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Spelling can be strengthened best by reading and observing.

Few rules can minimise your errors and better understand the formation of words.

Understanding spelling also improves your pronunciation.

Common terms used:

Prefix: a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change the word’s meaning or

Suffix: a group of letters added to the end of a word to change the word’s meaning or form

1) The silent E:

E is silent when the word ends with E (dance, live, hope)

When the suffix (ING, ED) is added and it begins with a vowel, the E gets dropped:

 Hope + ing= Hoping

 Live + ing= Living
 Dance + ing= Dancing

When the suffix (LESS, FUL, MENT) is added and it begins with a consonant, the E stays:

 Hope + ful = Hopeful

 Move + ment = Movement
 Home + less = Homeless

2) IE to Y:
Words ending in IE change to Y when the suffix ‘ing’ is added
 Die + ing = Dying
 Tie + ing = Tying

3) IE or EI?

Use I before E except after C

 In words that have a C, use EI. For example: receive, deceive, perceive, ceiling, etc.
 For words where EI is used as a diphthong (pronounced as A), E comes first. For example:
neigh, neighbour, eight, reign, freight, weight, sleigh, weigh, etc.
 For all other words, I comes first. For example: thief, friend, belief, chief, priest, field, grief,

 However, there are some words which do not fall into any of these. For example: weird,
conscience, science, either, neither, leisure, sufficient, species, seize, height, foreign, forfeit,
heist, their, sovereign, etc.

4) The strong EE

Words ending in EE do not drop any letter when a suffix like ING or MENT are added to it

 Free + ing = Freeing

 Free + dom= Freedom
 See + ing= Seeing
 Agree + ment= Agreement

5) Y to I

Words that end with Y change to I when a suffix is added, except if the suffix starts with I
(e.g. ING)
Beauty + ful= Beautiful
Party + es= Parties
Easy + ly = Easily

Try + ing= Trying

Copy + ing = Copying

6) Adding a Prefix:

A Prefix usually does not change the spelling of a word

Do: Undo
Cycle: Bicycle
Legal: Illegal

7) Long sounds need TWO vowels:

Tea, Peel, Laugh, Beat, Thief, Steal

8) U after Q and No S after X:

Every word that has a ‘q’ in it will be followed by ‘u’. A few examples of this case are given below.

 Quest
 Queue
 Quench
 Plaque
 Quick

Not a word in the English language will have the letter S following X. If there is a S sound after
X, it will be spelt with C
Check out the following words.

 Excite
 Excellent
 Exceed
 Excessive

9) No word ends in J or V:

This is a peculiar feature of the English language. While there are words ending in every other
consonant, you will never find a word ending with the letter ‘v’ or the letter ‘j’.
10) Letters that never double:

The consonants v, j, k, w and x are never doubled.

11) Doubling of consonants

If a one-syllable word ends vowel + consonant, double the final consonant before a vowel suffix.

 Sit- sitting
 Big-bigger
 Tap- tappable

With multi-syllable words, apply the same rule if the final syllable is stressed.

 Refer-referring
 Begin-beginner
 Travel- travelling

Note the end syllable must be stressed. Look at these examples with "offer" and "develop," which
are not end-stressed.

 Offer- offering
 Develop-developer

12) F to S and VES

To write a plural of words ending with F, use VES ending.

 Leaf- Leaves
 Shelf- Shelves
 Knife- Knives

However, there are exceptions for words ending with rf, ff, and ief/oof where S is used.

 Dwarf- dwarfs or dwarves

 Cliff- Cliffs
 Chief- Chiefs
 Roof- Roofs


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