Taxonomic classification
Phylum : Angiospermae
Sub Phylum : Dicotyledons
Division : Lignosae
Order : Cucurbitales
Family: Caricaceae
Species : Carica papaya L.
Chrosome no. : 2n=2X=18
• Papaya has 4 genera and 22 species. It is naturally a dioecious
plant, but gynodioecious cultivars have been developed in
papaya through breeding.
Dioecious papaya produces male and female flowers separately on different plants
while gynodioecious produces both male and female flowers on the same plant.
Anther dehiscence was completed within 18-36 hours before the flowers opened
and the stigma becomes receptive a day before the flowers opened remaining
receptive for 6 days.
The peak anthesis observed between 5-6 am. The receptivity of stigma was found
on day of anthesis and remains receptive for 6 days.
Storey (1958) reported 8 categories of flowers in papaya(morphological/sex
Fig. : Papaya male plant with fruits
Fig. : Papaya female plant with fruits
Fig. : Papaya hermaphrodite plant with fruits
Area-1,32,000 Ha Production- 56,67,000 MT Productivity- 42.93 MT
NHB, 2016-17
Major producers:
Andra pradesh
Madhya pradesh
Nutritional value
Vitamin A (2020 IU/100g)
Moisture- 90.8%
Protein- 0.6%
Carbohydrates- 7.2%
Fat- 0.1%
Potassium- 69mg/100g
Calcium- 17mg/100g
Vitamin C- 57mg/100g
• It is a tropical fruit plant best grown in warm areas, plenty of sunlight.
•It needs adequate moisture and even distribution of rainfall throughout the
year and cannot withstand strong winds.
• Temperature range of 21oC to 33oC is ideal for sturdy growth.
• It grows well at altitude 1200m MSL.
• Very much sensitive to frost.
•Papaya grows best in light, well-drained soil rich
in organic matter.
• Deep clayey soils that are prone to water-logging
should be avoided.
•Papaya grows best at pH 6.0 to 6.5 but can tolerate
pH up to 5.8 to 7.0.
1.Solo: It is a table purpose variety. The fruits are small with deep pink pulp and
a sweet taste. Excellent for kitchen garden.
2. Ranchi: It is a variety from Bihar and popular in south India. The fruitsare
oblong with dark yellow pulp and sweet taste.
4.Pusa Majesty: This is also gynodioecious variety with high productivity and
better keeping quality of fruits. This is also one of the highest papain yielders.
5. Pusa Giant: This is a vigorous variety and is dioecious in nature. The fruits
are suitable for tooty-fruity and candies like petha.
6. Pusa Nanha- An extremely dwarf variety. It is suitable for kitchen gardens,
pot and roof cultivation. It is developed through mutation breeding.
11.CO-3 (1983): It is a hybrid derivative of the cross between CO-2 (female
parent) and Sunrise Solo (male parent). It is a gynodioecious variety.
13.CO-6 (1986): It is a selection from a giant papaya. The plants are dwarf.
First harvest can be had in 8 months of planting. It is suitable for papain (7.5 to
8.0g of dry papain/fruit) and also for table purpose. Plants are dioecious.
16.Taiwan: This variety is cultivated for table as well as processing purpose.
This is gynodioecious variety with blood-red coloured flesh and good taste.
18. Pusa Dwarf: It is dwarf statured dioecious variety with good yield.
19.Pusa delicious: Gynodioecious line, heavy yield, fruit very sweet with
good flavour, medium tall plant.
21. Pink flesh sweet: It is selection with excellent quality fruits with good
dessert quality.
Gynodioecious cultivars:
Pusa delicious, Coorg Honey Dew, Pusa majesty, Taiwan, sunrise solo, Surya,
CO-3, CO-7.
Dioecious cultivars:
Pusa giant, CO-5, Pusa dwarf, CO-6, CO-1, CO-2, Pant 1 16
Different varities of papaya 17
Sexual Method -propagated by seeds.
• Wash the seeds and remove then gelatinous covering as this can inhibit germination.
•Seed treated with Thiourea (100-200 ppm) and Gibberellic acid (GA3 at 200
ppm) for better germination.
• Seed germinates in 2 weeks.
• Seedlings transplanted after 45-60 days .
Seed rate :
250-300g/h(Gynodioecious) and 400-500g/h(Dioecious) (20 seeds/g).
Asexual method:
• tissue culture technique using MS media supplemented with NAA.
•Shoot tip culture from seedling and laterals buds from female plants of Coorg Honey Dew
variety was successful.
Land preparation
• Organic fertilizer and manure should be spread and incorporated in the soil
during land preparation.
• Land should be free from weeds before planting.
Planting density
1.8 m x 1.8 m = 3086 plants/ha for normally followed in most places.
1.25 m x 1.25 m = 6400 plants/ha for Pusa Nanha is best for HDP.
1.6 m x 1.6 m = 3906 plants/ha suitable for papain production.
A triangular 2 x 2 planting design can be adopted for non mechanized
cultivation, and 2 x 2 x 4 in double rows for mechanized
After transplanting, make sure the plants get adequate water every 2-3 days until they
are well established.
Water the papaya plants regularly especially when the climate is hot or dry to
prevent growth retardation, flower abortion and dropping of young fruits.
We can use method of drip irrigation for efficient use of water.
Papaya requires 12 gals of water per day.
Weed control
weeds can reduce by 25% production.
Deep hoeing is recommended during first year to check weed growth.
Application of Fluchloralin or Alachlorin or Butachlorine (2kg/ha) as pre-
emergence 2 months after transplanting can control all weeds for 4 months.
• Low-growing vegetables of short duration may be taken as inter-crops.
• An occasional thinning of fruits necessary to prevent overcrowding .
•Papaya also grows as filler or in plantations of other crops where spacing is
wide enough.
Maturity indices
• It is a climacteric fruit, so it should be harvested at mature stage.
•Usually fruits are harvested when they are of full size, light green tinge of
yellow at epical end.
• We should harvest yellow green fruits as dark green fruits are not ripen.
• When the latex ceases to be milky and become watery, the fruits are suitable
for harvesting.
Harvesting and yield
While picking fruits from the tree, care must be taken that they are not
scratched, and are free from blemishes, otherwise these are attacked by
fungus and start decaying during marketing.
On an average each plant of improved varieties bears 30-45 fruits,
weighing 40-75 kg in one fruiting season.
Average yield of 60-75 tons/ha may be
expected in a season.
1. Stem rot / Foot rot:
Cause- It is caused by group of fungi but
Pythium aphanidermatum is mainly
responsible for it.
Symptoms- Rotting of stem near collar region.
Control- Kavach/Rovral (2ml/litre) and
Metalxyl/Mencozeb (2g/litre) as and when
2. Powdery mildew:
Cause- Oidium caricae/ Laveilulla taurica
Symptoms-White mealy growth on leaves,
petioles and young shoots.
Control- Apply wetable sulphur ( 1g/litre )
during September-January.
3. Anthracnose:
Cause- Colletotrichum gleoesporiodes
Symptoms- Dark brown depressed
spots of chocolate colour.
Control- Apply Carbendazim (1g/litre)
and Mencozeb ( 2g/litre ) 15 days
before harvesting.
4. Damping off:
Cause- Complex of organisms responsible but
mainly Pythium spp.
Symptoms- Causes drooping of seedlings
which ultimately die off.
Control- Treat seeds with Captal ( 2g/kg ).
5. Leaf curl
Cause- Papaya leaf curl virus ( Vector-White
fly, Bemicia tabbaci )
Symptoms- Curling, crinkling and distortion
of leaves, reduction of leaf lamina, rolling
of leaf margins inward and downward,
thickening of veins.
Control- Uproot affected plants.Avoid
growing tomato, tobacco near papaya.
Spraying with systemic insecticides to
control the vector.
6. Papaya mosaic
Cause- Potex virus (Vector-Aphid).
Symptoms- Plants stunted. Yellowing, mottling &
distortion of leaves, bending of petiole.
Control- Control vector aphid. Remove
affected plant. Spray phosphomidon 3ml in 10
litre water 36
7. Papaya Ring Spot:
Cause- Papaya ring spot virus ( Vector- Aphid )
1. White fly- Bemicia tabbaci
Symptoms of damage-Nymphs and
adults suck the sap from under
surface of the leaves. Cause
yellowing of leaves.
2. Fruit flies- Bactrocera dorsalis
Symptoms of damage- Maggots puncture into
semi-ripe fruits with decayed spots. Oozing of
fluid and brownish rotten patches on fruits.
Dropping of fruits.
3. Ash weevil- Myllocerus spp.
Symptom of damage- Grub feed on the
roots. Wilting of young sapling notching
of leaf margin by adults.
5. Mealy bugs-
Symptom of damage- Flatten oval insects
mm long). They can transmit a viral
disease known as leaf drop and will cause
a reduced yield.
• The dried latex called papain is in great demand in the international markets.
•Papain is used for detecting stomach and intestinal cancers and also in
correcting diphtheria.
• Papain production is influence by several factors :
1)Fruit size 2. Fruit maturity 3. Season 4. Cultivars (CO-5best) 5. Effect of
•Papain extracted from the unripe fruit can fetch another Rs.35000 per
• Papaya fruits, which arc about 90-100 days old (fully mature but not ripe),
are selected for tapping. Tapping should be done in the morning hours before
10.00 am. 36