What is ITS?
Traffic control has been an issue since humans put the first wheels on the first cart. The
modern world demands mobility. Cars represent the main method of mobility, but today’s
congested highways and city streets don’t move fast, and sometimes they don’t move at
all. Intelligent traffic systems (ITS), sometimes called intelligent transportation systems,
apply communications and information technology to provide solutions to this congestion
as well as other traffic control issues.
The intelligent transport system (ITS) takes the first step towards meeting this challenge
by providing effective, reliable and meaningful knowledge to motorists in time.
Problems like high traffic congestion, low transportation efficiency, low safety and
endangered environment can be solved through innovative and sophisticated ways of
handling latest techniques that have emerged in recent years in integrating information
technology, electronics and telecommunication with roads and traffic management.
routes to travelers, enhance productivity, and save lives, time and money.
Intelligent transportation systems provide the tools for skilled transportation professionals
to collect, analyze, and archive data about the performance of the system during the hours
of peak use. Having this data enhances traffic operators' ability to respond to incidents,
adverse weather or other capacity constricting events
The investments in ITS will help increase the benefits and efficiencies of transportation
systems, thereby reducing the need for much costlier physical expansion of systems. This
optimism is not to be confused as any kind of illusion that new infrastructure expansion
in India can be avoided altogether by resorting to ITS. Significant expansion of
infrastructure will still be needed in India for a long time to come. But including ITS in
the overall development strategy of India’s transportation system can increase the number
of beneficiaries of the system, significantly enhance the transportation-related safety
which is a major concern in most parts of India and in some cases reduce the scale of
infrastructure expansion. Thus, a realistic approach to ITS deployment in India would
consist of a balanced component of ITS as part of the ongoing expansion of
transportation system.
United States have reported an increase in throughout by 25% and reduction in travel
times by 25% after implementing appropriate ITS initiatives. The following is a list of
identified benefits of ITS projects :
With the advent of new technologies, it is necessary to update the information and
implement, the know how after carefully going through the traffic problems. At present
traffic police are regulating the traffic partially and remaining is controlled by semi and
fully automatic systems. Most of the cities in India have the combination of manual as
well as automated systems like signals, vehicle actuated signals, electronic toll
collections, CCTV, Area traffic control, signal synchronization and coordination with
local loop network.
To use or to adopt any system for a given environment, it is important to study and
analyze the problem which helps to choose a particular method or system.
APTS technologies are a collection of technologies that increase the efficiency and
safety of public transportation systems and offer users greater access to information
on system operations. The implementation of APTS technologies is transforming the
way public transportation systems operate, and changing the nature of the
transportation services that can be offered by public transportation systems. The
goal is to provide public transportation decision-makers more information to make
effective decisions on systems and operations and to increase travelers Convenience and
rider ship.
APTS technologies can be organized into three broad categories that describe the
technologies relevance to transit applications. Each category is comprised of a
variety of technology choices that are available to help transport agencies and
organizations meet traveler’s service needs while increasing safety and efficiency.
The three APTS technology categories are: fleet management system, travelers
information system and electronic payment system.
Deliver data directly to travelers, empowering them to make better choices about
alternate routes or modes of transportation. When archived, this historical data provides
transportation planners with accurate travel pattern information, optimizing the
transportation planning process.
This system can benefit the public with improved traffic and public safety, by monitoring
the flow of traffic and making appropriate decisions in a timely manner. Additional
benefits include less fuel consumption and reduced environmental impact. They employ a
variety of relatively inexpensive detectors, cameras, and communication systems to
monitor traffic, optimize signal timings on major arterials, and control the flow of traffic.
Intelligent transportation systems offer many types of information. They may offer real-
time information about traffic conditions, such as variable message signs (Fig:2) to warn
of accidents or other delays. ITS controls the flow of traffic via traffic signals, or by
opening and closing special gated lanes that allow commuters to access additional traffic
lanes in one direction or the other, depending on the time of day, and the direction of the
heaviest commuter traffic flow. Some applications provide fog sensors that activate road
lights in areas where heavy fog can occur and cause extremely hazardous driving
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conditions. These fog sensors may also be used to send a message to a variable message
sign located before the foggy section to warn motorists of the upcoming hazard.
They provide traffic operators with the tools to allow quick and efficient response to
accidents, hazardous spills, and other emergencies. There are major corridors where
traffic flows are very heavy. Any small incident obstructs the flow, resulting in huge
losses in terms of fuel and time. Consequently, conducting surveillance on corridors and
identifying incidents causing problems can be useful in saving economic losses.
Surveillance systems are based on electronically operated cameras or loop detectors
embedded in pavements. Enables authorities to identify and to respond to vehicle crashes
or breakdowns with the most appropriate and timely emergency services, thereby
minimizing recovery times.
Here is how it works: when a vehicle passes through the toll gate, a microwave tag (non-
contact IC card) exchanges information both ways between the gate and the vehicle to
automatically subtract the toll from, for example, a prepaid card or a bank account. This
method offers a huge increase in efficiency compared to manual toll collection, and
should reduce traffic congestion at toll-booths, save energy, and reduce exhaust
ETC (Electronic Toll Collection System) is a system by which drivers can pay tolls
without having to stop at a tollbooth. The collection of fees is performed electronically by
way of equipment installed in the vehicle and sensors at the toll location
This system addresses the present accident caused when traffic slows down abruptly due
to road conditions, forcing the driver to apply brakes and if they cannot apply brake in
advance, it may cause crash to other vehicles and at the same time vehicle behind may
crash into this vehicle. This leads to chain reaction of accidents. The information given to
the driver when the vehicles come close either from front or back is conveyed through
AWS which helps in preventing road crashes.
In this system, the drivers are provided with real-time information on the traffic
conditions via FM multiple broadcasting, radio waves. Here the traffic personnel can take
a channel in FM band to update and inform all road users about the Traffic flow
conditions and other information like congestion, jams, roadblocks, pollution levels etc.
Road map( fig 4.1 ) quickly shows the driver the traffic conditions in surrounding areas..
The map shows the driver which roads are congested. It also displays other traffic
restrictions, such as expressway on-ramp closures. The driver can use this information to
select the best route by using in-vehicle monitor.
Video transmission:
communities have been installing cameras on traffic signals to record the license plates of
cars whose drivers run a red light. All of these applications require distance between the
site where the information is collected and the location where the information gets stored.
Video transmission that incorporates 2-way data has grown as an ITS application.
Vehicles with speed violations can be captured along with registration numbers using this
system at places like mid block, junctions, etc. Automatic detection of unauthorized
vehicles on restricted corridors and parking areas are possible, which improves the traffic
control and safety. These are some of the applications of this system.
In India 70 State Transport Undertakings which together own and operate 1,13,000
Buses and, provide mobility to 65 million passengers a day, across the length and
Breadth of the country. APTS technologies along with Fleet Management Systems
can make use, to achieve sustainable and environmental friendly transportation for
the 21stCentury. In addition to the above technologies, institutional and market
factors also play an important role in successful ITS deployment for enhanced
safety, mitigation of environmental impacts of transportation systems, enhanced
energy performance, and improved productivity.
ITS has been proved to be the optimal solution to the enigma of building and
operating transportation systems to meet expeditiously growing urban travel demand
in developed countries.
The most important task of ITS India will be the dissemination of ITS knowledge and
imparting training for new professionals. ITS India would be able to bring the ITS
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expertise in the public and private sectors and academia under one umbrella. Taking into
account the political, economic and linguistic differences in India from one region to
another, the ministry of Surface Transportation may have to take the lead in establishing
such an organization. In the Indian context, a professional body of this nature would be
expected to consist of regional units in each state with a coordinating central body.
In 1980’s, number of developed countries started using advanced systems to control and
regulate the traffic, accident accident prevention, parking , toll collections, signalization
and other vital tasks. This is still to develop in India to suit our local ambience. Also the
problems faced by us are different than those in developed countries. The very first
equipment to be used in Indian environment was electronic toll collection along the
newly created expressways viz., Delhi-Noida, Ahmedabad-Mehasana, Mumbai-pune,
expressways which is functioning satisfactorily.
What we need for the present day in India is to save the lives of innocent people from
onslaught of accidents, which is termed as “murder on wheels”. This is because every
year more than rupees 7000 crores are being spent as compensation from authorities.
Using ITS, it is possible to save the lives of the victims by transferring them to trauma
care centers within the golden hour. Almost, more than 1% of GDP is just paid as
compensation. In developed countries, a portion of this type of amount is spent in
advance to improve road, traffic and other related conditions to prevent accidents
beforehand, which are termed as “import cost”. In India, accidents are allowed to take
place and compensation is paid later which amounts to a greater magnitude, which is
termed as “export cost”. In this direction, number of technically advanced systems are
available in the developed countries, whereas this is always a question mark in
developing countries particularly in India.
What is needed in the present context is the mindset of policy and decision makers to use
for Indian highways and problematic locations of urban areas. What ultimately is
expected is co-operation from end user and the adaptation to the new system.
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In India many infrastructural projects are under construction and some are still in
planning stage. Some of the ITS technologies like AWS, ETC, fleet management,
incident management can be applied to achieve an efficient transport system. Public
transport that is almost monopolized in Indian cities can utilize ITS based technologies
for their effective operation. Since ITS technology is as old 20 years in the world, India
will have to pick up this for its updating and on par with developed countries in modern
transportation requirements.