Example of Position Paper and Draft Resolution - AYIMUN 16
Example of Position Paper and Draft Resolution - AYIMUN 16
Example of Position Paper and Draft Resolution - AYIMUN 16
The Syrian War has become the second deadliest war in the 21st century (Ray, n.d.) because
of the existence of separatist terrorist groups that are able to sustain because of the unlawful
backing by some foreign parties. Since 2012, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Free Syrian
Army (FSA) has been the main cause of chaos in the land by trying to claim every inch of Syrian
territory, causing conflicts and fear to Syria and its people. This is important to note because these
separatist terrorist groups are acting only on their interest—because the fact is—Syrian people are
not in favor with them. This was proven by the 2014 election that democratically elected Bashar
Al-Assad as the president with an 88,3% yes votes (MacMiller, 2018), and other polls concluding
that most Syrians are backing Al-Assad (Steele, 2012). This proves that the United States and its
allies’ motives to support these terrorists are bogus and merely a propaganda to justify their actions
and serves their political interests. Moreover, aggressions against the sovereign Syrian government
and the support given to the separatist terrorist militias are violating the non-intervention principle
of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) under the 1949 Geneva Convention in the Article
2 of the First and Third Protocol—stating that intervention is only justified when there is uses of
armed forces against states, which was not the case of Syria in mid-2017. Moreover, any countries
deciding to exercise the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) has to first uphold the First Pillar of
Responsibility to Protect (R2P)—constituting that the primary responsibility is to help the state
building their capacity to protect their citizens (“About R2P”, n.d.), not the otherwise by supplying
the terrorists and weakening the state. Having said that, we support the decisions that have been
made by countries that have violated these international laws, such as the United States, to
withdraw from the issue (Schmitt, 2019), but we need measures to guarantee a full withdrawal and
stop of supply to these terrorists, along with international cooperation to reconstruct Syria.
Valuing the State sovereignty, Russian Federation supports the legitimate government of
Syrian Arab Republic, Bashar Al-Assad and we regret the premature and illegitimate
intervention done by many other foreign powers. Contrary to that, Russia’s help to Syria to fight
against the terrorist groups has always been under the official request of Syrian legitimate
government and is conducted in accordance to the existing international laws. First, it upholds the
Treaty of Westphalia and The International Law Commission Article 20-26 stating that intervention
is legitimate if the consent is present. (“When Does a State Violates International Law”, n.d.)
Second, it fulfills the 1949 Geneva Convention which only International Armed Conflict (IAC)
may be intervened by foreign actors. The moment Russia involved in the conflict, it was already an
IAC due to the already existing US intervention. (“When does IHL Apply”, n.d.) Third, Russia-led
strike on terrorist groups is justifiable because according the IHL, they are not civilians and making
them subject to direct attacks. (“Who Does IHL Protect”, n.d.) Fourth, Russia fully complies on all
Acknowledging US withdrawal from the Syrian conflict, Russian Federation believes the
discussion should be elevated by curating measures to ensure US, and its allies, to fully withdraw
and establishing a set of mechanisms to support the Syrians and their legitimate government in
restoring security and stability. Therefore, Russian Federation proposes a set of norms that could
serve as a basis of the policy directions, with the following provisions:
1. Withdrawal of Illegitimate Parties (WHIP)
In accordance to the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of
Terrorism, Russian Federation calls all member States to stop the financing, direct or
indirect, to groups that are considered as terrorists under United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1566. Moreover, foreign countries involved in the Syrian Proxy War that has
violated international laws shall start to pull out their troops from Syrian sovereign state in
case-by-case approach in a set period of time.
2. Detect, Deploy, Disarm (3D) Framework
Pursuant to resolution adopted by the General Assembly (A/RES/60/1) Article 81-89 and
adopted by Security Council (S/RES/2482 (2019)) Article 10-11 on combatting terrorism,
Russian Federation proposes this framework to detect the activities of existing terrorist
groups in Syria by joint international cooperation, followed by the deployment of Syrian
Army to combat the terrorist groups and conduct the disarmament of illegal stockpiling
weapons and military equipment.
3. International Support for Peace-building and Reconstruction (INSPIRE)
Fostering the unanimously adopted resolution 2282 (2016) on post-conflict peace building,
Russia endorses the Syria reconstruction through supporting the legitimate government.
First, we propose the creation of constitutional committee to review and advise Syria
rewriting their constitutions under their consent. For short-term mechanisms, we propose
the providence of safety zone and humanitarian aid. For long-term mechanisms, we aim to
facilitate the establishment of durable peace and to prevent the recurrence of violence by
institution re-building, and political as well as economic transformation.
Russian Federation believes that the deadly damaging Syrian War caused by the terrorist
groups, that suffers Syrian people and humanity needs to be put to an end. Thus, we hope that the
aforementioned proposals will continuously be built upon and improved in the upcoming assembly.
6. Schmitt, E. (2019). U.S. Troops Leaving Syria, But Some May Stay Longer Than Expected.
Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/29/world/middleeast/us-troops-syria-
7. Steele, J. (2012, Jan 17). Most Syrians back Assad, but you’d never know from western
media. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jan/17/syrians-
8. When Does a State Violates International Law?. (n.d.). Diakonia. Retrieved from
11. International Convention for the Supression of the Financing of Terrorism. (1999).
Retrieved from https://treaties.un.org/doc/db/Terrorism/english-18-11.pdf
Guided by the UNEP Guide For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy Laws,
Recalling past international actions pertaining to renewable energy, such as the Climate
Change Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, and the General Assembly resolution 62/208 that
emphasizes on the need of multilateral collaboration to support the overall development of
renewable energy,
Having studied the geographical conditions and boundaries of each country, as well as the
limitations that entail,
Noting with satisfaction the efforts made by the Member States to become more sustainable
and eco-friendly,
Fully aware of each nation’s different conditions and emphasizes the need for an efficient, yet
flexible and adaptive solution,
Alarmed by the ongoing environmental degradation that harms the natural balance, and
threatens the environmental sustainability of the planet,
Hereby resolves,
Article 1
Article 2
1. Recommends the formation of United Nations Funding Agency for Innovation (UN-FAI)
as a complementary body of UNEP and an extension to the Environment Fund scheme that
will be responsible for managing finance for technological initiatives, research, and
development projects of renewable energy of Contracting Parties through the following
a. The UN-FAI will be funded through mandatory payments and voluntary contributions
of countries who wish to be a member,
b. The UN-FAI shall cooperate with NGOs, MNCs, staff, leaders, or state’s department
related to finance and environment to gather data of current country’s condition that
will be stored in UN-FAI database,
c. Contracting Party who wishes to get financial aid is obligated to submit the proposal
of the program to the UN-FAI
d. The proposal shall state;
i. Description of the program,
ii. Target groups,
iii. Impacts and benefits
iv. Implementation steps and timeline
v. Main actors and stakeholders of the program
e. The proposal will undergo background research by UN-FAI to verify the data stated in
the proposal,
f. Once verified, the proposal will be given to the UNEP for a proper check,
g. If the proposal is accepted the financial aid will be given accordingly through
Article 4
Article 5
2. Recommends the support of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to comply with the
usage of renewable energy through collaboration with the UNIDO under its UNIDO
consortia to conduct the following mechanisms:
a. Connecting potential investors and technology suppliers to facilitate access to suitable
renewable energy technologies for markets in LDCs;
b. Providing professional support to SMEs to help them apply and transition to
renewable energy in their industrial activities, whether in terms of technological
support, technicalities, or knowledge-sharing;
c. Giving first-hand knowledge to relevant regional stakeholders on the how-to’s of
renewable energy implementation in local environment;
3. Recommends the establishment of the Campaign and Public Diplomacy Program (CAPD)
as a of “SELECtive Shots” and the Importance of Applying Clean Energy Campaign
(IMPACE) to solve the social-cultural barriers in renewable energy implementation, through:
a. Engagement of society through campaigns and education of the benefits of renewable
energy to increase overall demand and stimulate market growth of renewable energy;
b. The campaign shall utilize entertainment industries to stimulate and influence society’s
mindset to change the lifestyle preferences that is more favorable to renewable energy;
c. The campaign shall also collaborate with schools or other educational institutions to
build the mindset of the young generation to support and be more leaning toward
renewable energy;
d. The mechanism of this CAPD initiative is through double approaches, which
i. A national approach through campaign in which synergize with NGOs to
influence and raise awareness of local citizens;
ii. An international approach through Public Diplomacy in which synergize with
other states to influence and raise awareness of local citizen;
Article 6
2. Trusts the United Nations Environment Programme, along with the corresponding member
states and related stakeholders, to remain actively involved in the matter.