancel button to abort the change.
After you click Save, the Set as Thumbnail button flickers briefly and then turns green to provide
positive feedback of the action.
4. (Optional) Click the Refresh button in the Browse or Search app to see the updated thumbnail.

6 Working with Audio

6 Working with Audio

This topic describes how to use the Asset Editor’s Audio tab and how to work with audio tracks in the
Sequence Timeline.

The Audio Tab

The Asset Editor’s Audio tab provides you with controls for monitoring and adjusting audio levels.
Adjustments are saved for sequences in Record mode only. The status of the tab is persistent when loading
new assets. For instance if you mute a track in the Audio tab and then you load a new asset, the track
remains muted for the new asset.

Working with the Audio Tab in Source Mode

When you load an asset in Source mode in the Asset Editor, the Audio tab displays the audio tracks that are
available for monitoring and lets you select which tracks to monitor. MediaCentral Cloud UX can load and
monitor up to 24 audio tracks for master clips, subclips, and shotlists, five audio tracks for news sequences,
and eight tracks for Sequences. You can adjust the volume for individual tracks or the overall volume.
Adjustments are not saved.

The following illustration shows the Audio tab for a clip in Source mode and identifies the controls. The clip
used in this example includes more than four tracks, with tracks 1 through 5 displayed. Other tracks are
available by enlarging the tab or by using the scroll bar.

Control Description

1 Panning knobs Controls the panning for each track. In the current release, the panning
buttons inactive for source assets. See "Panning for Assets, Shotlists, and
Sequences" on page 216.
2 Solo and Mute Click the S (Solo) button to monitor only the selected track or tracks. All other
buttons tracks are muted. Click the M (mute) button to mute only the selected track
or tracks. See "Audio Monitoring" on page 215.

6 Working with Audio

Control Description

3 Volume slider When you hover your cursor over a volume slider, audio units appear to the
right. You can click and drag the slider to adjust the volume level for an audio
track. The level applies only to the selected track, not to the asset. Changes
are not saved. See "Audio Monitoring" on page 215.
4 Volume level display Displays the level selected by the volume slider and allows you to type a level.
and text box
5 Track identifier Displays the name of the audio track.
6 Scroll bar Drag to view audio tracks that are not displayed.
7 Menu button The Menu button includes an option to Use Current Audio Mute for Default.
This feature allows you to define a new default muting configuration for your
user account. For more information see "Muting Audio Tracks" on page 678.
8 Voice-over button Click to open the voice-over controls. See "Recording a Voice-Over" on
page 222.
9 Mix Mode button Select Stereo or Mono to specify the audio output. See "Setting the Audio
Mix" on page 217.
10 Audio meters Displays the audio level for the mix of all tracks in the clip or sequence. There
are two meters. For stereo output, each meter displays a separate level. For
mono output, both meters display the same level. See "Setting the Audio Mix"
on page 217.

You can change the reference level of audio monitoring in the User Settings.
The default is -20dB. See "Setting the Reference Level" on page 218.
11 Master volume slider Click and drag the slider to adjust the volume level for overall audio mix in the
asset. Changes are not saved. See "Audio Monitoring" on page 215.

Working with the Audio Tab in Record Mode

When you load a sequence in Record mode of the Asset Editor, the Audio tab displays the audio tracks that
are available for monitoring and lets you select which tracks to monitor.
l Shotlists can display up to 24 tracks, depending on the number of tracks that are available in the
source clips. Tracks are identified as A1, A2, and so on. Adjustments made to the audio tracks are for
monitoring only and are not saved with the asset.
l Sequences can display up to 8 tracks of audio. Tracks are identified as A1, A2, A3, and so on.
Adjustments made to the audio tracks are saved with the Sequence on a per segment basis.
l News sequences can display up to five tracks, labeled as NAT, SOT, and VO, depending on
configuration in the Interplay Administrator. The NAT, SOT, and Voice controls are enabled or
disabled depending on the position of the position indicator. Adjustments in Record mode are saved
with the source files. For more information, see "Working with Audio Tracks in a News Sequence" on
page 219.
The following illustration identifies controls in the Audio tab when a news sequence is open in Record mode.
Note that the timeline’s position indicator (not shown) is currently parked over a portion of the sequence
that includes audio on the NAT and VO tracks only. As a result, SOT 1 and 2 are dimmed.

6 Working with Audio

Control Description

1 Panning knobs Controls the panning for each track. In the current release, the panning
buttons are active for Sequences only. See "Panning for News Sequences" on
page 221.
2 Solo and Mute Click the S (Solo) button to monitor only the selected track or tracks. All other
buttons tracks are muted. Click the M (mute) button to mute only the selected track or
tracks. See "Audio Monitoring" on the next page.
3 Volume slider Click and drag the slider to adjust the volume level for an audio segment. The
level applies only to the selected segment of a track, not to the entire track.
These adjustments are saved with the sequence. See "Working with Audio
Tracks in a News Sequence" on page 219.
4 Volume level display Displays the level selected by the volume slider and allows you to type a level.
and text box
5 Track identifier Displays the name of the audio track.

When working with a news sequence, mono tracks are labeled NAT, SOT, and
VO. For stereo tracks, labels by default are NAT 1, NAT 2, SOT 1, and SOT 2. An
administrator can change the labels that identify each track by changing the
settings in the Interplay Administrator Application Database Settings.
6 Menu button The Menu button is not used when in Record Mode.
7 Voice-over button Click to open the voice-over controls. See "Recording a Voice-Over" on
page 222
8 Mix Mode button Select Stereo or Mono to specify the audio output. See "Setting the Audio Mix"
on page 217.
9 Audio meters Displays the audio level for the mix of all tracks in the clip or sequence. There
are two meters. For stereo output, each meter displays a separate level. For
mono output, both meters display the same level. See "Setting the Audio Mix"
on page 217.

You can change the reference level of audio monitoring in the User Settings.
The default is -20dB. See "Setting the Reference Level" on page 218.

6 Working with Audio

Control Description

10 Master volume Click and drag the slider to adjust the volume level for overall audio mix in the
slider sequence. Changes are not saved. See "Audio Monitoring" below.

Audio Monitoring
The Audio tab gives you controls for adjusting the volume and selecting which tracks to monitor for a clip or
sequence loaded in the Media Viewer. Assets and shotlists can include up to 24 tracks of audio, Sequences
can include up to eight tracks, and news sequences can include up to five tracks. You adjust the level of
enabled tracks by using the individual volume sliders or the master slider. You use the Mute and Solo
buttons to select any combination of tracks for monitoring.

c Volume adjustments that you make in Record mode are saved when you save the sequence.
The first time you open the Audio tab all tracks are enabled for monitoring. Any custom monitoring that you
set is retained from session to session.

The following illustration shows four tracks of audio. The first track (A1) is soloed (S), and the other tracks
are muted (M). All volume sliders are at the maximum. Mix Mode is set for stereo, but because A1 is panned
left, only the left audio meter shows volume.

If a group clip is loaded in the Media Viewer, additional controls are displayed in the Audio tab. See
"Introduction to Group Clips" on page 392.

To change the volume of a track, do one of the following:

t Click and drag the volume slider.
When you hover your cursor over a volume slider, audio units appear to the right. As you move the
slider, the volume (Vol) value below the slider is updated to show your current level.
t Type a number in the volume level display.
To set the volume to 0, Ctrl+click the volume slider.
If you drag a volume slider to the minimum possible value (-1000), or type -1000 in the text box, the
negative infinity symbol (-∞) is displayed.
To disable monitoring of a track:
t Click the M button so that it is colored orange. You can mute more than one track.

6 Working with Audio

To enable monitoring of a track:

t Click the M button so that it is colored gray.
To solo a track:
t Click the S button. The M (mute) buttons for other tracks are automatically colored dull brown. You
can solo more than one track.
The following illustration shows A1 selected for soloing. A2 was manually muted and so the M button
is colored orange. Audio tracks 3 and 4 were automatically muted and so the M buttons are colored

Panning for Assets, Shotlists, and Sequences

The default panning for clips, subclips, shotlists, and Sequences (left, right or center) is set in the Interplay
Administrator (the Application Defaults tab in the Application Database Settings view). These settings
include tracks 1 through 16. MediaCentral Cloud UX assigns odd tracks=left and even tracks=right for tracks
17 through 24 by default. Currently, you cannot override the default panning for source assets and
shotlists, but you can alter the panning for Sequences.

For information on news sequences, see "Panning for News Sequences" on page 221.

The following illustration shows the default panning of odd (A1, A3) = 100 percent left (L) and even (A2, A4) =
100 percent right (R).

6 Working with Audio

If Mix Mode is set for Mono, panning is ignored and all tracks are mixed into a single track, which is played
back in both output monitors (left and right). This setting applies only to assets played in
MediaCentral Cloud UX and is not saved with the sequence. Default panning is used for mixdown and send
to playback (STP).

Sequences include the ability to alter the panning options. Panning changes are per track (not per segment)
and are saved with the Sequence. The following illustration shows a Sequence with four audio tracks and
panning changes on the first three tracks.

Note the following about track panning:

l Panning changes made to empty Sequence tracks are not saved with the sequence.
l If you enable the Audio Mixing Defaults option in the Application Database Settings section of the
Interplay Administrator, MediaCentral Cloud UX respects and applies those defaults. This applies to
the default tracks of any new Sequence, as well as any tracks added to a Sequence.
l If the Audio Mixing Defaults option is disabled, all tracks default to odd / left, and even / right.
To adjust the panning on Sequence tracks:

1. Load a Sequence into the Asset Editor and click on the Audio tab.
2. Click and hold the knob for any track and drag the mouse to the left or right to adjust the panning.
3. Save your Sequence to save the changes.
You can reset a panning adjustment back to its default value by Ctrl+clicking on the knob.

Setting the Audio Mix

You can set the audio mix as mono or stereo, in the Asset Editor, either Source mode or Record mode. The
audio mix is used for monitoring only and is not saved with the asset. For more information, see "Audio
Monitoring" on page 215.

6 Working with Audio

To set the audio mix:

t Click the Mix Mode button to select Mono.
MediaCentral Cloud UX maps all audio tracks to a center pan, which creates a mono mixdown of all
tracks. It outputs the resulting track to two identical channels.
t Click the MixMode button to select Stereo.
MediaCentral Cloud UX maps all audio tracks to two channels. The mix depends on your panning
settings. See "Panning for Assets, Shotlists, and Sequences" on page 216 and "Panning for News
Sequences" on page 221.

Setting the Reference Level

You can set the reference level for the master volume output. By default the reference level is -20 dB, which
means a tone of -20dB is displayed as -20dB. If you change the reference level to -10, a tone of -20dB is
displayed as -10dB. You can set the reference level in the User Settings.

To set the reference level:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the settings group Video/Audio.
3. In the Output Reference Level section, complete one of the following actions:
t Type a dB (decibel) level from -50 through -1.
t Use the up or down arrows in the menu to select a new level.
4. Click Save.

Working with Audio Tracks in a Sequence

Unlike shotlists or news sequences, you can make level adjustments to individual segments of a Sequence in
the timeline and the changes are saved with the Sequence. Sequences also allow you to add cross fade
transition effects to the audio tracks. For more information, see "Working with Transition Effects" on
page 374.

Reassigning Audio Sources in the Sequence Timeline

After you edit a segment into a Sequence that includes multiple source audio tracks , you can alter the
source track associated with the segment after the edit is complete. This functionality makes it easier to
change the audio source without needing to replace the segment.

6 Working with Audio

To assign a new source track to an edited segment track:

1. Right-click the audio track for the segment that you want to alter in the Sequence Timeline.
A context menu similar to the one shown in following illustration appears.

2. Move your mouse over the Source menu and select a new source for the track from the list of
available tracks.

Working with Audio Tracks in a News Sequence

For a news sequence, the Sequence Timeline includes three different types of audio tracks:
l NAT (natural sound): Audio recorded at the same time as the video clip by the microphone built-in to
the video camera. MediaCentral Cloud UX supports single-channel or dual-channel NAT tracks.
l SOT (sound-on-tape): Audio recorded at the same time as the video clip, usually with a microphone
separate from the one built in to the video camera, which records the natural sound.
MediaCentral Cloud UX supports single-channel or dual-channel SOT tracks.
l VO (Voice): Audio recorded through an audio device connected to your system or an audio-only
media file opened from the Production Management database. MediaCentral Cloud UX supports
single-channel Voice tracks.

n News sequences are created and edited only in a Production Management database.
The following illustration shows a sequence with three audio tracks: SOT, NAT, and VO. The video track is
blue and all audio tracks are green. The first segment is associated with NAT, which you can identify if you
click the video or NAT segment, as shown in the illustration. The clip label in the NAT track is a dimmer white
than that in the video track, which also indicates that the segments are associated. The second segment is
associated with SOT. The VO segment is associated with the sequence.

A MediaCentral Production Management administrator can change the labels that identify each track by
changing the settings in the Interplay Administrator’s Application Database Settings.

The Interplay Administrator Application Database view also includes settings for specifying the number of
channels to use for NAT and SOT and how to patch source and output tracks. You can select a maximum of
five audio tracks for source and output:

6 Working with Audio

l One or two NAT tracks

l One or two SOT tracks
l One Voice track
You can override the default output patching. See "Overriding the Default Audio Track Patching" below.

Automatic Adjustment of Audio Gain Levels

The application automatically sets audio gain levels to ensure the clearest sound for the master audio track
of your story. This provides default volume levels for separate tracks so that you do not need to manually
adjust audio gain levels. Audio gain levels are set according to the following parameters:
l If a Voice track is present, the application lowers (or “ducks”) the audio level on any other tracks (NAT
track, SOT track, or both) running at the same point in the Sequence Timeline.
l If no Voice track is present, and a SOT track is present, the application ducks the audio level on the
NAT track running at the same point in the Sequence Timeline.
l If no Voice or SOT tracks are present, NAT sound remains at full volume.
A MediaCentral Production Management administrator can change the amount of ducking by changing the
setting in the Interplay Administrator Application Database Settings. The default level is 12 dB.

Automatic Creation of Audio Dissolves

By default, MediaCentral Cloud UX creates an audio dissolve between each clip in your news sequence.
Because the dissolve requires at least one frame to fade out or fade in, you should not mark your In point at
the first frame of your clip or your Out point at the last frame of your clip. Instead, use the Video monitor
controls to step in a few frames from the beginning or end of your clip before marking your In and Out

A MediaCentral Production Management administrator can change the number of frames used for the
dissolve by changing the setting in the Interplay Administrator’s Application Database Settings. The default
number of frames is 2.

Overriding the Default Audio Track Patching

A MediaCentral Production Management administrator sets the default source patching for NAT, SOT, and
Voice audio on the Editing Settings tab of the Application Database Settings view. By default, track A1 is
mapped to NAT audio, A2 is mapped to SOT audio, and A3 is mapped to Voice. If dual-channel support is
enabled, A1 and A4 are mapped to NAT audio, and A2 and A5 are mapped to SOT audio.

You might need to change these settings for editing and output. For example, the NAT audio and the SOT
audio might become reversed if a reporter’s microphone is recorded on the wrong track. When this
happens, the NAT sound takes the place of the SOT track, and if you disable the NAT track the SOT is
disabled instead. You can change (or swap) the NAT and SOT tracks to compensate for this problem. These
changes override the source audio patching.

When you override the default NAT or SOT patching, only the active clip in the Sequence Timeline is
modified. Other clips that you added to the Sequence Timeline from the same source clip remain

To override the default source audio patching:

1. Right-click an audio clip in the Sequence Timeline and select the track you want to change.
The menu shows the currently selected audio patching. The following illustration shows a clip with
two audio tracks that uses the default mapping: NAT as A1, SOT as A2.

6 Working with Audio

2. From the submenu, select the source track you want to use. For example:
a. Select the NAT track, right-click, and select NAT A1 > A2.

b. Select the SOT track, right-click, and select SOT A2 > A1.

The patching for the two tracks are new reversed.

Panning for News Sequences

MediaCentral Cloud UX uses panning for news sequences as it is set in the Interplay Administrator.
l NAT and SOT tracks: Mapped as odd tracks=left, even tracks=right. Source tracks for output are
patched in the “Audio - Storyline Audio Patching” setting on the Editing Settings tab of the
Application Database Settings.
l VO track: Mapped as odd tracks=left, even tracks=right. You can center the VO track by selecting
“Center-Panned Sound on Tape and VO” on the Editing Settings tab of the Application Database
These settings are saved in the sequence and are used for mixdown and send-to-playback (STP).

If Mix Mode is set for Mono, panning is ignored and all tracks are mixed into a single track for monitoring,
which is played back in both output monitors (left and right). This setting is not saved with the sequence.

In the current release, the panning buttons are inactive.

6 Working with Audio

n Complex (uneditable) sequences created in Media Composer use panning as set in Media Composer.
Recording a Voice-Over
You can use special audio controls in the Audio tab to record a voice-over for your story.
l In Source mode you record a separate audio clip. See "Recording a Voice-Over in Source Mode" on
the next page
l In Record mode you record a VO track that is saved with a Sequence or news sequence. You cannot
record a voice-over for shotlists in Record mode. "Recording a Voice-Over in Record Mode" on
page 225.
MediaCentral Cloud UX uses the recording function of your browser to determine the input device used for
the voice-over. Use your browser settings to change the input device.

n Voice-over recording is only available for MediaCentral Cloud UX systems that are integrated with a
MediaCentral Production Management module.

Configuring Voice-Over Settings in the Interplay Administrator

When you create a recording, the format is determined by two settings in the Interplay Administrator.
l Video Format setting on the Editing Settings tab of the Application Database Settings view.
This setting determines the frame rate. If the setting is Any, MCC UX uses NTSC 29.97 as the default
format. The following illustration shows the Video Format is set to PAL 25i.

l Audio - general settings on the Editing Settings tab of the Application Database Settings view.

6 Working with Audio

– Media Creation Workspace: This is the location on Avid Shared Storage where the VO media is
– Audio sample rate: Fixed at 48kHz
– Sample bit depth: Choice of 16 or 24-bit (16-bit is the default)
– Audio file format: Fixed as PCM.
The following illustration shows the bit depth set for 16.

Selecting a Default Folder

The default folder for voice-overs created in Source mode is determined in the User Settings. You can view or
change the folder path as described in the following procedure. When creating a voice-over in Record
mode, the asset is created in the same path as the original sequence.

n When selecting a location to save the asset, you must verify that your matching user account in the
Production Management database has write access to this area of the Production database.

1. Click the User button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select the User Settings.
2. In the navigation panel, select Save.
3. In the VO section, use the turn-down arrow to navigate to the folder you want to use to save the clips.

4. Click Save.

Recording a Voice-Over in Source Mode

You can use the voice-over controls in the Audio tab to record a voice-over as an audio master clip. This is
an alternative way of recording a voice-over that gives you more flexibility than recording a voice-over for a
sequence in Record mode.

To record an audio clip:

1. Click the Source button in the Asset Editor Media Viewer.

You do not need to load an asset. If an asset is loaded and you click the Voiceover Mode button,
MediaCentral Cloud UX clears the monitor.
2. Click the Audio tab, then click the Voiceover Mode button.
The Voiceover Mode button turns blue to indicate its active status, and record controls appear to the
left of the master volume meter. A Select Audio Clip Name dialog box is displayed.
3. Type a name for the clip and click Set Recording Target.

6 Working with Audio

The Media Viewer shows the a timer and record indicator (small circle) displayed in green in the upper
right. The file name and path are displayed as an overlay in the lower left. If you want to change the
file name, click the waveform icon in the overlay. The Audio Clip Name dialog box is displayed and
you can change the file name.

From top to bottom: Timer and record indicator, asset name and path, Record button, Trash button, volume slider. Right: voice-over
audio meter.

4. Use the volume slider to set the desired volume level. The volume level is displayed in the voice-over
audio meter.
5. When you are ready to record, press the Record button.
A three-second countdown is displayed in the viewer, audio pops mark each second, and the Record
button flashes red. At the end of the countdown, the Record button remains red and the recording
begins. The timer in the upper right turns red, and the recording indicator flashes.

6 Working with Audio

You can monitor the recording level in the audio meter and adjust it as needed while recording.
Click the trash button to stop recording without saving the file.
6. When you are finished recording, press the Record button again.
An audio clip is created with the name and location you specified. The file name is automatically
incremented by a final number in preparation for the next recording.
7. To exit the audio-recording controls, click the Voiceover Mode button.
The Voiceover Mode button turns gray and the voice-over controls disappear.

Recording a Voice-Over in Record Mode

You can use the voice-over controls in the Audio tab to record a voice-over for a Sequence or news
sequence as it plays.

For Production Management sequences, the video format and frame rate is usually determined by the first
clip that you add to the sequence. However, if you record a voice-over before inserting a video clip, the
video format and frame rate are determined by the Video Format setting in the Interplay Administrator.

To record a voice-over:

1. Load a Sequence or news sequence into Record mode.

2. (Sequences only) Use the Track Selector to enable one audio track (record column) only.
If you have more than one audio track enabled, MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message to
remind you that you must enable one track only.
3. Click the Audio tab, then click the Voiceover Mode button.
The voice-over controls are displayed.

From top to bottom: Timer and record indicator, Record button, Trash button, volume slider. Right: voice-over audio meter.

6 Working with Audio

4. Use the volume slider to set the desired volume level. The volume level is displayed in the voice-over
audio meter.
5. Set the start point for the recording by doing one of the following:
t Drag the position indicator to a location in the Viewer timeline or the Sequence Timeline.
t Click the Play/Pause, 1 Frame Back, or 1 Frame Forward buttons.
6. When you are ready to record, press the Record button.
A three-second countdown is displayed in the viewer, audio pops mark each second, and the Record
button flashes red. At the end of the countdown, the Record button remains red and you can begin

You can monitor the recording level in the audio meter and adjust it as needed while recording.
Click the Trash icon to stop recording without saving the file.
7. When you are finished recording, press the Record button again.
The voice-over is added to the sequence. For Sequences, the segment is added to your selected track.
For news sequences, the segment is added to the VO track. You can review the recording by playing
the sequence.
The following illustration shows a newly recorded voiceover in the VO track.

When you record a voice-over, the new audio clip is named sequence_name.VO.nn. Voice-overs are
checked into MediaCentral Production Management in the same folder as the sequence they are
recorded into.
8. To exit the voice-over controls, click the Voiceover Mode button.

Displaying Audio Waveforms

When working in Sequences or News sequences, the Sequence Timeline allows you to display audio
waveform data for each segment that you add to your sequence. Audio waveforms display a sample plot of
the entire amplitude of the track. This is the same as the sample voltage values seen on an analog
oscilloscope waveform.

The following illustration provides an example of the waveform data.

6 Working with Audio

MediaCentral Cloud UX displays waveforms for up to 8 tracks of audio in a Sequence, and for up to 5 tracks
in a News sequence. If you are viewing a sequence that was created in Media Composer with nine or more
audio tracks, the Asset Editor displays data for the first 8 tracks only. Unlike Media Composer, you cannot
display a waveform for a single track only. If your sequence includes audio dissolves as shown in this
illustration, the dissolve is not factored into the displayed waveform. Audio gain does not affect the height
of the waveform.

Waveform data is drawn on-screen, starting at the center position of the blue position indicator and
extending outward — left and right. If you move the position indicator to a different point in the timeline as
the waveforms are being drawn, the waveform data starts drawing at the new position. The waveforms
drawn at the previous position remain on screen.

If you hide the waveform data and then re-enable the Show Audio Waveforms button, all prior waveform
data is displayed immediately without the redraw. If you load a new sequence and come back to a previous
sequence, the waveform data must be recreated and redrawn on screen.

n Audio waveforms are not supported when editing a draft sequence. Waveforms are not supported in
shotlists due to the simplified view of the audio track in that sequence type.

To display audio waveforms:

1. Load a Sequence or a News sequence with at least one audio track into the Asset Editor.
2. (optional) Click the menu at the far right of the Sequence Timeline tool bar and select the Hide Clip
Text option.
This feature removes the clip name text from each segment which makes the waveform data easier to
For more information, see "The Sequence Timeline Area" on page 328.
3. (optional) Move the blue position indicator bar to the point in the sequence where you want to start
drawing waveforms.
If you leave the position indicator on the first frame of the sequence, waveform data is drawn to the
right f the bar.
4. Click the Show Audio Waveforms button in the Sequence Timeline tool bar.
Waveform data is drawn over the sequence's audio tracks. Waveforms remain enabled throughout
your user session, or until you click it again to hide the waveform data.
5. (optional) Adjust the zoom level to see more detailed waveform information.
To hide the audio waveform data:

1. Click the Hide Audio Waveforms button.

2. (optional) Click the menu at the far right of the Sequence Timeline tool bar and select the Show Clip
Text option to redisplay the clip text.

7 Working with Metadata

7 Working with Metadata

This topic describes how to work with the Asset Editor’s Metadata tab to view and edit asset metadata.

The Metadata Tab

The Metadata tab lets you view and edit properties that are associated with the asset opened in the Asset
Editor. Some properties are populated automatically and others need to be edited manually. The properties
displayed depends on which type of asset is loaded: MediaCentral Production Management or
MediaCentral Asset Management.

In general, the metadata editing feature requires an Edit user license, which includes the entitlement ENT_
MCS_OP_METADATA_RW. Users with a Browse license are not able to edit metadata.

Note the following basic interaction patterns:

l When no asset is loaded in the Asset Editor, the Metadata tab shows an “Asset is not loaded”
l The “Asset is not loaded” message is also shown when you switch between Asset Editor’s Source and
Record mode and the corresponding asset or sequence is not loaded.
l While an asset is being loaded in the Asset Editor, the Metadata tab shows a spinning wheel icon.
l If both an asset and sequence is loaded in Record and Source Monitor and you switch between the
modes, the Metadata tab is reloaded and shows the metadata for the currently active mode.
l If the metadata content of the asset loaded in the Asset Editor is not supported, because the called
backend service could not provide the information, the Metadata tab shows an “Asset is not
supported” message.
The Metadata tab supports right-to-left languages:
l You can enter, display, and edit text in right-to-left languages (for example, Arabic or Hebrew).
MediaCentral Cloud UX recognizes right-to-left characters (RTL). If the entire text or more than 50
percent of the text in a text property consists of right-to-left characters, the text direction in the text
field changes to right-to-left when you click outside the field. The right-to-left text direction persists
from one session to another.
l When you add or paste RTL text with a big amount of characters to a text attribute, an ellipsis is
shown at the and of the fifth line.
The following illustration and table describe the layout of the Metadata tab.

7 Working with Metadata

Control Description
1 Reload button Reloads the data from the server and refreshes the Metadata tab. For more
information, see "Editing Metadata" on page 237.

If reloading fails, a corresponding message is shown and the metadata is

not refreshed.

To the right side of the Reload button the following can be shown: an
“unsaved changes” warning icon or Save button, and/or (temporarily) a
2 Unsaved changes Starting with v2022.12, an administrator can configure how changes made
indicator / Save button in the Metadata tab are saved: automatically (default) or by explicitly
applying a Save operation.

The configured save mode is reflected in the UI as follows:

(default, auto-save enabled) No Save button is shown to the right side of the
Reload button.

An unsaved changes indicator is only shown in the following cases:

When there is at least one empty mandatory field.

The unsaved changes indicator is disabled.

When auto-save failed.

The unsaved changes indicator is enabled. When you hover the mouse
pointer over the enabled unsaved changes indicator, it turns white.You can

7 Working with Metadata

Control Description
click the button to retry saving the metadata.
The tooltip of the indicator always reads “Unsaved changes.” The icon
disappears when all mandatory fields have been populated or saving
(auto-save disabled) A Save button is permanently shown to the right side
of the Reload button; it is enabled when the cursor leaves a field with
unsaved changes. When you hover the mouse pointer over the enabled Save
button, it turns white. You have to click the Save button to save the changes
you made to metadata fields. When all changes are saved, the button is
disabled again. The tooltip of the button always reads “Save.”

When there is at least one empty mandatory field or saving failed, the Save
button is replaced by the “Unsaved changes” indicator icon (see above). If
saving failed, you can click the icon to retry saving the metadata. As soon
as the all empty mandatory fields are populated or saving succeeded, the
“Unsaved changes” indicator icon is replaced by the Save button again.
Messages For a short period, the following status messages are shown to the right side
of the Reload button or Save button:

“Reloading...”: While the data is retrieved from the server after clicking the
Reload button.

“Saving”: When data is being saved, for example, after you moved the
cursor outside of a field you just edited or selected a value from a list (auto-
save enabled); or you clicked the Save button (auto-save disabled).
When the operation is done, the message text disappears.
3 Select View menu If the metadata is grouped in different metadata sections in the source
module, you can select the desired section from the Select View menu. The
Metadata tab scrolls down to the selected section. An Asset Location entry
is available if the asset open in the tab has at least one location.

For Production Management assets, the Select View menu additionally

provides the entries System Properties and Custom Metadata.

For Asset Management assets, the entries in the menu differ for the
individual asset types, as shown in the following illustration for an Audio
(left) and Video (right).

7 Working with Metadata

Control Description

When you open or reload an asset in the Metadata tab, the Select View
entry is selected and the focus is set on the top of the tab.

When you scroll in the Metadata tab using the scroll bar at the right, the
groups in the Select View menu change accordingly to the scroll position.
4 Menu button Lets you apply menu options to the asset open in the Metadata tab.

Open in: Lets you open the asset in another MediaCentral Cloud UX app;
can also be used to locate the asset in a folder. See "Choosing the App for
Opening Assets" on page 49 and "Locating Assets in Folders" on page 89.

Open in external application: Lets you open the asset in an external

application. This release provides a sample configuration that allows Asset
Management users to load video- and audio-type assets in Asset
Management Cataloger to create or edit the stratified annotation of the
asset. See "Opening Assets with an External Application" on page 51.

Actions: Lets you start a process for the asset open in the Metadata tab.
Which processes are shown in the Actions menu is defined by the module
type (Asset Management or Production Management asset), licensed Asset
Management features, and might differ between asset types of the same
module. For example, the Actions menu will show less processes for an Asset
Management audio asset than for an Asset Management video asset. See
"Understanding the Actions Menu and Process Creation" on page 54.
5 Asset Location (Read-only) Shows all available path locations of the displayed asset
(Production Management) resp. of the asset references in folders (Asset
Management). Each location is shown as a separate row. If the asset does
not have a location, the entire Asset Location section is hidden.

You can highlight and copy the contents of the Asset Location field and
paste it into a text editor or e-mail program.
6 Metadata fields A metadata field represents a property and consists of a label and a value.
If the label exceeds a certain length, it will not be displayed completely and
the text ends in an ellipsis. Hover the mouse pointer over the trimmed label
to show a tooltip that contains the entire label text, as shown in the
following illustration.

7 Working with Metadata

Control Description

7 Mandatory field Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

When you delete the text from a mandatory field and click outside the field,
the asterisk and the bottom line of the mandatory field are highlighted in
red and a red exclamation mark is shown; when you hover the mouse over
the exclamation mark, a “This field is required” pop-up message appears.

As long as there is an empty mandatory field you cannot save changes in

other fields: When you click outside the field you just edited, the tab
automatically scrolls to the empty mandatory property.
8 Non-editable field Read-only properties do not provide an input control.
9 Editable field If a property is editable, the value field is underlined and a text box, drop-
down menu, or other input control is displayed. See "Editing Metadata" on
page 237.

Understanding Production Management Metadata

The properties that are displayed in the Metadata tab are determined by settings in the Property Layout
view in the Interplay Administrator application. An administrator can select both system properties and
custom properties as follows:
l On the System Properties tab, select items in the Inspector Default column.
l On the Custom Metadata tab, select items in the Inspector Default column.
A user must have write permission on an asset to add a property to an asset.

For information on system and custom properties, and assigning permissions, see the Interplay | Engine and
Interplay | Archive Engine Administration Guide.

Note the following:

l You can see asset metadata when loading Production Management and Archive Production clips.
Archive Production usually has a different set of System Properties than Production Management,
but the same properties behave the same in both systems.
l The properties are arranged in the System Properties and Custom Metadata groups on the Metadata
l Text input is limited to 32 kilobytes data.
If you try to save information that exceeds this limit, a warning message tells you that the text
exceeds the corresponding 32 kilobytes data limit.

7 Working with Metadata

l The following characters are not valid for Production Management asset names: / \ |
If you use invalid characters, a message opens when you click outside the field. Since invalid
characters are not removed automatically from the asset name field, you have to remove them

l If an administrator has created a custom property that includes a list of values from which users can
choose one value, this list (“taxonomy”) can be used in the Metadata tab. Depending on the
configuration, the taxonomy can contain a simple list of options (also referred to as “legal list”) or a
hierarchy of options and suboptions (also referred to as “thesaurus”).
l If an administrator has configured a Categories property in the Site Settings section of the Interplay
Administrator window, users can add multiple values. By default, no categories are configured in the
Interplay Administrator.
For more information, see:
l "Editing Text Properties" on page 239
l "Editing Legal List Properties" on page 243
l "Editing Thesaurus Properties" on page 244
l "Editing Multi-Value Properties" on page 248

Understanding Asset Management Metadata

The properties that are displayed in the Metadata tab are determined by the configuration of the property
and the metadata template of the corresponding asset type in the Asset Management Datamodel
Administrator application. Using this application an administrator can define the following:
l Which properties are displayed
l If a property is editable, read-only, or mandatory
l If a property shows a default value
l Limits for text input
l Read-only expressions
A user must have write permission on assets to edit the metadata of an asset.

Note the following limitation: All layout configuration for templates, such as grid layout or field size, set in
Datamodel Administrator is ignored by the Metadata tab. The Metadata tab shows all attributes in a one-
column layout, one attribute below the other. For sub-attributes of a multi-value compound attribute, the
column width configuration is ignored. For information on properties and assigning permissions, see the
MediaCentral | Asset Management Datamodel Administrator User’s Guide and MediaCentral | Asset
Management User Manager User’s Guide.

7 Working with Metadata

Property Types

The fields in the Metadata tab are linked to properties that describe an asset. Asset Management and
MediaCentral Cloud UX support different property types and input controls. In Asset Management, the
following three property types are distinguished:
l Single-value property: When you edit metadata that is allocated to a single-value property, there is
only one field available in which to enter data, so only one value can be entered for this asset
property. For more information, see "Editing Metadata" on page 237.

l Multi-value property: When you edit metadata that is allocated a multi-value property, there are
several fields available in which you can enter data for this asset property. The value list of a multi-
value property in the Metadata tab does not provide inline editing features; you add, edit and delete
values of a multi-value property in a separate edit window. For more information, see "Editing Multi-
Value Properties" on page 248.
The following illustration shows an example of a multi-value Date-Time property.

l Compound property: When you edit metadata that is allocated a compound property, you edit
several properties that are combined into a single property. For each of these single properties you
have several fields in which to enter data, just as you do for multi-value properties. The table of a
compound property in the Metadata tab does not provide inline editing features; you add, edit and
delete rows of a multi-value compound property in a separate edit window. For more information, see
"Editing Multi-Value Compound Properties" on page 250.
The following example shows how three single properties (Real Name, Role and Organization) are
combined into the Contribution property.

Input Controls

Depending on the configuration of the metadata template in Asset Management, you might encounter
different input fields when entering data.

Display Field type Description

Text Text fields accept all characters. Input might be limited to a certain
number of characters by the property configuration in Asset
Management. If no limit is applied by the data model configuration,
MediaCentral Cloud UX applies a 500,000 characters limit.

See "Editing Text Properties" on page 239.

Timecode Editable Timecode and Duration fields provide templated input

7 Working with Metadata

Display Field type Description

Duration fields for different timecode types. For drop-frame timecodes, the
separator is “;”. For audio assets, the separator before last digits
group is “.”.

The quantity of numbers in the last digits group depends on the

asset’s frame rate and could be for example 24 or 999 if the frame
rate is not provided.

The fields also support pasting copied timecodes.

See "Editing Duration and Timecode Properties" on page 241.

Date Editable Date fields are preformatted. The display format depends
on the format “Date” selected in the User Settings.

See "Editing Date, Time and Date/Time Properties" on page 241.

Time Editable Time fields are preformatted for input in hh:mm:ss

format.The display format depends on the “Date” format selected
in the User Settings.

Date/Time Editable Date/Time fields are preformatted. The display format

depends on the “Date” format selected in the User Settings.
Timezone information is not shown.
Integer Integer fields accept only figures as input. How many figures you
can type is limited by the property configuration of the data model;
the maximum input number is 16 figures.

If you type more figures than allowed, a tool-tip appears. When

you click outside the field, all figures that exceed the allowed range
are trimmed to the correct number of figures.

See "Editing Integer Properties" on page 243.

Floating-point Floating-point fields accept only digits and a period as separator;
other characters are not accepted. How many digits you can type
before and after the period is limited by the property configuration
of the data model; the maximum input number is 16 digits before
and 16 after the period.

If you type more digits than allowed, a tool-tip appears. When you
click outside the field, all digits that exceed the allowed range are
trimmed to the correct number of digits.

See "Editing Float Properties" on page 242.

Boolean Boolean check boxes differentiate between “applies” and “does not

See "Editing Boolean Properties" on page 240.

Legal list Drop-down lists provide the available values of a property. When
you open a property of type legal list, the input control shows a
search box and all values of the property. The cursor is positioned in
the search box by default. When you start typing, the list is filtered
to all values containing that letter. If the legal list contains more

7 Working with Metadata

Display Field type Description

than four items, a scroll bar is shown.

See "Editing Legal List Properties" on page 243.

Thesaurus Thesauruses are mostly used to provide larger sets of invariant
terms that can be assigned as values to a property. The terms of a
thesaurus are organized in a tree structure. When you open a
property of type thesaurus, the input control shows a search box
and the name of the thesaurus to search in. The cursor is positioned
in the search box by default.

When you type three or more letters, the thesaurus is filtered to

show only terms containing these letters. The path of the term
within the thesaurus is shown in brackets.

See "Editing Thesaurus Properties" on page 244.

Master data Master data — for example, data records about producers, actors,
and so on — consists of multiple distinct values. These multiple
values are represented by one master data value, when used for
annotation. When you click on a property of type master data, a
pick tool opens that shows you all master data records of that
property and lets you select one master data record. The value
representing the master data record is then shown in the master
data field.

See "Editing Master Data Properties" on page 244.

7 Working with Metadata

Editing Metadata
In the Metadata tab, if a property is editable, a text box, drop-down menu, or other input control is
displayed. Read-only properties do not provide an input control.

Implicit versus Explicit Saving

Starting with version 2022.12, an administrator can configure if changes made in the Metadata tab are
automatically saved (default) or require an explicit save operation.
l By default (auto-save enabled), changes are automatically saved when you position the cursor
outside the edited field (by clicking or pressing the Tab key) or you select a value from a legal list or
l If auto-save is disabled, you have to click the Save button to save your changes. If you do not save
your changes and you reload the information, switch between the Asset Editor’s Source and Record
monitor, or load another asset in the Metadata tab, you are prompted for saving.

If you have not saved your changes and reload or close the Chrome browser tab, a “Reload site?”
prompt opens. Click Cancel and save your changes in the Metadata tab. If you click Reload, all your
changes are discarded.

l As long as there is an empty mandatory field, the tab automatically scrolls to the empty mandatory
property when you click outside the field you just edited. Any change made to a metadata field after
a mandatory field has been cleared, will not be saved. The unsaved changes warning icon beside the
Reload button is shown on the toolbar as long as there are unsaved changes.
l If there is at least one empty mandatory field, and you reload the information or load another asset
in the Metadata tab, you may discard all unsaved changes.

7 Working with Metadata

– If you reload the information in the Metadata tab, you can cancel the reload operation and
populate the empty mandatory field(s) to avoid discarding your changes.

– If you load another asset in the Metadata tab, all your changes are discarded.

– If you sign-out from MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can cancel the sign-out operation and
populate the empty mandatory field(s) to avoid discarding your changes.

– If you reload or close the Chrome browser tab, a “Reload site?” prompt opens. Click Cancel
and save your changes in the Metadata tab. If you click Reload, all your changes are
l While changes are being saved or data is being reloaded the Metadata tab is blocked for input.
Navigating using the Tab key
l You can use the Tab key to navigate to the next editable field whether this field is empty or
populated. Navigating using the Tab key sets the field to edit mode without highlighting the whole
value. Navigating into a legal list or thesaurus property sets the cursor into the search box.
l (default, auto-save enabled) Leaving an edited field by pressing the Tab key saves the changed
l Read-only properties are skipped when navigating using the Tab key as well as master data, Boolean
and multi-value compound properties.
l Within multi-value compound edit windows navigating using the Tab key is supported within one row.
Pressing the Tab key in the last field does not jump into the next row but into the first editable field of
the same row. Read-only properties are skipped when navigating using the Tab key as well as master
data and Boolean properties.

7 Working with Metadata

To view properties of an asset:

1. Use the Browse app, Search app, or other method to load an asset into the Asset Editor.
2. Click the Asset Editor’s Metadata tab.
3. (optional) To hide the Media Viewer and show only the Metadata tab, click the Media Viewer button in
the Asset Editor’s header.
To navigate to a property group:
t Select the desired section from the Select View menu.
The Metadata tab scrolls down to the selected section.
To navigate to the next editable field:
t With the cursor positioned in a property, press the Tab key.
The cursor is positioned in the next editable property.
To save changes:
t (default, auto-save enabled) Position the cursor outside the edited field.
t (auto-save disabled) Click the Save button.
To update the information displayed:
t Click the Metadata tab Reload button.
The data is reloaded from the server and the Metadata tab is refreshed. While the data is retrieved, a
“Reloading…” message is shown and the tab is blocked for input.
t Reload the asset by clicking the Reload Asset button in the Asset Editor, double-clicking the asset in
the Browse or Search app, or applying the Open in > Asset Editor option.
The asset is reloaded from the server and the Metadata tab is cleared. While the asset is being
reloaded, a spinning wheel icon is shown. Afterwards, the updated information is shown in the
Metadata tab.

Editing Text Properties

When editing text properties, most common features of text editing tools are available, such as inserting
text at a selected position, marking text you want to overwrite, copying, pasting, and deleting, and so on.
You can use standard keyboard shortcuts to cut text or copy text to the system clipboard, or paste text
from the system clipboard. This includes the ability to copy text from external sources such as documents or
Web pages and to paste the text as marker notes or segment annotation. The text is pasted without
formatting. You can also do the reverse: copy text and paste it into an external source, such as Notepad.

Note the following:

l The input in text properties can be limited:
– For Production Management assets, text input is limited to 32 kilobytes data.
– For Asset Management assets, input can be limited for each text property by the configuration
in the data model.
– Pasting a huge amount of text (about 100,000 characters and more) into a text property might
cause the browser page to hang.
If the text input exceeds the limitation, a pop-up “It is not possible to save text with more than <X>
characters” is shown. When the property is saved, the text that exceeds the allowed range is cut.

7 Working with Metadata

l For each text property, the displayed text length is limited to five rows. If the property text cannot be
displayed completely, the text ends in an ellipsis. Hover the mouse pointer over the text field to show
a pop-up that contains additional lines of text. Click in the collapsed text field to expand it and
display the entire text. The cursor is positioned at the end of the text.
– When at least the last line of the expanded text field is visible and you click outside the text
field without entering edit mode for another field, the text is collapsed and the tab scrolls back
to the first line of the collapsed text attribute.
– When you click outside the text field and enter edit mode for another field, the text is collapsed
but the tab focus remains on the new field in edit mode.
The same applies when the expanded text field is not visible because you scrolled while editing
and you click outside the text field without entering edit mode for another field: the tab does
not scroll back but the focus remains on the area where you clicked.
l As long as your changes have not been saved, you can undo your changes in the text field by
repeatedly pressing Ctrl+Z and redo by repeatedly pressing Ctrl+Y.
Alternatively, press the Esc button. This discards your input and ends editing mode.
l By default (auto-save enabled), changes are automatically saved when you position the cursor
outside the edited field (by clicking or pressing the Tab key). Undo is not possible.
If auto-save is disabled, click the Save button to save your changes. Undo is not possible.
To edit a text property:

1. Click in the field to set it to edit mode.

If the field already contains text, the cursor is positioned at the end of the text.
2. Do one of the following:
t (optional) Move the cursor to the position you want to add text.
t Type your text.
t Paste text copied from external programs or metadata fields using Ctrl+V.
t To overwrite text, highlight the text and then start typing or paste copied text into the field.
t To undo your text input, press Ctrl+Z (repeatedly).
t To redo your text input, press Ctrl+Y (repeatedly).
t Press the Esc button. This discards your input and ends editing mode.
3. Click outside the text field or press the Tab key.
4. To remove text from a text property, click in the field and do one of the following:
t Highlight the text to be deleted and then press the Del or Backspace key.
t To delete the characters one by one to the left side of your cursor position, press the
Backspace key.
t To delete the entire text, press Ctrl+A and then the Del or Backspace key.
5. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Boolean Properties

Boolean check boxes differentiate between “applies” and “does not apply.”

7 Working with Metadata

To edit a boolean property:

t Select an empty check box to set the property to “true.”
t Deselect the check box to set the property value to “false.”
t Click in the check box and press the Spacebar to toggle between “true” and “false.”
(default, auto-save enabled) Your changes are immediately saved. If auto-save is disabled, click the Save
button to save your changes.

Editing Duration and Timecode Properties

For properties of type duration and timecode, the following applies:
l Input is provided from right to left starting at the current cursor position. While you type, the figures
to the left are overwritten.
l You can paste a value into the field. Pasting can be done from any cursor position but the pasted
value must have the correct timecode/duration format (with correct separators and number of digits
in the last digits group).
l While you type, your input is validated; if you provide an invalid value, a pop-up appears and shows
the allowed input. If you click outside the field without having corrected the value, the auto-
correction mechanism coverts your input to a valid value.
To edit a duration or timecode field:

1. To set the field to edit mode, do one of the following:

t Click in the field. This sets the cursor at the right side of the field.
t Double-click on a part of the property (for example, the hour) in the field. This positions the
cursor at the corresponding position.
2. To provide a value, do one of the following:
t Type in the figures, including “0.”
t Paste a copied timecode.
t Press the Backspace key to set the number “0” and shift the cursor to the left.
t Press the Esc button. This discards your input and ends editing mode.
3. Click outside the property or press the Tab key.
4. To remove the entire value from the property, click the X button that is shown at the right side when
you hover thew mouse-pointer over of the field.
5. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Date, Time and Date/Time Properties

For properties of type date, time, and date/time the following applies:
l For each part of the property a separate input control is available.
l Navigation: After you enter the hour, you are advanced to the minute's part automatically. If you
want to manually navigate between parts of the time field, you can press the Tab key to advance to
the next part, or you can use the arrow keys to move left and right between the time parts.
l Auto-fill: If you do not provide all parts of the value, the remaining parts are filled automatically. For
example, if you are entering the hour, and then click outside of the field, other parts of the time
property are filled automatically with the current time.

7 Working with Metadata

l Auto-correction: The auto-correction mechanism helps you limit the number of characters that you
need to enter by analyzing your custom data. If for example you enter “21” in the year field and press
the Tab key, the year is converted automatically to “2021”. If you enter “3” in the month field, the
value is changed automatically to “03” because the MediaCentral Cloud UX knows that there are no
months that start with 3 as the first digit.
To edit a date, time, or date/time property:

1. To set the field to edit mode, do one of the following:

t Click in the field. This highlights the first control.
t Double-click on a part of the property (for example, the hour) in the field. This highlights the
corresponding control.
2. Do one of the following:
t Type the figures.
After you typed the second figure, the control to the right is highlighted for input.
t Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key to increase or decrease the figures.
t To delete figures, highlight the figures and press the Del or Backspace key.
Since each part of the property requires a valid input, an invalidated figure will be
automatically corrected when you leave the input control.
t Press the Esc button. This discards your input and ends editing mode.
3. To navigate between the controls within the property, do one of the following:
t Click on the next input control.
t Press the Tab key to advance to the input control to the right side.
t Use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to move left and right between the input controls.
4. Click outside the property.
Pressing the Tab key when the cursor is positioned in the rightmost input control also leaves the
5. To remove the entire value from the property, click the X button that is shown at the right side when
you hover thew mouse-pointer over of the field.
6. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Float Properties

Floating-point fields accept only digits and a period as separator; other characters are not accepted. How
many digits you can type before and after the period is limited by the property configuration of the data
model; the maximum input number is 16 digits before and 16 after the period.

If you type more digits than allowed, a tool-tip appears. When you click outside the field, all digits that
exceed the allowed range are trimmed to the correct number of digits.

To edit a float property:

1. Click in the field to set it to edit mode.

2. Do one of the following:
t To add digits, type the digits and the decimal point.
t To change digits, highlight the digits and type new figures.
t To delete digits, highlight the digits and press the Del or Backspace key.

7 Working with Metadata

t To undo your input, press Ctrl+Z; to redo your input, press Ctrl+Y.
t Press the Esc button. This discards your input and ends editing mode.
3. Click outside the property or press the Tab key.
4. To remove the value from the float property, click the X button that is shown at the right side when
you hover thew mouse-pointer over of the field.
5. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Integer Properties

Integer fields accept only figures as input. How many figures you can type is limited by the property
configuration of the data model; the maximum input number is 16 figures.

If you type more digits than allowed, a tool-tip appears. When you click outside the field, all figures that
exceed the allowed range are trimmed to the correct number of figures.

To edit an integer property:

1. Click in the field to set it to edit mode.

2. Do one of the following:
t To add figures, type the figures.
t To change figures, highlight the figures and type new figures.
t To delete figures, highlight the figures and press the Del or Backspace key.
t To undo your input, press Ctrl+Z; to redo your input, press Ctrl+Y.
t Press the Esc button. This discards your input and ends editing mode.
3. Click outside the property or press the Tab key.
4. To remove the value from the property, click the X button that is shown at the right side when you
hover thew mouse-pointer over of the field.
5. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Legal List Properties

Legal lists provide the available values of a property in a drop-down menu. If you select from a legal list and
type a letter, MediaCentral Cloud UX filters the list to all values containing that letter. As you continue to
type, MediaCentral Cloud UX continues to filter the list according to the letters you type.
l For Asset Management, the values of a legal list are created in the Legal List Administrator app and
the sorting is defined in Datamodel Administrator. Asset Management provides a set of preconfigured
legal lists that you can use.
l For Production Management, an administrator has to create a custom property that includes a list of
values from which users can choose in the Interplay Administrator application, before this list can be
used in the Metadata tab. By default, no lists are configured in the Interplay Administrator.
To edit a legal list property:

1. To select a value, click on the list and do one of the following:

t Select a value from the list.
t Start typing the name of the value in the search box and then select the value from the filtered
the list.
The list is collapsed and the selected item is shown as value of the legal list property.
2. To replace a value, click on the list and do one of the following:

7 Working with Metadata

t Select a new value from the list.

The list is collapsed and the selected item is shown as new value of the legal list property.
t To keep the already selected value, press the Esc key or click outside the list.
3. To remove a selected value from the legal list property, click the X button that is shown at the right
side when you hover the mouse-pointer over of the field.
4. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Thesaurus Properties

Thesauruses are mostly used to provide larger sets of invariant terms that can be assigned as values to a
property. The terms of a thesaurus are organized in a tree structure. When you type three or more letters,
the thesaurus is filtered to show only terms containing these letters. The path of the term within the
thesaurus is shown in brackets.
l For Asset Management, the terms of a thesaurus are created in the Thesaurus Administrator app.
Asset Management provides a set of preconfigured thesauruses that you can use.

n A thesaurus must not exceed 500,000 terms (including sub-terms). Dependending on limiting
factors, such as the number of languages, the contents of scopenotes and synonyms, the
concrete number can be lower.
l For Production Management, an administrator has to create a custom property that includes a list
with a hierarchy of options and sub-options in the Interplay Administrator application, before this
hierarchical list can be used in the Metadata tab. By default, no hierarchical lists are configured in
the Interplay Administrator.
To edit a thesaurus property:

1. To select a term, click on the thesaurus field and do one of the following:
t Type three or more letters in the search box to filter the thesaurus to display only terms that
match your text, and then select the term from the filtered list.
t Navigate the thesaurus using the mouse by expanding or collapsing nodes, then select the
desired term.
The thesaurus is collapsed and the selected term is shown as value of the thesaurus property.
2. To replace a term, click on the thesaurus field and do one of the following:
t Select a new term from the thesaurus, as described in step 1.
The thesaurus is collapsed and the selected term is shown as new value of the thesaurus
t To keep the already selected term, press the Esc key or click outside the thesaurus.
3. To remove a selected value from the thesaurus property, click the X button that is shown at the right
side when you hover thew mouse-pointer over of the field.
4. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing Master Data Properties

Master data records consist of multiple distinct values but are represented by only one value in annotation.
In the Metadata tab, you are provided with an edit window with which you can select the master data
record to be saved as value of the master data property. The value representing the master data record —
this is the property used as first column in the master data edit window — is then shown in the master data
field. The master data edit window additionally provides features for creating, editing and deleting master
data records.

Note the following:

7 Working with Metadata

l Asset Management does not provide default master data records. Creating and using master data
requires customization.

n You can create a maximum of 500,000 master data records. Depending on limiting factors,
such as the number of sub-attributes and contents of the sub-attributes, the concrete number
can be lower.
l Your ability to create, edit, or delete master data records depends on corresponding permissions in
Asset Management. If you do not have the required permissions, the master data edit window will not
show the add, edit and delete controls.
l You cannot delete a master data record that is used in a master data property of at least one asset.
l When creating or editing a master data record in the edit window changes are saved as soon as you
click outside the edited row; this can be another row in the edit window, a column header, an empty
space inside or outside the edit window, the Add button, Search field or the edit window’s close
If saving fails, a “Failed to save data” message box opens. Clicking the Retry button lets you sending
the save request one more time.
l You can use the Arrow Up and Arrow Down keys to navigate through the rows in the edit window.
l When you change the value representing the master data record in the edit window, the value is
updated in all master data fields in all assets where it has been inserted.
To insert a value in a master data field:

1. Click in the master data field.

The master data pick tool opens. The header shows the name of the asset and the master data class
If the property contains a lot of values, a “Loading” message might be shown before the values are
displayed. During data loading, all edit options are disabled. If loading fails, a “Failed to load data”
dialog box opens that lets you cancel the loading operation or retry loading one more time.

2. (optional) Start typing in the search box to filter the master data records to display only records that
contain your input. While you type, a “contains” search is applied to the values. Depending on the
property type, you might also type the corresponding divider (such as a period for a float value).
Text attributes with unlimited length that are assigned to a master data class are not searched within
the master data pick tool.
If no values match your filter criteria, a corresponding message is shown.

7 Working with Metadata

Do one of the following:

– Click the “Show all values” link to clear the filter and show all values again.
– Modify your filter.
3. Double-click the desired master data record.
The master data pick tool is closed and the selected record is saved as value of the master data
property. The value representing the master data record — this is the property used as first column in
the master data pick tool — is shown in the master data field.

4. To replace a master data value, click on the master data field and double-click a new record from the
master data window.
The master data pick tool is closed and the selected master data record is shown as new value of the
master data property.
5. To remove a selected value from the master data property, click the X button that is shown at the
right side when you hover thew mouse-pointer over of the field.
6. (only required if auto-save is disabled) Click the Save button to save your changes.
To create a master data record:

1. Click in the master data field to open the master data edit window.
The edit window header shows the name of the asset and the master data class name.
If the property does not contain a value yet, the following message is shown.

2. Click the plus button.

A row is added at the top of the table and highlighted. If you selected another row before, the new
row is added above the previously selected row; the rows might scroll up or down to bring the new
row into the visible range.

7 Working with Metadata

All fields of the new row are enabled for editing, and corresponding format placeholders might be
shown (for example, for date-time attributes). The cursor is positioned in the first non-boolean

While in edit mode, the control for deleting the row is disabled.
3. Edit every field of the row as you would for a single-value property.
You can press the Tab key continue to the next field within the row. Note that Boolean fields are

– For each text attribute, the displayed text length is limited to one row. When you click on it, an
editing field with a maximum height of 10 lines height pop-ups; if your text exceeds this limit, a
scroll bar is shown.
Text input can be limited by the data model. If the text input exceeds the limitation, a pop-up
“It is not possible to save text with more than <X> characters” is shown. When you click outside
the field, the text that exceeds the allowed range is cut.
– While you type in an Integer, Float, Duration, or Timecode field, your input is validated; if you
provide an invalid value, a pop-up appears and shows the allowed input. If you click outside
the field without having corrected the value, the auto-correction mechanism coverts your input
to a valid value.

4. Click outside the row to end editing mode and save the new master data record.

5. To close the master data edit window, click the X button.

To edit a master data record:

1. Click in the master data field to open the master data edit window.
2. Hover the mouse pointer over a row and click the edit button that is shown at the right side of the row.

All fields of the row are set to edit mode. The cursor is positioned in the first non-boolean property.
3. Edit every field of the row as you would for a single-value property.
While in edit mode, you can press the Tab key continue to the next field within the row. Note that
Boolean fields are skipped.
To remove the value of an individual field, click the X button that is shown at the right side when you
hover thew mouse-pointer over of the field. Even if you remove all values from a master data record,

7 Working with Metadata

the row will be kept.

4. Click outside the row to end editing mode and save the changed master data record.
5. To close the master data edit window, click the X button.
To delete a master data record:

1. Click in the master data field to open the master data edit window.
2. Do one of the following:
t Hover the mouse pointer over the row and click the row’s Delete button.
t Select a row and press the Del or Backspace key.
t Right-click on a row and select Delete.
The Delete Rows security prompt opens.

If you select the Don’t ask me again check box, you disable the security prompt for your current
3. Click Delete to delete the selected master data record including all values.
If you click Cancel, press the Esc key or click outside the security prompt, the selected master data
record is not deleted.
If the master data record is still used in a master data property of at least one asset, deletion is not

4. To close the master data edit window, click the X button.

Editing Multi-Value Properties

When you edit metadata that is allocated a multi-value property, there are several fields available in which
you can enter data for this asset property. In the Metadata tab, each multi-value property is presented as a
list of values. The list shows up to five values at maximum. The list is read-only. When the property has no
value, only the property label and the list header are shown. When hovering over the list header a button is
shown at the right side of the header that lets you open the multi-value edit window for adding, editing and
deleting values.

7 Working with Metadata

When the multi-value property contains more than 5 values, a button is displayed at the bottom of the list,
which shows the number of additional values of the multi-value property, for example “+1” in the illustration
above. Clicking this button (tooltip “Show more items”) opens the multi-value edit window.

For Asset Management assets, read-only flags and read-only expressions of multi-value property defined in
Datamodel Administrator are evaluated and might prevent you from editing a multi-value property.

For Production Management assets, multi-value properties are not available by default. An administrator
has to configure a Categories property in the Site Settings section of the Interplay Administrator window,
before users can add multiple values in the Metadata tab. By default, no categories are configured in the
Interplay Administrator.

The following illustrations show an example of an Asset Management multi-value Date/Time property.

To edit multi-value properties of an asset:

1. Do one of the following:

t Hover the mouse pointer over the list header and click the button that is shown on the right side
of the header.
t Click the Show more items button at the bottom of the list. Note that the button is only shown if
the multi-value property contains more than 5 values.
The multi-value edit window opens.
If the property does not contain a value yet, the following message is shown.

If the property contains a lot of values, a “Loading” message might be shown before the values are
displayed. If loading fails, a “Failed to load data” dialog box opens that lets you cancel the loading
operation or retry loading one more time.

7 Working with Metadata

2. Add, edit and delete values in the edit window, as described in "Editing Multi-Value Compound
Properties" below.
3. To close the multi-value edit window, click the X button.
Your changes are saved; the first five values are shown in the multi-value list in the Metadata tab. If
the multi-value property contains more than 5 values, a button is displayed at the bottom of the list,
which shows the number of additional values of the multi-value property.

Editing Multi-Value Compound Properties

In the Metadata tab, each multi-value compound property is presented as a table, with the labels of the
sub-attributes as column headers. All columns have a fixed width and cannot be resized; you also cannot
change the column order. If the sub-attribute value cannot be displayed, the text ends in an ellipsis. Hover
the mouse-pointer over the field to show a pop-up with the entire value.

The table shows up to five rows at maximum. The table is read-only. When hovering over the table header a
button is shown at the right side of the header that lets you open the multi-value compound edit window.
When the multi-value compound property contains more than 5 entries, a button is displayed at the bottom
of the table, which shows the number of additional entries of the multi-value compound property, for
example “+20”. Clicking this button (tooltip “Show more items”) opens the multi-value compound edit

In the multi-value compound edit window, you can show all rows and add, edit, re-arrange and delete rows.
You can use Ctrl+click to select multiple non-contiguous rows and Shift+click to select multiple non-
contiguous rows. You can also resize and reorder the columns in the multi-value compound edit window.
Adjustments of the column size and order are only pertained within the multi-value compound edit window
and have no effect on the column size and order of the multi-value compound property table.

Note the following limitations:

7 Working with Metadata

l A multi-value compound attribute can have 10,000 rows at maximum. Depending on limiting factors,
such as the number of sub-attributes and contents of the sub-attributes, the concrete number can be
l For a multi-value compound property, the sub-attributes from all occurrences in all templates
(including the detail templates of the multi-value compound property) defined in Datamodel
Administrator are combined. If a sub-attribute is visible in the column layout or a detail template for
the multi-value compound attribute in at least one template, it will be shown in the Metadata tab.
l Read-only flags for the multi-value compound property and its sub-attributes defined in Datamodel
Administrator are evaluated. If one sub-attribute is read-only, you cannot edit its value and you also
cannot move or delete any row of this multi-value compound attribute.
l Read-only expressions set for the sub-attributes in Datamodel Administrator are evaluated. For more
information, see the chapter “Working with Templates” in the MediaCentral Asset Management
Datamodel Administrator User’s Guide
l The column width configuration set in Datamodel Administrator for the sub-attributes of a multi-
value compound attribute is ignored in the Metadata tab.
To edit compound properties of an asset:

1. Do one of the following:

t Hover the mouse pointer over the table header and click the button that is shown on the right
side of the header.

t Click the Show more items button at the bottom of the table. Note that the button is only
shown if the multi-value compound property contains more than 5 entries.
The multi-value compound edit window opens.
If the property does not contain a value yet, the following message is shown.

If the property contains a lot of data, a “Loading” message might be shown before the values
are displayed. If loading fails, a “Failed to load data” dialog box opens that lets you cancel the

7 Working with Metadata

loading operation or retry loading one more time.

2. To add a new row to a compound property:

a. Do one of the following:
t To add a row at the top of the table, click the plus button.
t To add a row before another row, select the row and click the plus button. If you have
selected multiple rows, the new row is added before the top-most selected row.

The row is added and highlighted for editing. The cursor is positioned in the first non-
boolean property.
b. Edit every field of the row as you would for a single-value property. For each text sub-
attribute, the displayed text length is limited to one row. When set to edit mode, an editing
field with a maximum height of 10 lines height pop-ups; if your text exceeds this limit, a scroll
bar is show.
3. (optional) Start typing in the search box to filter the multi-value compound property to display only
rows with sub-attributes that contain your input. While you type, a “contains” search is applied to
the values. Depending on the property type, you might also type the corresponding divider (such as a
period for a float value).
If no values match your filter criteria, a corresponding message is shown.

Do one of the following:

– Click the “Show all values” link to clear the filter and show all values again.
– Modify your filter.
4. To change the value of a sub-attribute within a row, click in the field to set it to edit mode and edit the
value or remove its content as you would for a single-value property. Even if you remove all contents
from all fields in a row, the row will be kept and not be removed after refreshing the Metadata tab.

7 Working with Metadata

5. (optional) Press the Arrow Up or Arrow Down keys to navigate through the rows in the edit window.
6. To change the position of a row, click the drag icon to the left of the row, drag it and drop it between
other rows or at the beginning or end of the property’s table.

You can only move one row at the same time. If you have selected multiple rows, only the row for
which you click the drag icon will be moved.
7. To delete rows:
a. Do one of the following.
t To delete an individual row, hover the mouse pointer over the row and click the row’s
Delete button.

t Select one or several rows and press the Del or Backspace key.
t Select one or several rows, right-click the selection and select Delete.
t Select several rows and click the Delete button that is shown to the left side of the
Search box in the window header.

The Delete Rows security prompt opens.

If you select the Don’t ask me again check box, you disable the security prompt for your
current session.
b. Click Delete to delete the selected rows including all entered values.
If you click Cancel, press the Esc key or click outside the security prompt, the selected rows are
not deleted.
8. (optional) To adjust columns within the edit window:
t To rearrange the column order, click and drag a column header to the left or right column.
t To adjust the column width, click the column divider and drag it to the left or right.
9. To close the edit window, click the X button.

7 Working with Metadata

Your changes are saved; the first five rows are shown in the multi-value compound table in the
Metadata tab. If the multi-value compound property contains more than 5 entries, a button is
displayed at the bottom of the table, which shows the number of additional entries of the multi-value
compound property.
If auto-save is disabled, click the Save button to save your changes.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

This topics provides information about working with the File Info tab.

Understanding Essences and Essence Packages

The Asset Editor’s File Info tab provides technical information about video, audio, image, and text files that
are associated with a selected asset in the MediaCentral Asset Management database. In Asset
Management, such files are described as essences. The File Info tab shows in detail how the essence files
that belong to the asset open in the tab are organized.


In Asset Management, essence refers to the pure media data of an asset without any descriptive
metadata — for example, a video file. Essences are organized in essence packages. Essences are added to
essence packages when they are ingested or imported.

Essence Packages

An essence package is a group of essences classified semantically. Each essence package contains a set of
essences that represent the same content and share the same general purpose.

An asset can contain a number of essence packages and each essence package can contain an unlimited
number of essences, but they should be of the same content; examples are movie, trailer, stills, script, and
so on. The essences within a package can differ in technical features, such as resolution, quality (HiRes or
Browse), format, bit rate, and more, but they still represent the same content. For example, the script for a
movie should not be in the same essence package as the movie itself, even though they both belong to the
same asset. The keyframes of a video are always stored in the same essence package as the video itself.
They are considered a different representation of the same content.

Representative Essence Package

One essence package is defined as the representative essence package of the asset. The representative
essence package contains the essences that represent the purpose of the asset. The essences in this
package are opened by default when an essence or essence package is requested by an other component.
The representative essence package can be changed manually or by workflow.

Timecode Handling in Essence Packages

The metadata of an essence package can contain information on the start of content (SOC), end of content
(EOC), and the timecode master. This information is then used to handle requests for timecodes of the
essences in the essence package.

SOC and EOC define the accessible area of the essences in the package. This indicates that SOC and EOC
are the same for all essences of an essence package. If two essences of the same asset have different SOC
and EOC, they must be stored in different essence packages.

A timecode master is the essence within an essence package that is used to determine timecodes, timecode
leaps, and so on. This essence has been video-analyzed, or will be video-analyzed when the video analysis
is triggered. Requests for or calculations of timecodes are answered by the timecodes of the timecode
master essence.

Locations, Carriers, and Pools

The essences are managed in locations on carriers and pools. A carrier is a physical medium that stores
essence files. Carriers can be disks, tapes, or even entire tape archive systems. The scope of a carrier
depends on the granularity that is required to access an essence. A pool is a device or part of a device that
holds one or more carriers.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

The File Info Tab Layout

The File Info tab displays all essences that are managed for the selected asset and how they are organized.
You can display detail information, inspect properties, and edit properties. The following illustration shows
several examples of what you might encounter when displaying essences in the File Info tab.

Display or Control Description

1 Refresh button Refreshes the current view in the tab. Discards unsaved changes.
2 Title Main title of the asset open in the Asset Editor.
3 Menu button Currently empty
4 Essence Packages Shows the essence packages of the asset that is currently open in the File
Info tab. The topmost essence package is selected and highlighted. By
default, this is the representative essence package. See "Information in the
Essence Packages view" below.

If you have the appropriate privileges in Asset Management, you can add
and delete essence packages and edit the essence package properties. See
"Editing an Essence Package" on page 262.
5 Essences Shows the essences of the essence package that is selected in the Essence
Packages table as essence cards. When you click an essence card, the
Essence Details view opens for the essence. See "Information in the Essence
Details view" on page 258.

Information in the Essence Packages view

The Essence Packages view provides information for all essence packages of the open asset and the
essences of a selected essence package. It is divided in two areas.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

Essence packages

The Essence Packages table shows the essence packages of the open asset.

Display Description

1 Name The name of the essence package. It is set automatically to “Main

package” when the essence package is created by a workflow. You can
change the name.
2 Classification Essence packages are classified according to semantic criteria — for
example, the purpose for which their essences are used. The classification is
selected from a list. In the default configuration, the list contains the
following values:

3 Repr. For every asset there is exactly one representative essence package. The
representative essence package is designated by a check mark in the Repr.
(Representative) column and displayed on top of the Essence Packages
4 SOC The Start of Content (SOC) displays the start timecode of the accessible
area of the essence that is contained in the essence package. It can be set
manually or by a workflow — for example, to exclude color bars at the
beginning of a video.
The value “undefined” (shown as “--:--:--:--”) indicates that SOC is the first
frame of the essence whatever the timecode of that frame is.
5 EOC The End of Content (EOC) displays the end timecode of the accessible area
of the essence that is contained in the essence package. It can be set
manually or by a workflow — for example, to exclude black frames at the
end of a video
The value “undefined” (shown as “--:--:--:--”) indicates that EOC is the last
frame of the essence whatever the timecode of that frame is.
6 Add/Delete/Save The Plus button lets you create an essence package, the Delete button
buttons deletes the selected essence package. When you edit an essence package,
the Save button is shown. See "Editing an Essence Package" on page 262.

Essences in package

Below the essence packages table, the “Essences in package” area shows all essences of the package that
is selected in the Essence Packages table as “essence cards,” as shown in the following example:

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

Display Description

1 Icon The icon identifies the Stream Class of the essence.



Image, Image Sequence

Document, Text

Key Frames


2 Name Shows the original name of the essence file. This is the name of the essence when it was
imported or created in Asset Management.
3 Stream The file format of the essence. The stream type is recognized when an essence is
Type imported or created in Asset Management. The base for determining the essence’s
stream type is its file extension. Asset Management’s standard configuration provides a
preconfigured mapping of file extensions and stream types.

For more information, see "Information in the Essence Details view" below.

Information in the Essence Details view

When you click an essence card in the “Essence in package” table, the Essence Details view for the selected
essence opens.

Display Description

1 Essence card The header shows the dimmed essence card of the selected essence.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

Display Description

2 Locations The Locations table shows the locations where the essence has been saved as
location cards. When you click a location card, the Location Details view opens
for the location.
3 Properties The Properties table shows the properties of the selected essence.


Each location card provides the following information:

Display Description

1 Recording A Recording icon indicates whether the file is still being recorded to the specific
indicator location: red (recording) or green (completed)
2 Name Shows the file name of the essence’s copy on that location. During its lifecycle
the essence may have been renamed in Asset Management. The original name of
the essence is shown as value of the Original Name property in the Essence
Details area.
3 Carrier [HSM A GUID for the carrier to identify references to essences by locations contained
State] on that carrier; it also specifies which pool a carrier currently resides in. The
carrier is followed by the Hierarchical Storage Management state in square
brackets, which indicates the online status of the essence’s copy on that specific

For more information, see "Displaying Locations Details for an Essence" on page 267.


The Properties table shows the properties of the selected essence. For each stream class, the relevant
properties are shown. Therefore the displayed properties differ depending on the stream class of the
selected essence. The following table lists the most important properties that are shown for all stream

Display Description

Preferred The intended usage of the essence. The usage is assigned to an essence when it is imported or
Usage created in Asset Management. It is extracted from the essence’s stream type and mapped to a
fixed list of values:

l Archive (PRESERVE, usage: preservation, archiving)

l Editing (EDIT, usage: editing)
l Distribution (DISTR, usage: transmission)
l Preview (BROWSE, usage: browsing)
l Thumbnail (THUMB, usage: representative image)
l Auxiliary File (AUX, usage: auxiliary file within a stream consisting of multiple files)

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

Display Description
l File (ANY, usage: not defined or unknown usage, application may interpret from essence
Stream Class The stream class of the essence. It is assigned to an essence when it is imported or created in
Asset Management. It gives a top level indication of the primary content of the essence and is
detailed by the stream type. The following stream classes are supported:

l Video: visual, time- and spatial-coded content which usually contains sub content
l Audio: audible, time-coded content
l Image: visual, spatial-coded content
l Image Sequence: visual, spatial-coded content with several pages (such as multi-paged
TIFF, animated GIF)
l Document: legible, formatted content, may be spatial-coded and paged (for example
l Text: legible unformatted content (without paging information), such as plain text or
HTML (excluding referenced media)
l Key Frames: visual, time- and spatial-coded discontinuous content
l File: any other digital content
Stream Type The file format of the essence. The stream type is recognized when an essence is imported or
created in Asset Management. The base for determining the essence’s stream type is its file
extension. Asset Management’s standard configuration provides a preconfigured mapping of
file extensions and stream types.
HSM State Hierarchical Storage Management state. Indicates the online status of the essence’s copy on
that specific location:

l Online
l Near Online
l Offline
Timecode If the asset is a video or audio, an essence packages contains the essence for which the
Master timecode is referred — for example, when a shotlist is created. This essence is designated as the
timecode master by a check mark in the Timecode Master property. The Timecode Master
essence is determined automatically but you can change the assignment.

For more information, see "Editing the Properties of an Essence" on page 265.

Information in the Locations Details view

For the location selected in the Locations table, you can display technical data in the Location Details view.
All location and location details data is read-only.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

For more information, see "Displaying Locations Details for an Essence" on page 267.

Working in the File Info Tab

The File Info tab is divided into the Overview and Detail views. For easier comprehension, the Detail views of
the File Info tab are hidden when you open the tab.
l Use the essence and location cards to open Detail views for essences and locations (forward
l Use the breadcrumbs to navigate back from Detail views.
To display information in the File Info tab:

1. Use the Browse app, Search app, or other method to load an asset into the Asset Editor.
2. Click the Asset Editor’s File Info tab.
3. (Optional) To hide the Media Viewer and show only the File Info tab, click the Media Viewer button in
the Asset Editor’s header.
To access details:
t Select an essence package in the Essence Packages table.
The essences of the package are displayed in the “Essences in package <essence package name>” list
as cards.
t Select an essence card in the Essences in package list.

The Essence Details view opens and shows the properties of the essence and location cards.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

t Select a location card in the Essence Details view.

The Location Details view opens and shows the details of the selected location (read-only).
To navigate using the breadcrumbs:
t Click the name in the File Info tab header.

You navigate up in the hierarchy and show the details.

t To navigate to the Essence Packages view, click Packages in the File Info tab header.
To refresh the displayed files and information:
t Click the Refresh button.
Note that refreshing the display discards unsaved changes.

Editing an Essence Package

The File Info tab lets you see all essence packages of the asset currently open in the Media Viewer. For the
essence package selected in the Essence Packages table, you can edit properties. In the File Info tab, if a
property is editable, a text box, drop-down menu, or other input control is displayed.

Your ability to edit essence package properties depends on Asset Management user privileges and rules. If
you have the corresponding user privileges, you can create additional essence packages and delete
essence packages. Deleting essence packages might be tracked, depending on your company policy.
Essence package deletion tracking can be enabled and disabled by your Asset Management administrator.

To create an essence package:

1. Open the asset for which you want to edit essence packages in the File Info tab.
2. Click the Plus button in the Essences Packages table.
A new entry is added to the bottom of the Essence Packages table. The Plus button is disabled.

3. Click in the Name field and replace the placeholder “New Essence Package” with the new name.
Name is a mandatory field and cannot be empty.
4. Click the Classification list and select the desired value.
Classification is a mandatory field and cannot be empty.
5. (Option) Select the Repr. (Representative) check box.
Since an asset can have only one representative essence package, if you select this check box, you
automatically remove the representative flag from another essence package when you save your

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

6. (Option) Click in the SOC field, enter the desired value for the start timecode by typing the first digit,
and continue typing until you have typed 8 digits.
7. (Option) Click in the EOC field, enter the desired value for the start timecode by typing the first digit,
and continue typing until you have typed 8 digits.
8. Click the Save button.
The essence package is saved. The File Info tab is reloaded and the top-most essence package is
selected. The Plus button is enabled again.
9. If you set the SOC or EOC value or both for the Representative essence package, click the Asset
Editor’s Reload Asset button to see the changes in the Asset Editor.
To edit essence package properties:

1. Select an essence package in the Essences Packages table.

2. Change any of the following value, if needed:
t Click in the Name field and type the new name.
t Click the Classification list and select the desired value.
t Select the Representative check box.
Since an asset can have only one representative essence package, if you select this check box,
you automatically remove the representative flag from another essence package when you
save your changes.
t Click in the SOC field, enter the desired value for the start timecode by typing the first digit,
and continue typing until you have typed 8 digits.
To set the value to “undefined” (--:--:--:--), click in the SOC field and press the Del key.
t Click in the EOC field, enter the desired value for the end timecode by typing the first digit,
and continue typing until you have typed 8 digits.
To set the value to “undefined” (--:--:--:--), click in the EOC field and press the Del key.
3. Do one of the following:
t To save your changes, click the Save button.
t To discard your changes, click the Refresh button.
4. If you changed the SOC or EOC value or both for the Representative essence package, click the Asset
Editor’s Reload Asset button to see the changes in the Asset Editor.
To delete an essence package:

1. Click the Delete button of the essence package in the Essences Packages table.
The Delete prompt opens.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

2. Do one of the following:

t Select the “Delete all physical files” check box to delete the essence package and the physical
files of all essences contained in this package from all locations.
t Deselect the “Delete all physical files” check box to delete the essence package but keep the
physical files of all essences contained in this package on all locations. This option deregisters
the files in Asset Management.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click Yes to delete the essence package without additional prompt.
t Click Cancel to cancel the delete process.

Cleaning Up Essence Packages

You can delete files from essence packages in MediaCentral Cloud UX. For example, if you want to run a
process that imports a modified video file into an existing asset, the process might require that the MAIN
essence package is empty. To do so, you can start a Cleanup essence packages process. In the Browse
app, you can clean up the essence packages of up to 50 assets at the same time.

Note the following limitations:

l You can clean up essence packages if you have the proper permissions in Asset Management.
l You can clean up essence packages of Asset Management assets only.
l The cleanup essence package process removes all files from the essence package but it does not
delete the essence package itself.

n If you plan to trigger the Cleanup essence packages process, check the essence packages to be
cleaned up in the File Info tab prior to invoking the clean up process.

To clean up essence packages:

1. Do one of the following:

t In the Browse app, navigate to the desired folder and select the assets whose essence
packages you want to clean up.
t In the Search app, search and select the assets whose essence packages you want to clean up.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the App Menu button and select Actions.
t Right-click and select Actions.
3. Select the Cleanup Essence Packages process type.
The Cleanup Essence Packages process dialog box opens and shows the selected assets as

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

4. Provide a main title for the process. If you do not provide a title, the default title “Cleanup Essence
Package(s)” is shown as the process title in the Process app.
5. Provide a reason for deletion in the Deletion Reason field.
6. Click the Essence Package to Clear list and select one of the following:
t Representative: Clean up the representative essence package.
t Collateral: Clean up all essence packages that are not marked as representative.
t All: Clean up all essence packages.
7. Click OK.
The Cleanup Essence Packages process dialog box is closed and the cleanup process is triggered.
8. (Option) Open the Process app and monitor the progress of the cleanup process.
When all essence packages are cleared, the Process app shows a “Finished” message.
After cleaning up a representative essence package, you cannot play back the asset in the Media Viewer
any longer. When you try to open the asset, the Media Viewer shows “Media Offline.”

Editing the Properties of an Essence

In the File Info tab, for the essence package selected in the Essences Packages table all essences are shown
as cards in the “Essences in package” table. For the essence selected in the Essences in package table, you
open the Essence Details view.

Use the Essence Details view to get an overview on technical properties of the essence and its values that
are normally set by workflows and processes. In cases where the automatic classification was not correct,
you can use the Essence Details area to correct values — for example, if a preferred usage was incorrectly
assigned or to delete a timecode leap.

Your ability to edit essence properties in the Essence Details area depends on Asset Management user
privileges and rules. For security reasons, the edit essence property privilege is not assigned to a user group
by default but must be explicitly assigned to administrators in Asset Management. In the File Info tab, if a
property is editable, a text box, drop-down menu, or other input control is displayed. For information on the
different metadata fields and input controls, see "Editing Metadata" on page 237.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

To edit the properties of an essence:

1. Open the asset for which you want to edit essence properties in the File Info tab.
2. Select the essence package in the Essences Packages table.
3. Select the essence in the “Essences in package” table.
The Essence Details view opens and shows the details of the selected essence.
For each stream class the relevant properties are shown. Therefore the displayed properties differ
depending on the stream class of the selected essence, as shown in the following examples.

4. To change an essence property, click in the respective field and modify the value as needed.
As you start editing a property, a Save button is shown in the essence card in the header of the
Essence Details view.
5. The timecode leaps define discontinuities of the timecode labels, where the first one at frame 0
defines the Start of Media (SOM). To edit timecode leaps, do one of the following:
t To add a timecode leap, go to the Timecode Leaps table, click the Plus button, and enter the
Frame number and the corresponding Timecode.
t To remove a timecode leap, go to the Timecode Leaps table, select the row and click the Delete

To save changed properties:

t Click the Save button that is shown in the essence card in the header of the Essence Details view.

If you have unsaved changes and select another essence package or load another asset, you are
prompted to save the changes.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

Displaying Locations Details for an Essence

In the File Info tab, for the essence package selected in the Essences Packages table all essences are shown
as cards in the “Essences in package” table. For the essence selected in the Essences in package table, you
open the Essence Details view that shows the locations where it has been saved in the Locations table. For
the location selected in the Locations table, you can display technical data in the Location Details view. All
location and location details data is read-only.

To display location details for an essence:

1. Open the asset for which you want to display location details in the File Info tab.
2. Select the essence package in the Essences Packages table.
3. Select the essence in the “Essences in package” table.
The Essence Details view opens.
4. Select the location in the Locations table.
The Location Details view opens.

The following location details are shown:

– Name: Shows the file name of the essence’s copy on that location. During its lifecycle the
essence may have been renamed in Asset Management. The original name of the essence is
shown as value of the Original Name property in the Essence Details area.
– Size: Size of the essence’s copy on that location in bytes.
– Carrier: A GUID for the carrier to identify references to essences by locations contained on that
carrier; it also specifies which pool a carrier currently resides in.
– Path: The path where the essence’s copy is located. This can be either a UNC path or a relative
file path. For files located directly in the essence pool’s root, the path is empty.
– Online State: Indicates the online status of the essence’s copy on that specific location:
Available or Not Available.

8 The File Info Tab (Asset Management)

– Near Online State: Indicates the near online status of the essence’s copy on that specific
location: Available or Not Available.
– Recording State: Indicates whether the file is still being recorded to the specific location:
Recording or Complete.
– Location GUID: The Globally Unique Identifier of the location. The location GUID is used
internally by Asset Management to exactly define and identify the location — for example if
path names are changed.
– Registration Creation: Date and time when the essence file was registered on that location.
– Registration Modification: Date and time when the essence registration for that location was
modified for the last time.
– Registration Last Access: Date and time when the essence registration for that location was
opened or accessed for the last time.
– Registration Audit: Date and time when the essence file on that location was checked during
an audit by the Essence Server managing that location for the last time.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

The Storyboard tab provides features for viewing and editing time-based metadata added to assets. Using
the Storyboard view you can do the following:
l View, add, edit, and delete markers and restrictions of Production Management assets
l View the strata and edit the segmentation of Asset Management assets
l View the thumbnails of Production Management and Asset Management assets
The controls and properties displayed depends on the following:
l Opened asset (Production Management or Asset Management asset)
l Selected layer (markers or restriction, stratum, or thumbnail)
l Selected Card or List view layout option
The following illustration shows a series of markers for the V1 track of a Production Management master clip
in Card view layout. Displays and controls are described in the accompanying table.

Display or Control Description

1 Reload button Updates the display of markers saved for the selected clip or sequence resp.
display of segments saved for the selected stratum. This control is especially
useful when multiple loggers are adding markers to the same clip or sequence,
or when a journalist wants to see the latest information added by the loggers.
Unsaved changes A diskette icon with a warning sign is shown to the right side of the Reload
indicator button when there are unsaved changes; for example, if you create duplicate

When you hover he mouse over the icon, an “Unsaved changes” pop-up is
shown. When the issue is resolved and all changes are saved, the icon

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Display or Control Description

2 Layer selector Lets you select the layer for which information is to displayed in the Storyboard
tab. The top-most entry Thumbnails is always shown in the layer selector.
Which other layers are displayed in the selector depends on the asset you
open: Production Management or Asset Management asset.

When you open an asset for the first time during a session, the first layer below
Thumbnails is selected. The selected layer persists when you switch between
assets during your session.

Thumbnails is the top-most entry and always displayed but it is not selected by
default when you open an asset. It lets you show only the thumbnails of the
asset open in Asset Editor. Exception: When you open an Asset Management
video EDL (sequence), Thumbnails is the only available entry and selected by
default. See "Working with the Thumbnails Layer" on page 303.
Track selector for Production Management assets

Lets you select the video or audio track for which markers are to be shown. For
each video and audio track that is available for the asset open in the Assert
Editor, a separate entry is shown.

The track selector provides the following entries:

l All markers to select a read-only layer that displays all markers from all
l V1...n to select the video track for which markers are to be shown.
l A1...n to select the audio track for which markers are to be shown.
l Restrictions to show only restrictions.

n You cannot currently show markers and restrictions at the same time.
Stratum selector for Asset Management assets

Contains the strata. The name of the selected stratum is shown on the
collapsed list. When you open an asset in the Storyboard tab, the stratum that
you used the last time for an asset of that asset type is automatically selected.
When you open the Stratum selector, the controol scrolls to the name of the
currently selected stratum and highlights it.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Display or Control Description

3 Create marker Create Marker buttons: Are shown if you select a Video or Audio track from the
buttons track selector. Click to create a new marker at the timecode selected in the
Media Viewer. The buttons display the color of the marker to be added.
Management only)

For more information, see "Adding, Saving, and Deleting Markers" on

page 280.
Create Restriction button: Is shown if you select Restrictions from the track
selector. If you have permissions to create restrictions, the button is enabled
(left); if you do not have permissions, the button is disabled (right).

For more information, see "Adding, Saving, and Deleting Restrictions" on

page 283.
Create segment Create Segment buttons: Are shown if you select a stratum from the track
buttons selector. If you have permissions to edit the stratum, the buttons are enabled
(left); if you do not have permissions, the buttons are disabled (right).
(Asset Management

Click to open, create, or close a segment at the timecode selected in the Media

n In this release, you can only edit strata that allow overlapping segments.
You can shown the segmentation for strata that do not allow overlapping
segments but you cannot edit the segmentation or create new segments.

For more information, see "Creating and Deleting Strata Segments" on

page 284.
4 List View button Assets open in List view by default. In List view, markers and restrictions or
strata segments are displayed without thumbnails. When the Thumbnails layer
is selected, the List view button is disabled. When you switch from the
Thumbnails layer to another layer, the Storyboard displays the asset in List

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Display or Control Description

5 Card View button Lets you display thumbnails for the selected Production Management or Asset
Management layer. In Card view, the thumbnail associated with each marker
or restriction resp. thumbnails for each stratum segment are shown. For more
information, see "Working with Card View Layout" on page 301.

When you select the Thumbnails layer, the Card view button is automatically
enabled and only the thumbnails for the asset are shown.

You can define the frequency of displayed thumbnails by using the drop-down
arrow beneath the Card view button. For more information, see "Thumbnail
Options in Card View Layout" on page 299.
6 Sync Playhead Toggles the synchronization of the position indicator (playhead) and
button segments/markers/restrictions on and off:

l When toggled on (default), a marker, restriction or segment selected in

the timeline is also selected in the Storyboard tab.
l When toggled off, clicking in the timeline only moves the playhead but
does not select the corresponding marker, restriction or segment in the
Storyboard tab.
For more information, see "Navigating by Markers, Restrictions and Segments"
on page 296.
7 Copy to Clipboard Copies all information of the selected marker, restriction or segment to the
button clipboard.
8 Download button Lets you decide which marker and restriction or stratum information is to be
downloaded and select the format of the download file.

For more information, see "Copying and Downloading Markers or Strata

Information" on page 297.
Overflow button If you reduce the width of the Asset Editor to a point at which all buttons
(not shown) cannot be displayed, the Storyboard tab responsively scales by hiding buttons
from right to left. Appearing to the far right of the Storyboard header the
Overflow button lets you access the hidden buttons in a context menu.

For Asset Management assets, all buttons located at the right side of the
Create Segments buttons can appear in the context menu. For Production
Management assets, all buttons to the right of the layer selector can appear in
the context menu.

If an item in the overflow menu has an additional sub-item, an expand arrow is

displayed, as shown in the following illustration for Create Marker.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Display or Control Description

9 Menu button Lets you apply menu options to the asset open in the Storyboard tab.

Open in: Lets you open the asset in another MediaCentral Cloud UX app; can
also be used to locate the asset in a folder. See "Choosing the App for Opening
Assets" on page 49 and "Locating Assets in Folders" on page 89.

Actions: Lets you start a process for the asset open in the Storyboard tab.
Which processes are shown in the Actions menu is defined by the module type
(Asset Management or Production Management asset), licensed Asset
Management features, and might differ between asset types of the same
module. For example, the Actions menu will show less processes for an Asset
Management audio asset than for an Asset Management video asset. See
"Understanding the Actions Menu and Process Creation" on page 54.
10 Columns Information on the asset open in the Storyboard tab is shown in a table with
differing columns. Each row represents a segment in a stratum (Asset
Management asset), or a marker or a restriction (Production Management
asset). Which columns are displayed depends on the asset open and the layer
selected from the layer selector control.

Columns that support filtering, show a Filter button. If filtering is enabled, the
Filter button is colored blue. For more information, see "Filtering Markers,
Restrictions and Segments" on page 295.

You can adjust the width of columns and rearrange the order of columns by
dragging and dropping. When you adjust the Asset Editor width, the width of
the Storyboard columns (except In and Out) is adjusted accordingly.

The default sorting in the Storyboard tab is by timecode, from lower to higher.
For a Production Management asset, the Storyboard tab shows the following

l In: Displays the timecode in the clip or sequence that corresponds to the
location of the marker or start of a restriction.
l Out: Displays the timecode in the clip or sequence that corresponds to
the end of a restriction.
l The In and Out columns show the span of the restriction.
l Track: If the All markers layer is selected, the column indicates on which
track the marker is located.
l Comment: Displays the text associated with the marker or restriction. In
edit mode, allows you to add or to modify text.
l You can cut, copy, and paste this text. See "Annotating Text Fields" on

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Display or Control Description

page 293.
l Color: Displays the icon associated with the marker. For a restriction, a
warning icon is displayed.
l Modified: Is shown for restrictions only. Displays the date when the
restriction was created.
l User: Displays the name of the user who created the marker or
For an Asset Management asset, the Storyboard tab shows the following

l In: Displays the start timecode of the segment.

l Out: Displays the end timecode of the segment.
l Properties: Displays the text or values associated with the segment. A
separate column is shown for each property assigned to the selected
stratum. You can edit the properties in List view. See "Annotating Text
Fields" on page 293.
In and Out are shown for all strata by default, properties are shown according
to the configuration of the stratum.

To open an asset in the Storyboard tab:

t Double-click an asset in the Browse or Search app and click the Asset Editor’s Storyboard tab.
t Right-click an asset in the Browse or Search app, in the context menu that opens select Open with >
Asset Editor and click the Asset Editor’s Storyboard tab.
Until the asset is loaded in the Asset Editor, the Storyboard tab shows an “Asset is not loaded”
To update the information displayed:
t Click the Reload button.
The data is reloaded from the server and the Storyboard tab is refreshed. While the data is retrieved,
the tab is dimmed and blocked for input.
To rearrange the column order:
t Click and drag a column head to the left or right column.
To adjust the column width:
t Click the column splitter and drag it to the left or right.
The width of the column is adjusted; the width of the other columns does not change. A horizontal
scrollbar will be displayed if the columns do not longer fit to the width of the Storyboard tab.
To sort the column:
t Click the column head to sort in the following ways:
– In or Out, Timecode: lower to higher, or higher to lower.
– Track, Comment or User, Text: alphabetically, or reverse alphabetically.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

– Color: in sequence of the Storyboard buttons shown on the toolbar from left to right, or right to
– Numbers: lower to higher, or higher to lower
To switch between layers:
t To show only thumbnails, click the layer selector and select Thumbnails.
t (Production Management) To show markers, click the layer selector and select the track for which
you want to show markers.
Alternatively, select the All markers layer to show all markers from all tracks.
t (Production Management) To show restrictions, click the layer selector and select Restrictions.
t (Asset Management) To show a stratum, click the layer selector and select the stratum for which you
want to show segments.

Understanding Production Management Concepts

The following main topics describe features you use when adding time-based metadata your material.
l "Example Workflows" below
l "Understanding Production Management Markers and Restrictions" on the next page

Example Workflows
In MediaCentral Cloud UX, adding time-based metadata refers to the process of adding information to
clips, subclips, and sequences. This information includes markers, restrictions, and text, which you can use
for reference during story creation and media editing.

Following are typical workflows for adding time-based metadata.

l Editing a video feed: A user edits content at the same time that the media is being ingested. The user
can add markers to specify particular video or audio frames and add comments to the markers as
required. A journalist can then open a specific clip or clips in MediaCentral Cloud UX, view the
markers and comments, and copy text if necessary, even while the recording is in progress.
l Working with content while it is being ingested is sometimes referred to as “edit while capture.” For
more information, see "Viewing and Editing a Clip During Ingest" on page 200.
l Editing recorded video: A user browses for recorded clips and edits the content by adding markers
and comments. For example, marker comments can include a transcription of an interview. A
journalist can then use the transcription as a starting point for a story.
l Creating a shot list: A user can place markers on clips to identify specific shots, mark in and out
points to create a series of subclips, and combine these subclips into a shot list. For example, a
journalist might create a shot list with markers and subclips for a sequence, and another media editor
can then match the shot list to a story text or use it to create a voice-over track.
l Adding markers to a sequence: You can add markers to a sequence you are creating, either by
adding clips with markers to a sequence or by adding markers directly to a sequence.
Two or more users can add markers to the same clip or sequence, Each user can reload the Storyboard tab
to display all saved markers, including those created by other users.

c There is no locking mechanism if two users are editing the same marker text. In this case, either one
can save the marker, and the clip in the Production Management database updates with the last
saved version. To display the latest saved version, click the Reload button.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Understanding Production Management Markers and Restrictions

In MediaCentral Cloud UX, adding markers is the primary way to edit material. A marker is an indicator that
you add to a selected frame to mark a particular location in a clip, subclip, or sequence. Markers can have
icons of different colors and can be associated with user-defined comments.

Markers and Avid Applications

Users can add, view, and edit markers in several different Avid applications:
l Avid Media Composer, including NewsCutter and Symphony Options
l MediaCentral UX
l MediaCentral Cloud UX
Markers added in any of these products can be viewed and edited by any of the other products in a
Production Management environment.

n Spanned markers created on an Avid editing system are not currently supported in MediaCentral
Cloud UX.


A restriction is a span of an asset that indicates a clip, or a portion of a clip, whose use is limited in some
way, such as through intellectual property rights management or content compliance. Users can add and
edit restrictions in Interplay Assist and MediaCentral Cloud UX, and can view them in Avid Media Composer,
including NewsCutter and Symphony Options.

For information about adding and deleting restrictions in MediaCentral Cloud UX, see "Adding, Saving, and
Deleting Restrictions" on page 283.


To create and modify markers and restrictions, a MediaCentral Cloud UX user’s Production Management
account must be configured with the following permissions:

Setting Description
Can create locators Create markers (formerly called “locators” in Avid editing products)
Can modify locators Modify and delete markers
Can create restrictions Create restrictions
Can modify restrictions Modify and delete restrictions

If a user does not have these permissions, the Create Marker buttons or the Create Restriction button are
disabled and dimmed.

A Production Management administrator sets these permissions in the Instinct / Assist User Settings view of
the Production Administrator. For more information, see the MediaCentral | Production Engine and Archive
Engine Administration Guide or the MediaCentral Production Management Help.

Markers and Sequences

In MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can add markers to clips, subclips, and sequences stored in the Production
Management database. Markers that you add to a sequence are associated only with the sequence. They
are not automatically associated with the corresponding master clips used in the sequence. Similarly, a
marker added to a subclip is not added to the associated master clip.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

If you are editing a sequence in the Asset Editor, you can add markers either by adding clips with markers
to the sequence or by adding markers directly to the sequence. See "Displaying Markers in a Sequence" on
page 369.

If you add a clip or section of a clip that contains one or more markers, the sequence in the player and
timeline show the underlying markers from referenced master clips. If you are editing a shotlist, the markers
are mapped to the sequence using the same track as the source asset. In the following illustration, a user
has added markers to tracks V1, A1, A2, and A5. Note that all audio markers are displayed on the shotlist’s
single audio track.

If you are editing a news sequence, the markers follow the media asset that you edit into the sequence.
Their representation on the Sequence Timeline is defined by the Source Audio Patching settings that are
configured in the Production Management Interplay Administrator. For more information, see "Working with
Audio Tracks in a News Sequence" on page 219.

Restrictions, Master Clips and Sequences

Using the Storyboard tab, you can add and delete restrictions if your Production Management account
includes the proper permissions.

Note the following limitations of restriction editing in the Storyboard tab:

l You can add and delete restrictions to and from master clips only.
l Restrictions added or changed in a master clip are added or changed in the corresponding subclip
and are shown in the Storyboard tab.
In the Media Viewer timeline restrictions are marked in red, as shown in the following illustration.

If the asset contains a restriction within another restriction or a restriction that overlaps another restriction,
the enclosed restriction or the overlapping area is indicated by an intenser shade of red in the Media

Text for the restriction is shown on top of the Media Viewer, preceded by a triangle that indicates a
l If there are overlapping restrictions, text for the first restriction is displayed until the start of the
second restriction.
l If one restriction encloses another, text for the enclosing restriction is displayed.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Understanding Asset Management Strata

When you open an Asset Management asset, the Storyboard tab displays controls specifically for
displaying the strata and editing the segmentation of Asset Management assets.

The following sections describe basic concepts of Asset Management strata.

l "Stratification" below
l "Strata Types" below
l "Segmentation Types" on the next page
l "Strata and Avid Applications" on page 280
l "Permissions" on page 280

Editing Asset Management assets is based on a few fundamental concepts, the most significant of which is
stratification. Stratification allows annotation of parts of video objects along their timeline, at any segment
defined by an In timecode and an Out timecode. These annotations are similar to Production Management
markers; the difference is that a Production Management marker is associated to a single frame, while an
Asset Management annotation is associated to a sequence of frames.

Annotations might vary in their semantic meaning. For example, you can provide keywords that specifically
describe a part of the material, name the location visible in a scene, or define the rights situation for a given
segment. To keep these kinds of annotations semantically separated, Asset Management allows you to
layer any number of such annotations on top of the timeline, where each layer is dedicated to annotations
of a specific kind. These layers are called strata.

Strata Types

Asset Management provides three types of strata. These differ from each other as follows:
l Simple strata: Simple strata have only one property assigned to them. The property can be any data
type used throughout Asset Management, such as “text,” “timecode,” “date,” “legal list (selection
list),” and so on.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

l Structured strata: Structured strata can have multiple properties assigned to them.
l Strata groups: Several strata can be combined in a strata group. The segmentation across the strata
within a strata group is always synchronized.
The strata types and specific strata provided by Asset Management depend on how they are configured on

Segmentation Types

Use the layer selector control to open a stratum in the Storyboard tab and show and edit its segmentation
and annotation. The Storyboard tab shows the segments for the selected stratum. Segments on the stratum
can be sequential, show gaps between them, or are “overlapping segments.
l If the segments are sequential — the Out mark and In mark of adjacent segments are always
adjacent frames — in the stratum, the Media Viewer timeline shows alternating orange and blue
segments, as shown in the following example.

l If the segments have gaps, the Media Viewer timeline shows the base green timeline color between
the alternating orange and blue segments, as shown in the following example.

l If the segments are overlapping — segments that share one or more frames in the stratum — the
Media Viewer timeline shows alternating orange and blue sections that represent the individual
segments. Overlapping segments are represented by a darker shade of the same color as shown in
the following example.

Each stratum can be configured individually to allow “overlapping segments” — independently from
Gaps Allowed and Gaps Not Allowed mode. When such a stratum is selected in the Storyboard tab,
gaps are automatically allowed. This means that the “overlapping segments” setting overwrites the

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

“Gaps Not Allowed” configuration mode. You can create any kind of segment sequences in a stratum
that allows overlapping segments: Segments can be adjacent, have gaps between them, or they can
In this release, you can create and delete segments in and from strata that allow overlapping segments. See
"Creating Segments with Gaps" on page 286 and "Deleting Segments" on page 293.

Strata and Avid Applications

Users can view and edit strata and segments in the following Avid applications:
l Asset Management Cataloger (view strata contents and edit segmentation)
l Asset Management Desktop (search and view strata contents)
l MediaCentral Cloud UX (search and view strata contents, create segments)

To view a stratum, a MediaCentral Cloud UX user’s Asset Management account must be configured with the
following permissions:

Setting Description

Strata/READ_<stratum name> Grants the right to see the stratum

To edit a stratum, a MediaCentral Cloud UX user’s Asset Management account must be configured with the
following permissions:

Setting Description

Strata/WRITE_<stratum name> Grants the right to edit the stratum.

An Asset Management administrator sets permissions on the strata level in the Asset Management User
Manager. For more information, see the MediaCentral | Asset Management User Manager User’s Guide.

When a stratum is not editable, the Create Segments buttons in the Storyboard tab toolbar are disabled;
the property fields within the segments are dimmed so that values cannot be added or edited.


Strata editing can be processed in two modes: Gaps Allowed and Gaps Not Allowed. Which mode is active
is configured in the Asset Management Control Center’s Configuration Profiles view. An Asset Management
administrator can configure if a stratum allows overlapping segments in the Asset Management Datamodel

n In this release, the general setting for strata editing mode is ignored; only strata that are configured to
allow overlapping segments can be edited.

For more information, see the MediaCentral | Asset Management Datamodel Administrator User’s Guide,
MediaCentral | Asset Management Control Center User’s Guide, and MediaCentral | Asset Management
Configuration Settings Reference.

Adding, Saving, and Deleting Markers

How you add markers depends on your workflow. You can add a marker to a clip, subclip, or sequence. You
can add markers while video plays or you can scrub through the video and add markers at appropriate
locations. You can control the video, add markers, and delete markers by using the mouse or shortcut keys.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

n You can add a marker to a sequence’s final frame, but not the sequence tail frame. For more
information about these two frames, see "Position Indicator Placement After an Insert or Overwrite
Edit" on page 350.

Adding text in the Comment column is optional. You can add marker text immediately, or you can add a
marker without text and then add text later.

You can select which color you want to use for the marker icon. This can be useful if you want to establish
particular meanings for particular colors — for example, red for restrictions or blue for audio. For each color,
a separate Create Marker button is shown on the toolbar.

n You cannot add, edit or delete markers on the All markers layer.
To add a marker:

1. Click the layer selector and select the track to which you want to add the marker.
2. In the Media Viewer, navigate to the position where you want to add a marker.
3. Do one of the following:
t In the Storyboard tab, click the Create Marker button.
t (List view only) Press Ctrl+M. By default, a marker with a red icon is created.
t (List view only) Press Ctrl plus a key on the numeric keypad that is associated with the color
you want to use for the marker icon:
– Ctrl+0 to use the last color picked. If no color was selected in a session, the color is
– Ctrl+1: Red
– Ctrl+2: Green
– Ctrl+3: Blue
– Ctrl+4: Cyan
– Ctrl+5: Magenta
– Ctrl+6: Yellow
– Ctrl+7: Black
– Ctrl+8: White
Starting with version 2021.11, the Storyboard shortcuts for marker creation also work when the
Browse or Search app is in focus; starting with version 2022.12, they also work when the Media
Viewer is in focus. This allows you to use the keyboard shortcuts to create markers without the
Storyboard view being in focus.
After you create a new marker, the focus is in the Comment column. The cursor appears in the
Comment field and you can begin typing.
If you create a duplicate marker (a marker that shares the same timecode, color and comment with
another marker), a message appears and an “Unsaved changes” icon is shown on the toolbar.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Change the duplicate marker color or comment, or delete the duplicate marker.

To add or edit marker text:

t Select a marker and press Enter.
t (List view only) Slowly double-click the Comment field.
The cursor is positioned in the Comment field. If the field already contains text, the cursor is position
at the end of the marker text.
To save marker text:
t Click outside the Comment field.
To delete markers (List view only):

1. Do one of the following:

t Select the marker.
t Press Shift+click to select a range of markers.
t Press Ctrl+click to multi-select individual markers.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click the selection and select Delete.
t Press the Delete key.
To change the color of a marker icon (List view only):

1. Slowly double-click the Color field for the marker whose color you want to change.
2. In the palette tool that opens, select the color you want to use.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

To change the color of several marker icons at the same time (List view only):

1. Do one of the following:

t Press Shift+click to select a range of markers.
t Press Ctrl+click to multi-select individual markers.
2. Right-click the selection and select Change Color.
3. In the fly-out menu that opens, select the color you want to use for all selected marker icons.

Adding, Saving, and Deleting Restrictions

In MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can view restrictions in the Storyboard tab. If your Production Management
account includes the proper permissions, you can also add and delete restrictions in MediaCentral Cloud

Note the following:

l The restriction is displayed at the timecode where it starts. The In and Out columns show the span of
the restriction.
l You cannot edit the start and end of a restriction. To change the start or end point, delete the
restriction and create it again.
l A warning icon is displayed in the Color column.
l You can view restrictions for a master clip that is included in a group clip.
Note the following regarding restrictions on master clips, subclips and sequences:
l If you edit a master clip with a restriction into a sequence, the restriction is displayed for the
sequence in the Storyboard tab. The Media Viewer timeline displays the restriction for the sequence.
l If you create a subclip from a master clip that includes a restriction and your subclip includes
restricted media, the restriction is propagated to the subclip. The Asset Editor’s Storyboard tab and
the Media Viewer timeline display the restriction for the subclip.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

To add a restriction:

1. Load a master clip in the Asset Editor.

2. Set In and Out points to mark the region to which you want to add a restriction.
3. In the Storyboard tab, click the layer selector and select Restrictions.
4. Click the Create Restriction button.
The restriction is added and highlighted in the list.
To add or edit restriction text:
t Select a restriction and press Enter.
t (List view only) Slowly double-click the Comment field.
The cursor is positioned in the Comment field. If the field already contains text, the cursor is position
at the end of the restriction text.
To save restriction text:
t Click outside the Comment field.
To delete restrictions (List view only):

1. Do one of the following:

t Select the restriction.
t Press Shift+click to select a range of restrictions.
t Press Ctrl+click to multi-select individual restrictions.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click the selection and select Delete.
t Press the Delete key.

Creating and Deleting Strata Segments

Segmenting strata is the primary task when editing Asset Management assets in the Storyboard tab. The
Storyboard toolbar shows the following Create Segments buttons that you can use to create segments in a

Button Shortcut Name Function

Ctrl+1 (Windows) Mark In Creates a new segment and sets the In point to the
current timecode.
Cmd+1 (macOS)
If no segment is selected in the segment list or a
segment is selected that has an Out point set, Mark In
creates a new segment and sets the In point for the new

If a segment is selected in the segment list that has no

Out point set, Mark In sets the Out point for the
segment to one frame before the current timecode and
creates a new segment with the In point set to the
current timecode.

If you set the In point before the In point of the currently

opened segment, the segment is closed as a marker (In

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Button Shortcut Name Function

point and Out point are set to the same timecode) and
a new segment is opened with the In point set to the
current timecode.
Ctrl+3 (Windows) Create Creates a new segment with one frame duration.
Cmd+3 (macOS) If no segment is selected in the segment list or a
segment is selected that has an Out point set, Create
Marker creates a new segment and sets the In point
and Out point to the current timecode.

If a segment is selected in the segment list that has no

Out point set, Create Marker sets the Out point for the
segment to one frame before the current timecode and
creates a new segment with the In point and Out point
set to the current timecode.

If you click Create Marker before the In point of the

currently opened segment, the segment is closed as a
marker (In point and Out point are set to the same
timecode) and a new segment with one frame duration
(In point and Out point set to the current timecode) is
Ctrl+2 (Windows) Mark Out Closes the open segment and sets the Out point to the
current timecode.
Cmd+2 (macOS)
If you click Mark Out when there is no open segment, a
“You cannot set a segment here” message is shown.
- none - Create Creates a segment based on the In and Out marks set
Segment on the Media Viewer timeline.

When you create a segment by using either of these options, the segment list scrolls to the newly created
segment and the segment is selected.

n In this release, you can create segments only in strata that allow overlapping segments. A stratum
that allows overlapping segments automatically lets you create segments with the Gaps Allowed

n Creating and deleting segments is possible both in List view and Card view. In Card view, the frame
for the set In or Out point is extracted and can be displayed on the segment. To see the newly
extracted frame, make sure that a time-based filter is selected in the Card view thumbnail filter
options. For more information, see "Thumbnail Options in Card View Layout" on page 299.

n If Start of Content and End of Content are set for an Asset Management video, segments before SOC
and after EOC are trimmed.

Depending on how you use the Create Segments controls you have the following options:
l You can create segments where the Out mark of the preceding segment and In mark of the following
segment do not have to be adjacent frames and show a “gap” in-between.
l You can create segments where the Out mark of the preceding segment and In mark of the following

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

segment are adjacent frames.

l You can create new segments starting or ending within another segment, or completely within
already existing segments.
The following topics provide information on how to create and delete segments:
l "Creating Segments with Gaps" below
l "Creating Adjacent Segments" on the next page
l "Creating Overlapping Segments" on page 289
l "Creating Segments Using the Create Segment Feature" on page 291
l "Deleting Segments" on page 293

Creating Segments with Gaps

When you segment in a stratum you can have a gap before the first segment, after the last segment, or
between any two segments after the first or before the last segment. Instead of starting or ending with a
gap, you can also start or end with a segment. You can distribute the segments anywhere on the timeline —
the Out mark of the preceding segment and In mark of the following segment do not have to be adjacent

To create segments with gaps:

1. Load a video asset in the Asset Editor and open the Storyboard tab.
2. In the Storyboard tab, select the stratum in which you want to segment.
3. Use the transport controls of the Media Viewer to move through the video and pause at the position
where you want to start the segment.
4. Do one of the following:
t Press Ctrl+1 (Windows) or Cmd+1 (macOS).
t In the Storyboard tab, click the Mark In button.
A segment is opened in the segment list with the given In mark but with no Out mark.

5. Use the transport controls of the Media Viewer to move through the video and pause at the position
where you want to end the segment.
6. Do one of the following:
t Press Ctrl+2 (Windows) or Cmd+2 (macOS).
t In the Storyboard tab, click the Mark Out button.
The segment is closed at the current frame and the Out timecode is shown in the segment list.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

The segment is displayed on the timeline.

7. (optional, List view only) Annotate the segment. For more information, see "Annotating Text Fields" on
page 293 and "Annotating Segment Properties" on page 294.
8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to create new segments with gaps.
You can also use the Create Marker button to create a segment where the In point and Out point are
set to the same frame.
The Media Viewer timeline shows the base green timeline color between the alternating orange and
blue segments.

Creating Adjacent Segments

Although overlapping segments and segmentation with gaps are the supported segmentation modes in this
release, you can still create adjacent segments without gaps, as described in the following procedure.

To create adjacent segments:

1. In the Storyboard tab, select the stratum in which you want to segment.
2. Use the transport controls of the Media Viewer to move through the video and pause at the position
where you want to start the segment.
3. Do one of the following:
t Press Ctrl+1 (Windows) or Cmd+1 (macOS).
t In the Storyboard tab, click the Mark In button.
A segment is opened in the segment list with the given In mark but with no Out mark.
4. Use the transport controls of the Media Viewer to move through the video and pause at the position
where you want to end the segment.
5. Do one of the following:

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

t Press Ctrl+1 (Windows) or Cmd+1 (macOS), or click Mark In in the Storyboard tab.
The segment is closed one frame before the current playhead position. A new segment is
opened at the current playhead position.

t Press Ctrl+2 (Windows) or Cmd+2 (macOS), or click the Mark Out button in the Storyboard
tab, which closes the segment at the current playhead position.
Then click the “1 Frame Forward” transport control of the Media Viewer and then press Ctrl+1
(Windows) or Cmd+1 (macOS), or click Mark In in the Storyboard tab. A new segment is opened
at the current playhead position.

t Press Ctrl+3 (Windows) or Cmd+3 (macOS), or click the Create Marker button.
This closes the segment one frame before the current playhead position and creates a new
segment with the In point and Out point set to the current playhead position.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Then click the “1 Frame Forward” transport control of the Media Viewer and then press Ctrl+1
(Windows) or Cmd+1 (macOS), or click Mark In in the Storyboard tab. A new segment is opened
at the current playhead position.
6. Navigate in the video and close the segment by using one of the options described in step 5.
Adjacent segments with alternating colors are shown on the timeline.

To show a segment created with the Create Marker button you might need to zoom in the timeline.

7. (optional, List view only) Annotate the segments. For more information, see "Annotating Text Fields"
on page 293 and "Annotating Segment Properties" on page 294.

Creating Overlapping Segments

You can create any kind of segment sequences in a stratum that allows overlapping segments: Segments
can be adjacent, have gaps between them, or they can overlap. These different sequences can be
combined across any section of the video, or across the entire video. The same variety of options is
available for the overlapping segments creation procedure. For example, you can create:

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

l A segment that overlaps a part of another segment at the beginning or end

l A segment that is placed within another segment
l A segment that overlaps a gap
l A segment that overlaps several segments
The following illustration shows an example for different overlapping segments.

To create overlapping segments:

1. In the Storyboard tab, select the stratum in which you want to segment.
2. Use the transport controls of the Media Viewer to move through the video and pause at the position
where you want to start the segment.
3. Do one of the following:
t Press Ctrl+1 (Windows) or Command+1 (macOS).
t In the Storyboard tab, click the Mark In button.
A segment is created in the segment list with the given In mark but with no Out mark.
In the following example, the segment was created within the first segment.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

4. Use the transport controls of the Media Viewer to move through the video and pause at the position
where you want to end the segment.
5. In the Storyboard tab, close the segment by using one of the Create Segment buttons (Mark In, Mark
Out, Create Marker) or corresponding shortcuts.
In the following example, the segment was closed with the Mark Out button in a gap behind the first

6. (optional, List view only) Annotate the segment. For more information, see "Annotating Text Fields" on
page 293 and "Annotating Segment Properties" on page 294.

Creating Segments Using the Create Segment Feature

As an alternative to creating segments by using the Mark In, Create Marker or Mark out buttons, you can
use the Create Segments button in combination with the Mark In and Mark Out buttons of the Media Viewer
timeline. This is for example useful if you quickly want to create a segment with the same In/Out timecodes
on different strata.

When using the Create Segment button you can create adjacent segments, segments with gaps and
overlapping segments. Note the following:
l If you do not set an In and Out Mark and click the Create Segment button, a segment spanning the
entire video is created.
l If you only set an In Mark and click the Create Segment button, a segment spanning from the In Mark
to the end of the video is created.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

l If you only set an Out Mark and click the Create Segment button, a segment spanning from the start
of the video to the Out Mark is created.
l If you create a new segment by using the Create Segment button and there is already an opened
segment (segment without Out timecode) in the segment list, the opened segment is closed with the
Out timecode set to the In timecode.
To create segments using Create Segment:

1. Load a video asset in the Asset Editor and open the Storyboard tab.
2. In the Storyboard tab, select the stratum in which you want to segment.
3. Go to the Media Viewer and do the following:
a. Use the transport controls to move through the video. You might want to pause at the position
where you want to start the segment.
b. Click the Media Viewer Mark In button.
c. Move through the video; if needed, pause at the position where you want to end the segment.
d. Click the Media Viewer Mark Out button.

4. In the Storyboard tab, click the Create Segment button.

A segment is created in the segment list with the given In and Out mark.

5. (optional, List view only) Annotate the segment. For more information, see "Annotating Text Fields" on
the next page and "Annotating Segment Properties" on page 294.
6. (optional) To create the same segment on another stratum, select the stratum from the Layer selector
and click the Create Segment button.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to create new segments.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

To reuse a segment using Create Segment:

1. In the segment list, select a segment.

The In and Out marks of the segment are set on the Media Viewer timeline.
2. Select another stratum from the Layer selector.
3. Click the Create Segment button.
The segment is created.

Deleting Segments
Any segment in a stratum can be deleted if logging is configured to Gaps Allowed mode. Depending on the
position of the segment you want to delete, you will have different results.
l If the segment starts at the beginning of the video and has an adjacent segment, you create a gap
with the size of the deleted segment
l If the segment starts at the beginning of the video and is followed by a gap, the gap is resized and
starts at the first frame of the video.
l If the segment ends at the end of the video and has an adjacent segment, you create a gap with the
size of the deleted segment.
l If the segment ends at the end of the video and is preceded by a gap, the gap is resized and ends at
the last frame of the video.
l If the segment has adjacent segments to its left and right, you create a gap between the segments.
l If the segment is preceded or followed by a gap, the corresponding gap is resized.
To delete segments:
t Select one or several segments you want to delete and do one of the following:
– Right-click a segment and select Delete.
– Press the Delete key.

Annotating Text Fields

You can edit text fields of a segment and marker or restriction comments in the Storyboard tab. In doing so,
most common features of text editing tools are available, such as inserting text at a selected position,
marking text you want to overwrite, copying, pasting, and deleting, and so on.

You can use standard keyboard shortcuts to cut text or copy text to the system clipboard, or paste text
from the system clipboard. This includes the ability to copy text from external sources such as documents or
Web pages and to paste the text as marker notes or segment annotation. The text is pasted without
formatting. You can also do the reverse: copy marker or segment text and paste it into an external source,
such as Notepad.

Note that the input in text fields can be limited:

l For Production Management assets, marker text has a limit of 32,000 characters for each marker. If
marker text exceeds this limit, a warning message tells you that the text exceeds the corresponding
kilobytes data limit.
l For Asset Management assets, input can be limited for each text property by the configuration in the
data model.
If the text input exceeds the limitation, a pop-up “It is not possible to save text with more than <X>

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

characters” is shown. When the property is saved, the text that exceeds the allowed range is cut.
l Pasting a huge amount of text (about 100,000 characters and more) into a text property might cause
the browser page to hang.
To edit text fields (List view):

1. Double-click the text field.

The text field is set to edit mode.
2. If the field is still empty, type the text.
3. If the field already contains text, do one of the following:
t To add text, select the position at which you want to insert the text and start typing.
t To change text, mark and overwrite the existing text.
t To delete text, mark it and press the Delete or Backspace key.
4. Click outside the text field to save your changes.
Using shortcut keys (List view):
t To select the entire text, click in the text field and press Ctrl+A.
t To cut text, select the text and press Ctrl+X.
t To copy text, select the text and press Ctrl+C.
t To paste text, click in the text field and press Ctrl+V.
t (As long as changes are not saved) To undo your input, press Ctrl+Z; to redo your input, press Ctrl+Y.

Annotating Segment Properties

In addition to text properties, Asset Management strata can provide several other property types. Which
properties you can edit in a stratum depends on the configuration of the stratum in Asset Management
Datamodel Administrator.

Starting with version 2021.11, you can annotate all properties of Asset Management strata in the Storyboard
tab (List view). “Annotation” here refers to the process of adding information to a segment. Annotation
related to the entire asset can be entered and edited in the Metadata tab. Basically, you have the same
options for annotating strata segments as for annotating properties in the Metadata tab. Note the following
l Strata cannot have multi-value properties and multi-value compound properties.
l You cannot navigate between the properties of segments using the Tab key.
l In Strata, pressing the Esc key to discard changes in a property and end editing mode is not
supported for Text properties.
For more information on how to edit the individual property types, see the corresponding Metadata tab
l "Editing Boolean Properties" on page 240
l "Editing Duration and Timecode Properties" on page 241
l "Editing Date, Time and Date/Time Properties" on page 241
l "Editing Float Properties" on page 242
l "Editing Integer Properties" on page 243

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

l "Editing Legal List Properties" on page 243

l "Editing Thesaurus Properties" on page 244
l "Editing Master Data Properties" on page 244

Filtering Markers, Restrictions and Segments

If an asset includes a large number of markers, restrictions or annotated segments, you can use the filtering
control to display a subset of the list.
l You can filter a Production Management asset by Comment text, marker color, user or track.
l To show only segments of an Asset Management asset that contain specific keywords, type a search
string in the Filter control of the desired column.
l Filtering options are available both in List and Card view.
To filter by marker color:

1. Click the Filter button in the Color column head.

2. In the filter tool that opens, select the check box of the marker color you want to use. You can select
any of the displayed colors.
As soon as you select a color, the filter is applied.
3. Click outside the filter tool to close it. The Filter button in the Color column head is colored blue to
indicate that filtering is enabled.
To filter by track:

1. Click the Filter button in the Track column head.

2. In the filter tool that opens, select the check box of the track you want to use. You can select any of
the displayed tracks.
As soon as you select a track, the filter is applied.
3. Click outside the filter tool to close it. The Filter button in the Track column head is colored blue to
indicate that filtering is enabled.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

To filter by text, comment or user:

1. Click the Filter button in the column head.

The following illustration shows an example for a Production Management asset.

The following illustration shows an example for an Asset Management asset.

2. In the filter tool that opens, begin typing text in the text box. As you type, the markers or segments list
is filtered according to the text you type.
3. Click outside the filter tool to close it. The Filter button in the column head is colored blue to indicate
that filtering is enabled.
To turn off filtering:

1. Open the filter tool.

2. Do one of the following:
t In the Color filter tool, deselect all selected check boxes.
t In any text filter tool (example, Comments or User), click the X button to delete the filter text.
3. Click outside the filter tool to close it.

Navigating by Markers, Restrictions and Segments

You can use the mouse or keyboard to navigate by marker and restrictions through a clip or sequence or by
segment borders through a clip. The navigation options described below are available both in List and Card

Note the different display of marker, restriction or segment borders on the timeline while navigating:
l When you select a segment in the Storyboard tab, the related In and Out marks are displayed on the
timeline. For a marker or restriction, the In and Out marks are not shown.

l When you click on a marker, restriction or segment in the timeline, the In and Out marks are not
shown on the timeline.

Note the following when navigating by markers, restrictions or segments in the Storyboard tab:
l If the Sync Playhead toggle button is selected (blue button, default), a marker, restriction or segment
selected in the timeline is also selected in the Storyboard tab. Note that this synchronization is not
valid for “overlapping segments.”
When you deselect the Sync Playhead toggle buttons so it turns gray, clicking in the timeline only
moves the playhead but does not select the corresponding marker, restriction or segment in the
Storyboard tab.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

l When you select a marker, restriction or segment in the Storyboard tab, the same marker, restriction
or segment is selected in the timeline and the Media Viewer displays the corresponding frame of the
marker or start of the restriction or segment. This behavior is not influenced by the status of the Sync
Playhead toggle button.
In this case, the status of the Sync Playhead toggle button only defines if the playhead is additionally
moved or not on the timeline.
l When you reach the top of the list, you cannot navigate to a previous marker, restriction or segment.
l When you reach the bottom of the list, you cannot navigate to the next marker, restriction or
l If you have selected several markers, restrictions or segments in the Storyboard tab and start
navigating, the last selected marker, restriction or segment is the starting point for the up or down
l If you navigate to a marker, restriction or segment that is outside the list currently displayed in the
Storyboard tab, the list will scroll to show the newly selected marker, restriction or segment at the top
or bottom of the list.
To navigate to the previous marker:
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Up Arrow key.
t With the focus in the Media Viewer, press Ctrl+Shift+left-arrow key.
To navigate to the next marker:
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Down Arrow key.
t With the focus in the Media Viewer, press Ctrl+Shift+right-arrow key.
For more information, see "Viewing Markers and Restrictions" on page 191.
To navigate by restrictions:
t Click a restriction in the Storyboard tab restriction list or the Media Viewer Timeline.
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Up Arrow key to navigate to the previous restriction.
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Down Arrow key to navigate to the next restriction.
To navigate by segments:
t Click a segment in the Storyboard tab segment list or the Media Viewer Timeline.
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Up Arrow key to navigate to the previous segment.
t With the focus in the Storyboard tab, press the Down Arrow key to navigate to the next segment.

Copying and Downloading Markers or Strata Information

You can copy complete Production Management markers or Asset Management segments (timecode and
text) to the system clipboard and paste them into another application. The copy and download options
described below are available both in List and Card view.

The Storyboard tab lets you also download a list of markers or restrictions or stratum information:
l All or selected markers of all tracks or of the track shown in the Storyboard tab.
l All or selected restrictions if the Restrictions layer is shown in the Storyboard tab.
l Information of all segments or only selected segments of the stratum shown in the Storyboard tab.
You can select one of the following formats for downloading:

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

l Plain text file (.txt) that lists the timecode and text for each marker or segment.
l A tab-delimited text file (.txt) that you can import into Media Composer or another Avid editing
application. For more information, see the documentation for the Avid editing application.
l CSV (comma-separated value) file that you can open as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
l XML file for use in other applications.
To copy one or more markers/restrictions/segment as text to the clipboard:

1. Select one or more markers or segments. You can use the mouse or keyboard to select multiple
markers or segments:
– Select a marker, restriction, or segment, then press Shift+Up Arrow or Shift+Down Arrow to
select a range.
– Select a marker, restriction, or segment, then press Shift+click to select a range or Ctrl+click to
select individual markers, restrictions, or segments.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Copy to Clipboard button.
t Press Ctrl+C.
You can then use Ctrl+V to paste the asset name, timecode and text to another document or
To download marker/restriction/strata information as a file:

1. Select a stratum or a track, All markers or Restrictions from the layer selector.
2. (Option) To only download a sub-set of marker, restriction or strata information, do one or both of
the following:
t Apply a filter to the selected layer.
t Select individual markers, restrictions, or segments in the list.
3. Click the Download button.
The Download All Markers dialog box opens. Which fields are shown in the Attributes area depends if
an individual track, the All markers layer, Restrictions layer, or stratum is open in the Storyboard tab.
The following illustration shows the Download All Markers dialog box if the All markers layer is

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

4. Type a file name. You do not need to add an extension. By default, the asset name is shown in the File
Name field.
5. Select the format of file you want to download: Plain Text, Media Composer Text, CSV, or XML.
6. (optional) If you have filtered or selected individual markers, restrictions, or segments and only want
to download the selection, click the Download only selected rows toggle button so it turns blue. The
toggle button cannot be selected if you do not have selected individual markers, restrictions, or
7. (optional) The Attributes area shows all columns of the track, Restrictions layer or stratum open in the
Storyboard tab. All attributes/columns are selected by default. If you want to exclude specific
attributes/columns from being downloaded, deselect the check box of the corresponding
8. Click the Download button.
The file is downloaded to your default download folder. Information in the downloaded file is sorted
based on the current column sorting in the Storyboard tab (by default, the In column). Only for a
Plain Text download, the asset name is included as first line in the downloaded file.
The selection of attributes/columns is saved to your local browser chache and persists from one
session to another.

Thumbnail Options in Card View Layout

In Card View layout, you can display a series of small images of an asset (thumbnails, in a MediaCentral
Asset Management context, these are also referred to as keyframes).
l If a track or stratum is selected, thumbnails associated with each marker or restriction resp.
thumbnails for each stratum segment are shown.
l If the Thumbnails layer is selected, exclusively the thumbnails of the asset are shown.
Use the turn-down arrow beneath the Card view button to adjust the thumbnails display in different

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab


Shows the first frame of the asset, the last frame of the asset, and a frame at the frequency that you
choose. The exact frame displayed depends on the type of timecode (drop-frame, non-drop frame, 24 fps,
and so on). Timecodes are displayed at the bottom of each thumbnail in Master timecode format.

Use the turn-down arrow beneath the Card view button to open a menu to select one of the following

l One frame every 10 seconds (default setting)

l One frame every 1 minute.
l One frame every 5 minutes
l One frame every 10 minutes
The selected frequency is shown to the right of the Time option in the menu.


Shows any frame with one or more markers or restrictions (Production Management assets) or any
thumbnail that is extracted by the Asset Management Video Analysis or a user in Asset Management
Cataloger. You can adjust the quantity by applying a marker-based filter. Use the turn-down arrow
beneath the Card view button to open a menu to select one or more of the predefined frequencies.

Asset Management Options

Options Description

When you open the menu for an Asset Management asset, you have the following

l All: Shows all marker-based thumbnails. Includes all other filter criteria.
l User defined: Shows the thumbnails that are extracted by a user in Asset
Management Cataloger.
l Shot boundary: Shows the thumbnails that are extracted by the Video
Analysis for shot boundaries.
l Minor scene change: Shows the thumbnails that are extracted by the Video
Analysis already for small changes in image content.
l Scene changes: Shows the thumbnails that are extracted by the Video
Analysis during medium alteration in image content.
l Major scene change: Shows the thumbnails that are extracted by the Video
Analysis only when the image content changed significantly.

n The menu does not show all filter criteria for all assets but only the criteria that
are available for the current asset.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Production Management Options

Options Description

When you open the menu for a Production Management asset, you have the
following options:

l Markers: Shows any frame with one or more markers.

l Restrictions: Shows any frame with a restriction.
When a track for markers or restrictions is selected, the thumbnail and marker or
restriction icon are displayed in different columns. When the Thumbnails layer is
selected, marker and restriction icons are displayed within the thumbnail. See
"Working with the Thumbnails Layer" on page 303.

Time- and Marker-Based

When you open an asset, time- and marker-based thumbnails are displayed: all marker-based options and
the time-based “10s” option are selected by default. Click the turn-down arrow beneath the Card view
button and use the menu to combine any marker- based with one time-based option.

Working with Card View Layout

In Card view, the thumbnail associated with each marker or restriction or thumbnails for each stratum
segment are shown in addition to the text-based data that are provided in List view.

The following illustration shows the Card view layout for the V1 track of a master clip.

Note the following:

l Per segment, not more than two thumbnail rows are displayed by default. If there are more
thumbnails available for the segment, a More button is shown at the bottom of the segment. If you
increase the Asset Editor width so that all thumbnails can be displayed within two rows, the More
button is hidden.
l For each segment, properties are displayed in one row. For each text property, the text length is
limited to five rows. If the property text cannot be displayed, the text ends in an ellipsis. Click the
three dots at the right side of the segment to open a pop-up window that displays all segment text
l You can select a single thumbnail or a range of thumbnails in Card view, for example to add them to
a sequence. You cannot select a non-consecutive series of thumbnails.
l The thumbnail selection is retained when you switch to another track or stratum and back or when
you switch between Card and List View; it is not retained when you switching from a track or stratum
to the Thumbnails layer.
l Edit options are limited in Card view.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

To switch to Card view:

1. Select the track or stratum for which you want to display thumbnails from the layer selector.
2. Click the Card View button.
Production Management asset: For each marker the assigned thumbnail is shown. If the Restrictions
layer is selected, at least the start and end frame of the restriction are shown. More thumbnails can
be shown depending on the length of the restriction and the applied thumbnails filter.
Asset Management asset: For each segment at least the start and end frame of the segment are
shown. More thumbnails can be shown depending on the length of the segment and the applied
thumbnails filter.
To apply a thumbnail filter:

1. Click the turn-down arrow beneath the Card View button.

2. Select the marker- or time-based filter you want to apply or a combination of both. For more
information, see "Thumbnail Options in Card View Layout" on page 299.
Since for markers only the frame to which the marker is assigned is displayed, changing the
thumbnails filter does not affect the thumbnails display for the Production Management V and A
To show and hide more thumbnails for an individual segment:
t Click the More button at the bottom of the segment.
Additional thumbnail row(s) are displayed.
t Click the Less button at the bottom of the segment.
The additional rows are collapsed and only two thumbnail rows are shown for the segment.
To display a pop-up window with all text data:
t Click the three dots (...) at the right side of the segment.

A pop-up windows opens and shows the properties and values of the segment, marker or restriction.

If the text of a property exceeds six rows, a scroll bar appears at the right side of the window. Click
outside the window to close it.
To select and navigate in Card View:
t Click a text element of a segment, restriction or marker.
The entire segment is selected. The first frame of the segment or restriction or the frame of the marker
is shown in the Media Viewer.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

t Click a thumbnail of a segment, restriction or marker.

The thumbnail and the segment are selected. The corresponding frame is shown in the Media Viewer.
t Click another thumbnail within the same segment.
Only the thumbnail is selected; the corresponding frame is not shown in the Media Viewer.
t Double-click another thumbnail within the same segment.
The thumbnail is selected and the corresponding frame is shown in the Media Viewer.
t To select several thumbnails, click a thumbnail, then press the Shift key and click another thumbnail.
The consecutive series of thumbnails is selected. The Media Viewer display is not updated.

Working with the Thumbnails Layer

When selecting the Thumbnails layer, the Storyboard tab lets you exclusively display the thumbnails of the
asset open in Asset Editor. Viewing and double-clicking thumbnails can help you navigate through video
assets, source clips and markers more quickly. For more information, see "Thumbnail Options in Card View
Layout" on page 299.

Note the following:

l You can show thumbnails for Production Management master clips, subclips, and sequences and
Asset Management video assets and sequences.
l You can view thumbnails for Production Management video clips and clips with video and audio.
l Thumbnails are shown with a fixed size. Changing the aspect ratio in the User Settings does not
change the size of the thumbnails.
l Click the Reload button to update the display for changes to the asset — for example, if you add or
delete a marker or if a user has extracted new thumbnails in Asset Management Cataloger.
l Displaying thumbnails for edit-while-capture clips (EWC) is supported. The thumbnails will be
updated automatically.
l If the entire keyframes set is deleted in Asset Management Desktop, you can only show time-based
thumbnails in the Storyboard tab for Asset Management assets.
l If for an Asset Management video asset Start of Content (SOC) is set, you see the thumbnails
beginning with the start of content not from the start of media. If End of Content (EOC) is set, you
see the thumbnails ending with the end of content not with the end of media.
If the EOC value is changed in the File Info tab, clicking the Asset Editor’s Reload Asset button or
reloading the asset is required to see the thumbnail changes in the Storyboard tab.
When the Thumbnails layer is selected for a Production Management asset, marker and restriction icons are
displayed within the thumbnail.
l A frame with a marker is indicated by a colored marker in the upper right corner of the thumbnail. If
more than one marker is assigned to the frame, the respective marker icons are shown collapsed in
the upper right corner. Up to ten marker icons can be displayed this way. Hover the mouse pointer
over the markers to expand and show all markers beneath each other.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

l A frame with a restriction is indicated by a yellow warning icon in the upper left corner of the
thumbnail. An additional In or Out icon indicates if the thumbnail represents the start or the end of
the restriction.

l A frame with a restriction and one or more markers is indicated by a yellow warning icon in the upper
left corner and a colored marker in the upper right corner of the thumbnail.

To view and filter thumbnails:

1. Open an asset in the Asset Editor and click the Storyboard tab.
2. Select Thumbnails from the layer selector.
Thumbnails are displayed with timecode for each thumbnail. By default, all marker-based and the
10s time-based options are enabled.
Production Management marker-based thumbnails show an icon with the corresponding marker
color in the upper right corner or a yellow warning icon in the upper left corner or both.
3. To show only time-based thumbnails, do the following:
a. Click the drop-down arrow beneath the Card view button and deselect the Select All option.
b. Hover the mouse over the Time option and in the menu that opens select the frequency you
want to apply (10s, 1m, 5m, 10m).
The selected frequency is applied to the thumbnails display in the Storyboard tab and the
selected option is shown beneath the “Time” option in the menu.
c. Click outside the menu.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

4. To show only marker-based thumbnails, do the following:

a. Click the drop-down arrow beneath the Card view button and deselect the Select All option.
b. Select the check box of the marker-based option you want to apply. Multi-selection is
The selected option is applied to the thumbnails display in the Storyboard tab.
c. Click outside the menu.

5. To show marker- and time-based thumbnails at the same time, click the drop-down arrow beneath
the Card view button and select the Select All option.
The selected marker-based and the selected (or default) time-based filter are applied to the

To navigate to a particular frame in the Media Viewer:

t Double-click a thumbnail.
The frame is shown in the Media Viewer and the position indicator in the Media Viewer timeline jumps
to the frame.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

Adding Storyboard Items to a Sequence or Container

You can add items from the Storyboard tab by a simple drag and drop operation.
l To a sequence. In doing so, you add a segment to the sequence.
l To a Media container in the Collaborate app. In doing so, you create a link to the asset with marks.
You can add one or more markers or restrictions or segments at the same time to the sequence or container.
Note the following limitation: Adding more than one stratum segment at the same time to a sequence is
currently not supported. For thumbnails, adding an individual thumbnail or a range of consecutive
thumbnails is supported.

c The term sequence is used generically throughout this topic to refer to an assembly of audio and video
assets; it refers to any or all sequence types.

For more information about sequences, see "Understanding Sequence Types" on page 325 and "Working
with Sequences" on page 341.

For more information about containers, see "Working Within the Media Container" on page 469 and
"Adding Assets to the Container" on page 472.

Note the following effects when adding items to a sequence or container:

l For each added marker, a segment/asset link that consists of 2 seconds before the marker and 2
seconds after it is created.
l For each added restriction, a segment/asset link that consists of the restriction’s span is created.
l For each added stratum segment, a segment/asset link with the same duration is created.
l When you add an individual thumbnail, a segment/asset link that consists of 2 seconds before the
thumbnail and 2 seconds after it is created.
l When you add a thumbnail span, a segment/asset link that consists of the span is created.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

To add Storyboard items to a sequence:

1. Open the asset in the Asset Editor and click the Storyboard tab.
2. Open the sequence you want to edit.
3. Click the Asset Editor Timeline button to show the timeline.
4. Click the Asset Editor Source/Record Monitor toggle button to switch Asset Editor to Source mode.
5. To add items from a track or stratum, do the following:
a. Select the track or stratum from which you want to add an item.
b. Click the List View or the Card View button.
c. Select one or more marker(s) or restriction(s) or one segment in the segment list.
In Card view, you can also select an individual thumbnail or a continuous series of thumbnails.
6. To add an item from the Thumbnail layer, do the following:
a. Select Thumbnails from the layer selector.
b. Select an individual thumbnail. You can also select a thumbnail, press the Shift key and select
the last thumbnail of the span you want to add.
7. Drag the selection to the Sequence Timeline and drop it into the position you want the segment(s) to
appear in the sequence.

To add Storyboard items to a Collaborate container:

1. Open the Collaborate app.

2. In the Collaborate app, open your topic or assignment. If you are working in a topic, you must also
select the Media tab.
3. Open the asset in the Asset Editor and click the Storyboard tab.

9 Working with the Storyboard Tab

4. To add items from a track or stratum, do the following:

a. Select the track or stratum from which you want to add an item.
b. Click the List View or the Card View button.
c. Select one or more marker(s), restriction(s) or segment(s) in the segment list.
In Card view, you can also select an individual thumbnail or a continuous series of thumbnails.
5. To add an item from the Thumbnail layer, do the following:
a. Select Thumbnails from the layer selector.
b. Select an individual thumbnail. You can also select a thumbnail, press the Shift key and select
the last thumbnail of the span you want to add.
6. Drag and drop the selection to the Collaborate app’s Media container.
For each dropped item, a link to your original asset is added to the container — you are not creating a
subclip. If you hover your cursor over the IN/OUT overlay on the thumbnail image, the app displays a
tool-tip that shows you the timecode values for these marks.

If you load this asset back into the Asset Editor, the entire clip is loaded with the IN and OUT marks
set at the correct positions.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

This topic describes the processes for working with a graphics management system that has been
integrated with MediaCentral Cloud UX. In this chapter, Maestro News is used as an example of a graphics
management system.

What is a Graphics Management System?

A graphics management system allows you to create and manage graphic elements that are often used in
broadcast workflows. When you connect one of these systems to MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can enable
custom graphic workflows that allow you to integrate your graphics with areas of the Cloud UX user
interface such as the Browse app, Search app, Rundown app, or others.

The MediaCentral Platform is designed to enable easy integration of both Avid and non-Avid systems.
Graphics integration is a licensed feature. Before you can integrate any graphics management system with
MediaCentral Cloud UX, your organization must purchase and apply a valid license using the MediaCentral
Cloud UX Licensing app. For more information, see “Using the Licensing App” in the Avid MediaCentral |
Cloud UX Installation Guide.

n While Maestro News is used as an example graphics management system, the concepts described in
this document might or might not apply to other graphics systems. If you are not using Maestro News,
see the documentation that came with your graphics management system for supplemental
information and custom workflows.

Maestro News as a Graphics Management System

Maestro News is a universal controller that lets you create and manage template-based, on-air 3D
graphics. A Maestro user works with a data entry template (page), which is linked to a 3D graphic scene
created in Maestro Designer. A graphic artist creates exports that are customized by adding controls to a
template in the Maestro News PageEditor. These controls allow journalists to edit the graphic’s content
during a broadcast.

The Maestro user can add graphics, media, and text to the template, update these data elements in real
time, preview the graphic for broadcast, and send it to air. The integration of Maestro News with
MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to edit graphic templates through the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor,
and add it to the MediaCentral Newsroom Management story and related sequence. The MediaCentral
Newsroom Management rundown appears in the Maestro News controller and can be played to air.

For information on the various assets available in the Maestro database, see "Working with MediaCentral
Newsroom Management Assets" on page 126.

Viewing Maestro News Assets

You can locate Maestro News assets by navigating to them in the Browse app or by searching for them in
the Search app. When viewed through the Browse app, you might see Templates, Workspace, and Media
folders in the Maestro database as shown in the following illustration.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

l TEMPLATES: This folder contains Maestro News templates. You can load templates into the Asset
Editor to customize them or drag them directly into a Newsroom Management rundown or associated
l WORKSPACE: This folder contains Maestro News items. Items are template instances that have been
l MEDIA: (if applicable) This folder includes media assets that can be added to graphic elements in the
Graphics tab of the Asset Editor. This media lives on a shared storage system that is connected
directly to the Maestro News system. For more information on configuring access to the Media
directory, see the Avid Maestro | News Installation and Configuration Guide.

n Depending on your Maestro News user rights, access to specific directories or templates might be
restricted. If you do not have a matching user account on both the MediaCentral Cloud UX and
Maestro News systems, you might see the Maestro database appear in the Browse app, but you might
not be able to navigate through the directory tree.
You can use the Search app to find Maestro News assets as you would with any other MediaCentral
module. For more information, see "Searching for Assets" on page 129. The following processes describes
how to find Maestro graphic elements using the Browse app, how to load them into the Asset Editor, and
how to alter the display options in the user interface to show additional metadata.

To load a graphic element into the Asset Editor using the Browse app:

1. Click the Browse app button in the Fast Bar at the top of the user interface.
2. Locate the Maestro database in the directory tree of the Browse app sidebar and click on the arrow
to the left of the module to expand the first level of the database.
3. Navigate to an asset in either the Templates or Workspace folder or sub-folders.
4. Double-click on a template or item to load it into the Asset Editor and click on the Graphics tab of the
Asset Editor. For more information, see "Understanding the Graphics Tab" on the next page.

n You cannot load assets from the Media directory into the Asset Editor in this release.
n Although you can load items into the Asset Editor, you cannot make changes to the item. If you need
to update an item, you must load the item into the Asset Editor through the associated story in the
Rundown app.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

To alter the Maestro News display options:

1. In either the Browse or Search apps, click the Display Options menu in the Results toolbar
A menu of additional metadata values appears, including a category for Maestro News attributes.

2. Click the arrow to the left of the Maestro News menu item to reveal the Maestro News options.
3. Click the box to the left of any of the following attributes to add or remove them from the Results
area of the Browse or Search app:
– Channel: When you add an item to the rundown, it is assigned an output channel. For more
information, see “Assigning a Channel” in the Avid Maestro | News User Guide.
– Duration (Browse only): Graphic duration in the following format: [hours]:[minutes]:[seconds]:
[frames] @[framerate] [interlaced/non-interlaced]
– For example: 00:00:02:08 @25i.
– Media Path: Displays the file name and file path of images and clips used that are registered in
the Maestro News database. By default, assets are located in MEDIA folder.
– UniqueID: An unique identifier of a template or item.
– VSlot: Virtual Slots are visual layers in a channel (preview or on-air). For more information
about Virtual Slots, see “Virtual Slots” in the Avid Maestro | News User Guide.
4. You can close the Display Options menu by taking one of the following actions:
t Click outside the menu to save your changes.
t Press Esc to close the menu without making any changes.

Understanding the Graphics Tab

MediaCentral Cloud UX systems that are licensed for a graphics workflow include an additional tab in the
Asset Editor labeled: Graphics. When you load a graphic element (template or item) into the Asset Editor,
this tab includes the controls that you can use to customize the graphic. Templates are created in the
Maestro Page Editor with predefined controls. The scope of changes that you are allowed to make to the
element are defined by these controls (which can vary from template to template). For more information on
creating templates, see the Maestro News documentation.

In addition to the Graphics tab, a preview of the graphic is displayed in the source monitor of the Media
Viewer. For more information, see "Previewing Graphic Elements" on page 323.

n If you do not see the Graphics tab, ask your MediaCentral Cloud UX Administrator to verify that your
user account is associated with either an Edit client license and that the required entitlements are
applied to your account through the User Management Administrator app.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

The following illustration and table describe the different areas of the Graphics tab.

Section Description

1 Graphics The toolbar includes controls such as Drag, Save, and Render. For more information,
Toolbar see "The Graphics Toolbar" below.
2 Tabs The tabs area allows you to switch between the Viewer Panel and the Help Panel. If
configured in the template, you can click on the Help tab to see additional information
about how the graphic can be customized.
3 Viewer Panel This area displays the graphic template and includes the controls to customize the
4 VSlot Panel This area of the Graphics tab allows you to assign a VSlot and Channel to the graphic.
Virtual Slots are visual layers in a channel (preview or on-air).

n Access to the VSlot panel is dependent on your user rights in the Maestro News

For more information, refer to "Modifying VSlot and Channel Assignments" on

page 321 and “Virtual Slots” in the Avid Maestro | News User Guide.
5 Timing Panel This allows automatic cuing of a Maestro graphic at a specified time in a
MediaCentral Newsroom rundown.

Additionally, the timing panel allows you to determine the length of time in which the
graphic asset is displayed. If the graphic includes animation, the length of the
animation adapts to the specified In and Out Marks.

For more information, see "Modifying In-Out Timecode" on page 321.

The Graphics Toolbar

The following table briefly explains the purpose of each button in the toolbar.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

Button Action Description

Drag Click and hold the Drag button to drag and drop the graphic asset into a
Newsroom Management rundown or associated sequence. When editing an item,
the Drag button is replaced by the Save button.
Render Click this button to render the animated graphic preview and load it into the
Media Viewer. As previously noted, the ability to preview a graphic asset requires
integration with a Maestro Render server.

For more details, see "Previewing Graphic Elements" on page 323.

Save If you load an item into the Asset Editor, you must click the Save button to save
any changes you make to the item. Items are saved in the Workspace directory of
the Maestro News database.
Cancel If you load an item into the Asset Editor and make changes to the item, you can
click this button to abort changes before clicking the Save button.
Refresh all This button is only displayed for graphic assets that have external data sources
data connected to them. Clicking this button refreshes all graphic assets in a template
sources that are connected to external data sources. External data sources such as SQL,
RSS, XML, and others are added during the template creation process.

For more information, refer to the “Using Queries” in the Avid Maestro | News User

Fit to Window

When you load a graphic template or item into the Asset Editor, the Graphics tab often does not show you
the entire graphic due to the size of the tabs area of the user interface. To enable you to see the entire
graphic at once, you can either expand the size of the Asset Editor or you can right-click in the Viewer panel
and select Fit to Window to scale the image to fit the viewer (zoom out).

If you want to zoom back in to the graphic, you can again right-click and select the Fit to Window option to
show the graphic at its original size. For additional display options, see "The Asset Editor" on page 66.

Integrating with the Rundown App

When MediaCentral Cloud UX is integrated with both a Maestro News module and a MediaCentral
Newsroom Management module, you are able to integrate Maestro graphics into Newsroom Management
rundowns. During a broadcast, a Maestro News operator can play the graphic manually, or in the case of
timed graphics, the graphics are linked to the story sequence and played automatically according the
defined IN and OUT marks. For more information on assigning In and Out marks for a graphic, see
"Modifying In-Out Timecode" on page 321.

The following illustration shows the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface with the Browse app (docked) on
the left, the Rundown app in the center, and Asset Editor (Graphics tab shown) on the right.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

In this example illustration, notice that the user has already added the Weather_FS graphic template to the
story. The graphic appears in the story as MOS object with a numbered production cue.

When you add a timed graphic to a story that is associated with a sequence, the graphic uses the
framerate of the first video asset in the sequence. If the story is not associated with a sequence, the non-
timed graphic uses the default framerate that is configured in the Maestro News system.

This section includes the following topics:

l "Adding Graphics to a Newsroom Story" below
l "Adding Graphics to a Story Sequence" on page 316
l "Deleting a Graphic Item" on page 318
Automatic Timing Changes

When you add a MOS object to your story, you might inadvertently alter the timing of the associated
segment. This behavior is controlled by the configuration of the SYSTEM.MOS-MAP.MOS-MAP story in your
Newsroom Management system. This story allows you to control the effect of MOS objects on a system-
wide or individual device basis.

You can avoid accidental timing changes by altering the configuration of the story to include an exception
for your device. For example:


For more information, see “MOS-MAP Story” in the Avid MediaCentral | Newsroom Management Setup and
Configuration Guide.

Adding Graphics to a Newsroom Story

You can add graphic elements (templates or items) to a story in the following ways:

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

l From the Asset Editor

After you load a graphic element into the Asset Editor, you can drag it to a story from either the
Graphics tab or from the Media Viewer.
l Drag and drop from the Browse or Search apps
If you have a graphic element that does not require any modifications, you can drag and drop it to a
story directly from the Browse or Search apps.
To add a Maestro template to a Newsroom story from the Asset Editor:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to locate a Newsroom Management story and then dock the app.
2. Click on the Rundown app in the Fast Bar at the top of the screen to load the app into the main area
of the user interface.
3. Double-click on the Newsroom Management story in the docked Browse or Search app to load it into
the Rundown app.
4. Use the docked Browse or Search app to load a Maestro News template into the Asset Editor.
For details, see "Viewing Maestro News Assets" on page 309.
5. (optional) Customize the template using the controls in the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor.
6. Do one of the following to add the graphic to the Newsroom Management story:
t Click and hold the Drag button, drag the template over the Queue/Story panel, and drop it on
a selected segment of a Newsroom Management story, as illustrated in the example below.

The template is added to the story and a production cue is created in the cue list. An asterisk
indicates that the cue is a machine control instruction. In this example, “avid” refers to the
MOS object name and “Weather_FS” refers to the name of the graphic template.
t Click and drag the image in the Media Viewer to the Queue/Story panel, and drop it on a
selected segment of a Newsroom Management story.
When you add a template to a story, an item is automatically saved in Maestro News database in the
Workspace > MOS folder.
7. Save the Newsroom Management story.
To add a template to a Newsroom story from the Browse app:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to locate a Newsroom Management story and then dock the app.
2. Click on the Rundown app in the Fast Bar at the top of the screen to load the app into the main area
of the user interface.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

3. Double-click on the Newsroom Management story in the docked Browse or Search app to load it into
the Rundown app.
4. Use the docked Browse or Search app to locate a Maestro News template.
For details, see "Viewing Maestro News Assets" on page 309.
5. Drag the template from the Browse or Search app to the Queue/Story panel, and drop it on a
selected segment of a story.
The template is added to the story and a production cue is created in the cue list. An asterisk
indicates that the cue is a machine control instruction. Additionally, an item is created automatically
in a subdirectory of the Maestro News Workspace folder.
6. Save the Newsroom Management story.

Adding Graphics to a Story Sequence

After you associate a sequence with a Newsroom Management story, you can add graphic elements
(template or item) directly to the Sequence Timeline. When associated with a sequence, these assets are
referred to as timed graphics — meaning that they are associated with timecode In and Out points. Timed
graphics are displayed as segments in graphics tracks and display the same numbered production cue as
shown in the Newsroom Management rundown. For more information on assigning these marks, see
"Modifying In-Out Timecode" on page 321.

n If you set In and Out Marks on the Media Viewer timeline, these marks are ignored when you add the
graphic to the sequence. Timed graphics respect the In and Out Marks defined in the graphic template
or the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor.

When you add a graphic to a sequence, the graphic is not saved as part of the sequence — it is saved with
the story. If you use the Browse or Search apps to load the sequence into the Asset Editor instead of loading
the sequence through the Rundown app, you will not see the graphic in the timeline.

n Before you can add a template or item to a sequence, it must first be associated with a Newsroom
Management story. If you load a sequence into the Asset Editor that is not associated with a story, the
following workflows do not apply.

n If you associate a complex, uneditable sequence with your Newsroom Management story, graphics
tracks appear in the Sequence Timeline. While you can add graphics to the story, you cannot drag
and drop timed graphics directly to the Sequence Timeline. However, you are allowed to alter existing
graphic objects.

If you edit your sequence in a way that might affect the position of a video segment that underlies a timed
graphic, the graphic maintains the same offset relative to the underlying segment. In other words, the
graphic moves with the segment. For information on how to move timed graphics directly in the Sequence
Timeline, see "Modifying In-Out Timecode" on page 321.

If you add a graphics to a story sequence and you want to embed the graphic as part of the video during
the Send to Playback process, you can complete this task using the Quick Send menu in the Asset Editor.
Fore more information, see "Using the Quick Send Feature" on page 204.

To add a template to a story sequence from the Asset Editor:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to locate a Newsroom Management story and then dock the app.
2. Click on the Rundown app in the Fast Bar at the top of the screen to load the app into the main area
of the user interface.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

3. Click the Create Sequence or Open Sequence buttons in the Rundown app to view load the story
sequence into the Asset Editor.
For more information, see "Adding Media to a Story" on page 414.
4. Double-click on the Newsroom Management story in the docked Browse or Search app to load it into
the Rundown app.
5. Use the docked Browse or Search app to load a Maestro News template into the Asset Editor.
For details, see "Viewing Maestro News Assets" on page 309.
6. (optional) Customize the template using the controls in the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor.
7. Do one of the following to add the graphic to the Sequence Timeline:
t Click and hold the Drag button, drag the template to the Sequence Timeline, and drop it into
position as illustrated in the example below.

The template is added to the sequence on the VSlot specified in the either the template or the
Graphics tab and a production cue is created in the cue list. In this example, the graphic is
added to the Main VSlot.
t Click and hold the Drag button, drag the template over the Queue/Story panel in the Rundown
app, and drop it on a selected segment of a Newsroom Management story.
The act of adding a timed graphic to a Newsroom story adds the graphic to the appropriate
location in the Sequence Timeline.
t Click and drag the image from the Media Viewer to the Sequence Timeline, and drop it into
When you add a template to a story, an item is automatically saved in Maestro News database in the
Workspace > MOS folder.

n Access to the VSlot/Channel assignment functionality depends on your user rights.

8. Save the Newsroom Management story.
As a reminder, you must save the story and not the sequence because you are actually making
changes to the story and not the sequence.
To add a template to a story sequence from the Browse app:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to locate a Newsroom Management story and then dock the app.
2. Click on the Rundown app in the Fast Bar at the top of the screen to load the app into the main area
of the user interface.
3. Double-click on the Newsroom Management story in the docked Browse or Search app to load it into
the Rundown app.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

4. Click the Create Sequence or Open Sequence buttons in the Rundown app to view load the story
sequence into the Asset Editor.
For more information, see "Adding Media to a Story" on page 414.
5. Use the docked Browse or Search app to locate a Maestro News template.
For details, see "Viewing Maestro News Assets" on page 309.
6. Drag the template from the Browse or Search app to the Sequence Timeline, and drop it into position.
The template is added to the story and a production cue is created in the cue list. An asterisk
indicates that the cue is a machine control instruction. Additionally, an item is created automatically
in a subdirectory of the Maestro News Workspace folder.
7. Save the Newsroom Management story.

Deleting a Graphic Item

After you add a graphic to a Newsroom Management story or associated sequence, you can use the
following processes to remove the graphic from the story.

To delete a Maestro item from a sequence:

1. Use the processes described in this chapter to load a story sequence into the Asset Editor.
2. Do one of the following to delete the graphic element:
t Click on the graphic in the Sequence Timeline and press Delete on the keyboard
t Right-click on the graphic in the Sequence Timeline to show the graphic context menu and click
the Delete Graphic button.

To delete a Maestro item from a story:

t Click the item in the story and press the Delete button on your keyboard.

Editing and Previewing Graphic Elements

This section includes the following topics:
l "Loading and Editing Maestro Templates or Items" on the next page
l "Adding Media to a Maestro Template or Item" on the next page
l "Removing Media from a Maestro Template or Item" on page 320
l "Editing the Clip Parameters" on page 320
l "Modifying VSlot and Channel Assignments" on page 321
l "Modifying In-Out Timecode" on page 321
l "Previewing Graphic Elements" on page 323

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

Loading and Editing Maestro Templates or Items

As previously noted, the process of editing a Maestro template or item can vary based on the elements that
are added to the template in the Maestro News PageEditor. For more information on how to adjust the
various components in a template or item, see the Maestro News documentation.

This section describes the controls in MediaCentral Cloud UX that you can use to load, save, and edit a
template or item. As a reminder, item is the term used to describe a template that has been altered to
include custom data.

To edit a Maestro template:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to find and load a template into the Asset Editor.
As a reminder, templates are located in the Templates directory of the Maestro database.
2. Modify the template to include custom data.
3. You can save the template as an item by using the Drag button to drag the template to a Newsroom
Management story or sequence. For more information, see "Integrating with the Rundown App" on
page 313.
To edit a Maestro item:

1. Do one of the following to load a Maestro item into the Asset Editor.
t Load a story into the Rundown app and double-click on the item information in the story, as
shown in the following example illustration.

t Load a story into the Rundown app that is associated with a story sequence, and double-click
on the graphic in the Sequence Timeline.
t Load a story into the Rundown app that is associated with a story sequence, right-click on the
graphic in the Sequence Timeline and click Edit Graphic in the context menu.
2. Modify the item to include custom data.
3. Click the Save button in the Graphics tab to save the changes to the item.
If you decide that you do not want to save your changes, you can click the Cancel button to revert
the item to its previous state.

Adding Media to a Maestro Template or Item

If your template includes a container for an asset, you can add media assets (such as images and video
clips) to a template. Designated areas for assets are indicated by fields that display “Drag & drop image
here” or “Drag & drop clip here”. These messages appear if no default image is defined in the template. If
you see a spinning wheel, the system is in the process of loading the image. If you see an endless spinning
wheel, it indicates that the image cannot be found or the configuration is invalid.

n In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can use assets from a MediaCentral Asset Management
system or assets contained in the Media folder of the Maestro News database.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

To add media to a Maestro template or item:

1. Load a Maestro News template or item into the Asset Editor.

For details, see "Viewing Maestro News Assets" on page 309.
2. Use the Browse or Search apps to find the media asset that you want to add to your graphic.
3. Drag and drop the selected media into a designated area of the graphic in the Asset Editor.
After you drop the asset into the graphic, a representative thumbnail of the asset is displayed in the
Viewer Panel.
4. (optional) You can click the Render button in the Graphics tab to create an animated preview of the
graphic with the new media.
5. Save the graphic element by doing one of the following:
t If you are working with a template, use the Drag button to drag the template to a Newsroom
Management story or sequence. For more information, see "Integrating with the Rundown
App" on page 313.
t If you are working with an item, click the Save button in the Graphics tab to save the changes
to the item.

Removing Media from a Maestro Template or Item

After you add a media asset to an item through the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor, you have the option of
removing the media if necessary. This feature is available in graphic templates for Clip control, Image
Control, and Media Control.

To remove a media asset from a graphic:

t Right-click on the element in the graphic and select Clear from the context menu.
Editing the Clip Parameters
You can edit the clip parameters of clip control in the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor.

To edit the clip parameters:

1. Right-click on the clip control in the graphic and select Clip Parameters from the context menu.
The Clip Parameters window appears.

2. Adjust the following parameters as needed:

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

– Loop count: Set the number of times a clip is played. The default value is 1.
– Video: When enabled (default), clips are treated as video clips.
– Alpha: When enabled, the clip is played with an alpha channel.
– Interlaced: When enabled, the clip is treated as interlaced media.
– Reversed polarity: When enabled, the polarity of the clip is inverted.
– Audio: When enabled, the clip is played with audio (if applicable).
For more information on each of these parameters, see the Avid Maestro | News User Guide.
3. Click the Apply button to save any changes.

Modifying VSlot and Channel Assignments

Virtual Slots are virtual layers in a channel (preview or on-air). If you add multiple graphics to a story or
sequence, scenes might appear superimposed upon another, or one scene might be loaded in the
background (BG) waiting for a scene in the foreground to play out. The VSlot and Channel assignments
determine how your graphics are displayed on-air. When you add timed graphic to a sequence associated
with a Newsroom Management story, the graphics are displayed as track labels in the Sequence Timeline.

n Access to the VSlot/Channel assignment functionality depends on your user rights.

To change the VSlot or Channel assignment for a template:

1. Load a Maestro News template or item into the Asset Editor.

For details, see "Viewing Maestro News Assets" on page 309.
2. Click the arrow to the left of the VSlot Panel to open the panel.

3. Click on the VSlot or Channels menus to select a new VSlot or Channel for the graphic.
While you can select only one VSlot, the Channels menu allows you to select multiple check boxes to
associate the graphic with one or more channels.
4. Save the graphic element by doing one of the following:
t If you are working with a template, use the Drag button to drag the template to a Newsroom
Management story or sequence. For more information, see "Integrating with the Rundown
App" on page 313.
t If you are working with an item, click the Save button in the Graphics tab to save the changes
to the item.

Modifying In-Out Timecode

The Timecode Panel allows you to set timecode values to position the graphics on story sequence. When
you play the sequence to air, the graphics are triggered automatically according to the In and Out points.
Graphics that use timecode cues are referred to as timed graphics. When you modify the TC In or TC Out
marks in either the Graphics tab, the position of the graphic is updated in the Sequence Timeline. If you
modify the position of the graphic directly in the timeline, the timecode in the Graphics tab is updated.

If you are working with untimed graphics, the Graphics tab does not display the Timecode panel.

n For a timed graphic, the position of the production cue (or anchor) in the MediaCentral Newsroom
Management story text has no relation to the actual position of the graphic segment in the sequence.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

To modify the In-Out timecode values in the Graphics tab:

1. Load a Maestro News template or item into the Asset Editor.

For details, see "Viewing Maestro News Assets" on page 309.
2. Click the arrow to the left of the Timecode Panel to open the panel.

Timecode values are displayed in the following format: [hours]:[minutes]:[seconds]:[frames]

3. Enable or disable the check box to the left of the Use TC field.
t If you enable the check box, the TC In and TC Out values to the right of this field determine the
location in the sequence and the length of the graphic.
t If you disable the check box, the TC In and TC Out options are disabled and the graphic is no
longer considered a timed graphic.
4. Adjust the TC In and TC Out marks in one of the following ways:
t Adjust the timecode values in the Timecode Panel to change the length and position of the
graphic in the story or sequence.
You can change the values by typing new numerical values, or you can use the up/down
arrows in the panel to adjust the timecode.
t If you added a graphic to a sequence associated with a Newsroom Management story, you
can drag the graphic to the left or right in the Sequence Timeline to adjust the timecode In and
Out values or you can trim the beginning or end of the graphic to increase or decrease the
duration of the graphic.
For more information, see "Adding Graphics to a Story Sequence" on page 316.

n If you make changes to the graphic directly in the Sequence Timeline, the changes are saved
automatically. You are not required to click Save in the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor.

5. Save the graphic element by doing one of the following:

t If you are working with a template, use the Drag button to drag the template to a Newsroom
Management story or sequence. For more information, see "Integrating with the Rundown
App" on page 313.
t If you are working with an item, click the Save button in the Graphics tab to save the changes
to the item.
To modify the duration of the graphic in the Sequence Timeline:

1. Use the processes described in this chapter to load a story sequence into the Asset Editor.
2. Position your cursor to the left or right edge of the graphic.
As shown in the following illustration, the cursor changes to trim mode.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

3. Click and drag the edge of the graphic in the Sequence Timeline to adjust the duration of the graphic.
To modify the position of the graphic in the Sequence Timeline:

1. Use the processes described in this chapter to load a story sequence into the Asset Editor.
2. Click and drag the graphic horizontally along the Sequence Timeline to adjust its position.

When you click on the graphic, a blue boundary box appears around the item and the graphic fill of
the boundary box is dimmed to provide visual feedback during the move operation.

n If you want to change the position of the graphic vertically (move it to a different VSlot), you
must edit the VSlot information in the Graphics tab.

3. Release the mouse button to save the new position of the graphic.
If you move a graphic to a different story segment, the color of the graphic changes from blue to
yellow to alert you to the discrepancy between the graphic position and timing block. In the following
illustration the image on the left shows the original position of the graphic and the image on the right
shows the new position in a different timing block.

Previewing Graphic Elements

MediaCentral Cloud UX offers you multiple ways of previewing Maestro templates:
l Single image preview: A single image is generated automatically for any Maestro template or item
that you open or modify in the Graphics tab.
l Animated graphics preview: The Render button in the Graphics tab allows you to create a playable
version of the graphic.
l Composite graphic preview: A composite refers to video media assets that come from a MediaCentral
module such as Production Management, combined with a timed-graphic element (template or item).
In all cases, you can view or play the graphic preview in the Media Viewer of the Asset Editor.

10 Working with Graphics Management Systems

n If you see a “Graphic Server not responding. Please contact the Administrator” message in the Media
Viewer after loading a graphic into the Asset Editor, your administrator should verify the network
connection to the Maestro system and verify that the correct share is mounted on the MediaCentral
Cloud UX server(s).

To view a single image preview for a template:

t After loading a template or item into the Asset Editor, a “Generating graphic preview...” message is
displayed in the Media Viewer. After a few moments, the Media Viewer displays a single
representative frame of the graphic element.
A single preview is generated every time a template is modified.
To view an animated graphic preview for a template:
t In the Graphics tab of the Asset Editor, click the Render button.
The template begins to render. Animated previews include modified graphic content and animation
that was defined during the template creation. After the render process is complete, you can play the
graphic in the Media Viewer.
After the rendered graphic is loaded, you can click the Play button in the Media Viewer to view the
graphic or drag the position indicator to scroll through the timeline.
To view a composite graphic preview:
t After you add a timed-graphic to a story sequence, you can press play in the Asset Editor to see both
video and the overlay graphics play together.
When you press play, a preview of the graphic is generated automatically. The graphic appears at
the time specified by the In and Out marks that are specified in the Graphics tab.

11 Editing a Sequence

11 Editing a Sequence
This topic describes how to use the Asset Editor to create and edit a sequence.

c The term sequence is used generically throughout this document to refer to an assembly of audio and
video assets. When referring specifically to the multi-track composition type introduced in
MediaCentral Cloud UX v2020.4, the upper-case form of “Sequence” is used. The lower-case version
of this term refers to any or all sequence types.

Understanding Sequence Types

MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to create the following sequence types:
l A shotlist consists of straight cuts and appears in the Sequence Timeline with one video track and one
audio track. This type of sequence is also referred to as a cut list or, in a MediaCentral Asset
Management context, as an EDL (Edit Decision List). In MediaCentral UX, a shotlist is called a Basic
l A shotlist (audio only) consists of straight cuts of audio. This special type of shotlist can be created in
a MediaCentral Asset Management system only.
l A news sequence is optimized for broadcast news workflows and offers the ability to work with one
video track and multiple audio tracks (NAT, SOT, and VO) in the Sequence Timeline. In MediaCentral
UX, a news sequence is called an Advanced sequence. This sequence type can be created in
Production Management modules only.
l A Sequence allows you to add multiple audio and video tracks to perform more complex and creative
editing tasks. Sequences support L-cuts, transition effects, and empty space (filler) between edits.
This sequence type can be created in Production Management modules only.
MediaCentral Cloud UX also supports sequences created in the following products:
l MediaCentral UX (Basic and Advanced sequences)
l MediaCentral Asset Management Desktop (shotlists)
l Media Composer
l Interplay Assist
For more information, see "Opening and Editing a Sequence Created in a Different Application" on
page 340.

Working with Shotlists

A shotlist includes a timeline with one video track and one audio track. The single audio track represents all
source audio tracks (up to 24). A portion of media that is contained on a track in a sequence is called a
segment. The following illustration shows a shotlist with one video segment and one audio segment. The
video track (V) is colored blue, and the audio track (A) is colored green.

11 Editing a Sequence

l MediaCentral Asset Management supports audio-only shotlists, which contain one audio track but no
video track (see "Audio-Only Shotlists" on page 333). In this type of sequence, the video track is not
present in the user interface. MediaCentral Asset Management does not support video-only shotlists.
l MediaCentral Production Management does not support audio-only or video-only shotlists.

n While you can create a shotlist that contains video only or audio only, the unused tracks are still
present in the user interface. These tracks appear red (offline) in the Sequence Timeline.
Working with News Sequences

A news sequence includes a timeline with one video track. By default it includes three audio tracks, named
NAT (natural sound), SOT (sound on tape), and VO (voice-over). The following illustration shows these
tracks. The video track is blue and all audio tracks are green. The first video segment is associated with an
audio segment on the NAT track, which is indicated by the blue selection outlines and the lighter color text
in the audio track. The second video segment is associated with the SOT track. The VO segment is
associated with the sequence. The text is a brighter white than text in audio tracks that are associated with

An administrator can rename the audio track labels. An administrator also determines the audio track
mapping. For information on renaming, mapping, and configuring audio tracks, and adding audio
dissolves, see "Working with Audio Tracks in a News Sequence" on page 219.

News sequences also support video transition effects. For more information, see "Working with Transition
Effects" on page 374. Audio dissolves are added automatically.

MediaCentral Production Management supports audio-only and video-only news sequences. See "Audio-
Only and Video-Only Sequences" on page 333.

n If you are sending a sequence to a playback device (Send to Playback workflow), the sequence must
contain both audio and video assets.

Working with Sequences

Although defaulting to one video track and two audio tracks, Sequences can include up to four video tracks
and eight audio tracks. When working with a Sequence, the Sequence Timeline includes buttons such as
Add Tracks, Extract, and Lift that add functionality and provide you with more control over the editing

The following illustration shows a Sequence with two video tracks and four audio tracks that each include
multiple segments. Sequences allow you to can edit any combination of video and, or audio segments into
the timeline.

11 Editing a Sequence

When you load a Sequence and an individual asset (such as a master clip) into the Asset Editor, the
Sequence Timeline shows track labels for both the source and record monitors. You can use the patch
controls in the Track Selector to map tracks to different destinations For example, you could map track V1
(source) to track V3 (record) before performing your edit to add the video to a different position in the
Sequence. For more information, see "Working with Multiple Sequence Tracks" on page 370.

For more information on adding transition effects, see and "Working with Transition Effects" on page 374.

Sequence Size and Complexity

As you increase the complexity of your sequence, the demands on your MediaCentral Cloud UX server(s)
might also increase. In some cases you can mitigate these demands by outfitting your server(s) with
additional or more powerful resources – such as faster processors, faster solid-state drives, or more RAM. In
other cases, you might create a sequence whose size or complexity strains the design of the MediaCentral
Cloud UX system.

As user-load, media codecs, system resources, and other factors all contribute to the ability to load or save
any individual sequence, Avid cannot provide you with exact performance values or define the point at
which a sequence becomes too “complex”. However, you can use the following information to help you
determine where complexity might be introduced and how large sequences might perform on your
organization’s MediaCentral system:
l After you load a sequence for the first time, MediaCentral Cloud UX caches the sequence to the
server’s storage. Assuming that this process completes successfully, subsequent loads of the same
sequence are often much faster for all users. If the Asset Editor cannot load the sequence, the user
interface might display a timeout error.
l Avoid creating, loading, or saving sequences that include more than 50 unique assets.
l Avoid creating or loading sequences with more than 100 segments. A segment is defined as a portion
of a media asset that is cut into a sequence. When loading a sequence that contains a large number
of segments, the user interface might display a timeout error. As long as the load process completes,
this error can be ignored.
l Sequences with a large number of segments might fail to save. Although Avid has experienced this
behavior with sequences that include 500 or more segments, your maximum segment count might
vary. When saving a sequence of this size, you must be patient as the save process could take several
minutes. During this time, the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface might display timeout error while
the back-end system continues to process the save request.
l When working with the assets from a particular MediaCentral module (Production Management,
Asset Management, etc), note that system load on the module itself could affect operations related
to those assets.
l The scale of your MediaCentral Cloud UX system could have an effect on the speed at which a
sequence can be saved. If you have a large number of users, you might consider expanding to a
clustered configuration, or add nodes to an existing cluster.

11 Editing a Sequence

For additional information, see "Playback of Simple and Complex Sequences" on page 187. For more
information on provisioning hardware resources and determining scale, see the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud
UX Hardware Guide.

The Sequence Timeline Area

Part of the Asset Editor, the Sequence Timeline provides a detailed view of the sequence and includes the
controls that allow you to edit the sequence.

The following illustration shows the different areas of the timeline and identifies the controls that are
available in the Sequence Timeline tool bar.

Sequence types as shown from top to bottom: Sequence, news sequence (shotlist not shown)

Control Description

1 Show Media Status Displays colored segments that represent the media status. See
button "Displaying Media Status in the Timeline" on page 333.
2 Add Transition button Adds a transition effect such as a dissolve. See "Working with Transition
Effects" on page 374.
3 Split button Divides one or more segments into two at the position indicator. See
"Splitting a Segment" on page 368.
4 Extract and Lift Removes the selected segment from the Sequence. See "Extracting and
Lifting Segments" on page 358.
5 Overwrite button Performs an overwrite edit. See "Performing an Overwrite Edit" on
page 346.
6 Splice-in button Performs an insert edit for Sequences and shotlists only. See "Performing
a Splice-In or Insert Edit" on page 342.

11 Editing a Sequence

Control Description

7 Replace button Performs a replace edit. See "Performing a Replace Edit" on page 350.
8 Delete Segment button Deletes the selected segment from the sequence. See "Deleting Segments
in the Sequence Timeline" on page 357.
9 Save button Saves any changes that you made to the sequence. See "Saving a
Sequence" on page 338.
10 Add Tracks Adds a new audio or video track to the Sequence. See "Adding and
Removing Sequence Tracks" on page 370.
11 Create Sequence button Creates a new Production Management sequence. See "Creating a
Production Management Sequence" on the next page.
12 Audio Waveforms Click this button to display or hide audio waveform data for Sequences or
News Sequences. See "Displaying Audio Waveforms" on page 226.
13 Position indicator Lets you scrub through a clip or sequence.
14 Timecode bar Displays timing for the sequence as either timecode values, or as hour,
minute, and second increments. Click in the timecode bar to drag the
position indicator. Right-click in the timecode bar to access commands.
15 Track Selector Allows you to enable or disable tracks, patch tracks, or delete tracks (not
applicable to shotlists or news sequences). See "Using the Track Selector"
(for Sequences) on page 372.
16 Sequence zoom bar Lets you enlarge a section of the timeline. Displays segments, tracks, and
other sequence information. See "Using the Sequence Zoom Bar " on
page 336.
17 Track Selector Lets you enable or disable audio tracks for an insert edit, an overwrite
edit, or a split segment operation (not applicable to shotlists or
(for news sequences) Sequences). See:

l "Performing an Overwrite Edit" on page 346

l "Splitting a Segment" on page 368
18 Sequence name Displays the name of the asset loaded in the Sequence Timeline and
allows you to change the name of the asset. See "Renaming a Sequence"
on page 339.
19 Sequence Timeline Menu Provides the following additional controls:

l Show / Hide Clip Text - Toggle to display or hide text displayed on

each segment that is edited into the Sequence Timeline
20 Vertical scroll bar If the Sequence Timeline includes more tracks than you have space to
view, this scroll bar allows you to adjust the view of the timeline to reveal
any tracks that appear off-screen.

If your cursor is located over the sequence, you can use your mouse
wheel (shift+wheel on macOS) or your track-pad (swipe up or down) to
vertically scroll.

Alternatively, you can use the divider above the Sequence Timeline to
increase the amount of screen space allocated to this area of the Asset

11 Editing a Sequence

For more information on other areas of the Asset Editor, see "The Asset Editor" on page 66 and "The Media
Viewer and Asset Editor Tabs" on page 178.

Creating a Sequence
This section described the various methods to create a sequence. When creating a sequence, note the
l You can open and edit some types of sequences created in other Avid applications. See "Opening and
Editing a Sequence Created in a Different Application" on page 340.
l After you create the sequence, you cannot change its type. For example, you cannot convert a
shotlist to a news sequence, or a news sequence to a shotlist.
l MediaCentral Production Management sequences you create in MediaCentral Cloud UX can be
opened and edited in Media Composer and Interplay Assist (shotlists only).
l For Production Management sequences, the aspect ratio and the frame rate are determined by the
first clip that you add to the sequence. Additional clips can have different resolutions, but they must
match the initial frame rate. For example, you can mix NTSC 29.97 and 1080i 59.94 in the same
sequence because both use the actual frame rate of 29.97. However if the first clip you add is 1080i
59.94 (16x9) and the second clip is NTSC 29.97 (4x3), the 4x3 clip will appear stretched. If the first clip
you add is NTSC (4x3), a1080i 59.94 clip will be displayed using anamorphic squeeze.

n If you record a voice-over before inserting a video clip into a Production Management sequence,
the video format and frame rate are determined by the Video Format setting in the Interplay
Administrator. For more information, see "Recording a Voice-Over" on page 222.
l For Asset Management sequences, the target frame rate is defined when the shotlist is created. By
default, you can add clips with a differing frame rate but mixed frame rate editing might be disabled
by configuration settings located in MediaCentral Asset Management.
l MediaCentral Asset Management shotlists can be opened and edited in MediaCentral
Asset Management Desktop.
l You cannot add Asset Management image assets to the Sequence Timeline.
l If you edit an asset that includes a data track into a sequence, the data track information is not
included in the edit. If you open the sequence in an application that displays data tracks, such as
Media Composer, you will note that the track is empty or does not exist.
See the following topics:
l "Creating a Production Management Sequence" below
l "Creating an Asset Management Sequence" on page 332
l "Audio-Only and Video-Only Sequences" on page 333
l "Audio-Only Shotlists" on page 333

Creating a Production Management Sequence

You create a Production Management sequence in the Browse app or the Asset Editor, as described in this
topic. You can also create a Production Management sequence that is associated with a news story in the
Rundown app. See "Associating a Sequence with a Story" on page 415.

11 Editing a Sequence

To create a new sequence through the Browse app:

1. In the Browse app, select the folder in which you want to create the sequence.
2. Right-click the folder and select Create Sequence, Create Shotlist, or Create News Sequence.
When the process is finished, a sequence named New.Sequence, New.Shotlist, or New.NewsSequence
is added to the folder. If the folder contains a sequence with the same name, a .01 extension is
appended to the sequence name, and incremented for each unnamed new sequence
(New.Sequence.02, and so on).
For more information on these options, see "Understanding Sequence Types" on page 325.
3. (Optional) Rename the sequence by clicking the name of the sequence so that it is highlighted, and
typing a new name.
4. Edit and save your sequence. For more information, see "Working with Sequences" on page 341.
To create a new sequence through the Sequence Timeline:

1. Open the Asset Editor and click the Timeline button to reveal the Sequence Timeline area.
2. Click the Create Sequence button in the Sequence Timeline.
A Create Sequence window appears.
3. Specify the following values in the Create Sequence window:
– Type: Click in this field to select the type of sequence that you want to create.
– Create In: Specify the path where the new sequence will be created.
The menu populates the default path as specified in the Save area of the User Settings.
– Name: Enter a custom name for your sequence.
If you enter the name of a sequence that already exists in the specified Create In path, you will
be unable to click the Create button.
4. Click the Create button to create the new sequence.
The new sequence is created and is loaded into the Record Monitor of the Asset Editor.
5. Edit and save your sequence. For more information, see "Working with Sequences" on page 341.
To create a new sequence using drag and drop:

1. Open the Asset Editor and click the Timeline button to reveal the Sequence Timeline.
2. Use the Browse or Search apps to locate a Production Management asset.
3. Click and drag the asset to the Sequence Timeline.
A blue outline appears around the timeline, as illustrated below.

After you release the mouse button, the Create Sequence window appears.
4. Specify the following values in the Create Sequence window:
– Type: Select either Sequence or Shotlist.
– Create In: Specify the path where the new sequence will be created.
The menu populates the default path as specified in the Save area of the User Settings.

11 Editing a Sequence

– Name: Enter a custom name for your sequence.

If you enter the name of a sequence that already exists in the specified Create In path, you will
be unable to click the Create button.
5. Click the Create button to create the sequence.
The new sequence is created and is loaded into the Record Monitor of the Asset Editor. The sequence
is formated to match the frame rate of the source asset.
6. Edit and save your sequence. For more information, see "Working with Sequences" on page 341.

Creating an Asset Management Sequence

For MediaCentral Asset Management sequences, you define the target frame rate when you create the
shotlist. By default, you can add clips with a differing frame rate.

Starting with version 2020.9, Asset Management sequences and the referenced assets can be temporally
“reserved.” A reserved asset or sequence cannot be deleted nor can its essences or locations be deleted.
Deletion protection is triggered when you create or update an Asset Management sequence and expires
after a configured time span (default: 24 hours). For more information, see "Maintaining Reserved Asset
Management Assets and Shotlists" on page 123.

To create a sequence in the MediaCentral Asset Management database:

1. In the Browse app, select the folder in which you want to create the sequence.
2. Right-click the folder and select Create Shotlist or Create Shotlist (audio-only).
The Sequence Details dialog box opens. If you selected “Create Shotlist” the dialog box includes a
Frame Rate menu and a Sample Rate menu. If you selected “Create Shotlist (audio-only)” the Frame
Rate menu is not displayed. The following illustrations show both versions of the Sequence Details
dialog box.

3. Type a name for the shotlist in the Name field.

If you do not provide a name, a new shotlist is created with the name New.Sequence. If there is
already a shotlist named New.Sequence, a .01 extension is appended to the shotlist name, and
incremented for each unnamed new shotlist (New.Sequence.02, and so on).
4. (Option) Select the shotlist type from the Type list.
In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, EDL is the only available type.
5. To define the frame rate of the video, do one of the following:
t Select a predefined target frame rate from the Frame Rate list.
t Type a value greater than 0 in the Frame Rate list field to define a customized frame rate.
6. To define the sample rate of the audio, select a predefined sample rate from the Sample Rate list.
7. Click Save.

11 Editing a Sequence

The new shotlist is shown in the selected folder.

8. Double-click the shotlist to open it in the Sequence Timeline.
9. Edit and save your sequence. For more information, see "Working with Sequences" on page 341.

Audio-Only and Video-Only Sequences

You can create and save video-only or audio-only Sequences or news sequences. When working in a news
sequence, the sequence must contain both audio and video tracks. However, you are not required to add
media to all tracks. In the case of an audio-only news sequence, the assets must be placed on the VO track.
When working in a Sequence, you can create a true audio-only or video only sequence by deleting the
unused tracks.

Send-to-playback and other workflows are not supported for video-only or audio-only sequences.
Sequences must include both audio and video tracks, and media. If you want to send an audio-only or
video-only sequence to playback, you can add a 0db audio asset or a black video asset as a workaround.

Audio-Only Shotlists
You can create and save an audio-only shotlist in the Asset Management database. An audio-only shotlist is
a shotlist without video track, but with one audio track.

Note the following when creating an audio-only shotlist:

l The sample rate is not evaluated and therefore you can create audio-only shotlists with mixed
sample rates.
l You can add segments only from an audio asset to an audio-only shotlist.
l You have the same editing options as for shotlists with one video and audio track: trim, split,
overwrite, replace, and delete.
l You can also open and edit audio-only shotlists in Asset Management Desktop.

Displaying Media Status in the Timeline

Colored segments present a quick way to determine the media status of segments in the Sequence
Timeline. If you need to confirm the current media status of clips in a sequence, click the Show Media Status
button in the Sequence Timeline toolbar.

Status values apply to the entire asset and not to individual tracks. If an asset has media available for some
tracks, but not all – the sequence shows the Media Status as online. Only fully offline assets appear as red.

This feature changes the colors of the segments from default colors to those listed in the following table.

11 Editing a Sequence

Status Color Example

Offline Red

Proxy-only Yellow

Nearline Blue

Archived Orange

The following sections provide more information.

Proxy-Only, Nearline, and Archived Media

l Proxy-only, colored yellow:
– The type of resolutions that are considered “proxy” are determined by configuration settings in
Production Management or Asset Management. A segment is considered to have proxy-only
media if only the proxy resolution is available, whether or not it was originally recorded with a
high-res version.
l Nearline, colored blue:
– (Asset Management shotlists) Nearline media is not available in all required resolutions but is
possibly fully or partially available on a remote workgroup or archive.
– (Draft Sequences) When mixing assets, the foreign media is displayed in blue. For example if
you create an Asset Management sequence and add Production Management media to it, the
Production Management media is blue.
– (Draft Sequences) If you add Asset Management nearline media to a Production Management
sequence, the Asset Management media is blue.
For more information on nearline assets, see the Avid Interplay | Access User’s Guide.
l Archived, colored orange:
– (Draft Sequences) If you add Asset Management archived media to a Production Management
sequence, the Asset Management media is orange.

n For more information on draft sequences, see "Editing Mixed Sequences" on page 377.
Single Segment, More that One Status

A single segment might display more than one status — for example, a segment for which one part has only
the proxy media available. In this case, the part of the segment that has only proxy media is yellow and the
remaining part of the segment is blue (full-res media available).

11 Editing a Sequence

Navigating in the Sequence Timeline

You can navigate through the Sequence Timeline by dragging the position indicator through the timecode
bar, by clicking in the timecode bar, or by using the keyboard (for example, use the arrow keys to move one
frame). For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, see "Keyboard Shortcuts" on page 684.

You can use Ctrl+click (Windows) or Command+click (macOS) to snap the position indicator to the Mark In,
Mark Out, or closest edit point of the enabled tracks. Do one of the following:
l Press and hold the Ctrl key, click in the timecode bar, and drag the position indicator to within a few
pixels of the mark or edit point. The position indicator snaps to the mark or edit.
l Move the mouse pointer within a few pixels of the mark or edit point, then press Ctrl+click. The
position indicator snaps to the mark or edit.
When snapping to a mark point, the position indicator is placed on the same frame as the Mark IN or Out
point. When snapping to an edit point, the position indicator is located on the first frame after the cut.

Movement in the Sequence Timeline is synchronized with movement in the Media Viewer timeline, so using
controls in the Viewer timeline moves the position indicator to the corresponding location in the Sequence

During playback, MediaCentral Cloud UX uses a feature called timeline paging. This feature is especially
useful when you are zoomed in to a sequence and you want to display the area around the position
indicator. When the position indicator moves close to the end of the visible region of the timeline, the
Sequence Timeline displays the next region and keeps the position indicator displayed in the region. This
timeline paging also works for reverse playback.

Changing the Timecode Bar Display Format

The timecode bar allows you to view the timing of the sequence as either basic hour, minute, and second
intervals, or as actual timecode. If you select the Timecode option, the bar reflects the Master timecode
value that is associated with the sequence. The illustration below shows the context menu and the currently
selected format (Timecode).

This selection is persistent for the current user session. If you sign-out of MediaCentral Cloud UX, the setting
returns to its default value (timecode).

To change the display format:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to load a sequence, and then open the Asset Editor Sequence
2. Right-click on the timecode bar in the Sequence Timeline, click the Format option, and select either
Timecode or Seconds from the menu.

11 Editing a Sequence

Using the Sequence Zoom Bar

The Sequence zoom bar is located below the Sequence Timeline. You can use the zoom bar to enlarge a
section of the Sequence Timeline so that you can work more easily with long sequences or make precise edit

n The Sequence Timeline zoom bar is similar to the Media Viewer zoom bar, but the two zoom bars
operate independently.

In the following illustration, the top timeline shows a shotlist with the zoom bar set to show the entire
sequence. The bottom timeline shows the sequence zoomed in to the middle portion of the sequence.

1 Zoom bar 4 Zoom slider

2 Edit points 5 Position indicator
3 Zoom region

The visible area of the timeline is referred to as the zoom region and is represented by the zoom slider. You
can drag the zoom slider along the zoom bar to display a different zoom region anywhere in the sequence.
The zoom region remains the same size as you drag the slider.

If a shotlist is loaded in the Sequence Timeline, the zoom bar displays tick marks for edit points between

The zoom bar includes a position indicator that matches the position indicator in the Sequence Timeline and
the Media Viewer timeline. This position indicator is always visible in the zoom bar, which is useful when you
are zoomed in to a section of the timeline that does not include the timeline position indicator.

Position indicator in zoom bar but not in zoom region.

With a news sequence loaded, the zoom bar displays a representation of the sequence as a set of colored
bars. This representation is a “mini-map” that matches the content of the video and audio tracks of the
sequence. These colored bars can help you navigate through the sequence.

11 Editing a Sequence

The zoom bar displays colored bars that match the content of the tracks in the sequence.

To zoom in to or out from a section of the Sequence Timeline, do one of the following:
t Drag a zoom slider handle in or out. The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow when you
hover over a zoom slider handle and select it.

Zoom slider handles, right handle selected.

The zoom region moves in or out symmetrically unless one end reaches the end of the sequence. If
you want to drag only one end, Alt+click the handle and drag it.
t With the Sequence Timeline area active, press the Down Arrow key to zoom in by 50 percent or press
the Up Arrow key to zoom out by 50 percent. Press Shift+Up Arrow to reset the zoom level to show the
entire sequence.
t With your cursor located over the sequence, press the Ctrl key and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or
out of the sequence. If you are using a track-pad, you can use the Ctrl key + a swipe up or swipe
down to zoom.
After zooming, use the following controls to navigate:
t Click the position indicator in the zoom bar and jump to its counterpart in the timeline. The zoom
region moves to and enlarges the section of the timeline that includes the position indicator.
t Click anywhere in the zoom bar (outside of the zoom region) to move the zoom region left or right.
t With your cursor located over the sequence, use a track-pad to swipe left or right to scroll
horizontally along the timeline.
If you have zoomed in to a section of the Sequence Timeline, and you perform an edit that includes material
beyond the zoom region, the zoom region moves to display the position indicator. The size of the zoom
region does not change.

Using the Save Button

The Save button located in the Sequence Timeline toolbar includes functionality for multiple actions. See the
following sections for more information:
l "Saving a Sequence" on the next page
l "Saving a Version of a Sequence" on the next page
l "Synchronizing a Sequence" on page 339

11 Editing a Sequence

Saving a Sequence
When you save, the sequence is saved in the location you selected when you created the sequence or the
location from which you opened it.

To save a sequence, do one of the following:

t Click the Save button in the Sequence Timeline toolbar.
t Click the turn-down arrow to the right of the Save button and select Save.
t With focus in the Sequence Timeline area, press Ctrl+S
If you try to close a modified sequence without saving it, the Save Changes dialog box opens and asks if
you want to save your changes.

Saving a Version of a Sequence

You can use the Save As feature to create and save a version of a sequence with a different name. The new
sequence is treated as a duplicate in the Production Management database, and can be edited
independently from the original.

n The Save As feature is not supported for Asset Management sequences.

To save a version of a sequence:

1. In the Sequence Timeline toolbar, click the turn-down arrow to the right of the Save button and select
Save As.
The Save As dialog box opens.

2. Select a location to save your sequence.

t The Save To field defaults to the location that you have entered in the Save User Settings.
For more information, see "Setting the Default Save Location for New Sequences" on
page 678).
t Click the down arrow to the right of the Save To field to select a new location.
n If you do not set a location in the User Settings, the sequence is saved in the same location as
the original sequence.

3. (Optional) Rename the sequence.

If the sequence has the same name as a sequence in the selected folder, the Save button is grayed
out. You need to rename the sequence or save it to a different folder.
4. Click Save.
The sequence is saved to the location defined in Save As window and it is loaded into the Asset Editor.

11 Editing a Sequence

Synchronizing a Sequence
If your MediaCentral Cloud UX server is licensed for Enterprise Editing, you can combine MediaCentral
Production Management and MediaCentral Asset Management assets in the same sequence. When you mix
assets from these two modules, the sequence is saved as a draft and must be synchronized before you can
check the sequence into your Production or Asset Management system.

For more information, see "Editing Mixed Sequences" on page 377.

To synchronize a sequence:

1. Save your sequence using one of the methods described in "Saving a Sequence" on the previous
If the latest changes to your sequence are not saved, the Sync option is disabled.
2. In the Sequence Timeline toolbar, click the turn-down arrow to the right of the Save button and select
The sequence is conformed to match the Production or Asset Management specifications (depending
on where you initially created the sequence) and checked into the associated database.

Renaming a Sequence
In addition to being able to rename an asset in the Browse app, MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to
rename sequences directly in the Sequence Timeline. However, the ability to rename a sequence depends
on the type of sequence and your permissions on the MediaCentral module’s source database. You cannot
change the name of read-only, un-editable (complex) sequences, or draft sequences.

For more information on renaming assets through the Browse app, see "Working with MediaCentral
Production Management Assets" on page 95 and "Working with MediaCentral Asset Management Assets"
on page 106.

To rename an asset in the Sequence Timeline:

1. Double-click the name of the sequence in the top-right corner of the Sequence Timeline and type the
new name.

If you enter an illegal character, the text for that character is displayed as red. If you attempt to save
the sequence with invalid characters, an error message appears and the name change is reverted.
2. Press Enter or click in another area of the user interface to save the change.
If you press the Escape key on the keyboard before saving the change, the name change is aborted
and the original name of the asset is maintained.
When you change the name of the sequence, the name is not automatically updated in other areas
of the user interface — such as the Browse app or the Asset Editor. You must refresh the display to see
the change reflected in other areas of the UI.

Recovering Sequences
When you work in MediaCentral Cloud UX, your edits and the current state of your sequence is periodically
stored (every 10 seconds) on your local Windows or macOS system. Since the information is saved locally,
your work is not lost in any of the following events:

11 Editing a Sequence

l A disconnection or service failure

l You close a browser session without saving your work
l Your session expires due to an automatic session timeout configured by your system administrator
Any edits made since the last ten second save interval cannot be recovered.

If a disconnection or failure occurs and you are required to sign back in to MediaCentral Cloud UX, you are
met with an Auto Recovery window at the start of your new session.

This window displays any unsaved sequences or stories that were open when you were disconnected from
the system. You can click on any of the items in the Auto Recovery window to load the asset.

When you click the link for a sequence, the asset is loaded in the Sequence Timeline area of the Asset Editor
(must be opened manually) and three additional buttons are displayed above the sequence: Recovered,
Saved, and Keep This.

l Recovered: Click this button to open the recovered version of the sequence (from the local system).
l Saved: Click this button to open the last saved file.
l Keep This: Click this button to save the version that you display and delete the other version.
You can click the Recovered and Saved buttons multiple times to switch back and forth between the two
versions of the sequence to compare them. After you have decided which version of the sequence you want
to save, click the Keep This button to save the sequence.

n For information about recovering stories, see "Recovering Stories In Case of Disconnect" on page 420.
Opening and Editing a Sequence Created in a Different Application
MediaCentral Cloud UX lets you open and edit sequences that you created in MediaCentral UX, Avid Media
Composer, Assist, and Asset Management Desktop.

n Sequences created in Avid Instinct are not supported.

You are limited in the types of sequences you can play and edit. Following are some rules for editing and

11 Editing a Sequence

l If the sequence contains up to four video tracks and include cuts only, it opens in the Media Viewer
for playback and you can edit it in the Sequence Timeline.
l If you have a Production Management sequence that includes group clips, you can select the camera
angle and audio mapping in a cuts-only sequence. For more information, see "Introduction to Group
Clips" on page 392.
l If the sequence contains effects that the playback service supports (such as video and audio
dissolves) but was created in an application other than MediaCentral UX or MediaCentral Cloud UX,
it opens in the Media Viewer for playback.
l If all effects are rendered, the sequence opens in the Media Viewer for playback. The sequence opens
in the Sequence Timeline as uneditable.
l You cannot create subclips from an uneditable sequence.
l You cannot rename an uneditable sequence.
l When you load a complex, uneditable sequence into the Asset Editor, individual restrictions are not
shown; instead the entire sequence might appear reserved.
l If you open a sequence from MediaCentral Production Management but you do not have a
read/write role for the folder that holds the sequence, the sequence opens as read-only. You can play
the sequence, but you cannot edit or save it.
When you load a read-only sequence into the Asset Editor, the buttons above the Sequence Timeline
are disabled (with the exception of the Show Media Status button).
l If you create a sequence in MediaCentral Cloud UX, open and edit the sequence in Media Composer,
check it back into Interplay Production, and then open the same sequence in MediaCentral Cloud UX
again, note the following:
– News sequences: Retain the same track layout as the original news sequence.

n If you alter the sequence's metadata outside of MediaCentral Cloud UX, the sequence is
uneditable when reopened in MediaCentral Cloud UX. If for example you decide to
rename the sequence, you would see the locked sequence icon when loaded into the
Sequence Timeline.
– Shotlists and Sequences: Depending on the level of complexity added during the Media
Composer session, the sequence might appear as an uneditable complex sequence.
l Asset Management sequences that are edited in Asset Management Desktop might contain
comments for individual segments. These comments are also displayed in the Sequence Timeline.
l For more information about playback of sequences, see "Playback of Simple and Complex
Sequences" on page 187 and "Sequence Size and Complexity" on page 327.

Working with Sequences

The following topics describe how to edit and perform additional sequence-related tasks:
l "Locking a Shotlist" on the next page
l "Performing a Splice-In or Insert Edit" on the next page
l "Performing an Overwrite Edit" on page 346
l "Position Indicator Placement After an Insert or Overwrite Edit" on page 350
l "Performing a Replace Edit" on page 350
l "Three Point Editing" on page 353
l "Working with Audio Tracks in a News Sequence" on page 219

11 Editing a Sequence

l "Using a Sequence as a Source" on page 355

l "Loading a Clip from the Sequence Timeline" on page 357
l "Undoing and Redoing an Action in the Sequence Timeline" on page 357
l "Deleting Segments in the Sequence Timeline" on page 357
l "Extracting and Lifting Segments" on page 358
l "Cutting, Copying, and Pasting " on page 358
l "Moving Segments in the Timeline" on page 359
l "Adding and Removing Audio Segments in News Sequences" on page 360
l "Creating Audio-Only Segments in a News Sequence" on page 361
l "Snapping in the Timeline" on page 362
l "Trimming Segments in the Timeline" on page 363
l "Creating L-Cuts in News Sequences" on page 367
l "Splitting a Segment" on page 368
l "Displaying Markers in a Sequence" on page 369
l "Working with Multiple Sequence Tracks" on page 370
l "Working with Transition Effects" on page 374

n When you edit an asset into a MediaCentral Cloud UX sequence, the edit preserves any associated
ancillary data. However, Avid does not recommend editing assets with ancillary data into a
MediaCentral Cloud UX sequence if it is important to maintain the integrity of this data in your
sequence. In some cases this sequence data might not be preserved or might be altered, causing
issues for other downstream workflows such as Send to Playback.

If you attempt an illegal action, such as combing incompatible formats in the same timeline, the sequence
timeline might block the action. When this occurs, the timeline is outlined in red and a text message
provides additional information about the action.

Locking a Shotlist
If you are editing a MediaCentral Asset Management shotlist (EDL), the shotlist is locked to prevent other
users from editing the shotlist at the same time. The lock is automatically set when you begin editing the

The shotlist remains locked until you load another sequence.

Performing a Splice-In or Insert Edit

After you load a sequence into the Asset Editor, you can add clips to the timeline to start building your
sequence. MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to complete this task using multiple common editing methods
such as insert (splice-in), overwrite, and replace. This section covers the concept of insert editing. For more

11 Editing a Sequence

information on overwrite, see "Performing an Overwrite Edit" on page 346, and for more information on
replace, see "Performing a Replace Edit" on page 350.

When you add your first clip to the sequence, you can perform an insert or overwrite edit. As there are no
other assets in the sequence, the method that you use for this first edit is somewhat unimportant. However,
the way that you perform subsequent edits has a large impact on the look of your sequence.

An insert or splice-in edit allows you to add a clip before an asset, after an asset, or in the middle of an
asset. When you complete the edit, the new asset is inserted after the Mark In point. Any assets following
this point are pushed to the right. If you are working in a Sequence, only the assets on the enabled tracks
are pushed out.

The following illustration shows a before and after example of a splice-in edit on a shotlist where the asset
“Blue Castle” is added to the sequence. In this case, the blue position indicator defines the Mark In point.
Notice that after the edit is complete, the remaining section of the original asset is pushed to the right — it is
not overwritten.

In some cases, you might choose to perform the edit using the Splice-in button in the Sequence Timeline as
illustrated above. In other cases, you might find it easier to drag and drop an asset to the Sequence
Timeline from the Media Viewer, Browse app, or Search app. If you drag an asset from the Media Viewer
(Source mode), the insert respects any Mark In or Out points that you might add to the source asset. If you
drag a Production Management asset from the Browse or Search apps, the entire asset is added to the
sequence. If you want to drag and drop an Asset Management asset, you must always first load it into the
Asset Editor.

When performing a drag and drop edit to a shotlist or a news sequence, a thin guideline is displayed
through the video track of the Sequence Timeline. If you drag the clip above the guideline, the tracks are
highlighted dark red, indicating an overwrite edit. If you drag the clip below the guideline, the tracks are
highlighted dark yellow, indicating an insert edit. If you keep the mouse button pressed, the Sequence
Timeline displays where you can insert the asset. Release the mouse button to perform the insert edit, as
shown in the following illustrations.

11 Editing a Sequence

An insert edit in a shotlist. The arrow points to the edit guideline.

An insert edit in a news sequence.

If you load a Sequence and drag an asset to the Sequence Timeline, the insert edit guideline is not
displayed. Instead, an outline of the asset appears that shows you the video and audio tracks that will be
edited into the sequence. As shown in the following illustration, you can drag the asset above or below the
audio / video tracks to alter the tracks that are used for the edit. Alternatively, you can drag the asset on
top of the existing tracks.

If you want more precise control over the insert edit, you might consider using the Splice-in button instead
of the drag and drop method. If you are editing a Sequence, you can also adjust the enabled tracks or track
patching options for additional control. For more information, see "Using the Track Selector" on page 372.

n The Splice-in button in the Sequence Timeline is not available when working in news sequences.
For Production Management sequences, the aspect ratio and the frame rate is determined by the first clip
that you add to the sequence. Any additional clips can have a different resolutions but must match the
initial frame rate. See "Creating a Sequence" on page 330.

For Asset Management shotlists, the target frame rate is defined when the shotlist is created. By default,
you can add clips with a differing frame rate but mixed frame rate editing might be disabled by
configuration in MediaCentral Asset Management.

To perform an insert edit on a shotlist or a Sequence using the Splice-in button or V key:

1. Create a new sequence or load an existing sequence into the record monitor of the Asset Editor.
For more information, see "Creating a Sequence" on page 330 or "Using a Sequence as a Source" on
page 355.
2. Load an asset into the source monitor of the Asset Editor.
When performing an insert edit, you can load a single asset or another existing sequence to act as
the source material for your edit.

11 Editing a Sequence

3. Add Mark In and Mark Out points, or use the blue position bar to define the location and amount of
material that you want to add to the sequence.
For more information on using Mark In and Out points while editing, see "Three Point Editing" on
page 353.
4. (optional, Sequences only) Adjust the enabled tracks or track patching options in the Track Selector
on the far left side of the Sequence Timeline.
For more information, see "Using the Track Selector" on page 372.
5. Click the Splice-in button in the Sequence Timeline toolbar or press the V key on the keyboard to
make the edit.
To perform a drag and drop insert edit on a shotlist or a news sequence:

1. Do one of the following:

t Double-click on an asset to load it into the Asset Editor and mark In and Out points.
The amount of material that you insert is determined by the In-to-Out duration of the asset.
When you use this method, the Asset Editor must be in Source mode.
t In the Browse or Search app, click once on a Production Management asset in the results area
to select it.
With this method, the entire asset is used (In and Out marks are set for the entire clip).
2. (Optional for news sequences) Click the audio track indicator or indicators for the tracks on which
you want to insert the audio. You can enable NAT or SOT, both NAT and SOT, or VO. A VO edit does
not include video.
If you do not enable an audio track, you can insert NAT or SOT audio by dragging the clip to either
audio track.
3. Drag the asset to a location in the video track or an audio track. Make sure the mouse pointer is
below the guideline.
The timeline shows where the insert will take place and how it will affect the other clips in the timeline.
When using the drag and drop method, you cannot use the position indicator, In, or Out marks as an
edit In point.
4. Release the mouse button.
The selected material is inserted into the timeline and the position indicator moves to the first frame
of the next segment.
To perform a drag and drop insert edit on a Sequence:

1. Do one of the following:

t Double-click on an asset to load it into the Asset Editor and mark In and Out points.
The amount of material that you insert is determined by the In-to-Out duration of the asset.
When you use this method, the Asset Editor must be in Source mode.
t In the Browse or Search app, click once on a Production Management asset in the results area
to select it.
With this method, the entire asset is used (In and Out marks are set for the entire clip).
2. (optional) Adjust the enabled tracks or track patching options in the Track Selector on the far left side
of the Sequence Timeline..
For more information, see "Using the Track Selector" on page 372.

11 Editing a Sequence

3. Do one of the following to add the asset in the Media Viewer, Browse app, or Search app to the
t To add the asset to the Sequence with the default number of tracks (one video and two audio),
click the image in the Media Viewer, Browse, or Search app, press the Shift key, and then drag
the asset to the desired position in the Sequence.
t To add the asset to the Sequence and have the edit respect snap points, click the image in the
Media Viewer, Browse, or Search app, press Shift+Alt on your keyboard, and then drag the
asset to the desired position in the Sequence. For more information on snap points, see
"Snapping in the Timeline" on page 362.
t To add the asset to the Sequence and have the edit respect any adjustments to the Track
Selector, click the image in the Media Viewer, press Shift+Crtl on your keyboard, and then drag
the asset to the desired position in the Sequence.
The timeline shows where the insert will take place and how it will affect the other clips in the timeline.
When using the drag and drop method, you cannot use the position indicator, In, or Out marks as an
edit In point.
When you drag and drop an asset into a Sequence, MediaCentral Cloud UX performs an overwrite
edit by default. When you hold the Shift key (or Shift+Ctrl keys) after clicking on the asset, you
enable insert mode. Do not hold the shift key before clicking on the asset.
4. Release the mouse button.
The selected material is inserted into the timeline and the position indicator moves to the first frame
of the next segment.

Performing an Overwrite Edit

Unlike an insert edit where existing assets are pushed to the right, an overwrite edit replaces a portion of a
sequence with a new asset. There are multiple ways to perform an overwrite edit:
t With a clip loaded in Source mode of the Asset Editor Media Viewer, click the Overwrite button or
press the B key. This method provides you with more options:
– You can use the position indicator as an In point for the overwrite.
– You can perform the overwrite edit from either Source mode or Record mode. Regardless of the
current display mode, you always edit source media into the sequence.
– If you are editing a Sequence, you can direct the edit to specific tracks using the Track
The following illustration shows Sequence Timeline toolbar with the Overwrite button circled.

t Drag a clip from the Media Viewer, Browse app, or Search app, and drop it on the Sequence Timeline.
This method provides a quick way to build a sequence but has fewer options. This workflow is
supported for Production Management assets only.
– (Shotlists and news sequences) You can overwrite only from the beginning of a video segment.
– You can drag only from Source mode of the Media Viewer.
The following illustration shows how an overwrite edit is displayed when you drag a clip to the
timeline of a shotlist. A thin guideline is displayed through the video track. If you release the mouse
button above the guideline, you perform an overwrite edit, as indicated by the red overlay. A video-
only or audio-only edit is not possible in a shotlist.

11 Editing a Sequence

The following illustration shows how a video-only overwrite edit is displayed when you drag a clip to
the timeline of a news sequence. In this case, only the video track is enabled.

The following illustration shows how a video and NAT overwrite edit is displayed when you drag a clip
to the timeline that has the NAT track indicator enabled.

If you have both NAT and SOT segments associated with the video, you can enable both tracks to
overwrite the video segment and both audio segments. You can enable the VO track, but only VO
audio will be overwritten.

n You cannot overwrite NAT-only or SOT-only segments.

The following illustration shows an overwrite edit in a Sequence where a drag and drop method is

If you drag the asset above the audio tracks, you can specify which video track is used (assuming
that multiple video tracks are present). If you drag below the video track, you can determine which
audio tracks are used (again, assuming you have multiple audio tracks).

11 Editing a Sequence

To perform an overwrite edit using the Overwrite button or B key:

1. Create a new sequence or load an existing sequence into the record monitor of the Asset Editor.
For more information, see "Creating a Sequence" on page 330 or "Using a Sequence as a Source" on
page 355.
2. Load an asset into the source monitor of the Asset Editor.
When performing an overwrite edit, you can load a single asset or another existing sequence to act
as the source material for your edit.
3. Add Mark In and Mark Out points, or use the blue position bar to determine the material that you
want to edit and where you want the overwrite edit to occur.
The amount of material that you overwrite is determined by the In-to-Out duration marked on the
For more information on using Mark In and Out points while editing, see "Three Point Editing" on
page 353.
4. (Optional) If you are working in a Sequence or news sequence, you can use the Track Selector to
enable or disable sequence tracks.
If you are working in a news sequence, the video track is always enabled. You can overwrite video
only, but you cannot overwrite audio only.
For more information on using the Track Selector with Sequences, see "Using the Track Selector" on
page 372.
5. Click the Overwrite button or press the B key.
The selected material overwrites the material in the timeline and the position indicator moves to the
first frame of the next segment.
To perform a drag and drop overwrite edit on a shotlist or a news sequence:

1. Do one of the following:

t Double-click on an asset to load it into the Asset Editor and mark In and Out points.
The amount of edited material is determined by the In-to-Out duration of the asset.
When you use this method, the Asset Editor must be in Source mode.
t In the Browse or Search app, click once on a Production Management asset in the results area
to select it.
With this method, the entire asset is used (In and Out marks are set for the entire clip).
2. (Optional, news sequence) Click a track selector to enable the audio track or tracks on which you
want to overwrite the audio. If you do not enable an audio track, only video is overwritten.
If you are working in a news sequence, the video track is always enabled. You can overwrite video
only, but you cannot overwrite audio only.
3. Drag the clip to a location in the video track of the Sequence Timeline so that the sequence is colored
red (the mouse pointer is above the guideline in the middle of the track).
The timeline shows where the overwrite will take place.

n Do not release the mouse button before the guideline appears (approximately 0.5 second) or
you perform an insert edit instead of an overwrite edit.

4. Release the mouse button.

The selected material overwrites the material in the timeline and the position indicator moves to the
first frame of the next segment.

11 Editing a Sequence

– If the selected material is shorter than the segment that you are overwriting, and you are
overwriting only video, the audio of the overwritten segment is preserved and creates an L-cut.
The following illustrations show an example of the edit in progress and the result.

– If the selected material is the same length or longer than the segment that you are overwriting,
and you are overwriting only video, the audio of the overwritten segment remains in the
sequence. The audio is not associated with any video in the timeline. For more information, see
"Creating Audio-Only Segments in a News Sequence" on page 361.
To perform a drag and drop overwrite edit on a Sequence:

1. Do one of the following:

t Double-click on an asset to load it into the Asset Editor and mark In and Out points.
The amount of edited material is determined by the In-to-Out duration of the asset.
When you use this method, the Asset Editor must be in Source mode.
t In the Browse or Search app, click once on a Production Management asset in the results area
to select it.
With this method, the entire asset is used (In and Out marks are set for the entire clip).
2. (optional) Adjust the enabled tracks or track patching options in the Track Selector on the far left side
of the Sequence Timeline.
For more information, see "Using the Track Selector" on page 372.
3. Do one of the following to add the asset in the Media Viewer, Browse app, or Search app to the
t To add the asset to the Sequence with the default number of tracks (one video and two audio),
drag the asset to the desired position in the Sequence.
As with an insert edit, you can drag the asset above or below the audio / video tracks to alter
the tracks that are used for the edit. Alternatively, you can drag the asset on top of the existing
t To add the asset to the Sequence and have the edit respect any adjustments to the Track
Selector, click the asset, press Crtl on your keyboard, and then drag the asset from the Media
Viewer to the desired position in the Sequence. This functionality is not supported when
dragging an asset from the Browse or Search apps.
Do not hold the shift key before clicking on the asset
4. Release the mouse button.
The selected material is added to the timeline and the position indicator moves to the first frame of
the next segment.

11 Editing a Sequence

Position Indicator Placement After an Insert or Overwrite Edit

If you perform an insert or overwrite edit, the position indicator (playhead) moves to the first frame of the
next segment. This feature lets you make a series of quick edits without losing the final frame of the edited
segment and without the need to switch from Source mode to Record mode.

If the edited segment is the last segment in the sequence, the position indicator is set on an empty frame
called the sequence tail frame. Only displayed in the Media Viewer when in Record mode, the sequence tail
frame is a representative copy of the last actual frame in the sequence. This frame is added so that you do
not accidentally overwrite the final frame of the previous asset in the sequence. You can insert or overwrite
assets from this location.

The illustration below shows the final frame of the sequence on the left and the sequence tail frame on the
right — a partial frame that includes a vertical bar with black space to the right of the bar.

n If necessary, you can access this frame by moving the position indicator to the end of the last segment
in a sequence, and then click the Next Frame button or press the right arrow key.

Performing a Replace Edit

A replace edit is a quick way to completely overwrite a selected segment in a sequence without changing
the duration of the segment. It is similar to an overwrite edit, but a replace edit is limited to an entire

The following illustration shows the Replace button circled.

To perform a replace edit, use the In point to indicate the start of the video you want to use in the sequence
(the source material). MediaCentral Cloud UX calculates the amount of material needed to replace the
selected segment. The Out point is not used in the calculation.

If there is not enough material from the In point to the end of the asset to replace the selected segment, the
Replace button is disabled. If you hover your mouse over the Replace button, you might see a tool-tip
similar to the one shown in the following illustration.

11 Editing a Sequence

Note the following:

l If the sequence contains L-cuts (where an audio segment starts before the video segment or extends
beyond it), there must be enough audio before and after the In point to replace the audio segment.
For example, if video and NAT are selected for a segment, and the NAT starts 10 frames before the
video, there must be 10 frames of source audio available before the In point. If the NAT extends 10
frames beyond the video, there must be sufficient source audio after the In point.
l If a group clip is loaded (shotlists), the active angle of the group clip is used as the source material.
l A replace edit preserves any dissolves in the sequence. MediaCentral Cloud UX includes the
necessary media handles when determining if the edit is possible. If not enough material is available,
a replace edit shortens a dissolve at the beginning or end of a segment, while keeping the dissolve
l A replace edit does not preserve any audio volume or panning that were applied to the selected
segment before the replace edit. You need to make these adjustments again.
l Markers and restrictions from the source material replace markers and restrictions in the selected
The replace edit feature works differently for different types of sequences, as described in the following

To replace video and audio in a shotlist:

1. Load a clip in Source mode and mark an In point.

2. In the sequence, select the segment that you want to replace.
You cannot select only video or only audio.
3. Click the Replace button.

Video and audio in the selected segment is replaced.

To replace an asset in a Sequence:

1. Load a clip in Source mode and mark an In point.

2. In the Sequence, select the segment that you want to replace.
3. Use the Track Selector to enable or patch the tracks that you want to replace.
For more information, see "Using the Track Selector" on page 372.
4. Click the Replace button.
Your selected video and audio segment are replaced.
Whenever you make an edit to a Sequence, you must pay special attention to the Track Selector.
Notice the use of the selector in the following “before and after” illustration. Although the user
selected the segments on V2, A3, and A4, the user did not patch V1 to V2 and did not enable the A3

11 Editing a Sequence

track (record side). The resulting edit replaced the segment on track A4 only.

Left: before, Right: after

To replace only video in a news sequence:

1. Load a clip in Source mode and mark an In point.

2. In the sequence, select the segment that you want to replace.
To replace video only, make sure the NAT and SOT track buttons on the left side of the timeline are
not selected as shown in the following illustration.

3. Click the Replace button.

The selected video is replaced. In the following illustration, the new video segment is selected but the
NAT audio is not, which indicates there is no corresponding audio in the sequence. The NAT segment
becomes an audio-only segment, with a different clip name, which matches the brighter color of the
clip name for the video segment.

To replace video and audio in a news sequence:

1. Load a clip in Source mode and mark an In point.

2. In the sequence, select the segment that you want to replace.

11 Editing a Sequence

3. Select the NAT or SOT track, or both.

4. Click the Replace button.
The selected video and audio is replaced.
To replace voice-over audio in a news sequence:

1. Load a clip in Source mode and mark an In point.

2. In the sequence, select the voice-over audio segment you want to replace.
3. Click the VO button.
4. Click the Replace button.
The selected audio is replaced.

Three Point Editing

Three point editing is a common non-linear editing workflow that requires you to mark a total of three points
between your source (asset) and your destination (sequence). The ability to add mark points to the
sequence optimizes the editing process and allows for greater flexibility when adding assets to your

The following table describes the different variations in which the three points can be used.

Source Monitor Record Description


Mark In / Mark Mark In The marked section of the source asset is added to the sequence starting at
Out the Mark In point added to the Record Monitor (sequence).
Mark In / Mark Mark Out The marked section of the source asset is added to the sequence ending at
Out the Mark Out point added to the Record Monitor (sequence).
Mark In Mark In / Mark The marked section of the sequence is replaced by the asset, starting at the
Out asset’s Mark In point.
Mark Out Mark In / Mark The marked section of the sequence is replaced by the asset, ending at the
Out asset’s Mark Outpoint.

When you add In or Out points to your sequence, the marks appear in both the Asset Editor’s Viewer
Timeline and the Sequence Timeline. You can enter a Mark In or Mark Out point anywhere on your sequence
and use the mark point as if it were the blue position indicator bar or a natural edit point.

n You cannot add a Mark Out point to the sequence’s tail frame.
The following illustration shows the Mark In and Out points as they appear in the Sequence Timeline. Notice
that the marked area is brighter than the other sections of the sequence.

If you complete an Overwrite edit, the mark point on the sequence is used instead of the position indicator.
If you remove the marks, the edit is completed using the position indicator as the mark in.

11 Editing a Sequence

When you load an existing sequence that includes custom Mark In or Out points (as saved in your asset
management system), the custom mark points are not displayed in the Asset Editor. If you add mark points
to the sequence in the course of editing, these marks are not saved with the sequence.

If you remove a Mark In point from either the Source or Record Monitors, the mark is removed from the
timeline. However, future edits treat the asset as if the Mark In point is included on the first frame of the
asset. Similarly if you remove a Mark Out point, the final frame of the asset is used as the new Mark Out

To edit using three points:

1. Load an asset into the Asset Editor and either load an existing sequence or create a new sequence.
2. Use the table above to mark three points in the Source Monitor and the Record Monitor.
When you add marks to the Record Monitor, matching mark points are added to the Sequence
3. Click the Overwrite button to make the edit.
The edit is completed and the mark points are cleared from the Viewer and Sequence Timelines.
If there is not enough material to complete the edit, the Overwrite button is disabled. If you hover
your cursor over the button, the following message is displayed as a tool-tip: “Insufficient source
material to make this edit.”

Working with Audio Tracks on News Sequences

When editing a news sequence, you can enable audio tracks in the following combinations:
l Video and NAT track
l Video and SOT track
l Video and NAT and SOT tracks
l VO track
Enabling an audio track provides options for the following operations:
l Splitting a segment. See "Splitting a Segment" on page 368.
l Performing an overwrite edit. See "Performing an Overwrite Edit" on page 346.
l Performing a replace edit. See "Performing a Replace Edit" on page 350.
See the appropriate procedure for more information.

To enable or disable an audio track:

t In a news sequence, click the track indicator button or buttons.
The track indicator is colored light gray if enabled. The following illustration shows the Video, and
NAT tracks enabled.

Note the following:

11 Editing a Sequence

– Enabling the VO track disables the VIDEO, NAT, and SOT tracks.
– Enabling either the NAT or the SOT track disables the VO track.
– If both the NAT and SOT tracks are enabled, Alt-click a track to disable both tracks.
– If both the NAT or SOT track are disabled, Alt-click a track to enable both tracks.

Using a Sequence as a Source

For more information see the following topics:
l "Using a Shotlist as a Source" below
l "Using a Sequence as a Source" on the next page
l "Using a News Sequence as a Source" on the next page

n News sequences are not currently supported as a source. You can use Match Frame to load a master
clip from a news sequence. See "Using a News Sequence as a Source" on the next page.

Using a Shotlist as a Source

You can open a shotlist in Source mode and use it as source footage for a sequence that is loaded in Record
mode. You can use a shotlist as a source for all sequence types.

When you load the sequence in Source mode, editing controls such as Mark In and Mark Out are available
through buttons and keyboard shortcuts.

You can perform an insert edit or an overwrite edit. Replace editing is supported only when using a shotlist
as a source for a shotlist.

Note the following:

l If your source edit includes more than one segment, all segments are added individually to the
l A sequence cannot be added to itself. If you load a shotlist in Record mode, and you open the same
sequence in Source mode, the sequence will be loaded in Source mode, but there will be no timeline in
the Sequence Timeline area.
l You can use an Asset Management shotlist as a source, but if you want to edit material into another
sequence — the two sequence must be of the same type. For example if you load an audio-only
sequence in the Record Monitor, you can use only another audio-only sequence as a source.
The following apply to MediaCentral Production Management material only:
l Restrictions in the source sequence are copied to the output sequence.
l Markers that exist on the source sequence are copied to the output sequence only if they apply to the
sequence itself (not to the clips that make up the sequence).
l A group clip in the source sequence is copied as a group clip to the output sequence (shotlist only).
The active angle and the audio mapping are preserved.
l News sequences do not support group clips. The active angle of a group clip in the source sequence is
copied to the news sequence as a master clip.

11 Editing a Sequence

To edit material from a shotlist:

1. Locate the shotlist through the Browse app or the Search app, then do one of the following:
t Drag the shotlist to the Media Viewer (Source mode).
t Hold down the Control key (Windows) or the Command key (macOS) and double-click the
The shotlist opens in Source mode in the Asset Editor.
2. Use the editing tools (Mark In, Mark Out, and so on) to edit the material you want into a loaded

n You can load a news sequence in Source mode, but you cannot edit it into a sequence. If you try to
drag it to the Sequence Timeline, the following message is displayed: “Incompatible source for this

Using a Sequence as a Source

You can open a Sequence in Source mode and use it as source media for another Sequence that is loaded in
Record mode. You cannot edit a Sequence into a shotlist or a news sequence.

To edit material from a Sequence:

1. Locate the Sequence through the Browse app or the Search app, then do one of the following:
t Drag the Sequence to the Media Viewer (Source mode).
t Hold down the Control key (Windows) or the Command key (macOS) and double-click the
The Sequence opens in Source mode in the Asset Editor.
2. Use the editing tools (Mark In, Mark Out, and so on) to edit the material you want into a loaded
Using a News Sequence as a Source
News sequences are not currently supported as a source. However, you can load a news sequence in Source
mode, and then use the Match Frame feature to open the source clip for a particular frame. Then select
media from the source clip to edit into the currently loaded sequence.

n You can also use Match Frame from Record mode.

To use Match Frame to add media from a news sequence to a sequence:

1. Locate the news sequence you want to use as a source in the Browse app or the Search app, hold
down the Control key (Windows) or the Command key (macOS) and double-click the sequence.
The sequence opens in Source mode in the Asset Editor.
2. Navigate to a frame in the material that you want to add to a sequence.
3. Click the Match Frame button.

The master clip that contains the frame is loaded in the Asset Editor, with the matching frame

11 Editing a Sequence

displayed. In and Out marks are set to match the segment used in the sequence.
4. Use the editing tools (Mark In, Mark Out, and so on) to edit the material you want into a loaded

Loading a Clip from the Sequence Timeline

You can load a media segment (video or audio) from a sequence into the Media Viewer.

n This feature is similar to the Match Frame feature. However, Match Frame uses the location of the
position indicator to determine which clip to load. The Load Clip feature loads the source clip for the
segment you select, regardless of the location of the position indicator.

To load a clip from the Sequence Timeline, do one of the following:

t Double-click the segment.
t Right-click the segment and select Load Clip.
The source clip for the segment is loaded into Source mode in the Media Viewer. In and Out marks are
set to match the segment used in the sequence.

Undoing and Redoing an Action in the Sequence Timeline

You can undo or redo an action in the Sequence Timeline, such as restoring a clip that you deleted. The
undo/redo list is not saved after you sign out of a session.

To undo an action, do one of the following:

t Press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (macOS).
t Right-click in the Sequence Timeline and select Undo from the context menu.
To redo an action, do one of the following:
t Press Ctrl+Y (Windows) or Command+Y (macOS).
t Right-click in the Sequence Timeline and select Redo from the context menu.
Deleting Segments in the Sequence Timeline
After you add a segment to the Sequence Timeline, you can subsequently remove it using one of three
delete methods. If you delete a segment from a shotlist or a news sequence, the following segment shifts to
the left to fill the empty space. If you delete a segment from a Sequence, blank space or filler is left in its

Deleting a segment from the sequence does not remove the original source media from the server.

n If you are working with a Sequence, see "Extracting and Lifting Segments" on the next page for
alternative methods to remove an asset from the timeline.

To delete a segment from a sequence, do one of the following:

t Right-click the segment you want to delete and select Delete Segment from the context menu.
t Click the segment you want to delete and click the Delete Segment button in the Sequence Timeline

11 Editing a Sequence

If you are working in a Sequence, you can Ctrl+click individual segments to complete multiple
simultaneous deletions. For example, you can Ctrl+click the video segment of one asset and an audio
segment of a different asset to delete them both in a single command.
t Click the segment you want to delete and press Delete or Backspace (Windows).
Extracting and Lifting Segments
While the process for "Deleting Segments in the Sequence Timeline" on the previous page describes how to
remove a segment for all sequence types, Sequences provide you with two alternative methods for
removing content from your sequence: Lift and Extract.

When you lift a segment, you remove the selected material from the Sequence and leave an empty gap
where the segment used to be. When you lift material, the overall duration of the Sequence remains the

When you extract a segment, you remove the selected material from the Sequence and any segments that
follow the extracted material are shifted to the left by the same amount of time. For example, if you remove
a 30 second segment, all edits on the same tracks are shifted back by 30 seconds. When you extract
material, you shorten the duration of the Sequence.

To remove a segment using the lift feature:

1. Mark and In and Out point around the material that you want to remove from the Sequence.
2. Click the Lift button or press the Z key on your keyboard.
The selected material is removed from the Sequence and a gap is created in the timeline.
To extract a segment from the timeline:

1. Mark and In and Out point around the material that you want to remove from the Sequence.
2. Click the Extract button or press the X key on your keyboard.
The selected material is removed from the Sequence and all following edits on the same tracks are
shifted by the same amount of time.

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting

To provide you with an alternative method of removing or duplicating edits, Sequences allow you to cut,
copy, and paste existing segments in the Sequence Timeline. When you cut or copy a segment, information
related to markers and audio gain is also captured.

When you cut or copy a segment in the Sequence Timeline, the information is held as temporary data on
your location workstation. If you make a cut from the Sequence Timeline and later cut or copy data from
either MediaCentral Cloud UX or any external application, the data in the temporary space is overwritten.

To cut a segment or track in the Sequence Timeline:

1. Click a segment in the Sequence Timeline to select it.

You can also Shift+click or Ctrl+click additional segments to expand your selection.
2. Do one of the following to cut your selection from the Sequence:
t Press Ctrl+X to perform a Lift edit.
The selection is removed from the timeline and the length of the sequence is unchanged.
t Press Shift+Ctrl+X to perform an Extract edit.
The selection is removed from the timeline and all following edits on the same tracks are shifted
by the same amount of time.

11 Editing a Sequence

To copy a segment or track in the Sequence Timeline:

1. Click a segment in the Sequence Timeline to select it.

You can also Shift+click or Ctrl+click additional segments to expand your selection.
2. Press Ctrl+C on the keyboard to cut the segment or tracks.
To paste a segment or track in the Sequence Timeline:

1. Move the blue position indicator to the point in the sequence where you want to insert the segment.
2. Do one of the following:
t To perform an overwrite edit, press Ctrl+V to paste the segment into the Sequence.
t To perform an insert edit, press Shift+Ctrl+V to paste the segment into the Sequence.
Moving Segments in the Timeline
After you add assets to a sequence, you can rearrange them in the timeline. When you move a segment, the
behavior of the action might change based on your sequence type. The following list details the behavior of
l Shotlists
As shotlists contain only one video track and one audio track, you can move a segment horizontally
along the timeline only. When you perform the move, you are essentially performing an insert edit
where the surrounding segments shift position.
The following illustration shows a move where the “Castle” and “Orange” segments swap position in
the timeline. During the move operation, the selected segment is dimmed to provide you with
additional visual feedback.

l Sequences
Sequences can contain multiple video and audio tracks which provides you with more flexibility when
moving a segment. You can complete the following when working with a Sequence:
– Click and drag: This action selects all segments that are linked to your selection. When you
drag the selection to a new position, you perform an overwrite edit by default.
When dragging, you can move along the x axis, y axis, or a combination of both. If you move
vertically along the y axis, you can move the segment to an alternate video or audio track.
– Shift+click, and drag: When you hold the Shift key, you perform an insert edit and the drag
operation acts similar to a move operation in a shotlist.

11 Editing a Sequence

– Ctrl+click, and drag: This allows you to select specific segments. For example if you only
wanted to move the segment on the video track, you can Ctrl+click the video segment to move
that element only.
– Shift+click, or Ctrl+click multiple segments and drag: After you click on the first segment, you
can Shift+click or Ctrl+click other segments and move them as a group.
Alternatively if you click or Shift+click or Ctrl+click individual segments, you can use the same
action to deselect the item.
When moving a segment in a Sequence, you must pay special attention to the enabled tracks in the
Track Selector. If you do not, your move operation might not behave as you expect.
l News sequences
After you add a segment to a news sequence, you cannot move it to a different track. For example, if
you drag and drop a clip into the timeline as a SOT, you cannot then select that segment and drag it
to a different audio track. If the clip has audio on a channel that is not mapped to the audio track in
which you insert it, you will not hear the audio when the sequence is played.

n If you want to change the track into which audio was inserted, you can use the procedures described
in "Adding and Removing Audio Segments in News Sequences" below.

To move a segment in a sequence:

1. Select the segment that you want to move.

2. (optional for Sequences) Shift+click, Ctrl+click multiple segments to add them to the move operation.
3. In a long sequence, moving a segment to the viewable edge of the sequence scrolls the sequence in
that direction.

Adding and Removing Audio Segments in News Sequences

If a video clip is associated with one or more audio tracks, and you add the video clip in the Sequence
Timeline, you can add or remove its associated audio segments. For example, if a sequence contains a
video segment and its associated NAT segment, you can add a SOT segment. If a sequence contains a video
segment without audio, you can add a NAT segment, a SOT segment, or both.

Similarly, you can remove a NAT segment, a SOT segment, or both.

This feature applies only to the segment you select. It does not affect the audio in other segments of the

The following illustration shows two clips in the timeline:

l The first clip has a video segment, a NAT segment, and a SOT segment. The outline shows that the
video is associated with both audio segments.
l The second clip has a video segment and a SOT segment.

n Enabling the track selector for NAT or SOT does not affect this feature.

11 Editing a Sequence

To add a NAT or SOT segment:

t Right-click a video segment in the Sequence Timeline and select one of the following:
– Add Segment > NAT
– Add Segment > SOT
A check mark indicates if an audio segment is included in the sequence.

To remove a NAT or SOT segment:

t Right-click a segment in the Sequence Timeline and deselect one of the following:
– Add Segment > NAT
– Add Segment > SOT

The check mark is removed.

Creating Audio-Only Segments in a News Sequence

When editing a news sequence, you might need to replace an unneeded video segment, such as an on-
camera stand up, while keeping the audio. If you want to replace the video but keep the audio, you can
perform a video-only replace edit. The audio segment remains in the timeline, without associated video, and
you can edit the audio segment independently.

The following illustration shows a selected video segment and its associated NAT audio on the left, as shown
by the blue outlines and the lighter color for the clip name in the NAT segment. On the right, the same
sequence is shown after a video-only replace edit. Only the video segment is outlined, with a new clip name.
Also, the clip name in the NAT segment has the same brighter white that is used in the video segment, which
indicates that the segments are independent.

n You can perform an overwrite edit instead of a replace edit, but a replace edit ensures that the new
video will exactly match the length of the original video.

11 Editing a Sequence

If you enable both NAT and SOT for a segment (as described in "Adding and Removing Audio Segments in
News Sequences" on page 360), you can replace the original video and keep both NAT and SOT segments.
The following illustration shows a selected video segment and its associated NAT and SOT audio on the left,
as shown by the blue outlines and the lighter color for the clip name in the audio segments. On the right, the
same sequence is shown after a video-only replace edit, with only the video segment outlined and the clip
names in the audio segments the same color as in the video segment.

To create an audio-only NAT or SOT segment:

1. Edit a clip with NAT or SOT audio into a news sequence.

2. (Optional) Enable a second audio segment (NAT or SOT).
3. Load a clip into the Asset Editor and set an In point for the start of the video to replace the video
segment in the timeline. Make sure the replacement video has enough material to overwrite the video
segment you want to replace.
4. Disable the NAT or SOT audio tracks.
5. Click the Replace button to perform a replace edit.
The video segment is replaced.
For more information, see "Performing a Replace Edit" on page 350.
6. If necessary, trim the transitions to align audio and video.

Snapping in the Timeline

In some cases, edits that you make in the Sequence Timeline are limited to particular timecode locations. In
other cases, you can make an edit to any timecode location. For example, dragging a video segment in a
shotlist or news sequence is limited to the start or end of another video segment. However, trimming the end
of a video segment can extend to any available timecode location.

If an edit can be made to any timecode location, snap points can help you accurately align your edit. This
can be particularly useful when aligning audio and video. Snap points include:
l The position indicator (news sequence — VO track only)
l Mark In or Mark Out points (Sequence or news sequence — VO track only)
l The beginning of a sequence
l The start point or end point of another segment in the timeline
l The original start point or end point of the segment you are dragging
l The boundaries of a timing block (news sequence only)
As you drag a segment or end point, the dragging action pauses briefly or snaps to these points. If you then
release the mouse button, the edit is made at the snap point.

The following illustration shows snap points for a VO segment.

11 Editing a Sequence

Snap points are limited to Sequences and news sequences.

n Because a VO segment is an independent asset in a news sequence, its drag behavior is different from
NAT and SOT segments. For more information about recording a voice-over, see "Recording a Voice-
Over" on page 222.

You can use Ctrl+click (Windows) or Command+click (macOS) to snap the position indicator to the closest
mark or edit point of the enabled tracks. See "Navigating in the Sequence Timeline" on page 335.

To use snapping in a Sequence:

t Hold the Shift key and drag the segment to the desired position.
To override pausing and snapping for shotlists and news sequences:
t Hold down the Shift key while you drag a segment or end point.
Trimming Segments in the Timeline
You can trim a segment from either end, lengthening or shortening the segment frame-by-frame or by
larger increments. You can also perform a dual-roller trim, in which the combined duration of both
segments remains the same.

After you trim a segment, the position indicator automatically moves to the new position in the sequence
and the frame at that position is displayed in the viewer of the Asset Editor so you can see the exact frame
to which the segment was trimmed.

n You can only lengthen a segment to the maximum length of its original source media.
The following topics describe trimming segments:
l "Trimming a Shotlist (Single-Sided)" below
l "Trimming a Sequence (Single-Sided)" on the next page
l "Trimming a News Sequence (Single-Sided)" on page 365
l "Trimming from the Top or the Tail of a Segment" on page 365
l "Using Dual-Roller Trim" on page 366
Trimming a Shotlist (Single-Sided)
When trimming a shotlist, video and audio are trimmed together. As shotlists do not support empty space in
the Sequence Timeline, single-sided trims alter the length of your sequence. You cannot trim only video or
only audio.

11 Editing a Sequence

To trim a segment using the mouse, do the following:

t Click one end of the segment and drag the audio or video trim indicator.

To trim a segment using keyboard shortcuts:

1. Click the end of the segment you want to trim.

2. Press one of the following keys.
M Trim the segment’s selected end by 10 frames earlier.
comma (,) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame earlier.
period (.) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame later.
slash (/) Trim the segment’s selected end 10 frames later.

The position indicator automatically moves to the trim location.

Trimming a Sequence (Single-Sided)
When trimming a Sequence, you can trim any combination of audio and video segments. As Sequences
support the ability to leave open space in the Sequence Timeline, your trim might or might not alter the
length of your sequence.

To trim a segment using the mouse, do the following:

t Click one end of the segment and drag the trim indicator to the left or right. If your selected segment
is linked with other segments, all segments are selected and trimmed.
For more information on linked tracks, see "Linking and Unlinking" on page 373.
t To trim individual segments, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (macOS), click the
head or tail of one or more individual segment tracks, and drag the trim indicator to the left or right.
In the following illustration, the Ice Slide 03 clip has three linked segments (1 video, 2 audio). The
illustration on the left shows a simultaneous trim of all three segments. In the illustration on the right,
the user is trimming only the audio tracks using the Ctrl+click method.

t If your trim meets the head or tail of another asset, the trim operation stops at the edit point. If you
need to trim beyond the edit point, you can hold down the Shift key to extend your trim and overwrite
a portion of the adjacent segment.

11 Editing a Sequence

To trim a segment using keyboard shortcuts:

1. Click the end of the segment you want to trim.

2. Press one of the following keys.
M Trim the segment’s selected end by 10 frames earlier.
comma (,) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame earlier.
period (.) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame later.
slash (/) Trim the segment’s selected end 10 frames later.

The position indicator automatically moves to the trim location.

Trimming a News Sequence (Single-Sided)
For a news sequence, you can trim segments on the video track, the audio track, or both video and audio
simultaneously. As news sequences do not support empty space in the video track of the Sequence
Timeline, single-sided trims might alter the length of your sequence.

To trim a segment using the mouse, do one of the following:

t To trim both video and audio, click one end of the video segment and drag the trim indicator.
The following illustration shows both video and its related audio segments outlined, so that all tracks
can be trimmed from the end of the segment.

t To trim only audio, click one end of the audio segment and drag the trim indicator.
t To trim only video if the sequence includes audio from the same source, hold down the Ctrl key
(Windows) or Command key (macOS), click one end of the video segment, and drag the trim
indicator. Use this technique to create an L-cut. See "Creating L-Cuts in News Sequences" on
page 367.
To trim a segment using keyboard shortcuts:

1. Click the end of the segment you want to trim.

2. Press one of the following keys.
M Trim the segment’s selected end by 10 frames earlier.
comma (,) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame earlier.
period (.) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame later.
slash (/) Trim the segment’s selected end 10 frames later.

The position indicator automatically moves to the trim location.

Trimming from the Top or the Tail of a Segment
You can use the current position of the position indicator to trim a segment from the beginning (top or head)
or end (tail).

11 Editing a Sequence

To trim from the beginning or end of a segment:

1. Move the position indicator to the frame that you want to trim.
2. Do one of the following to access the Sequence Timeline context menu:
t Right-click a segment to select it and any linked segments.
t (Sequences only) Ctrl+click individual segments of a Sequence.
t Right-click on the Sequence Timline’s timecode bar to trim all overlapping segments at the
position of the blue position indicator bar.

n To deselect a segment, click in an unused part of the timeline.

3. Do one of the following:
t To trim from the beginning of a segment, select Trim Top from the context menu. Alternatively,
you can press Shift+[.
t To trim from the end of a segment, select Trim Tail from the context menu. Alternatively, you
can press Shift+].
Using Dual-Roller Trim
Dual-roller trim refers to a trimming operation in which you to move the transition point between adjoining
segments without changing the duration of the sequence. This adds frames to one side of the transition and
subtracts them from the other side. The combined duration of both clips remains the same.
l In a Sequence, dual-roller trim applies to any selected segment.
l In a shotlist, dual-roller trim applies to video and to the synced audio track.
l In a news sequence, dual-roller trim applies to video only.
To use dual-roller trim in Sequences:

1. Ctrl+click adjoining segments in the Sequence Timeline to select them.

When you select a segment, a blue outline appears around it.
In the following illustration, the user has selected the segments on tracks A1 and A2 only. If you select
segments on one side of a transition only, the operation acts as a single-sided trim.

2. Hold down the Control key (Windows) or the Command key (macOS) and drag the transition.
Trim indicators appear on both sides of the transition while you hold down the Control key.

11 Editing a Sequence

To use dual-roller trim in shotlists and news sequences:

t Hold down the Control key (Windows) or the Command key (macOS) and drag the transition.
Trim indicators appear on both sides of the transition while you hold down the Control key.

You can use the following keystrokes to control the trim:

Shift+M Trim the segment’s selected end by 10 frames earlier.
Shift+ comma (,) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame earlier.
Shift+period (.) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame later.
Shift+slash (/) Trim the segment’s selected end 10 frames later.

Creating L-Cuts in News Sequences

An L-cut is a split edit between two segments in which the video transition does not occur simultaneously
with the audio transition. In some cases, the audio transition happens before the video, while in other cases
the reverse is true.

For information on creating L-cuts with Sequences, see "Trimming a Sequence (Single-Sided)" on page 364.

n L-cuts are maintained when you drag a segment to a new location in the sequence.
The following illustration shows a news sequence with an L-cut in which the SOT segment for the first clip
extends beyond the video and NAT transition.

To create an L-cut:

1. Select the video segment you want to edit, positioning the mouse pointer near the end you want to
A trim indicator is displayed in the segment’s video track, audio track, or both.
2. Do one of the following:
t Hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (macOS), click the video trim indicator,
and drag it to a different position.
t Click the audio trim indicator and drag it to a different position.
This separates the video transition from the audio transition and lets you edit one without editing the
other. You can click either indicator to modify each segment independently.

11 Editing a Sequence

To remove an L-cut:
t Click and drag the trim indicator for audio back into alignment with the video, or vice versa. You do
not have to be exact; the application will automatically realign the video and audio transitions.

n When audio segments overlap, MediaCentral Cloud UX automatically adjusts the audio levels. See
"Working with Audio Tracks in a News Sequence" on page 219.

Splitting a Segment
You can use a button, a menu item, or a shortcut key to split segments at a selected timecode location, and
then use the resulting split to edit the sequence. For example, you can split a video segment and its related
audio, then delete one of the new segments. This feature is similar to the Add Edit feature in Avid Media

Splitting a segment works differently, depending on the type of sequence you are editing:
l For a shotlist, a split applies to all visible tracks. For a sequence with a video track and audio track,
you cannot split only video or only audio.
l For a Sequence, you can split an entire segment or you can use the Track Selector to enable or
disable tracks to split the enabled tracks only.
l For a news sequence, you can select audio tracks to split by enabling the track. To enable a track,
click the track indicator button so that it turns light gray. You can split the following combinations:
– Video only
– Video and NAT
– Video and SOT
– Video, NAT, SOT
– VO only
l Combinations that cannot be split:
– VO and Video
– VO and NAT (cannot be enabled at the same time)
– VO and SOT (cannot be enabled at the same time)
– VO, NAT, and SOT (cannot be enabled at the same time)
– L-cuts
When you select Split from the context menu, the menu item text shows which tracks are enabled for
splitting. If you move the mouse pointer over the Split button, the tool-tip shows which tracks are
enabled for splitting.
Also note the following:
l Selecting a segment does not affect the split. The split occurs at the position indicator.
l After you split a segment, the first frame of the second segment becomes the current frame.
l For multicamera group clips, the same camera angle is maintained for both segments. Each
segment’s angle can then be changed independently.
l The location where you want to split the segment can be up to one frame from either end of the
l Splitting a segment in a sequence does not create new master clips or subclips.

11 Editing a Sequence

To split one or more segments:

1. Move the position indicator to the location where you want to split the segment.
2. Select the tracks or segments that you want to split:
t If you are working in a Sequence or a news sequence, you can enable or disable tracks that
you want to split.
t If you are working in a Sequence, you can Ctrl+click vertically aligned segments to selectively
the segments along the position indicator.
When working in a news sequence, you cannot disable the Video track. When working in a shotlist,
you must split all segments at the given point.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click the Split button.
t Press Ctrl+E (Windows) or Command+E (macOS).
t Right-click the timecode bar or right-click a segment, and select Split.
The following illustration shows a news sequence that has a video segment associated with NAT and
SOT tracks enabled for splitting, and the results of the split operation.

Top: Before splitting the segments; Bottom: After splitting the segments

You can now edit the split segments — for example, by deleting one of the new segments or inserting
a new clip at the split.

Displaying Markers in a Sequence

Markers and restrictions (a type of marker) are features used in MediaCentral Production Management
assets. Markers and information about them are displayed as an overlay in the Media Viewer. For more
information, see "Working with the Storyboard Tab" on page 269.

Adding a Clip that Contains Markers

Any markers that are contained within the In and Out marks are copied to the sequence when you edit the
clip into the sequence. Copying markers with a clip is a “one-time copy.” If you lengthen a clip by trimming,
markers that are included in the added part of the clip are not copied. If you shorten a clip by trimming, you
remove any markers that are included in the trimmed portion. They are not restored if you lengthen the clip.
To restore the markers, redo the edit. You can use Match Frame from the sequence to locate the original
clip. See "Using Match Frame" on page 199.

11 Editing a Sequence

Adding a Clip that Contains Restrictions

Any restrictions that are contained within the In and Out marks are copied to the sequence when you edit
the clip into the sequence. Similar to markers, the restriction appears in the Record mode of the Media
Viewer. However unlike single markers, the Media Viewer displays restrictions if you shorten and later length
the asset to include the restriction.

Markers in Audio-Only Clips

When working with shotlists or news sequences, markers are not added for audio-only clips — such as a
voice-over. You can copy markers only from a clip that includes a video track. These restrictions do not
apply to Sequences.

Moving Segments with Markers

When you move a segment of a sequence that contains markers, the markers are also moved.

Working with Multiple Sequence Tracks

This section includes additional controls that are available when working with Sequences:
l "Panning for Assets, Shotlists, and Sequences" on page 216
l "Reassigning Audio Sources in the Sequence Timeline" on page 218
l "Adding and Removing Sequence Tracks" below
l "Renaming Tracks" on the next page
l "Using the Track Selector" on page 372
l "Linking and Unlinking" on page 373

n Although both Sequences and news sequences can include multiple tracks, the information in this
section is specific to Sequences.

Adding and Removing Sequence Tracks

When you create a new Sequence, you get one video track and two audio tracks by default. If your creative
vision requires you to have more tracks, you can easily expand your Sequence using the Add Tracks button
on the Sequence Timeline. Sequences can include a maximum of four video tracks and eight audio tracks.

When you load the Sequence Timeline for the first time in a user session, the toolbar shows the Add Video
Track button by default. If you click the button, a new video track is added to the Sequence. If you use the
turn-down arrow to the right of the button to add an audio track, the toolbar displays the Add Audio Track
button. Each time you add a new track, the button is toggled to display the previous action. This behavior
allows you to easily add multiple tracks of the same type in quick succession.

The following illustration shows the available options after you click the Add Track turn-down. In the
following illustration, the toolbar displays the icon for the Add Video Track option.

If your Sequence includes tracks that are no longer required, you can use the Track Selector on the far-left
of the Sequence Timeline to delete a track.

n If you delete a track, you delete any edits on that track. If you accidentally delete a track you can
press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (macOS) to undo the action.

11 Editing a Sequence

n Graphic tracks for Sequences that are associated with Newsroom Management stories cannot be
deleted from the Sequence Timeline. To remove graphic tracks, you must remove the graphic itself.

To add an audio or video track to a Sequence:

t Click the turn-down arrow to the right of the Add Tracks button and select one of the following
– Add Video Track
This adds one new video track to the Sequence. Sequences can include up to four video tracks.
– Add Audio Track
This adds one new audio track to the Sequence. Sequences can include up to eight video
t Click the Add Video Track or the Add Audio Track button in the Sequence Timeline toolbar to add a
new track.
The type of track that is added to the sequence depends on the icon displayed in the toolbar.
To delete a track from your Sequence:
t Right-click on the track in the Track Selector and select Delete Track: <track name>.
If you delete a track that is neither the highest-level video track nor the lowest-level audio track, the
remaining tracks are renumbered so that they appear sequentially in the Track Selector.
Renaming Tracks
Sequences allow you to assign custom naming to both audio and video tracks. As shown in the following
illustration, A2 has been renamed as “Audio2” and V3 has been renamed as “Video FX Track”.

If you assign a name that is longer than the space allowed for the track column, the name appears with
ellipses at the end so that you know there are hidden characters. You can display the full track name by
either hovering your cursor over the track name, or by right-clicking the track. The hover tool-tip supports
word-wrap for very long names, while the context menu displays the original track name and the new track
name (no word-wrap).

Note the following:

11 Editing a Sequence

l You cannot assign a track name that is too similar to a standard track name. For example, you
cannot rename track V3 to “V9” or even “V99”.
l Track names cannot be blank. They must have at least one character.
l This release does not support the ability to create multiple tracks with the same name.
l Custom track names do not appear in the Storyboard tab.
l Custom track names appear in both MediaCentral Cloud UX and Media Composer — regardless of
where the name change occurred.
To assign a new track name:

1. Right-click the track in the Track Selector and select the Rename option from the context menu.
2. Enter your new track name and click OK to confirm, or Cancel to exit without saving.
If you have already assigned a custom name to the track, you can clear the Track Name field in the
dialog window to revert the track to its default name (V1, A1, etc).
To undo the name change:

1. After renaming the track, click anywhere in the Asset Editor to return focus to that area of the UI.
2. Press Ctrl+Z on the keyboard to undo the change.
If you load a different sequence, end your user session, or take another action that resets the undo
list, you must manually reset the track name instead of using Ctrl+Z.
Using the Track Selector
The Track Selector on the far left side of the Sequence Timeline allows you to enable and disable source and
record tracks — which has a significant impact on the editing process. New Sequences include V1, A1, and
A2 tracks by default, with the default track patching enabled (V1 to V1, and so on). If you change the track
selection, this information is retained in temporary (local) session storage on a per-sequence basis.

You can right-click on the Track Selector to display a context menu that provides you with actions such as
track patching, deleting tracks, and more. The following illustration shows an example Sequence with two
video tracks and four audio tracks. The Track Selector is outlined in red.

Notice that there are two columns of track names. The column on the left represents the tracks associated
with the asset that is loaded into the Source Monitor of the Asset Editor. The column on the right represents
the available tracks in the Sequence. In this illustration, the user has added a second video track and has
patched V1 (source) to V2 (record).

When working with multiple tracks, you might encounter a circumstance in which you must edit source
audio or video onto a track other than the parallel track displayed in the Track Selector. To edit the source
material onto another record track above or below it, you must patch the source track to the targeted
record track. Audio can patch only to audio, and video only to video.

11 Editing a Sequence

The following illustration shows a source asset with 64 audio tracks. In this example, the user is in the
process of patching source track A64 to record track A1.

As you already know, the Asset Editor allows you to drag and drop assets directly to the Sequence Timeline.
However in some cases you must use the patching options in combination with keyboard shortcuts or
buttons in the user interface to complete your edit. For example if you have a source asset that includes V1,
A1, and A2 and you want to edit that asset to the V2, A3, and A4 tracks, you cannot perform this type of edit
using the drag and drop method.

Patching changes are tracked with each source asset. If you load a new asset into the Source monitor after
making a change to the track patching, the tracks are reset to their default order. If you load the previous
asset, the patching changes are recalled for that asset. These changes are tracked for the current user
session only.

After you patch a track, a Reset option appears in the patching context menu under the final track. You can
click the reset option to revert all track patching back to the default configuration.

To enable or disable tracks in the Track Selector:

t Click on the track name in either the record or source columns to toggle the track on or off.
To patch tracks in the Track Selector:
t Right-click on the track name in the record column and select a new source from the menu.
The source track is patched to the destination record track.
Track patching is not associated with individual sequences. The patches made to one sequence are
maintained (if possible) as you load subsequent sequences in the same session.
To reset all track patching back the defaults:
t Right-click on the track name in the record column and select the Reset option at the bottom of the
context menu.
Linking and Unlinking
When you add an asset to your sequence that includes multiple tracks, the segments on those tracks are
linked together by default. If you move a segment to a different position in the timeline, the associated
segments tracks generally move with it (unless you take steps to modify that behavior). When working with
a Sequence, you can sever the relationship between the segments by unlinking them from each other. After
you unlink the segments, each behaves independently from the other by default.

Alternatively, you can link segments that were previously unlinked or even link segments together that had
no prior relationship. For example you could link a video segment from one asset with the audio segments of
a different asset.

11 Editing a Sequence

n Linking and unlinking changes are not saved with the sequence. If you load another sequence in the
Asset Editor or reload your sequence in a different user session, the segments revert to their original

To unlink or relink audio and video segments:

1. Do one of the following to define your selection:

t Click a segment in the Sequence Timeline to select it.
t Ctrl+click two or more individual segments.
2. Do one of the following to either unlink or link the segments:
t Right click on your selection and select Unlink from the context menu to disassociate the
selected segments.
t Right-click on your selection and select Link from the context menu to link the segments

n After you use the link or unlink commands, you cannot use Undo to revert the action.
Working with Transition Effects
When editing a Sequence or a news sequence, you can add transition effects between video segments in
the Sequence Timeline. Additionally, Sequences allow you to add transitions between a segment and empty
space, or filler, on the timeline to replicate a fade-in from black or fade-out to black effect. When you add a
transition, the effect is centered on the cut by default. However, you can adjust the parameters of the
effect to either start or end at the edit point. Alternatively, you can assign a custom number of start and
end frames.

Sequences allow you to add transition effects over audio segments as well. In the context of an audio-only
dissolve, the effect is referred to as a cross fade. This is different from the behavior of news sequences
where audio dissolves are created automatically. For more information, see "Working with Audio Tracks in a
News Sequence" on page 219.

The standard default length of each transition is 40 frames, but you can create an effect as short as 1 frame
for transitions that Start or End at Cut. If you add a transition that is centered on the cut, effect must be at
least 2 frames long. Centered transitions must be entered as an even number of frames. If you enter an odd
number, MediaCentral Cloud UX automatically adjusts the length to the next lowest even number. For
example if you define a length of 45 frames on a centered transition, the effect is saved as 44 frames when

The only restriction to the length of the transition is that it cannot extend beyond the asset or assets to
which it is applied. The transition extents (number of leading or tail frames) are limited by:
l You must have enough underlying media of either segment to support the transition.
l Any existing transition extending from the other end of the segment. In other words, you cannot
overlap two transitions on the same track.
l (news sequences only) The start and end of the sequence. For example, you cannot add a Centered
transition to the end of the sequence.
If you need to alter a transition after you add it to the sequence, you can adjust the parameters of the
effect through a dialogue window or through trim controls available directly on the sequence.

11 Editing a Sequence

To add a transition effect:

1. Do one of the following:

t If you want to apply an effect to a single transition point, place the position indicator on the
cut where you intend to add the transition.

n If your sequence includes a single Mark In or Mark Out point, the transition uses the start
or end of the sequence as the second mark point. If you want to add an effect to a single
transition point, you must ensure that your sequence does not include any In or Out
t If you want to apply effects to multiple transition points simultaneously, add Mark In and Mark
Out points to the sequence. Effects will appear at all transitions that are included in the
marked region. In the case of a Sequence, this applies to both video and audio tracks.
If your marked region already includes an effect, the effect is overwritten after you click OK at
the end of this process.
2. (Sequences only) Use the Track Selector to specify the tracks on which you want the effect to be
3. Do one of the following:
t Click the Add Transition button in the Sequence Timeline toolbar.

t Press the Backslash key (\).

The Transition parameters window appears (example for a news sequence).

If you added In or Out marks (or both) to the sequence, the Transition parameters window
displays the total number of effects that will be added. In the case of a Sequence, the window
also displays the enabled track names as shown in the following illustration.

n If one or more assets do not include enough media to create the effect, the Transition
parameters window is replaced with a warning message.

4. Adjust the parameters of the effect as desired.

11 Editing a Sequence

a. Click on the Positioning menu to alter the default behavior of Centered to any of the other
options in the menu.
b. Adjust the timing of the effect.
t If you select the Centered, Start at Cut, or End at Cut options, you can enter a value in
the Duration field to define the length of the transition (in number of frames).
The default duration of 40 frames on a Centered transition divides the effect evenly
across the two assets (20 frames in the leading segment and 20 frames in the trailing
t If you select the Custom option, you can define the length of the transition, based on the
number of frames before and after the cut. Additionally, if you select Custom and you
specify equal before & after values, the effect is saved as a Centered effect.
The following illustration shows a dissolve for a news sequence. If you apply a transition
effect to a Sequence, the window displays the tracks on which the effect will be applied.

n If you do not have enough media to allow for the default centered / 40 frame transition,
or if you are adding an effect to the start or end of a segment, the Transition parameters
window defaults to one of the other position types.

5. If you want to save the duration parameters as the new default, click the Set as Default button.
This settings affects only your user account and it is remembered across user sessions for all
6. Click OK to save the transition parameters and apply the effect.
The following illustration shows a centered dissolve between the two segments of a sequence.

7. You can view the transition in the Media Viewer by playing or scrubbing through the sequence.
Transitions are defined at the trailing end of a segment. If you change the position of a segment, you
might need to adjust the parameters of the effect. For example if you drag a segment that is centered
on the cut to the end of the sequence, the transition is now essentially an end at cut effect. In this
case you must verify that the effect parameters are still valid.

11 Editing a Sequence

To adjust the parameters of an existing transition:

t Double-click on the transition icon in the Sequence Timeline and adjust the parameters in the
Transition parameters window.
t Right-click on the transition icon in the Sequence Timeline and select Modify Effect from the context
t Position your cursor over the beginning or end of the effect in the Sequence Timeline and drag the
transition’s head or tail to trim the length of the effect.
As shown in the following illustration, the cursor changes to a double-sided arrow when placed over
the head or tail of the effect.

If you add a centered transition, this action trims both ends of the effect. If your transition starts or
ends at cut, the trim action alters only one end of the effect.

n You cannot overlap transitions. If you attempt to drag one transition over another, you are
stopped at the point where the two effects meet.
t Position your cursor over the beginning or end of the effect, press and hold the Ctrl key, and drag the
transition’s head or tail to trim the length of the effect and alter the positioning of the effect.
If originally Centered, holding the Ctrl key trims one end only. If initially not-centered, the effect
becomes centered and the trim alters both the head and tail.
To delete a transition effect:
t Click on the transition icon in the Sequence Timeline and press the Delete key.
t Right-click the transition icon in the Sequence Timeline and select Delete Effect.

Editing Mixed Sequences

Mixed sequence editing is a licensed feature that allows you to combine MediaCentral Asset Management
and MediaCentral Production Management assets in the same sequence. Your server must be licensed for
“MediaCentral | Enterprise Editing” to enable the functionality described below.

Editing a Sequence Containing Mixed Assets

The process of editing a mixed sequence is no different than editing a standard shotlist or news sequence —
except that you can combine Asset Management and Production Management assets together. The
following illustration shows a sequence with assets from each MediaCentral module.

11 Editing a Sequence

Segments in a mixed sequence show the host name of the MediaCentral module and the type of database:
“AM” for MediaCentral Asset Management and “Production” for MediaCentral Production Management. In
this example “WAVD-IE01” is the name of the Production Management server and “WAVD-AM” is the name
of the Asset Management server.

Saving and Opening Draft Sequences

As soon as you save a sequence that includes assets from these two MediaCentral modules, the sequence is
identified as a draft sequence. Draft sequences are unique in that they can only be loaded into the Asset
Editor by either the user that created it or a MediaCentral Cloud UX administrator.

As the creator of a draft sequence, you can close, and reopen the sequence for editing at any time. When
you load a draft sequence, MediaCentral Cloud UX produces a message to remind you about the draft

You can click anywhere outside of this window to dismiss the message.

If another user (not the creator) attempts to open the sequence, MediaCentral Cloud UX reports that the
sequence is saved as a draft and the user is blocked from loading the sequence into the Asset Editor. Before
other users can access the sequence, the owner (or an administrator) must synchronize the sequence.

Synchronizing the Sequence

After you finish editing your draft sequence, you must synchronize it. The synchronization process converts
the draft sequence back into a standard sequence. This final version of the sequence is saved to its native
asset management system. If for example you used the Browse app to create a new shotlist (EDL) in your
MediaCentral Asset Management database, the synchronization process saves the sequence to that same
database at the same location.

Regardless of where your final sequence is saved, the synchronization process is managed by your
MediaCentral Asset Management system. The process completes the following steps:
l Non-native assets are conformed to match the sequence’s native format.
If for example you create a Production Management sequence and you add assets from an Asset
Management system, the Asset Management media is converted to a file format that is compatible
with the Production Management system. The media is also copied to the Production Management
shared storage, and checked into the Production Management database.

n MediaCentral Production Management manages the new media as AMA (Avid Media Access)
material. If you are going to process the media through MediaCentral Transcode or perform an
STP, you need to install the proper AMA plug-ins and use an AMA workflow. For more
information, see “Using AMA Material in Interplay | Production” in the Avid Interplay | Production
Best Practices Guide.
l The sequence is saved and checked into the appropriate database.
If you are syncing a Production Management sequence, the clips are checked into the same folder as
the sequence — as referenced clips. Another representation of each clip is checked into the Catalogs

11 Editing a Sequence

When the sync operation is complete, the sequence is no longer considered a “draft”. It can be opened and
edited by any user that has the appropriate access rights. If you decide to edit additional non-native assets
into the sequence, you must save and resynchronize the sequence before other users can work with the
sequence or use the sequence in other workflows such as Send to Playback.

You can use the Process app to find detailed information about the synchronization job. If necessary, you
can also cancel the synchronization job through the Process app. If you cancel the job, the state of the
process shows as Failed because the job was unable to complete successfully.

Creating, Editing, and Syncing Mixed Sequences

To create a mixed asset sequence:

1. Create a new sequence or open an existing sequence using the processes described in this guide.
2. Edit a combination of assets from your MediaCentral Asset Management and Production
Management systems into the sequence.
The first time you add a non-native asset to the sequence, a message box appears to inform you that
a “foreign asset” has been detected.

t Click the OK button to complete the edit and convert the sequence to a draft sequence.
t Click the Cancel button to cancel the action and undo the last edit to revert the sequence to a
standard (non-draft) sequence.
3. Continue to edit assets into the sequence. You can save the draft sequence at any time.
If you save the sequence before starting a Sync process, the sequence is saved as a draft.
If your connection to MediaCentral Cloud UX times out or your session is otherwise interrupted, the
next time you sign in and open the draft sequence, you can use the Auto Recovery feature to open a
locally saved copy or the last saved copy.
4. When you are ready to synchronize the sequence, click the turn-down arrow to the right of the Save
button and select either Sync or Save and Sync.
If you have not already saved your sequence, the Sync option in the Save menu is replaced with a
Save and Sync option.
The Sync operation begins and a message appears in sequence header to inform you about the
synchronization status. You are allowed to play the sequence during the synchronization process, but
if you need to make additional edits, you must wait for the synchronization process to complete.
You can use the Process app to find detailed information about the synchronization job.

Releasing the Sync Lock

When you initiate the synchronization process, the system locks the sequence for editing. This lock prevents
users from attempting to make additional changes during the synchronization. However in the unlikely
event that the synchronization process fails or that another unforeseen error occurs, the sync lock might
not be released properly. In this case members of the MediaCentral Cloud UX Administrators group have
the option to release the sync lock manually. This manual process allows you to continue to edit the
sequence and resynchronize it if necessary.

11 Editing a Sequence

If a synchronization error does occur, you might see the following message when opening the sequence:
“This sequence used to have an associated draft sequence, which can no longer be found. The original
sequence has been opened.” Depending on the situation, a locked sequence might be a final synchronized
version of the sequence or might still contain mixed assets and be considered a draft.

To manually release the sync lock:

1. Sign in to MediaCentral Cloud UX as a user that is a member of the Cloud UX Administrators group.
This group is defined during the initial system installation and configuration
2. Use the Browse app to find and open the sequence that you need to unlock.
3. Click the turn-down arrow to the right of the Save button in the Sequence Timeline and select Release
Sync Lock.

The sequence is now unlocked and can be edited normally.

Known Limitations for Draft Sequences

The following limitations apply to draft sequences in this version of MediaCentral Cloud UX:
l You cannot combine MediaCentral Asset Management and MediaCentral Production Management
assets in a Sequence. This workflow is currently supported with shotlists and news sequences only.
l MediaCentral Production Management draft sequences cannot be opened in an editor such as Avid
Media Composer.
l If you are working on a sequence created in the Production Management database, all assets in the
sequence must have the same frame rate.
l If you add Production Management assets that contain markers to an Asset Management EDL, the
markers are not retained.

n Markers included in a Production Management sequence are retained during the editing
process and are saved during sequence synchronization.
l You cannot add Production Management group clips to draft sequences.
l After you save a sequence as a draft, some apps such as Browse or Search might not reflect the
sequences updated draft status until you refresh the app. If you double-click on the original
sequence without refreshing, the original (non-draft) sequence is loaded. The reverse is also true –
where the app does not reflect the updated status after performing a Sync on a draft sequence.
l The draft sequence synchronization process does not support proxy-only Asset Management media.
Assets must include high-res media to participate in the workflow.
l If your draft sequence began as a Production Management sequence, you cannot add audio-only
assets to the sequence. If your draft sequence began as an Asset Management sequence, Avid
supports adding audio-only assets to the sequence.
l If you plan to add a non-native asset to your sequence, the sequence must not already contain
Production Management group clips. If your draft sequence began as a Production Management
sequence, it must also not contain any audio-only assets.

11 Editing a Sequence

l If you save a sequence as a draft and use the Hoverscrub feature in the Browse app you will scrub a
proxy of the source sequence and not the draft sequence.
l You cannot perform “actions” on a draft sequence. If you right-click on a draft sequence in the
Browse app, the context menu reports that there are No Actions available.
l If you create a draft sequence and then delete the original sequence from the source database, the
draft sequence is lost and cannot be recovered.
l You must synchronize the sequence prior to using it in other workflows, such as Send to Playback.
l Draft sequences are not included in the Search app’s results list. After you synchronize the sequence,
the asset can once again be found through the Search app.
If you use the Search app to load and convert an existing sequence into a draft sequence, Avid
recommends that you verify the location of the source sequence using the Browse app. Since the
sequence is removed from the search index after being converted into a draft, you will not be able to
use the Search app to find the sequence in subsequent user sessions. You must use the Browse app or
the tools included with your asset management system to locate the asset.
l If the status of a sequence changes from standard to draft, or the inverse, and you have the Browse
or Search apps open with the sequence in view, you must refresh the app’s view before attempting to
load the sequence. If you do not, you might load a copy of the sequence that does not reflect its
current state.
l If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is configured in a multi-site environment, you cannot add
remote assets to a local draft sequence. For more information, see "Working with Remote Assets" on
page 189.
l Additional limitations might exist. See the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX ReadMe for limitations found
after the publication of this document.
In some cases, the Enterprise Editing workflow might allow you to perform actions on a draft sequence that
should not be allowed. See the following example workflows for more information.

Workflow 1: Docking the Browse or Search Apps (single user)

1. Use the Browse or Search app to load a standard (non-draft) sequence into the Asset Editor.
2. Dock the app that you used to locate the asset.
3. Use the Asset Editor to perform an action that converts the sequence into a draft.
Result: Since the docked app has not been refreshed, it displays the original (non-draft) version of the
sequence. If you load the sequence (e.g. double-click) from the docked app, non-draft sequence is loaded
into the Asset Editor. Additionally if you right-click on the sequence, the context menu displays actions
available for a standard sequence. If you attempt to perform an action on the (now) draft sequence, the
action will fail.

Workaround: If you refresh the docked app, you can load this sequence into the Asset Editor to see the draft
updates. The status of the sequence is updated and the context menu displays no actions — as expected.

n Also note that the reverse workflow applies. If you use the Browse app to load a draft sequence into
the Asset Editor and you synchronize the sequence without refreshing the app, the Browse app does
not allow actions in the context menu. Refresh the Browse app to update the sequence’s status.

Workflow 2: Docking the Browse or Search Apps (multi-user)

1. User 1 opens the Browse or Search app and loads a standard sequence into the Asset Editor.
2. User 2 loads the same sequence and adds a non-native asset which converts it to a draft.

11 Editing a Sequence

Result: In this case User 1 has the original sequence loaded and the user interface has not been updated to
reflect the new draft status. In this case User 1 might be able to perform certain actions which should not be

Editing a Sequence Associated with a Story

If you are a journalist working on a news sequence associated with a story (a script sequence), you need to
edit the clips in your sequence to match the script in your story. In MediaCentral Cloud UX, both the story
segments and the Asset Editor Sequence Timeline include timing information to help you edit your script and
your sequence.

In the Rundown app, a script is divided into story segments. Each story segment has a timed length based
on the read rate that is set in MediaCentral Newsroom Management. In the Asset Editor Timeline, a news
sequence associated with a story is divided into timing blocks.

Each story segment is associated with a timing block. Both the story segment and the timing block show the
same timing information: the duration of the media in the timing block and the duration of the text in the
story segment. For example, 0:00 / 0:19 indicates that there is no media for a story segment that is 19
seconds long.

The following illustration shows a story with two story segments (and the default New segment) and a news
sequence with corresponding timing blocks. The sequence does not yet contain any media in the first 19-
second long block, which is shown as 0:00 in the timing display.

As you edit the text in your script and the media in your sequence, the story segments in the Rundown app
and the timing blocks in the Asset Editor Timeline remain synchronized to help you edit media to match your

See the following topics for more information on sequences associated with news stories:

11 Editing a Sequence

l "Opening a Sequence Associated with a Story" below

l "Saving a Sequence Associated with a Story" on the next page
l "Working with Story Segments and Timing Blocks" on the next page
l "Working with Timing Displays" on page 385
l "Editing Media into Timing Blocks" on page 387
l "Extending a Segment into Another Timing Block" on page 388
l "Showing and Hiding Empty Timing Blocks" on page 389
l "Manually Adjusting Timing Blocks" on page 391

n Timing blocks are shown only for news sequences created from the Rundown app.
c Although you can associate shotlists and Sequences with Newsroom Management stories, these
sequence types do not include timing blocks. All references to “sequences” in this section apply to
news sequences only.

Opening a Sequence Associated with a Story

If you create a sequence through the Open Sequence button in the Rundown app, the sequence is
associated with the opened story as a script sequence (see "Creating a Sequence" on page 330).

You can open and edit a script sequence from the Browse or Search apps or you can open the sequence
using the controls in the Rundown app. However, if you do not open the sequence through the Rundown
app, any edits that you make to the sequence are not associated with the story. If you open a script
sequence through the Rundown app that has been edited outside of the Rundown app, MediaCentral Cloud
UX attempts to resynchronize the story and the sequence by adding empty text segments to the story.
Alternatively if the story has more text segments than the sequence has timing blocks, then extra timing
blocks are added to the sequence.

n Because unassociating a sequence can be easily done by mistake and then finding the right sequence
again to "undo" the operation can be challenging, the Rundown app now provides an Unassociate
Sequence confirmation dialog prior to unassociating a sequence from a story.

If you plan to edit a script sequence, Avid recommends opening sequence through the Rundown app to
maintain synchronization of the assets. For more information, see "Working with Story Segments and
Timing Blocks" on the next page. See also "Adding Media to a Story" on page 414.

To open a script sequence from the Rundown app:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to locate a Newsroom Management story.

2. Double-click on the story to load it into the Rundown app.
3. Click the Open Sequence button.

The associated sequence opens in the Asset Editor.

n If not already open, you must click on the Asset Editor’s Timeline button to see the sequence in
the Sequence Timeline.

11 Editing a Sequence

Saving a Sequence Associated with a Story

When you work with a sequence that is associated with a Newsroom Management story, be aware that
changes are saved automatically in some cases, but manually in others. Review the following workflows to
ensure that your work is saved:
l If both your sequence and your story include unsaved changes, the act of saving the sequence also
saves the story automatically.
l If you have unsaved changes to a sequence and you attempt to load another sequence, you are
prompted to save your changes before loading the new sequence.
For more information on saving a sequence, see "Using the Save Button" on page 337.

Working with Story Segments and Timing Blocks

As you work, MediaCentral Cloud UX maintains synchronization between the story segments in your script
and the timing blocks in your news sequence. As you create new story segments, new timing blocks are
created. As you expand your script, or add media, the timing displays are updated. If you change the order
of the story segments, the order of the timing blocks is also changed.

This synchronization gives you the flexibility to focus on the script, the sequence, or both together.
Following are two approaches you can take:
l For a current news story, you might start by drafting a script. As you write, you can break the script
into segments, which creates associated timing blocks in the sequence. Later, you can fill in the
timing blocks with media that comes in from the field, and use the timing displays to fine-tune the
script and the sequence before recording a voice-over.
l For a feature story, you might start by opening a new story, and creating a rough cut using clips
from a media library. By dragging clips to the end of the default “New” timing block, you create both
a new timing block and a new story segment (see "Editing Media into Timing Blocks" on page 387).
You can then work on the script, using the timing displays and timing blocks to help you match the
script to the media.
The following list describes the basic functions when working with story segments and timing blocks:
l When you highlight a story segment, the corresponding timing block is highlighted. When you
highlight a timing block, the corresponding story segment is highlighted.
l If you add a story segment to a script, a corresponding timing block is added to the sequence.
l You can only reorder by moving segments in the story, not by moving timing blocks in the sequence.
If you reorder story segments, the corresponding timing blocks are automatically reordered and
media segments are moved with their timing blocks.
l If you split a story segment, a new timing block is inserted after the selected timing block. Any media
remains in the selected timing block.
l Presenter instructions (red) and closed-captioning text (green) do not affect how the Newsroom
Management system calculates the text duration. If a story segment contains only presenter text or
only closed-caption text, the text duration is shown as 0:00. A corresponding timing block is created,
but you have the option of hiding it. See "Showing and Hiding Empty Timing Blocks" on page 389.
l If you are working on a script and a sequence together, the same set of Undo/Redo actions applies to
both the Rundown app and the Asset Editor Timeline. If you load a new sequence or close the Asset
Editor Timeline, the Undo actions are lost in the Rundown app.
l For some news stories, you might need to create a story segment that is not associated with video in
the story. For example, a story might include presenter text before the video starts. MediaCentral
Cloud UX lets you create a story segment that does not display a corresponding timing block in the
sequence. See "Creating a Text-Only Story Segment" on page 419

11 Editing a Sequence

Working with Timing Displays

The header of a story segment and the header of the corresponding timing block show the same set of two
l The first number shows the duration of the media currently contained in the timing block.
l The second number shows the duration of the text in the story segment. The duration of the text is
based on the read rate that is set in the MediaCentral Newsroom Management system. For more
information, see “Modifying User Traits” in the MediaCentral Newsroom Management Setup
Configuration Guide.

n Frames are not shown for the media duration. The duration is rounded up or down to the nearest
second, with the midpoint rounded up. For example, a 24 fps clip with a duration of 00;00;30;12 is
rounded up to 0:31.

The following examples show the results of adding media to a story segment that is 19 seconds long..
t In the following illustration, there is no media associated with the story segment, so the timing display
is 0:00/0:19. The media duration is red, indicating that more media is needed to match the text
duration in the story segment and eliminate any video gaps.

t If you insert a clip (or clips) that total 15 seconds long, the media fills 15 seconds of the timing block
and the timing display changes to 0:15/0:19. Again, the media duration is red, because more media is
needed. To fill this 4 second gap, you can lengthen the clip(s) or add another one.

11 Editing a Sequence

t If you insert another clip that is 10 seconds long, it extends the timing block. The timing display
changes to 0:25/0:19. The media duration is black, indicating that there is enough media to match
the length of the text. However, there is now a 6 second gap at the end of the text. You can either trim
the video to 19 seconds, or add some text.

t If you insert a clip that is 19 seconds long, or you trim a clip to 19 seconds, the text duration and the
media duration match. The timing display changes to 0:19/0:19.

11 Editing a Sequence

Adding text or removing text changes the text duration of a story segment, which automatically changes
the duration of the timing block to match. You can manually adjust the duration of the timing block. See
"Manually Adjusting Timing Blocks" on page 391.

Editing Media into Timing Blocks

Editing media into a timing block is similar to editing media into the sequence (see "Working with
Sequences" on page 341). You can perform insert edits or overwrite edits, trim segments, split segments,
and so on. For example, you can insert a video clip into a timing block simply by dragging the clip from the
Media viewer to a timing block.

The following actions are specific to editing media into timing blocks:
l Edits respect the boundaries of the timing block. In other words, a media segment shorter than the
duration of the timing block results in a gap in the timing block, and a media segment longer than the
duration of the timing block extends the timing block. To extend a segment beyond a timing block
boundary, use the extend segment feature. See "Extending a Segment into Another Timing Block" on
the next page. You can also manually change the duration of the timing block. See "Manually
Adjusting Timing Blocks" on page 391.
l You can edit media into timing blocks independently. That is, you can edit media into timing block A,
then edit media into timing block C, leaving timing block B empty. This leaves a gap (or “black hole”)
in a sequence. You can use these gaps as placeholders as you work on the sequence, but in most
cases you need to fill them before sending a sequence to playback.
l Similarly, a timing block can include gaps in which video media does not completely fill the timing
l An empty timing block displays a length of three seconds by default. You can hide empty timing
blocks. See "Showing and Hiding Empty Timing Blocks" on page 389.
l You can drag segments from one timing block to another.
l You can create an L-cut within a timing block using the standard procedure for creating an L cut (see
"Creating L-Cuts in News Sequences" on page 367). To create an L-cut beyond a timing block
boundary, you need to use the extend segment feature. See "Extending a Segment into Another

11 Editing a Sequence

Timing Block" on the next page.

l You can create a new timing block and corresponding story segment by dragging a clip to the “New”
timing block or past it. A timing block is added to the end of the existing blocks, just before the “New”
block. A corresponding story segment is added to the script.
l Recording a voice-over increases the length of a timing block, because audio segments cannot cross
timing block boundaries. After you finish the recording, you can split the audio segment to edit the
audio appropriately.
l You can manually expand or contract the length of a timing block. See "Manually Adjusting Timing
Blocks" on page 391.

Extending a Segment into Another Timing Block

By default, video and audio edits do not cross timing block boundaries. If you try to extend a media
segment beyond the boundary of a timing block, the timing block enlarges to match the duration of the
segment. If you want to extend a segment beyond the timing block — for example, to create an L-cut, you
need to use the extend segment feature.

A common L-cut involves replacing some of the video in a segment while keeping its audio. The extend
segment feature allows you to extend video (and NAT audio if available) beyond the boundary of a timing
block without affecting the SOT track or the VO track. Use the position indicator to specify the end point of
the extended segment.

The following illustration shows a selected segment (video plus NAT) in the first timing block. The position
indicator is at the 25 second mark, which is the location to which you want to extend the segment. The tool-
tip for the Extend/Retract button displays “Extend.”

After you click the Extend/Retract button, the video and NAT for the selected segment extend to the position
indicator. The Extend/Retract button turns blue as shown in the following illustration.

Its tool-tip also changes to “Retract,” (not shown). The blue icon (circled in red) indicates that the selected
segment is extended. You can remove the segment extension by clicking the Extract/Retract button to
retract the segment.

11 Editing a Sequence

To extend a segment:

1. Move the position indicator to the location to which you want to extend the video segment.
2. Select the segment.
You can select only a video segment and its associated audio segments (if available). Video, NAT, and
SOT are selected, but only video and NAT will be extended. You cannot select or extend an audio-only
3. Do one of the following:
t Click the Extend/Retract button.
t Right-click and select Extend.
t Press Ctrl+Shift+X (Windows) or Command+Shift+X (macOS).
The Extend/Retract button turns orange to indicate that the segment is extended into the next timing
block. The tool-tip for the button changes to Retract.

n If you extend a segment over a hidden timing block, the timing block is displayed. See "Showing and
Hiding Empty Timing Blocks" below.

To retract a segment:

1. Select the segment.

2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Extend/Retract button.
t Right-click and select Retract.
The Extend/Retract button turns gray and the tool-tip for the button changes to Extend.

Showing and Hiding Empty Timing Blocks

If a story segment does not contain any text, and its corresponding timing block does not contain media,
the timing is displayed as 0:00/0:00. Because the timing block does not contain media, it is considered
empty, and by default it is not shown in the sequence. Empty timing blocks are also hidden by default in the
following situations:
l All text in a story segment is marked as presenter instructions (red) or closed-captioning text (green).
l Text in a story segment is timed at one second or less.
The following illustration shows a story segment without timed text (followed by a New segment). The
corresponding timing block is hidden. The mouse pointer is positioned at the Show/Hide Empty Timing
Blocks button, and its tool-tip appears as “Show Empty Timing Blocks.”

11 Editing a Sequence

The following illustration shows the formerly hidden timing block, its header circled in red, and the
Show/Hide Empty Timing Blocks button turned blue. At mouseover, its tool-tip (not shown) would appear as
“Hide Empty Timing Blocks.”

Note the following:

l If you extend a segment over a hidden timing block and into the next timing block, the hidden timing
block is displayed and the segment is extended into it.
l If you take any actions to change a timing block, such as manually adjusting its duration, the block
will always be shown.
l You can create a text-only story segment that does not have a corresponding timing block. See
"Creating a Text-Only Story Segment" on page 419.
To show timing blocks, do one of the following:
t Click the Show/Hide Empty Timing Blocks button so that it is orange.
The tool-tip for the button changes to Hide Empty Timing Blocks.
t Select Show Empty Timing Blocks from the Sequence Timeline toolbar.
To hide timing blocks, do one of the following:
t Click the Show/Hide Empty Timing Blocks button so that it is gray.
The tool-tip for the button changes to Show Empty Timing Blocks.
t Select Hide Empty Timing Blocks from the Sequence Timeline toolbar.

11 Editing a Sequence

Manually Adjusting Timing Blocks

By default the length of a timing block is synchronized with the duration of the text in the corresponding
story segment. As you work on your story, you might want to manually adjust the duration of a timing
block. For example, if you want to use a video segment that is not long enough to fill a timing block, and you
do not need to exactly match the timing of the story segment, you can shorten the duration of the timing

After you manually adjust a timing block, the timing display (media duration and text duration) will
continue to automatically update. However, the size of the timing block will no longer be affected by the
text duration and you cannot re-associate the text and video. Also, a manually adjusted timing block
cannot be hidden.

To manually adjust a timing block:

1. Move the mouse pointer to the outside border of a timing block header so that a two-headed arrow
2. Click the border of the header.
The timing block header turns lighter gray.

n The timing block does not need to include media. Media does not need to be selected.
3. Drag the border to lengthen the duration of the timing block.
If you would like to adjust the timing block to a duration that is shorter than a media segment, you
must trim the media to the desired duration.

12 Working with Group Clips

12 Working with Group Clips

This topic describes working with group clips and multicamera workflows in MediaCentral Cloud UX.

Group Clips and Multicamera Workflows

Multiple cameras are often used for productions such as concerts, award shows, situation comedies, and
reality TV. The resulting footage can then be used to create group clips, an asset type composed of footage
recorded by more than one camera simultaneously. MediaCentral Cloud UX includes features for working
with group clips in multiple-camera (multicamera) workflows.

Group Clips

Group clips are created in any of the applications in the Media Composer product family by syncing a
group of clips based on common source timecode, auxiliary timecode, or marks placed in the footage. A
user working in an Avid editing application can check group clips in to and out of a
MediaCentral Production Management database. A user working in MediaCentral Cloud UX can view the
group clips and use them to create a sequence. A sequence can contain a mix of master clips and group

c You cannot add group clips to a Sequence. For more information on the different asset types, see
"Understanding Sequence Types" on page 325.

n For more information about group clips and multicamera editing, see the documentation for Media
Composer or another editing application in the Media Composer product family.

Avid Editing Applications

MediaCentral Cloud UX supports editing of sequences created in Avid Media Composer that contain group
clips, if the sequence consists of cuts only (for example, a shotlist). The sequence opens in the Asset Editor
and you can edit the sequence in the same way you edit a sequence you created in
MediaCentral Cloud UX.

n Subclips created from group clips, group clips composed of subclips, and multigroup clips are not
currently supported for playback.

Introduction to Group Clips

You open a group clip in the same way you open other assets, either through the Browse app or the Search
app. The clip opens in the Asset Editor.

Because a group clip consists of multiple individual clips, each with a different camera angle, you can view
it in different ways:
l Single-angle view
l Multi-angle view, either 2x2 or 3x3
The following illustration shows a group clip displayed in 3x3 multi-angle view to the left and single-angle
view to the right. In multi-angle view, camera angles appear from left to right and top to bottom, based on
the order the group clip was created in the Avid editing application. An orange bounding box marks the
active angle. The active angle determines which camera angle is displayed in single-angle view and also
which angle is displayed when you add the clip to a sequence.

12 Working with Group Clips

n The numbers shown in the multi-angle view illustration are for reference only and do not appear in the
user interface.

Control Description

1 Active angle indicator An orange bounding box that indicates which master clip in a group
clip is active.
2 Swap banks overlay arrows Switches the display from one group of multiple angles to another,
either the previous group (left arrow) or the next group (right arrow) If
a group clip has more angles than fill a single grid (either 2x2 or 3x3),
the angles are displayed in banks.
3 Multi-Angle View buttons Determines whether the clip is displayed in multi-angle view:

Single-angle view (1x1)



4 Active Angle button Displays the active angle. The number indicates the number of the
angle in the display, from left to right and top to bottom and across
banks. Click to change the video angle from context menu.

5 Next Multi-Angle Bank button Switches the display from one group (bank) of multiple angles to the
next group,

The following illustration shows the same group clip in a 3x3 grid and in a 2x2 grid. In both cases, angle 1 is
selected as the active angle.

12 Working with Group Clips

In multi-angle view, if the last bank of a group clip contains fewer than the number of angles in the grid, the
remaining angles are displayed as empty slots.

n You cannot currently create a subclip from a group clip.

n MediaCentral Cloud UX supports group clips that include audio-only source clips (angles). However,
at least one source clip must include video. If you select a video angle in the Media Viewer, all clips
with audio tracks are available for track mapping.

For more information, see the following topics:

l "Loading a Group Clip and Changing the Angle View" below
l "Working with Banks" on the next page
l "Selecting the Active Angle" on the next page
l "Playing a Group Clip" on page 396
l "Timecode and Group Clips" on page 397
l "Selecting Audio Monitoring Preferences in Source Mode" on page 397
l "Markers and Restrictions for Group Clips" on page 399

Loading a Group Clip and Changing the Angle View

When you load a group clip, the Media Viewer displays it in single-angle view. You can also display angles
of the group clip in either a 2x2 grid or a 3x3 grid. You can use the 2x2 grid for a group clip with more than
four angles; the additional angles are displayed in additional banks. You can use the same controls in either
grid layout.

To load a group clip:

1. In the Browse app or Search app, navigate to the group clip you want to open.
Group clips are marked by the group clip icon.

2. Double-click the clip or drag it to the Media Viewer.

12 Working with Group Clips

To change the grid layout for a group clip, do one of the following:
t Click the Multi-Angle View button and select 1x1, 2x2, or 3x3.
The Multi-Angle View button is available through the Show More Controls button in the Asset Editor.
Alternatively, you can select the option for Two Rows of Buttons. For more information, see "Media
and Playback Controls" on page 182.

The icon on the button changes to show the currently selected grid.The selected grid layout persists
for any new group clips that you open.
t Double-click the monitor in the Media Viewer.
– If the display is in single-angle view, the display switches to 3x3 (the default) or the last known
multi-angle grid. For example, if you switch to 2x2, back to 1x1, then double-click the video, a
2x2 grid is displayed.
– If the display is a multi-angle grid, the display switches to single-angle view.
Working with Banks
If a group clip contains more than the number of angles specified in the angle view (for example, five or
more angles in a 2x2 grid), MediaCentral Cloud UX divides the angles into two or more banks, each
containing either four or nine angles. If the last bank of a group clip has fewer than four or nine angles, the
remaining angles are displayed as empty slots.

To change the bank displayed, do one of the following:

t For the next bank, press the right Swap Banks overlay arrow.
t For the previous bank, press the left Swap Banks overlay arrow.

t For the next bank, click the Next Multi-Angle Bank button.
t For the next bank, press Alt+. (period).
t For the previous bank, press Alt+, (comma).
t Select an active angle that is in a bank not currently displayed — for example, by typing Alt+number.
The monitor changes to the bank that contains the new active angle.

Selecting the Active Angle

The active angle determines which camera angle is displayed in single-angle view and which angle is used
when you add the group clip to a sequence. In multi-angle view, an orange bounding box marks the active

12 Working with Group Clips

The default angle displayed is the last active angle saved in the AAF file and the MediaCentral Production
Management database, regardless of the user. If an active angle is not yet set (for example, the clip is being
loaded for the first time), angle 1 (V1) in the group clip is displayed.

If you change the active angle during your MediaCentral Cloud UX session, the active angle persists until
you sign out or close the session. If you open the group clip in a different session, the active angle will be the
last active angle saved in the MediaCentral Production Management database, which might not match the
last active angle you selected in your previous session.

To change the active angle displayed, do one of the following:

t Click the Active Angle button and select an angle from the menu.
The following illustration shows angle 1 selected from the 10 angles that make up the group clip.

n The order of the clips that compose a group clip is determined by how the clip was created in
the Avid editing application.
t Press a key combination:
– To select a specific camera angle, press Alt+angle number (Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3 up to Alt+9).
If a group clip is divided into banks, and an angle is not displayed in the bank, the display
automatically changes to the correct bank.
– To select the next consecutive camera angle, press Alt+Down Arrow.
– To select the preceding camera angle, press Alt+Up Arrow.
You can change the active angle while the clip is playing and the clip continues to play.

The active angle persists throughout your session, but it is not saved in the MediaCentral Production
Management database.

For information about changing the camera angle in the Sequence Timeline, see "Creating a Shotlist with
Group Clips" on page 399.

Playing a Group Clip

You can play a single angle of a group clip in single-angle view, or multiple angles in multi-angle view. In
multi-angle view, all angles play simultaneously. You can change the active angle while the clip is playing
and the clip continues to play.

12 Working with Group Clips

To play a single-angle of a group clip, do one of the following:

t In single-angle view, click the Play button. You can change the angle you want to play (see "Selecting
the Active Angle" on page 395).
t In multi-angle view, double-click the angle you want to play and click the Play button.
To play all angles of a group clip:
t In multi-angle view, click the Play button.
All displayed angles play simultaneously.

Timecode and Group Clips

A group clip has its own timecode, which depends on the sync point and how the group clip was synced
when created. The group clip takes its timecode from the first master clip in the bin when the group clip was
created. If the master clips that compose the group clip share the same timecode and were synced by
timecode, timecode for the group clip will match timecode for any of the active angles.
l In multi-angle view, the group clip timecode is displayed.
l In single-angle view, the timecode for the active angle is displayed.
Black filler is used as padding in angles that have different start or end points from other angles in the
group clip. In single-angle view, master timecode for this filler is displayed as 01:00:00:00; absolute and
remain timecode are displayed as blank.

For more information, see "Using the Timecode Displays" on page 193.

Selecting Audio Monitoring Preferences in Source Mode

The Audio tab includes special controls for audio monitoring of group clips.

When you load a group clip in the Asset Editor, the Audio tab displays audio tracks for the group clip and
controls to set your monitoring preferences. Group clips display a track selector for each track in the group

The track selector includes an option labeled Audio Follows Video, which lets you map all audio tracks to
tracks from the clip selected as the active angle. “Audio follows video” is a shortcut that allows the audio
mapping for a track to automatically “follow” any active angle change and use the audio from the new
active angle.

The following illustration shows controls in the Audio tab when a group clip is loaded. The left side shows
three track selectors, representing three audio tracks in the group clip. The right side shows the settings and
options for Track A1.

12 Working with Group Clips

n The number of track selectors shown represents the maximum number of tracks in any of the clips that
compose the group clip. For example, if some clips contain two audio tracks, and some clips contain
four tracks, there will be track selectors for four audio tracks.

n The order of the angles in the drop-down menu matches the order of the group clip as it was created in
the Avid editing application. This list can include audio-only clips if at least one source clip includes

Mapping Audio From Other Angles

You can use the drop-down menu for each audio track to select audio from the corresponding audio track
in any other clip in the group clip. The following illustration shows the options for Track A1, with audio from
angle 3 selected.

The monitoring selections that you set are retained when you switch angles in the master clip. Custom
monitoring is a user setting that is retained from session to session.

12 Working with Group Clips

Markers and Restrictions for Group Clips

Markers created in MediaCentral Cloud UX are applied to the group clip itself, not to a particular angle of a
group clip. These markers are checked into the MediaCentral Production Management database and are
displayed in Media Composer.

You cannot create Restrictions on group clips in MediaCentral Cloud UX.

When you load a group clip in Source mode, the Storyboard tab displays any markers or restrictions for
master clips in the group clip. You can edit existing markers or you can add new ones.

Markers and restrictions are shown in the Media Viewer for all angles of a group clip and for the group clip
itself when it is loaded in Source mode. If you edit the active angle of a group clip into a shotlist or news
sequence, only markers on the group clip itself are added to the sequence. Markers on the active angle are
not added to the sequence.

Creating a Shotlist with Group Clips

Complete editing support for group clips is available only in shotlists. You can create a shotlist exclusively
of group clips, or combine group clips with master clips. You can select the camera angle and audio
mapping for group clips in the sequence.

MediaCentral Cloud UX also supports editing of sequences created in Media Composer that contain group
clips, if the sequence consists of cuts only.

n You can add an active angle to a news sequence. See "Adding an Active Angle of a Group Clip to a
News Sequence" on the next page.

To add a group clip to a sequence:

1. Open the Asset Editor.

2. Load an existing shotlist or create a new one.
3. Do one of the following:
t In single-angle view, display the active angle you want to use in the sequence and drag it to
the Sequence Timeline.
t In multi-angle view, click and hold the angle you want to use and drag the clip to the Sequence
To change the angle of a group clip in a sequence, do one of the following:
t Right-click the angle segment in the timeline, select Select Angle and the angle that you want to
display in the sequence.
t Select the angle segment in the timeline, then use the same keyboard shortcuts you use when
selecting an angle in the Asset Editor: Alt+Up Arrow, Alt+Down Arrow, and Alt+1 through Alt+9.
To change the angle of a group clip in a sequence (while playing):

1. Open the Asset Editor.

2. Load an existing shotlist or create a new one.
3. With focus on the Sequence Timeline, click the L key to begin playback.
4. Change the angle by using the same keyboard shortcuts you use when selecting an angle in the
Asset Editor: Alt+Up Arrow, Alt+Down Arrow, and Alt+1 through Alt+9.

n If you use the mouse to select the angle, playback stops.

12 Working with Group Clips

To change the audio selected for a group clip in a sequence:

t Right-click the group clip or segment of a group clip, select Audio Mapping, select the audio track
you want to map, and select the angle for the audio.
The following illustration shows a group clip with eight audio tracks.

You can change the audio track while the sequence is playing, but playback will stop.

Adding an Active Angle of a Group Clip to a News Sequence

Complete editing support for group clips is available only in shotlists. However, you can add the active
angle of a group clip to a news sequence. The result is that the original master clip is used in the sequence,
along with its original audio tracks.

The result is similar to using the Match Frame feature with a group clip, and then editing the resulting
master clip into the sequence.

n All association with the group clip is lost when you add an angle to a news sequence. If you need this
metadata, you must use a shotlist.

To add an active angle of a group clip to a news sequence:

1. Load a group clip into the Asset Editor.

2. Select the active angle.
3. (Optional) Mark In and Out points.
4. Drag the clip to the Sequence Timeline of a news sequence.
5. (Optional) Change the audio mapping by right-clicking the clip in the timeline, selecting Audio
mapping 1 or Audio mapping 2, then selecting the desired audio track.
The default track is based on the MediaCentral Production Management settings.

Using Match Frame for Group Clips

You can use the Match Frame feature with group clips and sequences that include group clips.

To load the source master clip for the active angle of a group clip:

1. In Source mode, select the active angle for which you want to load the master clip.
2. Navigate to the frame that you want to match.
3. Click the Match Frame button.
The master clip for the active angle of the group clip is loaded in the Asset Editor, with the matching
frame displayed.

12 Working with Group Clips

To load the source group clip for a segment in a sequence:

1. In Record mode, navigate to the frame for which you want to load the group clip.
2. Click the Match Frame button.
The group clip for the selected segment is loaded in the Asset Editor, in single-angle view. If you want,
you can then use Match Frame to load the source master clip for the matching frame of the group

Sending a Sequence with Group Clips to a Playback Device

You can send a sequence with group clips to a playback device (STP). However, you need to do a mixdown
before you can send the sequence.

For information about mixdown, see "Transcoding Assets" on page 100. For information about sending to
playback, see "Using Quick Send to Send To Playback" on page 206.

13 Working with the Rundown App

13 Working with the Rundown App

The Rundown app allows you to create or edit Newsroom Management stories that are saved to and
synchronized with the Newsroom Management system. Queue and story modifications you make in the
Rundown app are automatically updated on the Newsroom Management server(s). The reverse is also true:
changes made within Newsroom Management are automatically updated in the Rundown app.

The Rundown app also automatically refreshes changes made in any queue on a local system, so that all
users are able to see the latest saved status information. All queues will refresh in the Rundown app,
independent of their assigned database traits on the Newsroom Management system.

If you are working in a MediaCentral Cloud UX multi-site environment, the following additional functionality
is available:
l Open rundown (queues) on a remote Newsroom Management system.
l Create, edit, and delete stories on a remote Newsroom Management system.
l Open, assign, or unassign remote sequences to and from a news story. See "Associating a Sequence
with a Story" on page 415.
You can access the Rundown app by clicking on the icon in the Fast Bar at the top of the user interface.
However before you can use the Rundown app, you must load a Newsroom Management asset into the app.

To open a queue in the Rundown app:

1. Use the Browse or Search apps to find a Newsroom Management queue or story.
2. Double-click on the queue or story to open the asset in the Rundown app.

n You may use the Browse or Search apps to find both local and remote assets.
The asset opens in the Rundown app. If opened from the Browse app, the topmost story is selected. If
opened from the Search app, the story you double-clicked in the Search results list is selected. You might
need to scroll down in the queue to see the highlighted story.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Display or Control Display or Control

1 Browse app (docked) 3 Queue section (also referred to as Queue grid)
2 Rundown header 4 Story section (Script Editor)

The Rundown app can display either a queue, such as a show's rundown, a story in that queue, or both.
l To display the queue section, click the Queue button so that it turns blue. To hide the section, click
the button so that it turns gray.
l To display the story section, click the Story button so that it turns blue. To hide the section, click the
button so that it turns gray.
The Rundown app can display a tab for each queue you open. The name on the tab changes based on the
story you select in the queue. You can move the mouse pointer over the tab to view the entire path name.

n In addition to the story body, the story section may also display an area called the story form. The
display of this section may be toggled on and off by clicking the Show/Hide Story Form options in the
App menu.

When only the queue is displayed in the app, the display is called a grid view. When only the story is shown
in the app, the display is called a story view. When both are visible, the display is called a split view.

You can use the horizontal dividing line between the queue and story sections of the app to adjust the ratio
of the split view within the app. When you position your mouse pointer over the dividing line, the mouse
pointer changes to a double arrow. You can then click and drag the dividing line up or down to adjust the
space allocated to each section of the app. However, it is not recommended to use this technique to hide
one section of the app or the other.

For Refresh queues, initially up to 250 stories are shown in the Queue section. If there are further stories in
the queue, pressing the Show More Results button at the bottom of the Queue section lets you display the
next 250 stories. Newsroom Management supports up to 1,000 stories in a Refresh queue.

13 Working with the Rundown App

For Wires queues – those queues with the Watch Append trait – if a story status (the Ready field) is a WIRE,
then the Rundown App will color the story in the Queue grid and Story Form (top area of the Story section)
according to the following:
l Red for Flash wires
l Orange for Bulletins
l Dark yellow for Urgent wires
Routine wires receive no change in background coloring.

Here's an example of a Wires queue containing some of these priority wire stories.

In the Queue grid, the font will appear bold for wire stories that have not been viewed (selected). Those that
have been read are displayed with less prominence.

n The read status resets when the queue is reopened or refreshed.

Creating a Story
You can create a story in MediaCentral Cloud UX or edit a story previously created in MediaCentral Cloud
UX or on local or remote Newsroom Management systems. For more information on how to edit existing
stories, see "Editing a Story" on page 407.

When connected to a Newsroom Management server version 4.0 or higher, you can create a new story in a
queue. You can also add an external link to a story, such as a Web URL.

n To create a story, the user needs to have the reorder traits set in the Newsroom Management.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To create a new story:

1. Navigate to the row in which you want the new story to be inserted in the queue.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the App Menu button located at the top right corner of the Rundown app and select
Create Story.
t Right-click and select Create Story.
The existing row is pushed down, and a new row is inserted in the queue at that location.
If you are in split view, you can begin writing your story; if not, open the new story.
3. Enter the name of your story in the Slug field of the Story Form.

n If your Newsroom Management system is set up to display real names, the Rundown app lets
users enter real names in the WRITER field of the story form. The app will then display that
user’s real name instead of a log-in ID in that field as well as in the CREATE-BY, ENDORSE-BY,
and MODIFY-BY fields of both the story form and queue.

4. Enter the text of your story in the first available segment.

5. Click the App Menu button located at the top right corner of the Rundown app and select Save Story
to save your changes.
MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the save operation
– Click Save to save the story.
– Click Don’t Save to delete the new story.
– Click Cancel to make no change.

n You can prevent this confirmation message and most other messages from displaying by
selecting “Don’t ask to confirm actions of this type.” To display confirmation messages again,
click the Rundown App Menu button and select Show All Confirmations.

To view an existing story:

t Select the story in the queue you want to view. If necessary, click the Story button to display the
story in the bottom half of the Rundown app.
To open an existing story in story view:
t Select the story in the queue and click the Queue button.
This toggles off the display of the queue in the Rundown app and displays the story within the entire
app’s space.

Segmenting Stories
You can write a story in a single segment or divide it into multiple segments. The following illustration shows
a story in a single segment.

13 Working with the Rundown App

You can use segments to time the text and integrate it with video, audio, graphics, and production cues. See
"Adding Media to a Story" on page 414. Multiple timed segments are combined to form the overall story. The
following illustration shows the same story as the one in the previous example, but written split into two

You can add or delete segments, split a segment in two, and rearrange segments within a story.

To add a segment to a story:

t Click in the segment marked NEW located at the bottom of the story and begin typing.
t Highlight text in an external text editor such as Word and drag and drop the highlighted text to the
segment marked NEW located at the bottom of the story.
To split a segment in two:

1. Position the cursor in the story where you want to split the text into two segments.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Split Segment.
t Press Ctrl+] (Windows) or Command+] (macOS).
If your story is associated with a news sequence, splitting a segment creates a new empty timing
block after the original associated timing block.
To rearrange segments in a story:
t Click the production cue column of the segment you want to move and drag it up or down into its
new location.

n When you rearrange segments, any production cues (including graphics) in those segments are
also moved and renumbered as needed.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To delete a segment and the text in the segment:

t Right-click the segment you want to delete and select Delete Segment.

Writing Stories in Right-to-Left Languages

The script editor lets you write stories in right-to-left languages (for example, Arabic and Hebrew).
Alignment of the text changes based on the following rules:
l Automatic switching to right-to-left alignment:
– Production cues and Story Form cells switch to right-to-left if more than 50 percent of the text
in the production cue body consists of right-to-left characters.
– Queue grid cells switch to right-to-left and right-aligned if the first character in the cell is a
right-to-left character. If the cell is center-aligned by default, it will remain center-aligned
regardless of cell content.
l Manual switching
– If focus is in any segment, alignment of all segments will be switched. Reloading the story will
return the segment alignment to the default.
– If focus is in the production cue body, only the current cue body alignment will be switched.
Reopening the production cue returns cue body alignment to the default.
– If focus is in a story form field, only the current story form field alignment will be switched.
Reloading the same story form keeps the current field alignment. Reloading a different story
form returns the field to the default.
To manually switch alignment of the segment that has focus, do one of the following:
t Press Ctrl+Shift.
t Right-click and select “Switch to RTL.” If the story is RTL, select “Switch to LTR.”

Editing a Story
When you modify a story, changes you make in MediaCentral Cloud UX are automatically updated on the
Newsroom Management server. The reverse is also true: changes made to a story on the Newsroom
Management server are automatically updated if you open the story in MediaCentral Cloud UX. With
proper user rights, you can edit stories from local and remote Newsroom Management systems.

If you edit a story that is transmitted to a destination queue marked as an update queue, the edited story
replaces the older version in the update queue. For more information on configuring update queues, see
“Setting Automatic Update” in the Avid MediaCentral | Newsroom Management Setup and Configuration

The standard editing features found in MediaCentral Cloud UX are the same as those for most word
processing software applications. You can cut, copy, or paste text as you work on a story. When cutting or
copying text, the system stores the text in a temporary storage spot known as a clipboard; only one block
of text can be stored at a time, so whenever you cut or copy something new, it replaces whatever was
previously stored on the clipboard.

You can use cut, copy, and paste to move text and production cues within a single story or from one story
to another. You can also edit any editable field for a story in a queue.

n If you edit a timing field in the story form, such as the READ field, the field content is displayed in bold
style and the field is not automatically updated any longer. To start automatically updating the value
in a timing field again, delete the manually entered value and leave the field.

13 Working with the Rundown App

You can also change text to a bold or italic font, and underline selected text within a story, using keystroke
combinations or the toolbar buttons circled in red in the following illustration.

To cut text:
t Select the text and press Ctrl+X (Windows) or Command+X (macOS).
To copy text:
t Select the text and press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (macOS).
To paste text:
t Select the text and press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (macOS).
To undo the previous edit, do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Undo.
t Click the App Menu button and select Undo.
To redo the previous edit, do one of the following:

Right-click and select Redo.

t Click the App Menu button and select Undo.
To set text to bold, do one of the following:
t Select the text and click the B button.
t Select the text and press Ctrl+B (Windows) or Command+B (macOS).
To italicize text, do one of the following:
t Select the text and click the I button.
t Select the text and press Ctrl+I (Windows) or Command+I (macOS).
To underline text, do one of the following:
t Select the text and click the U button.
t Select the text and press Ctrl+U (Windows) or Command+U (macOS).

While viewing or editing a story, the user can adjust the size of the text by using the Story Text Size drop-
down menu (located far left of the toolbar).

The zoom applies to the story body, production cue text and markers, and segment times in all open
queues. Options include: 50%, 75%, 100%, 125% 150%, 175%, and 200%.

Formatting a Script
When you write a story, the text appears in the normal, default text style. When you format a story as a
script for a news broadcast, you might need to mark certain text, such as instructions for presenters or
closed captioning.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Presenter instructions are most often used as brief instructions to news presenters (also called news
anchors). The text for presenter instructions appears red in the script, in reverse video on the teleprompter,
and is not included in the text used by the system to calculate the read time.

Closed captioning is most often used for “sound-bite verbatims.” The text for closed captioning appears
green in the script and is sent to a closed caption encoder if your station uses such a device to broadcast
scripts for the hearing-impaired. Closed captioning text does not appear in the teleprompter, and it is not
included in the calculations of a script’s read time.

n The default normal text style is sent to both the teleprompter and to any closed caption encoder used
at the station.

The following procedures use the toolbar buttons circled in red in the following illustration.

To mark text as a normal text:

t Select the text and click the N button or press Ctrl+Alt+N (Windows).
To mark text as a presenter instruction:
t Select the text and click the P button or press Ctrl+Alt+P (Windows).
To mark text as a closed captioning text:
t Select the text and click the CC button or press Ctrl+Alt+C (Windows).
n You can click the N, P, or CC buttons before typing your text as well. Any new text you type will
appear in the format you selected. To change the format of the text you type at any time, select
another format.

Adding Production Cues

When you format a story as a script for a news broadcast, you might need to add production cues.
Production cues provide important information to technical staff as well as machine control commands for
devices, such as character generators.

Production cues are added to scripts from the Story area and edited in the Cue List area of the Script
Editor. Each production cue you add is given a numerical value. This number appears in a box as a
production cue marker in the script, which corresponds to the insertion location of that production cue’s
text box in the Cue List.

When selected, the production cue marker is colored blue, and the information in the production cue is
visible in the Cue List.

13 Working with the Rundown App

You can change text to a bold or italic font, underline selected text, and mark text as a normal text but you
cannot mark text as presenter instructions or closed captioning within a production cue.

You can copy one or more production cues from one story to another, and you can copy production cues
and paste them within an open story.

To insert a production cue in a script:

1. Position your cursor in the story where you want to insert the production cue marker.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Insert Production Cue.
t Press Alt+Insert (Windows).
3. Enter the production cue information, such as Take VO, On Camera, Take SOT, or Take Live. The
information is automatically saved when you click someplace else in the story.
To move a production cue in a script:
t Click the production cue’s marker and drag it to another location within the script.
n When production cues are rearranged in a script, the system automatically renumbers them,
beginning with one (1). The same renumbering occurs if new production cues are added or
existing ones are deleted.

To delete a production cue from a script:

t Select the production cue and press the Delete key.
If you delete a production cue, MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the
delete operation. Click OK to delete the production cue or Cancel to leave the story unmodified.

n You can prevent this confirmation message and most other messages from displaying by
selecting “Don’t ask to confirm actions of this type.” To display confirmation messages again,
click the Rundown App Menu button and select Show All Confirmations.

To copy one or more production cues to another story:

1. Open two stories.

2. Click and hold the mouse and select the production cue or cues, or text that includes the production
3. Press Ctrl+C.
4. Position the insert cursor where you want to insert the production cue or cues.
5. Press Ctrl+V.
If necessary, the production cues are renumbered to fit sequentially into the target story.
You can also drag and drop the production cues from one story to another.

Adding Machine Control Instructions

If your station integrates with a broadcast control system, such as MediaCentral | Command, the
production cues might include machine control instructions.

These instructions must be preceded by an asterisk (*) and written in a special format, beginning with a
command for the type of device the instruction is for, such as CG for a character generator. After the
command the format specifies a particular item or template, such as 2line for a template that contains two
lines for fulfillment data. If additional comments or information is required it would follow on succeeding
lines in the same production cue text box.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Note the following on machine control formatting:

l Machine control instruction formatting uses blue font color.
l You can apply the same text decoration to machine control instructions as for stories (italic, bold,
l You can use the “Set text as normal” formatting controls to remove the machine control instruction
In the following procedure, a machine control instruction for a 2-line character generator graphic is used as
an example.

To add machine control instructions for a CG event:

1. Insert a production cue in the script.

2. In the production cue text box (in the Cue List), type the instructions — for example, CG2line and
press Enter.
3. Type the first line of text that should appear on the 2-line CG graphic, such as Mayor Joe Smith.
Press Enter.
4. Type the second line of text that should appear on the 2-line CG graphic, such as Pleasantville.

5. Highlight the text and press Alt+Ctrl+M.

An asterisk (*) is added at the beginning of the first line and the CG machine control instruction is
displayed in blue font.

If you have already created a machine control instruction and highlight text, consider the following:
– If the selection includes the machine control instruction and text before the instruction, the text
before is turned to an additional machine control instruction (asterisk added, blue font)
– If the selection includes the machine control instruction and text following the instruction, the
text is integrated in the machine control instruction (blue font)
– If the selection includes only text of the machine control instruction, nothing is changed.
To remove a machine control instruction:

1. In the production cue text box (in the Cue List), highlight the entire machine control instruction text.
2. Click the N (“Set text as normal”) button or press Ctrl+Alt+N (Windows).
3. Delete the asterisk from the beginning of the first line.

Adding a Primary Machine Control Instruction

The machine control event associated with the Story Form, by default, takes precedence over other
machine control commands put into a script, when the event list is generated by the Newsroom
Management monitor server. If you want the machine control event associated with the Story Form to

13 Working with the Rundown App

appear in a position other than first in the event list, you can insert a placeholder in the Story. The system
then inserts the Story Form machine control event at that location in the event list. You can insert one
primary machine control instruction cue. Only one is allowed in any given story.

Like other machine control instructions, the instructions you type must be preceded by an asterisk (*) and
written in a special format, beginning with a command for the type of device the instruction is for, such as
CG for a character generator.

To insert a primary production cue:

1. Position your cursor in the story where you want to insert the production cue marker.
2. Right-click and select Insert Primary Cue.
A production cue labeled *Primary is created.

Locking and Unlocking a Story

Newsroom Management has multiple types of locks, such as edit locks, segmented edit locks, easy locks,
and key locks. Locking a story makes it impossible for another unauthorized person to change a story while
you are working in it. If a story is edit locked by another user, you can still navigate to that story and view it,
but a warning message appears if you attempt to edit the story. The warning message states: Unable to
obtain edit lock. Story is currently locked by another user.

Segmented edit locking allows for one user to change Story Form data while another user has a lock on the
story’s text and cue list. This is beneficial for producers who might need to make modifications in the Story
Form section of the Script Editor while a reporter is still working on the body of the story itself.

Easy locks and key locks can only be applied to a story from an MediaCentral Newsroom Management
workstation, but the security measures are honored within MediaCentral Cloud UX. With easy lock, a
Newsroom Management user locks the story to his or her user name, so that only that user or a Newsroom
Management system administrator can access it. If any other user attempts to open an easy-locked story
from MediaCentral Cloud UX, they will be denied viewing or editing access to the story. Likewise, a
Newsroom Management user key locks a story by applying a password so that only those who know the
password can view or edit the story. If a MediaCentral Cloud UX user attempts to open a key-locked story,
the system will prompt that user for the password.

c System administrators cannot supersede the edit lock of another user from MediaCentral Cloud UX.
However, neither the easy locking feature nor the key locking feature apply to Newsroom
Management system administrators. They can access any easy- or key-locked story in the Newsroom
Management database at any time.

To lock a story, do one of the following:

t Click the Lock/Unlock button in the toolbar.
t Press Ctrl+E (Windows).
An edit lock is automatically applied to the story. When you have a story locked, the Lock/Unlock
button is colored blue.

To lock the Story Form, do the following:

t Begin typing in any field in the Story Form of a story. The segmented edit lock is automatically

13 Working with the Rundown App

To lock the Story Body, do the following:

t Begin typing in the body of the story. An edit lock is automatically applied to the story body.
To unlock a story, do one of the following:
t Navigate to another story in the queue.
t Press Ctrl+E (Windows).
t Click the Lock/Unlock button.

n If you unlock the story, a confirmation dialog box appears stating the following:
Story has been modified. Do you want to save it before unlocking?

Choose Save to save it and then unlock the story, Don’t Save to unlock the story without saving
modifications, or Cancel to return to the story with the edit lock still in place.

Navigating between the Story Form section of the Script Editor to the Story or Cue List sections releases any
segmented edit lock you have on the Story Form. The reverse does the same for any edit lock you might
have on the story body. Before the locks are released you are prompted to save all changes you made.

Inserting Script Templates

Script templates are templates created by an administrator for you to let you quickly insert predefined text
and segments into stories. For example, if a daily weather story in a show has a standard set of production
cues and presenter instructions that are always the same, an administrator can create a script template
that contains this information. The template can then be made available to MediaCentral Cloud UX users to
insert within new stories they write for subsequent shows.

Script templates are inserted at the current cursor position of an opened story.

To insert a script template:

1. Position your cursor in the story body where you want to insert the template information.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Template button in the toolbar.
t Right-click and select Insert Script Template.
t Press Ctrl+Shift+I.
3. Select the template you want to use from the list by double-clicking on it.

Inserting MOS Placeholders

You can create a placeholder item for a third-party MOS device in a Newsroom Management story, in either
the story form or as a story’s production cue. To add it to the story form, the story form must be capable of
including MOS information.

n The Newsroom Management server must be running MediaCentral Newsroom Management v4.0.3 or

13 Working with the Rundown App

To insert a MOS object placeholder:

1. Position your cursor in one of the following places:

– In a segment in the Story editor.
– In any field in the Story form.
2. Right-click and select Insert Placeholder.
The Create MOS Object Placeholder dialog box opens.
3. Select a device name and enter a title. Optionally, enter a description.
4. Press OK.
The new MOS object placeholder appears as a production cue in the Story editor and the Cue List, or
in the MOS-Title field.
The MOS device user can later update the placeholder with a real ID and object by turning on or
loading the monitor server. The MOS Gateway will then return data back to Newsroom Management
and MediaCentral Cloud UX in the production cue.

n The Rundown app can manage a MOS object in the story form that corresponds to the Video ID field,
thus enabling playout devices referencing videos via a MOS object (as well as using the Video ID in a
MediaCentral Command workflow). To enable this feature, some configuration is necessary in the
Newsroom Management module of the Administrator app. Please see the Configuration Settings
chapter of the MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation and Configuration Guide.

Adding Media to a Story

If you want to add media to your story, you have two options:
l Associate a sequence with the story. See "Associating a Sequence with a Story" on the next page.
l Create a sequence for the story and edit the sequence. See "Creating a Sequence for a Story" on
page 417.
The Sequence button on the toolbar provides both functions: If no sequence is assigned to the story, the
button is labeled Create Sequence and clicking the button creates a sequence. If a sequence is already
assigned with a story, the button is labeled Open Sequence and clicking it opens the associated sequence
in the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer and Sequence Timeline.

The following illustration shows a story and an associated news sequence open in the Asset Editor Media
Viewer and Sequence Timeline.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Associating a Sequence with a Story

In addition to using MediaCentral Cloud UX to create a new sequence for a story (see "Creating a Sequence
for a Story" on page 417), you can associate an existing sequence with a Newsroom Management story.
This lets you create a video sequence in MediaCentral Cloud UX or in Media Composer, and then later
associate it with a story in the Newsroom Management database. Associated sequences might originate
from local or remote Production Management systems.

n Although you are allowed to associate local sequences with remote stories (or remote sequences with
local stories), the process of associating these assets does not automatically initiate a transfer of the
sequence’s media. If you need to send assets to a playback device, you must deliver the assets to the
same remote system or use the Deliver to Me feature to obtain local copies of the remote media.

If the story does not have a story (slug) name, the sequence name is used as the story name.

When an existing sequence is associated with a news story, it establishes a reference between the sequence
and story, enabling a shortcut button in the Rundown/Queue view that loads the sequence directly. After
an associated sequence is loaded, there is no further linkage between the two. This is different, however, for
new sequences created from the story. For more information about edit-linking, see "Creating a Sequence
for a Story" on page 417.

You can associate a sequence with only one story. If you try to associate a sequence with a story that is
already associated with another story, a dialog box asks you if you want to duplicate the sequence. If you

13 Working with the Rundown App

duplicate the sequence, a second sequence is created with a new sequence name: [sequence_
name].duplicate. You can move the new sequence to another folder, and the sequence maintains its

If you want to associate a sequence with a story that already has a sequence associated with it, you can
overwrite the existing association with the new sequence.

You cannot associate a sequence with a edit locked story, and you must have write permissions to the story
in order to associate a sequence.

To associate a sequence with a story:

1. Open your story in the Rundown app.

2. In the docked Browse or Search app, locate the Production Management sequence that you want to
associate with your story.
3. Drag the sequence from the results area in the Browse or Search app and then drop it on your
Newsroom Management story in the queue.

n You cannot undo this action. If you want to associate a different sequence with your story,
select a new sequence and repeat the procedure.

The sequence becomes an associated sequence. A sequence icon is shown in front of the story in the
Queue section.

n When opening or refreshing a rundown, sequence icons in the Queue view will not appear
initially for any key-locked stories. However, after the user unlocks the story, that story’s
information is updated and a sequence icon will appear if the story has a sequence. The icon
will remain if the user navigates to other stories in the rundown, but if the rundown is a refresh
queue, the icon will disappear upon refresh.

You may also right-click on the Sequence icon in the Queue section of the Rundown app and utilize a
context menu to perform a number of actions that apply to that sequence, such as:
– archiving the sequence
– exporting the sequence to Asset Management
– opening the sequence in the Asset Editor or Browse app
– importing the sequence into Adobe Premiere Pro (from the story within the Adobe panel)
4. (Option) Click the Open Sequence button on the toolbar to open the assigned sequence in the Asset
Editor and Sequence Timeline.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To associate a sequence with more than one story:

1. Open your story in the Rundown app.

2. In the docked Browse or Search app, locate the Production Management sequence that you want to
associate with your story.
3. Drag the sequence from the results area in the Browse or Search app and then drop it on your
Newsroom Management story in the queue.
A dialog box opens and asks if you want to create a duplicate sequence.
4. Click Yes to create a duplicate sequence.
A duplicated sequence is created in the same folder as the original sequence, and it becomes an
associated sequence.
To associate a different sequence with a story:

1. Open your story in the Rundown app.

2. In the docked Browse or Search app, locate the Production Management sequence that you want to
associate with your story.
3. Drag the sequence from the results area in the Browse or Search app and then drop it on your
Newsroom Management story in the queue.
A dialog box opens and asks if you want to override the existing associated sequence with the new
4. Click Yes.
The new sequence replaces the old associated sequence.
To remove the associated sequence from a story, do one of the following:
t Right-click the story in the queue, and then select Unassociate Sequence.
t Select the story in the queue, click the App Menu button, and select Unassociate Sequence.
Creating a Sequence for a Story
In addition to using MediaCentral Cloud UX to assign an existing sequence with a Newsroom Management
story (see "Associating a Sequence with a Story" on page 415), you can create a new sequence for the

When creating a new sequence, you might have the option of creating a Sequence or a news sequence.
While Sequences do not support timing blocks, news sequences include empty timing blocks for each
segment of the story. You can then later edit media into the timing blocks. For more information on
sequence types, see "Understanding Sequence Types" on page 325.

n Creating a new sequence will always create it on the local Production Management system. You
cannot create remote sequences for a story.

Before you start creating a sequence, you must make sure that the story has a name. As long as the story
does not have a slug, the Create Sequence button is disabled. If you try to create a sequence and the
Production Management server is not available, an error message is displayed.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To create a sequence for a story:

1. Select your story in the Rundown app.

2. Click the Create Sequence button on the toolbar.

The Create New Associated Sequence dialog box appears.

The options available in this window might vary based on your system settings. The following image
shows the default window (left) which allows you to define the name of the sequence. If the Allow
Folder Selection option is enabled by your system administrator in the Configuration Settings app,
the window (shown on right) provides options that allow you to define the sequence type and the
directory in which the sequence will be saved.

3. (Optional) Adjust the following parameters:

– Type: (if applicable) Select the sequence type: Sequence or news sequence.
If you do not have access to this setting, the Rundown app creates a news sequence by
– Create In: (if applicable) Define the Production Management directory where your sequence
will be created.
If you do not have access to this setting, the sequence is saved at the location defined in your
User Settings.
– Name: This is the name of your sequence. By default, the story (slug) name is used as the
sequence name; however, the ability to alter the default name is at your discretion.
If your original Newsroom story included the special characters /, \, or |, these characters are
removed automatically from the new sequence name as they are not supported in the
Production Management workflow.
4. Click Create.
The sequence is created, becomes an associated, edit-linked sequence, and is saved to the
Production Management database. A sequence icon is shown in front of the story in the Queue
section. The name provided in the Create Sequence dialog box is shown in the Asset Editor header.

13 Working with the Rundown App

If you created a news sequence, an empty timing block for each segment of the story is created and
shown on the Sequence Timeline.

The sequence icon and its name also appear in the top-right corner of the Sequence Timeline, along
with an edit-link indicator icon. While in edit-linked mode, the icon appears blue, and any edits made
within the story blocks are simultaneously synchronized in the sequence timing blocks (news
sequences only).

n If you navigate to another story, linked-editing of the story and sequence ends, and the edit-
link indicator icon turns gray. Additionally, a warning appears briefly in place of the icon to
notify the user that the sequence is no longer synchronized. When unlinked from the story, you
can click the icon to load the story in the Rundown app and reestablish edit-link mode.

n If you find that the edit-link icon is not working as expected, ask your system administrator to
ensure that the “NrcsID” property is Available (enabled) in the Production Management
Interplay Administrator under Site Settings > Property Layout > Custom Metadata.

To remove the sequence from the story, do one of the following:

t Right-click the story in the queue, and then select Unassociate Sequence.
t Select the story in the queue, click the App Menu button, and select Unassociate Sequence.
n Because unassociating a sequence can be easily done by mistake and then finding the right sequence
again to “undo” the operation can be challenging, the Rundown app now provides an Unassociate
Sequence confirmation dialog prior to unassociating a sequence from a story.

Creating a Text-Only Story Segment

For some news stories, you might need to create a story segment that is not associated with video in the
story. For example, a story might include presenter text before the video starts. You can create a story
segment that does not display a corresponding timing block in a news sequence.

You can create more than one text-only story segment in a news sequence.

n You cannot disconnect a story segment if the corresponding timing block contains video. The menu
option is grayed out.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To create a text-only story segment:

1. Create a story segment. You can place it anywhere in the story. You can include the text now or later.
A corresponding timing block is created in the sequence.
2. In the Sequence Timeline, right-click the header of the new timing block in your news sequence and
select “Disconnect Story Segment."
The timing block is removed from the sequence.
To reconnect text-only story segments:
t Right-click on any of the story segments in the Sequence Timeline and select “Reconnect Story
This action displays any timing blocks that were previously removed.
Any changes you make to the sequence are saved with the sequence. If you disconnect a story segment
and save the sequence, the next time you open the sequence the story segment will still be disconnected.

Story Ready Status

The Newsroom Management system administrator may define some fields as required to consider a story
“ready.” The Story Form and Queue grid of the Rundown app processes these rules and updates the display
of the READY status. The following images show a before and after illustration where the “required field”
Video ID is updated.

Recovering Stories In Case of Disconnect

When you work in MediaCentral Cloud UX, the state of your story is stored on your local Windows or
macOS system every 10 seconds. This feature is helpful in case of a disconnection or service failure, or if
you close a browser session without saving your work. This feature is also helpful if your administrator sets
an automatic session timeout.

Edits made during the last ten seconds cannot be recovered.

n For information about recovering sequences, see "Recovering Sequences" on page 339.
You can recover your unsaved changes in several different ways:
l If a disconnection or failure occurs and you remain signed in, the editing functions of the Rundown
app are deactivated, and the Auto Recovery dialog box is displayed, as described below.
l If the disconnection or failure results in the need to sign in again, a dialog box is displayed that lists
assets with unsaved changes.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Click the name of the asset to open the last saved version. If the asset is a story, the Rundown app
displays three additional buttons:
– Recovered: Click this button to open the recovery file (from the local system).
– Last Saved: Click this button to open the last saved file (from the Interplay Production
– Keep This: Click this button to save the version that you display and delete the other version.

If the story includes a script sequence, and the Sequence Timeline is open, these buttons are
displayed on the Sequence Timeline.
You can switch back and forth between versions to compare them, and click the Keep This button
when you decide which version to keep.
l If you click a link in the Auto Recovery dialog box but the referenced story does not exist any longer
or the Newsroom Management system is not available, you can remove the auto-recovery data: In
the Auto Recovery prompt that opens, click OK to remove the link from Auto Recovery.
l If you close the Auto Recovery dialog box without selecting an asset, you can select Auto-Recovered
Assets from the Rundown App menu to display the Auto Recovery dialog. This option appears only if
auto-recovered assets are available.

n If your browser crashes, but the MediaCentral Cloud UX session and Newsroom Management session
are still active, Newsroom Management stories are locked for five minutes. You will not be able to edit
or restore the story unless the lock is released or the MediaCentral Cloud UX and Newsroom
Management sessions end. You can ask your MediaCentral Cloud UX administrator to end the
MediaCentral Cloud UX session, which will release the lock.

Deleting or Recovering a Deleted Story

When a Newsroom Management story is deleted, it is sent to a folder labeled Dead (the Dead queue), from
which an administrator can retrieve it for a limited amount of time. This time frame is based on a purge
interval set for that queue by each site’s system administrator.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To delete a story:
t In the queue list, select the story and do one of the following:
– Right-click and select Delete Story.
– Click the App Menu button and select Delete Story.
MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the delete operation. Click OK to
delete the story or Cancel to leave the story in the queue.
If the story is key-locked and you are not a super-user, a dialog shows the name of the key-locked
story and prompts you to enter your password. When the password is correct, the key-locked story is
If you want to recover a deleted story, contact your system administrator to retrieve it from the Dead
queue. After the story is purged from the Dead queue, it cannot be retrieved.

Production Tasks
Some tasks considered to be typically done by producers or production staff — such as grouping stories,
reordering queues, and floating stories — are available via the Rundown app in MediaCentral Cloud UX.
l "Grouping Stories" below
l "Ordering a Queue" on page 424
l "Copying and Moving Stories Between Queues" on page 428
l "Floating Stories" on page 430
l "Modifying Fields in the Queue Grid View" on page 431
l "Printing a Rundown or Stories" on page 434
l "Loading Large Queues" on page 439

Grouping Stories
You can group stories within a queue to link them together. For example, a producer might want to link a
presenter’s intro and tag before and after a reporter’s package as a story group within a rundown. When
stories in a queue can be grouped, a Story Group column appears as the second column in the Queue
section located next to first column of selector buttons.

n You can only create groups from contiguous stories.

The following illustration shows selected stories in a story group.

After you create a group, you can move the group together within a queue. You can also create stories
within an existing group or remove them from a story group.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To create a group from existing stories:

1. In the Rundown app, Shift+click to select two or more consecutive stories.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click and select Create Story Group.
t Click the App Menu button and select Create Story Group.
t Press Ctrl+Alt+G.
To add a story or stories to an existing group, do one of the following:
t Position your cursor within the group and create a new story. Creating a new story between rows of a
group adds the new story to that group.
t Drag a story or a selection of stories and drop them between the rows of a group.
t If the story you want to add is located in the row directly above or below the group to which you want
to add it, select it along with the story group, then right-click and select Create Story Group.
To remove a story from a story group, do the following:
t Select the story, and then drag it to a new location in the queue.
To move a story group:

1. In the Rundown app, click the Story Group column to select the group.
2. Drag and drop the group into its new location within the queue.
You can drag and drop a story group anywhere within the queue and group associations are

n You can also copy or move a selected story group from a queue on one Newsroom server to a queue on
a different server within MediaCentral Cloud UX. See "Copying and Moving Stories Between Queues"
on page 428 for more information.

To ungroup a group of stories, do one of the following:

t In the Rundown app, right-click any story within the group and select Dissolve Story Group.
t Click the App Menu button, and select Dissolve Story Group.
t Press Ctrl+Alt+V.
Renumbering Stories
You can renumber values in the PAGE column of a queue for a selection of stories or renumber all stories
within the queue.

For example, the following illustration identifies a selection of stories in a queue.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Renumbering sets the Page Number values for the selected (or all) stories from top to bottom in the queue.
The renumbering process utilizes breaks to define segment prefixes, such as the letters C and D in the
example. It also recognizes grouped stories by retaining the same story number (C03 in the example) for
each story in the group while enumerating the alphabetic group designator.

n Locked stories or stories without a title (slug) are skipped.

To renumber a selection of stories in a queue:

1. In the Rundown app, Shift+click to select two or more consecutive stories.

2. Click the App Menu button and select Renumber.
To renumber all stories in a queue, do the following:
t Click the App Menu button and select Renumber All.
n The Rundown app will request confirmation from the user before renumbering all stories in the queue.
Ordering a Queue
As the stories in a rundown queue develop, the order in which they are presented in the newscast can
change. Only individuals with the proper permissions to order queues (usually a member of the production
staff) can do so.

Users with ordering privileges can select and move stories to change their sequence within a queue. You can
select one or multiple stories, and you can reorder the rundown by dragging the stories to a new position
and dropping them in the new location. An ordered queue can also be locked to prevent changes to the
story order.

If you copy or move a story, MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the copy or
move operation.

n You can prevent this confirmation message and most other messages from displaying by selecting
“Don’t ask to confirm actions of this type.” To display confirmation messages again, click the
Rundown App Menu button and select Show All Confirmations.

13 Working with the Rundown App

For more information, see “Setting Confirmation Preferences” in the Avid MediaCentral | Newsroom
Management User’s Guide.
l If you copy or move normal or your own easy-locked stories or you are a superuser, a dialog prompts
you to confirm the copy or move operation.
l If you copy or move key-locked stories, a dialog shows the name of the key-locked story and prompts
you to enter your password. For each key-locked story in your selection a separate prompt is shown.
If you provide a wrong password, you are prompted to re-enter the password. When the password is
correct, the respective story is copied or moved.
l If a selection contains unlocked stories and stories that are easy-locked by another user, a message
informs you that not all stories can be moved or copied due to missing access privileges. The
unlocked stories are copied or moved.
l If you copy a story with an associated Production Management sequence, you create a duplicate of
the sequence.
To reorder a queue:

1. Open the queue you want to order.

2. Select the story you want to order. Ctrl+click to select multiple stories, or Shift+click to select a range
of stories.
3. With the stories selected, place the mouse pointer on the first column of one selected story, and do
one of the following:
t Drag the story or stories to the new location to reorder the stories.
t Press Ctrl and drag the story or stories to the new location to copy the stories.

Cursor indicating reorder Cursor indicating copy

A blue line indicator shows the new position.

4. Release the mouse pointer.

MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the reorder or copy operation.

13 Working with the Rundown App

5. Click OK to complete the operation or Cancel to leave the queue unmodified. For each key-locked
story in your selection, you need to provide your password in a separate dialog.
The repositioned story or stories appear in their new location.

Using the Timing Status Bar

During show preparation, prior to going on-air, producers may need to determine whether a show will end
on time with its current rundown of stories. For this reason, in the Rundown App, a new Timing status bar
may be displayed at the bottom of the application window. It combines, into a single status bar, both show
and segment information along with information for timing a story's text.

The fields on the Timing status bar are:

Field Description

Show This field displays whether the show's duration is over or under the planned time allotted. If the
duration of the show's stories match the show's planned duration, then the word "exact"
appears in the field.

Segment This field displays whether the duration of the selected story's segment is over or under. If the
duration of the stories in the segment match the planned segment duration—as defined by the
hard start time and hard end time—then the word "exact" appears in the field.

TTC Time to cursor: This field displays the estimated "text time" from the story's beginning to the
current cursor position in the story body.

Text times include the runs time for production cues and audio time, also known as the read-
time, based on the presenter's read rate if defined; otherwise, the system default read-rate is

Presenter instructions and closed caption cues do not contribute to text time calculations.

n For the Timing Bar to take into account any changes to the read rate based on the
presenter without saving the story, installation of Newsroom Management 2023.7.1 is

BLK Time of blocked (selected) text: This field displays the estimated "text time" of the selected
portion of the story body.

EST This field displays the total estimated "text time" of the story.

n The Timing status bar will show timing in either the TTC field or BLK field, but not both simultaneously.
13 Working with the Rundown App

To show or hide the Timing status bar:

t Click the App Menu button located at the top right corner of the Rundown app and select Show
Timing Bar.
t Click the App Menu button located at the top right corner of the Rundown app and select Hide Timing

n The availability of the Timing status bar does not depend on the Text Timing Clocks queue trait.
Tracking a Show in the Rundown App
To time a rundown, the producer places the rundown queue in show timing mode. This is done from an
iNEWS Workstation, usually located in the control room.

Once on-air, the producer users the show timing bar in the rundown to track the progress of the show.

The show timing bar appears in the queue grid of the Rundown App as a reddish change in background
color for the row of the story currently "on-air". After a story has aired, the background color changes
again to a pale blue color.

To help monitor the progression of the show, a station clock (real time) and three show timing clocks are
displayed on the producer's iNEWS Workstation; likewise, users of the Rundown App may choose to also
display these clocks in a toolbar above the queue grid. See "Toggle the Display of Show Timing Clocks" on
the next page for more information.

n The show timing clocks in the Rundown App only work with the real workstation time, not when timing
to duration, or if someone uses the Set Clock option at an iNEWS Workstation to manually alter the
time prior to the on-air timing of a show. This means the times will be off in the Rundown App if the
iNEWS Workstation timing the show uses anything else but real time; such as, if the producer
manually sets the clock or times to duration.

Icon Clock Name: Description

13 Working with the Rundown App

Station Clock: displays the real workstation time (wall clock)

Item Countdown Clock: displays the countdown of current "on-air" story

Hard Out Clock: displays the time to next manual set time

Over/Under Clock: displays the amount of time the show is over or under

n Clocks utilize a standard HH:MM:SS format. The show timing clocks will appear blank until show timing
is started. Then, the clocks in the Rundown App will update while the show is on-air.

If the show's rundown contains Backtime or Cume Time fields, then those times are automatically
calculated in the corresponding fields of the queue grid or story form within the Rundown App.
l Backtime is calculated on the elapsed time at which each story must start for the show to remain on
l Cumulative time is calculated as the elapsed time accumulated from the beginning of the show to the
end of the show.
If a show is running over its allotted time, the numerals in the show timing clocks will appear red. Likewise,
the "heavy" story times—that is, those that are over the scheduled time—will appear red in the timing fields
of both the queue grid and the story form.

Toggle the Display of Show Timing Clocks

To show or hide the toolbar with the station and show timing clocks, do one of the following:
t Click the App Menu button located at the top right corner of the Rundown app and select Show
Timing Clocks.
t Click the App Menu button located at the top right corner of the Rundown app and select Hide Timing

Copying and Moving Stories Between Queues

The Rundown app not only supports copying and moving stories from a location in one queue to another in
the same queue, but also from one queue to a second queue on the same server or on different Newsroom
servers within the same MediaCentral Cloud UX.

Note the following:

l You can copy and move an individual or multiple stories between queues open in different tabs.
l You can copy an individual or multiple stories between queues open in different Browser windows
when logged into the same Cloud UX.
l You can copy an individual or multiple stories from the Search apps result list to another queue.
l If you copy a story with an associated Production Management sequence, you also copy the
l You can copy or move an easy-locked story so long as you own the lock. Easy-locked stories are
unlocked after a copy / move.
l You can copy or move a key-locked story so long as you enter the password.

13 Working with the Rundown App

n System administrators may copy / move any easy- or key-locked story; however, they will be
unlocked after the copy / move.

To copy or move a story (or stories) to a queue open in another tab:

1. Open two queues in separate tabs in the Rundown app.

2. Select the story (or stories) you want to copy or move from the first queue and drag it to the second
3. Hold the mouse key pressed until the queue opens in the second tab, then drop the story to the
location in the second queue.
– If you just drag the story or press Ctrl while dragging the story, the story is copied from the
queue to the other.
– If you press Shift while dragging the story, the story is moved from the queue to the other
without making a copy.
MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the move or copy operation.

4. Click OK to complete the operation or Cancel to leave the queue unmodified. For each key-locked
story in your selection, you need to provide your password in a separate dialog.
The story or stories appear in their new location.
To copy a story (or stories) to a queue open in another Browser window:

1. Open the queue in the Rundown app.

2. Open a new browser window and sign-in to the same MediaCentral Cloud UX with the same
credentials you used for signing in for the first session.
3. In the second MediaCentral Cloud UX instance, open the queue into which you want to copy or move
the story in the Rundown app.
4. Go back to the first MediaCentral Cloud UX instance, select and drag the story (or stories) and drop
it to the queue in the second MediaCentral Cloud UX instance.
– If you just drag the story or press Ctrl while dragging the story, the story is copied from the
queue to the other.
– If you press Shift while dragging the story, the story is moved from the queue to the other
without making a copy.
MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the move or copy operation. Click
OK to complete the operation or Cancel to leave the queue unmodified. For each key-locked story in
your selection, you need to provide your password in a separate dialog.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To copy stories to a queue from the Search app:

1. Open the queue into which you want to copy stories in the Rundown app.
2. In the docked Search app, search for stories.
3. In the Search app result list, select the stories you want to copy and drop them to the queue in the
Rundown app.
The order in which the assets are listed in the Search app defines the order in which they are added to
the Rundown app, and not the order in which you select the assets. For example if the Search app
lists stories A, B, and C (in that order), and you select stories C, A, and then B — the assets are added
to the Rundown app in the original order (A, B, C).
However if your selection includes a combination of assets (stories, sequences, or other), your
selection order does have an impact on the drag and drop. Note the following:
– If you select one or more stories and then another asset type, the stories are copied to the
Rundown app. The other assets are ignored.
– If you select a Production Management sequence and then a story or other asset type, the app
assigns the sequence to the story in the queue. The other assets are ignored.
– If you select a different asset type as your first selection (something other than a story or a
sequence) and drag the assets to the Rundown app, nothing is copied. In this case the app
displays a warning message to let you know that the operation is not allowed.
MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the copy operation.

4. Click OK to complete the copy or Cancel to leave the queue unmodified. For each key-locked story in
your selection, you need to provide your password in a separate dialog.
The story or stories appear in their new location.

Floating Stories
When you are unsure where in a rundown you want to place a story or whether you want to keep it in the
rundown at all, you can float the story. Floating a story keeps it in the queue but removes the story’s time
from the show timing, causing it to be ignored by machine control and the network prompters. You can float
individual stories or multiple stories at the same time.

You can also select floated and normal (“unfloated”) stories at the same time. In this case, the status of the
last selected story determines, which “Float” action will be applied to all stories in your selection:
l If the last selected story is not floated yet, the “Float” command will be applied to all stories in your
l If the last selected story is already floated, the “Unfloat” command will be applied to all stories in
your selection.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To float a story:

1. Open the queue containing the story with which you want to work.
For more information, see "Editing a Story" on page 407.
2. Click a story to select it. Ctrl+click to select multiple stories, or Shift+click to select a range of stories.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click the Float button in the toolbar.

t Right-click and select Float.

t Press Alt+F.
t Click the App Menu button and select Float.
The story you chose is now floating, or removed from the show’s timing. The Float button is
highlighted, and the floated story displays light blue text in the queue.

4. To add the story time back to the rundown, click the Float button again or right-click and select

Modifying Fields in the Queue Grid View

Some fields in the Queue grid can be modified directly in the grid view. Text fields, such as the Slug, can be
modified by typing in the grid cell if you have the appropriate permissions. Other fields, such as a field for
story formats, provide a menu of predefined options (also called Combobox fields because they include
both text and menu options). Your Newsroom Management system manager defines the labels, content,
and layout of the queue fields.

n Some fields in the queue grid might be read-only and cannot be edited. Your Newsroom Management
system manager can specify certain editable fields that allow you to type text and select from menu

Note the following:

l Clicking a text field in the queue selects the story’s row. A second click in the field activates the cell
for editing.
l If the story’s row is already highlighted, clicking a text field activates the cell for editing.
l Double-clicking a text field in the queue selects the story’s row and activates the cell for editing.

13 Working with the Rundown App

To edit text fields for a story in a queue grid:

1. Double-click within a text field in the queue.

The story’s row is highlighted, and the cell is active for editing.

2. (Optional) If you edit text in a right-to-left (RTL) language, right-click the active field and select
Switch to RTL.
3. Type to edit the contents of the field. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to copy, cut, and paste
text within the field.
4. When you finish editing the field, click another row to save your changes..

n Clicking another field in the same row in the queue does not save your edits.
MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the save operation.
– Click Save to save the changes.
– Click Don’t Save or Cancel to discard the changes.

n You can prevent this confirmation message and most other messages from displaying by
selecting “Don’t ask to confirm actions of this type.” To display confirmation messages again,
click the Rundown App Menu button and select Show All Confirmations.

To edit Combobox fields for a story in a queue grid:

1. Double-click within a Combobox field in the queue.

The story’s row is highlighted, and the cell is active for editing.
2. Do one of the following:

13 Working with the Rundown App

t Click the cell menu arrow and select a value.

t Start typing a new value. If the menu options for the cell include an appropriate value, the
value automatically displays in the cell.
3. When you finish editing the field, click another row to save your changes.

n Clicking another field in the same row in the queue does not save your edits.
MediaCentral Cloud UX displays a message asking you to confirm the save operation.
– Click Save to save the changes.
– Click Don’t Save or Cancel to discard the changes.

n You can prevent this confirmation message and other messages from displaying by selecting
“Don’t ask to confirm actions of this type.” To display confirmation messages again, click the
Rundown App Menu button and select Show All Confirmations.

To edit Timing fields for a story in a queue grid:

1. Double-click within a Timing field in the queue.

Supported timing fields are:
– Read Time (audio-time field)
– Sound on Tape/SOT (runs-time field)
– Total Time (total-time field)
– Back Time (back-time field)
– Cumulative Time (cume-time field)
2. Type a new value. Values in manually edited Timing fields are displayed in bold.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Printing a Rundown or Stories

A Rundown App user can print the current rundown view or print a selection of one or more stories.

To print the rundown or stories from the Rundown App:

1. Do either of the following:

t Click the Print button in the toolbar.

t Click the App Menu button and select Print.

2. The Print Options dialog opens.

3. Select which area to print. Options include:

– Queue View - This default option prints the rundown in the Queue grid. If the grid's columns do
not fit on a single page, the remaining columns are printed on the next page. For example, if
columns 1-10 fit on a page, but 11-15 do not, then 11-15 will be printed on a new page. Likewise,
the same occurs when the rundown's length (rows of the grid) is longer than what will fit on a
single page.
– Selected Stories - This options prints only those stories selected in the rundown. If chosen,
additional Story Printing options are available. Go to the next step.
– All Stories - This option prints all stories in the rundown. If chosen, the additional Story Printing
options are available. Go to the next step.

13 Working with the Rundown App

4. When printing stories, you will need to choose which elements of the story to print:
– Story Form - when selected, the information from the fields of the Story Form is printed.
– Story Body - when selected, the text of the story, which is sent to closed captioning and to the
teleprompter to be read on-air, is printed.
– Production Cues - when selected, the production cues, including machine control and
presenter instructions, are printed.
5. (Optional) Select Pagebreak between stories if you want the printer to print each story on a new
6. Select the size of the paper and the orientation to be used.
For example, stories are typically printed in a Portrait orientation, while the Landscape orientation
can look better when printing the Queue View of a rundown. This selection should match the targeted
printout and will be used to layout the print and the page breaks.
7. Click Print.
The default browser Print dialog opens, letting you send the content to a printer of your choice.

When printing a range of stories, the Rundown App will request the password for each key-locked story in
the range. If the range includes stories key-locked or easy-locked by another user, the Rundown App will
print, in place of the story body, messages similar to the following:
l "The story is key locked, and the story body cannot be printed."
l "The story is easy locked by another user, and the story body cannot be printed."
The user still must decide to which printer the rundown, story, or stories should be sent.

While the Print Options dialog in the Rundown App helps define the layout, the user does have additional
options in the browser's Print dialog that can influence the final appearance of the printouts, depending on
the printer selected for use. These options include:
l Whether printing in color versus black and white
l Whether background graphics are hidden, which can affect the background in the Queue grid and
Story Forms, as well as for production cues, presenter instructions, and closed captions.
When the user chooses to print stories in black and white, the printout will utilize different gray
backgrounds for production cues, presenter instructions, and closed captioned text.

When no background is used, dotted and/or dashed underlines are used to differentiate presenter
instructions and closed captioning from other text in the story body.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Examples Printouts
The following image is an example of a story, printed with background, showing the Story Form across the
top, the Production Cues at lower left side, and Story Body in lower right side:

13 Working with the Rundown App

The following image shows the same story printed without background:

13 Working with the Rundown App

The following image is a sample page of a printed rundown in color with background:

The following image shows the top portion of the same sample rundown, only this time printed in black and
white, first with background and then without.

13 Working with the Rundown App

Loading Large Queues

When you load a queue that includes a large number of items, the amount of stories loaded initially is
limited to 1000. The Rundown app displays a progress bar at the top of the queue that provides you with
visual feedback and additional information.

As illustrated here, the progress bar includes:

l Percentage: Indicates how much of the queue has been loaded.
l Story Count: Displays the number of stories that have been loaded into the app and the number of
remaining stories.
l Pause button
As the queue loads, access to the Rundown app is restricted. However, the Pause button allows you to
interrupt the queue loading process. When you click Pause, the loading process stops and the Rundown
app toolbar displays the number of stories that are currently loaded into memory. This allows you to access
stories that appear earlier in the rundown, without waiting for the entire queue to load.

n If a user adds or removes a story to a section of the rundown that is not already loaded, the paused
story counter is not updated to reflect the new total story count.

After you pause the loading process, you can continue to load the remaining items by clicking on the
Resume button at the far right side of the Rundown app toolbar. When the app loads the entire queue, the
progress bar and / or the story count and Resume button are removed from the user interface.

14 Using the Collaborate App

14 Using the Collaborate App

The Collaborate app enables organizations to create and manage topics that allow you to link ideas,
people, media assets, and equipment through a streamlined user interface. When you are added to an
assignment, you can review the job requirements and access a list of resources that you can leverage to
successfully complete the job. Example resources might include cameras, vehicles, drones, meeting rooms,
or others.

Built to be flexible, the Collaborate app accommodates a variety of workflows. Review the following use
cases to understand how the Collaborate app can help you organize and expedite the functions of your
l News, short-form Production
– Quickly respond to breaking news by assigning people and equipment to topics where all steps
in the process can be monitored for progress through a simple dashboard display.
– Create a short term project where producers can collaborate with creators to assemble a final
product that can be provided to media distributors or social media outlets.
l Long-form Production
– Create assignments that span the entire life-cycle of the project — tracking all aspects of pre-
production, post, and distribution.
If you are working remotely, Collaborate is available as a mobile app for iOS. You can use the mobile app to
access many of the same functions that are available through the fully-featured web browser version. This
allows you to stay in constant contact with your team and maintain awareness of all updates through the
app’s notification system. For more information on the Collaborate mobile app, see the Avid MediaCentral |
Collaborate Mobile App User’s Guide.

Example News Workflow

To help you better understand the power and flexibility of the Collaborate app, let’s explore a example
situation in which you might use the Collaborate app in broadcast news workflow.

1. The Assignment Editor creates a new Topic to cover the event and then creates multiple Assignments
that link to the topic. Contacts and Resources are then added.
2. Team members gather the required resources and begin to execute on their assignments. Some
assignments such as research and story writing might become resources for other assignments such
as interviews and social media publishing.
3. As the team members work on their assignments, they update the status so that all members of the
team can see how much progress is being made towards the overall goal. In some cases, users might
create additional sub-tasks that they can use to help track and complete individual aspects of the
4. When all assignments are complete, the original topic can be resolved as Complete, Mark for Archive,
or other. Alternatively, it can be updated with additional assignments.

14 Using the Collaborate App

14 Using the Collaborate App

Exploring the Collaborate App

You can access the Collaborate app by clicking its associated icon in the Fast Bar at the top of the user
interface. The app is divided into three areas: Planner, People, and Resources. The following illustration
shows the Collaborate app with the Planner panel in focus.

The following table provides more information on each of the areas of the Collaborate app.

Section Description

1 Collaborate Standard users, also known as Collaborators, can use the Add button to create
Header new topics or assignments, or use the Only My Stuff button to quickly filter the list
of topics and assignments.

The header includes a pull-down menu on the far left that allows you to access the
People and Resources areas of the app. While collaborators have view-only
privileges, Supervisors can use these tools to create new contacts and resources.

After you select a topic or an assignment, the Collaborate header displays a

“breadcrumb” trail that you can use not only to better understand your current
location in the app, but also to navigate back through the path.

For more information, see "Collaborate Header" on page 445.

2 Planner Sidebar The sidebar includes two tabs: Topics and Filters.

For more information, see "The Planner Panel" on page 446.

3 Planner Explorer The Explorer header allows you to search for metadata that is included in the
(header) individual assignments. You can use the controls in this panel to alter the way that
the information is displayed.
4 Planner Explorer This area displays a list of all available assignments that have been created on
(body) your local MediaCentral Cloud UX system. You can customize this list to show
specific assignments by adding one or more custom filters.

For more information, see "The Planner Panel" on page 446.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Working with Forms

Whenever you create a new topic, assignment, or task through the Collaborate app, you are creating that
item through a templated user interface. Avid ships Collaborate with a set of predefined templates or forms
for each of these item types. However, administrators can use the Collaborate Settings app to build new
forms that can be customized to meet the needs of your individual organization.

For example, your organization might consider creating an Assignment form that is associated with a
Newsroom Management event that occurs on a daily basis — such as a weather report, or the local sports
segment. You could populate this form with fields and menus that are more targeted to that specific

This chapter describes the Avid provided, predefined form types for topics, assignments, and tasks. As a
result, the descriptions and illustrations that are included in this chapter might not exactly match those of
your organization. You might see the following additional attributes that are not included in Avid's
predefined forms:
l Drop Zone: Allows you to drag and drop a single asset, such as a Newsroom Management story or a
Production Management Sequence, to the Info section of the form.
While this attribute supports most asset types, you cannot add Collaborate notes or weblinks to the
drop zone. Those assets are allowed only in the Media Container.
l Dropdown: Administrators can create custom lists that can contain one or more values. The
Departments menu in the predefined Assignments form is an example of a dropdown list.
l Paragraph and Text: These attributes are similar to the Description and Title fields. Paragraphs allow
for multiple lines of text and web or deep links, while Text fields allow for a single line, fewer
characters, and no links.
For more information on creating and customizing forms, see "Using the Collaborate Settings App" in the
Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide.

Working with Lists

The app intentionally limits the number of displayed elements to optimize the user interface. If you add
more elements than can be displayed, Collaborate appends the list with a plus (+) symbol and a number. In
the following example, the +2 indicates that two additional team member are included in this list. You can
hover your cursor over the number to display a tool-tip that lists the additional resources.

In the event of a temporary outage of a dependent service, the app might display a red X symbol at the end
of the list to make you aware of the issue.

Docking or Shrinking Collaborate

If you dock or significantly decrease the width of the app, the following might occur:
l The Only My Stuff button collapses to display your avatar only (as illustrated below).

l When in a topic or an assignment, the full breadcrumb path in the Collaborate header might appear

14 Using the Collaborate App

l If you are working in a topic and you have the Assignments tab open, you might see a horizontal
scroll bar appear at the bottom of the assignments list. The same behavior applies to the Media
container area.
l The Planner sidebar or Topic / Assignment Info panels might automatically collapse themselves.
l Assignment cards resize responsively to the size of the browser window.
l If you continue to reduce the size of the app, some areas might become hidden from view.
For more information on docking apps, see "Docking Apps" on page 45.

Collaborate Notifications

Certain Collaborate actions might generate a message that briefly appears in the upper-right corner of the
user interface. The illustration below shows multiple example notifications. You might notice that the some
notifications, such as creation messages, include a link that you can use to quickly access the new item.

Notification messages disappear automatically after a five second period. Alternatively, you can click the X
to close the notification immediately. If you need more time to read the message, you can hover your cursor
over the notification. It will remain on-screen until you move the cursor away from it.

Unlike other messages that you might find in the Notifications app, these “pop-up” messages are not saved
in the Notifications app history.

Working with Deep Links

When you receive a notification that includes a link to a task, assignment, or topic, that link is essentially a
deep link. Deep links do not only open the Collaborate app, but also open the specific task, assignment, or
topic that is referenced in the notification.

The Collaborate app allows you to copy deep links to tasks, assignments, or topics and paste that link into
another location for quick access. For example you might want to send a deep link to a topic to another
user through email. Alternatively, you might want to copy a link from “Assignment A” and paste it into the
Description of “Topic B, Assignment B”.

n While possible, Avid does not officially support copying and pasting links to specific assets that might
be loaded into the Asset Editor. Support for deep links is limited to the context described above.

To use a deep link:

1. Open the Collaborate and access your topic, assignment, or task.

If you want to link to a specific task, make sure that you open the task before copying the URL. If you
do not open a task, the deep link points to the parent assignment.
2. Copy (Ctrl+C) the URL from your browser and paste (Ctrl+V) it to your desired location.
3. Click the link to access your Collaborate asset.

14 Using the Collaborate App

If you attempt to access a topic, assignment, or task that has been deleted, the Collaborate app
displays a message to let you know that the asset is no longer available. You can either try to access
the asset again, or click the Planner button in the Collaborate Header to return to the main Planner
User Roles

As a user of the Collaborate app, you are assigned one of two roles by your system administrator:
Collaborator or Supervisor.
l Collaborators
This is the standard role that is assigned to the majority of all Collaborate users. The following high-
level permissions apply to this user type:
– You can create and edit topics, assignments, and tasks.
– You can view the contents of the People and Resources panels.
– You can delete tasks that you created (you cannot delete other user’s tasks).
– You can delete topics or assignments that were created by you. Topics must not include any
assignments and assignments must not include any tasks.
l Supervisors
As a supervisor, you can participate in the same workflows that are available to collaborators, and
you have access to the following additional features:
– You can delete topics, assignments, and tasks (created by any user).
– You can create and modify items within the People and Resource panels.
Roles can be assigned or reassigned in the administrator-only Collaborate Settings app. You must use the
app to assign the role of supervisor to at least one user before you can create new People or Resources. For
more information, see “Using the Collaborate Settings App” in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation

Collaborate Header
As shown in the following illustration, the Collaborate header allows you to switch between the Planner,
People, and Resources panels, and it includes buttons that provide additional functionality.

The following table describes the different areas of the Collaborate header.

Button or Description

1 Panel Access You can use this menu to switch between the Planner, People, and Resources areas
Menu of the app.

For more information, see "The Planner Panel" on the next page and "Collaborate
People and Resources" on page 453.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Button or Description

2 Filters Similar to the Applied Filters area of the Planner Sidebar, this button allows you to
clear any topic or metadata filters that you might have enabled.

You can click the X to clear all filters, or you can click the Filters button to
selectively clear one or more individual filters.

3 Only My Stuff Displaying your avatar, this button acts as a filter that allows you to limit the
Planner to display only those topics and assignments to which you are assigned. If
you are assigned to a topic, but you are not assigned to any assignment within
that topic, the assignment is not included in the filtered results.

When you click this button, the app adds a filter under the People category in the
Filters sidebar. The button turns blue to let you know that the filter is active. You
can clear this particular filter by either clicking the Only My Stuff button for a
second time, or by deselecting the matching filter in the sidebar.
4 Add Button As a standard Collaborate user, this button allows you to create new topics and
assignments. As a Collaborate supervisor, you can also click this button to create
new contacts or resources without the need to select those panels from the Panel
Access Menu.
5 Standard Controls common to many MediaCentral Cloud UX apps, such as Dock and Close.

If you are working in a topic or an assignment, the Collaborate header displays your current working path.
The path always starts with Planner >, followed by the topic name, and the assignment name if applicable.

The Planner Panel

The Planner panel allows you to find and access any topic or assignment that has been created on your
local MediaCentral Cloud UX system. If you are working in a multi-site environment, the Collaborate app
displays the local data only, and not that of any remote site. You can double-click on any topic or
assignment in the Planner to begin working with it.

The Planner is divided into two areas:

l "The Planner Sidebar" on the next page
l "The Planner Explorer" on page 450

14 Using the Collaborate App

Refreshing the Display

You can click the Refresh button in the upper-left corner of the Planner Explorer to update your display. This
button refreshes the display of both the Planner sidebar and the Explorer. Alternatively, the app updates
automatically when you switch from one area to another — such as switching between an individual
assignment and the main Planner panel.

Using the Search Functionality

Both the Planner Sidebar and the Explorer include a “search” bar that allows you to either Find a Topic or
Find an Assignment. You can use this feature to quickly sort the list by displaying only those assets that
include your search term or phrase.

When using these features, you should note that similar to a web-based search engine, some “stop” words
such as the, a, to, and others are ignored. If for example you search for an assignment that was titled “To
be, or not to be”, your search is likely to return zero results because the entire title is comprised of all stop
words. Avid always recommends that you create assets with short, but descriptive titles.

The Planner Sidebar

The Planner sidebar is divided into two tabs: Topics and Filters. For more information on the Planner
sidebar, review the following:
l "Working with the Topics Tab" below
l "Working with the Planner Filters Tab" on the next page
l "Collapsing the Planner Sidebar" on page 450
You can resize the amount of space allocated to the sidebar by dragging the divider to the left or right.

Working with the Topics Tab

The Topics tab displays a list of all available topics that have been created on your local MediaCentral
Cloud UX system. The topics are listed in order of creation by default, but you can use the vertical scroll
bar, or the search function at the top of the list to locate a specific topic.

In the following example illustration, the user searched for the word “Hawaii” and the Collaborate app
found two matches. In this case the Collaborate app found a match for the search term in the topic title and
a second hit for the term in another metadata field — such as the topic description. This search returns
matches for values in topics only. If your search term is included within an assignment that is associated
with the topic, the value will not be found.

The Topics tab remembers your last 10 searches and displays these values when you click the search bar.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To select a topic:
t Click once on the topic name to select a single topic.
t Click a topic and then Shift+click another topic to select all topics between your first and second
t Ctrl+click two or more non-consecutive topics in the sidebar to select multiple topics.
After you locate and select one or more topics, the selection filters the Planner Explorer to display only those
assignments that are associated with the selected topics. The Collaborate app updates the Topics Selected
banner to identify the number of selected topics. The same value appears to the right of the blue Topics
icon — which is useful in case you collapse the sidebar.

You can obtain more information about the selected topics by clicking on the Topics Selected banner. As
illustrated below, the Collaborate app displays a fly-out window that displays the names of the selected

You can remove a specific topic by clicking the X to the right of the topic title in the fly-out window, or you
can clear your entire selection by clicking the X on the right-side of the Topics Selected banner. If you
remove a specific topic, the Planner Explorer is updated to display only those assignments that are
associated with the selected topic(s).

Working with the Planner Filters Tab

The sidebar includes lists of filters that you can use to narrow the number of assignments that are displayed
in the Planner Explorer. When you apply a filter, the Explorer displays only those assignments that match
your selected criteria.

When you select a filter, the app updates the sidebar to help you identify the type and number of filters
that are enabled. In the following illustration, the image on the left shows the sidebar with no filters
enabled, and the image on the right shows the same list with two active filters.

14 Using the Collaborate App

The sidebar displays up to six selections for each filter category by default. In some cases the app might
display a Show More or Show All button that allows you to select from additional filter options. If the
category includes six or fewer additional selections, you can click the Show More button to expand the
category directly within the sidebar. If the category is associated with more than six additional options, you
can click the Show All button to open a break-out window that displays all possible filters for that category.

The Due Date filter allows you to sort the list of assignments by their Due Date. The following options are
l Outdated: Displays assignments for which the due date has already passed.
l Unscheduled: Displays all assignments that do not have a due date assigned.
l Today: Displays all assignments that are due today.
l Tomorrow: Displays all assignments that are due tomorrow.
l Next 7 days: Displays all assignments that are due within the next seven days.
l Next 31 days: Displays all assignments that are due within the next thirty-one days.
As long as you do not manually clear the filters or close the Collaborate app, they remain enabled for the
duration of your user session.

To add a filter:
t Click the box to the left of the filter to activate it.
After you select a filter, a blue check mark appears in the box and the app updates the contents of
the Planner Explorer.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To remove applied filters:

t Click the box to the left of an active filter to deselect it.
t Click the X on the right of the Applied Filter’s header to remove all enabled filters.
The filter or filters are removed from the sidebar and the Explorer displays all possible results.
t Click the Clear Filters button in the Collaborate Header.
Collapsing the Planner Sidebar
When you first access the Collaborate app, the sidebar is displayed at full size. However if you do not need
to access the features in the sidebar, you can collapse it to increase the screen space allocated to the
Planner Explorer.

To collapse the Planner sidebar:

t Click the Collapse button on the right side of the sidebar header.
t Click the active (blue) Filters or Topics button in the upper-left corner of the sidebar.
To restore the Planner sidebar:
t Click either the Filters or Topics button in the far left-side of the Planner Explorer header.
The Planner Explorer
The Explorer provides a list of all available assignments that have been created on your local MediaCentral
Cloud UX system. You can display this information in one of two modes: List View or Week View. Review the
following sections for more information on the Planner Explorer:
l "Working in List View" below
l "Using the Show Unscheduled Button" on page 452
l "Searching for Assignments" on page 453
You can modify the way in which the app displays the assignments by reordering the results using the Sort
By menu. Additionally, the Descending / Ascending menu allow you to flip the results form top to bottom or
bottom to top. The sorting options are applied independently for each view — meaning that you can sort
List view using one set of options, and Week view using another.

When you sort by the Due Date, Created, or Modified, the list is sorted automatically in descending order.
All other fields are sorted by default in ascending order, unless you explicitly change the section in the
Descending / Ascending menu.

Working in List View

Displayed in List view by default, assignments are organized in a grid pattern where each row represents an
individual assignment and each column provides additional data about that assignment. When you first
access the Collaborate app, the app highlights the first assignment in the list to allow for easier keyboard
navigation. Assignments are sorted by the Created (date) column by default.

You can customize the look of the Explorer panel by adding or removing columns of data — such as Due
Date, Tags, Team, and more — through the Display Options menu.

14 Using the Collaborate App

The Status (colored bar on the far left) and the Title fields are special in that you cannot deselect them
through the Display Options menu. The Status column provides you with the current status of each
assignment. For more information, see "Assigning the Priority and Status" on page 465.

Also note that if you sort the Planner using either the Status or Priority fields, the app does not sort the list
alphabetically by those attributes. Collaborate sorts the list based on their order in the Collaborate Settings
app. For example the default Priority fields are sorted accordingly: Breaking News, High Profile, Low Profile,
and finally Embargo.

To sort the assignments list:

1. (if necessary) Click the List button in the Explorer header.

2. Click on a column header to reorder the list.
An up arrow appears to the right of the column name to indicate that this column is used to sort the
results in ascending order.
3. (optional) When you click on a column header, the column is sorted in ascending order by default. If
you need to sort the list in descending order, simply click on the column header again to reverse the
order of the list.
A down arrow appears to the right of the column name to indicate that this column is used to sort the
results in descending order.

n While some columns allow you to reorder the list by clicking the column header, this function is
not supported for all columns.

Working in Week View

Week view organizes the assignments into a calendar format — displayed in one week increments (Sunday
through Saturday). Each assignment is displayed in the calendar according to its Due Date. If you have
more than one assignment that is due on the same day, the assignments are displayed in a column under
that day of the week.

When in this view, you can drag and drop assignments from one day to another. If you need to move an
assignment to a different week, you can open the assignment and change the Due Date.

# Button or Function Description

1 Week View Button Allows you to view assignments in the Week view.
2 Today Button If you navigate to a different point in the calendar, this button brings you back to
the current week.
3 Navigator Allows you to navigate to the previous or next week in the calendar.

14 Using the Collaborate App

# Button or Function Description

4 Assignments As shown in this illustration, each assignment includes the Status (colored bar on
the far left) and the Priority level. Assignments that are associated with the
Breaking News priority show a “B” in a colored red bar, and those associated
with the Embargo priority show an “E” with a pink bar.
5 Current Day Today’s date is highlighted in blue.
6 New Assignment This button appears when you hover your cursor over the day of the week
Button header. Assignments created using this button automatically use the selected
date in the Due Date field.
7 Scroll Bar If your browser window is not large enough to display all assignments, a vertical
scroll bar appears to the right of the affected column.
Show For more information, see "Using the Show Unscheduled Button" below.
(not shown)

When viewing the assignments in Week view, the Display Options menu is not available.

Using the Show Unscheduled Button

Appearing to the far right of the Explorer header, the Show Unscheduled button allows you to display a
“floating” window that lists all assignments that are not associated with a Due Date. When displayed, you
can drag and drop assignments (one at a time) from this window to the Week view to add them to the

Alternatively, you can remove an assignment from the calendar by dragging it to the Unscheduled window.

Standard features such as the Only My Stuff, the sidebar filters, and the Sort By options apply to the list of
assignments that are displayed in the Unscheduled window.

To add unscheduled assignments to the calendar:

1. Click the Show Unscheduled button in the upper-right corner of the Explorer header.
The Unscheduled window appears over the Week view calendar. If you use the panel’s controls to
change the current week, the Unscheduled window remains on screen in the same location.
2. Drag and drop an assignment from the Unscheduled window to the Week view calendar.
The assignment appears in the Week view and the assignment’s Due Date is updated to reflect the
newly scheduled time-frame.
If you do not see your assignment in this window, you might need to adjust your filters, or use the
vertical scroll bar on the right side of the window to see additional assignments.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To unschedule an assignment:

1. Click the Show Unscheduled button in the upper-right corner of the Explorer header.
2. Drag and drop the assignment from Week view to the Unscheduled window.
The assignment’s Due Date is cleared.
Searching for Assignments
The Explorer’s header includes a search bar that allows you to search for specific assignments. You can use
this field to search for assignment titles, tags, or text within the assignment's Description. The search does
not match against other metadata fields such as departments, sources, contacts, or other.

In this release, special characters such as !@#$%^&*, or others are not recognized and are instead treated
as spaces between other valid characters. As a result, wild-card searches and exact match searches (using
quotes) are not supported. Spaces between keywords are respected — allowing you to search for a phrase
and not just a single keyword. Partial word searches are not supported. For example, the search would not
return a match for “Avid” if you entered “Avi” only. However, the search does support word “stemming” in
which a root word might return similar hits. For example, a search for “test” might also return “testing”,
“tested”, or “testify”.

If you create a search and leave the app idle for period of time, the search might eventually time-out. In this
case the Collaborate app displays a message that it “encountered a problem”. You can click the Try Again
button in the window to clear the message and repeat your previous search.

To search for an assignment:

1. Click the “Find an assignment” field in the Explorer header.

When you click in the search bar, the app displays a list of your last 10 searches (if applicable).
2. Do one of the following:
t Select an item from the list (if applicable) by clicking it with your mouse or by using the
up/down arrows to highlight a selection and pressing Enter (or Return) to execute the search.
The search is executed as soon as you make a selection.
t Enter a new search term, and press Enter or Return to execute the search.
Results are displayed in the Planner Explorer. If your search does not return any matching records,
you can click the Show All Assignments link to clear both the search and any active filters.
Alternatively, you can click the X button to the right of your text to clear the search.
3. (optional) Use the filters in the Planner sidebar to further narrow your search results by a person,
status, or other values.

Collaborate People and Resources

Before you begin to create any topics or assignments, you might want to start with creating contacts and
resources. If you complete these tasks first, you will have an easier time creating any new topics or
assignments. While collaborators have view-only privileges, supervisors can create new contacts and

When you select either the People or the Resources panels, the Collaborate app displays the assets in a
thumbnail view. These panels include similar search and Sort By options as the Planner panel, but they do
not include the ability to display the contents in a list view. As a result, the Display Options menu is not
displayed. After entering a value, you can execute the search by pressing Enter (or Return), or by clicking
away from the search field.

14 Using the Collaborate App

n If the Collaborate app encounters an issue communicating with any back-end system dependency,
the ability to create new people or resources might be temporarily disabled, and some menus might be
replaced with an appropriate warning or error message.

See the following sections for more information:

l "Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Contacts" below
l "Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Resources" on page 457

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Contacts

Before you can associate a user with any topic or assignment, the user must first exist as a contact in the
Collaborate app. If you have already created a contact, you can use the controls in the People panel to
modify or delete the user from the app.

The following illustration shows the panel with four example contacts.

During the system configuration process, administrators connect to an authentication provider, such as
Windows Active Directory, and they associate one or more user groups with the Collaborate app. All users
that are included in these groups are added to the Collaborate app automatically as employees. Employees
are the only user type that have access to the MediaCentral Cloud UX Collaborate app, or the Collaborate
Mobile app.

If your user account is associated with an e-mail address, that address is added to the Collaborate app’s
contact details. If your account is not associated with an e-mail address, the app leaves the e-mail address
field blank. If you need to alter the e-mail address of an employee, you must complete this task directly
through your authentication provider. Changes are propagated to the Collaborate app on an hourly
synchronization schedule.

n Administrators: If you add a new user to your authentication provider’s user group, that user will not
be able to use the Collaborate app until the hourly synchronization process occurs. If the user
attempts to access app before this synchronization, the following message is displayed: “We
encountered a problem and Collaborate is currently unavailable”.

In addition to employees, the Collaborate app allows you to create contacts that are not included as users
in your authentication provider, such as guests, freelancers, and others. As employees are the only user
type that can access the Collaborate app, all other user types are treated more like resources than actual
users. For example, you might associate an external contact with an assignment to provide an employee
with that contact’s phone number, e-mail address, or other details.

n You cannot delete employees from the Collaborate app. If you need to exclude an employee from the
Collaborate workflow, the account must be removed from the authentication provider user group that
is associated with the Collaborate app.

14 Using the Collaborate App

If you see a contact that includes a purple dot over their avatar, it indicates that the user’s Out of Office
status is enabled.

To create a new contact:

1. Click the Add button in the Collaborate Header and select Add... Contact.
The Add Contact window appears.
2. Enter the contact's name in the Full Name field.
This is the only required field in the Add Contact window. The contact’s initials are displayed as the
contact’s avatar. If you enter more than one word, such as a first and last name, the avatar displays
the first letter of the first two words.

3. Select an option from the Contact Type menu.

– Freelance users are treated much like employees in that they appear in the same areas of the
user interface and they have the same contact configuration options.
– Guest and Organization contact types appear in the user interface as External Contacts and
do not include configuration options such as the ability to specify areas of expertise.
You might create a Guest contact if you identify a non-employee that commonly contributes
to topics, such as a local political figure. Similarly, you might create an organization contact
for a group, such as the local police department. When you add these types of contacts to
your topic or assignment, they act almost like business cards that allow your team easy access
to the contact data.

n After you save the contact, you cannot alter the associated contact type. If you need to alter
this value, you must delete and recreate the contact.

4. (optional) Select an option from the Role menu. If you assign a role to each contact, you can later
filter the some areas of the Collaborate app by this metadata field. For example, you might want to
use the Roles filter when assigning team members to a new topic.
5. (optional) Click the plus button to the right of the Expertise field to add one or more areas of expertise
that might be associated with this contact. For example you might identify a general area of
knowledge such as “sports” or “technology”. Alternatively, you might want to be more specific and
add detailed levels of expertise such as “American football” or “microprocessors”. Similar to Roles,
the Expertise field can be used to filter other areas of the app.

As you type, a menu appears below the expertise field. If your text matches an existing expertise, the
menu displays a list of options that you can select. If you are entering a new expertise, the menu
informs you that this is a New Value.
You can delete an expertise by clicking the X to the right of the name.

14 Using the Collaborate App

6. (optional) Enter additional contact information, such as phone, address, notes, or other.
7. (optional) Configure the Out of Office toggle.
t If disabled (default), the contact is assumed to be working and available.
t If you enable this option, the Add Contact window displays a calendar that you can use to
define the Start and End fields — the period of time that the contact will be unavailable.
You must define an End date that is ahead of your Start date. If you do not, the Save button is
disabled and red exclamation points appear around the dates if you click away from the field.
When the End date and time elapses, Collaborate disables the Out of Office flag
For more information on the calendar, see "Working with Date Fields" on page 462.

n If a Collaborator wants to configure their Out of Office setting, they must contact a Supervisor
for assistance. Collaborators do not have write access to the People area of the Collaborate
app and therefore cannot change this setting on their own.

8. If you want to create another user after saving the current contact, enable the “Add another contact
after saving” option at the bottom of the window. Otherwise, deselect this check box to disable this
9. Do one of the following:
t Click the Create button to save the new contact.
t Click the Cancel button to close the Add Contact window without saving.
Alternatively, you can tap the Esc key to close the window without saving.
To modify an existing contact:

1. Select People from the Panel Access Menu, and then double-click the thumbnail for the contact that
you want to modify.
The Contact Information window appears.
2. Alter the contact properties as desired.
3. Click Save to accept the changes.
To delete a contact:

1. Select People from the Panel Access Menu, and then double-click the thumbnail for the contact that
you want to delete.
The Contact Information window appears.
2. Click the Delete Contact button in the bottom-left corner of the Contact Information window.
The contact is deleted from the Collaborate app.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Resources

When working in the Collaborate app, you can create resources such as cameras, vehicles, rooms, and
more. After you create the resource, you can assign it to a topic, assignment, or task so that team members
know that the resource is available to them.

To create a new resource:

1. Click the Add button in the Collaborate Header and select Add... Resource.
The Add Resource window appears.

2. Enter the name of the resource in the Resource Name field.

If you have multiple resources of the same type, you might want to include an associated resource
number so that you can better track the resource allocation. If for example you have three satellite
trucks, you might want to enter the names as Van 01, Van 02, and Van 03 — or whatever your
identification system might be.
3. (optional) Select an option from the Resource Type menu that matches your resource.
When you select a new resource type, Collaborate updates resource’s avatar.
If you want to add a resource that does not match any of the existing types, you can select the
Default option to signify a non-specific resource type.

14 Using the Collaborate App

4. Verify the Active Resource toggle.

t If enabled (default), the resource can be assigned to topics and assignments.
t If disabled, the resource is considered inactive and the resource’s avatar appears grayed-out
in the user interface. This option can be useful to identify a piece of equipment that is out for
repair or is otherwise temporarily unavailable. Simply disabling the resource avoids the task of
deleting and recreating the resource if and when it becomes available again.
5. (optional) Type additional descriptive information to the Notes field.
You might want to use this field to indicate when an inactive resource will become available, if a
particular resource has special features, or for any other note that might help a user decide when to
add this specific resource to a topic, assignment, or task.
6. If you want to create another resource after saving the current one, enable the “Add another
resource after saving” option at the bottom of the window. Otherwise, deselect this check box to
disable this feature.
7. Do one of the following:
t Click the Create button to save the new resource.
t Click the Cancel button to close the Add Resource window without saving.
Alternatively, you can tap the Esc key to close the window without saving.
To modify an existing resource:

1. Select Resources from the Panel Access Menu, and then double-click the thumbnail for the resource
that you want to modify.
The Resource Information window appears.
2. Alter the properties for the resource and click Save to accept the changes.
To delete a resource:

1. Select Resources from the Panel Access Menu, and then double-click the thumbnail for the resource
that you want to delete.
The Resource Information window appears.
2. Click the Delete Resource button in the bottom-left corner of the Resource Information window.
The resource is deleted from the Collaborate app.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Working with Topics

Topics and assignments are similar concepts in that you can assign people, resources, media assets, and
metadata to both, and you can update all of these areas throughout the life cycle of the project. The
primary difference is that topics are often higher level concepts that link to related assignments. For
example, you might create a topic called “Feng shui Homes” where you create a team of people and
resources that are associated with that concept. After you create the topic, you can create individual
assignments that contribute to the completion of the overall topic.

The Topic screen is divided into two main areas: the Info panel on the left, and the Assignments and Media
areas on the right. The following illustration and table describe this screen.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Button or Description

1 Filter Button Similar to the Filter button that is available in the Project Planner, this button
displays a list of filters that you can use to narrow the displayed assignments for
this topic.

For more information, see "Working with the Planner Filters Tab" on page 448.
2 Info Button Allows you to open or close the Topic Info panel. For more information, see
"Opening and Closing the Info Panel" on page 462.
3 Assignment The counter displays the number of assignments that are associated wit h this
Counter and topic.

The area circling the counter provides you with additional graphical view of the
overall status of the assignments that are linked to the current topic — white for
new, blue for in-progress, and so on. If you hover your cursor over the counter,
the app displays a tool-tip that provides more information about the status of
each assignment.
4 Priority and These menus allow you to update the priority and status values that are
Status Menus associated with this topic. For more information, see "Assigning the Priority and
Status" on page 465.
5 Topic Title This Displays the name of the topic. You can click once in this area to rename the
6 Description The text field below the graph allows you to enter a short description of the topic
or add links to external content. If you add a web link, the link becomes active
after you finish editing. When you click on a hyperlink, the Collaborate app
opens the page in a new tab in your browser.
7 Team Displays the employees or freelance contacts that are associated with this topic.
You can place your cursor over each avatar to obtain more information about the
team member.

If you are assigned to a topic or an assignment, your name appears first in the
list of resources and your avatar is outlined in blue. If you see a purple dot above
a contact’s avatar, it indicates that the user has enabled their Out of Office

n If you need to update your Out of Office status or make any changes to your
user profile, you must contact a Collaborate Supervisor to make these
changes for you.

For more information, see "Adding and Removing Team Members, Resources, and

14 Using the Collaborate App

Button or Description

External Contacts" on page 466.

8 Resources Displays the resources that are associated with this topic. For more information,
see "Adding and Removing Team Members, Resources, and External Contacts"
on page 466.
9 External Displays any guest or organization type contacts that are associated with this
Contacts topic. You can place your cursor over each avatar to obtain more information
about the contact. For more information, see "Adding and Removing Team
Members, Resources, and External Contacts" on page 466.
10 Tags Displays any tags that might be associated with the topic. For more information,
see "Adding and Removing Tags" on page 467.
11 Metadata This area provides you with important information about the topic. For more
information, see "Working with Metadata" on page 467.
12 Refresh Button If you have multiple users contributing to the same topic, you can click this
button to refresh the app so that you can see the latest updates from all users.
13 Assignments / Defaulting to the Assignments view, these buttons allow you to switch between
Media toggle the Assignments and Media tabs. For more information on the Media tab, see
"Working Within the Media Container" on page 469.
14 Assignment / The “Find an Assignment” or “Find an Asset” field allows you to search within
Asset Filter your topic for specific assignments or media assets. If you are working in the
Media container, the search also looks for a text match within any notes that you
might have created.

Partial word searches are not supported. If for example your asset includes the
word "Interview", a search for "Interview" would return the asset, but searches
for "inter" or "view" would not.
Filter and Sort Similar to other areas of MediaCentral Cloud UX, the filter and sort tools allow
options (not you to organize your assets by familiar categories such as Date Added, Name,
shown) and others. You can further refine your display by selecting an option from the
Ascending / Descending menu.
16 Topic Details If you select the Assignments tab, the app displays the assignments that are
associated with this topic and includes information on their status, priority, title,
and due date.

If you select the Media tab, the app displays any media assets that you might
have added to the container.
17 Scroll Bars If your browser window does not provide enough space to display the entire
topic, you can use these bars to scroll through the topic and assignments list.
18 Panel Divider You can resize the amount of space allocated to the Info panel by dragging the
divider to the left or right. If you adjust the size of the panel, this change remains
consistent across different MediaCentral Cloud UX sessions.

The size of the panel is saved in your local browser cache, so the change remains
consistent across different MediaCentral Cloud UX sessions (on a per user / per
workstation basis).

14 Using the Collaborate App

Opening and Closing the Info Panel

When you create a new topic, the Topic Info panel is displayed automatically. When you revisit a topic, this
area is hidden by default. You can click the Info button to display or hide the Topic Info panel. As long as
you do not close the Collaborate app, this setting persists throughout your MediaCentral Cloud UX session.

Once open, you can click the Collapse button to hide the Info area. The Collapse button is located in the
upper-right corner of the Info panel.

Working with Date Fields

When you select a field that requires you to enter a date, the Collaborate app displays a calendar that you
can use to enter your required values. As shown in the following illustration the calendar includes controls
that allow you to quickly jump to specific days, months, or years.

The following controls are available in the date picker:

Icon Purpose Description

Back or Forward Click these buttons to go back or forward by a larger amount of time.
(large) The increments change based on your current location in the calendar.
For example if you are on the initial calendar page, these buttons
advance the date by one year at a time.
Back or Forward Click these buttons to go back or forward by a shorter amount of time.
(small) The increments change based on your current location in the calendar.
For example if you are on the initial calendar page, these buttons
advance the date by one month at a time.
Example: Current Month and Appearing between the back and forward controls, you can click this
Year button to display to a monthly view in which you can select a specific
month within the current year.

If you click the center button again, you can select a specific year (10
years displayed per page). In this case the back and forward buttons
increment by either 10 or 100 years at a time.
Example: Current Day The calendar displays today’s date with a blue outline (shown left in this

After you select a day, the value is highlighted in blue (shown right in
this example).

14 Using the Collaborate App

If you attempt to manually enter a value that is higher than the maximum possible value for that field, the
app automatically replaces your entry. For example if you attempt to type 17 in the month field, the app
replaces your value with 12 (December) — the maximum value allowed for that field.

Understanding the Assignment Landing Zone

When you create an assignment, you must associate the assignment with a topic. If you do not specify a
topic, the Collaborate app associates the assignment with the “Assignment Landing Zone” which acts like a
bucket for all unlinked assignments. You can find the Assignment Landing Zone in the Planner sidebar along
with all other manually created topics.

This topic differs from all others in that it does not include the Priority and Status menus, or custom fields
such as People, Metadata, or others. You cannot rename this topic.

Additional Information on Topics

This section includes the following processes:

l "Creating a New Topic" below
l "Opening an Existing Topic" on page 465
l "Assigning the Priority and Status" on page 465
l "Adding and Removing Team Members, Resources, and External Contacts" on page 466
l "Adding and Removing Tags" on page 467
l "Working with Metadata" on page 467
l "Duplicating a Topic" on page 468
l "Deleting a Topic" on page 468

n As both topics, assignments, and tasks share similar features and menus, many of the following
processes can apply to all three item types. For assignment specific processes, see "Working with
Assignments" on page 483.

Creating a New Topic

Complete the following steps to create a new topic.

Required fields are marks with an asterisk ( * ). If you leave any required field empty, the app displays a red
exclamation point to remind you to complete the requirement.

To create a topic:

1. Click the Add button in the Collaborate Header and select Add... Topic.
The New Topic window appears.

14 Using the Collaborate App

The right side of the window includes a vertical scroll bar that you can use to view additional aspects
of the New Topic window.
2. (optional) Update the Status and / or Priority by selecting an option from the menu.
3. (required) Enter a name for the topic in the Topic Title field.
As you type, a character counter appears below the field. Although your title can contain up to 200
characters, shorter is often better to avoid truncating the name in other areas of the app. If you need
to add more detail about the topic, Avid recommends using the Description field.
4. (optional) Enter text in the Description field.
This text is added to the Description field in the topic’s Info panel. If you add a large amount of text,
the New Topic window expands to display additional text and a scroll bar appears on the right-side of
the window that allows you to access all areas of the New Topic window.
If you add a large amount of text, a Less button appears below the Description. You can click this
button to shrink the size of the window. After clicking the Less button, you can click the More button
to display the full text again.
5. (optional) Click the Add button under the Team, Resources, or External Contacts areas to add these
values to the topic.
The app displays the five most recently used value for each of these menus. Alternatively, you can
click the Show All button to display additional values.
6. (optional) Click the Add button in the Tags area to add one or more keyword terms to your topic. For
more information on tags, see "Adding and Removing Tags" on page 467.
As you type, a menu appears below the tag name. If your text matches an existing tag, the menu
displays a list of options that you can select. If you are entering a new tag, the menu informs you that
this is a New Value.
7. (optional) Enter any required values into the Metadata area.
For more information, see "Working with Metadata" on page 467.
8. Do one of the following:

14 Using the Collaborate App

t Click the Create button to save the new topic.

The Collaborate app displays a notification message upon creation. The message includes an
Open link that allows you to access this topic for further customization.

t Click the Cancel button to close the New Topic window without saving.
Alternatively, you can tap the Esc key to close the window without saving.

Opening an Existing Topic

After you create a topic, you can return to it at any time to update the status or priority values, create new
assignments, and more. If your topic already includes one or more assignments, the Collaborate app
highlights the first assignment in the list for easier keyboard navigation.

n If multiple users are adding or removing contacts or resources to the same topic, assignment, or task
at the same time, the last user that saves their changes “wins”. As a result, changes to contacts or
resources that were saved by another user might be overwritten.

To open a topic:
t Double-click the desired topic from the Planner sidebar.
t From within an assignment, click the name of the topic in the Collaborate header.
Assigning the Priority and Status
The Priority and Status menus serve as communication tools that help you convey important information
about the topic (or assignment) to other users of the Collaborate app. The Priority menu can be used to
communicate the item’s level of importance or urgency. The Collaborate app ships with four default
priorities (High, Low, Breaking News, and Embargo), but administrators might create other priority values
for your organization. The Embargo priority is generally used to convey that the topic or assignment is
complete, but that it is temporarily deferred or “on hold”.

As you work, you can use the Status menu to communicate the current state — such as In Progress,
Complete, or other. When you create a new topic or assignment, the Collaborate app sets the default
priority and status — as defined by your system administrator. If left unchanged by your administrator, the
default values are High Profile, and New.

To assign a priority:

1. Click the Priority menu to display the available options.

2. Select a priority from the menu.
The menu collapses and the priority is updated.
To assign a status:

1. Click the Status indicator to the left of the Priority menu.

2. Select a status from the menu.
The menu collapses and the status is updated.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Adding and Removing Team Members, Resources, and External Contacts

Collaborate allows you add or remove people and resources as needed. The Info panel includes a series of
Add / Remove buttons that display a context menu with the available assets when clicked.

The following illustration shows the Add Team member menu. In this case the user has already added five
team members — including themselves, as identified by the blue outline around the user's avatar.

The list of contacts in the Teams section is limited to Employees and Freelance contact types only. If you
have created additional contacts under either the Guest or Organization categories, these users appear in
the External Contacts section.

If you see a purple dot above the contact’s avatar, it indicates that the user has enabled their Out of Office

To add or remove team members, resources, or external contacts:

1. Click the Add / Remove button under the Team, Resources, or External Contacts.
2. (optional) Click the Show All button to display additional team members, resources, or contacts.
3. (optional) Use the search tool to narrow the results list.
4. Click the check box to the left of one or more contacts or resources to select them.
5. Press the Esc key, or click another area of the user interface to exit the menu.
If you press the Esc key while creating a new topic or assignment, the action closes the window.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Adding and Removing Tags

Tags are essentially metadata keyword values that help you organize and find your data. When working in
the Planner Explorer, you can select Tags from the Display Options menu to display this column of data.
You can also search for topics or assignments by entering the name of a tag in the search field of either the
Planner sidebar or Explorer.

You might have already added one or more tags during the topic creation process. The following processes
describe how to create additional tags, or delete existing tags.

To add a new tag:

1. Click on the Add button under the Tags area of the topic or assignment.
2. Enter a tag name in the text field that appears to the left of the Add button.
As you type, a menu appears below the tag name. If your text matches an existing tag, the menu
displays a list of options that you can select. If you are creating a new tag, the menu informs you
that this is a New Value (as illustrated below).

You can press the Tab key or click the Add (+) button to enter additional tags.
3. Either Press Enter (Windows) or Return (macOS) on the keyboard, or click in a different area of the
user interface to save the tag.
To remove a tag:
t Click the X button to the right of the tag name.
The tag is removed from the topic (or assignment). If this is the only area where the tag exists, the tag
is deleted from the Collaborate app. If the tag is associated with a different topic or assignment, it is
saved as a known value and appears as a suggestion as you enter new tags.

Working with Metadata

The Metadata area provides you with a method for communicating additional, optional information.

To configure the metadata values:

1. Configure Departments.
a. Click the Departments menu to access the list of departments.
b. Click the check boxes to the left of one or more departments to associate these values with
your topic.
2. Configure the Start and End dates and times.
a. Click the date field and either select a date from the calendar display, or use your keyboard to
enter a new value.
b. Click the time field and use your keyboard to enter a new value.
3. Configure Sources.
You can use this field to describe where contacts can find source material or additional information
that is related to the topic.

14 Using the Collaborate App

a. Click the Sources menu to access the list of sources.

b. Click the check boxes to the left of one or more sources to associate these values with your

Duplicating a Topic
Complete the following process if you want to create a copy of an existing topic. When you duplicate a
topic, all metadata values associated with that topic are duplicated. Assets included in the media container
are not re-associated with the new topic.

n You cannot duplicate the Assignment Landing Zone topic.

To duplicate a topic:

1. Navigate to the Planner Explorer.

2. Right-click on a topic and select Duplicate Topic from the context menu.
A confirmation window appears.

n You cannot multi-select to duplicate two or more topics at the same time.
3. (optional) Enter a new name for the topic.
The duplication window prefaces the Title with the word "Copy" by default.
4. Verify the position of the Assignments and Tasks toggle.
t The default position (grey) does not automatically duplicate any assignments or tasks that are
associated with the original topic.
t You can click the toggle button to duplicate the associated assignments and tasks.
When enabled, the toggle turns blue. New assignments or tasks that are created as part of this
process are given the same name as the original, and are not prefaced with the word "copy".
5. Do one of the following;
t Click the Duplicate button to create a copy of the topic.
The app displays a notification message in the upper-right corner of the user interface. If
desired, you can click the Open link in this message to access the duplicated topic. If the
process fails for any reason, the app displays a notification about the error.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the process.
Deleting a Topic
The Collaborate app allows you to delete any topic that was created by you — as long as that topic does
not include any assignments. If your account has supervisor-level access, you can delete any topic at any
time — even if the topic includes one or more assignments.

If your topic contains one or more assignments that you want to save, you must move the assignments to a
new topic before deleting the topic. For more information, see "Moving an Assignment to a New Topic" on
page 491.

n You cannot delete the Assignment Landing Zone topic.

Complete the following process to delete a topic from the Collaborate app.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To delete a topic:

1. Locate your topic in the Planner sidebar.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click on an individual topic.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click two or more topics, and then right-click your selection to delete
multiple topics simultaneously.

n Avid does not support deleting more than 100 topics in a single action.
3. Select the Delete Topic(s) option from the context menu.
A confirmation dialog box appears. If your topic includes one or more assignments, the confirmation
dialog warns you that the associated assignments will also be deleted.
4. Do one of the following:
t Click the Delete or Delete Topic button to permanently delete the topic(s).
The app displays a notification message in the upper-right corner of the user interface that
confirms the delete action.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.

Working Within the Media Container

The Media area allows you to associate assets from connected MediaCentral modules with your topic or
assignment. You can also add assets that are unrelated to a specific module such as notes and weblinks. As
this virtual container can include assets from multiple different connected systems, you can think of it as
the “hub” around which you can collect and organize the assets for your story.

The following illustration shows the Media tab within an example topic. In this case the user has added
multiple Production Management assets, an Asset Management image file, a Newsroom Management story,
and they have created a note that relates to this topic.

If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is licensed for Hoverscrub, the Media panel allows you to scrub
through assets. For more information, see "Using the Hoverscrub Feature" on page 95.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Media containers support assets from the following systems:

l MediaCentral Production Management
l MediaCentral Asset Management
l MediaCentral Newsroom Management
– You can drag stories from the Search or Rundown apps, but you cannot use the Browse app to
add an entire rundown to a container.
l Asset types include, but are not limited to master clips, subclips, sequences, PDF, JPG, audio, series,
seasons, documents, and more.
l Edit While Capture (EWC) or in-progress versions of the above asset types.
l Graphics assets from connected systems such as Avid Maestro News.
l Assets from remote MediaCentral modules.
l Notes created through the Collaborate Notes Editor. For more information, see "Using the Notes
Editor" on page 476.
l Weblinks added through the Collaborate app. For more information, see "Adding a Weblink to the
Container" on page 473.
The following exceptions and exclusions apply:
l Adobe assets and projects stored on Avid NEXIS
l Sessions created through the Log app
l Folders
If you add an asset to an assignment, the same asset is not added to the Media area of the upper-level
topic. Similarly, assets added to a topic are not propagated to the lower-level assignments. If your topic or
assignment does not include any assets, the Media area displays a “There isn't any media for this topic <or
assignment> yet.” message.

Using the Thumbnail Slider

Appearing to the right of the Sort By menus, the thumbnail slider allows you to alter the size of the images
that appear in the Media Container. The slider has three settings: small, medium, and large.

To alter the size of the thumbails:

t Click and drag the slider.
t Click once on the slider, and then use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard.
Performing Actions on Assets

If your system is integrated with an Asset Management module, you might see a list of actions when you
right-click on an asset in the Media container. The Actions menu includes the same processes that you
would find when accessing the context menu in the Browse or Search apps. For more information, see
"Understanding the Actions Menu and Process Creation" on page 54.

However as illustrated below, the Media area’s context menu includes a secondary Container Actions

14 Using the Collaborate App

Container Actions work similarly to the processes that you can select in the Actions menu, with the
exception that they apply to all assets within the container. You can access the Container Actions menu by
right-clicking either an individual asset or an area of empty space in the Media container.

Asset Management systems on which the Production kit is installed provide a default Container Actions
process (“Partial Restore to Production Mgmt”) that lets you restore the assets in the container to
Production Management. Asset Management systems without Production kit do not include default
processes for the Container Actions menu; as illustrated below, the app displays a “No items” message until
an administrator creates a related process.

For more information, see the Avid MediaCentral | Asset Management Restore Container to Production
Mgmt Process Reference and “Defining Allowed Classes for Process Attachments” in the Avid MediaCentral
| Asset Management Process Reference.

Obtaining Asset Metadata

After you add an asset to Collaborate, you can hover your cursor over the Info icon (vertical ellipses) in the
asset thumbnail to display a tool-tip. The Collaborate app displays the information about the asset. The
metadata values identified as container items provide information about when the items were added or
modified in the container. The format of the Date / Time values is defied by your user settings.

If you add a Weblink to the container, the tool-tip shows the name of the link and the actual URL.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Adding Assets to the Container

The Media area allows you to add assets through a simple drag and drop process. Sources might include
the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer and Storyboard tab, or apps such as Browse or Search. Avid does not limit
the number of items that you can add to a container.

If you drag an asset from the Asset Editor into the Media container, the operation respects any IN or OUT
marks that you might have added to the asset. As shown in the following illustration, IN/OUT marks appear
in the lower-right corner of the asset thumbnail when shown in the Media container. The same applies to
items (markers, restrictions, segments, or thumbnails) you drag from the Asset Editor’s Storyboard tab into
the Media container. For more information, see "Adding Storyboard Items to a Sequence or Container" on
page 306.

When you drag an asset with marks to the Media area, you are creating a link to an asset with marks — you
are not creating a subclip. If you load this asset back into the Asset Editor, the entire clip is loaded with the
IN and OUT marks set at the correct positions. If you hover your cursor over the IN/OUT overlay on the
thumbnail image, the app displays a tool-tip that shows you the timecode values for these marks.

n If you drag a sequence from the Asset Editor or a Storyboard item into the Media container, the app
displays the IN and OUT marks over the thumbnail image in all cases. If you drag an asset from
Browse, Search, or other apps, the marks are not displayed.

To add a media asset:

1. Open your topic or assignment. If you are working in a topic, you must also select the Media tab.
2. Drag one or more assets from your source and drop it into the media container.
A link to your original asset is added to the container. The process of adding an asset to a topic or
assignment does not alter the source media or database.
Depending on various factors, the process of adding assets to the container might take some time.
During this period, the app displays an “Adding assets” message at the bottom of the container.
When the process is complete, the message is updated to indicate that “All assets were added to the
topic / assignment.” If your system experiences any issues during the add process, the app displays
a warning or failure message to alert you to the problem.
3. (optional) After you add an asset to a container, you can rename it by slowly double-clicking the
asset and entering a new name.
Renaming an asset within a container does not rename the original asset in the associated
MediaCentral module.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Adding a Weblink to the Container

While you can add URLs to the Description area of any topic or assignment, the Media Container allows
you to add a URL as a media asset. The following illustration shows an example weblink as the first asset in
the container.

To create a container weblink:

1. Right-click inside the Media container of a topic or assignment and select Weblink from the context
The Create Weblink creation window appears. Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).
2. Enter a name of for the link (up to 200 characters).
This is the name of the asset that appears in the Media Container.
3. Enter the URL for the link.
All URLs must start with a valid protocol such as http:// or https://. If not specified, the app adds the
https:// protocol automatically.
4. Do one of the following:
t Click the Create button to add the weblink.
The Collaborate app verifies the structure of the URL.
– If the URL is valid, the system creates the weblink.
The Collaborate app does not verify that the webiste actually exists. It only verifies the
formatting of the URL.
– If you enter an invalid value, the system replies with an error message.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to close the Create Weblink window without
To open a weblink:
t Double-click the weblink asset in the container.
t Click inside the Media container, navigate to the asset, and press Enter.
The link opens in a new tab in your browser.

To edit the weblink's name:

1. Slow double-click on the name of the weblink in the container.

The text field becomes editable.
2. Enter a new name for the asset and press Enter or Return.
The name is updated in the container.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To edit the weblink's name and URL:

1. Right-click the asset and select Edit from the context menu.
2. Enter a new name or the weblink, the URL, or both.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click the Save button to save your changes. disassociate the asset(s) from your topic or
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the process.
To remove a weblink from a container:

1. Select the Media area of either your topic or assignment.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click on an individual asset.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click two or more assets, and then right-click your selection to remove
multiple assets simultaneously.
3. Select the Remove Asset(s) option from the context menu.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
4. Do one of the following:
t Click the Remove button to disassociate the asset(s) from your topic or assignment.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the process.
Loading Assets from the Container
After you add one or more assets to the container, you can use your mouse or keyboard to load the asset
into its default application, or a specific application.

To load an asset into its default app:

t Double-click an asset in the Media container.
t Click once inside the Media container and use the Up, Down, Left, and Right arrows on the keyboard
to select an asset. After you have highlighted the asset, press Enter or Return on the keyboard to load
it into its default app.
To load an asset into a specific app:
t Right-click an asset in the Media container and select Open In > (application) from the context menu.
t Drag and drop the asset into your desired app (such as the Rundown app) or into the Asset Editor.
Restoring Assets from the Container
Collaborate allows you to trigger a (partial) restore of assets gathered in a container. The restore feature is
supported for Shared Library assets (archived masterclip, archived subclip, archived sequence) and Asset
Management video assets (Asset Management assets originated in Production Management and other
Asset Management assets that are supported for rewrapping to OP-Atom).

If you are working in a Multi-Site environment, the feature is only supported for local assets. Only assets
from the local Asset Management / Shared Library systems are respected, assets from remote Asset
Management / Shared Library systems or of other system types are ignored. If you mix local and remote
assets in the container, only the local assets are restored.

If enabled by configuration, successfully restored assets are automatically removed from the container
after the Restore process has finished. This operation removes the media asset from the Collaborate app
only, it does not delete the asset from the source MediaCentral module. See “Cleanup of Container Items”

14 Using the Collaborate App

in the Avid MediaCentral | Asset Management Restore Container to Production Mgmt Process Reference
and “Enabling Collaborate Container Cleanup” in the Avid MediaCentral | Shared Library Installation and
Configuration Guide.

To restore assets:

1. Right-click either an individual asset or an area of empty space in the Media container, and in the
context-menu that opens select Container Actions > [Asset Management / Shared Library system to
run the process] > Partial Restore to Production Mgmt.
The Partial Restore to Production Mgmt process creation template opens.

2. Provide a main title for the process. If you do not provide a title, the default title “Partial Restore
Container Items” is shown as process title in the Process app.
3. Select the restore target to be used from the Restore Target list (unless customized, only “Standard”
is provided).
4. (optional) Select the target location to be used from the Target Location list.
5. (optional) Provide a target location sub path. You can use / as a separator for sub directories.
6. Click OK.
The Restore process is triggered for the assets in the container.
For media that has been added with In/Out marks to the container, a partial restore is performed; for
media without set In/Out marks, a full restore is performed.

Removing Assets from the Container

Complete the following process if you want to disassociate an asset from your topic or assignment. This
process removes the media asset from the Collaborate app only, it does not delete the asset from the
source MediaCentral module. If you remove a note created through the Notes Editor or a weblink, the
removal represents a permanent and unrecoverable deletion from the system.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To remove an asset:

1. Select the Media area of either your topic or assignment.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click on an individual asset.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click two or more assets, and then right-click your selection to remove
multiple assets simultaneously.
3. Select the Remove Asset(s) option from the context menu.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
4. Do one of the following:
t Click the Remove button to disassociate the asset(s) from your topic or assignment.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the process.

Using the Notes Editor

The Notes Editor allows you to add content to your topic or assignment in ways that other areas of the
Collaborate app (such as the Info panel’s Description field) do not offer. The user interface provides many
of the same text editing features that you might expect to find in a sophisticated text editor, allowing for
greater flexibility and creativity during the content creation process. The editor saves all changes as you
type, eliminating the need for a manual save and protecting your content in the event that you are
unexpectedly disconnected from the system — for example due to a loss of power or network connection on
your local workstation.

Created to promote collaborative workflows, the tool allows multiple users to simultaneously edit the same
note. The current position of each user is identified in the note with a colored cursor, and edits appear “live”
for all users as they are entered. Want to edit your note without anyone else viewing your changes? Enable
Ninja Mode to go “stealth”, and only make your changes available to others at the end of your edit session.

The following illustration and table describe the editor’s user interface.

1 Note Title Displays the name of the note.

2 Tool Ribbon For more information, see "Editing a Collaborate Note" on the next page.
3 Note Body Editing area where you can add content to the note.

Each note allows for a maximum of approximately 50,000 characters. If you attempt

14 Using the Collaborate App

to exceed this limit, the editor displays a warning to make you aware that you have
reached the maximum number of characters.
4 Last Line Every note includes one blank line of text at the end of the note. If another user joins
you in editing process, that user can click here to begin entering new text. By clicking
the last line, your associate can ensure that they will not disrupt you while typing.
5 Ninja Mode For more information, see "Using Ninja Mode!" on page 481.
6 Close The Close button allows you to exit the note.
7 Active Users Displays the avatar of each collaborative user. For more information, see
"Collaborative Editing" on page 481.
8 Vertical If you enter a large amount of text, a scroll bar appears on the right-side of the note to
Scroll Bar allow vertical navigation within the note. The scroll bar might also appear if you
significantly decrease the height of your browser window.

Review the following concepts to learn more about the Notes Editor:
l "Creating a Collaborate Note" below
l "Editing a Collaborate Note" below
l "Using Ninja Mode!" on page 481
l "Deleting a Collaborate Note" on page 483

Creating a Collaborate Note

Do the following to create a new note in the Collaborate app.

To create a new note:

1. Right-click inside the Media container of a topic or assignment and select Create Note from the
context menu.
The note opens for editing.
2. (optional) You might want to take this opportunity to assign a title to the note by clicking on the title
bar and entering a name or short description. If you do not do this now, you can always change the
title at a later date.
The note’s title field and the name of the note as displayed in the Media container are the same value.
3. Click the Close button to exit the note.
If you change the note’s title and you exit without clicking the Close button, the updated title is saved
in the note. However, the correct name will not be displayed in the Media container. This might occur
if you close the note by quitting your browser, or if you use the breadcrumbs in the Collaborate
Header to navigate away from your current location.
You can resolve this issue by reopening the note and clicking the Close button. Alternatively, the
Collaborate app will update the name in the Media container automatically after a 15 minute period.

Editing a Collaborate Note

The tools ribbon at the top of the Notes Editor provides you with an array of text editing options. If you
hover your cursor over any of the buttons, a tool-tip appears that displays the name of the button. The
following table provides more information on each of these options.

Icon Name Description

Bold Applies the bolded weight to the selected text.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Icon Name Description

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+B button on your keyboard to perform the
Italic Applies the italic angle to the selected text.

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+I button on your keyboard to perform the
Underline Applies a black underline to the selected text.

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+U button on your keyboard to perform the
Strikethrough Applies a strikethrough effect to the selected text.
For example: strikethrough
Text Highlight This option allows you apply highlighting to your selected text. When you click
Color the chevron to the right of the button, a menu of potential colors appears.

The line under the icon in the tools ribbon shows the last selected color. The
system saves the last state of this setting on the local workstation on an
individual user basis.
If you want to clear your highlighting, you can select your text and then click
the No Highlight option to the far left of the color palette.
Font Color The Notes Editor enters all text in black by default. However, you can click
chevron to the right of the button to select an alternate color from the menu.

The line under the icon in the tools ribbon shows the last selected color. The
system saves the last state of this setting on the local workstation on an
individual user basis.
Clear All Use your mouse to select an area of text and then click this button to clear any
Formatting formatting that you might have applied to the selected text — such as bold,
highlighting, or other.

Alternatively, you can click the button with no text selected. In this case the
app removes all formatting for the line on which your cursor is parked.
Bullet List Adds an indented bullet list to the note.

You can add an initial bullet by clicking this button, or you can select one or
more consecutive lines of text to convert those lines into bullet points.

You can further indent the bullets by clicking the Add Indent button, but you
cannot remove the initial indent.
Numbered List Adds an indented numbered list to the note.

You can add an initial numbered item by clicking this button, or you can select
one or more consecutive lines of text to convert those lines into a numbered list.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Icon Name Description

If you park your cursor at the beginning of the line, you can press the Add
Indent button or the Tab key to indent the numbered line and create a sublist.

Lists always follow the same order: indent one is a number, indent two is a
letter, and indent three is a Roman numeral. If you create a fourth indent, the
order repeats itself. You cannot change the indent order or numbering scheme.
For example the first indent can not start with a roman numeral.
Add or Remove These buttons shift your text to the left or the right by a set of predefined
Indent indents. You can use indents in two ways: click the indent button while your
cursor is p

l Highlight one or more lines of text to shift the selected text.

l Place your cursor at a point in the note and click one of the indent
buttons. This action indents all text at the cursor’s current location.
You can indent text to the right a maximum of eight times.

Alternatively, you can use the Tab or Backspace buttons on your keyboard to
add or remove an indent before the text.
Paragraph This button allows you to toggle the orientation of the text so that both left-to-
Direction right languages (such as English), and right-to-left languages (such as Arabic)
are both displayed properly.
Cut Use your mouse to highlight text in the Notes Editor and click the Cut button to
remove the text from your note. The cut text is stored temporarily in your local
workstation’s clipboard.

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+X button on your keyboard to perform the
Copy Use your mouse to highlight text in the Notes Editor and click the Copy button
to add the text to your workstation’s clipboard.

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+C button on your keyboard to copy the
Paste as Plain Click this button to paste the contents of your workstation’s clipboard into the
Text editor. This button pastes the data as plain text. If your copied data includes
any rich text formatting or images, this data is stripped from the text when you

n The first time that you use this feature, your browser might require you to
verify MediaCentral Cloud UX’s access your workstation’s clipboard.

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+V button on your keyboard to copy the
contents of the clipboard into the Notes Editor while retaining supported text
formatting. Images are not supported.
Undo Allows you to revert the last change that you made to the note. If you are
working collaboratively on the same note with other users, the undo function

14 Using the Collaborate App

Icon Name Description

reverts only the changes that you have made and not those of other users.

The editor supports multiple levels of undo. If you close the note and reopen it,
the undo history is reset.
Redo If you press the Undo button, this button allows you to re-enable the change
that you just “undid”. If you are working collaboratively on the same note with
other users, the redo function applies to your changes only.

The editor supports multiple levels of redo. If you close the note and reopen it,
the redo history is reset.
Print Opens the browser’s print controls, allowing you to send the note to a local
printer, or other print destination (such as a PDF).

Spell Check This feature actively checks your spelling as you type. When the app identifies
a spelling error, it displays a red underline below the word. The spell check can
verify the spelling of the note’s title and the note body. However, the red
underlines appear only after you click in the title or body fields — simply
opening the note will not mark the misspellings, even if the button is active.

The system saves the last state (on / off) of this setting on the local workstation
on an individual user basis.

The spell checker leverages the built-in functionality of the Google Chrome
browser. As such, you can access Chrome’s settings (Advanced > Languages)
to adjust the language options, add custom words to the dictionary, and more.
Ninja Mode Enables Ninja Mode. For more information, see "Using Ninja Mode!" on the next

User Avatar When working collaboratively with one or more users, each user’s avatar
appears to the right of the Ninja Mode button. If a large number of users are
accessing the note, you might see an overflow icon that represents the number
of additional users that are in the note. You can click the overflow icon to
display a menu that provides more details on each of these users.

You can hover your cursor over each avatar to display the user’s details (name
and role) and their current position in the body of the note. If the other user has
only opened the note and has not clicked inside the body, their cursor position
will not be shown. The cursor position might also not be displayed if the note
includes a large amount of text, and the user is editing material that is off-
Close Click this button to close the note.

Overflow Menu If you shrink the size of your browser window or the Collaborate app, this
button appears to the far right of the row of buttons. You can click the
Overflow button to reveal a list of all functions that might be hidden by the
decreased size of the window.

When you want to add stylized text, you can either highlight text and apply a style, or you can click one or
more style buttons to begin adding text using those styles. For example, you can click the Bold and Italic
buttons and then begin to type. All text that you enter from this point forward in this note is entered with
those styles applied, until you deselect the function, move to a different position in the note, or close the

14 Using the Collaborate App

When you park your cursor on text that includes one or more styles (such a bolded or italicized text), the
associated icons appear blue in the note’s tools ribbon. The example illustration at the beginning of this
section shows the cursor parked at the end of the word you. As a result, the Bold and Underline buttons
appear active.

Collaborative Editing

As you make changes to the note, the same changes are displayed simultaneously to any other user that
has the note open. Each user’s avatar appears in the top-right corner of the note and a similarly colored
cursor appears in the body of the note. The cursor identifies the other user’s position in the note. As shown
in the following illustration, you can hover your mouse over the cursor to see the user’s name.

n The Notes Editor allows up to nine different colors for avatars and cursors. If more than nine people
have accessed the same note at the same time, some indicators will have identical colors.

The only exception to the collaborative editing process involves the title field. This field only updates after
you click away from it. If two or more users are updating the title at the same time, the Notes Editor respects
the changes of the last person to edit the field. After that user clicks away from the title, the updated name
is displayed for all users.

To edit an existing note:

1. Locate the note in your topic or assignment and do one of the following to open it:
t Double-click the note.
t Click inside the container, use the arrows on the keyboard to select the note, and press Enter
or Return.

n If another user deletes a note and you have not refreshed your display to see this change, the
Notes Editor displays a message to inform you that “The note you tried to open could not be

2. (if applicable) Do one of the following to change the title (name) of the note:
t Click twice on the name of note in the Media container, adding a short pause between clicks.
After the text field is highlighted, you can enter a new title for the note.

t Open the note and enter a new name in the title field.
The note’s title field and the name of the note as displayed in the Media container are the same value.
3. Make the necessary edits to the note.
4. Click the Close button to exit the note and save your changes.

Using Ninja Mode!

This editing mode allows exclusive access to the creator of the note so that other users can neither see, edit,
nor otherwise alter the contents of note while you have it “checked out”. If another user attempts to access
the same note, they will see the name of the note and a message that shows the name of the user that is
editing the note in Ninja Mode.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Ninja Mode is available only to the user that created the note. If you did not create the note, the button will
not appear in the Notes Editor. After you enter this mode, the note remains in this state until you exit Ninja
Mode This is true even if you switch to a different app, or even close your web browser.

If you are not the owner of the note, the owner has the ability to activate Ninja Mode while you are actively
editing it. If this happens, the app displays the private banner blocks you from making additional updates
until the owner exits Ninja Mode. During this time, the owner maintains the ability to alter or delete any
changes that you might have made to the note.

To enter Ninja mode:

t Click the Ninja Mode button in the tool ribbon at the top of your note.
The button turns black to indicate that are you in Ninja Mode.

To exit Ninja mode:

1. Click the Ninja! button in the tool ribbon at the top of the note.
2. Click the Exit Ninja Mode button.
Your changes are made available to all users that have access to the note. If another user has the
note open already (showing the private warning message), they must close and reopen the note to
view or edit it.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Deleting a Collaborate Note

The ability to delete a note is available to all Collaborate users. You are not required to be the creator of the
note to be able to delete it.

If you have a note open when another user deletes the note, or the encompassing assignment or topic, the
Collaborate app allows you to save your work before the deletion process is complete. If you do not have
the note open, you are not notified about the deletion and are not given an opportunity to save the content.

To delete a note:

1. Right click on the note in the Media area of your topic or assignment.
2. Click the Remove Asset option from the context menu.
3. Click the Remove button to permanently delete the note for all users.
Alternatively, you can click the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.
Saving a note:

1. If another user deletes a note while you have it open, the body of the note is replaced with a message
that tells you that the note was deleted. To avoid loss of work, the message includes two options that
allow you to save the contents of the note.
t Copy Note to Clipboard: Allows you to save the contents of the note to your workstation’s
clipboard. As a reminder, clipboard data is usually very transitory. Remember to paste this
data into a more permanent location if you wish to retain it.
t Save Note to File: If you select this option, your workstation displays a window that allows you
to enter a file name and a save location. Files are saved in an HTML format.
All special note formatting is retained when using either of these options.
2. Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the message to close the note.
Once closed, the note is permanently deleted.

Working with Assignments

After you create a topic, you can begin to create assignments that detail the work that must be completed
to accomplish the topic’s goal. Topics and assignments share a 1:1 relationship in that you can link an
assignment to only a single topic at any one time. However after you create the assignment, the
Collaborate app allows you to move that assignment to a different topic as needed.

n In this release, Avid supports a maximum of 100 assignments per topic. Although this limit is not strictly
enforced, organizations could see a performance impact if users exceed this maximum assignment

The following illustration and table describe the different areas of an assignment.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Button or Function Description

1 Filter Button Similar to the Filter button that is available in the Project Planner, this button
displays a list of filters that you can use to narrow the contents of the Media

For more information, see "Working with the Planner Filters Tab" on page 448.
2 Info Button Allows you to open or close the Assignment’s Info panel.

When you first open an assignment, the Info area is hidden by default. You can
click the Info button to display or hide the Assignment Info panel. As long as you
do not close the Collaborate app, this setting persists throughout your
MediaCentral Cloud UX session
3 Priority and Status For more information, see "Assigning the Priority and Status" on page 465.
4 Assignment Title Displays the name of the current assignment. You can click this field to change
the name of the assignment.
5 Due Date Allows you to assign or change the assignment’s due date.

You can also export the assignment details to a calendar application. For more
information, see "Exporting to a Calendar" on page 492.
6 Description and Similar to topics, assignments allow you to configure contacts, resources,
Metadata metadata, and other values.

For more information, see "Editing an Assignment" on page 488.

7 Collapse When the Info panel is open, you can click the Collapse button to hide the
8 Panel Divider You can change the amount of space allocated to the Info panel by dragging
the divider to the left or right. If you adjust the size of the panel, this change
remains consistent across different MediaCentral Cloud UX sessions. If you
want to decrease the Info panel to smaller than its minimum size, you can use
the Collapse button to temporally hide it from view.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Button or Function Description

The size of the panel is saved in your local browser cache, so the change
remains consistent across different MediaCentral Cloud UX sessions (on a per
user / per workstation basis).
9 Refresh If another user is actively updating the same assignment, you can click this
button to update the display and view the changes. Alternatively, the app
updates automatically when you switch from one area to another — such as
switching between an assignment and its linked topic. This refresh button does
not update the status of the Tasks area of the app.
10 Find an Asset This field allows you to search for the names of any media asset that you have
added to media container. If your topic or assignment includes a note, the
search also looks for a match in the note text.

Partial word searches are not supported. If for example your asset includes the
word "Interview", a search for "Interview" would return the asset, but searches
for "inter" or "view" would not.
11 Media Container Allows you to add assets that are related to this assignment. For more
information, see "Working Within the Media Container" on page 469.
12 Sort Controls Similar to other areas of MediaCentral Cloud UX, the Assignment Container
allows you to organize your assets by familiar categories such as Date Added,
Name, and others. You can further refine your display by selecting an option
from the Ascending / Descending menu.
13 Thumbnail Slider Allows you to adjust the size of the images in the Media Container. For more
information, see "Using the Thumbnail Slider" on page 470.
14 Tasks area Allows you to create tasks that are related to this assignment. For more
information, see "Creating Tasks" on page 489.

Additional Information on Assignments

This section includes the following processes:

l "Creating a New Assignment" on the next page
l "Opening an Existing Assignment" on page 487
l "Editing an Assignment" on page 488
l "Working with Assignment Tasks" on page 489
l "Moving an Assignment to a New Topic" on page 491
l "Exporting to a Calendar" on page 492
l "Duplicating an Assignment" on page 493
l "Deleting an Assignment" on page 493

14 Using the Collaborate App

Creating a New Assignment

Complete the following steps to create a new assignment.

Required fields are marks with an asterisk ( * ). If you leave any required field empty, the app displays a red
exclamation point to remind you to complete the requirement.

To create an assignment:

1. Do one of the following to open the New Assignment window:

t Click the Add button in the Collaborate Header and select Add... Assignment.
t From Week view within the Planner Explorer, hover your cursor over the day of the week header
and click the Add Assignment button.
t From within a topic, click the Add Assignment button to create your first assignment.
If you click the Add button while viewing the Planner panel, the assignment is associated with the
Assignment Landing Zone by default. If you click the button while inside a topic or if you select a
topic in the Planner Sidebar before clicking the button, the current topic is used as the default.

The right side of the window includes a vertical scroll bar that you can use to view additional aspects
of the New Assignment window.
2. (optional) Update the Status and / or Priority by selecting an option from the menu.

14 Using the Collaborate App

3. Enter a name for the assignment in the Assignment Title field.

As you type, a character counter appears below the field. Although your title can contain up to 200
characters, shorter is often better to avoid truncating the name in other areas of the app. If you need
to add more detail about the assignment, Avid recommends using the Description field.
4. (optional) Enter a Due Date for the assignment.
When you click this field, the app displays a calendar from which you can select the date by which
the assignment must be complete. For more information, see "Working with Date Fields" on
page 462.
5. (optional) Enter text in the Description field.
This text is added to the Description field in the assignment’s Info panel. If you add a large amount of
text, the New Assignment window expands to display additional text and a scroll bar appears on the
right-side of the window that allows you to access all areas of the New Assignment window.
If you add a large amount of text, a Less button appears below the Description field. You can click
this button to shrink the size of the window. After clicking the Less button, you can click the More
button to display the full text again.
6. (optional) Click the Add button under the Team, Resources, or External Contacts areas to add these
values to the assignment.
The app displays the five most recently used value for each of these menus. Alternatively, you can
click the Show All button to display additional values.
7. (optional) Click the Add button in the Tags area to add one or more keyword terms to your
assignment. For more information on tags, see "Adding and Removing Tags" on page 467.
As you type, a menu appears below the tag name. If your text matches an existing tag, the menu
displays a list of options that you can select. If you are entering a new tag, the menu informs you that
this is a New Value.
8. Confirm or update the Topic for which this assignment should be associated.
t If you created the assignment from outside of an existing topic, the assignment is associated
with the Assignment Landing Zone by default.
t If you created the assignment from within a topic, the assignment is associated with that topic
You can click the Topic menu to select an alternate topic. If you do not see your desired topic, you
can use the search functionality in this menu to locate it.
9. Do one of the following:
t Click the Create button to save the new assignment.

The Collaborate app displays a notification message upon creation. The message includes an
Open link that allows you to access this assignment for further customization.
t Click the Cancel button to close the New Assignment window without saving.
Alternatively, you can tap the Esc key to close the window without saving.

Opening an Existing Assignment

After you create an assignment, you can return to it at any time to edit the Assignment Info, add assets,
create new tasks, and more.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To open an assignment:
t Double-click an assignment from within the Planner Explorer (List or Week view).
t Open a topic and double-click an assignment that is included in the topic.
Editing an Assignment
After you create an assignment, you might want to customize it with additional information, update the its
priority or status, add assets, and more.

n If multiple users are adding or removing contacts or resources to the same topic, assignment, or task
at the same time, some changes might. In this case, the user making the final change “wins”.

To edit an assignment:
t Configure the Priority and Status settings.
For more information, see "Assigning the Priority and Status" on page 465.
t Change the title of the assignment.
If you need to change the name of the assignment, you can click once on the title field and enter a
new name.

n You can also change the assignment’s name by slow clicking twice on the title of the
assignment in the Planner Explorer.
t Assign a Due Date.
This value defines the completion date for the assignment.
t Click the Description field to include additional information about the assignment.
This area allows you to enter more descriptive data about the assignment. You might want to include
background information or possibly additional instructions for the assigned contacts.
Additionally, Collaborate allows you to add links to external websites, or even to different apps or
assets within MediaCentral Cloud UX. For example you could load a story into the Rundown app, and
then copy/paste the link from your browser into Description. The link becomes active after you click
away from the field. When you click a hyperlink, the Collaborate app opens the page in a new tab in
your browser.
t Add Team members, Resources, or External Contacts.
For more information, see "Adding and Removing Team Members, Resources, and External Contacts"
on page 466.
t Add Tags.
For more information, see "Adding and Removing Tags" on page 467.
t Configure the assignment metadata.
– Metadata (Topic)
This field displays the name of the topic that is associated with the assignment. You can use
the menu to move the assignment to another topic — including the Assignment Landing Zone.
For more information, see "Moving an Assignment to a New Topic" on page 491.
– Metadata (Departments and Sources)
For more information, see "Working with Metadata" on page 467.

n Unlike Topics, assignments do not include Start and End Date values.
t Add assets to the assignment.

14 Using the Collaborate App

For more information, see "Working Within the Media Container" on page 469.
t Create tasks to help you manage the assignment.
For more information, see "Working with Assignment Tasks" below.

Working with Assignment Tasks

You can think of the Tasks area as your assignment “to do” list — a collection of tasks or “sub-assignments”
that you might need to address before you can mark the assignment as complete. While you are not
required to create any tasks as part of your workflow, Avid supports the creation of up to 50 tasks per

As shown in the following illustration, the Tasks header displays the number of tasks that are associated
with the current assignment (two in this case). Each task is listed in the order in which it was created (most
recent at the bottom of the list). If the task is associated with a Due Date, that information is displayed
along with the task Title, and Team members.

You can click the Refresh button to the left of the Add Task button to update the list of tasks. If you are
already viewing a specific task, the Refresh button updates the details of that task.

You can minimize the Tasks list by clicking on the Collapse button. When collapsed, the button becomes an
Expand button that you can use to reveal the Tasks list again.

Creating Tasks
Complete the following process to create a new task. After creating a task, you can use the Tasks panel to
access the task and edit the title, status, or other values.

Required fields are marks with an asterisk ( * ). If you leave any required field empty, the app displays a red
exclamation point to remind you to complete the requirement.

To create and configure a task:

1. Do one of the following:

t Click the Add Task button in the upper-right corner of the Tasks panel.
The default task form is displayed in the Tasks panel.
t If this is the assignment's first task, you can also click the New Task button in the middle of the
Tasks area.
The default task form is displayed in the Tasks panel.
t Click the menu to the right of the Add Task button to select an alternate Task form.
For more information on forms, see "Working with Forms" on page 443.
The app displays your selected form in the Tasks panel.
2. (optional) Click the Status menu below the task title and assign a new status.

14 Using the Collaborate App

Each new task is associated with the New status by default.

3. Click the title area and enter a new name for the task.
As you type, a character counter appears below the field. Your title can contain up to 200

4. (optional) Enter a Due date and time to define the completion date for the task.
After you assign a Due date, you can click the Download button to save the task as a calendar entry.
For more information, see "Exporting to a Calendar" on page 492.
5. (optional) Click the Team button and assign one or more users to the task.
The app displays the five most recently used value for each of these menus. Alternatively, you can
click the Show All button to display additional values.
If the user has the Collaborate app installed on their mobile device, they will receive a notification
that they have been added to the task.
6. (optional) Click the Resources button and assign resources to the task. Similar to the Team button,
the Resources button might display either the fast menu, or a complete Resources menu.
7. (optional) Enter text in the Description field to provide more information about the task.
Similar to topics and assignments, Collaborate allows you to add not only text, but also (web) links
into this field.
8. (optional) Reassign the task to a new assignment.
When you create a task, Collaborate associates it with your current assignment by default. The
Assignment menu allows you to move the task to a different assignment. This feature can be useful if
the scope of the assignment or task changes, or if you've completed the task and want to reuse it in a
different assignment.
9. Do one of the following:

14 Using the Collaborate App

t Click the Create button at the bottom of the Tasks panel to save your task.
t Press the Esc key, or click Cancel to exit the task without saving
t Click the chevron to the right of the task name to exit edit mode. In this case the system
prompts you to save or cancel through the Close Task window.
Editing Existing Tasks
After creating a task, you can edit the title, status, or other values. If you alter the title while another user
has the task open, Collaborate changes the title for both users and it generates notification for the remote

To edit an existing task:

1. After opening the associated assignment, double-click the task to open it.
2. Edit the task as needed.
3. Click the Save button to confirm your changes.
Deleting a Task
As a collaborator, you are allowed to delete any task that you have personally created. Users with
supervisor-level access have the ability to delete any task, regardless of the creator.

In addition to the process below, you can delete a task by clicking the Delete Task button while editing an
individual task.

To delete one or more tasks:

1. Open the assignment that includes the task that you want to delete.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click on an individual task.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click two or more tasks, and then right-click your selection to delete multiple
tasks simultaneously.
3. Select Delete Task from the context menu.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
4. Do one of the following:
t Click the Delete or Delete Task button to permanently delete the task(s).
The app displays a notification message in the upper-right corner of the user interface.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.
Moving an Assignment to a New Topic
The Collaborate app allows you to reassign an existing assignment to a different topic. You might want to
move an assignment if your original topic changes focus, or maybe you want to create multiple new topics
to better organize one that has grown in scope. Alternatively, you might be required to move an assignment
to a new topic if you want to retain the assignment, but delete its associated topic.

You can move an assignment to a new topic using Info panel of the actual assignment or by a drag and
drop method through the Planner Explorer. The latter allows you to move multiple assignments to a new
topic in a single action.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To move an assignment using the Info panel:

1. Use one of the following methods to open the assignment:

t Double-click the assignment from the Planner Explorer.
t Open a topic and double-click on an assignment that is included in the topic.
2. (if necessary) click the Info button to open the assignment’s Info panel.
3. Click the Topic menu in the Metadata area of the Info panel.
The app displays a list of potential topics.
4. Do one of the following:
t Select a topic from the menu.
After you make a selection, the assignment is immediately reassigned to the new topic.
t Use the search option at the top of the menu to find a specific topic.
To move an assignment using the Planner Explorer:

1. Navigate to the main Planner panel.

2. (optional) Use the Planner’s controls to search for your destination topic and your assignment.
3. (if applicable) If you want to move multiple assignments, Shift+click or Ctrl+click multiple
assignments in the Planner Explorer.
4. Drag and drop the assignment(s) from the Explorer to the topic in the Planner sidebar.

The assignment is moved to the new topic and the app displays a notification message in the upper-
right corner of the user interface. Although the move operation is complete, you must click the
Refresh button to update the display to reflect the change.

Exporting to a Calendar
After you create and configure your assignment or task, the Collaborate app allows you to export the item
as a calendar event that you can add to external applications such as Microsoft Outlook™.

The following fields are included in the exported event:

l The assignment or task title
l Due date
l Information included in the Description field
l A deep-link to the assignment so that you can more easily return to it
To export a calendar event:

1. Open the assignment or task.

2. (if required) Assign a Due Date.
If the event does not include a due date, you cannot export it to your calendar.

14 Using the Collaborate App

3. Click the calendar button to the right of the Due Date field.
An <event_title>.ics file is saved to the download location specified in your web browser’s settings.
4. Import the file to your calendar application.
The process to complete this final step varies per application. As an example, some versions of
Microsoft Outlook allow you to add events by either double-clicking the file or dragging and dropping
the file to your calendar.

n Some applications might not support the .ics file type. Before you begin to export any events,
verify that your preferred calendar application supports this file type.

Duplicating an Assignment
Complete the following process if you want to create a copy of an existing assignment. When you duplicate
an assignment, all metadata values associated with that assignment are duplicated. Assets included in the
media container are not re-associated with the new assignment.

To duplicate an assignment:

1. Do one of the following:

t Right-click on the assignment from the Planner Explorer (List or Week view).
t Right-click on the assignment from within a topic.
n You cannot multi-select to duplicate two or more assignments at the same time.
2. Select Duplicate Assignment from the context menu.
A confirmation window appears.
3. (optional) Enter a new name for the assignment.
The duplication window prefaces the Title with the word "Copy" by default.
4. (optional) Associate the assignment with a different parent topic.
Assignments are associated with their original topic by default, but you can use the Parent Topic
menu to create the new assignment in a different topic.
5. Verify the position of the Include Tasks toggle.
t The default position (grey) does not automatically duplicate any tasks that are associated with
the original assignment.
t You can click the toggle button to duplicate any associated tasks.
When enabled, the toggle turns blue. New tasks that are created as part of this process are
given the same name as the original, and are not prefaced with the word "copy".
6. Do one of the following;
t Click the Duplicate button to create a copy of the assignment.
The app displays a notification message in the upper-right corner of the user interface. If
desired, you can click the Open link in this message to access the duplicated assignment. If the
process fails for any reason, the app displays a notification about the error.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the process.
Deleting an Assignment
The Collaborate app allows you to delete any assignment that was created by you — as long as that
assignment does not include any tasks. If your account has supervisor-level access, you can delete any
assignment at any time — even if it includes one or more tasks.

14 Using the Collaborate App

To delete an assignment:

1. Do one of the following:

t Right-click on an assignment from the Planner Explorer (List or Week view).
t Right-click on an assignment from within a topic.
t Shift+click or Ctrl+click two or more assignments, and then right-click your selection to delete
multiple assignments simultaneously.

n Avid does not support deleting more than 100 assignments in a single action.
2. Select the Delete Assignment option from the context menu.
A confirmation dialog box appears. If your assignment includes one or more tasks, the confirmation
dialog warns you that the associated tasks will also be deleted.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click the Delete or Delete Assignment button to permanently delete the assignment(s).
The app displays a notification message in the upper-right corner of the user interface.
t Press the Esc key, or click the Cancel button to abort the deletion process.

15 Working with the Acquire App

15 Working with the Acquire App

Acquire is an App for real time scheduling, recording and previewing of incoming feeds.

MediaCentral | Acquire offers simple solutions for recording media. Available as an app in MediaCentral |
Cloud UX, Acquire enhances your workflow by providing instant access to recorded media. Schedule media
ingest in real time, record, and preview incoming feeds. Securely control more ingest sources remotely from
anywhere. And with integrated router control, Acquire increases efficiency and remote collaboration for a
more effective story-centric workflow.

The Acquire app offers instant secure access for IP stream and SDI ingest. It supports multiple ingest servers
(MediaCentral | Stream, FastServe | Ingest (FSI), and Avid | Stream IO), and it utilizes an ingest template
concept allowing for instant workflows when working with these servers. As it is a part of the MediaCentral
platform, Acquire natively supports the Edit While Capture workflow.

Acquire does not have its own routing services. When working with MediaCentral | Stream, it relies on
MediaCentral | Stream internal routing. When working with FastServe | Ingest (FSI), or Avid | Stream IO, it
either uses external routers, or works without routers with direct connection to the FastServe Ingest or Avid
Stream IO server. Sources are routed to particular destinations, which may be devices configured to be
controlled by Acquire, such as MediaCentral Stream. Acquire can also work with stand alone router devices
that can be configured with FastServe Ingest.

For more information about browsing in MediaCentral Cloud UX, see "Using the Browse App" on page 76.

User Interface Elements

The Acquire app’s user interface is comprised of various elements which provide users with different types
of information regarding their scheduled recordings.

The user interface provides various controls that enable you to schedule and review recordings for the
MediaCentral | Stream, FastServe | Ingest, or Avid | Stream IO servers and save them to Avid NEXIS shared

An example of the main user interface in Channels View is shown in the following example.

This section contains the following main sections:

15 Working with the Acquire App

l "Calendar Picker" below

l "Clock" on the next page
l "Schedule Timeline" on the next page
l "Recording Details | New Window" on page 499
l "List View" on page 501
l "Channels View" on page 501
l "Ingest Devices and Channels Section" on page 502
l "Live Preview Button" on page 503

Calendar Picker
The Calendar Picker displays the current month based on the computer date on which the Acquire app

The time zone is taken from the local machine, but the time itself is from the Cloud UX server. It is almost but
not exactly the same. Cloud UX might have 5:11 AM UTC if you are in UTC-3, but your local clock is set to
2:14 AM. Then, you will see 2:11 in Acquire, not 2:14.

The Calendar picker affects only on the Channels View, despite the fact that it is visible all the time.

To display the Calendar (if it’s not visible), do one of the following:
l Click the date in the upper left of the Acquire app (next to the Acquire logo).
l Click the Calendar icon to the right of the date.
The Calendar displays a roughly six week view depending on how many weeks the selected month covers.
The dates displayed in the past have a darker background color than that of dates in the future.

Clicking on a date in the calendar moves the focus on the Channels View (aka. Timeline View). Hovering over
a date, and then clicking another date in the future will span the calendar and also the dates for the

When selecting a date or several dates in the calendar, the Channels view is reset to that selection. For
instance, if you select one day in the calendar, your view changes to one day. If you select four days in the
calendar, your view changes to four days.

15 Working with the Acquire App

The maximum number of days you can select is seven (7). This is done by hovering over the dates. As you
hover over a date, it is circled. Then, drag using your mouse wheel and select up to seven days consecutive
days. This date range will be reflected on the timeline as well.

To view a different month, do one of the following:

t Click the left arrow to view a previous month.
t Click the right arrow to view a subsequent month.
The Clock displays the time from the current timezone. This is selectable in the User settings accessed from
the top right corner of the dialog, you can change the global settings by selecting User > General > Time

If you click the clock, it will bring you to the current time. The current time indicator will continue to move
with the current time.

The current time indicator is shown below:

If you click the Lock icon located below the Clock icon, the Current Timecode indicator will move back to
the center below the Clock icon, and be locked to the time displayed on the clock.

To release the lock, click the Lock icon, or click and drag the timeline either way. The Current Time code
indicator will become unlocked and will move towards the right with the current time.

The Clock format is always 24-hour format.

Schedule Timeline
The Schedule timeline, which appears in Channels view, shows you the current time with a schedule that
can be set to various dates and time increments using the Calendar and the Timeline Zoom bar.

For more information, see "Selecting a View" on the next page.

15 Working with the Acquire App

Selecting a View
You can schedule new recordings, view or edit previously scheduled recordings (according to the
entitlements and groups assigned to your account) , from either the Channels View or the List View.

Options include the following:

l Channels View (default)
l List View
Acquire allows to schedule a recording with multiple destinations (more than one channel record at the
same time). In that case, a few rectangles will be shown in the Channels View, but only one in the List view.
The tooltip shows all the details, the Recording Info (Info Panel) as well, but the tile in the List View shows
only the first target from the list.

To select a view:
t Click Channels View gives more control and allows you to see what is and what will be happening on
each and every channel. Channels View is the default view.

You can schedule recordings from this view by double-clicking anywhere in the future part of the
schedule as shown in the previous example. The entire selection box must be in the future.
This brings up the Recording Details | New dialog box. This is where you can provide a name, and any
other details for the recording. You can also view or edit all scheduled recordings. For more
information, see "Recording Details | New Window" on the next page.
t Click List View to see the overall status of the recording. This includes the ability to filter past, current,
and future recordings so they could be found easily. You can also create a new, or view or edit all
previously scheduled recordings. These display in separate columns under the following headings.
– Past Recordings
– Current Recordings
– Upcoming Recordings

15 Working with the Acquire App

You can also search for past, current, or upcoming recordings. If you select a recording from the list, you
can edit or delete it.

For more information, see the following topics:

l "Editing Previously Scheduled Recordings" on page 512.
l "Deleting Recordings" on page 516
Setting the View Range or Zoom
The Timeline Zoom bar enables you to click and drag to the desired Zoom range that you want in the
Schedule panel. This function only appears in Channels View. The Channels View displays a 5 minute range
by default but you can display by hours or even up to a 7 day range.

n When manually selecting a date or several dates in the calendar, the view is reset to that selection. For
instance, if you select one day in the calendar, your view is changed to one day. If you select four
days in the calendar, your view is changed to four days.

To set the view range:

1. Click the Timeline Zoom bar.

2. While clicking on the Timeline Zoom bar, drag to the desired time range (e.g., 5 minutes, or 1 hour)
that you want to display on the Schedule timeline.
The following screen example shows the Schedule timeline with an 1 hour Zoom.

Recording Details | New Window

The Recording Details | New window is where you can schedule a new recording. The window provides a
visual display of the information regarding a recording, including the name, folder location, and date and
time of the recording.

n The New Recording button is enabled only for Acquire administrators and editors. Acquire viewers
cannot access this feature.

The Recording Details | New window is comprised of three main sections:

l The Metadata section - where you can select a template (Recording Form)and enter custom
metadata for the new recording. Only recording forms available to you are shown, and if a default
form is set by the administrator, it will be pre-selected for you. For more information about these
recordings forms, see "Working with the Acquire Forms" in the MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation

n Switching forms will reset all previously entered data.

l The Schedule section - where you define when the recording should happen.
l The Target Configuration section - where you define the recording's targets.

15 Working with the Acquire App

You can add additional information as needed, and then save the recording. Once saved it will appear on
the Schedule timeline.

The Content Management folder in Production Management or Asset Management is not the same as file
location folder in Avid NEXIS/SMB. The file location is determined by selecting the Avid NEXIS Workspace (if
applicable) and the path specified inside of the Ingest template. The folder in the Acquire app is a folder in
the logical structure managed by Production Management or Asset Management.

It is important to note that the Recording Details window may be opened from more than one place, and the
state of the user interface might be different. It determines what data is pre-set in the window.

The Recording Details | New window opens.

For more information, see "Scheduling New Recordings" on page 505

Buttons on the Schedule timeline include the following:

Button Icon Name of Button Description

Goto Now or Clock This button is used to bring the blue current time indicator into view one

Follow Clock Clicking the Follow Clock (or Lock) icon when it’s blue turns the icon
(Gray) gray, and allows the blue Current time indicator to move with the current
time on the Schedule panel. Drag in the timecode to release the lock, or
click the gray Follow Clock icon again.

Follow Clock (Blue) Clicking the Follow Clock (or Lock) icon when it’s gray turns the icon blue
and keeps the blue Current time indicator visible on the Schedule panel.
It follows the current now time. Drag in the timecode to release the lock,
or click the blue Follow Clock icon again.

15 Working with the Acquire App

List View
The List View is a visual display of past, current and future recordings. When you select List View from the
drop down menu, the user interface brings up List view.

You can view a list of all past, current, and upcoming recordings, and within each, search for a specific
recording by typing in the search bar. For more information, see "Viewing Recording Information" on
page 518.

Once you locate a recording, you can do the following:

l For Current Recordings - Right-click on a current recording to open the context menu where you can
Edit or Stop the recording.
If you select Edit, it brings up the Recording Details | Edit dialog box, where you can edit or delete a
current recording. For more information, see "Editing Previously Scheduled Recordings" on page 512.
l For Future Recordings - Right-click on a future recording to open the context menu that enables you
to edit or delete a future recording.
If you select Edit, it brings up the Recording Details | Edit dialog box, where you can edit or delete a
recording. For more information, see"Editing Previously Scheduled Recordings" on page 512.
l For Past Recordings - You cannot edit or delete past recordings.

Channels View
The Channels View is a visual display of the channels and recording cards by date and time.

15 Working with the Acquire App

For more information, see "Scheduling New Recordings" on page 505.

The "Only my stuff" Toggle Switch

The "Only my stuff" button acts as a filter that allows you to limit the Channels View to highlight only those
recordings that you own. When you click this button, it turns blue to let you know that the recordings filter is

Ingest Devices and Channels Section

In the current design, Avid's ingest devices do not expose each and every detail of their configuration or
capacities. Instead, a part of the server configuration defines an Ingest Template, which, among other
things, decides the file format, codec, media file location (storage) and options like automatic Proxy
generation, etc.

The list of the Ingest templates is available for the controllers. Acquire allows the end-user to select any
ingest template from the list when starting the recording. It is the System Administrator's responsibility to
prepare the set of Ingest Templates which fulfill the needs of the studio. It is important to note, that the list
of available templates may vary from channel to channel, if they belong to different servers present in the
system. It may mean, that some output formats, or locations, are not available for all the channels.

The Ingest Devices and Channels section is comprised of the following fields:

15 Working with the Acquire App

The Select Source field enables you to select the current source for the channel. You cannot deselect the
source. However, if you change the source, the relevant preview also changes the source. Once a source is
selected, the Select Source field displays the name of the active (currently selected) source.

The Ingest device name is displayed below the Select Source button and displays the name of the ingest

The Start Crash Recording button enables you to start a crash recording.

The Stop Current Recording button enables you to stop a current recording.

For more information, see "Creating Crash Recordings" on the next page.

The Active recording button shows that there is an active recording on the channel. The information
received from the ingest device means that the Acquire schedule timeline can be idle, but in fact the ingest
device is currently recording. The Acquire app assumes it is a master controller. There is no channel lock
feature or anything, so you can always override the "foreign" recording. When you mouse over the active
recording button, it changes to the Stop current recording button.

For more information, see "Scheduling New Recordings" on page 505.

Live Preview Button

Acquire contains a Live Preview button. It acts as follows:

When inactive, the channels looks like this:

If inactive (gray), it hides the preview of the MediaCentral | Stream channel, and is refreshed more often.

If active (blue), it shows the MediaCentral | Stream channels preview.

n For this to work, MediaCentral | Stream must be configured properly during the installation process.
15 Working with the Acquire App

When you hover-over the preview, you can see a larger preview, and the preview is refreshed.

n If the preview is not available (e.g., for the FastServe | Ingest channels), the “AVID” placeholder is

Creating Crash Recordings

The Acquire app enables you to easily create Crash recordings. Crash recordings do not use forms and will
only contain the "name" metadata item when started. However, users can edit such recordings while they
are still in progress and enter custom metadata.

To create crash recordings:

1. Click the Start Crash Recordings button to start the crash recording. The Start Crash Recording
button appears on mouse over on the idle channel with a selected source.

The clip will begin recording, and the Start Crash Recording button changes to red. The tool tip
changes to say “Stop current Recording”.

15 Working with the Acquire App

n Default duration of a crash recording is set in the Scheduling Options. Crash recording duration
includes recording pre-roll time. Due to this, the actual recording will be shorter for the time
used by an ingest server to start the recording.

n The name of the crash recording is set in the Scheduling Options window in the Acquire Settings
app. For more information, see "Scheduling Options" in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX
Installation Guide.

2. When you are ready to stop the Crash recording, click the Stop Current Recording button. The
current Crash recording will stop.

Scheduling New Recordings

You can schedule new recording from the Recording Details | New window.

You can type special characters in any of the metadata fields inside the Recording Details | New window
(Date, Time) by adding a "$" directly in the field. For more information, see "Using Tokens with Acquire" on
page 511.

The metadata fields are determined during the Recording Form creation. For more information on creating
and customizing forms, see "Working with the Acquire Form Builder" in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX
Installation Guide.

To schedule new recordings:

1. Do one of the following:

t Click the New Recording button.
t Select a specific channel, click the Schedule timeline at the time you want the recording to
begin, right-click, and choose Create Recording.
The time you select for the recording must be in the future.
t Double-click anywhere on the Schedule timeline, and later add the date and time you want the
recording to occur.
Or, click the Schedule timeline anywhere in the future, right-click, and select Create
Again, the Start time of the recording must be in the future, or you will not be able to schedule

15 Working with the Acquire App

the recording.
t Click the New Recording button on the top right of the window.

2. In the Recording Form, select the metadata template to be used to create this recording. Avid ships
Acquire with an Example form, which contains the Name and Comments attributes. However,
administrators can use the Acquire Settings app to build new forms that can be customized to meet
the needs of your individual organization.

n Changing the Recording Form will clear all your entered metadata. When switching back to a
previously used form, the formerly entered data will not be preserved.

3. (Option) If you want to change the name of the folder where the recording will check in, you can
select the folder using the PM/AM location picker. It allows you to select only the folder that exists at
the moment of scheduling. This is a required field. So, a valid folder name must be displayed.

n Important: It is possible that the PM folder or AM folder used by the scheduled recording is
deleted. In such a case, the asset can be found by using the Search App, but it is not visible in
the Browse App. For the Production Management folder, the Acquire app tries to restore it.
However, in the case of Asset Management, this is not possible, and the asset will land in a
default Asset Management ingest location.

4. (Option) If you want your recording to start now, click the Record Now toggle to turn it On. When you
select the Record Now button, the Save button will be changed to Record instead of Start. When the
recording starts, the Recording Editor window closes.
With the exception of the Duration and the End fields, the remaining fields in the Schedule section
gray out. Otherwise, leave the Record Now toggle turned Off to manually schedule the recording.
To specify the time zone, click the drop arrow in the Time Zone field, and select a new Time Zone from
the list any time a new recording is created.
5. (Option) If you want to change the date or time of the recording, complete the following fields as
a. In the Start field, type a new start date and/or time for the recording. The date and time you
select must be in the future, or the field will display a red line beneath it.

n When you change the start time, the time in the End field changes to match the duration.

15 Working with the Acquire App

b. In the End field, type a new end date and/or time for the recording.

n When you change the End field, the time in the Duration field changes to match the
duration between the Start and End times.

c. In the Duration field, type a new duration for the recording.

n When you change the Duration field, the time in the End field changes to match the

6. (Option) You can also specify the time zone in which the time should be displayed. The recording
execution time is always reliable, and, the system converts everything to UTC.

If the recording span crosses the Daylight Saving Time border, an additional field is displayed,
allowing you to choose which time zone you want (summer-winter) or just to indicate which time zone
it is (winter-summer).
7. In the Repeat field, if you want to repeat this recording, select the frequency by selecting the value
from the drop-down list. (Every day, Every week, Every month).
a. If you select Every day, the End Repeating field appears.
If you select anything other than Never (e.g., On a Date, or After an Occurrence), additional
fields display for you to provide the additional information to end the repeat, on a specific
date, or after a certain number of occurrences.
b. If you select Every week, the days of the week appear.

If you want to repeat this recording on specific days of the week (or every day), click the days
of the week you want to repeat this recording and the day(s) will appear highlighted as shown

In the End repeating field, if you select On a Date, or After an Occurrence, additional fields
display for you to provide the additional information to end the repeat, on a specific date, or
after a certain number of occurrences.
c. If you select Every month, additional fields appear.

15 Working with the Acquire App

In the Repeat every __ Month field, keep the default of 1 if you want this to repeat every month.
Otherwise, change it to reflect the frequency (e.g., 2 for every two months, 3 for every three
months, etc.).
Do one of the following:
– If you want the recording to repeat on a specific day, click the On day radio button, and
select the day of the month (1 to 31) that you want the recording to repeat.

– If you want more specific scheduling (e.g., you want the recording to record on the last
Wed of the month), click the On radio button, then select the appropriate check box
(First, second, third, fourth, or last), followed by the day of the week (e.g., Wed).
In the End repeating field, if you select On a Date, or After an Occurrence, additional fields
display for you to provide the additional information to end the repeat, on a specific date, or
after a certain number of occurrences.
8. In the Target Configuration section, if you create a recording with no selection of a specific channel,
you must add a channel, or edit the channel(s), source(s), ingest template, storage location, and
Spare channels for your recording.

To complete the Targets configuration, do the following:

a. To create a recording with no specific channel selected, you need to add a specific channel
that you want this recording to record on. To add a new channel for this recording, click the +
button. A new row appears showing a new channel.
b. To change the recording channel, click the drop-down menu in the Channels field, and select a
different channel.

15 Working with the Acquire App

Each recording has a pointed Primary Channel. One channel can record only one signal
(source) at a time.
c. To select or change the source for this recording, click the drop menu in the Sources field, and
select the source you want for this recording.

d. To select or change the ingest template for this recording, click the drop menu in the Ingest
Templates field, and select the ingest template you want for this recording.

There are Ingest templates that record only Hi-Res content, but also those which have Hi-Res +
Proxy. If the selected Ingest Template has a Proxy, you can select two different locations for
media files, but because it is still one asset in Production Management or Asset Management,
there is only one Production Management or Asset Management folder.
The following screen examples show both options (Hi-Res only, and Hi-Res and Proxy):

15 Working with the Acquire App

e. To select the workspace (storage location) where the Avid NEXIS will store the recording, in the
Workspace field, select a new Avid NEXIS workspace from the drop menu. Depending on the
selected template, there can be one or more drop-down lists to select workspace (an Avid
NEXIS destination).

f. To select or change the Production Management location, in the PM field, select a new
Production Management folder from the drop menu.

g. To select or change the Asset Management location, in the AM field, select a new Asset
Management folder from the drop menu.
h. (Option) To add a spare channel for this recording in case of a failover, or change an existing
spare channel for this recording, click the drop menu in the Spare Channel field, and select the
spare channel to the one you want for this recording.
The list of spare channels is a result of two factors:
– Channels compatibility
– Administrator settings.
As a result, the list of available spare channels is defined for each channel. It may be empty or
contain one or more items as shown in the following screen example.
You can use it as it is presented, or you can change it.

15 Working with the Acquire App

To edit the information for the new channel, repeat any relevant substeps in Step 11.
9. Click the Save button to save your changes and schedule the recording.
The recording will appear on the Schedule panel.

Using Tokens with Acquire

Acquire enables you to type tokens in any of the metadata fields inside the Acquire forms or Recording
Details | New window by adding a "$" directly in the field. Once you add a token to the scheduled recording,
when Acquire recording starts, it will replace the token with the appropriate format.

See the following table for descriptions of the tokens available:

Token Description

$t Enters a format symbol for Time (in hours and minutes, "HHmm").

$T Enters a format symbol for Time (in hours, minutes and seconds "HHmmss").

$d Typing this string enters a date of recording using a format symbol for Date (short
style, two-digit year, month, and day, "yyMMdd").

$D Enters a date of recording using a format symbol for Date (longer style, four-digit
year, two-digit month, and two-digit day, "yyyyMMdd").

$e Enters a date of recording using a format symbol for Date (short style, two-digit
month, day and year, " MMddYY").

$E Enters a date of recording using a format symbol for Date (longer style, two-digit
month, two-digit day, and four-digit year, "MMddYYYY").

$f Typing this string enters a date of recording using a format symbol for Date (short
style, two-digit day, month, and year, " ddMMYY").

$F Enters a date of recording using a format symbol for Date (longer style, two-digit

15 Working with the Acquire App

Token Description

day, two-digit month, and four-digit year, "ddMMYYYY").

$w Enters a format symbol-single, numeric (1-7, starting with Monday=1) day of the

$W Enters a format symbol-an alphabetical abbreviation of the day of the week (for
example, Monday=Mon).

$c Enters a format symbol for the Channel name.

$s Enters a format symbol for the Source name.

Adding or Removing a Target

A recording can have one or more targets defined. However, although each target must use a different
channel, they can share other parameters:
l If the source is routed, you can record the same content on more than one channel (splitting). Please
note that some network streams may have limitations regarding splitting.
l You can store the media files all in the same location, or if different locations.
l You can create all the assets in one Production Management or Asset Management folder, or in
different folders.
l You can pick the same Ingest templates for every destination, or use different Ingest templates for
each destination.
l All recording actions from different targets are synchronized in time. The scheduling options defined
in the Scheduling section are used. In other words, the destinations share the same time ranges.

n Users can define two destinations, both using the same source (input) to mimic a "mirrored" recording
feature which may be available in other products.

To add a new target:

1. To add a new target, do one of the following:

2. Click + icon. When you click this icon, the target parameters will be taken from the defaults.
3. Click the Clone icon. When you click the Clone C icon, all the parameters will be copied except for
the primary channel. This option helps with the creation of mirroring.
4. Edit the parameters for your new target.
To remove a target:
t To remove a target, click the Trash icon.
The target will be deleted.

Editing Previously Scheduled Recordings

MediaCentral | Acquire Editors and Administrators can edit previously scheduled recordings using the
Recording Details | Edit dialog box. However, editors can edit only recordings they own. From the List view,
you can view and select current or future recordings to edit or delete. Previously scheduled recordings,

15 Working with the Acquire App

which happen now, or in the future, can be viewed or edited from List View or Timeline/Channel view.

n For Current (in-progress) recordings, certain fields will be grayed out (not editable) since the recording
is in progress. The only fields that you can edit for Current recordings, are Recording name, End, and

To edit previously scheduled recordings:

1. Click List View. You can also edit previously scheduled recordings from Channels View.
The user interface will appear as follows:

2. Scroll the timeline to locate the recording that you want to edit, right-click the recording, and select
Edit from the menu.
Or you can double click it (future recording) or use the Edit option of the context menu.
You cannot change the start date and time, repeat rule and channel section of an ongoing recording.
The Recording Details | Edit dialog box opens.

15 Working with the Acquire App

3. In the Recording Form, select the template to be used to create this recording.

n Changing the Recording Form will clear all your entered metadata. When switching back to a
previously used form, the formerly entered data will not be preserved.

The recording stores a copy of the recording form at time when it is first scheduled. When the form
was changed by the administrator in the meantime, these changes will be applied to the form the
next time it is selected from the Recording Form drop-down box and the recording is saved.
4. (Option) If you want the recording to start now, click the Record Now toggle to turn it On. With the
exception of the Duration field, the remaining fields in the Schedule section gray out. Otherwise,
leave the Record Now toggle turned Off to manually schedule the recording.
5. (Option) If you want to change the date of the recording, complete the following fields as necessary.
a. In the Start field, click the Calendar icon, and select the date of this recording.

n This calendar differs from the one on the main user interface, in that you can only select
one day (the day you want this recording to start).

b. In the Start field, type a new start time for the recording. The time you select must be in the
future, or the field will display a red line beneath it.

n When you change the start time, the time in the End field changes to match the duration.
c. In the End field, type a new end time for the recording.

n When you change the End field, the time in the Duration field changes to match the
duration between the Start and End times.

d. In the Duration field, type a new duration for the recording.

n When you change the Duration field, the time in the End field changes to match the

6. In the Repeat field, if you want to repeat this recording, select the frequency by selecting the value
from the dropdown list. (Every day, Every week, Every month).

15 Working with the Acquire App

a. If you select Every day, the End Repeating field appears.

If you select anything other than Never (e.g., On a Date, or After an Occurrence), additional
fields display for you to provide the additional information to end the repeat, on a specific
date, or after a certain number of occurrences.

n There is no Never option for the End Repeating field.

b. If you select Every week, the days of the week appear.

If you want to repeat this recording on specific days of the week (or every day), click the days
of the week you want to repeat this recording and the day(s) will appear highlighted as shown

In the End repeating field, you can select either On a Date, or After an Occurrence, additional
fields display for you to provide the additional information to end the repeat, on a specific
date, or after a certain number of occurrences.
c. If you select Every month, additional fields appear.

In the Repeat every Month field, keep the default of 1 if you want this to repeat every month.
Otherwise, change it to reflect the frequency (e.g., 2 for every two months, 3 for every three
months, etc.).
Do one of the following:
– If you want the recording to repeat on a specific day, click the On day radio button, and
select the day of the month (1 to 31) that you want the recording to repeat.
– If you want more specific scheduling (e.g., you want the recording to record on the last
Wed of the month), click the On radio button, then select the appropriate check box
(First, second, third, fourth, or last), followed by the day of the week (e.g., Wed).
In the End repeating field, you can select either On a Date, or After an Occurrence. Additional
fields display for you to provide the additional information to end the repeat, on a specific
date, or after a certain number of occurrences.
7. In the Targets Configuration section, you can keep the defaults, or edit the channel(s), source(s),
ingest template, and storage location for your recording.

15 Working with the Acquire App

To complete the Target configuration, do the following:

a. (Option) To change the recording channel, click the drop menu in the Channels field, and
select a different channel.
b. (Option) To add or change the source for this recording, click the drop menu in the Sources
field, and select the source you want for this recording.
c. (Option) To add or change the ingest template for this recording, click the drop menu in the
Ingest Templates field, and select the ingest template you want for this recording.
d. (Option) To add a spare channel for this recording, or change an existing spare channel for this
recording, click the drop menu in the Spare Channel field, and select the spare channel to the
one you want for this recording.
e. (Option) To add a new channel for this recording, click the + button. A new row appears
showing a new channel. To edit the information for the new channel, repeat Step 10.
f. (Option) To add or change the storage location for this recording, click the drop menu in the
Workspace field, and select the Avid NEXIS that this recording will be saved to.
g. (Option) To add or change the Production Management location for this recording, click the
drop menu in the PM Folder field, and select the Production Management folder that this
recording will be saved to.
8. Click the Save button to save your changes and schedule the recording.
The recording will appear on the Schedule panel.

Deleting Recordings
MediaCentral | Acquire Editors and Administrators can delete previously scheduled recordings using the
Recording Details | Edit dialog box. However, editors can only delete their own recordings. After you have
scheduled a recording, if you decide you no longer need that recording, you can delete it from the either
Channels View or List View.

The Acquire app enables you to delete only future recordings.

To delete a scheduled recording:

1. Locate the recording you want to delete, and right-click the recording.
You can also select Delete in the Recording Details | Edit window.
2. Select Delete from the menu.

15 Working with the Acquire App

The Confirm Deletion dialog box opens.

3. Click the Yes button.
The recording will be deleted.

Monitoring Recordings
Acquire comes equipped with four tabs at the bottom of the user interface that are called the Monitor
Panels. The Monitor panels enable you to monitor various aspects of your recordings.

The monitor panels are listed below:

l Ingest Servers
For more information, see "Viewing Ingest Server Information" on page 520
l Recording Info
For more information, see "Viewing Recording Information" on the next page
l Event Log
For more information, see "Viewing the Event Log" on page 520
l Cross Points
For more information, see "Viewing Crosspoints" on page 522
It is also important to note that Acquire uses different colors in the recordings on the timeline to depict
different states of the recording.

See the following table for a description of the recording status icon and corresponding recording colors.

Name of Button Description

Recording Status The Recording Status icon depicts the available recording states. The following
Recording states are available

l Idle
l Cueing
l Cued

15 Working with the Acquire App

Name of Button Description

l Recording
l Finalizing
l Done
l Warning
l Error
Check in Status The Check in Status icon shows you the check in status of the recording. Available
options are:

l no icon (not started)

l gray icon (in progress)
l white icon (successful)
Recording Colors Acquire uses different colors to visually show the status of a recording:

l yellow - preroll
l white - future recording
l red - in progress
l dark gray - failure
l green - completed

n The completed status does not indicate success or fail of the operation. Please use
the Event Log to verify possible issues.
Transfer Status Acquire shows the Transfer status of a recording:

l striped lines - shows a transfer that is in progress (the striped lines shows you
the remaining part of the recording that has yet to be transferred)
l solid color -shows the transferred part of the recording, or no transfer if
everything is a solid color
It is important to note that FastServe Ingest transfers are performed as a separate,
background process on the server. FastServe Ingest has local storage for recordings,
which are then transferred to Avid NEXIS. Because of that, the transfer progress
displayed on the recording (solid/striped part and percentage) may be "behind the
time". This is normal behavior. The gap depends on system and network performance.
In case of MediaCentral Stream, the time and progress should be in sync.

Viewing Recording Information

There are a few ways to view information about past, current, or upcoming recordings. You can locate this
information from the Channels view, in the recording box, which appears on the Schedule timeline.

15 Working with the Acquire App

To view recording information:

t Scroll to the recording box on the Schedule timeline.

The name of the recording (e.g., New Show), its duration (e.g., 16:26:30 - 16:27:30), and sources
associated with the recording (e.g., fsi-ic-199_1), display on the recording box in the Schedule panel.
If you double-clicking the recording box for
– Future recordings, it opens the Recording Details | Edit dialog box that shows additional
information about the recording.
– Current or Past recordings, it opens the asset in the MediaCentral Cloud UX player. If the asset
is not created yet, a message is displayed with the Retry option.

n The asset creation can take from a few seconds to even a minute, depending on the system
capabilities and the number of channels doing the check-in simultaneously.

For more information, see "Editing Previously Scheduled Recordings" on page 512.
t To obtain all of the general information for a given recording, select a recording that you want to
view more detailed information on, and click the Recording Info tab from the Monitoring Panel. This is
where you can view your recording both from Channels View as well as List View. It provides
information on the recording itself, on the ingest server, and on the cross point for the router.

n The Recording tab can be opened anytime, and the content displayed there depends on the
selection. It could be the selection on Channels View or List View (not only List View).

The Recording Info tab opens and displays all of the information regarding the selected recording.

t For FastServe | Ingest, you can view information regrading transfers or retransfers, by selecting a
recording that you want to view, transfer or retransfer, click the Recording Info tab. The General
section opens and displays all of the information regarding the selected recording. Then, click the
Transfers button.
The Transfers section is displayed.

15 Working with the Acquire App

If you want to retransfer a recording, just click the Retransfer button next to the recording you want
to retransfer.

n The Retransfer option is also available for the Proxy if this option has been enabled in the ingest

A successful retransfer is possible if the past recording is still accessible through the
timeline/recording list view and the media is still present on the video server itself (FastServe
Ingest/AVS). A retransfer will fail if the media has been deleted from the recording video server.
t To view ingest server information for a given recording, click the Ingest Server tab.
n Transfers created by the Post Export feature of FastServe | Ingest are shown in the list if done,
however they cannot be retransferred.

For more information, see the topic "Viewing Ingest Server Information" below.

Viewing Ingest Server Information

You can view some information associated with various ingest servers at any time.

To view ingest server information:

1. To view ingest server information, click the Ingest Server tab.

The Ingest Server panel opens and displays all of the available ingest servers, and detailed
information for each, including workspaces, channels and general information.

2. Click a specific ingest server to view detailed information about it, including the ingest server name,
type, available workspaces, and channels (scroll down the list to see the channel information):
– Connection status: Options include Unknown, Online, and Offline
– Transport status: Options include Unknown, Error, Idle, Cueing, Cued, Starting, Playing,
Recording, Pausing, Paused, Done, Ejecting, and Stopping.
– Health Status: Options include Unknown, Normal, Warning, and Critical
– Ingest templates - the list (may be different per channel)
3. Click the X in the upper right of the window to close the Ingest Server tab when you are done.

Viewing the Event Log

You can use the Event Log to view, for the selected recording (or if you had opened this tab, and then
selected a recording) events related to the selected recording, including the following:
l Severity - The severity of the event
l Source - The system that the event originated.
l Timestamp - The date and time the event occurred.
l Message - A brief description of the event.

15 Working with the Acquire App

l Source name - The name of the system that the event originated.
l Channel name - The name of the channel that the event is on.
l Recording name - The name of the recording.
l Server name - The name of the server.
If nothing is selected, you will see information for all of the recordings. The per-recording filtering also works
for multi-select.

To view Event Log information:

1. Select 0, 1, or more recordings (on Timeline or List View) and open the Event Log tab.
The Event Log panel opens and displays a list of the events that were captured by the system.

2. You can filter and sort on the fields in the Event log to refine the information you want to display. See
the following table for descriptions of the fields in the Event Log:
Field Description

Severity The Severity field displays colored symbols to visually identify the
importance of the issue. There are three fields that you can view. The
default is All to display events that contain any of the following labels.
However, you can click the arrow next to the field heading select the
values that you want to display:

– Info - Displays events that are purely informational.

– Warning - Displays events that have a warning status.

– Critical - Displays events that are deemed critical.

Scope The Scope field displays the following icons to visually identify the type of the events
you want to view. There are three parameters that you can view. The default is All to
display events that contain any of the following labels. However, you can click the
arrow next to the field heading and select the values that you want to display:

15 Working with the Acquire App

Field Description

– System - Displays events that are system related.

– Recording - Displays events that are recording related.
– Segment - Displays events that are segment related.
Timestamp Displays the date and time the event occurred.
Message Displays a message detailing the event.
Source Name Displays the name of the source (if any was provided) for this event.
Channel Name Displays the name of the channel (if available) that this event occurred on.
Recording Displays the name of the recording (if any was provided) for this event.
Server Name Displays the name of the server (if available) that this event occurred on.

3. (Option) Use the scroll options at the bottom of the Event Log to page through the events.

4. Click the X in the upper right of the window to close the Event Log tab when you are done.

Viewing Crosspoints
You can use the Cross Points tab to view information associated with the various crosspoints that have
configured by your System Administrator in the Router Settings app.

To view crosspoints:

1. To view crosspoint information for a given recording, click the Cross Points tab.
The Cross Points panel opens and displays information regarding the crosspoints that have been
configured for your system.

15 Working with the Acquire App

2. In the Router Control Service field, select the router control device that you want to view crosspoints

n The router control device must have been previously set up by your System Administrator in the
Router Settings app.

3. You can filter and sort on the fields in the Cross Points panel to refine the information you want to
See the following table for descriptions of the fields in the Cross Points panel:
Field Icon Description

Destination n/a Displays the destination or output.

Source n/a Displays the source or input.

Protection The Protection field displays various Lock icons to visually identify whether the cross
point has protection. The lock icons are described below:

Unprotected — If this white unlocked lock icon appears, the

crosspoint does not have protection.

Protected — If this yellow locked lock icon appears, the

crosspoint has protection.

Locked — If this red locked lock icon appears, the crosspoint is


Some of the routers do not distinguish between all states. If that is the case, only
unprotected (white) and locked (red) states are shown.

All Levels The All Levels field uses icons to visually identify the status of the crosspoints.
Depending on the device's capabilities, you might see the All levels column or
individual columns for each level.
For the individual levels, if the alias is defined, it is shown as the column caption.
Otherwise, the default level name is used.
The level for the crosspoint can be in one of three states:

n/a - An empty cell indicates that the crosspoint was not selected
in the configuration.

- A gray check-mark indicates that the crosspoint was selected

in the configuration, but is not connected.

- A green check-mark indicates that the crosspoint is selected

and is connected.

n The visual aspect for the levels is that you can only see the levels of those
crosspoints available on the router. This displays in the All Levels column as being
marked in green if no levels are available. A green check mark if the level is set. If
the level is not set, it is not presented in the cell.

4. Click the X in the upper right of the window to close the Event Log tab when you are done.

16 Using the Clip Mover App

16 Using the Clip Mover App

The Clip Mover app provides organizations with a method of transferring incoming, growing recordings to
playout without having to set an outpoint first.

You can access this app by clicking on the Clip Mover app icon in the Fast Bar at the top of the user
interface. If you right-click on the Clip Mover button, you are presented with a menu that allows you to
create (or delete) additional instances of the Clip Mover app. For more information on this feature, see
"Opening Multiple App Instances" on page 47.

Workflow Overview

The workflow for the Clip Mover process consists of the following steps:

1. Initiate a growing recording using a FastServe Ingest or a FastServe I/O server's Remote Console.
Make sure to enable the Check-In section in the New Recording settings (or in the Ingest Templates
Editor) and select the same Production Management system from the External Source drop-down list
as you use in the MediaCentral Cloud UX environment.

n For more information about initiating growing file ingest, see the "Working with the FastServe |
Ingest Remote Console" topic in the Avid FastServe | Ingest Administrator's Guide.

16 Using the Clip Mover App

n For the transfer to FastServe Playout to be complete, the Tape and Video ID properties must be
selected as "Available" and "Inspector Default" in the Avid Interplay Administrator > Site Settings
> Property Layout > System Properties tab.

n The Clip Mover workflow requires a "LONG-GOP Editor Send-To-Playback" format to be set in
the FastServe Playout Web Configurator > Commander > Send To Playback settings. It cannot
be set to "None".

2. In the MediaCentral Cloud UX Browse app, navigate to the Production Management location
configured for the FastServe Ingest recordings' check-in and then dock the app.
3. Access the Clip Mover app by clicking on the icon in the Fast Bar to load the app into the main area of
the user interface.
The FastServe Playout groups configured in the MediaCentral Cloud UX system appear in the Clip
Mover panel.

n For more information how to configure FastServe Playout destinations, see the "Configuring
Servers for Clip Mover" and "Configuring the Clip Mover Settings" topics in the Avid
MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide v2024.2.

4. Drag clips from the Browse app and drop them into one of the FastServe Playout group's queue.
Start the transfer of queued clips by clicking on the Start Transfer button.
5. (Optional) Open the Process app to monitor the transfer progress.
6. After the transfer process is initiated, the clips appear in the selected FastServe Playout server's
Remote Console. A red thunderbolt icon means that the clip cannot yet be played. Once this icon
turns green, you can send these clips to playout.

n For more information, see "Working with the FastServe | Playout Remote Console" in the Avid
FastServe | Playout Administrator's Guide.

16 Using the Clip Mover App

Working with the Clip Mover App

You can access the Clip Mover app by clicking its associated icon in the Fast Bar at the top of the user
interface. The following illustration shows the Clip Mover app with two FastServe Playout groups.


1 Browse app (docked)

2 Clip Mover app header

3 Clip Mover toolbar, which allows to start a simultaneous transfer for all files in all FastServe Playout
groups, or remove all files from the transfer queues.

4 FastServe Playout groups, as configured in the Clip Mover settings in the MediaCentral Cloud UX
Configuration Settings app.

Transferring Clips
This section details the steps required to transfer growing MediaCentral Production Management
recordings to configured FastServe Playout servers.

To transfer assets using the Clip Mover:

1. Open the Browse app, navigate to the Production Management folder configured for the FastServe
Ingest recordings' check-in and then dock the app.
2. Access the Clip Mover app by clicking on the icon in the Fast Bar to load the app into the main area of
the user interface.
3. Select a single asset or multiple assets and drag & drop them into one of the FastServe Playout
groups queue.

16 Using the Clip Mover App

4. (optional) To remove an asset from the FastServe Playout queue, click on the Bin button next to the
file. To remove all assets from all queues, click on the Bin button in the main Clip Mover toolbar.
5. You can initiate the clip transfer individually for each file in the queues, or you can start transferring
all files in the queues at once using the Start Transfer button in the right upper corner of the Clip
Mover toolbar.
Once the transfer is started, the Start Transfer button turns red.

n Once a clip transfer is started, it cannot be canceled.

6. Switch to the Process app to monitor the progress of the transfers.

7. Once the transfer is running, you can see the growing recording in the Clips Inventory of the
FastServe Playout Remote Console and you can now send it to playout.

n The Clip Mover app is not intended to work in workflows where FastServe Playout has Hybrid
STP enabled. To find out more about standard send-to-playback configurations, see "Working
with Send to Playback" in the Avid FastServe | Playout Administrator's Guide.

17 Working with the Log App

17 Working with the Log App

The Log app lets you create a layout especially for live event logging, such as a particular sporting event,
reality show episode, or other production. The producer designs the layout to include data that is specific to
that production. A logger can then use the template in the Log app to quickly create logs for the production,
using the data specified by the producer.

You can access the Log app by clicking on the Log app icon in the Fast Bar at the top of the user interface.
Depending on the item you open in the Log app — a template or session — the app layout changes. The
following illustration shows the Log app in Session mode.

Section Description

1 Log App Header The Log app header includes the Close button to close the Log app. As a core app,
the Log app can be docked and therefore the Dock button is available. Depending
on the item open in the Log app, additional information, such as the session and
attached asset name, can be shown.
2 Sidebar Allows you to display and maintain a hierarchical folder structure in which you
create, organize, and access your events, sessions, and templates. The sidebar
provides two views that you can access by clicking on the corresponding icon.
Sessions: Allows you display and maintain a folder structure in which
you create and organize folders, events, and sessions.
Templates: Allows you display and maintain a folder structure in
which you create and organize your master templates.
For more information, see "Organizing Folders in the Sidebar" on page 530.

You can show and hide the sidebar. See "Collapsing the Sidebar" on page 531.
3 Visual Logging Shows the components of the template open in the Log app.

17 Working with the Log App

Section Description

Lets you add, edit, and remove the components of master and session templates.
See "Creating and Editing Templates" on page 534.

While logging, lets you populate the spans in the Text Logging area by using the
components of the session template. See "Logging Sessions" on page 552.
4 Text Logging Shows different controls depending on the mode you are working in:
In Template view mode, displays the Toolbox— components that you can add to
your template in the Visual Logging area. See "Editing Components on Templates"
on page 539.

In Sessions mode, displays the spans that you create while logging. See "Logging
Concepts" on page 553.

For more information on the Log app layout, see the following topics:
l "Working with Templates" on page 532
l "Working with Events and Sessions" on page 547

The Log app is visible to all MediaCentral Cloud UX users. To enable the template creation and logging
workflow in the Log app, the following license is required:
l To create templates, sessions and spans, and download logged sessions, an Edit license is required.
The license must be assigned to the group of the user that is to work with the Log app.
l If no Edit license is assigned to the user’s group, the Log app allows only viewing sessions and spans.
For more information on licenses, see the chapter “Understanding the License Types” in the MediaCentral |
Cloud UX Installation Guide.

Supported Asset Types for Logging

Both Production Management and Asset Management assets are supported for logging. Supported asset
types are as follows:
l Production Management: master clips (video and audio, video only, audio only), subclips, and group
clips; sequences are not supported.
l Asset Management: assets of type video and audio; shotlists (“EDLs) are not supported.

n The Log app does not support logging of remote assets.


The following terms have specific meanings for the Log app:
l Template: A grid of components with presentation information (such as positioning and size) and
behavior configuration (such as multi-select enablement). Templates are visible in the Visual Logging
area. Templates may or may not be already associated to data sources.
l Event: A special type of folder that holds the sessions that you create for a specific production, such
as a sporting event or a TV show.
l Session: A grid of components created from a template that includes data and information that is
customized for a specific production and a series of logs.

17 Working with the Log App

l Component: A collection of input controls, with specific and customizable behaviours that can be
named, labeled and positioned on a template. Each component type has a specific purpose and
defines specific entry values. A component on a template maps to a property in a span and
corresponds to a column in the Text Logging area.
l Data Sources: A list of entries used to populate the template components (type button and
dropdown). The data in these sources can be any information that you want to log, such as names,
types of actions, weather, camera angles, and so on.
l Logs/Spans: A single entry composed from an In point and Out point and a series of entries based on
the session template input. Spans are visible in the Text Logging area.
Workflow for Developing and Using a Log Layout

A typical workflow involves the following tasks:

1. Determine the design of the Visual Logging Area for the production. The design depends on the
production you are logging and the type of information you want to log.
2. Make sure that the data sources that you need contain the latest data for the production.
3. Use the Templates view to set up a template with a grid of a components containing data from your
data sources. See "Creating and Editing Templates" on page 534.
4. Use the Sessions view to create a session and assign a template to the session. See "Creating and
Editing Sessions" on page 550.
5. Use the session template to insert data from the components while logging the production. See
"Logging Sessions" on page 552.

Organizing Folders in the Sidebar

The Log app’s sidebar allows you to display and maintain a hierarchical folder structure in which you
create, organize, and access your events, sessions, and templates. The sidebar provides two views that you
can access by clicking on the corresponding icon.

The Templates view of the sidebar lets you create a folder structure in which you create and organize your
l You can create top-level folders and sub-folders.
l You can create templates within a folder.
l You can delete only empty folders; you cannot delete folders that contain sub-folders or templates.
l The items in the Templates view folder structure are sorted alphabetically. If you have folders and
templates on the same level, first the templates are sorted alphabetically then the templates.
The Sessions view of the sidebar lets you organize a folder structure in which you create and organize your
sessions and events.
l You can create top-level folders and sub-folders.
l You can create events within or outside a folder. Within an event, you can create folders and
l You can create sessions only within an event.
l You can delete only empty folders and events; you cannot delete an event that contains sessions or a
folder that contain sub-folders or events.
l The items in the Sessions view folder structure are sorted alphabetically. If you have folders and
events on the same level, alphabetical sorting is applied to both. If you have folders and sessions
within an event, first the templates are sorted alphabetically then the sessions.
The process of creating, editing, and deleting folders is the same in both views.

17 Working with the Log App

To create a folder:

1. Click the Log button on the Fast Bar.

2. Do one of the following:
t To create a folder in the Templates directory, click the sidebar’s Templates button.
t To create a folder in the Sessions directory, click the sidebar’s Sessions button.
3. Do one of the following:
t To create a top-level folder, right-click the empty area in the sidebar and select Create Folder.
t To create a sub-folder, right-click a folder and select Create Folder.
The New Folder dialog box opens.
4. Type the name of the folder in the Name field.
5. Click Save.
The folder is shown in the directory.
To open a folder:
t Click the turn-down arrow to the left of the folder in the directory.
This action expands the folder to show its subfolders while still retaining a view of the rest of the
directory structure. To close the folder, click the turn-down arrow again.
Selecting a folder highlights the folder in the directory but does not open the folder.
To rename a folder:

1. Right-click a folder and select Modify Folder.

The Modify Folder dialog box opens.
2. Change the name of the folder in the Name field.
3. Click Save.
The changed name of the folder is shown in the directory.
To delete a folder:

1. Right-click a folder and select Delete.

The delete confirmation prompt opens.
2. Click Delete.
The folder is deleted and removed from the directory.

Collapsing the Sidebar

When you first access the Log app, the sidebar is displayed at full size. However if you do not need to
access the features in the sidebar — for example, because you are currently editing a template or logging a
session —, you can collapse it to increase the screen space for the Visual Logging and Visual Text area.

When you dock the Log app, the sidebar is automatically collapsed. Undocking the Log app also restores
the sidebar. When you dock the Log app while the sidebar is collapsed, undocking does not restore the
sidebar. For more information on docking apps, see "Docking Apps" on page 45.

17 Working with the Log App

To collapse the sidebar:

t Click the Collapse button on the right side of the sidebar header.
The sidebar is collapsed and the buttons appear in the Visual Logging area as illustrated below.

To restore the sidebar:

t Click the Sessions view or Templates view button to restore the sidebar to its original size.

Working with Templates

Templates provide the layout and controls for sessions. They can be already associated to data sources.
You start by creating an empty template, then populate it with various components in the Visual Logging
Area. Each component has its specific purpose and defines specific entry values. Note the following
l Master template: A template created in the Templates view, used as an entry point for the creation of
a session template. Master templates are shown in the Templates directory of the Templates view.
l Session template: A (copy of a master) template associated to a session. Session templates are only
visible to users through a session interaction; they are not displayed in any folder or the Templates
directory. Loggers have the ability to quickly modify the session template structure by adding,
removing or modifying components, and changing the data source assignments or simply correcting
entries. Modification of a session template is not moved back to the master template; modification of
the master template does not update the session template.
You can access the Templates view by clicking on the Templates button of the Log app’s sidebar. In the
Templates view, the Log app has four main sections, as shown in the following illustration.

17 Working with the Log App

Section Description

1 Log App Header In Templates view mode, the Log app header only includes the Dock and Close
2 Sidebar in Allows you to display and maintain a folder structure in which you create and
Templates View organize your templates. Templates are identified by a dedicated icon in the folder
structure. To access the Templates view, click the sidebar’s Templates button so
that it turns blue. In Templates view, you can do the following:

l You can create top-level folders and sub-folders.

l You can create templates within a folder.
l You can delete only empty folders; you cannot delete folders that contain
sub-folders or templates.
For more information, see "Organizing Folders in the Sidebar" on page 530.

You can show and hide the sidebar. See "Collapsing the Sidebar" on page 531.
3 Visual Logging Includes the components you added from the Toolbox. In preview mode, the
Area components are shown read-only. After switching to edit mode, you can edit the
component settings.

For more information, see "Creating and Editing Templates" on the next page,
"Defining the Template Layout" on page 537, and "Editing Components on
Templates" on page 539.
4 Toolbox Is shown after you switched the template from preview to edit mode. Displays the
components that you can add to your template in the Visual Logging area.
Currently these are:

l Free text: Used to enter text.

17 Working with the Log App

Section Description
l Buttons: Used to create a set of buttons, of which one or more than one can
be selected at the same time.
l Dropdown: Used to create a drop-down list from which one or more than
one item can be selected.
l Number: Used to enter a number, for example, the distance from the goal.
l Rating: Used to assign one through five stars.
l Score: Used to enter the score of a game.
For more information, see "Editing Components on Templates" on page 539.

You generally open a template in the Template view first in preview mode.
l In preview mode, the Visual Logging area expands the entire space and shows all components added
to the template in read-only mode.
l After switching to edit mode, the toolbox is shown and you can add components to and edit
components on the template.

Creating and Editing Templates

Templates provide the layout and controls for sessions. They can be already associated to data sources.
You start by creating an empty template, then populate it with various components.

The basic steps in creating a template are:

l Create an empty template and name it.
l Add one or more components.
l Edit the components settings: define values to determine the default behavior of a component.
You open a template in the Template view first in preview mode. After switching to edit mode, the toolbox is
shown and you can add components to and edit components on the template.

You can resize the toolbox height your needs: Click the divider between the toolbox and Visual Logging area
and drag it to up or down. Changes you apply to the toolbox height are effective during your current
session but do not persist from one session to another.

The following procedures provide more details for these steps.

To create a template:

1. Click the sidebar’s Templates button.

You are now working in the Templates view.
2. Right-click a folder in which you want to create a template and select Create Template.
The New Template dialog box opens.
3. Type the name of the template in the Name field.
4. Click Save.
The template is identified by a dedicated template icon and shown as contents of the folder in the
Templates directory. The template opens in preview mode.

17 Working with the Log App

To add components to a template:

1. Click the Edit button in the template header.

The template switches to edit mode. The empty Visual Logging area and the Toolbox open.

2. (Optional) Resize the toolbox height or hide the sidebar.

3. From the Toolbox, drag the icon of the component you want to add to the Visual Logging area, as
shown in the following illustration for a text component.

After you release the mouse button, the component is shown in the Visual Logging area. The first
component takes one third of the template width and the entire height.

17 Working with the Log App

4. Name the component by typing a name in the Add a Name field. This name will be shown as header
of the corresponding column in the Text Logging area.
5. Edit the component settings. Which settings can be edited depends on the component type.
– For a text, number, rating, or score component, see "Editing Common Component Settings" on
page 540.
– For a button component, see "Editing Button Component Settings" on page 541.
– For a dropdown component, see "Editing Dropdown Component Settings" on page 543.
6. Add and edit additional components.
When you add additional components, you can place the new component between two components
or add it to the very left or right on the template. You can also place the new component above,
between, or below a component in the same row. See "Defining the Template Layout" on the next
7. Save your changes within the button and dropdown components.
8. To end template editing mode, click the green check mark in the header. All unsaved changes are
The template is shown in preview mode and thus the toolbox is hidden.
To rename a template, do one of the following:
t In the Templates directory:
a. Right-click a template and select Update.
b. Change the name of the template in the Modify Template dialog box.
c. Click Save.
t In the Visual Logging area:
a. Open the template.
b. Click the Edit button in the template header.
c. Change the name of the template in the Visual Logging area.
d. Click the green check mark in the header.
To edit a template:

1. Double-click the template in the Templates directory.

The template opens in preview mode.
2. Click the Edit button in the template header.
The template switches to edit mode; the Text Logging area shows the toolbox.

17 Working with the Log App

3. In the Visual Logging area, edit the template as needed:

– Add an additional component.
– Rearrange the components within the template.
– Remove a component from the template.
– Rename a component.
– Change and save the settings of the individual components.
4. To end template editing mode, click the green check mark in the header. All unsaved changes are
The template is shown in preview mode and thus the toolbox is hidden.
To delete a template:

1. Right-click a template and select Delete.

A deletion confirmation prompt opens.
2. Click Delete.
The template is deleted and removed from the Templates directory.

Defining the Template Layout

When you add components to a template, you create a grid of components. You can place new
components between two components or add them to the very left or right on the template. You can also
place the new component above, between or below a component in the same column.

The first component you add takes one third of the template width. It determines the width of the other
components you add.
l If you do not resize the first component, all other components that you add will have the size of one
third of the initial template width.
l If you resize the first component, all following components that you add have the same reduced or
enlarged size.
This also applies when you later edit a template and resize the first component on the left-hand side: any
new component you add will have this size. Already added components will not be resized on the template.

Note the following limitations:

l You can decrease the component width on the template until a minimum width is reached (that
allows displaying one button).
l Within a column, all component have the same width; you currently cannot enlarge a component into
another column.
l You currently can only resize the height of button and text components. You can decrease the
component height on the template until a minimum height is reached (that allows displaying one
As soon as you add more components than can be displayed at the same time on the visible template area,
a scroll bar is shown. Use the scroll bar to move the template up or down or to the left or right if you want to
place the new component to an area that is currently not shown. Alternatively, you can use the auto-
scrolling feature of the Log app when you place a component to the top or bottom within a column or to the
very left or right side of the template.

The position of the component on the template determines the sequence of the same named columns in the
Text Logging area. The position of the components on the template is evaluated from left to right, and top-
down within a column. Components within a column on the template are shown in the span grid before the
next component to the right.

17 Working with the Log App

You add and move components into what are called drop zones on the template. There are five drop zones:
top, bottom, left, right, and center (vertically between two components; horizontally between two
components within a column). Each drop zone is highlighted in blue to help you identify where the
component will be positioned within the template when you release the mouse button. When adding
components to a template, drop zones are shown as dimmed rectangles, when moving components within a
template as solid bars.

The following illustration shows left, center, and right drop zones (left to right) when adding components.

The following illustration shows top, center, and bottom drop zones (left to right) when adding components.

To place a component:
t To add a new component, click the component in the Toolbox and drag it to a drop zone on the
To cancel placing the component, do one of the following before releasing the mouse key:
– Press the Esc key.
– Drop the component back to the toolbox.

17 Working with the Log App

To resize a component:
t Click the right or bottom border of a component and drag the divider that is shown.
To increase the component width, drag the divider to the right.
To decrease the component width, drag the divider to the left.
Neighboring components do not change their width but are moved to the left or right on the
template accordingly.
To increase the component height, drag the divider down.
To decrease the component height, drag the divider up.
Neighboring components do not change their height but are moved up or down within the
column accordingly.

To move a component on the template:

1. Click the drag handle of the component.

2. Drag and drop it to a drop zone.

Editing Components on Templates

The following table describes the different components you can add to a template and the controls they
show when they are placed on the template.

Component Description Controls in the Visual Logging area

Free text: Used to enter l Name text box

text. l Delete button
l Label text box (max. 100 characters)
l Down-arrow button to assign a shortcut

Buttons: Used to create a l Name text box

set of buttons, of which l Edit button
none, one, or more than
one can be selected at l Delete button
the same time. l Multi-selection check box
l Label text box (max. 100 characters)
l Text editor to create button labels

17 Working with the Log App

Component Description Controls in the Visual Logging area

Dropdown: Used to l Name text box

create a drop-down list l Edit button
from which one or more
than one item can be l Delete button
selected. l Multi-selection check box
l Label text box (max. 100 characters)
l Text editor to create drop-down entries
Number: Used to enter a l Name text box
number, for example, the l Delete button
distance from the goal.
l Label text box (max. 100 characters)

Rating: Used to select one l Name text box

through five stars. l Delete button
l Label text box (max. 100 characters)

Score: Used to enter the l Name text box

score of a game. l Delete button
l Label text box (max. 100 characters)

The following table describes the buttons you can use to edit the components on the template.

Button Used by Component Function

Buttons Switches the editor from preview to edit mode and lets you add items,
change item labels, and delete items from the button or drop-down
Dropdown component.
All Removes the component from the Template.

When you remove a component from a session template the

corresponding column is removed from the Text Logging area. You cannot
delete a component that is in use by a span from a session template.

Editing Common Component Settings

Component name and label are settings that are common to all components you add to a template. You
change them for all components in the same way, as described in the following procedure. For Number,
Rating, and Score components, name and label are the only settings you can change.

17 Working with the Log App

To edit common component settings:

1. (Optional) Change the component name. This will change the header of the corresponding column in
the Text Logging area.
2. (Optional) Click in the Add a Label field and type a label. You can type 100 characters at maximum.
The label provides additional information on the component.
Editing Button Component Settings
After you added a button component to a template, you see the component with an instruction in the editor
field, as shown in the following illustration.

Additionally to the common settings name and label, you can change the following button component-
specific settings. For information on how to change the common settings, see "Editing Common Component
Settings" on the previous page.

17 Working with the Log App

To edit specific button component settings:

1. Click in the “Type here to add buttons” field.

2. Do one of the following:
t For single-line buttons, type each item on a separate line, then press the Enter or Return key.
For example, entries in a list of weather conditions are listed as follows:
Partly Cloudy
t For multi-line buttons, type the information for each button on a single line, separated by
commas, then press the Enter or Return key. Each comma forces a line break on the button.
Each button can display a maximum of three lines. Example for a three line button:
3, Kermit, Paradis
4, Darius, Smith

3. Do one of the following:

t To discard your changes, click the red X.
t To save your changes, click the green check mark.
The editor closes and the buttons are shown in preview mode on the template. The button
height is based on the number of text lines.

The button width is determined by the width of the component on the template. Three buttons

17 Working with the Log App

can be shown in one row at maximum.

To toggle the editor from preview back to edit mode, click the Edit button in the component
4. Select the Multi-selection check box if you want to allow populating a span with multiple button
Editing Dropdown Component Settings
After you added a dropdown component to a template, you see the component with an instruction in the
editor field, as shown in the following illustration.

Additionally to the common settings name and label, you can change the following dropdown component-
specific settings. For information on how to change the common settings, see "Editing Common Component
Settings" on page 540.

To edit specific dropdown component settings:

1. Click in the “To add items to the dropdown type here” field and type each item on a separate line,
then press the Enter or Return key.
For example, entries in a list of weather conditions are listed as follows:
Partly Cloudy

17 Working with the Log App

2. Do one of the following:

t To discard your changes, click the red X.
t To save your changes, click the green check mark.
The editor closes and the dropdown is shown in preview mode on the template.

To toggle the editor from preview back to edit mode, click the Edit button in the component header.
3. Select the Multi-selection check box if you want to allow populating a span with multiple values from
the drop-down component.
Deleting Components from a Template
You can delete a component from a master template at any time. Note that you cannot delete a component
that is in use by a span on a session template. For those components, a warning message is shown after
you click the Delete button and the component is not deleted.

To delete a component from a template:

1. Click the Delete button of the component in the Visual Logging area.
A security prompt opens.
2. Click Delete.
The component is removed from the template. The remaining components are moved and resized to
fill the space.

Creating Keyboard Shortcuts

When you are creating or editing a template, you can assign keyboard shortcuts to text components,
buttons and dropdown values. While logging a session you can then use shortcuts for the following:
l For buttons and dropdown values, use shortcuts to populate spans.
l For text components, use shortcuts to set the focus into the corresponding text component and, if it
already contains text, highlight the text.
Each template can have its own set of keyboard shortcuts, with a maximum of 20 shortcuts (F2 through F11
and Shift+F2 through F11). Shortcuts that require the Shift key are indicated by an up-arrow in front of the
l To create and edit shortcuts, use the “Select a shortcut” window. When opened, it shows the
shortcuts F2 through F11. Press the Shift key to toggle the display inside the window to show and
assign the shortcuts <Up-arrow>F2 through <Up-arrow>F11. Release the Shift key to display the

17 Working with the Log App

shortcuts F2 through F11 again.

l When a shortcut is assigned, the “Select a shortcut” window shows the value of the button or
dropdown component together with the assigned shortcut; for a text component, it shows the
component name or — if there is no name assigned to the text component yet — “Free text” together
with the assigned shortcut.
To create a keyboard shortcut:

1. Open the template and switch to edit mode.

2. Click the down arrow of a text component, button or dropdown value for which you want to create a
The Select a shortcut window opens.
3. Do one of the following:
t Select the key you want (F2 through F11).
t Press and hold down the Shift key and select the key you want (<Up-arrow> F2 through <Up-
arrow> F11).
The window automatically closes and the keyboard number for the shortcut is displayed on the
button, dropdown value, or text component, as shown in the following illustration (from left to

To unassign a keyboard shortcut:

1. Click the down arrow of a text component, button or dropdown value.

The Select a shortcuts window opens.
2. To access the Shift+F keys, press and hold down the Shift key. To toggle back to the F keys, release
the Shift key.
3. Click the X icon of the shortcut you want to unassign from a text component, button or dropdown

17 Working with the Log App


The window automatically closes and the shortcut is unassigned.

To change an assigned keyboard shortcut:

1. Click the down arrow of a text component, button or dropdown value for which you want to change
the assigned shortcut.
The Select a shortcuts window opens.
2. To access the Shift+F keys, press and hold down the Shift key. To toggle back to the F keys, release
the Shift key.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click a key that is not used yet.

t To assign a key that is already used, unassign the key, open the Select a shortcuts window
again and click the key.
The window automatically closes and the new keyboard number for the shortcut is displayed
on the text component, button or dropdown value.

Coloring Buttons and Dropdown Values

When you are creating or editing a template, you can assign colors to buttons and dropdown component
values to highlight important elements. Each button and dropdown component value has gray assigned as
default color.

17 Working with the Log App

To color buttons and dropwdown values:

1. Open the template and switch to edit mode.

2. Select the button or dropdown value to which you want to assign a color. You can Ctrl+click to select
multiple button or dropdown values.
A color palette appears in the Visual Logging area header.

3. Click a color in the color palette.

The color is assigned to the button or dropdown value(s). The color palette is hidden.

4. Repeat steps 2 ands 3 for all buttons and dropdown values you want to color.
5. To change the color of a button or dropdown value, select the button or dropdown value and select
another color from the color palette.
To decolor a button or dropdown value:

1. Select the button or dropdown value you want to decolor.

2. Click gray (left color button) in the color palette.

Working with Events and Sessions

Use the sidebar’s Session view to define a folder structure in which you create and organize the events and
sessions for your production. Within events you create the sessions that you will log in the Log app. In
Session mode, the app has four main sections, as shown in the following illustration.

17 Working with the Log App

Section Description

1 Log App Header The Log app header includes the Dock and Close buttons. Additionally it shows:

l The name of the session open in the Log app.

l If an asset is assigned to the session, the asset name (main title).
2 Sidebar in Allows you to display and maintain a folder structure in which you create, organize
Sessions View and access your events and sessions. Events and sessions are identified by
dedicated icons in the folder structure. To access the Sessions view, click the
sidebar’s Sessions button so that it turns blue. In Sessions view, you can do the

l Create an event within or outside a folder. Within an event, you can create
folders and sessions.
l Create a session for the event. You can create a session only within an
l Edit the associated session template.
l Open the session to start logging.
l Delete sessions and events; you cannot delete an event that contains
sessions or a folder that contain sub-folders or events.
For more information, see "Organizing Folders in the Sidebar" on page 530.

You can show and hide the sidebar. See "Collapsing the Sidebar" on page 531.
3 Visual Logging Shows the template associated with the session open in the Log app.

17 Working with the Log App

Section Description

Area l Lets you edit the sessions template.

l While logging, lets you populate the spans in the Text Logging area by
using the components of the session template. Above the components, the
logging controls are shown.
For more information, see "Logging Sessions" on page 552.
4 Text Logging Displays the spans that you create while logging as separate rows. The input of the
Area individual components of the Visual Logging area is displayed in the same named

For more information, see "Inserting Values from Components" on page 554.

Creating and Editing Events

Events are specific folders with additional metadata. An event holds the sessions that you create for a
specific production. Each event is identified by a dedicated event icon in the Sessions view directory.

The basic steps in creating an event are:

l (Option) Create a folder and name it.
l Create an event.
Note the following:
l You can create an event within or outside a folder. Within an event, you can create folders and
l You can delete only empty folders and events; you cannot delete an event that contains sessions or a
folder that contain sub-folders or events.
The following procedures provide more details for these steps.

To create an event:

1. Click the sidebar’s Sessions button.

You are now working in Sessions view mode.
2. Right-click a folder in which you want to create an event and select Create Event.
The New Event dialog box opens.
3. Type the name of the event in the Name field.
4. (Optional) Add a description in the Description field.
5. (Optional) Select the Create a new session check box if you want to directly create a session for the
6. Click Save.
The event is identified by a dedicated event icon and shown as contents of the folder in the Sessions
view directory. If you selected the Create a new session check box, the New Session dialog box
opens. See "Creating and Editing Sessions" on the next page.
To rename an event:

1. Right-click an event and select Modify Event.

The Modify Event dialog box opens.
2. Change the name of the event in the Name field.

17 Working with the Log App

3. Click Save.
The changed name of the event is shown in the Sessions view directory.
To delete an event:

1. Right-click an event and select Delete.

A deletion confirmation prompt opens.
2. Click Delete.
The event is deleted and removed from the Sessions view directory.

Creating and Editing Sessions

Sessions are a grid of components created from a template that includes data and information that is
customized for a specific production. Each session is identified by a dedicated session icon in the Sessions
view directory. From the Sessions view directory, you open a session, log it, and create spans for it. You can
also edit the template associated with the session.

The basic steps in creating a session are:

l Create or select an event.
l Create a session for the event. You can create a session only within an event.
l (Option) Edit the associated session template.
– Renaming a component in the session template changes the corresponding column name in
the Text Logging area.
– Moving a component in the session template changes the position of corresponding column in
the Text Logging area.
– Deleting a component from a session template removes the corresponding column from the
Text Logging area. You cannot delete components that already have been used to populate
The following procedures provide more details for these steps.

To create a session:

1. Click the sidebar’s Sessions button.

You are now working in Sessions view mode.
2. Right-click an event in which you want to create a session and select Create Session.
The New Session dialog box opens. The Date field shows the date and time when the dialog box was
opened in the time zone and date format as set in your User Settings.

17 Working with the Log App

3. Type the name of the session in the Session name field.

4. (Optional) Click in the Date field and change the preset date for the session.
After you enter the first value, you are advanced to the next field automatically. If you want to
manually navigate between fields, you can press the Tab key to advance to the next field, or you can
use the arrow keys to move left and right between the fields.
The Up and Down arrow keys allow you to alter each field by one — for example, change the month
from 9 to 10.
The Log app helps you limit the number of characters that you need to enter by analyzing your
custom data. If you for example enter “3” in the month field, the value is changed automatically to
“03” because the MediaCentral Cloud UX knows that there are no months that start with 3 as the
first digit.
5. Select the template that is to be used for the session from the Template list.
The Template drop-down list shows you all templates that are created in the Templates view as a flat
6. (Optional) Select the Create another new session check box to keep the New Session dialog box open.
This allows you to continue creating sessions.
7. Click Save.
The session is identified by a dedicated event icon and shown as contents of the event in the Sessions
view directory. The session opens and shows the associated template in the Visual Logging area in
preview mode. If you selected the Create another new session check box, the New Session dialog box
stays open.
To rename a session, do one of the following:
t In the Sessions directory:
a. Right-click a session and select Modify Session.
b. Change the name of the template in the Modify Session dialog box.
c. Click Save.
t In the Visual Logging area:
a. Open the session.
b. Click the Edit button in the template header.

17 Working with the Log App

c. Change the name of the session in the Visual Logging area.

d. Click the green check mark in the header.
To edit a session:

1. Right-click a session and select Modify Session.

The Modify Session dialog box opens.
2. Change the name of the session in the Session name field.
3. Change the date assigned to the session in the Date field.
4. Click Save.
To edit a session template:

1. Double-click a session in the Sessions view directory.

The session opens and shows the associated template in the Visual Logging area in preview mode.
The session name is shown on the Log app header. If the session has already been logged, the Text
Logging area shows the spans created for the session.
2. Click the Edit button in the sessions header.
The template switches to edit mode in the Visual Logging area; the Text Logging area shows the
3. Modify your template as needed. Since the session name is used as name of the session template,
you change the session name when you change the name of the session template.
See the following topics:
– "Defining the Template Layout" on page 537
– "Editing Common Component Settings" on page 540
– "Editing Button Component Settings" on page 541
– "Editing Dropdown Component Settings" on page 543
– "Deleting Components from a Template" on page 544
4. To end session template editing mode, click the green check mark in the header.
The updated session template is available for logging the session. The Text Logging area again shows
the spans created for the session.
To delete a session:

1. Right-click a session and select Delete.

A deletion confirmation prompt opens.
2. Click Delete.
The session is deleted and removed from the Sessions view directory.

Logging Sessions
Use the templates you created to log sessions. The Log app provides two options:
l Logging against the wall clock if there is no asset attached to the session.
You can later attach an asset to the logged session.

n Only sessions with an attached asset are indexed for search. Sessions that have been logged
against the wall clock do not show up in the search results.

17 Working with the Log App

l Logging an asset that is attached to a session.

Once attached to the session, the asset is loaded into the Asset Editor when you open the session in
the Log app.

Logging Concepts
The following sections provides information on basic logging concepts.
l "Wall Clock Against Asset Timcecode Display" below
l "Span Creation Controls" on the next page
l "Inserting Values from Components" on the next page
l "Persistence" on page 555
l "Synchronization Between Areas and Asset Editor" on page 556
l "Updating a Session Template while Logging" on page 556
Wall Clock Against Asset Timcecode Display

When there is no asset attached to a session, you can log the session against the wall clock. After clicking
the Start Logging button a wall clock is presented above the Visual Logging area, at current time according
to your timezone in hh:mm:ss format. Spans created during wall clock logging show the timecode in
hh:mm:ss:ms format for the In and Out point in the span grid. When you continue logging an already
logged session against the wall clock, you are prompted to set the wall clock mode: start the wall clock at
current time or at the Out timecode of the last span.

If you directly log an asset, a timecode display is presented above the Visual Logging area, which is
synchronized with the master timecode display in the Asset Editor. Spans created while logging the asset,
show the format of the asset’s master timecode, such as hh;mm;ss;ff or hh:mm:ss:ff, for the In and Out
point in the span grid.

When you attach an asset to a session that was already logged against the wall clock, the In and Out
timecodes of each span need to be adapted to the timecode of the attached asset. In this case, a
corresponding message — including the offset in UTC format that will be applied to the spans — is shown.

To apply the offset, position the playhead in the Media Viewer timeline to show the timecode which you
want to assign as In timcecode for the first span and trigger the timecode alignment by clicking the Offset
check mark. The timecode of the current frame will then be set as the In point of the first span and all
timecodes of the logged session aligned to this offset. The following illustration shows an example for the
timecodes of a session that has been logged against the wall clock (left) and the timcecodes after applying
the offset (right).

If you remove an asset from a logged session, the offset that was applied when the asset was attached, is
removed. The timecode display for the spans is adapted and the timecode is shown again in hh:mm:ss:ms
format for the In and Out point in the span grid.

17 Working with the Log App

Span Creation Controls

In logging mode, the Visual Logging area shows the following buttons that you can use to create spans.

Button Shortcut Name Function

Ctrl+I (Windows) Mark In Creates a new span and sets the In point to the current
(macOS) l If no span is selected in the span grid or a span is
selected that has an Out point set, Mark In creates
a new span and sets the In point for the new span.
l If a span is selected in the span grid that has no Out
point set, Mark In sets the Out point for the span to
one frame before the current timecode and creates
a new span with the In point set to the current
Ctrl+M (Windows) Create Creates a new span with one frame duration.
Command+M l If no span is selected in the span grid or a span is
(macOS) selected that has an Out point set, Create Marker
creates a new span and sets the In point to the
current timecode and the Out point one frame later.
l If a span is selected in the span grid that has no Out
point set, Create Marker sets the Out point for the
span to one frame before the current timecode and
creates a new span with the In point set to the
current timecode and the Out point set one frame
Ctrl+O (Windows) Mark Out Sets the Out point to the current timecode.

Commannd+O If a span is selected in the span grid that has already an

(macOS) Out point set, Mark Out updates the Out point. This applies
also to spans that you created using the Create Markers

Inserting Values from Components

While logging a session, populate the spans using the components of the session template. You can insert
values from components at any time. There is no difference if you create a new span or edit an already
existing span. You have the following options:
l Text component: Type a text in the text component.
The text is added to the corresponding span column in the Text Logging area with a short delay.
l Number component: Type an integer in the number field or press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow button
to increase or decrease the integer. You can type up to 15 digits. Negative integers are supported. To
clear the input and remove the value from the span, highlight the integer and press the Del button.
As you apply the integer in the Visual Logging area, the value is added to the corresponding span
column in the Text Logging area.
l Rating component: The components show five dimmed star icons by default. When you hover the
mouse pointer over a star, the star is highlighted in dimmed blue. Moving the mouse pointer from left
to right increases the number of hovered stars, moving from right to left decreases the number of

17 Working with the Log App

stars. Click a star to assign a rating. Selected stars are highlighted in blue. Clicking the same star
twice removes the value from the span.
As you apply the rating in the Visual Logging area, the stars are added to the corresponding span
column in the Text Logging area.
l Score component: Both input fields of the score component by default show a dimmed 0 as a
placeholder. Click in one of the input fields and type an integer. You can type up to 15 digits. Press
the Tab key to move from the left input field to the right field; press Shift+Tab to move from the right
input field to the left field. To clear the input, highlight the integer and press the Del button; if you
clear both input fields, the score value is removed from the span in the Visual Text area.
As you apply the integer in the Visual Logging area, the score value is added to the corresponding
span column in the Text Logging area.
l Button component: Click a button.
The button text is inserted directly in the corresponding span column in the Text Logging area.
If the button component is configured for multi-selection, you can insert text from different buttons. If
the button component is not configured for multi-selection, clicking another button overwrites the
previous entry in the span.
l Dropdown component: Click the arrow of a dropdown component and select a value from the list.
If the dropdown component is configured for multi-selection, you can select several values. If the
dropdown component is not configured for multi-selection, selecting another value overwrites the
previous value.
As you click anywhere outside the dropdown component in the Visual Logging area, the dropdown
component collapses and shows the selected value(s); at the same time the values are added to the
corresponding span column in the Text Logging area.
l Shortcut: Press a shortcut key (F2 through F11 or Shift+F2 through F11, if configured).
The button text or dropdown value is inserted in the corresponding span column in the Text Logging
If the button or dropdown component is configured for multi-selection, you can insert text/values
using different shortcut keys. If the component is not configured for multi-selection, pressing another
shortcut key configured for the component overwrites the previous entry in the span.
Pressing the same shortcut key twice removes the value from the span.
For a text component, the cursor is set in the text component in the Visual Logging area. If the
component already contains text, the text is highlighted.
Each row in the span grid provides space for five input lines by default. If your input exceeds the default
height — for example, you add a sixth player or your text input wraps into the sixth line —, a scroll bar is
shown for the affected field.

You can resize the column width to your needs, for example, to display long text input without scrolling.


When you enter logging mode, each component shows a “Persistence” pin button that lets you set the
component to persistence mode. In persistence mode, the data selected in the component is repeated in all
spans you create until you disable persistence mode.
l To enter persistence mode, click the gray pin button so it turns blue.
l To end persistence mode, click the blue pin button so it turns gray.

17 Working with the Log App

Synchronization Between Areas and Asset Editor

When you select a span in the Text Logging area, the span is highlighted. The components of the session
template in the Visual Logging area are updated and indicate the used items: clicked buttons are
highlighted, selected values are shown for dropdrown components, and entered text is shown in the
corresponding text components.

With an asset attached to the session displayed in the Log app, you can select a span so that its In point is
displayed in the Asset Editor Media Viewer and the playhead indicator is positioned in the Media Viewer
timeline. The reverse is true when you scrub or play the loaded asset in the Asset Editor. When playback
reaches the In point of a span, the corresponding span is highlighted in the Text Logging area.

Updating a Session Template while Logging

You have the ability to quickly modify the session template by adding, removing or modifying components,
and changing the data source assignments or simply correcting entries.

n Modification of a session template is not moved back to the master template; modification of the
master template does not update the session template.

When you click the Edit button in the sessions header the session template switches to edit mode in the
Visual Logging area and the Text Logging area shows the toolbox. You can now modify your template as

n To prevent data loss, you cannot delete a component from a session template that is in use by a span.
You nevertheless can edit or remove elements of the component, for example, change the label of an
individual button to correct a typo in a player name or remove a value from a dropdown component.

When you save your changes, the session template editing mode is closed, and the updated session
template is available for continuing logging the session. The Text Logging area again shows the spans
created for the session.

If you have modified or removed an element of a button or drop-down component which was used to
populate a span, a warning icon and tool-tip is shown for the corresponding component.

Modifying the Text Logging Area Layout

When you open a session, the layout of the Text Logging area shows default values for the height of the
Text Logging area, the sequence and width of the columns, and the sorting that is applied within the
l In Session mode, the Log app shows the Visual Logging and Text Logging areas. You can use the
horizontal divider between the Visual Logging and Text Logging areas to increase or decrease the
height of the sections.
l The sequence of the columns in the Text Logging area is determined by the position of the
corresponding components on the used session template. You can rearrange the columns in the Text
Logging area by drag and drop. This action changes the sequence of the columns in the Text Logging
area but does not rearrange the components in the Visual Logging area.
l You can resize the column width to your needs, for example, to display long text input without

17 Working with the Log App

l By default, the entries in the Text Logging area are sorted by the In column in ascending order. It
sorts the spans sequentially, beginning with the lowest In timcode. You can click on any column
heading to sort the contents.
Changes you apply to the Text Logging area elements are effective during you current user session but do
not persist from one user session to another. When you close the Log app or sign out from MediaCentral
Cloud UX and sign in again, the default layout values are restored when you open the log session.

To change the Text Logging area height:

t To enlarge the Text Logging area height, click the separator bar and drag the double-headed arrow
cursor up.
t To reduce the Text Logging area height, click the separator bar and drag the double-headed arrow
cursor down.

To change the column order:

t Click and drag a column head to the left or right column.
A blue line shown to the left of the column indicates the drop target.

To adjust the column width:

t Click the column divider and drag it to the left or right.

To change the sort order:

t Click the heading of the column by which you want to sort.
Results are sorted ascending — beginning with the lowest timecode (Out column) or the first letter
alphabetically (all other columns).
t Click the column heading again to reverse the sorting order.
Logging a Session against the Wall Clock
When there is no asset attached to a session, you can log the session against the wall clock. After clicking
the Start Logging button a wall clock is presented above the Visual Logging area, at current time according
to your timezone in hh:mm:ss format.

When you continue logging an already logged session against the wall clock, you are prompted to set the
wall clock mode: start the wall clock at current time or at the Out timecode of the last span.

To log a session against the wall clock:

1. In the Log app’s sidebar, locate and double-click the session in the Sessions directory.
The Visual Logging area shows the template associated with the session. In the Text Logging area,
the span grid is shown consisting of the In and Out columns plus one column for each component of
the session template. The component name used on the template is shown as column header.

17 Working with the Log App

2. Click the Start Logging button.

The Start Logging prompt opens.

3. Click OK.
The prompt is closed. The Start Logging button is replaced by the span creation controls and the wall

4. Do one of the following:

t Click the In-Point button or press Ctrl+I (Windows) or Command+O (macOS).
A new span is created with the In point set to the current timecode. The span has no Out point.
t Click the Marker button or press Ctrl+M (Windows) or Command+M (macOS).
A new span is created with the In point set to the current timecode and the Out point set one
frame after the In point.
The new span is selected in the span grid.
5. Use the components of the Visual Logging area to populate the columns of the new span.
– Type a text in the text component.
– Type an integer in the number component.
– Type an integer in both input fields of a score component.
– Click the star icons in the rating component.
– Click a button to directly insert the button text in the corresponding column.
– Click the arrow of a drop-down component and select a value from the list.
– (If configured) Press a shortcut key to insert a button or dropdown value or set the cursor in a
text component.
Click the Persistence pin button for components you want to repeat the data input in each
subsequent span.
See "Inserting Values from Components" on page 554 and "Persistence" on page 555.
6. Do one of the following:
t Click the Out-Point button or press Ctrl+O (Windows) or Command+O (macOS).
t Click the In-Point button or press Ctrl+I (Windows) or Command+I (macOS).
t Click the Marker button or press Ctrl+M (Windows) or Command+M (macOS).
The new span is selected in the span grid. All components of the session template in the Visual
Logging area are reset to their default state. See "Span Creation Controls" on page 554.
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to create and annotate additional spans.

17 Working with the Log App

8. To edit a created span, select the span in the grid.

The span is highlighted. The components of the session template in the Visual Logging area are
updated and show the used items: used buttons are highlighted, selected values are shown for
dropdrown components, and entered text is shown in the corresponding text components.
9. To delete a span, right-click the span and in the context menu that opens select Delete.
To continue logging an already logged session against the wall clock:

1. In the Log app’s sidebar, locate and double-click the session the Sessions directory.
The Visual Logging area shows the template associated with the session. In the Text Logging area,
the span grid shows all created spans.
2. Click the Start Logging button.
The Start Logging prompt opens.

3. Do one of the following:

t Select the “Start the clock at current time” option button to start the wall clock at the current
time according to your timezone.
t Select the “Start the clock at the time of the last span” option button to start the wall clock at
the out timecode of the last span.
4. Click Start Logging.
The prompt is closed. The Start Logging button is replaced by the span creation controls and the wall
clock, which either starts at current time or time of the last span.
5. Create new spans or edit the existing spans as needed.

Logging a Session with Attached Asset

If you directly want to log an asset, attach the asset to a session. After attaching the asset, a timecode
display is presented above the Visual Logging area, which is synchronized with the master timecode display
in the Asset Editor.

When you attach an asset to a session that was already logged against the wall clock, the In and Out
timecode of each span needs to be adapted to the timecode of the attached asset. A corresponding
message including the offset in UTC format that will be applied to the spans is shown. After the timecodes
are aligned the timecode of the current frame will be set as the In point of the first span and all timecodes of
the logged session aligned to this offset.

17 Working with the Log App

Once attached to the session, the asset is loaded into the Asset Editor when you open the session in the Log
app. Starting with version 2020.4, you can open a session with an attached asset directly from the Search
app into the Log app by using the “Open in” feature. In doing so, the attached asset is also loaded into the
Asset Editor. For more information, see "Choosing the App for Opening Assets" on page 49.

n If you try to attach a non-supported asset type or a remote asset to a session, a warning message
appears and the asset is not attached to the session.

You can also remove an attached asset from a logged session. In this case, the offset that was applied
when the asset was attached, is removed. The timecode display for the spans is adapted and the timecode
is shown again in hh:mm:ss:ms format for the In and Out point in the span grid.

To log a session with attached asset:

1. Do one of the following:

t Open and dock the Browse app, and locate the asset you want to attach.
t Open the asset you want to attach to the session in the Asset Editor.
2. Open the Log app.
3. In the Log app’s sidebar, locate and double-click the session in the Sessions directory.
4. Do one of the following:
t Select an asset in the Browse app’s Results area and drag it to the Visual Logging area.
t Click in the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer and drag the icon to the Visual Logging area.
5. When the “Attach this Asset to this Session” drop indicator is shown, release the mouse button.
Only when the session was already logged against the wall clock, an Offset alignment message and
control are shown. To apply the offset, do the following:
a. Position the playhead in the Media Viewer timeline to show the timecode which you want to
assign as In timcecode for the first span.
b. Click the Offset check mark.
The timecode of the current frame is set as the In point of the first span and all timecodes of
the logged are session aligned to this offset.
The asset is assigned to the session and the asset name is shown in the Log app header. The span
creation controls and the timecode display, which is synchronized with the Asset Editor’s master
timecode display, are shown.

6. In the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer, set the position indicator where you want the span to start.
7. In the Log app, do one of the following:
t Click the In-Point button or press Ctrl+I (Windows) or Command+I (macOS).
A new span is created with the In point set to the current timecode. The span has no Out point.
t Click the Marker button or press Ctrl+M (Windows) or Command+M (macOS).
A new span is created with the In point set to the current timecode and the Out point set one
frame after the In point.
The new span is selected in the span grid.
8. Use the components of the Visual Logging area to populate the columns of the new span.

17 Working with the Log App

– Type a text in the text component.

– Click a button to directly insert the button text in the corresponding column.
– Type an integer in the number component.
– Type an integer in both input fields of a score component.
– Click the star icons in the rating component.
– Click the arrow of a drop-down component and select a value from the list.
– (If configured) Press a shortcut key to insert a button or dropdown value or set the cursor in a
text component.
Click the Persistence pin button for components you want to use in persistence mode for subsequent
span creation.
See "Inserting Values from Components" on page 554 and "Persistence" on page 555.
9. In the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer, set the position indicator where you want the span to end.
10. In the Log app, do one of the following:
t Click the Out-Point button or press Ctrl+O (Windows) or Command+O (macOS).
t Click the In-Point button or press Ctrl+I (Windows) or Command+I (macOS).
t Click the Marker button or press Ctrl+M (Windows) or Command+M (macOS).
The new span is selected in the span grid. All components of the session template in the Visual
Logging area are reset to their default state. See "Span Creation Controls" on page 554.
11. Repeat steps 6 through 10 to create and annotate additional spans.
12. To edit a created span, select the span in the grid and apply the desired action.
13. To delete a span, right-click the span and select Delete.
To log an already logged session with attached asset:

1. Do one of the following:

t Open the Search app, conduct a search for logged sessions, right-click the session in the
search results list and in the context menu that opens select Open in > Log.
As long as the Log app is defined as the default app, you can also double-click the session in
the Search app’s search results list. See "Choosing the App for Opening Assets" on page 49.
t Open the Log app, and in the Log app’s sidebar locate and double-click the session in the
Sessions directory.
The session is opened in the Log app and the asset attached to the session is loaded into the Asset
Editor. The asset title is shown on the Log app header.
The Visual Logging area shows the template associated with the session. In the Text Logging area,
the span grid shows all created spans.
2. Click the Start Logging button.
The Start Logging prompt opens.
3. Click OK.
The prompt is closed. The Start Logging button is replaced by the span creation controls and the
timecode display, which is synchronized with the Asset Editor’s master timecode display.
4. Create new spans or edit the existing spans as needed.

17 Working with the Log App

To remove an attached asset from an already logged session:

1. Open the logged session with attached asset in the Log app.
The asset attached to the session is loaded into the Asset Editor. The asset title is shown on the Log
app header.
2. Click the asset title in the Log app header.
3. Click the Remove asset from session context menu that opens.
The Remove Asset prompt opens.

4. Do one of the following:

t Click Remove Asset to remove the asset from the session.
t Click Cancel to continue logging the attached asset.
If you removed the asset from the session, the asset name is removed from the Log app header and
the wall clock is shown. The timecode display for the spans is adapted and the timecode is shown
again in hh:mm:ss:ms format for the In and Out point in the span grid.

Searching for Sessions and Associated Media

There are several ways you can use the MediaCentral Search feature with sessions created in the Log app.

n Only sessions with an associated asset are indexed for search. Sessions that have been logged
against the wall clock do not show up in the search results.

In most cases, you can use the “Any” selection in the Search pill and start typing your search term. You
have several options to refine your search.
l You can search for a session name.
In the Search app, use the search category “Metadata” or “Any.”
l You can search for an event name or event description.
In the Search app, use the option “Event Name” or “Event Description” in the search category
“AvidAssetLogger,” or use the search category “Metadata” or “Any.”
l You can search for any information inserted in spans.
All information inserted in spans by using the session template components is indexed for
MediaCentral Search (as simple text values in a single text field per span, with span In and Out point
relative to the start of any associated asset).
In the Search app, use the option “Logged Metadata” in the search category “Markers & Segments”
or “Any.”
Double-clicking a hit in the search results loads the session in the Log app and the associated asset in the
Asset Editor’s Media Viewer.

For more information on how to use the Search app features, see "Searching for Assets" on page 129.

17 Working with the Log App

To search in all metadata of a logged clip:

1. Open the Search app.

2. Do one of the following:
t Leave the default “Metadata” selection in the Search pill to only search for a session title,
event name, or event description.
t Click the Search pill and select “Any” to search for metadata and Markers & Segments at the
same time.
3. Type text in the Search text field.
4. Click the Search button.
The search is executed and the Results area is populated.
5. Select the asset type “avid.asset.logger.session.associatedasset” or the system type “Avid Asset
Logger” in the Filters sidebar.
The filter is applied to the search results to show only found sessions.
6. (optional) In the Results area header, click the Display options and select the Hits check box.
The Hits column is shown in the Results area and displays the number of spans matching the search
phrase(s) indicated by the Markers & Segments icon.
To search only in logged metadata:

1. In the Search pill, click More, expand Markers & Segments and select Logged Metadata.

2. Type text in the Search text field.

You can search for any term that is used in a span.
3. Click the Search button.
The search is executed and the Results area is populated with the found sessions.
4. In the Results area header, click the Display options and select the Hits check box.
The Hits column is shown in the Results area and displays the number of spans matching the search
phrase(s) indicated by the Markers & Segments icon.

17 Working with the Log App

To search only for an event name or description:

1. In the Search pill, click More and expand AvidAssetLogger.

2. Select Event Name or Event Description.
3. Type the search term.
4. Click the Search button.
The search is executed and the Results area shows the sessions with an attached asset of the event.
To inspect the search results:

1. In the Results area, move your cursor to the far-right of the session you want to inspect and click the
Asset Inspection icon that appears in the row.
The In-line Hits window opens. The Metadata panel displays the metadata that is associated with the
selected session. The Timeline panel displays all time-based metadata — data in the spans — of the
session. All hits that match your search are highlighted in blue for easy identification. If your session
does not include any time-based metadata, the Timeline view displays a message to alert you of this
2. Use the All / Only Hits toggle to display all spans of the session (All) or only the spans that include the
data that matches your search criteria (Only Hits).
3. As the spans list in a session can be lengthy, you can add a filter to expedite the process of locating
the desired span: Click the Filter button and in the field that opens start typing text.
As you type, a “contains” search is conducted in the spans’ annotation.
4. To load the asset attached to the found session, click the Open button.
The Search app is minimized and docked to the left side, the Log app opens with the session loaded,
and the attached asset loads into the Source Monitor of the Asset Editor. The Asset Editor’s Hits tab
provides information about the location of the spans that are returned through the search.
5. Click on a hit in the Hits tab.
The position indicator is set to the span’s start in the Media Viewer Timeline and the Media Viewer
displays the span’s start frame.

Downloading Logged Session Contents

The Log app lets you download the spans of a logged session with its data. You can download when the
session is open in preview mode or while you are logging the session. Rating values in spans will be saved as
numbers in the downloaded file.

You can select one of the following formats for downloading:

l Plain text file (.txt) that lists the timecode and text for each span.
l A tab-delimited text file (.txt) that you can import into Media Composer.
l CSV (comma-separated value) file that you can open as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
l XML file for use in other applications.
To download the spans of a logged session as a file:

1. Open a session with spans you want to download.

2. Click the Download button.
The Download dialog box opens.

17 Working with the Log App

3. Type a file name. You do not need to add an extension. By default, the session name is shown in the
File Name field.
4. Select the type of file you want to export: Plain Text, Media Composer Text, CSV, or XML.
5. Click Download All.
The file is saved to your default download folder.

Adding Spans to a Sequence

Starting with version 2020.4, you can add spans to a sequence by a simple drag and drop operation from
the Log app. For more information about sequences, "Editing a Sequence" on page 325.

c The term sequence is used generically to refer to an assembly of audio and video assets; it refers to
any or all sequence types.

Note the following:

l You can add spans only from a session with attached asset. Using spans from sessions that have
been logged against the wall clock is not supported.
l You can add one span at the same time to the sequence. Multi-selection is not supported.
l When you add a marker — a span with one frame duration —, a segment that consists of 2 seconds
before the marker and 2 seconds after it is created in the sequence.
To add a span to a sequence:

1. Open a logged session with attached asset in the Log app.

2. Open the sequence you want to edit.
3. Click the Asset Editor Timeline button to show the timeline.
4. Click a span in the Log app’s Text Logging area and drag it to the Sequence Timeline into the position
you want the segment to appear in the sequence.
The timeline shows where the segment will be added and how it will affect the other segments in the
5. Release the mouse button.
A segment with the duration of the span is added to the timeline and the position indicator moves to
the first frame of the next segment.

18 Using the Publisher App

18 Using the Publisher App

The Publisher app enables you to send media assets and associated text to distribution platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others.

You can access the Publisher app by clicking on the Publisher app icon in the Fast Bar at the top of the
MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface. For more information, see "Accessing the Publisher App" on
page 575.

Once accessed, the Publisher app opens to an initial interface with five tabs appearing below the Publisher
app header (Clips Management, Decorators, Publish Templates, Imported Files, and Browse External
Content) as shown in the following screen example:

The five tabs are described in the table below.

Section Description

1 Clips Displays what has been prepared and what has been published to social media. If
Management you click this tab, the clips will open in the Publisher app, where they can be
enhanced, and published to social media. This tab also includes filter and search
criteria that can help you locate any video clips.
2 Decorators Shows predefined content that can be used as enhancements to your video. It
includes the following options:

18 Using the Publisher App

Section Description
l Preroll and Postroll
l Image
l Dynamic
l Video transition
l Audio transition
l Subtitles
For more information, see the following: "Enhancing Video Clips and Other Media
Assets" on page 585.
3 Publish Pre-defined templates that can be used to provide a unique and consistent look or
Templates brand for your video content. You can select a template that can be used to
publish to a certain social media site (e.g., Twitter), or for a certain type of media
(still image). Display options for Publish templates include the following:

l All - Displays all types of Publish templates.

l Video - Displays Video Publish templates.
l Animation - Displays Animation Publish templates.
l Image - Displays Image Publish templates.
l Live - Displays Live Publish templates. Currently not Supported.
For more information, see "Publishing Video Clips and Media Assets" on page 581.
4 Imported Files Shows files that have been submitted from Avid bins to the Publisher app for
publication to social media. This tab also includes filter and search criteria that
can help you locate imported video clips.

For more information, see "Adding Content to the Publisher App" on page 578.
5 Browse External This is a connection to Production Management or Asset Management, allowing
Content users to browse the Production Management or Asset Management system and
quickly publish or save (upload to the SAAS server) a file.

n Publisher is supported with both MediaCentral Production Management and

Asset Management assets.

For more information, see "Adding Content to the Publisher App" on page 578.

There is a setting for an Administrator to restrict permission to access the

Production Management, Asset Management, or both databases for any user
profile. For more information, see the topic “Disabling Database Access for
Specific User Profiles” in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide.

Publisher App User Interface

In addition to the initial interface where you can add content and browse for files, templates, and
decorators, the Publisher app contains a different user interface with five main areas that enable you to
edit the content that you have added.

The following table provides more information on each of these areas.

18 Using the Publisher App

Section Description

1 Publisher app The Publisher app Header includes an area where you can drag and drop your
Header video assets (clips) that you want to use to initiate your Publish job.

For more information, see "Publisher App Header" on page 575.

2 Editing Toolbar The Editing Toolbar includes Enhancement Icons that allow you enhance Video
Clips with Preroll and Postroll, Text and Graphic overlays, among other things.

For more information, see the following:

l "Editing Toolbar" below.

l "Enhancing Video Clips and Other Media Assets" on page 585.
3 Video Playback This is where you can play the clip. As you play the clip, you can change the In and
Window Out points, the Fit, and aspect ratio using the controls below the video.

For more information, see "Video Playback Window" on page 571.

4 Publish If a video clip has been loaded into the Video Playback Window, the Publish
Sequence Sequence Timeline allows users to edit the clip prior to the final publish.
For more information, see "Publish Sequence Timeline" on page 572.
5 Clip Details Area Displays selected assets and associated metadata.

For more information, see "Clip Details Area" on page 573.

The Publisher app can be docked for greater productivity and streamlined workflows.

If you want to use multiple apps simultaneously, open a core app, dock it, and then open the Publisher app.

For more information on app types and how to dock them, see the following topics:
l "App Types" on page 44
l "Docking Apps" on page 45.
Editing Toolbar
The Editing toolbar includes Enhancement icons that allow you to perform many different enhancements to
your video clip before publishing.

For descriptions of all the possible Enhancement icons, see "Editing Toolbar Enhancement Icons" below.

n Before you can use the Publisher app to send media assets to an endpoint, your system administrator
must create and configure one or more system profiles in the SAAS Platform. For more information, see
your Avid Representative.

Editing Toolbar Enhancement Icons

Editing Toolbar Enhancement icons are used to enhance your video clip before publishing it.

The Editing Toolbar Enhancement icons are described in the table below:

18 Using the Publisher App

Icon Name / Description


Select Preroll Enables you to add or change the preroll for your video.

For more information, see "Adding Pre and Post Roll" on page 586.

Add Video Enables you to add a video transition to your preroll.

Transition (to
Preroll) For more information, see "Adding Video Transitions to Preroll or
Postroll" on page 587.
Add Audio Enables you to add an audio transition to your preroll.
Transition (to
Preroll) For more information, see "Adding Audio Transitions to Preroll or
Postroll" on page 587.
Dynamic Enables you to add a dynamic overlay to your video clip. Once
Overlay selected, you can edit certain characteristics of how it appears within
the clip.

For more information, see "Adding Dynamic Overlay" on page 588.

Text Overlay Enables you to add a text overlay to your video clip. Once selected,
you can edit certain characteristics of how it appears within the clip.

For more information, see "Adding Text Overlay" on page 590.

Image Overlay Enables you to add an image overlay to your video clip. Once
selected, you can edit certain characteristics of how it appears within
the clip.

For more information, see "Adding Image Overlays" on page 593.

Edit 1:1 Enables you to edit the clip in 1:1 aspect ratio.

For more information, see "Editing 1:1 Video" on page 593.

Edit 9:16 Enables you to edit the clip in 9:16 aspect ratio.

For more information, see "Editing 9:16 Video" on page 594.

Edit Subtitles Enables you to add subtitles to video clips.

For more information, see "Using Closed Captions with Your Video
Clips" on page 594.

Add Exclusions Enables you to designate one or more segments to be excluded from
the video clip.

For more information, see "Adding or Editing Exclusion Zones within

the Video Clip" on page 599.
Add Video Enables you to add a video transition to your postroll.
Transition (to
Postroll) For more information, see "Adding Video Transitions to Preroll
or Postroll" on page 587.
Add Audio Enables you to add a audio transitions to your postroll.

18 Using the Publisher App

Icon Name / Description


Transition (to For more information, see "Adding Audio Transitions to Preroll or
Postroll) Postroll" on page 587.
Select Postroll Enables you to add or change the postroll for your video.

For more information, see "Adding Pre and Post Roll" on page 586.

Timecode Displays the timecode of the currently loaded clip.

Apply a Enables you to select a pre-defined template from the list.

For more information, see "Publishing Video Clips and Media Assets"
on page 581.
Download the Enables you to download the currently loaded clip as an MP4 file to
Clip (MP4) the location as set in your Browser for saving downloads.

For more information, see "Downloading Clips to Your Local

Workstation" on page 601.
Download Enables you to download the subtitles contained in your clip. These
Subtitles subtitles are downloaded to the location as set in your Browser for
saving downloads.

For more information, see "Downloading Subtitles to Your

Workstation" on page 602.
Clone Brings up a menu that depending on what type of media you have
displayed, presents the following options:

l Clone - Creates a copy of the media and enables you to save it

to your local profile as the same format in which it is currently
(video, image, GIF) in the Clips Management tab.
l Clone as video - Creates a copy of the media and enables you
to save it to your local profile as a video in the Clips
Management tab.
l Clone as image - Creates an image of your video and enables
you to save it to your local profile in the Clips Management
l Clone as GIF - Creates a GIF of your video and enables you to
save it to your local profile in the Clips Management tab.
l Copy link to clipboard - Enables you to copy a link to your
l Assign to profile - Enables you to select which profile this clip
or image will be associated with.
For more information, see "Cloning a Video or Image" on
page 602.

18 Using the Publisher App

Video Playback Window

The Video Playback window enables you to view the video clip and set other parameters for how you want
to be able to edit the video clip before publishing it to social media.

The following Video Playback Window controls are described in the table below:

Icon Name / Keyboard Description


Select Preview Click the icon and the current video frame will be set as the
Thumbnail (F) thumbnail.

Download the Current Downloads the Thumbnail image to your local workstation.

Fit Use the Fit icon to “Fit” the bounds of the clip from In point to
Out Point to be completely visible on the thumbnail timeline.

Zoom bar Control the zoom in or out on thumbnails on the thumbnail

Aspect Ratio of Image Select to preview video in 16:9, 9:16 or 1:1 aspect ratio

Closed Caption (C) Enable or disable the preview of Closed Captions (if they are
present in the video stream).
Mute (T) Mute/unmute audio during video playback.

Set In Point by Time Click the clock icon next to the IN icon to set the In Point to a
(Alt + I) specific timecode.

Set In Point (I) Sets the In point to the current frame of video.

Prev Frame (Ctrl + J, Use the < icon to set the In Point one frame earlier than the
Ctrl + Left arrow) current In point. Use the > icon to set the In Point one frame
later than the current In point.
Next Frame (Ctrl + L,
Ctrl + Right arrow)

18 Using the Publisher App

Icon Name / Keyboard Description


Set Out Point by Time Click the clock icon next to the OUT icon to set the Out Point to
(Alt + O) a specific timecode.

Set Out Point (O) Sets the Out point to the current frame of video.

Prev Frame (Ctrl + Shift Use the < icon to set the Out Point one frame earlier than the
+ J, Ctrl + Shift + Left current Out point. Use the > icon to set the Out Point one frame
arrow) later than the current Out point.

Next Frame (Ctrl +

Shift + L, Ctrl + Shift +
Right arrow)

Publish Sequence Timeline

The Publish Sequence Timeline allows you to view the video clip and set other parameters for how you want
to be able to edit the video clip.

The following Timeline controls are described in the table below:

Icon Name / Keyboard Description


Go to Start of Selection Moves the cursor to the In point (beginning) of the segment.
(Shift +I)

Fast Rewind (Shift +J, Plays the clip in reverse at 2x time speed. Click Play/Pause to stop
Shift + Left arrow) reverse playback.

Previous Frame (J, Left Moves the current video position one frame earlier in the timeline. This
arrow) does not set the In or Out Point.

Play (Spacebar, K) Toggles between playing and pausing video playback.

Play Selection (R) Plays the video together with the Pre and post rolls.

Next Frame (L, Right Moves the current video position one frame later in the timeline. This
arrow) does not set the In or Out point.

Fast Forward (Shift + L, Plays the clip at 2x speed. Click the Play/Pause to stop fast-forward
Shift + Right arrow) playback.

Go to End of Selection Moves the cursor to the Out point (End) of the segment.
(Shift +O)

18 Using the Publisher App

Clip Details Area

The Clip Details Area enables you to set the destination parameters by applying a preselected template
that can be edited, allowing you to select which platform(s) the video clip will be published (e.g., Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube). You can also set parameters and save the clip or publish the clip without using a

Depending on your workflow, the Clip Details area can used to select a template, and modify it if you want,
before publishing, or to simply publish the media to the chosen destinations.

You can also select, edit, and download Thumbnail images from here by clicking on the thumbnail icons on
the right side of the video.

An example of the Clip Details area is shown below:

For more information, see "Setting Thumbnail Images" on page 603.

The table below lists many of the possible fields available in the Clip Details area. Some fields are available
when certain social media templates are selected.

Field Available for Description

Title All
Message All Type a message for you publication in this field.
Description All Type a description for the clip.
Tags All Enables you to type any tags that you want to accompany your published
Subtitles All Enables you to select whether you want the video to be sent to a specific

18 Using the Publisher App

Field Available for Description

Publication destination with the closed captions “burned” into the video, or “clean”
without the closed captions.

For more information, "Publishing with Closed Captions" on page 597.

All Click the Add icon to bring up a dialog box enabling you to add a different
social media account than what has already been predefined for you, by
clicking the blue Plus sign (+).
Decorator All Enables you to select predefined decorators to your video.

Decorators are predefined content that can be used as enhancements to

your video. It includes the following options:

l Preroll and Postroll

l Image
l Dynamic
l Video transition
l Audio transition
l Subtitles
Embeddable All When this checkbox is checked, it means that you give permission to the
social media platform to share your video as “embedded” in webpages.
restriction n This option is global, meaning that, if checked, it will be applied over
multiple (selected) destinations.
Aspect Ratio All Change the aspect ratio by doing one of the following:

l Select the arrow near the Aspect Ratio field, and change the aspect
ratio to the desired value (16:9, 1:1, 9:16).
l Select Compute from Source to have it automatically determine the
correct aspect ratio for the social media platform you are
publishing to.
Rendition All Select the rendition. Options are Default, or 720p.
Expiration Time Twitter only Selecting this option displays a calendar that enables you to choose the
exact date, Time zone, and time of day that you want your published
video to expire.
Thread / Reply Twitter only Enables you to type in, or select from the my tweets drop list, the URL to
to Tweet URL use for reply tweets.
Call to Action Twitter only Allows you to select a Call to Action type for how you want the published
Type video to be viewed. Options are:

l None
l Visit Site
l Watch now
Facebook Tags Facebook Enables you to add Facebook tags to display.
Policy Youtube Enables you to select a policy (such as Standard).

18 Using the Publisher App

Field Available for Description

Publish At (From Twitter only Selecting this option displays a calendar that enables you to choose the
Private to Public) exact date, Time zone, and time of day that you want to publish your
Category Youtube only Enables you to select a category (such as Film and Animation, Autos &
Vehicles, or Music, and many more) from the drop list.
Privacy Settings Youtube Allows you to set a privacy setting for the published video. Options are:

l Public
l Private
l Unlisted

For more information, see "Publishing Video Clips and Media Assets" on page 581.

Publisher App Header

Although it appears at the top of the user interface, the Publisher app header is actually your last stop in
the process of sending a video file to your selected publication types or endpoints. After you have
populated one or more endpoints with your custom data, you click the Publish button to initiate the
distribution process to all endpoints simultaneously. Video files can be added only from a Production
Management environment, and not from a local folder (Windows Explorer).

n Publisher is supported with MediaCentral Production Management and Asset Management assets.

n Before you can use the Publisher app to send media assets to any endpoint, your system
administrator must create and configure one or more system profiles in the SAAS platform.

n For more information, see your Avid Representative.

Accessing the Publisher App
The Publisher app can be accessed from the Cloud UX user interface.

To access the Publisher app:

1. (Option) If you want to locate your content or source video from the Browse app before you open the
Publisher app, you can open the Browse app first in Cloud UX, and then locate and load a clip into
the Video player in the Cloud UX user interface as shown below:

18 Using the Publisher App

2. Click the Publisher app icon to open the Publisher app user interface.

18 Using the Publisher App

If you click the Publisher app icon without first selecting a clip from the Browse app, the Publisher app
will open to the Imported Clips tab (one of five tabs below the Publisher app header).

3. At this point, you are ready to add video clips and media assets to the Publisher app.
For more information, see "Adding Content to the Publisher App" on the next page.

18 Using the Publisher App

Adding Content to the Publisher App

Media assets or existing video files can be added as “video sources” into your Publisher account in three
l Drag a video clip or image from the Browse app or video player directly to the drag and drop header.
l Select a file from the Browse External Content tab (if available).
l Add media / upload a file that is stored outside of the Production Management or Asset Management
environment (e.g., Windows Explorer and other connectors when pressing on “Advanced upload”).
Once added, the content can be used in any of three ways:
l Stored as a video clip that can be edited or modified then shared to social media.
l Assigned as a “decorator” so it can be used as a Preroll/Postroll video.
l Used as a video source, enabling you to make smaller sub-clips that can be clipped out from the
original source video.
To add content to the Publisher app:

1. From the Browse app, navigate to your source video in Cloud UX, and load a clip into the Video
After you select an asset, a representative video frame and related metadata appear above the
2. Click the Publisher app icon to open the Publisher app user interface.

After you click the Publisher app icon, you will see four or five tabs below the Publisher app header:

18 Using the Publisher App

– Clips Management
– Decorators
– Publish Templates
– Imported Files
– Browse External Content - This is a connection to Production Management or Asset
Management, allowing you to browse the Production Management or Asset Management
system and quickly publish or save (upload to the SAAS server) a file.
It is important to note that there is a setting for an Administrator to restrict permission to
access the Production Management, Asset Management, or both databases for any user
profile. For more information, see the topic “Disabling Database Access for Specific User
Profiles” in the MediaCentral | Cloud UX Installation Guide.
3. To add content into Publisher, do one of the following:
– Drag a video clip or image from the Browse app or video player directly to the Publisher app
header area where it says “drag and drop assets here to publish”.

After you drag an asset into the Publisher app header, the text turns blue and says “Drop asset
here to publish”.

Release the mouse button. A representative video frame appears in the Publisher video player,
and in the Clip Details area as shown below:

18 Using the Publisher App

– Select a file from the Browse External Content tab. This is a connection to the Production
Management or Asset Management system, allowing you to browse the Production
Management or Asset Management system and quickly publish or save (upload to the SAAS
server) a file.

18 Using the Publisher App

– For media that is outside of the Production Management or Asset Management environment
(e.g., Windows Explorer, etc.), click the Imported files tab, and drag and drop files (videos,
images, subtitles) from your local system to the down arrow where it says “Drop local files

n The arrow will turn blue when the file is held over it.
When you release the mouse button, the file will appear below.

You can drag multiple files to this area, and then import or publish them at once.

n When importing a video this way, if there is an SRT file next to the video (and it has the
same name), you can import both the video and the SRT file by selecting and uploading
both the video and the SRT file.

4. At this point, you are ready to either publish video clips and media assets, or make enhancements
before you publish.
For more information, see the following topics:
t To publish video clips and media assets, see "Publishing Video Clips and Media Assets" below.
t To enhance video clips and media assets before publishing them, see "Enhancing Video Clips
and Other Media Assets" on page 585.

Publishing Video Clips and Media Assets

This topic contains information on the basic procedure regarding how to publish video clips and media
assets to a predefined social media destination (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and others).

18 Using the Publisher App

To publish video clips and media assets:

1. Add the content that you want to publish (e.g., a sequence, Master clip, or subclip) to the Publisher
For more information, see "Adding Content to the Publisher App" on page 578.
2. Click the Publisher app icon to open the Publisher app user interface.

The example above shows only the Publisher app with the Clip Details area on the right. The
Metadata area is hidden.
3. (Option) If you want to make enhancements to the media or clip (e.g., adding or editing graphic
overlays, text overlays, subtitles, etc.), you can use the Enhancement icons on the Editing toolbar.
For more information on each of the Enhancement icons and how to use them to enhance your video
clip or media asset, see "Enhancing Video Clips and Other Media Assets" on page 585.
4. (Option) Choose a template to add to your video by clicking the arrow to the right of the Apply a
template field.

18 Using the Publisher App

n Templates are optional. They are created by the System Administrator in the SAAS platform.
Most likely, you will be given access to the template(s) that are approved for use when posting
media to certain social media destinations.

5. (Option) If you have selected a template, there might be some required fields that you need to
populate (such as Title, or Message) before you publish. So, if that’s the case, you will need to
complete those fields first. Other than that, you can choose to do one of the following:
t Make additional changes to the template in the Clip Details area. For more information, go to
Step 6.
t Save and publish the video using the template you selected. For more information, go to Step
6. (Option) If you want to make changes to certain criteria before you publish your clip, it can be done
in the Clip Details area. The top portion of the Clip Details area contains the global fields in which the
data you enter is applied across all selected social media destinations. If you want to enter specific
information that would only apply to a particular social media destination, you can do that in the
Publish Destination portion of the Clip Details area. For more information, see Step 7.
a. (Option) Change the title of your video by typing a title (such as, Penguins... Penguins...
Penguins...) in the Title field.

b. (Option) Add a different social media account than what has already been predefined for you,
by clicking the blue Plus sign (+) in the Social Media Display area.

The Choose Destination Account dialog box opens. Select the social media platform(s) you
want to publish the media to from those available to you by moving the toggle to blue (ON),
and click OK.

n If you do not want to publish to a certain social media platform, move the toggle to white
(OFF), and click OK.

18 Using the Publisher App

c. (Option) Add a message to appear with the clip by typing the text in the Message field.

d. Add a description by typing the text in the Description field.

e. (Option) Change the subtitle from the Default to one that better fits how you want closed
captions to behave in the Subtitles Publication field.
For more information, see "Publishing with Closed Captions" on page 597.
f. (Option) Change the aspect ratio by doing one of the following:
t Select the drop arrow near the Aspect Ratio field, and select the desired aspect ratio
(e.g., 16:9, 1:1, or 9:16) from the list.
t Select Compute from Source to have it automatically determine the correct aspect ratio
for the social media platform you are publishing to.
7. (Option) If you want to enter specific information for any of the selected social media destinations,
scroll down to reveal the Social Media Specific Information icons:

18 Using the Publisher App

a. Click the carat to the left of the social media account you would like to enter specific
information for. This reveals the fields specific to the social media account you want to modify.

b. From the field(s) provided, type any information that, when it’s posted, will be specific to the
selected social media destination. Whatever you change here, will not be changed for the
other social media destinations. They will continue to use the global entries.
c. Repeat this step for any other social media destinations.

n When you click Save or Publish, the information you entered supercedes what has been entered
in the Global fields in the top portion of the Clip Details area for that social media destination.

8. Do one of the following:

t Click Save to save your changes.
t Click Publish to publish the media to the selected social media location(s).

Enhancing Video Clips and Other Media Assets

Video clips can be enhanced with options such as Preroll and Postroll, and Text and Graphic overlays. While
in Edit Clip mode (as shown in the following example), there are Enhancement icons at the top of the Video
Playback window.

18 Using the Publisher App

n You can also enhance the Thumbnail image for your clip as well. To do so, select a specific frame of
video, or upload a .JPEG image.

For more information, see the following topics:

l "Adding Pre and Post Roll" below
l "Adding Video Transitions to Preroll or Postroll" on the next page
l "Adding Audio Transitions to Preroll or Postroll" on the next page
l "Adding Dynamic Overlay" on page 588
l "Adding Text Overlay" on page 590
l "Adding Image Overlays" on page 593
l "Editing 1:1 Video" on page 593
l "Editing 9:16 Video" on page 594
l "Adding or Editing Subtitles (Closed Captions)" on page 596
l "Adding or Editing Exclusion Zones within the Video Clip" on page 599
l "Setting Thumbnail Images" on page 603

Adding Pre and Post Roll

Video Clips can be enhanced with Preroll and Postroll when the Edit Clip mode is active, using the Preroll or
Postroll icons at the top of the Video Playback window.

To add Preroll and Postroll:

1. Click the Preroll icon to add Preroll or the Postroll icon to add Postroll.
The popup window will show existing “decorator” clips that are designated for Preroll or Postroll.
2. Click the Play icon to preview the Preroll clip, then when you locate the clip you want to add, click the
“check mark” to select the desired Preroll clip.

18 Using the Publisher App

3. (Option) If there is a new video available to use for Preroll, you can import it by clicking the Upload
icon, then selecting the desired video file to upload (in MOV or MP4 format.
Once the video clip is selected, it will be appended to the final video clip created.

n The upload icon is shown by Administrator permissions only. The pre and post roll videos and
images can be uploaded only from a local folder (not from a Production Management or Asset
Management environment). Clicking the Upload icon opens up a Windows Explorer window.

4. (Option) Add a video transition to your Preroll or post roll. For more information, see "Adding Video
Transitions to Preroll or Postroll" below.
5. (Option) Add an audio transition to your Preroll or post roll. For more information, see "Adding Audio
Transitions to Preroll or Postroll" below.

Adding Video Transitions to Preroll or Postroll

Once you add a Preroll or Postroll to your video, you can then add video and audio transitions to it. When
the Edit Clip mode is active, use the Add Video Transition icon on the Editing toolbar.

To add video transitions:

1. Click the Add Video Transition icon in the Editing toolbar, select Fade out/in.
The icon changes to indicate that a video transition has been added to the pre or post roll.
2. (Option) To edit the video transition, click the icon again.

3. (Option) If you want to change the duration of how long the video transition fades in or out, type the
time in seconds in the Duration text box.
4. (Option) To change the color, use the color box to locate the color you want, and click the Choose
button to select it, or type in the number of the color in (#000 format) in the appropriate text box.
5. (Option) To delete the video transition, click the Delete button.

Adding Audio Transitions to Preroll or Postroll

Once you add a Preroll or Postroll to your video, you can then add video and audio transitions to it. When
the Edit Clip mode is active, use the Add Audio Transition icon on the Editing toolbar.

To add audio transitions:

1. Click the Add Audio Transition icon in the Editing toolbar, select Audio Fade out/in.
The icon changes to indicate that an audio transition has been added to the pre or post roll.

18 Using the Publisher App

2. (Option) To edit the audio transition, click the icon again.

3. (Option) If you want to change the duration of how long the audio transition fades in or out, type the
time in seconds in the Duration text box.
4. (Option) To delete the audio transition, click the Delete button.

Adding Dynamic Overlay

A Dynamic overlay is a graphic object with properties. Each dynamic overlay is customized by your System
Administrator according to the user needs.

Dynamic overlays can detect the selected aspect ratio and choose the right design (all is designed in
advance).Video Clips can be enhanced with dynamic overlays when the Edit Clip mode is active, using the
Dynamic overlay icon at the top of the Video Playback window.

Dynamic overlays can be added over any of the following:

l Video
l Animation
l Still images
To add a dynamic overlay:

1. When the Edit Clip mode is active, click the Dynamic Overlay icon in the Editing toolbar, and click the
Add new option.
A menu appears with a list of dynamic overlays that have been previously created by your System

18 Using the Publisher App

2. Select the dynamic overlay that you want to display on the video from the list.
Depending on the dynamic overlay selected, you will have different options to edit it’s appearance.

3. (Option) Edit these dynamic overlay properties as you wish: (Start/Length, End/Length, Start/End,
4. (Option) If you want to edit the dynamic overlay per aspect ratio, do the following:
a. Select an aspect ratio (16:9, 1:1, or 9:16).
b. Click the Select Image button.
The Select Image Overlay dialog box opens.

18 Using the Publisher App

c. Select an image from the Select Image Overlay dialog box by clicking the check mark in the
upper right corner of the image you want to select.

n If you do not want a dynamic overlay to display on the video, you can select the check
mark in the “No Image Overlay” image.

d. (Option) Change the horizontal, vertical, or scale of the Dynamic overlay by using the up and
down arrows that appear when you position the cursor under the appropriate heading.
e. (Option) Use the up and down arrow keys below the Angle field to adjust the angle of the
dynamic overlay.
5. (Option) To add additional Dynamic overlays to the video clip, repeat this procedure.
6. Click Close to close the Dynamic Overlay feature.

Adding Text Overlay

Video Clips can be enhanced with Text overlays, using the Text overlay icon at the top of the video playback

Text overlays can be added over any of the following:

l Video
l Animation
l Still images
To add text overlay:

1. When the Edit Clip mode is active, click the Add Text icon in the Editing toolbar.
Once enabled, a text box opens in the Video Playback window.

18 Using the Publisher App

2. Type your text that you want to display on the video in the text box.
3. (Option) To move the text, click in the middle of the text until you see the four-cornered arrow icon,
then drag and drop the text to wherever you want to on the Video Playback window.
4. Click the text again to regain focus on the text box and edit the text properties (size, color, etc.) for
the selected text.
The Text Overlay window opens to the right of the Video Playback window. The top portion is shown

5. (Option) If you want to set the Starting point and end point, and duration you want the text to
appear on the video, you can edit the following fields as appropriate.
– Start/Length
– End/Length
– Start/End
The bottom portion of the Text Overlay window includes the Edit Per Aspect Ratio dialog box opens.

18 Using the Publisher App

6. To select an aspect ratio, click the Edit Per Aspect Ratio button to enable the selection of an aspect
ratio (16:9, 1:1, or 9:16).

7. (Option) Edit any of the following text properties as desired:

a. Mode - Select Text or TextBox.
b. Select the Font Size/Font Family that you want to use for the text.
c. To change the color of the text, click the color square, and select the Color of the text from the
color palette.
d. Make any changes to the appearance of the text by clicking on any of the associated buttons
(e.g., Bold, Italics, Underline, Left Justified. Center, Right Justified).
e. If you want to keep the same text and apply it to all aspect ratios, click the “Keep text for all
ratios” check box.
f. If you want to change your text to “all Caps”, click the text you want to change, and click the
All Caps button.

18 Using the Publisher App

8. Once the text is set, click the Close button to close the Edit Per Aspect Ratio window.
9. (Option) To add additional text boxes to the video clip, repeat this procedure.

Adding Image Overlays

Video Clips can be enhanced with Image overlays when the Edit Clip mode is active, using the Add Image
icon at the top of the video playback window.

Image overlays can be added over any of the following:

l Video
l Animation
l Still images
To add image overlays:

1. When the Edit Clip mode is active, click the Add Image icon in the Editing toolbar.
The Select Image Overlay window opens.
2. Do one of the following:
t Select an existing image from the popup window by clicking on the check mark within the
image. You can also use the search criteria to help locate an image.
t Import a new image by clicking on the Import image as Preview (Cloud) icon. The Import Files
window opens. Locate your image by doing one of the following:
– Navigate to the location on your system that contains the file you want to import (e.g.,
My Computer), drag the file into the window.
– Click Upload a File. The Open dialog box opens. Select the File and click Open. The file
will be imported.

n The location of the image is set in the original image file. Images should be created with a frame
size of 1280x720 pixels, or other 16:9 aspect ratio. Save Images with a transparent background
in PNG format for best results.

3. Close the window, and click Save.

The file will be added to the video clip, as well as to the Select Image Overlay window with other
imported image overlays.
4. (Option) To add additional graphic overlays, repeat this procedure.

Editing 1:1 Video

Video Clips can be edited in 1:1 aspect ratio, using the Edit 1:1 icon at the top of the video playback window.

To edit 1:1 video:

1. Click the Edit 1:1 icon in the Editing toolbar.

The video starts playing in 1:1 aspect ratio.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click and hold the hand and wait for the 3,2,1 (stay with the mouse button pressed), the video
starts and from this point your mouse drag movements are being recorded until you release
the mouse button.
t Use the Fit icon to “Fit” the bounds of the clip from In point to Out Point to be completely visible

18 Using the Publisher App

on the thumbnail timeline.

3. (Option) Shrink or enlarge the edited area by using the slider.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Editing 9:16 Video

Video Clips can be edited in 9:16 is an option to change the area of interest within the 16:9 video in the
background, using the Edit 9:16 icon at the top of the Video Playback window.

To edit 9:16 video:

1. Click the Edit 9:16 icon in the Editing toolbar.

The video starts playing in 9:16 aspect ratio.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click and hold the hand and wait for the 3,2,1 (stay with the mouse button pressed), the video
starts and from this point your mouse drag movements are being recorded until you release
the mouse button.
t Use the Fit icon to “Fit” the bounds of the clip from In point to Out Point to be completely visible
on the thumbnail timeline.
3. (Option) Shrink or enlarge the edited area by using the slider.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Using Closed Captions with Your Video Clips

Closed Captions can be ingested with the video (SRT file), or manually typed (or edited). They can also be
generated manually or automatically (paying option).

Once closed captions are added to your video clip, they can be used in one of the following ways:
l Export the Closed Caption file (such as WebVTT or SRT) to your CMS or OVP.
l Download the closed caption file for use in other platforms.
l Burn the closed captions on the video so they become “open” captions.
Difference Between Subtitles and Closed Captions
Subtitles are generally intended for viewers who can hear, but prefer to read what is spoken, or perhaps
read what is spoken in an alternative language track. Subtitles are spoken words only.

Closed Captions, on the other hand, not only display the spoken words, but also indicate sounds like
“crashing” or “clapping”, indicate there is music being played, etc. In most video players (like your TV) there
is an option to enable or disable the displaying of the closed captions or subtitles.

If your video clip has embedded closed captions in either the EIA-608 or 708 formats, then the Publisher
app can automatically ingest, and display these captions.

If you do not have embedded closed captions on your video clips, you have two other options.
l When creating a clip, use the CC editor to manually type your captions. For more information, see
"Adding or Editing Subtitles (Closed Captions)" on page 596.
l Click on the CC button of the video player to enable the display of the closed captions being
ingested from your video clip. Once enabled, the CC button turns blue. Click again to disable closed

18 Using the Publisher App

Subtitle (Closed Caption) Formatting

The Edit Subtitle (Closed Caption) dialog box enables you to add new or edit existing subtitles. It can be
accessed by clicking on the Edit subtitles button on the Editing toolbar.

The following fields on the Subtitle / Closed Captioning user interface are described below:

Icon Name Description

Subtitle number Displays the incremental number of the subtitle. As more subtitles are
added, the number increases by one.

Play Plays the clip so that you can view the video content while you type
your subtitle.

Replay Replays the clip.

Replay Slow Replays the clip in slow motion.

Merge with Next Enables you to merge the current subtitle with the next subtitle.

Split at Cursor Enables you to split the subtitle at a position within the subtitle where
Position you place your cursor.

Begin / End Displays the beginning and ending timecode of the subtitle.

Duration Displays the duration of the subtitle.

Line / Characters Displays the line of the subtitle, and the number of characters
contained in it. The C/L ratio shows the number of characters per line
that is a useful indication for subtitle display.

For some formats (e.g., WebVTT), above a definite value, the subtitles
will be displayed on multiple lines.

The C/L ratio can indicate when another line is displayed, but it
depends on the subtitles format.

n A specific subtitle format can be configured by your System

Administrator in the SAAS platform, which then can be used to

18 Using the Publisher App

Icon Name Description

burn subtitles in the video.

Characters per Displays the number of characters per second in the subtitle line.
n This value can help the editor that writes subtitles to input a
sentence with a comfortable length. In fact, it has been
demonstrated that a user can easily read under a value below 12,
and can have some difficulties for values between 12 and 16.
Above 16, the user will most likely not read the subtitle
Add Subtitle Click to add another subtitle.

For more information, see "Adding or Editing Subtitles (Closed

Captions)" below.

Adding or Editing Subtitles (Closed Captions)

You can add or edit subtitles to video clips using the CC Edit icon at the top of the video playback window.
This includes typing all the captions, or just correcting existing captions text.

To add or edit subtitles:

1. Click the Edit Subtitle icon in the Editing toolbar.

The Add Subtitle dialog box opens, and the video starts playing.

2. Click on the text of any segment to edit the text.

n If there are embedded captions in your stream, they will be displayed in the timing segments in
the CC Editor.

n If there are no embedded captions, you can add captions in timed segments by clicking in the
box to enter a new subtitle.

18 Using the Publisher App

3. (Option) If you are manually typing captions, click the “+” icon to add a new segment, or press Enter
on your keyboard.

4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

5. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Publishing with Closed Captions
If you export your clip to a CMS, OVP or social media platform that supports CC (Like YouTube and
Facebook), then the sidecar file (like SRT or WebVTT) is automatically sent. If you prefer to have the
captions “burned” into the video, then select the option for the specific destination you want the captions

Publish Templates can specify the desired action for a specific destination. For example, you can set a
Twitter account to get Burned CC with a specific style, another TW account to get a “clean” video,
Facebook to get a sidecar file and your CMS to get a WebVTT file. Selecting the Publish Template for a clip
will automatically apply the desired settings.

Selecting the Publish Template for a clip will automatically apply the desired settings.

n You can send a “clean” version without the captions burned to some destinations while having the
“burned” version sent to others.

To publish with Closed Captions:

1. In the Clip Publishing details, click to expand the details for a specific destination.
The Image Selector window opens.

18 Using the Publisher App

2. In the Subtitles Publication field, select one of the following options:

t Default - Leave the value to default to send the SRT file to the destination, if that destination
supports it.
t No - Select No, to publish the video without subtitles or closed captions.
t Burn: Default Style - Select one of the predefined Closed Caption options. There might
additional closed captions “Styles” to choose from (e.g., Decorators tab > Subtitles option). You
can also create your own. For more information, see "Defining Closed Caption Options" below.
3. Once the clip is published, the desired Closed Caption option will be applied to each destination.
Defining Closed Caption Options
You can define you own Closed Caption styles.

To define Closed Caption options:

1. Navigate to the Clip Management tab.

2. Click the tab for Decorators, then select the Subtitles option from the menu on the left to display only
The available Subtitle styles (e.g., Default Style) appear.

3. Click the subtitle that you want to modify.

The available Subtitle styles (e.g., Default Style) appear.

18 Using the Publisher App

4. In the Dynamic Overlay field, type the new name of the Template over the existing name. This will
create a copy of the original Default Style Template which will be intact when you save the new one.
5. Modify the styles of the new template as you wish.
6. Click Save.
The new style you created (e.g., Text CC Template Style) appears in the Subtitles page of the
Decorator tab.

Adding or Editing Exclusion Zones within the Video Clip

The Exclusion Zone icon from the Editing toolbar enables you designate one or more segments to be
excluded from the video clip. For example, if you have a 1 min and 30-second clip, and there is a 25-second
segment near the beginning of the clip, and another 30-second segment in the middle of the clip, you can
mark those “zones”. Then, when the clip is exported or shared to social media, the rendered video clip will
exclude those segments. So instead of a 1:30 length clip, you now have a 35-seconds only clip of the
specific content you wanted to post.

18 Using the Publisher App

To edit exclusion zones:

1. Click the Edit Exclusion Zones icon in the Editing toolbar.

The Edit Exclusions User interface opens.

2. Edit the exclusion zone as you want by dragging the blue box in the timeline to contain the part of the
video that you want excluded.
3. (Option) To add an exclusion zone, click the + button.
A new exclusion zone will be created that starts immediately after the previous one. You can edit this
exclusion zone to begin and when whenever you wish by clicking and dragging the blue box in the
timeline to the desired location.

18 Using the Publisher App

4. Click Save to save your changes.

Downloading Clips to Your Local Workstation

Publisher lets you download a clip to your local workstation.

Clips are downloaded to the location in your Browser that is set for downloads.

To download a clip to your local workstation:

1. Click the Download the clip (MP4) icon.

The Select Format dialog box opens.

2. (Option) If you only want the change the output format from what is displayed (e.g., 720p), click the
arrow to the right of the current output format, and select a new format (e.g., 720p_square) from the
3. (Option) If you want to change the subtitle burning style from what is displayed (e.g., no subtitle
burned), click the arrow to the right of the Subtitles burning style field, and select a new format (e.g.,

18 Using the Publisher App

Default Style) from the list.

4. Click the Download button.
The clip will be downloaded to your local workstation.

Downloading Subtitles to Your Workstation

You can download subtitles to your local workstation.

n Subtitles are downloaded as an .srt file to the location in your system that is set for downloads.
To download a subtitle to your local workstation:

1. Click the Download Subtitles icon.

The Subtitles in the currently loaded clip will be downloaded to your system as an .srt file in the
location in your system that is set for downloads.
2. Click the Save button to save your clip, or click the Publish button to publish your clip.

Cloning a Video or Image

You can clone a video or image to your local workstation. Cloning basically creates a copy of the video, for
you to perform edits on. You can also clone (save) the video as an image or GIF.

n You can also assign the video to your local profile.

To clone an image:

1. Click the Clone icon.

The Clone drop list opens.

2. Select one of the options (which may be different depending on what type of media is displayed):
t Clone - Creates a copy of the media and enables you to save it to your local profile as the
same format in which it is currently (video, image, GIF) in the Clips Management tab.
t Clone as Video - Creates a copy of the media and enables you to save it to your local profile as
a video in the Clips Management tab.
t Clone as Image - Creates an image of your video and enables you to save it to your local
profile in the Clips Management tab.
t Clone as GIF - Creates a GIF of your video and enables you to save it to your local profile in
the Clips Management tab.
t Copy link to clipboard - Enables you to copy a link to your clipboard.
t Assign to Profile - Enables you to select which profile this clip or image will be associated with.
If you select this option, the following dialog box opens. Go to the next step.
The Assign to Profile dialog box opens.

18 Using the Publisher App

3. Use the sliders on the right to select or deselect the profiles that you want to assign to the content.
Or, click the Unselect All or Select All buttons, and click OK to accept your changes.
You will receive a message saying the clip was assigned to the profile(s) successfully.

Setting Thumbnail Images

When adding Thumbnail images, you can set specific or unique thumbnail images. The Thumbnail tool is
located at the top right of the Clip Details window.

Once you load a clip, the Clip Details area opens:

You can add thumbnail images to your video clips in the following ways:
l "Selecting the Current Frame as the Thumbnail Image" on the next page
l "Selecting a Specific Video Frame as a Thumbnail Image" on the next page

18 Using the Publisher App

l "Selecting an Existing Image or Uploading an External Image" below

l "Editing or Cropping an Existing Thumbnail Image" on the next page
l "Downloading a Thumbnail Image to Your Local Workstation" on page 606
Selecting the Current Frame as the Thumbnail Image
The Thumbnail tool is located at the top right of the Clip Details window.

To select the current frame as the Thumbnail image:

t Click the Select Thumbnail icon.
The current frame is used as the thumbnail for the loaded video clip.
Selecting a Specific Video Frame as a Thumbnail Image
You select a specific frame from the video to use as your thumbnail image.

To select a specific video frame:

1. Click the Select Thumbnail icon.

The Image Selector window opens.

2. Locate the video frame that you want to use by scrubbing through the video using the scrub tool, and
then refine your thumbnail by using the frame by frame controls to select the exact frame.
3. When you have located the frame you want to use, click the Save button.
The thumbnail image appears in the Clip Details window.
Selecting an Existing Image or Uploading an External Image
You can select an image that has already been imported as your thumbnail. Or, upload a new image.

To select an existing image or upload a new image:

1. Click the Choose an External Image as Thumbnail icon.

The window opens showing the gallery of existing (previously imported) images that are available to

18 Using the Publisher App

2. View the images available to you, and do one of the following:

t Select an image you want to use by clicking the checkbox in the upper right corner of the
image. The thumbnail image appears in the Clip Details window. Go to Step 7.
t Upload a new image to use by clicking on the Upload (Cloud) icon.
The Import Files dialog box opens. Go to Step 3.
3. Either drag and drop a file into the window, or click Upload a File.
If you selected Upload a File, the Open dialog box opens.
4. Navigate to the file you want to use, select it, and click Open.
The File opens in the Imported Files tab, and the Clip Details area.
5. Adjust the size of the image by dragging the corners.
6. When you have located the image you want to use, click Save.
The file will be added to the video clip, as well as to the gallery with the other imported images.

n The location of the image is set in the original image file. Images should be created with a frame
size of 1280x720 pixels, or other 16:9 aspect ratio. Save Images with a transparent background
in PNG format for best results.

7. (Option) To add additional previously imported thumbnail images or upload new thumbnail images,
repeat this procedure.
Editing or Cropping an Existing Thumbnail Image
You can edit or crop an existing thumbnail image.

18 Using the Publisher App

To edit or crop a Thumbnail image:

1. Click the Edit Thumbnail image icon.

The Edit Your Thumbnail dialog box opens showing all of the previously imported images that are
available to you.

2. (Option) If you only want to display a portion of the image, click and hold the red corner markers to
drag in or out to adjust the cropped area displaying what you want to display for the image.
3. Select the Aspect Ratio Selector to crop the image for each specific aspect ratio and determine the
orientation of the image. Options are:
t 16:9 landscape
t 9:16 portrait
t 1:1 square
n The location of the image is set in the original image file. Images should be created with a frame
size of 1280x720 pixels, or other 16:9 aspect ratio. Save Images with a transparent background
in PNG format for best results.

4. Click Save to save your changes.

Downloading a Thumbnail Image to Your Local Workstation
You can download a thumbnail image to your local workstation.

To download a Thumbnail image to your local workstation:

1. Click the Download icon.

The Select Format dialog box opens.

18 Using the Publisher App

2. (Option) If you only want the change the output format from what is displayed (e.g., 720p), click the
arrow to the right of the current output format, and select a new format (e.g., 720p_square) from the
3. Click the Download button.
The clip will be downloaded to your local workstation.

19 Using the Associations App

19 Using the Associations App

The Associations app provides features for viewing and editing relations between assets. Using the
Associations app you can do the following:
l View, add, edit, and delete associations between Asset Management assets
l View relatives of Production Management assets
In the following the umbrella term “relations” is used if both associations and relatives are affected at the
same time; in the same way the umbrella term “relation types” is used for association types and relative

The Associations app is used to show you all assets that are related to the source asset open in the app. You
can view the displayed relations and navigate and preview the related assets. The following illustration
shows an example for associations of an Asset Management video open in the Associations app.

Display or Control Description

1 Asset title Displays the name of the asset that is currently loaded into the Associations
app (“source asset”).

When you hover the mouse pointer over the menu an asset card appears that
shows metadata of the source asset. Double-click the asset card to open the
source asset in the Asset Editor. See "Opening Related Assets in the Asset
Editor" on page 621.

19 Using the Associations App

Display or Control Description

You can click the down arrow on the Asset title menu to display and access
recently viewed assets. See "Opening Recently Viewed Assets" on page 618.
2 Navigate to Parent Navigates to the parent of the asset in the pane (Asset Management
button hierarchical associations only). The button is only enabled if the asset that is
open in the app has one parent asset. If it has no parent or more than one
parent asset, the button is disabled.

See "Switching Between Related Assets Within the App" on page 621.
3 Pin button Toggles pinning of the current asset on or off. When pinning is toggled on, the
button is colored blue. Pinning prevents the current asset from being replaced
by an asset from another app. Pinning does not disable opening another asset
from within the app using navigation or the recently viewed assets menu.
4 Refresh button Refreshes the current view in the app.
5 Expand All and Expand All button expands all relation types and shows all relations in the app.
Collapse All buttons Collapse All button hides all relations from the app and shows only the relation

See "Viewing Relations" on page 617.

6 View option buttons Lets you toggle the Relations area layout between Card view and List view.

See "View Options" on page 613.

7 Display and sorting Lets you define sorting criteria and the metadata information displayed in the
options asset card pop-up window (Card view) or columns (List view).

See "Sort By Menu" on page 615, "Sort Order Menu" on page 616 and "Display
Options Menu" on page 616.
8 Dock and Close Docks the Associations app and closes the Associations app.
9 Remove Association (Asset Management only) Removes the selected association(s). The button is
(s) button only enabled if at least one association is selected that the user has the right
to delete.

See "Deleting Associations (Asset Management)" on page 628.

10 Filter button Toggles the Filters sidebar on and off.

l When toggled on, the button is colored blue, and the Filters sidebar is
shown to the left of the Relations area.
l When toggled off, the button is colored white, and the Filters sidebar is
See "Showing and Hiding the Filters Sidebar" on page 618.

The number beside the Filter button indicates the number of selected relation

19 Using the Associations App

Display or Control Description

types. If all types are selected, no number is shown. If all types are deselected,
0 is shown.

See "Filtering the Displayed Relation Types" on page 619.

11 Filters sidebar Lets you define a filter for displaying associated assets or relative types.

See "Filtering the Displayed Relation Types" on page 619.

12 Relation Types Each relation type that is set for the current asset is shown as a separate
group. For each relation type, the following are shown:

l A type icon
l The type name followed by the number of associations / relatives in
l An Expand / Collapse toggle button. Use the button to show and hide
the relations of the type.
13 Relations Area Shows all assets related with the current asset grouped by relation types. You
can expand and collapse all types in the Relations area using the toolbar
Expand and Collapse buttons. You can filter the displayed relation types using
the Filters sidebar. You can show the Relations area in Card view or List view

See "Display Options in the Card and List View Layout" on page 613.
14 Relations Each associated asset (“association”) resp. related asset (“relative”) is shown
as an asset card in Card view or row in List view. Double-click the asset card to
open the asset in the Asset Editor.

See "Opening Related Assets in the Asset Editor" on page 621.

Understanding Asset Management Associations

Associations are relations between assets that help structure your assets. Associations also allow easy and
quick navigation (without searching) between assets.

The associations available are determined by the underlying data model. The MediaCentral Asset
Management default data model uses hierarchical, directional, and non-directional associations.
l Hierarchical: Assets are associated in a superior and subordinate way. Hierarchical associations
automatically establish the corresponding reverse association. Example: When asset C “contains”
asset D, then automatically asset D “belongs to” asset C.
l Directional: Assets are associated in a sequential way. Directional associations automatically
establish the corresponding reverse association. Example: When asset A “refers to” asset B, then
automatically asset B “is referred to by” asset A.
l Non-directional: Assets are associated without a specific direction.
The MediaCentral Asset Management default data model generally supports associations between assets
of the same class (for example, between two videos) and between different classes (for example, between
video and audio, or between video and shotlist). The classes associated are determined by the underlying
data model. The data model also determines the labels that are used for the associations.

19 Using the Associations App

Associations can be created automatically by the system or manually in MediaCentral Asset Management
Desktop and MediaCentral Cloud UX. Which associations can be edited and created manually depends on
the system configuration. Once an association is set, the references can be used in MediaCentral Cloud UX
to navigate between associated assets.

n In a default configuration, hierarchical associations are created based on metadata fields between
assets in the following hierarchy lines: Series > Season > Episode > Episode Version, Commercial >
Commercial Version, and Feature > Feature Version. You cannot create or delete associations for
assets of these asset classes in the Associations app.

Understanding Production Management Relatives

Production Management recognizes that elements such as subclips, master clips, and sequences can be
associated with each other. That is, they can be codependent or reference each other. Starting with version
2020.9, you can find an asset's media relatives (clips that are referenced by a sequence or sequences that
reference a clip) through the Associations app. Using the Associations app, you can quickly see which
elements or assets compose another element and which elements reference the specified element. In this
way the relationship between elements is bidirectional: open a sequence and you see its clips; open a clip
and you see the sequences in which it is used. This listing of relatives makes it easy for someone who is not
involved with the project to find shots, sequences, and so on.

The Associations app can display relatives for the following asset types:
l Master clip
l Subclip
l Sequence
l Group clip
l Stereoscopic Master clip
l Stereoscopic Subclip
l Motion effect

n The Associations app does not display Production Management associations, this means, it does not
provide a list of locations where a file is stored in the database. To see the associations of a Production
Management asset, use the Object Inspector’s Association tab of the Production Management Access
Client. For more information, see the Interplay | Access User’s Guide.

Working in the Associations App

The Associations app is divided into the Relations area and Filters sidebar. The Filters sidebar is hidden by

n Starting with version 2020.4, you do not need to open the Associations app first before you open an
asset. Use the “Open in” feature to open the Associations app and load the asset into the app.

Note the following:

l The interaction between the Associations app and another core app for opening assets and creating
associations requires that one of the apps is docked; when using the Open in > Associations feature it
does not matter, which of the apps is docked.
l If you open the Associations app for the first time during a session, the app shows a “No asset
loaded” message.

19 Using the Associations App

l Opening an asset by using drag and drop from the Browse or Search app only works if no asset was
opened in the Associations app before. After you opened an asset in the Associations app, each drag
and drop operation from the Browse or Search app initiates the “create association” feature.
l If loading the asset takes some time, a loading spinner is shown until the asset is opened.
l If you open an asset which has no relations, the Associations app shows the “This asset has no
associations” message.
l If you open an asset for which associations are not supported, an “Associations are not supported for
<asset name>” message pops-up on the toolbar. You can close the pop-up by clicking the x button or
wait until it is hidden (after 5 seconds).
l If you have applied a filter in the previous session, the Associations app might not show all available
relations but only those that match the applied filter criteria. See "Filtering the Displayed Relation
Types" on page 619.
To open the Associations app from the Fast Bar:
t Click the Associations app button on the Fast Bar.
t Place your cursor over the Associations app button in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the main
area of the user interface.
t Place your cursor over the Associations app button in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the left
side of the user interface.
The app opens. If dropped to the left side of the user interface, the Associations app is docked.

To open the Associations app and load an asset at the same time:

1. Open the Browse or Search app.

2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click an asset and in the context menu that opens select Open in > Associations.
t (If the Associations app is defined as the default app) Double-click an asset in the Browse or
Search app.
The Browse or Search app is docked. The Associations app opens in the main area and the asset is
loaded into the app.
To load an asset in the already open Associations app:

1. If the Associations app is not docked, do one of the following:

t Dock the Associations app and then open the Browse or Search app.
t Open the Browse or Search app in docked mode.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click an asset and in the context menu that opens select Open in > Associations.
t (If the Associations app is defined as the default app) Double-click an asset in the Browse or
Search app.
t (Only if “No asset loaded” is shown) Select an asset in the Browse and Search app, drag it to
the Associations app, and drop it on the “Open in Associations App” overlay.
You see the following:
– If an asset is already open in the Associations app and the asset is not pinned, the new asset
opens in the app.
– If an asset is already open in the Associations app and the asset is pinned, the new asset does
not open in the app.

19 Using the Associations App

To toggle the Relations area layout:

t Click the Card view button to show the Relations area in Card view layout.
t Click the List view button to show the Relations area in List view layout.
See "Display Options in the Card and List View Layout" below.
To show and hide relations:
t Click the Expand All button to expand all relation types and show all relations in the Relations area.
t Click the Collapse All button to collapse all types and hide all relations from the Relations area.
To open recently viewed assets:
t In the Associations app header, click the down arrow beneath the asset title and select one of the
recently loaded assets.
To navigate to the parent asset in the app (Asset Management hierarchical associations only):
t Click the Parent button.
To prevent the current asset from being replaced from outside the app:
t Click the Pin button.
To refresh the app display:
t Click the Refresh button.
To select several relations:
t Press Ctrl+click the relations you want to select, regardless of order or arrangement.
t Click a relation and then press Shift+click the relation that ends the series of you want to select. All
other relations are deselected.
t Press Ctrl+Shift+click a relation above or below the highlighted selection. Depending on the last
operation performed before with Ctrl+click, the selection range is extended or reduced.
To deselect relations:
t Click outside an asset card (Card view) or row (List view) in the Relations area.
t Click the Refresh button.
t Collapse the relation type that includes selected relations.
t Click the Collapse All button.

Display Options in the Card and List View Layout

The Relations area toolbar includes a set of options that can be used to modify the area’s view.

View Options

The Relations area is displayed in Card view by default. However, you can change the look of the area by
clicking the List View button. Depending on the selected view, assets are listed with varying levels of detail
related to the metadata.

Button Name Description

Card view Displays each related asset as an asset card. For each asset, the following are

l A header frame or placeholder icon.

19 Using the Associations App

Button Name Description

l The asset name and type icon.
l The creation date. The date is shown in the format that is defined as date
format in the User Settings.
l The Show Association button, which is shown when you hover the mouse
over the asset card. Click the button to open the asset in the Associations
app. See "Switching Between Related Assets Within the App" on page 621.
When you hover the mouse over the right side of an asset card, three dots are
shown at the bottom right corner of the asset card; when you hover the mouse over
the dots, a pop-up window shows metadata. You can define which metadata is to
be shown in the Display Options menu. See "Display Options Menu" on page 616.
List view Displays the related assets as a list. For each asset, the following are shown:

l The asset type icon

l A header frame
l Selected metadata fields listed in columns
l The Show Association button, which is shown when you hover the mouse
over the asset. Click the button to open the asset in the Associations app.
The following columns are shown by default: Asset type icon (no label), Thumbnail,
Name, Created. You can show and hide additional columns.

You can adjust the width of columns and rearrange the order of columns by
dragging and dropping.

The following illustration shows you the Relations area for an Asset Management video in Card view.

The following illustration shows you the Relations area for the same Asset Management video in List view.

19 Using the Associations App

The following illustration shows you the Relations area for a Production Management master clip in Card

The following illustration shows you the Relations area for the same Production Management master clip in
List view.

Sort By Menu

The Sort By menu lets you select the property that is used for sorting the contents of the Relations area. The
Sort By menu is available in both the Card and List view. In List view, you can also click on a column header
to sort the contents. The Name property is selected by default. The selection of the sort by property persists

19 Using the Associations App

from one session to another.

n Sorting is only applied to the entries within each association type. Sorting does not change the display
order of associations types.

When you click the “sort by” field, the system displays a menu of single-value properties that can be used
for sorting. The menu is populated with a list of common sorting options followed by additional properties
grouped by module type. You can review the list of properties using the scroll bar on the right-side of the
menu. If you are looking for a specific property, you can search for the name of the property by entering it
in the text bar at the top of the menu.

To sort using the Sort By menu:

1. Click the Sort By drop-down menu.

A list of properties appears. The property that is currently used for sorting is highlighted with a blue
2. Do one of the following:
– Start typing in the filter text box. The menu filters the list to all properties containing the letters
you type.
– Scroll down the list and expand the property groups to show more properties.
3. Click the property you want to use for sorting.
The Sort By menu closes and the contents of each association type is sorted by the selected property.
Sort Order Menu

The Sort Order menu lets you define the sort order: ascending or descending. Ascending is the default sort
order. It sorts associations sequentially, beginning with the lowest number and the first letter
alphabetically. The only exception are dates, for which Descending is the default sort order. It sorts
associations sequentially, beginning with the newest date.

The last selected sort order persists from one session to another.

To change the sort order:

l Select Ascending or Descending from the Sort Order menu.
l (List view only) Click the heading of the column by which you want to sort.
The value selected in the Sort Order menu determines if sorting is applied in ascending or descending order
— and can be reversed by clicking the column heading again.

Display Options Menu

The Display options menu shows you all single-value properties from the connected modules that you can
use in the Relations area. The menu lets you define the following:
l The columns that are shown in List view.
l The properties that are shown in the pop-up info for each asset in Card view.
The following are shown by default: Icon, Thumbnail, Name, Created. Name is mandatory and cannot be
hidden. Changes you apply to the Display options menu persist from one session to another.

You can change the display format of date-time attributes, such as Created or Modified, in the User
Settings. See "User Settings" on page 674.

19 Using the Associations App

When you click the Display options field, the system displays a menu of single-value properties that can be
used with the Associations app. The menu is populated with a list of common sorting options followed by
additional properties grouped by module type. You can review the list of properties using the scroll bar on
the right-side of the menu. If you are looking for a specific property, you can search for the name of the
property by entering it in the text bar at the top of the menu.

To select properties:

1. Click the Display options drop-down menu.

A list of properties appears. The properties that are currently used are highlighted with a blue check
2. Do one of the following:
– Start typing in the filter text box. The menu filters the list to all properties containing the letters
you type.
– Scroll down the list and expand the property groups to show more properties.
3. Click the check boxes of the properties you want to use.
4. (optional) Select additional properties to add more columns to the Relations area or deselect
properties to remove them from the area.
5. Do one of the following:
– Press Enter or click an area outside of the menu to apply your changes.
– Press Esc to revert your changes.

Changing the Order and Size of Columns in List view

You can reorder the columns by simply dragging and dropping the column to a new position in the List view.
You can use your mouse to click on the divider between two columns to adjust a column to a custom size.

To rearrange the column order:

t Click and drag a column head to the left or right column.
A blue line shown to the left of the column indicates the drop target.
To adjust the column width:
t Click the column divider and drag it to the left or right.

Viewing Relations
The Associations app lets you see all associations (Asset Management) or relatives (Production
Management) of the asset currently open in the app. By default, the app shows all relation types that are
set for the asset. For Asset Management, the underlying data model defines which association types can be

If you have applied a filter in the previous session, the Relations area might not show all available relations
but only those that match the applied filter criteria. See "Filtering the Displayed Relation Types" on
page 619.

To display related assets:

1. Open the asset for which you want to see the relations in the Associations app.
2. (optional) Toggle between Card view and List view layout.
3. Do one of the following:

19 Using the Associations App

t Click the Expand All button.

All relation types are expanded and all relations are shown in the Relations area.
t Click the Expand button of an individual relation type.

The type is expanded and its relations are shown in the Relations area.
Each relation is displayed as an asset card (Card view) or row (List view) that provides basic information on
the asset.

Opening Recently Viewed Assets

MediaCentral Cloud UX keeps the last 10 assets that you loaded in the Associations app. You can select any
of these assets to display, rather than selecting them from the Browse app directories. The list of assets is
stored in your local browser cache and the history persists from one session to another. However as the
history is stored locally, the same list does not follow you if you move to a different workstation.

The ability to open recently viewed assets is not disabled by pinning the source asset.

To open one of the last 10 assets loaded:

1. In the Associations app header, click the down arrow beneath the asset title to view the list of
recently loaded assets. For each asset, the list shows the asset title and a type icon; for remote
assets, a downward-pointing arrow appears over the icon.

2. Click the name of the asset to load it in the Associations app.

Showing and Hiding the Filters Sidebar

When you first access the Associations app, the Filters sidebar is hidden. Show the Filters sidebar to define
filters for the displayed relation types. Alternatively, you can resize or collapse the sidebar to increase the
screen space for the Relations area.

19 Using the Associations App

When you dock the Associations app the sidebar is hidden. Undocking the Associations app restores the
Relations area but does not restore the sidebar. For more information on docking apps, see "Docking Apps"
on page 45.

To show the sidebar:

t Click the white Filter button.
The Filters sidebar is shown to the left of the Relations area. The Filter button is colored blue.
To resize the sidebar:
t Click and drag the divider that separates the sidebar from the Relations area to a new position.
To collapse the sidebar, do one of the following:
t Click the blue Filter button.
t Click the Filters sidebar’s Collapse button.
t Decrease the Associations app size until the Relations area reaches a minimal width.

Filtering the Displayed Relation Types

The Associations app lets you see all associations or relatives of the asset currently open in the app. By
default, the Relations area shows the relation types that are set for the asset; empty types are hidden.

Use the Filters sidebar to define filters. You can apply a filter to show and hide specific relation types.
Additionally, you can show and hide empty relation types. Showing empty association types might be
required if you create new associations. See "Creating Associations (Asset Management)" on page 623.

Note the following:

l For Asset Management assets, the Filters sidebar shows the association types that are configured for
the Asset Management system of the source asset that is open in the app. It is limited to the
association types that can be set for the asset.
l For Production Management assets, the Filter sidebar shows the relative types of the source asset
that is open in the app. The supported relative types are defined by the data model of the Production
Management system.
l By default, all relation types are selected in the Filters sidebar. Since the “Always show empty
groups” toggle is disabled by default, only populated relation types are shown in the Relations area.
l The filter window does not prevent you from deselecting all available relations. If you do so, the
Associations app does not show any relation type at all after the filter is applied.
l The filter persists from one session to another.
To filter the displayed relation types:

1. Open the asset for which you want to see the relations in the Associations app.
2. Click the white Filter button.

19 Using the Associations App

The Filters sidebar opens. It shows all relation types that can be set for the asset and the number of
existing relations for each type. All types are selected; displaying empty relation types is hidden by

The Filters sidebar for an Asset Management video asset (left) and a Production Management master clip (right)

3. In the Filters sidebar, select the relation types you want to show or deselect the relation types you
want to hide. Use the Select All check box to select or deselect all relation types at the same time.
The number beneath the Filter button indicates the number of selected relation types. If all relation
types are selected, no number is shown. If you deselect all relation types, 0 is shown.
The Relations area only shows the relations that match the selected filter; empty relations are not
shown by default even if they are selected in the Filters sidebar. If you have deselected all relation
types, an “All association types have been filtered. Open the filters panel to revise the selection”
message is shown on the empty Relations area.
4. To show also empty relation types in the Relations area, click the “Always show empty groups”
toggle so it turns blue and is moved to the right.

The “empty groups” toggle for an Asset Management video asset (left) and a Production Management master clip (right)

To hide empty relation types again, click the blue “Always show empty groups” toggle so it turns
white and is moved to the left.
5. (optional) Hide the Filters sidebar. For more information, see "Showing and Hiding the Filters Sidebar"
on page 618.

19 Using the Associations App

Switching Between Related Assets Within the App

You can use the Associations app to switch between the source asset and a related asset directly within the
app. Pinning the source asset has no effect on whether it is replaced by the related asset.

(Asset Management only) If the asset is included in a hierarchical association, you can directly open the
parent asset in the Associations app. The Navigate to Parent button is enabled only if the asset open in the
app has one parent asset. If the asset has no parent or more than one parent asset, the button is disabled.

To navigate using relations:

1. Open the asset for which you want to see the relations in the Associations app.
2. Expand the relation types in the Relations area.
3. Do one of the following:
t In Card view, hover the mouse over the asset card of the related asset you want to open in the
Associations app and click the Show Associations button that is shown on the asset card.

t In List view, hover the mouse over the entry of the related asset and click the Show Associations
button that is shown on the right side of the row.

t (Asset Management) Click the Navigate to Parent button to navigate to the parent asset of the
asset open in the app.

The asset is opened and set as new source asset in the Associations app. The previously
opened source asset is added to the recently opened asset list.

Opening Related Assets in the Asset Editor

You can use the existing relations to directly open connected assets in the Asset Editor. Pinning the source
asset has no effect on how related assets are opened in the Asset Editor.

n Playing stereoscopic clips and motions effects in the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer is not supported. You
can open a stereoscopic clip or motions effect only by double-click or using the Open in >Asset Editor
feature to display its metadata in the Asset Editor’s Metadata tab.

To open related assets in the Asset Editor:

1. Open the asset for which you want to see the relations in the Associations app.
2. Expand the relation types in the Relations area.
3. To open a related asset, do one of the following in Card or List view:

19 Using the Associations App

t Double-click the asset entry of the relation.

t Right-click the asset entry and in the Open in context menu that opens select Asset Editor.
t Drag the asset entry of the association to the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer.
The related asset is opened in Asset Editor’s Source Monitor.
4. To open an related sequence, do one of the following in Card or List view:
t Double-click the asset entry of the relation, or
Right-click the asset entry and in the Open in context menu that opens select Asset Editor.
The related sequence is opened in Asset Editor’s Record Monitor.
t Press the Ctrl key and double-click the asset entry of the relation.
The related sequence is opened in Asset Editor’s Source Monitor.
t Drag the asset entry of the relation to the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer.
The related sequence is opened in the currently active Monitor of the Asset Editor (Source or
5. To open the source asset, hover the mouse pointer over the asset title in the Associations app toolbar
and do one of the following:
t Double-click the asset card of the source asset.
t Drag the asset card of the source asset to the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer.

The source asset is opened in Asset Editor.

The source asset is still displayed in the Associations app.

Reusing Related Assets

You can reuse assets that are shown in the Associations app in different ways. Which option is available for
a related asset is defined by its module type (Asset Management or Production Management) and might
differ between asset types of the same module. The procedures for reusing related assets are the same in
Card view and List view layout.

To add a related asset to a folder:

1. In the Associations app, open an asset and expand all relation types so that the related assets are
2. Open and dock the Browse app, and expand the folder structure so that the target folder is shown.
3. In the Associations app, select an related asset, drag it to the name or icon or results area of the
target folder in the Browse app, and release the mouse button.
(Asset Management) A valid asset reference is pasted into the folder, a reference to an asset that is
not allowed as contents of the folder is not pasted.
(Production Management) A copy of the asset is created in the Production Management database. If
there is already an asset with the same identifier in the target folder, a message opens and the asset
is not pasted.

19 Using the Associations App

To locate a related asset in a folder:

1. In the Associations app, open an asset and expand all relation types so that the related assets are
2. Right-click an asset and in the context menu that opens select Open in > Browse.
The Associations app is docked.
If the asset is stored only in one folder, the folder opens in a new Browse app instance in the main
area, with the selected asset highlighted.
If the asset is stored in more than one folder, the Select the folder to open window opens and displays
a list of folders that contain the asset. Double-click one of the listed folders or select a folder and
click Open. The folder opens in a new Browse app instance in the main area, with the selected asset
highlighted. For more information, see "Locating Assets in Folders" on page 89.
To start a process for a related asset:

1. In the Associations app, open an asset and expand all relation types so that the related assets are
2. Right-click an asset and in the Actions menu select the process that is to be started for the asset.
Which processes are shown in the Actions menu is defined by the module type (Asset Management or
Production Management asset), licensed Asset Management features, and might differ between
asset types of the same module. For example, the Actions menu will show less processes for an Asset
Management audio asset than for an Asset Management video asset.
(Asset Management) To load a video asset into Cataloger:

1. In the Associations app, open an asset and expand all relation types so that the related assets are
2. Right-click a video asset and in the context menu that opens select Open with external app... >
For more information, see "Opening Assets with an External Application" on page 51.
(Asset Management) To attach an asset to a task:

1. In the Associations app, open an asset and expand all relation types so that the related assets are
2. Open the Tasks app and select the task to which you want to attach the asset.
3. In the Associations app, select the asset and drag it to the asset area of the task in the Tasks app.
A head frame of the video asset or a clip icon of an audio asset is displayed in the asset area, along
with metadata describing the asset. If you dragged an invalid asset type, the asset is not attached.
For more information, see "Adding and Editing User Task Attachments" on page 666.

Creating Associations (Asset Management)

You can create new associations in the Associations app by relating already created assets. Note the
following limitations:
l You must have the create associations permissions in MediaCentral Asset Management.
l Which asset types can be associated is defined and restricted by the underlying MediaCentral Asset
Management data model.

19 Using the Associations App

l You can only associate assets from the same MediaCentral Asset Management system.
l You cannot associate an asset twice with the same asset but you can associate an asset with several
To allow previewing assets without loading them in the Associations app (for example, for a review before
setting the association), the current asset can be pinned: if the asset is pinned, loading new assets from
another app is ignored.

The Associations app provides two options to create associations:

l Using the association types shown in the toolbar overlay.
l Using the association types shown in the Relations area.
By default, empty associations types are not shown in the Relations area. If you want to create an
association with a yet unused association type in the Relations area, enable “Always show empty groups”
in the Filters sidebar. See "Filtering the Displayed Relation Types" on page 619. The procedure for creating
associations is the same in Card view and List view layout.

To prepare associating assets:

1. Open and dock the Browse or Search app.

2. Open the asset for which you want to create new associations in the Associations app.
3. Click the white Pin button so that it turns blue to pin the current asset.
4. (optional) Toggle between Card view and List view layout.
To associate assets using the Relations area:

1. Open the Filters sidebar and define which asset types are to be shown in the Relations area. You
might need to display empty association types by toggling “Always show empty groups” on.
2. Expand the associations types in the Relations area.
3. To load the source asset, do one of the following:
t Locate the assets you want to use for creating new associations in the Browse or Search app.
t Open an asset in the Asset Editor.
4. To access the target asset, do one of the following:
t In the Browse or Search app, select one or several assets and drag them to the desired
association type in the Associations app’s Relations area.
t In the Asset Editor, click the image in the Media Viewer and drag it to the desired association
type in the Associations app’s Relations area.
For an empty associations type, a “Drop here to create an association” area is displayed as soon as
the dragged selection is positioned in the Associations app.

When you hover the mouse pointer over existing associated assets or the “Drop here to create an
association” area, the following happens:

19 Using the Associations App

– If dropping is possible for at least one asset in your selection, a blue drop zone with blue plus
icon is shown. The drop zone shows the message “Associate as <association type>”.

– If associations are not supported or you drag an invalid asset type, a corresponding message
is displayed, as shown in the following example.

5. Drop the asset(s) to the drop zone.

For each valid asset, an association is created and an asset card is shown. If the dropped selection
includes some assets that cannot be associated or all assets in the selection cannot be dropped, a
corresponding message opens, as shown in the following example.

To associate assets using the toolbar overlay:

1. To load the source asset, do one of the following:

t Locate the assets you want to use for creating new associations in the Browse or Search app.
t Open an asset in the Asset Editor.
2. To access the target asset, do one of the following:
t In the Browse or Search app, select one or several assets and drag them to the Associations
t In the Asset Editor, click the image in the Media Viewer and drag it to the Associations app.
A “Drag here to select another association type” drop zone overlay is displayed below the toolbar as
soon as the dragged selection is positioned in the Associations app.

19 Using the Associations App

The overlay is hidden when you press the Esc key or drag the selection outside the Associations app.
3. Drag the selection to the “Drag here to select another association type” drop zone overlay.
The drop zone overlay is replaced by the Association Type selection overlay.
The Association Type selection overlay only shows the association types that are supported both for
the asset open in the app and the assets in the drag selection with the corresponding association
type icon and name. In the overlay top area a “Drop here to cancel” zone is shown. If for no asset in
the selection an association can be created, a corresponding message opens.

4. (optional) To cancel the association creation, do one of the following:

t Drop the selection to the “Drop here to cancel” zone.
t Press the Esc key.
t Drop the selection outside the Associations app.
5. Drag the selection to the association type you want to create and — when the icon turns blue —
release the mouse button.

19 Using the Associations App

For each valid asset, an association is created and an asset entry is shown. If the dropped selection
includes some assets that cannot be associated, a corresponding message opens, as shown in the
following example.

Moving or Copying Associations (Asset Management)

You can move or copy associated assets to another associations type in the Relations area by using drag
and drop. The action does not move or copy the asset, but changes or creates new association types for the
asset. You can switch between move and copy anytime during the drag operation by pressing and releasing
the Ctrl (Windows) or Options (macOS) modifier key. The procedures for moving and copying associations
are the same in Card view and List view layout.

Note the following limitations:

l Which asset types can be associated is defined and restricted by the underlying MediaCentral Asset
Management data model. The default data model does not support associating an asset twice with
the same asset. Therefore, customization of the data model is required to enable the copy
association feature.
l Move operations can only succeed for assets where you have the right to remove the source and add
the target association.
To move associations to another association type:

1. Select one or more associations in the Relations area.

2. Do one of the following:
t Drag the selection to the association type into which you want to move the associations.
The association type is highlighted.
t Drag the selection to the “Drag here to select another association type” drop zone overlay and
in the overlay that opens to the association type you want to create.
The association type icon turns blue.
3. Release the mouse button.
A Move confirmation prompt opens.

4. Click Move.

19 Using the Associations App

For each valid asset, the previous association is removed and the new association is created. The
associated assets are selected in the new associations type group. If the selection includes some assets that
cannot be moved, a corresponding message opens.

To copy associations to another association type:

1. Select one or more associations in the Relations area.

2. Do one of the following:
t Drag the selection to the association type into which you want to move the associations.
The association type is highlighted.
t Drag the selection to the “Drag here to select another association type” drop zone overlay and
in the overlay that opens to the association type you want to create.
The association type icon turns blue.
3. Press and hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Options (macOS) key.
The cursor shows a + icon to indicate the copy operation.
4. Release the mouse button.
For each valid asset, the additional association is created and selected in the new associations type
group. If the selection includes some assets that cannot be copied, a corresponding message opens.

Deleting Associations (Asset Management)

You can delete associations if you have the proper permissions in MediaCentral Asset Management. If
deleting associations is not allowed, the Remove Association(s) button is not enabled when you select an

n In a default configuration, hierarchical associations are created based on metadata fields between
assets in the following hierarchy lines: Series > Season > Episode > Episode Version, Commercial >
Commercial Version, and Feature > Feature Version. You cannot delete associations for assets of these
asset types in the Associations app.

To delete associations:

1. Open the asset from which you want to delete one or several associations in the Associations app.
2. (optional) Toggle between Card view and List view layout.
3. Expand the association types in the Relations area.
4. Select the association(s) you want to delete.
The Remove Association controls are enabled if at least one association is selected for which you
have the right to delete.
5. Do one of the following:
t Click the Remove Association button.
t Right-click on the selection and select Remove Association (single association selected) or
Remove Associations (multiple associations selected).

19 Using the Associations App

A security prompt opens.

6. Click Remove.
The selected associations are deleted. The Associations app is updated and the associations are no
longer displayed. If your selection included associations, which could not be deleted, a message
informs you about the reason.

20 Working with the Process App

20 Working with the Process App

The Process app is a core app that lets you monitor all processes you created. Depending on the license
assigned to your account, you can monitor:
l Processes created for the Asset Management module, such as an Advanced Export process
l Processes created for the Production Management module, such as Transcode jobs
l Sent To Playback jobs created through the Asset Editor’s Quick Send menu
When signed into MediaCentral Cloud UX as a standard user, you are allowed to see only the jobs that you
submit in the Process app. If an administrator enables the Master of Jobs entitlement for a user group, the
users within that group can see the list of jobs submitted by all users.

For each process, the Process app shows the process title or ID, and information about its life cycle and
status. For initialized and running processes, a progress bar is shown. For active processes that allow
cancellation, a Cancel button is shown to the right of the process.

You can show processes as a flat list or in groups. Processes are grouped according to the type of job, such
as Transcode or Send To Playback, or group property or, if a group property is not set, grouped by their
process type, such as Export or Import. Single process groups can be hidden to get a better overview by
selectively displaying only one section. You can display all process groups again using the Groups filter on
the Process sidebar. Additionally, you can display the hierarchy for processes: when hierarchy display is
toggled on, sub-processes are arranged under the parent process.

n Starting with version 2023.12, processes in final state (Completed, Cancelled, Failed) are archived
from the “Active Collection” to the “Archive Collection” after a configurable amount of time (48 hours
by default). After a configurable amount of time (30 days by default) the archived jobs will be deleted
from the “Archive collection".

In the Process app, you can monitor the processes of the selected type, apply filters to the processes
displayed in the Process List, and modify the Process List layout. The following illustration shows an
example of what you might encounter when monitoring processes in the Process app if the option to display
processes in groups is active.

20 Working with the Process App

Display or Control Description

1 Filter button Opens the Process sidebar's Filter tab that lets you apply predefined filters to
the processes displayed in the Process List. See "Showing and Hiding the
Process Sidebar" on page 641 and "Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar"
on page 641.
2 Favorites button Opens the Process sidebar's Favorites tab that lets you create and apply
process favorites. See "Showing and Hiding the Process Sidebar" on page 641
and "Creating and Using Process Favorites" on page 646.
3 Refresh button Lets you enable and disable an auto-refresh of the processes shown in the
Process List. If enabled, the Auto-Refresh option updates your processes list
every five seconds. See "Refreshing the Process List" on page 636.
4 Process counter Displays information about the number of processes shown in the Process
app: Number of displayed processes in the form “Items: <n> of <m>” (for
example: Items: 100 of 580). <n> is the number of processes displayed in the
Process List, <m> is the number of all processes that match the applied filters.

The numbers are influenced by applied filters and Grouping and Hierarchy

Items 0 of <m> is shown when you enable grouping since the collapsed process
groups are shown in the Process List.
5 Display Group Toggles displaying processes in groups on and off:
l If toggled on, processes are displayed in the Process List grouped by
the process group property (or by the process class property, if process
group is not set).
l If toggled off, processes are displayed in a flat list.

20 Working with the Process App

Display or Control Description

When displaying processes in groups is toggled on, you can show and hide
the contents of the process groups. See "Working with Process Groups" on
page 637.
6 Show Hierarchy Toggles displaying the process hierarchy (parent processes with their child
button processes) on and off:

l If toggled on, child processes are displayed below their parent process
in the Process List. The child processes can be shown or hidden.
l If toggled off, all processes are displayed in a flat list.
When displaying processes in hierarchy is toggled on, you can show and hide
the child processes. See "Working with the Process Hierarchy" on page 638.
7 Top-level Filter Toggles displaying top-level processes on and off:
l If toggled on, only top-level processes are displayed in the Process List.
l If toggled off, processes of all hierarchy levels are shown in the Process
Currently the Top-level Filter is only supported for Asset Management
8 Display Options Lets you define which columns are displayed in the Process app. See "Showing
and Hiding Columns" on page 635.
9 Status icons Shows an icon for each process state. Lets you apply a filter to the processes
that are already shown in the Process List. See "Applying Filters from the
Toolbar" on page 640.
10 Archived toggle Toggles displaying active or archived processes:
l If toggled on, only archived processes are displayed in the Process List.
l If toggled off, only active processes or recently completed processes
are shown in the Process List.
The Archived toggle button is only visible for administrators and members of a
group with enabled Master of Jobs entitlement. See "Viewing Archived
Processes" on page 654.
11 Download button Downloads the list of processes that match the current filter criteria in a *.csv
file. See "Downloading the Processes List" on page 655.
12 Docking button Docks the Process app at the left side of the MediaCentral Cloud UX window.
13 Close button Closes the Process app.
14 Sidebar: Filter tab The controls of the sidebar's Filter tab apply filters to the processes that are
already shown in the Process List. See "Applying Filters from the Process
Sidebar" on page 641.
Creation Time filter Filters the processes shown in the Process List by creation time. The Creation
Time list offers relative time ranges.
Groups filter Filters the processes shown in the Process List by the process group property.
Status filter Filters the processes shown in the Process List by life cycle states.
System filter Filters the processes shown in the Process List by the system on which they
have been created. The filter shows only systems that support the System
filter and on which processes are being processed. An Unknown option lets

20 Working with the Process App

Display or Control Description

you filter for processes of the connected systems that do not support the
System filter.
Creator filter Filters the processes shown in the Process List by the user who initiated the
process. The filter is only visible for administrators and members of a group
with enabled Master of Jobs entitlement.
<custom property Up to 25 custom properties can be configured to show up as filter options in
filters> the Process sidebar. If the custom property is empty for all existing jobs, it will
not be shown as filter option.
15 Process List Displays processes, depending on the filter applied to the app. The Process
List shows the following columns by default:

l Name: Displays the name or the ID of the process. In front of the

process name an icon indicates the life-cycle status of the process.
The icons change as soon as the life-cycle status of the process is
l Message: Displays a message depending on the provider of the
process; for example, a message if an error occurs during the process
life-cycle or information about the current process status of an Asset
Management process. Might be empty.
If the message cannot be completely displayed, the text ends in an
ellipsis. You can enlarge the Message column width to show more text.
When you hover the mouse pointer over the Message column, a tool-tip
also shows the message. Large messages might not be shown
completely in the tooltip because of Chrome browser limitations (1024
l Created at: Displays the date and time when the process was created.
l Progress: Displays the progress of the process life-cycle as a colored
bar and percentage value.
– Uncolored bar and percentage value 0 for Pending processes.
– Blue bar and percentage value 0 through 99 for Running
– Green bar and percentage value 100 for Finished processes.
– Red bar and value 0 through 100 for Failed processes.
To the right of the progress bar, the following buttons to apply actions
to a process might be shown:
– Cancel: Cancels the process underway. The Cancel button is
shown for active processes that allow cancellation.
– Retry: Resends a failed or canceled process (Production
Management processes only).
See "Canceling Processes" on page 655.
l State: Displays the status of the process: Created, Cancelling,
Running, Completed, Cancelled, or Failed.
You can configure which columns are displayed by using the Display Options
menu. See "Showing and Hiding Columns" on page 635.

20 Working with the Process App

To open the Process app:

t Click the Process button on the Fast Bar.
t Place your cursor over the Process app button in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the main area
of the user interface.
t Place your cursor over the Process app button in the Fast Bar and drag and drop it to the left side of
the user interface.
The app opens. If dropped to the left side of the user interface, the Process app is docked.

To dock and undock the Process app:

t To dock the app, click the app’s Dock button.
t To restore the app to take up the full screen, click the Dock button again.
To hide the Process app:
t (If the Process app is not docked) Click the button of another core app on the Fast Bar (such as the
Browse or Search app).
t (If the Process app is docked) Dock another core app.
To close the Process app:
t Click the X in the app’s upper right corner.

Using Basic Process App Features

The following topic provide information on basic Process app features:
l "Showing Additional Processes" below
l "Showing and Hiding Columns" on the next page
l "Refreshing the Process List" on page 636
l "Sorting the Process List" on page 637

Showing Additional Processes

By default, processes are shown as an ungrouped list in the Process app. The number of displayed
processes depends on the Display Groups toggle:
l If grouping is disabled, up to 100 processes are shown in the Process List. Scrolling down to the
bottom of the Process List loads an additional set of up to 100 processes.
l If grouping is enabled, up to 50 processes are shown per expanded group. If the number of processes
that match the filter criteria exceeds this threshold for a group, a "Show more..." link is displayed at
the bottom of the group. The link lets you show up to 50 additional processes for the group.
To view additional processes:
t Scroll down the Process List until you reach the bottom.
Up to 100 additional processes are shown in the Process List.
To view additional processes for a group:
t Click the Show More link at the bottom of the group.
Up to 50 additional processes are shown for the group.

20 Working with the Process App

Showing and Hiding Columns

Processes are displayed in the Process List, which provides basic information on each process in several
columns. The following columns are shown by default: Name, Message, Created at, Progress, and State.
The Name column is mandatory and cannot be hidden.

n The Cancel and Retry buttons that might be shown for a process are located within the Progress
column. If you hide the Progress column, you also hide these buttons.

The Display Options menu shows you all columns that you can use in the Processes List area. In addition to
the default columns, the following columns can be shown:
l Updated at: Date when the process was last updated.
l Ranking: Currently always 100 for Production Management processes and 1500 for Asset
Management processes.
l Priority: The priority of the process. Might be empty. For Asset Management processes, MEDIUM or
HIGH is currently shown.
l Group: The group the process belongs to. Only shown if this information is provided by the process.
l System Name: Name of the system on which the process was started. Only shown if this information
is provided by the process.
l System Type: Type of the system on which the process was started (such as interplay-mam). Only
shown if this information is provided by the process.
l Duration: Duration of the process execution (in format hh:mm:ss:msmsms). Only shown if this
information is provided by the process.
l Creator: Name of the user who initiated the process.
l <custom columns>: If "user data fields" are configured on the MediaCentral Cloud UX backend, up to
25 fields from all source modules in total will become available as columns in the Display Options
You can change the display format of the dates shown in the Created at and Updated at columns in the
User Settings. See "User Settings" on page 674.

You can reorder the columns in the Processes List area by simply dragging and dropping the column to a
new position. Additionally, you can use your mouse to click on the divider between two columns to adjust a
column to a custom size. Except Message, you can sort each column by clicking on the column header.

To show and hide columns in the app:

1. Click the Display Options drop-down arrow.

A list of columns appears. The columns that are currently used are highlighted with a blue check
2. Select the columns you want to add or deselect the columns you want to remove. Name is a
mandatory column that you cannot remove.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click an area outside of the menu to apply your changes.
t Press Esc to revert your changes.
To rearrange the column order:
t Click and drag a column head to the left or right column.
A blue line shown to the left of the column indicates the drop target.

20 Working with the Process App

To adjust the column width:

t Click the column divider and drag it to the left or right.
Refreshing the Process List
Processes are displayed in the Process List, which can be updated upon process changes, matching the
filter criteria. If you hover your cursor over the Refresh/Auto-Refresh toggle button, you are presented with
the ability to enable or disable the Auto-Refresh option.
l If Auto-Refresh is enabled, your processes list is refreshed every five seconds.
l If Auto-Refresh is disabled, your processes list is no longer refreshed. Clicking on the Refresh button
does not trigger a manual update of the processes list.
Auto-Refresh is enabled by default. The status of the Refresh/Auto-Refresh toggle button persists from one
user session to another.

To disable auto-refresh:

1. Place your cursor over the Auto Refresh button.

The Disable auto refresh menu appear to the right of the button.

2. Click the Disable auto refresh menu to disable the feature.

The menu turns gray to provide you with a visual confirmation of the change and the look of the
Refresh icon changes.

When you move your cursor away from the menu, the menu disappears, but the Refresh icon
maintains the updated look. Refresh stays disabled until you manually enable auto-refresh.
To enable auto-refresh:

1. Place your cursor over the Refresh button.

The Auto Refresh menu appear to the right of the button.

2. Click the Enable auto refresh menu to enable the feature.

The menu turns blue to provide you with a visual confirmation of the change and the look of the
Refresh icon changes.

When you move your cursor away from the menu, the menu disappears, but the Auto Refresh icon
maintains the updated look. Auto-refresh stays enabled until you manually disable auto-refresh.

20 Working with the Process App

Sorting the Process List

By default, processes are shown as a list in the Process app that is sorted by the Name column in
alphabetical order. You can click on a column header to sort the Process List. Sorting is always applied to all
displayed processes.

If displaying hierarchy and grouping is toggled on, the following sorting sequence is applied:

1. Groups are sorted first.

2. Within each group, top-level/parent processed are sorted first.
3. Within each top-level/parent process, the child processes are sorted.
To sort the app columns:

1. Click the heading of the column you want to sort by.

If the column can be sorted and how the column sorts the results depends on the content of the
column. For sortable columns, an arrow appears in the column. You can sort the following default
– The Name, Message and State columns sort results alphabetically, starting from the lowest
number and the first letter.
– The Progress column sorts results starting from the lowest number.
– The Created at column sorts results by date, starting from the oldest date.
2. To reverse the sorting order, click the heading of the column again.

Working with Process Groups

By default, processes are shown as a list in the Process app that is sorted by the Name column in
alphabetical order. If toggled on, processes are displayed in the Process List grouped by the process group
property. The process groups are listed in alphabetical order. You have the following options for applying
grouping in the Process app:
l You can enable and disable grouping.
l You can show and hide the processes within each group.
l You can filter the processes by process groups. See "Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar" on
page 641.
Note the following:
l If you have applied a group-based filter in the Process sidebar, the Process List does not show all
available process groups but only those that match the applied filter criteria.
l Within each expanded group, all processes of that type are shown. As long as Display Hierarchy and
the Top-level Filter are disabled, it does not matter if the processes have been started as a parent or
child process.
– If the Top-level Filter is active, only the parent processes of the group are displayed.
– If Show Hierarchy is active, processes of this group that have been started by another process
will be shown under their parent process in another group; vice versa, parent processes of the
group can show processes of another type that they have started as their child processes.
l For each expanded group, up to 50 processes can be shown. If there are more processes available for
the group, a "Show more..." link is displayed that lets you show up to 50 additional processes.

20 Working with the Process App

l The number of processes displayed to the right of each group name indicates the total number of
processes of the group that can be shown in the Process app; this can be higher than the number of
currently displayed processes within the group.
l Toggling displaying processes in groups on and off will result in a full reload of the Process List: All
expanded top-level/parent processes are collapsed, and the number of displayed processes is reset
to their default number (50 within expanded groups, 100 on lists).
l If displaying processes in groups is toggled on, sorting is applied to the processes within each group.
See "Sorting the Process List" on the previous page.
l If displaying processes in groups is toggled on, beside the Display Groups button a drop-down arrow
is shown that lets you apply a Collapse All action.
To enable and disable grouping:
t Click the Display Group button so it turns blue.
Processes are grouped by the process group property in the Process List. All groups are collapsed by
default. To the right of each group name the total number of its processes is shown.

t Click the blue Display Group button so it turns gray.

Processes are shown as flat list in the Process List.
To show and hide grouped processes:
t Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button or the header of an individual process group to show or
hide its processes.
t Click the drop-down arrow beside the Display Groups button and select the Collapse All option to
collapse all process groups.

Working with the Process Hierarchy

Starting with version 2020.9, you can visualize the hierarchy between Asset Management processes. If you
enable the Show Hierarchy feature, processes that have been started by another process are shown under
their parent process.

20 Working with the Process App

The following illustration shows an example for an Asset Management multi-stage parent-child process
hierarchy: The top-level process “Sync Sequence” started the process “Sync to AM,” which started an
Import process, which started a Proxy Creation process, which finally started a Video Analysis process.

You have the following options for using the process hierarchy in the Process app:
l You can enable and disable displaying the process hierarchy.
l You can show and hide the individual child processes of a parent process.
l You can combine the Show Hierarchy with the Display Groups filter.
Note the following when the Show Hierarchy feature is enabled:
l If you have applied a group-based filter in the Process sidebar, the Process List does not show all
available process groups but only those that match the applied filter criteria. This can impact the
display of parent and child processes. See "Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar" on page 641.
l If you enable the Display Groups toggle, grouping is applied to the parent processes.
l Sorting is applied first to the parent processes then to the child processes under the parent. See
"Sorting the Process List" on page 637.
l If displaying the process hierarchy is toggled on, beside the Show Hierarchy button a drop-down
arrow is shown that lets you apply a Collapse All action.
l You cannot apply the Top-level filter as long as Show Hierarchy is enabled. Enabling the Show
Hierarchy feature disables an active Top-level filter.
To enable and disable displaying the process hierarchy:
t Click the Show Hierarchy button so it turns blue.
Child processes are arranged below their parent process in the Process List. Parent processes show
an Expand / Collapse toggle button in front of their name. The hierarchy is collapsed by default.
t Click the blue Show Hierarchy button so it turns gray.
Processes are shown without hierarchy in the Process List.
To show and hide child processes:
t Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button in front of a parent process to show or hide its child
t Click the drop-down arrow beside the Show Hierarchy button and select the Collapse All option to
hide all child processes and show only the parent processes.

20 Working with the Process App

Applying Filters from the Toolbar

The controls in the toolbar enable you to limit the number of displayed processes based on the following
l You can apply a top-level filter.
This filter shows only processes that have no parent process in the Process List, processes that have a
parent are hidden. The top-level filter is only available for Asset Management processes.
l You can apply a life cycle-based filter.
This filter shows only processes that are in the selected life-cycle status in the Process List; processes
with other life-cycle states are hidden. The life cycle-based filter is also available in the sidebar's
Filter tab. Both filters are synchronized: when you select a life-cycle icon in the toolbar, the check box
of the corresponding life-cycle status is automatically selected in the sidebar's Filter tab.
To apply a status filter:
t Click the icon of the life-cycle status you want to apply. Multi-selection is supported.
n When the "Archived processes" mode is active, only Completed, Failed and Cancelled are

Icon Life-cycle
If Created is selected, created processes are shown.

If Pending is selected, processes that are not yet started are shown.

If Running is selected, started processes are shown.

If Paused is selected, processes which are currently paused are shown.

If Completed is selected, successfully completed processes are shown.

If Failed is selected, failed processes are shown.

If Canceled is selected, canceled processes are shown.

Selected icons are highlighted with a blue circle, as shown in the following illustration.

The Process List is updated and shows only the processes that are in the selected life-cycle state(s).
The Filter button at the left side of the toolbar shows a number beside it to indicate how many filters
are applied.
t To remove the applied filter, click the icon(s) again.
The Process List is updated. The Filter number is decreased, and when the last filter is removed "No
filters applied" is shown.
To apply a top-level filter (Asset Management processes only):
t To show only top-level processes, click the gray Top Level Filter button so it turns blue.
The Process List shows only processes that have no parent process.
t To show processes of all hierarchy levels, click the blue Top Level Filter button so it turns gray.

20 Working with the Process App

Working with the Process Sidebar

The Process sidebar includes a set of tools that enable you to quickly modify or apply filters and favorites.
The sidebar is divided into the following areas.

Icon Button Name and Description


For more information, see "Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar" below.

For more information, see "Creating and Using Process Favorites" on page 646.

For more information, see "Showing and Hiding the Process Sidebar" below.

Showing and Hiding the Process Sidebar

When you first access the Process app, the sidebar is hidden. To apply filters to the Process List or use
process favorites, you need to show the sidebar. See "Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar" below
and"Creating and Using Process Favorites" on page 646.

However if you do not need to access the features in the sidebar, you can collapse it to increase the screen
space for the Process List.

When you dock the Process app while the sidebar is shown, the sidebar is automatically collapsed.
Undocking the Process app also restores the sidebar. When you dock the Process app while the sidebar is
collapsed, undocking does not restore the sidebar. For more information on docking apps, see "Docking
Apps" on page 45.

To show the sidebar:

t Click the Filter button or the Favorites button to show or restore the sidebar.
To collapse the sidebar:
t Click the Collapse button on the right side of the sidebar header.
The sidebar is collapsed.

Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar

The controls of the sidebar's Filter tab enable you to limit the number of displayed processes based on
commonly used criteria. These filters are paired with non-customizable modifiers. For example, the Created
filter includes a set of predefined, non-modifiable date ranges. Using the sidebar's Filter tab you can apply
the following filters to the processes shown in the Process List:
l You can filter the processes by creation date ranges.
The Created filter includes different types such as Today and Last 24 hours. While the Last 24 hours
filter displays processes for a 24 hour period, the Today filter displays only those processes created
between 12:00am and the current time. You should note that these filters respect the time zone of the
local client. This means that if you are working with a coworker in a different time zone, their filtered
processes list might be different than yours.

n Depending on the status of the Archived toggle (show active processes or show archived
processes), different filters are shown.

20 Working with the Process App

l You can filter the processes by process groups.

l You can apply a life cycle-based filter.
The life cycle-based filter is also available in the toolbar. Both filters are synchronized: when you
select a life-cycle status in the sidebar's Filter tab, the corresponding life-cycle icon is automatically
selected in the toolbar.

n If the Archived toggle is active, fewer life cycle-based filters are shown.
l You can apply a system-based filter.
l You can filter the processes by the user who created the process. The filter is only visible for
administrators and members of a group with enabled Master of Jobs entitlement.
l <Custom property filters>: Up to 25 custom properties can be configured to show up as filter options in
the Process sidebar. If the custom property is empty for all existing jobs, it will not be shown as filter
All filters are cumulative. For example, if you apply a life cycle-based filter and then a group-based filter,
the grouped-based filter is applied to the already filtered Processes List.

n Since completed, cancelled and failed processes are archived after a configurable time span (48 hours
by default) some of the creation date range filters, especially in combination with a life cycle-based
filter, might deliver no results. See "Viewing Archived Processes" on page 654 .

The sidebar can display up to 10 entries for each filter category by default. In some cases, such as the
Groups filter, the app might display a “show <number> more” link that allows you to expand the category
directly within the sidebar and show all entries. Once expanded, the link turns to "show less"; clicking on it
shows only 10 entries for the category again.

When you apply a filter, the Filter button in the sidebar header and the Applied Filters button are both
updated to reflect the total number of applied filters. If you select any filters within a category, a counter
appears to the right of the name to identify the number of filters within this category.

To apply a creation-time filter:

1. Open the sidebar's Filter tab.

2. Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button of the Created filter.
A set of predefined, non-modifiable date ranges is shown.
– In Active processes mode: Last 10 minutes, Last hour, Last 12 hours, Last 24 hours, Today, This
week (Monday through today) and Last 7 days.
– In Archived processes mode: Last week, Last 2 weeks, Last 3 weeks and Last month.
No date range is selected by default.

20 Working with the Process App

The left illustration shows the filters when the Active processes mode is enabled (default), the right
illustration the filters in Archived processes mode (only available for administrators).

3. Select one of the date ranges.

The Process List is updated and shows only the processes that have been created during the selected
time range.
To apply a process group filter:

1. Open the sidebar's Filter tab.

2. Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button of the Groups filter.
All groups of processes that are currently being processed in MediaCentral Cloud UX are shown. The
process groups are listed in alphabetical order. No entry is selected by default.

3. Select the process groups you want to display in the Process List; all other process groups will be
The Process List is updated and shows only the processes of the selected groups.

20 Working with the Process App

To apply a life-cycle filter:

1. Open the sidebar's Filter tab.

2. Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button of the Status filter.
– In Active processes mode, all life-cycle states with its corresponding icons are displayed.
– In Archived processes mode, only the Completed, Failed and Cancelled options are shown.
No states are selected by default.
The left illustration shows the filters when the Active processes mode is enabled (default), the right
illustration the filters in Archived processes mode (only available for administrators).

3. Select the check box(es) of the life-cycle state(s) you want to display; processes with other life-cycle
states will be hidden.
The Process List is updated and shows only the processes that are in the selected life-cycle state(s).
To apply a system filter:

1. Open the sidebar's Filter tab.

2. Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button of the System filter.
All connected systems that support the System filter and on which processes are being processed are
displayed. No systems are selected by default.

3. Do one of the following:

t Select the check box(es) of the system(s) whose processes you want to display; processes
created on other systems will be hidden.
t Select the Unknown check box to show only processes of systems that do not support the
System filter.
The Process List is updated and shows only the processes of the selected system(s) or processes from
all systems that do not support the System filter.

20 Working with the Process App

To apply a creator filter:

1. Open the sidebar's Filter tab.

2. Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button of the Creator filter.
All users that created processes are displayed. No user is selected by default.

3. Select the check box(es) of the user(s) whose processes you want to display; processes created by
other users will be hidden.
The Process List is updated and shows only the processes of the selected user(s).
To apply a custom property filter:

1. Open the sidebar's Filter tab.

2. Click the Expand / Collapse toggle button of the custom property filter ( in the following illustration:
The values of the custom property are displayed. No value is selected by default.

3. Select the check box(es) of the value(s) that are to be used for filtering.
The Process List is updated and shows only the processes that contain the selected value(s).
To remove filters, do one of the following:
t To remove all applied filters at the same time, click the X on the right of the Applied Filters button. The
Filter list is reset and all filters are cleared from the Process List.

t To remove an individual filter, click on the Applied Filters button, and in the fly-out window that
provides more detail on the selected filters click the X to the right of any filter you want to remove.
The filter is cleared from the Process List.

20 Working with the Process App

Creating and Using Process Favorites

It is very common for administrators to monitor specific aspects of process execution. For example, it might
be useful to monitor processes that are currently running or processes that ended in Error state or processes
of a specific group that have been started during a certain time frame. To address these workflows,
MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to save filters applied to the processes shown in the Process app as

As shown in the following illustration, favorites are divided into three categories:

l Personal: Appearing in the list under the My Favorites category, personal favorites are created by
individual users and they are not included in the list of Favorites for any other user.
l Team: Favorites created within a team are shared with specific user groups. The creator of the team
can allow all users to contribute to the team, or restrict access by configuring the team for read-only
l Public: Created by an administrator, public favorites are available to all users that are connected to
the same MediaCentral Cloud UX system. If your system is included in a multi-site environment, the
public favorite appears only to users connected to your local site.
Favorites are displayed in a list view. Personal favorites appear first in the list under the My Favorites area,
followed by teams favorites (if applicable), and then public favorites.

n This release of MediaCentral Cloud UX allows each user to create a maximum of 99 process favorites.
If you attempt to create additional favorites, you are prompted to delete an existing favorite first.
Administrators can create an additional maximum of 99 public favorites and a maximum of 99 team

The following topics are covered in this section:

l "Creating a Process Favorite" on the next page
l "Using a Process Favorite" on page 648
l "Renaming a Process Favorite" on page 648
l "Changing the Private / Public Status of a Process Favorite" on page 648
l "Reordering Process Favorites" on page 649
l "Deleting a Process Favorite" on page 649
l "Creating Process Favorites Teams" on page 650

20 Working with the Process App

l "Editing a Process Favorites Team" on page 651

l "Deleting a Process Favorites Team" on page 652
l "Creating a New Folder" on page 652
l "Reordering and Renaming Favorite Folders" on page 653
l "Deleting a Folder" on page 653
Creating a Process Favorite
The following process describes how to create a new process favorite. When you create a favorite, the
following options are included:
l Filters (applied from the sidebar or toolbar)
l Grouping, Hierarchy and Top-level filter
l Auto-refresh status (enabled/disabled)
l Current state of the Process List area: columns (width and position), sort order, display options
l Current state of the "Archived" toggle button (visible for administrators only)
Process favorites are associated with your MediaCentral Cloud UX user account and not with your local
workstation. If you work in an environment with multiple workstations, you can create a favorite on one PC,
and then move to another PC later in the day — your process favorites list follows you to the next session
and workstation.

To create a favorite using the Process sidebar:

1. Apply filters. See "Working with the Process Sidebar" on page 641.
2. (optional) Customize the view of the Process List area. See "Showing and Hiding Columns" on
page 635 and"Sorting the Process List" on page 637
Since the look of the Process List area is saved with your favorite, you might want to take a moment
to make sure that the sorting and display options are configured optimally for future use of the
3. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
4. Click the “Create a New Favorite” button.
The New Favorite window appears.

5. Enter a custom name.

You are not required to create a unique name for each favorite. If desired, you can have multiple
favorites with the same name.

20 Working with the Process App

6. (optional for administrators) Enable the “Make this favorite public” check box to make the favorite
7. Click the Save button to save your new favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
The new favorite appear first in the list under the My Favorites area.
Using a Process Favorite
After you create one or more favorites, you can use the following procedure to execute a process favorite.
Note that the selection of a favorite does not persist from one session to another: after signing-in again, the
Process app is shown in default layout without any filter of favorite applied.

To use a process favorite:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Click on one of the favorites in the list.
The display of the Process List is updated to reflect the settings saved with the favorite.
Renaming a Process Favorite
After you create one of more favorites, you can change the name of the favorite at any time.

If you are not an administrator, a lock icon appears to the right of both Public favorites and any read-only
favorites teams folder when you enter edit mode.

To rename a process favorite:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on the favorite and select Edit Details from the context menu.
3. In the Edit Favorite dialog box, enter a new name.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
Changing the Private / Public Status of a Process Favorite
As an administrator you can set the public / private status while creating a favorite, but you can change the
status of a favorite at any time, as described in the following procedure.

If you are an administrator and you edit a public favorite, the changes are propagated to other users the
next time that they refresh the Process app user interface.

n If you make a filter public that includes an active "Archived" toggle – a feature that is only available
for administrators and members of a group with enabled Master of Jobs entitlement–, the "Archived"
toggle will be ignored and only active processes are shown.

To change the public / private status of a process favorite:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on the favorite and select Edit Details from the context menu.
3. Alter the parameters of the favorite:
t Enable the “Make this favorite public” check box to make the favorite public.
t Disable the “Make this favorite public” check box to make the favorite private again.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

20 Working with the Process App

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.

A public favorite is moved to the top of the Public Favorites area. If you made the favorite private, it is
moved to the top of the My Favorites area.
Reordering Process Favorites
When you create a new favorite, it appears at the top of the list of the My Favorites area.

After you create two or more favorites, you can reorganize the order that the favorites appear in the list
using a simple drag and drop operation. Alternatively, you can use this same process to move favorites from
one folder to another — for example to move a favorite from My Favorites to a team folder, or the Public
Favorites area.

To reorder the list:

1. Right-click on a favorite or empty area in the Favorites sidebar and then click on the Manage
Favorites option in the context menu.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click and drag a favorite to a new position or folder.
t Click the check box to the left of one or more favorites and drag the selection to a new position
or folder.
If you select the check box of at least one favorite, a number appears in Manage Favorites
header and in the top-right corner of image during the drag action.

3. Release the mouse button to add the favorites to the new position or location.
Deleting a Process Favorite
MediaCentral Cloud UX allows you to delete a single favorite or multiple favorites simultaneously. You can
use the following procedures to delete one or more process favorites.

n Standard users can delete favorites from the My Favorites area or any team folder to which they have
read / write access. Only system administrators have the ability to delete Public favorites.

To delete a single process favorite:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on the favorite and select Delete Favorite from the context menu.

20 Working with the Process App

A confirmation window appears.

3. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
To delete multiple process favorites:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on a favorite or empty area in the Favorites sidebar and then click on the Manage
Favorites option in the context menu.
3. Click the check boxes to the left of all favorites that you want to delete.
You can select multiple favorites within the same folder or group, but after you select a favorite in one
group, you cannot select a favorite in any other folder or group. For example, you cannot select a
favorite in My Favorites and a team folder simultaneously.
4. Click the Delete button at the top of the list.
A confirmation window appears.
5. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the favorite.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
6. Click the green check mark at the top of the list to exit edit mode.
Creating Process Favorites Teams
The Favorites tab allows system administrators to create special team folders that allow you to group
multiple favorites together around a common theme. Teams are shared with specific groups of users that
are defined by the administrator. As a result, your process favorites list might or might not include any team
folders. Teams are listed alphabetically in the Favorites list between My Favorites and Public Favorites.

When creating a team, the administrator can enable or disable a Read-Only check box. If enabled, users
can see the team, but not make changes. If disabled, users have the ability to add, edit, or delete favorites
from the team folder.

If you hover your cursor over the team icon, the system displays a tool-tip that shows the names of the
groups that are associated with the team.

To create a favorites team:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on a favorite or empty area in the Favorites sidebar and then click on the Manage
Favorites option in the context menu.
3. (optional) Select the check boxes for one or more existing favorites before you create the team. When
you create the team, the selected favorites are added to the team automatically.
4. Click on the Team button at the top of the list.
The New Team Folder window is displayed.

20 Working with the Process App

5. Enter a name for the new team.

6. (optional) If you want to restrict access to this team folder so that other users cannot add, edit, or
delete favorites in this location, click the read-only check box.
7. In the Share Favorite area of the window, click one or more check boxes to the left of the list of user
groups to define the users that should have access to the team.
If your system includes a large number of groups, you can enter a value in the Find a User Group field
to filter the list to display only those groups that include your filter criteria.
8. Click the Save button.
The team is created as a new category in the Process Favorite sidebar.
9. Click the green check mark at the top of the Favorites list to exit edit mode.
For information on how to add a favorite to a team folder, see "Reordering Process Favorites" on page 649.

Editing a Process Favorites Team

After you create one or more teams, administrators can edit the name of the team using the following

To edit a favorites team:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on the team folder and select Update Folder from the context menu.
An Update Folder window appears with options to adjust the team name, read-only status, and user

20 Working with the Process App

group access.
3. Update the properties of the team folder as necessary.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Deleting a Process Favorites Team
If you want to delete a favorites team, you can do so through the Favorites tab in the Process sidebar.
When you delete a team, you also delete all favorites within the team. The ability to delete a team is
restricted to system administrators.

To delete a favorites team:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on the team and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
A Delete Folder and Enclosed Favorites confirmation dialog appears.

n The option to delete a team folder is also available when you access the Manage Favorites

3. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the team.

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the deletion process.
Creating a New Folder
In addition to creating individual favorites, you can create folders within each favorite category to better
organize and manage your saved process favorites. Nested folder structures are also supported, allowing
you to create multiple folders within folders.

Folders are identified by the icon of the category in which they are created.

n Each user is allowed to create a total maximum of 99 folders in the Personal and Team categories. If
you attempt to create additional folders, you are prompted to delete an existing folder first.
Administrators can create an additional 99 folders in the Public category.

To create a folder:

1. (if necessary) Click the Favorites button at the top of the Process sidebar.
2. Right-click on a favorite or empty area in the Favorites sidebar and then click on the Manage
Favorites option in the context menu.
3. (optional) Click the box to the left of one or more favorites to automatically move the selected
favorites into the new folder.
4. Click on the New Folder button.
The New Folder window is displayed.
5. Enter a name for the new folder.
6. Click the Save button to save your changes.
The new folder is created at the top of your My Favorites area.
7. (optional, administrators only) To make the folder public, select the folder and drop it to the Public
Folders area.
8. Click the green check mark at the top of the Favorites list to exit edit mode.

20 Working with the Process App

Reordering and Renaming Favorite Folders

When you create a new favorite folder, the folder is added to the top of your My Favorites area. However,
you are not required to keep the folder at that position. You can drag and drop the folder to a different
position in the Favorites list or even nest the folder inside another existing custom folder. You can also
rename the folder at any point.

To reposition the folder in the Favorites list:

1. Right-click on a favorite or empty area in the Favorites sidebar and then click on the Manage
Favorites option in the context menu.
2. Click and begin to drag your folder to a new position in the list of favorites. You can do any of the
t Drag the folder to a new position in your My Favorites area.
If you drag the folder to a position between two other folder, a thin blue position indicator bar
appears between the folders.
t Drag the folder over the My Favorites area to move the folder to the top position in the list.

t Drag the folder to another existing folder to create a nested folder structure.
t (if applicable) Drag the folder to a Team or to the Public area of the Favorites list.
3. When over your desired position, release the mouse button to drop the folder to the new location.
The folder and all of its contents (favorites, other folders) are relocated to the new position.
4. Click the green check mark at the top of the list to exit edit mode.
To rename a folder:

1. Right-click on your custom folder and select Update Folder from the context menu.
2. Enter a new name for the folder.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
The renamed folder remains in its position.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.
Deleting a Folder
If you want to delete a folder, you can do so through the Favorites tab in the Process sidebar. When you
delete a folder, you also delete all favorites and sub-folders within the folder.

n In this release of MediaCentral Cloud UX, you can delete one folder at a time only.

20 Working with the Process App

To delete a folder:

1. Right-click on the folder and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
A Delete Folder and Enclosed Favorites confirmation dialog appears.

2. Click the Delete button to confirm the removal of the folder.

Alternatively, you can click Cancel to abort the process.

Viewing Archived Processes

If you are an administrator or member of a group with enabled Master of Jobs entitlement, you can see the
"Archived" toggle button at the top-right corner of the Process app.

Starting with version 2023.12, processes in final state (Completed, Failed, Cancelled) are archived from the
“Active Collection” to the “Archive Collection” after a configurable amount of time. The time is measured
from the last time that the job was updated. The default value is 48 hours. After a configurable amount of
time (30 days by default) the archived jobs will be purged from the “Archive collection”.

The "Archived" toggle button allows administrators to display archived processes in the Process app.

n It is not possible to show active and archived processes at the same time in the Process app.
When switched to "Archived" mode, the following filter options are different compared to the "Active" mode:
l Creation date range filters ("Created"): Last week, Last 2 weeks, Last 3 weeks, and Last month are
l Life-cyle based filters ("Status"): Only Completed, Failed and Cancelled are shown.
For more information, see "Applying Filters from the Process Sidebar" on page 641.

To toggle between archived and active processes display:

t To show only archived processes, click the gray Archived button so it turns blue.

The Process List display is reloaded and only archived processes are shown.
t To show only active processes, click the blue Archived button so it turns gray.

The Process List display is reloaded and only active processes are shown.

20 Working with the Process App

Canceling Processes
The Process app offers you process cancellation options. For active processes that allow cancellation, a
Cancel button is shown to the right of the process. Whether a process allows cancellation or not is defined
by the process provider (for example, Asset Management or Production Management) and process

Note the following limitations for canceling Asset Management processes:

l The cancellation feature is only available for processes that have been configured to support
l You can only cancel parent (top-level) processes.
l If you cancel a parent process, the cancel information is send to all child processes. Only if the
process configuration of the affected child processes allows cancellation, the child processes are also
l If you cancel a process, its user tasks are canceled and removed from the Tasks app.
To cancel a process underway:
t Click the Cancel button located to the right of the active process.
While the process is being canceled, the State column shows the status “Cancelling.” As soon as the
process is canceled, the status “Cancelled” is shown. Depending on the process configuration, the
status might also be “Completed” or “Failed.”
The Cancel button is removed from the process. For Production Management processes, a Retry
button might be shown.
(Production Management only) To retry a canceled or failed process:
t Click the Retry button located to the right of the process.

Using Export Options

The Process app provides different filters that you can apply to the processes shown in the Process List. The
following topics are covered in this section:
l "Downloading the Processes List" below
l "Copying Process Information" on the next page

Downloading the Processes List

The Process app lets you export the list of currently displayed processes. You can download the list of
processes that match the current filter criteria to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. Files created in a
.csv format are most commonly used in spreadsheet applications, where each comma signifies a new
column in the spreadsheet.

You cannot specify the name of the file at the time of its creation. The file is saved in the following format:


The values represent the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minutes, and Seconds.

20 Working with the Process App

To download the processes list as a file:

1. (Optional) Apply a filter to the processes list.

2. Click the Download button in the upper-right corner of the Process app to export the processes list to
a file on your local workstation.
The list of processes is automatically downloaded to your local workstation. Check your browser’s
settings to verify the download location.

Copying Process Information

The Process app lets you copy data from a single process to a temporary buffer (the clipboard) on your
local workstation. You can copy all data in a row or data from individual cells, such as the contents of the
Message cell. Once the information is in the buffer, you can then paste the data into an external application
such as Microsoft Notepad, Mac TextEdit, or other.

To copy process data:

1. Do one of the following:

t Highlight the data you want to copy and then press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Cmd+C (macOS).

t (Message column only) Hover the mouse pointer over the Message field and click the Copy to
Clipbaord button that is shown.

2. Open another application on your local workstation to paste the contents of the buffer.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

The Tasks app is a personal app that shows you all tasks that allow you to complete an action. These tasks
can be part of processes that you created or have been created by other users and delegated or assigned
to you.

All options for working with tasks depend on rules: the configuration of the corresponding processes must
allow assigning, delegating, and applying actions to user tasks. The process configuration also determines
which actions are available for a task and the results of the task execution.

To prevent different users from editing a task simultaneously, tasks are automatically locked for other users
as soon as the task is edited. The Lock Indicator icon indicates the lock status of each selected task.

In the Tasks app, you can review and filter the displayed tasks and review the details of a selected task. If
necessary, you can also edit task data and attachments, or assign and delegate tasks directly to other
users and groups, or apply other actions directly from the app. The following illustration shows several
examples of what you might encounter when editing tasks with the Tasks app.

Display or Control Description

1 List and Task button Toggles display of the Task List and Task Details on or off. When toggled on
the button is colored blue.

n You can have both the List and Task buttons simultaneously toggled on
but not toggled off. When only one is on and you click that button, the
system automatically toggles that display off and the other display on.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

Display or Control Description

2 Refresh button Refreshes the display of active tasks in the Task List.
3 Lock Indicator icon Indicates if the selected task is currently locked for editing.
The task is free for editing.

You are currently editing the task and it is therefore locked for other users. As
soon as you start editing a task it is locked and the Lock Indicator icon is
colored blue.
The lock is released after you successfully applied an action or delegated the
task, when you select another task, or close the Tasks app.
4 Uploads files as attachments to the task. See "Uploading Files as
Attachments" on page 667.
5 Downloads the selected file attachments. See "Downloading File
Attachments" on page 668.
6 Deletes the selected attachments from the task. See "Deleting Attachments"
on page 668.
7 Saves the task data without leaving the edit field. See "Displaying and Editing
User Task Data" on page 665.
8 My Tasks button Toggles the My Tasks filter on or off.

l When toggled on, the button is colored blue, and the Tasks List shows
only the tasks that are assigned to you or the group you are member
l When toggled off, the Tasks List shows all tasks that you are allowed
to edit.
See "Filtering Displayed User Tasks" on page 661.
9 App menu button The Tasks App menu contains the following options:

l Add Or Remove Filters. Allows you to apply a time-based or task type-

based filter to the Task List. See "Filtering Displayed User Tasks" on
page 661.
l Add Or Remove Columns. Shows or hides columns in the Task List.
l Delegate To. Allows you to delegate a selected task to another user or
group. See "Delegating User Tasks" on page 663.
l Create Process. Allows you to create a process without asset context.
See "Creating Assets" on page 110.
10 Close button Closes the Tasks app.
11 Task list Displays active and finished tasks in an overview table, depending on the
filter applied to the app. The following columns are shown by default:

l Name: Displays the name of the task. This column is mandatory and
cannot be hidden.
l System Name: Displays the name of the MediaCentral Asset
Management module on which the process was created.
l Task Start: Displays the date and time when the task was started.
l Process Name: Displays the name of the process the task belongs to.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

Display or Control Description

l Process Type: Displays the type of process the task belongs to.
l Assignee: Displays the name of the user to which the task is assigned.
l Assigned Group: Displays the name of the group to which the task is
The following columns can additionally be shown:

l Task Due: Displays the planned end date and time of the task (only for
active tasks).
l Task End: Displays the date and time when the task was finished.
l Task Status: Displays the status of the task.
l Next Group: Displays the name of the group which is set as assigned
group of the next upcoming task.
l Next User: Displays the name of the user which is set as assignee of
the next upcoming task.
l Process Comment: Displays a comment set when the process was
l Process Correlation ID: Displays an externally set ID that does not
identify the unique process but several items belonging to the same
l Process Created By: Displays the name of the service or user who
created the process.
l Process Creation: Displays the date and time when the process was
l Process External ID: Displays a unique ID specified by the creator of
the process.
l Process Last Modified By: Displays the name of the service or user who
modified the process for the last time.
l Process Modification: Displays the date and time when the process
was modified.
l Process Status: Displays the status of the process the task belongs to.
You can configure which columns are displayed by using the Tasks App
menu’s Add Or Remove Columns feature. See "Working in the Tasks App" on
the next page. Additionally, you apply a text- based filter on the displayed
columns. See "Filtering Displayed User Tasks" on page 661.
12 Task details Displays details of the task selected in the Task List. Depending on the task
type, the Task Details can be split into the Task Information and Task
Attachments areas. If you select several tasks in the Task List, the Task
Details area does not show information or is cleared.
13 Breadcrumbs Show the names of the current and preceding tasks of the process to give
context information. The current task is the last (right-most) in the list.
Breadcrumbs are shown for active and completed tasks.
14 Attachment count Shows the number of attached assets. If the number of attachments does not
comply with the allowed limits, the Attachments count is shown in red.

The Show Details icon opens a window that provides details, including

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

Display or Control Description

the reason why the limit is exceeded. See "Getting Information on

Allowed Attachments" on page 666.
15 Task information Displays the metadata assigned to the task. See "Displaying and Editing User
Task Data" on page 665.
16 Task attachments Displays the attachments of the task as asset cards. For each attached asset,
the following are shown:

l A header frame or clip icon

l The asset name and type
l A remove button (optional)
For each attached file, the following are shown:

l The file name, size, and status

l A remove button (optional)
Provides controls to delete attachments from and add new attachments to an
active task; allows you to open attachments of active and completed tasks.
See "Adding and Editing User Task Attachments" on page 666, "Uploading
Files as Attachments" on page 667, "Downloading File Attachments" on
page 668, and "Deleting Attachments" on page 668.
17 Action buttons Trigger an action on the task. Which actions are available is determined by
the task type. See "Applying Actions to User Tasks" on page 664.

Working in the Tasks App

The Tasks app is divided into the Task List and Task Details areas, which can be shown separately or both at
the same time.

To open the Tasks app:

t Click the Tasks button on the right side of the Fast Bar.
To hide the Tasks app:
t Click the highlighted Tasks button on the right side of the Fast Bar.
To close the Tasks app:
t Click the X in the app’s upper right corner.
To show and hide the Task List and Task Details areas:
t Click the List button.
The Task List area is shown.
t Click the Task button.
The Task Details area is shown displaying the details of the task selected in the Task List area.
t To hide an area, click the button again.
You cannot hide both areas at the same time.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

To add or remove property columns in the Task List:

1. Click the App Menu button in the top right corner of the Tasks app and select Add Or Remove
The Add Or Remove Columns window opens. The list is divided in Common Attributes and MAM Tasks.

2. Select the columns you want to add or deselect the columns you want to remove.
You can use the search box to find a particular column.
3. Click anywhere outside the window to save your settings.
To sort the Task List:

1. Click the heading of the column you want to sort by.

An arrow appears in the column. How the column sorts the results depends on the content of the
column. For example, the Name column sorts results alphabetically, starting from the lowest number
and the first letter or the reverse.
2. To reverse the sorting order, click the heading of the column again.
To navigate the Task List:
t With a task selected, press the Home key to navigate to the first task or the End key to navigate to
the last task in the Task List.
t With a task selected, press the Up Arrow key to go to the previous task or the Down Arrow key to go
to the next task.

Filtering Displayed User Tasks

The Tasks app shows you all user tasks that you are allowed to see and that require you to complete an
action. You can apply filters to the tasks displayed in the Tasks List:
l My Tasks filter: Displays only the tasks where you or the group you are member of are set in the
Assignee or Group property; hides all tasks that are not explicitly assigned to you or your group.
l Status- and Type-based filter: Allows selecting and applying filters based on the status and type of
the user task shown in the Tasks List.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

l Text-based filter in columns: To show only tasks that contain specific keywords, type a search string
in the Filter control of the desired column. Note that you cannot filter for dates. Columns that support
filtering show a Filter button. When you hide a column with an active filter, the filter is removed from
the column and will not be restored when you show the column again.
When you apply a filter and a task has unsaved changes, you are prompted to save or discard your
changes. When you select Cancel, the task stays in editing mode and the filter is not applied; selecting Yes
or No unlocks the user task and applies the filter.

All filters are cumulative. For example, if you apply the My Tasks filter and then a status-based filter, the
status-based filter is applied to the already filtered Tasks List. My Tasks as well as Status- and Type-based
filters persists from one session to another on your local computer. Text-based filters in columns are only
applied during your current session.

To apply the My Tasks filter:

t Click the My Tasks button so it turns blue.
The Tasks List shows only the tasks that are assigned to you or the group you are member of.
t To display all tasks again, click the blue My Tasks button so that it turns gray.
To apply a status- or type-based filter:

1. Click the App Menu button.

2. Select Add Or Remove Filters.
The Add Or Remove Filter window opens. The list is divided in Task Status and Task Type.

3. Select the information you want to display or deselect the information you want to hide:
t To apply a status- and time-based filter, expand Task Status and select “All active,”
“Completed last 30 days,” or “Completed last 7 days.” “All active” is selected by default and
therefore only tasks that still require an action are shown. The two other options show
completed user tasks that can no longer be edited.
t To apply a task-type-based filter, expand Task Type and select one of the task types (for
example, Request or Start). All task types are selected by default.
You can use the search box to find a particular filter.
4. Click anywhere outside the window to apply the filter and update the Task List.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

To filter by text in a column:

1. Click the Filter button in the column head.

2. In the filter tool that opens, begin typing text in the text box. As you type, the Tasks List is filtered
according to the text found in the column. The Filter button in the column head is colored blue to
indicate that filtering is enabled.
3. Click outside the filter tool to close it.
4. To remove the filter from the column, do one of the following:
t Open the filter tool, click the X button to delete the filter text, and click outside the filter tool to
close it.
t Hide the column with the filter. The filter is removed and will not be restored when you show the
column again.

Delegating User Tasks

You can delegate user tasks to another user or user group. This means that you can delegate an action that
has to be performed during the process execution to another user or group. Delegating enhances the
access to the task. Your ability to delegate a task depends on rules: the process configuration must allow
the delegation of the selected task.

To delegate tasks:

1. Select one or several tasks in the Task List.

You can use the following shortcut keys when selecting multiple tasks:
– Press Ctrl + Click to select multiple non-consecutive tasks.
– Press Shift + Click to select multiple consecutive tasks.
– Press Shift + Up Arrow or Down Arrow to select multiple consecutive tasks.
2. Click the App Menu button.
3. Select Delegate To.
The list shows all users and groups to which the selected tasks can be delegated. If delegation is not
restricted to individual users, “Any user” is shown in the list.

4. Select the user or group to which you want to delegate the task.
Since the user group you are member of is still in charge of the task, delegated tasks are not removed
from the Task List.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

Assigning User Tasks to Users and Groups

If defined in the configuration of the process to which the task belongs, you can assign user tasks to
another user or user group. This means that you can place a user or group in charge of performing the
action that has to be performed during the process execution. Assignment does not change the access
rights to the task; users who are not in charge may also perform the task, if they are allowed to perform it.
Your ability to assign a task depends on rules: the process configuration must allow assigning the selected

Use the Tasks Details area to edit the task assignment. Depending on the configuration of the task
template, you can set the following:
l Assignee: The name of the user to which the task is to be assigned.
l Assigned Group: The name of the group to which the task is to be assigned.
l Next User: The name of the user which is to be set as assignee of the next upcoming task.
l Next Group: The name of the group which is to be set as assigned group of the next upcoming task.
Additionally information on the Previous User (the performer of the previous user task) and Previous Group
(the group that was set as performer of the previous user task) can be shown. These are read-only
properties and cannot be edited.

To assign tasks:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Task Details area shows the metadata fields that are configured for the task.
2. Click in the Assignee, Assigned Group, Next User, or Next Group field and start typing the name of
the name or group in the search box to filter the list.
When you type a letter, MediaCentral Cloud UX filters the list to all values containing that letter. As
you continue to type, MediaCentral Cloud UX continues to filter the list according to the letters you
3. Do one of the following:
t Double-click the value.
t Navigate down the list using the Down Arrow key until you reach the desired value and press
The field shows the real name with the user’s login name or group ID in brackets.
4. Save the task.
The Task List is refreshed and shows the corresponding assignment information.

Applying Actions to User Tasks

You can apply actions to active user tasks — for example, a Send Request, Approve, or Reject action. Which
action can be applied depends on the configuration of the process to which the task belongs in
MediaCentral Asset Management.

Note that if the task template includes mandatory fields, you must fill these fields before you can apply the
action. The check for populated mandatory fields is ignored when a Cancel action is applied.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

To apply an action to a task:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Task Details area shows an Action button for each allowed action that can be applied. If the task
is locked by another user, the buttons are grayed out. If no actions are allowed for the selected task,
no buttons are shown.
2. Do one of the following:
t Right-click the selected task in the Task List and select the action that you want to apply.
t Click the button of the action you want to apply at the bottom of the Task Details area.
While the action is applied, the task is locked and all action controls are disabled. After the action is
successfully applied, the lock is released and the Task List and Task Details areas are refreshed.
Depending on the filter applied to the Tasks app and the process configuration, the task might be
removed from the Task List or a new user task might be created and shown.

Displaying and Editing User Task Data

You can view and edit task metadata in the Task Details area. Which metadata fields are shown and can be
edited depends on the configuration of the task template in MediaCentral Asset Management Changes are
automatically saved when you position the cursor outside the edited field or you select a legal list, master
data or thesaurus value.

A task template might include mandatory fields. Starting with version 2022.12, you can leave them
unpopulated as long as you only update the task metadata. But you need to fill mandatory fields before
you apply actions to the task. The check on populated mandatory fields is only ignored when a Cancel
action is applied or the task is delegated.

To display and edit the task metadata:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Task Details area shows the metadata fields that are configured for the task.
2. Click in a metadata field and type or edit the value.
You can use standard keyboard shortcuts when editing a text field:
– Press Ctrl+A to select the entire text.
– Select the text and press Ctrl+X to cut the text.
– Select the text and press Ctrl+C to copy the text.
– Press Ctrl+V to paste copied text.
– Select the text and press the Del or Backspace key to delete the text.
While the cursor is positioned in a metadata field and you have not saved your changes (except legal
list, thesaurus):
– Press Ctrl+Z to undo your last input (repeatedly).
– Press Ctrl+Y to redo your last action.
When editing a legal list or thesaurus data field:
– Press Esc to keep the already selected value.
3. To save your changes, click outside the metadata field.
As long as the cursor is positioned in the metadata field, you can also click the Save button.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

Adding and Editing User Task Attachments

When you create a process, you attach at least one asset to it. If a user task results from the process, you
can edit the attachment within the context of the user task: You can view the attached asset, remove the
asset from the user task, or add new assets in the Tasks app. Which and how many assets can be added
depends on the configuration of the process to which the task belongs in MediaCentral Asset Management.

To add media to a task and view the attached asset:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Task Details area shows the number of attached assets in the header area, and attached assets
as asset cards in the Attachments area.
2. If you want to view a media asset attached to the task, double-click the head frame in the
Attachments area.
The asset (video or audio clip, or basic sequence) opens in the Asset Editor’s Media Viewer.
3. If you want to add a media asset to the task, click one or several assets in the Browse app’s Results
area and drag them to the Attachments area of the task.
A head frame of the video asset or a clip icon of an audio asset is displayed in the Attachments area,
along with metadata describing the asset. If you dragged an invalid asset type, a message is
displayed and the asset is not attached.
When you apply an action to the task — for example, you click the Approve or Send Request button —
the range of allowed attachments is checked. If the number of attached assets violates the
configured limit, the Attachments count is shown in red.

Getting Information on Allowed Attachments

When you create a process, the Create Process dialog box shows the number of attachments in the
Attachments count. The same information is provided in the Tasks app when you select a task. See
"Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)" on page 657.

If the number of attachments does not comply with the allowed limits, the Attachments count is shown in
red. An Allowed Attachment Types window provides details, including the reason why the limit is exceeded.

To get information on the allowed attachments:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Attachments count shows the number of attached item and the attached items are shown as
asset cards in the Attachments area.
2. Click the Show Details icon beside the Attachments count.
The Allowed Attachments Type window provides detailed information on the number and type of
allowed attachments. Each row represents a rule.
– System: Type (Asset Management, Production Management. Newsroom Management,
Container Management) and name of the system to which the rule applies. If the rule applies
to all systems of a type, the prefix “Any” is shown.
– Asset Types: Name of the allowed asset type or “any” if there is no restriction.
– Allowed Range: Number and range of allowed attachments (none, any, exactly n, up to n,
from n-to m).
– Total: The maximum number of attachments allowed for the process.

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

Rules that do not comply with the allowed limits are shown in red.
Click anywhere outside the window to close the Allowed Attachments Types window.

Uploading Files as Attachments

You can edit the process attachments within the context of the user task: You can upload files to the task
and download attached files from the task. Note the following:
l Which and how many files can be uploaded depends on the configuration of the process to which the
task belongs in MediaCentral Asset Management.
l You can only cancel the upload for files in status “Waiting” and “In Progress.”
l You can overwrite attached files in status “Waiting,” “In Progress,” and “Completed.”
For each selected task, the Tasks app shows the number of attachments in the header of the Task Details

To upload files:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Task Details area shows the number of attached items in the header area, and attached items as
“asset cards” in the assets area.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click the Upload button on the Tasks app toolbar and select Upload File, then select the files to
be uploaded in the Open dialog box.
t Open the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS), select one or several files and drag them to
the Attachment area in the Tasks app.
The Attachment area (or the Drop Assets Here area, if there is no attachment yet) is highlighted
in blue, and a Move icon indicates if dropping is possible.

For each file an asset card shows the file name, file size, and the upload status.

The status can be one of the following:

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

– Waiting: An empty status entry for files that have not been uploaded. A Cancel button is
– In Progress: A progress bar is shown during the upload. A Cancel button is shown beside the
progress bar.
– “Completed” for successfully uploaded files
– “Failed” for failed uploads
If the same file was already uploaded or is in status Waiting or In Progress, a “Overwrite file” prompt
opens. Click Yes to overwrite the original file attachment, click No to keep the original attachment.
To cancel an upload:
t Click the Cancel button beside the Loading indicator or progress bar of the file attachment.
The upload is canceled.

Downloading File Attachments

You can edit the process attachments within the context of the user task: You can upload files to the task
and download attached files from the task. Note the following:
l If files can be downloaded depends on the configuration of the process to which the task belongs in
MediaCentral Asset Management.
l You can only download files from a task; assets cannot be downloaded.
l You can only download files with status “Completed.”
To download files:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Task Details area shows the number of attached items in the header area, and attached assets
and files as “asset cards” in the Attachments area.
2. To download a single file, select the file attachment in the Attachments area, and do one of the
t Click the Download File button on the Tasks app toolbar.
t Click the Download button on file attachment asset card.
t Right-click the file attachment asset card and select Download File from the pop-up menu.
3. To download several files at the same time, select the file attachments in the Attachments area, and
do one of the following:
t Click the Download File button on the Tasks app toolbar.
t Right-click the file attachment asset card and select Download File from the pop-up menu.
While the download is initiated, a “Preparing download” message is displayed. A message is displayed if
the download cannot be started.

The files are downloaded to the default download folder on your computer, as specified by your browser.
Several files are downloaded as ZIP archive, a single file is downloaded in unzipped format. For a ZIP
archive, “TaskFileAttachments_<Process ID>.zip” is shown as name; for a single downloaded file, the original
file name is shown.

Deleting Attachments
You can delete attachments if the configuration of the process to which the task belongs allows deletion.
Note the following:

21 Working with the Tasks App (Asset Management)

l The Deletion controls are not enabled and the assets cards do not show a Delete button if the task is
locked by another user, is already completed, or does not allow deletion of attachments by
l Depending on the process configuration, a task might show attachments that you can delete and
non-deletable attachments at the same time.
l If you select several attachments, the Deletion controls are enabled if at least one attachment of the
selection can be deleted.
To delete attachments:

1. Select a task in the Task List.

The Task Details area shows the number of attached items in the header area, and attached assets
as asset cards in the Attachments area.
2. To delete a single attachment, do one of the following:
t Click the Delete button on the attachment asset card.
t Right-click the attachment and select Delete.
The attachment is deleted. The Tasks app is updated and the attachment no longer displayed.
3. To delete several attachments at the same time, select the attachments in the Attachments area, and
do one of the following:
t Click the Tasks app Delete Attachment button.
t Right-click the selection and select Delete.
All deletable attachments are deleted. The Tasks app is updated and the attachments are no longer

22 Using the Bookmark App

22 Using the Bookmark App

The Bookmark app provides organizations with a method of creating and viewing web-links directly within
the MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface. While standard users have the ability to view links, system
administrators can create, edit, or delete links.

Since the links are located within MediaCentral Cloud UX, you are no longer required to open separate
browser tabs to access web content — which can save you time over the course of your day. For example
you might want to dock the Bookmark app to display source content that could assist you in the creation of
a Newsroom Management story.

As an administrator, this app provides you with a new and efficient way of communicating with your team
members. After you create and share a bookmark, the link appears automatically in the Bookmark sidebar
when a user accesses the app. This workflow can be incredibly beneficial when sharing links to breaking
news stories, as all users have near instant access to the content that you want to share.

You can access this app by clicking on the Bookmark app icon in the Fast Bar at the top of the user
interface. If you right-click on the Bookmark button, you are presented with a menu that allows you to
create (or delete) additional instances of the Bookmark app. For more information on this feature, see
"Opening Multiple App Instances" on page 47.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Bookmarks

If you are signed into MediaCentral Cloud UX as an administrator, you have access to the following
l "Creating Bookmarks" on the next page
l "Editing a Bookmark" on the next page
l "Deleting a Bookmark" on page 672

22 Using the Bookmark App

Creating Bookmarks
The Bookmark app does not come pre-configured with any default bookmarks. When you first access the
app, the page displays a message asking you to create one.

n If you select a bookmark and then delete the selected bookmark from the sidebar, the app displays
the same message that you see when you first access the Bookmark app.

If you have the appropriate privileges on the MediaCentral Cloud UX system, the Bookmark sidebar
includes a “Create a New Bookmark” button that allows you to create new links that you can share with
other users.

To create a bookmark:

1. Click the “Create a New Bookmark” button in the app sidebar.

The Create New Bookmark window is displayed.

2. Enter a user-friendly name for your bookmark in the Page Name field.
3. This name appears in the sidebar after you create the bookmark.
4. Enter the URL ( that you want to associate with this bookmark in the Page URL field.
URLs must start with https://. If you enter a simplified version of a website — for example, the app automatically adds the https:// prefix at the beginning of the URL when you
click Save.
5. Click the Save button.
The bookmark is created in the Bookmark sidebar. If a user already has the Bookmark app opened,
they must refresh the app to see the change.
Each bookmark is associated with a representative graphic — often displayed as one or two
characters of text. In some cases the Bookmark app might display the site’s favicon — a
representative icon for the website. The ability to display this image varies as it is dependent on the
coding and security of the HTML source.
6. Test your bookmark.
Some websites do not allow themselves to run embedded within another web page — in this case
MediaCentral Cloud UX. If the page does not support embedded mode, the Bookmark app displays
an error in the main area of the app. After you create the bookmark, Avid suggests that the page
appears properly before other users attempt to access the page.

Editing a Bookmark
The Bookmark app allows you to change the name of a bookmark and it’s associated URL.

22 Using the Bookmark App

To edit an existing bookmark:

1. Right-click on the bookmark in the sidebar and select Edit Bookmark from the context menu.
The Edit Bookmark window appears.
2. Edit the properties of the bookmark as desired.
3. Click Save to save the changes, or click Cancel to exit without saving.

Deleting a Bookmark
If you delete a bookmark, the page is deleted for all MediaCentral Cloud UX users. As with the other
functions described in this section, the ability to delete bookmarks is limited to system administrators only.

To delete a bookmark:

1. Right-click on the bookmark in the sidebar and select Delete Bookmark from the context menu.
The Delete Bookmark window appears.
2. Do one of the following:
t Click Yes to permanently delete the bookmark from your MediaCentral Cloud UX system.
t Click No to abort the deletion process.

Working with the Bookmark App

This section describes some of the basics for using the Bookmark app, including:
l "Opening a Bookmarked Page" below
l "Collapsing and Maximizing the Bookmark Sidebar" below

Opening a Bookmarked Page

Accessing a bookmarked page in the app is a very simple process. You are not required to open any
additional menus or tool bars to access the page. One click - and you’re there.

If the size of your browser window does not allow you to see all of your bookmarks at once, you can use the
use the vertical scroll bar in the sidebar to reveal additional bookmarks.

To open a link to a bookmarked website:

t Click a link in the Bookmark sidebar to open the web page in the main area of the app (to the right of
the sidebar).
The Bookmark app highlights the link in the sidebar to indicate that this is the active bookmark and
the name of the bookmark is displayed in the app header.
If you repeat the process to access a different bookmark, the page displayed in the main area of the
app is replaced with the new page.

Collapsing and Maximizing the Bookmark Sidebar

The Bookmark app sidebar is available in three sizes: Standard (the default), Minimized, and Maximized. If
you need to increase the amount of screen space dedicated to the browser window, the Bookmark app
allows you to collapse or minimize the sidebar. When you collapse the sidebar, the names of the bookmarks
are hidden, leaving only their representative icons displayed.

Alternatively, you can expand or maximize the size of the sidebar to display large bookmark icons. When
maximized, the names of the bookmarks are displayed (up to 10 characters) and hovering your cursor over
the name displays the full text in a tool-tip.

22 Using the Bookmark App

The following illustration shows a collapsed version of the sidebar (left) and a maximized version of the
sidebar (right) with the Collapse button outlined in red.

If you are a system administration, the “Create a New Bookmark” button is replaced with a + symbol when
you collapse the sidebar.

To toggle the size of the sidebar:

t Click the sidebar’s Collapse button once or multiple times to increase or decrease its size.
When fully collapsed, the Collapse button points to the right and changes to an Expand button.

A User Settings

A User Settings
You can access and modify personal settings in the User Settings dialog box.

To open the User Settings dialog box:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar.
2. Select User Settings.

The User Settings dialog box opens. The user settings are arranged into multiple groups. While most
settings appear for all users, additional settings might appear when optional feature packs are
installed and licensed. After you change a user setting, click Save to save and apply your changes.

3. To close the User Settings dialog box, do one of the following:

– Click outside the dialog box.
– Click the X (Close) button in the upper right corner.
– Press Esc.
The following table describes the available user settings.

A User Settings

Settings Group Setting Description

General Language Controls the language used for the Web application user interface.
Select the language you want from the drop-down menu. See "Selecting
the Language" on the next page.
Time Zone The default time zone for users signed in to this MediaCentral Cloud UX
server. The default time zone is set by the MediaCentral Cloud UX
administrator in the Configuration Settings app. The default setting is
“Use System Timezone,” which uses the time zone that is set by the
computer’s operating system.

The Time Zone setting is used by MediaCentral Cloud UX to display

dates and other formatted data according to your selection. You can
override this setting in the User Settings. Select the time zone you want
from the drop-down menu. See "Setting the Default Time Zone" on
page 677.
Date Format Works with the time zone setting to display dates and times according
to your selection.

Administrators set the default date and time format in the

Configuration Settings app. This setting applies to all date and time
displays in MediaCentral Cloud UX. You can override this setting in the
User Settings. Select the format you want from the drop-down menu.

l DMY: DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss Z (Alternative)

l DMY-slash: DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss Z (European)
l YMD: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z (International)
l MDY: MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss A Z (U.S.)
hh = 12h format
A = AM or PM
HH = 24h format
Z = Time zone (offset from UTC)

See "Setting the Default Date Format" on page 677.

Cache Cleans your local MediaCentral Cloud UX cache storage. Use the Clear
Cache button only in emergency cases.

See "Cleaning the Local Cache Storage" on page 677.

Save Sequence Sets the default path for a folder in the Production Management
database to store new sequences. See "Setting the Default Save
Location for New Sequences" on page 678.
Subclip Sets the default path for a folder in the Production Management
database to store new subclips. See "Setting the Default Save Location
for New Subclips" on page 678.
VO Sets the default path for a folder in the Production Management
database to store new VO clips. See "Recording a Voice-Over in Source
Mode" on page 223.
Video / Audio Aspect Ratio Changes the automatically sized aspect ratio. See "Selecting the Aspect
Ratio" on page 186.

A User Settings

Settings Group Setting Description

Quality Sets the playback quality of the compressed media. See "Selecting the
Playback Quality" on page 186.
Latency Changes the buffer size to avoid pauses in playback (latency). See
"Adjusting for Playback Latency" on page 186.
Output Sets the reference level for the audio meters in the Audio tab. The
Reference Level default is -20. See "Setting the Reference Level" on page 218.
Default Audible Allows you to define the set of audible tracks when monitoring assets in
Tracks the Source monitor of the Asset Editor. See "Muting Audio Tracks" on
page 678.
Code Grants App Lets you revoke the access authorization for an external application
started from within MediaCentral Cloud UX. See "Revoking Access
Authorization for External Applications" on page 679.
Search Query Mode Defines the default look of the Search header. The Compact option
displays the search terms in the traditional “pill” format, while the Form
option displays each search term in detail in two columns of data.
Auto Refresh In some cases the Search app's auto-refresh of the Results area might
impact playback performance. Specifically, you might see a brief
stutter during the refresh period.

This option allows you to automatically disable the auto-refresh

whenever the Asset Editor is open. Auto-refresh is automatically re-
enabled as soon as you close the Asset Editor.

You can enable this toggle (blue icon) to prevent auto-refresh of the
Search App Results area when the Asset Editor is open. If disabled (gray
toggle), auto-refresh is enabled regardless of the Asset Editor's status.
Parentheses This option toggles the display of parentheses in the Search App

l Enabled (blue icon, default): Parentheses might appear around

some pills to show their relation to each other.
l Disabled (gray toggle): The Search app hides the parentheses.
For more information, see "Searching with Multiple Terms (Multiple
Pills)" on page 144.
Notifications Activity For more information, see "Configuring Notifications" on page 681.

Selecting the Language

The Language setting lets you select the language in which the user interface is displayed.

To select a language:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the General settings group.
3. In the Language section, select the language you want from the drop-down menu.

A User Settings

4. Click Save.
The MediaCentral Cloud UX user interface is reloaded. Afterwards, the user interface is shown in the
selected language.

Setting the Default Time Zone

A MediaCentral Cloud UX administrator sets the default Time Zone in the Configuration Settings app. The
Time Zone setting is used by MediaCentral Cloud UX to display dates and other formatted data for users,
depending on their time zone. You can override the default setting in the User Settings.

To set the default time zone:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the General settings group.
3. In the Time Zone section, select the time zone you want from the drop-down menu.
If you select “Use System Timezone,” the time zone that is set by the computer’s operating system is
4. Click Save.

Setting the Default Date Format

A MediaCentral Cloud UX administrator sets the default date and time format in the Configuration Settings
app. This setting applies to date and time displays in MediaCentral Cloud UX. You can override this setting
in the User Settings.

To set the default date format:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the General settings group.
3. In the Date Format section, select the format you want from the drop-down menu.
4. Click Save.

Cleaning the Local Cache Storage

If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is configured with a valid SSL certificate, the system stores
component resource data in a local cache. The cache is automatically cleared when a new version of a
component resource is available. If you are experiencing issues with MediaCentral Cloud UX functionality,
you might manually clean the local cache storage to force reloading of the static resources data.

n This feature clears the cache for the Service Worker resource on the MediaCentral Cloud UX server
and is not equivalent to clearing the cache for the browser on your local workstation.
Use the Clear Cache button only in emergency cases.

To clean your local cache storage:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the General settings group.

A User Settings

3. Click the Clear Cache button.

4. Close the User Settings dialog box.
5. Click the Chrome browser’s Reload this page button.

Setting the Default Save Location for New Sequences

You can set the path for a folder in the Production Management database to store new sequences. If you
are working in a multi-site environment, the settings allows you to select a location in your local Production
Management system only.

To set the default save location for new sequences:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the settings group Save.
3. In the Sequence section, click the drop-down menu and select the save location path.
4. Click Save.

Setting the Default Save Location for New Subclips

You can set the default save location for new subclips in the User Settings. If you are working in a multi-site
environment, the setting allows you to select a location in your local Production Management system only.

To set the default save location for new subclips:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the Save settings group.
3. In the Subclip section, click the drop-down menu and select the save location path.
4. Click Save.

Muting Audio Tracks

As noted in the "Working with Audio" on page 212 chapter, the Source monitor of the Asst Editor allows you
to load and monitor up to 24 tracks of audio. While this is often the preferred way to listen your audio
media, you might encounter situations in which you would rather have some tracks muted by default. For
example if you are working with an asset in a multi-language environment, you might have master clips
that include English on A1-A2, French on A3-A4, and so on. In this case, you might not want to monitor all
tracks simultaneously.

Although MediaCentral Cloud UX remembers your mute/solo adjustments when loading clips into the Asset
Editor, the User Settings allow you create a new default configuration in which certain tracks are always
muted for your user account. The following illustration shows the Video/Audio tab with the muting options
outlined in red.

A User Settings

In this example, tracks three and four are muted by default.

The audio muting settings apply to the following asset types:

l Production Management master clips, subclips, and group clips
l Asset Management audio / video assets
l Shotlists that are loaded as a source
To set the default muting:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the Video/Audio settings group.
3. Do one of the following:
t Click the audio track buttons to disable or enable the desired tracks.
t Shift-click an audio track button to enable it and mute all other tracks.
When the button turns gray, the track is disabled. When the button turns blue, the track is enabled.
4. Click Save.

Revoking Access Authorization for External Applications

Starting with version 2020.9, MediaCentral Cloud UX enhances the options on how to open assets in apps:
Administrators can define one or more applications that can be used to work with Avid assets, outside of
MediaCentral Cloud UX. If your MediaCentral Cloud UX system is configured to allow an external
application accessing data, you have to grant access rights when you first open an asset in MediaCentral
Cloud UX with the external application. In this release, the MediaCentral Asset Management Cataloger is
configured as an external application. For more information, see "Opening Assets with an External
Application" on page 51.

A User Settings

As soon as you authorize the access, a record for the external application is shown in your User Settings.
Here, you can see the access rights you granted and revoke the access authorization. If you do so, you will
be prompted to authorize access again the next time you want to open an asset in the external application
from within MediaCentral Cloud UX.

To revoke access authorization:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel, select the Code Grants settings group.
3. To see the granted rights, hover the mouse pointer over the application record and then over the “i”
icon, which is then shown on the right side of the application record.

4. To revoke the granted access rights, hover the mouse pointer over the application record and then
click the Remove icon, which is then shown on the right side of the application record.
The Remove authorization prompt opens.

5. Click Remove Authorization.

A User Settings

The access authorization is removed and you will see a corresponding message.

6. Close the User Settings dialog box.

Configuring Notifications
These settings allow you to configure the types of messages that can be delivered to you through the
Notifications app. The settings window provides a series of toggles that allow you to enable or disable one
or more message types and communication methods. For more information on notifications, see "The
Notifications App" on page 70.

Note the following regarding the Mobile notifications options:

l If a user enables the Push settings in Cloud UX, then they will receive notifications on their iOS device
when the Mobile app is active (and only when active). Active does not necessarily mean open.
l If you either disable the Push toggles in the MediaCentral Cloud UX User Settings, or you disable
notifications for the app on your mobile device (at the iOS level), then you will not receive any
Collaborate mobile notifications.
l If User-A disables the Push toggles in MediaCentral Cloud UX and User-B keeps their Push toggles
enabled, User-A will not receive any notifications — even if User-B adds User-A to a task or an
To customize your notification options:

1. Click the User Profile button on the right side of the Fast Bar and select User Settings.
The User Settings dialog box opens.
2. In the navigation panel on the left, select the Notifications group.

A User Settings

The settings are divided into All, App, and Feature categories. You can click the chevron to the left of
an app to minimize the notification settings for that app.

If your user account does not include permissions to access any app that is associated with the
Notifications feature, the window displays a “No available applications” message.
3. Configure your email notification options.
If you miss a notification, you can select to be notified by email. Options for this setting include:
– As soon as possible: An e-mail is sent after every missed notification.
– 5 minutes, Every hour, or Every day: The Notifications app send you an e-mail after the
specified period of time. This email includes a summary of all notifications that you missed
during this time frame.
– Off: You will not receive any e-mails regarding a missed notification.
Before you can receive notifications by email, your administrator must enable the configuration. For
more information, see “Configuring the Email Settings” in the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX
Installation Guide.
4. Configure the notifications per app.
This section is divided into two types of notifications: messages that appear within MediaCentral
Cloud UX (browser), and “Push” messages that are forwarded to a supported mobile app — such as
the MediaCentral Collaborate mobile app. Do one or more of the following to customize the settings
for your user account:

A User Settings

t Click the toggle for an individual feature to enable or disable the associated notification. When
the toggle button turns blue, the notification is enabled.
t Click the toggle in the app’s header to enable or disable all notifications for that app.
If you click the app toggle buttons, all notifications for all features within this app are
t Click the toggle in the All Notifications section to enable or disable all notifications for all apps
and features.
5. Click Save.

B Keyboard Shortcuts

B Keyboard Shortcuts
This topic provides information about keyboard shortcuts:
l "General Shortcuts" below
l "Asset Editor Shortcuts" on the next page
l "Associations App Shortcuts" on page 690
l "Browse App Shortcuts" on page 691
l "Collaborate App Shortcuts" on page 691
l "Layout Menu Shortcuts" on page 693
l "Log App Shortcuts" on page 694
l "Metadata Tab Shortcuts" on page 694
l "My Collection Shortcuts" on page 696
l "Rundown App Shortcuts" on page 696
l "Search App Shortcuts" on page 697
l "Storyboard Tab Shortcuts" on page 699
l "Tasks App Shortcuts" on page 701

n These keyboard shortcuts can be used on Windows systems or macOS systems, unless otherwise
noted. In some cases the macOS uses the Command key in place of the Ctrl key.

n Keyboard shortcuts are designed for an American keyboard and might not work with other keyboard

General Shortcuts
These shortcuts apply to multiple areas of the user interface. The following shortcuts might be app-specific
and might not apply to all apps or menus.

Shortcut Description Focus

Enter or Opens drop down menu when header is on focus — such as the Display Multiple areas
Return Options menu in the Browse app or the Collaborate app
Enter or Selects in-focus value or performs action of an in-focus button Multiple areas
Up arrow Navigate up through a menu Multiple areas
Down arrow Navigate down through a menu Multiple areas
Tab Navigates to the next field or area of the user interface. Multiple areas
Shift+Tab Navigates to the previous field or area of the user interface. Multiple areas
Esc Escapes / closes out of a context menu or drop-down menu without Multiple areas
applying changes

Closes Filters fly-out windows, such as those in the Search or Collaborate

app Filters tab.
Esc Closes the User Settings window User Settings

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Esc Closes the Notifications window Notifications

Ctrl+C Copy something to the clipboard Multiple areas
Ctrl+V Paste something from the clipboard Multiple areas

Asset Editor Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working with the Asset Editor are listed in the following tables.

For more information on this utility and its sections, see "The Asset Editor" on page 66.

Shortcuts with Focus in the Media Viewer

The following table lists shortcuts you can use when the focus is in the Media Viewer in the Asset Editor.

Shortcut Description Focus

Space bar Play or pause play. Media Viewer

Home Move to the beginning of a clip or sequence. Media Viewer
fn+Left Arrow (MacBook)
End Move to the end of a clip or sequence. Media Viewer
fn+ Right Arrow
I Insert a Mark In point. Media Viewer
O Insert a Mark Out point. Media Viewer
Shift+I, Shift+E Remove a Mark In point. Media Viewer
Shift+Click the Mark In
Shift+O, Shift+R Remove a Mark Out point. Media Viewer
Shift+Click the Mark Out
Ctrl+\ Match Frame Media Viewer
Left Arrow Move 1 frame back Media Viewer
Right Arrow Move 1 frame forward Media Viewer
Down Arrow Zoom in to a section of the timeline by 50 percent. Media Viewer
Up Arrow Zoom out from a section of the timeline by 50 percent. Media Viewer
Shift+Up Arrow Zoom to show the entire sequence Media Viewer
J, K, L See "Using the J-K-L Keys for Playback" on page 184. Media Viewer
Ctrl+J, Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L See "Using the J-K-L Keys for Playback" on page 184. Globally
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Go to the previous marker. Media Viewer
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Go to the next marker. Media Viewer
Alt+Left Arrow Move 10 seconds back Media Viewer

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Alt+Right Arrow Move 10 seconds forward Media Viewer

Alt+E Go to Mark In point Media Viewer
Alt+R Go to Mark Out point Media Viewer
Esc Switch between Source mode and Record mode Media Viewer
B Perform an overwrite edit Media Viewer

(Record mode)
V Perform an insert edit or splice-in on shotlists and Sequences Media Viewer
(news sequences not included)
(Record mode)
Enter (Windows) Select the timecode display to enable keyboard entries. Media Viewer
Return (macOS)
plus ( + ) Begin Timecode entry mode, relative forward Media Viewer
minus ( - ) Begin Timecode entry mode, relative backward Media Viewer
S Open the Select Folder for Subclip dialog box. Media Viewer

(Source mode)
A Move the position indicator to the previous segment in the Media Viewer
Timeline. The position indicator moves to the first frame after
the cut. In a News Sequence, the position indicator moves to (Record mode)
the closest segment on an active track.
S Move the position indicator to the next segment in the Media Viewer
Timeline. The position indicator moves to the first frame after
the cut. In a News Sequence, the position indicator moves to (Record mode)
the closest segment on an active track.

If you move the position indicator to the end of a sequence,

the position indicator moves to the final frame of the
Group clip shortcuts
Alt+1 through Alt+9 Select the active angle of a group clip. These keystrokes Media Viewer
apply only to camera angles 1 through 9.

n In a multi-angle view, camera angles are numbered from

upper left and left to right.
Alt+Up Arrow Select the previous angle of a group clip in the current bank. Media Viewer
Alt+Down Arrow Select the next angle of a group clip in the current bank. Media Viewer
Alt+, (comma) Display the previous bank of camera angles Media Viewer
Alt+. (period) Display the next bank of camera angles Media Viewer
Ctrl+Z (Windows) Undo an action Media Viewer
Command+Z (macOS)

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+Y (Windows) Redo an action Media Viewer

Command+Y (macOS)

Sequence Timeline Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working with the Sequence Timeline are listed in the following table. For
more information on the app and its sections, see "Editing a Sequence" on page 325.

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+S Save the sequence. Sequence

Delete Delete the selected segment. Sequence
Backspace (Windows) Timeline
I Insert a Mark In point. Sequence
E Timeline
O Insert a Mark Out point. Sequence
R Timeline
Shift+I, Shift+E Remove a Mark In point. Sequence
Shift+Click the Mark In Timeline
Shift+O, Shift+R Remove a Mark Out point. Sequence
Shift+Click the Mark Out Timeline
Alt+E Go to Mark In point Sequence
Alt+I Timeline
Alt+R Go to Mark Out point Sequence
Alt+O Timeline
Esc Switch between Source mode and Record mode Sequence
Ctrl+X Cut selection (Lift) Sequence
Shift+Ctrl+X Cut selection (Extract) (Sequences
(Shortcut works after clicking a segment to select it. Does
not work with mark In / Out points.)
Ctrl+C Copy selection Sequence
(Shortcut works after clicking a segment to select it. Does (Sequences
not work with mark In / Out points.) only)
Ctrl+V Paste selection (Overwrite) Sequence
Shift+Ctrl+V Paste selection (Insert) (Sequences
(Shortcut works after clicking a segment to select it. Does

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

not work with mark In / Out points.)

X Cut selection (Extract) Sequence
(Works with mark In / Out points.) (Sequences
Z Cut selection (Lift) Sequence
(Works with mark In / Out points.) (Sequences
backslash ( \ ) Add a transition at a cut point (e.g dissolve). Sequence
Ctrl+E (Windows) Split a segment into two segments Sequence
Command+E (macOS) Timeline
Ctrl+Shift+X (Windows) Extends a segment into another timing block. Sequence
Command+Shift+X (macOS) Timeline

B Perform an overwrite edit Sequence
V Perform an insert edit or splice-in on shotlists and Sequences Sequence
(news sequences not included) Timeline
N Perform a replace edit. Sequence
Shift+drag In an insert edit, override snap (sticky) points. Sequence
Ctrl+click (Windows) Snaps the position indicator to the closest cut of the enabled Sequence
Command+click (macOS) tracks. Timeline

l Press and hold the Ctrl key, click in the timecode bar,
and drag the position indicator to within a few pixels
of the cut.
l Move the mouse pointer within a few pixels of the cut,
then press Ctrl+click.
A Move the position indicator to the previous segment in the Sequence
Timeline. The position indicator moves to the first frame after Timeline
the cut. In a News Sequence, the position indicator moves to
the closest segment on an active track.
S Move the position indicator to the next segment in the Sequence
Timeline. The position indicator moves to the first frame after Timeline
the cut. In a News Sequence, the position indicator moves to
the closest segment on an active track.

If you move the position indicator to the end of a sequence,

the position indicator moves to the final frame of the
T Mark In to Out around the maximum extent of the current Sequence

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

segment in the Sequence Timeline. (Blue position indicator Timeline

identifies the current segment.)

Active tracks define which segments are used in the

Up arrow Zoom out of a sequence by 50 percent Sequence
Down arrow Zoom in to a sequence by 50 percent Sequence
Shift+Up Arrow Zoom to show the entire sequence Sequence
Alt+drag zoom handle Enlarge or reduce one end of the zoom region (asymmetrical Sequence
zoom) Timeline
Right arrow Move 1 frame forward Sequence
Left arrow Move 1 frame back Sequence
Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Go to the previous marker. Sequence
Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Go to the next marker. Sequence
J, K, L See "Using the J-K-L Keys for Playback" on page 184. Sequence
Space bar Play or pause play Sequence
Ctrl+Z (Windows) Undo an action Sequence
Command+Z (macOS) Timeline
Ctrl+Y (Windows) Redo an action Sequence
Command+Y (macOS) Timeline
With trim indicators active
M Trim the segment’s selected end by 10 frames earlier. Sequence
comma ( , ) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame earlier. Sequence
period ( . ) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame later. Sequence
slash ( / ) Trim the segment’s selected end 10 frames later. Sequence
Shift+[ Trim from start of segment to the position indicator (trim Sequence
top). Timeline
Shift+] Trim from the position indicator to the end of a segment (trim Sequence
tail). Timeline
With Dual-Roller trim

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

indicators active
Shift+M Trim the segment’s selected end by 10 frames earlier. Sequence
Shift+ comma ( , ) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame earlier. Sequence
Shift+period ( . ) Trim the segment’s selected end one frame later. Sequence
Shift+slash ( / ) Trim the segment’s selected end 10 frames later. Sequence
Group clip shortcuts
Alt+1 through Alt+9 Select the active angle of a group clip. These keystrokes Sequence
apply only to camera angles 1 through 9. Timeline

n In a multi-angle view, camera angles are numbered from

upper left and left to right.
Alt+Up Arrow Select the previous angle of a group clip in the current bank. Sequence
Alt+Down Arrow Select the next angle of a group clip in the current bank. Sequence

Associations App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Associations app are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the
table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see "Using the
Associations App" on page 608.

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl (hold) + Click Used to select multiple non-consecutive relations Relations area
Shift (hold) + Click Used to select multiple consecutive relations Relations area
Ctrl (hold) + Shift Depending on the last operation performed before with Ctrl+click, Relations area
(hold) + Click the selection range is extended or reduced
Drag + hold Ctrl Copy association to another association type. Relations area
(Windows) or
Options (macOS Only dragging the association moves the association to another
association type.
Esc (Association creation) Hide the “Drag here to select another Associations app
association type” drop zone overlay that is shown as soon as the
dragged selection is positioned in the Associations app
Esc Cancel the association creation Association Type
selection overlay

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Browse App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Browse app are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section of the app; the Focus
column in the table specifies the section of the app when that is the case. For more information on the app
and its sections, see "Using the Browse App" on page 76.

Shortcut Description Focus

Up Arrow Used to navigate to the previous / next asset Results area

Down Arrow
Shift (hold) + Up Arrow Used to select multiple consecutive assets Results area

Shift (hold) + Down Arrow

Left Arrow Used to navigate to the previous / next asset Results area

Right Arrow (Card View only)

Shift (hold) + Left Arrow Used to select multiple consecutive assets Results area

Shift (hold) + Right Arrow (Card View only)

Enter If an asset is selected, opens the asset in the Asset Editor and Item in Results
in the defined default app (if applicable) area

If a folder is selected, opens the folder contents in the Results

Enter When renaming a folder or an asset: Name field (edit
Esc mode) in Results
l Enter saves the changed name area
l Esc reverts the changed name

Collaborate App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Collaborate app are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section of the app; the Focus
column in the table specifies the section of the app when that is the case. For more information on the app
and its sections, see "Using the Collaborate App" on page 440.

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+Alt+T (Windows) Displays the current week Planner Explorer

(Week View)
Ctrl+Opt+T (macOS)
Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow Displays the previous week Planner Explorer
(Week View)
Ctrl+Opt+Left Arrow
Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow Displays the next week Planner Explorer
(Week View)
Ctrl+Opt+Right Arrow
Down Arrow Moves to the next topic or assignment in the Sidebar, Planner Sidebar or
List view, or Week view Explorer

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Up Arrow Moves to the previous topic or assignment in the Planner Sidebar or

Sidebar, List view, or Week view Explorer
Shift (hold) + Up Arrow Used to select multiple consecutive topics or Planner Sidebar or
assignments Explorer
Shift (hold) + Down Arrow
After accessing an assignment, you can also use these Assignments
controls to select multiple consecutive tasks
Up, Down, Left, and Right Moves to an adjacent asset in the container Media Container
Moves to an adjacent assignment in a topic Topics
Enter or Return Opens the highlighted topic or assignment Planner Sidebar or
(functionality disabled if multiple selected) Explorer
Enter or Return Opens the highlighted asset in the default application Media Container
Enter or Return Saves changes to fields such as topic, task, or Multiple areas
assignment titles
Esc Aborts changes to fields such as topic, task, or Multiple areas
assignment titles
Esc If you begin to create a new Topic, Assignment, Multiple areas
Contact, or Resource, the Esc key closes the window
without saving any changes.
Backspace Clears the date from a date field Multiple areas
Tab+Enter or Return When focus is in the “Find a Topic” or the “Find an Planner Sidebar or
Assignment” field, this clears the filter. Planner Explorer
Tab+Space Creates a new line in the Info field of topics, tasks, or Multiple areas
Ctrl+Alt+T (Windows) Opens current week (equivalent to clicking the Today Planner Explorer
button) (Week view)
Ctrl+Opt+T (macOS)
Ctrl+Alt+Left or Right arrow Moves to the previous/next week Planner Explorer
(Windows) (Week view)

Ctrl+Opt+Left or Right arrow

Ctrl+Alt+1 (Windows) Opens a New Topic window Anywhere in the app

Ctrl+Opt+1 (macOS)
Ctrl+Alt+2 (Windows) Opens a New Assignment window Anywhere in the app

Ctrl+Opt+2 (macOS)
Ctrl+Alt+3 (Windows) Opens a New Contact window Anywhere in the app

Ctrl+Opt+3 (macOS)
Ctrl+Alt+4 (Windows) Opens a New Resources window Anywhere in the app

Ctrl+Opt+4 (macOS)
Ctrl+Alt+5 (Windows) Opens a New Task window From within an

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+Opt+5 (macOS)
Ctrl+X Cut selection Notes Editor
Ctrl+C Copy selection Notes Editor
Ctrl+V Paste selection Notes Editor
Ctrl+B Set selected text to bold Notes Editor
Ctrl+I Italicize selected text Notes Editor
Ctrl+U Underline selected text Notes Editor
Tab Change/add nesting in a bulleted or numbered list Notes Editor
Backspace Change/remove nesting n a bulleted or numbered list Notes Editor

Layout Menu Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working with the Fast Bar Layouts menu. For more information on the
app and its sections, see "Working with Layouts" on page 38.

Shortcut Description Focus

Shift+Alt+L Opens the Layout menu Global

Shift+Alt+S Opens the Save Layout dialog Global
Up Arrow Vertical navigation Layouts Menu

Down Arrow Layouts List

Right Arrow Opens the list when focus is on the Layouts option in the Layouts Menu
Left Arrow Closes the Layouts list Layouts List
Esc Closes Layouts list and Layouts menu (if opened) Layouts Menu

Layouts List
Esc Closes the Layout management window and returns focus Layout management
back to the layout in Layouts list window

Closes the Save Layout window and returns focus to the

Layouts menu
Enter (Windows) Applies the in-focus layout Layouts List

Return (macOS) Expands or collapses My Layouts and Public Layouts

Enter (Windows) Opens the Save Layout window when the 'Save Layout' Layouts Menu
option is in focus
Return (macOS)
Enter (Windows) Applies changes in Save Layout/Manage Layout/Delete Layout management
Layout windows as long as the focus is not on the 'Cancel' window
Return (macOS) button

Performs action of button that is in focus (saves changes or

cancel them)

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Tab Moves to the next element in the window Layout management

Shift+Tab Moves to the previous element in the window Layout management
Space Checks or unchecks the in-focus check box (for example the Layout management
Default layout check box) window
Delete / Backspace Opens the Delete Layout window for layout that is in focus Layouts List
F5 Opens the Manage Layout dialog for layout that is in focus Layouts List
F6 Selects or deselects layout that is in focus as default layout Layouts List

Log App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Log app are listed in the following table. Some keystroke
combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the table
specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see "Working with
the Log App" on page 528.

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+M (Windows) Creates a span with one frame duration Log app
Command+M (macOS)
Ctrl+I (Windows) Creates a new span and sets the In point to the current timecode Log app
Command+I (macOS)
Ctrl+O (Windows) Sets the Out point to the current timecode Log app
Command+O (macOS)
F2 through F11 Inserts the configured button or dropdown value to the Log app
corresponding span column in the Visual Text area.
Shift+F2 through F11
For a text component, sets the cursor in the text component in the
(if configured) Visual Logging area. If the component already contains text, the
text is highlighted.

Only available if the shortcut keys are configured for the used
session template.
Esc Cancel placing a component Template
Ctrl (hold) + Click Select multiple button or dropdown values for applying a color Template
Shift Toggle the display inside the “Select a shortcut window” to show Template
the shortcuts <Up-arrow>F2 through <Up-arrow>F11 or the shortcuts
F2 through F11.
Shift (hold) + Click Toggle the display inside the “Select a shortcut window” to show Template
and select a shortcut <Up-arrow>F2 through <Up-arrow>F11.

Metadata Tab Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Metadata tab are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section or property; the Focus
column in the table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab,

B Keyboard Shortcuts

see "Working with Metadata" on page 228.

Shortcut Description Focus

Tab Navigate to the next editable field. Metadata tab

Leaving an edited field by pressing the Tab key saves the

changed value.
Tab Advance to the input control at the right side and navigate Master Data edit window
to the next editable field within the row

Tab Advance to the input control at the right side within the Date, Time, DateTime

Shift (hold) + Click Used to select multiple consecutive rows Multi-value, Compound
or Master Data edit
Ctrl (hold) + Click Used to select multiple non-consecutive rows window
Up Arrow Used to navigate to the previous row Multi-value, Compound
or Master Data edit
Down Arrow Used to navigate to the next row window
Up Arrow Increase value Date, Time, DateTime

Down Arrow Decrease value

Up Arrow Move to the beginning of the field Duration, Integer, Float,
Timecode, Text
Down Arrow Move to the end of the field
Up Arrow Move cursor to the line above Text (multi-line)

Down Arrow Move cursor to the line below

Home Move to the beginning of the field Duration, Integer, Float,
Timecode, Text
End Move to the end of the field
Home Move to the beginning of the line Text (multi-line)

End Move to the end of the line

Left Arrow Advance to the input control at the left side Date, Time, DateTime

Right Arrow Advance to the input control at the right side

Left Arrow Advance to the character/figure to the left side Duration, Integer, Float,
Timecode, Text
Right Arrow Advance to the character/figure to the right side
Delete / Backspace Delete the selected row(s) Multi-value, Compound
or Master Data edit
Delete / Backspace Delete the selected text or figures Integer, Float, Date,
Time, DateTime, Text
Esc Cancel the Delete row(s) action Multi-value, Compound
or Master Data edit

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Esc Keep the already selected term Legal list, thesaurus

Esc Discard your input, keep the original value and end editing Date, Time, DateTime,
mode. Duration, Integer, Float,
Text, Timecode
If you press the Esc key when editing one of the supported
property types within a multi-value compound or master
data edit window, editing mode is only ended for the
individual property not for the entire row.
Ctrl + A Select the entire text Text
Ctrl + C Copy the select text Text
Ctrl + V Paste copied text, duration, timecode Text, Duration, Timecode
Ctrl + X Cut the select text Text
Ctrl + Y Redo the action Text, Float, Integer
Ctrl + Z Undo the input Text, Float, Integer
Space Checks or unchecks the in-focus check box Boolean

My Collection Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts available when working with the My Collection tool. For more information, see "Using
the My Collection Tool" on page 72.

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+C Copy something to the clipboard My Collection window

(My Collection window must first be open)

Esc Minimizes (hides) the My Collection window My Collection window

Rundown App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Rundown app are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section of the app; the Focus
column in the table specifies the section of the app when that is the case. For more information on the app
and its sections, see "Working with the Rundown App" on page 402.

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+S Save story General

Ctrl+E Toggle the story’s edit lock on and off General
Shift+Left Arrow Select text one character at a time moving backward Story section
Shift+Right Arrow Select text one character at a time moving forward Story section
Shift+Up Arrow Select text one line at a time moving upward Story body
Shift+Down Arrow Select text one line at a time moving downward Story body
Ctrl+] Split the segment Story body
Ctrl+X Cut selection Story section

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+C Copy selection Story section

Ctrl+V Paste selection Story section
Ctrl+B Set selected text to bold Cue List/Story body
Ctrl+I Italicize selected text Cue List/Story body
Ctrl+U Underline selected text Cue List/Story body
Ctrl+Alt+P Turn on Presenter Instruction mode or mark selected text as Story body
presenter instructions
Alt+Insert Insert production cue Story body
Shift+Alt+Insert Insert primary cue Story body
Ctrl+Alt+M Mark selected text as machine control instructions Cue List
Ctrl+Alt+C Turn on Closed Captioning mode or mark selected text as closed Story body
captioning text
Ctrl+Alt+N Turn on Normal text mode or change selected text to normal font Cue List/Story body
Ctrl+Alt+G Create a Story Group Queue section
Ctrl+Alt+V Dissolve a Story Group Queue section
Tab Move to next form field Story form
Shift+Tab Move to previous form field Story form
Ctrl+Shift+I Insert a script template Story body

Search App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Search app are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section of the app; the Focus
column in the table specifies the section of the app when that is the case. For more information on the app
and its sections, see "Searching for Assets" on page 129.

Shortcut Description Focus

Tab The tab key performs multiple actions within the search Search Header
header. In general, the following is true:

l While working in a pill, the tab key moves the cursor

to the next available field.
l If you are on the final field, the tab key creates a new
pill with the input field in focus.
Left Arrow Moves to the previous field of a multi-compound value (like Search Term (pill)
Right Arrow Moves to the next field of a multi-compound value (like Search Term (pill)
Shift+Tab l Access the Secondary Search Type menu (if Search Term (pill)
l Moves focus to the previous search term (if

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Shift+Down Accesses the Search Term short menu Search Term (pill)
Up Arrow Used to navigate the Search Term menu, Search Type menu, Search Term (pill)
Super Pill menu, or fields in a multi-compound value.
Down Arrow
Shift+Left While holding the Shift key, this action highlights the text to Search Term (pill)
the right of the cursor.
Shift+Right While holding the Shift key, this action highlights the text to Search Term (pill)
the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+Left While holding Ctrl+Shift keys, this action highlights the Search Term (pill)
whole text to the right of the cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+Right While holding Ctrl+Shift keys, this action highlights the Search Term (pill)
whole text to the left of the cursor.
Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the search term text Search Term (pill)
End Moves the cursor to the end of the search term text field. Search Term (pill)
Enter (Windows) Executes a search Search Term (pill)
Return (macOS)
Enter (Windows) Selects value in pill type drop down or match drop down Search Term (pill)
Return (macOS)

or Tab
Tab Adds a new pill with the AND ( & ) operator Search Term
Alt+Ctrl+\ (Windows) Adds a new pill with the OR ( | ) operator Search Term
Opt+Cmd+\ (macOS)
Alt+Ctrl+ - (Windows) Adds a new pill with the AND NOT ( — ) operator Search Term
Opt+Cmd+ - (macOS)
Ctrl+Backspace Clears all search criteria including Search Terms and Filters Search app

Shift-Click, or Ctrl-Click Copies results into buffer Results
(for use with Copy Results and Download Results feature)
Cmd+Click (macOS)
Up Arrow Used to navigate to the previous asset Results

Down Arrow Used to navigate to the next asset

Keep arrow held down for rapid navigation.

Shift (hold) + Up Arrow Used to select multiple consecutive assets Results

Shift (hold) + Down Arrow

Shift (hold) + Left Arrow

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Shift (hold) + Right Arrow

Enter (Windows) Opens the asset in the Asset Editor (if applicable) Results
Return (macOS)
Shift+Enter (Windows) Opens the asset in the Search app’s In-Line Hits window Results
Shift+Return (macOS)
Up or Left Arrow Used to navigate to the previous asset In-Line Hits

Down or Right Arrow Used to navigate to the next asset

Keep arrow held down for rapid navigation.

Esc Closes opened drop downs, reverts changes in the pill and Search Term (pill)
converts pill into read mode
Esc Closes In-Line Hits In-Line Hits

Storyboard Tab Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Storyboard tab are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the
table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see "Working
with the Storyboard Tab" on page 269.

Shortcut Description Focus

Ctrl+M (Windows) (Production Management) Create a new marker (by default, Media Viewer
Cmd+M (macOS) a marker with a red icon)
Storyboard tab

Browse app

Search app
Ctrl +number (top-row or (Production Management) Create a marker and set the icon Media Viewer
numeric keypad) color as follows:
Storyboard tab
l Ctrl+0: Last color picked. If no previous color was
selected in a session, the color is white. Browse app

l Ctrl+1: Red Search app

l Ctrl+2: Green
l Ctrl+3: Blue
l Ctrl+4: Cyan
l Ctrl+5: Magenta
l Ctrl+6: Yellow
l Ctrl+7: Black
l Ctrl+8: White
The NumLock state must be enabled to use these commands
on the numeric keypad.
Ctrl+number (Windows) (Asset Management) Creates a segment as follows: Media Viewer
Cmd+number (macOS)

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

(top-row or numeric l Ctrl+1 / Cmd+1: Opens a new segment and sets the In Storyboard tab
keypad) point to the current timecode
Browse app
l Ctrl+2 / Cmd+2: Closes the open segment and sets
the Out point to the current timecode Search app
l Ctrl+3 / Cmd+3: Creates a segment with one frame
Shift (hold) + Up Arrow Used to select multiple consecutive markers, restrictions, or Storyboard tab
Shift (hold) + Down Arrow

Shift (hold) + Click

Ctrl (hold) + Click Used to select multiple non-consecutive markers, Storyboard tab
restrictions, or segments
Up Arrow Used to navigate to the previous marker, restriction, or Storyboard tab
Down Arrow
Used to navigate to the next marker, restriction, or
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Used to navigate to the previous marker Asset Editor Media
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow Used to navigate to the next marker
Ctrl + C Copy the selected marker(s) or segment(s) Storyboard tab
Delete Delete the selected marker(s), restriction(s) or segment(s) List view
Delete / Backspace Delete the selected text or figures List view (Integer,
Float, Date, Time,
DateTime, Text)
Enter Positions the cursor in the Comment field of the selected List view
marker or restriction
Esc Keep the already selected term List view (Legal list,
Esc Discard your input, keep the original value and end editing List view (Date,
mode Time, DateTime,
Duration, Integer,
Float, Timecode)
Up Arrow Increase value List view (Date,
Time, DateTime)
Down Arrow Decrease value
Up Arrow Move to the beginning of the field List view (Duration,
Integer, Float,
Down Arrow Move to the end of the field Timecode, Text
Up Arrow Move cursor to the line above List view (Text
Down Arrow Move cursor to the line below
Home Move to the beginning of the field List view (Duration,
Integer, Float,
End Move to the end of the field Timecode, Text

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Home Move to the beginning of the line List view (Text

End Move to the end of the line
Left Arrow Advance to the input control at the left side List view (Date,
Time, DateTime)
Right Arrow Advance to the input control at the right side
Left Arrow Advance to the character/figure to the left side List view (Duration,
Integer, Float,
Right Arrow Advance to the character/figure to the right side Timecode, Text)
Tab Advance to the input control at the right side within the List view (Date,
attribute Time, DateTime)

Tab Exit edit mode of non-text attributes List view

n You cannot navigate between the properties of

segments using the Tab key.
Ctrl + A Select the entire text List view (Text)
Ctrl + C Copy the selected text List view (Text)
Ctrl + V Paste copied text, duration, timecode List view (Text,
Ctrl + X Cut the selected text List view (Text)
Ctrl + Y Redo the action List view (Text,
Float, Integer)
Ctrl + Z Undo the input List view (Text,
Float, Integer)
Space Checks or unchecks the in-focus check box List view (Boolean)

Tasks App Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available when working in the Tasks app are listed in the following table. Some
keystroke combinations only work when the cursor is located in a certain section; the Focus column in the
table specifies the section of the tab when that is the case. For more information on the tab, see "Working
with the Tasks App (Asset Management)" on page 657.

Shortcut Description Focus

Shift (hold) + Up Arrow Used to select multiple consecutive tasks Tasks List

Shift (hold) + Down Arrow

Shift (hold) + Click

Ctrl (hold) + Click Used to select multiple non-consecutive tasks Tasks List
Up Arrow Used to navigate to the previous task Tasks List

Down Arrow Used to navigate to the next task

B Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description Focus

Home Used to navigate to the first task in the Task List Tasks List

End Used to navigate to the last task in the Task List

Esc Keep the already selected term Task Details (Legal
list, thesaurus)
Delete / Backspace Delete the selected text or figures Task Details
Ctrl + A Select the entire text Task Details (Text)
Ctrl + C Copy the selected text Task Details (Text)
Ctrl + P Paste copied text Task Details (Text)
Ctrl + X Cut the selected text Task Details (Text)
Ctrl + Y (While the cursor is positioned in a metadata field and Task Details
you have not saved your changes) Redo the action
Ctrl + Z (While the cursor is positioned in a metadata field and Task Details
you have not saved your changes) Undo the input


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