Short answers
1. State any two applications of AI.
2. Define Artificial Intelligence
3. Define Turing Test
4. What is state space search
5. Define Artificial. Name various Al problem characteristics
6. Define state and explain how the state of problem changes
7. Define Admissibility of A* algorithm
8. Show that A → (B V C) → D is a tautology or not by using a truth table.
Long Answers
1. Write and Explain A* algorithm with relevant Example.
2. Write simulated annealing search algorithm and explain its working.
3. Explain Best First strategy and explain how it combines DFS and BFS approaches
4. Describe the behavior of A* search in terms of optimality, completeness and complexity.
5. Three missionaries and three cannibals want to cross a river. There is a boat on their side
of the river that can be used by either one person or two persons. How should they use
the boat to cross the river in such a way that cannibals never outnumber missionaries on
either side of the river? If the cannibals outnumber the missionaries, then missionaries
will be eaten. How can they all cross over without anyone being eaten? Describe the state
space and production rules to find the solution.
6. Explain in detail about constraint satisfaction problem
7. There are two jugs, a 5-gallon (5-g) and other 3-gallon (3-g) with no measuring marker
on them. There is endless supply of water through tap. The task is to get 4-gallon of water
in the 5-g jug. Describe the state space and production rules and find the solution path.
8. Show that A → (B V C) → D is a tautology or not by using a truth table.
Long Answers
1. Write Resolution Refutation algorithm in Predicate Logic
2. Obtain the resolution proof for the predicate “John likes Peanuts” from the following
i) John likes all kinds of food
ii) Apples are food
iii) Chicked is food
iv) Anything anyone eats and is not killed by is food
v) Bill eats peanuts and is still alive
vi) Sue eats everything bill eats.
3. Explain forward and backward chaining. Write forward chaining algorithm and
explain its working.
4. Explain how predicate calculus can be used as language for representing knowledge.
5. Write the steps of resolution regulation’s for proving an arbitary wff from asset of
6. Explain Monotonicity and write a note on complexity of propositional logic.
7. Consider the following English sentence "Anything anyone eats is called food. Mita
likes all kinds of food. Burger is a food. Mango is a food. John eats pizza. John eats
everything mita eats". Translate these sentences into formulae in predicate logic and
then to clauses. Use resolution refutation to prove "Mita likes Pizza and Burger".
8. Write the procedure to convert the formula in proportional logic into CNF. Convert
the formula (~A → B) Ʌ (C Ʌ ~ A) into its equivalent CNF representation.
Long Answers
1. What is an expert system? Explain the main components of an expert system
2. Explain how Rule-Based expert system work
3. Explain an expert system bunging out the role of knowledge engineer
4. Differentiate between Expert systems and Traditional systems
5. Explain Dempster – Shafer theory.
6. Write a short note on monotonic and non monotonic systems
7. Explain the architecture of expert systems in detail with the help of a neat Diagram
Short answers
1. Why Bayes networks are called casual networks? Give reasons with the help of diagram.
2. Differentiate single layer networks and multilayer networks
3. What is an activation function? Write the expression for Sigmoid function.
4. What is a Decision Tree?
5. Explain Training curve in multilayer feed forward Networks
6. What is perception?
7. Show how Boolean function can Lean than as a decision tree.
8. Differentiate between Supervised and unsupervised Learning
9. What is Non-monotonic reasoning
10. What is feature vector? Explain briefly
11. What is frame problem
12. Define clustering and list various types of clustering algorithms
13. Write a short note on recurrent networks
14. Define ANN.
Long Answers
1. Explain Back propagation Algorithm with an example.
2. Explain ID3 algorithm.
3. What is Neural Network? Explain different types of layers.
Short answers
1. State Natural language processing steps.
2. Define Natural language processing
3. Explain Lexical and Referential Ambiguity in efficient communication
4. What is feature vector explain with an example
5. Write a short note phrase structure grammar
6. Explain Semantic analysis in understanding Language string
7. Define Parsing.
8. Define semantic analysis with its sub-parts
9. List the types of parsers
10. Define Knowledge
Long Answers
1. Explain top down and bottom up parsing in natural language understanding.
2. Describe speech Recognition in terms of Language model and Acoustic model
3. What are semantic nets? Explain
4. Explain semantic analysis in natural language processing
5. Write a detailed note on Natural language processing
6. Explain phrase structured grammar
7. Write in detail about any two parsers used in NLP.
8. Draw the parse tree structure for the following sentence. "The boy goes to the school".
9. Explain how knowledge is represented using Frames
10. Explain in detail how knowledge is represented using semantic networks