Tendernotice_1 (10)

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South Twentyfour Parganas Zilla Parishad


Phone: Office: 2479-1385 / 8998 [ Sabhadhipati :2479-1738 D District Engineer;2439-8017 [ Addl. Ex. Officer:2479-1096

Memo No. 17 47 IZP IPW lT enderl24 Date 26.12.24

Tender Reference No.-SPG/N- 62 /24-25

NIT No.62 of 2024-2025

1. As directed, the District Engineer on,".behalf of South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad invites e-tenders from the intending
experienced bonafide eligible resourceful outsiders and working contractors/ agencies of this Parishad having
experience in relevant nature and magnitude of the constructional work mentioned as noted in Annexure-l (Enclosed).
2. The accepting authority does not bind him-self to accept the lowest tenderer and reserves the right to reject any or all of
tenders receiyed, without assigninqany reasons. The inviting authority further reserves the right of splitting up any
contract and distributing the same to more than one tenderer.
a. This is an e-procurement tender ahd also a two bid tender. First bid should contain document of
earnest monev & cost of tender paper deoosit. technical documents (i.e. credential etc.) and second
bid should contain the financial offer to be su,bmitted online.
3. Contractors/ agencies are requested to observe the required credential of a single work order as a prime contractor. lf
any agency found submitted bid for the specific serial with below or lapse dtEdential the tender will not be accepted.
4" lf any agency found submitted bid for the specific serial with false credential, the tender will not be accepted and the
action will be taken against him.
5. (i) Eligibility criteria* for participation of bidder: Bonafide outsider and resourceful contractors having experience to
execute similar nature of work in any Govt. Sector/ Semi- Govt. Sector or Govt. undertaking department also fulfill the
criteria mentioned as Below:
a) lntending tenderers should produce credentials of similar nature of completed work of the minimum value of 40%
(for 1" Call), 30% (for 2d Call) & 2Oo/o (for 3'd Call) of the estimated amount put to tender during last 5 (five) years
prior to the date.of issue df the tender notice.

5. (ii) The intending tenderers should submit tenders within specified time along with scanned copies of a) Trade License
upto date, b) Valid 15 digit Goods and Services Tax payer ldentification Number (GSTIN) registration ldentification
Number (GSTIN) registration Certificate (bidder's name only), c) ProfessionalTax Challan upto date, d) Pan card, e)
latest l.T. return, f) e-mail lD, g) credentials certificate of Similar nature of job as noted in Annexure-l (Enclosed).
Credentials as a sub-contractor will not be considered, failure to produce the certificates shall make the bid non-
6. The intending tenderers shall have to furnish original completion certificate along with the payment certificate if required
of similar works of sufficient magnitude as and when that will be demanded by the tender inviting authority.
7" The tender notice and detailed schedule of works may be obtained from the website: zps2{pos.wb.qov.in &
8. Last date of tender online submission up to 2:00 P.M on 16.01. 25, deadline of submission of original documents such
as Bid Security, Cost of Bid document and Affidavit up to 4:00 P.M on 20.01.25 and opening the bid on or after
21.01.25 at 2:00 P.M. by the Tender Committee..
9. The Bidder should quote his/their rates in figures on the basis of item/items attached with the schedule of quantity form
through online.
10. lf the rate offered by the successful bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the estimated cost of the work, the
bidder may require to produce detailed cost analysis for any or all the items of the schedule attached. Under the sole
discretion of the inviting authority, the bidder may also require to deposit an extra performance security to a level
sufficient to protect against financial loss in the event of default it should be final, binding and conclusive on the bidder.
'1 '1. Cost of tender paper (as indicated in the corresponding column of the work in the annexed sheet) should be deposited
in the Savinqs Bank Account No. 0675010126441 of PNB, Tollyqunqe Tram Depot Branch (IFSC Code: PUN80067520

arise, the tender will not be accepted. Counter foil/ bank receipt should be uploaded on e-portal. BANK DRAFT/ PAY
oRDER will not be accepted'
cont,d ...2,

12. Necessary Earnest Monev {as indicated in the correspondinq column of the work in the annexed sheet) will be
deposited bv the bidder electronically: online -throu
account. maintained at any bank or: offline - throuqh any bank bv qenerating NEFT/ RTGS
challan from the e-tenderinq portal. lntending Bidder will get the Beneficiary details from e*
tender portal with the help of Digital Signature Certificate and may transfer the EMD from their
respective Bank as per the Beneficiary Name & Account No., Arnount, Beneficiary Bank name
(lGlGl Bank) & IFSC Code and e-Proc Ref No.
lntending bidder who wants to transfer EMD through NEFT/RTGS must read the instruction of
the Challan generated from E-Procurement site.
Bidders are also advised to submit EMDof their bid, at least 3 working days before the bid
submission closing date as it requires time for processing of Payment of EfVlD.
(Three State Government Enterprises viz,* "Mackintosh Burn Limited.", "Westinghouse Saxby Farmer Limited". and
"Britannia Engineerrfig Limited", are exemp-ted from deposit of earnest money for participation in tender vide Order No.
430(3)-W(C)flM-ZAU15 dated 31.08.2015 of the Jornt Secretary, P.W. Department, Works Branch, Govt. of West
Bengal subject to the condition that they will furnish Security Deposit. if selected in the tender )

13.1n the event of e-filling, intending bidder may download the tender documents from the website:
wbtenders.sov.in. directly with the help of Digital Signature Cedificate. Technical Bid and Financial
Bid both will be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed in the@dglg-ggvjn.
The documents submitted by the bidders shoulci be properiy inciexed & ciigitally signed,
14. Both Technical docuynent and Financial Bid are to be submitted in technical (Statutory & Non-
Statutory folder) and financial folder concurrently duly digitally signed in the website

15. ln case, if there be any ohjection regarding non qualifying in technical bids the agency should todged complaint (through
e-mail: admzp.south24pgs@gmail.iom and desouth24pqs@qmail.com. slmultaneously) to the Tender lnviting
Authority within 48 {forty eight) hours from the date & time of publication of list of qualified agency and beyond that
time schedule no objection will be entertained by the Tender lnviting Authority.
16. Successful tenderer/s must have to execute a formal deed in Zilla Parishad agreement fonn within fifteen days from
the date of acceptance of the tender, failing which action will be taken as per rule.

7. Tenderer/s shall be bound to execute any excess and supplementary works as may be ordered by the Engineer-in-
Charge at the rate of prevailing schedule of PWDIPW(R) D, Govt. of W.B. at ihe time of tender submission.
18. The time is the essence of contract.

19. All tools and plants and implernents required for the construction of the work, will have to be supplied by the contractor
at hisl their own cost.

20. The applications of the bidder, whc could not compiete the works entrusted to them in past to the full satisfaction of this
Zilla Parishad, will not be considered.
21. 1% Worker',s Wetfare Cess {vide P & R.D. Deptt lrlo. 5794 (21)-R|D(RIDF)/1A-1i2006 dt. 9.10.2006 ) will be deducted
from the bills.

22. Defecl liabilky period is 1 (cne) year.

23. lnformatory Board willbe affixed at site at his own cost.

24. The prospective Bidder shall have, in their full time engagement, eperienced technical personnel, the minimum being
one Electrical Engineering Diploma holder failing which the bid will be liable for rejection [Authenticated documents in
respect of qualification and engagement (in Non- judicial Starnp paper of appropriate value, duly notarized) shali
have to be furnished in Non statutory Documents for Technical Evaluation without which ihe Technical Bid shall be
iiable for rejection.l.

25. The bidder/ contractor must have valid Electrical Contractors License along r,vith Electrical Supen'isor holding Supervisor
competency olCompetency granted by Licensing Board, West Bsngal in the parts 1,2,3,4,6,7A,78 &11or equivalent National
Supervisors' Certificate of Competency. under full tinre engagement. An Affidavit, made by' the said Supervisor in non-judicial
stamp paper ol appropriate value ulynotarized,stating such fulltime engagement during urrentt enure and an engagement/
appointment letter issued by the bidder should be fumished without which the Technical Bid shall be treated non- responsive.
fSelf attested scanned documents in respect of above i.e. qualification, declaration (in Non-judicial Stamp paper of appropriate
value, duly notarized) and engagement shall have to be fumished in Non statutory Documents for Technical Evaluation. without
rvhich the Technical Bid shall be liable for rejection.

26. Submission of Original Documents: The bidders ale required to submit original documents such as Bid Security,
Cost of Bid document and Affidavit etc. regarding correctness of information furnished with bid document as per
provisions of Clause 5 (ii) & 8 of NIT with District Engineer, South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad, New Administrative
Building (2nd Floor), 12 Biplabi Kanai Bhattacharyya Sarani. Kolkata- 7AOA27, on a date as specfied in the NlT, either
by registereci post or by hanci in the box, kept in the office of the undersigned faiiing which the bids shaiibe deciarecjas
non- responsive^ r
27. Bid for 2nd Callwill be guided by the order issued by Finance Department Vide Memo No. 925-F(Y) dt. 14.02.17
28. Copy of this NIT along with Tender Docurnent may he obtained from the website: zns24sqs.wb.cov.in &
wbtenders.qov.in. {'

29. Corrigendum of this NlT, if any, will only be published in the website: zps24pqs.Uab.gq!r.in.& wbtenders.qov.in.

l-,b;+t ,J,1
District Engineer
South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad

Memo No. 17 47 11 (1 4)lZP IPW l-fenderl?A Daie26.12.24

Copy forwarded for information and taking necessary action for display in office Notice Board forwide circulation to:
1. The District Magistrate, Soutft 24 Parganas.
2. The Sahakari Sabhadhipati, South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad.
3. The Karmadhyaksha (PKOPSS), South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad.
4. The D"l.A., South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad - to upload the tender Notice io the Website:
zps24pqs.wb.qov.in & wbtenders.qov.in. at the earliest.
5. The S.D.O. (All), South 24 Parganas.
6. The Executive Engineer, South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad.
7. The Secretary, South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad.
8. The F.C. & C.A.O., South 24-Parganas Zilla Parishad Parishad - He is requested to submit the Bank Statement
regarding Tender Documents Deposit to the undersigned before opening of tender.
9. The Deputy Secretary, South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad.
10. South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad Contractors Welfare Association.
11. South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad Progressive Contractors Welfare Association.
12. C.A. to Sabhadhipati, South 24-Parganas Zilla Parishad.
13. C.A. to A.D.M. & A.E.O., South 24-Parganas Zilla Parishad.
14. Zrlla Parishad Notice Board for wide circulation.

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South 24 Parganas Zilla Parishad
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NIT No. gzoz'tzoz ]o z9 'oN JIN Digitally signed by GAUTAM DAS
Date: 2024.12.26 16:15:32 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB

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