GATE Roadmap - Sheet1

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Primary Resource Must Follow

Secondary Follow only when you have time and you didn't get the concepts from primary resources
Subjects Topics Subtopics #Days Primary Resources Secondary Resource
Simplify Boolean Expressions Video lectures to cover DLD [Lec 1 to Lec 30] Video lectures to cover DLD [Lec 1 to Lec 46]
SOP and POS Forms
Boolean Algebra Functionally Complete Set 2 Static 1 Hazard
Self Dual Funtions
K Maps Static 0 and Dynamic Hazard
Types of GATEs
Half Adder
Full Adder
Half and Full Subtractor
Digital Logic Combinational Circuit Ripple Carry Adder 3
Carry Look Ahead Adder
Encoder and Decoder
Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
Static and Dynamic Hazards
Latches and FlipFlops
State Minimizations
Sequential Circuit Sequential Circuit Design
Counters 2
Base Convertion Video lectures to cover COA [Mod- 1, 2, 5, 6] Video lectures to cover COA [Exclude lectures not part of Gate syllabus]
Sign and Unsigned Number Representations
Sign Extention Number Systems
Number System and Representations 3
Multiplier Circuits
Booth Multiplication
IEEE Floating Point Representation
Different Addressing Modes
Addressing Modes 2
Computer Different Types of Instructions
Organizations ALU and Data Path Design
ALU, Data Path and Control Unit 2
and Types of Control Units
Architecture Speed Up
Pipelining Pipeline 2
Hazards and Solutions for Pipeline
Cache Mapping Technique
Memory Hierarchy Cache Replacement Techniques 3
Avg. Memory Access Time Calculations
Different Types of I/O Access
I/O Interfacing 2
Disk Organizations
Types of OS Video lectures to cover OS Operating System Concepts
Operating Systems and System Calls Process State Diagrams 1 Book by Abraham Silerschatz, Greg Gagne, and Peter Baer Galvin
Fork System Call Cover remaining topics From this playlist
Scheduling Algorithms Type of Scheduling Algorithms 2
Different Synchroniation Mechanisms
Synchronization 5
Threading Threading 1
Memory Allocation and Deallocation Techniques
Single and Multi level Paging
Memory Management and Virtual Memory 5

Memory Management and Virtual Memory 5

Paged Segmentation and Segmented Paging

Disk Scheduling Algorithms
File Systems 2
Disk Allocation Methods
Different Types of Matrices Solve all the PYQs of all the branches
Determinant of a matrix
Rank of a Matrix
Linear Algebra 5
System of Linear Equations
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
LU Decompositions
Continuity and Differentiability
Calculus Taylor Series 4
Maxima and Minima
Conditional Probability
Bayes Theorem
Probability 5
Random Variable
Discrete and Continuous Distribution
Permutation and Combination Best and Easy way to understand this Video lectures to cover Discrete Maths Lec [1 - 54], [61 - 63]
Prinicple of Inclusion and Exclusion subject is to read the below book
Counting 4
Solving recurrence relation using traditional method Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Counting Lectures [lec : 16 - 21]
Dearrangements Book by Kenneth H. Rosen
Tautology and Contradiction (Don't skip this book)
Logical Implications
Propositional Logic and First Order Logic 3
Inference System
First order Logic
Different Types of Relations and Functions
Set, Relation and Function 3
Mapping and Composite Functions
Discrete Maths Partial Order and Lattice Partial Order Relation and Lattice 3
Generating Functions Generating Functions 2 Pegion hole principle and Generating function Lec [27, 30, 31]
Types of Graphs and Graph Terminologies
Euler Graph
Graph Theory Hamiltonian Graph 5
Theorems related to Trees
Graph Coloring
Group Theory Theorems related to Group 2
Scope and Lifetime of variables The C Programming Language
Parameter passing techniques Book by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
Pointers and Array
Refer any Standard book on C 7
Row Major and Column Major Order of Array Classic Data Structures
Structure and Union Book by D. Samanta
Programming LinkedList Concepts related to Linked List 2 Lecture to cover Hashing
and Data Stack Concepts related to Stack 1
Structures Queue Concepts related to Queue 1
Tree Concepts related to Trees 3
Binary Search Tree Concepts related to BST 1
AVL Tree Concepts related to AVL Trees 1
Heap Concepts related to Heap 1
Hashing Hashing Techniques 1
Asymptotic Notation Asymtotic Time and Space complexity (Lec : 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D) CLRS Book Chapter 3
Asymtotic Time and Space Complexity 1
Comparision of functions using diff methods
Substitution method Solving Recurrence Relations (Lec : 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D)
Solving Recurrence Relations Master theorem 2
Tree method
Searching method Binary Search 1 Binary Search

Sorting Algorithms Different sorting algorithm and their time complexity 2 Sorting Algorithms
Divide and Conquer Paradigm Merge sort and Quick sort 1
Algorithms Huffman Encoding Greedy technique [Lec 10 to Lec 13] Lec [13A, 13B, 13C]
Greedy Algorithms 1
Activity Selection method
Assembly line scheduling DP Lectures [ Lec 18 to Lec 21] Lec[12A, 12B, 12C, 12D]
Standard DP Problems Chain matrix multiplication 2
Longest common subsequence etc
BFS and DFS algorithm CLRS Book Chapter 22 Lec [14A,14B,14C,14D,14E,14F]
Graph Traversal Techniques and Applications 3
Application of DFS and BFS
Minimum Spanning Trees Algorithms for MST 1 CLRS Book Chapter 23 Lec [17A, 17B, 17C]
Shortest Path Algorithms Algorithms for Shortest path 2 CLRS Book Chapter 24, 25 Lec [18A, 18B, 18C, 19A, 19C]
Flow control (Sliding window algorithms) and Link utilizaiton Data Link Layer by IIT B
Error control
Data Link Layer 3
Access control protocol
Concepts related to Ethernet
Classful and Classless Addressing Network Layer by IIT B
Subnetting and supernetting
Routing algorithm
Network Layer 5
Traffic reshaping algorithm
Computer IPV4 Header
Networks Switching technique TCP-IP Protocol Suite Book
TCP header and UDP header Transport Layer by IIT B
3 - way and 4 - way handshaking
Transport Layer TCP state diagram 5
Congestion control
Calculation of Time out timer
Different application layer protocols Application Layer by IIT B
Application Layer 2
Function of different devices at diff layers
Socket Programming Basics of socket programming 1
Relational Agebra and TRC Relational Algebra and TRC 2 Video Lectures to cover DBMS Database System Concepts
SQL SQL 3 Book by Abraham Silerschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan
Normal Forms or
Canonical Cover Playlist to cover DBMS
Normalization 5
Lossless and lossy decomposition
Dependency preserving decomposition
File Organization
File Organization and Indexing Indexing technique 3
B and B+ Trees
Database and
Different problems related to Concurency
Management ACID property
Systems Recoverability
Conflict and View serializability
Transaction and Concurency Control Locking protocols 5
Deadlock prevention algorithms
Timestamp algorithm
Multigranularity protocol
Multiversion protocol
ER Model ER diagram 1
Recovery Management System Recovery management techniques and checkpointing 1
DFA, NFA and epsilon NFA for diff languages Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Conversion from epsilon NFA to NFA Video lectures to cover TOC Book by Michael Sipser
Conversion from NFA to DFA or
Minimization of DFA Pumping lemma [Lec 5,6,7] Proof based video lectures to cover TOC
Moore machine and Mealy machine
Regular expression for diff language Myhill NeRode [Lec : 16, 17, 18]
Finite Automata and Regular Expression 6
RE to FA conversion and FA to RE conversion
Arden's Lemma Closure Properties table
Myhill nerode theorem
Operations on FA Decidability Table

Theory of
Finite Automata and Regular Expression 6

Regular Grammer to FA and FA to Regular Grammer conversion

Theory of
Pumping Lemma for Regular Language
Computation Elimination of epsilon productions
Elimination of Unit production
Removal of useless production
CFG and PDA CNF and GNF form 4
CYK algorithms
PDA and NPDA construction for diff CFL
Difference between acceptance of language by empty stack and Final state
language accepted by TM
Rice Theorem
Turing Machine 6
Decidability and Undecidability chart
Closure property of standard operations
Diff phase of comiplers Video lectures to cover Compiler Design Video Lectures to cover Complier Design
Lexical Analysis
Determenestic and Non determenestic Grammer Video lectures to cover Liveness Analysis
Basic Topics Left recursive and Right recursive Grammer 2
Ambiguous and Unambiguos Grammer
Removing Non determinisam from grammer
Removing Lefr recursiveness from grammer
Recursive Decent parser
Parsing SLR(1) 6
Operator precedence
SDT Types of SDT 1
Intermediate Code Generation Types of ICG 1
Optimization Different Optimization technique 1
Liveness Analysis Liveness Analysis 1

Aptitude Solve all the PYQs of all branches Parallal Solve all the PYQs of all the branches
Total Days 176

Free Gatebook

After covering the topics, the rest you can do is to practice, practice and practice. There is no other way around.
You can solve PYQs, give test series to analyse you learning atleast 2 times.
Also, try to revise regularly, because it will be a total waste if you can't remember what you have studied.
If i missed anything or you find something is not covered then you can google it you will easily find Good university ppts , pdf material cover that topic from that.
Try to use non-standard resources as less as possible, as it will never help you in Gate or in IITs
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