Cmtl01e Module 1

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At the end of the session you will:

1. Be familiar with the different materials used in construction.
2. Be able to determine their properties and there uses.
3. Know how to test the different materials.


Materials Timber Concrete Steel

Gravel Sand Clay Silt


What is a material?

A material is a substance or mixture of substances that constitutes an object. Materials

can be pure or impure, living, or non-living matter. Materials can be classified based on
their physical and chemical properties.

Identifying Various Construction materials

Identifying different types of construction materials

1. Metals
a. Atomic structure of iron and aluminum.
b. Alloys of iron and aluminum
c. Crystalline structure of metals
2. Timber
a. Structure of wood
b. Properties and use of timber
3. Soils
a. Structure of soils
b. Formation of soils
c. Bulk properties
4. Masonry
a. Distinguish between blocks and bricks
5. Concrete
a. Mixture of cement, aggregate and water
b. Admixtures
6. Bituminous products
a. Bitumen- sources (natural, petroleum)
b. types
c. Asphalt- its constituents
d. Hot mix
e. cold mix
7. Polymers
a. Explanation of polymerization
b. Types of polymers (thermosetting and thermoplastic)
c. Uses: dust arrester, soil stabilization, prevent setting of cold asphalt

Characteristics and properties of construction materials

1. Metals
a. Mechanical properties (tensile strength)
b. ductility
c. softness
d. young’s modulus
e. weldable and nonweldable
2. Timber
a. Weight
b. thermo conductivity
3. Soils
a. Shrinkage
b. swelling
c. density
d. specific gravity
e. resilience modulus
f. stabilization
4. Masonry
a. Compressive strength
b. Water absorption
5. Concrete
a. Compressive strength
b. soundness
6. Bituminous products
a. Viscosity
b. Penetration
c. Softening point
7. Polymers
a. Viscosity
b. Temperature

Testing the strength of construction materials

1. Metals
a. Tensile tests
2. Timber
a. Moisture content
b. Weight
c. Tensile strength
3. Soils
a. Atterberg limits
b. Density, (laboratory and field)
c. California Bearing Ratio
d. Unconfined Compression stress
4. Masonry
a. Compressive strength
b. Water absorption
5. Concrete
a. Destructive tests (compressive strength)
b. Non – destructive tests (schmidt hummer)
c. Slump test
6. Bituminous products
a. Viscosity (Saybolt Furol, Brookfield)
b. Penetration
c. Softening point
d. Binder extraction
7. Polymers
a. Viscosity
b. Temperature

Classifying Various Construction Materials

1. Classifying different types of steel

a. Mild steel
b. High tensile steel
2. Classifying different types of soil
a. Gravel
b. Sand
c. Silt
d. Clay
3. Classifying different types of bitumen
a. Emulsions
b. penetration grade
4. Classifying different types of timber
a. Softwood
b. hardwood
5. Classify different types of concrete
a. Structural concrete
b. lean concrete

Stating the Use of Construction Materials

1. State the usage of steel

a. Reinforcement in e.g. beams, columns, slabs, foundations.
b. Metal fabrication
2. State the appropriate soil to use
a. Gravel
i. Roads
ii. Foundations
b. Clay
i. bricks
c. Sand
i. Mortar
ii. Making blocks
iii. plastering
3. State the appropriate type of bitumen to use
a. Emulsions
i. Slurry
ii. Priming
iii. Sprays
b. Penetration grade
i. Asphalt
ii. roof seals

4. State the appropriate timber to use

a. Softwood
i. Roof iv. Electric poles
ii. Doors v. Ceiling
iii. Scaffolding vi. Formwork
b. Hardwood
i. rail line sleepers
ii. furniture
iii. flooring

5. State the use of different types of concrete

a. Lean concrete
b. Flooring
c. Structural concrete
i. Beams
ii. Suspended slabs
iii. Columns


• PDF Lecture/slides – Fundamental Concepts

• Video/ Audio (prerecorded) materials


Important points
• There are a lot more materials that are being used in construction but the most
common are
▪ Concrete
▪ Steel
▪ Wood
▪ Soil
• Characteristic of each material is not limited to what have been discuss each
material will be further discuss as we go along the course.
• Strength differ according to the material and its use.
• The uses of each material are not limited to what have been discuss.
o We can use steel as road pavement, but it would be costly and ineffective.
• Testing of each material is different according to their use and specification.


Name: ________________ SCORE: ______________

Major: ________________ Date: ________________

1. Determine at least 3 different sources for each material

a. Cement
b. Sand
c. Gavel
d. Iron
e. Aluminum
2. Enumerate at least 5 of the different types of wood grade
a. High Strength
b. Moderately high strength
c. Medium Strength
d. Moderately Low Strength
3. Enumerate at least 2 uses of each material in construction
a. Steel
b. Concrete
c. Gravel
d. Sand
e. Clay


Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, National Structural Code of the Philippines, 2015.

American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International

Department of public works and highway, Blue Book

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