Maximum Marks: 80
GRADE:X Mathema cs (041) Time :3Hrs
13. It is given that ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶~∆𝐸𝐷𝐹 such that AB=5cm, AC=7cm, DF=15cm, DE=12cm then the
sum of the remaining sides of the triangle is
(a) 23.05cm (b) 16.8cm (c) 6.25cm (d) 24cm
14. The median and mode respec vely of a frequency distribu on are 26 and 29. Then its mean
(a) 27.5 (b) 24.5 (c) 28.4 (d) 25.8
15. In figure AP, AQ and BC are tangents of the circle with centre O. if AB=5cm, AC=6cm andBC=4cm
then the length of AP is
16. A le er is chosen at random from the le ers of the word ‘ASSASSINATION’. The probability that the
le er chosen is a vowel is in the form then the value of x is
(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 8
17. The centroid of the triangle whose ver ces are (3, — 7), (— 8, 6) and (5, 10) is
(a) (0, 9) (b) (0,3) (c) (1,3) (d) (3,5)
18. The value of k for which the system of equa on 𝑥 + 𝑦— 4 = 0 and 2𝑥 + 𝑘𝑦 = 3 has
no solu on
(a)-2 (b)3 (c)-3 (d)2
19. Asser on(A): If sum of the first ‘n’ terms of an AP is given by 𝑆 = 3𝑛 — 4𝑛. Then its
nthterm is 𝑎𝑛 = 6𝑛 — 7
Reason(R): nth term of an AP whose sum to n-terms is Sn is given by 𝑎 = 𝑆 — 𝑆
a. Both asser on (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explana on
of asser on (A).
b. Both asser on (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct
explana on of asser on(A).
c. Asser on (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
d. Asser on (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
24. AOB is the diameter of a circle with centre O and AC is a tangent to the circle at A. If
∠𝐵𝑂𝐶 = 130° then find ∠𝐴𝐶𝑂.
Two concentric circles are of radii 6.5cm and 2.5cm. Find the length of chord of the larger
circle which is tangent to the smaller circle?
25. In ∆PQR, LM║QR, = , PR=5.6cm find PM.
Section – C
26. Given that √2 is irrational, prove that 5 + 3√2 is an irrational number.
27. Time taken by a person to cover 50km was 2 ½ hours more than me taken in the return
journey. If he returned at a speed of 10km/hr. more than the speed while going. Find
the speed per hour in each direc on.
A motorboat whose speed is 24km/hr. in still water takes 1 hr. more to go 32km upstream
than to return downstream to the same spot. Find the speed of the stream.
28. The 14th term of an AP is twice its 8th term. If its 6th term is — 8, then find the sum of its
first 20 terms.
29. Prove that + =1
30. Two dice are thrown at the same me.
Find the probability of ge ng
(i) different numbers on both dice
(ii) an odd number on the first die and even number on the second die
(iii) product of numbers on both the dice is less than 9.
31. Prove that parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus
XY and X’Y’ are two parallel tangents drawn from an external point to a circle with
centre O and another tangent AB with point of contact C intersecting XY at A and X’Y’
at B. Prove that ∠𝐴𝑂𝐵 = 90°
Sec on – D
32. An aero plane is flying at a height of 300m above the ground. Flying at this height,
the angles of depression from aero plane of two points on both banks of a river in
oppositedirec ons are 450 and 300 respec vely. Find the width of the river:
(Use √𝟑 = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟑𝟐)
A man is standing on the deck of a ship which is 8m above water level. He observes the
angle of elevation of the top of a hill as 600 and the angle of depression of the base
of the hill as 300. Calculate the distance of the hill from the ship and the height of the hill.
33. a). Prove that if a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle intersec ng the other
twosides in dis nct points, then the other two sides are divided in the same ra o.
b) In ∆ABC, DE║AB. If AD=2x, DC=x+3,BE=2x-1 and CE=x then find the value of x.
34. A cone of maximum size is carved out from a cube of edge 14cm. Find the surface
An equilateral triangle has been inscribed in a circle of radius 6cm. Find the area of the
shaded region. (Use 𝜋 = 3.14, √3 = 1.73)
35. If the median of the following frequency distribu on is 32.5 find the values of x and y
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Total
Frequency x 5 9 12 y 3 2 40
Section – E (Case study-based questions)
36. The heart rate is one of the ‘vital signs’ of health in the human body. It measures
the number of mes per minute that the heart contracts or beats. The speed of
the heartbeat varies because of physical ac vity, threats to safety and emo onal
responses. The res ng heart rate refers to the heart rate when a person is
relaxed while a normal heart rate does not guarantee that a person is free of
health problems. It is a useful benchmark for iden fying a range of health issues.
A er the age of 10 years the heart rate of a person should be between 60 and
100 beats per minute while they are res ng.
Thirty women were examined by doctors of AIIMS and the number of heart
beats per minute were recorded and summarised as follows.
No: of heart beats No: of
per minute women
65-68 2
68-71 4
71-74 3
74-77 8
77-80 7
80-83 4
83-86 2