Gynaecology 15 Batch proff

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Gynaecology Proff Key Batch 15


1) Most common cause of vesicovaginal fistula => Obstetricial.

2) Ovarian cancer staging=> CT

3) Most common site of ectopic pregnancy=> Ampulla

4) Strawberry cervix=> Tricomonas.

5) Hot flashes, decreased sleep , irritability=> Estrogen with progesterone.

6) Secondary amenorrhea after PPH => Sheehan syndrome.

7) 60 years old lady with vaginal prolapse + cystocele + rectocele=> vaginal hysterectomy+ anterior
colporraphy+ posterior peritoneorraphy.

8) WHO sperm count => 20 million.

9 ) women requires contraception and Breastfeeding =>Progesteron pills only.

10) PID => Chlamydia+ gonorrhea.

11) women with weight gain , hirsuitism => PCO.

12 ) Sperm survive in female for => 72 hrs.

13) Girl with primary amenorrhea, secondary sexual characters and absent uterus=> Rokitansky

14) Most common cause of secondary amenorrhea with abdominal distension cause=> Pregnancy.

15) No secondary sexual characters, blind ended vagina, inginal hernia => Androgen insensitivity

16) Nulliparous girl with hypogastic enlarged mass=> Fibroid.

17) 21 years having un protected sex last night no comobidities emergency contraceptives=> Copper

18) women with heavy menstrual bleeding and clots next investigation => Hysteroscopy with biopsy.

19 ) 3 months after postmenopause bleeding first investigation=> Pap smear.

20) Menopause age = 51 years.

21) Girl with Irregular cycles, dymenorrhea , HMB => COCPs

22) Teacher with HMB and clots no anatomical cause found => Tranxemic acid.

23) Lady with amenorrhea now with bleeding and vesical passage , snow storm appearance on US=>
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease.

24) 28 years female with rapidly increasing hirsuitism and acne=>Granulosa theca cell tumors??

25) Endometriosis investigation => Laproscopy.

26) Crudy white discharge=> vesico vaginal candidiasis.

27)Abdominal hysterectomy immediate complication=> Ureteral injury

28) Fishy odour => Bacterial vaginosis.

29)Common risk factor for vaginal prolapse=>Poor tissue quality/Multiparity.

30) women after delivery in ER with pelvic pain , discharge =>Bacteroids.

31) ulcer on anterior vaginal lip => biopsy.

32) Fetal inactivity,cervical oss is closed=> Missed abortion.

33)16 years girl with amenorrhea futher management=> Serum FSH and LH.

34)Urge incontinence , cystoflowmetry shows hyperfunctioning of detrucor muscle=> Detrusor


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