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1. I’m hot and tired. I could do…………...a cold shower.

2. I watched a film on TV last night, but I can’t remember how it ended. I must have dropped…......before the end.
3. How do you get.............. …………...Mrs. Brook ? Is she as unfriendly as people say?
4. She plays piano beautifully. She takes…………...her father who used to be a concert pianist.
5. Kathy says that she would like to go…………...nursing. I think she would make a very good nurse.
6. I’m trying to lose weight by cutting …………...bread and sweet things.
7. If I were Prime Minister, I would bring………......…...taxation and put up old age pensions.
8. Maria lied to me. She thinks that I don’t know what she’s planning. But I see her…………....
9. At first Jane refused to lend me her car, but I managed to get…………...her.
10. Come and help me to carry the boxes! Don’t just stand there looking …………...!
11. His wife was courteous…………
12. The police are looking…………..the past record of the suspect.
13. He's old enough to be independent…………..his parents.
14. Alice is going in…………..the exam next week.
15. We always make a point…………..trying to make our guests feel comfortable.
16. You should have confidence…………..what you do.
17. She leaned far out…………..the window………… effort to see the leaving car.
18. The torch doesn't work. The batteries must have been used…………...
19. We were wrong…………..the election results.
20. She always sides…………..her son…………..her husband.
21. Some people are indifferent…………..their surroundings.
22. Can you lend me ten pounds? I’ll pay you…………..on Friday.
23. His new book will come………… year.
24. It isn't that woman's turn. It's yours. Don’t let her push…………...
25. We’re all anxious………… end to his misunderstanding.
26. I proposed to her but she turned me…………...
27. The waiter who waited………… was very pleasant.
28. She resembles her brother…………..looks.
29. He did agree with me, but he was afraid of what the boss would say.
I can’t believe that he didn’t stand…………!
30. What do you think of Amelia?
I get….....… ...……..her very well. Maybe I would ask her to go to the cinema with me sometimes.
31. Sam isn't serious about anything. How can you put …… ……..him?
32. I ran …………..Cynthia when I was downtown today.
33. Is it true that you and Roger got into a big argument?
Yes, but he called to apologize, and we made…………...
34. You are all…………….fault in not keeping to the right.
35. Beards were …………….vogue in the 19th century.
36. Will you please excuse me? I’m feeling a little…………….color.
37. The leader of the strike is…………….arrest.
38. Can't you hear you’re singing…………….key?
39. Drinking…………….excess is stupid.
40. He showed great ingenuity…………….solving the problem.
41. Don’t let him lure you…………….agreeing.
42. You’re silly not to avail yourself…………….this good opportunity.
43. All of them tried to guess…………….the truth…………….vain.
44. I really can’t understand why you always find fault ……………. me. Stop digging…………….me.
45. It’s childish. I won’t fall…………….that trick.
46. She’s made…………….her mind to finish…………….him.
47. She didn’t do anything wrong. We shouldn't jump……………. her for that.
48. I think he’s not serious ……………. becoming a teacher. He just plays…………….the idea.
49. When they heard the news, they couldn’t help putting money…………….the relief fund.
50. I left the heating for too long and it all boiled…………….
51. The boss didn’t punish Kevin for coming late. He must be……………his good books.
52. ……………gum. You’re right!
53. We’re all very obliged……………you.
54. Without a fridge, fresh food will go……………very quickly.
55. He stuck……………his story which did not change after many repetitions.
56. I regret to say his help did not amount……………much.
57. I have no formal clothes for the occasion. Perhaps I can get ……………in a dark suit.
58. Alice is going in……………the exam next week.
59. She has a staff of 19 working……………her.
60. I had to throw the milk away because it was…………..
61. They had the dog put …………..because it suddenly went…………..a child for no reason.
62. I couldn’t get…………..the news Jack told me about his settlement in Africa.
63. The children took…………..their teacher the first time they saw her.
64. It turned…………..that we were not exempted from the English test as we had expected.
65. You have made…………..a lot of excuses so far. We never believe your single word.
66. On her way to work Jane ran………….. her old boss whom she had never wished to meet again.
67. I think you should turn…………..early tonight. You look very tired.
68. In the middle of his speech, the chairman broke………… blow his nose.
69. I turned………… the meeting but the others didn't come.
70. My shoes have been worn…………..very quickly since I started walking to the office.
71. The ship was bound…………..Japan when it ran into a typhoon.
72. The gun went………… his hand while he was cleaning it.
73. It always pays to buy high-quality goods.…………..the long run it’s cheaper.
74. There is no cure…………..baldness except a wig.
75. You will be deprived…………..all privileges.
76. Plants give…………..oxygen.
77. I can’t make …………..his writing.
78. She can always tell artificial pearls…………..real ones.
79. We struck……………. a friendship the very first time we met.
80. The police came……… .......…….a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration.
81. Despite all the interruptions, he pressed……………. with his work.
82. When the funds finally petered……………., they had to abandon the scheme.
83. We put his manner ……… …….ignorance of our British customs.
84. This is an exception…………….the general rule.
85. Flic play quite lived…………….to my expectations.
86. He took it…………….granted that they were happy.
87. It never occurred…………….me to ask him for proof of his identity.
88. You should comply…………….the school rules.
89. I can't make…………what he's doing; it’s so dark down here.
90. I haven't come……..... ….......…any name for my puppy. What do you think I should call him?
91. The horse is too ill to keep. We have to put it ………….
92. Please pack…………your luggage and leave now. I can't stand your presence any more.
93. The burglars will soon end…………in prison.
94. She tried…………several coats before she found one entirely………… her taste.
95. I'd rather have a suit made…………measure even if it’s more than I can afford just now.
96. They cleared the road…………the remains of the broken car so that traffic could move.
97. Now he is no longer indifferent …………criticism as he used to be.
98. It was all your idea. I just went…………it.
99 .What did you think of the book ?
…………all the books I've read. It was the most interesting
100. We were………… a mile of our destination when we ran out of petrol.

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