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Appendix 1.

to Banach Spaces

A1.1 Linear Vector Spaces and Norms

Definition A1.1 A linear vector space (LVS) X over a field F is a set with two
binary operations: addition (a map of X x X ~ X) and numerical (or scalar)
multiplication (a map of F x X ~ X), which satisfy the commutative, associative,
and distributive properties.
We are primarily interested in spaces of functions and will take F to be either
lR or cc.
Examples A1.2.

(1) X = lRn with the operations (+, .), the usual componentwise operations, and
with F =R

(2) X = C([O, I D, all cqntinuous, complex-valued functions on the interval

[0, I]. Addition is pointwise,thatis, if f, g E X then (j+g)(x) = f(x)+g(x),
and scalar multiplication for F = C is also pointwise.

(3) X = II',
where II' consists of all infinite sequences of complex numbers:
x == C such that L~l IXi I" < 00, for 1 :::: p < 00.
(Xl, ... , x n, ... ), Xi E
Again, addition and scalar multiplication are defined componentwise.

Problem A1.1. Show that II' is an LVS. (Hint: Use the Minkowski inequality:
286 Appendix 1. Introduction to Banach Spaces

Definition A1.3. Let X be an LVS over F, F = lR or <C. A norm II . lion X is a

map II . II : X ~ lR+ U {O} such that

(i) IIx II 2: 0 and if IIx II = 0 then x = 0 (positive definiteness);

(ii) II Ax II = IAlllxll, A E F (homogeneity);

(iii) IIx + yll :::: IIxll + Ilyll, x, y E X (triangle inequality).

Examples AI.4.

(1) X = lRn and define IIxll = (2::;'=1 Ixd2)1/2, xE lRn. This is a norm, called
the Euclidean norm, and has the interpretation of the length of the vector x.

(2) X = C([O, 1]) can be equipped with many norms, for example, the LP-
1 )I/P
norms: Ilfllp == ( fa If(xWdx ,f E x, 1:::: p < oo,andthesup-norm
(p = 00): Ilflloo == sup If(x)l, f E X.

(3) X = IP has a norm given by IIxll == (2::~1 IxilP)I/P, x EX.

Problem A1.2. Show that the maps X ~ lR+ claimed to be norms in Examples
A1.4 are norms.
Definition A1.S. An LVS X with a norm II . II is a normed linear vector space
(NLVS), that is, an NLVS X is a pair (X, II . II) where X is an LVS and II . II is a
norm on X.

Al.2 Elementary Topology in Normed Vector Spaces

Elementary topology studies relations between certain families of subsets of a set
X. A topology for a set X is built out of a distinguished family of subsets, called
the open sets. In an NLVS X, there is a standard construction of these open sets.
Definition A1.6. Let X be an NLVS, and let a E X. An open ball about a of radius
r, denoted Br(a), is defined by

Br(a) == {x E Xlllx - all < r}.

In analogy with the Euclidean metric on lRn (see (1), Examples A1.4), we in-
terpret Ilx - all as "the distance from x to a," and so Br(a) consists of all points
x E X lying within distance r from a. The open balls in X are the fundamental
building blocks of open sets.
Definition AI.7. A subset E C X, X an NLVS, is open iffor each x E E there
exists an r > 0 (depending on x) such that Br(x) C E. A neighborhood ofx EX
is an open set containing x.
Al.2. Elementary Topology in Normed Vector Spaces 287

Example A1.S.
Let X = JRI1 with the Euclidean metric. Then

simply a ball of radius E about the origin. Note that BE(O) does not include its
boundary, that is, {x I (2:::'=1 x?) 1/2 = E}. It is easy to check that BE(O) is an open
set. If we were to include the boundary, the resulting set would not be open.
DefinitionA1.9.Asubset Be X, X anNLVS, isclosedifX\B == {x E Xix rj. B}
(the complement of B in X) is open.
Sequences provide a convenient tool for studying many properties of subsets of
an NLVS X, including open and closed sets.
Definition A1.l0. Let X be an NLVS.

(I) A sequence {XI1 l in X converges to x E X if Ilxn - x II ~ 0 as n ~ 00.

(2) A sequence (x" l in X is Cauchy if Ilxn - Xm I ~ 0 as n, m ~ 00.

Problem Al.3. Prove that

(I) every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence,

(2) every convergent sequence is uniformly bounded, that is, if {xn l is conver-
gent, then there exists an M, 0 < M < 00, such that Ilx n I :::: M for all
n = 1,2, ....


(1) Use an E/2-argument and the identity: X il - Xm = Xn - X +X - Xm.

(2) Use the triangle inequality to show that

I Ilxn I - Ilx m I I:::: Ilxn - Xm II·)

A nice feature of NLVS is that sequences can be used to characterize closed

Proposition Al.ll. A subset E c X, X an NLVS, is closed if for any convergent
sequence (xnl in E, limn->ooxn E E.

(1) Suppose E is closed and lim l1 -+ oc Xn =

x rj. E but Xn E E. Since X \ E is
open, there is an E > 0 such that BE(x) n E </>. But X I1 ~ x, so for this
E, there is an N such that n > N =? Ilx n - xII < E =? Xn E BE(x). So we
have a contradiction, and x E E.
288 Appendix 1. Introduction to Banach Spaces

(2) Conversely, suppose E contains the limit of all its convergent sequences.
Suppose X \ E is not open; then there is a point Y E X \ E such that for
each E > 0, BE(y) n E =I ¢. Let En == lin and choose Yn E BE,Jy) n E.
Then {Yn} is a sequence in E and limn-+oo Yn = y. But y tI E, hence we get
a contradiction (i.e., X \ E is open so E is closed). 0

Definition A1.12. If M c X, X an NLVS, then M, the closure of M in X, is

M U {limits of all nonconstant convergent sequences in M}. The set of points that
are limits in X of nonconstant sequences in M are the accumulation points or
cluster points of M.
Remark Al.13. By definition, M :J M and M is closed. M is, in fact, the smallest
closed set containing M.
Remark A1.14. Exercise (1) in Problem A1.3 is significant because the converse
is not true in every NLVS X. That is, if {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X, it is not
necessarily true that {xn} is convergent. As an example, consider X = C([O, 1]) in
the II . III" 1:s p < 00, norm (see Example AlA (2)). We construct a sequence
fn E X by
0, O:SX:S~,
f,,(X) = I n(x-~), .l<x<.l+.l
2- -2 n'
1, .l+.l<x<1.
2 n - -

Clearly, fn E C([O, 1]) and, for n ::::: m and p = 1,

Ilfn-fmll! = fo!If,,(X)-fm(X)ldX

2 11 (n - m)(x - 1/2)dx + h:l

[1 - m(x - 1/2)]dx

~2 (~-~),
m n
and so {fn} is a Cauchy sequence. It is easy to check that for any p, {fn} is Cauchy.

Now for any x E [0, 1], we can compute lim n-+ oo fn(x). The limit function is
0, 0 < x :s ~,
f(x) =
1, ~ < x :s 1.
This limit function f tI C([O, 1]) (i.e., f is discontinuous), and so C([O, 1]) does
not contain the limit of all its Cauchy sequences! Later we will discuss the manner
in which we can extend C([O, 1]) to a larger NLVS (called the completion) to
include the limit of all the Cauchy sequences in C([O, 1]).

AI.3 Banach Spaces

Definition A1.15.An NLVS X is complete if every Cauchy sequence in X converges
to an element of X. A complete NLVS is called a Banach space.
Al.3. Banach Spaces 289

Remark A1.16. Every finite-dimensional NLVS is complete and hence a Banach

space. This follows from the fact that both ffi. and C are complete and from the fact
that every finite-dimensional LVS is isomorphic to ffi.N or C N for some N. For this
reason, the term "Banach space" is usually used to denote an infinite-dimensional
Examples A1.17.

(1) X = ffi.N with the Euclidean norm II . lie is complete.

(2) X = C([O, I)) is complete with the sup-norm II . 1100, but it is not complete
with the p-norm for 1 :s p < 00; see Remark A1.l4.

(3) [P is complete; we prove this in Proposition AU8.

Problem AI.4. Prove statements (l) and (2) in Examples A 1.17. (Hint: For (2),
use standard results on uniform convergence.)
Proposition A1.18. The NLVS IP as defined in (3) of Examples Al.2, with the
I . lip-norm, 1 :s p < 00, is a Banach space.

Proof. Let (x(n)), x(ll) == (xiII), xiII), ... ) E [P, be a Cauchy sequence, that is,


as m, n -+ 00. We must show (1) that (x(Il)} is convergent to some x, and (2) that
x E [P.

(1) Condition (A 1.1) implies that each sequence of real (or complex) numbers
{Xill)}~1 (fixed i) is Cauchy, and from the completeness of ffi. (or q it is
convergent. Hence there is an Xi E ffi. (or C) such that Xi = limll -+ oo x i(Il).
Let x == (XI, X2, .. .). We show that x(ll) -+ x in the [P-norm. From the
definition of (x(Il)), for each E > 0 there is an NE E N such that m, n > NE
implies [2::7=1 Ixt) - xim)IP riP < E. Now we take the limit of the left

side as n -+ 00 (fixed k) and get Sm(k) = [2::7=1 IXi - x;m)IP riP < E.
As a sequence in k, Sm(k) is monotonic (i.e., Sm(k) :s Sm(k') if k < k')
and bounded, and hence limk-+oo Sm (k) exists and is less than E. This is the
[P -norm of (x - x(m), that is, Ilx - x(m) lip < E. Hence, x(m) -+ x.

(2) To prove that x E [P, we use Minkowski's inequality (Problem AU) and
begin by considering a finite sum as above. We write
290 Appendix l. Introduction to Banach Spaces

Since X(Il) E IP and Ilx(ll) - xll p ---+ 0, given E > 0, we can choose n > NE
such that

and hence Ilx lip < 00 (i.e., x E IP). 0

We now introduce some other topological ideas associated with Banach spaces.

Definition A1.19. Let X be an NLVS. A subset A C X is dense in X if each point

x E X can be approximated arbitrarily closely by points in A, namely, for each
x E X there is a sequence {all} c A such that lim n -+ oo an = x. Equivalently, for
any x E X and any E > there exists a E A such that Ilx - a II < E.

Examples A1.20.

(1) The rational numbers Q are dense in the real numbers.

(2) The Weierstrass approximation theorem states that the set of all polynomials
in x on [0, 1] (i.e., functions of the form 2:7=1 Ci xi + co) is dense in C([O, 1])
with the sup-norm.

(3) Let X be a Ba~ach space, and let A C X be a subset that is not closed. Then
A is dense in A, its closure.

Definition AI.21. A Banach space X is separable if it contains a countable, dense

subset. (A set is countable ifits elements can be put in one-to-one correspondence
with the set of integers Z.)

Examples A1.22.

(1) The set of polynomials on [0, 1] with rational coefficients is a dense, count-
able set in C([O, 1]) with the sup-norm, so this Banach space is separable.

(2) The set of all elements x E lP with Xi E Q is a dense, countable set in lP,
so IP is separable.

(3) Simply forreference, the space L 00 (lR), the LVS of all (essentially) bounded
functions on lE. with the (ess) sup-norm, is nonseparable.

Remark A1.23. All the spaces used in the chapters are separable, unless specifi-
cally mentioned.
A 1.4. Compactness 291

A 1.4 Compactness
We introduce another important topological notion associated with Banach spaces
(which is, of course, an important notion in its own right).
Definition A1.24. Let X be a (separable) Banach space. A subset Y C X is called
compact (respectively, relatively compact) if any infinite subset of Y contains a
convergent sequence and the limit of this sequence belongs to Y (respectively, to
Note that if Y C X is relatively compact, then Y, the closure of Y in X, is
compact. Moreover, if Y is compact, then Y is a closed subset of X. This follows
since if {Yn} is a Cauchy sequence in Y, it is an infinite subset of Y. Since X is
complete, {Yn} is convergent and the limit y = limn --+ oo Yn E Y by definition of
compactness. Hence, we have the next result.
Proposition A1.25. Let X be a Banach space. If Y C X is compact, then it is
closed and bounded (i.e., 3M > 0 such that Ilyll :::: M Vy E Y).
Proof. It remains to show that Y is bounded. Suppose not; then for each nEZ,
there exists Yn E Y such that IIYnl1 > n. Then {Yn} is an infinite subset of Y. By
compactness, we can choose a subsequence {Yarn)} of {Yn), where a: Z+ --+ Z+
is an order-preserving map, which converges. Then, as Y is compact, 3y E Y such
that I Yarn) II converges to Ily II. But, IIYa(n) I ::: a(n) ::: n --+ 00, and so we get a
contradiction. Hence Y is bounded. D
It is a well-known result that the converse of Proposition A1.25 is not true:
There are many closed and bounded subsets of certain Banach spaces which are
not compact.
Examples A1.26.
(1) The problem just described cannot occur in jRN or (ef: the Heine-Borel
theorem states that a set is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded.
(2) Let X = C([O, 1]), and let Y C X be the subset of all functions in X which,
together with their derivative, are uniformly bounded, that is, Y = {f E
XI Ilflloo < M and Ilf'lloo < M}. The Ascoli-Arzela theorem states that
Y is compact in X.
We now want to relate the definition in A1.24, which depends on the metric
structure of X, to the general topological notion of compactness.
Definition A1.27. Let A C X, X any topological space. A collection of open
subsets {Vi} of X is called an open covering of A if A C Ui Vi.
Theorem Al.28. A subset K C X, X a Banach space, is compact if and only if
any (countable) open covering of K contains afinite subcovering of K.
(1) Suppose K C X is compact, and let {Vi} be an open covering of K. Suppose
on the contrary that there exists no finite subcovering. Then K \ U7=1 Vi is
292 Appendix 1. Introduction to Banach Spaces

nonempty for any n. Let XII E K \ U7=1 Vi. By the compactness of K, there
exists a convergent subsequence {XII'} and X = limn,--+oo Xn' E K. Since {Vi}
covers K, X E Vj, for some j. Since Vj is open, XII' E Vj for all large n',
say n' > No. Then {VI, ... , VNo' Vj} (where Xn' E Vn) is a finite covering
of K, giving a contradiction.

(2) Suppose K has the finite covering condition but is not compact. Let {xn} be
an infinite (countable) sequence in K with no limit points. The sets Un ==
{Xn, Xn+l, ... } are closed (Un has no limit points) and nnull = nnun = ¢.
Then U,~ is open and {U~} forms an open cover of K. Then there exists a
finite subcovering {U~,} of K with nil' Un' = ¢, which is certainly not true
by construction. D
Appendix 2. The Banach
Spaces LP(IR n ), 1 < p < 00

We present the basic theory of this family of Banach spaces. The reader can find
any of the proofs not presented here in any standard text on real or functional
analysis; see, for example, Reed and Simon, Volume I [RSl], Royden [Ro], or
Rudin [R].

A2.1 The Definition of LP(IR n ), 1 ::::: P < 00

The most important Banach spaces for us are the LP -spaces, 1 S p < 00. The
value p = 2 plays an especially important role, and we will describe its properties
in greater detail later. There are two basic ways to obtain the LP -spaces, and both
are useful. The first, which we will sketch here, uses the idea of the completion
of an NLVS. The second involves Lebesgue integration theory, so we will merely
mention the results.

Definition A2.1. The support of a function f: Q C jRn -+ <C, denoted by supp f,

is the closed set that is the complement of the union of all open sets on which f

Problem A2.1. Prove that supp f = {x E Q I f(x) i OJ.

Definition A2.2. The set of infinitely differentiable functions on jRn with bounded
(and hence compact) supports is denoted by Cgo(jRIJ). IfQ C jRn and is open, then
Cgo(Q) consists of all infinitely differentiable functions with compact supports in
294 Appendix 2. The Banach Spaces LP(JR"), 1 ::: p < 00

We note that it is easy to see that Co(lR") is an LVS over Cor R We will always
take LVS over C in this section. For each p, I ~ P < 00, and any f E Co(Q),
define the nonnegative quantity


Ilfllp == If(x)iP dxJ P , (A2.l)

which exists as a Riemann integral because supp f is compact and because f is

bounded on its support. We see that (Cgo(Q), II . lip) is an NLVS.

Problem A2.2. Prove that for any open Q c JR", (Co(Q), II . lip) is an NLVS for
1 ~ P < 00. (Hint: Use the simple identity, If + glP ~ 2 P (lfl P + IgIP).)

Ourgoalis to associate with X p == (Cgo(Q), I . lip) a Banach space that contains

X p as a dense set. Recall that we have already seen in Remark A 1.14 that X p is
not complete. There are Cauchy sequences in X p whose limits do not exist in X p.
Hence, we want to enlarge X p by adding to it "the limits of all Cauchy sequences
in X p." This will result in a "larger" space, called the completion of X p. It is a
Banach space that contains a copy of X p as a dense subset. We will sketch the
idea of the completion of an NLVS. In this manner, we obtain the Banach spaces
in which we are interested.

Definition A2.3. For any open Q C JR" and 1 ~ p < 00, the Banach space LP(Q)
is the completion of (Co(Q), II . lip).

Let (X, II . II) be anNLVS that is not complete. We show how to obtain a Banach
space X with a dense subset X, such that X is isomorphic to X. That is, the sets
X and X are in one-to-one correspondence, and if i E X corresponds to x EX,
then IIi II = IIx II (the norm on the left is the induced norm on X).

Step 1. Consider the collection of all Cauchy sequences in X. Let a == {x,,} and
f3 == {y,,} denote any two Cauchy sequences. We say that two Cauchy sequences
are equivalent if lim,,--+oo IIx" - y,,11 = O.

Problem A2.3. Show that (i) this defines an equivalence relation on the set of
Cauchy sequences, and (ii) if {x n } is Cauchy, then limn--+oo IIxn II exists.

Let [a] denote the equivalence class of a. We define a set X to be the set of
all equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences in X. The set X has a distinguished
subset X, which consists of all equivalence classes of constant sequences (i.e., if
x E X, then let ax == {x" = x}). We see that [ax] consists of all Cauchy sequences
converging to x. Hence, X is isomorphic with X.

Problem A2.4. Show that X is an LVS, and verify that X is isomorphic to X.

A2.1. The Definition of U(/R n ), 1 :::: p < 00 295

Step 2. We define a norm on X as follows. Let [a] E X, and take {xn} E [a]. Then
lI[a]lI x == lim IIxnll.

Problem A2.S. Verify that II . II x is a norm on X. (Be sure to check that it is "well
defined," that is, independent of the representative chosen.)

Note that if [ax] E X, then naturally

so that the isomorphism between Xand X is isometric. We conclude that (X, II . II x)

is an NLVS with a subset X isometric with X.

Step 3. We sketch the proof that (X, II . IIx) is complete. Suppose {[aN]} is a
Cauchy sequence in X. Let {xt'} be a representative. Then for E > 0 there exists
NE such that for N, M > NE , we have

Hence there exists io > 0 such that IIx/" - x,M II < E 12 for i > io. For N > M,
choose an index iN > io for which Ilx~ - x,M1I < E/2. We can choose the map
N --+ iN to be order-preserving (i.e., P > Q => ip > iQ). Since {x,M} is Cauchy,
there exists i 1 > 0 such that j, k > i 1 implies

Choose i M > max(io, i d. We claim {x~} C X is a Cauchy sequence. This follows

IIx~ - x~ II :s IIx~ - x~ II + IIx~ - x~ II < E,

by definition of iN. Finally, construct [a] == [{x~}] E X. Then we have for N

sufficiently large,

= lim
xt II
Ilxt' -

< k~~ (IIX~ - xt II + IIxt' - Xi~ II)


Problem A2.6. Check that the calculations in Step 3 are independent of the rep-
resentative of the equivalence class chosen.
296 Appendix 2. The Banach Spaces LP(JRIl), 1 ::: p < !Xl

Consequently, we know that there exists a Banach space XI' that contains a
dense isometric copy of (COO(S1), I . 111')' A natural question that arises is: What
is the nature of the objects in XI' ? The best way to answer this is by means of the
Lebesgue theory of integration. We wish to avoid this discussion, and so we refer
the reader to any standard text, for example, Royden [Ro]. However, for the reader
familiar with this theory, an element of XI' is an equivalence class of measurable
functions on S1 having the property that If II' is Lebesgue integrable on S1 with
In If II' < 00. Two measurable functions f and g on S1 are equivalent if they
differ on a set of Lebesgue measure zero. Up to this equivalence, then, we can
interpret elements of LI'(S1) as functions such that If II' is finitely integrable over

A2.2 Important Properties of LP -Spaces

We establish here several basic and important properties of LI' -spaces, which we
use throughout the chapters.

1. Density results
For S1 C ]Rn open, we have seen that the linear vector space offunctions Cg:'(S1) is
dense in LI'(S1). Since LI'(S1) is a Banach space, this means that for any f E LI'(S1)
(where f is understood in the sense described in Section A2.1) and for any E > 0,
we can find g E Cg:'(S1) such that Ilf - gill' < E. Consequently, in most cases, it
suffices to prove a property for smooth functions. The same density result applies
for other classes of functions. We list some of the common classes here:

Co(S1) == all continuous functions on S1 with bounded supports;

Bo(S1) == all bounded functions on S1 with bounded supports.

Problem A2.7. Prove that these two classes of functions are dense in LI'(S1).

When S1 = ]R1l, we define the Schwartz class functions S(]Rn) as follows:

S(]Rll) == {f E Coo(]Rn) I if g is any partial derivative of f, then for any

polynomial P, limllxll-+oo Ig(x)p(x)1 = O}.

The Schwartz functions form a particularly nice class of functions. By the same
argument as in Problem A2.7, these functions form a dense set in LI'(]Rn).
A2.2. Important Properties of U' -Spaces 297

2. The HiJlder Inequality

It is easy to see that the product of two LP -functions need not be in LP. For
example, take the space L 1(JR) and consider the function

IX I- 1, Ixl < 1,
f(x) = ! 0, Ixl ~ 1.

Then, f ELI (JR), but f2 ~ L 1(JR). We do, however, have the possibility that f g
belongs to some LP' -space if f and g belong to some other U - and Lt -spaces.

TheoremA2.4 (The Holder inequality). Let p, q, r E JR+ be such that II p+ llq =

llr.lf f E LP and g E Lq, then fg E L' and

Ilfgllr :s Ilfllp Ilgll q .


(I) We first prove the following inequality for any a, b E JR+ and any p, q E JR+
such that 1I p + 1I q = 1:


Consider the function

a = F(b) = bq - 1
or, equivalently,
= F-1(a) = a P- 1,

where we use the fact that (p - 1)(q - 1) = 1. We consider the rectangle

[0, bo] x [0, ao] in the ba-plane, where ao, bo > °
are arbitrary. Then the
curve a = F(b) divides the rectangle into two regions, I and II. The area of
region I, which lies below the curve a = F(b), is

whereas for the complementary region,

It is easy to see that we always have

which is just (A2.2).

298 Appendix 2. The Banach Spaces UJ(JR"), 1 ::c p < 00

(2) We next consider 1I p + 1I q = I I r. Setting a r and b r into (A2.2), we obtain

for lip + l/q = I. Now set p' == rp and q' = rq to obtain


for 1I p' + 1I q' = 1I r.

(3) If either I or g vanishes almost everywhere, the inequality is trivial. So

suppose I E U and g E Lq are nonzero. Let j == 111/11-;;1 and g
gllgllq-l. Substituting these into (A2.3) and integrating, we obtain

Iljgll; < rp-l Hill: + rq-lllglI~

< r(p-I + q-l) ::c 1.

By the definition of j and g, we see that this is simply the desired inequality.

Proposition A2.S. Let I E LP, 1 ::c p < 00. Then

IIIll p = sup {IIIgIIIlIgllq-llgiOand.!.+.!.=I} (A2A)

gELq p q

Proof. The Holder inequality with r = 1 implies that the right side of (A2A) is
bounded above by IIIll p . Assume I i O. Now let g == cIIIP-I. By a simple
IIIgllI = cllfllf"

so if we take c == II I 111- P, we get equality in (A2A). Finally, we check that for

such g E Lq,

Ilgll q IIII11- p [/ II(x)lq(p-l) dX] q

= IIII11- p IIIIIf,/q = 1

since (p - 1) = plq. D

3. The Minkowski Inequality

We used a basic inequality in Problem A2.2 to show that LP is an LVS. This can
be refined so that the constant does not depend on p.
A2.2. Important Properties of LP -Spaces 299

Theorem A2.6 (The Minkowski inequality). Let 1 :::: p < 00 and f, g E LP.
IIf + gllp :::: Ilfllp + Ilgll p ·

Proof. The case p = 1 is obvious. We use Proposition A2.S to obtain

Ilf +gllp = sup

p q

< sup {(llfhlll+lIghlldllhll;l}


< II flip + Ilgll p .

Problem A2.8. Formulate and prove the Minkowski and Holder inequalities for
IP,l :::: p < 00 (see Examples A1.2 and Problem AU).

4. Lebesgue Dominated Convergence

This is one of the most useful results of Lebesgue integration theory. It is, of
course, applicable to Riemann integrable functions. Suppose we have a sequence of
functions fn in LP(lRn) such that fn converges pointwise to f almost everywhere.
We want to know if fn ~ fin LP(]RH).

Theorem A2.7 (Lebesgue dominated convergence). Suppose fn E UJ(]Rn) and

fn ~ f almost everywhere. If there exists g E LP(]Rn) such that Ifnl P :::: IglP
almost everywhere, then f E LP and fn ~ fin LP.

We need one other result about sequences of functions that converge in the

Theorem A2.8. Suppose that Un} is a sequence offunctions in LI(]Rn) that con-
verges to f in the L I-norm. Then, there is a subsequence Un(k)} that converges
pointwise almost everywhere to f.

We refer the reader to [RS I] or [Ro] for the proof.

Appendix 3. Linear Operators
on Banach Spaces

A3.1 Linear Operators

Definition A3.1. Let X and Y be LVS. A linear operator A from X to Y is a linear
map defined on a linear subspace D(A) C X, called the domain of A, into Y.
We write A : DCA) -+ Y. A linear map has the property that for A E C (or]R)
and f, g E D(A),
A(A.f + g) = AAf + Ag.
Note that D(A) is a linear space by definition, so f, g E D(A) implies that f +Ag E
Examples A3.2.

(1) Let X = Y = ]Rn. Any linear transformation A : ]Rn -+ ]Rn (i.e., D(A) = ]Rn)
can be written in the form (AX)i =L:J=l AijXj, for some n 2 quantities
Aij E R This matrix representation of A depends on the choice of basis for
]Rn. The numbers Xi are the coefficients of X relative to this basis.

(2) Let X = Y = C([O, 1]), and let a E X. Define A: X -+ X by (Af)(x) =

a(x)f(x), f E X. Then A is a linear operator with D(A) = X. The oper-
ator A is "multiplication by the function a" and is called a multiplication

(3) Let X = Y = C([O, 1]) and let D(A) = C1([O, 1]), the LVS of continuous
functions that are differentiable and whose first derivatives are continuous.
Note that D(A) =I X. Define an operator A, for f E D(A), by (Af)(x) =
(dfldx)(x). Then A: C1([O, 1]) -+ C([O, 1]) is a linear operator.
302 Appendix 3. Linear Operators on Banach Spaces

(4) Let X = Y = C([O, I]) and let K(s, t) be continuous in sand ton [0, I] x
[0, IJ. Let f EX, and define (Af)(t) = JdK (t, s) f(s )ds.1t is easy to check
that this integral defines an element of X for each f E X. Hence, we may
take D(A) = X, and A is a linear operator.

(5) Let X = C([O, I]) and Y = R For each f E X, define Af = fol f(s)ds.
Then A: X --+ Y with D(A) = X is a linear operator.

(6) Let X = Y = C([O, I]). The map (Af)(x) = f 2 (x), defined on all of X, is
not linear. This is an example of a nonlinear operator.

Problem A3.1. Verify all the statements in Examples A3.2.

Definition A3.3. A linear operator A : D(A) C X --+ Y is densely defined if

D(A) is dense in X.

Remark A3.4. Note that the definition of a linear operator includes both the do-
main and the action of the operator on elements in the domain. If the domain is
changed, the operator is also changed. All the operators in Examples A3.2 are
densely defined. A linear operator that is not densely defined has many undesir-
able properties (for example, we shall see that it does not have a uniquely defined
adjoint). For this reason, we will work only with densely defined operators. More-
over, we will assume that X is an NLVS. If D(A) C X is not dense, we will replace
X by D(A) == XI, the closure of D(A) in X, which is a Banach space. We then
consider the operator A with dense domain D(A) in X I.
It is possible to define algebraic operations on the family of linear operators
from X to Y. Assume X and Y have the same field of scalars F. In particular, we

(1) Numerical multiplication: If A E F, and x E D(A), we define AA by

(AA)(x) = A(Ax). Thus, if A =I 0, D(AA) = D(A), and if A = 0, AA extends
to the zero operator on X.

(2) Addition: Let A, B be two linear operators on X into Y, and suppose f E

D(A) n D(B). We define A + B on f by (A + B)f = Af + Bf. In some
cases it may happen that D(A)n D(B) = {O}, so we cannot define A + B. In
general, D(A) n D(B) is a nonempty subset of D(A) and D(B) (although
it may not be dense). For example, consider the operator A defined in part
(3) of Examples A3.2. Let B == d 2 jdx 2 , with D(B) = C 2 ([0, 1]). Then,
D(A + B) = D(B) c D(A) and is dense.

(3) Multiplication: Let A, B be linear operators from X into Y, and let x E D(B)
be such that Bx E D(A). Then we can define AB on the set of all such x
by (AB)x = A(Bx). Note that if A and B are everywhere defined operators
from X into X, then AB and BA are everywhere defined on X.
A3.2. Continuity and Boundedness of Linear Operators 303

A3.2 Continuity and Boundedness of Linear Operators

We will now explicitly assume X and Yare NLVS, and we will write A: X ~ Y
even when A is defined only on D(A) C X. Moreover, by operator we will always
mean linear operator.
Definition A3.5. An operator A : X ~ Y is continuous iffor each convergent
sequence {x,,} C D(A) with lim,,--+oox n = x E D(A), we have lim,,-+oo AXil =
A(lim,,-+oo x ll ) = Ax.
Problem A3.2. Show that A is continuous if for each sequence {x,,} C D(A) with
lim n --+ oo Xn = 0, we have limn-+oo Ax" = 0.
Example A3.6. With reference to part (2) of Example A3.2, the operator A, mul-
tiplication by a E C([O, 1D, is continuous on X = C([O, 1]) with any norm on X
as given in Example A 1.4 (2). This follows from the fact that a is bounded: Let
sUPSE[O.ljla(s)1 = Iialloo. Then, it follows that

IIAflloo :S Iialloollfiloo

IIAfilp :s Iialloollfll p , 1:S p < 00.

So if fn ~ °
in any of these norms, Af" ~ 0.
Definition A3.7. An operator A : X ~ Y is bounded if there exists a K > Osuch
thatforany f E D(A),
IIAflly :S Kllfllx.
Remarks A3.8.

(1) If should be noted that both continuity and boundedness of an operator

depend on the norms of X and Y.

(2) Ifboth X and Yare finite-dimensional, any operator A : X ~ Y is bounded

and continuous.

Proposition A3.9. Let X be an NLVS.

(1) Any bounded operator on X is continuous.

(2) Any bounded operator A : X ~ Y, Y a Banach space, can be extended to

all of X, that is, there is a unique bounded operator A with D(A) = X such
that Af = Af, f E D(A).


(1) Let {x,,} C D(A) be a sequence such that x" ~ 0. Since A is bounded,
IIAx n II :S K Ilx n II ~ 0, so AXn ~ 0.
304 Appendix 3. Linear Operators on Banach Spaces

(2) Let x E X \ D(A). Since D(A) is dense, there is a sequence {xnl C D(A)
such that Xn ~ x. Because A is bounded, it follows that {Ax nl is Cauchy in
Y. Since Y is a Banach space, the sequence {Ax n l converges to some Y E Y.
Now define A On X by Ax == Ax, x E D(A), and Ax == limn--->oo Axn , for
x = limn---> 00 Xn tI- D(A) and {xnl C D(A). D

Problem A3.3. Complete the proof of Proposition A3.9 by showing that A is well
defined (i.e., independent of the sequence), that A is linear, that A is unique, and
that A is bounded.
Theorem A3.IO. Let A: X ~ Y be a linear operator. Then the following two
statements are equivalent:

(1) A is continuous;

(2) A is bounded.


(2) => (I) If A is bounded, we observed that A is continuous; in fact, we can

extend A to a bounded operator on X and the extension (which is bounded)
is continuous.

(I) => (2) Suppose A is continuous but unbounded. This means the exists a
sequence {xnl in D(A), with IIxnll < M, such that IIAxnl1 2: nllx,& Let
Yn == Xn IIAx n II-I. Then {Ynl C D(A), llYn II :s n- I , so Yn ~ 0, but
IIAYn II = 1; that is, lim n-+ oo AYn =I 0 but Yn ~ O. This contradicts the
continuity of A, so A must be bounded. D

Definition A3.11. Let A: X ~ Y be bounded. Then IIAII, the norm of A, is

defined by

IIAII == inf{K 2: 0 IIIAxily :s Kllxllx, for all X EX},

which is equivalent to

IIAII == sup Ilxllx:IIIAxIlY.


Problem A3.4. Prove the equivalence of these two definitions.

Note that we have assumed that if A is bounded, then D(A) = X, as follows
from Proposition A3.9. Moreover, we have

IIAxl1 :s IIAII IlxlI, x EX.

Examples A3.12 (with reference to Examples A3.2).

A3.2. Continuity and Boundedness of Linear Operators 305

FIGURE A3.1 The functions fn.

(1) All linear operators A : IR n -+ IRn are bounded. Note that there are actually
many norms on the set of n x n matrices. The most common are II A 1100 =
sUPi.j laij I, and IIAll lr =Tr(A* A)1/2. The norm defined in Definition A3.11
is the operator norm. This norm is distinguished by the fact that it satisfies
IIA* A II = IIA 11 2, where A * = AT and AT is the transpose of A.
(2) Let Af = af, with a, f E X == C([O, 1]). The multiplication operator
A is bounded in all norms on C([O, 1]) (although this space is a Banach
space only in the sup-norm). In the Banach space (C([O, 1]), II . 1100), we
have IIAII = lIalloo· To see this, note that for any f E X, IIAflloo =
lIafiloo :'S lIallooll flloo, and so IIAII :'S Iiall oo . Upon choosing f = 1 E X,
we have IIAfiloo = lIall oo , so lIalloo :'S IIAII.

(3) Let Af = f', f E C1([0, 1]), and X = C([O, 1]). Then A is unbounded. To
see this, we can, for example, note by Theorem A3.9 that if A was bounded
we could extend it to all X, but there are plenty of functions in X for which
l' does not exist! Alternately, consider a sequence of functions fn whose
graphs are given in Figure A3.1. Then each fn E C1([0, 1]), IIfn II = 1, but
II f~ II 00 -+ 00 as n -+ 00. Consequently, there exists no finite K > 0 such
that II Ain II :'S K II fn II 00 = K, for all n.

(4) Let Af(t) = J~ K(t, s)f(s)ds, where X = C([O, 1]) and K is continuous
on [0,1] x [0,1]. In the sup-norm on X, IIAII = SUPSE[O, 1] Jd IK(s, t)ldt.
Problem A3.5. Compute the bound on A given in Example A3.12 (4).
We now return to the algebraic structure on operators introduced in Section
A3.1. There, this structure was complicated by the fact that the domains depended
on the operators. In light of Proposition A3.9, we do not encounter this problem
if we restrict ourselves to bounded operators since we can then take the domain to
be all of X.
Definition A3.13. Let X and Y be two Banach spaces. We denote by L(X, Y) the
family of all bounded linear operators from X to Y.
306 Appendix 3. Linear Operators on Banach Spaces

Let us make a few remarks. First, in this definition, the space X need not be a
Banach space; an NLVS will do. Second, we will always assume that a bounded
operator on X has been extended so that its domain is all of X. Finally, if Y = X,
we write £(X) for £(X, X)).

Proposition A3.14. If A, B E £(X, Y) and c E C (or JR.), then cA and A + B E

£(X, Y) and

ileA II = IcIIiAII,

Moreover, if A E £(X, Y) and B E £(Y, Z), then BA E £(X, Y) and


Problem A3.6. Prove Proposition A3.14.

Corollary A3.15. £(X, Y) is an LVS over C (or JR.).

It follows from the last two results that II . II, as defined in Definition A3 .11, is a
norm on £(X, Y). This follows from Proposition A3.14 and the facts that IIAII :::: 0
and IIAII = 0 if and only if A = O. This shows that £(X, Y) is an NLVS. Hence
we can ask if £(X, Y) is complete in this norm.

Theorem A3.16. Let X be an NLVS and Y be a Banach space. Then £(X, Y) is a

Banach space with the norm II . II given in Definition A3. I I.

Proof. Let {An} be a Cauchy sequence in £(X, Y). We must show that there exist
A E £(X, Y) such that A = limn---+oo An. Take any x E X and consider the
sequence {Anx}. Then we have

by linearity and boundedness. Hence, {Anx} is a Cauchy sequence in Y, and as Y

is a Banach space, it converges. Let y = limn---+oo Anx, and define A : X --+ Y by
Ax =y.

Problem A3.7. Continue the proof of Theorem A3.16. Show that A is well de-
fined on X, linear, and bounded. (Hint: Use the fact that III An II - II Am III :s
II An - Am II, so { II An II } is Cauchy and hence converges. For boundedness of
A, use

II Ax II :s n--+oo
lim IIAn x II :s ( lim IIAn II)
IIx II·)

Completion of the proof. We show that limn---+oo An =A:

IIA - An II = suPII(An - A)xllllxll-',
A3.3. The Graph of an Operator and Closure 307


II(An - A)xll IIAnx - Axil < lim IIAnx - Amxll


< (lim IIAn - Amll)


So, by choosing n suitably large and using the Cauchy property of {An}, we have
lim ll --7oo II An - A II = O. 0

A3.3 The Graph of an Operator and Closure

We introduce a tool useful in the study of operators.

Definition A3.17. Let A: X --+ Y with domain D(A) C X. The graph of A,

Y == {(x,y)lx E X,y E Y}givenby
denotedr(A), is the subset of X x

rcA) == { (x, Ax) Ix E D(A) }.

Problem A3.8. Show that reX x Y is a linear subspace (we assume that X and
Y have the same field of scalars). Note that X x Y is an LVS under componentwise
addition and scalar multiplication.

We denote by {x} x Y == {(x, y)ly E Y) c X x Y. One may ask when a subset

reX x Y is the graph of some linear operator A: X --+ Y. Of course, r must
be a subspace of X x Y. A convenient condition on r is the following.

Proposition A3.18. A linear subspace reX x Y is the graph of some linear

operator A if and only if
({O) x Y) nr = {CO, O)}. (A3.1)


(1) If there exists a linear operator A such that r = rCA) and (0, y) E r, then
y = A(O) = 0, so condition (A3.1) holds.

(2) Assume (A3.l) holds. Let D(A) = {x I (x, y) E r, for some y E Y}.Foreach
x E D(A), define Ax = y, where (x, y) E r. We want to show that A is well
defined and linear. Suppose there exist y, y' E Y such that (x, y) and (x, y')
are in r. Since r is linear, (x, y) - (x, y') = (0, y - y') E r and by (A3.1),
Y = yr. Hence, A is well defined. Second, if Xl, X2 E D(A) and A E C, then
(X] + X2, AXI + AX2) E r. This implies that (Xl + X2, A(XI + X2» E r, so
A(x] + X2) = AX2 + AX2. Since A(XJ, AXJ) = (Ax I , AAx]), A(AxI) = AAxl.
Hence, A is linear. D
308 Appendix 3. Linear Operators on Banach Spaces

Definition A3.19. Let X, Y be NLVS. For each (x, y) E X x Y, define

II(x, y)11 = Ilxlix + lIylly·

Lemma A3.20. (X x Y, II . II) is an NLVS.

Proof. We have seen that X x Y is an LVS. For the norm, we must check the
conditions of Definition A 1.3:

(i) II(x, y)11 ~ 0 since Ilxllx ~ 0, Ilylly ~ 0 and it follows that II(x, y)11 =0
if and only if x = 0 = y.

(ii) IIA(X, y)11 = II(Ax, Ay)1I = IAI(llxllx + IIYlly) = IAIII(x, Y)II·

(iii) II(x,y)+(x',y')11 = lI(x+x',y+y')11
= IIx +x'llx + Ily + illy
:s (1lxllx + IIYlly) + (lIx'llx + Ililly)
II(x, y)11 + II(x', i)ll. D

Problem A3.9. Prove that the map X x Y -+ lR defined by

II(x, y)IIE == [ IIxll~ + IIYII~]1

is a norm on X x Y. Show that the topology on X x Y determined by II . II E is
equivalent to the topology induced by the norm in Definition A3.19. This means
that an open set in one topology contains an open set in the other.
Problem A3.10. Show that if A E L(X, Y), then rCA) c X x Y is closed.
(We will see later that the converse is not true). (Hint: rCA) is closed if for any
convergent sequence {(x n , Axn )} in rCA), limn--+oo(xn , Axn ) = (x, y) E rCA),
that is, x E D(A) and Ax = y.)
Definition A3.21. Let A be an operator on X with D(A). An operator A with
domain D(A) is called the closure of A ifr(A) = rCA). An operator A is said to
be closable if it has a closure.
Remark A3.22. Suppose A is a linear operator with graph rCA). It may happen
(and does!) that rCA) is not the graph of any operator (precisely how this may
happen is given in Proposition A3.18). In this case A is not closable. Suppose,
however, that A is closable. Then the closure A is unique and satisfies Ax =
Ax, x E D(A). This follows directly from Definition A3.21.
An important connection between everywhere defined operators (i.e., D(A) =
X) and boundedness is given by the next result.

Theorem A3.23. (Closed graph theorem). Let X, Y be Banach spaces. Let A be

defined on X (i.e., D(A) = X). If A is closed (i.e., A = A), then A is bounded.
The proof of this is given in Reed and Simon, Volume I [RS I]. As the proof
requires more machinery, the Baire category theorem, we will not give it here.
A3.4. Inverses of Linear Operators 309

Note that there are everywhere defined, unbounded operators. By Theorem A3.23,
these will not be closed!
Examples A3.24.

(1) Let X = (C([O, 1]), 11·1100) and A = dldx with D(A) = CI([O, 1]), as in Ex-
ample A3.2 (3). We claim that (A, D(A» is closed. To see this, let (fn, Afn)
be a convergent sequence in rcA). Then fn ~ f in X and Afn = f~ ~ gin
X. By a standard result on uniform convergence, f E CI([O, 1]) and f' = g.
Consequently, f E D(A) and (f, Af) E rCA). We can modify this example
slightly to obtain a closable operator whose closure is (A, D(A». Simply
take Al = dldx and D(Ad = C 2([0, 1]).

ProblemA3.11.Provethat(AI, D(A I»is closable and that its closure is (A, D(A».

(2) Here is an example of an operator that is not closable. Let X = L 2(IR),

and choose some fo E X with lIfoll = 1. Define B, on D(B) = Cgo(IR),
by Bf = f(O)fo. Then (B, D(B» is a densely defined operator and is
not closable. Consider, for example, a function h E CO' ([ -1, 1]), h 2: 0,
h(O) = 1, and J h = 1. Let hn(x) == h(nx). Then IIh n II = lin ~ 0 as
n ~ 00. However, Bh n = hn(O)fo = fo, so IIBhnll = 1. This shows that
(0, fo) E reB), and so it cannot be the graph of an operator, by Proposition

A3.4 Inverses of Linear Operators

Let X and Y be Banach spaces (over <C for simplicity), and let A be a linear operator
from X to Y. We associate with A three linear subspaces:

D(A) c X, domain of A;

Ran(A) c Y, range of A, Ran(A) == {y E Y I y = Ax, some x E D(A)};

ker A C X, kernel ofker A == {x E D(A) I Ax = OJ.

Definition A3.25. An operator A -I : Ran(A) ~ D(A) is called the inverse of A

if A-I A = idD(A) (the identity map on D(A») and AA- I = idRan(A).
Theorem A3.26. An operator A has an inverse if and only if
ker A = {OJ.

(1) {= Ifker A = {O}, then for any y E Ran(A), there exists a unique x E D(A)
such that Ax = y, for suppose XI, X2 E D(A) and AXI = Y = AX2. Then,
310 Appendix 3. Linear Operators on Banach Spaces

by linearity, AXI - AX2 = A(xi - X2) = 0, so XI - X2 E ker A. But

ker A = to}, whence XI = X2. Because of this we can define an operator
A-I: Ran(A) -+ D(A) by A-Iy == X, where Ax = y. The operator A-I
is well defined and linear. Moreover, A -I Y = A -I (Ax) = x, so A -I A =
idD(A), and for y E Ran(A), AA-Iy = Ax = y, so AA- I = idRan(A).

(2) ::::} Suppose A-I: Ran(A) -+ D(A) exists. If x E ker A, then x = A-I Ax =
0, soker A = {OJ. D

As this theorem shows, the condition for the existence of A-I is simply that
ker A = (OJ. This guarantees that the inverse map is a function. However, we have
little information about A -I. In particular, we would like A -I to be bounded on
all of Y.
Definition A3.27. A linear operator A is invertible if A has a bounded inverse
defined on all of Y.
Problem A3.12. Prove that if A is invertible, then A -1 is unique.
Example A3.28. Let X =C([O, 1]), and define A by
(Af)(t) = fat f(s)ds, f E X.

This operator A has an inverse by the fundamental theorem of calculus: A -I _

d / dt. But A is not invertible, since A -I is not bounded!
Warning: According to our definition, A may have an inverse but not be invertible.
Theorem A3.29. Let A and B be bounded, invertible operators. Then AB is
invertible and (ABr l = B- 1A -I.

Problem A3.13. Prove Theorem A3.29.

Theorem A3.30. Let T be a bounded operator with II T II < 1. Then 1 - T is
invertible, and the inverse is given by an absolutely convergent Neumann series:

(1- T)-I = L:T n ,


that is, limN->oo L~=o Tk converges in norm to (1 - T)-I.

Proof. Since L~=o IITkll < Lf:o IITll k , and the series Lk IITilk converges (as
II TIl < 1, it is simply a geometric series), the sequence of bounded operators
L~=O Tk is norm Cauchy. Since Y is a Banach space, this Cauchy sequence con-
verges to a bounded operator. Now we compute
00 00

(1 - T) L:Tk = L:(T k - Tk+I) = 1,

k=O k=O
A3.4. Inverses of Linear Operators 311

where the manipulations are justified by the norm convergence of the power series.

Tk) (1 - T) = 1,
so the series defines (1 - T)-I. 0
Theorem A3.31. Let A be invertible, and let B be bounded with II B II <
IIA-Ill- i . Then A + B is invertible and
(A+B)-I =(1+A- I B)-IA- I =A- I (l+BA- I )-I.

Proof. Write
A + B = A(l + A-I B),
and note that IIA -I BII :s IIA -III IIBII < I, so by Theorem A3.30, 1 + A -I B
is invertible (take T = -A -I B). By Theorem A3.29, the product A(l + A -I B) is
invertible and the first formula is obtained. By writing
A+B = (1 + BA-I)A,
we obtain the second formula. o
Example A3.32. Let X = Y = C([O, 1]), and let K(t, s) be a continuous function
on [0, 1] x [0, 1] (see Example A3.2 (4». We define a bounded operator K by

(Kf)(t) =lot K(t, s)f(s)ds.

Consider the equation on C([O, 1]):
f -)'Kf= fo,

where fo E

C([O, 1]) is fixed. We claim that the equation has a unique solution
for any fo E C([O, 1]) if 1).1 < IIKII- I = (sUPO:,:t:'01 f~ IK(t, s)lds l . Indeed, in
that case II)'K II < I, so 1 - )'K is invertible by Theorem A3.30 and we have
f =(1 - )'K)-I fo,

which is easily seen to be a solution. It is unique since (1 - )'K) is invertible.

Moreover, the Neumann expansion for (1 - )'K)-I gives

f= L).iKifo,
which is useful since it provides a norm-approximate solution
fN = L).i Ki fo.

This problem can also be solved by applying the Fredholm alternative, Theorem
312 Appendix 3. Linear Operators on Banach Spaces

A3.5 Different Topologies on LeX)

Let X be a Banach space. We recall that L(X), the LVS of all bounded operators
from X into itself, is a Banach space with the norm defined in Definition A3.ll.
According to section 2 of Appendix I, the norm induces a topology on L(X), called
the norm or uniform topology. There are, however, other important topologies on
L(X), and we discuss the weak and strong topologies here. As these topologies are
not induced by a metric, they are not completely described by the convergences of
sequences. However, it is this property that will be important for us, so we simply
give the conditions for a sequence in L(X) to converge weakly or strongly.
Definition A3.33. Let {Bn} be a sequence of bounded operators (i.e., Bn E L(X)).

(I) Bn converges uniformly or in norm to B E L(X) if II Bn - B I -;. 0, as

n -;. 00.

(2) Bn converges strongly to B E L(X) iffor all x E X, II Bllx - Bx II -;. 0, as

n -;. 00.

We note that since L(X) is a Banach space, if {Bn} converges uniformly, then
the limit always exists and belongs to L(X). To describe the third notion of con-
vergence, weak convergence, we must introduce the LVS of linear functionals on
a Banach space X.
Definition A3.34. A map I: X -;. ~ is called a bounded linear functional if I is
linear on X, that is, for any x, y E X and A E ~ (or C)

I(Ax + y) = Al(x) + l(y),

and 3Kt > ° such that for all x E X, II(x)1 :::: Ktllx II. The set of all bounded
linear functionals on X is denoted by X*, the dual of X.
It is an elementary fact that X* is a Banach space. Here, we are interested in the
following definition.
Definition A3.35. A sequence {Bn} in L(X) converges weakly to B E L(X) iffor
all I E X* and x EX, [1(Bnx) -1(Bx)] = I(Bnx - Bx) -;. 0, as n -;. 00.
Problem A3.14. Prove that uniform convergence =} strong convergence =} weak
Appendix 4. The Fourier Transform,
Sobolev Spaces, and Convolutions

A4.1 Fourier Transform

A very important transformation on L2(JR n ) is the Fourier transform. We develop
the main points of the theory here.

Definition A4.1. For any f E S(JR n ), define the Fourier transform j(k) by

j(k) == (2n) 2" f e- ik .x f(x)dx, (A4.1)

where k· x = I:7=1 kiXi·

Problem A4.1. Show that j E S(JR n ) and that f -+ j is a linear transformation
on S(JRn ). Verify that (A4.l) can be extended to L 1(JR n ).
Since S is dense in L 2(JR), we would like to extend the Fourier transform to all
of L 2(JRn). By Appendix 3, we can do this provided the transformation is bounded
on a dense set in L 2(JRn). Consider the set E of all finite linear combinations of
functions of the form p(x )e- a (x- fJ )2 /2, for a > 0, f3 E JR, and p any polynomial
in x. Such functions are in S(JRn). We compute the Fourier transform of a typical
one. Without loss of generality, we can take a = 1 and f3 = 0. Then, setting
g(x) = p(x)e- x2 / 2 , we have
314 Appendix 4. The Fourier Transform, Sobolev Spaces, and Convolutions

Due to the simple fact that

(J/Jki)e- ik .x = -ixie-ik.x, (A4.2)

we have

where D stands for any partial derivative in ki. By the fast convergence of the
integral, we can write

The resulting integral can be computed explicitly by contour deformation.

Problem A4.2. Prove the identity

where J~oo e- x2 dx = rr 1/2.

Consequently, we obtain

We want to compute the L 2- norm of g:

IIgll 2 = f ig(k)i 2 dk

= f Ip(iD)e-~f dk
(t, p(iD)p(iD)t) ,

where we have integrated by parts and write t(k) == e- k2 /2. Retracing the above
steps, the inner product can be written as

f dk((2rr)-~ f e-ik.Xe-4dx)* (P(iD)p(iD)e-~)

= f dk ( (2rr)-211 p(i D) f·e-1k-x e - .z\ dx
2 ) * ( p(iD)e- zk 2 )

= f dk (2rr)-~ f e- ik .x g(X)dX)* (p(iD)e-~)

f dx g(x)* . (2rr)-~

IIgll~ .
A4.1. Fourier Transform 315

The reader can verify that the integration by parts and the interchange of the order
of integration are all valid due to the absolute convergence of the integral and the
superexponential vanishing of the integrand as Ilx II or Ilk II -+ 00. Because of the
linearity of the map fEE -+ J E E, we have shown for any fEE,

IIfl12 = IIJI12.
Now E is dense in L2(]Rn), since the Hermite functions form a basis for L2(]Rn).
Hence, we have proven the next result.

Theorem A4.2. The map f E S(]Rn) -+ J E S(]Rn), defined by the absolutely

convergent integral (A4.1), extends to a bounded, linear transformation F on
L 2(]Rn) with
IIFfl12 = Ilf112, (A4.3)
for any f E L 2(]Rn). Furthermore, F is invertible with inverse F- 1 defined on E

so that
g(x) = (271T~ eik .x g(k)dk. (A4.4)

Remarks A4.3.

(I) The identity (A4.3) is referred to as the Plancherel theorem.

(2) Formula (A4.4) is called the Fourier inversion formula. Formulas (A4.1) and
(A4.4) are not defined for arbitrary f E L2(]Rn). It can be shown, however,
that the functions defined for R > 0 and f E L2(]Rn) by

actually converge strongly to Ff as R -+ 00.

(3) Because F is an invertible isometry, it is a unitary transformation on L 2(]Rn).

As a consequence, we have

(Ff, Fg) = (f, g),

Finally, we note that the simple identity (A4.2) and the related identity

( a)
e -ik·x = - I·kie -ik·x (A4.S)
316 Appendix 4. The Fourier Transform, Sobolev Spaces, and Convolutions

show the utility of the Fourier transform for solving constant coefficient partial dif-
ferential equations on 1K1l. In particular, if g E S(lKll ), then denoting the Laplacian
by -~,

we obtain

Using the inversion formula, we can write the left side of (A4.6) as


valid on the domain of the Laplacian in L2(1K1l). This identity will be useful in our
study of Sobolev spaces in the next section.

A4.2 Sobolev Spaces

We collect here basic results on the Sobolev spaces HS,P(lK ll ) associated with
1K1l. There are two approaches to this material: distributional derivatives and the
Fourier transform. To introduce the notion of a weak or distributional derivative,
let uS first consider f E Cg"(lKll) and suppose g is simply in CI(lKll). Then the
integration-by-parts formula is

f f(X)(::)(X)=- f (:~)(X)g(X). (A4.8)

Note that the right side of (A4.8) makes sense even if g is not differentiable.

Definition A4.4. Let g E LP(lK ll ). We say that g has a weak or distributional

derivative with respect to Xi in U' if there exists </> E LP(lK ll ) such that for any
f E Cg"(lKll),

f f(x)</>(x)dx =- f (:~) (x)g(x)dx.

By Holder's inequality, Theorem A2.4, both sides converge. We call </> the LP-
derivative of g with respect to Xi. In a similar manner, we can define higher-order,
weak LP -derivatives.
We can now define Sobolev spaces as the completion of Cg"(lKll) with respect
to the following norm. Let a = (aI, ... , all) denote an n-tuple of positive integers,
A4.3. Convolutions 317

and let la I == L:7=1 ai ~ O. For 1 :::: p < 00 and sEN, we define for any
f E cgoORn),

IIfIIs,p = [
nil aai f II P]
I~s ~ ax~i P
~ (A4.9)

Problem A4.3. Show that (Cg"(JR n), II . IIs,p) is an NLVS.

Definition A4.S. The pth Sobolev space of order s, H s, p (JR n), is the Banach space
obtained as the completion of (Cg"(JR n ), II . IIs,p).

As in the case of LP(JRn), it can be shown that HS,P(JR n ) is the set of all func-
tions f E LP that have distributional LP -derivatives up to and including order s.
Additionally, when p = 2, we write H s (JR n ) for the Sobolev space of order s.

Problem A4.4. Show that HS(JR n ) is a Hilbert space.

The Fourier transform and formulas (A4.2) and (A4.5) allow us to characterize
HS(JRn ) as follows. For f E S(JRn ), we define


These two norms (A4.9) and (A4.1O) are equivalent in that they have the same
Cauchy sequences (see Problem A3.9). Consequently, the completion yields the
same Banach space HS(JR n ).

Problem A4.S. Verify that the norms (A4.9) and (A4.1O) on S(JRn ) are equiva-
Functions in the Sobolev spaces S(JRn ) become more regular with increasing
index s. We will state one version of a theorem of this type. This is an example
of a body of results called the Sobolev embedding theorems. These theorems are
used to prove the regularity of solutions to elliptic differential equations.
Theorem A4.6. Any function f E Hs+k(JR n), for s > nl2 and k ~ 0, can be
represented by afunction in Ck(JRn ).

A4.3 Convolutions
We recall that for two functions f, g E Cg"(JRn ), the convolution of f and g,
denoted by f * g, is defined by
318 Appendix 4. The Fourier Transform, Sobolev Spaces, and Convolutions

(f * g)(x) = f I(x - y)g(y)dy.

To extend this definition to LP -spaces, we can use Young's inequality.

Theorem A4.7. (Young's inequality). Let p, q, and r be nonnegative real num-

bers, and suppose lip + llq = 1+ llr. Then if I E LP(lRn ) and g E U(JR n ),
the convolution I * g E U (JR n ) and satisfies


Convolutions of functions in S(JRn ) behave nicely under the Fourier transform.

For I, g E S(JRn ), we have

fg(k) = f * g(k). (A4.12)

Problem A4.6. Verify the identity (A4.12).


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O-notation, 219 approximate eigenvalue, 54

approximate Hamiltonian, 269
absence of eigenvalues, 236 approximate identity, 83
absence of positive eigenvalues, 163 approximate wave function, 115
absolute value of an operator, 92 approximation by finite-rank operators,
absolutely continuous functions, 50 96
accumulation point of a set, 288 Ascoli-ArzeUl theorem, 291
adjoint of a product, 42 asymptotic expansion, 117
adjoint of a sum, 42 asymptotic series, 273
adjoint of an inverse, 43
adjoint of an operator, 40 Banach space, 288
adjoints and closures, 43 Banach space: separable, 290
adjoints and spectra, 45 Banach spaces LP, 293
admissible contour, 59 Bessel's inequality, 22, 70
admissible potential, 192 bound state, 161
Agmon metric, 30 bounded operator, 303
Aguilar-Balslev-Combes theorem, 164
algebraic multiplicity, 11,64, 150 canonical form of a compact operator,
algebraic properties of operators, 302 96
almost everywhere pointwise convergence, Cauchy sequences, 287
299 classical limit, 109
analytic families of type-A, 153 classical nontrapping condition, 238
analytic family of operators, 152 classical turning surfaces, 217
analytic operator-valued function, 10, 152, classically forbidden region, 28,161,217
165, 199 classification of Hilbert spaces, 24
analytic vectors, 165, 182 closed operator, 40
approximate eigenfunctions, 70 closed set, 287
334 Index

closed subspace, 17 equivalent topologies, 308

closure of a set, 288 essential spectrum, 11, 69
closure of an operator, 40, 308 essentially self-adjoint, 80
commutator, 32, 102 Euclidean norm, 286
commutator estimate, 236 exponential decay, 27
compact operator, 89 exponential decay: isotropic, 37
compactness, 291 exponential decay: L 2, 29
completeness of an NLVS, 288 exponential decay: pointwise, 34
completion of an NLVS, 294 extension, 49
condition L, 183 exterior dilation analyticity, 186
conjugation of an operator, 45 exterior dilations, 179
continuous family of operators, 202 exterior region, 161
continuous linear operator, 303
convergence of operators, 97 Faris-Lavine theorem, 265
convolution, 317 Fermi's golden rule, 252
core, 80, 202 finite-rank operator, 91
Coulomb potential, 186 first resolvent identity, 12
countable set, 290 Fourier inversion formula, 315
Fourier transform, 46, 313
degenerate inner product, 30 Fourier transform and PDEs, 46
dense sets in NLVS, 290 Fredholm alternative, 93, 142,311
dense subset, 20
densely defined operator, 302 gauge transformation, 32
density of smooth functions, 296 Gaussian wave packets, 74
diffeomorphism, 178 generalized eigenvector, 64, 150
diffeomorphism: one-parameter family, generalized virial, 237, 239
178 geodesic, 30
dilation analyticity, 166 geodesic bisector, 124
dilation analyticity: exterior, 186 geometric eigenspace, 11
dilation group, Ill, 181,218 geometric multiplicity, 11,64, 150
direct sum, 20 geometric perturbation theory, 164,224
discrete spectrum, 11 geometric resolvent equation, 271, 279
distance to a subspace, 18 geometric resolvent formula, 212, 226,
distributional derivative, 82, 316 257
domain of an operator, 301, 309 geometric spectral analysis, 104,210
dual of a Banach space, 312 geometric spectral theory, 140
global flow, 179
eigenspace, 59, 67 graph norm, 40
eigenvalue, 11 graph of an operator, 40, 307
eigenvalue expansions, 156 ground state, 122
eigenvalue perturbation: degenerate case, ground state energy, 122
eigenvalue perturbation: nondegenerate Hamiltonian: classical, 238
case, 155 Hamiltonian: quantum, 80
eigenvector, 11 harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, 110
elliptic regularity, 34, 75 harmonic oscillator potential, 86
embedded eigenvalue, 67, 270 Heine-Borel theorem, 291
energy functional, 30 Helmholtz resonator, 275
equivalent Cauchy sequences, 294 Hilbert space, 14
Index 335

Hilbert-Schmidt operators, 94 Minkowski's inequality, 298

HOlder's inequality, 297 multiplication operator, 78, 301

ideal of compact operators, 92 neighborhood, 286

imaginary part of the resonance, 252 Nelson's theorem, 182
implicit function theorem, 156 Neumann series for the inverse, 310
IMS localization formula, 211 nondegeneracy of V, 219
inner product, 13 nonempty spectrum, 12
inner product: degenerate, 30 nonseparable space, 290
inner product space, 13 nontrapping condition, 235
integral operator, 90, 94 nontrapping potential, 221
integral operator for the resolvent, 47 nontrapping: classical, 238
inverse of an operator, 309 nontrapping: definition, 237
inverse of the adjoint, 43 norm from an inner product, 14
invertible, 9 norm of an operator, 304
invertibility: lack of, 11 norm-resolvent convergence, 200, 201
invertible operator, 310 norm topology on operators, 312
isometric isomorphism, 24 norm: LP, 286
isometry, 45 norm: Euclidean, 286
norm: supremum, 286
Jacobian determinant, 178 normed linear vector space (NLVS), 286
Jacobian matrix, 178 null space of an LF, 20
numerical range, 203
Kato's inequality: general case, 84
Kato's inequality: smooth case, 81 open ball, 286
Kato potential, 143 open covering, 291
Kato-Rellich potentials, 136 open set, 286
Kato-Rellich theorem, 131 operator norm, 39
ker-Ran decomposition for a closed op- Oppenheimer's formula, 264
erator,43 order notation, 113
kernel of an operator, 309 orthogonal complement, 18
orthogonal projection, 56
Laplacian, 46, 73, 78, 80, 316 orthonormal basis, 22
Laplacian: local compactness, 99 orthonormal set, 22
Laplacian: resolvent kernel, 47, 164
Lebesgue dominated convergence, 299 parallelogram law, 14
length functional, 30 partial isometry, 92
lifetime, 282 partition of unity, 210, 211
limiting absorption principle, 164 perturbation, 81
linear functional, 312 perturbation theory, 113, 139, 149
linear functional (LF), 20 perturbation theory: analytic, 149
linear operator, 301 perturbation theory: asymptotic, 197
linear vector space (LVS), 285 Plancherel's theorem, 315
local compactness, 99 Planck's constant, 109
local operator, 103 Poincare's inequality, 276
localization formulas, 224 polar decomposition of an operator, 92
positive eigenvalues, 163
matrix element, 125 positive operator, 55, 92
metric on a manifold, 30 potential well, 161, 217
336 Index

projection operator, 56 singular values of a compact operator,

projection theorem, 19 97
projections: difference of, 151 Sobolev embedding theorems, 34, 317
Puiseux expansion, 155 Sobolev space, 14,316
Pythagorean theorem, 22 Sobolev trace theorem, 262
spectral deformation, 177
quantum resonance, 162, 165, 193 spectral deformation family, 163, 165
quantum tunneling effect, 28, 162 spectral properties of locally compact
quasiresonance, 174 operators, 10 1
spectral radius, 55
range of an operator, 309 spectral stability, 139
Rayleigh-Schrodinger series, 156,264 spectral stability: discrete spectrum, 149
reference Hamiltonian, 219 spectral stability: essential spectrum, 141
relative bound, 132 spectrum, 9
relatively bounded operator, 132 spectrum: deformed Schrodinger oper-
relatively bounded perturbations, 131 ator, 193
relatively compact perturbations, 139 spectrum: deformed Laplacian, 190
residual spectrum, 11 square root of a positive operator, 92
residual spectrum of self-adjoint opera- stability estimate, 223
tors, 51 stability: criteria for, analytic case, 151
resolvent, 10 stability: criteria for, general case, 207
resolvent bound for a self-adjoint oper- stability of eigenvalues, 151, 198
ator,53 Stark Hamiltonian, 195
resolvent set, 10 Stark ladder resonances, 264, 269
resonance-free domains, 249 Stone's theorem, 182
restriction of an operator, 49 strong analyticity, 152
Riesz's integral, 61 strong convergence, 15
Riesz lemma or representation theorem, strong convergence in the generalized
21 sense, 201
Riesz projections, 59 strong resolvent convergence, 201
Riesz-Schauder theorem, 93 strong topology on operators, 312
subspace, 17
scattering matrix, 174 summable, 23
scattering resonances, 276 sup-norm, 14,286
Schrodinger operator, 27, 80 support of a function, 293
SchrOdinger operators: deformed, 187 symmetric operator, 77
Schwartz class functions, 296 symmetric or Hermitian operator, 49
Schwarz inequality, 15
second resolvent identity, 13 tangent space, 30
self-adjoint, 50 topology of NLVS, 286
self-adjoint: fundamental criteria, 79 translation analyticity, 195
semi bounded operator, 136 translation group, 181
semiclassical regime, 109, 162, 171,218 truncated cone, 192
semiclassical resolvent estimates, 249
separable, 23 unitary group, 181
sequences in NLVS, 287 unitary group representation, III
shape resonance model, 216 unitary operator, 44, 45
similar operators, III
single-pole approximation, 173 variational inequalities, 119
Index 337

vector field, 178, 179 Weyl's theorem, 142

vector field exterior to a surface, 221 Weyl's theorem:
virial condition, 236 closed operators, 193
virial theorem, 235 WKB method, 29

weak analyticity, 152 Young's inequality, 318

weak convergence, 15
weak topology for operators, 312 Zhislin sequence, 102, 147
Weierstrass approximation theorem, 290 Zhislin sequence for closed operators,
Weyl sequences for closed operators, 105 106
Weyl's criterion, 54, 70 Zhislin spectrum, 102
Applied Mathematical Sciences
(continued from page ii)

61. SattingerlWeaver: Lie Groups and Algebras with 87. Weder: Spectral and Scattering Theory for Wave
Applications to Physics, Geometry, and Propagation in Perturbed Stratified Media.
Mechanics. 88. BogaevskilPovzner: Algebraic Methods in
62. LaSalle: The Stability and Control of Discrete Nonlinear Perturbation Theory.
Processes. 89. O'Malley: Singular Perturbation Methods for
63. Grasman: Asymptotic Methods of Relaxation Ordinary Differential Equations.
Oscillations and Applications. 90. MeyerlHall: Introduction to Hamiltonian
64. Hsu: Cell-to-Cell Mapping: A Method of Global Dynamical Systems and the N-body Problem.
Analysis for Nonlinear Systems. 91. Straughan: The Energy Method, Stability, and
65. Rand/Armbruster: Perturbation Methods, Nonlinear Convection.
Bifurcation Theory and Computer Algebra. 92. Naber: The Geometry of Minkowski Spacetime.
66. HlavaceklHaslingerlNecasllLovlsek: Solution of 93. ColtoniKress: Inverse Acoustic and
Variational Inequalities in Mechanics. Electromagnetic Scattering Theory.
67. Cercignani: The Boltzmann Equation and Its 94. Hoppensteadt: Analysis and Simulation of
Applications. Chaotic Systems.
68. Temam: Infinite Dimensional Dynamical 95. Hackbusch: Iterative Solution of Large Sparse
Systems in Mechanics and Physics. Systems of Equations.
69. GolubitskylStewartiSchaeffer: Singularities and 96. MarchiorolPulvirenti: Mathematical Theory of
Groups in Bifurcation Theory, Vol. II. Incompressible Nonviscous Fluids.
70. ConstantiniFoiaslNicolaenkolTemam: Integral 97. Lasota/Mackey: Chaos, Fractals, and Noise:
Manifolds and Inertial Manifolds for Dissipative Stochastic Aspects of Dynamics, 2nd ed.
Partial Differential Equations. 98. de BoorlHlJlliglRiemenschneider: Box Splines.
71. Catlin: Estimation, Control, and the Discrete 99. HaleiLunel: Introduction to Functional
Kalman Filter. Differential Equations.
72. LochaklMeunier: Multiphase Averaging for 100. Sirovich (ed): Trends and Perspectives in
Classical Systems. Applied Mathematics.
73. Wiggins: Global Bifurcations and Chaos. 101. NusseIYorke: Dynamics: Numerical
74. MawhinIWillem: Critical Point Theory and Explorations.
Hamiltonian Systems. 102. Chossatl/ooss: The Couette-Taylor Problem.
75. Abraham/Marsden/Ratiu: Manifolds, Tensor 103. Chorin: Vorticity and Turbulence.
Analysis, and Applications, 2nd ed. 104. Farkas: Periodic Motions.
76. Lagerstrom: Matched Asymptotic Expansions: 105. Wiggins: Normally Hyperbolic Invariant
Ideas and Techniques. Manifolds in Dynamical Systems.
77. Aldous: Probability Approximations via the 106. CercignanilIllnerlPulvirenti: The Mathematical
Poisson Clumping Heuristic. Theory of Dilute Gases.
78. Dacorogna: Direct Methods in the Calculus of 107. Antman: Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity.
Variations. 108. Zeidler: Applied Functional Analysis:
79. Hernandez-Lerma: Adaptive Markov Processes. Applications to Mathematical Physics.
80. Lawden: Elliptic Functions and Applications. 109. Zeidler: Applied Functional Analysis: Main
81. BlumaniKumei: Symmetries and Differential Principles and Their Applications.
Equations. llO. Diekmannlvan Gi/slVerduyn LunellWalther:
82. Kress: Linear Integral Equations. Delay Equations: Functional-, Complex-, and
83. BeberneslEberly: Mathematical Problems from Nonlinear Analysis.
Combustion Theory. lll. Visintin: Differential Models of Hysteresis.
84. Joseph: Fluid Dynamics of Viscoelastic Fluids. 112. Kuznetsov: Elements of Applied Bifurcation
85. Yang: Wave Packets and Their Bifurcations in Theory.
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. 113. HisloplSigal: Introduction to Spectral Theory:
86. DendrinoslSonis: Chaos and Socio-Spatial With Applications to Schriidinger Operators.

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