1. Asphalt
dark brown to black cementitious mat'l in w/c the predominating constituent is bitumen.
2. Types of Bitumen
a. Tar
i. Viscous liquid obtained from distillation of coal or wood
b. Petroleum Asphalt
i. Products of the distillation of crude oil
5. Kinds of Asphalt
a. Natural
i. Lake asphalt
ii. Rock Asphalt
b. Manufactured / Petroleum Asphalt
i. Asphalt cement
ii. Oxidized asphalt
6. Uses of Asphalt
a. Binder
b. Water proofing
c. Joint and crack filler
d. Roofing
e. Prime coat
f. Tack coat
g. Under sealing PCCP
h. Pipe coating
d. Cohesion
i. Ability to hold the aggregate particles firmly in place in the finished pavement
e. Durability
i. Resistance to change properties due to weathering or aging w/c involve physical and
chemical reaction called oxidation
f. Hardening
i. Tends to harden in the paving mixture during construction
Prime Coat Cutback Asphalt 1.0 ~ 2.0 L/m² surface of base undisturbed for
(RC or MC) course 24 hrs
21. Minimum Testing Requirement (Item 310: Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Hot-laid)
a. Aggregate
i. 1-G&P per 75 cu.m/200t
b. Bituminous Material
i. 1-Q per 40t or 200 drums
c. Mix
i. 1-G,Extraction,Stability,Lab Compaction/ 75cu.m or 130t
Engr. Rowell A. Atendido
Civil Engr. / Materials Engr. II
d. Hydrated Lime
i. 1Q per 100t
e. Mineral Filler
i. 1-G&P per 75 cu.m.
f. Compacted Pavement
i. At least 1 core but not more than 3 for a full day's operation, for density and thickness
ii. If no core had been taken for each day's operation, a core shall be taken for every 100