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Name: Darol Jame Hil Darol Date: December 10 2024

Course: Information Technology & Human Dev't Program: BSE-Ved

Instructor: Mr. Solomon Patnaan, LPT

Information Technology has become center part of modern world, and in the human
development. It shape how peoples, and society work, it enhance actually the quality of life
in our modern world, and the development of the people to be more productive to the high
level as well. It transform the word, this day, it contribute mostly that make it life very easy,
Technology has made it easier than ever to connect with people all over the world, and it has
have a big play in human development, it reveals how digital technologies help people by
improving access to wider necessities of the community. Information technology have been
both brought positive and negative effects in human development and in the society,
technology has made it possible for people to access education and training, no matter where
they live this is some examples of the positive effect of technology. But by advancing the
technology many of the materials like machines and robots become more advanced, they are
capable of performing tasks that were previously done by humans, that forms that leads to
job loss and economic instability for those who are displaced. This course Information
technology and Human Dev't discuss all that matters how we face the wider uses of
technology to the human development.

Discussing the information technology and Human Development is broad actually,

because I have seen that technology is one of the most dominance materials that society use
to live in, it become needs and defended of the people for everything, and it's really happen
this day, what I have learned to it is Technology has changed our lives forever. It helps us
learn, connect with others and makes life easier. Today, technology is everywhere, and
Technology improves communication, allowing us to talk to friends and family from
anywhere. Technology provides access to information, helping us learn new things in so
many social media platforms ex. GOOGLE, GPT ETC. Technology also creates new
opportunities for jobs, education and healthcare. With online shopping, banking and
entertainment, technology giving our life is more convenient today.
We've been discussed not all about the positive of information Technology, but also
the negative effects of it that for today’s generation, especially young people, it can also have
some negative effects on their development. While technology has its benefits, we must be
aware of its challenges to use it responsibly, and I learned the summarization of the
discussion is that one major concern is the lack of physical activity. Many children spend
hours playing video games, watching videos, or scrolling on social media. This reduces the
time they could spend playing outside or exercising. And by that they may face health
problems like poor fitness. Staying active is essential for a healthy body, but too much screen
time can make it difficult to stay active. Example Using devices like phones or tablets before
bedtime can cause of poor. Lack of sleep can lead to tiredness, poor concentration, and even
mood changes, which affect daily life and school performance. The internet is full of
information, but not all of it is safe for us , Without guidance, the people might come across
inappropriate or harmful material that can negatively impact their thoughts and behavior.

In generalization yes technology is useful, but it can have negative effects on human
development if not used wisely. To avoid these problems, it is important to take an boarder
views about technology, take breaks, and balance technology use with other activities like
playing outdoors, reading, and spending time with loved ones. By using technology
responsibly, we can enjoy its benefits while avoiding its harmful effects.

Information Technology plays a big role in our lives today. It includes things like computers,
the internet, smartphones, and apps that make life easier. Information technology helps
people learn new skills, connect with others, and find jobs. It also makes it possible to access
healthcare, online education, and even entertainment. All these things improve our lives and
help us grow as individuals and as a society. But technology is not perfect like us. We as the
user of let's use wisely and and with care so that we lessen the negatives effect of technology
because we cannot stop it, technology born that have advantage and disadvantages so we as
people the user of it knows how to help the technology be an good materials that can help in
our lives, as like the church does.

The Church helped people understand the good and bad sides of technology and how it can
affect our lives. They reminds us to use technology in ways that are good for people and the
world. It teaches us to respect others, protect their privacy, and make sure technology doesn’t
hurt anyone. As what the Church says we should use the internet to share helpful and kind
messages, not to spread hate or lies. They believe it’s important to help poor communities get
these tools so they can learn, work, and connect with others. The Church runs many schools
and programs where children and adults can learn how to use technology responsibly. It also
teaches people to think about how technology can affect our world and our relationships.

The Church uses technology to connect with people everywhere. It livestreams

Masses, shares prayers on social media, and even has apps to help people learn about God
and the Bible. While technology can be amazing, the Church also talks about its dangers. For
example, it warns us about spending too much time on our phones or using technology to
harm others. It also reminds people to protect the environment when creating new
technologies. The Church helps people think about how technology can make our world
better. It invites scientists, leaders, and regular people to talk about how we can use new
inventions to help everyone live better lives. The Church wants us to use technology in ways
that bring us closer to God and to each other. It reminds us that while technology can make
life easier, we should never forget to care for people and the planet. By teaching kindness,
fairness, and responsibility, the Church helps make sure technology is used for good.

“So, next time you use a phone or computer, think about how you can use it to help
others, share love, and make the world a better place just like the Church teaches!.”

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