Guest chef, Anthony Hart, brings you a lemon tart-inspired plated dessert, and
by gosh, it is good! A stunning cluster of white chocolate shells filled with brown ANTHONY HART
butter streusel and lemon curd, topped with whipped white chocolate and vanilla
ganache, parsley glaze, meringue discs and sticks. To finish, it’s embellished with
an assortment of finger lime, marigold petals, lemon verbena, parsley cress and
lemon zest.
Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water. Place the cream (A)
1.5g (0.05oz) gelatine sheet
and honey into a saucepan and bring to the boil over medium
70g (2.47oz) fresh cream 35% fat (A)
heat. Remove from the heat, add the white chocolate and mix to
15g (0.53oz) honey
combine. Gently squeeze the soaked gelatine to remove the ex-
35g (1.23oz) Callebaut W2 White Chocolate
cess water, then add it to the hot cream and stir until completely
melted and incorporated. Lastly, stir in the cream (B) followed
200g (7.05oz) fresh cream 35% fat (B)
by the vanilla. Transfer the ganache into a bowl, cover with plas-
7g (0.25oz) Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
tic wrap touching the surface and place into the refrigerator for a
EQUIPMENT minimum of 12 hours, preferably 24 hours.
3g (0.11oz) gelatine sheets Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water. Place the lemon juice,
100g (3.53oz) fresh lemon juice sugar and eggs into a saucepan over low-medium heat and
125g (4.41oz) caster (superfine) sugar mix with a whisk until just before boiling point. Once the curd
125g (4.41oz) whole eggs has a slight wobble, swap the whisk for a spatula, remove from
150g (5.29oz) unsalted butter the heat and stir before passing it through a sieve into a bowl.
Squeeze the excess water from the soaked gelatine, then add
EQUIPMENT it to the curd and mix until completely dissolved and incorpo-
rated. Lastly, add the butter and mix by hand until completely
whisk melted and combined. Alternatively, you can use a stick blender
spatula to incorporate the butter. Cover with plastic wrap touching the
sieve surface and place into the refrigerator for a minimum of 6 hours,
preferably 12 hours.
25g (0.88oz) unsalted butter (A) Place the butter (A) into a saucepan over medium heat, stir
50g (1.76oz) unsalted butter (B) regularly and remove from the heat once browned, then transfer
50g (1.76oz) almond meal (ground almonds) into a bowl. Once the browned milk solids have settled to the
50g (1.76oz) raw sugar bottom of the bowl, carefully pour out as much of the melted
50g (1.76oz) plain (all-purpose) flour butter as possible without removing too much of the sediment as
1g (0.04oz) salt demonstrated in the video. Discard the melted butter and keep
the browned sediment.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment,
spatula place the butter (B), almond meal, sugar, flour and salt, then
dough scraper mix to form a breadcrumb consistency. Add the brown butter
rolling pin sediment then continue to mix until the ingredients just come
wire cooling rack together as a dough. Roll the dough between 2 sheets of baking
aluminium baking tray paper until it is approximately 10mm in thickness. Place into the
Silpain Baking Mat refrigerator for 1-2 hours to chill.
Heat the oven to 160°C (320°F), fan forced. Cut the dough into
more manageable portions, then press them through a wire cool-
ing rack to create individual streusel cubes. Spread the streusel
over a baking tray lined with a Silpain mat. Bake in the pre-heat-
ed oven for 10-15 minutes, until golden-brown in colour.
vegetable oil spray Inflate water balloons so that you have 3 that are 50mm in di-
300g (10.58oz) Callebaut Velvet White Choco- ameter, 6 which are 40mm in diameter and 6 at 30mm in diam-
late 32%, tempered eter. You will require 1 large, 2 medium and 2 small balloons
1/2 Heilala Vanilla Bean, cut and scraped per dessert. Cut 3 strips of guitar sheet that are large enough to
sit the 5 balloons on in your chosen formation. Spray a flat tray
EQUIPMENT with a small amount of vegetable oil and place the guitar sheets
on top.
water balloons
guitar sheets Mix the vanilla beans through the tempered white chocolate (
aluminium baking tray see our online video for instructions). Working with 1 balloon
food tweezers (optional) at a time, hold it by the knot, dip it into the chocolate so that
it coats approximately two thirds of the balloon, remove the
excess chocolate by tapping the bottom of the balloon on your
workbench, then arrange them on the guitar sheet with the sides
just touching as demonstrated in the video. Allow to set at room
temperature. Once the chocolate has set, cut a small hole in the
balloon near the knot and allow them to gently deflate. Using
tweezers, carefully twist and remove the balloons from the choc-
olate shells. Set aside until required.
50g (1.76oz) liquid glucose Heat the oven to 100°C (212°F), fan forced. Line 2 aluminium
150g (5.29oz) caster (superfine) sugar baking trays with Silpat baking mats, place a chablon stencil mat
100g (3.53oz) egg whites on top of one of the lined trays, then set aside. Stir the glucose,
sugar and egg whites in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering
EQUIPMENT water until the mixture reaches 51°C (123.8°F) and the sugar
has completely dissolved. Transfer into the bowl of a stand mixer
aluminium baking trays fitted with a whisk attachment and whisk on medium-high speed
Silpat Baking Mats for 4-7 minutes, until pliable and pipeable in consistency but still
chablon stencil mat, 30mm diameter warm. Transfer the meringue into a piping bag fitted with a 6mm
spatula plain piping tube. Pipe the meringue over the chablon mat, then
thermometer use a dough scraper to spread it into the disc cavities. Carefully
stand mixer remove the chablon mat and set aside. On the second lined
disposable piping bag tray, pipe the meringue in thin lengths along the mat. Place
6mm round piping tube the 2 trays into the pre-heated oven for approximately 5 hours,
dough scraper until completely dry. Once dry and cooled, store in an airtight
container until required.
10g (0.35oz) fresh parsley Blanch the parsley by placing it into a saucepan of boiling water
50g (1.76oz) mirror glaze for a few seconds before transferring it into a bowl of ice water.
Gently squeeze the excess water from the parsley then spread
EQUIPMENT it over some paper towel, place another sheet of paper towel on
top and press down to absorb any remaining moisture. Finely
disposable piping bag chop the parsley then mix it through the mirror glaze. Transfer
the glaze into a piping bag and set aside in the refrigerator until
zest of 1 lemon, peeled Transfer the prepared white chocolate and vanilla ganache into a
kaffir lime powder, for dusting large bowl and whisk by hand until you achieve semi-stiff peaks.
fresh parsley cress Transfer the whipped ganache into a piping bag fitted with a
marigold petals 20mm plain piping tube, then place into the refrigerator while
lemon verbena leaves you prepare the garnishes. Use a 10mm plain piping tube to cut
1 finger lime discs out of the peeled lemon zest. Transfer the prepared lemon
curd into a piping bag fitted with a 10mm plain piping tube.
EQUIPMENT Place the white chocolate and vanilla shells onto serving plates.
Spoon the prepared brown butter streusel into the base of each
spatula chocolate shell cavity. Pipe the prepared lemon curd on top of
whisk the streusel, filling the shells three quarters of the way. Finally,
disposable piping bags pipe the whipped ganache on top of the curd to create peaks
20mm plain piping tube that rise above the chocolate shells. For the 2 smaller chocolate
10mm plain piping tubes shells, use a 15mm piping tube as demonstrated in the video.
15mm plain piping tube Heat a melon baller in some warm water, then use the back of it
melon baller to create indents in the whipped ganache of the 2 medium size
sieve shells. Pipe the parsley glaze into the 2 indents. Sieve some
kaffir lime powder over the prepared meringue discs. Garnish
the dessert with meringue sticks, meringue discs, parsley cress,
lemon zest discs, marigold petals, lemon verbena leaves and
finger lime.
The different elements can be made up to 3 days in advance and stored separately. Once assembled, serve imme-