Apocalypse or Gilyahna Original Bible Codex

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Apocalypse or Gilyahna



The meaning of the Greek term "apokálypsis" is "Revelare!", the same as in

Philosophy EX; for, as we have already revealed, the prefix "apo" means "taken out",
and it has the same meaning as "RE", "EKK", "EDD" and "EX", and the suffix "kalumna",
or "kálypsis", means "veil"; therefore Philosophy EX The Apocalypse means
"Removing the veils, showing the hidden, teaching." Theologians understand nothing
about Eschatology, because they are divided by the ego into three main groups:
1.Preterists, who believe that everything has already happened, as Catholic theology
2. Historicists, who say that everything happens according to the passing of history;
3. Futurists, who argue that everything will happen in the future; According to A
Verdade, always above us, the originals reveal that the confusions are caused by not
knowing the duality and not focusing on the Jews and on the understanding of
Micro-Apocalypse and Macro-Apocalypse.
Armilenists think it's all metaphorical, while Millennialists take almost everything as
literal and mystical.
Both make mistakes, as always happens in the lies of the scissors. What happens is
that you cannot understand the content without understanding the vibration. For
someone who does not know the recipient and the textual style of the author John, as
well as the books of Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Malachi, Isaiah, and all the
teachings of lesus Christus about the End, it will be impossible to understand this
For Catholics and Spiritists, this book was not written in the times of Domitian, 90
to 95 AD, but in 64 AD, and everything in it has already been fulfilled.


The material present is from Satan, from Evil; the immaterial future belongs to the
Creator, to the Good. This world is a realm of Evil, and the Other World will be The
Realm of Good!
The Jews already had several Apocalypses in the First Bible, after the prophets and
1. Book of Enoch (not original), as it was written only two centuries before Christus;
2. The Book of Jubilees and The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, also in the
same time;
3. Assumption of Moses, which we saw in the 299th degree;
4. IV Ezra, II Ezra, and Revelation of Baruch, a century before Christus; Later, Jews
converted to Christians adopted books made by unknown authors, such as "
Apocalypse of Peter'', "Ascension of Isaiah", written two to four centuries after
Christus. Justin Martyr, 135 CE, Papias of Hieropolis, 150 CE, Melito, 160 CE,
Irenaeus and Eusebius cited The Apocalypse as original. considered a heretic by ICAR
until today, he rejected the book of Revelation for its Jewish character; he already
saw that the focus of the book is The Jews! Even Luther, founding father of the
evangelicals, did not believe in the Apocalypse. is original l, but rather that its focus
is The Jews, hated by Luther.
But many Catholic councils rejected The Apocalypse so as not to confuse the faithful.
The Cyril of Jerusalem (315 - 386 AD) and the Synod of Laodicea (circa 360 AD) did
not accept The Apocalypse into the canon of Scripture.
Neither did the Apostolic Constitutions (at the end of the fourth century after
Christus) and Gregory of Nazianzen (died 389 AD). Later, the School of Antioch
(407 AD) and Chrysostom of Constantinople and Theodoret
(386- 457 AD) would also reject it. This book only began to appear in manuscripts in
the sixth century after Christus.
And it was only in the thirteenth century that the canonicity of the Apocalypse was
accepted in the world.
Calvin, father of evangelicals, never quoted The Apocalypse.
John's Greek original contained many errors, mainly verbal ones. Catholic tradition
says that John died at the same time as James, before AD 70, to prove that this all
happened in AD 70. If the date of the Book of Revelation was AD 95, then John was
already quite old.
But, even if it was another John who had written it, Lusando the parchments left by
John the Apostle, the content is quite original.
There are several quotes borrowed from ancient Jewish Apocalypses that we listed
If we count the Roman emperors, according to Rev. 17:10, we have the reincarnation
of Nero, Domitian, who was known as the "other Nero"; with this, by wise inference,
we overthrow the Catholic and Spiritist preterism that The Apocalypse was written
before AD 70.

John begins The Apocalypse, The Book of Reveals: The Creator Reveals to His
servants what will happen soon, in the near future, through Jesus Christus!


Contrary to the interpretation of this first verse by the Trinitarians, who try to
prove that The Father is Another Person, the original here reveals that only lesus
Christus IS The Creator's Own Incarnation and Revelation to men, as is consistent in
all the letters. It is also evident that this is a future Macro-Apocalypse, not
something that has already happened.
John continues:
A Manifestation of the Creator Revealed to me, his servant, John; therefore, I am a
witness to all I have seen and heard about Wisdom Incarnate, Our Master lesus
Christus! Evolved and prepared will be the one who reads, hears and keeps the
words of this Book, because they will be fulfilled in the future! I, John, write to the
seven Schools of Asia: To you I wish Grace and Peace from the Creator, The Timeless
Existence Itself, That Always Was and Will Return! Grace and Peace from the 7 (72)
spirits who stand before His Immaterial Throne! Grace and Peace of the Lord lesus
Christus, Who Is The Creator's Witness, The First To Overcome Death, The King of all
the kings of the earth! He Loves Us, Delivering Us From Our Mistakes Through His
Blood, Placing Us In His Kingdom As Priests To Serve The Creator!


The word "kings" is a textual variant; the original is "Kingdom"! We were made His
Kingdom, from Being Kingdom, for His Kingdom. To understand The Plural Creator
Elohim, paste all the degrees of Duality and Quantum. See here in B.O. CODEX
chapters 1 and 2 of Colossians. 07 is the metaphorical number to represent "many,
all, fullness and perfection", 07 represents the many, as well as the prefix "poly": The
7 planets, 7 spirits, the 7 EX, the 7X, the X of the unknowns.

John continues:
Ao Creator, Glory and Power Timelessly, from Beginning to End, from Creation to
Destruction! Behold, The Creator Comes with the clouds, as He Always Manifested
Himself, and every eye Will See Him, even the Jews who Killed Him; All the wicked of
all the nations of the earth! All the wicked will be horrified To see Him Return! So it
will be! The Creator Says "I Am Alpha and Omega, Duality, Time, Existence, Delta
Present, Past and Future', The Absolute!" I, John, brother and companion of yours in
the sieve, in the Kingdom and in the Path of Truth, was on the island of Patmos
because of the Truth! One day, The Creator spoke to me in Spirit, with a Strong Voice
like a trumpet, which came from behind me: "Write in a book what you see, and send
it to these seven Schools that gather in My Name: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,
Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea!” Then I looked back to see Who was
talking to me, and I saw 7 golden candlesticks!
In the midst of the seven menorahs, Was The Son of Man, as said in Daniel, with A
Robe that reached His Feet and A Golden Belt around His Chest!
His Head and Hair were White as wool, as white as snow, and His Eyes were like
Flame of Fire! His feet were like bronze in a fiery furnace, and his Voice like the
Sound of many waters!
In His Right Hand He had The Seven Spirits (72), and from His Mouth came A Dual
Sharp Sword, Double Edged!
His face was like The Most Intense Sun, from A Dazzling Bright!
When I saw The Lord lesus Christus, he fell at His Feet as if dead!
Then He Placed His Right Hand (Dextra) on me and Said, "Don't be afraid! I am the
First and the Last, The Beginning and The End!"
"I Am Life! I Died In Matter For A Short Time, But I Am Alive In Imateria Forever!"
"I Have the keys to death and a Rehologram after death! I Master Death!


As we reveal in Peter's and John's letters, Christus did not descend into physical
Hades to preach to anyone! See original.
The axiologies and deductions of isolated verses drive mystics crazy.
Keys are metaphors for domain. The Jews, who are the focus of Revelation, knew the
uum of Jeremiah.
Many Jews believed that Elijah would have asked for the keys of being born out of
rain and raising the dead, and they would only accept a Messiah who would fulfill
Colmo 93, which shows that The Messiah must hold the keys of death and Hades;
that is, not the place of torment, but the power to raise the dead.
It is for this reason that lesus Christus says this: To prove To Be The True Messiah of
the Jews.
See that Antichrist will also have to fulfill this, and will be a Jew with powers over
death and after death.
There is a proverb of the Jewish rabbis that says, "There are four keys in the Hand of
the Creator He Will Never Give to anyone! The key of rain, the key of food, the key of
the tombs, and the key of a barren woman!"
So this proves that lesus Christus IS not only the Messiah, but the One Creator as
well, because He Has These Keys!

John continues:
"Then record all the things you see, both now and to come!"
"I Will Reveal to You What This Vision Means: The Seven Stars Are All The Spirits Of
The Creator (72) Who Care For All Churches, Schools, And Meetings Of Christians In
The World; The Seven Lampstands Represent All These Churches (Schools), at all
times! They are in my right hand because everything is under my control!"
(1 to 20).


"To the angel of the church" is not to the "pastor or leader" of a denomination, just
as "church" is not a temple or a denomination! As we saw in the previous degree,
300, The Angel is A Manifestation of the Creator, A Spark, Particle, An Emanation;
and the seven represents the whole, represents many, the unknown of x and y, a
numerical metaphor to indicate many, complete, whole and perfect. Unfortunately,
everyone only knows how to repeat what they've heard, that the 7 means
"perfection", or mystical privilegistic campaigns; but that never! Seven is the X,
therefore, it is not just 7 churches, nor just 7 Archangels, angels, planets or spirits of
the Creator!


Ephesus was the capital of Asia, the most important city in the Roman Empire after
Rome. For this reason, she is the first to be quoted, to represent seven groups in
seven ages, not literally, but in several centuries.
To understand this, it is possible to imagine, for example, how 21 centuries (3×7 )
and not 7 literal ages, how the "prophet" Branham was mistaken, and how almost all
the wrong theologians say!
If they were dispensations, as we have already taught in degrees, they would be 5
phases, and the last would be a duality of Philadelphia and Laodicea, like a
bifurcation, as it would be impossible to call the Jews and Christians of the 17th or
17th century the "Perfect Church"!
This is absolutely inconsistent! Theology even goes so far as to set dates in the
pretense of fitting seven as a literal in man's times; see:
1) Ephesus, the apostolic age;
2) Esmima, it was persecution, until 316;
3) Pergamos, imperial era, 316-500;
4) Thyatira, was black, 500-1500;
5) Sardis, Reformation era, 1500-1700;
6) Philadelphia, era of missions, 1700-1900;
7) Laodicea, age of apostasy, 1900;
How can the 18th century, with slavery, machismo, Jesuits, sexual abuse, legalism
scandals and divisions, be Philadelphia?
So our original revelation is that the biggest problem is the misunderstanding of "7",
"church" and "angel".
The letters were not delivered to the Angels, as they were guilty or responsible for
the guilt of the local people; not! The letters were delivered to the Angels, which, in
the original root, means "Messengers", "Mail", "Heralds" and "Prophets"!
They just received the letters and delivered them with The Creator's Message, just
like Gabriel did The Divine Virtue! Therefore, the letter has a collective content for
the local culture, and it does penalize those responsible, the false leaders: but these
are not "the angels" of the "churches"! With this original understanding, we can now
lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:
The First Letter to the First Candelabra: To the Messenger of Light responsible for
delivering the Message of Truth to those in the capital Ephesus, write: This is The
Message of What You Have All (7) Stars in Your Right Hand (Right Hand) and Walk
because Dominate all gatherings on earth, represented by the 7 golden candlesticks!


See that the 7 stars are the 7 angels or archangels; therefore, there is no “shepherd,
priest or rabbi” in the Right Hand of the Creator, but All his Spirits!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

“I know his character!
Your tireless work and constant struggle!
I know you do not tolerate evil men, and you have riddled the false teachers sent
upon discovering they were imposters! You have persevered and endured sufferings
for My Name's sake; even in suffering, you were never discouraged!" What I Have
Against You: "But you divorced the Love you had (Jr. 2.2)! Remember when you fell!
Repent and return to the same Love you had in the beginning ! If you don't repent, I'll
go to you and take away the first candlestick that represents you! You'll lose
everything you've done!"


Remember that "repent" is "methanoia", turn around, "convert", go back to the


lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

What I Have In Your Favor: "You hate the practice of Nicolaism, just as I Hate!"


As we have revealed in previous degrees, "Nicolaism" comes from the Greek:

"Dominion, clergy, hierarchy, titles, power" over the original disciple of Jerusalem,
not a leader of a ruling sect , as the theologians mistakenly suppose. Nor was it a
Gnostic sect, as the Catholic tradition said by Tertullian, because these sects
(groups) came later, as we will see in context, as to Nicolaism.
The term "Nicolaism", in the original, refers to nothing more than the practice of
Balaam, as we shall see in context, as to Nicolaism.
The term "Nicolaism", in the original, refers to nothing but the practice of Balaam,
mastering and negotiating.

Iesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

All who can hear, hear what The Spirit Says, through the Messenger, to all anointings!
To the victors I will give The Right to Eat from the Tree of Life, which has been in the
Garden of Eden since the beginning of it all! Second Letter to the Second Chandelier:
To the Messenger of Light responsible for delivering the Message of Truth to those in
the city of Smyrna, write: This Is The Message Of The One Is First And Last, And Who
Conquered Death!
I know your afflictions and your material poverty; but to me you are immaterially


See the "Rich and Lazarus" effect that we have been teaching so much! The
immaterial after-death is just the methanol of the material life condition!
The rich here will be poor there, and the poor here will be rich there!
What is in focus is the ego! He who considers himself rich and mighty (Laodicea) will
be poor and miserable in the judgment of the Great Day!
No need to die to know, find out from these 7 cards, which represent all forms of
Sentence, all Verdicts, all hammer strikes of the Creator! That's how He will judge!
That's the spirit, the sense of these 7 cards!
These are the Words that each one will hear, and the way in which The Creator!
Look! Our character and our choices!

Jesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

I know the big lie, which for Me is a slander, of those who claim to be Jews, but
aren't! They are biologically Jewish, but their behavior proves that they are, in
fact, Synagogues of Evil!


Judaism was very strong in the city of Smyrna, and very hostile to original
The Jews helped to kill Polycarp, and they murdered Pionius in 250 AD in Smyrna.
Justin Martyr accused the Jews, in their synagogues, of publicly cursing everyone
who trusted in Christus, Tertullian and Eusebius also confirmed the persecution of
Jews against Christians.
Therefore, theology lies when it blames the Roman Gnostics and pagans! It was the
fault of the legalistic bad Jews! Here, many conspiracists, mainly unchurched, say
that "the false Jews" are the Ashkenazis; but this, as we have already taught in
other degrees, is wrong, as they were Jews yes, but not for The Creator!
See the "having, being and power" as we have just revealed! Anyone who claims to be
rich is poor, and whoever claims to be a Jew, according to The Creator, is not!
Beware of what you claim to BE, for The Creator Sees just the opposite!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Do not be afraid of what you will suffer at the hands of the Jews! Know that these
devils will cast some of you into prison, and their persecution will last ten years


Emperor Diocletian, with the support of the Jews, killed hundreds of thousands of
Christians for ten years! Between 295 and 305 AD, in just one catacomb in Rome, the
bones of one hundred and seventy-four thousand Christians were found! Note that
the term "days" in the original referred to years.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Stand firm until death, without fear of the wicked Jews, and I will give you The
Crown of Eternal Life! All who can hear, hear what The Spirit Says through the
Messenger to all the gatherings! Winners will die in matter, but their immatter will
never die!


The second death is the lake of fire, metaphor to represent the end of everything,
the inexistence of full consciousness, when all three (Delta) judicial instances of the
Creator are exhausted!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The Third Letter to the Third Chandelier: To the Messenger of Light responsible for
delivering. Message of Truth for those in the city of Pergamos, write: This is The
Message of the Two-edged Dual-Sharp Sword!
You live in the throne city of Evil!

Christus had no acceptance in the city of Pergamos! Behind the city, there was a
300m high hill, where there were many altars and temples. Furthermore, cults were
held to worship the emperor.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan: Even though Truth has no place in
this city, you remain loyal to My Name and never renounce Faith in Me, not even
when Antipas, a name meaning "against all", teacher at the Pergamon School, was a
witness to the Truth! He was killed in Pergamos because, in this city, there is no
place for The Truth! This I have In Favor of you; but what I have Against you, in my
Dual Sword, is: Many of you follow the teachings of Balaam, the deceiving prophet,
who, allied to Balak's political power, alienated the weak to get them involved with
paganism and immorality!
They paid The Truth in order to exploit the faithful! So, because they let themselves
be deceived by false teachings and religious leaders, they will be devoured and
destroyed by the same religious rulers (the Nicolaphthas! So repent! If you don't,
when I come back, I'll kill all these religious leaders with The Sword Dual of My
Mouth! All who can hear, hear what The Spirit Says, through the Messenger, to all
gatherings! To all who win, I will give of the Immaterial and Eternal Manna (Baruch
29.8)! They will also gain a Diamond (Urim and Thummim), in which will be Written A
New Name of Mine, which will be known only to the winner who receives it! Each
winner will have a Special and Individual New Name of Mine! The Fourth Letter to the
Fourth Chandelier: To the Messenger of Light responsible for delivering The Message
of Truth to those in the city of Thyatira, write: This is The Message of the Creator
Who Became a Son, with Eyes like Flame of Fire and Feet like Shining Bronze: I know
your character! I know your Love, your Faith, your job and its constancy! I know you
are doing more now than at the beginning!
This I Have In Favor, But What I Have Against You Is: You tolerate Jezebel, a woman
who claims to be a preacher! King Ahab was dominated by her, and that caused the
fall of Israel!
So too, this woman preacher is dominating you with her false teachings! She appears
to be a spiritually gifted preacher, but she is actually a sexual pervert!
She doesn't care if the pleasures of the material world seduce you!
I gave her time to regret her bad character, but she didn't want to regret it! For this
reason I will send disease to her, and I will bring great suffering to all who tamper
with The Truth with her! If you don't want to suffer with it, then repent! I Will Kill
the children of Jezebel!

So, dear reader of the Original Bible, Is the Creator Is or Is Not Dual? Is it or isn't it
the evil of the bad ns? Where is the "Devil'' here? Who puts diseases, as we saw in
Deuteronomy 28? Don't make a mistake: The Griador is only Love for who is Love!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Hearing Me Interfere with Evil, all the gatherings Everywhere and at all times Shall
Know that I Am He Who Knows the True Intentions, Motivations and Desires
Consciousness! I Am Retribution and Repayment for each of your choices! All who
believe your false teaching and your false revelations will receive Evil! But of you,
who gather in Thyatira and do not follow her false teachings, I will not charge dogma
and biblical laws; I only hope of you Love! Keep it up until I Come! All who obey My
Will until the end they will conquer, and they will rule with Me in My Kingdom! As I
Said in the past (Psalm 2:8 and 9): "I will rule with an Iron Scepter, Judging all evil
men and making them broken, like an earthen vessel that breaks!" Nature and the
Power I Have After Coming Back from Earth , I will give it to all who win! The Title
that all kings craved and that only I Have, I will also Give to you: "The Title of
Morning Star! Lucifer, The Bringers of Light!"


For the Jews, the Evening Star was Death and Evil, and The Morning Star was Life
and Good! This little verse not only belies the theology about the origin of Evil,
coming from the mistaken "Lucifer", but it also proves the duality.
Of the seven stars, this is A Prime, and this is who we will be! All who can hear, hear
what The Spirit Says, through the Messenger, to all the gatherings! (1 to 29).



To understand the meanings of "seven", "churches" and "angel", it is imperative to

paste from the 300th degree. If you do not paste from the 300th degree, or better
yet, from the 146th degree, it will be difficult to understand The Apocalypse.
Remember, the angel is responsible for the letter, not the church; that's the big
mistake. Angel is a courier, messenger, not leader.
The seven churches are seven congregations; they were literal gatherings from Asia,
but they symbolized Church history and the way The Creator Sees and Judges our
Theologians say that Sardis represents the Protestant Reformation, but this is an
error already refuted by us.
lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:
The Fifth Letter to the Fifth Chandelier: To the Messenger of Light responsible for
delivering The Message of Truth to those in the city of Sardis, write: This is The
Message of Him Who Has The Seven Spirits (72), The Seven Stars and the Seven Angels


See that lesus Christus Has The 7 Spirits of the Creator, that is, All Control of All
Spirits, He IS The Creator!

Jesus Christus Continues Revealing to Yochanan: I know your character! You are
reputed to be alive, but you are dead! Open your eyes and take care of what little is
still alive! His works are imperfect in the Creator's eyes! Don't forget what you've
learned; obey and repent!
For the absent-minded, My return will be like a thief! If you remain distracted, you
will not know when I will come to judge you! There are still a few in the Sardis
gathering who have not soiled their garments, have not defiled their material bodies!
These will deserve to walk with Me, dressed in white! This means that you will have
a new perfect immaterial body! All winners will be dressed in white, and will have a
new immaterial and perfect body!


This expression is in two ancient books of the Jews: In the Ascension book of Isaiah
99. and in the book II Baruch 51.5; this proves once again that the language is
intended for Jews in particular, although we are indirectly included because we are
an extension of the Jews, or of Judaism we are all an extension of the Jews, but only
Christianity and the religious system are still in Judaism. The Book quoted by lesus
Christus, "Ascension of Isaiah", proves the "seven heavens, seven material layers, as
we reveal in degrees!

Jesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Their names will never be erased from the Book of Life! Existence.of A Great Light,
and they will see Me only, lesus Christus, The Manifestation of the Creator Visible
before all the Divine Emanations, I will confirm your names as the victors of the
world! , through the Messenger, to all gatherings!

This Book, as well as The Morning Star, The Sword, The Manna and almost everything
here, is a metaphor to represent our Eternal Life! There is no physical Book of any
kind! We reveal in the degrees of quantum that all quantum, that is, holograms,
information systems, source codes, the digital world, is the same as the spiritual
world; that is, everything that is digital prefigures the immaterial cosmos. in the
next ten years, from 2020 to 2030, we will have the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
and, in recent years, you will understand very well what we mean when we teach and
foretell about the immaterial cosmos. In the immaterial cosmos, it is common to see
something that does not exist, such as visions and holograms; everything will be
possible, as almost everything is possible in the edigital quantum field. This
metaphor from the Book just proves how firm and sure the Promise is that if we win,
we will never die again!

Iesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The Sixth Letter to the Sixth Chandelier: To the Messenger of Light responsible for
delivering The Message of Truth to those in the city of Philadelphia, write: This is
The Message of Him Who Is Perfection and Truth, and Term The Key of David (Is
The House of David represents My Kingdom (Psalm 122:5)! What I Open, no one can
close; and what I close, no one can open!


This Key of David has the same meaning as his Name, as we reveal in the DVD
degrees; Dalet, Vav and Dalet. The symbol, password, seal, ring and key of David
and Solomon, the Delta Délet upwards and the Delta or Daleth upwards.
See the duality of open and close, close and open.

Jesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

I know his character!
With The Key of David I Opened for you a Door (Dalet) that no one can close! I Know
you have little power and money, yet you remain in the Truth, never denying My

Smyrna and Philadelphia were the only ones who did not receive Condemnations; see
that they were DEmaterialized, they were devoid of ego and matter, they were small
and fragile before the system! Among all 7 churches, they are the only anti-system
As we have already revealed in degrees 300 and 301, Philadelphia bifurcates with
Laodicea, a duality of the latter gathering. In the last Church age, there was the rich
and powerful religious system, dominated by Jews and false Christians; in opposition
to this system, there are true Christians and Jews, poor and humble, persecuted and
despised by the lords of this world.
The gathering that is in power will be Laodicea, and the gathering that is pursued by
power will be Philadelphia. Philadelphia has The Exit Door, the EXit, The Dalet,
which is open to be our exit, and can never be closed by the system!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

You will see what I will Do with biological Jews who are, for Me, Synagogue of Evil!
I will make these Judeo-Christian gatherings of Evil to bow down at your feet and
know that I Love you!


See that the focus is "the Jews"! When The Creator Calls the gathering "Synagogue"
for the second time in the Letters, it has the same meaning as when He Called Israel
Lako! It is the same as calling the so-called Christian churches synagogues, as we do
in our teaching.
They are not Christian churches because they are not gatherings of Grace, but of
Disgrace! They are gatherings of the Law, with rituals, clergy, ego, legalism and
These gatherings are synagogues of Evil to The Creator Who Came to Destroy
Judaism, as we have seen since the 146th degree, here in the Original Codex Bible.
As we have already revealed, they are not in focus. The "Ashkenazis' ', but all who
call themselves Jews by ego, recognizing themselves instead of Christus as Messiah,
not understanding Grace, leaving the holy temple, the Holy Bible and holy city, as we
saw in Mt 4 and Lk 4.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

As you of Philadelphia remained in the Truth, without yielding to the system, I too
Will Stay with you in the last years of the Great Tribulation, which is to come over
the whole world to scrutinize all men on earth!

Legalistic denominations, the true synagogues, go so far as to say they are the
church of Philadelphia!"
And all pre-tribulation denominations make the big mistake of using this verse alone
to prove the rapture. It turns out the term "I will keep" in all The Bible has another
meaning! See, for example, that "you shall keep My commandments" does not refer to
abduction or protection, but speaks of fulfilling, obeying and following, with fidelity
and constancy to the end. Therefore, the original correct term, included herein
BOCódEX, is "Per manecer"; for, just as we will remain constant in the Truth until the
end, The Creator, as we have predicted, Will Return To Interfere in the Great
Tribulation and Protect Us from the Great Destruction that will fall upon Israel, and
consequently upon the whole world. See that just in the last three and a half years
the world will be hit. We'll review this shortly, but actually it appeared in earlier
degrees when Paul and Christus talked about it, as "world" and "earth" in the original
are references to Israel; but it is also evident that the final destruction, in the form
of a great world war, will strike the entire world.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

I'll be back soon after the Great Tribulation!
Therefore, continue in Truth and Love, so that no one takes your Reward (crown)!
All who win will be immaterial columns in the Immaterial Temple of the Creator! You
will be there forever!


Sadly, Christians and Jews go so far as to try to prove the temple with this isolated
text! The "Temple" here is a metaphorical and immaterial representation, as is the
The Star and all other symbols.
The metaphor only proves the stability, steadfastness and security we can have
regarding The Promise of Eternal Life!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Just as on the columns of ancient temples there were engravings with the names of
the adored deities, I Will Write on each of you The Name of the Creator and The
Name of the Creator's New City, The New Jerusalem! I will also write My New Name!
You will know The New Meaning of the Creator and the New World for you! The New
Jerusalem will descend from immateriality to The Kingdom, in the center of the
earth, and will be The Headquarters of Government, The Capital of the New World!


Rabbinical literature speaks of a mysterious new name for The Heavenly Jerusalem;
this proves once again that the whole language of revelation is made for the Jews to
understand Jesus as Messiah! See which trinkets use this text to prove that Jesus has
"One God"; why, if Jesils was God, then He IS Lesser! No! Never! It's a metaphoric
language, just as it has been since the first chapter of the book! Names are meant!
They are new Senses, everything new; are not literal things! See that the tetragram
YHWH, with pronm SHUA (Creator Salvadori), and will remain The Son until the end of
the Kingdom comes; after that, we will no longer have The Person of Christus, for He
has already Revealed Himself to us; but He will be Our Sun, Our Eternal Light, as we
will see in the last two chapters of Revelation.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

All who can hear, hear what The Spirit Says, through the Messenger, to all the
gatherings! The Seventh Letter to the Seventh Chandelier: To the Messenger of Light
responsible for delivering The Message of Truth to those in the city of Laodicea,
write: This is The Message of Truth, Legitimacy, The Faithful Witness, The Sovereign
of all Creation!


To understand what "Amen" is, the term translated in your Bible, see degree 100.

Jesus Christus Continues Revealing to Yochanan: I know your character! Sel that you
are neither cold nor hot! Better would be hot or cold! But as they are lukewarm, I
am about to Vomit them from My Mouth!


The "lukewarmness" here is not lack of position, balance, or progressive vision!

For you to understand lukewarmness, "you must know all of Scripture! Remember the
days of lesus Christus, when there were many priests and Jews who believed in Him
but were afraid to leave the Synagogues and leave the System, losing support, power,
status, job and money, and being cast out and despised by the family. When lesus
Christus Was in the Flesh, He called them lukewarm! deliberate errors of the 5
damnable churches, Smyrna and Philadelphia excepting Laodicea is Judeo-Christian
apostasy involved in politics; it is a "state church" like Balaam and Balak A powerful
church, rich and selfish, serving at the same time , To the Creator and To Money;
therefore it is lukewarm!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

You say, full of ego: "We are rich; we are so rich that we need no one!" But to Me you
are miserable and pitiful! To Me you are poor, blind, and naked! I advise you while
there is time: Buy the immaterial gold that only I Have, and which is Given through
suffering; then you will indeed be rich! Buy the immaterial eye drops that only I Have
to pour into your eyes; then you will see again! Buy the immaterial white clothes that
only I Have to wear; then you will cover your shameful nakedness!


See that 2 Co. 3 and 4 says that the Jewish religious system makes men naked, blind
and mediocre! See the meaning of Delta: See: wake up, evolve, conquer the ego;
Enrich: evolve in character, in the virtues of Good; Dress up: evolve in morals, have
nothing to be ashamed of; lesus

Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

I exhort and Punish everyone I love! So, heat up, boil, stop being lukewarm, repent!
Behold I am at the door of conscience Knocking. Here those who hear My Voice open
the door, I will enter with them and Eat! The winners will have the right to sit with
Me on My Throne, just as I, when I conquered the world, could Sit on the Throne of
the Creator!


These quotes of thrones and crowns, well known by the Jews, were taken from texts
such as 1 Enoch, 55.4, 108.12 and various excerpts from the Ascension
Book of Isaiah, see that this excerpt dismantles all literalness about physical suppers
and banquets, thrones and Trinity. It is not possible for millions of overcoming
Christians to sit on one Throne!
The "Throne" represents Kingdom, Government, Power! Christus, when Man,
Conquered the World, and His Immaterial Conquering Body has Power, Showing, as a
Pioneer and Precursor, that we too, conquer them Ochres, will reign with Him in the
same Government!
Therefore, metaphors, when well explained, assemble the mystical and trinitarian
It's time for children to understand about sex, about EX, and move from innocence to
awareness, in which they will no longer need metaphors to understand reality!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

All who can hear, hear what The Spirit Says, through the Messenger, to all


Laodicea is apostasy, the complete departure from the Truth through the blindness of
money and power. Deceived by the world, Christians are ready to be deceived.
This is the blind Judeo-Christian system, but The Creator Loves us and knocks at our
door. That's exactly what we're doing here: "Knocking on the door of consciousness;"
but who beats will stop Crashing.
(1 to 22).



After knowing how The Creator Sees and Makes His Verdicts, we are metaphysically
taken into the Immaterial Throne of the Creator, from which all other predictions will
In chapter 4 we see The Creator Spirit, and in chapter 5 we see The Creator Man,
lesus Christus. Chapter 4 speaks of the Return of the Creator's Interference; now, if
He'll Interfere Again, then it's evident that He doesn't Interfere today for anyone's
privilege, until His Kingdom comes.
We saw in the previous degree that the term "to guard" is actually "to abide";
therefore Rev 3:10 does not speak of a secret rapture. Rapture is a term that did not
exist as a mystical belief before 1830, as we have already revealed in degrees.
lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:
After I saw the seven lampstands, which represented seven gatherings, I looked, and
in front of me there was an open door in heaven! Mighty Summoning: “Go up here,
and I will show you what must happen after Laodicea and Philadelphia.” Immediately
I was Led by the Spirit before the Immaterial Throne, and on it sat One Man!


The last hundred years claim that "Go up here" to John represents the rapture of all
faithful believers, and that the twenty-four elders represent all saved believers
dwelling in heaven. See the great damage caused by isolating the texts. more lame
What is possible is that all services and masses have sermons and not teachings, and
sermons are all based on solitary texts at the pleasure of the "preacher". In order to
assert this, they will have to say that Revelation 4 is the rapture, and, in chapters 5
through 19, whenever the terms ``saints, Christians, righteous" appear, they refer to
the Jews.
Only after chapter 5 will the book speak to the Jews? What a big inconsistency! How
dangerous it is to isolate texts and literalize simple metaphors!


For the most part, The Apocalypse Reveals Jesus Christus as Messiah for the Jews,
and I do not harm the future! I already teach you, in other eschatological
opportunities, that The Apocalypse is the narrative of what man will do.
The Jews are on the moon from the movie "Truman Show" because The Creator Put
them there through the trap of Promises made to Abraham, which, by being
misinterpreted, generated ego in the hearts of the three main religions of the world.
They kill, steal and destroy; thus, The Creator Interferes, without Needing to Place
His Hands Directly, Indirectly, through the Jews and legalistic Christians, lords of this
world, who never understood that The Kingdom of the Messiah is not here!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

In Our High Priest, resplendent with jasper and sardonic, red as blood, representing
His Blood that Gives Us Eternal Life!
On top, completing The Delta, there was a 7-color rainbow, which reflected the green
color of the emerald, surrounding The Throne! Around the Throne were another
twenty-four thrones with twenty-four elders, as Isaiah said (24:23).

As the language is for the Jews, the passage from Ex 28:15 to 21 shows us that the
breastplate of the high priest had twelve precious stones, arranged in four rows.
See: 4x3=12, or A deltas. Here, lesus Christus has only one Delta of cited gemstones.
In the First Bible, the sardônio always appeared first, and then the jasper, because
the Jews expected that the atonement would come first and then the Messiah and the
Kingdom. Iesus Quotes jasper first, and The Atonement had already been made! The
jasper here turns blood red to be crystal clear, as we will see in Rev 21:11.
The rainbow does not appear in vain for the Jews either, as the rabbis see it as a
representation of the "Glory of the Creator". Rainbow, The Creator's Aura, with
emerald reflections.
On the breastplate of the high priest, the emerald was the stone of Judah, the tribe
from which The Messiah would come!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The twenty four men are the twelve teachers of the First Bible and the twelve
teachers of the Second Bible!
All of them were dressed in white and wore golden crowns on their heads!


In the worship and worship of the temple in Jerusalem, there were twenty-four
shifts of Levites, who alternately occupied themselves for their religious duties (I Chr
It is clear, once again, that the metaphorical language is all to convince the Jews
that lesus Christus And The Messiah, The King, The Creator!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

From the Throne came lightnings that provoked thunder, and those thunders were
Voices of Judgment! In front of the Throne were seven burning lamps of fire,
representing all of the Creator's Spirits (72)!
Also in front of the Throne was something that resembled a sea made of glass, of

Many Jews formerly believed that the firmament was a dome made of a solid
substance that separated the heavens from the earth, and that between the two was
a great sea.
The sea, like everything else that appears here, is not literal; therefore, the
recorded vision is only once proof that Jesus IS King!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Already in the center, around the throne, were The Four Manifestations of the
Creator, the four winds, the four Letters of His Name, the four forming elements of
the human body, and the four
material elements, represented by four living beings covered with eyes, both front
and back.
It was the seraphim of Isaiah and the cherubim of Ezekiel!


To the Jews, the eyes represent the ofanim, a personification of the eyes on the
wheels of Ezekiel's heavenly vision.
The ofanins represent "All-Seeing One", the esoteric eye of the rose crosses and
Egyptians, The One Creator!
In Abraham's Apocalypse, they had six wings, in addition to eyes; that is, they were
seraphim, cherubim, and ofanim at the same time.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The first being looked like a lion, the second looked like an ox, the third had the
face of a man, and the fourth looked like an eagle in flight.
Each of them had six wings, and their wings were full of eyes, both around and
beneath them.


"Like a Lion'': He Is The King! "Like Ox": He Is The Heifer for the Atonement of Sins,
The Messiah! "Like Man": He Is The Creator Made Man, The Father Became Son! "Like
an Eagle '': He Is The Immaterial Creator, Who Overcame matter and flew into

According to rabbinic literature, The Throne of the Creator is flanked by 4
Archangels: His right hand is Michael, the Warrior of Justice, who uses his sword to
protect! He's like an eagle.
His sextra is Uriel, The Warrior of Vengeance, who uses his sword to kill! It was His
Manifestation that killed the firstborn, therefore He Is The Manifestation of Death
(Angel of Death).
He is like a Lion. In front of him is Gabriel, The Messenger! He 's like a Man.
Behind him is Rafael, The Healer. He's like an Ox.
All of this proves that Angels are Manifestations of the Creator Himself!

lesus Christus continues Revealing Yochanan:

24 masters, 24 hours, 24 wings, 24 eyes, 7 colors and 4 Beings that repeat over and
over for 24 human hours: "Perfect, Perfect, Perfect And The Lord, The Absolute
Creator, Who IS The Past , The Present and The Future!"
Every time the 4 Beings repeat this phrase of honor, the 24 masters prostrate
themselves before the Eternal Creator!
Just as kings deposited their crowns on the rare occasions when they recognized
someone as Superior, so too, the 24 masters deposited their humps before the throne,
saying, "Our Creator and Lord. You Are Worthy to Receive Glory, Honor and O
Government, because It is the Creator of all things!"
"By His Sovereign Will, all matter and matter exist and were created!" (1 to 11).



We saw in the previous chapter, wrongly subdivided, that the 4 beings, in 6 vigils of
the god, represent the 24 hours of the day!
From 0 o'clock (half night) to 0 o'clock in the morning, The Creator Is Like A Lion Like
A Man From 6 pm to Oh, The Creator Is Like An Eagle.
They are just representations, such as those of the zodiac (7 degrees necklace of
Zodiac Septology), in which all signs, temperaments, personalities, virtues,
emanations and times all occur at the same time over all things in Sovereign Control

Iesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I saw in the Right Hand of him that Sit on the Throne a Book; it was a big
rolled-up Scroll, and I could see inscriptions on its two sides, but the great Scroll was
sealed with seven seals!

Note that "seven" represents the whole, the complete, it is a numerical metaphor for
"completely sealed and protected!"

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I saw A Being with Much Power Proclaiming as a Spokesman: "Who Can Open
This Scroll? Who Can Break The 7 Seals And Unroll It?"
Then I knew in spirit that no one, not in immatter (heaven), not in matter (earth, not
under the earth (death), could open The Book, and they could not even look at it!


Another Delta! Up, in the center and down! The Pyramid of Existence The term "in
heaven" speaks of the spirits of Good; "under the earth" refers to the spirits of Evil;
of Evil they died and are below! Imatter has no space, as we have already revealed,
in immaterial existence, everything is possible, the scenarios change and nothing is
fixed; therefore, the idea of ​hell under the earth is a fraud, as is the poetic idea of
​living in heaven, as they are just metaphors to help men understand. Man, in his
childishness, always creates mystifications about immatter, judging that "hell" has 9
layers, or heaven, 3 or 7 layers An example is the idea that Tartarus is a region even
more inferior to Hades itself, as if hell were an immovable property.
This all started in Greek mythology, as the idea of ​the world on three floors was
originally conceived in the religion of Babylon. So far, no problem, as the delta is the
obvious result of anyone looking for answers to this question.
The Roman religions copied this idea, as did Christianity and Judaism, A Prayer from
AKEL and all the professors of Philosophy EX for all who seek it.
Truth. Preaching literal and fanciful hell and heaven today to a generation of
evolved young people is the same as making them disbelieve in their existence;
therefore Philosophy EX reveals it in this way and urges all to teach equally,
otherwise you will be leading our young people to the abyss of disfaith! The young
people of today are looking for coherence, and if they don't find it in theology, they
will find coherence in every other possible mistaken association!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Upon learning in spirit that no one was worthy to open The Book, I began to cry!

See that, as a spirit, John was aware of everything without anyone telling him, but
he was still crying because he was participating in that metaphysical reality in
vision, and not entirely devoid of cam.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

It was then that one of the 24 elders said to me: "John! Don't cry! Behold, the Lion of
the Tribe of Judah, The Root of David, Conquered the material world to Be Worthy of
Untying All Seals and open The book!"


See that the trinity is just a Delta of Manifestations, and not, ever, three distinct
people! See that, clearly, The Same One Who Ever Seated on the metaphorical
Throne, The One Who, in this context, Has In His Right Hand The Book, Now And The
Lamb That Can Untie the Seals! He Is The Father, The Son, And The Perfect Spirit!
There are not two Thrones;
The Father and the Son Are on the Same Throne because They Are the Same Person!
This also destroys all the lying of Messianic Jews and JWs who disqualify lesus

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I saw that The Same One that Seated on the Throne Was also a Lamb! A Lamb
That Had Already Been Slain, but That Was Standing in the Center of the Throne,
surrounded by the 4 Beings and the 24 Elders!
The Lamb lesus Christus Had Seven Horns and Seven Eyes, which represent All Control
through his 7 Spirits! I saw A Great Light on the Great Throne, and out of that Light
Came lesus Christus, The Creator's Manifestation, The Immolated Lamb, The
Creator's Right Hand!
Upon Appearing at the Center of the Throne, He Takes the Book of the Right Hand of
the Great Throne! And, with lesus Christus with the Scroll in his Hands, the 4 beings
and the 24 elders prostrated themselves before lesus Christus, the Lion Made Lamb!
Each of the 24 elders had a pyramid-shaped guitar with seven strings and seven
musical notes!
Each of the 24 elders had two pure gold censers, one in each hand, filled with
incense! These incenses represent the wishes and cries of true Christians on earth!
With Delta-shaped guitars and golden censers, the 24 elders sang Delta Canções
Novas: Delta Song 1: "Only You Are Worthy To Untie The Book And Open It, For You
Were The One Who Died for Men, and with Your Own Blood Bought men from every
nation, language, culture and tribe! Through Your Blood You Made them priests of
Your Kingdom, and they will reign over the new earth!"

In this first song, we have "nation and language" for non-Jews, while "culture and
tribe" are a reference to Jews.
See that there are 4 citations, one for each cardinal point, representing the entire
world span. In the second new heavenly song, there are no longer millions of Angels
in heaven, but only Plural Manifestations of the glory of the Elohim!
See that nothing is literal; all this really happens, but in an Immaterial Cosmos
where everything is possible!

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I looked and saw, beyond the 4 beings and the 24 elders, millions of Beings of
Light around the Throne, and They Sang in One Voice: Song II of the Delta: The Lamb
Died Conquered; He Is Worthy of the Seven Virtues! Your Seven Horns of Power are:
Power! Wealth! Wisdom! Force! Honor! Glory! Excelência!


The language is again addressed to the Jews, as every Jew knows that The Messiah
must have Horns of Power, as in 1 Enoch 90.9 and 37, for example.
See that the False Messiah of the Jews will also have horns, as we will see in Rev 12
and 13. The horn represents the zoological sword, that is, defense and attack, the
duality of power.

lesus Christus continues Revealing to Yochanan: in the end, all The Emanations of
Good, all three material kingdoms: The Animal Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom, and the
Mineral Kingdom; all Evil Emanations, all, all, all existing creatures, all existence
sang in one Voice: Song III of the Delta: To the One Sitting on the Throne, Manifested,
Embodied, Materialized, in the Center of the Same Throne as a Lamb: Dominion!
Being as a Lion Said, "So It Will Be!" Honor! The Being Ox Said: "So It Will Be!"
Praise! The Being as Man Said: "So It Will Be!" Glory! The Being as an Eagle Said, "It
shall be so!"
"In all 7 millennia, in all 70 centuries, and in all 700 decades!" Then the 24 elders
fell down and Adored Him!

Pay attention: It is written "They Adored Him", not "Them Adored Them" or "Were
Adored", Because It Is One God, Creator and Savior! Lamb and Lion, Lawyer and


Look! Three songs, three material realms, three cosmos; everything is Delta!


"Praise" in its original meaning also means "Definitive Blessing" and "Excellence",
which is the same as Grace. He Is Our Definitive Blessing, Our Grace, Our Excellency!


In the Psalms, Jews knew well that there are four divisions ending with "O Amen!",
which represents authentication, legitimacy and credibility, for The True Messiah and
The Amen and The Truth, as Isaiah 65 says.
Jesus Christus, as we have revealed since the 146th degree, always began His
Teachings with "The True Amen!", translated in the Bibles as "In Truth, in Truth."
He Is The Absolute Truth! He Is The Amen! (1 to 14).


Then I saw The Lamb lesus Christus with The Scroll still Wrapped in His Hands.
Unleashing the first seal, The Being as a Lion, Uriel, The Anti-Messiah 666, Called
with a Voice of Thunder: "Come!"

Note The Voice of Thunder, that is, The Voice of the Creator! Many Trinitarians
claim to see three Persons in the Bible, but The Plural Creator, as we see clearly
here, does not only Manifest Himself as three Persons, but can also Manifest Himself
as 4 Beings, or even as millions of Angels; Everything Is Possible in the Spiritual


See that it is the 4 Beings that Call the 4 Knights; therefore, this proves what we
say: "lesus AND THE AntiChristus!" It takes a lot of evolution for this! Glue the 70th
degree to clearly see that The Messiah of the Jews is The Anti-Messiah, The Left,
Sixth Hand of the Creator!
These 4 Beings Represent The Authority of a Lion, The Strength of a Bull, The Love of
a Man and The Wise Vision of an Eagle; these are the 4 main Attributes of the
Creator! see that
He Is Omnipotent as The Lion and The Bull, Omnipresent as The Eagle, and
Omniscient as The Spirit of a Man.

Iesus Christus Continues Revealing to Yochanam: Immediately, there appeared before

me a white horse Promising Peace to Israel! There was a Man Mounted on a horse,
and He Wielded a bow, and He Received a Crown from the Jews! This Man Is The
Messiah the Jews Will Accept! He Rides like the Winner! The bow represents the war
that is about to start, that is approaching, and the crown represents your political
power in Israel. So when The Lamb Untied the second seal, I heard The Being as Bull
Call, "Come!" And another fire-colored horse appeared, because, right after the
Peace in Israel, The False Messiah will bring a great world war to the world, and
Great Chaos will begin! The Creator Empowered This Incarnation of Evil, Coming on
a False Horse of Peace, so That It May Take Peace from Israel! The color of fire
reveals that many flames of war will come upon the world! The second knight
Received a great sword, which represents the greatest population reduction in the
world.Then The Lamb Untied the third seal, and I heard Being as One Man Call,
"Come!" Immediately there appeared before me a horse of dense darkness! It
represents a major global political and economic crisis that will follow the great war!
His rider had in his hand a scale that represents the great social inequality, the
biggest economic crisis in history, and a lot of hunger! Then I heard The Creator's
Voice Coming from the Throne where the 4 Beings were: "Now let a kilo of wheat be
on earth for a whole day's work, and three kilos of barley for a whole day's work!
price of oil and wine!"

Preterists or theologians, who believe in a Great Tribulation that has already begun,
must open their eyes, overcome their ego and acknowledge their error! Matthew 24
did happen in AD 70 in the microacapolypse, but there is still a macro-Apocalypse to
come here! We teach this because, in the famine of the 62 AD micro-apocalypse,
mentioned by Tacitus and Josephus, there was no such financial crisis, neither in the
world nor in Israel! We are talking about a famine in which the worker, with his
salary, will only get the basics for himself, without being able to support his wife and
Even with barley, which is cheaper, a family will not be able to survive! Indeed,
there were years, before AD 70, when some parents ate their own children! However,
here we speak of a great famine coming after a great war; in AD 70, the famine
came first, and then the great destruction of Jerusalem took place.
The Creator does not want the oil and wine to be altered, because these two foods
represent luxury on the table of the rich! There will be plenty of luxury, but the
daily bread, everyone's livelihood, will be missing! The Creator Is Telling Men, "You
may drink, get drunk, have parties, have fun and enjoy, but you will go hungry!"
Once again, we see that the language of Revelation is addressed to Jews, because, in
Jewish eschatology, before the Messiah comes, there will be a great famine
accompanied by an excess of luxuries, which will be a great social inequality in
Israel! It was so in the days of Jesus, and it will be so in the days Of the False

Jesus Christus Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

So, when The Lamb Untied the fourth seal, I heard The Being as an Eagle Call,
Immediately there appeared before me a faded, bay-like horse, the color of aqua of a
corpse, with a bloodless and decomposed body! Death is being Sent by lesus Christus!
The horse the Jews believed to be braced on this rider! He's Impersonating The
This val Knight Kill Persarto of the Jews and all who supported The False Messiah!
They will die from the fire of war, or famine, or from disease or wild animals on
earth! Four forms of death for a quarter of Jewish and Christian followers of the
False Messiah!


That horse of darkness Is Satan Himself; see that It Is The Creator Who Sends It!
There are no clearer toys about duality than these! Surrender to the Truth! Here is
a proverb by AKEL: "The Jews were deceived by themselves and killed THE CHRIST.
Now the Jews will be deceived by the Christ-Antichrist!

See that there were four instruments that The Creator Used to Execute His Judgment
The False Crown: a acceptance of the Messiah; The Bow: destruction approaches; The
Scale: economic crisis of Israel and its supporters; The Sword: war and death;

lesus Christus Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then, when The Lamb Untied the fifth seal, the altar which the rabbis believe to
exist in heaven appeared to me; beneath him I saw the souls of those who had been
slain for the Truth! All the martyrs who died at the hands of religious Jews and
heathen emperors appeared to me crying out in a loud voice : "How long will the
Sovereign, Perfect and True, Wait to Judge the inhabitants of the earth? When Will
He Avenge our blood?" Then each of those killed by the Truth of all times received a
white garment of Light. Dressed in that white garment of Light, they heard One Voice
Say: “Wait just a little longer! After the False Messiah, the third war and the death
of a quarter of humanity, there will be very little to go! From now on, many will die
for the Truth and will join you!" Then The Lamb Untied the Sixth Seal! Upon Untying
the Sixth Seal, there was an immediate great explosion! The biggest bomb, the
biggest explosion of all wars! Ao point of smoke, dust and ash darken the sun, like a
black sack of goat hair! So too, the nights will be of blood everywhere!


As I have always taught, The Apocalypse is the narrative of what man goes As in the
movie Truman Show, the Jews are on the moon (US and Israel), ruling the world, ruling
in the name of the prophecies made to Abraham that they misinterpreted because of
their ego, And so will man destroy the world , as the beautiful song "The Last
Judgment" says, see that there will not be, as many mistakenly say, a great literal
earthquake! There will be some earthquakes, before, during and after, but it will not
be the fulfillment of this text; it was the big mistake of the Tjs about 1914, or of the
theologians, who believed editing in a meteor shower!
They may fall, but that will also have nothing to do with this prophecy! This
prophecy is just a metaphysical and metaphorical setting; to see it correctly, it is
necessary to see
The whole Bible, from the beginning, and then from the 146 th degree, and then all of
Revelation, and all of this chapter, in which we see clearly, we see that kings are not
going to ask the mountains to fall on them; this is just a metaphor to represent the
terror that will take place in the last great war world, consequence of man's greed!
The Creator Allowed it, but I still don't see the earth directly and literally!

lesus Christus Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

I, John, saw the sun in darkness, the moon in blood and the stars falling to the earth,
like the green figs that fall from the fig tree when a strong wind shakes them! I saw
the sky, the one that all men see, rolling up like a scroll!
I saw all the mountains and islands being taken away like leaves!
Then I saw all the millionaires, billionaires, kings, presidents, princes, generals, all
the lords of this world, as well as all those enslaved by them, hiding in caves, caves
and in the rocks where the mountains were! I saw them and heard them cry out to
the mountains and rocks that came out of their seats: "Get back here! Get back to
your seats to protect us! Protect us from the Creator Who sits on the Throne! Protect
us from the Wrath of the Lamb! We know! The Judgment, The Kingdom, The Great
Day of the Creator's Wrath has come upon men! Who can bear The Creator's Wrath?
Surely no one!"


See that the end of the text reveals that the earthquake, the darkened sun, the
moon in blood and the stars falling from the sky are all metaphors!
So, stop looking around for bloody moons, eclipses, earthquakes, solar storms or
other natural events!
Stop! And just a metaphor! Heaven will not be rolled up here at this point, but only
at the Coming of the Lord, which will come just after the third world war, which is
near but still a little while away, as The Creator Said to the martyrs: "Little is
missing! Many will die still for the Truth!"
And a lot of those are us, EX, and everyone out there!
See that the deaths will be first of those who supported the False Messiah, but, soon
after, those who did not support him will also die, like us who will not be deceived by
the Judeo-Christian civilization and culture.
The text is not literal, but only speaks of the great despair of all the lords of the
world in these last 1260 days.
The lords of the world, the Jews, the Christians, will all understand that The Creator
Is Coming to Judge and Rule! (1 to 17).



At the end of the last chapter (6), which should not have been subdivided, we have
yet another Trinitarian acre.
A Wrath has always been linked to The Manifestation of the Creator as Pail.

The main objective of the Book of Revelation is precisely to prepare Jews and
Christians for what will happen to the false and the true.
If the intention is to warn, alert and prepare, how can there be a privileged rapture?
If so, the Apocalypse record would be incoherent!
The passage we saw from Rev 6.9 to 11 makes it clear that there will be Christian
martyrs in GT!
Now, again in this chapter, in verse 9, we're going to have this statement about what
you're going to face.
Before opening the seventh seal, lesus Christus pauses, dramatically creating a great
suspense to know what will happen; however, there is no way to reach the seventh
seo without understanding this pause, as it explains that there are a number of
righteous who will be Protected by the
Creator in the last 1260 days, as He Will Again Interfere, as we have predicted! None
of the seals will reach these seals of Revelation 71 Eschatologists argue whether the
focus here is the Church or Israel, Physical Israel or Spiritual Israel; well, the answer
is simple, and it is consistent. See that although theologians warn and Israel will only
convert in the final stages of the 1260 days of the Great Riddle, and not in the
development of the GT, we must remember that both witnesses will come, and many
Jews will still not accept The False Messiah, this passage does not speak only of
spiritual Jews, that we are Christians, and not only the Jews who did not really
accept The False Messiah!
To understand this, it is necessary to know how many accepted YahShua in his day!
Therefore, which we will quote throughout this degree to make everything clear for
you, students, and sign, seal, signature, in the original of the Original Apocalypse! A
mark for O Good, a mark of the False Messiah; therefore, the focus is on the Jews, as
we'll see 13 but it also represents the whole crowd of TG's saved, it's a mark for Evil,
as well as Cain and Abel. Remember The Good 10th degree earlier; not Jews against
the Jewish system—we will be spared. This seal is even Christian, so that, together
with the two witnesses, they disclose to all Jews The True Messiah; but later, even
sealed, all Jews will finally understand that YahShua IS THE Messiah and Creator
See that "forehead, number, mark" are metaphors; there will be no physical signs for
the righteous! The forehead represents a visible identification, according to the
metaphorical language of the Creator!
So, Jews are literal, but they represent all true Christians. Also, the brand, the seal
and the number are figured!
The number of Jews is not literal, as it is a metaphorical representation of 12, as
well as 4 and 7, for all Jews and Christians who will not be deceived by this Messiah!
Philadelphia is here, and the descendants of all 12 tribes will not accept The False
Realize also that if you always look to the 1260 days of Christus as a dual reference,
you will understand what is really going to happen now; but The Delta will be down!
Our synthesis is that these are not just literal Jews, nor Only spiritual Jews, but
both! The Truth is obvious!
Let's go to the original:

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

After this terrifying vision of the sixth seal opening, I saw the 4 Beings Transform
into 4 Archangels Standing in the 4 directions of the earth: North, south, east and
west. They are holding back the 4 winds in order to prevent any wind from blowing
on land, sea or any tree!


Even the direction of the winds on earth is in Delta! In solid matter, in liquid matter
and in vegetation on matter! In many Bibles the term "four corners' ' appears,
however, although The ancients thought the earth was square, Greek Ionian
philosophers (600 BC) refuted this, Proving that the earth is a disk! The original texts
make it clear that John spoke of angles , from the direction of the winds, and not
literally from "corners''!
To understand The Apocalypse, it is necessary to understand the entire Bible! See
that this quote is to remind the Jews of Jeremiah 49:36 and 37, which says "I will
bring them to Elam four winds from the four angles of heaven, and I will scatter them
toward all these winds!”
“I will bring upon the Elarnites Evil and My Wrath, Says O Creator and Lord!” The
Jews also remembered, with this revelation, of Daniel 7:2, which says:
"I was looking, and behold, the four winds of heaven stirred the Great Sea!"
In the 7th chapter of Daniel, we see the Creator as 4 other Beings, with the same
Virtues as these 4 of Revelation.
As there will be many catastrophes after this big explosion, natural and possibly
man-made, created by man (such as Haarp, Blue Beam, Chemtrails, nanorobots,
artificial intelligence, augmented reality, drones and flying cars), the end of
everything will be very close; therefore The Creator Will Have to Intervene quickly
in this pause, so that His Chosen, the victors of this sieve, announce to the world The
Truth at a time when materialism will have ended, but the ego will still be alive!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So I saw A Fifth Manifestation, A Being of Light who came from the East with the seal
of the Living God!
This Being of Light Spoke to the Four Beings of the north, south, east and west: “Do
not harm the earth, the sea and the trees, until the foreheads of the righteous are

The Jews Know II Baruch Well

6:4 and 8:1, in which there were also 4 Angels who were about to set Jerusalem on
fire! Then a Fifth Angel Came to Prevent the 4 Angels, until the holy objects of the
temple were safe! We are those holy objects! That one! Fifth Archangel is lesus
Christus, as are all Manifestations!


The Fifth Angel Is at the Center of the four winds! He comes from the East, for he
points to Palestine, which is in the east of the Isle of Patmos! Christus And Our East!
For this reason, the Masonic lodges, with The Dual Wisdom of Solomon, are shaped
like a quadrilong! Just as sunlight comes from the East, Truth also came out of the
East, from the center of the earth to the world! Apocalypse is the East! Everything is
in the East! The East is represented in the center of the Delta, where there is the
letter YOD, which is the initial letter of the tetragram YHWH or IEVE, the Four
Letters of the Four Winds! It is important to teach this, as Freemasonry knows a lot
about The Truth, but they need to free themselves from ego and matter so as not to
follow the path of the ruling Jews of this world.

lesus Christus continues to reveal to Yochanan:

Then lesus Christus, The Fifth Manifestation, Spoke the number of those sealed
"144,000! From all the tribes of Israel"


Everyone who has passed since the 300th degree and understood that the quotes are
representative metaphors of literal events, already know that the 144,000 here
cannot be literal!
To understand this, it is essential to know the entire eschatological part of the First
Bible of the Jews. Here we go: The Jews know Isaiah 44:5, where "the inscription" of
the Creator's Name in the hands of the righteous is mentioned, in order to identify
The Jews know 2 Ezra 6:5, where the righteous were sealed before creation to be
protected during messianic times! Also known to the Jews is Ezekiel 9:1 to 8, where
Christus is the Seventh Angel who prevents The Four Six Angels from destroying
Jerusalem, in order to mark the foreheads of the righteous to protect them, just as
happened to Moses in Egypt.
Finally, The Jews know the Book of Psalms of Solomon 15:8, where the righteous
receive a forehead to be preserved from evil in the judgment that will come upon the
unrighteous! Already in the Talmud, the righteous are marked with ink, while the
unrighteous are marked with blood.
This seal is nothing more than the Duality of the Evil brand!
The Jews who accepted The False Messiah were marked, but so were the Jews who
didn't accept Him!

Jesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

From the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed; from the tribe of Ruben,
twelve thousand; from the tribe of Gad, twelve from the tribe of Asher, twelve
thousand; of the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Manasses,
twelve thousand.


Manasses was the eldest son of Joseph, born in Egypt and of an Egyptian mother.
The tribe of Manasses substituted the tribe of Dan in the list, for, according to "The
Testament of Daniel'' 5:6, Dan is the tribe of Evil of the first serpent, of the coming
False Messiah; therefore, lesus Christus has no one from this tribe to seal. All
accepted The False Messiah. So, to complete the twelve tribes, The Supreme
Included the twelve thousand of Manasses who will not accept The False Peace in the
Middle East.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

From the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand; from the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand;
from the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand; from the tribe of Zebulun, twelve
thousand; from the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Benjamin,
twelve thousand.


Ephraim was also replaced by Joseph, as they are the sons of Rachel, Jacob's
favorite wife. Furthermore, in John's day, Ephraim was no longer considered a
separate tribe.

See, in verse 9, we are also included with the 144,000 martyrs. Like them, we will
announce The Truth in these 7 years; however, in the end, all 144,000 will be killed,
as will many of us, although the focus is strictly on the Jews.


Note that the metaphorical 144,000 of verse 9 is actually about millions of Jews and
Christians! This will be a real holocaust, not against Hitler, but against the
Judeo-Christian system of the Bible itself! Because they are rebellious to the False
Messiah, they will die in Israel, and will be captured in every corner of the world!
See that, in addition to tribes and peoples, which represent Israel, we have languages
​and nations, which represent us.
The same 4 quotes for Israel, not Israel, which proves, by consistency, that the
144,000 are this same multitude from verse 9!
These 144,000 represent the millions of Jews who will die; there will also be
persecution of millions of Christians in countries that form the great pro-Israel
Zionist alliance! In chapter 14, we will see that many will still die to form this great
crowd seen by John, 4000 is the metaphorical number to represent all saved from the
Great Tribulation! It is correct to say, dually, that it will also be 144,000 the number
who will accept the mark of the Beast, That is, the False Messiah! Remember, the
size of the New Jerusalem wall is 144 cubits, proving to be a metaphor!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

After hearing and understanding this, I looked, and there appeared before me a great
crowd, impossible to count! They came from all tribes and peoples, and from ALL
countries and languages: they were all standing before the Throne and the Lamb! All
wore white clothes and held palm branches!


Again, the language for Jews: The palm branches have always symbolized victory
and Kingdom! The Jews know 1 Maccabees 13:51, 2 Maccabees 10:7, and 11 Ezra
2:42 to 48, in which we have an identical scene, with martyrs holding palm branches
and bearing crowns on their heads! This quote from verse 9 shows that the 144,000
died, as we will see in chapter 14.

lesus Christus continues to reveal to Yochanan:

All the millions and millions of righteous winners of the Great Tribulation cried out in
a single loud voice: "Only The Creator Can Save , Through the Lamb that Sit on the
Throne!" Then I saw all the Beings of Light who were standing fall down and worship
The Creator, talking about His 7 Virtues: “Power! Wealth! Wisdom! Force! Honor!
Glory! Excellence! These Are Your 7 Virtues Forever!" Then One of the 24 Elders
Asked me, "John, do you know who these millions in white clothes are? And do you
know where they came from?" I replied To The Elder, "Lord, You Know It!" Then The
Elder Revealed To Me: "These millions and millions are the ones who came out of the
Great Tribulation!
They wear white clothes because their mistakes have been forgiven by the Blood of
the Lamb, who washed their clothes and left them clean! These millions and millions
will forever stand before the Creator! The Creator Will Forever Be Their Tabernacle
and Temple! Imateria and Eternal Life will be Their Sanctuary!
As Isaiah said (49:10): They will never again be hungry, they will never be thirsty,
they will never again suffer from heat or cold! For the Creator Who Is in the Center
of the Throne, as a Lamb, Will be His Shepherd, as the Psalm (23) foretold! He Will
Lead His People to Overcome to the Waters of Life!
As Isaiah prophesied (25:8): The Creator will wipe away every tear from their eyes!"
(1 to 17).



In this chapter 8, which should not have been subdivided, we see the opening of the
seventh seal, which consists in the judgment of seven trumpets; therefore, the
seventh seal is the seven trumpets themselves. See the metaphors that reveal the
sequence of events: Seals: The Scroll is untied and unrolled to reveal what will
happen, Trumpets: Upon opening of the seventh and final seal, the Scroll it is fully
unfolded, and now we can know Its content; to know the content, the trumpets will
blow to announce the executions. Bowls: After the trumpets blow, the seventh
trumpet will herald the outpouring of Wrath, Judgment, and the actual physical
beginning of Interference of the Creator in humanity. So far we have only seen the
seals being untied and the Parchment being unrolled little by little, although we are
aware of what will happen in short, from The Manifestation of Evil, The Messiah of
the Jews, to the great explosion and terror of men, we do not know in detail how all
this will happen. And now, therefore, in the seventh seal, that we will begin to know.

Jesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So, when The Lamb Untied the seventh seal, all Beings were silent for such an hour!
After the quiet time, I saw The Seven Archangels, who are the Seven Spirits of the
Creator, all standing before the Throne.
Each of the Seven Archangels Received a Trumpet.

In fact, 30 minutes in the Creator's time is 7.5; as they are "almost" half an hour, we
would have the equivalent of a 7-day break. As the 7 represents a whole, an X
(unknown), then we can conclude that there will be after the sixth seal a great truce;
after all, we will have a quarter of the Jews killed after the great war, not to
mention the great explosion.
But, after this interval of time, the seven trumpets will come, which represent The
Seven Spirits of the Creator.


This language of “half an hour” of silence is familiar to the Jews, for in II Ezra 7:30
we have a period of silence of exactly seven days, representing a change in the order
of the world.


We reveal here that of the first six seals, The Creator Interfered indirectly through
the lords of the world, who were the Jews who ruled all things through the
misinterpretation of the Abrahamic promises, but this 7 day pause represents The
Return of the Great Direct Interference of the Creator! US that Swallows the rebels
alive in the desert, The Creator that Opened the Red Sea, Is Back!
This silence in "heaven" proves that The Creator Does Not Interfere today directly!
But, henceforth, He Will Interfere! , already He did, when He separated for Himself
millions, represented by the 144,000 sealed.
Just as it took seven days for the Creation of the material world, now there are
seven days that represent the approaching arrival of a New World.


The Jews know well I Enoch 20: 7, in which The Creator Is Seven Archangel Spirits:
Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Michael, Sariel, Gabriel and Remiel; as are the 7 of Ezekiel 9.
See that, in this text of Ezekiel, the six Archangels kill all that are not sealed.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

Then, A Being of Light Brought a golden censer and stood by the altar. That Being
Received much incense to Offer on the golden altar before the Throne. These incenses
represent all the suffering, all the cries of the righteous who suffer on earth during
these days of Great Affliction.
Then, The Creator Received all the prayers of the righteous, represented by that
smoke of incense that was from the Hand of this Being of Light. The Creator Having
Received the prayers, The Being Took the golden censer and filled it with fire from
the altar! After setting fire to the censer, The Being Threw the flaming censer upon
the earth! When the flaming censer fell to the earth, there were four signs: Voices,
lightning, thunder and an earthquake!
So The Seven Archangels, who Are the Seven Spirits with the Seven Trumpets,
prepared to blow them!


See that, at this time, we will be in great affliction, but we will have peace at the
same time, because we will know that The Creator Will Receive our prayers, and at
that exact moment He will come back to Interfere! And The Return From His Land;
the men of this generation will finally know The Supreme, Whose Name they have
hitherto only heard of and taken in vain!
The Great Revenge will begin.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So, The First Archangel Sounded His Trumpet! Immediately, fire, hail and blood were
thrown on the earth! A third of all trees and nature reserves, in the entire Atlantic
Forest, in all forests, in the entire Amazon, were set on fire!


Look! We've already seen Deltas in chapter o, and we've seen various "one-thirds",
which are perfect representations of a triangle. There will not be any kind of literal
fire or blood, as this is a Jewish approach, for the Jews to remember ſoel 2.30,
Zechariah 13.8e9, and Exodus 9.24. It's a metaphor that says a third of all the green
in the earth will disappear. Certainly, The Creator had sent to earth no longer man
through the Haarp) storms such as had never been seen before, and this had
destroyed a third of the earth's vegetation burrow. Note that Jews know the
rabbinical interpretation of Psalm 2:9, in which one-third of all misfortunes in world
history are expected to happen in the days of the Messiah. Many, still full of ego,
will think that this will prove The False Messiah as True. Sadly, many rabbis will
preach that the events are part of the Messiah's cleansing of sins. They will still
need more trumpets to recognize their great

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So the Second Archangel Sounded His Trumpet! Immediately, something like a great
burning heap was thrown overboard!
A third of the sea creatures died! And a third of the maritime vessels were
destroyed! For this reason, a third of the sea turned to blood and death!


Look! Several Deltas (one third)!

Note that John saw a comet or large meteor falling to earth, as "a great flaming
mound" would be our definition of a falling celestial body if we lived 1900 years ago!
But only a third were destroyed! Amazing that, as there will be no repentance for
the Jews and their haters, The Creator, in the second cup, which we will see in Rev
16:3, will destroy all marine life! This could be a comet or meteor, or it could simply
represent the purpose of the trumpet, this one literally, which is to end a third of life
at sea! Somehow this will happen.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So The Third Archangel Sounded His Trumpet! Immediately, another comet fell from
the sky, burning like a torch, over a third of the rivers and springs of mineral waters!
And I, John, learned that the comet was called Wormwood! Because a third of
drinking waters and minerals became bitter and poisoned, and many died from these


No! Wormwood is not a mighty demon coming to earth, nor will there be satanic
forces here! No! Wormwood is not planet X or Nibiru! Neither are alien ships! They
are just metaphors, like trumpets, cups, seals, beings, fire, incense; they are just
representations of what will really happen, to show what these days of great scarcity
of natural resources will be like!

The Jews know Jer. 9:15 and 23:15, in which the prophet clearly warns the people of
Israel about this exact judgment! The Creator Is reminding Israel of when it all
began; the ten plagues of Egypt, the passage known to every Jew, in Ex 7:21 to 24,
which will now fall on them, especially on Israel!


Understand what we have said since the 300th degree, which we will repeat here:
The "tera" in the original is Israel The focus is Israel! All these Indirect and Direct
Interferences from the Creator will be to Israel in the Middle East! Many of these will
spill over into the Middle East! world, and there will be suffering in the world
because of it, but the greatest terror will be there! Remember that Moses and Elijah
will be in Israel (Rev 11) for 1260 days, and they will turn the water to blood Israel,
before all major world press.


Look, a comet for salt water and a comet for fresh water; the water will really run
out; it's an apocalyptic event. "Water" here does not represent life, nor peoples; be
careful with the bad exegesis. Here, water is literal, and we only understand this
when we know the history of Jewish eschatology.


Absinthe is the most bitter-tasting shrub known! Various types of absinthe are found
in the East, Syria, and Palestine.

Iesus Christus Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

So The fourth Archangel Sounded His trumpet! Immediately, the light from the sun,
moon and stars was hurt! Men lost a third of the day and a third of the night!


Each Living Being Who Represents The Creator has taken for himself a time of day
and an hour of night! That's 8 hours less each day. Divide the world into three parts
and You will have the pyramids of the Creator's Judgment! Multiple Deltas in all
court executions! Look! Nothing here is literal; as it has always been throughout
The Bible, it is about the destruction of the earth, caused by man himself, who kills,
steals and destroys! And now, from chapter 8, The Creator Is Directly Interfering, by
trumpets and cups, sounding a third of all life on earth, as signs for the Jews to wake
None of this is literal, but they are representations of the literal signs that will
actually happen, in a sequence of catastrophes, losses, damages, tragedies and
death, starting with a third, to full destruction.
The fact exposed here is that the 7 colors of creation they will be hit one by one,
until the world turns black and white, grey, and judicial!
the optical illusion of those who love the matter of the world will end, so that, thus,
dematerializing them, they can see the spiritual cosmos and remember where they
came from! No day will be weeping or be without light, but everything that normally
exists today, without Divine Interference, it will undergo supernatural alterations,
until the Jews understand! It all started with the hard heart of the Pharaoh, which
The Creator Himself stiffened!
Now, 3,500 later, it's the Jews who have a bad conscience and a hard heart! And this
one was hardened unlike the heart of the heathen Pharaoh, which was hardened!
This is O Grande Riddle, which is Aefinirá exactly who has the 777 seal and who has
the 666 mark!


It is costly that Jews and religious worshipers will not understand these signs.
Changes to the luminaries' elima and light won't be enough for them to regret it!
Everything will then culminate in the cup judgment of Rev. 16:8, which we shall see
shortly, in which men will be burned by the rays of the sun!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

While I perceived the light of the sun, moon and stars darkening, The Eagle Being
flew through the middle of the sky and Said with a loud voice: “Alas, alas, alas for
those who dwell on earth, because the last three trumpets will be even more
destructive! The last three trumpets will be three Woes!"


See: Delta Woes! Some theologians have changed the term "eagle" to "angel" because
they don't believe that an eagle can do what only an Angel can do! How unaware of
the Creator!
They are blind, full of pedagogical ego, unable to see that everything John sees Are
Manifestations of the Creator!
The Jews know that in II Ezra 11:7-9, the Eagle is used to speak of human power, and
in II Baruch 77:17-26, an eagle delivers a letter of warning to the nine and a half


Realize, wise and wise, that whoever has more ego than effort will read the
Apocalypse in isolated texts and will always fantasize about monsters and mystical
literal interpretations; but whoever has less ego and more effort will look down, as a
whole, and see the metaphors and their real meaning, coherent and harmonious with
the lexicon.


See that the first three trumpets were the first candles in the candelabra, as in
degree 123, where The Creator Gently Interferes with what man eats and drinks; but
now, in the fourth trumpet, which is the largest candle in the candelabra, we have a
pause signaled by the blinking of the luminaries, indicating that the next three
candles will be the Evil Interference of the Creator, which Will Send Evil to the earth,
and man will really be troubled !


Man trusts too much in the fixity of nature, but this IS The Creator Himself Speaking
Silently! Now, all nature will be alchemized, and just as it began, it will end dually!
The Hat Lux from the beginning of all now begins to flicker and fail, and these four
trumpets surely indicate changes in nature.
The matter will actually pass. Heaven and earth will be passing, that is,
transforming. lesus Christus, as we saw here in BOCODEX, in his little Apocalypse of
Lk. 21, Mt. 24 and Mc. 13, he made it clear that nature will revolt, for it is in her
that we will see the direct signs of the Creator!
In summary we have:
Shofar I. Global warming;
Shofar II. The wrath of the sea; Shofar III. Lack of water;
Shofar IV. Signs in the sky to warn of the last three evil trumpets; As for us, we will
be singing, in these final days, the Selah of Psalm 46:1 to 3: "The Creator Is Our
Bunker and Our Safety! He Will Be The Relief Well Present in the Days of the Great
Tribulation! Therefore, we shall not fear, even if the earth change, though The
mountains shake in the bosom of the seas, though the raging waters destroy islands
and cities!" (1 to 13).


To understand Chapter 9, which shouldn't have been subdivided, let's recap:

Shofar I. Global Warming;
Shofar II. The wrath of the sea; Shofar III. Lack of water;
Shofar IV. Signs in the sky to warn of the last three evil trumpets; Now, let's see the
V Shofar:

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So The Fifth Archangel Sounded his trumpet! Immediately, I saw another Comet
Falling to the earth! This Comet Was Different, As It Had Received Evil Power! He
had the key to the Path of the Abyss, where the dead rehologram (relive) their


The greatest proof that "stars" is not literally comets, meteors or planet Nibiru, is in
the original itself. The original texts reveal that the term used is the same for Stars,
Spirits and Angels. Therefore, it is correct to say that The Angelic Manifestation
That Sounded the Trumpet And The Same One That Descended to Earth to execute
judgment, that is, The Interference of the Creator! Note that, in these last 3 Ai, we
have Delta Trumpets of Evil, and IT IS THE Creator Himself Who Sends Them! AND
THE Manifestation of Evil for men who choose to be and do Evil.


When we understand that, in the spiritual cosmos, poetically known as "heaven",

everything is possible and All Manifestations Are The Creator Himself, we can refute
all mystic theology of trinity, angels, demons and Lucifer, it is clear that nothing
comes from heaven or from no part of existence that is not A Manifestation of the
One and Only Creator! This is so clear, for Only lesus Christus Has The Metaphorical
Key of Death and Re-hologramming (after-death) as we saw in Rev. 1.18. That Star Is
Lucifer, Venus; The Planet is Christus, with His Left Hand, who comes to take the
death of the Jews! If He Has Control of the Afterlife, in the re-hologram, then He will
prevent the Jews and all their supporters from killing themselves to escape the Great
Tribulation, Remember that The AntiChristus Will Depart the Path of the Abyss, as we
shall see!
That's where the Messiah of the Jews comes from, and that's where He returns when
He is Destroyed! One more complete proof that The Left Hand of Elohim is the
AntiChristus! And Christus Who Will Open The Way Abyss for the Rise of the Messiah
of the Jews.
The Jews know it as Way, end. Tunnel, Pit of the Abyss, by I Enoch 17, 18, 22, 28
and 31. It is not in Antarctica, nor at the end of the earth; it is not a physical point,
because in the spiritual cosmos there are no immovables!
The extract from Isaiah 14 about Lucifer makes it clear who in fact He Is, and what
his metaphor represents: Beyond Nebuchadnezzar, Evil Incarnate for whoever chooses
to be Evil!

Jesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

When The Comet, Which Was A Manifestation Of The Creator, Opened The Abyss,
much smoke rose from it!
It was like a gigantic furnace! The smoke that came out of the Abyss darkened to
the sky and the Sun.
Then, in the midst of that enormous smoke, millions of Beings appeared, as if they
were a group of locusts! These millions of Beings Received from the Creator the
power to hurt men, such as a scorpion!
It looked like a cloud of locusts, but it wasn't! Locusts would attack crops and trees,
but The Creator Sent These Beings to injure all Men who did not have the
metaphysical seal (777) on their foreheads! So these millions of Evil Beings came to
earth to hurt millions of Jews and their supporters! Beings did not kill men, but only
brought them pain, like a scorpion's sting! For 5 months, Jews and their supporters
were attacked by these Evil Beings. The agony in those 5 months will be so great
that the Jews and their supporters will look for death, but they won't find it! They
will want to die, but death will flee from them! They cannot die!


This is the real Zombie Apocalypse! Yes, write there! The Fifth Trumpet is The
Zombie Apocalypse! No Being will literally come to earth; it won't be an alien
invasion! It's also not about helicopters and drones with weapons, as the context
shows us an evil metaphorical scenario! The literal meaning presented here is 5
months without the possibility of dying in the matter. Man will suffer some kind of
disease, whether by pandemic, virus, or consequence of a biological-chemical war.
The only possibility of artificial intelligence "drones" appearing here would be if they
were hypothetically used to infect men in war. This is also possible, as we have
already seen in the apocalyptic series Black Mirror: Robot-insects against man
himself. We remind everyone that the biggest and best technologies, like the sniper
drone, are from Israel, and these technologies will certainly turn against Israel itself,
by Von: Sovereignty of the Creator. It is possible, as the metaphorical text actually
points to an attack on Israel and its supporters. An attack of the red power to punish
the blue power, as The Creator always Did with the scissors, What we have concrete
is just the clarity of the original interpretation about zombie men for 5 months.
Warn the Jews they will be zombies for 5 months! And even so, they still won't
recognize YahShua as Messiah. We emphasize that, to understand the real
interpretation, it is necessary to know the Jewish eschatology and the biblical,
Johannine and Christic metaphorical language. See clearly the consistency: And The
Creator Quen Sends Evil; there is No Being Doing Evil against the Will of the
Absolute, Nor Any Enemy of It Threatening His Plan.


See that the Jews know Jeremiah 8.3 a6eJ6 3. 21 and 22. As men seek luck when they
sin, now The Creator Takes away their death so that they sin.


The next verses of context will prove the Evil Power Sent by the Creator Himself.
He Has Again Interfered, for men will not die for five months, and this, somehow, will
be (is) literal!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

These Evil Beings looked like horses prepared for war! They all wore gold crowns on
their heads and metal vests! Their faces were human, and their hair was long Like a
woman's! All Evil Beings had tails and stingers like scorpions, and teeth like a lion!
Their tails hurt the men, who in great agony wanted to die, but could not for five
Their millions of wings beat, making a great noise, like horses and chariots running to
war. Then I saw them geared for war, and I also saw One King, called Abaddon in
Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek, Who Is The Manifestation of Evil Itself , The Archangel
of Death and the Abyss!


The Jews know I Enoch 19:1 and 20:2, which shows That Angel of the Abyss, Abaddon
and Apollyon, as One of the 4 Beings, and exactly, behold, The Archangel who stands
on the Sixth of the Throne!
The Left Hand of the Creator! While the Jews blindly follow the False Messiah, the
Evil Incarnated in Him Himself Manifests itself against Israel!
The Jews know that The Angel of the Abyss is Uriel! In the Talmud Abaddon Death
Becomes a Person, a Being! Abaddon is a Hebrew term meaning "Destroyer,
Devourer"; yes, The Creator Sent The Destroyer! In Prov. 30.27 We know by science
that locusts have no king! These Beings are not locusts, but Evil Beings! demons sent
to earth, as the mystics imagine, because all daimons are Manifestations of the
Creator to Punish evil men! We will see in the fifth Cup that The Interference of Evil
Will Intensify Even More! The fact that the Jews and their supporters have accepted
The False Messiah as True Will Give Creator Legal Freedom to Interfere Aggressively!
It was four thousand years of near Silence, and another two thousand years of
Silence, now it's time to Judge and Correct His Creation.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

Anyway , the first Woe is over, but there are still 2 more Woes to come! Then, The
Sixth Archangel Sounded His Trumpet! Immediately, I heard A Voice that came from
the 4 horns of the Golden Altar before the Creator, Saying: "Let them go 4 Beings
that are by the great river Euphrates!" These 4 Beings Are Manifestations Made to
Kill a Third of Humanity! These 4 Beings Represent A Great Clock!
The First Represents The Year; The Second, The Month; The Third, The Day; The
Fourth, The Hour!


No! There are no bound or chained demons in Iraq or the Middle East! They are not
literal Beings! They Represent The Exact Time of this great slaughter of one third of
humanity! If the Jews who control the world think of making a huge population
reduction with the arrival of the Messiah, using as slaves the non-Jews who survive,
then they are mistaken, because the deceivers of Jacob Will Suffer Harsh Judgment
from the Creator in these days!


The altars of the tabernacle, and beyond the temple, had horn-like bulges in the four
angles. It was on these horns that the blood of the rituals was passed, as is known by
the Jews (Ex. 29:12 and Lev. 4:7 to 18). See that the trumpets blow to announce
great chaos, but in Rev 16:12 we will see and the Euphrates River will be dried up,
and there will be a great war that will kill a third of men in the Middle East! Always
Jews and their supporters! The Jews know I Enoch 56:5, which says, "And in those
days The Angels Shall Return to the East! They will stir up the enemies of Israel and
will come against Israel!"
They are aware of what the tyro Ezekiel foretold about Goguel Euphrates represents
all the enemies of Israel; now yes, we have Islam, Turkey, Communists, Russia, China
and all of the red power that will come against İsrael, agitated by these 4
metaphorical Archangels! Euphrates was known as the "great river", as it was the
largest known in the area of ​Palestine.
It was born in the hills of Armenia, crossed the Tauros range and ran south and
southwest until it met the Tigris River, the first rivers in the world; it will be in them
where everything will end!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So I heard that the number of knights who made up the armies was two hundred


They are not knights, but soldiers and chariots; so too, the number represents an
absurd amount of enemy armies that will go against Israel and its supporters in a
great war.
The expressive number of soldiers completely destroys preterism, which preaches
that everything has already happened.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

They had vests red like fire and yellow like brimstone!
They had reddish vests like hyacinth and dark blue! Their horses had heads like a
lion, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone! Fire, smoke and
brimstone represent three attacks, which killed a third of the men! Just like the first
Beings, who wounded men for 5 months, these horses also wounded them with their
tails! Because horse tails were like snakes! They ended with heads, and those heads
hurt men! However, these horses also had the power to wound with their mouths!
Tails hurt, but mouths killed! But, even with so much suffering, the shelf of humanity,
even knowing these three attacks and this great slaughter, continued to be selfish,
loving matter and money! Many Jews believed in the False Messiah and many pagans
worshiped their gods! Men continued killing, stealing, drugging, prostituting, raping,
cheating and cheating!


In your Bible, the term "witchcraft" appears; but the original expression is
"pharmakon", origin of the term "pharmacy, drugstore"; that is, they are people who
seek pleasure in drugs and medicines.

Shofar I.
Global warming;
Shofar II. The wrath of the sea; Shofar III. Lack of water;
Shofar IV. Signs in heaven as an omen of the last three evil trumpets;
Shofar V. Zombie Phenomenon; Shofar VI. A Great War in the Middle East!


We see many Delta Mortes here, many "thirds" being mowed down! We've already
seen a quarter die in Rev 6.8, and another third here in Rev 9.18: 58.3% is humanity!
Many will die in other ways, especially in the 7-cup catastrophes.
All this because the Jews know what Zechariah 13:8-9 says: "In all the earth,
two-thirds of mankind will die!"
"66.666%, without the 777 seal, but with the 666 mark, will die! However, 33% will
be sealed by the 777!"
But this third part shall yet pass through the fire, and I will cleanse it as silver is
purified, and taste it as gold is tasted! They will invoke My Name, and I will Hear
them and I will Say: "Those sealed 33% are My People! And these 33%, the
metaphorical 144,000, will answer Me: YAHweh, The Creator, The Lord, The
Absolute, The Supreme, The Sovereign Plural EloHIM! The 72 Manifestations of the
Apocalypse!" (1 to 21).



We have, in this chapter 10, a "parenthesis" between the sixth and seventh trumpet,
just as we had a pause between the sixth and seventh seal. The first three chapters
of the book of Ezekiel are the foundation for this original chapter.
Ezekiel saw that Our Creator Yahweh Became a Man Full of Glory! He also saw A
Scroll written on both sides, containing lamentations and Woe! With that, we see
once again a Grand Revelare!

The Book of Revelation is actually a collection of Revelations from throughout
Jewish Eschatology! And a Jewish Eschatological Anthology For lesus clearly Reveals
the same content already known to the Jews in the ancient books, but with new
interpretations, in synthesis with all If you, dear student or teacher, want to
understand better, think of Revelation as the summarized extraction of all the books
known to Jews who speak of the END; now that they're compiled, they can show us
what's really going to happen! See that in Ez. 2.8 and 3.3, we have the original
source of this vision.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

After that, I, John, saw Another Mighty Manifestation Descending from heaven!
This Manifestation Was Surrounded Was Like The Sun, And Its Legs Were Like Pillars
Of Fire! A Cloud, and on His Head were the 7 colors of the rainbow! Your Face was
like the sun, and its legs were like pillars of fire!


See it in your Bibles!

That Angel And lesus Christus!
A single verse deconstructs the entire Ange Jologia! Angels Are Not Creatures, They
Are Plural Manifestations of the Spirit of the Creator Puerile theology lives on
fantasies like "Gabriel, Michael, Apoloom, et cetera." No no and no!
This And The Angel of Rev. 5, The Same of Daniel 12:7 and the same rainbow of Rev.
The Jews know Daniel 10:5 and 6, II Ezra 11:37 and the Apocalypse of Abraham 11!
They just know that All Angels and Demons Are Mighty Manifestations of the Creator!
It is clearly there in your Bible! Paul talked about this in Ephesians 1 and Colossians
1 and 2. He said, "Christus Is All, All Things, Fullness!"

Jesus Christus continues to reveal to Yochanan:

And This Mighty Being Held An Open Scroll In His Hand! He Put His Right Foot on the
sea and His Left Foot on the land, and Screamed with the roar of a lion! Instantly,
Seven Thunders Spoke!


See the duality! The Creator Will Raise the Two Beasts (Rev. 13), from the sea and
from the earth; he realizes that the Beast of His Sixtra will come from the earth,
that is, of Evil! lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan: After The Seven
Thunders Spoke, I was about to register, but I received an Order that Said: "What The
Seven Thunders Spoke, you must not reveal yet!"


This language is known to the Jews, as in Psalm 29:3-9 and in Wisdom 19:13.
Contrary to what most people think about the Secret of these Seven Thunders, we
will know their revelations in Rev 11 and 16, because, in the seventh trumpet and in
the seventh cup, we will have the revelations accompanied by these Seven Thunders!

lesus Christus continues to reveal to Yochanan:

This Being Standing over the sea and the earth, That Is Our Supreme Creator and
Savior lesus Christus Raised His Right Hand Up To Take an Oath, And Swore by all that
was Cre- do, in matter and in immatter: “Enough! The big day is coming! The Day
announced by all the prophets! When The Seventh Archangel Sounds His Trumpet, all
that has been announced will come to pass!" !" Then I approached the Mighty One,
and when I asked Him to Give Me The Scroll, He Said to Me, "Take it and eat it! It will
be bitter in your stomach, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey!"


In your Bible, the term "Little Book" appears, as it is the translation chosen to
designate the smallest portion of the Parchment yet to be fulfilled. This Book is not
The Bible, nor The Book of Revelation, as we have it. This Book is the same as in Rev
5, where the Revelations of the Kingdom actually begin! The 7 Seals Untied, The
Scroll Unrolled (Evolutio) , and now there is little to be revealed. In fact, here we
have one more textual variant, because the terms "bibaridion", "biblidarion" and
"biblidion" are diminutives added by scribes, instead of "biblion", which means "roll ,
parchment, papyrus, book", full size, not "A Little Book".


See, contrary to what you've heard and learned about three years in Peace and three
and a half years of the True Great Tribulation, is 7 years in all, and 7 is always an X,
an unknown, a numerical metaphor, which represents a full time that has not been
revealed exactly.
Because we have as Grand Revelare that, throughout the Bible, the Tribulations have
always lasted 40 years! The rain of the dikuvius fell for 40 days, Israel was riddled
for 40 years in the desert, Moses was in the mount for 40 days and nights when he
received The First Bible, Jonah's preaching lasted for days and Our Savior Was Dual
Ribbed in 40 days.
To understand this, see the sources used by John to endorse the revelations of
Revelation: In the Ascension book of Isaiah (4:12-14), The Anti-Messiah stays for
1,335 days and not 1260, just as Daniel 12.12 says. Note that 42 months is the
duration of the False Messiah's brief rule, but the judgments will continue for a while
longer. It is also possible to verify from the originals that The Messiah of the Jews
will be popular and powerful for 3 and a half years, but his government may start
sooner or last longer than that.
The height of his populist power over the Jews will be 1260 days. In fact, in the
next two degrees, in Rev 11 and 12, we will see the beginning of the 7 years, in the
first 3 and a half years.
The Chronological Apocalypse begins with chapters 11 and 12, and then continues on
from chapter 6.


By Duality everything is understood, especially The Apocalypse; then we have 1260

days was with The Upper Delta, Christus, The True Messiah; in fact, as Daniel 12
tells us and John here endorses, it will be exactly 1260 dual days of the Anti-Messiah,
The Sixth of the Creator!
But the time of Paz and the time of ungoverned destruction and control of Israel by
the False Messiah of the Jews will be more than 7 years in all! We reveal, in the
Countdown videos, the possibilities of 2023, 2026, 2029, 2030 and 2033.
It turns out that, taking into account the error of the Western calendar, assuming
that it starts in 2023, for example, we will have more than 7 years in all perfect to
actually start The Kingdom!
The Little Book points out that, only after this moment, we will be able to shout
"Soon it will come!" It's not coherent to sing, preach and shout these days ``He's
coming soon! "He's Coming!" This trivializes Faith, Truth and Hope! Christus Is
Saying with His Feet over the sea and the earth "I will come soon!" For really, after
these things are accomplished, there will be very little left! These
days, we will shout and sing like never before "Soon I will come!" The Reign of the
False Messiah will be brief, not the whole of the Great Tribulation along with its
political and religious reign. So the whole of these days could be 7 and a half years,
10 years or 20 years, but it won't go beyond 40 years! This count will only start with
A Manifestation of Evil in Flesh, The Messiah of the Jews, which will be simultaneous
with the Manifestation of Moses and Elijah in Jerusalem.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So I took The Scroll from the Hand of the Mighty One and ate it! Indeed, The Scroll
was sweet as honey in my mouth, but as I ingested it, I felt it extremely bitter in my


See! The duality of the Original Apocalypse! The Sweet and the Bitter produced by
the One Creator! Just as this Scroll was in the Right Hand of the Creator in Ap 5, now
Is in Su his Left Hand, because His Right Hand Was Raised to Heaven! The Scroll that
was on the right hand, John takes it from the Left Hand of the Creator!
In Ezekiel, The Book was sweet, but its message was bitter! That's how the flavor of
Pervaminho was interpreted! It comes from the Sweet Creator, but the content is
Bitter to man! It is not a Gospel, Evangelium, of good news, but bad news! Here we
have another Delta about this revelation: In II Esdras 7:17 to 25 and 102, the Jews
know that he was sad to know what it would be like there; Ezekiel was happy,
because he knew that the end of the cycle was important, because it represents only
one here! Digestion of this Book is difficult! People squirm, complain, mutter to Gd,
want to know what all this is about!
They need to look down to see the whole story, the entire silence of the Creator for
so many millennia; thus, you will understand the end of all things! Anyone who is
still carnal and material does not know that the end of matter is the best thing that
can happen to man!
Finally, if all people knew what Jews are capable of, and how they run money, banks,
businesses, the press, religions, governments and laws, everyone would understand
and eternally thank The Creator for This Revenge, This Justice!
I, John is sad and happy: He cries first, but then he is fellz for the revelations.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

Then The Creator Said To Me: “Now you will need to prophesy again to peoples,
nations, languages ​and politicians!”


There were the 4 corners of the earth, represented by “peoples and tribes”,
indicating Israel, and "nations and idioms", indicating pagans, not Jews; now we see a
replacement: The term "tribes will replace the word "governors, politicians, heads of
state", because the content will be revealed directly to the world political system, as
now it will not only be Israel that will be hit, but the entire world, with The Coming
of the Kingdom of Yahshua, The King of Kings! Now we will have the seventh
trumpet, the last "Alas!"; the two witnesses will oppose the False Messiah of Israel.
(1 to 11).


The seals happen simultaneously with the trumpets, for the seals reveal and the
trumpets herald the execution.
Already the seventh trumpet will execute the beginning of the seven bowls, and then
we will have great destruction by the revolt of nature, reaching mainly Israel, in the
Middle East, and splashing in the world, mainly in the supporters and enemies of
The parenthesis between the sixth and seventh trumpet continues. Again, this
chapter, which should not have been subdivided, is based on Daniel 9 and 12.


This chapter 11 is seen by many scholars as a text by another author, that John
copied and inserted here, in the middle of the Apocalypse; this is suspected because
of the textual style different from that presented in the first ten chapters. Even if
this is the case, the text is still in harmony with Daniel 9 and 12.

lesus Christus continues to reveal a Yochanan:

A Manifestation of the Creator Gave me a bamboo-like stick used to make
measurements, and He said to Me, “John, go and measure The Creator's Temple and
the Altar, and count the worshipers who are there! Do not measure the outer court,
however, as this was given to non-Jews! The heathen will tread down Jerusalem for
42 months!"


This measurement is based on Ezekiel 40:3, 42:20, 47:1 to 12, Zechariah 1:16, 2:2 to
8, and Jeremiah 31:39. Here we have a third temple in Jerusalem being measured to
be destroyed! For the Jews know the language of 2 Kings 21:13, and Isaiah 34:11, in
which the measurement was made for Destruction! We see the same in Amos 7:7-9,
Lamentations 2:8 and 11 Samuel 8:2, The center of Jewish worship will rise to be
destroyed. Remember that, in the Chronological Apocalypse, chapters 11 and 12 are
the first paragraphs written in the Scroll that Our Supreme Master Opened; similar to
bamboo, and can measure more than 6 meters in height.
This bamboo pole grew in abundance on the banks of the Jordan; being straight and
light, it was used to take measurements. If the revelations had occurred today, The
Manifestation would have given us a tape. In the previous grade we saw how long it
can take to air The Great Tribulation; in this degree, we are talking about the
Political Agreement for Peace and Security in the Middle East, in Israel, signed by the
Man who will be recognized and acclaimed as the Messiah of the Jews!
This agreement will last 42 months.
See that the construction of the third temple is directly linked to the beginning of the
Peace Agreement, the recognition of the Messiah and The Manifestation of the Two

Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yochanan:

"During these 42 months, I, the Creator, will manifest in Jerusalem Two Witnesses,
who will prophesy clothed in a coarse black cloth, made of goatskin!"


It's amazing to see the theological assumptions here! From OT and NT, to "two
Christian shepherds" who will preach in Jerusalem. No! It is necessary to know Jewish
literature and the focus of Dual Apocalypse to decipher it correctly! i know Enoch
90:31, which is the prediction that, before the judgment, Elijah and Enoch will have a
new mission on earth! The Jews also know the book of IV Ezra 6:26, which speaks of
two witnesses who would not yet have died. It's regrettable the mediocrity of
theology that contaminates the church and unchurches! If you talk about
"rehologramming," you're seen as esoteric, because they don't even know what the
term means. If you talk about "reincarnation," you're seen as a spiritist , because
they don't even understand 0 Reincarnate! They don't understand you when you talk
about not experiencing death, as they are too childish to understand quantum
physics, "time, space and matter", where everything is nothing, and time is
meaningless for The Creator, Q WHEN DO these gauges serve?
As we have seen since the 146th degree, there is re-hologramming, rewriting, fighting
back, and not material reincarnation; but here we have the only case of
Reincarnation in the entire Bible.
However, this Reincarnation will not be through a new material birth, but Through
the Manifestation of Two Angels in Flesh!
Their material bodies were preserved for this final moment. But, as everything is
possible, it could also be that two bodies of two good men embody the spirits of
Moses and Ellas.
Enoch will not be one of the witnesses, because Moses and Elijah represent Law and
Prophets, that is, The Tanakh, The First Bible, The Jews' Bible, Torah and Prophets;
as both are the most respected, it makes perfect sense that they should be them.
The biggest proof of this is the Dalta of the Hologram: Moses, Elias and lesus Christus
together, in front of the Delta Main Disciples. that there is the original omen. Now,
instead of Christus, we will have Moses, Elijah, and Anti-Christus, who IS The
Incarnation of Uriel, Yaveh Himself, Jehovah, from Deut. 28! Another great test of
me will be Elijah and not Enoch, and the fact that he will bring down fire from
heaven and bring a great drought to Israel; they are characteristic acts of Elijah, not
Enoch. The rabbis to this day interpret the passage from Deut. 18:15 speaks of a
prophet who will appear as "A New Moses' ', and that this will happen before the
Messiah. Why, that's why there'll be a prophet here, that's one of the beasts.
We will have the false prophet and the true prophet; This absolutely proves that it
really is Elijah, who is already experienced in unmasking false prophets!

Jesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

"The menorah with 7 candles and 2 olive trees that Zechariah saw is now 2
candlesticks and 2 olive trees! These 2 menorah and 2 olive trees Before Me are The
Two Witnesses I Will Send to the Jews! you want to touch the Two witnesses! For I will
give them Power to devour their enemies with the fire that will come out of their
mouths! Whoever tries to hurt or kill them will be killed by the fire from their


Olive trees are always messianic, representations of the "anointed ones'', those
chosen for a great mission! Elijah brought fire from heaven and consumed King
Ahaziah's messengers in II Kings T. Moses is also associated with fire in Exodus 9:23.
The Jews who killed the prophets, Our Savior and the sent teachers, the apostles,
will not be able to kill Moses and Elijah before their time! They will have the power
of Truth as you flee (Jeremiah 5:14)! Anyone who tries to do them any kind of harm
will not do it!

Is lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

"These Two Witnesses are men, and have the power to close the sky from rain while
they are prophesying, as well as the power to turn the water to blood and smite the
earth with all sorts of plagues as many times as they wish!"


Clearly Moses and Elijah are opposing the False Political Agreement for Peace and
Security in Israel As long as the Jews are in ecstasy for Their Messiah, the third
temple and for Peace, The Two Witnesses will be opposing the system, and this will
infuriate the Jews! The Two Witnesses will be the only ones to disturb the Peace of
the Jews these days! Can you imagine The Two Witnesses in front of the third temple
announcing The Kingdom? The Jews know Ex 9.23, II Kings 1.9 to 16, 1 Kings 17.1
and Ex 7.17! Here it is clear that in Israel there will be severe drought, absence of
rain, contaminated water, etc.; we've seen it all on the seven seals and the six
trumpets thus far, and part of it will be carried out by the Two Witnesses! The world
press will show them every day in the newspapers.
They will be seen as us EX: Crazy, rebels, protesters in front of the most important
temple in the world!
The originals do not predict if Israel will go through 3 and a half years without water
and without rain, but there will in fact be a great drought in Israel, in which they will
need more than ever desalination and their machines that make drinking water by
capturing moisture from the air! This drought will not last more than 3 and a half
years; that is, it can have a maximum duration of 42 months.
At some point, Moses will make signs with plagues and will turn some main river or
sea in Israel into blood or poisoned water, which can no longer be consumed. The
most coherent thing is that this occurs towards the end of the 3 ½ years.

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan: "When the 42 months of the

Testimony of the Truth is over, they will be attacked by the Messiah from the Abyss
and accepted by the Jews! The Messiah of the Jews will be able to attack and kill
them, and the Jews, by seeing their power, they will worship the God of Abraham for
His Messiah!
The bodies of Moses and Elijah will be exposed in the main square of Jerusalem! This
City called "Holy" is, in fact, spiritual Sodom and Egypt! They will kill Moses and
Elijah, as well as Killed His True Messiah, Savior and Creator!"


No, the city is not Rome, nor is the Vatican; it's Jerusalem! The focus of the
Apocalypse has always been the Jews!
True Sodom, for The Creator, is not a pagan city without the Bible, as Paul said in
the original letter To the Romans, and True Egypt is neither esoterism nor idolatrous
pagans throughout the world; these are The House of Israel, The Putrid City where
Judgment will begin!
They are the ones who have always had The Bible! They are The True Idolatry of
Money and Power. The True Prostitution and Hypocrisy of Sodom!


See that three and a half years and three and a half days are Delta Tempos!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

"Then, for three and a half days, Jews and tourists will be able to see the bodies of
Moses and Elijah, displayed as the main tourist attraction in Jerusalem these days!
Tourists from all nations will mock the power of those who they called themselves
The Jews will mock over their corpses, inquiring where would be the power of those
who challenged The Messiah of the Jews! Others will mock their corpses, because
they will have been harmed by their witchcraft! plagues, signs and want of water to
the two now dead! The Messiah of the Jews will prevent them from being buried, that
they may be insulted and that His Power may be known to Israel and the world!"


But, we evolved ones know that The One and Only Creator, Who Will Manifest The
Two Witnesses, Is the One Who Sent Evil Incarnate, The False Messiah, and all this
great enactment of illusion exists to riddle the Jews, so that their ego be inflated,
and prepare them for the second stage of the sieve, the Jewish worship requirement!


See that here, where it reads "tourists", many of Israel's heartless Christians will be
thinking that The Messiah of the Jews is the very Return of Christus, the first rider,
the white horse! Many will be seduced, thinking that The False Messiah of the Jews
IS The Incarnation of Jesus, or comes from the same descent as Jesus, as already
revealed in previous degrees!


At all times and in almost all cultures, especially among Jews, failing to bury
someone is the greatest possible insult! See that many will take selfies to share them
with hashtags like "#osfalsosprophes died".

Jesus Christus continues revealing Yochanan: Jews and tourists, alienated by the
False Messiah, will make shirts, souvenirs and various events to commemorate the
death of the two 'heretics'!" They will die as heretics, as rebels, as EX!

The Jews, as we speak in the 56th degree, believe that no one can come back to life
after 72 hours! For this reason, Lazarus and Jesus came back To Life after 72 hours!
the same will happen, to silence all mocking Jews and religionists!

Jesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

"But after they spent more than 72 hours dead and exposed to ridicule in front of
Jews and tourists, I Will Send Them The Breath of Life! They will stand, and those
who see them will run in terror!" Then I Will Call Them From Heaven With A Strong
Voice: "Come Up Here Jews and tourists from all over the world will see Moses and
Elijah ascending on a cloud!
At the same time, 4 judgments will take place!
A strong earthquake in Jerusalem! A tenth part of Jerusalem will be destroyed!
A metaphorical number of 7,000 people will die!
The earthquake survivors will be terrified, and some of them will recognize Moses
and Elijah as My Sent Ones and no longer believe in the False Messiah!
The second Ai has passed, but The Delta Ai is coming soon!" Then The Seventh
Archangel Sounded His Trumpet! Immediately, Very Loud Voices in Heaven Said: "The
kingdom of the False Messiah is Only in Israel, but all the kingdoms of the world have
returned be of the True Lord and Messiah, and He Shall Reign Forever!"


No! The seventh trumpet is not the rapture! Not when Elijah and Moses went up, not
when John went up in chapter 4! Pay attention to every word to see that Christus Has
Not Returned Yet! His Kingdom Is Still Coming!
This is clear in the pause of revelations that we will have from chapter 11 to chapter
15, in which we will finally have the 7 bowls, which are the execution of the seventh
trumpet itself! chapters 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18, we will have the overthrow of
Babylon, which is Jerusalem and tyrannical Judaism over the world, which we will see
in the next free. The third trumpet is the third Woe, A Delta with 7 in your insides! So
what does the seventh trumpet really represent? Here is the milestone of the Great
Tribulation indeed!
And on the seventh trumpet, on the third Ai, we will have the 7 cups! Here begins
the process of the Beast's fall! Good will Face Evil before men, for them to choose,
and so that it becomes clear who IS Good!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

Then I, John, saw that the 24 elders Seated on Their Thrones before the Creator,
Prostrated and Worshiped The Supreme, Saying: "We thank You, Absolute Lord, Past,
Present and Future, because The Time of His Kingdom has come! The nations have
provoked His Wrath! Those who died for the Truth will be finally Judged! Prophets,
the righteous, benefactors, rich and poor, all who died for the Truth will be
Rewarded! Enough of Silence! The Time of Inter has arrived! - ference! The Lord Will
Destroy all the lords of the world!"
After that, I saw The Immaterial Creator's Sanctuary in heaven, The Holy of Holies!
Inside the Holy Pyramid was The Ark of the Covenant! When the Ark of the Covenant
appeared, I saw again The 4 Manifestations: Lightning, Thunder, Voices and
Earthquake; this time, there was also a big hailstorm!


See The 7 Thunders Message!

Both this section and the seventh cup are the only two times that, instead of 4
elements, we have 5, which is the product Delta dos Trovões! For, first comes the
lightning, then the thunder, and then the rain of stones! Here are the 7 Thunders, in
the third Ai, which are the 7 cups themselves!


As we saw in the Letter to the Hebrews, here in the Original Bible, the measures and
forms of the Temple, as well as the Ark, represent what Always Existed Immaterially
in the Superior Cosmos before the Creator. Everything that exists today, materially,
is a copy of immatter. This is clear from Heb 9 and 10. Therefore, it is not mobile or
immobile, as nothing that exists in the Spiritual Cosmos needs to be there, as there is
no space, time and matter there.
Why, even our conscience is the Garden of Eden, with The Two Trees!
Everything that exists is a materialized idealization of the Creator!


The Holy of Holies, in a triangular shape, as revealed in the degrees, and The Ark of
the Alliance, which could have either 1.11mx0.66m x 0.66m, or 1.44m x 0.72m x
The golden cover was called the mercy seat, and it was transported by means of
sticks inserted into 4 rings that were at the 4 corners.
On it were the two tablets of the First Bible of the Jews it now appears to John as a
symbol of the end of the First Bible!
The First Bible is closed here All Law and Prophets die here!
The First Bible is taken along with The Two Witnesses! Now the Jews will no longer
have anyone to teach them, and they will have to choose through pain!

The Ark of Alliance disappeared when the Babylonians took Jerusalem in 586 or 588
BC Some believe that Jeremiah hid it in a cave.
Others say that it was destroyed by Nebuzaradan, general of Babylon. The fact is
that while they are here on earth, the Jews will think they have the lost ark of the
covenant, revealed by the False Messiah, or, even if they never find it, and make a
fake replica of it for her third temple, The True One Will Be Immaterialized!


To recap, to understand holistically: Shofar I. Global warming;

Shofar II. The wrath of the sea;
Shofar III. Lack of water;
Shofar IV. Signs in heaven as an omen of the last three evil trumpets;
Shofar V. Zombie Phenomenon;
Shofar VI.
A Great War in the Middle East; Shofar VII. The Great Tribulation begins with the 7
Cups of the Creator's Wrath!


See what Great Revenge of the Creator! The Jews slew the prophets, the disciples,
the Christians, the Samaritans, The heathens, the heretics, the apostles, Peter, Paul,
James, and Our Savior, making cunning use of Two Incriminating Witnesses!
Relying on Deuteronomy 17:6 and 19:15 to give the proper "cool air," they arrested,
shut up, and killed anyone who threatened their power. Now, they will also be Two
Witnesses Who Will Incriminate Israel!


Note that Moses disputed miraculous signs with the witches in Egypt; now, again, The
False Prophet, a highly respected religionist, will make signs to unmask Moses. The
same story as in Exodus 7:11, seen now in Revelation 13:13!
Elijah will also repeat what he has already done, to unmask The False Rabbis.

Those who think Moses is dead must answer why the Dual dispute over his body! It is
evident that, even if it is a metaphor, there can be no dispute over a corpse!
Therefore, Moses did not die!


In the next degree, we will have the exit to the desert, just like what happened with
Compare the texts of Exodus 12:37 to 51 with Revelation 12. And in the next
chapter, which should not have been subdivided, we will have sustenance in the
wilderness, just like Elijah in 1 Kings 19:4 to 8. Jezebel will be Babylon, the system
Jewish religious and political system, Jezebel is Judaism! (1 to 19).



Who hardened the heart, the conscience of Pharaoh? The Same Who Will Bring 0
AntiChristus! As we revealed in quantum degrees, Our DNA is Two Serpents!
Who brought the Second Serpent into the desert? Now He Will Again Represent The
Second Serpent! And so we open chapter 12.


Unlike the general consensus on this chapter, here we have The Great Revelation on
the origin of Evil, Duality, the great conflict, and the purpose of life and existence.
The text shows us the dual cosmic roots, illustrated by 7 characters, in a great
metaphor, just like The Garden of Eden! The seven characters, the actors of this
cosmic stage, are:
1. The Woman;
2. Satan;
3. The boy;
4. Miguel;
5. The woman's offspring;
6. The beast out of the sea;
7. The beast coming out of the earth;

Sad to say this, but almost all theologians say that there is a retroactive
eschatology here, that is, they think that the text speaks of something that already
happened, with the fall of Lucifer and with what will happen in GT. Serious error!
ICAR and Protestantism, children of Judaism, perpetuated the origin of Evil in the
horrific interpretation of Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28, without understanding that the
passages, in their full context, are for the kings of Babylon and Tyre, who greatly
desired the title of "Morning Star''. Filled with ego and, yes, with the devil of man,
they wanted to be gods, and were treated that way by their peoples.
In addition to the Latin Vulgate error, confessed in the footnotes of the Jerusalem
Bible and others, The Gd who let Lucifer deceive in heaven, is the same one who later
let The Same Lucifer Incorporate himself into a "Serpent" inside the Garden of Eden
protected by cherubs! Incoherent or not?! The Apocalypse starts saying that
everything here will still happen, and lesus Christus quotes a passage from the First
Bible (VT) that says: "I saw Satan Fall like a Lightning!" The term "Lightning" here is
the same as Star, comet; it is Abaddon himself, Apollyon; all Manifestations of the
One and One Creator, as you have seen in every original degree. When Our Supreme
Savior Said This, the term "Way" in the original was inflected for the future, and it
was a quotation from Scripture itself, foreshadowing that this is yet to happen and
not that it has already happened!
These mistakes are always the same! Theologians think that The Devil came to kill,
steal and destroy, He came yes, but not The Devil created by the mystic rabbis, nor
The Devil created by the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages, but The Devil
Ego, the evil of a human being; in that case, as we saw here in the original of John
10:10, it was the priests themselves who would kill Him; they did steal and kill, and
now the time for their Judgment has arrived! The same ones who don't understand
John 10:10 are the same ones who don't understand Revelation 12. In fact, here we
have a historical content, not retroactive, in the sense of the fiction of Lucifer falling
from the heavens. Even because Lucifer doesn't fall: The Dragon Is Mighty, and He
Himself Overthrows!
Here we have the background of the story; Let it be clear, 7 characters with the
narrative of Duality in the World, the 7,000-year history of humanity told briefly
with 7 characters! It is impossible to fit every metaphorical quote, as this is just the
historical narrative of the Duality!


John's basis here is Isaiah 24:22 and Daniel 12. Here we have the intensifying cosmic
conflict between Good and Evil before men! There isn't "another being called Satan"
who knows he's short and fights with all his strength! No! This is just a metaphor to
help lesus!

Christus continues to reveal to Yochanan:

I, John, saw The Ark of the Covenant in heaven, which represents the full end of the
First Bible; after that, an extraordinary sign appeared in the sky!
I saw A Woman clothed in the sun, with the moon beneath her feet and a crown of
twelve stars upon her head! This Woman is Israel!
I saw Israel pregnant, and she cried out in pain as she was about to give birth to The
True Messiah!


We speak that all 72 nations, 72 religious cultures and Divine Manifestations

throughout the world are of God's Own and Only! The problem of the involute is that
he doesn't travel the world, but looks only at himself and his dome, if he went out
and studied cultures around the world, he would Truly know the Creator!
Look! This definition of John is the same as the Greeks, Egyptians and so many
Among the Greeks, the goddess Leto, who carried a son of Zeus, went by the dragon
Fiton in order to prevent it, Zeus to Boreas, god who took Leto to stop a prediction
that said if she was this and that Dragon! She takes refuge there on an island, where
she gave it to Apollo.
After that, the dragon went to Parnassus. A short time later, Apollo fulfilled the
prediction and slew the dragon. Among the Egyptians, the moon goddess Isis had
Osiris, the sun god, as her husband!
Then, Seven Typhon, a red crocodile from the Nile River, managed to kill Osiris, and
started to chase Isis and her little son, Horus, but Isis managed to escape him.
Later, Horus avenged his father's death by defeating the "dragon" Seven-Typhon!
See: Always moon and sun, in all cultures, even in Judaism; that's why Freemasonry
and esoteric Societies like the Rosicrucian use this symbolism, which John also uses in
Revelation to represent the same thing, duality! And the duality that destroys


These twelve stars are the twelve constellations of the zodiac; the same with the
goddess Isis, the queen of the heavens, Apocalypse is only understood with the dual
vision! No! This woman is not MARY, the queen of heaven! No! That woman is NOT
THE CHURCH! The Church is not the mother of a child! No, the man-child is not The
Church that will be raptured! This woman is Israel! Her son is Jesus, as we saw in Is.
66:7 and 8, Micah 5, Is. 9: 6, etc. Notice that throughout the Bible, as we see it, and
especially in Jeremiah, there are two women and two men. Two Adams and Two
A Whore we will see in the next few degrees, and a True One! A Philadelphia and a
Laodicea! Here we have The Woman who represents all the children of Abel, all Jews
of the Good! It represents the offspring of the dispute that began in Genesis 3:15.
But she is Israel and her twelve tribes who appeared Our Creator in Flesh! To
understand chapter 12, read 11, which should not have been subdivided! In 11, we
have the beginning of the story, with Moses and Elijah, the two who represent Israel
fleeing to the desert and to the cave, and there being supported! The Jews Know
Genesis 37.9!
They know that Israel is like a woman suffering birth pains, as we see in Micah 5:2
and 3 and Isaiah 7:14.
The sun, moon and twelve stars symbolize Jacob, Leah, Rachel and the twelve
patriarchs! That is, the entire Jewish congregation! lesus Christus is the descendant
of women in all the prophecies of the First Bible! He Is The Child of God Who Was
Born It's been two thousand years, and He's The Child of Evil who was already born
and is among us in the 21st century! He And The Two Serpents! The First, who
became A Winged Dragon, and The Second, The Healing Serpent! The First Serpent is
of Dual Knowledge!
The Second Serpent is Healing! In the minds of the Jews, the woman is still in labor
pains, as they are still waiting for The Messiah. In the days of the False Messiah,
they will think the pains will be over, but they will only be beginning!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

Then another sign appeared in the sky: A huge red dragon with seven heads and ten
horns! And each of the heads had a crown!
So there were 7 crowns! Using its tail, I saw The First Winged Serpent hurl a third of
the stars of heaven onto the earth!


See, if the woman, Israel, was already about to give birth, how could Lucifer have
fallen from heaven with a third of the angels long before the year 4,000? The
consistent interpretation is that Evil Intensified by 33% in the days of the True
Messiah lesus Christus!


In chapter 17, we will see that the 7 metaphorical heads are seven mountains, and
also seven kings, and the horns are 10 kingdoms. Why, only two cities in the world
have seven mountains: Jerusalem and Rome!
The seats of Judaism and its daughter, Christianity! Many have speculated about
the G20, G8, the UN, and about A New World Order, run exactly by the Jews! Well,
they really want to dominate and enslave everyone, but this they have always done!
Here, "seven" and "ten" are metaphors! What we have to understand is that Evil will
rule Jerusalem with support from Rome, ICAR, and at least ten far-right, blue power
nations, who will fully support Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and To the Messiah
of the Jews as Leader of the Biggest Peace Agreement in the Middle East!
The Roman empires are not in focus here, although John was inspired by them.
In the days of Our Messiah, The Dragon actually already had seven crowns and 10
horns, as these represent the kingdoms in favor of the False Messiah and against the
True One. Here is the coherent original, which reveals to us crowns on the head of
the Messiah of the Jews!
Which nations will crown The Messiah? Ten countries will support Him, and seven will
crown Him! These are metaphorical numbers, not literal numbers!


Remember, in chapters 5 and 19, Christus Also Has 7 Horns! And that doesn't mean
that Christus only has 7 kingdoms or 7 kings who support Him!
Who Has Cast Stars from the skies so far?
Where is the wisdom to understand?
Here there is no betrayal in the skies, no battle in the air! Here we have the
metaphor of the third part of the stars, that is, daimons, evil spirits that were Sent
by the Creator to Israel, since the days of • Christus! Delta Daimons: Evil in Israel
increased by 33.333% already in the days of the Birth of Christus!
Reviewing that the daimons only represent the evil virtues of men! No devil acts
without a man's evil ego choice!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So The Dragon Stood before Israel in those days when Mary, representing Israel, was
about to give birth to the Creator in Flesh! The First Serpent, who represents the
sons of Cain and the choice of the Evil Ego of men, wanted to Devour The Son of Israel
at the moment he was born! Herod's ego was Satanic!
But Israel gave birth to a Son, the Son of the Creator, the Son of Man, who Will Rule
all nations with an Iron Scepter, and not just Israel, as the Son Man seen by the Jews
as Messiah will do!
The First Serpent of the Garden, who brought The Duality to the sieve, can do
For lesus Christus Died, but Risen and Returned to immatter, on his Throne! As for
the woman, as Daniel's 69 weeks were over, she had to flee to the desert.


And indeed, after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, Israel is left without a
nation, without a temple and without a Messiah! When your nation and your temple
return, and your Messiah "Shows Himself," then we will have Week 70, which John's
Revelation addresses here. Anyone who does not understand chapter 11 will not
understand 12 or 13, as they are the same theme!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So after two thousand years, when the seventieth week returns, the woman is in the
desert! The Creator prepared for the good Jews a place where they will be sustained
for 1260 days, just as Eliases Moses was. The two will be with the good Jews who
hear The Truth over O and Elijah will guide the good Jews in these days, to protect
them from the Dragon that reigns in Israel! But, before Moses and Elijah were
reincarnated, I, John, saw a war between the cosmic dual powers! I saw that, in
these days, The Creator's Manifestation for The War of Good, which is Michael his
Soldiers, will fight The First Winged Serpent! Evil will not resist, for the time has
come for Evil to leave the celestial regions, that is, immatter, and materialize among
men! First Winged Serpent, which represents the entire illusion of the material
World, will materialize on earth, together with its daimons! In immatery there is no
longer a place for Good and Evil so, The Two Forces will descend to earth!


Michael is cited here because the Jews, in their religious tradition, believe in Him to
be the Guardian of the Nation of Israel, as we are told in the books of Daniel 10 and
12, Assumption of Moses 10:2 and Enoch 54:6.
Well, if Good Will Reincarnate through Moses and Elijah, Evil will also incarnate in
Two Men! The Scale Is Always Fair! We will see, in chapter 13, The Incarnation of
Evil in two men.
The Dragon will turn into two men, and "Michael" Will Do The Same! Realize that the
Battle in Heaven is a typology for what is to come, completely destroying the false
preaching about Lucifer, for what we see occurs after the birth of Christus, after His
Ascent to Heaven and after Israel in the desert, in the days of the Two Witnesses!

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

Then I heard A Strong Voice Saying from heaven: “The Salvation, Power and Kingdom
of Our Creator Is Coming! For now The First Serpent is no longer in immatter! All
who have died and are in spirit in immatter are free from Evil! The Accuser of
consciences, who, since Adam, has always troubled men, was Vanquished; End of It Is
Near! Evil was conquered by all those who witnessed the Truth, dying for It at all
Because of the martyrs, Evil was vanquished! They defeated The Dragon and
expelled The Evil from immatter! "

Your own Bible says that who conquered and expelled Satan was not G‑d, nor Michael
and His Angels, but all who died and will die for the Truth! We prove to O Creator
that Evil can be Overcome by Love, that we choose Good Freely, and annihilate from
existence Evil! In the Immaterial Superior Cosmos, it will no longer have a place!

Iesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

Therefore, celebrate The Seven Heavens that represent The Immaterial Existence!
Celebrate all 12 Marfestations of the Elohim! But, Alas for the land and the sea; for
now, before the extinction of the First Serpent, before the end of Duality, Evil will
materialize on earth! "Few years to go before The Kingdom, when The Duality, at
last, will end! Therefore, The False Messiah will Reveal Himself with much hatred!"
Then, knowing he had little time, Evil Incarnated in One Man, "The Messiah of the
Jews! He will persecute Moses and Elijah, as well as all Jews who do not believe in
Him! But The Being as an Eagle (Ex. 19:4) , Who Is on the Throne, Will Give Israel Two
Wings, so that it can fly to a desert place, where it will be held for another 1260
days, out of sight of the First Serpent! Moses and Elijah, along with all Jews who
believe in them, will be protected for 42 months!


See! The narrative of chapters 11, 12 and 13 are on the same subject! The text
speaks of the Origin of Evil, of the Dual Battle between The Two Serpents, and Of the
Final Incarnations of Evil and Good! Be amazed by the religious leaders who say the
eagle is the USA! No! The US Will Support The False Messiah! What a big mistake!
The Eagle is a reference to Being as an Eagle, One of the 4 Manifestations of the
Creator The Eagle is here because the Jews know the text of Ex. I9.4, in which Egypt
pursued Israel in the desert by the wings of the goddess Isis, and now by the Wings of
the First Winged Serpent, The Dragon; to flee, she must fly, or the sea must open.
They are metaphors! Remember, Pharaoh's crown was decked with a dragon or
serpent from Egypt!
The departure from Egypt into the desert represents the Great Tribulation very well
in all typologies.
For this reason too, the number 7 can extend to up to 40 years of GT. Saul, David
and Solomon reigned for 40 years.


But before you, students and teachers, get scared, I, AKEL, after many studies and by
the gifts of the Lord, I found a satisfactory answer: Saul and Solomon, sides of the
Delta, reigned for 40 years. But David, who represents The Son of David, The
Messiah, began to reign at the age of 30, equal to Christus, and most likely equal to
Israel's False Messiah.
Open your eyes to the pro-Israel youth. Read: "David was thirty years old when he
began to reign, and he reigned for forty years, but in Hebron he reigned over Judah
for seven and a half years! And 33 years in all Israel!" (2 Samuel 5. Look: 7 and a
half years! Do you remember the "7 years and 75 days?"

lesus Christus continues revealing to Yochanan:

So, The First Winged Serpent Spilled water from his mouth like a river, wanting to
drag the woman in the current! But the earth opened like a mouth and swallowed the
river that The First Serpent Had Spouted!


Look! Moses and Elijah will be there, metaphorically "opening up the earth" to
protect the 777 stamps!

lesus Christus keeps revealing the Yochanan:

Upon seeing this, The First Serpent Got even more angry, and went out to war with
the rest of his offspring, which is all Christians who do The Creator's Will and remain
faithful to the Savior lesus Christus! So, The First Serpent Stayed Standing on the
sand of the sea!


The Apocalypse is at last talking about us! Yes! We are here! We will be chased by
the fury of the First Serpent, who will want to kill all who preserve The Faith in the
True Messiah! will not be a world leader, but a leader who and he will try to project
himself worldwide, with the support of pro-Israel rations, for a New Global Order,
and he will not succeed! We will see, in the next chapter, that He Will Fall as soon as
He Tries to Globalize His Government!


See that, for a time, in the Return of the Creator's Interference, many Jewish
children of Abel will be spared, as well as many of us true Christians; however, now,
in chapter 13. We have the incarnation of the Dragon in two men, as opposed to the
reincarnation of Good el Moses and Elijah.
Chapter 13 should not have been subdivided, for a full reading, without pauses,
leaves What The False Messiah will have power over Israel, over The Two Witnesses,
who will be clear about the Jews and Christians who affront him! It will try to
expand its power throughout the world, it will fail, for This IS The Creator's Original
Plan! Thanks to the martyrs, the witnesses of the truth, Evil will not dominate the
whole world!
(1 to 18).



Unlike anything you've seen and heard from people who have no gifts; in fact,
humbly, even because nobody knows something that is not revealed by the gifts,
which give the ability to see what nobody Can see, these abilities come From the
Therefore, It is the Merit of Who Opened His Eyes!
I just saw it, recorded it, and now I teach, and you must learn to teach like me, or
better than me, in all The Schools.


Unlike anything you've seen and heard: See! Both Christus, The Lamb, The Second
Serpent, and The Lion, The AntiChristus, The Second Serpent, have horns! We said
that chapters 11, 12 and 13 of the Apocalypse speak of the Incarnation of Good and
Evil, in which Good Will Incarnate in Two Beings, The Two Witnesses, Moses and
Elijah, and Evil Will Likewise Incarnate in Two Beings, Prophet and Messiah of the
Jews, dually with John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Now Malachi 4 must be fulfilled;
The Path Maker Needs to Manifest. We have already said in the previous degree that
many rabbis expected "A New Moses", and others expected "The Reincarnation of
Elijah", as metaphorically as John the Baptist, the True One, and therefore the
Greatest Prophet of the First Bible! Let's recap the 7 Characters from Ap 12.


1.Woman is Israel;
2.0 Dragon is the First Serpent;
3.0 Boy is the True Messiah;
4. Michael is the Guardian of Israel;
5. The offspring of the woman are the true Jews, children of Abel;
6. The beast out of the sea is the Zionist Politician AntiChristus who will make The
Israel Peace Accord;
7. The beast out of the earth is The Religious AntiChristus, who will support, like
John the Baptist, The Political AntiChristus!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

After seeing The Dragon, The First Winged Serpent, Standing on the sand of the sea, I
saw The Dragon Transform into Dolls Seres! One of Them was A Beast, A Being Out of
the Sea, with 10 horns, and each horn bore a crown; therefore, I saw that he had 10
crowns, and also 7 heads!
On each of the heads, there was a name of self-exaltation! This Being, who is the
Messiah of the Jews, will have 7 Religious and Political Titles of self-exaltation! 7
Ego Titles!
This Beast had the body of a leopard, The feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion, just
as he saw Daniel.
The First Winged Serpent Was Embodied In This Being! This Being Had a Lower Delta
power, government and authority!


Dierenite from everything you've seen and heard: The Embodiment that appears
first is The Beast,
Sea Beast, which has 10 horns. But to understand The Apocalypse, it is necessary to
know the Jewish eschatological literature! The Jews know that Daniel saw 4 Beasts
coming out of the sea, and the last one had ten horns (Dan. 71).
Many will say that this Beast symbolizes The Roman Empire, always pointing to
Vatica 30, and taking the focus off Israel! The same 4 Beings, the same 4 Evil Angels
Waiting To Date, the death of a third of men! And now, the 4 Beings Incarnate in 4
Men! The fourth beast is the sea beast; according to Daniel, it was: "(...) Terrible
and frightening, very strong, with great iron teeth that Devoured and Shattered, and
Treated on everything that faced Him! His first three horns were plucked by a small
raised horn! This horn had the eyes and mouth of a man!" (Daniel 7.7 and 8), This
horn represents the great persecution against those who do not accept Him as


The Beast that rose from the sea is not just Daniel's fourth Beast, but the joining of
the 4! The Beast described by John has the mouth of a lion and the wings of an
eagle, like the first Beast of Daniel; bear feet, like Daniel's second; leopard body,
like the third Beast of Daniel; and iron teeth, horns and eyes, like the fourth Beast of
Daniel. In the same way that John saw Seraphim, Cherubim, Angels and Ophanim as 4
Beings, here we have another fusion, now of the images of Daniel. The difference is
that Daniel's fourth beast is a fourth kingdom, from which 10 other kings will come;
the eleventh king will be The False Messiah of the Jews. In other words, the fourth
kingdom of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, the true Lucifer, interpreted by the wise
Daniel, will be The Empire of those who, after the Babylonians, Medo-Persians and
Greeks, reigned in Israel! But the focus is on Israel! Here's the big problem! The
Jews are the focus of the Creator's judgment, not The Gentiles! Rome shared the 4
tax collections with the religious dome of Israel, as we reveal in the grades of the
Gospels! Jews rule The Vatican, the US, England, the banks, the whole world!
The ten toes of the image, or the ten horns, shall not tread upon Israel; this is a
metaphorical number to represent that at least ten nations will be part of the
Greater Peace Agreement in Israel; from them, which are the horns or the fingers,
will emerge the eleventh, who will be the most powerful supporter of Israel, from
which the Great Messiah of the Jews had come.
It's not the accounts that never close on the Roman emperors and the popes, no!
Therefore, it is not Bush, nor Obama, nor one of the Popes, nor Emmanuel Macron;
but look, atenterm, that it will be someone like Jared Kushner, but only with the
same profile: Young man, grandson of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust and
responsible for the Peace process in Israel. The fact is, if he manages to close The
Deal, Israel will see him with new eyes! In fact, the little horn that comes out of the
mid-ten is the eleventh, and it is the most powerful, the one that will be supported
by the Jews and American Bibles. from the fourth Kingdom of the world, Rome, which
broke the knees, shins and legs of the world, saju Europe, England and the ELIA,
where the Jews took refuge, to later dominate them, and from there sustain the
Israel of today. The USA is not a pals, it is a political extension of the Jews.
Therefore, the Creator's judgment will be very severe against the USA, the country of
the bibles! Quite different from what theology says, which always demonizes The
Vatican and takes the focus off Judaism! Now the Vatican is another extension of
Judaism, and the US is a political extension of the Jews. 0 "sea" is the regions
outside Israel, and the "land" is Israel the beast; The Messiah will come from a
non-polluting country of Israel, but he will be Jewish, he needs to be Jewish,
absolutely pro-Israel, just as is happening now with Trump and his son-in-law.


John's fusion of Daniel's images proves that The Government of the False Messiah will
be for Israel n that the 400 years of Egypt, worse than the 70 years of Babylon,
worse than the persecution of Syria and Persian and worse than the Roman pursuit!
It will be a fusion of all Israel's Tribulations! If you accept The False Messiah, your
days of destruction will be The most terrible in Israel's history!
YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:
The Beast is the Judeo-Christian system from which The Messiah will emerge! Then I
saw that one of the 7 heads appeared to be mortally wounded; but his mortal wound
was healed. When Israel and the world saw the healing of their mortal wound, they
all marveled and began to believe in Him as Israel's Messiah! The First Winged
Serpent, Incarnated in this Dangerous Beast, who IS THE Messiah of Israel, was
adored by the Jews, who will say in these days, "Who is like Our Messiah? If he
survived and conquered death, no enemy of Israel can destroy lo! YAHWeh is with
Him!" So this horn Has Gained A Mouth to Exalt Itself! It will be in these days, right
after his "Resurrection", that is, after conquering death before the Jews, that He will
present Himself as the Messiah that the Jews have been waiting for! And, for 42
months, He Will Be Accepted as The Promised Messiah! In these 1260 days, The
Messiah of the Jews Will Open His Mouth to Reveal Himself, and He will speak about
Buddha, Mohammed and Christ to prove To be The True Messiah! And By Proclaiming
The Messiah, He Will Be Blaspheming the True Messiah!


The originals clearly say that either He Will Claim To Be The Reincarnation of
Christus, Coming To Complete His Mission, With The Support Of The Pope And Many
Pastors These Days, Or He Will Claim To Be Of The Offspring Of Christus, Or He Will
Still Claim That Lesus Christus Was Not The Messiah, but that He Yes Will Meet all the
necessary requirements to be Him! In your Bibles, the terms "blasphemies" and
"cursing" actually refer to the exaltation To, self-proclaiming Messiah, which, as a
consequence, is a blasphemy, a "bad saying" about The True Messiah, lesus Christus.
Now, in the degrees in which we have seen the three letters John, we have seen, in
his text, what he thought to be the true spirit of the AntiChristus. For everyone who
does not recognize Christus as Messiah is already Contrary to Christus and
Blasphemer. About being a descendant of Christus, in the last original verse of this
degree, you will see an amazing revelation about 666.


See that the Messiah of the Jews will suffer a mortal attack, become sick or die, to
thus have death and fulfill the prophecies of the First Bible , thus convincing the Jews
and many Christians that, Later, at the end of the 42 months. The Two Witnesses,
Moses and Elijah, will also Resurrect! Therefore, we will have Delta Resurrections!
And the Jews, when they see Moses and Elijah also Resurrect, will stay in a great
bifurcation of choices here is the possibility of an Islamic Arab against The Messiah,
whom He survives, or an attack by the Christians themselves, or an illness brought on
by the Two Witnesses. sla or radical Christians, because, right after, we see two
sentences that you see: A probable retaliation to those who attacked him.
YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:
So the Creator Empowered AntiChristus so that Eie would begin a great persecution
against Jews and Christians who do not Accept Him as Messiah! He will conquer Jews
and Christians, as Daniel said (7:21), and He will briefly dominate Jews and non-Jews
in Israel and in the supporting countries.
All the inhabitants of the earth who do not have their names written in the Book of
Life, Oldest Than the World, of the Lamb that Was Slain, will worship The False


See: The Messiah will not Rule the entire world, as most claim; in the proper
sequence of words and original meanings, here we have the obvious of duality, that
is, either it is written or it is not, or accepts Christus as Messiah or accepts The False
Messiah; therefore, whoever does not have the courage to confess his Faith in
Christus as the True Messiah will already be indirectly worshiping The False Messiah.
There are only two Paths; The Good and Evil Duel is GT's main sieve. We can call
The Great Tribulation "The Final Choice!"

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

He who has ears, hears The Truth that Jeremiah said (15:1 to 6): “Some will die,
some will starve, some will be arrested! There shall be four Destroyers against
them!" The righteous will remain faithful until The End! Then I saw another Beast,
another Dangerous Beast, come forth from the earth, that is, from Israel! She had
two horns of a Lamb, but Spoke like The Dragon! The Second Incarnation! of the First
Winged Serpent comes from Israel, and is, in fact, The First, for It will be False John
the Baptist, The Reincarnation of False Elijah and False Moses! He Will Help and
Prepare The Way of the Beast of the Sea! The Messiah of the Jews will be helped by
the Prophet of the Jews!


Only those who know the duality and focus of the Apocalypse will understand it! See:
The Second Beast is, in fact, The First to appear, who, as a highly respected religious
in Israel, will be recognized like The Prophet! Israel will gain two False Messiahs
working together! The Jews know II Baruch 29:4 and II Ezra 6.49 to 52, in which there
are two beasts, who are the source of the Revelation of John! The Leviathan, terrible
sea crocodile, and the Behemoth , terrible beast of the earth. He will finally leave
the US, and he will be a Jew who will make The Great Peace Agreement in Israel, as
we have already discussed; and The Behemoth will be The Prophet who will come out
of Palestine. Leviathan is a descendant of Jews, a member of Judaism; but
Behemoth is a Jew who already lives in Israel. The two horns of the Lamb are based
on Daniel 8.3, as The Prophet will have a religious and mystical appearance;
however, he IS just another Incarnation of Evil. He will be much more than an
influential rabbi; he will be the High Priest of the third temple himself!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

False Elijah and False Moses will have the same power as the False Messiah! This
Jewish High Priest Will Speak in the Name of the Messiah! He will make all Jews
believe in the False Messiah!
The False Prophet Will Introduce The False Messiah to the Jews Right After He
Conquers Death! When His Mortal Wound Is Healed He Will Be Ready To Be Introduced
By The False Prophet As The Messiah of the Jews!
The False Prophet, considered by many to be The True Reincarnation of Elijah, Will
Bring Fire Down from heaven in Jerusalem, before all men! These miraculous signs
will confirm Him as The Promised Prophet! The True Elijah Will Descend Fire from
Heaven to Earth, but The False Elijah Will Imitate Him, and Do the same! Jews will
choose to believe in False Elijah! So The False Prophet, as High Priest of the third
temple, will command that a statue be made, a great image in honor To the Messiah
of the Jews, Who conquered death!


Anyone who knows the history of the Jews knows that, many times, the priests, in the
temple, promoted worship to the politicians who protected, pleased and dominated
Israel! The Jews know Ascension from Isaiah 4:11, which says, "And He Shall Raise
His Statue before ''Messiah,'' in all cities!" This "image" may even be literal statues
in every city, but the original context of the next verse will make it clear that the
term "the statue or idol" refers to a great sacred utensil that will be inside the third
temple, capable of making miracles and to kill whoever is "in sin" against the
The image of the Beast is not TV as David Miranda said! Not the Internet, not the
Pope's image or other crazy assumptions! "Image, Statue or Idol", in the original, is
talking about the object of worship, adoration, praise; that is, there is no Rome
here, no atheistic communism, no Islam; only the Jews and their cults led by the False
Prophet in the Third Temple! Messianic Liturgies in the temple and in all synagogues!


The next verse was placed in square brackets in the Biblical Encyclopedias as it was
suspected to be an addition to the original verse and was included here in the
Original Codex Bible, made by scribes; but there is no firm proof for such a claim, so
the original verse was included here in the Original Codex Bible.

YAHshua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

The Holy Utensilio of the Third Temple, which the Prophet of the Jews and High
Priest will place there in order to honor the Messiah of Israel, will have the power to
work miracles! Many who pray inside the temple will hear Divine Voices confirming
the Messiah! Jews or non-Jewish tourists who do not want to worship in the third
temple, who do not respect The Messiah, or who come in to mock Him, will be killed
when they approach or touch the Holy Object of the Temple!


It is not unlikely, as I have revealed in degree videos since 2012, that this Sacred
Object is The Ark of the Covenant, which, far more powerful than an image of "Our
Lady", will have the power to perform signs and kill mockers and enemies of Israel !
Imagine Christian tourists and Muslims dying as they approach, touch, or mock the
Holy Object, which will make messianic signs of confirmation! All 72 evil spirits, all
daemons will be in this Third Temple, Performing these signs, just as it was with
Solomon! Remember the 183 and 185 degrees, the false miracles the Jews performed
in the days of Our True Messiah!


The so infamous Marca da Beast has finally arrived on BOCódEX! It doesn't talk
about a barcode, nor any microchip or nano chip! It does not speak of an electronic
tattoo, although It Could be, nor does iris reading or Blometry, which would also
make sense, even Mmla a digital currency created by a family of billionaire Jews,
who are among the billionaire Jewish families who are among the families richest in
the world. It is possible that only Jews adept at False Messiah worshiping Judaism
will be able to use this financial system in Israel. It does not speak of Muslims, with
their hands and foreheads on the ground before Allah! Here comes The Great
Demystification of the much speculated Mark or Sign of the Beast! It won't be for us
here in Brazil, although many will use it around the world, moved by the power of the
Jewish Messiah.


Everything is in the Bible itself! The Jews know Deuteronomy 6.8, which REVEALS to
us: "You shall place Tefillin as a SIGN and MARK in your hand, and also in your FRONT,
FOREWORD, among the rabbis they defend that the tefillin be placed daily in the
morning prayers, or in the port-at sunset, while reciting the Shema Tefillin are not
used on Shabbat The term tefillin means "protection, worship and prayer. From the
age of 13, a boy begins to wear Tefillin. The Jew puts on a box on the left arm, so
that it is close to the heart, and wraps one of the strips in the left hand, and leaves
the other box on the forehead, between the eyes, as a frontal. The Supreme Savior
Said in Matt 23:5 about Jewish hypocrisy: "Everything you do is to be seen by men!"
They make their phylacteries very wide and the fringes of their garments.
There are 7 turns on the arm, and 3 turns on the middle finger.
We have Places: Box in the conscience, box in the heart (arm), and the hand that will

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Some time later, the government of the Messiah, the High Priest of the Third Temple
and Prophet of the Jews, will oblige all Jews, whether rich or poor, officials or
businessmen, famous or unknown, small or large, to receive new phylacteries, this
time on the right hand instead of the left, and on the forehead, as per Deuteronomy
6.8, every day, every morningā or at sunset! Who does not worship The Messiah will
not be able to buy or sell, because the New Signs of the Law of Moses, The Prophet,
have The Name of the Messiah or the gematria of His Name!


Some digital money system, which will only have access to those who accept The
Messiah, supporting their government. Imagine, for example, that Tefillin has a
wireless connection (WiHi or bluetooth) to access the financial system of every Israeli


Tefillin is actually the confession of Faith in Judaism! It's a way of confessing that
you accept Judaism and The Messiah of the Jews as Truth! Placing the "charagma",
the seal, the image, or the sign of the False Messiah will be to reject The True

See: The sign of worship is metaphorical, but the daily worship of a Jew is literal! In
these New Phylacteries distributed to the Jews, there will be The Name, The Meaning
of the Name, The Pictogram and the Gematria of His Name! We have already
revealed in degrees 67 and 68 that David, Dalet, Vave Dalet equals 666! Solomon's
Hexagram, sign, mark, and seal of David and Solomon, is equivalent to 666!
Therefore, the hexagram must be in the new phylacteries, forming part of all Jewish
prayers in the Third Temple, along with The Prophet and The Messiah!
Indeed, we have here a Trinity of Evil, with Three Manifestations:
1. The Dragon, who Incarnates in Two men;
2. The Christus, Whose Spirit Incarnates in Two Witnesses; But 666 is linked to the
third temple, to David or Solomon, probable names of the Messiah.
Your age can be from 30 to 33 years old; it is unlikely, though not impossible, that it
will be another age.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

This gematria and meaning is for those who have Wisdom! The sages can calculate to
know the number of the Messiah, for this is the same number as man, six; for man
was created on the sixth day, and This Man, the Messiah, Will be at the end of the
sixth millennium! The number of the Jews' False Messiah is 666: Six hundred and


Now that we have demystified THE SIGN and THE MARK of PRAYER and WORSHIP, let's
demystify your NUMBER, or the gematria of its Name. In addition to reaching the end
of Friday, which is the sixth millennium, Man 6 will still come close to 6:00 pm, when
Friday ends and Saturday, The Kingdom begins!


No, the number is not 616!

The number will not change to something nonsense just because of two manuscripts
found with illegible or incorrect numbers! The scribes changed the number to the
number 616 to match Nero Caesar's Latin name. No, the number is not actually The
Name of Allah in Arabic! No, the brand is not Sunday, and the seal is not Saturday!
In addition to having the hexagram of David's name, this False Messiah will be Son of
David, Descendant from the throne of David! Jews know Ezekiel 3.7-9, which says,
"The Forehead, Brow of Israel Is Stubborn! I Made The Foreheads and Brows of the
Jews Stiffer Than a Diamond!"

No, Adventists and JJs, it's not the pope in the gematria: VICARIVS FILII
DEI=5+1+100+1+5+1+50+1+1+500+1=666. No, Catholic preterists and others, it
wasn't Nero, nor will it be the Reincarnation of Nero, Judas or Caesar Nero = NRWN
OSR = N 50 + R 200 +W 6 + N 50+Q 100 +S60+R 200 = 666 Remember When do we talk
about the possibility of The Messiah Claiming To Be A Reincarnation of lesus Christus,
or to belong to His Offspring? Yes, the gematria of the Name of Our Savior also
results in 666: IESVS CRISTV FILII DEI = 1+5+100+1+5+1+50+1+1+500+1+=666 But no,
Messianic Jews and Fanatical unchurched, to speak of "Jesus Christ'', lesus Christus,
is not to worship The Beast! What we have here is the possibility that the Messiah's
Name of the Jews is David, Solomon, Tefillin, Joshua (Yoshua), or The Same Name,
Yeshua! For Christ, Christus, Messiah, in the gematria is exactly 666. So if The Name
is David, The Messiah, or Jared, The Christ, or Joshua, The Christ, then all those
names will make 666. Remember that mark of the Good, the seal 777 on the children
of Abel, is only the duality of the mark of the children of Cain, 666; just a metaphor
to show who will conquer Evil and who will be defeated by Evil!
The 777 Seal of the saved is metaphorical, as is the mark of the Beast, The Messiah
of the Jews, however, in Evil, the literalization is greater, because Evil, being a
duality of Good, has many similar aspects, it is even very common to hear among the
mystics: "The Devil imitates God"; this is a childish concept, for, in Truth, there is no
imitation, but only the hexagram, downwards and upwards; they are just opposite
sides of duality! Since Evil is material, the matter made up of 6 electrons, 6 protons
and ó neutrons makes the subject of "Sign" material, but involving Jewish worship!
Jews and faithful followers of the Messiah in Israel, in the East, and throughout the
world will have to prove their loyalty and worship to the Messiah; otherwise, they
will not be able to receive salaries, nor participate in the financial market, nor enter
markets, have bank accounts or valid documents, because of the Order of the Messiah
policy in Israel for its faithful, Whoever does not worship The Messiah will be
persecuted by Him , and many will be killed. There will be a NEW phylactery, a new
Tefillin of worship on the right hand and forehead, to prove Jewish worship, just as
the kippah with the hexagram is a 666 mark on the Jews' heads. It is also possible
for Jews these days to write The Name of the Messiah on their foreheads, thus
proving greater loyalty to The Jewish Faith, and facilitating identification while
monitoring who is and is not loyal to the Messiah's government in Israel. The issue of
worship involving social and financial boycott proves once again that preterism is
wrong, for in the days of emperor cults there was never any evidence of economic
sanctions against Jews or Christians between AD 60 and 100


Lie, Illusion and Deception in Hebrew is "Sheker", whose gematria is 666! If Christus
lesus IS The True Messiah, The False One will be 666! 666 means the ANTI itself, the
FALSE itself. 2nd Chronicles 9:13 tells us: "And the weight of the gold, which came in
1 year to Solomon, was 666 talents of gold, that is, 23 tons and 300 kilos of pure
gold!" Now, Solomon represents the seal 666 and The Messiah, through his son David,
the heir. And in Ezra 2:13 we find: "The children of Adonikam are 666." Adonikam, in
Hebrew, means, "He who conquered death!" See what perfection! John knew The
First Bible too well to make this relationship! Everything clearly points to The
Messiah of the Jews, the 666. Finally, this seal that the Jews will wear might be
something like XP, XPTO, "Chi Rho", the PX we see in Catholic churches, symbol of the
Name of Christus, on account of the initials of His Name in Greek. The same can
happen with The AntiChristus, (1 to 18).



The hexagram on the kippah, on the tefillin, on the flag of Israel, on the Third
Temple and metaphysically, spiritually on Jerusalem, as you can see now, on the
board, with professor AKEL (See Video Grau 313).
A Jew simply uses a hexagram to be sealed by 666! But understand that the
hexagram is not 666, but when you have Jewish faith, The Beast is Judaism!
And the Judeo-Christian system! No symbol has power for those who don't believe in
it! Names and symbols have power for you only in your conscience!" The forehead
and hand are always connected to the Jewish confession of faith, the Jewish Bible,
The Law, and loyalty! "This will be as a sign in your hand and a memorial in your
forehead, that the law of the Lord is on your lips .


If, in chapter 12, we had 7 Characters, in this chapter 14 we have 7 perfect

attributes for the Grand Sieve winners:
I. The True Tefillin, the 777 sign of the Creator on their foreheads;
II. New song;
III. Forgiveness;
IV.The improvement;
V. Acceptance into the Immaterial Family; SAW. Victory over Evil and Duality;
VI. The Absolute Truth, by the end of Relativity There will be 7 Manifestations, 7
Visions and 7 Attributes of the Winners!
YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:
Then I looked, and before me Appeared The Lamb, Standing on Mount Zion, and along
with Fle were the 144,000, who are the 33% victors of Evil mentioned by Zechariah
On the foreheads of millions and millions of winners were The Name of the Creator
YAH and the True Messiah Shua, YAH-Shua; they were metaphysically sealed by the
777 on their foreheads!


Now it is clear to you, dear student, dear teacher, that the expression "Whosoever
invokes The Name will be saved" is not for our day, but for the days of great
persecution, of great decision, between The False and The True Messiah! Whoever
Chooses lesus Christus as Messiah will immediately be sealed by the 777!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

As I saw the sealed multitude, I heard A Sound from heaven like that of many waters
or a loud thunder! It was like the sound of a guitar (kithara), in a triangular (delta)
shape, with seven strings! All of the sealed millions, the 33% winners of the Great
Tribulation, stood before the Throne, before the 4 Beings and the 24 Elders, and
singing a New Song! Nobody could understand the New Music apart from the millions
of sealed ones!


See that The Immaterial Throne of the Creator is now on Mount Zion, symbol of the
Immaterial New Jerusalem! The Jews know Micah 4.6 to 8, Joel 2.32, Isaiah 11.9 to
12, 40.1, and 46.13. II Ezra 13:32 to 39 is the passage on which John based this


Many pagans stamped their foreheads with the names of their deities, for foreheads
are the physical thresholds of consciousness.
In this excerpt of your Bibles, there is an adulteration made by Jews and Catholics!
They exchanged "idolatry and materialism" for "celibacy".

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The sealed millions were not contaminated with idols and the material world, but
kept themselves spiritual; so now they will follow The Lamb wherever He wants Him
to Go!
They were purchased by the Lamb, and Offered as worship To the Creator!
They were not deceived by the illusion of the material world! In them was Lie 666
They are of the Truth, and for that, they will be perfect!
Then I saw The First Manifestation, which flew through the sky and had in its hand
the proclamation of the truth, to proclaim to the inhabitants of the earth, Jews and
This Manifestation of the Creator Said Aloud: "Fear the Creator and Exalt Him, for
The Great Day of Judgment Has Come!"
"Worship the Creator of the heavens, the earth, the sea, the rivers and below the


Look! Four words are cited above, "tribe, tongue, people, and nation", to represent
again Jews and non-Jews, and four places are cited next to represent Creation: The 4
represents the dual whole, and the 4 Elements present here.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then, after The First Manifestation Announced The Judgment to come, The Second
Manifestation Followed The First, and Said: "Yes, Judgment Shall Come Upon Spiritual
Babylon! Fallen The Great Jerusalem, mother of the three main religions of the
earth! And so, as the prophets said, the nations drank the wine of your spiritual
fornication! Your spiritual infidelity will end!"


It is necessary to know the entire First Bible to know that Jerusalem is often called
by the prophets "Sodom, Egypt, Babylon, Harlot, etc." As always, Judeo-Christian
theology wants to shift the focus, misinformation to make you think of everything but
The "Holy Land" and the "Holy People"!
The Jews know Isaiah 21:9 and Jr. 51. Remember what we saw in the original Rev.
11:8. In Jeremiah 22:4 to 8, Jerusalem is the Great City! See that in this city is the
blood of the prophets and the True Messiah! Remember what Our Savior Said in Lk.
13:31 to 34. See Ezekiel 16: "Prophet Ezekiel! Speak of the heinous deeds of
Jerusalem! Harlot, hear The Creator's Word! You will be Condemned as harlots and
murderers! Your houses will be burned! You will be Punished! Your prostitution will
end!" 2.1 million Jews were slaughtered in the AD 70 micro-apocalypse; imagine
what it will be like now, in the macro apocalypse!

Continues Revealing Yochanan:

Via The Third Manifestation That Followed The First Two, And She Said Aloud: "All
Jews or converts to Judaism who accept the sign of confession of faith in the False
Messiah, or worship the sacred object in the Third Temple, will also drink the Wine of
the Creator's Wrath which will be Poured without water mixture, without reducing
the alcohol content, in the 7 Cups of His Wrath! All that are marked by the confession
of Faith in the False Messiah, through the tefillin or the Name of the False Messiah,
and by worship in the Third Temple, they will be tormented immaterially! The
torment will be like the pain of fire with brimstone! Before the Creator, they will be
tormented! And like smoke, The Creator will timelessly see their torment!"


The Jews know Jeremiah 25:15, which was the basis for this Revelation, in which the
Creator Would cause certain nations supporting Israel to drink, whether they liked it
or not, His Pure Wine and strongly alcoholic!
The Judgment quote here is taken from I Enoch 489 where the overcomers who were
martyred would see, as Justice, the spiritual martyrdom of those who killed Them!
Can you imagine all the Jews who killed the prophets, Our Savior the apostles, and
now millions of Jews and Christians who will not accept The False Messiah, being
tortured before the martyrs so that Justice may be done? Although your Bible says
"forever", the basic text of the Revelation, in I Enoch 48.9 and 62:12 and 13, shows
us that it will be for a long period, but temporary, until Justice is done. Well, this is
consistent, as the righteous will not want to spend eternities watching their
tormentors be tortured! This is exactly what we have always taught, in all grades.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan: Here is the reward of the righteous who
remain faithful until The End and do The Creator's Will! Then The Fourth
Manifestation Appeared in heaven, Saying: "John, write: 'Happy are they that they
die also now, at the end of the Great Tribulation, for The Spirit of the Creator Says:
"The martyrs of the Great Tribulation deserve rest from their labors, and its fruits
shall be its eternal and immaterial reward!" Then, before me, Appeared A White
Cloud, Upon It Seated Our Supreme Master With A Crown Of Gold On His Head And A
Very Sharp Scythe! Then Came Out Of The Immaterial Temple! The Fifth
Manifestation, which Spoke aloud to Our Savior Who Seated on The Cloud: "The crop
on earth is ripe! The time for the Harvest has come!" Then I saw The Creator Pass
His Scythe through the earth, and Make the Great Harvest!

Be amazed by the Trinitarians who will try to explain this passage saying that the
Angel referred to here was not giving orders to Jesus, but that the order came from
the Greater God, The Father God, and that was why Jesus had to Obey! They need to
grow and evolve to learn that all Plural Manifestations are of the One and Only God
and Creator!


Pentecostals who they've seen the rapture in the “Ascent of John,” the “Ascent of the
Two Witnesses,” and the “Seventh Trumpet,” now they find another passage to talk
about the rapture: “The Harvest.” They can't even figure out the order of events, or
understand which text would really speak of the privilege of secret rapture! No, it
does not speak of rapture here! Why, baptism with fire is what is alluded to here!
The long-awaited dual division of the chaff and the wheat has arrived! The Harvest
involves the great outcome between Cain and Abel, Good and M al, the 777 seal and
the 666 mark, The Truth in Meat and The Embodied Lie! But see that the winners are
not collected! No! The tares are cut, and The Wheat Harvest is made by Christus,
because it represents the Harvest of the saved, of the overcomers, who will be
reaped by death, by martyrdom, by persecution! And the second harvest, of grapes,
refers to the martyrdom of the wicked, of the wicked, who will accept The False


Two Crops, of Wheat and Grape; Two Scythes; Two Archangels, One of Good,
Michael and Christus, and Another of Evil, O AntiChristus and Uriel, The Angel of
Death! One is the Scythe of Life, the other is the Scythe of Death; but both will die!
There's no rapture, there's Sickle! Christus Will Not Come In A Cloud With Power,
Snatching With Open Arms; He Will Come First with Scythe, and the True Ones Will be
plucked by blood, by death!
As for the wicked, they will be judged by fire; this is the Rapture of the chaff! And
the good will be taken away by death, like martyrs! The privilege here is to die for
Christus and for the Truth, as the whole context is saying!

In the next verses, we have the Harvest, A Colheita das Grapes! The Jews know Joel
.13, for "Gathering Grapes" refers to the Great Judgment of the sons of Cain and the
slaughter of the witnesses of the Truth!

YAHshua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

VIA The Sixth Manifestation, Who Also Left The Immaterial Temple, Delta Santo dos
Santos, Also Bringing A Sharp Scythe In His Hand!


The Manifestations come out of the Immaterial Temple, which is not an immovable
property in "heaven", but represents The Execution of Judgment! Now, The Last
Manifestation will come out of the Altar, as it represents not only The Wrath of the
Creator, but also The Metaphysical Place where the martyrs cry out for Justice! See:
The number of martyrs is almost closing!

YAHshua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

And then the Seventh Manifestation, Representing the Fire Element, Came out of the
Immaterial Altar and Shouted Aloud to the Sixth Manifestation, who had another
Sharp Scythe in His Hands: "Take His Sharp Scythe and Harvest the Bunches of grapes
from the vine of the land, because the grapes are already ripe and ready for The


The First Bible always refers to the Jewish people as wine! See the text known to
the Jews from the prophet Isaiah 63:1 to 6: "But why is His garment red as wine?"
Then The LORD Answers, "I will tread the nations as one treads the grapes in the
pool! The blood of the Jews who trusted in the False Messiah has soiled My Garment;
thus it has been dyed Red!" Remember that in the micro-Apocalypse in AD 70 there
were 500 crucified Jews a day; according to the historian Josephus, there was so
much blood flowing in the city of Jerusalem that the fires in many houses went out!
Our Savior Avenged His Death in that generation, As Promised, and now, in the
macro-Apocalypse, He will Avenge all who are marked by the False Messiah!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then The Sixth Manifestation Executed The Order of the Seventh Manifestation.
Passing Her Sharp Scythe through the earth, She Gathered the grapes and Tossed
them into the Great Press of the Creator's Wrath!
Finally, the grapes Were Trampled in the Press outside Jerusalem, and blood flowed
from there! There was so much blood flowing from the Lagar of the Wrath of the
Creator, that it reached the height of the bridles of the war horses! That's five feet
tall! And the blood spread over a distance of approximately 300 kilometers!


Millions of dead men! Human blood will flow for 300 kilometers, that is, the length
of the whole of Palestine! Instead of the metaphor of tares, John here uses the
metaphor of the "grapes of Evil", according to The Revelation! The Jews know I
Enoch 100.1-3, which says that the slaughter of the sons of Cain would produce rivers
of blood as high as the bridles of the horses, to the point of submerging the chariots!
In II Ezra 15:35 and 36 it says that the blood would reach the height of the bellies of
horses, the thighs of a man or the curves of a camel! The number, therefore, is
metaphorical, but it indicates something close to reality. The term "outside the city"
makes it clear that Spiritual Babylon is Jerusalem, which in turn represents The
Islamic Christian Jewish Sisterna! (1 to 20).



In this chapter 15, we have the introduction of the 7-Bowl Judgment.

The grapes have already been collected by the Second Sharp Scythe of Death, as we
saw in the previous grade.
They are banded together and ready to be Trampled by the Creator, Who Will Come
Down with White Clothes and Return with Red Clothes like wine, the wine of His
Wrath! An unmixed, fully fermented wine to be dropped in 7 Bowls over Israel and its
Supporters! About all who believed in the False Messiah worshiped! Remember that
the 7 Bowls are The Seventh Trumpet Itself! YAHshua Continues Revealing to
Yochanan: So I, John, saw in heaven another Great and Wonderful Sign! There were 7
Archangels with the 7 Last Plagues, because with them the Creator's Wrath is


Look! Many theologians say that trumpets, seals and cups are the same thing in
other words, but this passage makes it clear that it is not so! As we've already seen,
here we'll have The Last Plagues, note well the passage where it says: "to COMPLETE
THE Wrath".
YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:
I saw something like a sea of ​crystal mixed with fire! On top of that crystal sea with
colors like fire, were all who died for not having accepted The False Messiah, and
because of that they conquered


This is the dual "Sea"! This same metaphorical "sea" was before, in Rev. 4.6, "(... )
Clear glass as crystal"; now it is Red as the flames of a fire, representing the blood of
martyrs, killed by the persecutions of the AntiChristus! This color change of the
"sealike" place is a great metaphysical platform the exact size of those who will win
The Great Tribulation through martyrdom! The crystal platform awaits the exact
number of GT winners, 33%, as Zc says.13! This vision of John Reveals to us that the
number of martyrs has just completed! After completing the number of martyrs, and
only after that, will The Seventh Trumpet come! Therefore, The Seventh Trumpet
cannot be the Return of Jesus, or the Rapture! The Seventh Trumpet is the 7 Cups,
which will only happen after the number of martyrs is completed!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

These millions have not accepted The False Messiah, His Sacred Object nor The
Gematria of His Name! They held 7-string delta-shaped guitars which The Creator
had given them!


Look! Reveal! In chapters 6 and 8 of Revelation, the martyrs cried out for Justice!
But here Justice is Done; so they will sing to celebrate The Creator's Judgment! The
Song of Moses is quoted here because John compares The AntiChristus to the
Pharaoh, and Moses will literally cross the Red Sea again with millions of Jews, but
this time It will be a Red Sea of ​blood and flames of fire! The Jews know Ex. 15.1, in
which they all sang the song of Victory with Moses!
See: The so-known crossing of the Red Sea is a great allegory of the Creator for the
days of the Great Tribulation! Pharaoh, The Beast That Comes Out of the Sea, Will
Die in the Sea of ​Fire and Blood; but first, Pharaoh will Fulfill his Mission!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

And millions sang the song of the First Witness, Moses, which will be The New Song of
the Lamb: "Great and Wonderful are Thy Plans, Lord and Absolute Creator!
Thy Ways are Righteous and True, O King of all nations! Who will not fear Thee, O
Who will not glorify Your Name? For Only You Are Perfect! All nations will come in
Thy Presence to Adore Thee, for Thy Perfect Judgment was Done before all men!"
After that I looked, and I saw that The Holy of Holies, The Holy Delta, The Most Holy
Tabernacle, Opened in the sky! , from Delta Perfect, which represents The Wrath of
the Creator, came out the 7 Archangels Who Will Execute the 7 Plagues! They Were
Dressed in Pure and Glittering Linen with precious stones, and They wore Golden
Belts around their chests! I also saw One of the 4 Beings! Give The 7 Archangels the 7
Golden Cups Full of the Wrath of the Creator! Then The Holy of Holies Was Filled with
the Smoke of the Glory and Power of the Eternal Creator! Then I knew that no one
could enter the Holy of Holies until the 7 were completed Plagues, which Are The
Spilling of the 7 Golden Cups of the Creator's Wrath by the 7 Archangels!


That is, The Creator, Even Being All-Present, Will in these days be fully Delivered to
earth; He will not Hear prayers in these days; The Creator who Jews know from the
Pentateuc o Will Manifest with Veils of Smoke and Fire!


We have seen in this chapter, once again, the acceptance or rejection of the Mark of
the Beast, that is, the False Messiah, as We Revealed in Grand Degree 312. Although
we have already revealed in degrees 70 to 145 about quantum, duality, Kabalah,
Zodiac, Gematria , Numerology, Pictograms, dates, our body shapes and deltas in all
places of creation, today, in an unprecedented way, we will talk about The Hexagram
666 on the Jews' heads (Kipá), on the new tefillin (forehead and hand), on their flag ,
and now, throughout The Bible of Solomon and David, fathers of good and bad
Judaism! Heads up! You who were contaminated by the Jews, and find it important
to say names in Hebrew, even though Jesus spoke in Aramaic, a dialect that is now
dead and almost unknown! You who speak Hebrew, know that The entire Bible, The
entire Alphabet, the entire Hebrew language, as well as the names of the days of the
week, the months, and everything else, has been corrupted! It has been corrupted
for those who do not know The Duality! Amazing that all the letters of the Hebrew
alphabet, and all the letters of our alphabet, came from the Hexagram!
"Alphabets", Greek, and "Alphabetum", Latin, are actually the first two letters of the
Greek language, the "alpha and beta", our "A" and "B". For The Star of David is the
model that decodes and decodes the entire Bible! Mark 666 is throughout The Bible,
as I have already revealed, for The Jews' Bible is Hebrew; therefore, all the letters
were extracted from the hexagon! See the revealing images at grade 314. (1 to 8).


Now that the number of martyrs has been completed with the Red Sea of ​Blood, the
Seventh Trumpet, which is the Execution of the 7 Cups of Blood, has finally arrived!
There is only one thing holding back The Coming of the Kingdom: The Manifestation
of the False Messiah! And there is only one thing holding back The Arrival of the
Judgment of the Seventh Trumpet: The Harvest of the Martyrs!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I heard A Strong Voice, also Coming from the Delta Santo dos Santos, That Said
to the Seven Archangels: "Now May Go Pour on the Earth The 7 Cups of the Creator's
Immediately, The First Manifestation Poured Its Cup across the earth! As The Wine
of Justice was Being Poured, malignant and painful wounds appeared in Jews and
converts to Judaism who worshiped The False Messiah in the third temple, and who
confessed their faith with the Tefillin and the Star of David and Solomon, marked by
the Name of False Messiah!
Then The Second Manifestation Poured Its Cup into the sea! Immediately, the whole
sea turned, this time, to blood, for all sea creatures died! There is no more Life at


These wounds, in the original, refer to the ulcers of Exodus 9.9 to 12. They are sores,
leprosy and malignant tumors! Can you imagine, on the spill of the second cup, the
stench that will be around the world, because of the billions and billions of species
that will die? See, here, how The Creator "Descends" into the matter of the world to
Do Justice, Returning To Interfere the literalization of prophecies and revelations is
almost complete! The sea in blood is metaphorical, but it almost represents
literality, for the blood here, as in many other cases, represents "death".
Here, literalization makes sense, as we are in the literal last days before the
Kingdom! The Creator that Jews and Christians have heard so much about is going to
Intervene before everyone! Near his Coming, which is literal, there will be fewer
metaphors and more literalization, until everything is transformed! This is
consistent with all prophecies!

YAHshua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

Then The Third Manifestation Poured His Cup into rivers, fresh water, springs of
mineral and drinking water! They all turned to blood, that is, they were poisoned!
All freshwater creatures are dead! There is no more drinking water in the world!
The Third Manifestation, after Pouring His Cup, Said: "You Are The Scale, You Are
The Measure of Men, You Are The Reflection of Men's Choices! You Are Righteous, The
Past, The Present, and The Future! Nothing will go unpunished! ! All choices will be
judged! As these men slew the righteous and prophets, now Thou Hast given Them
blood to drink! What they did, shall they receive in the same measure!"
And then, The Altar that Received all the prayers of the martyrs who cried out for
Justice, at all times, Spoke once more, as If It were One Person, for The Altar Is One
More Manifestation of the Creator, just like everything that exists in heaven , in
The Voice of the Altar, Which Represents all the martyrs, Said, Responding to the
Speech of the Third Manifestation: "Yes, the Absolute Creator Judges with Truth,
Accuracy, Precision, Perfection and Justice!"


See, if The Altar couldn't be a Person, but here it is, if The Eagle couldn't be An
Angel, but it was; if The Fallen Star cannot be an Evil Angel, but was; so open your
eyes and stop believing in the theology of the trinity, angels and demons! All That Is
Is Manifestation of the Creator of All Things!


If The Altar Only Represents The Voice of the Martyrs, how are those who think they
are protected, spared and privileged in material life, in private, individual and
spiritual life, because they believe they will be raptured?
If even Moses and Elijah will die, and will even the martyrs have to wait for the Time
of Judgment? It is clear that nothing that is of the Good and the Truth can be a
material advantage!


Here's AKEL's proverb: "GOD IS Good for those who are good, GOD IS Evil for those
who are bad!"

YAHshua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

The Fourth Manifestation Poured His Cup into the Sun! The sun that has always
helped men, bringing life, will now burn men with fire! Then I saw many Jews,
converts to Judaism and False Messiah fans being burned by the strong heat of the
sun! Instead of repenting, they began to murmur against the Creator! And yet, they
trusted the False Messiah even more, and with that they blasphemed the Creator!
The burning pains will be so intense that the False Messiah's followers will bite their
tongues in pain!


It comes that Judgment will clearly fall on Israel and her supporters! Do the
exegesis, the interpretation, by the dual analogy of Pharaoh and Moses, Israel and
Egypt, and realize the intent of the 10 plagues and bowls! See that the Judgment
will not fall on those who are not involved with The False Messiah! His mistake! So
stop the childishness of trying to interpret blood moons, solar storms, hot days and
other natural signs, for we are talking about Supernatural Signs that will only happen
in these final days, and only for those who have not accepted lesus Christ as True
Messiah and Salvador, and His Two Witnesses Sent.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then The Fifth Manifestation Poured His Cup on The Throne of the Monarchy of
Israel! The King of Israel, the Messiah of the Jews, will finally be struck! His
Kingdom will be in Darkness! And the Jews and proselytes of Judaism will fall ill with
painful wounds!


See, in the literal last days of the Great Tribulation, when you see the sick Jews and
The Third Temple and False Messiah's Government House in darkness, know that The
Last, Third, or Fourth World War is at hand! By all appearances, The Third will
predict chaos on the seals, a Christian made to destroy Israel's enemies, creating
Great Chaos for Great Peace in the Middle East. Already the Fourth World War will
be Armageddon, the end of everything for this Grand Finale, Russia and China will be
Used by the Creator! Russia and China represent The Nabuchodonosor and General
Tito Domitiano of our days! If Israel and the US will use a war to dominate the
Middle East and the world, they will be destroyed by the revenge of their red
enemies! Putin, Xi and Trump are walking together towards this Grand Final. It
could be them or their successors, but it will be now, in this generation, The Macro

YAHshua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

The Sixth Manifestation Poured His Cup over the great river Euphrates!
The waters of the Euphrates River have dried up! That is, the Middle East has
opened the way for Russia, China and the Arabs to attack Israel! So, Delta Espiritos
do Evil, looking like frogs, came out of the Mouth of the First Winged Serpent, the
Mouth of the False Messiah and the Mouth of the False Prophet! The Evil Delta,
which Is The Dragon Incarnate in the Messiah of the Jews and in the False Prophet
and False High Priest, Will be able to Convince the presidents and ministers of the
Pollars, through the daemons, that is, The Evil Spirits, to join Israel for the Fourth
and Last World War! The Last War Will Be The Great Day of the Almighty Creator!


Just as there was BEM's IDE until 70 AD, we will have the MAL's IDE! The False
Messiah will send men possessed by the Spirits of Evil, by the ego and by the money,
to each of the supporting nations, so that the greatest war ever of mankind may
reign and launch!
Now the Jews know Ezekiel 38 and 39, Zechariah 14, Enoch 66.90 and the Sibylline
Oracles 2,310, 322,663 or 674, which, as Jewish tradition, foretell the gathering of
all pagan nations to annihilate Israel in the last days!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The Creator Said, "Behold, I will turn to Israel and the world like a thief! Those who
remain attentive and faithful to Me to the end will be overcomers! Those who believe
in the False Messiah will be ashamed, as when
someone else is found naked!"


This passage does not speak of spiritual clothing, nor morals and holiness, as
theologians say! There are two metaphors in the same sense: The thief is the one
who arrives by surprise, and the surprise and amazement of someone caught in an
act of betrayal, or someone found naked, will be the surprise and amazement of
Israel! And Babylon the Harlot that lies with Another Man; that's the worst idolatry,
the greatest whore of Israel they never understood! Christus Will Come when Israel is
Betraying Him with The False, The Liar, The Traitor! And that is the meaning of
"shame of your nakedness, in this context.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

So the Pyramid of Evil composed of Three Spirits went to the place that in Hebrew is
called Armageddon!

Har-Magedon, the Mount of Megiddo of Ezekiel 38 and 39. The metaphorical place to
represent the military siege of Israel and the gathering of all Israel's enemies for its
destruction! The Third or Fourth World War! YAHshua Continues Revealing to
Yochanan: Finally, A Seventh Manifestation Spilled His Cup in the Air! Then, from the
Holy Delta, Came A Strong Voice From the Throne, Saying: “It is done!” The 4 Beings,
which Represent the 4 Elements, Manifested again, with Lightning, Thunder, Voices
and a Strong Earthquake!


Look, The 7 Bowls in 4 Elements! On Earth: "Throne of the Beast and the Euphrates
Region" On Water: "Salt and FreshWater" On Fire: "Sun." On the air: "Earthquake" See
The Same and Only Creator Who, In Flesh, Said: "It's Done, It's finished! "Now Says
"It's Done! Babylon has fallen; Jerusalem and its earth-dominating religious political
system has fallen!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

And this will be the Strongest Earthquake since man has existed on earth! Jerusalem
will be divided into three parts! The Three Evil Spirits Will Divide The City Of
Jerusalem Into A Pyramid!


The Flag of Israel will be a Negative Delta of Evil!

The Dragon, The Messiah and The Prophet of the Jews Will Divide the City in Delta!
See: One more complete proof that Babylon is Jerusalem, not Rome!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

And the biggest cities in the world will crumble with this Great Earthquake! The
Great Babylon Received From The Creator The Cup Of Wine Of His Wrath! All islands
on earth will disappear! All mountains will be hit!

Jews know the passages of the Ascension of Moses 10.4, I Enoch 1.6, Sibylline Oracles
7324-336, Isaiah 40.4, 1 Baruch 5.5-9, and Psalms of Solomon 11.5, in which the
"disappearance of islands and mountains" is the greatest eschatological sign of the

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Huge hailstones that weighed 33 kilos each fell on the men! And men will blaspheme
The Creator because of the hailstorm, which will be the most terrible storm in the
history of mankind! (1 to 21).



In the previous degree, we saw that Peter's Cornerstone, The Stone Thrown without
the help of Daniel's hands, lesus Christus, The Pyramid, The Delta, The Dalet, Will
Fall on Jerusalem and Divide the city into three parts, marking a Delta, thus how to
brand an ox! The Pyramid of Good will fall on the "Holy" City on the outside and the
"Whore" on the inside!


Only those who have passed since the 146th degree, scrutinizing chapter by chapter
and verse by verse, know who was Rome and who was Jerusalem for Our Supreme
Teacher, for Paul, for Peter and for all the first teachers of the Truth! Paul, Peter,
James and John saw this clearly!
He will come from Jerusalem, from Israel, from David, from Moses, from the Temple,
from Judaism, from the Law; never from Rome! But Judaism is in Christianity, lying
and condemning Imperial Rome and Papal Rome. No, never! But Judaism is in
Christianity, lying and condemning Islam, or atheism, or communism; always taking
the focus so you don't see The Light! Of course The Pope will support The False
Messiah; this is consistent, as ICAR is the extension of Judaism!


The world will never have a single Religion! The esoteric Jews who fight for the
Faith, for the New Age, for Ecumenism and for Globalism will never succeed in
destroying all religions, nor making them one! Who Will Manage to turn the 72
religions into one, the 72 languages ​into one, the 72 nations into one, will be The
True and Only Messiah and Creator, lesus Nazarenus Rex!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then One Of The Seven Archangels, Of The Seven Manifestations With The Seven
Bowls, Approached Me And Said To Me, "Come, Now I Will Show You the blaze of the
Great Harlot who is sitting on many waters, that is , upon many nations! With her the
kings of the earth have committed whoredom! Men have drunken themselves with her
wine, and have lain with Israel, The Great Harlot! For Jerusalem is the mother of the
three principal religions of the earth!"
Then This Manifestation Took Me in Spirit to a Desert, where I saw a woman riding a
red beast with 7 heads and 10 horns! And each head had a self-exaltation, a
religious or political title!
The woman was dressed in red stained clothes, and adorned with gold, precious
stones and pearls! She held a golden cup, and the cup was in the secretions and
fluids of her and the politicians of the nations, with whom she had sex!


The Jews know Isaiah 23:15 and 11:21, Ezekiel 16:15 and the entire book of Hosea!
Without historical and literary knowledge, it is impossible to know who The True
Babylon is! Let's do the historical odyssey: We have the duality of Nimrod and
Semiramis; by adding Tammuz, we have The Delta! The creators of spiritual
Babylon, of confusion, the origin of world domination! At Babel, there was a temple
to the god Belo, which was later called Baal.
The Lord of matter and the world.
Semiramis was the religious system, and Nimrod the political system, as will be The
Two Incarnations, The Two Witnesses of Evil!
As we have seen since the 146th degree, the greatest prostitution and the greatest
idolatry are, for The Creator, the betrayal of the Truth, materialism, money, ego,
greed, power, domination and hypocrisy! Here is The First Beast: The
Judeo-Christian and Islamic religious system that dominates the world!
From this system, The Incarnation of Evil will come out! Why, Jerusalem is over the
beast, Judaism! For Jerusalem is the mother of almost all religions on earth! The
red on her clothing is not literal, as Adventists and others deceived by
Judeo-Christian eschatology suppose that it is the Pope and the Vatican; no!
She wears a scarlet-red garment because she murdered the righteous of the land!
Jerusalem has its clothes stained with the blood of all the martyrs!
The 7 heads are the 7 mountains of Jerusalem, as we will see in the next chapter, The
Creator's Women are here.
The duality of Revelation 12: The Good Wife is in the desert, and the bad wife, of
Revelation 17, is also in the desert, that is, in the same place, in the Middle East.
Like Philadelphia and Laodicea, we have the metaphorical Two Wives.
One is murdered, and the other is a murderer! One is faithful, and the other is
adulterous and unfaithful!

YAHshua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

On the woman's forehead was an inscription that said: THE MYSTERY has been
REVEALED: THE GREAT BABYLON, THE MOTHER of Religions and the disgusting
practices of the earth!


In Rome it was customary to mark prostitutes with a name on their foreheads in

order to identify them. The Germans, in the days of Hitler, also marked their
Contrary to what they teach, there are no more "mysteries'' here; it was all revealed
in the vision itself! There was a misunderstanding in the Bible translations, as the
term MYSTERY was included in the description, and punctuations were not used in the
translated parchments, which suggested that, on the woman's forehead, it was
written "Mystery"; but not! "Mystery" is what was hidden and was revealed on her
forehead to John! She is The Great City, Great Whore, mother of earth's religions!
Every time she lay with a nation on earth, she spawned a new religion! Every time
she lay with an earth nation, she generated a new policy of domination and
alienation! Remember that, in the days of Our Supreme Master lesus Christus, and in
the days of Paul, the Rabbis already taught that Rome was to blame; for wanting to
get rid of Rome, through the Zealots, fanatical legalists, began in 60 AD the great
destruction of Jerusalem. In those days, the rabbis of the synagogues and of the
religious system already demonized Rome as The Great Whore; but Nassus Messiah
and Paul refuted them, saying that prostitution came from the House of Israel!
So make no mistake!
The same rabbis lie to you today!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

I saw that this woman was drunk with wine, which was the spiritual blood of the
righteous! She killed all the witnesses of the True Messiah! When I saw this, I was so
Then The Creator's Angelic Manifestation Said To Me, "Why are you amazed, John? I'll
explain to you the visions you had about the woman! The beast, the beast you saw,
was alive and is now dead in Jerusalem! The system Jewish religionist fell in AD 70!
But she will rise in the last days (macro apocalypse)!
She will come back to life! She will rise from the Abyss and Walk to Her Complete
Destruction! All Who do not have their names written in the Book of Life, which is
timeless and prior to time, space and matter, will be deceived by the resurrected
Judaism in Jerusalem! She is gone with her death in AD 70, but will now revive to
receive Her False Messiah in the last week (70)! has Supreme Wisdom, will
understand: The 7 heads are the 7 mountains, the 7 hills, where the woman sits,
which is Jerusalem!"


See: It's no use calculating the emperors of Rome, or the popes of our day, or the
kingdoms of the G8, G20 or the European Union! 07 here is metaphorical, and
represents Jerusalem and its power!
The kings of Jerusalem will be all the politicians who will rule Israel's New Monarchy
Re-established! In the days of Our Savior, there were 4 provinces, one tetrarchy.
The Harlot is Israel and The Beast is Jerusalem and the Judeo-Christian system; as of
this chosen people, it does not matter which one or the other; that's why many here
stumble! Metaphors, when literalized and mystified, generate stumbling blocks!
represents the people and religion


Much of the basis of Revelation is in Ezekiel 16! Rome was never the Creator's
metaphorical wife!
Wake up Adventists, TJs, Pentecostals, and unchurches! See that Rome,
Constantinople, Brussels and Jerusalem have 7 mountains! But only Jerusalem was
Chosen as a City, as a Wife, and as the People of the Creator! Only Yerushalayim
contains The Creator's Name and means "Creator's House"! Why would A Spouse
"settle accounts" with a woman who was never his Spouse? What City Did the Creator
In Flesh Weep For?
This proves that today's theology is wasteful! They don't know The Bible, they
never read every word with Love!
There are no clearer words than those in Luke 21:20 to 22: "When you see that
Jerusalem has been besieged by armies, then you will know that its ruin is near. And
so what is written will be fulfilled!"
The micro-apocalypse was there, and the macro-apocalypse will also be there,
because Jerusalem is dead!


Fulfilled! Jerusalem died, and was dead in the days of John, 92 to 96 AD, because it
was then and is until today (2019) without a temple, without Messiah and without
rituals; but soon your legal, monarchical, and temple-centrist system will revive!
See here, in the Original Bible, the chapter of Mt 23.37 and Lk 3.33!
The Jews know from Psalm 125.2: "How Jerusalem is all surrounded by mountains."
The 7 mountains of Jerusalem are: Escopus, Nab, Mount Corruption, Mount Zion,
Southwest Hill, Mount Ophel and the Rock of Fortress Antonia! In Jr. 22:8, she is the
GREAT CITY! And about the kings, see Josh 12:7: "These are the kings of the land
that Joshua and the Israelites defeated. 31 kings are mentioned up to verse 24! Now,
after the division between Lerusalem and Israel, The Harlot became known as the
city ​that reigns over the kings of the earth! The same is read in Tobias 14.9.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"The 7 Heads represent Jerusalem and its rule by 7 kings! Five have passed, the
sixth is still alive, and the seventh has yet to appear! But The Seventh Will Rule for
a Short Time! The Eighth King is The Beast Itself in Flesh! That is, Jerusalem and
the Judaism that it was (until 70 AD), and now 195 AD) is no more, it will be again
with The Incarnation of the Eighth King! The Seventh Represents Return of the Jews
to Their False Messiah's Kingdom! But The Eighth Represents The Incarnation of
Judaism and the Torah in One Man, who is The Eighth King! But He Will Rule for a
little while! As for the 10 horns you saw, they are 10 kings who will receive their
kingdoms, but who will only rule for one hour together with the Eighth King, The
False Messiah! The only purpose of the 10 kings will be to support The Messiah of
the Jews! They will crown The False Messiah! “By killing the gods and Christians
who do not accept The False Messiah, they will be warring against The Lamb! But
The Lamb Will Overcome Them!"


See that by the day of John, towards the end of the first century, the 69 weeks of
Daniel had already been fulfilled, and only two of the seven mountains of Jerusalem
were left. Of these two, only one existed; that is, Jerusalem and Judaism were
weakened, isolated, weakened and almost dead! They had already passed through 5
kingdoms from 5 different times, because, in addition to the four of the Statue of
Daniel, John adds Egypt, as his focus has since chapter 14.
Look: Israel began its history with Moses, and not with Daniel in Babylon! Therefore,
the Statue lacks two empires, and whoever knows the entire Bible and the entire
History of the Jews will know how to tell which are the two empires; there?
I. Egypt;
II. Assyria; III. Babylon;
IV. Media and Persia;
V. Greece;
VI. Rome. The sixth still existed in the days of John! Perfect Coherence! The Seventh,
to Israel, under the point of The Jewish view, which is the focus of Revelation, will be
His Own Kingdom!

The Jews were arrested and persecuted, won and lost, dominated and dominated,
passed through Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia, Greece, Rome, and now
they wait for A Messiah to make Israel the ruler of the world! This is the false
interpretation they have of the Bible; that's why they have so much ego! Now the
seventh mount will restore Israel and bring the seventh kingdom, which is theirs, the
attempt to establish One World Kingdom of Israel, the eighth king, It is Man Himself
who will do this, while fenta rule the world. Israel, Jerusalem and the Messiah of the
Jews will come to their eternal end because they never understood the promises The
Creator Made to them!
Listen Jews The Restoration of Jerusalem will only be done through the True Messiah
in his World Kingdom!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"The Lamb Shall Overcome Them, for It Is The Lord of lords and The Only King of
kings! All who died for the Truth shall win with The True Messiah! The Delta victors:
Called, chosen and faithful!" Then The Creator's Angelic Manifestation Said To Me,
"The waters where you saw the harlot sitting are Jews and non-Jews all over the
world who will be deceived by the False Messiah!"


When it is said "for an hour", there are two prophetic possibilities of calculations. If
it has the same meaning as the half-hour of silence seen in Ap 8, then The
Anti-Messiah Can Only Rule the World for 15 Days!
The other possibility would be a literal time, which is less likely.
The Manifestation uses the term "1 hour" to make the great duality with The
Government of the True Messiah, which Will Rule Yes for 1, Um, One Thousand Years!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

“After The False Messiah Comes To Power, He Will Turn Against The Jews
Themselves! The Great Messianic Peace Agreement Will Be Broken!
For The Creator Placed in the minds of the ten kings the purpose of empowering The
False Messiah!"


See: The Creator Put It In His Heart! The Creator inflated and inflamed the egos of
the Jews with the traps of the Bibles, the Abrahamic promises, the stumbling blocks
of the law upon which all who are full of the ego-devil shall fall! The "All This I Will
Give Thee" has been fulfilled; it has all been given! Israel has won the kingdoms of
the world, but this will be their eternal end!
YAHshua Continues Revealing a Yochanan:
"With The Peace Agreement broken, and the world kingdom ended, Jerusalem will be
in ruin"! She will be naked, and her flesh will be devoured and destroyed by fire, as
never before! Full of ego, the ten kings will enter together with The False Messiah in
an Agreement to Rule the World through the False Fulfillment of the Jews' Bible
Prophecies! But they will rule the world for a very short time! The woman you saw,
John, is the great city of the prophets, Jerusalem, who reigns over the kings of the


The twelve tribes have spread across the world, and reign everywhere! The true
Jews suffer, and the false Jews rule, enrich and hope for a prosperous World
Government just for them, in which they will have as their slaves all non-Jews and
non-converts to Judaism!


Note that when talking about the Final Battle against The Lamb, it is clearly
referring to the Last World War, in which the False Messiah's own supporters, full of
ambition and ego, will withdraw their support, and The Great Chaos will begin. In
the End, as we saw in the previous degree, The False Messiah will need to send his
emissaries in order to convince supporters to fight China, Russia and the Arabs.
In other words, the US, Brazil and other countries will support the Israel Peace
Agreement because of their ambitions and self-interest, but later, due to the
international situation, they will withdraw support when they see the death of a
third of the men. in the various conflicts. See that when Moses and Elijah die, Chaos
Will Begin.
However, the False Messiah Himself used the ten nations to come to power. And the
scissors of blue power and red power will exist until The Last Battle! (1 to 18).



The Harlot, Israel, lay with Egypt, loved its errors, and defiled herself with the
pleasures of Egypt!
And she did the same to Assyria! The Harlot, Israel, lay with Babylon for 70 years, in
which the priests became heathen Jewish, esoteric Jewish and mystic Jewish, always
seeking profit and power!
The Harlot lay still with others, and sat on other heads, of Medo-Persians, Greeks
and Romans, when, in the days of Jesus, in partnership with Pilate, Annas, Caiaphas
and all Jewish leadership, she cruelly murdered The True One Messiah!
Clearly, for every kingdom Israel participated in, there is a blasphemy, a title of ego
and dominion, now the last head will have 10 horns, as it will be the long-awaited
Kingdom of Israel on earth! But this is the end of Israel! And now that Jerusalem will
fall forever!


Here falls The False Messiah, the eighth king, the tip; but Judaism also falls!
Jerusalem also falls! The False Israell also falls! And the fall of Israel will be the fall
of all 72 metaphorical nations!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I saw Another Manifestation Descending from heaven! This Manifestation Had
Great Authority, for the earth was lightened by Its Splendor!
The Angelic Manifestation of the Creator Said in a Mighty Voice: "At last, It has
fallen! The Great Babylon has fallen, Jerusalem! Now it is only the habitation of wild
beasts and ravens! A dark cave for every kind of detestable animal!"


The Jews know what Isaiah 21 says: “Babylon is fallen; It is fallen!" They also know
Jeremiah 50:39, who tells Babylon: "Therefore shall dwell in it the wild beasts of the
desert and the wild beasts of the islands, and it will never be populated again!" But
some scribe adulterated it to "devils." that it must have been “wild beasts” or “wild

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The 10 kings fornicated with Jerusalem, and all nations drank the wine of their
fornication! The Jews ruled the world with wealth, luxury and luxury Power of a
Sensual Whore! The business people got rich trading with the Jews, delighting in the
pleasures The Great Whore offered! But The Voice of the Creator's Angelic
Manifestation Said to Me: "Get out of Judaism, My People! Get out, so as not to be
colluding with the sins of the Great Whore! If you don't come off, the 7 Cups will fall
on Israel and on you!"

See that Babylon, as revealed in the previous degree, is not Rome nor The Vatican,
though it still applies to them metaphorically, as the ICAR and Protestantism are
extensions of Judaism! But the unchurched who use Rev. 18.4 as a cliché must
understand that This Voice of the Creator is speaking to Israel and its supporters,
that they are all Christian religious denominations deluded by the False Messiah; of
Judaism and its wide dome, will be reached by the 7 bowls of the Wrath of the
Creator! Therefore, it does refer to the exit from the religious system, but in a much
broader sense than is usually thought.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"For the Jerusalem's sins have piled up to heaven, as Jeremiah said (51:9), and The
Creator Is Tired of your most grievous crimes and errors! The Great Whore always
preached 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth Legalistic Judaism, based on
Levitical laws, always applied double retribution; pols now, may the kings repay in
kind! And may the Torah that she so used to condemn men be applied to her! Let
them pay double for what they did! Mix double the sexual secretions and alcohol
content for her in her own goblet!
May the kings of the earth make Israel suffer torments and afflictions as great as
were their luxuries, egos and powers!
As Isaiah (47) said, the Great Whore, full of self, always thought, "I am Abraham's
There is no other chosen nation besides Israel!
We are the Creator's people, the chosen ones! We are The King's Wife, The Queen of
the Earth; our Father Is Alive, and no one will destroy us! But, in just one day, all 7
Cups will be Poured on it! The Delta: Death, sadness and hunger! And the fire will
consume her, for Mighty Is The Judge Who Judges!"


See how crystal clear the interpretation of this degree and chapter is! The Creator
Will Use the 10 rels so that they, together with Israel, empower the False Messiah.
Then of Uni los, The Creator will play the 10 kings against Israel, as we saw at the
end of the previous chapter and degree, and they will devour their flesh and burn it
in fire! The Creator Really Slays those who are full of ego! Teachings of the True
Messiah, in the 1260 days, were against ego and materialism!

See also that, in the Great Absolutely Direct Interference of the Creator on earth, the
duration of the 7 Cups of His Wrath will only be One Day, which it is, in the Creator's
time, 360 or 365 days, a year! In the last year of the Great Tribulation, the seventh,
metaphorical or literal, the 7 bowls will be Poured! All those destructions we've seen
will last a year! A year with the worst tragedies and calamities of human history!
3,500 years of ego, destroyed in just only 1 year!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"The earthly kings of the red power will rejoice at your fall! But they will also be
destroyed! But the earthly kings of the blue power will mourn and cry for your death
when they see the smoke of your fire! ten supportive kings, in addition to having sex
with her, also participated in the World Peace Agreement to empower the False


See also that The Creator Will Send Evil Spirits, Causing some kings to withdraw
support from Israel; however, after seeing it destroyed, they will regret it!
Another Delta appears here, which is the delta of Jewish power: Ezekiel 26 speaks of
kings, Ezekiel 27 speaks of Jewish businessmen and bankers, and finally, Ezekiel
27.29 to 36 speaks of sailors.
But verse 20 of this chapter 18 of Revelation contrasts with another Delta of power,
the Jewish power of Good, considered by the Creator as: The prophets of the First
Bible, The sent teachers, who are the apostles of the "Second Bible", and the Jews
and righteous Christians who conquered Evil!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"The kings, frightened because of her torment, will watch from afar, and cry out:
Woe to Jerusalem! The Center of the world has been destroyed! He reigned for only a
few days, then came his own undoing!"


Note that this passage says "one hour", which refers to the same quote from the
previous degree and chapter.
One hour, as we have seen, is equivalent to approximately 15 days of global power,
of the world kingdom. And if we take into account the prophetic expression "one
day", which, as we have revealed, is equivalent to 1 year, then we can assume, in the
case of GT not lasting more than 7 years and 75 days, that The False Messiah will
only succeed come to world power at the end of the sixth year of His Reign, or the
beginning of the Seventh.
As the numbers are metaphorical, it is impossible to say with certainty; this is
something that not even a sage can clarify, which is a good thing, as it makes the last
generation, and ours, more surreal!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

As for the entrepreneurs and bankers of the land, they will very much regret their
destruction! Or partners with Israel are gone! Nothing else can be traded with
Israel: No gold, no precious stones, no pearls, fine linen, purple, silk or red cloth, no
cedar wood, no pieces of ivory, precious wood, bronze, iron and marble, cinnamon or
any other spice, nor incense, myrrh or any perfume, nor wine or olive oil, fine flour
and wheat, oxen or sheep, horses or carriages, nor slaves! The delicious fruits of
Israel are gone too!"


After the micro-apocalypse of Jerusalem, in 70 AD, many of its ancient inhabitants

were enslaved. See that John records words of prediction, but his vision is of the
culture of the sixth kingdom, This is from the days of Rome, in the post-destruction
of Jerusalem. All the eschatology from Ezekiel to Tyre, and and Jeremiah to Babylon,
prefigure Israel, not the heathen, for The physical Bible was written for the Jews
Paul makes it clear that The pagans' Bible is the dual consciousness, as we saw in the
original chapters 2 and 10 of Romans! The same happens with the quotes from Isaiah
to Assyria, Sodom and Egypt! They are old enemies, friends of Israel who did Evil
because they didn't know the Good ; but the Jews, who always knew The Truth, who
had the privilege of knowing It, became The Great Whore! That is, all the
denunciations of the prophets against other heathen nations, became the sins of
Israel. still t All the prophets of the Bible of the Jews denounced the grave sins of
the priests and the rabbis in their day!


From chapters 1 to 39, we have Proto-Isaiah; from 40 to 55, we have another

prophet, called "Deutero-Isaias"; and chapters 55-66 are later additions to
"Deutero-Isaiah" by a "Third Isaiah" or by several other Isaiahs.

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"Businessmen and bankers will still say: "All the riches of the world's religious,
cultural and historical heritage of humanity are gone! They will never be recovered!'
Entrepreneurs and bankers, as well as kings, will also see the destruction of
Jerusalem from afar, fearful of its torment, and will say, "Woe to Jerusalem! The
False Messiah, The High Priest, its rulers, and the Jewish families The richest in the
land, who have always dressed in luxurious clothes, fine linen, in the colors of
royalty and nobility, and adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls, have now
lost everything in just a few days! sailors on ships, and all who made their living at
sea, will also see the smoke of their destruction from afar!"


What a Great Hypocritical Lie of Theological Babylon! Those who lie about the origin
of Evil, preaching about Lucifer, base themselves on Is. 14, Rev. 12 and Ez. 28: the
problem is that we have here the extraction of the Creator Himself In Angelic
Manifestation for John, who uses Ezekiel 28 correctly!
Read and see! This clearly refers to Jerusalem and the Jewish religious system! Just
like Ez. 28 referred to the king of Tyre, he, in metaphor, now refers to Israel! The
anointed cherub here is The Queen, Lucifer, who will fall now is Jerusalem!


Hundreds of manuscripts bear the original expression: "one who sails in many
Well, there are no cars or planes, so John is talking about the tourists who travel
through Israel! So we have the same expression for three types of people:
I. Rulers;
Il. Entrepreneurs and bankers;
III. Tourists and the people in general; All who have visited Israel will see, through
the world press, The Great Destruction of Jerusalem!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"All tourists who have ever been to Jerusalem will say, "No city in the world was more
important than Jerusalem! Woe to Jerusalem, which, because of its cultural,
historical and religious richness, has enriched many with tourism; but now, it lay in
ruins in just a few days!" If the politicians, bankers and tourists of the earth mourn,
in heaven, the Christians, apostles and prophets celebrate!
"All who have conquered the world are rejoicing in immatter, because The Creator He
repaid to Jerusalem what she did to the martyrs!"


See the hexagram: Those who mourn on earth and those who feast in heaven!

It seems that I, AKEL, see The Creator placing 7 mounds in Rome, just so that
deceiving Jews and Christians could have arguments in their false theology in order
to blur and try to "save Israel" from Judgment!

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then A Mighty Manifestation Raised A Great Stone and Cast it into the Sea, Saying:
"As I Cast this Stone into the Sea, Jerusalem will be Cast to the Land with the same
violence, and never again to be found! As Ezekiel (26:13) and Jeremiah (25:10) said,
the sound of the harpers, the pipers, the trumpeters will never be heard again in
Jerusalem; the Jewish festivals, the rituals, the solemn meetings, THE Psalms are
over! Within the walls of Jerusalem not even a professional! Never again will the
noise of the workers' machines be heard in Jerusalem! Never again will the
lampstands, the lamps and the lamps shine within its walls! As Jeremiah said (25:10),
there will never be a feast again of marriage in Jerusalem!
The richest Jewish families on earth are dead! They seduced the whole world into
their secret societies of power! But now, these families are dead!"


In the other quote from Revelation, the term translated in your Bibles as
"witchcraft" was pharmakon" in the original text, and it referred to drugs, as we
have already revealed, and not to espiritisio. But here, the term involves "occultism",
and, in fact, the Bible speaks of the Illuminati, or what is the name of their power
societies! Therefore, it is not talking about spiritualism, but secret power societies.
And, in fact, almost all the secret societies existing in the world were created by

YAHshua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"In Jerusalem, the blood of almost all the prophets, the righteous, the apostles was
found for the Creator, she is also indirectly guilty of almost all the murders of the
earth!" (1 to 24).


We have already said that all countries on the right of Israel write from right to left,
and all countries on the left of Israel write from left to right; but what is the origin
of this mystery?
This is because the peoples of the East, when engraving words on a stone, held the
hammer in their strongest hand (usually the right) and the chisel in the other hand
(left), making it easier to write from right to left.
Once the ink and parchment arrived, the scribes began writing from the left so as not
to smudge the letters.
For rabbis, this is a rule of thumb in Judaism, as we almost always put on the right
shoe first, wash our right hand first, and so on. it will only be for the dex (right) Now,
hence the Tefillin Park, the mark of the Beast, it will now be in the dex, on the right!
In the Kabbalistic teachings, the right represents the attribute of "chessed"
(kindness), and The left represents "chevura", as we reveal in the degrees of the Tree
of Life. Furthermore, the majority view of the Jews, even though they are the
"creators" of the scissors of world domination, is from the right and the far right,
which is the blue power.


There's one more 7 here! In chapters 17, 18, and 19, which shouldn't have been
subdivided, we have 7 Visions on the Destruction of Jerusalem:
1. Jerusalem, The Harlot (17);
2. The bad character of Jerusalem and of the False Messiah (17);
3. Condemnation of the false kingdom and the False King (18);
4. Finally, Jerusalem has fallen! (18);
5. 0 Delta Lament in the matter (18); 6. The Delta Celebration in Imateria (19);
7. 0 Announcement of the Marriage of the Lamb to the True Israel! (19)


Look! In metaphorical language, Our Supreme Master Annihilates the traitorous wife,
who was in an orgy with 10 kings and murdered millions of innocent people; then He
marries The Faithful Wife, who is made up of a few original Jews and, for the most
part, adopted Jews, us heathens!


Many elements present here were taken from the excerpts 50.51 and 51.59 to 64 of
YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:
Then I, John, heard The Voice of a Great Crowd in Heaven!
Millions upon millions of martyrs exclaimed strongly: "Allelu-YAH! Salvation, Glory,
and Power Belong to Our Creator! For the True and Righteous Are His Judges! The
Absolute Condemned The Great Woman who, instead of making herself known as his
goodness corrupted the nations with his prostitution!
Millions and millions of innocent people were murdered by her or by her order! But
The Absolute Caught the shed blood of every innocent!” Then The Martyrs Crowd
exclaims for the second time: “Allelu-YAHI The smoke from Jerusalem rises forever!”


Text begins with “Allelu YAH”, which means "Praise the Creator"; for the Jews, That
is a clear language of the end times and the beginning of the Kingdom of the True


Handel transformed this precious word, which preserves for millennia the hidden
pronunciation of the tetragram, of the Name do Nasso Creator, in an imperishable
hymn, a true hymn, for being immortal and known to all nations! A true hymn! In
1742, there was the great chorus of "Handel's Hallelujah!"


See that after we meet Anti-Messiah in Rev. 13 and 14, chapters 17, 18 and 19 make
almost full emphasis on the fall of Jerusalem, the kingdom, the Jewish empire, not on
The False King, The False Messiah Why? Well, you EX know why! knew The Creator
Will Send Deception in Flesh and Possess Lie!"
In Good, Truth Incarnated First, Then Incarnated His Spirit! In Evil, Spirit Came First,
Incarnating in all who live in illusion and deceit! Everyone who chooses O Mistake is
baptized with the Spirit of Evil, as the author of the Apocalypse, João, said in his
Delta Letters, about The Spirit of Anti-Good. Finally, in the Realm of Evil, Evil Will
Incarnate in a man to gather the chaff, the straw, that is, everyone who is baptized
in the Spirit of Evil.
That is why there are possessions, as we have already revealed.
GoodWill Return Incarnate as Lesus Christus, and Evil Will Be Annihilated. Therefore,
the emphasis is on the Great Harlot, for it is Israel who should have been an
exemplary nation, holy people, but they were not, and yet they taught Evil to other
nations, dishonoring The Name of the Creator They Received! Now, the focus is not
on the fall of the Antichrist, for, after all, Who Is He? What Did He Come To Do?
What mission is it?
Where are the sages to understand The Incarnation of Truth and The Incarnation of
Lie? Both Christus and AntiChristus are just Avatars, Theoanias, Epiphanies,
Incarnations of the Creator, made to Screen men, Deliberating Life or Death! The
Creator And Spirit, Or 72 Spirits!


Now, open your eyes and read again carefully: "The smoke from Jerusalem rises
Do you see the metaphor? So too, metaphysical hell, re-hologramming, will be for an
eternity, not infinite! For the smoke of Jerusalem will not rise forever, nor will those
who killed the prophets be tortured in front of the martyrs forever!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

So, the 24 Elders and the 4 Beings Prostrate and Worship The Creator! And These
Manifestations Said In One Time: "Truth, Allelu YAHI" At the same instant, A Voice
From the Throne Called: "Praise The Creator, small and great; praise The Creator of
All Things." Then for the third time (Delta), the great multitude of martyrs exclaimed
with One Voice, like the crash of many waters and mighty Thunders: "Allelu-YAH! For
The Lord, Creator and Absolute Reigns! Let us celebrate! Let us rejoice! Lamb With
His True Bride Who Is There Ready! "
The Bride Won A Fine, Shiny and Pure Linen Dress!
And I, John, learned that linen represents the goodness of the righteous! Then The
Angelic Manifestation of the Creator Said to Me, "Write Yochanan: Eternally happy
are those who are invited to The Great Feast of the Feast and Wedding of the Lamb!
That Is a True Promise!" So, after seeing and hearing so many Manifestations of the
Creator , I prostrated myself At the Feet of that Angelic Manifestation of the Creator,
to Adore Him; but The Angelic Manifestation Stopped Me, Saying Don't do it!
Jews have always worshiped Angels, but I Am Just A Manifestation of the Creator!
One of his Spirits!
My Manifestation to You Is To Serve The Creator! Worship Only The Creator on the
Throne! Everything you see and hear, João, Is By the Spirit of the Creator YAHShua!"


We translate the excerpt this way, taking into account the motivation of the text,
since this is the main objective of BOCódEX: Reveal The Spirit of the Bible. Jews
know the book "Coptic Apocalypse of Zephaniah" in chapters 9 and 10, as well as the
book "Ascension of Isaiah" 7.21, in which Isaiah prostrates himself before An Angelic
Manifestation of the Creator, but is rebuked for it. he then informs Isaiah that No
Manifestations of the Creator in the six heavens are to be worshipped, only the
Manifestations of Full Incarnations are to be Worshiped, and These Manifestations
Are in the Seventh Heaven, or have already Incarnated on earth, as is the case with
Abraham. Why, the Hellenistic Jews and the Gnostics worshiped angels! John equates
with Isaiah and other prophets, reinforcing the exact understanding that The Creator
Is All Manifestations, but Only When His 72 Emanations Are Concentrated Can You
Tell Him "Allelu-YAHI"!
This often happens on the Throne, a metaphor for Septa Heaven and The Origin of All
Material and Immaterial Existence! Now, although the base of the pyramid is also
part of it, The Creator Wants to Be Adored at the Top of the Pyramid, which, in
addition to being poetic and organized, is coherent! Invert the Delta to better
understand: Whoever is of Evil will not worship a demon, a daemon or an evil spirit,
but will worship The False Messiah, or The Evil that has Names, like Satā or Devil.
Angels, as Paul taught us, are Spirits Sent to Serve.

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I saw the open sky, and Before me appeared A White Horse, Whose Rider Is
Named "The Absolute Truth"! This Knight Is The Own Judge of the Nations! His Wars
are not of Destruction, like the First White Horse I saw, which lied to Israel, claiming
to be of Peace! This Knight Wars to Avenge the Innocent!


After 7 Visions on the Death of the Prostitute and The Life and Marriage of the True
Wife we ​now read another 7 Visions:
1.Now Yes, The Literal Return of the True Messiah (19)! Only now, The Creator
Returns as YAH Shua to Reveal Himself to Israel and the whole world!
2.The Upper Delta Descends and Crushes The Lower Delta, The Christus and The
AntiChristus (19)! Then, in the next degree, we will have:
3. 0 Evil, Duality is "trapped" for a thousand years; a metaphor for A Kingdom
Without Duality (20)!
4.The Perfect Kingdom of Christus (20)!
5. Last Great Sieve for the annihilation of Evil (20):
6.0 Last Judgment during The Kingdom (20);
7.The New Immaterial Creation, A New Perfect World, Without Evil (21);


Jews know that the Neo-Hebrew book "Apocalypse of Elijah" has passages similar to
the Apocalypse of John. In it, when Christus returns and destroys The Antichrist,
Israel lives The Kingdom for just 40 days.
So, Gog and Magog will spoil this by turning the heathen against the Jews and
besieging Jerusalem. But, according to the book, The Messiah Will Destroy Them!
Then, after another 40 days, comes the final resurrection and final judgment.
This book is, in fact, older than the Apocalypse of John, but The Revelations
contained in the originals bring us coherence and perfection.

YAHSHUA Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

His Eyes Are Like Fire Flames! In His Head Are Many Crowns and One Name Only He
Can Decipher and Pronounce, and none else! He Is Dressed In A Blood Dyed Cloak!
Though no one knows The Pronunciation of His Name, I, John, knew Its Meaning:
"Wisdom of the Creator!"


For those Judaizers who think they know the real pronunciation of the Name of the
Eternal, know that what is really important is not the morphology, but the etymology
of the heart, and what He really means to you in your conscience! This Excerpt does
not reveal the Original Pronunciation of His Name, but Its Original Meaning, which It
is Sophia or Sophie, as Wisdom, Word, Word, Voice, The YAH Who Came SHUA, The
YAH Who Came to Save!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

The Armies That Followed Him, And They All Dressed in Fine, White, and Pure Linen;
They Accompanied Him, Also Mounted on White Horses!
Out of His Mouth Came A Sharp Sword, With Which He Will Smite the Nations! His
Government and Kingdom Will Be With Iron Scepter, A Sharp Sword!


See that it is not in the seventh trumpet that He Voltard, but in the Seventh Cup! The
Sword That Will Hurt is the same metaphor for Golden Scepter, Iron Scepter and
Winepress of the Creator's Wrath, In Which He Will Tread on the Grapes of Israel and
the Supporting Nations!
John quotes Isaiah 11.4, 63.1 and Psalm 2.9. His War is Revenge!
Two White Horses: One was False, being white by optical illusion, but actually having
the color of death; the other is The True White of Peace, Who Only Wars to Establish

Realize that, in order to fulfill Psalm 2.9, 0 False Messiah, in 15 days, he will rule
the world with hatred, in a great worldwide religious dictatorship!
Thus, the prophecy will be falsely fulfilled.

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

He Will Tread The Wine Press of the Wrath of the Absolute Creator! On His Clothing
and His Thigh Is Written This Name: "KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS!"


Learn, Jews and Judaizers: Name is Meaning, not pronunciation or construction of

letters! See: The Title Is The Name The Meaning Is The Name! For, for The Creator,
NAME is much more than pictograms, anagrams, cabals and gematrias; they are
MEANINGS, attributes, virtues, motivations, intentions and desires!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I saw Another Manifestation Standing in the sun, and Calling aloud to all the
birds that flew across the sky, "Come, assemble for the Great Feast of the Creator!
Eat meat from all over the world! kings, generals and lords who ruled this world! Eat
the meat of your horses and soldiers! Come ravens! Eat the meat of all who chose
Deception!" Then I saw The False Messiah, along with the ten supporting kings, with
armies gathered to war against YAHShua, Who Was Riding on the White Horse, and
His Heavenly Army! But The False Messiah and The High Priest, The False Prophet,
Were Arrested! The False Prophet Deceived millions of Jews and Christians with
signs and miracles, in the Name of the False Messiah! Millions and millions of Jewish
and Christian proselytes confessed their faith in Judaism and the False Messiah:
marked by the Jewish confession, they worshiped the holy object in the third temple!
But now, The Two Beasts, The Two Dangerous Beasts, Are Trapped and Cast Alive into
the Lake of Fire, to be annihilated forever! The Two Incarnations of Evil, Having
Fulfilled Their Mission, Were Annihilated! All the supportive kings, with their armies,
and all who were deceived by the False Messiah, Were Slain with The Sword Out of
the Mouth of lesus Christus, O YAHShua! And then, all the ravens on earth were
satisfied with the flesh of all who were deceived!


By synchronizing the facts of the previous chapters and degrees with these
revelations, we can understand what The Coming of Our Lord and Savior lesus
Christus Rex will really be like! The Fourth World War, between Russia, China, USA,
Brazil, Israel and the European Union, will feature The Presence of the Creator of All
Things Himself! The Jews know Ascension from Isaiah 4.14, in which there is the
metaphor "Gehenna", The Lake of Fire, which represents the end of existence!
Finally, the Psalm 2.9 to 12. (1 to 21) is fulfilled here.



We learn in the last degree that Christus Will Not Return in the Seventh Trumpet, but
in the Seventh Cup, that is, in the Fourth or Last World War! He Will Face Israel,
USA, Brazil, China, Russia, European Union, Arabs and all involved in person!


We also saw that the 6 seals passed, that the seventh seal consists of 6 trumpets,
and that the Seventh Trumpet is 6 bowls, the Seventh Cup being The Return of the
Creator and Savior YAHShua! Note the "666" before the Return of lesus Christus!


The underworld is not immovable; in the immaterial cosmos, there is no time, space
or matter! Therefore, the physical underworld, which is the center of the earth with
magma, sulfur, and smoke from volcanoes, only symbolizes that they exist below the
burial of a corpse.
As we have already revealed in previous degrees on Rehologramming, terms:
First Instance: life with free will of choice; Second Instance: immaterial rehologram
of your mistakes, your bad choices; Third Instance: The Last Judgment, The
Kingdom, the condemnation for eternal non-existence; Therefore, we see that hell,
hades and sheol (in Latin, Greek and Hebrew) represent Rehologramming, while The
Lake of Fire, the Gehenna, represents The Last Judgment of the Creator's last
judicial instance for men, all time one speaks of fire, it is either an allusion to the
Jerusalem dump in the days of Our Master Lesus Christus, or it is an allusion to the
cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which turned into a sulfurous lake and served as a
metaphor for revenge in eternal fire, that is, the destruction of life! See that, in the
Garden, there was no Tree of Heaven and Hell, but of Life and Death; this is the
duality, which many, in the evangelical language, call “salvation” and “perdition.”
These are just poetic words to express Life or Eternal Death.

The Duality for His Two Incarnations, False Moses and False Elijah, have already
been destroyed! The Lie Incarnate has already fulfilled its role, that of gathering
together the lovers Of the Lie; together, they served as a Feast for all THE crows on


Iranian literature speaks of a Being of Evil who would rule for a thousand years over
the world, but whose rule would be interrupted by Another Being of Good who would
defeat and bind him.He would later be released but die for Sama (Bibliography:
Bundahishn e Bahamn Yast) See that The Creator Elohim Has Manifested Himself in all
cultures to Predict and Warn, in various Apocalypses, what The End would be like!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan: So I John saw Another Angelic

Manifestation of the Cr iador; She had in her hand the key to the abyss and a great


See: The 4 Beings of Evil that were imprisoned near the Euphrates River represented
a tied date, waiting for the time of their release to arrive, as we saw in the previous
degrees and chapters.
Now, the metaphor "Key" Represents Christus Himself, Who Has The Key in Delta
Shape, and the metaphor "Chain", like the terms "bind, bind, chain", represents that
Duality, Evil, will not exist on Saturday, which will be the Millennium Of The Perfect
Kingdom of the True Messiah, The same happened in the Garden of Eden. The Winged
Serpent Was Not There, but "Appeared", to bring The Duality into Paradise. It is The
Creator who "Loosen" and "Holds" Evil! That would be the same as saying?

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then Mighty Manifestation Has Arrested The Dragon, The First Winged Serpent,
Which Is Evil, Duality, The Enemy of Good, Lie, Deceit; she Chained Him for a
thousand years!
The Dragon Was Cast Into The Abyss, Where He Was Chained, And The Creator's
Angelic Manifestation Shuts The Door Of The Abyss With The Key, Preventing
Deception From Coming To The Realm Of The True Messiah!


The Jews know 1 Enoch 18, 19 and 21, in which the forces of the More are
The rabbis interpret that the thousand years of 11 Enoch 33 are literal, however,
according to 1 Enoch 91, 104, Sibylline Oracles 3, Jubilees 23, Ascension of Moses 10,
I Baruch 22 and IV Ezra 3 and 7, it is understood and that these thousand years are
metaphorical, representing 400 years of Kingdom. In any case, time will no longer
make sense, and it will only be a transition to The New Immaterial Cosmos!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then, again, and for the last time, The Dragon Who Represents Duality Will Be
Released, at the end of the Realm of the True Messiah.
Then I saw The Thrones on which those involved in each judgment were seated.
The first to be tried will be the martyrs' murderers during The Great Tribulation!
The executioners will face their victims, the martyrs of the Great Tribulation, and
will be judged by them!
Those who accepted and worshiped The False Messiah will be the first to be judged!
But The martyrs will judge them, and then they will reign for a thousand years!
Then all those who killed the prophets, the sent teachers, and the righteous
Christians and Jews will be judged!
All martyrs who, for witnessing the Truth, were tortured, beheaded, beheaded, or
brutally murdered were seated on thrones, and had the authority to judge their
In the First Resurrection, only those who will Reign with Christus will be resurrected!
The wicked will only be Resurrected in the Second Resurrection, after the Millennium.
For this reason, happy are the righteous who Conquer the world and Choose the
Truth, for they will rise like Christus!
The Second Death will have no power over the righteous! They are Priests of the
Creator and Messiah, and will reign with Him for One Saturday, One Great Rest, One


The First Resurrection is LIFE! The Second Resurrection is DEATH! See that we will
clearly reign with all the winners!

Some rabbis thought that the patriarchs would judge with the Messiah in the Kingdom
(II Ezra 7), but who will judge and rule the nations in the Kingdom will be the martyrs
cruelly murdered by legalistic Jews in the last days of the sixth millennium!


Each evil spirit, that is, evil man already disincarnated, Will be called before the
Thonos, and the Throne, this literal yes, to be judged, one by one! Their Judgment
will take place in Kingdom days!


Anyone who reads the common biblical translations will not understand the two
deaths and the two resurrections, nor will he know who will reign: If it will only be
the martyrs shown here, or if all are righteous! A little expert review of the
originals, or at least a small consultation of a good Biblical Encyclopedia who has
worked on the originals well, is the minimum necessary to understand this text. We
read, in the originals of apocalypse 2.26, 3.21 and 5.10, that all the righteous will
reign over the Nations! Paul also taught us this in 1 Thes.4.


Finally, Jerusalem will be the capital of the world, according to Is. 2.1 to 3 and 60.3.
Everything Juden Expected Christus Would Do At His First Coming Will Happen Now,
At His Second Coming! Israel, at last, will no longer be a tail to be a world Head!


lesus Christus Will Govern (Zc.14), first with the martyrs of the Great Tribulation,
and with all who died in the Lord, and also with the survivors, as stated in Isa. 60.10
to 15 and Zc. 8:20 to 23. Then Christus Will Call David to Reign as World Prince, as
per Ezekiel 45 and 46! David will be Prince of the Kingdom of the True Messiah,
having under his government other regional princes, according to Jr. 30.21 and Is.
In these days, there will also be the return of the judges, as we are looking at the
thrones of judgment!


No! Believers will not be in heaven, and it will not be only martyrs who will reign!
The transformation of matter, the transmutation that we reveal in the degrees of 1
Ts. 5 el Co. 15, will take place right after the Seventh Cup, which is The Coming of
Christus! Those who are dead will rise to reign!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

After the thousand years, The First Winged Serpent, The Dragon, will come out of
the Abyss. His Last Mission will be Deceive the 72 nations, Gog and Magog, in order
to bring them together for another Great War! The Dragon Will Have The Mission of
Humanity's Last Riddle!


According to the originals, Jews and non-Jews who survived the Great Tribulation and
who do not accept The False Messiah will enter the Kingdom of the True Messiah!
However, many of these men will make serious mistakes and will be killed for it, for
there will be the death penalty in the Government of Christus and Prince David!


Remember there will be rich health in these days.

A young man will be 100 years old; even though this is a metaphor, it is still a
symbol of the health and vigor of our future material bodies. See Isaiah 65.20. Just
as it all began 6,000 years ago, it will end before full immortality!


Remember that those who are resurrected and transformed will be 33 years old, as
we have revealed since the 146th degree! Didactically understand:
1. The martyrs and the righteous dead will rise first with new bodies, looking 33
years old; the majority will grow old, as the prophets say, but they will not die until
the end of the Kingdom!
These will not be wrong, as they have already defeated O Evil!
2. Some of us, those who are alive, of the Truth, of the Light, will be transformed
and we will meet Him in Jerusalem for the Beginning of His Kingdom! They will also
be transmuted looking young, 33 years old, and most will age but not die!
immortality. full has not yet arrived! Paul said, in 1 Cor. 15:26 to 28: "Now the last
enemy that will be Annihilated is Death!"
3. Those who are alive, and let not be killed by the Lord, for they are not of the True
or to have Eternal Life, but neither have they accepted the False Messiah, that they
may Ner Eternal Death So, this third group will still be riddled in the Kingdom!


They can't go to Rehologram! So, The Lord Chose their entrance into the Kingdom,
for Perfect Coherence! Now what would the Kingdom of lesus Christus be without
some wicked to be annihilated? This is the pure truth! The rebels will glorify The
King of Kings! So, at the end, there will be a "Fifth World War", which won't last a
day! All so that The Lord's Kingdom becomes meaningless, so that He Shows the Jews
and the world how He Governs Himself with good and bad! If there were only
righteous people, it wouldn't be a Complete Government, right? For this reason, this
third group will come in to contaminate you! It is also evident that many of this third
group will be evangelized in the Kingdom and will recognize YAHShua as the True


However, after 400 years or a thousand years, the actual duration of the Kingdom,
they will have children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; depending on the
length, they could be many generations!
We, the resurrected ones and the martyrs have already conquered Evil, but these,
still commanded by many selfish Jews, will revolt against The Creator because of the
rigid government!
We can see here that the ego will be your devil, even with "The Locked Dragon!"
Though they may marry, and the resurrected and transmuted righteous may not, we
will hardly die, but many of them will. This will cause them great envy! Everyone
will have already defeated The Evil, except them; this will also cause great envy!
However, when "The Dragon is Unleashed", they will have evil forces to act together,
and will try to take The Government of Prince David and Our King lesus Christus!
Remember that many will be obedient to the Kingdom because they never had the
opportunity to rebel, so when The Dragon, The Duality Returns, they will rebel and
be destroyed!
Therefore, there will be marriage and sex in the Kingdom, but not between us who
are resurrected!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

And the number deceived by the First Serpent will be like the sand of the sea!
Deceived of all nations will march across the land to besiege the dwellings of the
righteous in Jerusalem!
But when they arrive in Jerusalem, A Fire Will Descend from Heaven and Destroy


Ladies and gentlemen, young people and children! Amazing! If The Dragon Is
"Unleashed" by the Creator Himself for The Last Mistake before Full Immortality,
then what about Lucifer's descent into Heaven Deceiving a third of the angels of their
own accord? We do not see The Dragon as a Free Being, but as an Evil Execution!
Now, The Dragon is a metaphor for Evil, for Duality! Some mystic "pastor, rabbi or
priest" will say: "Dear AKEL, as Lucifer Acted that way in Heaven, He is a Prisoner,
and The Creator Forces Him to Do what He Did in the Beginning, as His Punishment!"
So, he answer me: Is the First Serpent the Same Dragon and the Same Lucifer? And
answer me too: Is the Creator Omniscient? If both answers are "Yes", then you will
understand that The Dragon IS Jehovah! But The Dragon only Exists now, until the
end of the Millennium!


Many think that here there is an error of John, or someone has tampered with this
passage of Revelation, because of the expression "Gog and Magog"; they don't
understand that this is just another attempt at War against the righteous, a perfect
pretext to End The Millennium and Start The New Immaterial Cosmos!
"Gog and Magog" is just a metaphorical expression to remember a new right, this
time The New Jerusalem, which is almost fully Restored!

YAHShua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

A Lie, What A Deception, And finally Cast into the Lake of Fire that burns with
brimstone, where The False Messiah of the Jews and The False Prophet had already
been Cast! They were Timelessly Annihilated! It's The End of the First Winged
Serpent! His head was completely crushed! After that, I saw the Great White
Throne, and I saw YAHShua Sitting on It as a Judge!
The Third (Delta) and Last Legal Instance of the Absolute Creator will Begin! The
earth and heaven that existed during The Kingdom will be gone! Then I saw all who
died in Deception, all the children of Cain! All the dead, evil men and women, great
and small, standing before the Great White Throne! Death has given up all the dead!
Hades delivered all the dead!
The Sea of ​Martyrs has delivered all the dead! Everyone who went through the
Second Instance, The Rehologram (Recrivo, Revival, Purgatory, Hell), They were
there! All the martyrs I had seen on that great platform, like a sea of ​crystal, were
there before the Supreme Judge! The Books of records of all men's choices have been
opened! All choices are recorded there, before the Creator, so they couldn't escape!
Then, The Book of Eternal Life, of Immortality was also opened! And all evil men
were judged according to the choices they made on earth!
Then Death and Re-hologramming, The Hades, Were Also Released into the Lake of
Fire of Inexistence!
For The Lake of Fire is the metaphor for The Second and Last Death!


See, how is it possible? Death Being Cast? Death is not a Person, nor is the being of
the sharpened scythe! How is Hades, which the mystics think of as real estate, going
to be cast into a Lake of Fire? But 1 billion Christians literally believe it! It is not
difficult to break free from mysticism and understand it as metaphors! Learn: Lake
of Fire is Nonexistence!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

All who did not have their names in the Book of Life, of Immortality, were cast into
the Lake of Fire of Eternal and Infinite Nonexistence!


As it will be during The Transitory Realm between the matter of today, 660 and the
perfect immatter of tomorrow, 777:
1.All men will have Wisdom (Is. 11.9 and 54.13;
2. The Spirit of the Creator will Incarnate in the righteous (Is. 32.15);
3. The World Revival will be fulfilled (Mq. 4.2);
4. There will be Peace, Unity and Justice on earth (Is. 9.6, Is. 65.23 and Is. 11.4 and
5. Nature will be previously transformed, and there will be no more wild animals (Is.
11.6a 8) ; SAW. The Curse will disappear with the Return From the Garden of Eden
(Gen. 3.17 and 18). The World Revival will be fulfilled (Mq. 4.2);
6. There will be Peace, Unity and Justice on earth (Is. 9.6, Is. 65.23 and Is. 11.4 and
7. Nature will be previously transformed, and there will be no more wild animals (Is.
11.6a 8) ;
8. The Curse will disappear with the Return From the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3.17 and
VII. There will be Health and Prosperity like never before (Br. 31.12, Ps. 67:5 and 6
and Is.65
(20 to 22)!


In the next degree, we will have The Second and Last Part of the Kingdom. All matter
will be transformed fully, for this is the end not only Of Duality, but also of death!
And only now that everything changes! That is The Kingdom that will fulfill all the
mentioned prophecies from the 146th degree! For we will live just like in the First
Kingdom, but with no more enemies, Duality, Death, or aging of matter; all that has
passed, and we will have full and perfect immatter! As lesus Christus Has Been With
Us for a thousand years, He Will Return To Be Spirit and Will Be Our Light Forever!


And here is the song "Last Judgment!" (1-15).



Remember that at the Last Judgment there will be 7 Types of Sentences, which were
spelled out in the 7 Letters at the beginning of Revelation! They are not literal, but
Reveal how The Creator Sees our choices!

The four elements that passed through the Cave of Elijah (1 Kings 19) will be
The earth will give us new carbon, new soil and new matter!
The air will give us new space, new haven!
Fire will purify all dual matter, as it purifies crystal and gold; being the new matter,
there will be no more time! The water will give us Cosmic Baptism, in which we will
all be born again, never to die again! All young-looking, 33-year-olds will never grow
old again! But it's much more than that!
Now, the difference between matter and new matter, what we call immatter, is just
existential omnipotence; that is, in the Immaterial Cosmos, everything is possible!
The composition of the matter will be as we wish! Everything will materialize and
dematerialize over and over again Des, like holograms that appear and disappear,
just like John's visions! These four elements, which today are carbon, oxygen,
nitrogen and hydrogen, will be transformed into new Immaterial Elements, capable of
remaking and recomposing themselves; space and time will be pure poetry to
brighten existence, and no longer obstacles for the New Being of divine nature, like
gods, EX, gone from INO-science to COM-science in the Garden and returned to The
Garden, with ON-science, similarly To Our Supreme Creator!
And talking about Volta Ao Jardim, see:


Into the Garden, Duality first entered, through the First Winged Serpent; then came
The wages, payment for sin, error, Duality: Death! So, Cain could kill Abel,
and the first men of the Garden died. They were metaphorically "cast out" of the
Garden, as a way of saying, "It is not yet the time of immortality!" Now, in the
Return to the Garden, realize that, first, The Dragon, The First Serpent, The Duality,
is defeated, destroyed, undone; then it's Death's turn, because in the Kingdom there
will still be aging and death, although the Duality is "Trapped".
Man dies because he sins, but he sins because there is Duality! And Duality exists so
that man is free, and man is free to choose to exist or not to exist!


Lazarus was resurrected, but still aged and died; it will also be so in the Kingdom.
Didactically see the difference between the three subjects:
1. The Mortal Matter and Dual 666 of Today;
2. The Matter in Transition of the Realm; healthy and no longer Dual, but still
deadly. But we, so resurrected and transmuted in the Kingdom, we shall not die, for
we shall not sin; it is almost impossible to imagine the death of one of us in the
Kingdom. But matter still builds, still ages;
3. The Immortal Imateria 777 of Paradise.

It's good to register. It's sad to say that, but you, good students who follow both The
Original CodeX written Bible and The Original CodeX Bible in video-degrees, are
seeing the difficulty of finding images that represent what will happen.
It is unfortunate that Hollywood creates all kinds of science fiction, but there is no
image or video for a teacher to represent The Last Judgment, for example! Record,
bought with tithes and offerings, a public concession of our taxes, and enriched with
sponsorships through this same political concession, did not manufacture an image
that we could use for one of the themes, because these or are copyrighted by the
"church", which is an ecclesiastical company, or they are simply mystical images that
do not portray the originals. The same is true of Catholic movies.
So when we pick up some TJ drawings or illustrations, let the few fools know that
they think our teaching is based on TJ!
Know that if you have a TJ and one of those objects in front of you, you can't tell
which one would throw the stone first!


It is now 6:01 pm on Saturday, one minute after O Reino! Sunday has begun, A New
Creation! Jews know several texts that speak of the Renewal of matter, pointing to
The Sabbath, as well as texts that speak of A New Creation, pointing to The Sunday!
1 Baruch 32, 44, 48 and 51, 1 Enoch 45, 72, 91 and 2 Ezra 7.30. We also saw that
Peter Knew these texts, as we saw in II Pet. 3.10 to 13, and that Paul also, see Rom


The Quantum Creator! Everything Is Energy! All matter will be reduced to energy by
the same process that causes atomic explosions! In the days of the Millennium, we
will already have a New Jerusalem, as the old one will have been destroyed in the
Fourth War, or even during the 7 Cups.
But now, The metaphorical New Jerusalem represents not only One New City, but a
whole New Universe!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

So I saw A New Heaven and A New Earth! For the first heaven and the first earth
passed away, and the sea is no more! From the New Heaven Descended the New
Jerusalem! She descended like a bride adorned for her future husband! Hear A
Strong Voice From Heaven Saying: "As Ezekiel said (37:27), Now The Tabernacle of
the Creator Will Be With Men! And in the Center of the Earth He Will Manifest
Himself! They Will Be His People! The Creator Himself Will Be With Men! Them, with
All Their 72 Manifestations! The Immaterial Heaven will be in the New Earth! The
Creator Will Wipe every tear from their eyes! There will be no more Crying, No Pain,
No Sadness, no Death, for Duality is Ended! The Old Order, The Ancient Creation, The
Ancient System, all these have Passed away!"
New Heaven Has Descended The New Jerusalem! She descended like a bride


Where Are the 24 Elders? The 4 Living Beings? Where is Archangel Michael? See: All
Manifestations Will Now Be on the New Earth! GOD HAS DOWN TO EARTH LITERALLY!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

Then I heard The Absolute Creator Himself Say from His Throne: "Behold I Make All
Things New! Write This John, For This Is Absolute Truth! By The Third (Delța) Time I
Say: IT IS FINISHED! IT IS DONE! ! I Am The Alpha and The Omega, The First and The
Last, The Beginning and The End!"


The Pyramid of "It is Finished!"

I. On the Cross;
II. At His Coming;
III. In Perfect Paradise. And, during the 7,000-year history, we've had 7 "It's Done"
of Direct Creator Interferences;
1. Upon Finishing Creation: "It's Done!"
2. By destroying it, with the Flood; "It's done!"
3. By Fire Destroying Sodom and Gomorrah: "It's Done!"
4. By Delivering Canaā to Israel after 40 years: "It is Done!"
5. On Dying as the Last Sacrifice of the Law: "It is Done!" SAW.
6. In the Seventh Cup, when everything is ready for His Return: "It's done!"
7. When Evil and Death are Overcome, and all is ready for Eternal Paradise: "It is
Done!" Hence, The Title "Alpha and Omega": Because It Is Time! He Is Duality! It
does and undoes! It Starts and Ends!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"All thirsty shall drink freely from the Fountain of Water of Life! The Winner Will
Inherit All This as a Son! I Became a Son, Being the First Son of all Sons, in order to
Show you what it will be the Inheritance of all who Conquer The World as My
Children! But the Cowards, the doubters, the immoral, the murderers, the reckless,
the irresponsible, the traitors, the drug addicts, the selfish and materialists, who
loved the most material world that The Truth, the liars, the deceived and the
deceivers, all these Shall No Forever! They Shall Be Cast into the Lake of Fire, The
Second Death; that will be on the Great Day of Judgment!"
Then The Seventh Angelic Manifestation of the Creator, Who Had Poured The Seventh
Cup of the Wrath of the Absolute, Approached Me and Said to Me, "Come; I will Show
You The Bride, The Wife of the Lamb!" Then I went in metaphysical hologram to a
great and high mountain; from there I saw The Holy City, Jerusalem, That Was
Descending from Heaven, Sent by the Creator! The City Shined with The Glory of the
Creator! It was like that of a very precious jewel! Clear as a diamond, and
transparent as a crystal! I saw that New Jerusalem had A Great and High Wall with 12
Doors and 12 Angelic Manifestations by the doors! In Each of the 12 Doors, Was
Written in the Name of One of the 12 Tribes of Israel!


There are records, such as the Apocalypse of Baruch 4, from which the Jews draw the
expectation that this will be fulfilled with Their Messiah. For this reason, it is not
impossible that, in the millennium, the jews want to question lesus Christus about the
fulfillment of many passages about the full transformation of Jerusalem. Therefore,
these weeds will be destroyed, as we saw in the previous degree. Many are the
skeptics who find in mythology similar reports to those of the Apocalypse and those
of John, and allege that these promises already existed in Greek, Roman, Babylonian,
Sumerian, Assyrian, Persian, Egyptian, etc. mythology. Well, well, skeptics who
believe they know so much are worms of knowledge! Don't these doubtful beings
know that The Creator is 72 Manifestations in all 72 Nations? It is for this reason
that the Promise is Known to all: For it is the obvious Written in Our Consciousness, it
is Impressed in Our Subconscious, in our deepest interior; we all know that matter
groans with the desire to be There, and that's where we'll go! But skeptics will be
annihilated! The Creator Understands and Forgives all those who find it difficult to
believe because they are hurt by the inconsistencies of the religious system; but
then!" of unbelievers who might have believed but disbelieved out of shear ego!
There are "atheists" and "atheists"; they look the same, but only the first group will
be forgiven.


John relives Ezekiel's visions in chapter 40. Duality is Gone, but The Science of Good
and Evil is SUPRA-DUALITY! Understand that The Creator Is Above Good and Evil,
just as we will be! John had been Taken in spirit into the wilderness, a low, parched
and barren place, to see the dwelling of the False Bride, The Traitor, The Great
Whore! If False Israel was in the wilderness, True Israel, The Faithful Bride, is in A
Glorious, Healthy Dwelling, in a High Place, in a grove of flowers and fruits, as Ezra
saw (II Ezra 9:26). Iesus Christus Was Carried Emi Carne to This Same Place, but now
The World Kingdom Is Holy, Perfect, and Righteous!


There are great mysteries in these metaphorical measures; to understand them,

paste the degrees of the "Heaven is Here" Trilogy,


The Angels at the doors no longer provide security, but represent Eternal Security.
The City Is Made To Represent The Center Of World Governance, In Which Will Be The
Creator Himself, And The Twelve Tribes Represent All The Millions And Millions Of
Martyrs Of The Great Tribulation, And The Fucking Persecutions And Trials Of All
Time! This city is literal, and at the same it is not! Because everything in the
Immaterial Cosmos is Possible! There is nothing immobile, but everything can take
on a new shape, pattern, colors, shine;
And A Cosmos of Fantasy, not of illusion, but of Vision, Hologram, Materialization of
everything that is Peace, Unity, Rest and Joy!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

I saw there were 3 doors to the east, 3 to the north, 3 to the south and 3 to the west!


Delta! Delta! Delta and Delta! Dalet! Dalet! Dalet and Dalet, pols Dalet is Door!
The Four Senses Still Exist, Especially The Pyramids! For, as Paul said in the letter
To the Hebrews, all matter is a copy of immatter; well, now we will no longer live on
copies, but on ORIGINALS!

YAHShua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

The Wall of New Jerusalem Had 12 Foundations; in them Were The Names of the
Twelve Apostles of the Lamb!
The Angelic Manifestation That Talked To Me Had A Golden Rod to Measure the Delta:
The City, The Doors and The Walls! The City was a Pyramid with a Foursquare base,
equal in length and width!


The Platform, like a sea of ​glass or crystal, where the martyrs once stood, is now
The Base for The Center of the New Earth! The Jews know the Ezekiel chapters 40:3,
42:16, 48.31, and 35; they are the great summary sources we know as John's
Apocalypse. But it is not just a summary, but an up-to-date, post-Christianity


According to Ezekiel, Ezra, and Sibylline Oracles 5, The Cube will have between
2,200 and 2,400 kilometers in base and side, but the pyramid will have an immense
tower, which will touch the New Clouds!
In Elijah's Hebrew Apocalypse, The New Jerusalem Will Have 3,000 Pyramids! And
the distance between the Pyramids will reach 500 kilometers! This proves that O
Santo dos Santos, another Delta and another Cube, was a terrestrial copy of the
immaterial formats!

YAHShua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

The Creator's Angelic Manifestation Measured The New Jerusalem With The Golden
Rod; the measurement was 2,200 kilometers long, and The Delta "width, height and
length" were equal! She also measured The Wall, and its measurement was 65 meters
thick (144 troughs), according to human measurement.
The Wall was Made of Diamond, and Jerusalem of Pure Gold, like Pure Crystal!


All of these revelations are found in Enoch Slavic 65:10 and Zechariah 2.5. Beware
of The fact that The New City is Jerusalem, The Bride; therefore, it is not literal!
No one will walk the streets of gold, navigate rivers of crystal or see walls of jasper!
They are dual metaphors to illustrate The Beauty of the Faithful Bride, that is, all
those who conquered the world and O Evil!
Of course, as already revealed, in order to have meaning, poetry and order, The
Center of the World will have a New Jerusalem, and we will see these Manifestations
of Precious Elements; but they are not fixed, for Everything Is Possible in the
Spiritual Cosmos, and whatever we want it to be, it will be, then, In the World of the
Lord of Hosts, Who Really Matters are The Elect Ones, The Winners of the Riddle,
who are now gods! Now, all the precious stones from the High Priest's breastplate
(Ex. 28 and 39) are here in immater.

YAHShua Continues Revealing Yochanan: The Twelve Layers of the Walls of New
Jerusalem Were Ornamented with all sorts of Gemstones! The First Layer was made
of jasper, but a rare jasper, transparent as a diamond, but with a gleaming greenish
hue! The Second Layer was made of lapis lazuli, opaque stone, streaked with gold
streaks! The Third Layer was made of chalcedony, an iridescent emerald like
peacock feathers! The Fourth Layer was made of emerald, a shimmering green!
The Fifth Layer was made of onyx shaped sardonic with yellow and white veins! The
Sixth Layer was made of sardonic, bright red in color! The Seventh Layer was made
of golden, translucid chrysolite, a yellow quartz! The Eighth Layer was made of
beryl, with a sea green! The Ninth Layer was made of topaz, with a yellowish green!
The Tenth Layer was made of chrysoprase, with a golden green! The Eleventh Layer
was made of aquamarine and hyacinth!
The Twelfth Layer was made of amethyst, a rock crystal with a purple hue! The 12
Doors Were 12 Pearls, And Each Door Was Made Of One Pearl!
Main Street Was of Pure Gold, like Transparent Glass! But there was no Temple on
Main Square, nor anywhere in the City! So I, John, knew that there would be no
Temple! For The Absolute Lord and Creator lesus Christus Will Be His Eternal Temple!
There was also no sun, no moon, for The Creator's Glory Will Be The Illumination of
the New Jerusalem and Our Lamp!


The "Truman Show'' is over! The sun and light, set by the Creator to make the "false
time", will be removed, and there will be no more duality "day and night", nor "sun
and moon!"


From Death on the Cross, according to John 2:18 to 23, The Temple And Christus and
His Bride Therefore, The Third Temple of the False Messiah of the Jews is a great
farce! The True Messiah Destroyed Judaism!

All these texts are taken from Jewish eschatology. See that the source is Isaiah
54:12 and 60:1, 3, 11 and 19. See the importance of the Apocalypse for the
Woe to us if we had done what Luther, father of the evangelicals, who threw away
James and Revelation did. How will we respond to the Jews about their very many
eschatological texts? Look! The end has not come for them!
For Jews, eschatology makes sense; indeed, they are right, but how would we
Christians have answers without The Apocalypse of John and the micro-apocalypses
of Christus? Many unchurched and churchgoers today believe the lie that The
Apocalypse does not make sense, and that it is false, because they are unaware of
this work of the Original Bible Codex! Maybe this job can stop them from doing
something crazy!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

New Nations Will Form! New kings will be formed! And everyone will walk in His
And kings will no longer be selfish, but their glory will be for the Kingdom! Nations
and kings will honor The Kingdom and Perfect World Unity!
Its Doors Will Never Close, For There Will Be More Night! In the New World,
represented by the New Jerusalem, nothing impure or deceitful will enter, for all lies,
all immorality, all illusion and all deceit will no longer exist! Forever and Forever,
Only those who have Eternal Life through the Lamb, the True Messiah, will enter the
New World!


The Jews Know The World of Tomorrow from Isaiah 52:1 the Uncontaminated New
Jerusalem of Ezekiel 44:9. Also known Isaiah 36:8 and 52:1 in the Septuagint, Ez.
44.9 in the Slavic Enoch. See that the Jews fall into the Traps of the Eternal,
interpreting The Talmud: "The Jerusalem of the world to come is not the same
Jerusalem of this world! The Jerusalem of this world can be penetrated by anyone
who wants to enter it! But the Jerusalem of the world to come cannot be penetrated
by none except those who are prepared and appointed to it!" With this, they believe
they are exclusive to the New Jerusalem; but what they don't know is that not only
will their Messiah not fulfill these passages, but most of them will not enter the New
Jerusalem for having denied the True Messiah!

Here are another 7 Visions on Heavenly Jerusalem, Capital of the New Creation:
1.Who is the Faithful and Conquering Bride (21)?
2. What is Her Reward (21)?
3. How Is She (21)?
4. What Is It Made Of (21)? 5. Where Will She Live (21)?
6. What Will The Marriage Be Like (21)?
7.0 Big Marriage Announcement and The Last Call to Winners (22)!


See that, in the Kingdom, The Garden Partially Returns, without The First Serpent,
but Only with The Second Serpent, which is the very Healing of souls! Then, when all
Disappears for The Great Last Judgment, The First Serpent and Death will disappear!
Dual Fruit is Destroyed! Dual Tree is Destroyed! And then, when all Appears Again in
immatter, The Tree of Life, of Health, Will Return, Will Reappear, To Stay Forever!
The Kingdom is a Garden of Eden with a Tree without a Serpent and the Final
Paradise is a Garden of Eden without a Serpent, without Fruit, without a Tree of
Death and Evil! Only The Tree of Life Will Be There, and that's what we'll see in
BOCódEX's Last Degree! (1 to 27).



There will be no more night there; so, our dream nights today are omens for The
Immaterial Tomorrow, in which, no longer in the subconscious, nor in the remnants of
consciousness, but awake, we will be able to make the virtual scenario we want
within the space that each one will have in the New World , which is metaphorically
described in their Bibles as "rooms, places, houses, Well, the digital world is also a
foretaste of what is to come! Each one of us, gods, creators, children of the Creator,
will have his space, this it is, your World, inside the New Cosmos, Nobody can make a
sea in the New World, bring the sun, the moon or the old things to the whole, the
Echad, all the Heirs of the Eternal Kingdom, but it will be possible, in the very
symbolic "space" of your home, to build what does Good for your soul, or better said,
for your existence!
A Cosmos of Fantasy and Love, where nothing is immobile, nothing is fixed,
everything is hologram, and you will be the creators!
Yes, The Garden Has Returned, and now you will say: "Let's do it! Let's do it!"

By consistency of the original meaning, in the Kingdom there will be no marriage,
however, there is nothing to prove that in the Perfect Kingdom, in the Garden of Eden
Fully Restored, there will be no families or Marriages, because new nations will be
formed, new kings will be elected. In the garden, The Creator Made Eve to be Adam's
companion, because that was what was needed for his happiness.
The wife was never an Evil; she was The Serpent who introduced man into Duality;
now The Creator Himself Placed The Serpent The Dual Tree of Death, now He Crushes
The Serpent and Uproots the Tree of Death, but the Marriage, The Happiness of Adam
and Eve was never something to be fixed. So it's not hard to believe that couples
today will be able to live together forever, like 33-year-olds, and those who have
never been married will be able to get married or stay single.
According to the originals, this is possible, since Holiness is Character and Victory
over Evil, betrayal, deceit, lies and ego. The first three chapters of Genesis are a
continuation of the Apocalypse as the metaphors of the Apocalypse of Moses are the
Metaphors of the Witness of the Apocalypse, who will soon be here in Jerusalem. He
wrote how it all started, and that Fantasy Garden will be Returned Forever!


Chapters 21 and 22, like the rest, should never have been subdivided.

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

So The Seventh Manifestation of the Seventh Cup Showed Me The River of Life's
Water and The Fountain of Life's Water, Clear as a Crystal, that Flowed from the
Throne of Creator and Lamb!
The Crystal Waters of the New Jordan River Flowed in the Middle of the Main Street
of New Jerusalem, which is The New Garden of Eden, Waterbed by the River (Gen.
Then I saw The Tree of Life! It Is So Big It Swept Over The River, And Could Be Seen
From Both Banks!


For many rabbis, The New Jerusalem is also the new Eden! The two things become
one: As a basis for this, they use Revelation of Abraham 21, II Enoch 8:1 to 8,
Testament of Levi 18:11 and 11 Ezra 2:12.
In the First Bible we have Ez. 47 and Zc. 14.8 and 9.

According to Jewish eschatology, in II. Enoch 8.3 and 4, The Tree of Life is Ineffably
good, Sweet Fragrance and Adorned with everything imaginable! Its Appearance is
Golden, Red as Fire, and has gigantic dimensions! YAHShua Continues Revealing
Yochanan: In the material world, trees only produce in their particular season; but
The Tree of Life Produces Twelve Times, Bearing Fruit every month! Its Delicious
Fruits Represent all the delights and pleasures that winners will have In New Eden!
The Leaves of the Tree of Life Represent The Healing of All New Nations, and The
Immortality of All Inhabitants of the New World!


All of this is known to the Jews from Enoch 24 and 25, IV Ezra 7.53 and 8.52, and the
Testament of Levi 18, in which the Messianic high priest is to "open the gates of
Paradise, Permitting the righteous to eat from the Tree of Life!" Revelation of
Baruch 4, Revelation of Moses 6, and Jubilees 10:12 also address the same

YAHShua Continues Revealing Yochanan:

The Tree of Duality, Sin, Death and Curse Is No More! The Throne of the Creator and
Lamb Will Be at the Center of the New World, Accessible to All Inhabitants of the New
World! Until these days, no one could or will be able to See The Creator (Ex. 33.20);
but in the New Cosmos, all Inhabitants Will Be able to See its Face! The Seventh and
Last Reward of the Righteous Fulfilled: They Will See The Face of the Creator (II Ezra
7.98)! Just like the High Priests, who had an inscription on their mitres, the
Righteous will have on their foreheads The New Name of the Supreme Creator! There
Will Be No More Night!
No one will need the light of a lamp, a candle, or the sun! Because The Creator Will
Be The Light Of The New Cosmos, And With His Light They Will Reign Eternally! Then
The Angelic Manifestation of the Creator Said to Me: "These Revelations are Absolute
Truth! The Creator and Lord of all the prophets Has Manifested Himself as Son, The
True Messiah, in order to Reveal to the Righteous the things that will happen in the
near future!" The True Messiah Says, "Behold, I Come Soon! Happy will be he who
treasures every word of the Revelations of This Book!"
I, John, am the one who heard and saw all these things!
When I heard The Manifestation Speak like The Messiah, I went to prostrate myself
before it, thinking it Was The Messiah; but The Manifestation Again Said to Me, "I Am
A Spirit Sent To Fulfill A Mission, Serving The Creator! Worship Only The Creator Who
Is In The Seventh Heaven!"
So, I, John, could Hear The Creator and Lord YAHShua Tell Me The Last Words:
"Different from What Was Said to Daniel (8:26), do not hide The Revelations Since the
Book, for everything will be Fulfilled for the next two thousand years! The unjust will
continue! practicing injustice! The unclean will continue with his filth! But the
Righteous will continue to practice Justice! And the saint will continue to evolve and
improve himself! Behold, I come in a Near Future! The Payment and Judgment of Each
One Is Already With Me! I Am The Supreme Judge, and I will Reward each according to
their choices! I Am The Alpha and The Omega, The First and The Last, The Beginning
and The End!


Look! The Father of Eternity Is Here lesus Christus Peremptorily Reveals Himself as
Creator and Judge, Cycle and Encyclical, Existence Itself!
Now Our Supreme Master Will Repeat the metaphor "Wash white clothes or
garments", for us to understand the need to overcome the ego, clean the conscience,
improve our character, err less and less and be always ready for death; that is, to
have The Voice of the Accuser resolved, in the full silence of a tranquil conscience,
washed and in Peace!

YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan:

"Happy are they who wash their clothes! For only those who have a peaceful
conscience will have the right to the Tree of Life, and only they can enter The New
World! The New Jerusalem, religious hypocrites will not enter !
All dog-like will not enter!"


Hardly anyone can explain who the "dogs" in this text are! Well then, "Dogs" is a
Jewish expression for unclean people!
Jews often use this term for non-Jews, calling us dogs! But now The Creator Says
that those who swallow their own vomit, and are plush on the outside but filthy on
the inside will be excluded! They are hypocrites, religious only by appearance;
these will be left out! That is, The Creator Is Purposely calling the hypocrites of
Judaism and Christianity who will be left out dogs! Peter knew this (II Peter 2:22),
and so did Paul (Philippians 3:2). According to The Bible of the Jews, VT, dogs are
filthy animals that steal food, feed on garbage, attack people and other animals, as
well as each other, eat their own vomit and feed on buried and already rotten bones!
YAHShua Continues Revealing to Yochanan: “Those who practice the occult will not
enter the New Eden either! Addicts and those seeking material pleasures and
distractions will not enter the New Kingdom! Those who prostitute themselves,
selling their bodies and indulging in irresponsible sexual pleasures, and those who
cheat on their spouses will not enter the New World either!" "Those who kill and steal
will not enter the New Jerusalem either! Those who lie and cheat for the love of
money will not enter either! All who worshiped matter and money will not enter the
Eternal Kingdom either! I, YAHShua, Have Sent Many Angelic Manifestations to
Reveal to You of All Schools and Churches The Truth About The Future! "I Am The
Root of Jesse, father of David, of whom Isaiah spoke!" (11:1 and 10) "I Am Before
David, as Jeremiah prophesied!" (Jeremiah 23:5 and 33:15) "I Am The Root of David,
and I Am The Descendant of David, The True Messiah! "I Am The Bright Morning Star!"
"The Dawn foretold by Jeremiah (23:5) and Zechariah (3:8 and 6.12)! My Spirit Calls
You: Come! The Bride Calls Them Also: Come! All Martyrs Call Them: Come! Whoever
thirsts, Come! Whoever wants to, drink for free from the Water of Eternal Life!" I,
John, declare to all who hear The Words of the Book that Was Sealed by 7 Seals.
REVELARE! Delta "Come!" Delta "Invitations!" REVELARE! We reveal, The "Book" here
is not the entire Bible, nor The Apocalypse itself, but The Book That Was Sealed by 7
Seals, containing all The Revelations we've had so far! See that, in their Bibles, they
not only adulterated synonyms, as they dared to adulterate even the passage that
talks about adulteration! Because anyone who reads this passage will think that fol
lesus Christus Quem Spoke about "Add or Remove'', but it's João who is talking,
parents, the author wanted to protect Revelations from His Book, and here he was a
"good threat" for being convinced of the revelations he had received! See: It is John
who is speaking and not Christus! However, this last chapter is a great mess of "Who
Is Speaking"; This is why we organized it, so that, through BOCÓDEX, you can
understand the original meaning Yochanan closes The Apocalypse: "If anyone
tampers with these Revelations recorded by me, John, and adds some Word, The
Creator Will increase His Wrath upon him! And if anyone takes any Word from the
Revealed Book, he will not be able to participate in the Tree of Life, and will not
enter the New Jerusalem!"


John, as a good Jew, knew and used the same tradition as Deut. 4.2 and 12.32.
We see these "good threats from teachers and parents", to protect something and the
children and students themselves, in Enoch 104.9 a 13 and 11 Enoch 48:6 to 9. Peter
also complained of the same in II Peter 3:16. It is a mystic language for Jewish
mystic readers, because, because of their beliefs, they could be afraid of tampering
with the texts, and thus the content would be protected.

Yochanan ends The Apocalypse: The True Messiah, Our Supreme Master Said, "I'm
Coming Soon!" And John says, "Then Come, Lord IESUS CHRISTUS!"


Delta "I'm Coming Soon!" In verse 7, in verse 12 and in verse 20! Another Pyramid of
Cornerstone, Our Supreme Delta!

The last verse in your Bible: "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen!" it 's an
The liturgical "Amen" was added by Jewish scribes. Apringius and Primasius omit the
last verse (21) entirely! Since the NT ends with the word "curse", well-meaning
scribes wanted to end the NT with "Grace".


1. Today (2019 to 2030), close to Untying The First Seal;

2. A third of the earth will be destroyed, a third of men will die, as signs of the End
of Ages.
The False Messiah is in the news all over the world for his miracle of facing Death!
The Third Term is ready and The High Priest has also Manifested!
3. The False Messiah Seals The Greatest Peace Deal In Israel's History In These Same
Days, And The Two Witnesses Of The Truth Speak Up To Counter The Two Beasts Of
The Lie.
4.The Messiah of the Jews manages, with the supporting nations, to reach the World
Government, but his Kingdom will last a few days.
The Two Witnesses are murdered along with millions of martyrs when The False
Messiah Forces the Jews to accept him as the True Messiah!
5. Great Destruction will come upon the world in approximately one year, culminating
in a Great World War; it is exactly at this time, when there will be almost no Faith in
Israel and the world, that the True Messiah Returns!
6. The Kingdom begins, where everything returns to being as in the Garden of Eden,
without the First Serpent of Duality, but still with The Dual Tree of Death. Risen,
Transmuted and Screened will enter the Kingdom!
7. Duality is extinguished.
The Creator Judges all men, Destroying now The Dual Tree of Death, and Restoring all
The Kingdom of New Eden Is Perfect, Immortal, Immaterial and Timeless, and there
is no more Duality or Death! (1 to 21).


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