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Name: Usama Khan

Roll #: 043
Department: Civil Engineering
Assignment: 0
Water Footprint: A Global Perspective
A person's water footprint is the total quantity of freshwater consumed in the production of the
products and services they consume. It takes into consideration the water used across the whole
manufacturing chain and includes both direct and indirect water consumption. This idea enables
us to comprehend the hidden water expenses connected to our everyday activities as well as the
effect of our use on the world's water supplies.

Types of Water Footprint

 Blue water footprint: The amount of freshwater extracted for home consumption,
industrial operations, and irrigation from surface or groundwater resources such rivers,
lakes, and aquifers
 Green water footprint: The amount of precipitation that transpired or evaporated during
production, especially in agriculture.
 Grey water footprint: The amount of freshwater that was contaminated during
production and needs to be treated before being released back into the environment.

Example: A Cotton T-Shirt

To give an example, think of a cotton t-shirt. There are several steps in its manufacture, and each
one uses water:

 Cotton cultivation: Irrigation is used to grow cotton plants, consuming significant

amounts of blue water.
 Textile manufacturing: Water is used for various processes like dyeing, washing, and
finishing the fabric.
 Transportation: The transport of cotton, textiles, and the finished t-shirt also requires
water for fuel production and infrastructure maintenance.

The total water footprint of a cotton t-shirt can be substantial, encompassing all these stages.


For a comprehensive understanding of water footprints and their implications, you can refer to
the work of the Water Footprint Network, a global research organization dedicated to water
sustainability. Their website provides valuable resources, tools, and data on water footprints.
Link: https://www.waterfootprint.org/

By understanding water footprints, we can make informed choices about our consumption habits
and support sustainable water management practices.
Self-Cleaning Velocity and Manning Velocity
Self-Cleaning Velocity
Definition: The lowest flow rate necessary to keep silt or other material from settling and
building up in a pipe or channel is known as the self-cleaning velocity. This speed guarantees
that the system stays free of obstructions and clear, avoiding clogs, blockages, and decreased
flow capacity.

Factors Affecting Self-Cleaning Velocity:

 Particle Size: Smaller particles require a lower velocity to be transported, while larger
particles need a higher velocity.
 Particle Density: Heavier particles require a higher velocity to be carried.
 Pipe or Channel Shape: The geometry of the channel affects the flow velocity and
sediment transport.
 Flow Depth: Deeper flow can transport larger particles at lower velocities.

Example: Maintaining a self-cleaning velocity in a sewage system is essential to avoiding the

buildup of solids and debris, which can result in blockages and unpleasant odours. Maintaining a
suitable flow velocity allows the system to continue operating efficiently and without impurities.

Manning Velocity
Definition: Manning velocity is a measurement of the flow rate in a pipe or channel that takes
into account the hydraulic gradient, roughness, and shape of the channel. The Manning equation
is utilised in its calculation:
V = (1.49/n) * R^(2/3) * S^(1/2)


 V = velocity (ft/s)
 n = Manning roughness coefficient (dimensionless)
 R = hydraulic radius (ft)
 S = slope (ft/ft)

Factors Affecting Manning Velocity:

 Channel Roughness: A rougher channel has a higher Manning coefficient, resulting in a

lower velocity for a given hydraulic gradient.
 Channel Geometry: The shape and size of the channel affect the hydraulic radius and,
therefore, the velocity.
 Hydraulic Gradient: A steeper slope results in a higher velocity.

Example: The Manning roughness coefficient (n) for concrete, the channel's shape, and its slope
would all be taken into consideration while calculating the flow velocity in a concrete-lined
channel. To guarantee optimal system functioning, the computed Manning velocity may then be
compared to the necessary self-cleaning velocity.
Relationship between Self-Cleaning and Manning Velocity: To avoid sediment buildup, the
Manning velocity must to be higher than or equal to the self-cleaning velocity. Engineers may
calculate both velocities to get the right design parameters for pipelines and channels that will
guarantee dependable and effective operation.


 Hydraulics and Hydrology: A textbook by Ven Te Chow

 Water Resources Engineering: A textbook by David R. Maidment
 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standards: For specific design
guidelines and recommendations.

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