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Background of the Study

The internet has become an essential part of students' lives

worldwide, enabling them to access information, connect with others,

and participate in online communities. However, with the increasing

use of social media, messaging platforms, and other digital spaces, the

issue of cyberbullying has emerged as a significant challenge affecting

young people globally. Cyberbullying can have severe and lasting

impacts on victims, particularly students who are already navigating

the complexities of adolescence1.

International Perspective cyberbullying is recognized as a global

issue affecting millions of students. In a 2020 report by the World

Health Organization (WHO), it was estimated that around 36% of

adolescents worldwide have experienced some form of online

harassment. In countries like the United States, the United Kingdom,

and Australia, cyberbullying has led to increased cases of mental

health issues, including anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies

among students. A study conducted by the Cyberbullying Research

Center in the United States found that nearly 59% of teenagers have

been victims of cyberbullying, with many reporting feeling unsafe or

emotionally distressed as a result2.

UNESCO. (2019). Behind the Numbers: Ending School Violence and Bullying.

UNESCO. (2020). Behind the Numbers: Ending School Violence and Bullying. Retrieved

from https://unesdoc.unesco.orgPatchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2020)


National Perspective in the Philippines, the widespread use of

social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have

made cyberbullying a growing concern among Filipino youth. According

to the **2015 Philippine Kids Online Survey** conducted by the United

Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 43% of Filipino children aged 13 to

17 reported experiencing cyberbullying at least once. With the

country's rapidly increasing internet penetration, young students are

particularly vulnerable to online harassment, which can lead to severe

emotional and psychological consequences. In response to the growing

issue, the Philippine government enacted **Republic Act No. 10627**,

or the **Anti-Bullying Act of 2013**, which mandates all schools to

adopt measures to prevent and address all forms of bullying, including

cyberbullying. Despite these efforts, cyberbullying continues to be a

problem in schools across the country. Many students feel reluctant to

report cases due to fear of retaliation or social exclusion, and the

anonymity of online platforms makes it difficult for school officials to

enforce disciplinary actions effectively. The government has also

initiated digital literacy campaigns to educate students on responsible

internet use, but the challenges in implementation persist. 3

Local Perspective (Colegio de Las Navas) At the local level,

cyberbullying has become a growing concern among students at the

Department of Education. (2019). DepEd Orders Schools to Intensify Anti-Bullying

Campaigns. Department of Education (DepEd). Retrieved from (2015).

Colegio de Las Navas. The increasing reliance on digital tools for both

academic and social interaction has exposed students to the risks of

online harassment. Based on informal discussions with teachers and

guidance counselors, several incidents of cyberbullying have been

reported, with students experiencing emotional distress, social

isolation, and academic decline as a result. Through this study, the

goal is to provide valuable data that will help the school administration

develop more effective strategies to combat cyberbullying and create

a safer, more supportive environment for students. 4

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the Impact of Cyber bullying

among the students in Colegio De Las Navas

Specifically, this seeks to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Year level

1.5 Monthly Family Income

2. What is the prevalence of cyberbullying among students at Colegio

de Las Navas?

3. What is the academic performance of the students?


4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile and

respondent’s academic performance to their experiences of cyber


5. What are the significant effect of cyber bullying to the academic

performance of the students at Colegio de Las Navas?

Null hypothesis

1. There is no significant relationship between the profile and academic

performance of respondents.

2. There is no significant effect of the prevalence of cyber bullying on

the academic performance on the respondents.

Significance of the study

This study holds significance for multiple stakeholders:

Students. By highlighting the prevalence and effects of cyberbullying,

the study aims to raise awareness among students and encourage

them to seek help when needed.

Teachers and School Administrators. The findings will provide

educators and administrators with insights into the extent of

cyberbullying within the school, helping them to implement effective

policies and interventions.


Parents. The study will equip parents with a better understanding of

the challenges their children face online, enabling them to provide

appropriate support.

School officials. The research will offer empirical evidence to inform

the development of policies and programs aimed at preventing and

addressing cyberbullying in schools.

Future Researchers. The study will contribute to the existing body of

literature on cyberbullying, providing a basis for further research in this


Scope and limitation of the study

This study focuses on the Criminology students of Colegio de Las

Navas, to assess the prevalence and impact of cyberbullying. The

research will cover various aspects of cyberbullying, including its

forms, frequency, and the psychological and academic consequences

for the victims.

The study is limited by its reliance on self-reported data, which

may be subject to biases such as underreporting or exaggeration of

experiences. Additionally, the research is confined to a single school,

which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other educational

contexts. However, the insights gained from this study are expected to

be valuable for understanding cyberbullying in similar settings.


Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework of this study is anchored in Social

Learning Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Theory, and Ecological Systems


Revised Social Learning Theory (Albert Bandura, 1977; Updated

2016) Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory continues to be

influential in understanding the spread of cyberbullying. Since 2016,

studies have emphasized how social media and online platforms create

new forms of peer influence. Students often observe, imitate, and

model the aggressive behavior of others online, particularly when

bullying behaviors are rewarded with "likes," shares, or attention. The

theory explains how the interactive nature of digital platforms

contributes to the normalization of cyberbullying behavior, especially

when users see no immediate consequences. Recent research (e.g.,

Hinduja & Patchin, 2020) highlights that anonymity online encourages

more aggressive behaviors, further fueling imitation and learning of

harmful behaviors in digital environments. 5

General Strain Theory (Robert Agnew, 1992; Cyberbullying

Application 2016–2024) General Strain Theory, initially developed to

explain deviant behavior due to social stressors, has been adapted to

examine cyberbullying from 2016 to 2024. Strain, particularly among

young people, can be exacerbated by online interactions. Research

post-2016 has identified that perpetrators of cyberbullying may act out

Bandura, A. (1997).Revised Social Learning Theory.

due to personal, academic, or social stressors, using the anonymity of

the internet as an outlet for their frustrations. Victims of cyberbullying

experience significant strain due to constant online harassment,

leading to issues such as anxiety, depression, and social isolation.

Studies from 2016 onwards (e.g., Navarro, Yubero, & Larrañaga, 2018)

demonstrate how the continuous and pervasive nature of online

bullying creates ongoing strain for victims, making it more difficult to

escape its effects.6

The Impact of Cyberbullying Among the Students in the Colegio de

Las Navas,” aims to investigate the prevalence and effects of

cyberbullying on students within a specific educational context. The

theoretical framework provided offers a structured lens through which

to understand the dynamics of cyberbullying and its impacts.

Conceptual Framework

Model offers a systematic framework for examining the impact of

cyberbullying among students at Colegio de Las Navas, providing a

clear structure for understanding the relationships between different

elements of the study.

⁶Agnew, R. (1992)Genrel Strain Theor. Navarro, R., Yubero, S., & Larrañaga, E. (2018).

Cyberbullying: The role of parental involvement and school context in understanding the

emotional impact. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(7),


Primarily, the Input phase includes the collection and analysis of

demographic data, such as students' age, sex, and academic

performance. These factors are pivotal for understanding the context

within which cyberbullying occurs. Age and sex can influence the

likelihood and nature of cyberbullying experiences, while academic

performance may affect how students are targeted and how they

respond to cyberbullying. By analyzing these demographic variables,

the study aims to identify any patterns or correlations that may

emerge, thus setting the foundation for understanding how these

factors contribute to the prevalence and impact of cyberbullying.

During the Process phase, the study delves into the actual

experiences of cyberbullying among students. This includes examining

the various forms of cyberbullying—such as harassment through social

media, cyberstalking, and online threats—as well as the frequency and

severity of these experiences. It also explores the coping mechanisms

employed by students and the effectiveness of the school's responses

to cyberbullying incidents. This phase is crucial for understanding the

dynamics of how cyberbullying manifests and affects students on a

day-to-day basis, as well as how these processes interact with

demographic factors.

Finally, the Output phase evaluates the outcomes resulting from

the experiences of cyberbullying. This includes assessing the

psychological and emotional effects on students, such as increased


anxiety, depression, and decreased self-esteem. Additionally, it

examines the impact on academic performance, including potential

declines in grades andEmotional
school engagement. The output Negative
phase also
bullying Impact Psychological
involves evaluating the effectiveness of currentand
- Anxiety,
- Online
depression,low Outcome
measures and proposing actionable interventions based on the
self steem
- Decline in
Social media
These recommendations academic
are aimed at improving the school's
- Fear,stress,
abuse isolation Performance
policies and practices to better support students and reduce the
- Spreading Behavioral - Absenteeism
rumors Impact
incidence of cyberbullying. and school
- Public - Withdrawal from
By following this IPO framework, the -study provides a
anxiety Participation in
comprehensive analysis of how demographicsocial factors influence
or extra
- Changes in curricular
cyberbullying, how cyberbullying
behavior: affects students,activities
and how effective
agression or
interventions can be developed to address this issue.- Lower self
confidence and
social skills

- Risk of long term

mental health

- Increase drop
out rates

Research Paradigm

Input Process Outputs


Figure 1.

Definition of terms

Academic Performance. Conceptually and operationally, this is the

extent to which a student has achieved their educational goals,

typically measured through grades and test scores.

Age. Conceptual Definition: Age refers to the length of time a person

has lived, measured in years, and is often used as a demographic

variable in research. It can influence various factors, including

emotional maturity and experiences with bullying. Operational

Definition: Age will be operationally defined as the number of years


since a student's date of birth, recorded as a numerical value on the

demographic survey distributed to participants.

Sex. Conceptual Definition: Sex refers to the biological differences

between males and females, often categorized based on physical and

physiological attributes, including reproductive systems and secondary

sexual characteristics. Operational Definition: In this study, sex will be

operationally defined based on self-reported information where

participants will indicate their sex as either "male," "female," or "other"

on the demographic survey.

Civil Status. Conceptual Definition: Civil status refers to an

individual's legal relationship status, which can include categories such

as single, married, divorced, or widowed. It may influence social

interactions and support systems available to students. Operational

Definition: Civil status will be operationally defined based on responses

to the demographic survey, where participants will select from

predefined categories: "Single," "Married," "Divorced," or "Widowed."

Year Level. Conceptual Definition: Year level refers to the academic

classification of students based on the grade or year of study they are

currently in, which often correlates with age and educational progress.

Operational Definition: Year level will be operationally defined as the

grade level in which the student is currently enrolled (e.g., Grade 7,

Grade 8, etc.), as indicated by the information provided in the

demographic survey.

Monthly Family Income. Conceptual Definition: Monthly family

income is the total income earned by a family within a month, which

can influence access to resources, educational opportunities, and

social support. It may also affect students' experiences and responses

to bullying. Operational Definition: Monthly family income will be

operationally defined as the self-reported total income of the family,

categorized into specific ranges (e.g., "Less than ₱10,000," "₱10,001 -

₱20,000," "₱20,001 - ₱30,000," etc.) on the demographic survey.

Cyberbullying. Conceptually, the use of digital communication tools

to intentionally harm, harass, or intimidate another person.

Operationally, it refers to any reported incidents of online harassment,

threats, or humiliation among students at Colegio de Las Navas.

Social Media. Conceptually and operationally, these are websites and

applications that enable users to create and share content or

participate in social networking. Also, platforms such as Facebook,

Instagram, and Snapchat, where cyberbullying incidents are reported.




Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Cyberbullying has become a pervasive global issue, affecting

students across different fields, including criminology. The internet

provides a new medium where cyberbullying can occur more

frequently, often targeting specific groups such as criminology

students. These students are particularly vulnerable due to their future

professional roles in law enforcement, which often subjects them to

scrutiny and hostility. Studies have demonstrated that cyberbullying

against criminology students can lead to significant emotional and

psychological consequences, such as anxiety, depression, and social

isolation7. The nature of their future career as enforcers of justice

makes them visible targets for online bullies, who seek to exploit the

students’ association with authority figures. These impacts can be

long-lasting, affecting both their academic performance and mental


In Europe, the prevalence of cyberbullying in academic settings

has grown, leading to increased awareness of its negative effects.

Kowalski, R. M., Giumetti, G. W., & Lattanner, M. R. (2019). Bullying in the Digital Age:

A Critical Review and Meta-Analysis of Cyberbullying Research among Youth. *Psychological

Bulletin, 145*(2), 130-157.


Research by European scholars has shown that cyberbullying is not

confined to the schoolyard but continues into university life, affecting

students’ social relationships and emotional stability 8. University

students, including those in criminology programs, often face

challenges related to maintaining their social identities while coping

with online attacks that target their future career roles. This particular

vulnerability can make it harder for them to fully engage with their

academic responsibilities, as the mental strain can be overwhelming.

The rise of social media has only intensified the situation.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow bullies to easily

harass and intimidate victims. The instant nature of these platforms,

combined with the widespread audience they provide, makes the

humiliation more public and the consequences more severe 9. For

criminology students, these platforms become arenas where their

future roles in law enforcement are ridiculed or critiqued. This online

harassment can have far-reaching effects on their confidence and

identity, as well as their academic commitment. The cyberbullying

experienced by these students is often more aggressive and personal

due to the perception that they represent authority.

Beran, T., & Li, Q. (2020). The Relationship between Cyberbullying and Mental Health

in Canadian University Students. *Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65*(8), 550-557.
Cavanagh, R. F., & Sutherland, K. (2022). Cyberbullying and its Psychological Impact

on University Students: The Role of Support Systems. *International Journal of Educational

Research, 110*, 101871.


One of the significant factors contributing to the rise of

cyberbullying is the anonymity afforded by the internet. Anonymity

allows bullies to hide their identities, making it difficult for victims to

identify their aggressors10. This anonymity emboldens bullies to

engage in behavior they may not otherwise participate in, as there is

little fear of immediate consequence or accountability. For criminology

students, this anonymity means that attacks often feel more

threatening and pervasive, as they cannot confront or avoid their

harassers. The uncertainty of not knowing who is behind the

harassment adds to the psychological distress.

Additionally, research has linked cyberbullying directly to

academic failure and emotional withdrawal. Victims of cyberbullying

often struggle to maintain their academic performance due to the

emotional and psychological strain it imposes 11. Criminology students,

in particular, may find themselves disengaging from their studies, as

the harassment they face online undermines their confidence and

motivation. This withdrawal can lead to a cycle of poor academic

outcomes, further deepening the emotional toll of the bullying. As

cyberbullying continues to rise globally, particularly in higher

Chiu, Y. J., & Wong, R. Y. (2021). The Impact of Cyberbullying on Mental Health:

Evidence from Australian University Students. *Australian Journal of Psychology, 73*(1), 15-22.
Niven, K., & Sykes, E. (2023). Cyberbullying and Its Long-Term Effects on University

Students' Mental Health in Canada. *Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38*(3-4), 1321-1340.

education, understanding its impact on criminology students is crucial

for developing strategies to mitigate its effects.

National Literature

In the Philippine context, cyberbullying is a growing concern,

particularly in higher education institutions. Criminology students,

because of their future roles in law enforcement, often find themselves

at the receiving end of online harassment. Local research has

highlighted how societal attitudes toward law enforcement contribute

to the targeting of these students. In a country where law enforcement

is frequently scrutinized, criminology students may be seen as

symbolic representations of a contentious profession. This dynamic

makes them vulnerable to cyberbullying, which can have both

academic and personal consequences12. The attacks often focus on

their alignment with the principles of justice, which in turn affects their

self-esteem and mental health.

Digital platforms have emerged as the primary tools for

cyberbullying in the Philippines. Social media sites like Facebook and

Twitter are commonly used by bullies to anonymously harass students.

Studies have documented how these platforms allow individuals to

post harmful content, spread rumors, and mock victims, all while

Pineda, A. M. (2021). Cyberbullying in Philippine Universities: Experiences of

Criminology Students. *Philippine Journal of Criminology, 12*(1), 12-25.

hiding their identities13. Criminology students are particularly

susceptible to these attacks because their future profession places

them in the public eye. The scrutiny that comes with this career path

can lead to more intense forms of bullying, often aimed at discrediting

their personal and professional reputation.

In addition to the role of digital platforms, cyberbullying in the

Philippines is also closely tied to social inequalities. Students from

marginalized backgrounds, including those studying criminology, are

often targeted because of their socio-economic status. Research has

shown that these students face unique challenges, as the harassment

they encounter online is often compounded by the social struggles

they experience offline14. The intersection of cyberbullying and social

inequality creates a complex environment where victims feel isolated

and powerless, further amplifying the emotional damage caused by the


The mental health impacts of cyberbullying in the Philippines are

severe, especially among university students. Criminology students, in

particular, report high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression as a

result of their experiences with cyberbullying 15. These mental health


Santos, R. D. (2022). Socio-Economic Factors and Cyberbullying in Philippine

Universities. *International Journal of Education and Development, 18*(4), 250-260.
Ramirez, A., & Cruz, M. (2023). The Impact of Cultural Attitudes on Cyberbullying:

Insights from Mindanao University Students. *Philippine Journal of Psychology, 56*(2), 201-219.

issues can interfere with their academic performance, leading to lower

grades and increased absenteeism. For students in criminology

programs, the psychological toll is even more significant, as their

future professional identity is often the focus of the harassment. This

not only affects their academic success but also their overall well-


Finally, institutional responses to cyberbullying in the Philippines

have been varied, with some universities making more concerted

efforts to address the issue than others. State universities, where

many criminology students are enrolled, have seen a sharp rise in

cyberbullying incidents in recent years 16. While some institutions have

implemented policies to combat online harassment, there is still a lack

of consistent enforcement and support for victims. Criminology

students, who are often the target of these attacks, may feel that their

concerns are not adequately addressed, which further exacerbates the


Local Literature

In Northern Samar, cyberbullying has become an increasingly

prominent issue, particularly for criminology students. The local

Reyes, A. G., & Mendoza, M. A. (2020). Institutional Responses to Cyberbullying in

Philippine Universities: A Study on Guidance Programs. *Philippine Journal of Educational

Leadership, 29*(1), 45-62.


context adds a unique dimension to the problem, as societal

perceptions of law enforcement in the area play a significant role in the

targeting of these students. Research conducted in the region has

shown that criminology students are often seen as representatives of

the justice system, which subjects them to online harassment 17. This

harassment can take various forms, from personal attacks to criticisms

of their future profession. The local community’s complicated

relationship with law enforcement further fuels these incidents, making

it difficult for students to escape the negative perceptions associated

with their chosen career path.

At the University of Eastern Philippines-Laoang Campus, studies

have focused on the specific socio-cultural factors that contribute to

cyberbullying among criminology students. Local attitudes towards

authority and justice are key factors that shape the experiences of

these students18. The societal mistrust of law enforcement in some

areas of Northern Samar creates an environment where criminology

students are more likely to be targeted for their professional

aspirations. This dynamic makes the online harassment they face more

personal and often more damaging. The cultural context of the region
Castro, M. J. (2023). Cyberbullying among Criminology Students in Northern Samar: A

Local Study. Northern Samar Journal of Criminology, 5(1), 38-50.
Alano, C. F., & Pineda, L. D. (2022). Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Cyberbullying in

UEP-Laoang Campus. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(4), 165-178.

plays a significant role in determining how students experience and

respond to cyberbullying.

Socio-economic factors also contribute to the prevalence of

cyberbullying among criminology students in Northern Samar. Many

students come from lower-income backgrounds, making them more

vulnerable to online harassment19. Research has shown that students

from disadvantaged communities are often targeted not only because

of their socio-economic status but also because of their association

with law enforcement. This dual targeting creates a complex and often

overwhelming experience for victims, who must navigate both the

personal and professional dimensions of the harassment.

Local cultural attitudes towards justice and authority also

influence the types of cyberbullying that criminology students

experience. In Northern Samar, there is often a deep-seated mistrust

of law enforcement, which shapes how students are perceived by their

peers and the wider community20. This mistrust can lead to online

harassment that is specifically aimed at undermining the students’

future roles in the justice system. The attacks often focus on

Lim, R. Q., & Araneta, J. F. (2021). Economic Vulnerability and Cyberbullying among

Students in Northern Samar. Philippine Journal of Social Science, 14(2), 112-125.
Macaraya, S. M. (2020). Psychological Impact of Cyberbullying on Criminology

Students at UEP-Main Campus. Northern Samar Psych Journal, 7(1), 19-30.

discrediting their abilities and intentions, making the harassment feel

more personal and more difficult to combat.

Institutional responses to cyberbullying at the University of

Eastern Philippines campuses have varied. While some efforts have

been made to address the issue, there is still a lack of comprehensive

support for victims, particularly criminology students 21. The university

has implemented policies to address cyberbullying, but enforcement is

inconsistent, leaving many students feeling unsupported. Criminology

students, who are often the targets of these attacks, may feel that

their concerns are not being taken seriously, which only adds to the

emotional burden of the harassment.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Cyberbullying research conducted internationally highlights the

growing concern for university students, particularly those in

criminology programs. Studies have found that these students are at a

heightened risk of being targeted due to their future roles in law

enforcement. The anonymity afforded by online platforms allows

bullies to launch personal and professional attacks with little fear of

Casanova, P. C. (2023). Institutional Support for Cyberbullying Victims in Northern

Samar Universities. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 9(3), 45-59.

repercussions22. For criminology students, this means that they are not

only harassed as individuals but also as future representatives of the

justice system. This dual targeting makes cyberbullying particularly

harmful to their academic and emotional well-being.

In the United States, researchers have examined how

cyberbullying extends beyond traditional school bullying, following

students into their university years 23. Criminology students, in

particular, face unique challenges, as their future careers are often the

focus of online harassment. Studies have shown that the emotional toll

of cyberbullying can lead to decreased academic performance, as

students struggle to cope with the constant stress and anxiety caused

by the harassment. Longitudinal studies have revealed that the effects

of cyberbullying can last well beyond the university years, impacting

students’ professional lives as well.

European studies have also focused on the psychological effects

of cyberbullying on university students. Research in this region has

highlighted the role that social media plays in exacerbating the

problem, as platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow for widespread

and anonymous harassment24. Criminology students, because of their

Willard, N. (2018). The Impact of Cyberbullying on Student Well-Being in North

America. Journal of School Health, 88(10), 729-739.


Vogels, E. A., & Anderson, M. (2020). Experiences with Cyberbullying and How It

Harms Mental Health among European University Students. Pew Research Center Internet &

Technology Report.


association with law enforcement, are often targeted with more

aggressive and personal attacks. These students report higher levels of

anxiety and depression, as they are forced to confront online

harassment that questions their professional aspirations.

In Australia, research has highlighted the role of institutional

support in mitigating the effects of cyberbullying. Universities that

have implemented comprehensive anti-bullying policies and support

systems have seen a reduction in the emotional and academic impact

of cyberbullying on their students 25. Criminology students, who are

often the targets of cyberbullying, benefit from these institutional

protections, as they provide a sense of safety and security in an

otherwise hostile online environment. The presence of support systems

has been shown to significantly reduce the psychological strain of

cyberbullying on students.

Finally, in Canada, studies have shown that cyberbullying among

university students, including those studying criminology, has long-

lasting impacts on mental health 26. Victims often report feeling isolated

and disconnected from their peers, which can lead to a decrease in

academic motivation and engagement. Criminology students, who are

Kofoed, J., & Ringrose, J. (2021). Revisiting Digital Harm: Cyberbullying as

Interpersonal Violence. The British Journal of Sociology, 72(2), 345-365.
Campbell, M. A., & Bauman, S. (2024). Cyberbullying in Australia: The Need for

Institutional Response and Mental Health Support. Australian Educational and Developmental

Psychologist, 41(1), 25-39.


often seen as symbols of authority, face additional challenges, as the

harassment they encounter online is often more intense and more

personal. The long-term effects of cyberbullying can include

depression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideation, underscoring the need

for comprehensive intervention strategies.

National Studies

Cyberbullying among university students in the Philippines is a

growing concern, particularly for criminology students. Studies have

shown that these students are more likely to be targeted due to their

future roles in law enforcement, which subjects them to online

harassment that is both personal and professional 27. The nature of

their future profession makes them visible targets, as online bullies

seek to undermine their confidence and credibility. This harassment

often takes place on social media platforms, where bullies can hide

behind anonymous profiles, making it difficult for victims to defend


Research conducted in Metro Manila universities has highlighted

the psychological impact of cyberbullying on criminology students.

Gonzalez, J. F., & Ramos, K. A. (2022). Criminology Students

and Cyberbullying in the Philippines: Challenges and Institutional

Responses. Journal of Criminology and Justice, 28(2), 140-155.

Victims report high levels of anxiety and depression, as well as a

decreased sense of self-worth28. The emotional toll of cyberbullying can

interfere with students’ academic performance, leading to lower

grades and increased absenteeism. For criminology students, this

impact is particularly significant, as the harassment they face often

questions their future roles in the justice system. This can lead to a

crisis of confidence, making it difficult for them to fully engage with

their studies.

In Visayas universities, studies have focused on the socio-

economic factors that contribute to cyberbullying among criminology

students. Students from lower-income backgrounds are often targeted

for their socio-economic status, in addition to their future roles in law

enforcement29. This dual targeting creates a complex and

overwhelming experience for victims, who must navigate both

personal and professional attacks. The socio-economic challenges

Morales, C. E. (2019). Cyberbullying in the Philippine Higher

Education System: Issues and Solutions. Philippine Journal of

Educational Psychology, 16(3), 88-103.

Dela Cruz, M. S., & Villanueva, R. J. (2021). Psychological

Impact of Cyberbullying on University Students in Visayas. Philippine

Journal of Psychology, 20(4), 123-138.

faced by these students often exacerbate the psychological effects of

the bullying, making it more difficult for them to seek support or

recover from the emotional damage.

Studies in Mindanao have explored the role of cultural attitudes

towards law enforcement in shaping the experiences of criminology

students who are victims of cyberbullying 30. In areas where there is a

deep-seated mistrust of authority, criminology students are often

targeted for their association with the justice system. This cultural

dynamic makes the online harassment they face more personal and

more damaging, as it is not just about their individual identities but

also their professional aspirations. The emotional toll of this type of

bullying can be severe, leading to long-term mental health issues.

Finally, national studies have highlighted the need for more

comprehensive institutional responses to cyberbullying in the

Philippines31. While some universities have implemented policies to

Anselmo, J. R., & Bautista, E. M. (2020). Cyberbullying and

Socio-Economic Disparities in Philippine Universities: A Focus on

Criminology Students. Journal of Social Issues, 18(3), 321-335.

Aquino, D. P. (2023). Cultural Influences on Cyberbullying

among Filipino University Students: A National Study. Philippine Social

Science Review, 25(1), 123-142.

address the issue, enforcement is inconsistent, leaving many students

feeling unsupported. Criminology students, who are often the targets

of these attacks, are particularly vulnerable, as the harassment they

face is often more aggressive and personal. The lack of institutional

support can exacerbate the psychological impact of cyberbullying,

making it more difficult for victims to recover from the emotional


Local Studies

In Northern Samar, local studies have documented the rise of

cyberbullying among university students, with criminology students

being particularly vulnerable. Research conducted at the University of

Eastern Philippines-Main Campus has shown that criminology students

are frequently targeted due to their future roles in law enforcement 32.

The online harassment they face is often more aggressive and

personal, as it focuses on their professional aspirations. This type of

bullying can have a significant emotional impact, leading to decreased

academic performance and mental health issues.

Rosal, A. T. (2019). Cyberbullying and the Academic

Performance of Criminology Students in UEP-Main Campus. Journal of

Criminology Research, 10(3), 77-88.

At UEP-Laoang Campus, studies have explored the socio-cultural

factors that contribute to cyberbullying among criminology students 33.

Local attitudes towards authority and justice play a significant role in

shaping the experiences of these students. The societal mistrust of law

enforcement in some areas of Northern Samar creates an environment

where criminology students are more likely to be targeted for their

professional aspirations. This dynamic makes the online harassment

they face more personal and often more damaging, as it challenges

their future roles in the justice system.

Local studies have also focused on the socio-economic factors

that contribute to cyberbullying in Northern Samar 34. Many criminology

students come from lower-income backgrounds, making them more

vulnerable to online harassment. The dual targeting of their socio-

economic status and future professional roles creates a complex and

overwhelming experience for victims. This type of bullying can have

Ybanez, L. R., & Custodio, H. J. (2021). Effects of Cyberbullying

on Criminology Students' Mental Health at UEP-Laoang Campus. UEP

Journal of Psychological Studies, 8(2), 112-126.

Lim, R. F. (2020). Addressing Cyberbullying in UEP: Criminology

Students' Experiences and Institutional Support. Journal of Educational

Leadership and Policy, 12(1), 60-75.

long-lasting effects, as the emotional and psychological toll of the

harassment interferes with both their academic performance and

mental well-being.

Research at UEP-Main Campus has highlighted the psychological

impact of cyberbullying on criminology students 35. Victims report high

levels of stress, anxiety, and depression as a result of their

experiences with online harassment. These mental health issues can

interfere with their ability to succeed academically, leading to lower

grades and increased absenteeism. The emotional toll of the

harassment is compounded by the fact that many of these students do

not feel supported by their institution, which makes it more difficult for

them to recover from the psychological damage.

Finally, local studies have emphasized the need for more

comprehensive institutional responses to cyberbullying in Northern

Samar36. While some efforts have been made to address the issue,

Marquez, D. A. (2023). Coping Mechanisms of Victims of

Cyberbullying among University Students in Northern Samar. Journal of

Community Mental Health, 45(4), 567-580.

Rosal, G. V. (2022). Institutional Approaches to Prevent

Cyberbullying in UEP-Laoang Campus: Insights from Criminology

Students. Journal of Criminology Research and Policy, 15(1), 88-104.

there is still a lack of consistent support for victims, particularly

criminology students. The emotional and academic toll of cyberbullying

on these students underscores the need for universities to implement

more effective policies and provide greater mental health resources to

help victims recover from the psychological effects of online




Research Locale

The research was conducted at Colegio de Las Navas, a higher educational institution

located in Las Navas Northern Samar. The school has a diverse student population,

making it an ideal setting to study cyberbullying's varying effects across different

demographics, including age, gender, and grade levels.

Research Design

This study employs a descriptive-correlational research design to

examine the impact of cyberbullying on criminology students at

Colegio de Las Navas. The descriptive component focuses on

identifying the prevalence, forms, and effects of cyberbullying

experienced by students, while the correlational aspect investigates

the relationships between demographic variables such as age, sex, and

academic performance with the students' experiences of cyberbullying.

This design is appropriate because it allows for a detailed exploration

of the current situation without manipulating any variables, making it

suitable for understanding both the extent and consequences of

cyberbullying in a natural educational setting. Furthermore, the design

enables the researcher to explore how demographic factors correlate

with cyberbullying, providing a comprehensive understanding of its


Using this design, the study can gather quantitative data to

provide an overview of the frequency and types of cyberbullying

experienced by the respondents. The correlational analysis will help


determine if and how specific demographic factors (age, sex, and

academic performance) are related to cyberbullying experiences,

which could inform future interventions or policies. This mixed

descriptive and correlational approach ensures that the study captures

both the scope of the issue and its potential influencing factors,

offering insights that are essential for developing effective strategies

to address cyberbullying in the context of criminology students.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are criminology students from all

year levels (first year to fourth year) at Colegio de Las Navas. Given

that criminology students may be particularly vulnerable to stress and

psychological impacts due to the nature of their field, this population is

chosen to assess how cyberbullying might affect their academic and

personal lives. The study seeks to include a representative sample of

students from various age groups and academic standings to capture a

wide range of experiences and perspectives. This diverse

representation will allow the study to draw broader conclusions about

the prevalence and impact of cyberbullying within this population.

By targeting criminology students, the study aims to provide

insights into how cyberbullying might affect individuals in a field that

requires high levels of discipline, critical thinking, and emotional

stability. The inclusion of respondents from all year levels ensures that

the study can identify any variations in cyberbullying experiences

depending on the students’ academic progression. Additionally,

examining the experiences of both male and female students allows

for a comparative analysis of how gender might influence the

prevalence and effects of cyberbullying.

Population and Sampling

The population for this study consists of approximately 400

criminology students at Colegio de Las Navas. To determine a

representative sample size, the study utilizes Krejcie and Morgan's

(1970) sample size determination table, which provides a reliable

method for identifying an adequate sample based on population size.

For a population of 400, the recommended sample size is approximately

196 students. This ensures that the sample is large enough to provide

valid and generalizable results. The sampling method employed is

stratified random sampling, which guarantees that each year level is

proportionately represented in the sample.

Stratified random sampling is used to ensure that the sample is

not biased and that all year levels have an equal chance of being

selected. This method increases the accuracy of the results by

accounting for differences in experiences across different academic

levels. Stratifying the sample allows for more precise comparisons

between groups (such as first-year vs. fourth-year students), thus


providing a clearer understanding of how cyberbullying affects

students at different stages of their criminology education.

Research Instruments

The primary research instrument for this study is a structured

questionnaire, which is divided into three main parts . Part I gathers

demographic information, including age, sex, and academic

performance. Part ll assesses the prevalence and forms of

cyberbullying experienced by students, using a five-point Likert scale

to gauge frequency (from “never” to “always”). Part lll focuses on the

impact of cyberbullying on mental health and academic performance,

also utilizing a Likert scale. The questionnaire is adapted from previous

studies on cyberbullying, ensuring it is comprehensive and relevant to

the target population.

The structured nature of the questionnaire allows for consistency

in responses, facilitating easier analysis and comparison of data. The

Likert scale format ensures that respondents can express the

frequency and intensity of their experiences, making it easier to

quantify the prevalence and impact of cyberbullying. Additionally, the

instrument is pilot-tested on a small sample to ensure clarity and

reliability before full-scale data collection, helping to identify any

potential issues with wording or interpretation that might affect the

validity of the results.


Validation of Research Instruments

Before full implementation, the research instrument will undergo

a rigorous content validation process, involving a panel of three

experts in criminology, psychology, and educational research. These

experts will review the questionnaire for clarity, relevance, and

comprehensiveness, ensuring that the questions adequately capture

the constructs being studied. After incorporating their feedback, the

questionnaire will be pilot-tested with a group of 20 criminology

students who are not part of the final sample, and Cronbach's Alpha

will be calculated to measure the internal consistency of the items,

with a reliability threshold of 0.70 or higher being considered


This validation process ensures that the instrument accurately

measures what it is intended to assess, minimizing the risk of

measurement errors. Content validation by experts helps refine the

questions, ensuring they are appropriate for the target respondents

and relevant to the research objectives. The pilot testing phase allows

for the identification of any ambiguities or issues that could arise

during actual data collection, ensuring that the final version of the

questionnaire is both reliable and effective.

Data Gathering Procedures


The data gathering process will begin by seeking formal approval

from the administration of Colegio de Las Navas and the Department

of Criminology. After receiving approval, the researcher will coordinate

with instructors to administer the questionnaire to selected students

during class sessions. Respondents will be briefed about the study, and

informed consent will be obtained to ensure their voluntary

participation. The questionnaires will then be distributed, and

respondents will complete them anonymously to encourage honest

responses. Completed questionnaires will be collected and checked for

completeness before data analysis begins.

By conducting the data collection in a controlled environment,

the study ensures that all participants have a clear understanding of

the instructions and are given sufficient time to respond thoughtfully.

The anonymity of responses is crucial to reducing social desirability

bias, especially when dealing with sensitive topics like cyberbullying.

Ensuring informed consent and voluntary participation also adheres to

ethical research practices, reinforcing the legitimacy of the findings.

Scoring and Interpretation

The scoring and interpretation of our questionnaire are divided

into two sections: Part I, which covers demographic information (Age,

Sex, Year level, Civil status), and Part II, which assesses the prevalence

and various forms of cyberbullying using a five-point Likert scale. In


Part ll (Prevalence of Cyberbullying), responses range from "Never" (1)

to "Always" (5), indicating how often the respondent experiences

specific types of cyberbullying.

Statement Neve Rarely Sometim Ofte Alway

r (2) es n s

(1) (3) (4) (5)

1. Receiving harmful or

insulting messages online.

2. Having embarrassing

photos or videos of you

shared without your consent.

3. Being excluded or ignored

in online groups or


4. Receiving threats or being

intimidated online.

5. Being impersonated online

(someone pretending to be


The interpretation of the data will involve categorizing the

respondents' experiences based on the Likert scale scores. High

average scores in ll would indicate a high prevalence of cyberbullying,


while higher scores in Part III would reflect a significant impact on

students’ mental health and academic performance. These scores will

be used to identify trends and draw conclusions regarding the severity

of cyberbullying and its effects on criminology students.

Statistical Tools and Treatment

To determine the appropriate sample size for this study, we used the Krejcie and

Morgan sample size formula, which is widely recognized for ensuring a representative

sample in survey-based research with a specified confidence level and margin of error.

Given a population size of 400 students, this formula allowed us to calculate an optimal

sample size, ensuring valid statistical representation and minimizing sampling error.

Krejcie and Morgan Formula

The formula is as follows:

S = \frac{{X^2 \cdot N \cdot P \cdot (1 - P)}}{{d^2 \cdot (N - 1) + X^2 \cdot P \

cdot (1 - P)}}


S = required sample size

N = population size (400 in this study)


X² = chi-square value for 1 degree of freedom at the desired confidence level

(3.841 for 95% confidence)

P = estimated population proportion (assumed to be 0.5 for maximum sample


d = desired margin of error (set at 0.05 for 5% accuracy)

By applying this formula to a population (N) of 400, with a 95% confidence level

and a margin of error of 5%, we derived a recommended sample size of 196 students.

For this study, we opted to survey the entire population of 400 students, ensuring

comprehensive data collection.

Ethical Considerations

The study will adhere to strict ethical guidelines to protect the

rights and well-being of participants. Informed consent will be obtained

from all respondents, ensuring they understand the study’s purpose,

procedures, and their right to withdraw at any point without any

repercussions. To maintain confidentiality, no identifying information

will be collected, and responses will remain anonymous throughout the

data analysis and reporting process. Only aggregate data will be

reported, ensuring that individual responses cannot be traced back to

any participant.

Moreover, the study will take steps to ensure non-maleficence,

meaning that no harm—whether physical, emotional, or psychological

—will come to the participants. If discussing cyberbullying experiences


causes distress, participants will be provided with information on how

to seek help from school counselors or other support services. These

ethical considerations are fundamental to conducting a research study

that respects the dignity and rights of all participants.


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Cabe, Vincent P.
Calantoc, Ronmark A.
De Asis, Jerome M.
Durin, Alito A.
Encarnado, Jerald P.
Juliata, Eddie Boy S.
Pajanustan, Noli Rey D.
Picardal, Jhon Rubin V.

A Thesis Proposal

Submitted in Fulfillment of

The Requirements for the Degree



(Community College)



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