chapter1,2,3 final project

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1ST JUNE, 2023



1.1Background and context of the study

The widespread use of technology and social media platforms have revolutionized

communication and interaction among individuals, particularly among the youth (Livingstone,

2020). While these advancements have brought numerous benefits, they have also given rise to

new challenges, one of which is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a form of aggressive behavior

that occurs online, where individuals use electronic means to harass, intimidate, or humiliate

others (Kowalski et al, 2012). It has become a pressing issue globally, with detrimental effects on

the well-being and mental health of its victims (Patchin & Hinduja, 2015).

Research conducted on cyberbullying has predominantly focused on Western countries, leaving a

significant gap in understanding its prevalence and impact in different cultural contexts.In a

study conducted in Canada on the impact of cyberbullying in schools, specifically on junior high

students, it was shown that few participants out of 265 participants were cyber bullied (Li,2006).

Also, a research conducted among 1925 participants from four different universities in Canada,

of all the participants in the study, several participants reported experiencing at least one incident

of cyberbullying in the past year (Faucher,Jackson, & Cassidy, 2014). Another study that was

conducted at a large public university in the southeastern region of the United States to

understand how frequent cyberbullying occurred among college students, out of 613 participant,

more than few indicated that they had been cyber bullied as a college student (Zalaquett &

Chatters, 2014). In the case of Ghana, limited research has been conducted on cyberbullying,
especially among specific groups such as university students. Therefore, there is a need to

explore the experiences of cyberbullying among Ghanaian youth, particularly those in

educational institutions, to develop effective preventive measures and support systems (Ayar,


The University of Media, Arts and Communication-Ghana Institute of Journalism (UniMAC-

GIJ) is a renowned institution that trains students in the field of journalism and communication.

As future media professionals, it is crucial to understand the extent to which cyberbullying

affects GIJ students and how it influences their well-being. By focusing on this specific group,

this study aims to shed light on the prevalence, types, platforms, and impact of cyberbullying

among UNIMAC-GIJ students.

In recent years, several studies have emphasized the importance of addressing cyberbullying

within educational settings (Hinduja and Patchin, 2018). This research study seeks to contribute

to the existing body of knowledge by examining the unique experiences of cyberbullying among

UNIMAC-GIJ students. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights for educators,

policymakers, and relevant stakeholders to develop strategies and interventions to combat

cyberbullying and create a safer online environment for Ghanaian youth.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Cyberbullying has emerged as a significant concern globally, with detrimental effects on the

well-being and mental health of its victims, particularly among the youth. However, limited

research has been conducted on cyberbullying within the Ghanaian context, specifically among

university students. Therefore, there is a need to investigate the prevalence and impact of
cyberbullying among students at (UNIMAC-GIJ) to develop effective preventive measures and

support systems.

Studies conducted in Western countries has shown that measures has been placed to address

cyberbullying, according to Hinduja & Patchin (2012) except for two states, all 50 states in the

US have antibullying laws in place as of February 2012, and 16 states have either antibullying

policies, laws pending or comments about the necessity of their policies or laws. However, the

experiences of cyberbullying may vary across different cultural contexts, necessitating the need

for research in diverse regions. Existing research has emphasized the need for comprehensive

studies on cyberbullying among specific groups, such as university students, to understand their

unique experiences and develop targeted interventions (Slonje, Smith, & Frisen, 2016).

By focusing on the UNIMAC- GIJ students population, this study aims to fill the gap in the

current literature by exploring the prevalence, types, platforms, and impact of cyberbullying

among Ghanaian youth. The findings will contribute to the development of evidence-based

strategies to address cyberbullying and promote a safer online environment for GIJ students and

other Ghanaian youth.

1.3 Research Objectives

1. To determine the prevalence and types of cyberbullying experienced by University of Media,

Arts and Communication-Ghana Institute of Journalism (UniMAC-GIJ) students.

2. To explore the psychological and emotional strain of cyberbullying on UniMAC-GIJ students.

3. To identify coping mechanisms utilized by UniMAC-GIJ students in response to

cyberbullying incidents.
1.4 Research Questions

1. What are the prevalent types of cyberbullying experienced by UniMAC-GIJ students?

2. How does cyberbullying affect the psychological and emotional well-being of UniMAC-GIJ


3. What coping mechanisms do UniMAC-GIJ students employ to deal with cyberbullying


1.5 Research Methodology

This study will employ quantitative research methodology to explore the experiences of

cyberbullying among University of Media, Arts and Communication-Ghana Institute of

Journalism (UniMAC-GIJ) students.According to Kowalczyk (2016), quantitative research

method is a method that uses numbers in clarifying the findings. Using numbers implies that the

researcher has to have enough knowledge about descriptive and inferential statistical.

In summary, this methodology will provide valuable insights into the experiences of

cyberbullying among UNIMAC-GIJ students, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the

phenomenon and informing preventive measures and support systems.

1.6 Rationale of The Study

The rationale for conducting this study on cyberbullying among University of Media, Arts and

Communication-Ghana Institute of Journalism (UniMAC-GIJ) students is grounded in several

key factors. Firstly, the widespread use of technology and social media platforms has

revolutionized communication and interaction among individuals, particularly among the youth.
While these advancements have brought numerous benefits, they have also given rise to new

challenges, such as cyberbullying. (Li et al., 2023)

Secondly, although cyberbullying is recognized as a pressing issue globally, research on

cyberbullying has predominantly focused on Western countries, leaving a significant gap in

understanding its prevalence and impact in different cultural contexts. In the case of Ghana,

limited research has been conducted on cyberbullying, especially among specific groups such as

university students. Therefore, there is a need to explore the experiences of cyberbullying among

Ghanaian youth, particularly those in educational institutions, to develop effective preventive

measures and support systems.

Finally, the choice of focusing on UNIMAC-GIJ students is based on the significance of

understanding how cyberbullying affects future media professionals. As students training in the

field of journalism and communication, they are likely to encounter and engage with online

platforms extensively. It is crucial to understand the extent to which cyberbullying affects

UniMAC-GIJ students and how it influences their well-being. This knowledge will not only

benefit the students of UniMAC-GIJ but also contribute to the development of responsible

media practices and ethics in the digital age.

1.7 Significance of the study

This study holds significant benefits for academia, society and policy development.
In academia, the research will address the research gap by focusing on cyberbullying within the

Ghanaian context, specifically among university students. By expanding the existing body of

knowledge, it will enhance understanding of the prevalence, impact, and coping mechanisms

associated with cyberbullying among Ghanaian youth. The study will provide a foundation for

further research and academic discussions on cyberbullying in diverse cultural contexts.

In terms of society, cyberbullying is a pressing issue, particularly among the youth. This study

will shed light on the prevalence, types, and platforms of cyberbullying by examining the

experiences of UniMAC-GIJ students. The findings will raise awareness about the negative

consequences of cyberbullying, promoting a safer and more inclusive online environment. The

research will inform preventive measures, support systems, and interventions to combat

cyberbullying, ultimately contributing to the well-being and mental health of Ghanaian youth.

Regarding policy development, the insights gained from this study will offer valuable input for

policymakers, educational institutions, and relevant stakeholders. The findings will inform

evidence-based decision-making, assisting in the development of effective policies and

prevention strategies to address cyberbullying. By considering the unique experiences of

UNIMAC- GIJ students, targeted interventions can be formulated to create safer digital spaces

and foster responsible online behavior.

1.8 Scope of study

This study focuses on examining the prevalence, types, platforms, and impact of cyberbullying

among students at the University of Media, Arts and Communication-Ghana Institute of

Journalism (UniMAC-GIJ). The research will involve a selected sample of UNIMAC-GIJ

students to gather in-depth information about their experiences with cyberbullying. The study
will explore various dimensions of cyberbullying, including the psychological and emotional

strain on the victims and the coping mechanisms utilized by the students. The research will

specifically target and be limited to only GIJ students as they are future media professionals who

can play a significant role in raising awareness and addressing cyberbullying in their field.

1.9 Organisation of The Study

The study will be organised systematically. It will begin with an introduction in chapter one

highlighting the research gap on cyberbullying among GIJ students. Chapter two will focus on

the literature review.Chapter three will touch on the methodology of the study .Chapter four will

present the analysis and discussion of the finding. Finally chapter five will include the summary,

conclusion and recommendations.

1.10 Chapter Summary

This chapter focuses on background of the study, statement of the problem, research objectives

and research questions. The research methodology, rationale of the study, significance of the

study, scope of the study, and organization of the study are also discussed in chapter one.

Chapter two will follow after chapter one, which will look at the literature materials that has

been done on cyberbullying and the youth, also it will focus on theoretical framework that

underpins this study.



2.0 Introduction

This chapter reviews relevant literature for this study and discusses the theoretical framework in

which the study will be done. In this comprehensive literature review, this study will delve into

the significant issues of cyberbullying in the digital age, which impacts the well-being and

mental health of young individuals. Our focus centers on the youth, with particular attention

given to a case study conducted among students at the prestigious University of Media, Arts and

Communication, Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ).

2.1 Conceptual Framework

2.1.1 Cyberbullying

In recent times there has been an increase in suicide among young persons due to excessive

bullying on cyberspace through the use of new technologies, cyberbullying has emerged as the

foremost concern among parents, teachers, and other professionals working with young people

(Willard, 2007) while traditional forms of bullying has been decreasing over time (Finkelhor,

2013).Cyberbullying can be propagated through phone call,email,instant messaging, chat

room,picture and video clips. Welfare organization have formulated laws to create awareness and

control cyberbullying among the youth, however the situation has been indifferent in states in

which countries have passed cyberbullying and electronic harassment laws in recent years

(Hinduja, & Patchin, 2011).

2.1.2 Introduction of Internet and cyberbullying

The internet was invented in the 1960s by a team of researchers led by J.C.R. Licklider, who

envisioned a global network of computers that could communicate with each other(Hafner &

Lyon, 1996; Licklider, 1973; Segaller, 1999; Waldrop, 2001). The Internet is a global system of

interconnected computer networks that uses the standard internet protocol suite to assist millions

of users worldwide, internet is the core of new media, all social media platforms are able to

operate because it uses the internet has it pivot (Obinna& Kabari,2018).Ghana became one of the

few countries in sub-Saharan Africa to have had full Internet connectivity in August 1995

(Bempong,2014).Ghana's achievement was made possible with aid from Dr. Nii Quaynor and

William Tevie, Joseph Annan, Andy Bulley and other information technology companies that

provide variety of services in Ghana- British Telecom, Network Computer Systems (NCS),

Pipex International, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Communication and Ghana

Telecom also contributed in getting Ghana connected to the internet (Internet society,2022). The

use of internet in academic environment help students seek information and communicate on

daily basis from anywhere, in as much as the youth use internet for merit services, others use it

for demerit activities such as cyberbullying (Nixon,2014).

2.1.3 Platforms Used In Executing Cyberbullying

Social media refers to websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or

to participate in social networking.

Manning (2014) confirms that social media involves communication between groups, interaction

between individuals or between groups of people through social networking sites, social media

platforms allow users to connect with each other, share information, and engage in conversations
and discussions, some popular social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

YouTube and Snapchat.

Moreover, studies show that chat rooms and emails are the two most common ways through

which college students to experience cyberbullying (Beebe, 2010).Kowalski and Limber (2018)

report indicate that instant messaging is the most popular technical platform for cyberbullying.In

recent times, cyberbullying has increased significantly due to the widespread adoption of social

media and internet usage among tertiary students, particularly those enrolled at the University of

Media, Arts and Communication-Ghana Institute of Journalism. Cyberbullying manifests itself in

diverse forms,according to Vandebosch and van Cleemput (2009), cyberbullying encompasses

various forms of behavior that can be classified as either direct or indirect, depending on the

actions of the perpetrators. Menesini, Nocentini, and Calussi (2011) research found that

cyberbullying encompasses various forms of aggression, including physical acts such as

intentionally transmitting a virus and non-verbal aggression such as sending inappropriate

images to persons,the phenomenon of indirect cyberbullying pertains to the dissemination of

rumors and engagement in polls on websites that are defamatory in nature.Watts and colleagues

(2017) reported on several categories of cyberbullying, namely online harassment, cyberstalking,

trickery and outing.

2.2Empirical Review

The psychological effects of cyberbullying on its victims are well-documented in academic

literature. Studies have shown that individuals who have experienced cyberbullying often exhibit

symptoms of depression, loneliness, low self-esteem, school phobias, and social anxiety (Akcil,

2018). Furthermore, scholarly investigations have demonstrated that cyberbullying results in

both emotional and physiological harm to vulnerable targets, as well as psycho-social challenges

such as behavioral issues, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, depressive symptoms, and reduced

dedication to academic pursuits (Selkie et al.,2015).The statement highlights the significant

likelihood of experiencing severe emotional strain among students who have been subjected to

cyberbullying,consequently, their academic performance is negatively impacted due to their

inability to focus on their studies (Akcil, 2018). According to Faryadi (2011), cyberbullying can

have a negative impact on the psychological well-being of its victims, hindering their academic

performance. A study by Bebe (2010) confirms there is a significant correlation between

cyberbullying, harassment and various negative outcomes experienced by undergraduate

students, such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem, interpersonal difficulties,

tensions, and academic underachievement.

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2014 found that persons

enrolled in undergraduate programs between 18 to 29 years have more access to the nternet

through a mobile device. Research by Shariff (2008) shows that internet anonymity has

provided a sense of empowerment to individuals who may not typically exhibit aggressive

behavior in public, the traditional bully seen as physically imposing and aggressive male student

on school grounds has evolved, individuals who engage in bullying behavior may be individuals

who do not fit the stereotypical profile of a bully.

Prior research has shown that several undergraduate students engage in cyberbullying

(Baldasare, Goldman, Robie, 2012).A study conducted by Beebe (2010) which involved a

sample of 202 college students in the United States confirmed that several undergraduate student

population reported instances of cyberbullying victimization once or twice during their period in

college, furthermore, few individuals reported experiencing victimization from cyberbullying on

a monthly basis during their time in tertiary education. As per Dilmaç's (2009) findings, a

significant proportion of Selcuk University's student body, comprising 666 individuals, a few

reported engaging in cyberbullying behavior towards others, with majority of the same student

population reported experiencing cyberbullying at least once during their lifetimes.

Walker,Sockman&Koehn (2011) research, which surveyed 131 students across seven

undergraduate classes in the United States, a few of the participants reported experiencing

cyberbullying while attending university, most students experienced cyberbullying through

Facebook,cell phones, and instant messaging., from the findings of the study, several of the

perpetrators of cyberbullying were their classmates while some were identified as individuals

who were not affiliated with the university, also a few of the students were unable to identify the

source of the cyberbullying.

Webber and Ovedovitz's (2018) study examined a sample of 187 undergraduate students

enrolled at a prominent Roman Catholic university in the northeastern region of the United

States, the findings showed that less of the participants reported experiencing cyberbullying at

the university level, while a small number of the students admitted to engaging in bullying

behavior at that level. According to a study conducted by Varghese and Pistole (2017) at a

prominent mid-western university, a survey of 338 participants found that few of the

undergraduate students reported being victims of cyberbullying during their college years, while

not many reported engaging in cyberbullying behavior during their tertiary education, findings

from a survey conducted on 201 students from sixteen colleges across the United States

confirmed that majority of the respondents reported experiencing cyberbullying during their

college years.
Poole (2017) reported that victims of cyberbullying experienced it anywhere, almost daily.

Akcil's (2018) research on international students confirmed that a significant proportion of

participants confirmed experiencing cyberbullying at least once to multiple times within the past

30 days.

A study conducted by Svenson and Klinger (2014) aimed to examine the adverse effects of

cyberbullying on undergraduate students across multiple tertiary institutions confirmed that

majority of students have become victims of cyberbullying, the authors pointed out that measures

have to be taken to reduce cyberbullying, the researchers stated that social media,

technology,itself cannot be held accountable for the occurrence of cyberbullying.

Studies conducted by Achonga et al. (2020) utilized a qualitative case study approach to

examine the impact of cyberbullying on tertiary students at Tamale Technical University and

University of Development Studies, the research data was gathered through various methods

including in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observation and snowball sample to

conduct an in-depth interview with two victims and two perpetrators. The stude showed that

participants encountered instances of cyberbullying across multiple social media platforms,

whereby they were subjected to derogatory remarks, the research findings indicate a concerning

involvement of cyberbullying among the student populations of two universities located in the

northern region of Ghana.

A research conducted by Li (2006) reported that a higher number of female individuals as

victims of cyberbullying in comparison to their male counterparts, females constitute a majority

among the victims of cybercrime, whereas several males account are perpetrators of

cyberbullying, research findings suggest that cyberbullying is more dominant among females
than males. It has been observed that the highest incidence of cyberbullying occurs among

individuals aged 15 and 16 years, from Harris Poll People (2007). There is a notable gender

disparity in the incidence of cyberbullying, with girls being at a significantly higher risk than

boys, evident in the context of text messaging and phone calls (Smith et al 2006).

2.3 Theoretical Framework

This study will employ the use of the social cognitive theory, self-determination theory and the

social identity theory. The Social Cognitive express that learning occurs in a social context with

a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment, and behavior.

2.3.1 The Social Cognitive Theory

The Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) was initially conceptualised as the Social Learning Theory

(SLT) during the 1960s by Albert Bandura. The Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) emerged in 1986

and asserts that the process of learning takes place within a social environment, characterized by

a dynamic and mutually influential interplay between the individuals, the environment and

behavior.This theoretical framework offers a comprehensive approach to understanding,

predicting and altering human behavior.

Social Cognitive theory, argues that cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors exert an

influence on learning. Bandura's theory diverges from traditional psychological theories that

prioritize learning through direct experience. According to Bandura (1986), learning can occur

through the observation of other individuals' behavior and the consequences that follow-Bandura

proposed that the phenomenon of observational learning is regulated by four fundamental

components, namely attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. According to Wood and

Bandura (1989), attention is a cognitive process whereby individuals selectively observe and

extract information from ongoing modeled activities, the process of retention entails the

transformation and restructuring of information into rules and conceptions, followed by its

storage in memory, reproduction refers to the execution of the observed behavior,the fourth

dimension pertains to the motivational factors that drive the learner to engage in attentive

behavior, deliberate practice, and effective retention of information.

The use of the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) serves as a valuable learning process in this

research, as it facilitates a deeper understanding of the nature of bullying behaviors and the

social dynamics that participate in such behaviors, as a result this theory will be used to explore

cyberbullying and the youth at UNIMAC-GIJ as it was developed to understand violent,

especially bullying in society.

2.3.2 The Social Information Processing (SIP) Theory

The theory of Social Information Processing (SIP) as proposed by Joseph Walther in 1992

explains the process of forming interpersonal impressions and establishing communication in

relationships through the medium of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). The

theoretical framework was first introduced during the early 1990s, a time when online

communication interfaces were limited to textual messages. this was in contrast to the more

diverse range of multi-modal platforms available today, such as videoconferencing and social

network sites. This theory state that in the absence of face to face dialogue, it does not limit

interaction as individual can used emoticons to express their emotions.

The Social Information Processing (SIP) model is a widely recognized conceptual framework

used for understanding aggressive conduct among children, as proposed by Crick and Dodge in

1994. Empirical evidence suggests that SIP model has a greater chance to predict children social

adjustment (Crick & Dodge, 1994).

According to Li et la.(2013), the SIP model offers a comprehensive framework that facilitates the

comprehension of children's social behavior and the development of prevention and intervention

programs aimed at mitigating aggression. The SIP model states that the cognitive processes

involved in the interpretation of social interactions are obvious,ultimately shaping children's

behavioral responses to interpersonal events.

2.3.3 Relevance of Social Cognitive Theory to the study

Bandura's theory suggests that individuals learn through a process called observational learning

or modeling. Observational learning involves watching others and imitating their behaviours

especially when those behaviours are rewarded or go unpunished. In the case of cyberbullying,

individuals can observe and learn from both positive and negative outcomes of cyberbullying

incidents. For instance, if they witness others gaining social status or power through

cyberbullying, they might be more inclined to engage in similar behaviours themselves.

Furthermore, the concept of self-efficacy is a crucial component of the social cognitive theory.

Self-efficacy refers to individual's belief in their own ability to perform a specific task or

behaviours In the context of cyberbullying, individuals with high self-efficacy for aggressive

online behaviours might be more likely to engage in cyberbullying, especially if they believe

they can successfully avoid detection or negative consequences.

In terms of environmental influences, Bandura's theory highlights the role of social norms and

reinforcement in shaping behavior. The perception of what is considered acceptable behaviour in

a given social context can impact an individual's decision to engage in cyberbullying. If

cyberbullying is normalised within a particular online community or peer group, individuals may

be more likely to adopt those behaviors as well.

Moreover, the concept of reciprocal determinism is relevant to understanding cyberbullying.

Reciprocal determinism refers to the continuous interaction between personal factors, behaviours

and the environment. In the case of cyberbullying, an individual's attitudes and beliefs about

online interactions, coupled with their bad past experiences, can influence how they perceive

and respond to cyberbullying situations. These responses, in turn, can shape the overall online

environment and potentially perpetuate a cycle of cyberbullying.

A study conducted by Hinduja and Patchin in 2013 explored how social cognitive factors

contribute to cyberbullying behaviors among middle and high school students in United

States,The study found that perceived norms about cyberbullying behaviours of what individuals

think they can do influence cyberbullying engagement.

2.3.4 Relevance of Social Information Processing Theory to the study

Social Information Processing (SIP) theory highlights how individuals in online interactions rely

heavily on textual cues to interpret the intentions and emotions of others due to the absence of

facial expressions or tone of voice. In the context of cyberbullying, Hinduja and patchin (2010)

noted that two kind of texts or messages can be easily misinterpreted, leading to conflicts and

misunderstandings that may contribute to the perpetuation of cyberbullying.

Moreover, anonymity in Computer Mediated Communication ( C.M.C) can lead to

deindividuation, where individuals may engage in more aggressive and hostile behaviours than

they would in face-to-face interactions. Tokunaga (2010) points out that the anonymity offered

by online platforms allows cyberbullies to detach from the consequences of their actions,

resulting in heightened levels of aggression and harm.

SIP theory suggests that online communication allows individuals more time to process

information and formulate responses. In the context of cyberbullying, this extended time can lead

to intensified negative emotions as individuals ruminate on hurtful messages. Schneider et al.

(2012) discuss how cyberbullying incidents can have a prolonged impact on victims due to

nature of online communication not occuring at the same time.

SIP theory suggests that individuals form impressions about others based on limited cues

available in CMC, this can lead to stereotyping and biased judgments. In the context of

cyberbullying, individuals might make biased assumptions about others' intentions, which can

amplify aggressive behaviors. Slonje and Smith (2008) discuss how stereotyping can influence

the perception of cyberbullying incidents, leading bystanders to either dismiss or escalate the


The lack of nonverbal cues such as facial expression, tone of voice in online interactions can

lead to reduced empathy and emotional connection between communicators. Li (2007) argues

that this emotional detachment contributes to the normalisation of cyberbullying, as the

perpetrators may not fully comprehend the emotional impact of their actions on victims.

2.4 Chapter Summary

This chapter focuses on the conceptual framework, empirical review and theoretical framework.

It details the concepts, theories used by researchers and findings on cyberbullying and the

youth.The next chapter,three,will focus on research methodology of the study.



3.0 Chapter Overview

This chapter, presents a description of the methodology that will be employed in this study and

how the study will be conducted in order to achieve the set objectives of the study. The chapter

presents the research design and provides justification for the choice of the quantitative research

strategy. It explores the research design of the study, the sample and sampling techniques, data

collection instruments and the population of the study. Emphasis will be laid on the various

techniques that will be adopted by the researcher to collect data for the research. The most

appropriate research design that enhances the data collection process is mentioned and discussed

in this chapter.

3.1 Research Methodology

Thornhill (2003) define research as “…something that people undertake in order to find out new

things in a systematic way, thereby increasing their knowledge…” This means research is an

deliberate activity with the aim of learning new information about a particular phenomenon.
Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis applied to a field of study, it comprises the

theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge

(Igwenagu, 2016). It comprises the theoretical foundation, ideological basics and fundamental

principles that guide a researcher in the selection of a particular research method over the other.

Research methodology is a collective term for the structured process of conducting research,

there are many different methodologies used in various types of research and the term is usually

considered to include research design, data gathering and data analysis, research methodologies

can be quantitative, that is, measuring the number of times someone does something under

certain conditions or qualitative, which deals with asking people how they feel about a certain

situation (Goundar,2012).

3.2 Methods Used by Previous Researchers on the Phenomenon under Study

Previous Studies on cyberbullying and the youth by Walker Sockman and Koehan (2011) and the

Pew Research Center in 2014 adopted the use of survey to conduct a research on 131 student

across seven undergraduates in the United States and undergraduate students between 18 to

20years respectively.

Survey Research Methodology is a widely used approach in social sciences and other fields to

collect data from a representative sample of a population. Survey research involves

administering a set of structured questions to individuals or groups to gather information about

their attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics (Check &Schutt, 2012). Surveys are

capable of obtaining information from large samples of the population, it is also well suited to

gathering demographic data that describe the composition of the sample (McIntyre, 1999).
Studies on cyberbullying such as the ones done by Bebe (2010) which involved a sample of 202

college students in the United Kingdom, adopted the Survey Research Methodology.

In addition, studies by PEW RESEARCH center (2014), Webber and Ovedovitz (2018),

Varghese and Pistole (2017) all employed the use of the Survey Research Methodology.

However, a study conducted by (Achonga et al 2020) employed the use of a qualitative case

study to examine the impact of cyberbullying on tertiary students.

3.3 Proposed Methodologies for Present Studies and its Justification

For this research study, the survey research design was employed. Survey research designs are

procedures in quantitative research in which investigators administer a survey to a sample or to

the entire population to describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors or characteristics of the whole

population (Odoh & Chinedum, 2014). This design offered the researcher the ability to explore

and gather data from a considerable number of respondents for the purpose of generalizations. A

survey was conducted among undergraduate students of University of Media, Arts and

Communication, Ghana Institute of Journalism to explore the negative effect of cyberbullying on

students’ well-being.

Research design sets the procedure for the required data, the methods that will help collect and

analyze this data, and how all of this is going to answer the research question (Grey, 2014). It is

used for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and reporting data in research studies. It is the overall

plan for connecting the conceptual research problems with the empirical research

3.4 Population
The study population is the world of units from which the sample size is to be selected for the

research (Majid, 2018). UNIMAC-GIJ being the research source, the selected population of the

study focused on students at the Ghana Institute of Journalism. In other words, all students of the

University of Media, Arts and Communication (UniMAC-GIJ) would constitute the target

population of this study, specifically regular and weekend students.

3.5 Data Collection Tool and Method Used

The data collection method for the study was a Survey. Bryman and Bell (2019) define a survey

as "a method of data collection in which information is obtained by asking individuals questions”

These questions can be administered in various formats, including written questionnaires, face-

to-face interviews, telephone interviews, or online surveys, with the aim of gathering quantitative

or qualitative data on specific topics or research objectives (Babbie, 2016).

The data collection instrument for this study was the questionnaire. According to Trochim and

Donnelly (2008), a questionnaire is "a tool used for collecting data by posing a series of

questions to respondents, either in written or electronic format, to gather information for research

or survey purposes”. Questionnaires are commonly employed in surveys, research studies, and

data collection efforts across various fields, such as psychology, sociology, market research, and

public health (Bryman, 2016).These tools typically consist of a set of predetermined questions

that cover specific research objectives. Participants provide their responses to these questions,

which are often presented in a standardized format.

The questionnaire for collecting data was an online questionnaire which was mostly

disseminated to respondents through social media, particularly via WhatsApp. The online
questionnaire was created using google forms and will contain a mixture of open and closed-

ended questions, each respondent took an average of five minute to fill the questionnaire

3.6 Sample and Sampling Techniques

Sampling is a critical aspect of research, as it directly impacts the generalisation and validity of

study findings (Johnson, 2018). Given also that, researchers have less time or resources to

analyze the entire population, it is necessary to apply a sampling technique to reduce the number

to a more feasible one (Taherdoost, 2016).Sampling techniques were used because the group of

interest contains several units, hence it prevent the researcher to collect data from each


In this study, convenience and sampling were used in selecting the appropriate sample for the

research. Convenience sampling is a type of non- probability, where members of the target

population meet certain practical criteria, such as easy accessibility, geographical proximity,

availability at a given time and willingness to participate (Etikan et al, 2015).

This study employed sample size of 300. As according to Kent (2007) a sample size of 100

respondents and above are acceptable in quantitative studies. Bullen (2021) state that most

statisticians agree that the minimum sample size to get any kind of meaningful result is 100,if the

population is less than 100, the researcher needs to survey all of them. In this study, the

researcher targeted a sample of 200 respondents following the choice of sampling technique and

the nature of the study. UNIMAC-GIJ regular and weekend students were representation of the

sample size,this is to derive some level of balance in the responses.

Following this, the researcher distributed questionnaires among UNIMAC-GIJ students at once

and anyone who falls within the requirement filled it

3.7 Advantages of the sampling technique

The convenience sampling techniques were chosen for the study due to the following reasons:

Firstly, convenience sampling is one of the simplest and most accessible sampling methods.

Researchers can easily reach out to participants who are readily available, reducing the effort and

time required for recruitment.

Secondly, conducting research using convenience sampling is generally more cost-effective

since it doesn't involve elaborate strategies for participant selection or data collection.

With convenience sampling, researchers can rapidly collect data, making it suitable for

preliminary studies or when time constraints are a factor.

3.8 Disadvantages of the Convenience Sampling Technique

Convenience sampling can lead to significant sampling bias because the sample may not

accurately represent the entire population. This bias occurs because certain individuals or groups

are more likely to be included in the study simply due to their accessibility, while others may be


Due to the sampling bias, findings from convenience sampling cannot be generalized to the

broader population. This limitation restricts the applicability and validity of the results beyond

the specific sample.

Depending on the research context, convenience sampling might raise ethical concerns,

especially if vulnerable populations are included or if informed consent is not adequately


3.9 Chapter Summary

This chapter outlined how quantitative research was employed for the study. Respondents in this

study were also defined. The chapter detailed the data and collection procedures that would be

used, which in this case is a survey method through the use of online questionnaires. Moreover,

the ethics statement and steps to protect respondent’s rights were outlined. The next chapter

which is chapter four will look at the presentation and analysis of the research findings from the

data which was collected.


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