BT-3435 ALI (2)
BT-3435 ALI (2)
BT-3435 ALI (2)
SHANU CHAUHAN ( 211013106079 )
SHIVAM KUMAR ( 211013106082 )
Name of Guide :
It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the BCA. Project
undertaken during BCA. Final Year. We owe special debt of gratitude………,
Department of Bachelor Computer Application, Greater Noida Institute of Technology,
Greater Noida, India for his constant support and guidance throughout the course of our
work. His/Her sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source of
inspiration for us. It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavors have seen light of the
We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during the
development of our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for their
contribution in the completion of the project.
Date : 05/06/2024
Date : 05/06/2024
Unsolicited emails, popularly referred to as spam, have remained one
of the biggest threats to cybersecurity globally. More than half of the
emails sent in 2021 were spam, resulting in huge financial losses. The
tenacity and perpetual presence of the adversary, the spammer, has
necessitated the need for improved efforts at filtering spam. This study,
therefore, developed baseline models of random forest and extreme
gradient boost (XGBoost) ensemble algorithms for the detection and
classification of spam emails using the Enron1 dataset. The developed
ensemble models were then optimized using the grid-search cross-
validation technique to search the hyperparameter space for optimal
hyperparameter values. The performance of the baseline (un-tuned)
and the tuned models of both algorithms were evaluated and compared.
The impact of hyperparameter tuning on both models was also
examined. The findings of the experimental study revealed that the
hyperparameter tuning improved the performance of both models when
compared with the baseline models. The tuned RF and XGBoost
models achieved an accuracy of 97.78% and 98.09%, a sensitivity of
98.44% and 98.84%, and an F1 score of 97.85% and 98.16%,
respectively. The XGBoost model outperformed the random forest
model. The developed XGBoost model is effective and efficient for spam
email detection.
Nowadays communication plays a major role in everything be it
professional or personal. Email communication service is being used
extensively because of its free use services, low-cost operations,
accessibility, and popularity. Emails have one major security flaw that is
anyone can send an email to anyone just by getting their unique user
id. This security flaw is being exploited by some businesses and ill-
motivated persons for advertising, phishing, malicious purposes, and
finally fraud. This produces a kind of email category called SPAM.
5 Naïve bayes Classifier 23
4.5.5 Experimentation 27
5.3 Comparison 32
5.4 Summary 34
6.1 Conclusion 35
References 36
Appendices 38
A. Source code 38
B. Screenshots 43
List of
Fig No Title Pg no
4.1 Architecture 15
4.2 Workflow 17
List of Tables
Unsolicited emails, popularly referred to as spam, have remained one of the biggest
threats to cybersecurity globally. Between October 2020 and September 2021, a total
of 336.41 billion emails were sent globally, and about 84% (more than half) of these
emails were spam [1]. The huge financial loss resulting from email fraud is quite
enormous and increasing. According to the FBI center for crime complaint reports [2],
in 2021 about USD2.4 billion was lost as a result of scams associated with business
and email account compromises. In the same year, the bureau received 19,954 scam
email complaints. The IC3 data also showed that 3729 ransomware incidents were
reported with an associated financial loss of over USD49 million. According to the
spam and phishing report by Kaspersky on Securelist [3], between February and June
2022, 1.8 million 419 scam emails were detected. These statistics imply that
spammers are relentless. Researchers have continued to propose different techniques
to combat the spam menace [4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. However, the tenacity and perpetual
presence of the adversary, the spammer, has necessitated the need for improved
efforts at filtering spam. A spam-filtering model with improved accuracy will help in the
fight against spam-based fraud. Many current spam-email-detection techniques rely
on a single model, which can be prone to errors and overfitting [10,11,12,13,14].
Ensemble models, which combine the predictions of multiple models, have the
potential to improve the accuracy and robustness of spam detection. While ensemble
models have been widely used in other areas of machine learning, they have not been
widely applied to spam email detection. Hyperparameters, such as the number of
decision trees in a random forest or the regularization parameter in an extreme
gradient boost algorithm, can greatly affect the performance of a model. However,
finding the optimal hyperparameters are often ignored because it is a time-consuming
and computationally expensive task. Therefore, this study is aimed at the
hyperparameter optimization of the random forest (RF) and extreme gradient boosting
(XGBoost) ensemble algorithms. This is in a bid to enhance the predictive accuracy of
the two ensemble models and to determine the best-performing model, robust enough
for efficient spam email detection. Ensemble algorithms rely on a combination of
predictions from two or more base models to obtain an improved prediction
performance on a dataset [15]. In this study:
Spam-email-detection models based on the random forest and XGBoost machine-
learning algorithms were developed.
The performances of the ensemble models were optimized through hyperparameter
The performances of the ensemble models were evaluated and compared before and
after hyperparameter tuning.
The convergence time of the models were also established.
The other sections of this study are presented thus: In the second section, a brief
highlight of related research on spam email classification and detection was presented.
The third section described in detail the dataset and preprocessing techniques,
methods, and performance evaluation metrics. The results of the experiments are
presented in the fourth section. Finally, a conclusion was drawn with a perspective for
further studies in the last section.
Today, Spam has become a major problem in communication over internet. It has
been accounted that around 55% of all emails are reported as spam and the number
has been growing steadily. Spam which is also known as unsolicited bulk email has
led to the increasing use of email as email provides the perfect ways to send the
unwanted advertisement or junk newsgroup posting at no cost for the sender. This
chances has been extensively exploited by irresponsible organizations and resulting
to clutter the mail boxes of millions of people all around the world.
Spam has been a major concern given the offensive content of messages, spam is a
waste of time. End user is at risk of deleting legitimate mail by mistake. Moreover,
spam also impacted the economical which led some countries to adopt legislation.
Literature Review
1.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses about the literature review for machine learning classifier that being
used in previous researches and projects. It is not about information gathering but it
summarize the prior research that related to this project. It involves the process of
searching,reading, analysing, summarising and evaluating the reading materials based on
the project.
A lot of research has been done on spam detection using machine learning. But due to the
evolvement of spam and development of various technologies the proposed methods are
notdependable. Natural language processing is one of the lesser known fields in machine
learning and it reflects here with comparatively less work present.
The Enron dataset was used in this research because it is the only substantial
collection of an actual email that is public and also because of its high level of
usage among researchers. The Enron dataset is made up of 6 main directories,
each directoryhas several subdirectories, each containing emails as a single text
file [28]. In this study,the Enron1 dataset was used. These emails were converted
to a single CSV file by Marcel Wiechmann [29]. The CSV file contained about
33,000 emails. However, during conversion, some of the email messages were not
correctly aligned with their labels. The non-aligning messages were removed
alongside the orphaned labels through Microsoft Excel. On completion of the
removal, the CSV file contained a total of 32,860 emails. Of the total emails, 16,026
(49%) are legitimate emails (ham) and 16,834 (51%) are spam. The CSV file
contained five columns labeled message ID, subject, spam/ham,and date. The
subject and date columns were not used in this study. The needed columns were
readjusted as serial numbers. Column two contains the class label of eachof the
emails and column three contains the text of each email.
Dataset Cleaning
The noise constituent of the dataset such as non-ASCII characters, HTML tags,
extra white spaces, URLs, punctuations, numbers, and stop words were removed in
steps 1–7 (Table 1). Stop words are a collection of words in any language that occur
with a high frequency but convey considerably less meaningful information about the
significance of an expression. The removal of stop words and other noise constituents
shrinks the size of the data and reduces the burden of computational expenses in model
training, with the potential of improving model performance since there are only
meaningful words left to learn from.
The essence of stemming is also to reduce the data size by reducing words to their
root word. The text-mining map function, defined in the text-mining (tm) package [30],
received the parameters specified in steps 5–8 to execute each cleaning activity. The
DocumentTermMatrix() and removeSparseTerms() functions are also defined in the tm
package in R.
On completion of the data cleaning process, the data was divided into two; the train
set and the test set. The train set, which was composed of 70% (23,107) of the original
dataset, has 11,282 legitimate emails and 11,825 spam emails (Figure 1). The test set,
which is composed of 30% (9753) of the original dataset, has 4744 legitimate emails
and 5009 spam emails.
Figure 1. Distribution of ham and spam emails in train and test dataset.
Baseline models of random forest and extreme gradient boost (XGBoost) were
developed by training and testing each model independently with 70% and 30% of the
preprocessed dataset (Figure 2). All the parameters were set to their default values
during the training and testing of the baseline models. The performance of these models
on the test data was recorded as the baseline performance to be improved via
hyperparameter tuning. To reduce the computation time, only the important predictors
were passed to the random forest. The random forest has an inbuilt feature for ranking
variables or features based on their importance in arriving at a prediction [31].
Random forest is a supervised ensemble classifier that is used for classification and
regression. It is an ensemble learning method that creates a set of decision trees and
combines them to make a final prediction. To arrive at a prediction, the random forest
follows these steps:
Step 1: Select a random sample of data from the dataset.
Step 2: Build a decision tree using the sample data.
Step 3: Repeat the process a certain number of times, creating a new decision tree
each time.
Step 4: Combine the decision trees by taking the average of their predictions.
Each decision tree in the random forest makes a prediction, and the final prediction
is made by taking the average of all the predictions made by the individual decision trees.
This helps to reduce overfitting and improve the overall accuracy of the model. The two
important hyperparameters that must be defined by the user when generating a random
forest are mtry and ntree [32]. In a random forest, mtry is the number of features that are
randomly sampled as candidates for splitting at each decision tree node and the ntree
is the number of decision trees in the random forest [32]. The mtry parameter determines
how much randomness is injected into the model. A smaller mtry value will make the
model more deterministic and potentially more accurate but at the cost of a more
complex model that is more prone to overfitting. A larger mtry value will make the model
more robust to noise in the data, but at the cost of accuracy. The ntree parameter
determines the overall complexity of the model. A larger value of ntree will make the
model more accurate but at the cost of increased computational resources and longer
training time. The number of trees in a forest (ntree) is not limited by computational
resources, but the performance improvement from having a large number of trees is
minimal, according to [33]. However, [34] states that computational resources are the
limiting factor for the number of trees in a forest.
Modules and Explanation
The Application consists of three modules.
i. UI
ii. Machine Learning
iii. Data Processing
I. UI Module
a. This Module contains all the functions related to UI(user interface).
b. The user interface of this application is designed using Streamlit library from
python based packages.
1 6
c. The user inputs are acquired using the fun c tions of this library and forwarded to
data processing module for processing and conversion.
d. Finally the output from ML module is sent to this module and from this module to
user in visual form.
c. All the data processing is done using Pandas and NumPy libraries.
d. Text processing and text conversion is done using NLTK and scikit-learn libraries.
Hardware Requirements
Ram – 8 Gig
Storage – 100-200 Mb
Software Requirements
OS – Windows 7 and above
Code Editor – Pycharm, VS Code, Built in IDE
Anaconda environment with packages nltk, numpy, pandas, sklearn, tkinter, nltk data.
Supported browser such as chrome, firefox, opera etc..
In the above architecture, the objects depicted in Green belong to a module called Data
Processing. It includes several functions related to data processing, natural Language
Processing. The objects depicted in Blue belong to the Machine Learning module. It is where
everything related to ML is embedded. The red objects represent final results and outputs.
Data Description
Dataset : enronSpamSubset.
Source : Kaggle
Description : this dataset is part of a larger dataset
called enron. This dataset contains a set of spam and
non-spam emails with 0 for non spam and 1 for spam
in label attribute.
Composition :
Unique values : 9687
Spam values : 5000
Non-spam values : 4687
fig no. 4.3 enron spam
Dataset : lingspam.
Source : Kaggle
Description : This dataset is part of a larger dataset called
Enron1 which contains emails classified as spam or
Composition :
Unique values : 2591
Spam values : 419
Non-spam values : 2172
Data Processing
Overall data processing
It consists of two main tasks
● Dataset cleaning
It includes tasks such as removal of outliers, null value removal, removal of
unwanted features from data.
● Dataset Merging
After data cleaning, the datasets are merged to form a single dataset containing
only two features(text, label). 19
Data cleaning, Data Merging these procedures are completely done using
Pandas library.
Textual data processing
● Tag removal
Removing all kinds of tags and unknown characters from text using regular
expressions through Regex library.
● Sentencing, tokenization
Breaking down the text(email/SMS) into sentences and then into
This process is done using NLTK pre-processing library of python.
● Stop word removal
Stop words such as of , a ,be , … are removed using stopwords NLTK library
of python.
● Lemmatization
Words are converted into their base forms using lemmatization and
This process gives key-words through entity extraction.
This process is done using chunking in regex and NLTK lemmatization.
● Sentence formation
The lemmatized tokens are combined to form a sentence.
This sentence is essentially a sentence converted into its base form and
removing stop words.
Then all the sentences are combined to form a text.
● While the overall data processing is done only to datasets, the textual
processing is done to both training data, testing data and also user input data.
Feature Vector Formation
● The texts are converted into feature vectors(numerical data) using the words
present in all the texts combined
● This process is done using countvectorization of NLTK library.
● The feature vectors can be formed using two language models Bag of Words
and Term Frequency-inverse Document Frequency.
Bag of Words
Bag of words is a language model used mainly in text classification. A bag of words
represents the text in a numerical form.
The two things required for Bag of Words are
• A vocabulary of words known to us.
• A way to measure the presence of words.
Ex: a few lines from the book “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.
“ It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness, ”
The unique words here (ignoring case and punctuation) are:
[ “it”, “was”, “the”, “best”, “of”, “times”, “worst”,“age”, “wisdom”, “foolishness” ]
The next step is scoring words present in every document.
After scoring the four lines from the above stanza can be represented in vector form as
“It was the best of times“ = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
"it was the worst of times" = [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
"it was the age of wisdom" = [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
"it was the age of foolishness"= [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]
This is the main process behind the bag of words but in reality the vocabulary even from a
couple of documents is very large and words repeating frequently and important in nature
are taken and remaining are removed during the text processing stage.
Terminology for the below formulae:
t – term(word)
d – document(set of words)
N – count of documents
The TF-IDF process consists of various activities listed below.
i) Term Frequency
The count of appearance of a particular word in a document is called term frequency
𝒕𝒇(𝒕, 𝒅) = 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒅/ 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒅
Finally, the TF-IDF can be calculated by combining the term frequency and inverse
document frequency.
The Bag of words of the above sentences is
[going:3, to:2, today:2, i:2, am:2, it:1, is:1, rain:1]
Then finding the term frequency
table no. 4.1 Term frequency
Using the above two language models the complete data has been converted into two
kinds of vectors and stored into a csv type file for easy access and minimal processing.
Data Splitting
The data splitting is done to create two kinds of data Training data and testing data.
Training data is used to train the machine learning models and testing data is used to test the
models and analyse results. 80% of total data is selected as testing data and remaining data
is testing data.
Machine Learning
Machine Learning is process in which the computer performs certain tasks without giving
instructions. In this case the models takes the training data and train on them.
Then depending on the trained data any new unknown data will be processed based on the
ruled derived from the trained data.
After completing the countvectorization and TF-IDF stages in the workflow the data is
converted into vector form(numerical form) which is used for training and testing models.
For our study various machine learning models are compared to determine which method is
more suitable for this task. The models used for the study include Logistic Regression, Naïve
Bayes, Random Forest Classifier, K Nearest Neighbors, and Support Vector Machine
Classifier and a proposed model which was created using an ensemble approach.
a combination of 5 algorithms are used for the classifications.
Bayes Theorem:
Naive Bayes is a classification technique that is based on Bayes’ Theorem with an
assumption that all the features that predict the target value are independent of each other. It
calculates the probability of each class and then picks the one with the highest probability.
Naive Bayes classifier assumes that the features we use to predict the target are
independent and do not affect each other. Though the independence assumption is never
correct in real-world data, but often works well in practice. so that it is called “Naive” [14].
P(A|B) is the probability of hypothesis A given the data B. This is called the posterior
P(B|A) is the probability of data B given that hypothesis A was true.
P(A) is the probability of hypothesis A being true (regardless of the data). This is called the
prior probability of A.
P(B) is the probability of the data (regardless of the hypothesis) [15].
Naïve Bayes classifiers are mostly used for text classification. The limitation of the Naïve
Bayes model is that it treats every word in a text as independent and is equal in importance
but every word cannot be treated equally important because articles and nouns are not the
same when it comes to language. But due to its classification efficiency, this model is used in
combination with other language processing techniques.
Decision Tree:
The decision tree is a classification algorithm based completely on features. The tree
repeatedly splits the data on a feature with the best information gain. This process continues
until the information gained remains constant. Then the unknown data is evaluated feature by
feature until categorized. Tree pruning techniques are used for improving accuracy and
reducing the overfitting of data.
Several decision trees are created on subsets of data the result that was given by the majority
of trees is considered as the final result. The number of trees to be created is determined
based on accuracy and other metrics th
2r5ough iterative methods
Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression is a “Supervised machine learning” algorithm that can be used to model
the probability of a certain class or event. It is used when the data is linearly separable and
the outcome is binary or dichotomous [17]. The probabilities are calculated using a sigmoid
here z = odds
generally, odds are calculated as
Sigmoid Function:
A sigmoid function is a special form of logistic function hence the name logistic regression.
The logarithm of odds is calculated and fed into the sigmoid function to get continuous
probability ranging from 0 to 1.
and these log_odds are used in the sigmoid function to get probability.
h(z)=1/(1+e^(-z) )
The output of the sigmoid function is an integer in the range 0 to 1 which is used to
determine which class the sample belongs to. Generally, 0.5 is considered as the limit below
which it is considered a NO, and 0.5 or higher will be considered a YES. But the border can
be adjusted based on the requirement.
K-Nearest Neighbors
KNN is a classification algorithm. It comes under supervised algorithms. All the data points
are assumed to be in an n-dimensional space. And then based on neighbors the category of
current data is determined based on the majority.
Euclidian distance is used to determine the distance between points.
The distances between the unknown point and all the others are calculated. Depending on
the K provided k closest neighbors are determined. The category to which the majority of the
neighbors belong is selected as the unknown data category.
If the data contains up to 3 features then the plot can be visualized. It is fairly slow compared
to other distance-based algorithms such as SVM as it needs to determine the distance to all
points to get the closest neighbors to the given point.
It is a machine learning algorithm for classification. Decision boundaries are drawn between
various categories and based on which side the point falls to the boundary the category is
Support Vectors:
The vectors closer to boundaries are called support vectors/planes. If there are n categories
then there will be n+1 support vectors. Instead of points, these are called vectors because
they are assumed to be starting from the origin.The distance between the support vectors is
called margin. We want our margin to be as wide as possible because it yields better results.
If the data is 2-dimensional then the boundaries are lines. If the data is 3-dimensional then
the boundaries are planes. If the data categories are more than 3 then boundaries are called
An SVM mainly depends on the decision boundaries for predictions. It doesn’t compare the
data to all other data to get the prediction due to this SVM’s tend to be quick with predictions.
The process goes like data collection and processing then natural language processing and
then vectorization then machine learning.The data is collected, cleaned, and then subjected
to natural language processing techniques specified in section IV. Then the cleaned data is
converted into vectors using Bag of Words and TF-IDF methods which goes like...
The Data is split into Training data and Testing Data in an 80-20 split ratio. The training and
testing data is converted into Bag-of-Words vectors and TF-IDF vectors.
There are several metrics to evaluate the models but accuracy is considered for comparing
BoW and TF-IDF models. Accuracy is generally used to determine the efficiency of a model.
“Accuracy is the number of correctly predicted data points out of all the data points”.
Two models, one for Bow and one for TF-IDF are created and trained using respective
training vectors and training labels. Then the respective testing vectors and labels are used
to get the score for the model.
fig no. 4.5 naïve Bayes
The scores for Bag-of-Words and TF-IDF are visualized.
The scores for the Bow model and TF-IDF models are 98.04 and 96.05 respectively for
using the naïve bayes model.
Logistic Regression:
Two models are created following the same procedure used for naïve Bayes models and
then tested the results obtained are visualized below.
The scores for BoW and TF-IDF models are 98.53 and 98.80 respectively.
K-Nearest Neighbors:
Similar to the above models the models are created and trained using respective vectors and
labels. But in addition to the data, the number of neighbors to be considered should alsobe
Using Iterative Method K =3 (no of Neighbors) provided the best results for the BoW model
and K = 9 provided the best results for the TF-IDF model.
Using the K values the scores for BOW and TF-IDF are visualized below.
respectively the scores are calculated and are presented below.
Random Forest:
Similar to previous algorithms two models are created and trained using respective
training vectors and training labels. But the number of trees to be used for forest has to be
( fig no. 4.10 Random Forest(bow vs tfidf)
Support Vector Machines (SVM):
Finally, two SVM models, one for BoW and one for TF-IDF are created and then
trained using respective training vectors and labels. Then tested using testing vectors and
The scores for BoW and TF-IDF models are 59.41 and 98.82 respectively.
Proposed Model:
In our proposed system we combine all the models and make them into one. It takes an
unknown point and feeds it into every model to get predictions. Then it takes these predictions,
finds the category which was predicted by the majority of the models, and finalizes it.
To determine which model is effective we used three metrics Accuracy, Precision, and
F1score. In the earlier system, we used only the F1 Score because we were not determining
which model is best but which language model is best suited for classification.
User Interface(UI)
interface (UI) is an important component in this application. The user only interacts
with the interface.
The UI of this project has been constructed with the help of an open source library called
streamlit. The complete information and API reference sheet can be obtained from here
Working Procedure
The working procedure includes the internal working and the data flow of application.
After running the application some procedures are automated.
Reading data from file
Cleaning the texts
Splitting the data
Intialising and training the models
The user just needs to provide some data to classify in the area provided.
The provided data undergoes several procedures after submission.
Textual Processing
Feature Vector conversion
Entity extraction
The created vectors are provided to trained models to get predictions.
After getting predictions the category predicted by majority will be selected.
The accuracies of that prediction will be calculated
The accuracies and entities extracted from the step 3 will be provided to user.Every time the
user gives something new the procedure from step 2 will be repeated.
3. Results and Discussion
Language Model Selection
While selecting the best language model the data has been converted into both types of
vectors and then the models been tested for to determine the best model for classifying
The results from individual models are presented in the experimentation section under
methodology. Now comparing the results from the models.
From the figure it is clear that TF-IDF proves to be better than BoW in every model tested.
Hence TF-IDF has been selected as the primary language model for textual data conversion
in feature vector formation.
The results from the proposed model has been compared with all the models individually in
tabular form to illustrate the differences clearly. 33
Metric Accuracy Precision F1 Score
Here we can observe that our proposed model outperforms almost every other model in
every metric. Only one model(naïve Bayes) has slightly higher accuracy than our model but
it is considerably lagging in other metrics.
The results are visually presented below for easier understanding and comparison.
4.Conclusion and Future Scope
This study evaluated and compared the performance of two ensemble models
based on the random forest and extreme gradient boost ensemble algorithms. Baseline
random forest and XGBoost spam detection models were developed based on the train/test
split technique using the default parameters. The grid-search technique with 10-fold cross-
validation was applied to search the hyperparameter space to determine the optimal
hyperparameter values that optimized the performance of the random forest and XGBoost
models. The performance of the baseline models was evaluated and compared with that of
the tuned random forest and XGBoost models to examine the impact of hyperparameter
tuning. The findings revealed that hyperparameter tuning improved the performance of the
random forest and XGBoost models. The results also showed that the tuned XGBoost model
outperformed the tuned random forest model for all metrics evaluated. The effectiveness of
these ensemble models in spam email detection and classification was demonstrated.
It will be interesting to compare the XGBoost model and deep-learning models for spam
detection in a future study in a bid to gain further insight into the development of efficient and
effective spam email detection systems.
It is important to note that the distribution of classes in the dataset used in this study is
complementarily balanced. The behavior of these models will be different with a significantly
imbalanced dataset. Future studies will look at the performance of these models on an
imbalanced dataset.
Future work
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A. Source code
1. Module – Data Processing
import re
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize,word_tokenize
from nltk import pos_tag
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
from collections import defaultdict
import spacy
def process_sentence(sentence):
nouns = list()
base_words = list()
final_words = list()
words_2 = word_tokenize(sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r'[^ \w\s]', '', sentence)
sentence = re.sub(r'_', ' ', sentence)
words = word_tokenize(sentence)
pos_tagged_words = pos_tag(words)
for word in base_words:
if word not in stop_words:
sym = ' '
sent = sym.join(final_words)
pos_tagged_sent = pos_tag(words_2)
for token, tag in pos_tagged_sent:
if tag == 'NN' and len(token)>1:
return sent, nouns
def clean(email):
email = email.lower()
sentences = sent_tokenize(email)
total_nouns = list()
string = "" 39
for sent in sentences:
sentence, nouns = process_sentence(sent)
string += " " + sentence
total_nouns += nouns
return string, nouns
def ents(text):
doc = nlp(text)
expls = dict()
if doc.ents:
for ent in doc.ents:
labels = list(expls.keys())
label = ent.label_
word = ent.text
if label in labels:
words = expls[label]
expls[label] = words
expls[label] = [word]
return expls
return 'no'
class model:
def init (self):
self.df = pd.read_csv('Cleaned_Data.csv')
self.df['Email'] = self.df.Email.apply(lambda email:
self.Data = self.df.Email
self.Labels = self.df.Label
self.training_data, self.testing_data,
self.training_labels, self.testing_labels =
self.training_data_list = self.training_data.to_list()
self.vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
self.training_vectors =
self.model_nb = MultinomialNB()
self.model_svm = SVC(probability=True)
self.model_lr = LogisticRegression()
self.model_knn = KNeighbors4
self.model_rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=19)
def get_prediction(self,vector):
if spam_counts>=3:
return 'Spam'
return 'Non-Spam'
def get_probabilities(self,vector):
prob_lr = self.model_lr.predict_proba(vector)[0] * 100
prob_rf = self.model_rf.predict_proba(vector)[0] * 100
prob_knn = self.model_knn.predict_proba(vector)[0] * 100
prob_svm = self.model_svm.predict_proba(vector)[0] * 100
return [prob_nb,prob_lr,prob_rf,prob_knn,prob_svm]
def get_vector(self,text):
return self.vectorizer.transform([text])
file=st.file_uploader("please upload file with your text.. (only
.txt format supported")
if len(text)>20:
if file is None:
if inputs.count(1)>1:
st.error('multiple inputs given please select only one
if inputs[0]==1:
given_email = e
if inputs[1]==1:
bytes_data = file.getvalue()
given_email = bytes_data
with col3:
clean_button = st.button('Detect')
st.caption("In case of a warning it's probably related to
caching of your browser")
st.caption("please hit the detect button again ... ")
if clean_button:
if inputs.count(0)>1:
st.error('No input given please try after giving the
with st.spinner('Please wait while the model is
running ... '):
mode = create_model()
vector = mode.get_vector(given_email)
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col2:
probs_pos = [i[1] for i in probs[0]]
probs_neg = [i[0] for i in probs[0]]
if predictions[0] == 'Spam':
# st.caption(str(probs_pos))
plot_values = probs_pos
# st.caption(str(probs_neg))
plot_values = probs_neg
plot_values=[int(i) for i in plot_values]
st.header(f'These are the results obtained from the
col1, col2 = st.columns([2,423])
with col1:
st.subheader('predicted Accuracies of models')
with st.expander('Technical Details'):
st.write('Model-1 : Naive Bayes')
st.write('Model-2 : Random Forest')
st.write('Model-3 : Logistic Regression')
st.write('Model-4 : K-Nearest Neighbors')
st.write('Model-5 : Support Vector Machines')
with col2:
st.write('Model-1', plot_values[0])
bar1 = st.progress(0)
for i in range(plot_values[0]):
st.write('Model-2', plot_values[1])
bar2 = st.progress(0)
for i in range(plot_values[1]):
st.write('Model-3', plot_values[2])
bar3 = st.progress(0)
for i in range(plot_values[2]):
st.write('Model-4', plot_values[3])
bar4 = st.progress(0)
for i in range(plot_values[3]):
st.write('Model-5', plot_values[4])
bar5 = st.progress(0)
for i in range(plot_values[4]):
st.header('These are some insights from the given
with col1:
st.subheader('These are the named entities extracted
from the text')
st.write('please expand each category to view the
st.write('a small description has been included with
entities for user understanding')
with col2:
if entities=='no':
st.subheader('No Named Entities found.')
renames = {'CARDINAL': 'Numbers', 'TIME':
'Time', 'ORG': 'Companies/Organizations', 'GPE': 'Locations',
'PERSON': 'People', 'MONEY': 'Money',
'FAC': 'Factories'}
for i in renames.keys():
with st.expander(renames[i]):
values = list(set(entities[i]))
strin = ', '.join(values)
B. Screenshots