английский 11 кл 1 вар олимп 2019

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2018-2019 учебный год

Межрегиональная олимпиада школьников на базе ведомственных
образовательных организаций по английскому языку
11 класс
1 вариант


Быть переводчиком – это не только хорошо знать грамматику и лексику, но еще и уметь
воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух и запоминать большой объем информации.
Прослушайте дважды аудиозапись и выполните задания.

1. Выберите из предложенных вариантов один, соответствующий теме прослушанного

текста. Запишите ответ в лист ответов, например, «1.a».

a) More than two years a prisoner

b) It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy
c) Where there is a sea, there are pirates
2. Выберите из предложенных вариантов правильный ответ на вопрос. Запишите
ответ в лист ответов, например, «1.а».

1. What came out of Michael Scott Moore’s abduction?

a) The author’s captors were arrested and brought to justice.
b) Michael S. Moore was the first to enlighten the world about the cause of the emergence of the Somali piracy
c) The journalist’s story was later published and characterized by some as touching and thrilling.

2. What happened to one of Michael S. Moore’s fellow captives?

a) The Mauritian was repeatedly punched right before the writer’s eyes.
b) Rolly was hanged from a tree upside down and assaulted by the pirates.
c) Rolly was publicly executed by hanging.

3. The inception of Somali piracy did not attract attention at first since:
a) the global community could not care less about the problems of a minor African state.
b) the Somali gunmen demanded from illegal fishermen nothing more than they deserved.
c) everybody was used to the way the people of Somalia earned their living those days.

3. Определите, какие утверждения являются верными, какие – неверными, а какие не

упоминались в прослушанном тексте. Запишите ответ в лист ответов, например, «1.a».

1. Michael Scott Moore travelled to Somalia at his own expense to interview the local pirates.
1. true b) false c) not stated
2. The journalist is indifferent to the reason why some Somalis took up piracy initially.
a) true b) false c) not stated
3. Mr Moore would have eventually killed himself if he had not been so well guarded.
a) true b) false c) not stated
4. M.S. Moore was not the only journalist among those captured by the pirates.
a) true b) false c) not stated


Представьте, что Вы выполняете специальное задание в Великобритании. Вы должны
показать, что безупречно владеете английской грамматикой и лексикой. Следующие задания
не составят для Вас никакого труда.

1. Заполните пропуски или артиклями/предлогами, или правильными грамматическими

формами слов, данных в скобках. Запишите ответ в лист ответов, например, «1. did».

Did Shakespeare Really Write the Plays?

The idea that his plays and poems 1. _____ (write) by 2. _____ (other) person is an interesting
The outward events of 3. _____ Shakespeare’s life are ordinary. He was hardworking and middle-class
in his ways. He steadily gathered wealth and took care of his family. Many people have found it impossible
4. _____ (believe) that such 5. _____ man could 6. _____ (write) the plays. They believe that 7. _____ people
around Shakespeare expressed little realisation of his greatness. Some say that Shakespeare had too
8. _____ (little) education 9. _____ (learn) about different professions, aristocratic sports and the speech and
manners of the upper classes.
Since 10. _____ 1800s there has been 11. _____ steady effort to prove that Shakespeare did not write the
plays or that others did. For a long time the leading candidate was Sir Francis Bacon and books on the
Shakespeare/Bacon argument would fill a library. As this belief diminished, the Earl of Oxford and then other
men 12. _____ (suggest) 13. _____ (as / like) the authors. Nearly every famous Elizabethan was named and
some people even claim that ‘Shakespeare’ is an assumed name for a whole group of poets and playwrights.
However, some men around Shakespeare – for example Meres in 1598 – did recognise his worth as a
writer. 14. _____ (argue) that an obscure Stratford boy could not have become the Shakespeare of literature is
to ignore the mystery of genius. His knowledge 15. _____ (be) of the kind that could not be learnt
in 16. _____ school and some great writers have had even 17. _____ (little) schooling than Shakespeare. Only
18. _____ genius could learn what he learnt by 19. _____ (apply) a keen intelligence 20. _____ everyday life.

2. Выберите подходящее для данного контекста слово из 3 предложенных вариантов.

Запишите ответ в лист ответов, например, «1.a».

Half the World’s Reefs Are Gone

As (1) (a. ecology/ b. nature/ c. ecological) catastrophes go, it is hard to find anything more bleak or
depressing than the coral reef bleaching (2) (a. crises/b. oasis/ c. crisis). The fact that climate change leads to
the demise of entire coral reef ecosystems received universal (3) (a. acceptance/ b. consensus/ c. acceptation).
After 30 years of (4) (a. acts/ b. action/ c. inaction), we have lost 50 per cent of the world’s tropical reefs. The
figure mentioned is just a rough (5) (a. esteem/ b. estimate / c. estimation). Scientists say if we do nothing, 90
per cent of the world’s tropical reefs will be gone by 2050.

3. Все мы знаем гениального сыщика Шерлока Холмса. Каждому из нас хотелось бы

обладать его умственными способностями. Восстановите спасенную из огня рукопись,
некоторые фрагменты которой утрачены. Вы можете воспользоваться подсказками,
данными после текста (их количество в 2 раза превышает число поврежденных в
оригинальном тексте мест). Запишите ответ в лист ответов, например, «1.a».

A Computer for the Poor

Child labour is one the most urgent problems in the poorest countries. Children who ought to be at school
getting an education are out working because there is no other way for their families to earn enough to make
ends meet. The hours are often very long (10 or 12 hours a day) and the conditions 1. _____. There are children
as young as ten years old in Bangladesh, for instance, sitting outside for ten hours a day breaking old bricks
(the broken bits of brick are used in a cheap form of concrete).
Aside from this, there is the even more widespread problem of access to clean water and the provision of
good sanitation – something that over a billion people still don’t have.

This is the world in which the United Nations announced in 2005 that it was setting a goal according to
which every child in the developing world would have a laptop by 2015. A company had designed a very simple
and 2. _____ laptop that would be powered by a 3. _____ mechanism so it could be used in areas that don’t yet
have electricity, and assuming at least 100 million would be ordered, the final price tag would be no more than
100 dollars. The plan is for governments and charities to buy these laptops and 4. _____ them to children in the
poorest areas of the world.
It is not yet clear what software will be installed on the laptops, but it will surely include one or two
games. Those children in Bangladesh will be delighted to know that after a long day breaking bricks they can
relax with their laptops playing their favourite computer game.
When hearing announcements like this it is not easy to avoid being cynical. Of course it would be great
if everyone had a computer and access to the internet, but is it right to make that a priority now when so many
children are currently 5. _____ of the most basic education? And when so many children are falling ill and
dying from 6. _____ diseases isn’t it much more urgent that this problem be sorted out?
It is hard to believe that there isn’t some kind of hidden 7. _____. At a time when the New World Order
(or the New American Century, as it has also been called) is becoming the focus for a violent reaction from
other social groups perhaps the laptops and their software can 8. _____ persuade the youngest and poorest kids
in the world that the West is unquestionably the best.
One of the snags with the plan concerns what families are likely to do with the laptops. The hundred
dollar price tag is equivalent to an adult wage for three months in many cases. These families are much
more 9. _____ to try and sell the computer and get money to buy grain or fertilizer or food, than to let their kids
play with it in the evenings while the rest of the family sits listening to their stomachs 10. _____.

a. agenda f. menu k. distribute p. lacking

b. booming g. allegedly l. robust q. watered down
c. subtly h. abominable m. wind-up r. probably
d. completed i. hand over n. strong s. rumbling
e. water-borne j. deprived o. illegal t. likely

4. Работать в США трудно, не зная нюансов употребления фразеологизмов.

Рассмотрите картинки. Подберите к каждой картинке ОДНУ подходящую фразу из
8 предложенных. Запишите ответ в лист ответов, например, «1.a».

2. 3.


4. 5.
a) Head and shoulders.
b) Go at it hammer and tongs.
c) Dead to the world.
d) Get set.
e) Sweat out.
f) Have things well in hand.
g) On the point of.
h) Gift of gab.


1. Говорят, пословицы – это маленькая народная мудрость с большим смыслом. Можно
ли подобрать соответствующие эквиваленты в разных языках?
Соотнесите начало пословиц, данное в левой колонке, с окончанием в правой. Подберите
к каждой пословице эквивалент на русском языке из предложенных ниже. Запишите ответ в
лист ответов, например, «1а. Худой мир лучше доброй ссоры».

1. God’s mill a) but you cannot make him drink.

2. It is very hard to b) is only skin deep.
3. You can take a horse to water c) lays great dust.
4. Birds d) before you spin.
5. Shallow streams e) shave an egg.
6. Small rain f) comes at last.
7. It is not lost that g) grinds slow, but sure.
8. You must spoil h) make most din.
9. Beauty i) makes a mickle.
10. Many a pickle j) of a feather.

Яйца выеденного не стоит. Сверху мило, внутри гнило.

Пустая бочка громче гремит. Как пить дать.
Большое складывается из малого. Из воздуха кафтана не сошьешь.
В одну реку нельзя войти дважды. Мал, да удал.
Одного поля ягода. Смерть не разбирает чина.
Льет как из ведра. Потерянного не воротишь.
Лучше поздно, чем никогда. Насильно мил не будешь.
От возмездия не уйдешь. Не в коня корм.
Посыпать голову пеплом. Первый блин комом.
Отсутствие изъяна в красоте – тоже изъян. Человек предполагает, Бог

2. Представьте, что Вы – журналист и оказались на пресс-конференции с участием

известных людей. Задайте каждому из них по ОДНОМУ вопросу из предложенных ниже.
Запишите ответ в лист ответов, например, «1.а».

1. Elvis Presley A) Your fourth wife was thirty six years younger than you, wasn’t she?
B) You travelled the whole world as a hired lecturer, didn’t you?
C) Which member of the British Royal family had a dance card marked by
2. Charlie Chaplin you at a White House gala dinner hosted by the then-President Reagan and
his wife Nancy?
D) Is it true that your identical twin brother was stillborn?
3. Margaret Thatcher
E) Did you accept Kevin Costner’s proposal of playing the lead role in “The
Bodyguard 2”?
4. Princess Diana F) Though an efficient swimmer, you have a flair for sailing, don’t you?
G) How did you come up with the idea of inventing a kind of dessert which
was called “soft ice-cream”?
5. John Travolta H) Were you first elected Member of Parliament in 1997?

3. В газетах и журналах часто публикуются кроссворды. Порой с ними нелегко

справиться на родном языке, попробуйте разгадать кроссворд на иностранном. Запишите
ответы в лист ответов, например, «1. …».

7 8




1. _________ Friday – the Friday before Easter when the Christian church marks the Crucifixion of Christ.
In Britain it is a bank holiday and a day when traditionally hot cross buns are eaten.
2. A collective term for the top influential sectors of British society, in particular, industrialists and business
leaders, the aristocracy and the Church of England.
3. A royal or national treasury.
4. A famous battle in English history, in which William the Conqueror defeated the Anglo-Saxon King
Harold in 1066, thus beginning the Norman Conquest of Britain.
5. A unit of measurement equal to 0,9144 metre.
6. A type of skirt traditionally worn by Scotsmen.

7. _________ press – a colloquial term for those popular papers and similar periodicals that seek
sensationalism by means of gossip columns, detailed reports of disasters and scandals and erotic features and
8. The ship on which Captain Robert Scott made his expedition to the Antarctic in 1901 – 1904. For many
years it was a museum open to the public on the river Thames in London until it was returned to Dundee in
Scotland where it was originally built.
9. A very popular summer sport which is played between two teams, each of eleven people. They play on a
mown grass field, at the centre of that is “the pitch” (playing area). The aim is for one team (the batsmen) to
score a large number of runs by hitting the ball “bowled” to them by the other team (the fielders). Players
traditionally wear white clothes.
10. Parliamentary _________ – the close examination and investigation of government policies, actions and
spending that is carried out by the House of Commons, the House of Lords and their committees.


Представьте, что Вы являетесь редактором журнала, публикующего материалы

иностранных авторов. Переводчик принес Вам свой перевод с английского языка на русский.
Проанализируйте его. Из 20 подчеркнутых мест 10 содержат ошибки. Исправьте их.
Запишите не более 10 ответов в лист ответов, например, «1 – Ваш вариант перевода».

Erwin, Bella and myself were the top three in Эрвин, Белла и я были признаны (1) тремя
the Law School graduating class. The time for лучшими студентами выпускного курса
triumph was at hand. Job interviews. Offers. Школы права. Близился час нашего
Pleas. Snow jobs. Everywhere I turned триумфа. Приглашения на работу.
somebody seemed to be waving a flag that read: Предложения. (2) Встречные иски. (3) Куча
“Work for us, Barrett!” работы. Куда ни глянь, со всех сторон мне
махали флагами, на которых было написано:
(4) «Иди работать к нам, Барретт!».
But I followed only the green flags. I mean, Но меня притягивали (5) лишь флаги
I wasn’t totally crass, but I eliminated the цвета долларов. (6) Я не был таким уж
prestige alternatives, like clerking for a judge, грубым прагматиком, однако сразу же отмел
and the public service alternatives, like престижные варианты – вроде места клерка
Department of Justice, in favor of a lucrative при каком-нибудь судье или
job that would get the dirty word “scrounge” (7) общественной работы в (8) юридическом
out of our vocabulary. департаменте. Я искал (9) денежную работу,
которая раз и навсегда исключила бы из
нашего лексикона эту гнусную фразу: «Где
бы перехватить?»
Third though I was, I enjoyed one (10) Хоть я и был третьим, в борьбе за
inestimable advantage in competing for the best хорошую юридическую должность (11) у
legal spots. I was the only guy in the top ten who меня имелось одно неоспоримое
was a WASP. Hordes of people were fighting to преимущество. В первой десятке
get my name and numeral onto their stationery. выпускников (12) только я один был
американцем. (13) Орда работодателей
сражалась за возможность нанять такого
человека, да еще с таким именем.
There was one especially intriguing offer Особенно интригующее предложение
from a firm in L.A. The recruiter, Mr. – (why поступило (14) от одной фирмы из Лос-
risk a lawsuit?), kept telling me: “Barrett baby, Анджелеса. Ее вербовщик, мистер Н.
in our territory we get it all the time. Day and ((15) имя не назову – еще засудят), твердил
night. I mean, we can even have it sent up to мне: «Барретт, мой мальчик, с ЭТИМ у нас,
the office!” в наших краях все в порядке. (16) В любое
время суток. Если захочешь, (17) мы
пришлем это прямо в контору».
Not that we were interested in California, И не то чтобы нас очень тянуло в
but I’d still like to know precisely what Mr. – Калифорнию, но хотелось все-таки знать,
was discussing. (I finally had to get Mr. – off что мистер Н. подразумевает под "ЭТИМ".
my back by telling him that I really didn’t care ((18) В конце концов, я сказал мистеру Н.,
for “it” at all. He was crestfallen.) что «ЭТО» меня абсолютно не волнует.
(19) Он был только рад.)
Actually, we had made up our minds to stay На самом деле мы уже приняли решение
on the East Coast. Jenny at one time thought остаться на Восточном побережье. Одно
D.C. might be good. время Дженни думала, что (20) нам может
подойти Колумбия.


1. Докажите, что «Реклама – двигатель торговли»! Представьте, что Вы маркетолог и

отвечаете за продвижение товаров на рынке Великобритании.

Выберите один из изображенных ниже товаров и напишите к нему слоган и рекламное

объявление. Ваша задача – сделать товар привлекательным для покупателя. Важно
использовать многообразие средств выразительности английского языка.

2. Представьте, что Вы стали невольным свидетелем важного разговора, но Вам

удалось расслышать не все реплики. Восстановите недостающие фразы по картинке и
запишите их в лист ответов.

A: 1. . You don’t look

very well.
B: No. I’ve had a terrible cold. I’ve been in bed
all weekend, but it’s better today.
A: Mm… I had a bad cold last week.
B: I know, and you gave it to everyone
in the office. 2. .
if I’d had a cold like that.

C: Are you OK?

D: Yes, I’m alright, but what about my car?
C: 3. .
D: What?! Just look at it! I only bought it last
week. You shouldn’t have been going so
C: Well, 4. , but it wasn’t my fault.
D: Wasn’t your fault? What do you mean? I had
right of way.
C: I’m afraid you didn’t.
D: Why not? There’s no sign.
C: What’s that there then?
D: Oh, yes. A ‘stop’ sign. I must have missed it.
C: Well, you should be more careful. You could
have killed us all!
D: Yes… I’m sorry. What more can I say?
C: All right… all right. At least nobody’s hurt.
5. . You’d better explain it to


Представьте, что Вы – журналист-обозреватель. Вам поручено подготовить
небольшую статью на основе предоставленных аналитиками графических данных. Напишите
статью объемом не менее 200 слов по обозначенной проблеме. Не забудьте предложить

The chart below shows the results of a survey in 2014 among U.S. adults by gender on the most
important issues to them in choosing a spouse.

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