SPELLING_RULES_1720951715 (6)
SPELLING_RULES_1720951715 (6)
SPELLING_RULES_1720951715 (6)
Few rules can minimise your errors and better understand the formation of words.
Prefix: a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change the word’s meaning or
Suffix: a group of letters added to the end of a word to change the word’s meaning or form
1) The silent E:
When the suffix (ING, ED) is added and it begins with a vowel, the E gets dropped:
When the suffix (LESS, FUL, MENT) is added and it begins with a consonant, the E stays:
2) IE to Y:
Words ending in IE change to Y when the suffix ‘ing’ is added
Die + ing = Dying
Tie + ing = Tying
3) IE or EI?
In words that have a C, use EI. For example: receive, deceive, perceive, ceiling, etc.
For words where EI is used as a diphthong (pronounced as A), E comes first. For example:
neigh, neighbour, eight, reign, freight, weight, sleigh, weigh, etc.
For all other words, I comes first. For example: thief, friend, belief, chief, priest, field, grief,
However, there are some words which do not fall into any of these. For example: weird,
conscience, science, either, neither, leisure, sufficient, species, seize, height, foreign, forfeit,
heist, their, sovereign, etc.
4) The strong EE
Words ending in EE do not drop any letter when a suffix like ING or MENT are added to it
5) Y to I
Words that end with Y change to I when a suffix is added, except if the suffix starts with I
(e.g. ING)
Beauty + ful= Beautiful
Party + es= Parties
Easy + ly = Easily
6) Adding a Prefix:
Do: Undo
Cycle: Bicycle
Legal: Illegal
Not a word in the English language will have the letter S following X. If there is a S sound after
X, it will be spelt with C
Check out the following words.
9) No word ends in J or V:
This is a peculiar feature of the English language. While there are words ending in every other
consonant, you will never find a word ending with the letter ‘v’ or the letter ‘j’.
10) Letters that never double:
If a one-syllable word ends vowel + consonant, double the final consonant before a vowel suffix.
Sit- sitting
Tap- tappable
With multi-syllable words, apply the same rule if the final syllable is stressed.
Travel- travelling
Note the end syllable must be stressed. Look at these examples with "offer" and "develop," which
are not end-stressed.
Offer- offering
Leaf- Leaves
Shelf- Shelves
Knife- Knives
However, there are exceptions for words ending with rf, ff, and ief/oof where S is used.