Excerpts From Lecture Notes of Professor M. Ashraf Ali, BUET

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Lecture 6

CE 433

Excerpts from Lecture notes of Professor M. Ashraf Ali, BUET.

Waste Assimilation Capacity of Streams
(Stream self purification)

 The waste assimilation capacity of streams has its basis

in the complex phenomenon termed “stream self
purification” – the ability of streams to assimilate wastes
and restore its own quality
 The self purification of natural water systems is a
complex process and often involves physical, chemical
and biological processes working simultaneously
 Chemical and bio-chemical reactions are conversion
processes; while physical processes involve removal
 Factors governing self-purification of streams are
different for different types of wastes
Various forces helping self
purification capacity of streams

 Physical forces which includes

(i) Dilution
(ii) Dispersion
(iii) Sunlight (acts through bio-chemical reactions)
 Chemical forces aided by biological forces (called
bio chemical forces) which includes
(i) Oxidation (Bio Oxidation)
(ii) Reduction
Factors affecting self purification
capacity of streams

Self purification capacity of a river or a stream depends on

following factors
 Temperature
 Hydrographic factors such as the velocity and surface
expanse of the river or stream
 Rate of re-aeration
 Amount and type of organic matter
 Available initial DO
 Types of microorganisms present.
Oxygen Demanding Wastes or
biodegradable organic waste
 Municipal wastewater, certain industrial wastes
 Organic wastes undergo biochemical process of decay with the
utilization of dissolved oxygen
 Utilization of DO increases as temp rises. DO is replenished
primarily through reaeration from atmosphere.
 Oxygen holding capacity of water decreases as the temperature
 Thus self purification in case of organic wastes depends on :
 Stream flow (dilution)
 Time of passage down the river (or distance from the point of
 Water temperature
 Characteristics of waste and microorganisms
 Characteristics of stream (affects reaeration as well as degradation
Pathogens (Microbial Waste)

 Bacteria, viruses, protozoa etc.

 Dilution takes place in the stream and microbes are
destroyed by the unfavorable conditions in the stream

 The decline in numbers of microorganisms is a function

of water temperature and time. The warmer the water,
the higher the death rate.

 Thus, self purification of pathogens depends on:

 Stream flow (dilution)
 Time of exposure
 Water temperature
Persistent Waste (stable, non-
 Pesticides, HC compounds, some detergents, salts,
heavy metals

 Undergo very little or no change along the water course

 Primary mechanism is “dilution” and hence self
purification is almost entirely dependent on
 Stream-flow
 A significant portion of organic wastes (compounds) and
heavy metals may become associated with the “stream
Influence of Physical Channel
 Waste assimilation potential, controlled by self-
purification processes, depends on the size and
behavior of the particular river which in turn depends on
the configuration of the drainage area and the physical
characteristics of the channel along its course

 For example, where the channel is shallow and steep,

the time of passage is rapid and short, good reaeration
occurs; where if river is deep and meandering with
natural pools, the time of passage is slow and long,
poor reaeration occurs
Waste Assimilation Capacity…..
 Thus waste assimilation capacity is not a fixed quantity
but rather a range of potential, that depends not only on
the characteristics of waste, but also on variations in
size and behavior through each reach of the river
 Usually, organic wastes comprise the most significant
part of pollution load into surface water bodies
 Therefore, it is usually considered that if the waste
assimilation capacity of a stream is adequate to handle
the organic wastes, the self-purification capacity is
adequate for other classification of wastes as well.
Pollution Control Measures
Qw, Cw

Qs, Cs

1. Reduce concentration of pollutant (Cw) by :

(i) wastewater treatment
(ii) industrial in-plant process control

2. Reduce upstream concentration (Cs) by controlling

upstream point and non-point sources
3. Reduce effluent volume (Qw) by :
(i) reduction of industrial discharge volumes,
(ii) reduction of waste volumes through process
modification (in industry)
Pollution Control Measures Contd.
Qw, Cw

Qs, Cs

4. Increase upstream flow (Qs) by flow augmentation (e.g.

by releasing water from upstream storage reservoirs, or
from diversions from nearby water bodies.

5. Increase environmental/in-stream degradation rate of

substances (e.g. use of easily degradable chemicals in
Pollution Control Measures Contd.

 In choosing particular control measures, should

 The cost of control
 The expected benefits of resulting water quality in terms
of water use
 The technological bounds (e.g. available storage for low
flow augmentation) on the controls
Water Quality Engineering: Flow
Public health
Actual ≠ Desired Desirable Water and Ecological
use water quality


Non-point Sources (Rivers, Lake, etc) Desired vs Actual


Groundwater Pollution

Source: https://mrsloch.wikispaces.com/file/view/PP+groundwater+pollution.ppt
How are groundwater and surface water

Percolation and Seepage

Earth = the natural filter
Surface water vs.
Which is generally more polluted?

~ Surface Water

Which is harder to clean up?

~ Groundwater
Groundwater pollution sticks around...
 Very cold, no bacterial breakdown

 Very slow water movement: recharge can take 100’s or

1000’s of years

 Pollutants can stick to rocks in aquifer and pollute new

Sources of Groundwater pollution...

 landfills
 leaky underground storage tanks
 mines
 septic tanks
 hazardous waste - deep well injection
 any pollutant in runoff that percolates
How can we protect groundwater?
 Prevention is the key…
 Monitor aquifers & landfills
 Requirements for old fuel tanks
 Leak detection system
 Liability insurance
 Stricter regulations on toxic waste disposal
 Above-ground storage of toxic waste...but then you have toxic
mud spills!

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