nature. Their hearts beat at twice the speed of a Human's, and their minds race
through possibilities and process emotions so fast that even the so-called geniuses
of Human history appear dull by comparison. Even their lives are greater in span --
the Craftworld Aeldari enjoy lives of rich sensation and wonder that can stretch
over a thousand Terran years, unsullied by illness, frailty or disease, unless they
die by violence or accident.
All Aeldari can manipulate mental energies to a degree. Each is psychic to one
extent or another; it is said the ancient Aeldari could read thoughts at a glance,
whilst those who trained their minds for war could crush a foe's weapon with a
simple narrowing of their eyes.
Even the complex technology of their race is based upon psychic engineering, the
manipulation of and even creation of matter using mental energies alone. But such
raw power has its price.
An Asuryani Guardian
The same neurological mechanisms that grant the Aeldari mind such power also
inclines it far more towards extremes than that of a Human. To an Aeldari, all of
life's experiences are available on a far grander scale: the individual rewards of
study, the exhilaration of battle, and every imaginable pleasure or sensation in-
An Aeldari will at some point climb the most noble peaks of accomplishment, just as
they will plunge into the darkest abyss of doubt. Their capacity to experience
emotion enables them to attain transcendent bliss or, in contrast, experience soul-
wracking sorrow.
The Aeldari that actively cultivate their psychic potential seem to exhibit a much-
extended lifespan even by their standards as well, one proportional to their
prowess as a psyker. In this way the leaders and Seers of the Asuryani may live for
several thousand standard years.
One matter of note is that the Aeldari have sometimes referred to Humans simply as
"mammals" typically with a derogatory label in the Aeldari Lexicon like "the Mon-
Keigh," implying that for their part, the Aeldari evolved from something else,
something more advanced than the primates that are the ancestors of Mankind.
However, given the Aeldari's legendary arrogance and fickleness, this may also
simply be a way for them to put themselves above the other intelligent races of the
galaxy, particularly the Humans who are currently the most dominant intelligent
species, much to the Aeldari's disdain.
The Aeldari likely see themselves as completely separate from the normal
classifications of animal groups. Indeed, they may not even have naturally evolved
at all, as they are the genetic creations of the Old Ones, much like the Orks,
created to defend the galaxy and the Old Ones' civilisation from the depredations
of the Necrons and their C'tan masters during the War in Heaven.
"For the ancient Aeldari, life was a cycle of birth, the fulfilment of desire, and
a comfortable death, safe in the knowledge the soul would live again. The birth of
their nemesis, the Dark God Slaanesh, shattered that cycle forever. Now these once-
great starfarers cower in the shadows, too afraid of their own lusts to embrace the
full spectrum of sensation. It is a fate they justly deserve. In truth, there can
be no escape from the doom they have brought upon themselves – not this side of the
grave. Fate is a cruel mistress, and not to be courted lightly."
Yet, for all their splendour and might, the Aeldari brought a terrible curse upon
themselves that sundered their empire forever, leaving the ravaged fragments of
their race teetering on the brink of annihilation.
Ancient Eldar
Ancient Aeldari lead their people aboard the Craftworlds to salvation before the
Fall of the Aeldari.
All of the Aeldari alive today are essentially a refugee population, the scattered
remains of a formerly vast interstellar empire. Even in such straits, however, they
are still a deadly and influential force in the galaxy. Once, over ten thousand
Terran years past, the Aeldari were perhaps the most powerful starfaring species in
existence, dominating a significant portion of the galaxy and secure in their
Although there were other intelligent races who possessed advanced technology and
potent military power in the galaxy, none were in a position to seriously threaten
the state of the Aeldari Empire. When it came, the disaster for the Aeldari people
was self-inflicted.
Lost in the vastness of space, the craftworlds float in utter isolation like
scattered jewels upon a pall of velvet. Distant from the warmth of sun or planet,
their domes gaze into the darkness of empty space. Inner lights glisten like
phosphorus through semi-transparent surfaces. Within them live the survivors of a
civilisation abandoned aeons ago amidst terrifying destruction.