US History. The New Republic and Western Expansion

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US History.

The New Republic

and Western Expansion
USA 1812 to 1849
How would you feel if you invite somebody to
your house and then this guest claims half of
your house as his or hers?
● Discuss with a partner and write your answer in your
USA from 1812 to 1839
After Independence, 1776 to 1783, the US was ruled by three presidents:

-George Washington (1789-1797)

-John Adams (1797- 1801)

-Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)

They had to deal with the formation of government institutions, lack of economic
resources, the challenge of exploring the newly acquired territories from France all
of that while still being basically a rural nation.

On the international level, the USA was aware of wars in Europe and the rise of a
new military power: the French Republic under Napoleon
USA to 1812 to 1848
The fourth president, James Madison, became the second president to rule completely in the , by then,
new XIXth century

He ruled from 1809 to 1817

The following presidents in the period were:

James Monroe. 1817 to 1825

John Adams: 1825 to 1829

Andrew Jackson: 1827 to 1835

Martin Van Buren: 1835 to 1839

William Harrison: March to April. 1841 (33 days)

John Tyler : 1841 to 1845

James Polk: 1845 to 1849

USA from 1812 to 1849
The USA in 1849
USA from 1812 to 1849
What is the Missouri Compromise?

This so-called Missouri Compromise drew a line from east to west along the 36th
parallel, dividing the nation into competing halves—half free, half slave. The
House passed the compromise bill on March 2, 1820.

On March 3, 1820, the decisive votes in the House admitted Maine as a free
state, Missouri as a slave state, and made free soil all western territories north
of Missouri's southern border.
The immediate effect of the Missouri Compromise was that the number of free and slaveholding
states stayed the same, thus preserving the balance of power in the Congress. At the time, slavery
was the most divisive issue in the country.
USA from 1812 to 1849. Parallel 36 and the Missouri Compromise
USA from 1812 to 1849
Oregon and California Trails
USA from 1812 to 1849
Investigate and write the answers in your notebook:

1. Reasons of the US War with England of 1812, find three consequences of

that conflict
2. What is ‘The Era of Good Feelings”?
3. Why are both issues important today?
4. What was the Nullification Crisis?
5. What were the “American Indian Schools” (AIS) and what was their purpose?
6. How did the AIS manage to achieve their purpose?
7. Who were the “49ers”, the “Oklahoma Sooners” and the “Stampeders”? What
do these three groups have in common?
USA from 1812 to 1849
A key fact of US expansion was the doctrine created by president James Monroe
around 1823, called the Monroe Doctrine which basically stated that European
powers such as Great Britain, France, Spain and in a lesser degree the
Netherlands and Portugal should stay away from Latin American affairs, creating a
de-facto area of US influence in the region eversince.

Another factor of expansion was the “Manifest Destiny”, which appeared as an

idea around 1850, this idea claimed that it was a God given right that America
should expand west and become a continental nation. This idea is based on
another idea, “American Exceptionalism” and in the manifestations of
Evangelical Christianism of the early XIXth century.
USA from 1812 to 1849
Remarkable figures from the period:
John Quincy Adams
Son of President John Adams and the sixth U.S. president. As James Monroe’s secretary of state, John Quincy Adams
helped secure the Treaty of 1818 with Britain and was influential in formulating the Monroe Doctrine.

Susan B. Anthony
An ardent women’s rights activist from the 1840s to the end of the century. “Suzy B.” spoke out tirelessly against racial and
gender inequality and also supported the temperance movement.

Dorothea Dix
A schoolteacher from Massachusetts who spearheaded the campaign to establish publicly funded asylums to help the
mentally ill.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

An American essayist and philosopher who was one of the leading Transcendentalists in the 1830s through 1850s.
USA from 1812 to 1849
William Lloyd Garrison
A radical abolitionist who advocated the immediate emancipation of all slaves in the United States.
Garrison’s infamous magazine, The Liberator, earned him many enemies in the South.
Andrew Jackson
Jackson’s presidency (1829-1837) has become associated with populist democracy, westward
expansion, and a strengthened federal government.
Cyrus McCormick
Inventor of the mechanical mower-reaper, which had an enormous impact on Western agriculture in the
1840s and 1850s.
Edgar Allan Poe

American short-story writer, poet, critic, and editor who is famous for his cultivation of mystery and the macabre.
USA from 1812 to 1849
James K. Polk
An expansionist Democrat from Tennessee who was elected president on a manifest destiny platform in 1844. During his
four years in office, Polk lowered tariffs, revived the independent treasury, acquired Oregon, and seized California in the
Mexican War. Many critics have accused him of provoking war with Mexico simply as an excuse to annex western land.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

One of the first American feminists. Stanton joined Susan B. Anthony in the mid-1800s to call for social and political equality
for women. She helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and drafted the convention’s Declaration of

Eli Whitney
Inventor of the cotton gin and the system of interchangeable parts, which dramatically changed the American economy and
social fabric.

Antonio Lopez de Santana

Mexican general and dictator who served multiples times as president (8 )between 1835 and 1855, lost half
the territory of his country (and sold another part of it) to the US in the Mexican American War .
USA from 1812 to 1849
USA from 1812 to 1849
During the XIX th century, there were three big issues that greatly marked that era,
those issues were:

1812-1849:Westward Expansion

1849-1862: Slavery and the power of the states , these two were the cause of the
Civil War from 1861 to 1865

1865-1898: Reconstruction of the South and the role of the US as an emerging

world power
USA from 1812 to 1849
Interesting facts:
In order to cross the Rocky Mountains, you needed 6000 calories, that is the
modern equivalent of eating 17 baleadas con todo daily.
A beaver hat cost 5 us dollars of 1835, that is in today’s money 180 dollars or
4477 lempiras.
The Donner Party covered a distance of 800 kilometers, that is the equivalent of
going from San Pedro Sula to Liberia, in Costa Rica.
Both, the Donner Pass in California and El Alamo Mission in Texas are important
tourist attractions today.

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