GATE Roadmap - Sheet1
GATE Roadmap - Sheet1
GATE Roadmap - Sheet1
Sorting Algorithms Different sorting algorithm and their time complexity 2 Sorting Algorithms
Divide and Conquer Paradigm Merge sort and Quick sort 1
Algorithms Huffman Encoding Greedy technique [Lec 10 to Lec 13] Lec [13A, 13B, 13C]
Greedy Algorithms 1
Activity Selection method
Assembly line scheduling DP Lectures [ Lec 18 to Lec 21] Lec[12A, 12B, 12C, 12D]
Standard DP Problems Chain matrix multiplication 2
Longest common subsequence etc
BFS and DFS algorithm CLRS Book Chapter 22 Lec [14A,14B,14C,14D,14E,14F]
Graph Traversal Techniques and Applications 3
Application of DFS and BFS
Minimum Spanning Trees Algorithms for MST 1 CLRS Book Chapter 23 Lec [17A, 17B, 17C]
Shortest Path Algorithms Algorithms for Shortest path 2 CLRS Book Chapter 24, 25 Lec [18A, 18B, 18C, 19A, 19C]
Flow control (Sliding window algorithms) and Link utilizaiton Data Link Layer by IIT B
Error control
Data Link Layer 3
Access control protocol
Concepts related to Ethernet
Classful and Classless Addressing Network Layer by IIT B
Subnetting and supernetting
Routing algorithm
Network Layer 5
Traffic reshaping algorithm
Computer IPV4 Header
Networks Switching technique TCP-IP Protocol Suite Book
TCP header and UDP header Transport Layer by IIT B
3 - way and 4 - way handshaking
Transport Layer TCP state diagram 5
Congestion control
Calculation of Time out timer
Different application layer protocols Application Layer by IIT B
Application Layer 2
Function of different devices at diff layers
Socket Programming Basics of socket programming 1
Relational Agebra and TRC Relational Algebra and TRC 2 Video Lectures to cover DBMS Database System Concepts
SQL SQL 3 Book by Abraham Silerschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan
Normal Forms or
Canonical Cover Playlist to cover DBMS
Normalization 5
Lossless and lossy decomposition
Dependency preserving decomposition
File Organization
File Organization and Indexing Indexing technique 3
B and B+ Trees
Database and
Different problems related to Concurency
Management ACID property
Systems Recoverability
Conflict and View serializability
Transaction and Concurency Control Locking protocols 5
Deadlock prevention algorithms
Timestamp algorithm
Multigranularity protocol
Multiversion protocol
ER Model ER diagram 1
Recovery Management System Recovery management techniques and checkpointing 1
DFA, NFA and epsilon NFA for diff languages Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Conversion from epsilon NFA to NFA Video lectures to cover TOC Book by Michael Sipser
Conversion from NFA to DFA or
Minimization of DFA Pumping lemma [Lec 5,6,7] Proof based video lectures to cover TOC
Moore machine and Mealy machine
Regular expression for diff language Myhill NeRode [Lec : 16, 17, 18]
Finite Automata and Regular Expression 6
RE to FA conversion and FA to RE conversion
Arden's Lemma Closure Properties table
Myhill nerode theorem
Operations on FA Decidability Table
Theory of
Finite Automata and Regular Expression 6
Aptitude Solve all the PYQs of all branches Parallal Solve all the PYQs of all the branches
Total Days 176
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After covering the topics, the rest you can do is to practice, practice and practice. There is no other way around.
You can solve PYQs, give test series to analyse you learning atleast 2 times.
Also, try to revise regularly, because it will be a total waste if you can't remember what you have studied.
If i missed anything or you find something is not covered then you can google it you will easily find Good university ppts , pdf material cover that topic from that.
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