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Students' Mathematical Skills and Performance

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Richard Oco
Department of Education of the Philippines


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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

Students’ Mathematical Skills and Performance

Sheena Jade N. Sabasaje1, Richard M. Oco, PhD2
Graduate School, Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines-9000
Graduate School, Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines-9000
Email address: and

Abstract— The ability to develop, apply, and interpret Mathematics and international assessments of student success. Even if the
to solve issues in a range of real-world contexts is known as skills in outcomes were unsatisfactory, the Department of Education
Mathematics. This study was undertaken to identify the level of the (DepEd) saw a bright spot: this will serve as a wake-up call
students’ Mathematical skills; reasoning, communication, and ability for all parties involved in education to work together in order
to solve Mathematical problems and competencies, and performance.
The study was conducted at the Schools in Alubijid West District with
to reach one common goal: quality education for every
one hundred seventy-five (175) grade 7 students as actual student.
respondents. The study employed descriptive survey research method In addition, DepEd also released the most recent PISA
which includes quantitative approach in collecting numerical data results from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
through questionnaire. Additionally, it utilized the mean, standard Development (OECD), in which Filipino students scored at
deviation, and frequency and percentage distribution. The link the bottom in Science and Mathematics and last overall among
between the variables was also determined using the Pearson the 79 participating nations. PISA is an international
product-moment correlation coefficient. The result shows that evaluation given every three years to a representative sample
Students’ Mathematical Skills on reasoning was found on High Level of 15-year-old students in order to assess their level of
while Mathematical Ability to Solve Problem and Competencies were
found on Moderate Level. It was concluded that Mathematical Skills
competency in Reading, Science, and Mathematics. There
is significantly correlated to Mathematics Performance. Thus, it must were worrying indications of an education crisis in the
be given consideration and attention. The researcher recommends Philippines even before the pandemic. This result speaks of a
that the students should develop Mathematical Skills and teachers need to identify specific determinants of students’ poor
should be trained for additional teaching strategies. performance in Mathematics. The country’s participants
performed the worst among the 58 nations taking part in the
Keywords— Mathematical Performance: Mathematical Skills: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
Students. (TIMMS) 2019 report, which was another international test.
I. INTRODUCTION The decline from 2013 to 2019 was evident. Even though the
PISA 2018 findings were disappointing, DepEd views them as
The ability to develop, apply, and interpret Mathematics to a beginning point for determining where Filipino students are
solve issues in a range of real-world contexts is known as at the moment. By taking part in PISA, DepEd "takes
skills in Mathematics. It contains ideas, methods, information, advantage of an exam designed and continuously updated by
and resources that can be used to define, clarify, and evaluate education professionals around the world to supplement its
phenomena. It enables people to understand the role that own national assessment.
Mathematics plays in the world and to form the sound Since there have been schools, teachers have used a variety
conclusions and choices that 21st Century citizens who are of tests to assess students' understanding of the topic, their
productive, involved, and reflective need to make. Skills play level of learning, and the effectiveness of their instruction. The
a very vital role in a Mathematics classroom. It is necessary in reasons for testing, however, serve a variety of important
order for teachers to help students to make connections functions, including identifying students' individual strengths
between the various Mathematical concepts and the and weaknesses, putting more emphasis on learning and
terminology associated with those concepts. instruction on requirements and key concepts, inspiring
The study of patterns and correlations is Mathematics students to improve their performance and assessment for
(Admin, 2023). The definition of Mathematics is given as the the acknowledgment of high schools and colleges, and
"Science of space, patterns, change, relationships, number, assessing the effectiveness of school activities and suggesting
quantity, and arrangement," and it typically employs changes inside of a classroom (Astriani, et al, 2017). Teachers
Mathematical system in its methods. Mathematical reasoning can create meaningful learning objectives and present them in
and abstract concepts are at the core of the subject. There are a way that promotes students' resilience and long-term success
numerous symbols, patterns, formulas, rules, calculations, and in a classroom environment that encourages a growth mindset.
equations used in Mathematics. Number and Algebra, Some teachers make students’ progress explicit by giving pre-
measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability tests at the beginning of a unit that purposely covers materials
make up the three branches of Mathematics. Typically, that students do not know. Students learn that they can grow
Mathematic is taught in a classroom setting. smarter with practice when they contrast their unavoidably
The quality of education in the Philippines was questioned subpar performance on these pre-tests with their increased
in 2019 due to Filipino students’ poor performance in national performance on unit post-tests (Almond, 2022).


Sheena Jade N. Sabasaje and Richard M. Oco, “Students’ Mathematical Skills and Performance,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 328-332, 2023.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

Mathematical skills are essential for comprehending many challenged by this concept. Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical,
concepts, including Mathematics. The growth of Mathematical Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal,
competence depends on using and mastering the Mathematics Intrapersonal, and Naturalist are the eight forms of intelligence
language. The growth, knowledge, and aptitude of students in that Gardner identified in order to widen this concept of
Mathematics are significantly influenced by their Mathematics intelligence. According to Gardner, the modalities that are
skills. For some learners, Mathematics can sound like a most highly valued in education and society are linguistic and
different language. Mathematics is unlike any other language logical-Mathematical (Michele, 2020).
that learners are familiar with since it includes vocabulary Both writers agree that teaching and learning techniques
words as well as symbols, numbers, and figures. In daily life, can be used to help children develop their talents and interests.
many of the vocabulary words used in Mathematics are rarely The teacher must utilize a variety of techniques that are
used. As a result, the learners typically only hear these words complementary to the subject matter and to each student's
in their Mathematics classes. unique learning ability and personality because the method is
Moreover, there are many challenges for students in their evident in the child's very character. Additionally, they agree
learning of the language of Mathematics. The ability to that rather than focusing solely on the memorization of data,
effectively communicate through the language of Mathematics teachers should instead employ strategies that encourage
requires Mathematical understanding. Many students struggle students' higher-level thinking. Gardner only provides broad
with some or all of the important Mathematical concepts. principles that let educators devise a wide range of methods to
Developing skills in Mathematical reasoning can help greatly promote the growth of various bits of intelligence. His theory
to students general critical thinking skills. It is also essential is that many students do not demonstrate their strengths in
for becoming proficient in Mathematics and being able to other areas because traditional teaching prioritizes approaches
answer questions regarding Mathematics. that encourage language and mathematical-logical
Communication is an essential part of Mathematics and intelligence.
Mathematical education. It is a method for sharing ideas and
making comprehension evident. Through communication, II. METHODOLOGY
ideas become topics of reflection, improving the purpose of A. Research Design
discussions and revisions. Understanding vocabulary is a key The study's design used descriptive-correlational research
component of general comprehension in many subject areas, design that investigated the students’ Mathematical skills and
including Mathematics (Bulos, 2021). There are many well- Mathematics performance of Grade 7 students of Alubijid
established and effective strategies for teaching vocabulary West District Schools. This is a non-experimental study of the
across all subject areas. significance of the variables with the help of statistical
The growth of Mathematical proficiency depends on the analysis.
teaching and learning of the Mathematical language. Learning This study employed a descriptive-correlational research
Mathematical vocabulary is an important factor of students' design to characterize the variables and the interactions that
language development and, ultimately, of their Mathematical naturally exist between and among them. Since it was
performance (Almond, 2022). The importance of problem- descriptive, it helped gather information about the present
solving in learning Mathematics starts from the idea that existing condition. This research was carried out to measure
Mathematics is mostly about reasoning, not memorizing. two variables. The goal of this design was to investigate
Instead than memorizing and using a set of procedures, relationships between variables without the research
problem-solving allows students to develop understanding and controlling or manipulating any of them. Moreover,
describe the processes used to arrive at solutions. Thus, with documentary analysis was also done to gather the data for the
the above premise, the researcher is interested to investigate in students’ performance in Mathematics (Bulos, 2021).
the Mathematical skills and Mathematical performance being
learned and acquired by the learners. B. Respondents and Sampling Procedure
This study was anchored on Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy The participants of this study were the one hundred
of Needs as cited by Aruma and Hanachor (2017) that the seventy-five (175) Grade 7 students from Alubijid West
lower need in the hierarchy must be satisfied first before District which included Sungay, Taparak, Sampatulog
trying to satisfy higher-level needs. Learning Mathematics Integrated School and Lourdes Alubijid National High
implies that everything should start from the basics before Schools for the school year 2022-2023. The researcher utilized
going to the most complex problems. Mastery of the basic purposive sampling as it took all the possible respondents for
concepts is definitely a must so that an individual will have this study considering that the selected schools are in the
better chances of solving higher or many more difficult hinterlands wherein its number of students is small compared
problems. to those in big schools and school located in much accessible
Additionally, this was also anchored on Gardner’s Theory places.
of Multiple Intelligences. Individuals do not have all of their
potential intelligence at birth, according to Howard Gardner's C. Statistical Treatment
theory of multiple intelligences. The idea that there is just one Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean,
sort of intelligence, commonly abbreviated "g" for general and standard deviation were employed to describe the study's
intelligence and focusing solely on cognitive abilities, was variables. In addition, the Pearson Product Moment


Sheena Jade N. Sabasaje and Richard M. Oco, “Students’ Mathematical Skills and Performance,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 328-332, 2023.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

Correlation Coefficient (r) was utilized to determine the topic in Mathematics instruction—both in studies and practical
significant relationship between Students’ Mathematical Skills applications (Herbert, 2021).
and Mathematics Performance. Meanwhile, the lowest Mathematical skill is the Ability to
Solve Problems with the mean of 3.35 with SD=0.74 which is
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION described as Moderately Agree and interpreted as Moderately
Problem 1. What is the students’ level of Mathematical Skills High. This implies that the students have only Moderate level
in terms of: of Ability to Solve Problems. This means that Mathematical
1.1 Reasoning; skill on ability to solve problem need to be improved. Students
1.2 Communication; should have the skills to solve problems. Problem-solving
1.3 Ability to Solve Problems; and teaches students how to use their understanding and skills in
1.4 Competencies? Mathematics to solve real-world problems. Word problem
solving is one of the essential elements of Mathematical
TABLE 1. Overall Students’ Mathematical Skills problem-solving that integrates applications with real-world
Variables Mean SD Description Interpretation problems (Shah, 2022).
3.55 0.88 Agree High Problem 2. What is the students’ level of Mathematics
Mathematical Performance for the First Quarter of School Year 2022-2023?
3.40 0.75 Agree High
Mathematical Ability Moderately Moderately TABLE 2. Students’ Mathematics Performance
3.35 0.74
to Solve Problems Agree High Level of Mathematics
Mathematics Moderately Moderately F P
3.36 0.72 Performance
competencies Agree High Outstanding 26 16
Overall Mean 3.42 0.77 Agree High Very Satisfactory 49 28
Note: 4.20-5.00 Very High 3.40-4.19 High 2.60-3.39 Moderately High Satisfactory 85 48.57
1.80-2.59 Low 1.00-1.79 Very Low Fairly Satisfactory 13 7.43
Did not meet Expectations 0 0
Table 1 presents overall students’ Mathematical skills. It Total 175 100
registered an overall mean of 3.42 with SD=0.77 described as Note: 90-100 Outstanding 85-89 Very Satisfactory 80-84 Satisfactory
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory Below 75 Did not meet Expectations
agree and with interpretation of high. This implies that the
students’ level of Mathematical Skills on Reasoning and Table 2 presents students’ level of Mathematics
Communication is at High level while Ability to Solve Performance. It shows that 85 at 48.57% out of 175 students
Problems and Competencies is at Moderate level. The students are at the Satisfactory level. It is the level which most of the
still have room to improve on specially that they did not reach students belong to. This implies that students really achieved
the highest level of skills which are the skill on mathematical the learning competencies for the First Quarter. They attained
ability to solve problem and mathematics competencies. the goal satisfactorily. However, it is not the highest level of
Moreover, teachers should provide resources and activities to performance. Learning is still achieved (Gálvez & Toro,
ensure that students can improve their least improved skills 2018). Only a few of the students got the higher level of
and continue to value the importance of Mathematics. performance which are the Outstanding (26) and Very
Mathematical skills assist people in managing simple, Satisfactory (49).
everyday tasks, such as paying bills and arriving to work on Based on the Table, there are students who got the Fairly
time. These skills are taught to students in the classroom, and Satisfactory (13). This level of performance is lesser than
when they grow older and land a job, they usually use them Satisfactory. This means that students still need mastery over
more frequently. Mathematical skills are vital for the these Mathematical Skills. It is important to fill in this gap in
workplace and personal life. Regardless of the size of the the teaching-learning process. It is important to fill in this gap
organization or its field, everyone who works must be able to in the teaching-learning process. Cresswell and Speelman
perform basic math operations. These skills prove valuable in (2020) claimed that studying and mastering Mathematics can
unexpected places as well (Indeed Editorial Team, 2023). help students think logically, critically, analytically, and
In the same table, the highest Mathematical skill is on abstractly. Fundamental concepts in Mathematics such as the
reasoning with the mean score of 3.55 and SD=0.88 which is ability to think critically, make connections between
described as Agree and with the interpretation of High level. occurrences, reason, estimate, and solve problems in addition
This means that the students were able to acquire to learning how to calculate and teaching Mathematical
Mathematical skills on reasoning. This means that the concepts (Umay et al., 2017). In addition, Mathematics plays a
reasoning skill of the student is well-developed. Developing helpful role in comprehending and mastering further fields of
skills in reasoning can help immensely to students general Science and Art (Siaw et al., 2020).
critical thinking skills. It is also crucial for becoming Problem 3. Is there a significant relationship between
knowledgeable in Mathematics and being able to answer students’ Mathematical skills and Performance?
inquiries related Mathematics. Reasoning has become of
increasing importance in Mathematics education. It has
become part of educational programs and the numbers of real-
world investigations are increasing. Reasoning is an important


Sheena Jade N. Sabasaje and Richard M. Oco, “Students’ Mathematical Skills and Performance,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 328-332, 2023.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

TABLE 3. Test Correlation on Level of Math Skills and Math Performance implies that Mathematical skills on Competencies to Solve
r- p- Problem have significant correlation on their Mathematics
Variables Mean SD Interpretation Decision
value value
Reject Performance. Mathematics is a subject that all students should
Reasoning 3.55 0.88 0.508 0.011 Significant study since it can aid in the development of reasoning and
Communication 3.40 0.75 0.562 0.001 Significant
Reject critical thinking skills. Knowledge, comprehension,
Ho application, use, and opinion of Mathematics and
Ability to Solve Reject
3.35 0.74 0.714 0.000 Significant
Ho Mathematical activity in a range of circumstances where
Reject mathematics plays or can play a role are all components of
Competencies 3.36 0.72 0.701 0.000 Significant
Ho mathematical competence (Niss & Højgaard, 2019).
All of which were significant at 0.05 level of significance.
Table 3 presents Test Correlation on Level of The null hypothesis of no significant correlation is rejected.
Mathematical Skills and Mathematics Performance. This implies that Mathematical skills have significant
Mathematical Skills showed significant correlation on correlation on Mathematics Performance. Thus, this implies
Reasoning with r-value of 0.508 (p-value = 0.011). This that students’ Mathematical Skills have a significant
implies that Mathematical skills on Reasoning have significant relationship on their Mathematics Performance.
relationship to the Mathematics Performance. This means that Students’ mastery in Mathematics can be measured
if students are good at reasoning, their Mathematics through their Mathematics Performance. Mathematics
Performance. Students' general critical thinking abilities can Performance, according to Gopal et al (2021) is the knowledge
benefit greatly from developing their mathematical reasoning learned as assessed by a teacher's evaluations and/or
abilities. It is also crucial to become knowledgeable in educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved
Mathematics and being able to answer inquiries related to over a specified period of time. It is indicated in their study
Mathematics. Mathematical reasoning has become increasing that mathematics performance measures education outcome
importance in Mathematics education. It has become part of and emphasized that it demonstrates and assesses the amount
educational programs and the numbers of real-world to which a school, teachers, and students have met their
investigations are increasing. Mathematical reasoning is an educational goals.
important topic in Mathematics instruction—both in studies Students should acquire these Mathematical skills to be
and practical applications (Admin, 2023). able to achieve Very satisfactory or Outstanding Mathematics
Mathematical Skills showed significant correlation on performance. According to Kumar et al. (2021), the academic
Communication also with r-value of 0.562 (p-value = 0.001). success or failure of any academic institution is determined by
This implies that Mathematical skills on Communication have the performance of the students. Student academic
significant correlation on their Mathematics Performance. The achievement has a direct bearing on a nation's socioeconomic
foundation of Mathematical learning is communication. From progress. Thus, if there are more outstanding students it is the
the perspective of multi-literacy, Mathematics in the result of outstanding educational system and outstanding
classroom is a written work that students will interpret economic progress.
(Tiffany et al., 2017). The term "Mathematical
Communication skills" refers to the ability of students to IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
organize and connect their Mathematical thinking through Conclusions
communication, to express their logical and clear Based on the findings of this study, the following are
Mathematical thinking to friends, teachers, and others, to concluded:
analyze and evaluate the Mathematical thinking and strategies 1. The students’ levels in Mathematical skills were at high
used by others, and to use mathematical language to express level.
their ideas accurately (Rohid & Rusmawati, 2019). 2. The students’ level in Mathematics performance was at a
Mathematical skills also showed significant correlation on satisfactory level. This indicates that all of the respondents did
Mathematical Ability to Solve Problems with r-value of 0.714 pass their first quarter final assessment but still need
(p-value = 0.000). This implies that Mathematical skills on interventions and remedial activities.
Mathematical Ability to Solve Problem have significant 3. The students’ Mathematical skills were significantly
correlation on their Mathematics Performance. Mathematical correlated to their Mathematical performance. Therefore, the
problem-solving fosters the growth of the capacity for null hypothesis is rejected.
creative, critical, and rational thinking. One essential talent
that everyone should possess is problem-solving. Students Recommendations
learn how to apply their Mathematical expertise and abilities Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the
to real-world problems through problem-solving in following are recommended;
Mathematics. One of the essential components of 1. Though the students’ Mathematical skills are high, it is
Mathematical problem-solving is word problems, which good to have more training to Mathematics teachers to
integrate applications and real-world issues (Osman et al., enhance their instructional skills in order to improve the
2018). students’ level of Mathematical skills from high to higher
Mathematical skills showed significant correlation on level.
Competencies with r-value of 0.701 (p-value = 0.000). This


Sheena Jade N. Sabasaje and Richard M. Oco, “Students’ Mathematical Skills and Performance,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 328-332, 2023.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187

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Sheena Jade N. Sabasaje and Richard M. Oco, “Students’ Mathematical Skills and Performance,” International Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research and Publications (IJMRAP), Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 328-332, 2023.
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