Production Technology 1
Production Technology 1
Production Technology 1
Okra harvesting
Harvest the fruits of okra when they attain maximum size but still tender. Fruits of 6-8 cm long are
preferred for export purposes. This is usually attained by 5-6 days after opening of flower. Harvesting is
done in alternate days with a knife or by bending pedicel with a jerk. For harvesting, cotton cloth hand
gloves should be used to protect fingers from stinging effect. It is advisable to harvest in morning hours
since fruit hairs will be soft. Sprinkling water on pods during night will keep them cool and fresh for
2. Hot vs Sweet pepper
SWEET PEPPER: Origin: First mentioned in 1699 by the English pirate, Wafer who found them in
Panama. Introduction in India: It was introduced in our country after the period of British in the hilly
region of North India. Evolution: Selections of Capsicum annuum only. Climate: Somewhat sub-tropical.
Pungency: It is non-pungent due to homozygous recessive gene that eliminates capsaicin (0 SHU). Taste:
Sweet. HOT PEPPER: Origin: Cultivated from 3500BC in Mexico & introduced in India by Portuguese.
Introduction in India: It was introduced into India by Portuguese from Brazil in the 16 th century (1584).
Evolution: Mostly from C. annuum. Other spp. is also the source. Climate: Strictly tropical. Pungency:
Hotness found in all species because capsaicin is present in dominant condition and range of pungency
may vary from 1000 to 3000000 SHU Taste: Hot.
3. Okra climate
Bhendi is a typical tropical or sub-tropical crop and cannot tolerate frost. Seed does not germinate when
the temperature is below 20 degree C. Optimum temperature for satisfactory growth of the plant: 24 to
27 degree C. Performance is also adversely affected by drought, low night temperature and shade. Even
though fertilization and seed set are affected during high rainfall, growth of plant and subsequent
productivity is exceptionally good rainfall areas. Under high temperature and low humidity, plant growth
is stunted and will be shorter in stature. Similarly flowers drop when day temperature exceeds 42
degree C.
4. Chilli harvesting
In general, the harvesting of chilli fruits depends on type of variety under cultivation, Purpose of
cultivation etc. Chillies used for vegetable purposes are generally picked at full grown green stage, hence
harvesting should be done at green stage. Similarly for dry chillies purpose, fruits should be picked at red
ripe stage. Depending on the variety, flowering begins 30 to 60 days after transplanting and it takes
another 30 days for production of green chillies. On an average the chilli requires about 55 to 60 days
from flowering to reach red ripe stage. Ripe fruits can be harvested at an interval of 7 to 15 days, which
may continue over a period of about 90 days. In general, warmer temperature enhances the maturity
while coller temperature delays the maturity periods. Depending on the variety, season of cultivation
and management practices adopted, about 6 to 10 pickings can be made. Periodical harvests fruits
increase the fruit number and thereby yield.
5. Classification of Capcicum sp.
Cerasiforme (cherry peppers), Conoides (cone peppers), Fasciculatum (red cone peppers), Grossum (bell
or sweet peppers), Longum (chili or cayenne peppers)
6. Kitchen garden
It is best means of recreation and exercise. An excellent hobby and healthy occupation for young and old
during their leisure time. Cut down the expenditure on purchase of vegetables. An ideal medium for
training children in duty and order. Vegetables grown in kitchen garden are fresh and are free from
market infection.
The perennials and bigger plants like papaya, lemon, lime, karonda should be grown on the north side of
the garden to avoid shade effect on other crops. The vegetables like cucurbits and beans should be
grown around the border and allowed to spread on the fence. The root crops like beet root, carrot,
turnip, radish etc should be raised on the ridges. The land devoted to the home or kitchen garden should
not be left vacant and intensive crop cultivation should be followed with successive or companion
crops.The appropriate crop rotation must be followed in selection of vegetables. There should be
provision of compost pit in the corner of the home or kitchen garden. The stalking varieties of
vegetables should be preferred for kitchen garden. 5 cents (200 sq. m.) land supply is adequate for
vegetable cultivation in home or kitchen garden for family consisting of five members. The proper
planning including selection of the type of vegetable and its varieties should be done before sowing
Intensive cultivation of vegetable crops in the backyard of a house or any available space in the home
compound to meet the daily requirement of the family throughout the year is termed as home or
kitchen garden.
7.Thermo classification of cauliflower
Book 102
8. Climatic parameters of tomato
Tomato is a day neutral warm season crop, which cannot tolerate frost. Cool and dry weather is
preferred by the crop and optimum temperature is 21-28 degree C during day and 15-20 degree C
during night. Night temperature is more critical than day temperature. High temperature results in
exerted stigma, dryness of stigma, burning of anther tip, poor pollen dehiscence, low pollen viability and
slow pollen tube growth leading to low pollination and fruit set. Incidence of viral diseases also will be
more at high temperature. Optimum temperature for pollination: 21 degree C temperature. Lycopene
production is highest at 21-24 degree C temperature. Production of lycopene pigment drops off rapidly
above 27 degree C temperature. Complete destruction of lycopene pigment: above 40 degree C
temperature. Unable to develop red colour in mature fruits: below 10 degree C temperature
9. Processing
Use of tomato for processing is increasing day by day and a variety of products like puree, paste, syrup;
juice, ketchup etc are made. Varieties for processing should have following qualities: Deep red color
which retains even after processing, Low pH – The acidity of fruits affect-heating time required for
sterilization of processed product. Longer time is required if pH is high and hence a pH below 4-5 is
required for processing. High TSS – Fruits with high TSS yield more finished products / tonne of raw
fruits and hence minimum TSS should be 4.5 Degree Brix, High viscosity and consistency, Firm and easy
peeling, Pericarp thickness-should be more than 0.5 cm, Crack resistance, Fruits size should be above 50
g and oblong in shape.
10. Truck, market garden
Truck garden:
The word “truck” has been derived from French word “troquer”, which means “to barter”. A truck-
garden produces selected crops in a relatively large quantity for distant markets. It generally follows a
more extensive method of cultivation than the market-garden.The commodities raised are usually sold
through middlemen.The location is determined by soil and climatic factors suitable for raising particular
crops. Truck gardener should be a specialized person and expert in the loge scale production and
handling of some special crops. The cost of labour and land may cheap and he follows mechanized
method of cultivation, hence his cost of cultivation is less. The net income is also less as this includes
cost of transport and charges of middlemen.
Market garden:
A market garden produces vegetables for the local market. Most of such types of gardens are located
within 15 to 20 km from a city. The cropping pattern depends on the demands of the local market. The
land being costly, intensive methods of cultivation are followed. A market gardener will like to grow
early varieties to catch the early market. The high cost of land and labour is compensated by the
availability of city compost, sludge, and water near cities and high return on the produce.
11. Introduced var of sweet pepper
At NBPGR indigenous collections constitute only 18 percent of the total
capsicum collections, while the majority of the accessions are exotics (Kallo et al., 2005). California
Wonder: Introduced by IARI. It has bright scarlet skin. Yolo Wonder: Introduced by IARI. Tolerant to
TMV, but sensitive to drought. Chinese Giant: Introduced by IAHS, Bangalore. It has dark green skin
colour. Sweet Banana, World Beater, Golden Wonder, Bullnose
12. Determine vs. Indeterminate tomato
Determinate growth habit: Growth is restricted with appearance of terminal flower. Inflorescence
occurs at every internode. The term “self-topping/ self-pruning (sp)” is associated with determinate
tomatoes. They are suitable for growing in North Indian Plains. Mechanized harvesting is possible by this
type of tomato cultivars. Ex: Roma, Pusa Sheetal, Punjab Chhuhara. Indeterminate growth habit:
Terminal buds ends with a leafy bud and continues its vegetative growth. Inflorescence occurs at every
third internodes. They are suitable for growing in South Indian condition & hilly regions. They are
most commonly grown under protected condition. Single stem training is the most common training
method for indeterminate tomatoes. Ex: Pusa Ruby, Arka Saurabh, Pusa Divya, Best of All, Sioux, Pant
Bahar, Arka Vikas.
13. Maturity of tomato
1. Immature: means before the seeds have fully developed and before the jelly like substance around
the seeds are fully formed. 2. Mature green: fully grown fruit shows a brown ring at stem scar. It has
light green colour at blossom end and seeds are surrounded by jelly like substance. 3. Turning or breaker
stage: 1/4th of the surface at blossom end shows pink 4. Pink stage: 3/4th of the surface shows pink. 5.
Hard ripe: all the surface turn to pink or red but flesh is firm. 6. Over ripe: fully colored and flesh is also
14. Brinjal flower classification
Depending on length of style in relation to position of anthers, four types of flowers –heterostyly are
available. 1. Long styled – stigma well above the anthers. 2. Medium styled – stigma and anthers at same
level. 3. Short styled – style short. 4. Pseudo-short styled – style rudimentary
15. National security of vegetables
India produces about 185.88 million tonnes of vegetables per annum from an area of 10.10 million ha,
contributing 14.04 percentages to the world’s production (2018-19 NHB Data). India is the 2 nd largest
vegetable producer in the world after China. Vegetable shares 2% of the total cropped area. Vegetables
occupy 41% & 60% share of country’s total horticultural area & production respectively. West Bengal is
the leader in both area and production of vegetables & accounts for 15.9% of country’s total vegetable
production. Uttar Pradesh is the 2 nd largest vegetable producing state of India after West Bengal. State
having maximum vegetable productivity: Tamil Nadu. India leads in production of okra & garden
pea. India is the 2 nd largest producer of tomato, brinjal & cauliflower.Traditional vegetables like onion,
potato, bhendi, bitter gourd and chillies and nontraditional vegetables like asparagus, celery, paprika,
sweet corn, baby corn, beans, peas and cherry tomato have been short listed by APEDA for export.
Among the different vegetables, 77% of the onion produced is being exported, thus earning valuable
foreign exchange to the country. Fresh onion contributes maximum % (25%) among horticultural crops
export. After onion okra accounts 70% of the 30% exchange earnings from export of vegetable. Out of
the total output of vegetables, only 1% is being utilized by the processing industry. Inadequate
preservation techniques and storage facilities contribute to 25% loss of vegetables produced. By
improving post harvest techniques, we can ensure year round availability of vegetables.