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It can be easily shown that: the magnetic field at the
end of the solernoid isjust one half of that at its middle.
A The magnetic field inside a
independent of its radius and toroidal ssencia
depends onky on the
Bend current and the number of turns per unat lengih e
feld inside the toroid has constat
of magnetic field Tnagnitude and
----------b Fig. 4.51 shows the variation tangential directior1 at every point
with distance y o
theaxis of a long straight solenoid In ideal toroid, the coils are circular and magnetic
field is zero external to the toroid. In a real toroid the
its centre. turns form a helix and there is a smal nagnetic fietd
external to the toroid
Toroids are expected to play a key role in the Tokamak
Fig. 4.50 The magnetic field of a very long solenoid. which acts as a magnetic container for the fusion of
outside it. Fig. 4.50 shows the sectional view of a long Fig. 4.53 A sectional view of the toroidal solenoid. plasma in fusion (thermonuclear) power reactors.
solenojd. At various tums of the solenojd, current B
comes out of the plane of paper at points marked Oand dashed lines. By symmetry, the magnetic field should Examples based on
enters the plane of paper at points marked . To be tangential them and constant in magnitude for
each of the loops. Amperes CircuitalLaw and Magnetic
deternine the magnetic field B at any inside point, End of End of
Field due to (0 Straight Solenoid
+Distance - solenoid 1. For points in the open space interior to the
consider a rectangular closed path abcd as the solenoid
toroid. Let B, be the magnitude of the magnetic field n Toroidal Solnotd
Amperean loop. According to Ampere's circuital law,
along along the Amperean loop 1 of radius r,
Fig. 4.51 Variation of magnetic field
the axis of solenoid. Length of the loop 1, L =2n 1. Ampere's circuital law, Bil -k
=u x Total current through the loop abcd As the loop encloses no current, so I=0
.41 MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO A Applying Ampere's circuital law,
When Bis directed along tangent to every po
Nowf -f B.a TOROIDAL SOLENOID on closed curve L, BL=
2. Magnetic field due to straight solenoid,
11. Apply Ampere's circuital law to find the magnetic
B x 2nr =ox0 (i) At a point well inside the solenoid, B=u,
field both inside and outside of a toroidal solenoid. 1
Magnetic field due to a toroidal solenoid. A
B, =0 (ü) Ateíther end of the solenoid, Bend
B dl cos 90° =0
solenoid bent into the form of aclosed ring is called a toroidal Thus the magnetic field at any point P in the open space
solenoid. Alternatively, it is an anchor ring (torous) interior to the toroid is zero. Here n is the number of turnsper unít leng
around which a large numnber of tums of a metalic wire 2. For points inside the toroid. Let B be the 3. Magnetic field inside a toroidal solenoid, B
B dl cos 90° =0
are wound, as shown in Fig. 4.52. We shall see that the magnitude of the magnetic field along the Amperean Magnetic field is zero outside the toroid.
magnetic field B has a constant magnitude everywhere loop 2 of radius r. UNITS UsED

inside the toroid while it is zero in the open space Length of loop 2, L, =2 r Bis in tesla, current Iin ampere and n in

interior (point P) and exterior (point ) to the toroid. If Nis the total number of turns in the toroid and I
as B=0 for points outside the solenoid. the current in the toroid, then total current enclosed by LAAMPL 27. Asolenoid coil of solenoid
300 turns/m is
is 0.5 m
the loop 2= NI Current of 5 A. The length of the
Applying Ampere's circuital law, radius of1 cm. Find the magnitude of the ma
inside the solenoid.
Bx 2rr=Hx NI Solution. Here n =300 turns/m, I-5 A
= Bdl cos (0° =B d! =BI 2r .. B=u,nl =41 10300 5 =1.9
toroid and n the EXAMPLLz8. Asolenoid of length0.5 mlhas a
vhere, If r be the average radius of the 50 turns. It carries a Currer
number of turns per unit length, then and is made up of
-length of the side ab of the rectangular loop abcd. field instde
N =2rn
is the magnitude of the magneic
Let number of turns per unit length of the
lenoid = n Solution. Number of turns per uni
B=# nl
Then number of turns in length lof the solenoid to the
3. For points in the open space exterior
500 =1000 turns
the n 05m
Fig. 4.52 A toroidal solenoid. toroid. Each turn of the toroid passes twice through
But fo each
Thus the current of the solenoid threads the loop area encosed by the Amperean loop 3. Here l =0.5 mad r -001 m ic.
paper is
n tirnes. Fig. 4.53 shows a sectional view of the toroidal turn, the current coming out of the plane of use formula for magnetc fhed irsie
Total current threading the loop abcd =nll solenoid. The direction of the magnetic field inside is cancelled by the current going into the plane of papr. B=unl =47 10 100
clockwise as per the right-hand thumb rule for circular Thus, I =0and hence B, =0.
Bl =,nll or B=#,nl loops. Three circular Amperean loops are

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