Motion 2 Questions

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,chapter 3

1V1otion in a Plane
4. The trajectory of a projectile launched from ground
is gi:,ien by the equation y = (-0.025x2 + 0.5x);
Objective Type Questions where x and y are the coordinates of the projectile
. Aman wants to reach point B on the opposite bank on a rectangular system of axes. Find the angle at ·
1 of a river flowing at a speed 4 mis starting from A
which projectile is launched?
as shown in figure. What minimum speed relative
(1) 8 = tan-1 (0.2) (2) 8 = tan-1 (0.4)
to water should the man have so that he can reach
point 8 directly by swimming? (3) 8 = tan-1 (0.5) (4) 8 = tan-1 (0.6)
-30m-B 5. A particle has initial velocity (2/ + 3]) mis and
I ./-
..... l acceleration (0.3 / + 0.2 ]) mls2. The magnitude of
1 ./ 40m
I ......
- l- velocity after 10 seconds will be
· (1) 5 units
12 . (2) 9 units
4 (2) mis
(1) smls 5 (3) 9./2 units
16 23 (4) 5./2 units
(3) smls (4) mis
5 If magnitude of change in velocity of particle
2. A man who can swim at the rate of 2 km/h (in still projected from ground. till it lands on ground as
river) crosses a river to a point exactly opposite on shown in figure is 2 mis, find maximum height of

the other bank by swimming in a direction of 120° the projectile. [g = Acceleration due to gravity]
to the flow of river water. The velocity of water
current in km/h is
(1) 1 (2) 2

(3) ! (4)
(1) - m (2) -m
2 g 4g
3. A car starts moving from rest on a horizontal
ground such that the position vector of car with 2 1
(3) -m (4) -m
respect to its starting point is given as g 2g
(r- = bti• + ct 2j),
where a and b are positive 7. A projectile is thrown at an angle 37° from the
constants. The equation of trajectory of car y = ~x) vertical. The angle of elevation of the highest point
is of the projectile from point of projection is

(1) y=(f)x2 (2) y = ( :2 )x 2

(1) tan- 1 (%) (2) tan- (~)

(3) y =[ c:J, (4)y=(;)x

Corpgrate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Oelhi-110005-,Phone .: 011-4762~ 56
,,., 38 MoUon In a Plane

8. A particle 1, performing uniform circular motion of

(1} slna
radius 3 m with an angular veloclty 2 radians per
(2) tana
second In clockwise direction as shown. Find
acceleration of particle at point Q. (3) cosa
y (4) Independent on a
12. The trajectory of a projectile .
Ill a
y = ax - bx2, where a and b "e~1e;i
and y respectively are hor·are Cons~ 1~a1
distances of the projectile i:zo111a1
r a~d~t1a
projection. The maximum he· rh~ lh 11e.
1 8
(1) (~i -6./3 ])mls 2 (2-) (~../ai -6])mls 2 particle and the angle of Pr9 .t ati. •.1<1inl dPoi
horizontal are OJect,on · ~,
(3) (~i+6../3})mls 2 (4) (6i-6./3})mts 2 . 1r~
9. Find magnitude of average acceleration between · (1) -, tan-1(b) ( ) a2
the points P and Q for a particle performing uniform 2a b' tan-,
circular motion. Radius of circle is 2 m.
4m/s (4) 3!_
. b , tan-,(
a 13. A boat which has a speed of ktn/h .
t----;i--B_oo_, ~mis crosses a river of width 1 km in Stil w"
'bl h. , along '·
poss, e pat 1n 15 min~tes. The vel . shon,
water in ~m/h is Oc1ty Of ~
(1) 1 (2) 3
m/s2 (2) 82 m/s2 (3) 4 (4) J.41
14. To a·man walking at the rate of krnJh
84 3
(3) m/s2 (4) 82 m1s2 appears to fall vertically: When he in '~e ~
22 22 . creases~
speed to 6 km/h, it appears to meet him t
10. A man can swim at a speed of 5 km/h w.r.t. water. 45° with vertical. The speed of rain·is aan~1
He wants to cross a 1.5 km wide river flowing at (1) 2./3 km/h (2) km/h
3 km/h. He always keeps himself at an angle of 60° (3) km/h
with the flow direction while swimming. The time (4) km/h
taken by him to cross the river will be 15. A particle is thrown from a tower height 40 m.
(1) 0.25 h (2) 0.35 h initial velocity m/s making an angle a
(3) 0.45 h with horizontal as shown in figure. The irre
(4) 0.55 h
which the particle will strike the ground
1. Two particles 1 and 2 are allowed to descend on nearest to
the two frictionless chord OA and 08 of vertical

circle at the same instant from point 0 ..The ratio of I
20../2 mis
the velocities of the particles 1 and 2, when they
reach the circumference will be (08 is diameter)

(1) 1.5 second

(2) 2.3 second
A~ (3) 3.2 second
B . (4) 4.2 second

j Puia.'ioadJl~• Oelbi~1000.5,,fhone "P11.47~234?6
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.h.·~,,,w ,it, -:;,., ,·,.,, ..;;..,.~ ,:ii; _,., ,,
,ornentum Booster for NEET Motion in a Plane 37
~ rticle is moving in X-Y plane such that 22. Rain is falling with a speed of 4 mis in a direction
'· Vi :: 4 + 4t and Vy = 4t (t in second and Vx, Vy in making an angle of 30° with vertical towards south.
rn/s). If the initial position of particle is (1 , 2) m, then What should be the magnitude and direction of
the equation of trajectory is velocity of cyclist holding ' his umbrella exactly
(1) f =4x (2) y = 2x vertical, so that rain does not wet him?

(3) x2 = f (4) None of these

(1) 2 mis towards north
(2) 4 mis towards south
_ Aparticle moves in a circle. of radius 1.0 cm at a (3) 2 mis towards south
7 speed given by v = 2.0t, where vis in cm/s and tin (4) 4 mis towards north
seconds. The magnitude of total acceleration at 23 . A particle moves with a constant speed v along a
t = 1 s is nearest to pa~abolic path y = kx2, where k is a positive
(1) 4.5 cm/s 2 (2) 2.5 mls constant. Find the acceleration of the particle at the
2 point x = 0.
(3) 6.2 cm/s 2 (4) 8.5 cm/s
B. If speed of an object revolving in a circular path is (1) kv2 (2) !kv2
doubled and angular speed is reduced to half of 2
original value, then centripetal acceleration will (3) 2kv2 (4) 3kv2
l)eCOmelremain 24. A particle is moving with a velocity v = k(yi + x]),
(1) Same (2) Double where k is a constant. The general equation of the
(3) Ha~ (4) Quadruple path is
. Aball is moving in a circular path of radius 5 m. If (1) y2 =x2 + constant (2) y =x2 + constant
tangential acceleration at an instant is 10 m s- and . (4) xy = constant
(3) y2 = x + constant
the net acceleration makes an angle 30° with the
2 A particle is_moving at a constant speed in a
centripetal acceleration, then the instantaneous 5.
circular trajectory centred at the origin of an xy
speed is coordinate system. At one point (x = 4 m, y = 0 m)
(1) so.[3 ms· 1 (2) 9.3 ms·
the particle has a velocity -5.0 Jmis. Determine
(3) 6.6 ms· 1 (4) 5.4 ms·
acceleration of particle.

io. To a man walking due west with a speed of
4 mis, wind appears to blow from the north-east.
When he increases his speed t_ o 7 mis, the .wind
appears to blow from the north. Find velocity of
wind with respect to ground.
(1) -6.251 mls2 (2) 6.25 i mls2
(1) Jso (2)
(3) 6.25 J mls2 (4) 6.25(-]) mls2
(3) .[sa (4)
11. Aswimmer heads directly across a river swimming 26. Speed of a particle moving in a circular path of
at 1.6 mis relative to water. She arrives at a point radius 1 m varies with time as v = 2t2. Here v and t
are measured in SI units. Find acceleration of
40 mdownstream from the point directly across the
river, which is 80 m wide. Find time taken to cross particle at t = 1 s.
.the river? 2
(1) m/s
(1) 30 s
(2) mls2
(2) 40 s
(3) 50 s (3) 4 mls2
(4) .60 s (4) 2 mls2

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