4. Prospectus BSCS Autumn-2024
4. Prospectus BSCS Autumn-2024
4. Prospectus BSCS Autumn-2024
BS (Computer Science)
Faculty of Sciences
BS Computer Science Programmes
SEMESTER: Autumn, 2024
Dear Student,
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is one of the mega universities of the
world and it occupies a unique position in the education sector of Pakistan,
because of its affordability and high quality distance and online academic
programs. AIOU has now turned into the most favorite university of the country
with high international repute. The university made a landmark progress by
ensuring access to quality education for rural areas under-privileged students and
the people of all ages particularly the females can now select and join the
programs of their choice, while sitting at their residence and simultaneously with
continuing their jobs. After assessing the success of many degree programs in Pakistan, AIOU is now going to offer a
variety of range programs for the students residing worldwide. More than 1.3 million students are getting benefits from
the high quality educational services of AIOU in all regions of the country through more than fifty regional offices of
the university. It offers-suggests many undergraduate and postgraduate programs at rural and remote areas providing an
unparalleled opportunity to all the poor and deprived segments of the society at an affordable cost. The university has
recently digitalized all its student-support services for facilitating its students on priority basis. This digitization of the
system, it is hoped, will enable AIOU students to get all discipline of educational programmes using their Learning
Management system (LMS) portal support online.
International & Overseas Students Shall Submit their Admission using Online System
Dear Applicant
Allama Iqbal Open University and Directorate of International collaboration & Exchange welcome and thanks you for
showing your interest in our programs. For online admission, please watch video guidelines:
From semester Autumn 2021, the AIOU has started offering of Matric, FA, Certificate Courses, AD, BS, B.Ed, BBA, PGD
and MBA/MPA (COL) Level Programs for international students. Schedule of Admission is given below:
Note: Contact Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange for exact schedule of activities.
Continuing Students are sent information for all activities by LMS/SMS.
Simultaneously information is placed on website (www.aiou.edu.pk).
Evaluation/Assessment Criteria for all PGD/ADS/BS Face to Face Programmes
For Theory Courses:
S.No. Components Total Marks Weightage Passing Marks
1 Assignment 10 20% 50% (In aggregate)
2 Assignment 2 10
3 Mid Term 30 30%
4 Attendance 100 Nil 70%
5 Final Exam 100 50% 50%
ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY only by the students and faculties of the university, but also by the
renowned dignitaries and scholars. For the science students and the
Allama Iqbal Open University, a mega university was
research scholars, a science complex has been constructed, where
established in 1974 under an Act of Parliament. The main
they use the latest equipment of international standard for
campus of the university is situated in sector H-8, Islamabad.
experiments and research. To meet the present-day challenges,
It was the second open university of the world and the first of
internet facility is also available in the student hostel and the Central
its kind in Asia and Africa. The aim of establishing AIOU
Library, where computers have been provided to enable students to
was to provide affordable and accessible education through
access the latest information available through open source
distance learning at the doorsteps to those people who could
not continue their educational journey through formal system
of education. The University (AIOU) operates on semester
system and admits students in Autumn and Spring semesters,
Undergraduate admissions are being offered in both the Faculty of Sciences form an integral part of the University, Since
semesters, whereas postgraduates are being offered once a its establishment in 1982 with five teaching departments, it has
year. The enrolled students are given course books specially undergone major development changes. It now comprises nine
prepared by the university on self instructional principles. teaching and research departments which are offering courses at
However, at post graduate level reprints of foreign books the undergraduate and postgraduate levels to more than ten
alongwith allied material and university prepared study thousand students. The Faculty operates under the basic guidelines
guides help students to polish their skills. of the University Act and on “Education for All as Convenient”
basis so that maximum students get benefit from its academic
At present, the AIOU is offering programmes from Matric to programs and educational facilities. This principle has necessitated
PhD level in diverse disciplines comprised four faculties. The some structural changes in the non-formal mode, particularly at the
university has established study centres across the country postgraduate level, in the offering of theory courses and practical
where distance education students are provided necessary lab work. This conceptual adjustment has been quite successful and
guidance by their respective tutors. AIOU is also offering many in-service students are benefiting from postgraduate study
four years under-graduate degrees. programs. Improvement in qualification for a better life is a right of
Apart from curricular and extra-curricular activities during the everyone and the faculty’s programs meet this challenge by
academic year, the AIOU and its regional centres actively offering opportunities to all. In particular, a significant number of
participate in the co-curricular activities by arranging educational beneficiaries are those who cannot afford education in formal
and literary seminars, workshops and conferences, attended not institution due to a variety of reasons.
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE involved in research and development. For this purpose,
Multimedia Centre and Open Learning Institute of
The Department of Computer Science (DCS) was Virtual Education (OLIVE) have been established under
established in the year 2000. The Department has received the umbrella of the department. The Multimedia center
recognition nation-wide due to its quality education. The is equipped with technology related to Audio/Video
department had developed curricula of the academic production. It has successfully developed multimedia
programs at various levels to meet the national and courseware for more than 20 courses, whereas OLIVE
international standards as defined by Higher Education provided a framework for electronic delivery of these
Commission. The curricula include Ph. D (computer courses in online mode. In addition to research activities
Science), MS (Computer Science), BS (Computer in the area of software engineering communication,
Science) and Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Computer networking, and multimedia, the department focuses on
Science. The department is equipped with computing the eLearning research in instruction design,
facilities and services including a digital class room and communication, course management, e-assessment,
multimedia courseware development lab. The department mobile learning and web technologies integration. The
has its own library in addition to central library of the University has also developed linkages with San Jose'
university. The Department of Computer Science State University (SJSU) USA and Kent State
practices the multi-method teaching methodology i.e. University, USA. KSU is located in the heart of Silicon
face-to-face regular classes for BS (Computer Science) Valley and Kent State has strong education college with
and MS (Computer Science). The online methodology is Technology Research Centers.
practiced for PGD (Computer Science) and Foreign
Language (French). The facilities of The principal aim of the Department of Computer
Video/Teleconferencing are also in use for Science is to produce graduates with a professional
lectures/consultations in research-oriented degree of education and to undertake quality research in
MS/PhD (Computer Science). In addition, the department Computer Science and Related
also has a flavor of distance teaching in selected courses Information Technology areas. The specific objectives
of BS (Computer Science) program like English, Pakistan are to:
Studies, and Islamic Studies etc. Besides graduate and i. Maintain an excellent reputation and professional
undergraduate teaching, the department is actively accreditation for its taught degree programs.
ii. Disseminate an appreciation of the current state and developed and regularly updated to meet the national,
future directions of technological advances in the international, social and economic needs. The
areas of Computer Science, Information Technology curriculum revision is normally based on need of fast
and e-learning. changing disciplines, emerging technologies and
iii. Equip students with computer science knowledge and international standards. The structure and other details
skills to cope with the social, economic, scientific, and of the program are confined to HEC with focus on ACM
technological challenges of the world outside. and IEEE-CS recent development.
iv. Develop platform and systems for e-learning/mechanism
for electronic delivery of courses to increase outreach to 2. Objectives
rural and remote areas. The objectives of the program are to:
v. Conduct research in areas of e-learning, multimedia i. Develop professionals in the field of computer
instructional design, web-based education, mobile science.
learning and related areas in software engineering, ii. Provide high quality education at low cost.
information technology, and computer science. iii. Provide knowledge to individuals seeking computer
vi. Assist other departments and individuals to implement skills to increase their job opportunities in their
modern ICT in educational delivery. current careers or to pursue new careers.
vii. Provide a leadership support in ICT based education iv. Learn in-depth knowledge of computer languages,
in Pakistan. software engineering, computer architecture, large-
scale system software and multimedia in the design.
BS COMPUTER SCIENCE (4-YEAR PROGRAM) v. Provide sufficient conceptual and skill based know
1. Introduction how so that successful graduates could initiate IT
career in industry and academia.
The BS (CS) program is offered by the Department of
Computer Science, AIOU. It is a four- years degree 3. Eligibility
program, covering the recent trends in hardware, software Minimum 50% marks in Intermediate/12 years
and communication technologies. The program provides schooling/A- Level (HSSC) or Equivalent with
an understanding of the field through concepts, theory and Mathematics are required for admission in BS(CS).
techniques. The curriculum of the program has been Equivalency certificate by IBCC will be required in case
of education from some other country or system. The 3517
students who have not studied Mathematics at Total 16 (14+2)
intermediate level have to pass deficiency courses of Semester-2
Mathematics in first two semesters. S# Code Title Cre. Hrs.
The departmental admission committee shall determine 1 CS 3506 Object Oriented 4(3+1)
the eligibility accordingly. Programming
4. Duration of Program 2 CS 3507 Database Systems 4(3+1)
i. The BS (CS) is 133 credit hours’ program and 3 CS 3508 Digital Logic Design 3(2+1)
may be completed in minimum four years (eight 4 MATH Calculus-II 3(3+0)
semesters). 3509
ii. Two semesters are offered in a year as Spring and 5 MATH Linear Algebra 3(3+0)
6 MATH Pre-Calculus 2 Deficiency
iii. Duration of each semester is 16 weeks.
iv. The maximum time limit to complete the BS (CS) Total 17 (14+3)
Program is Six Years from the date of first Semester-3
registration of the student in this program. S# Code Title Cre. Hrs.
5. Scheme of Study
1 CS 4521 Data Structures 4(3+1)
Semester-1 2 CS 4522 Information Security 3(2+1)
S# Code Title Cre. Hrs.
3 CS 4523 Artificial Intelligence 3(2+1)
1 CS 3504 Computer Programming 4(3+1)
4 CS 4524 Computer Networks 3(2+1)
2 CS3503 Applications of Information 3(2+1)
5 CS 4525 Software Engineering 3(3+0)
& Communication
6 STAT Probability & Statistics 3(3+0)
3 MATH Discrete Mathematics 3(3+0)
Total 19 (15+4)
4 MATH Calculus-I 3(3+0)
3502 Semester-4
5 Engl 3505 Functional English 3(3+0) S# Code Title Cre. Hrs.
6 N/C MATH Pre-Calculus 1 Deficiency 1 CS 4526 Computer Organization & 3(2+1)
Assembly Language 5 - Domain Elective 5 3 (2+1)
2 CS 4527 Theory of Automata 3 (3-0) 6 - Domain Elective 6 3 (2+1)
3 CS 4528 Advance Database 3 (2-1) 7 SERT3501 Seerat-e-Tayyaba Non-Cre.
Management Systems Total 18 (12+6)
4 CS 4509 Applied Physics 3(2+1) Semester-7
5 ENGL3504 Expository Writing 3(3+0) S# Code Title Cre. Hrs.
6 ITHC3501/ Islamic Studies / Ethics 2(2+0) 1 CS 6501 Final Year Project – I 2(0+2)
HADH3501 2 CS 6502 Analysis and Design of 3(3+0)
Total 17 (14+3) Algorithm
Semester-5 3 - Domain Elective 7 3(2+1)
S# Code Title Cre. Hrs. 4 CS 6503 IT Marketing Concepts 3(3+0)
1 CS 5502 Operating Systems 3(2+1) 5 ENGL 3503 Technical and Business 3(3+0)
2 CS 5503 HCI & Computer 3 (2+1) Writing
Graphics 6 MGT3503 Entrepreneurship 2(2+0)
3 CS 5504 Computer Architecture 3 (2+1) 7 CS 6507 Internship 3(0-3)
4 - Domain Elective 1 3(2+1) Total 19 (13+6)
5 - Domain Elective 2 3(2+1) Semester-8
6 MGT3504 Introduction to 2(2+0) S# Code Title Cre. Hrs.
Management 1 CS 6504 Final Year Project – II 4(0+4)
7 TFSR 3501 Fahm-E-Quran (Tajwid, Non-Cre. 2 PKST3502 Ideology and Constitution 2(2+0)
Translation and Tafsir) of Pakistan
Total 17 (12+5) 3 CS 6506 Professional Practices 2(2+0)
Semester-6 4 SOC3503 Civics and Community 2(2+0)
S# Code Title Cre. Hrs. Engagement
1 CS 5505 Compiler Construction 3 (2+1) Total 10 (6+4)
2 CS 5506 Parallel and Distributed 3 (2+1) The student can select seven courses from the list of
Computing elective courses.
3 - Domain Elective 3 3 (2+1) List of electives offered in the BS(CS) Program:
4 - Domain Elective 4 3 (2+1) Computer Science Elective List (Domain Electives):
Domain Elective (2.2) 7. Mode of Study
S# Code Course Title (Per HEC 2023) Cr. Hrs. 7.1 Medium of Instruction
1. CS 5507 Web Technologies 3 (2-1) The medium of instruction for BS (CS) Program is
2. CS 5508 Mobile Application 3 (2-1) English.
Development 1 7.2 Study Material
3. CS 5509 Visual Programming 3 (2-1) The class teacher will provide the study material.
4. CS 5510 Numerical Computing 3 (2-1) However, the students are advised to consult books
5. CS 5511 Web Engineering 3 (2-1) from the list of recommended books.
6. CS 5512 Cyber Security 3 (2-1)
7.3 Mode of Teaching
7. CS 5513 Software Testing & Quality 3 (2-1) i. The BS (CS)program is a non-merit-based program
Assurance which is offered in Face-to-Face / Online Mode.
8. CS 5514 Mobile Application 3 (2-1) ii. Under this program, the course work will be
Development 2 conducted through video-conferencing/internet.
9. CS 5515 Cloud Computing 3 (2-1) Distance Education will be delivered by faculty
10. CS 5516 Computer Graphics 3 (2-1) members from Department of Computer Science,
11. CS 5517 Object Oriented Analysis & 3 (2-1) Main Campus. A local faculty member/staff will be
Design provided to assist in administrative and lab
Total Credit Hours 21 (14-7) assignments
The Department of Computer Science reserves the right to
offer or may not offer listed particular course depending 7.4 Assessment and Evaluation
upon the available faculty/laboratory resources and viable See Page vi
student’s enrollment.
6. Fee Tariff For any assistance contact:
Item Fee
Registration fee: (once, if not already registered) US$ 50 Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange
Admission fee: US$ 50 Phone: +92-51-9572495
Per 3 Credit Hour Fee = US$ 100 E-mail: overseas@aiou.edu.pk
(100 x 6 Courses) = US$ 600 US$ 600
GENERAL INFORMATION viii. After confirmation of admission students are usually
intimated about the part time tutors for each course. If you
do not found information about tutors, you are required
i. The certificates/degrees of AIOU are equivalent to any to contact the Directorate of International Collaboration
other recognized Board/University. & Exchange immediately without any delay.
ii. A candidate is required to apply for admission online ix. Rules and regulations framed, enhanced and changed
only. from time to time by the authorities, bodies of the
university will be effective as deemed necessary. The
iii. If an applicant does not receive any information regarding student will have to abide by all such rules and
admission within three months from submission of regulations from the date of their implementation.
application, he/she should presume no admission.
x. A student who fails in continuous assessment
iv. A course taken by any student cannot be change during component is not eligible to reappear but will be allowed
the semester. However, in real hardship cases, the to re-register for the same course at its next offering
change in courses will be allowed only before the start semester by the university.
of study period after deposit of prescribed fee. The
study period schedule is available on AIOU website. xi. It is the responsibility of the student to remain in touch
with the department regarding the selected programme.
v. The address of a student will not be changed during the
semester. xii. A student already admitted to a programme or a
specialization of a programme shall not be allowed to
vi. On payment of the registration fee, each student will be transfer or to get admission to another programme
issued a student ID. This number must be quoted in all unless he/she formally postpones it till the completion
the future correspondence along with the roll number, of the new programme or withdraws from the previous
course(s), code numbers and semester. programme.
vii. Study material shall be available at the LMS and on the xiii. After completion of a programme successfully, a
AIOU website. student has to apply to Controller of Examinations for
issuance of certificate/degree.
xiv. The university reserves the right to change the contents iii) If found that candidate submitted forged/fake/
of this prospectus without any prior notice as per illegal document(s) in the University at any stage.
university policy.
Note: Beware that University has not authorized any person or
xv. The student must inform the Directorate of IC & E in private institute to collect payment/forms. All the students are
writing about admission mistakes within the period of 15 instructed to deposit fee by themselves. In case of any
days, which is not according to the admission form/ check discrepancy in admission fee/ admission form the University
list or mistake in name and address. No request for any will not be responsible and the student will have to face the
change will be entertained after the stipulated period. consequences.
xvi. Admission cannot be granted if the fee deposited after
xvii. In case of discrepancies in the name of student/ Father’s
name of the student or difference in name mentioned in
his/her other educational certificates, the name on the
Matric certificate of the student will be considered as
correct name. The Examination Department shall also
issue certificate/ degree on the said name.
xviii. In case provision of forged documents for admission,
not only the admission will be refused to the applicant
but the fee deposited by him/her will also be forfeited.
The university may proceed further in the matter.
xix. The degree/diploma/certificate of the student will be
i) If any mistake found in compilation or declaration
of result at any stage.
ii) If any candidate found ineligible for a degree/
diploma/certificate during the cross verification
process of result and documents at any stage.
Availability of Learning Material Procedure for Fee Payment
i. Learning material can be downloaded from university International and Overseas Students will have to pay their fee
website: www.aiou.edu.pk Online as per Guided Procedure:
iii. Student shall download the learning material and tally with the 3. Check & tally your challan details with the generated challan then
course codes for which he/she had been registered in the click on "submit fee" button.
4. Enter credit/debit card number, card holder name, expiry and CVV
iv. Students can get their learning material through AAGHI code (mentioned on back side of card).
LMS portal.
5. Click on "pay now" button.
(i) The Applicant/candidate/student who have submitted (v) The cheque will be issued to the candidate by the Campus
his/her fee for Admissions but do not wish to continue Payment Section (CPS), Treasurer’s Department.
and applied for refund of fee before the start of his/her
study period as per Academic Calendar available on the (vi) In the case of death, the full fee will be refunded
AIOU website corresponding to his/her respective through crossed cheque in favour of the Blood Relative
semester i.e Autumn or Spring, the fees will be of deceased student, after fulfilling all the codal
refunded after the deduction @ 10% of the total fee. formalities. The refund case must be submitted within
one year of fee deposit.
(ii) The Applicant/Candidate who was not eligible but
deposited the fee for admission and applied for refund (vii) In case the students who are not allowed/granted
within one year from the date of fee deposit, the fee admission to a program offered by the University due
shall be refunded after deduction @15% of total fee. to less enrollment/non formation of viable group/non
offering of courses, full fee will be refunded to them.
(iii) The student who has deposited his/her fee in excess of
due fee that total excess amount shall be refunded or (viii) If the admission of an Applicant/Candidate is not
adjusted as the case may be. matured due to any reason beyond the control of the
University or due to unforeseen issues, the whole paid
(iv) The Treasurer Department shall verify the fee of fee, without any deductions shall be refunded to the
students and shall send the case to the Audit respective applicant/candidate. The refund case must be
Department for pre-audit. submitted within one year of fee deposit.
Sr. # Name Telephone Nos.
1. All kind of other fee including but not limited to Degree
fee, +92-51-9250043
1. Director Admissions
Re-appear exams fee, change off name / father name, +92-51-9571501
examiner registration fee, tutor registration
fee, late assignment evaluation fee, 2. Controller of Examinations +92-51-9250013
analysis fee, rechecking of answer scripts fee, NOC fee, (Fax)
subject/group change fee, thesis evaluation fee, thesis
3. Director Students Affairs +92-51-9572400
extension fee, job fee, tender fee tec. will not be
refunded. Only excess fee deposited will be refunded/
Directorate of International Collaboration & Exchange
2. The extension in thesis fee in excess shall be
refunded on approval of concerned Dean with Dr. Zahid Majeed
1. Director +92-51-9572450
certificate that fee was deposited in excess.