This module is about helping the learners identify the skills and abilities that will help them determine
the most realistic profession and career for them. The learners' knowledge of their skills and abilities
will enable them to make career decisions that match their potentials and expertise. Facilitating the
learners' skills assessment will aid them in making career choices that will empower them to
maximize the available local and foreign opportunities after they exit from the senior high school
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
1. identify the qualifications, abilities, and skills necessary in the preferred profession, and vocation;
2. make decision about the career; and
3. share insights and experiences on the process of choosing preferred profession or career.
Examining one's life is an important prelude to success. Socrates once said that an unexamined life is
not worth living. Hence, in making a career decision, a process of self-introspection is essential. It is
all about exploring and assessing one's skills, interests, abilities, and values, and combining these to
result in a satisfying life and career in the future.
The success of a company includes commitment, focus on the job, humility. and industry of its
employees. Studies regarding hiring methodologies established facts that skilled and experienced
employees with negative attitude and perspective fail quickly while the lesser experienced ones with
excellent attitudes succeed better in the long run (Toren, 2015).
Wherever you go, you carry your attitude with you. So, it is important to be aware about the totality of
your persons as future workers in different industries and other workplaces, including the skills that
you possess-those that need to be developed and those that need to be improved. By doing so, you
will be tailored to become competent employees in today's industry preferences, and eventually
become best managers in the future. One who plans to venture into enterprising activity must also
consider these skills as human resources will play a critical part in the success of the business
There are two major classifications of skills (Doyle, 2016)-hard skills and soft skills.
Hard skills refer to the functional abilities and are generally taught and learned in school, from
experience, and from reading books and are evaluated through levels of competencies. A concrete
example of this is one's speed in producing work outputs. It also applies to the number or kind of
machines a person can operate. These skills are constant across work settings, situations, and
workers, which are acquired over time.
Examples of hard skills are the following:
Soft skills refer to the personal characteristics and traits of an individual and which are not
measurable. Over time and with a positive mindset, these can be developed and enhanced through
various opportunities such as values formation and team building. However, the employee
himself/herself should have the "will" and the right attitude to make the necessary adjustment in order
to build on these values and traits.
Examples of soft skills are as the following:
1. teamwork 3. flexibility
2. communication 4. patience
5. persuasion 8. decision making
6. time management 9. honesty
7. perseverance 10. humility
Your career should be a platform for you to forward your best skills, knowledge about self, and your
abilities. Developing and improving your hard skills and creating a balance of your soft skills will not
only ensure a promising career, but a healthy, meaningful, and happy life.
Guide Questions:
1. Are you aware about your hard skills? your soft skills?
3. What do you intend to do with the skills that you do not possess or are not yet prominent in you?
4. Do you think you are on the right track about your career goal? Why?
Chosen Profession/Career: