pain management
pain management
pain management
This is the website of the Alliance of State
Pain Initiatives (ASPI). Formerly known as
the American Alliance of Cancer Pain Ini-
tiatives (AACPI), this is a network of state-
based organizations that work through
education, advocacy, and institutional
improvements to remove the barriers that
3. Describe the abuse-deterrent and tamper- and management is becom-
impede pain relief.
resistant strategies for the new formulations of ing an important health issue
opioid analgesics. with forthcoming changes in
This is the website of the American
4. Identify novel drug targets for pain manage- the health care system and
Pain Foundation (APF), an independent
ment, including the role of the endocannibinoid realization of the actual risks nonprofit organization serving people
system. to the patient associated with with pain through information, advocacy,
5. Discuss the role of pharmacogenomics that some analgesics. and support.
may assist with choosing personalized medi- Pain is categorized
cine for patients with pain. based on factors including severity, duration, and quality.
Pain can be classified as acute (lasting less than one month)
Introduction or chronic (lasting greater than six months) and can arise
According to the International Association for from nociceptive and/or neuropathic origins. Nociceptive
the Study of Pain, pain is defined as an unpleas- pain is experienced in the presence of an injury or trauma
ant sensory and emotional experience associ- and can be described using terms such as sharp, dull, or
ated with actual or potential tissue damage, or achy. This type of pain can be localized or diffuse; examples
described in terms of such damage. However, of nociceptive pain include osteoarthritis and pancreatitis.
any standardized definition does not fully ap- Neuropathic pain, defined as pain initiated or caused by a le-
preciate the subjective nature of pain and its sion or dysfunction within the nervous system, is commonly
associated physical, emotional, and behavioral described as one or more of the following: burning, shoot-
elements. The impact of pain is far-reaching; ing, or electrical shock-like pain that may not be easily local-
pain affects more Americans than heart disease, izable to a single point. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy and
diabetes, and cancer combined, with an esti- postherpetic neuralgia are classic examples of neuropathic
mated 80 million people suffering from pain in pain. A detailed patient history and pain assessment are the
the United States each year. Approximately 68 guiding factors in choosing appropriate analgesic therapies
million of these cases are classified as chronic for both acute and chronic pain, regardless of severity.
14. Which one of the following therapeutic classes is being 19. Which one of the following opioid receptors
considered for use in pain management as an adjunct to may contribute determining individual opioid
opioid analgesics to “reset” opioid receptors and minimize dose requirements?
opioid tolerance? a. Delta receptor
a. Anticonvulsants b. Kappa receptor
b. Beta-blockers c. Mu receptor
c. NSAIDs d. Sigma receptor
d. Opioid antagonists
20. Which one of the following patient factors
15. Which one of the following is an abuse-deterrent opioid may explain supratherapeutic concentrations of
preparation that is formulated as extended-release mor- opioid analgesics such as morphine?
phine with sequestered naltrexone? a. Being an CYP2D6 ultra-rapid metabolizer
a. Embeda b. Being a CYP2D6 poor metabolizer
b. Exalgo c. Being of Asian decent
c. Remoxy d. Being of Hispanic decent
d. Onsolis
a. CYP1A2
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