The Reliability: Bible and Qur'An

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by Rev. Professor-Emeritus Dr. Francis Nigel Lee

Queensland Presbyterian Theological College

Brisbane, Australia.


Islam’s Great Prophet Muhammad’s highly-literate wife Khadiya’s sectarian Christian

cousin Warakah Ibn Nawfal knew how to write in Hebrew, and probably knew at least how to
read Greek. Consequently, the following points are very important. For they all bear upon the
genesis and the inscripturation of Muhammad’s original Qur’an.

All the jots and tittles of the Old Testament are canonized by Jesus (Matthew 5:18). Paul
canonized the sayings of Jesus (Luke 10:7 cf. First Timothy 5:18). Peter equated all the Epistles
of Paul with the other Scriptures (Second Peter 1:21 & 3:15f). And Jesus, through John, warns
us neither to subtract from nor to add to the then-finished Bible (Revelation 22:18-20).

But what is a jot? And what is a tittle? On Matthew 5:17-18, Dr. John Calvin speaks of
"un iota ou un seul poinct" - "one iota or a single point." Does that mean "one small consonant
or one consonantal spur thereof?" Or does Calvin not rather mean: "one ‘i’ and one ‘o’ - one
chireq i-dot and one cholem o-dot?" Significantly, Cassell’s French-English Dictionary defines
Calvin’s own word poinct or point as: "Point; speck; dot" etc.

Around 400 A.D., the great Bible Scholar Jerome of Bethlehem was not only reading the
Hebrew Scriptures from a vowelled or pointed copy of the Old Testament. He was also reading
the vowelled Greek New Testament - and translating both the Hebrew Old Testament and the
Greek New Testament into his own Latin Vulgate edition of both.

Nearly three centuries later, the Qur’an re-established the authority of the Bible. Yet the
Qur’an itself teaches God’s having abrogated parts even of the Qur’an.

Many Christian Scholars maintain that the original (now lost) autographs of the various
canonical books of the inspired Hebrew Scriptures (1440 to 400 if not even from 4004 to 400
B.C.), were vowelled alias ‘pointed.’ One such, was the A.D. 400 Jerome of Bethlehem.

Others include first-rate Hebraists such as the Westminster Assembly Commissioners

Archbishop Rev. Dr. James Ussher and Dr. John Lightfoot, Dr. John Owen, the Buxtorffs,
Gerard, Glassius, Voetius, Flaccius Illyricus, Polanus, Leusden, Whitaker, Hassret, Wolthuis,
Rev. Dr. John Gill, Rev. Professor Dr. Robert Dabney and Rev. Dr. George Ella. Interestingly,
the Westminster Confession I:8r cites Matthew 5:18 re the Hebrew autographs.

Why, then, would the original Hebrew vowels ever later have been omitted? Some
believe it was to expedite the rapid production of hand-written copies thereof. Such copies were
then produced, more rapidly, without vowels. However, yet-later copies were ‘re-vowelled’ -
when rapid production also of vowelled copies became feasible both somewhat before and
especially after the 14th-century-A.D. invention of movable-type printing.

Here are some of the arguments on the subject by Rev. Dr. John Owen - by far the greatest
British Theologian of all time. In summary, he regards the view that the Hebrew originals were
not vowelled or unpointed - as a sixteenth-century innovation of the Judaist Elias Levita which
was propagated then and thereafter also by the Romanists.

Levita used his new theory (contrary to earlier Judaistic arguments in favour of original
pointing) to try to judaize Christians - by making them dependent on the early-mediaeval Jewish
Talmud in order to arrive at the true meaning of the Old Testament. Romanists used the same
argument to try to get Judaists and Muslims and also Protestants to depend solely on the dogmas
of the Papal Church in order to understand all revealed truth.

Owen’s arguments here below, are taken from three of his 1659 treatises. They are: The
Divine Origin...of the Scriptures; and A Vindication of the Purity and Integrity of the Hebrew and
Greek Texts of the Old and New Testament; and Some Exercitations about the Nature and
Perfection of the Scripture. See the 1968 Banner of Truth edition of his Works (16:281-421).

In the Epistle Dedicatory to the former treatise, the Anti-Romish Owen writes that it is the
"filth and abominations...of the synagogue of Rome" which have darkened the Bible and "taken
from its fulness and perfection, its sufficiency and excellency - by their...oral law...of
traditions...for all their abominations. The Scripture itself (as they say, committed to them) -
they plead to their eternal shame to be in the original languages corrupted, vitiated, interpolated;
so that it is no stable rule to guide us throughout in the knowledge of the will of God.

"The Jews, they [the Romanists] say, did it [viz. inserted vowels after the inscripturation
of the Older Testament] - while they were busy in the burning of Christians. Therefore, in the
room of the originals, they [the Romanists] have enthroned a translation [the Latin Vulgate] that
was never committed to them [the Jews]."

Yet the latter enthronement is quite contrary to Romans 3:1-2, which teaches that it was
to the Jews that the Oracles of God - meaning the Old Testament Scriptures - were committed.
"All this" was done, observes Owen, "to place [the Romanists] themselves on the throne of God,
and to make the words of a [Latin] translation authentic - from their stamp!"

There are, insists the Protestant Owen in his discussion of Non-Protestant errors, at least
"three corrupt and bloody fountains:- 1. The but a partial revelation of the will of
God.... The other part of it - how vast and extensive it is, no man knows. For the Jews have
given us their deuterooseis in their Mishna and Gemara [thus Judaism].... 2. The Scripture is
not able to evince or manifest itself to be the Word of God so as to enjoy and exercise any
authority in His Name over the souls and consciences of men - without an accession of
testimony from that combination of political world-minded men that call themselves the Church
of Rome. 3. The original copies of the Old and New Testaments are so corrupted...that they
are not a certain standard [thus Islam and Romanism]....

"Of all the inventions of Satan to draw off the minds of men from the Word of God,"
claims Owen, "this decrying the authority of the originals seems to me the most pernicious....
At the beginning of the Reformation before the Council of Trent, the Papists did...defend their
Vulgar Latin translation....

" Melchior Canus, Gulielmus Lindanus, Bellarminus, Gregorius de Valentia, Leo Castrius,
Huntlaeus, Hanstelius, with innumerable others...have pleaded that the originals were
corrupted.... Huntley[-us], a subtle Jesuit..., ascribes the corruption of the Hebrew Bible to the
good providence of God - for the honour of the Vulgar Latin!....

Morinus puts forth his Exercitations entitled ‘Of the Sincerity of the Hebrew and Greek
Texts’ - indeed to prove them corrupt and useless.... For my own part," observes Owen, "I must
confess that I shall as soon believe a poor, deluded, fanatical Quaker pretending to be guided
by an infallible Spirit - as their pope with his whole conclave of cardinals, upon the terms here
laid down by Morinus!...

"At that time lived Elias Levita, the most learned of the Jews of that age.... He broached
a new opinion...not at all received among the Jews nor...once mentioned by Christians before -
namely that the points or vowels...used in the Hebrew Bible, were invented by some critical Jew
or Masorete living at Tiberias about five or six hundred years after Christ.

"No doubt the man’s aim was to reduce the World of Christians to a dependence on the
ancient Rabbins.... After a while, the poison of this error beginning to operate. The Papists,
waiting... to catch at every word that might fall from them [viz. Anti-Christian Judaists such as
Elias] to their [the Romanists’] advantage, began to make use of it" against the Protestants.

"The study of the Hebrew tongue and learning being carried on, it fell at length on him who
undoubtedly hath done more real service for the promotion of it than any one man whatever -
Jew or Christian. I mean Buxtorff the elder. His Thesaurus Grammaticus, his Tiberias or
Commentarius Masorethicus, his Lexicons and Concordances and many other treatises...evince
this to all the World.

"Even [the Romanist] Morinus saith that he [Buxtorff] is the only man among Christians
that ever thoroughly understood the Masora.... Now this man [Buxtorff], in his Tiberias or
Commentarius Masorethicus, printed with the great Rabbinical Bible of his own correct setting the year 1620, considereth at large this whole matter of the points - and discovereth [or
discloses] the vanity of Elias’ pretension about the Tiberian Masoretes....

"The points are taken into consideration.... That word or those three letters D-B-R are
instanced by [the A.D. 400 Bethlehemite] Jerome to this purpose (Hom. IX:12). As it may be
pointed, it will afford eight several senses: DaBaR is verbum [or ‘word’]. And DeBeR is pestis
[or ‘plague’] - as far distinct from one another as life and death!...

"Jerome [the author of the Latin Vulgate translation of the Holy Scriptures]...tells us over
and over, that notwithstanding the translation of the LXX [alias the B.C. 270 Greek Septuagint
version of the Old Testament] - he had his knowledge of the Hebrew tongue from the Hebrew
itself, and the help of such Hebrews as he hired to his assistance.... There was a succession of
learned men of the Jews at Tiberias until a hundred years after Jerome" - Jews who employed
"the points of the Hebrew Bible...according to the tradition they had received from them who
spoke that language in its purity.... None" - however critical - are "able to show, out of any
copies yet extant in the World or that they can make appear ever to have been extant, that ever
there were any such various lections in the originals of the Old Testament!...

"It is true we have not the Autographa [or Hebrew original master writings] of Moses and
the Prophets.... But the Apographa or [Hebrew] ‘copies’ which we have, contain every ioota
that was in them [the originals]....

"What use hath been made and is as yet made in the World, of this supposition that
corruptions have befallen the originals of the Scripture?... It is, in brief: the foundation of
Mohammedanism (Alcoran Azoar 5); the chiefest and principal prop of Popery; the only
pretence of fanatical anti-Scripturists [such as the Quakers]; and the root of much hidden
Atheism in the World.....

"It is granted that the individual Autographa of Moses, the Prophets, and the Apostles,
are...utterly perished and lost out of the World; as also the copies of Ezra.... Had those
individual writings been preserved - men would have been ready to adore them, as the Jews do
their own Apographa in their synagogues!"

Yet : "The Jews have a common saying among them - that ‘to alter one letter of the Law,
is no less sin than to set the whole World on fire’.... Consider that the Word to be transcribed
was, every ioota and tittle of it, the Word of the great God!... [The A.D. 1135-1204 Rabbi]
Maimonides, in Halachoth Sefer Torah VIII:3-4, tells us that [the 10th-century A.D. Tiberias
Masorite] Ben Asher spent many years - in the careful, exact writing out of the Bible....

"Consider the twenty things which they [the Masoretes] affirm to profane a book or copy -
and this will further appear. They are repeated by Rabbi Moses, Tractatus de Libro Legis,
chapter X. One of them is...‘If but one letter be wanting’; and another, ‘If but one letter be

"We add that the whole Scripture entire as given out from God without any loss, is
preserved in the copies of the originals yet remaining.... In them all, we say, is every letter and
tittle of the word.... It is a foolish conjecture of Morinus, from some words of Epiphanius, that
[the A.D. 250 Christian Scholar] Origen in his Octapla placed the translation of the Septuagint
in the midst to be the rule of all the rest.... The truth is, he [Origen] placed the Hebrew, in
Hebrew characters, in the first place - as the rule and standard of all the rest....

"Various arguments giving evidence to this truth, might be produced.... I handle them at
large.... 1. the providence of God in taking care of His Word.... 2. The religious care of the whom these Oracles of God were committed. 3. The care of the first writers in
giving out authentic copies of what they had received from God unto many.... 4. the multiplying
copies to such a number, that it was impossible any should corrupt them all, wilfully or by
negligence. 5. The preservation of the authentic copies first in the Jewish synagogues [cf.
Romans 3:1-2], then in the Christian assemblies [Second Timothy 3:15 & 5:18], with reverence
and diligence. 6. The daily reading and studying of the Word by all sorts of persons ever since
its first writing, rendering every alteration liable to immediate observation.... 7. The
consideration of the many millions that looked on every letter and tittle in this book as their
inheritance.... 8. The care of Ezra and his companions, the ‘Men of the Great Synagogue,’
in restoring the Scripture to its purity when it had met with the greatest trial that it ever
underwent.... 9. The care of the Masoretes from his [Ezra’s] days and downward, to keep
perfect and give an account of every syllable in the Scripture.... 10. The constant consent of all
copies in the World, so that...there is not in the whole Mishna...or Talmud any one place of
Scripture found otherwise read than as it is now in our copies. 11. The security we have that no
mistakes were voluntarily or negligently brought into the text before the coming of our Saviour
Who...not once reproves the Jews on that account, when yet for their false glosses [or

misinterpretations thereof] He spares them not. 12. Afterward, the watchfulness which
the...Jews and Christians had always one upon another."

Yet in spite of the above, concedes Owen, there arose the false "assertion of the points or be a novel invention of some Rabbins of Tiberias in Palestina.... I nowise doubt
but...we shall yet manifest that they [the vowels] were completed by ’Ansheey Knesset Ha-
Gadolah, the ‘Men of the Great Synagogue’ - Ezra and his companions - guided by the infallible
direction of the Spirit of God....

The A.D. 1600 Calvinist "Junius, in the close of his animadversion of Bell. De Verbo Dei
II:ii, commends that saying of [the converted Jew and Hebrew Christian] Johannes Isaac against
[the Romanist] Lindanus, ‘he that reads the Scriptures without points id like a man that rides a
horse achalinos, without a bridle; he may be carried he knows not whither!’ Radulphus
Cevallerius goes further (Rudiment. Ling. Heb. cap. iv)..... Saith he: ‘I am of their opinion who
maintain the Hebrew have been plainly written with them [the vowels] from the
beginning.... Without the hath nothing firm and certain’....

"This man’s my own!" - affirms Owen. "Jewish scribes and copyists would
never have dared to insert vowels not in the originals or ancient copies thereof!"

Owen then refers to the Westminster Assembly’s "learned Dr. Lightfoot" - in his Centuria
Chorograph (LXXXI:146). Lightfoot was, inter alia, also a Calvinistic Christian Scholar of the
Talmud. Hear, then, what "the learned Dr. Lightfoot" says - against the ‘pointless’ innovation
of the sixteenth-century Jew Elias Levita:

"I do not admire the Jew’s impudence who found out that fable!" - observes Lightfoot.
"Recount, I pray, the names of the Tiberians - from the first foundation of a university there, to
the expiring thereof!.... Read over the Talmud of Jerusalem; consider how Rabbi Juda, R.
Chamnath, Z. Judan, R. Hoshaia, R. Chaija Rubba, R. Chaija Bar Ba, R. Jochanan, and the rest
of the great doctors among the Tiberians - do behave themselves!... If you can believe the
‘points’ of the Bible to proceed [or to have originated] from such a School - believe also their
Talmuds! The pointing of the Bible savours of the work of the Holy Spirit - not!"

Moreover, adds Owen: "The Jews generally believe these points to have been from Mount
Sinai, and so downward, by Moses and the Prophets; at least from Ezra and his companions, the
‘Men of the Great Synagogue’; not denying that the knowledge and use of them received a great
reviving by the Gemarists and Masoretes, when they had been much disused. So R. Azarias at
large, Imre Binah, cap. lix.... The learned Buxtorfius’ discourse De Origine et Antiquitate
Punctorum lies unanswered....

"Languages are not made by grammars, but grammars are made by languages.... The
grammar of it and them must be collected from the observation of their use.... The rule and art
of disposing, transposing, and changing of them - must be constituted and fixed before the
disposition of them....

"Johannes Isaac, a converted Jew, Book I to Lindanus, tells us that above two hundred
testimonies about Christ may be brought out of the original Hebrew that appear not in the Vulgar

Latin or any other translation.... Let any man consider...Isaiah 53 and Daniel 9, as they are now our [Hebrew] Bibles, and compare them with the translation of the [Greek]
Septuagint - and this will quickly appear unto him.... As the text stands now pointed..., neither
Jews nor Socinians...have been able or ever shall be able to relieve themselves from the sword
of the truth therein....

"It is said, then, ‘that whereas the old Hebrew letters were the present Samaritan - the
Samaritan letters have been always without points.... This is not a place to speak at large of the
Samaritans, their Pentateuch, and its translation. The origin of that nation is known from the
Scripture, as also their worship of God. Second Kings 17. Their solemn excommunication
and casting out from any interest among the people of God, is also recorded. Ezra 9-10;
Nehemiah 13....

"The Jews are [wrongly] said to have forgot[ten] their own characters in the captivity....
That the men of one and the same generation should forget the use of their own letters which they
had been exercised in, is incredible! Besides, they had their Bibles with them always, and that
in their own character only.... When, then, this forgetting of one character and learning of
another should arise - doth not appear.... Not can it be made to appear that the Samaritan letters
had never any vowels affixed to them. Postellus affirms that the Samaritans had points in the
days of Jerome - and that their loss of them is the cause of their present corrupt reading....

"Of the qeri uwketib" - the qeri or often several variants which could be read, as distinct
from the ketib or written text which could not be altered - "the difference in them is in the
consonants, not in the vowels.... [The A.D. 1093-1167] Aben Ezra makes it no small matter that
men of old knew aright how to pronounce [the vowel] Kamets Gadol. Saith he...‘The men of
Tiberias, also the wise men of Egypt and Africa, knew how to read Kamets Gadol.’"

To Owen, then, the Hebrew vowels were inherent in the original Old Testament Scriptures
- and not the invention of the Masores. The latter novel theory is refuted by "the uncontradicted
reception of them absolutely, without the least opposition, all the World over, by Jews and
Christians" (not just before but also after the Masoretic Period) - and also by "the impossibility
of assigning any author to it, since the days of Ezra."

We now return to the Massoretic "qeri uwketib"or the scriptio and lectio.... One word is
placed in the line, and another in the margin - the word in the line having not the points or vowels
affixed to it that are its own, but those that belong to the word in the margin.... All the
difference in these words is in the consonants, not at all in the vowels. The word in the
margins, owns the vowels in the line as proper to it.... The difference in the sense, taking in the
whole context, is upon the matter very little or none at all....

"Doth not our Saviour Himself affirm of the Word that then was among the Jews, that not
ioota hen or mia keraia [not one iota or tittle] of it, should pass away or perish?" Matthew 5:18.
"For Papists, who are grown bold in the opposition to the originals of the Scripture - I must
needs say that I look upon them as effectually managing a design of Satan."

Concerning the Greek New Testament, one can be much shorter - as all of its ancient
copies were always vowelled. This is so, in spite of later Muslim claims to the contrary - in

efforts to justify Islamic assertions that the promised Comforter of John 14 to 16 is actually
Muhammad the PeRiKLuToS or "the praised one" rather than the Holy Spirit or PaRaKLeeToS
alias "the Comforter" - about which later.

Too, as Owen indicates: "For various lections in the Greek copies of the New Testament" -
"Protestants for the most part have been the chiefest collectors of them. Stephanus,
Camerarius, Beza, Cameron, Grotius, Drusius, Heinsius, De Dieu, Cappellus...have had the
prime hand in that work. Papists have ploughed with their [the Protestants’] heifer - to
disparage the original [Greek], and to cry up the Vulgar Latin" translation so ridiculously
canonized by Rome!

This then brings us to the Calvinistic1675 Formula Consensus Helvetica of Rev. Professors
Dr. Johan Heinrich Heidegger of Zurich and Francis Turretine of Geneva and Luke Gernler of
Basel. At its outset, it cites Romans 1:16 and Second Timothy 3:15 and the ‘jot and tittle’ text
Matthew 5:18. It then boldly proclaims that "the Hebrew Original of the Old Testament
which we have received and to this day do retain as handed down by the Jewish Church unto
whom formerly ‘were committed the Oracles of God’ (Romans 3:2) - is not only in its
consonants but in its vowels (either the vowel-points themselves or at least the power of the
points) not only in its matter but in its words inspired by God. It thus forms, together with the
Original of the New Testament, the sole and complete rule of our faith and life....

"To its standard, as to a Lydian stone, all extant versions oriental and occidental ought to
be applied - and, wherever they differ, be conformed. Therefore we can by no means approve
the opinion of those who declare that the text which the Hebrew Original exhibits, was
determined by man’s will alone. They do not scruple at all to remodel a Hebrew reading which
they consider unsuitable - and amend it from the Greek Versions of the Septuagint and others,
the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Chaldee Targums, or even from other sources.... Thus they bring
the foundation of our faith and its inviolable authority into perilous hazard!"

This 1675 Formula was composed at Zurich and designed to condemn and exclude that
modified form of Calvinism which then emanated from the Theological School at Saumur - as
represented by Amyrault, Placaeus, and Daille and subsequently known as Amyraldianism.
Significantly, the Formula was included by Rev. Professor Dr. A.A. Hodge as an Appendix to
the 1879 expanded edition of his excellent manual Outlines of Theology. There, in his Preface,
Hodge remarks that "the Appendix contains a translation of the Consensus Tigurinus of Calvin
and of the Formula Consensus Helvetica of Heidegger and Turretin, two Confessions of first
class historical and doctrinal interest to the student of Reformed Theology."

Even more than half a century after the Formula Consensus Helvetica, Schultens in 1737 -
followed by Michaelis - contended that at least some of the Hebrew points or vowel-marks had
been in use from the earliest ages of that language. Even Eichhorn and Gesenius tended to think
that some of the points were Pre-Hieronomic and even Pre-Talmudic.

According to T.H. Horne’s 1828 Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the
Holy Scriptures (II:145) - the Jews then believed that "when God gave the Law to Moses on
Mount Sinai, He taught him...its true reading...handed down by oral tradition from generation
to generation until...committed to writing.... The true reading is the subject of the Masora."

Further (II:8f): "All languages...require vowels, which are...the soul of words [even as
consonants are their ‘bodies’]....

"Origen, who [around A.D. 230f] transcribed the Hebrew Scriptures in Greek characters
in his Hexapla, did not invent new vowels to express the vowels ‘absent’ in Hebrew words.
Neither did Jerome, who also expressed many Hebrew words and passages in Latin characters....
The Masorites, in affixing points to the text, did not do so according to their own notions....
They followed the received reading of their day." Indeed, "some passages have been adduced
from the Talmud in which accents and verses are mentioned."

Only in 1830 was Hupfeld considered to have shown that the Massoretic punctuation was
unknown to Jerome and the Talmud. Yet many even today (just as all of the orthodox Jews till
1500 and all of the orthodox Calvinists till the rise of Amyraldianism in the middle of the
seventeenth century) continue to opine that some apparatus like the points - must have been
needed to achieve uniformity in Hebrew pronunciation during successive ages even before the
Massores in all the various parts of the World.

When the liberal W.R. Smith’s 1878 work The Old Testament in the Jewish Church
seemed to disparage the antiquity and accuracy of the Masoretic Text, Professor R.L. Dabney
responded in his 1882 Refutation of Prof. W. Robertson Smith: "Josephus, a [first-century A.D.]
Greek-speaking and Septuagint-reading Jew, still gives the narrative as the Hebrew text does....
Jewish copyists and critics of their text since the Christian era have a great reverence for the
accuracy of their holy Book.... They have adopted an exact system for insuring accuracy of
transcription.... This system has actually given us, for the last thousand years, a set of codices
almost without various readings. Why may not the same reverence and the same method of
copying have produced the same happy result in the previous thousand years?...

"The text followed by the Peschito Syriac Version is unquestionably the Masoretic....
The accuracy of the old Syriac version is impregnable.... We have every reason to believe that
the Vetus Itala, the [Old] Latin Version made before the Masoretic revisal, followed our Hebrew
text and not the Septuagint - as does also Jerome’s [A.D. 400] Latin version, the Vulgate." All
of this, thus Dabney, shows "the correctness of the Massoretic copies of the Pentateuch."

We shall now summarize the main arguments for this position that the autograph and the
oldest (now non-extant) copies of the Hebrew Old Testament were vowelled. That position has
been set out by the famous modern scholar Rev. Dr. George Ella of Muelheim (Germany) in
the British Reformed Journal 17 (January - March 1997) and 21 (January - March 1998).

Modern Theological Liberals, argues Dr. Ella, regard the (perhaps 10th-century A.D.)
Tiberian Massoretic text as the cradle of Hebrew vowelling. Yet 17th- and 18th-century A.D.
Hebrew Scholars rejected the notion that the Massores had originated such vowel-pointing.
Instead, they believed the Tiberians were not sufficiently skilled in linguistics and could not
themselves spontaneously have created such a precise system of vowel-pointing as that found
in the Massoretic text.

So they also believed such pointing was taken over by the Massores from much older
copies of the Old Testament. Professor Dr. James Ussher believed it was the Biblical Ezra who

re-pointed the Hebrew text of the Old Testament Bible - on the Jews’ return from exile in
Babylon around B.C. 454. Re-pointed. For Ussher argued there was a form of vowel-pointing
even before Ezra - which vowel-pointing had lapsed during the 70 years’ exile.

Ussher’s contemporary Rev. Dr. John Owen, teaching similarly, appealed to Matthew 5:18.
There, Jesus said: "Till Heaven and Earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall in any wise
pass away from the Law.’

Here, Jesus infallibly refers to the "jot" - which is the smallest consonant in Hebrew. Our
Lord and Saviour in His very same breath here infallibly refers also to the tittle or keraia -
which many see as the smallest vocalization-letter or part of a vowel-sign.

Rev. Dr. John Gill claimed the Greek word keraia here refers to the Hebrew vowel-sound
chireq, alias the dot at the root of all of the vowel-pointing in Hebrew. Gill gives much
archaeological, numismatic and documentary evidence to prove the antiquity of such Hebrew

Gill demonstrates that points (or such ‘dots’) were in general use at the time of the
Massores. He also shows that even printed versions of vowelled Hebrew Bibles were then being
circulated - before the invention of movable typesetting.

Dr. Gill also probes backwards from the time of the Massoretic text - back through the
works of Ben Asher, Ben Naphtali, Saadia Baon, Jerome, Rabbi Ase, the Sura Academy, the
Rabboth, the Jerusalem Talmud, Origen’s Hexapla, Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus, the
Targums of Jonathan and Onkelos, Josephus, Nechuniah ben Kana, and Ptolemy Philadephus -
to show that the giving of a ‘late date’ for vocalizing the Hebrew Old Testament cannot be taken
seriously. The evidence points to a use of vowel-signs after the Babylonian Exile already around
the fifth century B.C. Indeed, recent diggings have produced Semitic vowellings even from
the ninth century B.C.

So Hebrew vowel-pointing is older than even the fifth-century B.C. time of Scribe Ezra
(Ezra 1:1f). Also the very word "Masoretes" means ‘transmittors’ - not ‘inventors.’ All
languages regularly develop historically, from the more-complicated to the less-complicated.
Thus simpler forms of spelling, syntax and grammar - replace the earlier more complex forms.

Cf. how cryptic Modern-American has replaced ‘long-winded’ Elizabethan-English. Note

too how Erse spelling recently was simplified to a very dramatic extent. See J.J.N. Sean
O’Beirne’s Irish Self-Taught, Marlborough, London, 1932, pp. 130f.

Thus, especially in Hebrew, vowel-characters - and even consonants dependent on such

vowels - became redundant only in the mediaeval period A.D. The Phoenician alphabet is
evident on the 13th-century B.C. tomb of King Ahiram of Byblos. The Old-Semitic Ugaritic
(compare the Ras Shamra inscriptions), dating from 1400 B.C. [alias the time Moses
inscripturated what is now the Pentateuch], had at least 30 letters (including vowels). Adding
the seven Masoretic vowel-signs to the 23 consonants, it produces an Ancient-Hebrew alphabet
of also 30 characters. And the alphabetical Sinai Inscriptions go back to 1700 B.C.

- 10 -
Even exilic and post-exilic Babylonian texts use seven clearly-defined vowel-signs -
representing eleven vowels of various length and quality (Rosenthal). For very many centuries
both liturgical and Biblical texts with pointing have been used, in worship, alongside of
unpointed copies of Torah texts. Indeed according to the article ‘Bible’ in the 1938 Judaistic
Jewish Encyclopaedia, even the largely consonantal Intertestamentary Text often vocalized
by using consonants as matres lectionis. Thus Aleph = a, Yod = i, He = o, and Wav = u.

The full-alphabet script-tradition was carried on in the Palestinian, Babylonian and

Tiberian forms of written Hebrew. The former two, place the vowel-letters over the consonants;
but the Tiberian method, places them below the consonants (except for the long-o vowel
choolem). Also Arabic perhaps shows vestiges of both forms - as dots are present even in its
alphabetical consonants.

Bodmer maintains that the hitherto-supposed oldest part-manuscript, is the Prophet Codex
(Kairo). Significantly, it is vowel-pointed. Certainly the mediaeval Masoretic pointing is based
on yet-older pointing (as in Babylonian, Syrian, Palestinian, and Samaritan etc.) - and was not
a sudden development.

The Massores have left very much if not all of the vocalization exactly as they received it.
They expressed their different opinions only in the margin of their text - thus showing they
wished to transmit, and not to alter, the text they had received.

In the Greek New Testament, the infallible Christ (in Matthew 5:18-19) - mentions the
inspiredness of every ioota and keraia in the Hebrew Old Testament. To Gill and Ella, these
clearly seem to be referring to the jod and the chireq. Such are respectively the smallest
consonant and the smallest vowel in copies of the Torah alias the Pentateuch in general, and the
Law of God in particular.

In the prevailing modern view, the first reference here to the ioota as a difficult-to-quantify
hapax legomenon - would be signifying either the choolem as the smallest vowel-dot or
alternatively the jod alias the smallest consonant in the Hebrew Old Testament. And the second
reference to the tittle or keraia - would then indicate the ‘horn’ (cf. the Hebrew word keren) or
‘spur’ or ‘nib’ which in Hebrew consonants distinguishes a beth (alias a "b") from a kaph (alias
a "k") and a daleth (alias a "d") from a resh (alias an "r") in Matthew 5:18 & Luke 16:17.
Compare the ‘tail’ on our "Q" - differentiating it from "O" in modern typed English.

It makes little difference whether one thus adopts the classic Ussher-Owen-Buxtorff-Gill
or the modern ioota-dot and consonantal ‘horn-spur-nib’ view. The bottom line here obviously
remains Jesus’ stated inspiredness of every single "jot and tittle" - which extends not just to every
letter but also to every part of every letter (whether consonant or vowel) in the original Hebrew
Old Testament.

Some old manuscripts of Old Testament materials, present even the pathach-vowel and the
qaamets-vowel in dot-format rather than in line-format. However, with the development of the
mass-copying of texts in handwriting and in printing - many of these vowel-signs disappeared.
For they were too time-consuming to form or cut out of a block, especially before the invention
of movable type.

- 11 -
No wonder the A.D. 340-420 compiler of the Vulgate, Jerome of Bethlehem, complained
he could not read the vowel-signs of the Hebrew Old Testament at night by candle-light! What
would Jerome have then thought of contemporary computer-programming’s Notepad version in
Ascii (DOS) Delimited Text code - which deprives even our modern languages of many of their
remaining diacritical signs (such as the umlaut in German and the kappie in Afrikaans)?! Thus
far Dr. George Ella, as abridged and expanded by myself (Dr. F.N. Lee).

Even the revisionist, Marburg’s Old Testament Professor Ernst Wuerthwein, in his famous
book The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to Kittel-Kahle’s Biblia Hebraica (ET,
Blackwell, Oxford, 1957, pp. 11-20) - concedes the existence of a long Pre-Massoretic tradition
of producing vowelled copies of the Old Testament. Wuerthwein declares:

"It is well-known [read: well-alleged - F.N.L.!] that the Hebrew text of the Old Testament
existed for many centuries as a consonantal text.... The vocalisation of the text...was done by the
Masoretes.... The [‘Protestant-Judaistic’] Karaite movement, whose influence on the intellectual
life of Judaism seems to have been of great significance, led to a flowering of Masoretic activity
in the West in about the years 780 to 930....

"About 1100, the Karaite Hadassi declared that God had not created the Torah without
pointing - a view which Johann Buxtorff the Elder (1564-1629) revived.... At the same time,
it must be remembered that the Masoretes did not follow their own ideas in vocalising the text -
but endeavoured to express exactly the tradition they had received." Thus Wuerthwein. My
own emphases throughout (F.N. Lee).

Remember that the A.D. 400 Jerome of Bethlehem could not read the vowels in his
infallibly-inspired Hebrew Old Testament at night by candlelight! Comparing and contrasting
this to the equally Co-Semitic but uninspired original Qur’an almost three centuries thereafter,
is very interesting.

All of the many human writers of the books of the Bible - from Moses to the Apostle John -
were literate. Either they or their immediate secretaries directly inscripturated their inspired

Two hundred years after the highly-literate Jerome, who needed daylight to read the vowels
in the Hebrew copies of his Old Testament and who could easily read the more prominent vowels
in the Greek copies of his New Testament - the illiterate Muhammad was born into an Arabian
society itself largely illiterate and overwhelmingly starved of Christian influences. However,
it is very clear even from his Qur’an that some then in Arabia could read and also had been
reading - the Old Testament in Hebrew; the New Testament; and especially some of the
apocryphal writings.

Yet Muhammad himself, the sole human author of the Qur’an , was illiterate. His oral
utterances were written down (on all kinds of objects from bones to tree-leaves) only after he
voiced them. They were collected into the Qur’an only decades after his death. Those
uninspired utterances by the illiterate Muhammad were recorded initially in A.D. seventh-century
Hejazi Arabic. This was done not only without written vowel marks, but also without diacritical
points alias consonantal dots.

- 12 -
Let us now illustrate this vital difference between the Bible and the Qur’an - with reference
to the Biblical texts on the Parakleetos alias the Comforter or Holy Spirit. This word is
misapplied to Ahmad or Muhammad in the Qur’an - as if the original Bible had rather used the
vowelless word Prklts (with the meaning of Periklutos as alleged by Islam).

Islam maintains that post-apostolic later Christians falsified the primordial Greek word
now translated in John 14 to 16 as "Comforter." According to Islam, the original Greek word
was the vowelless Prklts and meant Periklutos (alias ‘the praised one’). Into Arabic, Periklutos
should then be translated ‘Ahmad’ - which would then refer not to the Holy Spirit Comforter but
to the ‘praised’ Muhammad.

So, precisely in order to try and deny this - maintains Islam - post-apostolic Christians
falsified the original word in John’s Gospel (meaning Periklutos), by changing it to Parakleetos.
This word Parakleetos (meaning ‘the one summoned’ and hence ‘Advocate’ and ‘Helper’ or
‘Comforter’ in the sense of ‘Strengthener’) - Islam alleges was then misapplied by those later
Christians not to the promised Periklutos (meaning the ‘praised one’ alias Muhammad) but
instead rather to the coming of the Holy Spirit before the later coming of the there-predicted
Muhammad (in order to try to discredit the latter).

Islam further maintains that not only the Old Testament in Hebrew but also the New
Testament in Greek would originally - like the first Qur’an - have been written without vowels.
Consequently, it would not (so Islam claims) have been the (to Muslims) falsified word
Parakleetos but only the allegedly original consonants P-r-kl-t-s that would have been written
down in the autograph and in the first manuscript copies of John 14 to 16.

This P-r-kl-t-s would (according to Islam) originally have been pronounced as Periklutos.
Only centuries later would Muhammad-hating Christians in their later-corrupted manuscript
copies of John’s Gospel - have falsified this by vowelizing such copies as Parakleetos.

In so doing, such later Christians are also said (by some Muslims) to have rejected one of
the original Gospels which allegedly represented John’s words correctly on this point. This
writing, allege such Muslims, was the (so-called) Gospel of Barnabas. That latter maintains that
Muhammad would be the promised coming Saviour of the World - and that Muhammad would
also abolish the idols.

Recently, it is then especially this so-called Gospel of Barnabas (not to be confused with
the much earlier Epistle of Barnabas) which has given some comfort to some Muslims. It is
today extant, in full, only in an Italian translation kept in Vienna.

It originated between the 14th and the 16th centuries A.D., perhaps being written possibly
in Spain by an apostate from Christianity to Islam. It syncretizes Biblical, Gnostic, Judaistic
and Islamic elements.

It states that Jesus did not die on the cross but that Judas was transformed into the likeness
of Jesus, and that Judas was crucified in the place of Jesus. It denies that Jesus is either the Son
of God or the Christ; it has Jesus describing Muhammad as the ‘Greater One’; and it announces
Muhammad as the predicted Messenger of God.

- 13 -
Interestingly, it was not till 1854 that Islam began to use this bogus ‘Gospel’ against
Christianity. Yet especially since 1959, even several Muslim Scholars have rejected this writing
as being irreconcilable with the Quranic claims: that not Muhammad but Jesus is the Christ; that
Jesus was born under a palm-tree in Jerusalem and not in an inn near Bethlehem; that Mary
suffered birthpangs, and did not experience a painless childbirth; that there are seven and not nine
heavens; that polygamy is permitted, and not disallowed; and that hell lasts forever, and is not
just a temporary location.

However, the seventh-century Qur’an itself (at Sura 3:81) maintains that "God took the
Covenant of the Prophets [in the Old Testament], saying: ‘I give you a Book [viz. the New
Testament] and Wisdom [viz. Jesus the Word (as in Suras 3:45 & 4:171)]. Then [viz. thereafter]
an Apostle [viz. Muhammad] comes to you, confirming what is with you. Believe him, and
render him help!’"

On this, the Muslim Scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments: "The argument
is...Muhammad is foretold in the Gospel of St. John 14:16, 15:26 and 16:7. The future
Comforter cannot be the Holy Spirit as understood by Christians, because [the] Holy Spirit
already was present, helping and guiding Jesus.

"The Greek word [today] translated ‘Comforter’ is ‘Paracletos’ [Ali means Parakleetos],
which is an easy corruption from ‘Periclytus’ [Ali means Periklutos], which is almost a literal
translation of ‘Muhammad’ or ‘Ahmad.’ See Q[ur’an ]. 61:6.

"Further, there were other Gospels that have perished, but of which traces still remain -
which were even more specific in their reference to Muhammad. E.g., the Gospel of St.
Barnabas, of which an Italian translation is extant in the State Library at Vienna. It was edited
in 1907 with an English translation by Mr. Lonsdale and Laura Ragg." Thus, Abdullah Yusuf

At the above-mentioned Sura 61:6 in the Qur’an , one reads: "Remember, Jesus the son
of Mary said: ‘O Children of Israel! I am the apostle of God (sent) to you confirming the Law
(which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of an Apostle to come after me whose name
shall be Ahhmad.’ But when he came to them with Clear Signs - they said: ‘This is evident

On this, Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments: "Ahhmad or Muhhammad, the Praised One, is
almost a translation of the Greek word Periclytos [Ali means Periklutos]. In the present
[corrupted] Gospel of John, XVI:16 [Ali means XIV:16 alias 14:16], XV:26 and XVI:7, the word
‘Comforter’ in the English version is for the Greek word ‘Paracletos’ [Ali means Parakleetos].
This means ‘Advocate’ [ cf. I John 2:1], ‘one called to the help of another,’ ‘a kind friend’ - rather
than ‘Comforter.’

"Our [Islamic] doctors contend that Paracletos is a corrupt reading for Periclytos, and that
in the original saying of Jesus there was a prophecy of our holy Prophet Ahhmad by name.
Even if we read Paraclete, it would apply to the holy Prophet, who is ‘a Mercy for all creatures’
(21:107) and ‘most kind and merciful to the Believers’ (9:128)."

- 14 -
The latter-mentioned references to the Qur’an (21:107 and 9:128) are very obscure as to
the Parakleetos/Periklutos point at issue. Yet how should Christians and others concerned about
accuracy, then evaluate this argument that the Greek original manuscript or autograph of John
14 to 16 was allegedly without vowels, so that either Parakleetos or Periklutos would originally
have appeared simply as P-r-kl-t-s? Consideration needs to be given especially to the following
three counter-arguments.

(1) Some Bible Scholars such as the Buxtorffs, Rev. Dr. John Owen, Rev. Dr. John Gill,
Rev. Professor Dr. Robert Dabney and Dr. George Ella maintain that Jesus’ infallible references
in e.g. Matthew 5:18 and Luke 16:17 also to the ‘tittles’ of the Law, would indicate that even the
inscripturated Old Testament’s Hebrew autograph and also the oldest copies thereof - were
indeed vowelled. That would be suggested also by ancient renditions of parts thereof (such as
the Samaritan Pentateuch) and by ancient translations thereof (such as the Greek Septuagint) and
from later reworkings of portions thereof (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls) and from later
commentaries thereon (such as the Aramaic Targums). Only in yet-later times would Hebrew
manuscripts (such as e.g. the oldest now-extant copies of the Old Testament) have been written
down vowellessly in order to speed up the copying process. Indeed, even as regard the Qur’an ,
(not the non-extant autograph but) its oldest extant Arabic copies do exhibit vowel-signs.

(2) Apart from the Hebrew Old Testament, it is absolutely certain that all Greek
manuscript copies of the New Testament - still exhibit vowel-signs. That is true even as regards
those later Greek copies thereof which were made only after the inscripturation of the Qur’an .
Consequently, the Islamic accusation that later Christians went and falsified an allegedly original
word Periklutos into Parakleetos - even despite the serious curses at the very end of the Bible
in Revelation 22:18f against all such actions - is totally absurd.

(3) Furthermore, Islam’s specious above-mentioned ‘Christian falsification theory’ - is both

text-critically as well as linguistically impossible. The reason for this is obvious. Every Greek
manuscript copy of the New Testament or portion thereof up to and also for quite a time after
Muhammad, here reads: Parakleetos. Not one of them reads Periklutos.

Suffice it to say, in refutation of the Islamic view of this, that also the Scholar of Islam
P.J.P. de Beer has pointed out how even the Persian translation Faraqlit and the Arabic
translation Barqlit of the Greek Comforter-texts in John 14 to 16 - support not the Islamic but
the Christian view of what John here inscripturated. For even those Persian and Arabic
translations show that not Periklutos but Parakleetos is the word used in the original Greek
Gospel of John and certainly in all of the oldest extant Greek manuscript copies thereof.

Enough, then, has been said about the Islamitic Periklutos-theory. It is clearly essentially
foreign to the Bible - and to all the extant Greek manuscript copies thereof.

Islam is grounded in the deeds of the famous Arab Muhammad, 570-632 A.D. His
achievements were remarkable, especially despite his illiteracy (acknowledged also by Islam in
the Qur’an 7:157 and 62:2). Quite a lot of his imposing pronouncements were, shortly after
their oral delivery, written down and preserved on all kinds of objects by his favourite wife, the
literate Khadiya - whose cousin Warakah Ibn Nawfal was a sectarian Christian who knew how
to write in Hebrew.

- 15 -
On the illiterate Muhammad’s utterances, compare the following accounts by the Islamic
Scholar Imam Achmad Deedat. Declares Imam Deedat: "Muhummed was forty years of age....
In the cave, the Archangel Gabriel commands him....Proclaim!.... Muhummed is terrified, and
in his bewilderment replies...’ I am not learned!’ The angel commands him a second time, with
the same result. For the third time, the angel continues.... Now, Muhummed grasps that what
was required of him was to repeat!.... And he repeats the words as they were put into his
mouth.... Holy Qur’an 96:1-5....

"The first five verses which were revealed to occupy the beginning of
the 96th chapter of the Holy Qur’an .... Immediately the angel departed; Muhummed rushed to
his home. Terrified and sweating all over, he asked his beloved wife Khadija to cover him up.
He lay down, and she watched by him. When he had regained his composure, he explained to
her what he had seen and heard....

"During the next twenty-three years of his prophetic life, words were ‘put into his mouth’
and he uttered them. They made an indelible impression on his heart and mind.... As the
volume of the Sacred Scripture (Holy Qur’an ) grew," portions thereof at first "were recorded on
palm-leaf fibre, on skins, and on the shoulder-blades of animals.... Before his demise, these
words were arranged in the order in which we find them today in the Holy Qur’an .

"The words (revelation) were actually put into his mouth" - for he was the "Unlettered
Prophet." Indeed, the words "‘I am not learned’ is the exact translation of the
words...which...Muhummed uttered twice to the Holy Ghost, the Archangel Gabriel, when he
was commanded: ‘Read!’.... He was absolutely unlettered and unlearned....

"Moreover, the Divine Author (God Almighty) Himself testifies to the veracity of
Muhummed’s...claim that he could never have composed the contents of the Holy Qur’an . He
could not have been its author.

"‘And you (O Muhummed) were not (able) to recite a book before this (Quranic Book
came). Nor are you (able) to transcribe it with your right hand.’ Holy Qur’an 29:48 [cf too vv.
45-49]." Thus Muslim Imam Achmad Deedat.

Now shortly after these utterances by the illiterate Muhammad, they were recorded -
initially, in A.D. seventh-century Arabic. This was done not only without written vowel marks
(as in some Hebrew copies of the Old Testament where such unvowelized inscriptions of words
themselves are plain enough) - but, vitally, without diacritical points alias consonantal dots in
the original Arabic manuscript of the Qur’an .

Such latter are vital to establish meaning. For fully 21 of the 28 consonants of the Ancient
Arabic alphabet writtenly need diacritical points in order to distinguish them from one another.
Such 21 Arabic letters are: ba, ta, tha, geem, ha, kha, dal, zal, ra, zeen, seen, sheen, sad, dzad,
dza, ‘ein, ghein, fa, gaf, non, and ya.

For instance, the undiacritical A.D. seventh-century Arabic consonants ba and ya and non
and tha and ta were all depicted by the same upward-facing crescent-sign. In their connected
forms, these written letters were anciently identical. Only in Post-Quranic ages was ba

- 16 -
diacriticalized with one dot under it, and ya diacriticalized with two dots under it, and non
diacriticalized with one dot above it, and ta diacriticalized with two dots above it, and tha
diacriticalized with three dots above it.

Until that later time, the Arabic word bint ("daughter") was written undiacritically by three
such identical consonants. The uninspired various diacritical points were inserted into copies
of the Qur’an only later - by Islamic scribes and commentators. While preserving the same
consonantal outlines, such diacritical marks could change the meaning of the undiacritical
Arabic word bint ("daughter") to: bayt ("home"); or bayn ("between"); or yatheb ("he jumps");
or natheb ("we jump"); or nabath ("utters few letters").

Sometimes thus-written undiacritical consonants might even in the same three identical
consonants radically change the meaning. Thus: yabet means "he makes a decision"; nabat,
"was planted"; bathat, "she broadcast"; yaboth, "he broadcast"; teen, "figs"; tebn, "hay";
thabbat, "strengthens"; thanat, "bent"; and tannob, "to prevent."

Furthermore, the later addition of vowel signs by means of marks such as damma or fathha
or kassra or shadda or scoon or madda could, from the same three identical consonants, yield
yet further meanings. Thus: bent (with fathha), = "she built"; bayan (with shadda), = "he
manifests"; bayat (with shadda), = "he intends"; naboth (with shadda), = "we broadcast"; nabot
(with shadda), = "we make a decision"; etc.

Many of these undiacritical and unvowelized original inscriptions of sayings of

Muhammad were, within fifty years after his death, collected and canonized by Muslims like
Zaid and ‘Uthman. Only then were they inscripturated as the autograph of the entire "Mother
of the Book" - and first written down as the completed Qur’an itself (3:3-7 cf. 43:1-4). This,
be it noted, is not Christian propaganda but orthodox Islamic teaching.

Indeed, the very word Qur’an seems to mean "recitation" rather than ‘writing.’ Cf. the
root-meaning also of the Hebrew word qaaraa’ -- with the primary meaning of "to call out" (or
"to call to worship"), rather than the different kaatab (with the primary meaning of "to write
down" or "to engrave"). Thus one perceives that, unlike the Old Testament, which is indeed pre-
eminently a written document - the original Qur’an was initially an oral or a recited alias a
spoken-forth teaching.

How different is the Holy Bible! "All Scripture was breathed into by God, and is
profitable...for instruction in righteousness so that the man of God may be...thoroughly equipped
unto all good works." Second Timothy 3:16-17. "No forthtelling of Scripture is of any private
interpretation. For the forthtelling did not come in olden times by the will of man; but holy men
of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." Second Peter 1:19.

Early during the Arab conquests, many of Muhammad’s followers were killed. Together
with them, much knowledge about the Qur’an too passed away. Muslims then began arguing
over what should be in the Qur’an , and what should not. An Army General back from
Azerbaijan feared a controversy. He is said to have entreated Caliph ‘Uthman (644-656) - the
third Islamic ruler to succeed Muhammad - to “overtake this people before they differ over the
Qur’an .”

- 17 -
‘Uthman convened an editorial committee. It gathered the various pieces of Islamic
scripture that had been memorized or written down by Muhammad’s companions. This
produced a standard written version of the Qur’an . ‘Uthman ordered all incomplete and
“imperfect” collections of Proto-Islamic scripture, to be destroyed. Then copies of the new
version were quickly distributed to the major centres of the new Islamic Empire.

After the collection and canonization by Zaid and ‘Uthman of the undiacritical and
unvowelized original inscriptions of the sayings of Muhammad some fifty years after his death,
this original Qur’an disappeared or disintegrated. Yet that occurred only after uninspired
Arabic copies of the Qur’an itself had been made and circulated among Muslims.

However, even many of the oldest extant copies - are palimpsests. Thus, also perhaps the
oldest page from the oldest extant copy of the Qur’an - recently photographed by University of
Saarbruecken Archeologist Gerd R. Puin in Yemen - reveals in ultraviolet light even earlier
Quranic writing underneath. Here below is the story, as told by Toby Lester in his What is the
Koran? (as published in The Atlantic during January 1999).

In 1972, restorers of the Great Mosque of Sana’a in Yemen discovered in a loft tens of
thousands of fragments from almost a thousand different parchment codices of the Qur’an .
Some seemed to date back to the seventh and eighth centuries (+/- 690 to 799 A.D.), being
fragments of perhaps the oldest extant copies of the Qur’an . Some revealed aberrations from
the standardized text of the Qur’an - featuring unconventional verse orderings, textual variations,
and palimpsests (or versions clearly written over even earlier washed-off versions) written in the
rare and early Hejazi Arabic script of Mecca itself.

As Dr. Andrew Rippin, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Calgary, a

leader in Quranic Studies, has pointed out: "Their variant readings and verse orders are all very
significant." They suggest "that the early history of the Koranic text is much more of an open
question than many have suspected. The text was less stable, and therefore had less authority,
than has always been claimed."

Dr. Crone is a Historian at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. She wrote in her
1977 book Hagarism (subtitled The Making of the Islamic World): "There is no hard evidence
for the existence of the Koran in any form before the last decade of the seventh century."

Archaeologist Gerd Puin concludes "the Koran is a kind of cocktail of texts that were not
all understood even at the time of Muhammad.... Many of them [e.g. Pre-Muhammad Arabic
materials] may be a hundred years older than Islam itself. Even within Islamic traditions there
is a huge body of contradictory information, including a significant Christian substrate."

Also Egypt’s famous Islamic Professor, Dr. Nasr Abu Zaid, agreed. He himself ended up
admitting that the orthodox-Islamic view is stultifying - reducing a divine, eternal, and dynamic
text to a fixed human interpretation with no more life and meaning than "a trinket...a talisman...or
an ornament."

The fact is, up to the arrival of Muhammad, Mecca was a local pagan sanctuary of
considerable antiquity. As Mecca became prosperous in the sixth century A.D., pagan idols of

- 18 -
varying sizes and shapes proliferated. Even the traditional Islamic story claims that by the early
seventh century, the Caaba was surrounded by some 360 statues (one for each day of the Arabic
year), including also what purported to be representations of Jesus and Mary.

After Muhammad around A.D. 610 believed the angel Gabriel gave him what he and others
believed were divine revelations in a cave, he propagated his Islamic views. That he did, first
in nearby Mecca - and from A.D. 622 onward also in Yathrib alias Medina some 200 miles to
the north till he died and was buried there around A.D. 632.

The Qur’an is often difficult for contemporary readers - even educated speakers of Arabic -
to understand. It makes shifts in style, voice, and subject matter from verse to verse. Its
inconsistencies are easy to find. God may be referred to in the first and third person in the same
sentence; and divine rulings occasionally contradict one another. Indeed, the Qur’an itself
anticipates this criticism - and asserts the right to abrogate even its own message ("God blot outs
or confirms whatever He pleases").

A big theological debate arose within Islam in the late-eighth century - between those who
believed in the Qur’an as the uncreated and eternal Word of God, and those who believed in it
as created in time. Under the Caliph al-Ma’mun (813-833), this latter view briefly became
orthodox doctrine.

It was supported by several schools. Such included also Mu’tazilism, which developed
a theology based on a metaphorical rather than a literalistic understanding of the Qur’an .

Yet by the end of the tenth century the influence of the Mu’tazili school had waned, for
political reasons, and the official doctrine had become that of i’jaz or the inimitability of the
Qur’an . Consequently, it has traditionally not much been translated by Muslims - neither for
Non-Arabic-speaking Muslims, nor for other persons. The translations by Muslims that do exist,
are regarded as nothing more than uninspired aids.

The fact is, however, as pointed out by Dr. Gerd Puin: "The Koran claims for itself that it
is ‘mubeen’ or ‘clear’.... But if you look at it, you will notice that every fifth sentence or so
simply doesn’t make sense. Many Muslims - and Orientalists - will tell you otherwise, of
course; but the fact is, that a fifth of the Koranic text is just incomprehensible."

Patricia Crone declares of the Qur’a n that "the first compilers were not redactors but
collectors of debris, whose works are strikingly devoid of overall unity." John Wansbrough,
formerly of the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, in his Quranic
Studies regards the holy book of Islam as "several partially overlapping collections of
logia...modified by the influence of Rabbinic Judaism." Indeed, the Muslim Ali Dashti, in his
1985 Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammed, labelled many of Islam’s traditional accounts
of Muhammad’s life as "myth-making and miracle-mongering."

For alongside of the many extant fragments and copies, and copies of copies, of the now-
unextant first Qur’an - also the Sunna (or oral traditions of Muhammad) came into being. Later
arose also the Hadith (or written-down traditions regarding Muhammad and Islam); the Sira (or
biographies of the Prophet); and the Tafsir (or Quranic commentary and explication).

- 19 -
It is from these later sources - compiled in written form by and large from the mid-eighth
to the mid-tenth century - that all accounts of the alleged revelation-process of the Qur’an and
the early years of Islam are ultimately derived. Such helped mediaeval Islamic scholars to
manufacture later diacritically and vocally amended and thus uninspired copies and copies of
copies of the Qur’an (which was originally devoid of vowel signs and even of consonantal
diacritical marks).

Yet not the Sunna nor the Hadith but the Qur’an alone remains decisive for Muslims -
together with all of the problems of the Qur’an . Indeed, one such verse in the Qur’an states:
"ALM Sabbeh Raboka Al ‘Azzaam." Muslims have translated this: "ALM praise your glorified
God." However, nobody explains what this ALM is. Yet by adding just one diacritical point
below the consonant alleged to be ba, and thus changing it into ya - the sentence could be read
as: "ALMsyyh Raboka Al ‘Azzaam." That would mean: "The Christ is your glorified God" - and
would then supplant Islam with Christianity!

Thus the Qur’an is a powerful mixture of a few reworked excerpts from the much earlier
Bible, together with a multitude of other material. The first-mentioned data in the Qur’an , is
unoriginal to it; and was re-arranged therein from a measure of acquaintance with the contents
of much older writings. Such first-mentioned data include inter alia a few pericopes from the
Old Testament, and even less portions from the New Testament of the Bible (being the infallible
Word of God).

The rest of the material in the Qur’an was collected together from outside of the 66 books
of the Bible. Such is a collection of: certain portions from the Jewish apocryphal books which
originated in the Intertestamentary Period between Malachi and Matthew; bits and pieces of Post-
Christian sectarian writings from the Pseudepigrapha; reworkings of elements of Pre-Islamic
Arab religions; and Muhammad’s own opinions.

All of that material was then collected and inscripturated as the Qur’an . This is quite
different to the Bible. The Bible was written down, in toto, over approximately at least fifteen
centuries; the Qur’an , over less than 24 years.

The latter does not, like the Bible, consist of 66 books with more than 1000 chapters
written down by at least 40 inspired people (or their secretaries) under the guidance of the Triune
God ’E:lohiym . For the Qur’an consists of but one book of hardly a hundred chapters
proceeding from just one man who acted in the name of one of Arabia’s Pre-Islamic gods - the
monotheistic yet unitarian god Allah.

Other than does the Bible, the Qur’an reflects the milieu not of all three of the Old World
Continents - but by and large only that of the then-backward region of Arabia. It does not
mention many theodicies and miracles, but only its own version of some eschatological
predictions derived from the Bible itself. Islam proclaims no atonement for sins and no empty
tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem - but rather legalistic Islamic strictures, and Muhammad’s unempty
tomb in Medina.

(A) Viewed historically, the Christian sources of revelation are much older and therefore
historically weightier than those of Islam. Books of the Bible and portions thereof were

- 20 -
inscripturated shortly after they were revealed. Genesis 5:1; Exodus 17:14; Deuteronomy 31:24f
etc. Copies (and later also translations) thereof, were made and circulated shortly thereafter.
Deuteronomy 17:18f; Matthew 1:21; 27:46; Mark 5:41; Luke 1:1-4; 23:38; John 19:19-20; Acts
2:4-11; First Corinthians 14:6-28; Colossians 4:16 and Revelation 1:19 to 3:14 etc.

Actually, the completed Bible also ends with the solemn warning not to add anything to
it or to omit anything from it - right down to Jesus’ final coming at the end of World History.
Revelation 22:19f. But the Qur’an ends with a reference to the wicked Satan "the Whisperer
(of evil)...who whispers into the hearts of mankind, among jinns [or spirits] and among men"
(Sura 114:6).

Muslim Writer Sheik Ahmed Behardien recognizes in respect of the Old Testament: "For
historical purposes the most important versions were the Greek version, known as the Septuagint,
and the Latin version, known as the Vulgate. The SeptuagintY, the earliest portion dated from
about 284 B.C.... The Vulgate was a Latin translation made by the celebrated Father of the
Christian Church, St. Jerome, from Hebrew, early in the fifth century A.D., superseding the Old
Latin Version" (our emphases -- F.N.L.). He is silent about the Hebrew original!

In respect of the New Testament, the Muslim Writer Bashyr Ahmad maintains: "The
documents from which most of the Christian theologians have compiled the records of events
as narrated in the New Testament, are: the Codex Vaticanus, the Codex Sinaiticus and the
Sinaitic Lyriac." Both of the first-mentioned two manuscripts, date from no later than precisely
early in the 4th century A.D. Ahmad is silent even about copies of the Greek original!
According to Islam, the many written-out copies of both the Old Testament as well as the
New Testament - after the wearing out of the autographs or original writings thereof - are
supposed to have become quite corrupted in the course of time. Therefore Islam holds that it
pleased God later to get His infallibly-recorded Word permanently inscripturated in the allegedly
faultless Qur’an .

From then on, the Old and the New Testament are regarded as having been abrogated and
thus no longer necessary. If however they are indeed consulted, those allegedly fallible and
faulty Biblical documents are now to be interpreted in the light of the allegedly infallible Qur’an
- and never vice versa.

Now even the very oldest extant manuscripts of the Bible or portions thereof, were
recorded on proper writing materials. However, there is considerable evidence (even among
Muslims) that parts of that which later became the original Qur’an had first been recorded on
animal bones, leaves, rocks and skins etc. - and that it was only after the death of Muhammad
that some of those writings (if not also other oral materials) were collected and canonized and
systematized precisely by Muslim Leaders like Zaid and ‘Uthman.

Muhammad died in 632 A.D., leaving his alleged revelations in disorder. His successor
Abu Bekr ordered the fragmentary written remnants referred to above, to be collected. To them,
he added oral memorizations of other utterances by Muhammad to be transcripted from the
mouths of those who had learned them by heart. When completed, this combined record was
entrusted to Hafsa, the daughter of one of Muhammad’s widows.

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In the 30th year of the Hijra (and so in 651 A.D.), Caliph ‘Uthman observed the great
disagreements between the various copies of the Qur’an . Those of Iraq followed the reading
of Abu Musa al Ashari; but those of the Syrians followed that of Macdad Ibn Aswad. So
‘Uthman ordered many copies to be transcribed from that of Abu Bekr - under the inspection
of Zaid and three others.

Wherever they disagreed about any word, they were to write it down in the dialect of the
Muhammad’s Quraish tribe, in which it was first orally delivered. Once made, those new copies
were then dispersed into the various provinces of the Islamic Empire - and all the older copies
burned or suppressed. Many things in Hafsa’s copy were corrected thus, yet some few variant
readings still occur. Thus the very first standarized copy of the Qur’an got compiled, around
680 A.D.

But even that autograph or original writing of that standardized Qur’an itself shortly
thereafter became either worn out or lost or (according to one Islamic tradition) taken up into
Heaven. It is thus today (here on Earth) just as little accessible for scientific investigation
thereof, as are the autographs of the nineteenth-century original writings of the Mormons.
Howsoever uniformly even the oldest extant Arabic-language copies thereof might agree with
one another - nobody on Earth is today able to compare any or all of those oldest extant Arabic
copies with the autograph of the Qur’an itself.

Precisely Islam therefore has a huge text-critical problem. And that, not only in respect
of Arabic copies of the now-perished or now-lost autograph of the Qur’an which was itself only
many decades after the death of Muhammad for the first time inscripturated as a complete book
with its 114 Suras - but especially in respect of the preceding bits and pieces of rags and skins
and bones and leaves etc. containing alleged words of Muhammad which were only later
reworked as the Qur’an by men like Zaid and ‘Uthman.

Attemptedly, this text-critical problem was evaded by standardizing the Qur’an within fifty
years after the death of Muhammad - and by thereafter declaring all subsequently-submitted bits
and pieces alleged to contain pronouncements by Muhammad - to be uninspired ["apocryphal"!]
Hadith or traditions evaluatable only in light of the completed Qur’an itself. In addition to this,
there are also statements in the Qur’an itself (e.g. at 3:45 and 4:171) which are hardly to be
reconciled with one another.

All Muslims have to admit that not even any part of the Qur’an could have been
inscripturated before ‘The Call’ of Muhammad around the year 609 A.D. - and that the first
inscripturated manuscript of the whole Qur’an , dating from around 680 A.D., can today no
longer be found anywhere on Earth. They further have to admit that all authoritative extant
manuscript copies of our Bible in its original languages and/or in early translations thereof were
not only written down and preserved many centuries before Muhammad - but also that all
ecclesiastical parties even before Jerome (circa 345-419 A.D.) and centuries before Muhammad
(circa 570-632 A.D.) agreed as to the scope and final normativity of the whole Bible.

Now the A.D. 609-680 Qur’an frequently tries to shame the "People of the Book" - viz.
especially the Judaists, but also the Christians - for not heeding the Holy Bible. In so doing, it
is true that Muhammad was hereby trying to establish the superiority of the Qur’an .

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But by rebuking the majority of Judaists and Christians for not being loyal to the Bible, he
established the veracity of the Bible. And in conceding that some of the "People of the Book"
were indeed quite loyal to it - he unwittingly thereby confirmed the accessibility and authority
and understandability thereof also in his own day and age and locality.

Thereby Muhammad himself overthrows the later Islamic theory that the Holy Bible had
long been corrupted and was insufficiently intelligible by the time of the beginning and the
duration and the completion of the compilation of the Qur’an . Excerpts below from several
examples of this in the Qur’an itself, abundantly prove this point.

In Sura 3:64-66, Muhammad and his Muslim friends say: "O People of the Book! Come
to common terms as between us and you!.... You are those who fell to disputing, (even) in
matters of which you had some knowledge.... You have knowledge!"

In Sura 3:75-76, the Qur’an says: "Among the People of the Book are some who, if
entrusted with a hoard of gold, will (readily) pay it back.... Those who keep their plighted faith
and act aright - verily, God loves those who act aright!"

Even in Sura 3:78-79, the Qur’an further concedes anent those of the People of the Book
who were wicked: "There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tongues.
(As they read,) you would think it is a part of the Book. But it is not part of the Book. And
they say, ‘That is from God!’ But it is not from God. It is they who tell a lie against God. And
(well) they know it!

"It is not (possible) that a man to whom is given the Book and Wisdom and the prophetic
office, should say to people: ‘You must be my worshippers rather than God’s! ’ On the
contrary, (he would say): ‘[You must be worshippers] of Him Who is truly the Cherisher of all!
For you have taught the Book, and you have studied it earnestly.’"

In Sura 3:81, the Qur’an further says of those who are the People of the Book: "God took
the Covenant of the Prophets, saying: ‘I give you a Book’.... Then an Apostle [viz. Muhammad]
comes to you, confirming what is with you.... God said: ‘Do you agree, and take this My
Covenant as binding on you?’ They said: ‘We agree!’"

As the famous 1934 Islamic commentator Abdullah Yusuf Ali here observes: "The
argument is: ‘You (People of the Book) are bound by your own oaths, sworn solemnly in the
presence of your own Prophets. In the Old Testament as it now exists, Muhammad is foretold
in Deuteronomy 18:18; and the rise of the Arab nation in Isaiah 42:11. For Kedar was a son of
Isma’il and the name for the Arab nation. In the New Testament as it now exists, Muhammad
is foretold in the Gospel of St. John 14:16, 15:26 and 16:7.’"

None of the five Bible verses Ali here cites, predict what he says they do. Yet he, on the
strength of Sura 3:81, rightly refers not only the People of the Book in Muhammad’s time but
refers also his own readers of the Qur’an to the Holy Bible containing those verses.

So too at Sura 3:99. There, the Qur’an urges: "O you People of the Book!... You were
yourselves witnesses (to God’s Covenant ). But God is not unmindful of all that you do."

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In Sura 3:113-115, it is further conceded: "Not all of them are alike. Of the People of the
Book, there are a portion that stand (for the right). They rehearse the signs of God...and then
prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in God and the Last Day. They enjoin what is
right, and forbid what is wrong. And they (hasten in emulation) in (all) good works. They are
in the ranks of the righteous. Of the good that they do, nothing will be rejected of them. For
God knows well those who do right."

Clearly, then, Muhammad here assumes it is precisely from the Holy Bible that these
‘People of the Book’ are able to discern what is right - so as to be able to do it. From that same
Book, they are also able to worship God aright - and to believe in the Last Day.

Indeed, at Sura 3:187 the Qur’an even states: "Remember, God took a Covenant from the
People of the Book to make it known and clear to mankind." This stresses the clarity and the
knowability of the Covenant of that Book - not only to Judaists and Christians but indeed to all
of "mankind" too (including also Muslims).

Hence, as Sura 3:187 insists: "There are, certainly, among the People of the Book those
who believe in God - in the revelation of You, and in the revelation to them - bowing in humility
to God.... For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account." Again in Sura
4:47: "O you People of the Book! Believe in what We have (now) revealed, confirming what
was (already) with you!"

Also in Sura 6:19-20, Muhammad says to the People of the Book: "Can you possibly bear
witness that beside God, there is another God?" He then urges them to "say: ‘Nay! I cannot bear
witness!’" - and also to "say: ‘But in truth, He is the one God.’" Then the Qur’an immediately
says about those ‘People of the Book’: "Those to whom We have given the Book - know this."

However. That clearly presupposes the understandability of the Bible. Also in

Muhammad’s own time.

Vital are Suras 5:62 & 5:71 and 10:94. "O People of the Book!.... We [Muslims]
believe in God and the revelation...which came before us.... You have no ground to stand
upon - unless you stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the Revelation that has come to
you from your Lord....

" If you were in doubt as to what We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been
reading the Book from before you!" This means also Muhammad and his colleagues claimed
to believe (and thus to understand) the Bible.

Whether the original content of these latter verses in the Qur’an are directed at Christians
or at Judaists or at Muslims or at all three - it proves in all respects very clearly that even
according to the Qur’an , precisely copies of the Bible itself were valid as the then-available
and reliable and understandable and well-known and only religious standard (accepted by
the Qur’an ) until at least 680 A.D. For it is only around such latter year, that little pieces of the
by-then-completed Qur’an itself were for the first time collected and again written down as one
complete document - and subsequently reproduced and increasingly made available, first in
various Arabic copies thereof and later still in the form of translations.

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The historical data, also according to various Muslim Writers in respect of the
manuscripts of both the Bible and the Qur’an , show that there today exist extant manuscripts of
all parts of the Bible which were inscripturated at least 200 to 250 years before the original
writing (and thereafter also before even the oldest extant Arabic copies) of the Qur’an .
Historical priority must thus be given to the Biblical manuscripts above those of the Qur’an .

(B) Theologically, the Protestant Christian view anent God’s Self-revelation stands or
falls with the reliability of the Bible as the only source of revelation anent salvation. The
position of the Muslim sources of revelation, however, is more complicated - and there are
differences about this among Muslims themselves. The Islamitic sect of the Malikites, for
example, believe in four sources of revelation [namely the Qur’an (or holy book); the Sunna (or
authentic oral tradition from Muhammad); the Hadith (or later-inscripturated traditions); and the
Djima (or general concurrence of the community)] - while the Sofites in turn add to this yet
another and fifth source of revelation, namely the Qujas (or analogical inference).

The Qur’an , however, stands at the forefront. The Darut=Tabligh-I1=Islami puts it very
clearly: "QURAN, SUPREME AUTHORITY. First and foremost is the Holy Quran.... Other
teachings lie in the shade beside the Holy Quran.... PLACE OF SUNNAH.... The Sunnah
came into existence along with the revelation of the Holy Quran. After the Holy Quran,
therefore, Muslims owe most to the Sunnah....

"The Holy Quran is the Word of God, the Sunnah is the practice of the Holy Prophet....
The Holy Quran and the Sunnah are our main sources....

"PLACE OF TRADITIONS.... The Traditions [= Hadith - F.N.L.] provide the evidence

for the Sunnah.... The compilation of Traditions began about a century or more after the Holy
Prophet.... Do not think, therefore, that the Traditions can have any authority over the Holy

"The Sunnah, of course, is what gives expression to the real meaning of the Holy
Quran.... Although a major portion of the Traditions is of probable value, nevertheless, they
preserve a wealth of Islamic lore. Among them are Traditions which support the Holy Quran
and the Sunnah. These should command our obedience....

"The Traditions which contravene the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, and the Traditions
which contradict Traditions supported by the Holy Quran...are not worthy of acceptance. To
accept them, is to reject the Holy Quran and Traditions in accord with the Holy Quran.

"No righteous Muslim would have the audacity to believe in Traditions which contravene
the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. Nor those which contradict Traditions in accord with the Holy
Quran.... The Traditions which possess only a degree of truth, can never be judge over the Holy
Quran. They are no more than corroborative evidence.... The Holy Quran alone can be judge
over the Quran." (My emphases throughout - F.N.L.).

What, then, is the ranking-order of the sources of revelation in Muslim Theology? It is

as follows:-

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1. First - the Qur’an . That alone is regarded as the Word of God (and not as the word
of Muhammad). In any clash of doctrine, the Qur’an is therefore always chosen above the
Sunna and the Traditions.

2. Second - the Sunna. That is regarded as the practice of Muhammad. The Sunna
expresses the true meaning of the Qur’an , but the proof of the Sunna in turn is to be sought in
the Hadith or Traditions.

But only some traditions are dependable, namely those which the Qur’an corroborates, or
which are corroborated by such traditions as again in turn are supported by the Qur’an . All
other traditions are unworthy of being accepted, and thus cannot be cited as proof of the Sunna
(or of the Qur’an ).

It therefore all boils down to this. The closed canon of or delineated data in the Qur’an
exercise a decisive limitation to the in other respects unclosed data in the Sunna and the Hadith
(or Traditions). Consequently, there is thus - strictly speaking - in orthodox Islamic practice
no "open canon" for Muslims. Islamic doctrines can in fact be judged only according to the
Qur’an , as approached in the light of the fallible Hadith containing also the Sunna.

As the Muslim Scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali in our opinion reasonably observes: "While
freely reserving the right of individual judgement on the part of every earnest writer [interpreting
Islam], I think the act of interpretation must stick as closely as possible to the text which it seeks
to interpret..., which is usually perfectly perspicuous, as it claims to be.... It has been said that
the Quran is its own best Commentary."

We have seen that the Holy Bible - even according to the Qur’an (3:187 & 6:20) - is "clear
to mankind" and easy to "know." Yet according to the above commentator on the Qur’an (the
profoundly-learned Muslim Scholar A.Y. Ali) the Qur’an itself is only "usually...perspicuous" -
and thus not always so clear and easy to understand.

We ourselves here agree with A.Y. Ali. Indeed, we now present five passages of the
Qur’an to illustrate this.

Sura 2:65 states: "Well you [Judaists] knew those amongst you, who transgressed in the
matter of the Sabbath. We said to them: ‘May you be apes, despised and rejected!’"

Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments: "There must have been a Jewish tradition about a persisted in breaking the Sabbath and were turned into apes, cf.
7:163-166. Or should we translate in both these passages, ‘Be as apes’ instead of ‘Be apes’?
This is the suggestion of Maulvi Muhammad Ali on this passage, on the authority of Mujahid
and Ibn Jarir Tabari."

Sura 3:2-3 states: "God! There is no god but He - the Living, the Self-Subsisting, Eternal.
It is He Who sent down to you (step by step) in truth, the Book [viz. the Qur’an ] - confirming
that [viz. the Bible] which went before it. And He sent down the Law...and the Gospel of Jesus
before this, as a guide to mankind; and He sent down the Criterion."

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Ali comments: "In some editions [of the Qur’an ], the break between verses 3 and 4 occurs
here in the middle of the sentence. But in the edition of Hafiz Uthman, followed by the
Egyptian Concordance Fathhur-Rahhman, the break occurs at the word Furqan. In verse-
divisions, our classicists have mainly followed rhythm. As the word Furqan from this point of
view is parallel to the word Intiqam, which ends the next verse, I have accepted the verse-
division at Furqan as more in consonance with Quranic rhythm.... From this point onwards in
this Sura, M.M.A., followed by H.G.S., numbers the verse[s] so that there is a deficiency of one
compared with the accepted numbering in the most approved Texts, which I have followed,
including that of the Egyptian Royal Edition and that of our Anjuman-iHimayat-i-Islam."

Sura 3:7 states of the Qur’an itself: "He it is, Who has sent down to you the Book. In it
are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning). They are the foundation of the Book;
others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity, follow the part thereof that is
allegorical - seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings. But no one knows its
hidden meanings, except God. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge, say: ‘We
believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord.’ And none will grasp the message, except
men of understanding."

Ali’s comments hardly make the above transparent. He says: "This passage gives us an
important clue to the interpretation of the Holy Qur-an. Broadly speaking, it may be divided
into two portions B not given separately, but intermingled. Viz., (1) the nucleus or ‘foundation’
of the Book, literally ‘the mother of the Book’; and (2) the part which is figurative, metaphorical
or allegorical. It is very fascinating to take up the latter, and exercise our ingenuity about its
inner meaning. But it refers to such profound spiritual matters, that human language is
inadequate to it; and though people of wisdom may get some light from it, no one should be
dogmatic - as the final meaning is known to God alone.

"The Commentators usually understand the verses ‘of established meaning’ ( muhhkam)
to refer to the categorical orders of the Shari’at (or the Law), which are plain to everyone’s
understanding. But perhaps the meaning is wider: the ‘mother of the Book’ must include the
very foundation on which all Law rests, the essence of God’s Message - as distinguished from
the various illustrative parables, allegories and ordinances.

"If we refer to 11:1 and 39:23, we shall find that in a sense the whole of the Qur-an has
both ‘established meaning’ and allegorical meaning. The division is not between the verses, but
between the meaning to be attached to them. Each verse is but a Sign or Symbol. What it
represents, is something immediately applicable and something eternal and independent of time
and space - the ‘Forms of Ideas’ in Plato’s Philosophy. The wise man will understand that there
is an ‘essence’ and an illustrative clothing given to the essence, throughout the Book. We must
try to understand it as best we can, but not waste our energies in disputing about matters beyond
our depth.

"One reading, rejected by the majority of Commentators but accepted by Mujahid and
others, would not make a break at the point here marked Waqfa Lazim [‘except God’], but would
run the two sentences together. In that case, the construction would run: ‘No one knows its
hidden meanings except God and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge. They say’ etc."
To me (Francis Nigel Lee), that sounds even more obscure and elitist!

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Sura 4:157 states, again of certain Judaists, that "they said (in boast): ‘We killed Christ
Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God.’ But they did not kill him nor crucify him. But so
it was made to appear to them. And those who differ therein, are full of doubts with no (certain)
knowledge but only conjecture to follow. For of a surety, they did not kill him. Nay, God
raised him up unto Himself.... And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in
him before his death."

On at least two points, Muslims themselves disagree with one another as to what the
Qur’an is here claiming. So much for the perspicuity of the Qur’an !

On the above words ‘God raised him up’ - Ali comments: "There is a difference of opinion
as to the exact interpretation of this verse. The words are: the Jews did not kill Jesus, but ‘God
raised him up (rafa’a ) to Himself.’ One school holds that Jesus did not die the usual human
death, but still lives in the body in Heaven. Another holds that he did die (5:120), but not when
he was supposed to be crucified; and that his being ‘raised up’ unto God means that instead of
being disgraced as a malefactor as the Jews intended, he was on the contrary honoured by God
as His Apostle."

Also on the meaning of Muhammad’s above further words that ‘none of the People of the
Book...must believe in him before his death’ - Muslims are further divided. As Ali comments:
"Interpreters are not agreed as to the exact meaning. Those who hold that Jesus did not
die...refer the pronoun ‘his’ to Jesus. They say that Jesus is still living in the body and that he
will appear just before the Final Day in preparation for the coming of Imam Mahhdi, when the
World will be purified of sin.... Others think that ‘his’ is better referred to ‘none of the People
of the Book’ - and that the emphatic form ‘must believe’ ( la-yu-minanna) denotes more a
question of duty than of fact."

As a final example of the obscureness of the Qur’an , at 5:62-63 (cf. 7:163-166), it returns
to the statement in 2:65 that God is supposed to have transubstantiated certain Sabbath-breaking
Judaists into apes. For it again refers to "those who incurred the curse of God and His wrath;
those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine."

Here, Abdullah Yusuf Ali gives the following comment: "For apes, see Qur’an 2:65. For
men possessed by devils, and the devils being sent into swine, see Matthew 8:28-32. Or perhaps
both apes and swine are allegorical - those who falsified God’s Scriptures became lawless like
apes; and those who succumbed to filth [or] gluttony or gross living, became like swine." Here,
the Muslim Scholar Ali needs the help of the clear Bible (at Matthew 8:28-32) to help make the
obscure Qur’an clear!

So the Qur’a n itself claims that the Holy Bible is "clear" and easy to "know."
Nevertheless, Muslim commentators themselves have noted the obscurity of much in the
Qur’an !

One should note too that Muslims themselves admit that also Islam’s Sunna and Hadith
themselves must be interpreted in the light of the unclear Qur’an . So noted, the epistemological
situation of the Islamic sources becomes even more problematic!

- 28 -
In an obscure way, the Qur’an in 2:65 & 5:62-63 & 7:164-166 implies that Jews are apes
and pigs - as a well-catechized three-year-old Fundamentalist Muslim girl told the World, in
2002, over an Arabic television network. However, from the Biblical Book of Hebrews (1:1 to
13:21) it is quite clear that Jews are neither apes nor pigs - but images of the Triune God Who
calls upon all mankind (including Jews and Muslims) to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the
Eternal Son of God - yesterday, and today, and for ever!

So the Bible is the Word of God - even according to the Qur’an . But the Qu’ran -
according to the Qur’an - has the right to abrogate even parts of itself. And, according to many
Muslim Scholars themselves - is obscure as to its meaning.

How different is the witness of the Bible - to the Bible! "Prepare the way of the Lord
[Jesus]; make straight in the desert a highway for our God!" For "the glory of the Lord shall be
revealed; and all flesh shall see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it." Isaiah
40:3-5 cf. Luke 3:2-6 & 3:15-17 (q.v.).

So, then - in the words of the Prophet Isaiah 40:6-8 - apart from the ever-living Christ,
“all flesh is grass, and all its comeliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the
flower fades - because the Spirit of the Lord blows upon it. Surely, the people are grass. The
grass withers, the flower fades. But the Word of our God shall keep on standing for ever!”

[The above is excerpted from the 2004 expanded edition and English translation of Dr. Lee’s
1964 University of Stellenbosch M.Th. Afrikaans-language Dissertation Muhammad in die
Bybel? Is Muhammad en die Islam in the Bybel voorspel? (Muhammad in the Bible? Were
Muhammad and Islam Predicted in the Bible?)]

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