class 12 chemistry

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Name.................. Roll No.....................

Pre board exam: 2024-25

Class- 12th

Subject- Chemistry

Time – 3:15 Hours MM: 70

General Instructions:

(i) The first 15 minutes are allotted for the candidates to read the question paper.

(ii) All questions are compulsory. The allocated marks for each question are given against it.

(iii) In calculation based questions, give all the calculation steps.

(iv) Give relevant answers to the questions.

(v) Give chemical equations where necessary.

1. Four options are given in each section of this question. Choose the correct option and write it in your
answer sheet -

(A) Fe is – 1

(a) s-block element (b) p-block element (c) d-block element (d) f-block element

(B) The configuration showing maximum oxidation state is - 1

(a) 3d³, 4s² (b) 3d, 4s² (c) 3d, 4s¹ (d) 3d6, 4s²

(C) In any galvanic cell, when the salt bridge is removed, the voltage of the cell -

(a) suddenly becomes zero (b) decreases gradually

(c) increases at a rapid rate (d) remains unchanged

(D) Compound which is not a disaccharide - 1

(a) sucrose (b) Cellulose (c) lactose (d) maltose

(E) In the complex K, [Co(C₂O₃),] the oxidation number of cobalt is - 1

(a) 1 (b) 2 (d) 6 (c) 3

(F) The transition element in which variable oxidation states are not found is- 1

(a) Se (b) Ti (c) V (d) Cr

2. (a) Write the different resonance structures of aniline - 1

(b) 30mL of ethylene glycol (C₂H₃O₂) was mixed with 450mL of water. 1+1

Calculate the following -

(i) depression in the freezing point of the solution

(ii) freezing point of the solution

(c) What is lanthanoid contraction? Discuss the effect of lanthanoid contraction. 1+1

(d) Show the structures of geometrical isomers of [Fe(NH3)2 (CN4)]- 3

(a) Explain effective atomic number (EAN) with an example.

3.(a) Identify all possible monochloro structural isomers formed by free radical chlorination of CH3- CH²-
CH2 CH3. 2

(c) Differentiate between the following - 1+1

(i) Acetaldehyde and acetone

(ii) Acetophenone and Benzophenone

(d) Phenol shows acidic properties but ethanol is almost neutral. Explain with reasons. 2

4. (a) Define conductivity and molar conductivity of a solution of an electrolyte. Discuss their variation
with concentration.

(b) What do you understand by first order reaction? How much time will it take for a first order reaction
to decrease from an initial concentration of 0.6 mol L-' to 0.3 mol L-'?

(c) Explain with reasons - 1+2

(i) Fe2+ is a reducing agent while Mn2+ is an oxidising agent.

(ii) Sc (Z = 21) is a transition element but Zin (Z = 30) is not.

(iii) Transition metals and their compounds act as good catalysts.

(d) Write the chemical equation for obtaining primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol with the help of
Grignard reagent. 3

5.(a) The rate constants of a reaction at 500 K and 700 K are 0.02 s-1 and 0.07 s-1 respectively. Calculate
the value of E. 4

(b) The electrical resistance of a column of length 1000 cm and radius 0.5 cm filled with 0.1 mol L-1 KOH
solution is 5x103 ohm. Calculate the molar conductivity of the solution.
4(c) What is the activation energy? In the decomposition of ethyl iodide by the following reaction at 600
K, the first order rate constant is 1.60x10-5s-1. The activation energy of this reaction is 200 kJ/mol.
Calculate the rate constant at 700 K. 1+3

C₂H₄(g) -------------------------------C₂H₄(g) + HI(g)

d) (i) The solution of [Ni(H₂O6)]2+ is green, but the solution of [Ni(CN)4]2- is colourless. Explain.

(ii) [Cr(NH3)6]2- is paramagnetic while [Ni(CN)4 ]2- is diamagnetic. Explain. 2

6. (a) What happens when (give chemical equation only) 1+1+1+1+1

(i) React ethyl bromide with sodium ethanoxide?

(ii) Chlorobenzene reacts with nitric acid.

(iii) Chlorobenzene is heated with aqueous sodium hydroxide at 623 K and 300 atmospheric pressure

(iv) Chlorobenzene reacts with sulphuric acid?

(v) Ethyl chloride is heated with aqueous KOH?


What is electrophilic substitution reaction? Explain the electrophilic substitution reactions of

halogenation, nitration and sulfonation of chlorobenzene with chemical equations. 5

(b) Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds -


(i) CH-CH--CH---C--CH


(ii) HO-CH2-CH-CH2OH


(iii) H,C-CH-O-CH-CH-CH2 CH3


(v) H3C-CH-CH -- CH-CH2OH

Cl CH3 CH3


Write the equation of chemical reaction for the following transformations - 5x1

(i) Butanoic acid from butan-1-ol

(ii) Phenyl ethanoic acid from benzyl alcohol

(iii) 3-Nitrobenzoic acid from 3-Nitrobromobenzene

(iv) Benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid from 4-methyl acetophenene.

(v) Hexane-1,6-dioic acid from cyclohexene

7. (a) After hydrolyzing an organic compound 'A' (molecular formula C8H12O₂) with dilute sulphuric acid
16, a carboxylic acid 'B' and an alcohol 'C' were obtained. On oxidizing 'C' with chromic acid, 'B' is
produced. On dehydrating 'C', but-1-ene is obtained. Identify A, B, C. Write all the chemical equations
used in the reactions. 5


Write a short note on amino acids and nucleic acids. 2+3=5

(b) When an organic compound having molecular formula C4H8O2 is hydrolysed with dilute H₂SO₄, a
carboxylic acid A and an alcohol B are obtained. Carboxylic acid A is obtained by oxidising B with chromic
acid. Anhydride C of this acid is obtained by heating A with P₂O5. Acid A is again obtained by hydrolysing
this anhydride. Identify A, B, C and also write the chemical equations related to them.


Write short notes on the following:

(i) Industrial manufacture of methanol from water gas (Figure not required) 2

(ii) Production of ethanol from alcoholic fermentation of sucrose. 1

(iii) Applications of ethanol. 1

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