Unit 4 - Grammar

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Quantifiers (Kwantyfikatory)
Kwantyfikatory to wyrazy, które pomagają określić ilość rzeczowników. Mogą odnosić się
zarówno do rzeczowników policzalnych (countable nouns), jak i niepoliczalnych
(uncountable nouns). Używamy ich, aby wskazać, ile czegoś jest, bez podawania
dokładnej liczby.
a) Kwantyfikatory z rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej (Singular
Countable Nouns)
Przykłady: a, one
 I have a dog.
 There is one person in the room.
b) Kwantyfikatory z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi (Uncountable Nouns)
Niektóre kwantyfikatory stosujemy tylko z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi, jak np. much, a
little, little, less.
 I have little time to finish this project.
 They don’t have much information on the subject.
 Could I have a little water, please?
c) Kwantyfikatory z rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie mnogiej (Plural
Countable Nouns)
Przy rzeczownikach policzalnych w liczbie mnogiej używamy np. many, a few, few,
several, both, most.
 Many students attended the lecture.
 I have a few friends who live in the city.
 Both of my sisters are musicians.
d) Kwantyfikatory uniwersalne – mogą być używane z każdym rodzajem
Niektóre kwantyfikatory, takie jak some, any, all, enough, most, mogą być stosowane z
rzeczownikami policzalnymi i niepoliczalnymi.
 I have some money left. (niepoliczalny)
 Do you have any questions? (policzalny)
 Most of the people left early. (policzalny)
 I don’t have enough sugar. (niepoliczalny)

2. Kwantyfikatory z różnym znaczeniem – Little / A Little, Few / A Few

Te kwantyfikatory różnią się znaczeniem, mimo że oba dotyczą małej ilości.
Little / A Little (dla rzeczowników niepoliczalnych)
 a little – trochę, wystarczająca ilość
 little – niewiele, za mało
 There is a little milk left in the fridge. (Jest trochę mleka – wystarczy.)
 There is little hope for a solution. (Jest niewiele nadziei – za mało.)
Few / A Few (dla rzeczowników policzalnych)
 a few – kilka, wystarczająca ilość
 few – niewiele, za mało
 I have a few friends in this city. (Mam kilku przyjaciół – wystarczająco.)
 Few people came to the meeting. (Niewiele osób przyszło na spotkanie – za

3. Both, All, Every

Kwantyfikatory te stosujemy, gdy mówimy o licznych przedmiotach lub osobach.
Both (oboje, oba, obie)
Używamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie mnogiej, aby odnieść się do dwóch osób
lub rzeczy.
 Both of my parents are teachers.
 She invited both friends to the party.
All (wszyscy, wszystkie)
Można używać z rzeczownikami policzalnymi i niepoliczalnymi, gdy odnosimy się do
całości grupy lub zbioru.
 All students must attend the class.
 All the water was contaminated.
Every (każdy)
Stosowany z rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej, gdy odnosimy się do
każdego elementu w grupie indywidualnie.
 Every child deserves love and care.
 She talks to every customer politely.

4. Some, Any
Kwantyfikatory some i any są używane do określania bliżej nieokreślonej liczby lub ilości.
 Some – stosujemy zazwyczaj w zdaniach twierdzących oraz w pytaniach
oferujących lub proszących o coś.
o I have some books on that topic.
o Would you like some tea?
 Any – stosujemy w pytaniach i przeczeniach.
o Do you have any questions?
o I don’t have any money left.
Exercise 1: Fill in the Blank with Quantifiers
Complete each sentence using some, any, many, much, a few, a little, several,
every, both, or each.
1. I don’t have ___ motivation to work out today.
2. There are ___ competitors in this tournament from different countries.
3. ___ of the players on the pitch are wearing red jerseys.
4. ___ match requires a high level of concentration.
5. ___ people go to the gym regularly to build muscle growth.
6. She’s made ___ progress in learning new tennis techniques, but she still needs
7. How ___ equipment do you need to play badminton?
8. He needs to improve his performance in ___ race he participates in.
9. ___ of my friends prefer watching the game live rather than on TV.
10. There aren’t ___ triathlons scheduled this month.

Exercise 2: Choose the Correct Quantifier

Select the correct quantifier to complete each sentence.
1. We need ___ (a little / a few) help from the coach to improve our scores.
2. ___ (Many / Much) people attended the tournament to support the competitors.
3. The referee gave ___ (some / any) warnings for fouls during the match.
4. She’s got ___ (a lot of / much) energy left to finish the marathon.
5. ___ (Each / Every) team member received a trophy for their hard work.
6. He’s only lost ___ (a few / a little) games this season.
7. Do you know if there is ___ (many / any) equipment left in the gym?
8. ___ (Both / Every) competitors performed well in the semi-final.
9. There’s ___ (not many / not much) time left until the next round.
10. ___ (Most / Much) of the athletes agreed to the new tournament rules.

Exercise 3: Rewrite Using Quantifiers

Rewrite the sentences using quantifiers from the list: a few, many, much, both, every,
some, each, all, most.
1. There are not a lot of spectators at the game.
o ___ spectators attended the game.
2. He visits the skate park on all days of the weekend.
o He goes to the skate park ___ day of the weekend.
3. She won trophies in two of her last competitions.
o She won trophies in ___ of her last competitions.
4. The coach provided motivation to all players before the match.
o The coach motivated ___ player before the match.
5. I don’t need a lot of sports equipment for this workout.
o I don’t need ___ sports equipment for this workout.

Exercise 4: Error Correction

Each sentence below contains an error with quantifiers. Identify and correct it.
1. He doesn’t have many motivation to continue the competition.
2. Much people think that triathlons are too challenging.
3. She brought every of her sports equipment to the gym.
4. We have any chance to win the tournament this year.
5. Both coach provides good advice to the team members.
6. There is a few time left before the match begins.
7. Many the players were disappointed after losing the game.
8. Some of the players needs extra training sessions.
9. She doesn’t have any confidence left in her abilities.
10. He needs to buy a few weights because he doesn’t have enough at home.

Exercise 5: Complete the Sentences with Vocabulary and Quantifiers

Use a quantifier from the list and fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the
vocabulary list in the second image.
1. ___ players are expected to join the ___ before the tournament starts.
2. She’s been training hard and has gained ___ confidence in her ___ abilities.
3. He had ___ opportunities to win a ___ but missed each time.
4. ___ fans gathered around the ___ to cheer for their team.
5. To play golf, you don’t need ___ equipment, but you do need to be ___.
6. ___ of the referees were quick to notice fouls on the ___.
7. They need ___ motivation to continue the ___ training routine.
8. ___ people suffer from sports-related ___ during competitions.
9. ___ game requires physical endurance and ___ skills.
10. The coach gave ___ tips to improve the ___ performance.

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