Function 3 by Aman Pandey

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1) Function 3 is a very vast topic, so I have tried to compile all the

data in one PDF. All these notes have been compiled by me,
mainly using data from the primary publication, the internet, and
genuine sources. To the best of my knowledge, this information is
entirely accurate.

2) This PDF is searchable, so you can save time by searching for

individual topics.

3) Open to Corrections

4) If my effort helps you in any way, I will be grateful. Share this

PDF, so that those in need will benefit. If any query, mail me

5) Function 3 Topics Include

3.2) Codes & Convention
3.3) SOLAS
3.4) STCW
3.5) Survey & Certification
3.6) Ballast Water Convention
3.7) IMO & MEPC
3.8) ISM & SMS
3.9) ISPS
3.10) MLC
3.11) PSC
3.12) Ship Construction
3.13) Ship Stability
3.14) Fire Safety Systems
3.15) Life Saving Appliances & Arrangements
3.16) IMGS & MFAG
3.17) Function 3 Miscellaneous
➢ What is MARPOL? History of MARPOL? Why is it called MARPOL

➢ The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from

Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978, or "MARPOL 73/78"
(short for "Marine Pollution") is one of the most important
international marine environmental conventions. It was developed by
the International Maritime Organization with an objective to minimize
pollution of the oceans and seas, including dumping, oil, and air
pollution. Here’s a Brief History of MARPOL:

➢ 1954-IMO implemented The International Convention for the

Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (OILPOL)

➢ 1967-The wreck of Torrey canyon sparked controversy and resulted in

a series of conventions, including further amendments to the 1954
Convention, which were adopted in 1969.

➢ 1971-The International Convention for the prevention of pollution of

the sea by oil, 1954, (OILPOL) was amended again, however it was
generally felt that an entirely new instrument was required to control
pollution of the seas by ships.

➢ The 1973 Convention required ratification by 15 states, with a

combined merchant fleet of not less than 50 percent of world
shipping by gross tonnage to enter into force.

➢ By 1976, it only received ratification by 3 states, Jordan, Kenya &

Tunisia- representing less than 1 percent of world’s merchant
shipping fleet. This was despite the fact that states can become party
to the convention by only ratifying annex 1 & annex 2, annexes 3, 4, &
5 were optional.
➢ In February 1978, in spate of tanker accidents between 1976-1977,
IMO held a conference on tanker safety & pollution prevention (TSPP)

➢ The conference adopted measures affecting tanker design &

operation, which was incorporated in both the protocol, protocol of
1978 relating to the 1974 convention on the safety of life at sea (1978
SOLAS protocol) & protocol of 1978 relating to the 1973 International
Convention of Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1978 MARPOL

➢ As the 1973 Convention has not entered into force, the 1978 Protocol
absorbed the Parent Convention. The combined instrument- the
International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973,
as modified by the protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78).

➢ MARPOL Annex I came into force on 2 October 1983 and deals with
the discharge of oil into the ocean environment

➢ List all the Annexes of MARPOL & Entry into force Date?

1) Annex I: Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil

▪ Entry into Force 2 October 1983

2) Annex II: Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious

Liquid Substances in Bulk
▪ Entry into Force 2 October 1983, Provisions took effect from: 6
April 1987

3) Annex III: Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful

Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
▪ Entry into Force 1 July 1992

4) Annex IV: Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage

from Ships
▪ Entry into Force 27 September 2003

5) Annex V: Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage

from Ships
▪ Entry into Force 31 December 1988

6) Annex VI: Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from

▪ Entry into Force 19 May 2005

➢ List all the Latest Amendments to MARPOL? Updated as per July-


1) Annex I: To prohibit the use, and carriage for use as fuel of heavy fuel
oil (HFO) by ships in Arctic waters were adopted. This prohibition will
be applied on or after 1 July 2024.

2) Annex I: In relation to watertight doors. The ship must be designed so

that the final position of the waterline (the line where the ship's hull
meets the water) remains below any openings through which water
could enter the ship and cause it to flood. This is to ensure that the
ship remains safe and stable in water, even if it heels, sinks, or trim.

3) Annex V: Mandatory garbage record books for smaller ships -

amendments to MARPOL Annex V to make the Garbage Record Book
mandatory also for ships of 100 gross tonnage and above and less
than 400 gross tonnage. 1 May 2024

4) Annex VI: Fuel flashpoint in bunker delivery note - amendments to

appendix V of MARPOL Annex VI, to include flashpoint of fuel oil or a
statement that the flashpoint has been measured at or above 70ºC as
mandatory information in the bunker delivery note (BDN).
5) Annex VI: Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area for Sulphur
Oxides and particular matter - designation of Mediterranean Sea, as a
whole, as an Emission Control Area for Sulphur Oxides and Particular
Matter, under MARPOL Annex VI 1 May 2024

6) MARPOL Annex II, updating the abbreviated legend to the revised

GESAMP Hazard Evaluation Procedure. Amendments to Appendix I of
MARPOL Annex II related to the revised GESAMP Hazard Evaluation
Procedure used for classification of new products carried on chemical
tankers were adopted. Column E1 is reassigned for the rating of the
flashpoint, and Column C3 concerning inhalation toxicity has been
expanded to introduce sub-categorization with thresholds for mist
and vapour concentrations. The amendments will enter into force on
1 November 2023.

7) EEXI, CII and rating values - amendments to appendix IX of MARPOL

Annex VI on the reporting of mandatory values related to the
implementation of the IMO short-term GHG reduction measure,
including attained EEXI, CII and rating values to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil
Consumption Database (IMO DCS).

➢ With Respect to the Respective MARPOL Annexes, Explain

• Oil Tanker
▪ means a ship constructed or adapted primarily to carry oil in bulk
in its cargo spaces and includes combination carriers, any "NLS
tanker" as defined in Annex II of the present Convention and any
gas carrier as defined in regulation 3.20 of chapter II-1 of SOLAS 74
(as amended), when carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk.

• Oil
▪ Oil means petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil,
sludge, oil refuse and refined products.
• Nearest Land
▪ The term "from the nearest land" means from the baseline from
which the territorial sea of the territory in question is established in
accordance with international law

• En Route
▪ Means that the ship is under way at sea on a course or courses,
including deviation from the shortest direct route, which as far as
practicable for navigational purposes, will cause any discharge to
be spread over as great an area of the sea as is reasonable and

• Special Area
▪ means a sea area where for recognized technical reasons in
relation to its oceanographical and ecological condition and to the
particular character of its traffic the adoption of special mandatory
methods for the prevention of sea pollution by oil.

• Instantaneous Rate of Discharge

▪ Means the rate of discharge of oil in litres per hour at any instant
divided by the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant.

• Clean Ballast
▪ means the ballast in a tank which since oil was last carried therein,
has been so cleaned that effluent therefrom if it were discharged
from a ship which is stationary into clean calm water on a clear day
would not produce visible traces of oil on the surface of the water
or on adjoining shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be
deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoining

• Segregated Ballast
▪ means the ballast water introduced into a tank which is completely
separated from the cargo oil and oil fuel system and which is
permanently allocated to the carriage of ballast or to the carriage
of ballast or cargoes other than oil.

• NLS Tanker
▪ means a ship constructed or adapted to carry a cargo of noxious
liquid substances in bulk and includes an ‘‘oil tanker’’ as defined in
Annex I of the present Convention when certified to carry a cargo
or part cargo of noxious liquid substances in bulk.

➢ MARPOL Annex I, Machinery Spaces Discharge Criteria?

• Discharges Outside Special Areas (Regulation 15 - Control of

Discharge of Oil)

1) the ship is proceeding en route.

2) the oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment
meeting the requirements of regulation 14 (Oil Filtering Equipment)
of this Annex.
3) the oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15
parts per million.
4) the oily mixture does not originate from cargo pump-room bilges on
oil tankers.
5) the oily mixture, in case of oil tankers, is not mixed with oil cargo

• Discharges In Special Areas (Regulation 15 - Control of Discharge

of Oil)

1) the ship is proceeding en route.

2) he oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment
meeting the requirements of regulation 14.7 (provided with an
alarm arrangements to indicate when this level 15 PPM cannot be
maintained & provided with automatic stopping device) of this
3) the oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15
parts per million.
4) the oily mixture does not originate from cargo pump-room bilges on
oil tankers.
5) the oily mixture, in case of oil tankers, is not mixed with oil cargo

➢ MARPOL Annex 1, Cargo Spaces Discharge Criteria?

• Discharge Outside Special Area from Cargo Spaces (Regulation 34

- Control of Discharge of Oil)

1) the tanker is not within a special area.

2) the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land.
3) the tanker is proceeding en route.
4) the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 30
litres per nautical mile.
5) the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea does not 1/30,000, of
the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed
a part (If a tanker carried 30,000 Litres of oil, it could only release 1
litre of residue from that particular cargo into the sea).
6) the tanker has in operation an oil discharge monitoring and control
system and a slop tank arrangement as required by
regulations 29 and 31 of Annex 1 respectively.

• Discharge from Cargo Spaces Prohibited in Special Area

➢ What is SOPEP, Its Contents & Equipment’s to be carried as per


• As per Regulation 37 of MARPOL Annex I, Every oil tanker of 150

gross tonnage and above and every ship other than an oil tanker of
400 gross tonnage and above shall carry on board a shipboard oil
pollution emergency plan approved by the Administration.
• Such a plan shall be prepared based on guidelines developed by the
Organization and written in the working language of the master and
officers. The plan shall consist at least of:

1) The procedure to be followed by the master or other persons

having charge of the ship to report an oil pollution incident, as
required in article 8 and Protocol I of the present Convention,
based on the guidelines developed by the Organization
2) the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event of an
oil pollution incident.

3) a detailed description of the action to be taken immediately by

persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil
following the incident.

4) the procedures and point of contact on the ship for coordinating

shipboard action with national and local authorities in combating
the pollution.

NOTE: In the case of ships to which regulation 17 of Annex II of the

present Convention also applies, such a plan may be combined with the
shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid
substances required under regulation 17 of Annex II of the present
Convention. In this case, the title of such a plan shall be ''Shipboard
marine pollution emergency plan

• Contents of SOPEP Manual

▪ Preamble
▪ Reporting Requirements
▪ Steps to Control Discharge
▪ National and Local Coordination
• Appendices

▪ Contacts
▪ Vessel Information
▪ Oil Spill Response Equipment On-Board
▪ Oil Spill Response
▪ Vessel Response Team (VRT) Organization
▪ Training and Exercise Program

• SOPEP Equipment’s to be Carried Onboard:

1) Sawdust
2) Rags
3) Absorbent pads
4) Oil kit bags
5) Scoops
6) Shovel
7) Brooms & brushes
8) Buckets
9) Drums
10) Rubber suits/boots/gloves
11) Wilden pump with hoses

➢ What is International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP)?

What are its Contents? What are the Supplements to IOPP

• This certificate is required to be carried by oil tankers of 150 GT and

above, and other ships of 400 GT and above.
• The certificate signifies that the ship has been surveyed in accordance
with regulation 6 (Survey) of Annex I of MARPOL, and that that the
survey shows that the structure, equipment, systems, fittings,
arrangement and material of the ship and their condition are in all
respects satisfactory, and that the ship complies with the applicable
requirements of the Annex.

• In addition to the certificate a supplement to the IOPP must be

carried, a document that lists the equipment covered by IOPP

❖ Surveys Required

1) Initial survey

2) Renewal survey not exceeding 5 years

3) An intermediate survey within 3 months before or after the second

anniversary date or within 3 months before or after the third
anniversary date of the Certificate which shall take the place of one of
the annual surveys

4) Annual Survey within 3 months before or after each anniversary date

of the Certificate

5) An Additional Survey either general or partial, according to the

circumstances, shall be made after a repair

❖ Contents of the Certificate:

1) Name of ship
2) Distinctive number or letters
3) Port of registry
4) Gross tonnage
5) Deadweight of the ship
6) IMO Number
7) Type of ship:
▪ Oil tanker
▪ Ship other than an Oil Tanker

❖ Supplement to the IOPP

• This must be attached to the certificate and is in one of two


1) FORM A-Record of Construction and equipment for ships other than

oil tankers
2) FORM B- Record of Construction and equipment for oil tankers.

• The contents of these two forms give an overview of the equipment

covered by the regulations in Annex I.

❖ Headings in FORM A-Record of Construction and equipment for

ships other than oil tankers

1) Particulars of ship
2) Equipment for the control of oil discharge from machinery space,
bilges, and oil fuel tanks
3) Means for retention and disposal of oil residues
4) Oily bilge water holding tank
5) Standard discharge connection
6) Shipboard oil/marine pollution emergency plan Equivalents

❖ Headings in FORM B- Record of Construction and equipment for

oil tankers

• This contains the same information as Form A, plus:

1) Construction

▪ Segregated Ballast
▪ Double hull and double bottoms
▪ Accidental outflow protection
▪ Limitations of size and arrangements of cargo tanks

2) Intact stability
3) Subdivision
4) Damage stability
5) Crude oil washing Retention of oil on board
6) Pumping, piping, and discharge arrangements
7) Shipboard oil/marine pollution emergency plan
8) Ship-to-ship oil transfer operations at sea

➢ What is Oil Record Book? List the Entries to be made in ORB

❖ Officer responsible will record all oil or sludge transfers and

discharges within the vessel. This is necessary for authorities to be
able to monitor if a vessel's crew has properly disposed of their oil
discharges at sea.

❖ Oil Record Book Part-I (Machinery Spaces): Regulation 17,


• Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of
400 gross tonnage and above other than an oil tanker shall be
provided with an Oil Record Book Part I (Machinery space operations).

• Entries to be made in ORB-I

A) ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks

B) discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks
C) collection and disposal of oil residues (sludge and other oil
D) discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which
has accumulated in machinery spaces
E) bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil
F) Condition of the Oil Filtering Equipment

❖ Oil Record Book Part-II (Cargo/Ballast Operations): Regulation:

36, MARPOL Annex I

• Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above shall be provided
with an Oil Record Book Part II (Cargo/Ballast Operations).
• Entries to be made in ORB-II

A) loading of oil cargo.

B) internal transfer of oil cargo during voyage.
C) unloading of oil cargo.
D) ballasting of cargo tanks and dedicated clean ballast tanks.
E) cleaning of cargo tanks including crude oil washing.
F) discharge of ballast except from segregated ballast tanks.
G) discharge of water from slop tanks.
H) closing of all applicable valves or similar devices after slop tank
discharge operations.
I) closing of valves necessary for isolation of dedicated clean ballast
tanks from cargo and stripping lines after slop tank discharge
operations; and
J) disposal of residues.

➢ Name all the Special Areas as per MARPOL Annex I?

• There are total 10 Special Areas as per MARPOL Annex-I

1) Mediterranean Sea (M)

2) Oman area of the Arabian Sea (O)
3) Red Sea (R)
4) Gulfs Area (G)
5) Gulf of Aden (G)
6) Antarctic area (A)
7) North-West European waters (N)
8) Southern South African waters (S)
9) Baltic Sea (B)
10) Black Sea (B)


➢ What is Oily Water Separator? Describe Its Working Principle?

• An Oily Water Separator (OWS) is required by MARPOL Annex I,

Regulation 14 to be installed on any ship above 400 GT.
• An oily water separator is used to treat the oil - water mixture from
bilge spaces, oil in any compartment in the ship which has
accumulated water, before discharging into the sea.

❖ Principle
• Oily water separator Works on the Principle of Separation - Gravity
Differential between the oil and water.

❖ Purpose
• Because free oil and oily emulsions discharge in the water way can
interfere with the natural process such as photosynthesis and re-
aeration and induced the destruction of algae and plankton so
essential to fish life
• Inshore discharge of oil can cause damage to birds’ life and Mass
pollution of beaches

❖ Operation
• The complete unit is filled with clean water and after that the oil/water
is pumped to the first stage of the coarse separating compartment.
Here, oil with a lower density than water will rise to the surface with
the aid of heating coils in this process. It’s known as a collection space.
• A sensor then senses the oil level and the oil is then dumped
(according to ppm) to the dirty oil tank via an oil valve.
• The remaining oil/water mixture moves down to the fine separation
compartment and moves slowly between the catch plates.
• On the underside of these plates, more oil will separate and move
outwards until it is free to rise up to the collection space.
• And then, Almost oil free water passes on to the second stage of the
• In the second stage, two coalescer filters are situated. The first filter
removes any physical impurities present and promotes some filtration,
the 2nd filter uses coalescer filter elements to achieve final filtration.
• Clean water then leaves the 2nd stage on to a clean water holding
tank or via a 15 PPM monitor with audible and visual alarms
• OWSs have alarms and automatic closure devices which are activated
when the oil storage content of the waste water exceeds a certain
limit, 15 PPM

➢ What is Oil Discharge Monitoring & Control System (ODMCS), Its

Purpose & Operation?

❖ Purpose

• Oil tankers of 150 GT and above shall be equipped with an oil

discharge monitoring and control system approved by the
• Oil tankers carry different types of oil cargo in their cargo tanks and it
often happens that after discharging the oil cargo in some port, the
ship sails without any cargo to some other destination. In order to do
so, it has to take ballast from the sea to get better draught and
• For this reason, ballast water is taken into cargo tanks wherein
generally oil cargo would have been carried. It is to note that the
ballast water carried in cargo tanks has to be discharged out at sea
before the next cargo loading. Therefore, Oil Discharge monitoring
and control system (ODMCS) is used to prevent the pollution of
ocean by oil due to the discharge from ballast and bilge spaces.

❖ Parts of ODMCS

1) An Oil Content Meter

• The oil content meter is used to analyse the content of oil in the water
that is to be discharged overboard. This oil is expressed in parts per
million (PPM).
2) A Flow Meter
• The flow rate of the oily water to be discharged is measured at the
discharge pipe.
3) A Computing Unit
• A computing unit calculates the oil discharge in litres/nautical miles
and the total quantity, along with date and time identification.
4) An Overboard Valve Control System
• The auto control valve is installed at the overboard so that it must
close and stop the discharge when permissible limit has been

❖ Working

• The oily mixture is pumped out to the sea through ODMCS by a

pump. A sampler probe and a flow meter sensor is connected at the
discharge pipe, before the overboard valve, to sense the oil content
and the flow of mixture.
• The data provided by the two sensors are fed in a control unit
wherein it is analysed and the discharge valve is controlled by the
• If the control unit senses a rise in the PPM and flow comparing to the
permissible value, it will shut the overboard valve and open the
recirculation valve which is connected to slop tank of the ship.

➢ What is the Requirement for Slop Tanks as per MARPOL Annex I?

• Oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage and above shall be provided with
slop tank arrangements.

• Adequate means shall be provided for cleaning the cargo tanks and
transferring the dirty ballast residue and tank washings from the
cargo tanks into a slop tank approved by the Administration.
• The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks shall not be less than 3
per cent of the oil-carrying capacity of the ship, except that the
Administration may accept:

1) 2 % for tankers with efficient tank washing systems, eductors

utilizing water already present for washing and driving fluids.
2) 2% where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks
are provided or where a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil
washing is fitted
3) 1% for combination carriers where oil cargo is only carried in tanks
with smooth walls.

➢ What is Vessel Response Plan (VRP) & How it is Different from


• A vessel response plan (VRP) is a comprehensive document

developed by vessel owners and operators, which is then submitted
to United States Coast Guards (USGC), to outline procedures and
resources for responding to oil or hazardous substance spills that may
occur during vessel operations. VRPs are typically mandated for
vessels operating in waters under the jurisdiction of certain countries,
especially the United States.

• The VRP includes information about the vessel, (such as its name,
country of registry, call sign, and more), contact information for the
vessel’s owner or operator, a list of zones that the vessel intends to
operate in, and the clear identification of the incident management
team – the people or group who is to be notified in the event of a

• The Coast Guard is responsible for reviewing and approving VRPs

submitted by vessel owners against the national planning criteria—
the Coast Guard's regulatory requirements that outline what must be
included in the plans.

• The main difference between a Vessel Response Plan (VRP) and a

Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) lies in their scope
and jurisdiction. VRPs are mandated by the United States Coast Guard
(USCG) and focus on preparedness and response to oil spills and
hazardous substance releases from vessels operating in US waters.
They involve coordination with government agencies and response
organizations. On the other hand, SOPEPs are internationally required
by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for all ships carrying
oil as cargo, outlining onboard procedures for addressing oil pollution
emergencies globally, including containment, cleanup, and reporting

➢ What is Oil Pollution Act 1990 (OPA-90)?

• On March 24, 1989, Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker, struck a reef while
traversing through Prince William Sound and spilled nearly 11 million
gallons of crude oil into the surrounding Alaskan waters. To date, this
is one of the most catastrophic oil spills in human history, but it did
lead to some impactful legal reform.

• Congress voted to pass the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) in 1990 shortly
after the spill. The Oil Pollution Act amended the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and outlines how companies are required to
prevent, respond to, and pay for oil spills.

• A ship or facility carrying oil must provide documentation showing

how they plan on preventing an oil spill. Additionally, the party must
have a comprehensive emergency response plan on board or on site
that details how a spill will be cleaned up if it does occur.
Documentation needs to be approved by the U.S. Coast Guard before
a vessel can embark on its route or a facility can handle the
movement of oil.

• OPA also mandated a double hull requirement for U.S. operating tank
barges and newly built tankers. The act created a phase-out schedule
for existing tankers; single hull tankers began being phased out in

• Lastly, the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) was authorized under
OPA, even though the fund was originally established in 1986. It’s
financed by a crude oil tax on barrels produced within or imported to
the U.S. and can distribute up to one billion dollars per incident. The
fund was created to compensate the victims of oil spills and is
managed by the federal government. Federal, state, tribal, and
claimant oil spill removals and damage assessments could qualify for
use of the fund.

➢ What is Vessel General Permit (VGP)?

• The Revised Vessel General Permit (VGP) was issued by the

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States of
America on 19 December 2013.

• The VGP mandates the use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants

(EALs) in all oil-to-water interfaces (e.g. stern tube seals, thruster
seals) on all merchant vessels of 79 feet or longer that are sailing in
US coastal and inland waters – unless technically infeasible.

• EPA indicates that every oil-to-sea interface has to use an

Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant (EAL). These lubricants are
biodegradable, non-bio accumulative, and minimally toxic.
➢ What are the Categories of Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) as
per MARPOL Annex II?

• For the purpose of the regulations of Annex II, Noxious Liquid

Substances shall be divided into four categories as follows:

1) Category X: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the

sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to
present a major hazard to either marine resources or human health
and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the discharge into the
marine environment. Example- Alkanes (C6-C9), Coal Tar.

2) Category Y: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the

sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to
present a hazard to either marine resources or human health or cause
harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and therefore
justify a limitation on the quality and quantity of the discharge into
the marine environment. Example- Chloroform, Benzyl alcohol,

3) Category Z: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the

sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed to
present a minor hazard to either marine resources or human health
and therefore justify less stringent restrictions on the quality and
quantity of the discharge into the marine environment. Example-
Acetic acid, Calcium Carbonate Slurry.

4) Other substances: Substances indicated as OS (Other substances) in

the pollution category column of chapter 18 of the International Bulk
Chemical Code which have been evaluated and found to fall outside
category X, Y or Z as defined in the Annex II because they are, at
present, considered to present no harm to marine resources,
human health, amenities, or other legitimate uses of the sea when
discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations.
The discharge of bilge or ballast water or other residues or mixtures
containing only substances referred to as ‘‘Other Substances’’ shall
not be subject to any requirements of the Annex. Example- Apple
Juice, Glucose Solution, Vegetable Protein Solution.

➢ What is the Discharge Criteria for Noxious Liquid Substances

(NLS) as per MARPOL Annex II?

➢ List the Special Areas as per MARPOL Annex II?

• Only 1 Special Area as per MARPOL Annex II

1) The Antarctic Sea Area

➢ What is Cargo Record Book as per MARPOL Annes II? List the
Entries to be made in CRB?

• The Cargo Record Book is developed for ships carrying noxious liquid
substances in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 15

• After completion of the operations listed below, the operation shall

be promptly recorded in the Cargo Record Book.

• List of Items to be Recorded with Operational Code

A) Loading of cargo
B) Internal transfer of cargo
C) Unloading of cargo
D) Mandatory prewash
E) Cleaning of cargo tanks except for mandatory prewash
F) Discharge into the sea of tank washings
G) Ballasting of cargo tanks
H) Discharge of ballast water from cargo tanks
I) Accidental or other exceptional discharge
J) Additional operational procedures and remarks

➢ What is Procedure & Arrangement (P&A) Manual as per MARPOL

Annex II?

• MARPOL Annex II requires that each ship which is certified for the
carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in bulk shall be provided with a
Procedures and Arrangements Manual. Scope of this plan is to
provide the arrangements and equipment required to enable
compliance with MARPOL Annex II. This Manual is Approved by the
Administration or a Recognised Organisation (RO) on behalf of the

• This Manual has been written in accordance with regulation 14 of

Annex II and is concerned with the marine environmental aspects of
the cleaning of cargo tanks and the discharge of residues and
mixtures from these operations. The Manual is not a safety guide and
reference shall be made to other publications specifically to evaluate
safety hazards.

• The purpose of the Manual is to identify the arrangements and

equipment required to enable compliance with Annex II and to
identify for the ship’s officers all operational procedures with respect
to cargo handling, tank cleaning, slops handling, residue discharging,
ballasting and deballasting which must be followed in order to
comply with the requirements of Annex II.

• The master shall ensure that no discharges into the sea of cargo
residues or residue/water mixtures containing category X, Y or Z
substances shall take place, unless such discharges are made in full
compliance with the operational procedures contained in this Manual.

• Contents of the P&A Manual

1) Section 1: Main features of MARPOL 73/78, Annex II

• It lists all the Regulations which Apply regarding the P&A Manual
& Details regarding X,Y,Z & OS NLS & their Requirements.
• It also lists the discharge criteria of NLS.

2) Section 2: Description of the ship's equipment and arrangements

• Particulars of the Ship

• General arrangement
• Substances allowed to be carried
• Cargo tank
• Overflow control
• Description of cargo pumping and piping arrangements and
stripping system
• Description of ballast tanks and ballast pumping and piping
• Description of dedicated slop tanks with associated pumping and
• Description of underwater discharge outlet for effluents containing
Noxious Liquid Substances
• Description of cargo tank ventilation system

3) Section 3: Cargo unloading procedures and tank stripping

• Provides Unloading & Tank Stripping Procedures for Ship
Personnel to Follow during Unloading

4) Section 4: Procedures relating to the cleaning of cargo tanks, the

discharge of residues, ballasting and deballasting
• This Section provides Prewash Guidelines for Category X,Y & Z

➢ What is Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP)?

• Every ship of 150 gross tonnage and above certified to carry

noxious liquid substances in bulk shall carry on board a shipboard
marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances
approved by the Administration

• Such a plan shall be based on the Guidelines developed by the

Organization and written in a working language or languages
understood by the master and officers. The plan shall consist at
least of:
1) the procedure to be followed by the master or other persons
having charge of the ship to report a noxious liquid substances
pollution incident
2) the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event of a
noxious liquid substance’s pollution incident
3) a detailed description of the action to be taken immediately by
persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of noxious
liquid substances following the incident
4) the procedures and point of contact on the ship for coordinating
shipboard action with national and local authorities in combating
the pollution.
NOTE: In the case of ships to which regulation 37 (SOPEP) of
Annex I of the Convention also applies, such a plan may be
combined with the shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
required under regulation 37 of Annex I of the Convention. In this
case, the title of such a plan shall be ‘‘Shipboard marine pollution
emergency plan’’.

➢ With Respect to MARPOL Annex IV, Define:

• Sewage
▪ drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets and urinals
▪ drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay, etc.) via
wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers located in such premises
▪ drainage from spaces containing living animals
▪ other waste waters when mixed with the drainages defined above.
• Holding Tank
▪ Means a tank used for the collection and storage of sewage.
➢ What is the Discharge Criteria as per MARPOL Annex IV?

• MARPOL Annex IV, Regulation 11- Discharge of Sewage

1) The ship must employ a sewage treatment system sanctioned by

the Administration, as per regulation 9.1.2 of Annex IV. It can
discharge treated sewage- Beyond 3 nautical miles from the
nearest land if it's comminuted and disinfected & Beyond 12
nautical miles from the nearest land if it's untreated, but the
discharge must be gradual while the ship is underway at a speed
not less than 4 knots.

2) the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant

which has been certified by the Administration to meet the
operational requirements referred to in regulation 9.1.1 of Annex

3) the test results of the plant are laid down in the ship's International
Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate.

4) the effluent shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause
discoloration of the surrounding water.

➢ List the Special Areas as per MARPOL Annex IV?

• Only 1 Special Area as per MARPOL Annex IV

1) Baltic Sea

➢ What is a Sewage Treatment Plant? Describe Its Working?

• The most preferred type of sewage treatment plant is that involving

aerobic bacteria. The Anaerobic bacteria are equally capable of
decomposing and breaking down the sludge but during the process,
they generate and release harmful gases such as H2S and methane
which are toxic and dangerous for aquatic organisms.

• Components of Sewage Treatment Plant

1) Screen Filter
2) Settling/ Sedimentation Chamber
3) Activated Carbon
4) Chlorinator
5) Air Blower
6) Discharge Pump
7) Floats and Level Switches

• Working of Sewage Treatment Plant

1) Aeration chamber

▪ This chamber is fed with raw sewage which has been grounded to
form small particles. The advantage of breaking sewage in small
particles is that it increases the area and a high number of bacteria
can attack simultaneously to decompose the sewage. The sewage
is decomposed into carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic sewage.
The air is forced through the diffuser into the air chamber. The
pressure of air flow also plays an important role in decomposition
of the sewage. If the pressure is kept high then the mixture of air
and sewage will not take place properly and it will escape without
doing any work required for decomposition. It is for this reason;
controlled pressure is important inside the sewage treatment plant
as this will help in proper mixing and decomposition by the
agitation caused by air bubbles. Generally, the pressure is kept
around 0.3-0.4 bars.

2) Settling tank
▪ The mixture of liquid and sludge is passed to settling tank from the
aeration chamber. In the settling tank, the sludge settles at the
bottom and clear liquid on the top. The sludge present at the
bottom is not allowed to be kept inside the settling tank as this will
lead to the growth of anaerobic bacteria and foul gasses will be
produced. The sludge formed is recycled with the incoming sludge
where it will mix with the later and assist in the breakdown of

3) Chlorination and Collection

▪ In this chamber, the clear liquid produced from the settling tank is
overflown and the liquid is disinfected with the help of chlorine.
This is done because of the presence of the e-Coli bacteria present
in the liquid. To reduce these bacteria to acceptable level
chlorination is done. Moreover, to reduce the e-Coli, the treated
liquid is kept for a period of at least 60 minutes. In some plants,
disinfection is also done with the help of ultraviolet radiation. The
collected liquid is discharged to overboard or settling tank
depending on the geological position of the ship. If the ship is in
restricted or near coastline then the sewage will be discharged into
the holding tank; otherwise, the sewage is discharged directly into
the sea when a high level is reached and is disposed of
automatically until low-level switch activates.

➢ What is Ship Sanitation Certificate (SSC)?

• Ship Sanitation Certification (SSC) is aimed at controlling the spread

of international listed human diseases by controlling any vectors of
these diseases that could potentially be carried on a vessel. This is
achieved by inspecting for and controlling animal vectors (rodents
and mosquitoes), preventing the discharge of untreated ballast water,
checking certification of potable water and sewage, and biosecurity
measures for human carriers of disease.
• Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificates and Ship Sanitation
Control Certificates are issued in accordance with Article 39 of the
International Health Regulations (2005) Third Edition (IHR)
• SSCs are issued by competent health authorities in authorized ports,
after inspection. Certificates remain valid for a period of six months
from the date of issue.
➢ With Respect to MARPOL Annex V, Define:

• Garbage
▪ means all kinds of victual, domestic and operational waste
excluding fresh fish and parts thereof, generated during the normal
operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of continuously or
periodically except those substances which are defined or listed in
➢ Discharge Criteria as per MARPOL Annex V?

❖ Conditions:

1) These substances must not be harmful to the marine environment.

2) Discharge shall only be allowed if:
a. both the port of departure and the next port of destination are
within the special area and the ship will not transit outside the
special area between these ports.
b. if no adequate reception facilities are available at those ports.
➢ List the Categories of Garbage as per MARPOL Annex V?

❖ Garbage Record Book Part-I

• Part I of the Record of Garbage Discharges will be for the use of all

A) Plastics
B) Food Waste
C) Domestic Waste
D) Cooking Oil
E) Incinerator Ash
F) Operational Waste
G) Animal Carcasses
H) Fishing Gear
I) E-Waste

❖ Garbage Record Book Part-II

• Part II will be only required for ships that carry solid bulk cargoes
J) Cargo Residues (Non-Harmful to Marine Environment)
K) Cargo Residue (Harmful to Marine Environment)

➢ List the Special Areas as per MARPOL Annex V?

• Total 8 Special Areas as per MARPOL Annex V

1) Gulfs area (G)

2) Antarctic area (A)
3) Mediterranean Sea area (M)
4) Baltic Sea area (B)
5) Black Sea area (B)
6) Red Sea area (R)
7) North Sea area (N)
8) Wider Caribbean Region (W)

➢ What is Garbage Management Plan (GMP) as per MARPOL Annex

• As per MARPOL Annex V/Regulation 9, Every ship of 400 tons gross

tonnage and above and/or every ship certified to carry 15 persons or
more, shall carry a garbage management plan and shall be provided
with a Garbage Record Book. In addition, every ship of 12 metres or
more in length overall shall display placards to notify the crew and
passengers of the ship’s disposal requirements.

• The plan shall be written in the working language of the crew.

• This plan shall provide written procedures for minimising, collecting,

storing, processing, and disposing of garbage, including the use of
the equipment on board. It shall also designate the persons in charge
of carrying out the plan.

1) Collection of Garbage
▪ Suitable Receptacles for Collection and Separation
▪ Locations of Receptacles, Collection and Separation Stations
▪ Transport from the Source of Generation to the Collection and
Separation Stations

2) Processing of Garbage
▪ Personnel responsible for the Operation of the Equipment
▪ Garbage Processing Equipment
▪ Locations of the Processing Devices and Equipment
▪ Categories of Garbage Processed by the Equipment available
▪ Handling of Garbage between the primary Processing Stations and
the Storing and Disposal Facilities
3) Disposal of Garbage

➢ List the Entries to be Made in Garbage Record Book & List the
Last Amendments to MARPOL Annex V?

❖ Entries in the Garbage Record Book

• Entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be made on each of the
following occasions:

1) When garbage is discharged into the sea:

a. Date and time of discharge.
b. Position of the ship and start and stop positions for cargo residues
discharges (lat. and long.).
c. Category of garbage discharged.
d. Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres.
e. Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.

2) When garbage is discharged to reception facilities ashore or to

other ships:
a. Date and time of discharge.
b. Port of facility, or name of ship.
c. Category of garbage discharge.
d. Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic metres.
e. Signature of officer in charge of the operation.

3) When garbage is incinerated:

a. Date and time of start and stop of incineration.
b. Position of the ship (latitude and longitude).
c. Estimated amount incinerated in cubic metres.
d. Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.

4) Accidental or other exceptional discharges of garbage:

a. Time and date of occurrence.
b. Port or position of the ship at time of occurrence.
c. Estimated amount and category of garbage
d. Circumstances of, and the reasons for, accidental escape or loss of

➢ What is a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA)? Give Examples?

• Resolution A.982(24) Adopted on 1 December 2005.

• A Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) is a special zone recognized

by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for its ecological,
socio-economic, or scientific importance. These areas may be easily
harmed by international maritime activities. Examples include

• The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

• Malpelo Island, Colombia
• Western European Waters
• Canary Islands, Spain
• The Jomard Entrance, Papua New Guinea

➢ What is the Colour Coding as per MARPOL Annex 5?

❖ Colour Coding is always Company Specific

1) Plastics (A) - RED

2) Food Waste (B)- GREEN
3) Domestic Waste (C) – Cans/Metals/Glass- BLUE
4) Domestic Waste (C) – Paper/Cloth- YELLOW
5) Cooking Oil (D)- PURPLE
6) Incinerator Ash (E)- BROWN
7) Operational Waste (F)- Oily Rags, Etc- BLACK
8) Operational Waste (F)- Hazardous- ORANGE
9) E-Waste (I)- WHITE
➢ With Respect to MARPOL Annex VI, Define:

• Nitrogen Oxide Emission Control Area (NECA)

▪ A NECA is an area with stricter NOx emission regulations, as
dictated by MARPOL Annex VI regulation 13. Within a NECA, so
called Tier III NOx limits apply. Outside NECAs, the maximum
applicable Tier is II. Compliance to Tier III control is also dependent
on a vessel age.
▪ Main source of NOX Emissions are High Temperature Combustion
Process which lead to the formation of Acid Rains.

• SOx Emission Control Area (ECA)

▪ Means an area where the adoption of special mandatory measures
for SOx emissions from ships is required to prevent, reduce, and
control air pollution from SOx and its attendant adverse impacts
on land and sea areas.

• Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)

▪ Ozone depleting substances are man-made gases that destroy
ozone once they reach the ozone layer. Example
▪ CFC-11- Trichlorofluoromethane
▪ Halon 1301- Bromotrifluoromethane

• Particulate Matter (PM)

▪ Particulate matter (also called particle pollution): the term for a
mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some
particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large or dark
enough to be seen with the naked eye. Others are so small they
can only be detected using an electron microscope.
▪ Particulate matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets
that are so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health
➢ What are the Limitations on Emission of the following as per

• Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)

As per MARPOL Annex VI/Chapter 3/Regulation 12-ODS

▪ Any deliberate emissions of ozone-depleting substances shall be

▪ New installations which contain ozone-depleting substances shall
be prohibited on all ships, except that new installations containing
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are permitted until 1 January

• Nitrogen Oxide (NOX)

As per MARPOL Annex VI/Chapter 3/Regulation 13-NOX

• NOX regulation shall apply to

▪ Each diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW

which is installed on a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000

• Sulphur Oxide (SOX)

As per MARPOL Annex VI/Chapter 3/Regulation 14-SOX

▪ Ships have rules for controlling pollution. These rules differ

depending on whether ships are in special areas called Emission
Control Areas (ECAs) or not. The main focus is on reducing sulphur
and particulate matter in the fuel used by ships. This is done by
setting maximum limits on sulphur content in the fuel when it's
loaded, stored (bunkered), and used onboard. Over time, these
limits have become stricter to encourage the use of cleaner fuel.
Expressed in terms of % m/m – that is by mass.

➢ Describe the following Emission Control Areas (ECAs)?

• NOX Emission Control Area (NECA)

❖ For Ships Constructed On or After 1st January 2016

1) North American Emission Control Area

2) US Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area

• If a ship was built on or after January 1, 2016, and it's sailing in certain
NECAs (like the North American ECA or the United States Caribbean
Sea ECA), then its diesel engine must meet a very strict emissions
standard called Tier III.

❖ For Ships Constructed On or After 1st January 2021

3) Baltic Sea Emission Control Area

4) North Sea Emission Control Area

▪ If the ship was built on or after January 1, 2021, and it's sailing in
NECAs (like the Baltic Sea ECA or the North Sea ECA), then it also
needs to meet this strict Tier III standard.
▪ Outside of these specific areas or for ships built before these dates,
they might need to meet less strict standards, either Tier II or Tier I,
depending on how old the ship is.

❖ B- Baltic Sea Emission Control Area
❖ U- US Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area
❖ N- North American Emission Control Area
❖ N- North Sea Emission Control Area

• SOX Emission Control Area (SECA)

1) Baltic Sea area- SOX Only

2) North Sea area- SOX Only
3) Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area (Entry Into Force: 1 May
2024)- SOx & PM
4) North American Area- SOX, NOX & Particulate Matter (PM)
5) United States Caribbean Sea Area- SOX, NOX & Particulate Matter

❖ N- North Sea area
❖ N- North American Area
❖ U- United States Caribbean Sea Area
❖ M- Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area
❖ B- Baltic Sea area

➢ How to Reduce SOX & NOX Emissions from Ships?

1) Reducing NOX Emissions

1.1) Humid Air Method: In this method, water vapor is added to the
combustion air before it enters the cylinder. Air from the
turbocharger blower is humidified and chilled, achieving saturation
using moisture from cooling water. Typically, heated saline sea
water is used, and the leftover brine is returned to the sea. This
method can reduce NOx emissions by 70-80%.

1.2) Exhaust Gas Re circulation (EGR): Some amount of engine

exhaust gases are send back to the scavenge space to mix up with
the air to be supplied to cylinder for combustion. This reduces the
oxygen content of the air and hence reduces formation of NOx.

1.3) Water Injection and Water emulsion: In this method, water is

added to reduce the temperature of combustion leading to low
NOx emission. In water emulsion, fuel is blended with water and in
water injection a separate fresh water injector is mounted in the
cylinder head which injects water. This method has a drawback of
increasing the specific fuel oil combustion with reduction in NOx
by only 20-45%.

1.4) Selective Catalytic Reduction: The SCR is the most efficient

method to reduce NOx emissions from ships (up to 90-95% of
reduction). In this method, low sulphur fuel oil is used and exhaust
temperature is maintained above 300° C. The exhaust gas is mixed
by water solution of urea and then it is passed through catalytic
reactor. The only disadvantage of SCR is its expansive installation
and operating cost.

1.5) Engine Component Modification: It is better to design an engine

which has a property to reduce the NOx formation during
combustion process rather than investing on expensive secondary
measures. Integration of slide valve type fuel injector with almost
zero sack volume eliminates any chance of fuel dripping and after
burning, leading to cylinder temperature and NOx formation.
2) Reducing SOX Emissions

2.1) Use of Low sulphur fuel oil: It is expensive but most commonly
used method to comply with Annex VI of MARPOL while entering
emission-controlled Area or ECA.

2.2) Exhaust Gas Scrubber Technology: The exhaust gas from the
engine is passed through the scrubber tower where a liquid is
showered over it. Fresh water blended with caustic soda (NaOH) is
used as a scrubbing liquid which reduces the SOx to 95%. The
scrubbing water is then sent to a water treatment effluent
emulsion breaking plant after which it can be discharged

➢ What is the Objective of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)

Management Plan? Its Contents?

➢ Annex VI- Regulations For The Prevention Of Air Pollution From

Ships/Chapter 3 - Requirements For Control Of Emissions From
Ships/Regulation 15- Volatile Organic Compounds

➢ Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are organic compounds that

have high vapour pressure and low solubility in water. Example:
Formaldehyde, Toluene, Acetone, Isopropyl Alcohol

1) MARPOL Annex VI requires that every crude oil carrier is required to

equipped with a VOC Management Plan. Scope of this plan is to
provide guidance on the management of Volatile Organic
Compounds. Plan is developed in line with IMO Legislation. Approval
by the Administration or a Recognised Organisation (RO) on behalf of
the Administration is mandatory.
2) The VOC Management Plan is ship specific and provides written
procedures for minimizing VOC emissions during conditions of
loading of cargo, sea passage, and discharge of cargo.

3) While maintaining the safety of the ship, the VOC management plan
should encourage and, as appropriate, set forth the following best
management practices:

3.1) the loading procedures should take into account potential gas
releases due to low pressure and, where possible, the routing of oil
from crude oil manifolds into the tanks should be done so as to
avoid or minimize excessive throttling and high flow velocity in
3.2) the ship should define a target operating pressure for the cargo
tanks. This pressure should be as high as safely possible and the
ship should aim to maintain tanks at this level during the loading
and carriage of relevant cargo
3.3) when venting to reduce tank pressure is required, the decrease in
the pressure in the tanks should be as small as possible to maintain
the tank pressure as high as possible
3.4) the amount of inert gas added should be minimized. Increasing
tank pressure by adding inert gas does not prevent VOC release
but it may increase venting and therefore increased VOC emissions
3.5) when crude oil washing is considered, its effect on VOC emissions
should be taken into account. VOC emissions can be reduced by
shortening the duration of the washing or by using a closed cycle
crude oil washing programme.

➢ What is Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)?

• The Ship energy efficiency Management Plan provides a practical

approach for ship operators and management companies to manage
operations and fleet efficiency performance over time using the
Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) as a monitoring tool.

• EEOI: Energy Efficiency operational indicator allows ships to monitor

carbon emissions, which can be determined by the ship's fuel
consumption in a particular voyage carrying a certain amount of

• The SEEMP is a ship-specific plan that must be implemented

according to the ship type, cargo carried, ship routes, and other
relevant factors. Hence, SEEMP cannot be implemented on a company
or fleet level.

• Key Features of SEEMP

1) Enhancement of ship efficiency

▪ The primary objective of the SEEMP is to improve the overall
operating efficiency of the ship in the long run by implementing
correct and optimised energy and fuel-saving methods.

2) Reduction in fuel consumption

▪ SEEMP is to implement methods that can reduce the overall fuel
consumption of the ship as it leads to a reduction in air pollution
and fuel cost, which is one of the high operating costs of the

3) A decrease in GHG emissions from the ship

▪ SEEMP emphasises reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships
by providing methods for reducing fuel consumption and using
alternative fuel, which causes less GHG emissions.

➢ Describe the Following Terms:

1) EEDI (For New Ships)

• EEDI or Energy Efficiency Design Index is a technical measure, i.e. a
tool that can be implemented during the design and construction
stage of the vessel, and it measures the amount of CO2 emitted by
the ship per capacity mile (tonne-mile) or CO2 emission/Tonne-mile.

• EEOI or Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator allows ships to
monitor carbon emissions, which can be determined by the ship's fuel
consumption in a particular voyage carrying a certain amount of
cargo. The formula to calculate the EEOI is provided in EEDI technical

3) Energy Efficiency eXisting ship Index (EEXI)

• Aims to reduce CO2 emissions of existing vessels by setting minimum
requirements for technical efficiency and comes into force on 1
January 2023 for ships of 400GT and Above.

4) CII or Carbon Intensity Indicator

• The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) is a measure of a ship's energy
efficiency in relation to the amount of CO2 emissions produced per
unit of transport work.
• The CII regulates the operational or real life of CO2 emissions from
• It is based on the annual fuel oil consumption, and from 1st January
2023, all ships will have to report their CII each year based on their
actual fuel oil consumption.
➢ What are the Certificates & Documents as per each MARPOL

1) Annex I: International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP

Certificate) under MARPOL
1.1) Oil Record Book

2) Annex II: International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage

of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
2.1) Cargo Record Book
2.2) Certificate of Fitness

3) Annex III: Document of Compliance for carriage of packaged

Dangerous Goods

4) Annex IV: International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPP

Certificate) under MARPOL Annex IV

5) Annex V: Certificate / Document of Compliance for approved Garbage

Management Plan under MARPOL Annex V
5.1) Garbage Record Book

6) Annex VI: International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC) under

6.1) International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP Certificate)
under MARPOL Annex VI
6.2) Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (EIAPP
Certificate) under MARPOL Annex VI and NOx Technical Code for
marine diesel engines

➢ What is a Convention, Code, Amendment & Protocol?

• Convention

▪ International conventions are agreed when a number of countries,

which are members of the IMO, feel that there is a need for a
convention. Such countries meet together, usually at the invitation
of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and discuss
about various proposals and finally come to an agreement which is
recorded in the form of a Final Act of Conference.
▪ A convention is an agreed set of rules related to a particular matter,
For Example, Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), for safety related matters
at sea.
▪ More often than not, the need of a convention is triggered by
a major incident.


▪ Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL),
▪ International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
▪ International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
(CLC), 1969
▪ International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972
▪ Convention on The International Regulations For Preventing
Collisions At Sea, COLREGS 1972
▪ The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 1973 (MARPOL)
▪ International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification
and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978
▪ Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006
▪ Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007
▪ The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009

• Code

▪ The Code on the other hand is a part of Convention and is quoted

within the convention. It provides the technical aspects of the
element to which the convention is referring to
▪ Example of this is SOLAS Chap III refers to Life Saving Appliances
through LSA Code. So, for details about Lifebuoy or hand flares
you need to refer to the LSA Code
▪ Codes are developed in order to keep the Convention limited
otherwise the Convention will become very thick book.


▪ IGF Code (International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or

other Low-flashpoint Fuels)
▪ Polar Code (International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters)

• Amendment
▪ The regulations enforced by the conventions are required to be
amended (updated) frequently from time to time to keep pace
with the rapid evolving technology in the shipping world.

• Protocol

▪ When a major amendment is to be incorporated on regulations of

the convention, a protocol is called among the countries, who are
signatory of the original convention when it was signed and
approved. E.g. for MARPOL 73/78, the year 1973 in which the act
was passed was the convention and in1978 what was passed was
the protocol.

➢ What is The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe

and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships?

• Adoption: 15 May 2009; Entry into force: 26 June 2025

• The Hong Kong Convention is aimed at ensuring that ships, when

being recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives, do
not pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or to the

• It intends to address all the issues around ship recycling, including

the fact that ships sold for scrapping may contain environmentally
hazardous substances such as asbestos, heavy metals,
hydrocarbons, ozone depleting substances and others. It will
address concerns about working and environmental conditions in
many of the world's ship recycling facilities.

• Regulations in the new Convention cover: the design, construction,

operation, and preparation of ships so as to facilitate safe and
environmentally sound recycling, without compromising the safety
and operational efficiency of ships; the operation of ship recycling
facilities in a safe and environmentally sound manner; and the
establishment of an appropriate enforcement mechanism for ship
recycling, incorporating certification and reporting requirements.

➢ What is Green Passport on Ships?

• The Green Passport will be replaced by the Hong Kong Convention

after it comes into force on 26 June 2025.

• The Green Passport is essentially an inventory of all the materials

onboard a ship that may be hazardous to people's health or the
environment, and that require careful handling or special awareness.
The inventory accompanies the ship throughout its operational life.

• It is reviewed by Classification Society on a periodical basis and re-

certified every five years. At the end of the vessel's life, the Inventory
of Hazardous Materials helps ship recycling yards to formulate safe
and environmentally friendly means of decommissioning the ship.

❖ Key Benefits of Green Passport

1) Helps to raise staff awareness of the materials on board that

require special handling.
2) Minimizing the impact of ship’s operations on the environment
3) Helps to recycling yard to formulate a safe and environmentally
friendly way of scrapping the
4) vessel.
5) Ascertain compliance with the news regulations during the
construction stage of new vessels
6) Be ready to provide all the mandatory documentation for vessels in
service and gain added
7) value to the vessel
➢ What is International Load Line Convention? What are its
Contents? What are the latest Amendments to this Convention?

• Adoption: 5 April 1966; Entry into force: 21 July 1968

• In the 1966 Load Lines convention, adopted by IMO, provisions are

made for determining the freeboard of ships by subdivision and
damage stability calculations.

• The regulations take into account the potential hazards present in

different zones and different seasons. The technical annex contains
several additional safety measures concerning doors, freeing ports,
hatchways, and other items. The main purpose of these measures is to
ensure the watertight integrity of ships' hulls below the freeboard

• All assigned load lines must be marked amidships on each side of the
ship, together with the deck line. Ships intended for the carriage of
timber deck cargo are assigned a smaller freeboard as the deck cargo
provides protection against the impact of waves.

• The Convention includes 4 annexes.

• Annex I is divided into four Chapters:

1) Chapter I - General
2) Chapter II - Conditions of assignment of freeboard
3) Chapter III - Freeboards
4) Chapter IV - Special requirements for ships assigned timber

• Annex II covers Zones, areas, and seasonal periods.

• Annex III contains certificates, including the International Load Line

• Annex IV Verification of compliance with the provisions of this

➢ What is United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

(UNCLOS), Why it is also Known as The Umbrella Convention?

• UNCLOS, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,

serves as a comprehensive rulebook governing various aspects of
ocean governance, such as maritime boundaries, resource
management, environmental protection, and dispute resolution. Its
extensive coverage across different maritime issues has earned it the
nickname "umbrella convention," analogous to an umbrella shielding
various aspects of ocean governance under one overarching

• UNCLOS, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,

covers a wide array of maritime matters. It delineates the rights and
responsibilities of nations concerning the use and management of
oceans and seas. Some key contents include rules on territorial seas,
exclusive economic zones, continental shelves, navigational rights,
marine resource exploitation, protection of the marine environment,
marine scientific research, and settlement of disputes. Overall,
UNCLOS aims to establish a comprehensive legal framework for the
governance of the world's oceans.

1) Territorial Sea: The territorial sea extends seaward up to 12 nautical

miles (nm) from its baselines. The coastal states have sovereignty and
jurisdiction over the territorial sea.

2) Contiguous Zone: The contiguous zone extends seaward up to 24

nm from its baselines. The coastal state has the right to both prevent
and punish infringement of fiscal, immigration, sanitary, and customs
laws within its territory and territorial sea.

3) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): Each coastal State may claim an EEZ
beyond and adjacent to its territorial sea that extends seaward up to
200 nm from its baselines.

4) High Seas: The ocean surface and the water column beyond the EEZ
are referred to as the high seas.

➢ What are the measurements of a Load Line?

• Deck Line is a horizontal line measuring 300mm by 25mm. It passes

through the upper surface of the freeboard.

• Load Line Disc is a 300mm diameter and 25mm thick round-shaped

disc. A horizontal line intersects it. The upper edge of the horizontal
line marks the ‘Summer saltwater line’, also known as the
‘Plimsol Line.

• Load Lines – Load lines are horizontal lines are extending forward
and aft from a vertical line placed at a distance of 540mm from the
centre of the disc. They measure 230mm by 25mm. The upper
surfaces of the load lines indicate the maximum depths to which the
ships may be submerged in different seasons and circumstances.

• S – Summer:- It is the primary freeboard line at the same level as the

Plimsoll Line. Other load lines are marked based on this Summer
freeboard line.

• T – Tropical:- It is 1/48th of the summer draft marked above the

Summer load line.

• W – Winter:- It is 1/48th of the summer draft marked below the

Summer load line.

• WNA – Winter North Atlantic:- It is marked 50mm below the Winter

load line. It applies to voyages in North Atlantic ( above 36 degrees of
latitude) during the winter months.

• F – Fresh Water:- It is the summer freshwater load line. The distance

between S and F is the Fresh Water Allowance (FWA).

• TF – Tropical Fresh Water is the freshwater load line in Tropical. It is

marked above the T at an amount equal to FWA.

➢ What is The Convention on Facilitation of Maritime Traffic (FAL

Convention)? What are its Contents?

• The Convention on the Facilitation of Maritime Traffic (FAL

Convention) was adopted by the International Conference on
Facilitation of Maritime Travel and Transport on 9 April 1965. It
entered into force on 5 March 1967.

• The purpose of this Convention is to facilitate maritime transport by

simplifying and minimizing the formalities, documentary requirements
and procedures associated with the arrival, stay and departure of
ships engaged on international voyages. It was originally developed
to meet growing international concern about excessive documents
required for merchant shipping.

• The Convention emphasizes the importance of facilitating maritime

traffic and demonstrates why authorities and operators concerned
with documents should adopt the standardized documentation
system developed by IMO and recommended by its Assembly for
world-wide use. Contracting Parties to the Convention undertake to
bring about uniformity and simplicity in the facilitation of
international maritime traffic.

• The Annex to the Convention contains rules for simplifying formalities,

documentary requirements and procedures on the arrival and
departure of ships and, in particular, it reduces to twelve the number
of documents which can be required by public authorities.

• These are:
1) General Declaration
2) Cargo Declaration
3) Ship’s Stores Declaration
4) Crew’s Effects Declaration
5) Crew List
6) Passenger List
7) Dangerous Goods Manifest
8) Security related information as required under SOLAS regulation
9) Advance electronic cargo information for customs risk assessment
10) Advanced Notification Form for Waste Delivery to Port Reception

• As well as 2 documents required under the Universal Postal

Convention and the International Health Regulations.

• The IMO has developed standardized forms for the first 7 of these.

❖ Contents of FAL Convention


➢ What is the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of


• Adoption: 18 May 2007; Entry into force: 14 April 2015

• The Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks,

2007, was adopted by an international conference held in Kenya in
2007. The Convention provides the legal basis for States to remove, or
have removed, shipwrecks that may have the potential to affect
adversely the safety of lives, goods, and property at sea, as well as the
marine environment.

• The Convention provides a set of uniform international rules aimed at

ensuring the prompt and effective removal of wrecks located beyond
the territorial sea.

• The Convention defines "Wreck", following upon a maritime casualty,

1) a sunken or stranded ship
2) any part of a sunken or stranded ship, including any object that is
or has been on board such a ship
3) any object that is lost at sea from a ship and that is stranded,
sunken or adrift at sea
4) a ship that is about, or may reasonably be expected, to sink or to
strand, where effective measures to assist the ship or any property
in danger are not already being taken.

➢ What is SOLAS, Why It Came Into Force, What Are The Contents

• The International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS),

covering a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of
• The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version
was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss
of more than 1,500 lives. Since then, there have been four more
versions of SOLAS.
• The present version was adopted in 1974 and entered into force in
• SOLAS 2020 Consolidated Edition Consists of 14 Chapters

• Consolidated text of the annex to the 1974 SOLAS Convention

and the 1988 Protocol relating thereto

1) Chapter I: General Provisions

2) Chapter II-1: Construction- Structure, subdivision and stability,
machinery, and electrical installations
3) Chapter II-2: Construction - Fire protection, fire detection and fire
4) Chapter III: Life-saving appliances and arrangements
5) Chapter IV: Radiocommunications
6) Chapter V: Safety of navigation
7) Chapter VI: Carriage of cargoes and oil fuels
8) Chapter VII: Carriage of dangerous goods
9) Chapter VIII: Nuclear ships
10) Chapter IX: Management for the safe operation of ships
11) Chapter X: Safety measures for high-speed craft
12) Chapter XI-1: Special measures to enhance maritime safety
13) Chapter XI-2: Special measures to enhance maritime security
14) Chapter XII: Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
15) Chapter XIII: Verification Of Compliance
16) Chapter XIV: Safety measures for Ships operating in Polar Waters
17) Chapter XV: Safety measures for ships carrying industrial
personnel (Entry into force: 1 July 2024)
18) Appendix: Certification

• Part 2
1) Annex 1: Certificates and documents required to be carried on
board ships
2) Annex 2: List of resolutions adopted by the SOLAS Conferences.

➢ To Which All Ships SOLAS is Not Applicable?

1) As per SOLAS Chapter I (General Provisions)/Regulation 3: Exceptions,

It States that
2) SOLAS Doesn’t Apply To, Unless Stated Expressly

2.1) Ships of war and troopships

2.2) Cargo ships of less than 500 tons gross tonnage
2.3) Ships not propelled by mechanical means
2.4) Wooden ships
2.5) Fishing vessels

➢ What is SOLAS Chapter 12 & its Contents? What are those

Additional Safety Measures?

• SOLAS Chapter XII- Additional Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers

▪ It has a total of 14 regulations.

▪ It specifies the structural strength and damage stability
requirements for bulk carriers

▪ It also explains the survey and maintenance of bulk carriers.

▪ It also provides the regulations for water ingress alarms for hold,
ballast and dry spaces and the availability of pumping systems for
these areas.

• Additional Safety Measures

1) Bulk carriers of 150m and above with single skin construction, aged
10 years and over, shall not carry solid bulk cargoes with a density
greater than 1780 kg/m³ unless they have undergone a survey.

2) Bulk carriers of 150m and above must be fitted with a loadicator.

3) Hold, ballast, and dry spaces must be provided with water ingress

➢ What are the Latest Amendments to SOLAS? Updated July 24

1) Safe Mooring Operations

• New SOLAS requirements intend to improve mooring safety by

introducing additional requirements to selection, arrangement,
inspection, maintenance, and replacement of mooring equipment,
including lines. Documentation regarding the design of mooring
arrangements and the selection of mooring equipment will be
required to be provided and kept on board.

2) Modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety


• The use of generalized terms for GMDSS technologies

• The requirement of SART/AIS-SART and two two-way VHF

radiotelephone apparatus is now forming part of SOLAS Ch-IV

• The removal of the NBDP (Narrow Band Direct Printing) function

for MF/HF radio installations.

3) Watertight Integrity

• Amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-1 will ensure that the

requirements to watertight integrity in parts B-2 to B-4 capture the
probabilistic damage stability approach in parts B and B-1. The
amendments address inter alia assumptions regarding progressive
flooding, valves in the collision bulkhead and the consideration of
watertight doors.

4) Watertight Doors on Cargo Ships

• The requirements to watertight doors in MARPOL Annex I, the

Load Lines Convention, the IBC Code and the IGC Code have been
amended to harmonize the consideration of watertight doors in
damage stability calculations with the same in SOLAS. The
inconsistencies were related to the type of watertight doors
(sliding, hinged), to the technical/operational requirements and to
the terminology for the frequency of use of watertight doors.

5) Life-Saving Appliances

• Various adjustments have been made to SOLAS Chapter III and

the associated Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code:

▪ The launching appliance of new rescue boats less than 700 kg

does not need to have stored mechanical power, but handling
shall be possible by one person.

▪ Free-fall lifeboats will not need to be launch-tested with the

ship making headway at speeds of up to 5 knots in calm water,
as there are no additional dynamic loads on the launching

▪ Lifeboats equipped with two independent propulsions systems

do not need to be equipped with buoyant oars.

6) Ships Using LNG as Fuel

• The International Code for Safety for Ships using Gases or other
Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) has been amended to reflect
experiences gained since the code entered into force in 2017. The
main amendments address:
▪ Cofferdams for fire protection purposes (Chapter 6.7)

▪ Safe fuel distribution outside machinery spaces (Chapter 9)

▪ Fire protection between spaces with fuel containment systems

(Chapter 11)
▪ Fixed fire-extinguishing systems in LNG fuel preparation spaces
(Chapter 11)

➢ What is SOLAS Chapter IX? What are its Contents?

• SOLAS Chapter IX: Management for The Safe Operation Of Ships

• It consists of 6 Regulations

• Chapter 9 of SOLAS delves into the critical aspect of managing the

safe operation of ships by establishing a framework for effective
safety management systems (SMS). These systems are designed to
promote a culture of safety onboard vessels, ensuring that all aspects
of ship operation, including navigation, communication, and
emergency response, are conducted in a manner that minimizes risks
to human life, property, and the environment. Ship owners and
operators are mandated to develop comprehensive SMS tailored to
their specific operations, which involve identifying potential hazards,
implementing appropriate measures to mitigate risks, providing
adequate training for crew members, and continually evaluating and
improving safety performance. By emphasizing proactive risk
management and fostering a safety-conscious environment, Chapter
9 aims to enhance the overall safety and reliability of maritime
transportation worldwide.

➢ What is International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters

(Polar Code), Which SOLAS chapter is it?

• The Polar Code entered into force on 1 January 2017

• IMO's International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar

Code) is mandatory under both the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). The Polar Code covers
the full range of design, construction, equipment, operational,
training, search and rescue and environmental protection matters
relevant to ships operating in the inhospitable waters surrounding the
two poles. The Polar Code entered into force on 1 January 2017.

• The Polar Code is intended to cover the full range of shipping-related

matters relevant to navigation in waters surrounding the two poles –
ship design, construction, and equipment; operational and training
concerns; search and rescue; and, equally important, the protection of
the unique environment and eco-systems of the polar regions.

• The Code will require ships intending to operating in the defined

waters of the Antarctic and Arctic to apply for a Polar Ship Certificate,
which would classify the vessel as Category A ship - ships designed
for operation in polar waters at least in medium first-year ice, which
may include old ice inclusions; Category B ship - a ship not included
in category A, designed for operation in polar waters in at least thin
first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions; or Category C ship
- a ship designed to operate in open water or in ice conditions less
severe than those included in Categories A and B.

• The Code assigns three categories for ships depending on the

operational conditions that the ship will face: Category A for ships
designed to operate in polar waters with at least medium first-year ice
(0.7 to 1.2 metres (28 to 47 in) thick), which may include old (multi-
year) ice inclusions; Category B for ships not included in Category A
and designed for operation in polar waters in at least thin first-year
ice (0.3 to 0.7 metres (12 to 28 in) thick), which may include old ice
inclusions; and Category C for ships designed to operate in open
water or in ice conditions less severe than those included in
categories A and B

• Contents of Polar Code

• Part I-A (Safety Measures), Consists of 12 Chapters

• Part II-B (Pollution Prevention Measures), Consists of 6 Chapters


➢ What is Muster List? By which SOLAS Regulation Muster List is

Required? Explain different teams that must be there in a Muster

• The Muster List is a list of the functions each member of a ship crew is
required to perform in case of emergency.

• The muster list shall specify details of the general emergency alarm
and public address system prescribed and also action to be taken by
crew and passengers when this alarm is sounded. The muster list shall
also specify how the order to abandon ship will be given.

• It is mandatory to provide Muster List available on conspicuous

areas of a ship by SOLAS Chapter III: Life Saving Appliances &
Arrangements/Regulation 37.

• Teams in Muster List

1) Command Team
2) Emergency Team- I & II
3) Support Team
4) Boat Preparation Team

➢ What are the Hours of Rest as per STCW 2010?

• STCW 2010 Requirements

▪ A minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period; and

▪ 77 hours of rest in any 7-day period

▪ The hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods,
one of which shall at least be 6 hours in length, and the intervals
between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours.

▪ These requirements need not be maintained in the case of an

emergency or in other overriding operational conditions. Musters,
firefighting and lifeboat drills, and drills prescribed by national laws
and regulations and by international instruments, shall be
conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest
periods and does not induce fatigue.

➢ What are the Manila Exceptions in regard to the STCW Rest


• In order to provide ship operators with some flexibility, STCW 2010

contains what may be referred to as the 'Manila exceptions'

• It should be noted that not all flag state administrations may permit
the use of these exceptions But if the exceptions are permitted by the
flag state, then they must also be accepted by port state control. It is
therefore recommended that evidence of permitted exceptions is kept
on board.

❖ 7 Day Exception

• This allows the minimum rest in any 7-day period to be reduced

from 77 hours to 70 hours. However, this exception to the normal
7-day rest limit cannot be used for more than two consecutive
• Moreover, the interval before the next use of the exception must
be at least twice the duration of the time period when the
exception was first applied. For example, if the exception is applied
for two weeks, then the exception cannot be used again for a
further four weeks.

❖ 24 Hour Exception

• It permit the 10 hours minimum rest in any 24-hour period to be

divided into three periods rather than two. However, one of the
rest periods must still be at least 6 consecutive hours, and each of
the other two rest periods must be at least 1 hour in length.
• The exemption can only be used for two 24-hour periods in any 7-
day period

➢ What are the contents of STCW & Its Chapters?

• STCW consists of 8 Chapters

1) Chapter I: General provisions

2) Chapter II: Master and deck department
3) Chapter III: Engine department
4) Chapter IV: Radiocommunication and radio operators
5) Chapter V: Special training requirements for personnel on certain
types of ships
6) Chapter VI: Emergency, occupational safety, security, medical care,
and survival functions
7) Chapter VII: Alternative certification
8) Chapter VIII: Watchkeeping

❖ STCW consists of

1) Part A, mandatory provisions to which specific reference is made in

the annex to the STCW Convention and which give, in detail, the
minimum standards required to be maintained by Parties/Countries in
order to give full and complete effect to the provisions of the STCW

2) Part B, recommended guidance to assist Parties to the STCW

Convention and those involved in implementing, applying, or
enforcing its measures to give the STCW Convention full and
complete effect in a uniform manner.

➢ What are the latest Amendments to STCW? Updated Jan-25

❖ Amendments to STCW Part-A were adopted on 8 June 2023 and will

come into force on 1 January 2025. They aim to update and clarify
procedures related to seafarer certification and accommodate
electronic formats.

1) Replacing paragraph 4 of Section A-I/2(Certificates and

endorsements) with new provisions regarding the use of different
formats for certificates and endorsements.

2) Ensuring that all information about the seafarer's identity and

personal description, as well as their capacities and any limitations,
are clearly displayed.

3) Clarifying that terms like "front", "back", and "overleaf" are not
applicable to certificates and endorsements in electronic form.

4) Removing the requirement for an official seal, photograph, and

signature of the seafarer for certificates and endorsements in
electronic form.

➢ How Many Functions Are There In STCW?

1) Navigation
2) Cargo Handling And Cargo Stowage
3) Controlling The Operation Of The Ship And Care For Persons Onboard
4) Marine Engineering
5) Electrical, Electronics And Control Engineering
6) Maintenance And Repair
7) Radio Communications

➢ What is the difference between Audit, Inspection & Survey?

• Audit

▪ Audit is done to verify that the system established is working in

order by checking records & procedures.
▪ Audit always forecasts on past activities & then detect the fault
& propose the corrective actions.
▪ Audit always focuses on system operation, system procedure &
▪ Outcome of an Audit is a Non-Conformity.

• Inspection

▪ Inspection is an ongoing process carried out by entities like PSC

or Flag State.
▪ Inspection is carried out to verify that whether at present the
system, equipment’s or even the knowledge of the personnel
involved is in order or not.
▪ The outcome of an Inspection is a Deficiency.

• Survey

▪ Survey focuses on future activities, so that an equipment will

continue to perform well in the future.
▪ Outcome of a Survey is a Non-Compliance.

➢ What is Harmonised System of Survey & Certification (HSSC)

• The Harmonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC)

standardises the period of validity and the intervals between surveys
for the main Convention certificates.
• Certificates included within the system:

1) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC)

2) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (SAFCON)
3) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SEQ)
4) Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (CSSC)
5) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (CSSRC)
6) The International Certificate for Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
7) The International Certificate for the Carriage of Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk (IBC/GC)
8) Load Line Certificate
9) The International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP)
10) The International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of
Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS)

• The key principles of the Code

1) A harmonized system of survey and certification covering

international shipping regulations adopted by the International
Maritime Organization enters into force on 3 February 2000.

2) The maximum period of validity for all certificates, except a

Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, is five years

3) The Passenger Ship Safety Certificate shall be renewed annually

4) The certificates will be dated from the expiry date of the previous

5) The Renewal survey may be carried out up to three months before

the expiry of the existing certificate. The new certificate, however,
will still be dated from the expiry date of the old certificate

6) A certificate may also be extended by a period of up to three

months, and for ships engaged on short voyages there is a period
of grace of one month, in order that the renewal survey may be
carried out. However, the new certificate will still be dated from the
expiry date of the old certificate before the extension was granted.

• Types of survey under HSSC

1) Initial Survey
▪ An Initial survey is a complete inspection to ensure full

2) Annual Survey
▪ An Annual survey shall include a general inspection to ensure that
the vessel, fittings, and equipment has been maintained to
conform with the provisions of the relevant regulations. The
survey ensures that the ship will remain fit to proceed to sea
without danger to the ship or persons on board, and that it
remains satisfactory for the service for which the ship is intended.

3) Intermediate Survey
▪ It replaces the Annual survey on either the second or third year
of The Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.

4) Renewal Survey
▪ A Renewal survey is an inspection to ensure vessel, equipment
and fittings are in satisfactory condition, is fit for the service for
which it is intended, and fully complies with the requirements of
the relevant regulations

5) Inspection of the Outside of the Ship's Bottom

▪ A minimum of two inspections during any five-year period at
intervals not exceeding 36 months. Inspections should normally
be carried out with the ship out of the water; however,
consideration may be given to alternate inspections being carried
out with the ship afloat.

6) Additional Survey
▪ An Additional survey is made following a repair or renewal. The
survey shall be such as to ensure that the necessary repairs or
renewals have been effectively carried out, that the material and
workmanship are in all respects satisfactory, and that the ship
complies with the provisions of the relevant regulations.

➢ What is a Statutory Certificate? List the Statutory Certificates

Required As Per SOLAS? Also List the Statutory Certificates
Required Onboard.

• Those certificates which are required by the law with respect to safety
and environment protection that the vessel is required to comply
with, are called Statutory Certificates.

Group A: SOLAS Safety Certificates (These are Required by SOLAS

Chapter I: General Provision/Regulation 12: Issue or Endorsement of

1) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Ch. I, II, III, IV and V
▪ Applications: For Passenger Ships
▪ Validity: 12 Months

2) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SEQ)

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Ch. II, III, and V
▪ Applications: All Cargo Ship Greater than or equal to 500 GT
▪ Validity: 5 Years

3) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (SRC)

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Ch. IV and GMDSS
▪ Applications: Cargo Ship Greater than or equal to 300 GT
▪ Validity: 5 Years

4) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (SAFCON)

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Ch II‐1 and II‐2
▪ Applications: All Cargo Ship Greater than or equal to 500
▪ Validity: 5 Years
5) Cargo Ship Safety Certificate [Combination of (2), (3) & (4)]
▪ Regulation: SOLAS Ch. II, III, IV, and V
▪ Applications: It is an Option for Owner whose Cargo Ship
Greater than or equal to 500 GT
▪ Validity: 5 Years


1) International Oil Pollution Prevention Certification (IOPP)

▪ Regulation: MARPOL Annex I
▪ Applications: All Ships Other Than Oil Tanker Greater Than or
Equal to 400 GRT OR Oil Tankers Greater than or equal to 150
▪ Validity: 5 Years

2) International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the carriage

of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS Certificate)
▪ Regulation: MARPOL Annex II
▪ Applications: Ships carrying NLS cargo in bulk but not having
certificate of fitness as per the IBC code
▪ Validity: 5 Years

3) Document of Compliance for carriage of packaged Dangerous

Goods under MARPOL Annex III

4) International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPP)

▪ Regulation: MARPOL Annex IV
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 400 GRT or
carrying 15 persons or more
▪ Validity: 5 Years

5) Certificate/Document of Compliance for approved Garbage

Management Plan under MARPOL Annex V

6) International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP)

▪ Regulation: MARPOL Annex VI
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 400 GRT
▪ Validity: 5 Years

7) International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC)

▪ Regulation: MARPOL Annex VI
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 400 GRT
▪ Validity: No Expiry Date of this Certificate

Group C: Audit Based Certificates

1) Document of Compliance (DOC)

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Chapter IX, ISM Code
▪ Applications: Issue to the Company, Copy should be carried
onboard the ship
▪ Validity: 5 Years (Validity of the DOC is subject to annual audit
carried out by flag state or RO(Recognized Organization)

2) Safety Management Certificate (SMC)

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Chapter IX, ISM Code
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 500 GT
▪ Validity: 5 Years (Validity is Subject to annual audit by internal
audit by the company and intermediate/External audit carried
out by flag state or RO)

3) International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC)

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Chapter XI‐2, ISPS Code
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 500 GT
▪ Validity: 5 Years (Validity is Subject to annual audit by internal
audit by the company and intermediate/External audit carried
out by flag state or RO)

4) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)

▪ Regulation: Based on MLC 2006
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 500 GT
▪ Validity: 5 Years (Validity is Subject to annual audit by internal
audit by the company and intermediate/External audit carried
out by flag state or RO)

Group D: Other Important Statutory Certificates

1) Certificate of Registry
▪ Regulation: UNCLOS & Merchant Shipping Act
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 500 GT
▪ Validity: Lifetime

2) Minimum Safe Manning Document

▪ Regulation: SOLAS Chapter V
▪ Applications: All ships greater than or equal to 500 GT
▪ Validity: Lifetime

3) International Tonnage Certificate

▪ Regulation: International Tonnage Convention
▪ Applications: All ships of length greater than or equal to 24
metres and engaged on international voyage
▪ Validity: Lifetime

4) International Load Line Certificate

▪ Regulation: Load Line Convention
▪ Applications: All ships of length greater than or equal to 24
▪ Validity: 5 Years subject to Annual Survey ± 3 Months of the
Anniversary of the Certificate & Renewal Survey at the ± 3
Months at the expiry of the Certificate.

➢ What is a Load Line Certificate & What are its Contents?

• Upon successful completion of the load line survey, a Load Line

Certificate is issued to the ship, confirming its compliance with the
load line regulations. The Load Line Certificate specifies the ship's
load line zones, marks, and other relevant information.
• Contents of the Load Line Certificate

1) Name of the Ship

2) Call Sign of the Ship
3) Port of Registry
4) Length (L)
5) Freeboard Assigned As
▪ A New Ship
▪ An Existing Ship
6) Type of Ship
▪ Type A (Intended to carry liquid cargoes in bulk and have high
integrity decks and compartments with low permeability.)
▪ Type B( ships are all other ships and are assigned a greater
▪ Type B with Reduced Freeboard
▪ Type B with Increased Freeboard
7) Freeboard from Deck Line & Freeboard from Load Line
8) Date of Initial or Periodical Survey
9) Validity of Certificate, subject to Annual Survey
10) Place of Issue of Certificate
11) Date of Issue of Certificate

➢ What are the Surveys carried out for the International Load Line
Certificate? Who carries out these surveys? How will you Prepare
your Vessel for a Load Line Survey?

• Surveys Carried out for the International Load Line Certificate

1) Initial survey before the ship is put into service

2) Annual survey within 3 months either way of the anniversary date

of the load line certificate. The surveyor will endorse the load line
certificate on satisfactory completion of the annual survey

3) Renewal survey at intervals not exceeding five years;

• Load Line survey is carried out by the Classification Societies or

regulatory bodies appointed by the Flag State.

❖ Preparation on the Vessel for the Load Line Survey

• The Record of Conditions of Assignment of Load Lines commonly

known as the Load Line Record is essential for ensuring a vessel
complies with load line regulations. It contains key details like
dimensions, assigned load lines, and conditions for compliance. It also
documents survey history and any corrective actions. This record is a
vital reference for authorities, classification societies, and shipowners
to verify the vessel's stability and safety. This document must be
checked prior the preparation for the Load Line survey.

• The preparation for a load line survey will involve ensuring that the
hull is watertight below the freeboard deck and weathertight above it
(cargo tank lids on tankers must be watertight).

• The following checks should be conducted prior to survey:

1) Check that all access openings at the ends of enclosed

superstructures are in good condition. All dogs, clamps and hinges
should be free and greased. Gaskets and other sealing
arrangements should not show signs of perishing (cracked
rubbers). Ensure that doors can be opened from both sides. Ensure
that door labels such as ‘To be kept closed at sea’ are in place.

2) Check all cargo hatches and accesses to holds for weathertightness.

Securing devices such as clamps, cleats and wedges are to be all in
place, well‐greased and adjusted to provide optimum sealing
between the hatch cover and compression bar on the coaming.
Replace perished rubber seals as necessary. Hose test hatches to
verify weathertightness.

3) Check the efficiency and securing of portable beams.

4) Inspect all machinery space openings on exposed decks.

5) Check that manhole covers on the freeboard deck are capable of

being made watertight.

6) Check that all ventilator openings are provided with an efficient

weathertight closing appliances. If applicable, ventilator plugs and
canvas covers must be available and in good order.

7) All air pipes must be provided with permanently attached means of


8) Inspect cargo ports below the freeboard deck and ensure that they
are watertight.

9) Ensure that all non‐return valves on overboard discharges are


10) Side scuttles below the freeboard deck or to spaces within enclosed
superstructures must have efficient internal watertight deadlights.
Inspect deadlight rubber seals and securing arrangements.

11) Check bulwarks and guardrails are in good condition.

12) De‐rust and repaint deck line, load line mark, load lines and draught

13) Load line and deck line to be clearly marked and painted.
14) All hatch coamings shall be surveyed, so preparations should be
made accordingly.

15) Check all rubber packings, drains, and channels for the MacGregor
type of hatch cover.

16) Checks shall be carried out for watertight doors, all port holes,
scuppers, E/R skylights, funnel doors, flaps, lifelines, fore peak valves,
bilge suctions, tunnel escapes, access to steering flat, air pipes, and

17) Keep the Load Line Report Form 2 up to date.

➢ Difference Between Watertight & Weathertight?

1) Watertight: capable of preventing the passage of water in any direction

under the head of water likely to occur in intact and damaged
conditions. This means that a watertight structure is designed to keep
water out completely, even if the ship is damaged, and water pressure
is applied from any direction.
2) Weathertight is defined as that in any sea conditions water will not
penetrate the ship. This means that a weathertight structure is intended
to keep out sea water during normal sea conditions, but not necessarily
under pressure or from any direction like a watertight structure.
➢ What is Safety Equipment Certificate (SEQ)? Contents of SEQ
Certificate? How will you Prepare your Vessel for SEQ Survey?

❖ What does the Cargo Ship Safety equipment Certificate cover

1) Fire safety systems

2) Life‐saving appliances
3) Navigational equipment
4) Pilot embarkation arrangements
5) Nautical publications
6) Lights and shapes
7) Sound signals
8) Distress signals

• SOLAS chapter III Regulation 8– Surveys of Life‐Saving Appliances and

other Equipment of Cargo Ships.

• Cargo ships of 500 gross tons or more on international voyages.

❖ What does the certificate signify

1) That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the

requirements of regulation I/8 of SOLAS

2) The ship complied with the requirements of the Convention as

regards fire safety systems and appliances and fire control plans

3) The life‐saving appliances and the equipment of the lifeboats,

liferafts and rescue boats were provided in accordance with the
requirements of the Convention

4) The ship was provided with a line‐throwing appliance and radio

installations used in lifesaving appliances in accordance with the
requirements of the Convention

5) The ship complied with the requirements of the Convention as

regards shipborne navigational equipment, means of embarkation for
pilots and nautical publications
6) The ship was provided with lights, shapes and means of making
sound signals and distress signals in accordance with the
requirements of the Convention and the International Regulations
for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force

7) The ship complied in all other respects the ship complied with the
relevant requirements of the Convention

❖ Contents of SEQ Certificate:

1) Particulars of the ship

1.1) Name of ship
1.2) Distinctive number or letters
1.3) Port of registry
1.4) Gross tonnage
1.5) Deadweight of ship (metric tons)
1.6) Length of ship
1.7) IMO Number

2) Type of ship
2.1) Bulk carrier
2.2) Oil tanker
2.3) Chemical tanker
2.4) Gas carrier
2.5) Cargo ship other than any of the above

3) Build details
3.1) Date of building contract
3.2) Date on which keel was laid or ship was at similar stage of
3.3) Date of delivery
3.4) Date on which work for a conversion or an alteration or modification
of a major character
3.5) was commenced (where applicable)

4) Dates of inspections and survey

4.1) Date of survey
4.2) Dates of last two inspections of the outside of the ship’s bottom
4.3) Endorsement for annual and intermediate surveys
4.4) Endorsement for inspections of the outside of the ship’s bottom

❖ What surveys are required to maintain the certificate

1) An initial survey before the ship is put into service

2) A renewal survey‐Maximum of 5 years
3) An intermediate survey‐ within three months before or after the second
or third anniversary date of a Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
4) An annual survey‐ within three months before or after each anniversary
date of the ship’s Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
5) Inspections of the ship’s bottom‐ two inspections of the ship’s bottom
to take place out of the water within any five‐year period, and at
intervals not exceeding 36 months.
❖ Supplement to Safety Equipment Certificate (Form E)

➢ Record Of Equipment For Cargo Ship Safety (Form E)

1) A Record Equipment For The Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate

(Form‐E) Shall Be Permanently Attached. It Contains The Addition Of
Equipment Carry For Safe Life Onboard, Including Life Saving
Appliances, Fire Fighting Appliances And Light And Sound Signals
2) It Consists of:

2.1) Particulars Of Ship

2.1.1) Name of the Ship
2.1.2) Distinctive Letters

2.2) Details Of Life-Saving Appliances

2.2.1) Total number of persons for which life‐saving appliances are
2.2.2) Total number of davit launched lifeboats
2.2.3) Total number of free‐fall lifeboats
2.2.4) Number of rescue boats
2.2.5) Liferafts
2.2.6) Number of liferafts
2.2.7) Number of lifebuoys
2.2.8) Number of lifejackets
2.2.9) Immersion suits
2.2.10) Number of anti‐exposure suits
2.2.11) Number of two‐way VHF radiotelephone apparatus

2.3) Details Of Navigational Systems And Equipment

2.3.1) Standard magnetic compass
2.3.2) Gyro‐compass
2.3.3) Gyro‐compass heading repeater
2.3.4) Heading or track control system
2.3.5) Nautical charts/Electronic chart display and information system
2.3.6) Back‐up arrangements for ECDIS
2.3.7) Nautical publications
2.3.8) 9 GHz radar
2.3.9) Second radar (3 GHz/9 GHz3)
2.3.10) Automatic radar plotting aid
2.3.11) Automatic identification system (AIS)
2.3.12) Long‐range identification and tracking system
2.3.13) Voyage data recorder (VDR)
2.3.14) Simplified voyage data recorder (S‐VDR)
2.3.15) Speed and distance measuring device (through the water)
2.3.16) Speed and distance measuring device (over the ground in the
forward and athwartships direction)
2.3.17) Echo‐sounding device

➢ Preparation for an SEQ Survey?

1) Check lifeboat and rescue boat are in good condition and all
markings are clearly visible.

2) Check winches are properly greased and in good condition.

3) Check life raft lashing and bases are in good condition.

4) Check all lifejackets are in good condition and all markings are clearly
visible. Replace lights if required.

5) Check all pyrotechnics are up to date.

6) Check immersion suits and TPSAs are in good condition and kept
properly in designated places.
7) Check EPIRB, SART, and VHF units, including portable VHF, are in
good condition and up to date.
➢ What is Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (CSSRC) & Form R?

1) It is required by SOLAS Chapter 1 regulation 9‐ Surveys of Radio

Installations of Cargo Ships. The details of requirements for
equipment is contained in SOLAS Chapter IV Radiocommunications.

2) Cargo ships of 300 gross and above.

3) Contents of Certificate

3.1) Name of ship

3.2) Distinctive number or letters
3.3) Port of registry
3.4) Gross tonnage
3.5) Sea areas in which ship is certified to operate (regulation IV/2)
3.6) IMO Number
3.7) Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of
construction or, where applicable, date on which work for a
conversion or an alteration or modification of a major character
was commenced
3.8) Completion date of the survey on which this certificate is based

4) What does it certify?

4.1) That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the
requirements of regulation I/9 of the Convention.

4.2) That the survey showed that:

▪ The ship complied with the requirements of the Convention as

regards radio installations
▪ The functioning of the radio installations used in life‐saving
appliances complied with the requirements of the Convention.
5) A Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
(Form R)

6) What Surveys are required?

6.1) An initial survey before the ship is put in service.

6.2) A renewal survey at intervals specified by the Administration but
not exceeding five years
6.3) A periodical survey within three months before or after each
anniversary date of the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate

❖ Form R (Record of Equipment for Cargo Ship Safety Radio)

❖ Contents of Form R

1) Particulars of the Ship

1.1) Name of the Ship

1.2) Distinctive Letters
1.3) Minimum number of persons with required qualifications to
operate the radio installations

2) Details Of Radio Facilities

2.1) Primary systems

2.2) VHF radio installation
2.3) DSC watch receiver
2.4) Radiotelephony
2.5) MF radio installation
2.6) DSC encoder
2.7) MF/HF radio installation
2.8) Recognized mobile satellite service ship earth station
2.9) Facilities for reception of marine safety information
2.10) NAVTEX receiver
2.11) Satellite EPIRB

3) Methods used to ensure availability of radio facilities

3.1) Duplication of equipment
3.2) Shore‐based maintenance
3.3) At‐sea maintenance capability
➢ What is the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (CSSC) & Form C?

1) A Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (CSSC) is issued as an alternative to

separate Cargo Ship Safety Construction, Cargo Ship Safety
Equipment and Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificates.

2) It is required by SOLAS I/12.

3) A certificate called a Cargo Ship Safety Certificate may be issued

after an initial or renewal survey to a cargo ship which complies with
the relevant requirements of chapters II‐1, II‐2, III, IV and V and any
other relevant requirements of the present regulations, as an
alternative to the certificates referred to in paragraph (a)(ii), (a)(iii) and

4) Form Required to be Attached to CSSC: A Record of Equipment for

Cargo Ship Safety (Form C).

❖ Contents of The Certificate

1) Particulars of the Ship

1.1) Distinctive number or letters

1.2) Name of ship
1.3) Port of registry
1.4) Gross tonnage
1.5) Deadweight of ship (metric tons)
1.6) Length of ship (regulation III/3.12)
1.7) Sea areas in which ship is certified to operate (regulation IV/2)
1.8) IMO Number

2) Type of Ship

2.1) Bulk carrier

2.2) Oil tanker
2.3) Chemical tanker
2.4) Gas carrier
2.5) Cargo ship other than any of the above

3) Dates

3.1) Date of building contract

3.2) Date on which keel was laid or ship was at similar stage of
3.3) Date of delivery
3.4) Date on which work for a conversion or an alteration or
modification of a major character was commenced (where
3.5) Validity of certificate

4) What Does the Certificate Verify?

4.1) That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with the
requirements of regulations I/8, I/9, and I/10 of SOLAS.

4.2) The condition of the structure, machinery, and equipment, as

defined in regulation I/10, was satisfactory, and the ship complied
with the relevant requirements of chapter II‐1 and chapter II‐2 of
SOLAS (other than those relating to fire safety systems and
appliances and fire control plans). The last two inspections of the
outside of the ship’s bottom took place on specified dates. The
ship complied with the requirements of SOLAS as regards fire
safety systems and appliances and fire control plans. The life‐
saving appliances and the equipment of the lifeboats, liferafts, and
rescue boats were provided in accordance with the requirements
of SOLAS. The ship was provided with a line‐throwing appliance
and radio installations used in life‐saving appliances in accordance
with the requirements of SOLAS. The ship complied with the
requirements of SOLAS regarding radio installations, and the
functioning of the radio installations used in life‐saving appliances
complied with the requirements of SOLAS. The ship complied with
the requirements of SOLAS as regards shipborne navigational
equipment, means of embarkation for pilots, and nautical
publications. The ship was provided with lights, shapes, means of
making sound signals, and distress signals in accordance with the
requirements of the Convention and the International Regulations
for Preventing Collisions at Sea. In all other respects, the ship
complied with the relevant requirements of SOLAS, and it operates
in accordance with regulation III/ within the limits of the
trade area.

➢ Form C (Record of Equipment for Cargo Ship Safety)

❖ Contents of Form C

1) Particulars of Ship

1.1) Name of ship

1.2) Distinctive number or letters
1.3) Minimum number of persons with required qualifications to
operate the radio installations

2) Details of Life-Saving Appliances

2.1) Total number of persons for which life‐saving appliances are
2.2) Total number of davit launched lifeboats
2.3) Number of liferafts
2.4) Number of persons accommodated by them
2.5) Number of lifebuoys
2.6) Number of lifejackets
2.7) Immersion suits
2.8) Number of anti‐exposure suits
2.9) Radio installations used in life‐saving appliances
2.10) Radar search and rescue transponders (SART)
2.11) AIS search and rescue transmitters (AIS‐SART)

3) Details of Radio Facilities

3.1) Primary systems

3.2) VHF radio installation
3.3) DSC watch receiver
3.4) Radiotelephony
3.5) MF radio installation
3.6) DSC encoder
3.7) MF/HF radio installation
3.8) Recognized mobile satellite service ship earth station
3.9) Facilities for reception of marine safety information
3.10) NAVTEX receiver
3.11) Satellite EPIRB

4) Methods used to ensure availability of radio facilities

4.1) Duplication of equipment

4.2) Shore‐based maintenance
4.3) At‐sea maintenance capability
5) Details of navigation systems and equipment

5.1) Standard magnetic compass

5.2) Gyro‐compass
5.3) Gyro‐compass heading repeater
5.4) Heading or track control system
5.5) Nautical charts/Electronic chart display and information system
5.6) Back‐up arrangements for ECDIS
5.7) Nautical publications
5.8) 9 GHz radar
5.9) Second radar (3 GHz/9 GHz3)
5.10) Automatic radar plotting aid
5.11) Automatic identification system (AIS)
5.12) Long‐range identification and tracking system
5.13) Voyage data recorder (VDR)
5.14) Simplified voyage data recorder (S‐VDR)
5.15) Speed and distance measuring device (through the water)
5.16) Speed and distance measuring device (over the ground in the
forward and athwartships direction)
5.17) Echo‐sounding device
❖ Preparation for SEQ Survey:

1) All instruction and/or notices including the emergency station muster

list and training manual were posted in the appropriate language as
required and to the master’s satisfaction.
2) All other statutory certificates and the class certificate were valid at the
time of survey.
3) Fire control plans (including duplicate set) properly posted.
4) Muster list
5) Training and maintenance manuals
6) Training manuals for LSA provided (III/36) Provided
7) Training manuals for fire safety practice provided (II‐2/15.2.3)
8) ECDIS is used instead of paper charts
9) Backup for ECDIS is available (can be paper charts).
10) Electronic nautical publications are carried
11) International Code of Signals
12) All Bridge Equipment’s found in order
13) Each lifeboat is required to be launched and manoeuvred at least once
every 3 months, except where this is not practicable in the case of
freefall lifeboats when the maximum interval between freefall launches
should not exceed six months.
14) Renewal required when necessary but at intervals not exceeding 5
years. Reversal end for end required at intervals not exceeding 30
15) Each lifeboat found in good condition and fully equipped
16) Rescue boat examined, found in good condition, and fully equipped

➢ Difference between Statutory & Mandatory Certificates?

1) STATUTORY CERTIFICATES are issued under the authority of a

government, serving as a testament to a ship’s compliance with
national and international maritime laws. These encompass various
aspects including:
1.1) Ship's Registry Certificate
1.2) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
1.3) International Load Line Certificate

2.1) Mandatory certificates: are not required by law but are mandatory
for international trading. Example‐ Certificate of Entry for P&I Club

➢ What is Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. Explain in brief?

▪ Purpose and Objectives

• The primary objectives of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958, as

outlined in its preamble, are:

▪ Development and Maintenance: To foster the development and

ensure the efficient maintenance of an Indian mercantile marine.
▪ National Interest: To serve the national interest effectively.
▪ Establishment of National Shipping Board: To establish a National
Shipping Board.
▪ Registration of Indian Ships: To provide for the registration of
Indian ships.
▪ Amendment and Consolidation: To amend and consolidate the
law relating to merchant shipping.

• The Act is divided into 24 parts, each addressing different aspects of

merchant shipping:

▪ Registration of Ships: Provisions for the registration of ships,

sailing vessels, and fishing vessels.
▪ National Shipping Board: Establishment and functions of the
National Shipping Board.
▪ Manning of Ships: Regulations regarding the engagement,
discharge, and repatriation of seamen and apprentices.
▪ Safety: Safety measures for passenger and cargo ships.
▪ Control of Indian Ships: Control over Indian ships and ships
engaged in coasting trade.
▪ Collisions: Provisions for dealing with ship collisions.
▪ Pollution Prevention: Measures for the prevention and control of
pollution of the sea by oil from ships.
▪ Liability: Limitation of shipowners' liability and civil liability for oil
pollution damage.
➢ What are the D-1 & D-2 Standards of Ballast Water Convention?
Also Explain Sequential Method, Flow-Through Method &
Dilution Method of the D-1 Standard.

• D-1 Standard

• Regulation D-1 of the Convention requires that

▪ The D-1 standard requires ships to exchange their ballast water in

open seas, away from coastal areas. Ideally, this means at least 200
nautical miles from land and in water at least 200 metres deep

▪ Ships performing ballast water exchange in accordance with this

regulation shall do so with an efficiency of at least 95% volumetric
exchange of ballast water; and

▪ For ships exchanging ballast water by the pumping-through

method, pumping through three times the volume of each ballast
water tank shall be considered to meet the standard described in
paragraph 1. Pumping through less than three times the volume
may be accepted provided the ship can demonstrate that at least
95% volumetric exchange is met.

▪ Sequential Method

▪ A process by which a ballast tank intended for the carriage of

ballast water is first emptied and then refilled with replacement
ballast water to achieve at least a 95% volumetric exchange.

▪ Flow-Through Method

▪ A process by which replacement ballast water is pumped into a

ballast tank intended for the carriage of ballast water, allowing
water to flow through overflow or other arrangements.

• Dilution Method

▪ A process by which replacement ballast water is filled through the

top of the ballast tank intended for the carriage of ballast water
with simultaneous discharge from the bottom at the same flow
rate and maintaining a constant level in the tank throughout the
ballast exchange operation.

• D-2 Standard [All Ships Shall Meet D-2 Standard By 8 September


• Ships conducting ballast water management in accordance with

regulation D-2 shall discharge:

▪ Less Than 10 Viable Organisms per m³, Sized 50 Micrometres or


▪ Less Than 10 Viable Organisms per mL, Smaller Than 50

Micrometres but At Least 10 Micrometres Wide.

➢ What is Sacrificial Anode? How Does it Work?

• Sacrificial anodes, also known as galvanic anodes, are the

protection mechanisms that you need to employ against corrosion.
While they don't stop corrosion completely, they do sacrifice
themselves to it.

• As the name implies, a sacrificial anode is a material that experts

install in pipes or tanks to make a sacrifice to corrosion. In other
words, these materials are easily corroded, so they can take the
corrosion off of the rest of the system. In turn, the pipe, tank, or
other holder is relatively free of corrosion.

❖ Working of Sacrificial Anode

• The way that a sacrificial anode works is the same as the way that
an electrochemical cell works. The sacrificial anodes have a kind of
protected metal that is on the cathode side. That is the negatively
charged side of the device.

• A more reactive metal or alloy is on the anode side, or the positive

side. It's important to note that the metal or alloy on the anode
side must have a larger potential difference than the metal on the
cathode side.

• Once these two metals are in place, the reaction will occur
spontaneously. An oxidation reaction will occur at the anode.
Oxidation means that the substance will lose electrons. While this
is happening, a reduction reaction will happen at the cathode side.
This means that the substance will gain electrons.

• The production of both the oxidation and reduction reactions at

once is known as a redox reaction. The oxidation at the anode side
will ensure that that sacrificial metal will corrode. The reduction
reaction at the cathode sign will prevent the metal on that side
from becoming eroded.

➢ What is the Structure of IMO? What is the Earlier Name of the

IMO? When was it Established? Where are the Headquarters of

• The International Maritime Organization consists of an Assembly, a

Council and five main Committees: the Maritime Safety Committee;
the Marine Environment Protection Committee; the Legal
Committee; the Technical Cooperation Committee and the
Facilitation Committee and a number of Sub-Committees support
the work of the main technical committees.

• Earlier name of IMO was Inter-Governmental Maritime

Consultative Organization, but the name was changed in 1982 to
International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

• Formed on 17 March 1948

• IMO currently has 175 Member States and three Associate Members.
• India became a Member State of the International Maritime
Organisation (IMO) in 1959.

• The headquarters of the IMO is located in London, United Kingdom.

➢ What are the 4 Pillars of IMO?

• Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

• The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships (MARPOL)
• The Convention for Standards of Training, Certification, and
Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)
• The Maritime Labor Convention (MLC)

➢ What is the Objective of International Maritime Organization &

Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)?


▪ The mission of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as a

United Nations specialized agency, is to promote safe, secure,
environmentally sound, efficient, and sustainable shipping through


▪ The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) is a

specialized body within the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) tasked with addressing environmental concerns in the
maritime industry. This committee, consisting of member states,
focuses on developing regulations and guidelines to minimize
pollution and promote sustainability, aligning with the IMO's
broader mission to regulate international shipping activities.
Through its deliberations and decisions, the MEPC plays a crucial
role in safeguarding the marine environment from the adverse
impacts of shipping operations, ensuring responsible maritime
practices worldwide.
➢ What is the Purpose of the International Safety Management
(ISM) Code? What are the Contents of the ISM Code? Latest
Amendments to the ISM Code? What are the Elements of the ISM

❖ Introduction & Purpose

• The International Safety Management (ISM) Code is the International

Maritime Organization (IMO) standard for the safe management
and operation of ships at sea
• Since, its adoption by IMO in 1993, the International Management
Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
(ISM Code) has established a global standard for the safe
management and operation of ships. The ISM Code sets out
mandatory rules for the organisation of Company management of
ships In relation to safety and pollution prevention and, most
importantly, for the implementation of Safety Management Systems
(SMS}. The objective of the ISM Code is to facilitate safe and pollution
free operations of ships.
• A key requirement of the ISM Code is the need for Companies to
operate a Safety Management System (SMS). The ISM Code
requires Companies to develop and implement safety management
procedures to ensure that conditions, activities, and tasks, both
ashore and afloat, affecting safety and environmental protection are
planned, organised, executed, and checked in accordance with
legislative and Company requirements.

❖ Contents of the ISM Code

• Part A: Implementation
1) General
2) Safety and environmental-protection policy
3) Company responsibilities and authority
4) Designated person(s)
5) Master's responsibility and authority
6) Resources and Personnel
7) Shipboard operations
8) Emergency preparedness
9) Reports and analysis of non-conformities, accidents, and hazardous
10) Maintenance of the ship and equipment
11) Documentation
12) Company verification, review, and evaluation

• Part B: Certification & Verification

1) Certification and periodical verification
2) Interim certification
3) Verification
4) Forms of certificates

• Appendix
1) Forms of the Document of Compliance, the Safety Management
Certificate, the Interim Document of Compliance, and the Interim
Safety Management Certificate.

❖ Elements of the ISM Code (Total 12 Elements)

1) General

▪ It includes definitions that apply to Part A: Implementation & Part

B: Certification & Verification, such as ISM Code, Company,
Administration, SMS, DOC, SMC, Non-Conformity, Major Non-
Conformity, etc.
▪ It also includes Objective of the ISM Code, SMS & their functional

2) Safety and Environmental-Protection Policy

▪ The Safety and Environmental Protection Policy should be a

concise and clear statement. It should describe the objective of the
SMS and outline a strategy and plan of action to achieve and
maintain its aims.
▪ Consideration should be given to the policy's interaction with
existing Company policies and procedures. The policy should strive
to encourage continuous improvement in safety awareness and
safety management skills.

3) Company Responsibilities and Authority

▪ If the entity who is responsible for the operation of the ship is

other than the owner, the owner must report the full name and
details of such entity to the Administration.
▪ The company should define and document the responsibility,
authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform,
and verify work relating to and affecting safety and pollution
▪ The company is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources
and shore-based support are provided to enable the designated
person or persons to carry out their functions.
4) Designated Person

▪ To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link

between the company and those on board, every company, as
appropriate, should designate a person or persons ashore having
direct access to the highest level of management.
▪ The responsibility and authority of the designated person or
persons should include monitoring the safety and pollution-
prevention aspects of the operation of each ship and ensuring that
adequate resources and shore-based support are applied, as

5) Master's Responsibility and Authority

▪ The company should clearly define and document the master's

responsibility with regard to:

a. implementing the safety and environmental-protection policy of

the company.
b. motivating the crew in the observation of that policy
c. issuing appropriate orders and instructions. in a clear and simple
d. verifying that specified requirements are observed; and
e. periodically reviewing the safety management system and
reporting its deficiencies to the shore-based management

▪ The company should ensure that the safety management system

operating on board the ship contains a clear statement
emphasizing the master's authority. The company should establish
in the safety management system that the master has the
overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with
respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request the
company's assistance as may be necessary.

6) Resources and Personnel

▪ The company should ensure that the Master is:

a. properly qualified for command
b. fully conversant with the company's safety management system;
c. given the necessary support so that the master's duties can be
safely performed.

▪ The Company should Ensure that each Ship is:

a. manned with qualified, certificated and medically-fit seafarers in
accordance with national and international requirements; and
b. appropriately manned in order to encompass all aspects of
maintaining safe operations on board.

7) Shipboard Operations

▪ The company should establish procedures, plans and instructions,

including checklists as appropriate, for key shipboard operations
concerning the safety of the personnel, ship, and protection of the
environment. The various tasks should be defined and assigned to
qualified personnel.
8) Emergency Preparedness

▪ The company should identify potential emergency shipboard

situations and establish procedures to respond to them.
▪ The company should establish programmes for drills and exercises
to prepare for emergency actions.
▪ The safety management system should provide for measures
ensuring that the company's organization can respond at any time
to hazards, accidents and emergency situations involving its ships.

9) Reports and Analysis of Non-Conformities, Accidents and

Hazardous Occurrences

▪ The safety management system should include procedures

ensuring that non-conformities, accidents, and hazardous
situations are reported to the company, investigated, and analysed
with the objective of improving safety and pollution prevention.
▪ The company should establish procedures for the implementation
of corrective action, including measures intended to prevent

10) Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment

▪ The company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is

maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules
and regulations and with any additional requirements which may be
established by the company.

▪ In meeting these requirements, the company should ensure that:

a. inspections are held at appropriate intervals.
b. any non-conformity is reported, with its possible cause, if known.
c. appropriate corrective action is taken; and
d. records of these activities are maintained.
11) Documentation

▪ The company should establish and maintain procedures to control

all documents and data which are relevant to the safety
management system.

▪ The company should ensure that:

a. valid documents are available at all relevant locations.
b. changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorized
personnel; and
c. obsolete documents are promptly removed.

▪ The documents used to describe and implement the safety

management system may be referred to as the Safety
Management Manual. Documentation should be kept in a form
that the company considers most effective. Each ship should carry
on board all documentation relevant to that ship.

12) Company Verification, Review, And Evaluation

▪ The company should carry out internal safety audits ·on board and
ashore at intervals not exceeding twelve months to verify whether
safety and pollution-prevention activities comply with the safety
management system. In exceptional circumstances, this interval
may be exceeded by not more than three months.
▪ The company should periodically verify whether all those
undertaking delegated ISM-related tasks are acting in conformity
with the company's responsibilities under the Code.
▪ The company should periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the
safety management system in accordance with procedures
established by the company.
▪ The audits and possible corrective actions should be carried out in
accordance with documented procedures.

➢ What are the Functional Requirements of the Safety Management

System (SMS)?

• Every company should develop, implement, and maintain a safety

management system which includes the following functional

1) a safety and environmental-protection policy

2) instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ships and
protection of the environment in compliance with relevant
international and flag State legislation
3) defined levels of authority and lines of communication between,
and amongst, shore and shipboard personnel.
4) procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities with the
provisions of this Code.
5) procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situations;
6) procedures for internal audits and management reviews.

➢ With respect to International Safety Management (ISM) Code.


1) Company

▪ Means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person

such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed
the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and
who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all
duties and responsibility imposed by the Code.

2) Administration

▪ Means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled
to fly.
3) Safety Management System (SMS)
▪ Means a structured and documented system enabling company
personnel to effectively implement the company safety and
environmental protection policy.

4) Observation

▪ Means a statement of fact made during a safety management

audit and substantiated by objective evidence.

5) Non-Conformity

▪ Means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates

the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement.

6) Major Non-Conformity

▪ Means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the

safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment
that requires immediate corrective action or the lack of effective
and systematic implementation of a requirement of this Code.

7) Anniversary Date

▪ Means the day and month of each year that corresponds to the
date of expiry of the relevant document or certificate.

➢ What is Document of Compliance (DOC)?

• A Document of Compliance shall be issued to every company which

complies with the requirements of the International Safety
Management (ISM) Code. This document shall be issued by the
Administration, by an organization recognized by the Administration,
or at the request of the Administration by another Contracting
• The Document of Compliance is only valid for the ship types explicitly
indicated in the document. Such indication should be based on the
types of ships on which the initial verification was based. Other ship
types should only be added after verification of the company's
capability to comply with the requirements of this Code applicable to
such ship types.
• The validity of a Document of Compliance should be subject to
annual verification by the Administration or by an organization
recognized by the Administration or, at the request of the
Administration, by another Contracting Government within three
months before or after the anniversary date.
• The Document of Compliance should be withdrawn by the
Administration or, at its request, by the Contracting Government
which issued the Document when the annual verification required in
paragraph is not requested or if there is evidence of major non-
conformities with this Code.
• All associated Safety Management Certificates and/or Interim Safety
Management Certificates should also be withdrawn if the Document
of Compliance is withdrawn.
• A copy of the Document of Compliance should be placed on board in
order that the master of the ship, if so requested, may produce it for
verification by the Administration or by an organization recognized by
the Administration.
• The validity of DOC, after the initial audit, is 5 years from the next date
of expiry and it is subjected to annual audit.

➢ What is Safety Management Certificate (SMC)?

• A document issued to a ship which signifies that the company and its
shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved
safety management system.
• The Safety Management Certificate should be issued to a ship for a
period which should not exceed five years by .the Administration or
an organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of
the Administration, by another. Contracting Government. The Safety
Management Certificate should be issued after verifying that the
company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with
the approved safety management system. Such a Certificate should
be accepted as evidence that the ship is complying with the
requirements of this. Code.
• The validity of the Safety Management Certificate should be subject
to at least one intermediate verification by the Administration or an
organization recognized by the Administration or, at the request of
the Administration, by another Contracting Government. If only one
intermediate verification is to be carried out and the period of validity
of the Safety Management Certificate is five years, it should take-
place between the second and third anniversary dates of the Safety
Management Certificate.

➢ Describe the Certification & Verification Process of the Document

of Compliance (DOC) & Safety Management Certificate (SMC)?

▪ The certification process relevant to a Document of Compliance for a

company and to a Safety Management Certificate for a ship will
normally involve the following steps:

1) Interim Verification

▪ Interim certification may be issued under certain conditions, as

specified by the ISM Code, and should facilitate the
implementation of a safety management system.
▪ The company should apply for interim certification to the
▪ The process of interim verification for the issuance of an Interim
Document of Compliance undertaken by the Administration would
require an assessment at the company's offices in accordance with
the ISM Code.
▪ On satisfactory completion of the assessment of the shoreside
safety management system, arrangements/planning may
commence for the assessment of applicable ships in the company's
▪ The process of interim verification of the ship should be
undertaken. by the Administration to ensure that the ship is
provided with a safety management system, in accordance with the
ISM Code.
▪ On satisfactory completion of the interim verification, an Interim
Document of Compliance will be issued to the company; copies
should be made available by the company to each shoreside
premises and each applicable ship in the company's fleet.

2) Initial Verification

▪ The company should apply to the Administration for ISM Code

▪ An assessment of the shoreside management system undertaken
by the Administration would necessitate assessment of the offices
where such management is carried out and possibly of other
locations that may perform delegated safety management system
tasks, depending on the company's organization and the functions
at the various locations.
▪ On satisfactory completion of the assessment of the shoreside
safety management system, arrangements/planning may
commence for the assessment of the company's ships.
▪ On satisfactory completion of the assessment of the ships, a
Document of Compliance will be issued to the company, copies of
which should be made available to each shoreside premises and
each ship in the company's fleet. As each ship is assessed and
issued with a Safety Management Certificate, a copy of that
certificate should also be forwarded to the company's head office.

3) Annual Verification for the Document of Compliance (DOC)

Intermediate Verification of the Safety Management
Certificate (SMC)

❖ Annual Verification for the Document of Compliance (DOC)

▪ Annual safety management audits are to be carried out to maintain

the validity of the Document of Compliance and should include
examining and verifying the correctness of the statutory and
classification records presented for at least one ship of each type to
which the Document of Compliance applies.
▪ The annual verification will address all the elements of the safety
management system and the activities to which the requirements of
the ISM Code apply.
▪ The purpose of these audits is to verify that the safety management
system is functioning effectively and that any modifications made to
the safety management system comply with the requirements of the
ISM Code.

❖ Intermediate Verification of the Safety Management Certificate

▪ Intermediate safety management audits should be carried out to

maintain the validity of the Safety Management Certificate. The
intermediate verification will address all the elements of the safety
management system and the activities to which the requirements of
the ISM Code apply.

▪ The purpose of these audits is to verify that the safety management

system is functioning effectively and that any modifications made to
the safety management system comply with the requirements of the
ISM Code.
▪ In certain cases, particularly during the initial period of operation
under the safety management system, the Administration may find it
necessary to increase the frequency of the intermediate verification.
Additionally, the nature of non-conformities may also provide basis
for increasing the frequency of intermediate verifications.
▪ If only one intermediate verification is to be carried out, it should take
place between the second and third anniversary date of the issue of
the Safety Management Certificate.

4) Renewal Verification

▪ Renewal verifications are to be performed before the validity of the

Document of Compliance or the Safety Management Certificate
▪ The renewal verification will address all the elements of the safety
management system and the activities to which the requirements
of the ISM Code apply.
▪ Renewal verification may be carried out within three months
before the date of expiry of the Document of Compliance or the
Safety Management Certificate and should be completed before
the date of expiry.

5) Additional Verification

▪ The Administration may, where there are clear grounds, require an

additional verification to check if the safety management system
still functions effectively. Additional verifications may be carried
out following situations beyond normal procedures such as port
State control detentions, or in the case of reactivation after the
interruption of operations due to a period out of service, or in
order to verify that effective corrective actions have been taken
and/or are being properly implemented.
▪ Additional verifications may affect the shore-based organization
and/or the shipboard management system. The Administration
should determine the scope and depth of the verification, which
may vary from case to case.
▪ The additional verifications should be completed within the time
period agreed, taking into account the guidelines developed by
IMO. The Administration should follow up on the results of the
verification and take appropriate measures, as necessary.
▪ On satisfactory completion of the shipboard assessment, the Safety
Management Certificate should be endorsed for additional

➢ What are Preparations you will do for the ISM Inspection

Onboard your Vessel?

• While Answering this question regarding Preparation for ISM

Inspection, Answer with respect to the Elements of the ISM Code.
• First Impression

1) Gangway & moorings

2) Access control
3) Appearance of gangway watch, officers, and crew

• Certificates and Documents

1) Required classification, statutory and other trading certificates are

readily available.
2) A copy of the company’s Document of Compliance (DoC) with the
endorsements for annual verifications.
3) Safety Management Certificate (SMC)
4) All ISM manuals, procedures and instructions are available in the
latest revisions
5) A copy of the company’s Safety and Environmental policy is
6) All records required by the ISM procedures are available and
completed as required

• System Management

1) The Master’s Reviews are carried out as required and relevant

identified action items are addressed
2) Internal audits are held as required by the Management System, at
intervals not exceeding twelve months. Reports are to be made
available on board.
3) External audits are held as required by the ISM Code; reports are
available on Board.
4) Procedures for reporting non-conformities, accidents, incidents
and near misses, analysis and follow-up are implemented. Required
corrective and preventive actions are carried out and verified for
satisfactory implementation.

• Resources and Personnel

1) The number of personnel meets the requirements of the Minimum
Safe Manning Certificates.
2) Up-to-date crew list is available
3) Medical fitness certificates are available for all personnel

• Inspection and Maintenance

1) Inspection and preventative maintenance of all equipment,

machinery and structures are carried out as required by the
Management System
2) Maintenance and inspection routines are carried out by competent
officers / personnel and under supervision of heads of department.
3) All Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting Equipment are in good
working condition and ready for immediate use.

• Emergency Preparedness

1) Procedures are available for all potential emergency situations

2) The Muster List is up to date and meets SOLAS requirements
3) Fire Control plans are up to date and reflect the equipment on
board. Fire plans are identical in all locations
4) A programme for Drills and Exercises is in place (Including all
identified potential emergency situations)
5) All emergency equipment is well maintained and ready for use

• Shipboard Operations

1) Procedures are available for all key shipboard operations

2) Responsibilities and duties are clearly assigned to qualified
3) All personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities
4) Procedures are implemented
5) effectively and records maintained as required

➢ What is International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code &
What Principle is Followed in it?

• Having entered into force under SOLAS chapter XI-2 (Special

Measures To Enhance Maritime Security), on 1 July 2004, the
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) has
since formed the basis for a comprehensive mandatory security
regime for international shipping.
• The Code is divided into two sections, Part A and Part B. Mandatory
Part A outlines detailed maritime and port security-related
requirements which SOLAS contracting governments, port authorities
and shipping companies must adhere to, in order to be in compliance
with the Code. Part B of the Code provides a series of
recommendatory guidelines on how to meet the requirements and
obligations set out within the provisions of Part A.

• The main objectives of the ISPS Code include:

1) Creating a global plan where countries, government groups, local

authorities, and the shipping and port industries work together.
They'll be checking for possible dangers to ships and ports
involved in international trade and taking steps to stop those
dangers before they happen.
2) Identifying the specific duties and obligations of all parties
involved in ensuring maritime security in ports and on ships, at
various levels such as national, regional, and international.
3) To ensure that there is early and efficient collation and exchange of
maritime security-related information, at national, regional, and
international levels
4) Creating a way to check how safe ships and ports are, This process
helps in making plans and procedures to keep ships, companies,
and port facilities safe. These plans and procedures are important
for responding effectively to different levels of security risks faced
by ships or ports.
5) To ensure that adequate and proportionate maritime security
measures are in place on board ships and in ports.

➢ Who is a Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)?

▪ Means the person designated as responsible for the development,

implementation, revision, and maintenance of the port facility
security plan and for liaison with the ship security officers and
company security officers.

➢ What are the Security Levels as per the ISPS, What will happen
after those Security Levels are in Force?

• Security Level 1

▪ Checking the identity of all persons seeking to board the ship and
confirming their reasons for doing so by checking.

▪ In agreement with the port facility the ship should ensure that
designated secure areas are established in which inspections and
searching of persons, baggage (including carry-on items), personal
effects, vehicles and their contents can take place.

▪ In agreement with the port facility the ship should ensure that
vehicles destined to be loaded on board car carriers, ro-ro and
other passenger ships are subjected to search prior to loading, in
accordance with the frequency required in the SSP.

▪ Segregating checked persons and their personal effects from

unchecked persons and their personal effects.
▪ Segregating embarking from disembarking passengers.

▪ Identification of access points that should be secured or attended

to prevent unauthorized access.

▪ Securing, by locking or other means, access to unattended spaces

adjoining areas to which passengers and visitors have access.

▪ Providing security briefings to all ship personnel on possible

threats, the procedures for reporting suspicious persons, objects or
activities and the need for vigilance.

▪ At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures

to be applied when handling unaccompanied baggage to ensure
that unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched up to and
including 100 percent, which may include use of x-ray screening.

• Security Level 2

▪ Assigning additional personnel to patrol deck areas during silent

hours to deter unauthorized access

▪ Limiting the number of access points to the ship, identifying those

to be closed and the means of adequately securing them.

▪ Preventing waterside access to the ship, including, for example, in

agreement with the port facility, provision of boat patrols.

▪ Establishing a restricted area on the shore-side of the ship, in close

co-operation with the port facility.

▪ Increasing the frequency and detail of searches of persons,

personal effects, and vehicles being embarked or loaded onto the

▪ Escorting visitors on the ship.

▪ Carrying out a full or partial search of the ship.

▪ At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security

measures to be applied when handling unaccompanied baggage
which should include 100 percent x-ray screening of all
unaccompanied baggage.

• Security Level 3

▪ Limiting access to a single, controlled, access point.

▪ Granting access only to those responding to the security incident

or threat thereof.

▪ Suspension of embarkation or disembarkation.

▪ Suspension of cargo handling operations, deliveries etc.

▪ preparing for a full or partial search of the ship.

Subjecting Unaccompanied baggage to more extensive screening, for

example x-raying it from at least two different angles, preparation for
restriction or suspension of handling of unaccompanied baggage.

➢ What is Declaration of Security (DoS)?

• The main purpose of a DoS is to ensure agreement is reached

between the ship and the port facility or with other ships with which it
interfaces as to the respective security measures each will undertake
in accordance with the provisions of their respective approved
security plans.
• The agreed DoS should be signed and dated by both the port facility
and the ship(s), as applicable, to indicate compliance with chapter XI-
2 and part A of the ISPS Code and should include its duration, the
relevant security level, or levels and the relevant contact details.
• A change in the security level may require that a new or revised DoS
be completed
• The DoS should be completed in English, French or Spanish or in a
language common to both the port facility and the ship or the ships,
as applicable.

➢ What are the Documents Issued Under ISPS?

❖ International Ship Security Certificates

• Requirement to hold the certificate

▪ The International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) is required by 'The

International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port
Facilities' (ISPS code), a code made mandatory in SOLAS chapter
XI-2. The following types of ships engaged on international
voyages must hold a valid ISSC:

1) Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft

2) Cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 GT and upwards
3) Mobile offshore drilling units
4) Additional types of vessels defined by flag states and regions.

• The ISSC certifies that:

1) That the security system and any associated security equipment of

the ship has been verified in accordance with the ISPS Code.
2) That the verification showed that the security system and any
associated security equipment of the ship is in all respects
satisfactory and that the ship complies with the applicable
requirements of SOLAS and the ISPS Code.

3) That the ship is provided with an approved Ship Security Plan

• Contents of the Certificate

1) Name of ship
2) Distinctive number or letters
3) Port of registry
4) Type of ship
5) Gross tonnage
6) Date of verification

• Survey requirements

▪ The certificate is subject to verifications rather than surveys.

These verifications are to ensure that the security system and any
associated security equipment of the ship fully complies with the
applicable requirements of the Code, is in satisfactory condition,
and fit for the service for which the ship is intended.

• Verification types

1) Initial Verification before the ship is put in service or before the

certificate is issued for the first time.

2) Renewal Verification at intervals specified by the Administration,

but not exceeding five years.

3) At least one Intermediate Verification. If only one Intermediate

verification is carried out it shall take place between the second
and third anniversary date of the certificate

• The Certificate becomes invalid when a Company assumes the

responsibility for the operation of a ship not previously operated by
that Company, or when the vessel is transferred to the flag of another

• Interim International Ship Security Certificate

▪ In common with ISM, the ISSC has an interim certificate. This is a

temporary certificate issued for a period of no more than six
months that allows a vessel to sail without its full International Ship
Security Certificate.

❖ Reasons for issuing the interim Certificate

1) When a ship is without a certificate, on delivery or before its entry
or re-entry into service
2) When a ship is transferring flags between Governments
3) When a ship changes ownership

❖ Requirements for Issue

1) That the ship security assessment has been completed

2) That a copy of the ship security plan meeting the requirements of

the Code is provided on board, has been submitted for review and
approval, and is being implemented on the ship

3) That they have established the necessary arrangements, including

drills, exercises, and internal audits, through which the company
security officer is satisfied that the ship will successfully complete
the required verification within 6 months

4) That arrangements have been made for carrying out the required

5) That the Master, the ship’s security officer and other personnel
with security duties are familiar with their duties and
responsibilities and within the ship security plan placed on board

6) These personnel have been provided such information in the

working language of the ship’s personnel or languages understood
by them

7) That the Ship Security Officer meets the requirements of the Code

❖ The Ship Security Assessment (SSA)

• This is required to be held for all vessels that require a ISSC, and its
findings are used to produce a Ship Security Plan.

• Contents of the Ship Security Assessment

▪ Physical security
▪ Structural integrity
▪ Personnel protection systems
▪ Procedures, policies
▪ Radio and telecommunication systems, including computer
systems and networks
▪ Other areas that may, if damaged or used for illicit observation,
pose a risk to persons, property, or operations on board the ship or
within a port facility

❖ The Ship Security Plan (SSP)

• A Ship Security Plan is a plan developed to ensure the application of

measures on board the ship designed to protect persons on board,
cargo, ship’s stores, or the ship from the risks of a security incident.

• Contents of the plan

▪ The organizational structure of security for the ship

▪ The ship’s relationships with the Company, port facilities, other

ships, and relevant authorities with security responsibility

▪ The communication systems to allow effective continuous

▪ communication within the ship and between the ship and others,
including port facilities
▪ The basic security measures for security level 1 that will always be
in Place

▪ The additional security measures that will allow the ship to

progress without delay to security level 2 and, when necessary, to
security level 3

▪ Procedures for regular review, or audit, of the SSP and for its
amendment in response to experience or changing circumstances

▪ The reporting procedures to the appropriate Contracting

Governments contact points.

➢ What are the Audits as per the ISPS?

• Internal Audits

SSPs should establish internal audit procedures to be followed by a

company or ship to ensure the continued effectiveness of the SSP. To
assist CSOs and SSOs, Administrations could provide guidance on the

1) Purpose of the ship security internal audit (e.g. to identify

opportunities for improvement)
2) Frequency (e.g. once a year)
3) Audit techniques (e.g. site visits and interviews with security
4) Components of a review
5) Sample audit report form
6) Selection of auditors

➢ What is Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)? It comes under which

SOLAS Chapter?

• Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) is a record maintained and

updated throughout a ship’s life and issued by the ship’s
Administration under SOLAS Chapter XI-I, “Special measures to
enhance maritime safety,” containing information, including the
name of the Administration or Contracting Government who issued
the ship’s current ISSC or Interim ISSC, and the name of the body who
carried out the verification of which the Certificate was issued if not
the Administration or Contracting Government. The original names of
those who issued previous International Ship Security Certificates
have to remain in the CSR.

• The Continuous Synopsis Record shall be issued by the Administration

to each ship that is entitled to fly its flag and it shall contain at least,
the following information:

▪ the name of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly
▪ the date on which the ship was registered with that State
▪ the ship’s identification number in accordance with regulation 3
▪ the name of the ship
▪ the port at which the ship is registered
▪ the name of the registered owner(s) and their registered
▪ the name of the registered bareboat charterer(s) and their
registered address(es), if applicable
▪ the name of the Company, as defined in regulation IX/1, its
registered address, and the address(es) from where it carries out
the safety management activities.
▪ the name of all classification society(ies) with which the ship is

➢ What is ISPS Drill Frequency?

• To ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the ship
security plan, drills should be conducted at least once every 3

• In addition, in cases where more than 25 percent of the ship’s

personnel has been changed, at any one time, with personnel that has
not previously participated in any drill on that ship, within the last 3
months, a drill should be conducted within one week of the change.

➢ What are the ISPS Equipment’s Onboard?

• Vessel of 500 GT or above on International Voyages

• High Beam Torch- 2 Nos

• Batons- 2 Nos
• Photo ID for Crew- All Crew
• Flood Light (Fixed or Portable)- 4 Nos
• Walkie Talkies- 4 Nos
• Whistles- 4 Nos
• Dog Leg Mirror- 2 Nos
• Hand Held Metal Detector- 2 Nos
• Cable ties- Adequate
• Different code colour passes for visitors- Adequate
• Night Vision Binoculars- 1 Nos

➢ What is Merchant Labour Convention (MLC), & Why was it


• The MLC consolidates, into a single Convention, 69 maritime

labour standards that had previously been adopted by ILO as
mandatory Conventions or recommendations. Once the MLC enters
into force it will supersede almost all of these existing International
Labour Organisation (ILO) maritime instruments.

• Previously, many of these ILO Conventions were not widely ratified

by governments, and only a small number of governments had
made serious efforts to apply the recommendations fully.

• Many of these instruments were obsolete, and often failed to take

account of the fact that the majority of seafarers now serve on ships
flying a flag that is different to their country of residence. As a
consequence, ILO labour standards did not enjoy the same degree
of uniform global enforcement as IMO regulations governing
maritime safety and the protection of the environment.

• The nature of the tripartite process at ILO (agency with

government, employer, and worker representatives) often meant
that the details were agreed between employers and unions. The
result was that the governments, who voted individually, often had
to accept the outcome of ILO Conferences without any feeling of
true ownership of the standards finally adopted. This provided little
impetus for encouraging the ratification of these Conventions by
governments that faced many other competing priorities.

• The MLC received the necessary level of ratifications to enter into

force on 20 August 2013.

➢ What are the Rest Hours as per MLC

• MLC Requirements

• Either minimum hours of rest must not be less than:

▪ 10 hours in any 24-hour period; and
▪ 77 hours in any 7-day period
• Using either option:
▪ The minimum hours of rest (10) needed to comply must be divided
into no more than two periods
▪ One of these rest periods must be at least 6 hours in length; and
▪ The interval between consecutive periods of rest must not exceed
14 hours.

• Or maximum hours of work must not exceed:

▪ 14 hours in any 24-hour period; and
▪ 72 hours in any 7-day period (i.e. at least 96 hours rest).

➢ You are working onboard a Vessel, You Haven’t Received Salary

for the Last 2 Months, What will you do?

• ILO MLC 2006, Regulation 5.1.5 On-Board Complaint Procedure,

Provides Seafarers an option to involve external authorities &
raise complaints regarding rights of the seafarer as per MLC

➢ What are the 5 Titles of MLC, 2006?

❖ Title 1: Minimum Requirements For Seafarers To Work On a Ship

1.1) Minimum Age (To ensure that no underage persons work on a

▪ When considering a seafarer for employment the MLC requires
that shipowners must not:
o Employ anyone under the age of 16; or
o Employ anyone under the age of 18 in night work, or where
health or safety is jeopardised.

1.2) Medical Certificate (To ensure that all seafarers are medically fit
to work at sea)
▪ The MLC requires that shipowners must only employ seafarers
certified by the competent authority (usually in their country of
residence) as being medically fit for their duties.

1.3) Training and Qualifications (To ensure that seafarers are trained
and qualified to carry out their duties on board ship)

▪ The MLC makes it clear that compliance with the IMO Convention
on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW) will satisfy this MLC requirement. Employers
should therefore ensure compliance with STCW as amended in

1.4) Recruitment & Placement (To ensure that seafarers have access
to an efficient and well-regulated employment system)

❖ Title 2: Conditions of Employment

2.1) Seafarers' Employment Agreements (To ensure that seafarers

have a fair employment agreement)

▪ Ensure that the terms and conditions of a seafarer's employment

are set out in a clear, written, legally enforceable agreement. It
must be compatible with the Convention, particularly as regards
the provision of living and working conditions
▪ To ensure that seafarers are Paid Wages (monthly) for their
▪ To ensure Seafarers are paid for the Overtime.

2.2) Wages (To ensure that seafarers are paid for their services)

• Hours of Work and Hours of Rest

2.3) Either minimum hours of rest must not be less than:

▪ 10 hours in any 24-hour period; and
▪ 77 hours in any 7-day period
• Using either option:
▪ The minimum hours of rest (10) needed to comply must be divided
into no more than two periods
▪ One of these rest periods must be at least 6 hours in length; and
▪ The interval between consecutive periods of rest must not exceed
14 hours.
• Or maximum hours of work must not exceed:
▪ 14 hours in any 24-hour period; and
▪ 72 hours in any 7-day period (i.e. at least 96 hours rest).

• Shipowners must also maintain individual work hour records for each
seafarer on board ship to demonstrate compliance with the MLC

2.4) Entitlement to Leave

➢ The MLC requires that shipowners must give seafarers paid annual
leave and shore leave. Justified absences from work (e.g. for sickness)
must not be counted as annual leave.

➢ Payment of annual leave must be calculated on the basis of at least

2.5 days per calendar month of employment, unless another
appropriate method of calculation is provided under a collective
bargaining agreement.

2.5) Repatriation

• In normal circumstances the employer is always responsible for the

costs of repatriating seafarers to their country of residence (or
other destination agreed) at the end of an agreed voyage period
or other circumstances set out by the MLC.

• Shipowners must not require seafarers to make advance payments

or wage deductions to fund repatriation.

❖ Title 3: Accommodation, Recreational Facilities, Food And

3.1) Accommodation And Recreational Facilities (To ensure that
seafarers have decent accommodation and recreational facilities on
board)- This includes Sleeping Rooms, Mess Rooms, Smoking Rooms,
Specific Size of Rooms, Lighting,

3.2) Food & Catering (To ensure that seafarers have access to good
quality food and drinking water provided under regulated hygienic

❖ Title 4: Health Protection, Medical Care, Welfare And Social

Security Protection

4.1) Medical Care On Board Ship And Ashore (To protect the health of
seafarers and ensure their prompt access to medical care on board ship
and ashore)

4.2) Health And Safety Protection And Accident Prevention (To

ensure that the seafarers' work environment on board ship
promotes occupational health and safety)

❖ Title 5: Compliance And Enforcement

➢ What are the Certificates Issued under the MLC & their Contents?

1) Maritime Labour Certificate

1.1) This Certificate certifies:

• That this ship has been inspected and verified to be in compliance

with the requirements of the Convention (MLC), and the provisions
of the attached Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance.

• That the seafarers' working and living conditions specified in

Appendix A5-I of the Convention were found to correspond to the
abovementioned country's national requirements implementing
the Convention. These national requirements are summarized in
the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, Part I.

2) Interim Maritime Labour Certificate

2.1) When a new ship is delivered, the MLC shipowner assumes the
responsibility for the operation of a new ship, or changes the flag,
a temporary ship survey should be conducted. After the ship
passes the survey, an interim MLC with a validity period no more
than 6 months will be issued.
3) Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance- Part I

3.1) DMLC Part 1 is issued by the attending surveyor, taking account of

the specific provisions applying to the ship

4) Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance- Part II

4.1) DMLC Part 2 is completed by the shipowner

➢ What is the latest amendment to MLC?

❖ These Amendments are set to come in effect from December


1) Updated Repatriation Protocols

1.1) The changes also seek to streamline and fortify the repatriation
process, ensuring that seafarers' rights to a prompt return are
upheld. These amendments delve deeper into the responsibilities
of various state actors, thus ensuring an ample approach to

2) Revamped Recreational Facilities and Amenities

2.1) These amendments underscore the importance of social

connectivity in the provision of amenities and recreational facilities
for seafarers. The updates highlight the significance of ship-to-
shore communication and steady internet access throughout

3) Updated Food and Catering Regulations

3.1) These amendments bring about essential changes to the food and
catering regulations, ensuring seafarers' nutritional needs are met
adequately. The revisions strive to ensure that the provision of
food and water supplies aligns with the specific requirements of
seafarers and the nature of their voyages.

4) Expanded Medical Care Provisions

4.1) These revisions broaden the range of medical care provided to

seafarers, including a framework on the provision of treatment
ashore. The changes also outline new guidelines regarding the
repatriation of deceased seafarers.

5) Enhancing Safety Protection and Accident Prevention Measures

5.1) The amendments aim to improve health and safety protection

measures, reduce the risk of exposure to harmful factors, and
ensure the provision of appropriate personal protective equipment.

➢ What is Port State Control (PSC)? As Per Which SOLAS

Regulation, PSC Come Onboard a Vessel? Under Which
Convention PSC Can Detain A Vessel?

• Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in

national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its
equipment comply with the requirements of international
regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in
compliance with these rules.

• SOLAS Chapter I: General Provisions/Regulation 19, Talks about the

Port State Inspection of Vessels & If Any Deficiencies are found,
The vessel must not Sail, until those deficiencies are rectified.

• Conventions Under Which A Vessel Can be Detained by PSC

1) International Convention of Load Line 1966 & its Protocol.

2) International Convention for Prevention of Marine Pollution from
ships (MARPOL) 73/78.
3) International Convention of STCW 1978 as amended.
4) International Regulations for preventing Collisions at sea (COLREG)
5) International Labour organization (ILO) convention No. 147.

➢ What are type of Inspections carried out by the PSC?

• Following are types of Inspections carried out by PSC

1) Initial Inspection

▪ During control procedures prompted by information received

about a ship, a Port State Control Officer (PSCO) evaluates the
vessel's condition from its appearance in the water, noting factors
such as paint condition, corrosion, and unrepaired damage. Upon
boarding, the PSCO promptly determines the ship's type, year of
build, and size to ascertain which convention provisions apply.
Subsequently, while meeting the master or responsible officer, the
PSCO reviews the ship's relevant certificates and documents listed
in Appendix 12, Part A of the conventions. This streamlined
approach ensures thorough inspection without overlooking
essential details.

▪ Following the certificate and document check, the PSCO conducts

a comprehensive inspection of the ship's overall condition,
including equipment, navigational bridge, forecastle, cargo areas,
engine-room, and pilot transfer arrangements, ensuring any
previous deficiencies are rectified. If certificates are valid and the
ship's maintenance standard appears satisfactory, the inspection
focuses mainly on reported or observed deficiencies. However, if
the PSCO's general impressions or observations indicate non-
compliance with requirements, they proceed to a detailed
inspection, guided by SOLAS 1974 Chapter IX and relevant
appendices, particularly considering the International Safety
Management Code (ISM Code).

2) More Detailed Inspection

▪ If a foreign ship lacks valid certificates or if the PSCO has clear

grounds to suspect non-compliance with certificate particulars or
inadequate familiarity with essential shipboard procedures by the
master or crew, a thorough inspection outlined in the chapter
should be conducted, referencing relevant appendices for support.
This detailed inspection aims to address discrepancies and ensure
compliance with international standards.

▪ While not all equipment and procedures outlined in the chapter

may be examined during a single port State control inspection, the
necessity for a comprehensive inspection arises based on the ship's
condition or the crew's familiarity with essential shipboard
procedures. Furthermore, these procedures aim to uphold
international standards without imposing additional certification
requirements on ships entitled to fly the flag of another Party to
STCW 1978 or exceeding control measures applied to foreign ships
compared to those of the port State.

➢ What are the Detainable PSC Deficiencies?

▪ No oil record book

▪ Lack of or insufficient crew member certificates/endorsements
▪ Failure of main propulsion, electrical, pumping, and steering
▪ Absence non-compliance or poor condition of LSA equipment
▪ Absence of corrected charts and publications
▪ Absence or failure of mandatory navigational systems and

➢ List the Documents that must be sent to the Port Authority for
the Clearance of the Vessel?

• Following Documents required by Port Authority

1) Bill of Lading, Cargo Manifest, Transit Cargo List

2) Crew List

• Following Statutory Certificates

3) Ship Registry Certificate

4) ISPS Certificate
5) International Load line Certificate
6) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
7) Cargo Ship Radio Certificate
8) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
9) International Oil Pollution Certificate
➢ What are the different stresses a Ship experiences in sea?

• There are 2 Categories of Stresses Experienced by Ships At Sea

1) Global- those affecting the whole ship.
2) Local- those affecting a particular part of the ship

❖ Global

1) Hogging
• When a ship is loaded in such a manner that she has excess of
weights at the end whereas excess of buoyancy in the middle than
she will have a tendency to bend upwards amidship. a vessel bending
in this manner is said to be hogging.

2) Sagging
• Sagging stresses are caused by the uneven distribution of weight and
buoyancy in the length of the hull. If a ship is supported on either end
by the crest of a wave, the stress exerted by the waves on the
buoyancy of the vessel would tend to lift the ends, whilst the centre of
the vessel would suffer a loss of buoyancy and tend to sag. This type
of stress is known as sagging.

3) Racking
• When a vessel is rolling in a seaway the transverse section will try to
distort at the corners due to racking stresses.

4) Torsion

• If a vessel is subjected to pitching and rolling at the same time, i.e.

taking the wave on either bow, the vessel tends to twist longitudinally.
These are known as torsional stresses or forces.

5) Water pressure
• Water acts perpendicular to the surface of the submerged hull and
increases with depth. This produces collapsing stresses which must be

6) Drydocking

• When a ship is drydocked the thrust from the water is removed. The
hull on either side of the keel strake tends to sag downwards and the
beams are in tension. Keel blocks, bilge blocks and side shores are
needed to support the ship. The arrangements of keel and bilge
blocks are different for each class of ship. Side shores (wooden baulks
of timber) also differ from ship to ship.

❖ Local Stresses

1) Panting
• It is an in and out motion of the shell plating caused by fluctuation in
water pressure because of water waves. In order to prevent this,
classification societies are given extra strength in the form of beam,
brackets, stringer plate etc. The structure at the fore end is
strengthened to resist panting to a distance of 0.15L aft of the
forward perpendicular. Forward of the collision bulkhead,
‘panting stringers’ are fitted not more than 2.0m apart. The
stringers are bracketed to the shell frames, and panting beams are
fitted on alternate frames under each panting stringer. Pillars are
fitted on the centreline (usually a wash bulkhead) to tie the panting
beams together. Deep plate floors are fitted on each frame station
and are flanged on their upper edges. Between the collision
bulkhead and 15% L aft of FP, intercostal stringers are fitted in
line with the panting stringers.

2) Pounding/Slamming
• At the time of heavy weather, the ship may heave and pitch, so the
fore end emerges from the water and re-enters with a slamming
effect called pounding.
• Extra stiffening is required to reduce the damage:
▪ To resist pounding, the forward bottom structure is strengthened
for between 0.25 or 0.30 of the length, depending on the ship's
block coefficient. Plate floors are fitted on each frame station
(transverse framing) or alternate frame stations (longitudinal
framing) with intercostal side girders not more than 2.2m apart.
The four strakes of shell plating either side of the keel are
increased in thickness in the pounding region.
➢ What are Frames on Ships? What Type of Framing System is Used
on Ships?

1) The side shell is supported by frames, which run vertically from the
tank margin to the upper deck.
2) These are usually of angle section, which are spaced about 760mm
apart in the form of bulb angle.
3) The length of frames is usually broken at decks, allowing smaller
sections to be used in the tween deck spaces.
4) The hold frames are of a larger section, typically 300 mm bulb angle
or plate.
5) They are connected at the tank margin by two flanged tank side

❖ Types of Framing System:

1) Longitudinal Framing/Stiffening System

1.1) It runs longitudinally, which means along the length of the ship.
1.2) It is used in all seagoing ships with a length greater than 70
1.3) Transverse webs are fitted to support the side longitudinal, with
spacing not exceeding 3.8 meters apart in ships of 100 meters or
1.4) An important feature of longitudinal framing is that continuity of
strength is maintained.

2) Transverse Framing/Stiffening System

2.1) May be found in ships less than 70 meters in length.

2.2) Transverse framing are the stiffeners running along the breadth of
the ship.
3) Mixed Longitudinal/Transverse

3.1) A purely longitudinally framed ship is strong in the longitudinal

direction, while a transversely framed ship has tremendous
transverse strength. Combined framing ships have the advantage
of both longitudinal and transverse framing systems.
3.2) In this type of framing system, the vessel is longitudinally framed
under the decks and on the bottom plating.
3.3) Side plating is transversely framed.

➢ How are Frames Numbered on the Ships?

1) All frames forward of the forward perpendicular are identified by

capital letters starting with 'A', while frames aft of the aft
perpendicular start with 'AA'. The forward perpendicular is identified
by zero '0', frames between the aft and forward perpendiculars are
identified by numbers (0, 1, 2, 3...), and each frame aft of the forward
perpendicular will have a higher number.
➢ What is Shell Plating & Strake? Types of Shell Plating?

1) Shell plating is the outermost structure on the hull of a ship. The main
purpose of shell plating is to provide a watertight skin for the ship.

2) Strake: Shell plating is not made up of a single plate; it is made of

smaller sections of plates welded together. These plates are joined
together and numbered in a certain pattern, such as A strake, B strake,
C strake, etc.

3) Based on the position of shell plating, the most common types of

shell plating are:

3.1) Bottom Shell Plating

• Bottom shell plating is the shell plating on the bottom part of
the ship, forming the watertight skin of the ship's bottom.

3.1.1) Garboard Strake

• Garboard strake is the first strake on each side of the keel
strake, or the strake adjacent to the keel plate. Each plate is
named with an alphabet starting from 'A' in the vertical
direction. Each plate is given a number in the horizontal
direction starting from aft '1'.

3.1.2) Keel Strake & Other Strake on Bottom Shell Plating

• Keel plate is also made up of smaller sections of steel plates.
These strakes of plates that form the keel of the ship are called
keel strakes. The plates in the keel strake are numbered from aft
to forward, starting from '1'.

3.2) Side Shell Plating

• Side shell plating is the shell plating on the sides of the ship,
forming the watertight skin along the side of the ship.
3.2.1) Sheer Strake
• It is the topmost strake of the side shell plating, or the strake
adjacent to the deck plating, called the sheer strake. The plates
are identified by a letter and a number. Each plate is given an
alphabet in the vertical direction starting from 'A' from the
bottom, and each plate is given a number in the horizontal
direction starting from aft '1'.

3.2.2) Other Strake on Side Shell Plating

3.3) Deck Plating

• Shell plating that forms the main deck of the ship is called deck
shell plating.

➢ How Strakes are Numbered on Ships?

1) The strakes are marked with letters A, B, C, etc., vertically upwards

from the bottom, starting from the plate adjacent to the keel plate
named ‘A’ ending with the shear strake at strake J. The strake
numbers start from 1 at the stern end and end with any number at
the forward bow.

➢ What is Beam & Beam Knee on Ship?

1) Beam: The deck may be supported either by transverse beams in

conjunction with longitudinal girders (Girders are one form of
longitudinal stiffeners) or by longitudinal beams in conjunction with
transverse girders.

2) Beam Knee: The transverse beams are carried across the ship and
bracketed to the side frames by means of beam knees.

➢ Explain Transverse & Longitudinal Beams?

1) Transverse Beams
1.1) A beam arrangement often adapted for ships experiencing severe
racking stress and hogging/sagging effects.
1.2) Runs along the breadth of the ship.
1.3) In Ships of less than 120 meters in length.

2) Longitudinal Beams

2.1) In Ships of more than 120 meters, usually found in tankers.

2.2) Fitted longitudinally.
➢ What are Bulkheads? What are the Types of Bulkheads Used on

1) Bulkheads

1.1) These are the division or subdivision of a compartment or tank.

1.2) Subdivision divides a ship into a number of watertight

2) There are 3 Basic Types of Bulkheads Found on Ships:

2.1) Water Tight

2.2) Non-Water Tight
2.3) Tank Bulkhead

2.4) Additional Bulkheads (Tell only If Surveyor is not Satisfied)

2.4.1) Longitudinal

2.4.2) Transverse

2.4.3) Collision
• The collision bulkhead is a crucial safety feature that has improved the
safety of ships at sea. The collision bulkhead is a watertight partition
located at the forward end of a ship that is designed to prevent
flooding of the cargo hold or the engine room in case of a collision.
• The collision bulkhead must be watertight from the bottom of the
ship up to the bulkhead deck. It can have steps but no doors,
manholes, accesses or openings
• Minimum Distance: not less than 0.05L or 10 metres, whichever is
the lesser from the forward perpendicular
• Maximum Distance: not more than 0.08L or 0.05L+3 m, whichever is
the greater from the forward perpendicular.
2.4.4) Corrugated

2.4.5) Plain

➢ What is Corrugated Bulkhead?

1) Corrugated bulkhead has been adopted for cargo tank bulkheads of

commercial vessels such as bulk carriers, product oil carriers and
chemical tankers. It is considered that corrugated bulkhead is a
preferred structural solution, compared to the flat stiffened bulkhead,
due to several advantages such as lower mass, easier maintenance,
and smaller corrosion problems.

2) Types of Corrugated Bulkhead

2.1) Vertically Corrugated Bulkhead

2.1.1) Without Stools at Inner Bottom- Type VC1: This arrangement is

most common on smaller tankers including Product Tankers &
Chemical Tankers

2.1.2) With Lower Stool- Type VC2: This arrangement is utilized on

larger ships than those using Type VC1 and has found application
on ships exceeding 40,000 DWT.

2.1.3) With Lower and Upper Stool - Type VC3: This arrangement is
utilized on the largest tankers fitted with corrugated bulkheads,
which now reach Aframax size.

2.2) Horizontally Corrugated Bulkhead

2.2.1) Bulkhead Arranged Transversely - Type HCT: This arrangement

is most common on smaller tankers, including product tankers and
chemical tankers, where the efficiency of tank cleaning is of
primary importance.

2.2.2) Bulkhead Arranged Longitudinally - Type HCL: This

arrangement is most common on smaller tankers, including
product tankers and chemical carriers, where the efficiency of tank
cleaning is of primary importance.

❖ Advantage of Corrugated Bulkhead

1) Easy Maintenance
2) Easy Loading/Unloading
3) Flexible Shape in Shrinkage
4) Expansion by Thermal Load Compared to Flat Stiffened Bulkheads.
➢ What is Rudder, Its main Function & Types of Rudder ?

1) The main function of the rudder is to change the direction of the ship
by using the steering gear arrangement.

2) The turning action of the rudder depends on the area of the

rudder, which is typically in the order of 1/60th to 1/70th of the
product of the ship’s length and depth.

3) The ratio of depth to width of a rudder is known as the aspect ratio,

which is typically in the region of 2.

4) Types of Rudder:

4.1) Unbalanced Rudder

• This type of rudder has its entire blade area behind the rudder
stock or axis of rotation. The leading edge, which is directly facing
the propeller, is connected to the stock. In an unbalanced rudder,
the steering gear has to provide all the turning torque. The blade,
on the other hand, is exposed to large bending moments. Thus,
unbalanced rudder is not widely used in modern ships but is
popular among small vessels and fishing boats.

4.2) Balanced Rudder

• Also called a fully balanced rudder, this type has 20% to 40% of its
blade area forward of the rudder stock. Water pressure striking on
the forward part of the turning axis compensates the water force
acting on the after part of the blade.

4.3) Semi-Balanced Rudder [Commonly Used By Merchant Ships]

• Semi-balanced rudder has less than 20% of its blade area forward
of the rudder stock. The stock reduces the overall stress of the
blade when water pressure is applied. Since a portion of it is
forward of the turning axis, this part counterbalances the force of
water on the after part. Modern ships commonly use semi-
balanced rudder as part of their steering system.
➢ Define the following with respect to Propeller?

1) Diameter: The diameter of the circle scribed by the blade tips as the
propeller rotates. Defined as the maximum radius of one blade
multiplied by 2.

2) Pitch: The linear distance that the propeller would move in one
complete revolution through a solid medium not allowing for slip.
This means that if we have a propeller of 40” pitch it will advance 40
inches for every complete spin as long as this is made in a solid
surface; in a liquid environment, the propeller will obviously slide with
less displacement.

3) Right-Handed & Left-Handed Propeller: A propeller which turns

clockwise rotation when viewed from aft is called a right-hand
propeller, and when turned in an anticlockwise direction, it is called a
left-handed propeller. For a single-screw ship, the propeller will be the
right-handed propeller, and for a twin-screw ship, which has two
propellers, two engines, and two shafts, the starboard propeller is
right-handed, and the port propeller is left-handed.
4) Slip: The difference between the theoretical distance the propeller
should travel in one revolution and the actual distance the vessel

5) Pitch Angle: Pitch angle is the angle formed between two essential
elements: The pressure face of the blade (This is the side of the blade
facing the direction of motion) & The plane of rotation (Plane
perpendicular to the rotational axis.)

➢ What are types of Propeller used on Ships?

1) Types of Propeller:

1.1) Fixed Pitch Propeller

• The blades in the fixed pitch propeller are permanently attached to

the hub. The fixed pitch type propellers are cast and the position of
the blades and hence the position of the pitch is permanently fixed
and cannot be changed during the operation. They are normally
made from copper alloy.

1.2) Controllable Pitch Propeller (Aka: Variable Pitch Propeller)

• In a Controlled Pitch type propeller, it is possible to alter the pitch

by rotating the blade about its vertical axis by means of mechanical
and hydraulic arrangement. This helps in driving the propulsion
machinery at constant load with no reversing mechanism required
as the pitch can be altered to match the required operating
condition. Thus, the manoeuvrability improves and the engine
efficiency also increases. This drawback includes the possibility of
oil pollution as the hydraulic oil in the boss which is used for
controlling the pitch may leak out.
➢ What are the Advantages & Disadvantages Between the Fixed
Pitch Propeller & Controllable Pitch Propeller?

1) In a fixed-pitch propeller, any damage to the blades requires the

complete propeller to be changed. However, in a controllable-pitch
propeller, the damaged blade can be replaced while retaining the rest
of the propeller assembly.

2) Maintenance on the fixed-pitch propeller is less compared to the

controllable-pitch propeller. In the controllable-pitch propeller, the
hydraulic oil system is costly and requires tough maintenance.
Additionally, if any hydraulic oil leakage occurs at sea, there is a risk of
oil pollution.

3) In controllable-pitch propellers, engine wear and tear are typically

less, whereas with fixed-pitch propellers, wear and tear of the engine
are more pronounced.

➢ What are Azimuth Thrusters?

1) Azimuth thrusters, also called azipods, are propellers mounted in a

pod that provides thrust and steering by rotating the unit horizontally.
Traditionally, vessels have propellers that provide forward thrust and a
rudder that produces drag by turning, steering the vessel. These
setups work great on small ships or in open areas and are the main
reason large commercial vessels like container and fuel ships need
tugs to help them navigate ports and narrow waterways. Large ships
with small rudders just don’t have the agility to turn quickly, and their
generous size makes it difficult to “reverse”.
➢ Why Keel is Called the Backbone of the Ship?

1) The keel of a ship is often called its "backbone" due to its vital
structural role. Since Backbone of Human Body provides Support to
the Body Structure, the Keel extending along the hull's bottom from
bow to stern, the keel bears the weight of the entire vessel,
distributing it evenly for stability. It provides essential rigidity and
strength, resisting forces encountered at sea.

➢ What is the Function of Bilge Keel?

1) Bilge keel is the longitudinal structure that runs along much of the
length down to the lower side of ship' s hull to reduce the rolling
motion of the ship

2) Purpose:
2.1) Dampen the rolling motion of the ship
2.2) Increase longitudinal strength
2.3) Protect bilge while grounding

➢ Define:

1) Striker Plate
1.1) A Striker Plate is fitted at the bottom of ballast tank sounding
pipes. The purpose of this plate is to prevent the tank from getting
damaged/dented because of the repeated contact with the end-
weight of a sounding tapes. Whenever soundings are taken, a
sharp thud is heard when the sounding tape comes in contact with
the ballast tank bottom. This might damage the ballast tank.
Hence, a striker plate is fitted to prevent this.

2) Coffin Plate
2.1) The plate joining two side plates over the keel of a vessel at the
stern which in plane view creates a shape similar to a coffin lid.

3) Stealer Plate
3.1) In iron shipbuilding, the end-plate of a strake of outside or inner-
bottom plating which is dropped out as the girth of the vessel
narrows toward the ends. It is place where 2 strakes merge into 1.

4) Shoe Plate
4.1) Used to connect stem to the flat plate keel

5) Stringer Plate
4.1) It is one of the plates forming the outer strake of a ship's deck and
being usually heavier than those used for the rest of the deck.

6) Margin Line
5.1) Margin Line is defined by a line at least 76 mm below the upper
surface of the bulkhead deck, as measured at the side of the vessel.
5.2) In simpler terms, the margin line defines the highest level on the
ship's side that water can rise to in the event of damage, sinking, or
changes in the ship's trim (its balance front to back) and heel (its
balance side to side).

7) Sheer
6.1) It is defined as the Curvature of decks in the longitudinal direction.
Measured as the height of deck at side at any point above the
height of deck at side amidships.

8) Camber
7.1) Curvature of decks in the transverse direction. Measured as the
height of deck at centre above the height of deck at side.

9) Tumblehome
8.1) The inward curvature of the side shell above the summer load line.

10) Flare
9.1) The outward curvature of the side shell above the waterline
especially in the forward. It promotes dryness and is therefore
associated with the fore end of ship.
11) Girder
10.1) Girders are one form of longitudinal stiffeners. These are:
▪ Big size steel plates (or sometimes beams) connected to the
bottom of the ship
▪ Run in the fore and aft direction
▪ Strengthen the ship against bending moments
10.2) Girders are also named according to their location. The girder at
the centre of the ship is called the centre girder.

12) Shearing Force

11.1) When two external parallel forces act in opposite directions on any
part of a structure to break it apart or shear it, the forces are
known as shearing forces and are measured in tonnes. Shearing
stress is, therefore, the stress that may break or shear the structure

13) Bending Moment

12.1) The bending moment is the amount of bending caused to the
ship’s hull by external forces.
➢ Define the following terms wrt Ship Stability

1) Centre of Gravity

• The centre of gravity (G or COG) of a ship is that point through which

the force of gravity may be considered to act vertically downwards
with a force equal to the weight of the ship.

2) Centre of Buoyancy

• The centre of buoyancy (B or COB) of a ship is that point through

which the force of buoyancy (the upward force exerted on an
object wholly or partly immersed in a fluid) may be considered to
act vertically upwards, with a force equal to the weight of water
displaced by the ship.

3) List

• List is the transverse inclination caused by unequal distribution of

weights on either side of the centre line of the ship. In other words,
list is caused when the COG of the ship is not on the centre line- an
internal cause. A ship with a list will become upright only if the COG is
brought to the centre line.

4) Heel

• Heel is the transverse inclination of the ship caused by external forces

such as wind, waves, centrifugal force during course alterations, over-
tight moorings in port, etc. Since no transverse shift of weights has
taken place on board, the position of the COG of the ship remains
unaffected by heel.

5) Transverse Metacentre
• When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an external force), the force of
buoyancy, acting vertically upwards through the new position of COB,
cuts the centre line of the ship at a point called the transverse
metacentre (M).
• The position of M is indicated by its height above the keel in metres
(KM). KM increases as the angle of heel increases, until it reaches a
maximum value at some large angle of heel.

• It decreases as angle of heel increases. However, over small angles of

heel (say up to about 15°) the increase of KM is generally small.
Hence, KM is considered constant for small angles of heel, for the
sake of convenience in stability calculations, and is often termed initial

6) Metacentric height (GM)

• It is the vertical distance between the centre of gravity and the

metacentre. GM is termed positive when G is below M i.e., when KG is
less than KM and negative when G is above M i.e., when KG is greater
than KM.

• Over small angles of heel, wherein KM may be considered constant,

GM also is considered constant and is referred to as initial GM.

7) Righting lever (GZ)

• When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an external force), the force of

buoyancy, acting vertically upwards through the new position of COB,
becomes separated from the force of gravity, acting vertically
downwards through the COG, by a horizontal distance called the
righting lever (GZ)

• GZ normally increases as angle of heel increases until it reaches a

maximum value at some large angle of heel. Thereafter, GZ decreases
as angle of heel increases.

• For small angles of heel (up to about 15°), herein KM, and hence GM,
may be considered constant,

GZ = GM . Sinθ
In which θ is the angle of heel and GM is the initial GM
• For large angles of heel, GZ can be calculated by the wall-sided

GZ = Sin θ (GM + ½ BM Tan2θ)

8) Righting Moment

• When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an external force), the forces of

gravity and buoyancy, being equal and opposite, become separated
by a horizontal distance called the righting lever and form a couple
which tends to return the vessel to upright. The moment of this
couple is a measure of the tendency of the vessel to return to upright
and is hence called the righting moment or 'Moment of statical
RM = W.GZ for all angles of heel

RM = W.GM.Sin θ for small angles of heel

9) Metacentric Radius (BM)

• Metacentric Radius is the distance from the Metacentre (M) to the

Centre of Buoyancy (B)

K: Keel
θ: Angle of heel
B: COB before heeling
B1: COB after heeling
BB1: Shift of COB due to heel
M: Transverse metacentre
GM: Metacentric height
GZ: Righting lever
W: Displacement in tonnes
W.GZ : Righting moment

10) Centre of Floatation

• COF is the geometric centre of the waterplane area of the ship. It is

the point about which she would pivot, when her trim is changed due
to shifting a weight in the fore and aft direction, loading, or
discharging cargo. COF is also called the tipping centre

11) Hydrostatic Draft

• Hydrostatic Draft Or True Mean Draft is the draft at the centre of
floatation. When the ship is on an even keel, the drafts forward and
aft, the mean draft and the hydrostatic draft are all the same.

12) Displacement

• Displacement is commonly used to denote the mass of a ship in

tonnes. Technically, it is the mass of water displaced by a ship and,
when floating freely, the mass of water displaced equals to the mass
of the ship.

13) Deadweight

• Deadweight (DWT) of a ship is the total mass of cargo, fuel,

freshwater, etc., that a ship can carry, when she is floating in salt water
with her summer load line at the water surface.

14) Reserve Buoyancy

• It is the volume of the enclosed spaces above the waterline. It may be

expressed as a volume in m3 or as a percentage of the total volume of
the ship.
RB = Total volume - underwater volume

RB % = (Above water vol / Total vol ) x 100

15) Waterplane Coefficient

• Coefficient of fineness of the water-plane area, is the ratio of the area

of the water-plane to the area of a rectangle having the same length
and maximum breadth.

Cw = Area of water-plane / ( L x B)

Area of water-plane = L x B x Cw
16) Block Coefficient

• Coefficient of fineness of displacement, at any draft is the ratio of the

underwater volume of the ship at that draft to a rectangular box
having the same extreme dimensions.
• Block coefficient ranges between 0.60 and 0.72 for the container
ships, 0.80 and 0.86 for the oil tankers/bulk carriers, and 0.75 for the
LNG carrier.

Cb = Underwater volume / (L x B x d)

Underwater volume = L x B x d x Cb

17) Fresh Water Allowance (FWA)

• FWA is the increase in draft when a ship goes from SW to FW and vice
• FWA of a ship usually increases as draft increases. This is because W
depends on underwater volume whereas TPC depends on waterplane
area. As draft increases, both W and TPC increase but W increases at a
faster rate.

FWA = W/40 X TPC

18) Dock Water Allowance (DWA)

• DWA is the increase in draft when a ship goes from saltwater to dock
water, and vice versa, where the dock water is neither fresh nor salt
i.e., RD between 1 and 1.025. When loading in a dock, the ship can
immerse her load line by the DWA so that when she goes to sea, she
would rise to her appropriate Load line.

Change of draft = (change of RD / 0.025) x FWA

19) TPC (Tonnes per centimetre Immersion)

• at any draft is the weight in tonnes which should be loaded or
discharged to change the vessel's mean draft by one centimetre, in

TPC = 1.025 x Area of ship's water plane/100

20) MCTC or MCT 1 cm (Moment To Change Trim By One


• is the moment required to change the total trim of the vessel by one

MCTC = W x GML/100 x L

21) LCB (Longitudinal Centre of Buoyancy)

• is the longitudinal separation between the After Perpendicular and

the centre of buoyancy.

22) LCF (Longitudinal Centre of Floatation)

• is the longitudinal separation between the After Perpendicular and

the Centre of Floatation.

23) ML (Longitudinal Metacentre)

• is the point of intersection of the vertical line through the Centre of

Buoyancy in the even keel condition and the vertical line through the
Centre of Buoyancy in a slightly trimmed condition.

24) Prismatic Coefficient (Cp)

• It is the ratio of the volume of displacement of the ship to the volume

of a prism that has the same length as the ship's waterline, the same
cross-sectional area as the ship's midship section, and extends from
the waterline to the bottom of the keel.

25) Aft Perpendicular

• It is a line drawn perpendicularly to the load line through the after
side of the rudder post or through the axis of the rudder stock.

26) Forward Perpendicular

• It is a vertical line passing through the intersection of the designed
load waterline and the forward face of the ship's stem.

27) Load Displacement

• It is the total mass of the ship when she is floating in salt water with
her summer load line at the water surface.
➢ What are the Equilibrium of Ships?

1) Stable Equilibrium

• When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an external force), if she tends to

come back to her original condition, she is said to be in stable
• For a vessel to be stable, her GM must be positive i.e., KG must be less

Note: The position of COG remains unaffected by heel whereas the COB
shifts to the lower side. The forces of gravity and buoyancy form a
couple which tends to return the vessel to her original condition. A
vessel with a list also may be stable.

2) Unstable Equilibrium

• When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an external force), if she tends to

continue heeling further, she is said to be in unstable equilibrium.

• For a vessel to be unstable, her GM must be negative i.e., KG must be

greater than KM

Note: The COB shifts to the lower side. M is directly above B1. The forces
of gravity and buoyancy form a couple but, G being higher than M, this
couple tends to heel the vessel further. The moment of this couple is
called a ‘negative righting moment’ or ‘upsetting moment’ or ‘capsizing

3) Neutral Equilibrium

• When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an external force), if she has no

tendency to return to her original condition or to continue heeling
further, she is said to be in neutral equilibrium.
• For a vessel to be in neutral equilibrium, her GM must be zero i.e., KG
equals to KM

Note: The COB shifts to the lower side. M is directly above B1. Since G
and M are coincident, no righting lever, and hence no righting moment,
is formed. The vessel thus has no tendency to continue heeling further or
to return to her original condition.

➢ What is Angle of Loll?

• KM increases as angle of heel increases until it reaches a maximum

value at some large angle of heel. As an unstable vessel heels over
more and more, it may happen that, at some angle of heel, KM
increases sufficiently to equal to KG. The vessel would then be in
neutral equilibrium and the angle at which this happens is called the
Angle of Loll.
• In other words, when an unstable vessel heels over to progressively
increasing angles of heel, it may happen that, at some angle of heel,
the COB may come vertically below the COG. The vessel would then
be in neutral equilibrium. The angle of heel at which this happens is
called the angle of loll.

➢ Corrective Action for Angle of Loll

1) Press up all slack tanks.

2) Run up SW into the DB tank which has the smallest moment of inertia
about its centre line. If this tank is not on the centre line of the ship,
then on the lower side first, and after it is full, its counterpart on the
higher side.
3) Repeat action 2 with another tank and so on until the ship becomes
4) If discharging or jettisoning deck cargo, do so from the higher side
first, then from the lower side. If using ship’s own gear, due allowance
must be made for the shift of COG, of each sling of cargo, from the
UD to the crane head during the operation.

➢ Justification for such action

1) At the angle of loll, any existing free surface effect must be

eliminated/minimised first. FW or HFO may require to be transferred
internally such that the tanks finally remaining slack are those with the
smallest moment of inertia about the tank’s centreline.
2) While running up ballast into a DB tank, FSE would be created. This
must be kept to a minimum. The necessity to fill up the tank with the
smallest ‘i’ about its centre line is, therefore, vital. So also, the
necessity to fill up only one tank at a time

• The angle of loll can be calculated by a simple formula derived from

the wall-sided formula:

➢ When a Vessel goes from SW to FW, What Hydrostatic Particulars


1) Draft
2) Underwater Volume
3) Waterplane Area
4) Block Coefficient
5) TPC

❖ DISPLACEMENT Does not change with Density.

➢ What is Intact Stability? Describe the Intact Stability Criteria for
Different Vessels

• Intact stability deals with the ship's stability in normal operating


❖ Intact Stability Criteria For All Vessels

1) The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) shall not be less
• Up to 30° angle of heel (θ ≤ 30°): The area under the GZ curve
must be at least 0.055 meter-radians.
• Up to 40° angle of heel (θ ≤ 40°): The area under the GZ curve
must be at least 0.09 meter-radians.
• Between angles of heel 30° and 40° or θf , If <40° : The area
under the GZ curve must be at least 0.03 meter-radians.

2) The righting lever (GZ) shall be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel

equal to or greater than 30°.

3) The maximum righting lever shall occur at an angle of heel not less
than 25°.

4) The initial metacentric height GM0 shall not be less than 0.15 m.

❖ Intact Stability Criteria for Oil Tankers (5000 Tonnes Deadweight

& Above)

1) At sea, the following criteria shall be applicable:

• The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) shall be not less
I. Up to 30° angle of heel (θ ≤ 30°): The area under the GZ curve must
be at least 0.055 meter-radians.
II. Up to 40° angle of heel (θ ≤ 40°): The area under the GZ curve must
be at least 0.09 meter-radians.
III. Between the angles of heel of 30° and 40° or between 30° and θf,
if this angle is less than 40°: The area under the GZ curve must be
at least 0.03 meter-radians.

2) the righting lever GZ shall be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel equal

to or greater than 30°

3) the maximum righting arm shall occur at an angle of heel preferably

exceeding 30° but not less than 25°

4) the initial metacentric height GMo, corrected for free surface

measured at 0° heel, shall be not less than 0.15 m.

❖ Intact Stability Criteria for Ship Carrying Grain in Bulk

1) The angle of heel obtained from a plot of the statical stability curve
and heeling arm curve shall not be greater than 12° .The
administration will provide a lesser angle than 12° if considered

2) The residual area between the righting arm curve and the heeling arm
curve up to an angle of 40° or the angle of flooding or the angle of
maximum separation between the two curves whichever is least shall
be at least 0.075 m-radian (not less than 0.075 m-radian)

3) The initial GM shall be at least 0.3 m.

❖ Intact Stability Criteria for Container Ships (Greater Than 100m)

1) The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less
▪ 0.009/C metre-radians up to <θ = 30° angle of heel

▪ 0.016/C metre-radians up to <θ = 40° or the angle of down-

flooding θf if this angle is less than 40°.
▪ The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) between the
angles of heel of 30° and 40° or between 30° and <θf, if this angle
is less than 40°, should not be less than 0.006/C metre-radians.

▪ The righting lever GZ should be at least 0.033/C m at an angle of

heel equal or greater than 30°.

2) The maximum righting lever GZ should be at least 0.042/C m.

3) The total area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) up to the
angle of down-flooding <θf should not be less than 0.029/C metre-

➢ What is Damage Stability & Damage Stability Booklet Content

• Damaged stability focuses on the vessel's stability after it has

sustained damage or flooding. It assesses the ability of the ship to
remain afloat and maintain stability even with compartments flooded
or structural damage.

• Content of Damage Stability Booklet

1) Introduction
2) Principal Particulars
3) Extent of Damage
4) Damage Criteria Description
5) Capacity Table of Damage Compartment
6) Opening Information
7) Damage Cases Description
8) Representative of Damage Stability Calculation
9) Summary of Damage Stability Calculation
10) Damage Cases Description
11) Representative of Damage Stability Calculation
12) Summary of Damage Stability Calculation

➢ What is Trim & Stability Booklet? List the Contents of Trim &
Stability Booklet?

• Commercial ships usually have a trim and stability booklet which may
contain either curves of form or hydrostatic tables and stability and
trim characteristics for various conditions of loading. A typical trim
and stability booklet will contain the following data:

1) Vessel characteristics, including principal dimensions, tonnage,

location of draft marks, builder, official and registry numbers, etc.

2) Instructions for use of the nomograms, curves, and other data in

the booklet to calculate stability and trim of the vessel for given
loading conditions.

3) General operating instructions and precautions.

4) Tabulated tank and hold capacities.

5) Hydrostatic properties (KM, LCB, LCF, etc.) tabulated or plotted as a

function of mean draft.

6) Metacentric Height (GM) diagram, showing GM for tabulated

conditions of loading and minimum required GM for vessel service.

7) Trim diagram to calculate vessel trim when weights are added at

locations other than the vessel centre of gravity.
8) Weight distribution and stability information for various conditions
of loading.

9) Liquid loading diagram, showing the location, capacity, and effect

on list and trim of the ship’s tanks.

➢ What is Free Surface Effect?

• When a vessel with a slack (partly full) tank rolls at sea, the liquid in
the slack tank would move towards the lower side during each roll,
thereby causing the angle of roll and the period of roll to increase.

• Because the vessel behaves as if her GM has been reduced, we say

that a slack tank causes a virtual (imaginary) loss of GM. This called
free surface effect (FSE).

• The virtual loss of GM can be calculated quite easily and is called free
surface correction (FSC). In order to indicate whether FSC has been
applied or not, the GM before subtracting FSC is called ‘solid GM’ and
after subtracting FSC it is called ‘Fluid GM’ or GMF. In all stability
calculations involving GM, it is fluid GM that is to be used.

FSC can be calculated by the formula:

FSC = i . di/W

i: is the moment of inertia (or second moment of area) of the slack tank
surface about its centre line, in m4.

di: is the density of liquid in the slack tank, in tm-3

W: the displacement of the ship in tonnes.

➢ What is Grounding, Stranding & Beaching?

1) Grounding- Grounding is when a ship strikes the seabed
2) Stranding- Stranding is when the ship then remains in grounding
position for some length of time. (for a few hours or so).
3) Beaching- When a vessel is grounded intentionally, she is said to be

➢ What are the Cross Curve of Stability?

• Cross Curve of Stability is divided into 2 parts

1) GZ Curve
1.1) GZ curves are a set of curves where the GZ is computed for an
assumed value of KG.
1.2) For any angle of heel and displacement, we can calculate the value
of GZ.
1.3) On the Y-axis, GZ in meters is given, and on the X-axis,
displacement in tonnes is given.
1.4) GZ is calculated for an assumed value of KG.
1.5) This curve is prepared by the Ship Yard.

2) KN Curve
2.1) KN curves are a set of curves prepared when the assumed KG = 0;
these are called KN curves.
2.2) KN is the righting lever measured from the keel.
2.3) In GZ curves, the correction can sometimes be positive or negative.
To eliminate this possibility, KN curves are prepared.
2.4) In KN curves, the correction is always subtracted.
2.5) On the Y-axis, KN is given in meters, and on the X-axis,
displacement is given in tonnes.
2.6) This curve is prepared by the Ship Yard.
➢ What is Curve Of Statical Stability? What information is provided
in the Curve of Statical Stability?

1) The curve of static stability is prepared by the chief officer for the
righting lever (GZ) at various angles of heel.
2) This curve is prepared for a particular voyage once the loading is
3) Once the loading is complete, the forward and aft drafts are known,
allowing us to calculate the mean draft. By applying corrections, we
can determine the hydrostatic draft.
4) Using the hydrostatic draft, we reference the hydrostatic tables. Since
we know the displacement and the centre of gravity (KG), we can use
the cross curves of stability to find the righting lever (GZ) for the given
5) This means that using the cross curves of stability, which provide GZ
values for various assumed KG values, the curve of static stability is
6) On the Y-axis, GZ is given in meters, and on the X-axis, the angle of
heel is given in degrees.

❖ Information that can be obtained from the Curve of Statical

1) The GZ value for any angle of heel.
2) The maximum GZ and the angle of heel at which it occurs.
3) The range of positive stability and the angle of vanishing stability
3.1) Range of Positive Stability- Is the range when the GZ is 0 to the
angle of vanishing stability, when the GZ will once again become
3.2) Angle of Vanishing Stability- It is the angle of heel at which the
positive stability will vanish
4) The approximate angle of deck edge immersion- The point at which
the concavity changes to convexity is called point of contra flexure.
This occurs approx. at the deck edge immersion.
5) Initial Metacentric Height (GM)
6) Dynamic Stability- The dynamical stability of a ship at any inclination
is defined as the work done in heeling the vessel to that

➢ What is KM Curve?

1) KM Curve is the graphical representation of the KM of the ship

against its draft

➢ What is the difference between Stiff & Tender Vessel?


➢ What is International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code)?

What are its Contents? Latest Edition?

• Fire is one of the most common and dangerous emergency onboard

ship which has led to disastrous results including loss of property and
life. As the resources available onboard to fight fire are limited,
preventive measures are more effective than firefighting measures.
For this reason, an international safety system was laid down by
regulating authorities to make a ship fully prepared for fighting any
kind of fire.

• The Safety system on chapter II-2 of SOLAS is known as Fire Safety

System Code (FSS code), which came into force on July 2002 after
Marine Safety Committee (MSC) adopted it in 73 session and became
mandatory by resolution MSC 99(73).

• This Code Consists of 17 Chapters:

▪ Chapter 1- General
▪ Chapter 2- International shore connections
▪ Chapter 3- Personnel protection
▪ Chapter 4- Fire extinguishers
▪ Chapter 5- Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system
▪ Chapter 6- Fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems
▪ Chapter 7- Fixed pressure water-spraying and water mist fire-
extinguishing systems
▪ Chapter 8- Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm
▪ Chapter 9- Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems
▪ Chapter 10- Sample extraction smoke detection systems
▪ Chapter 11- Low-location lighting systems
▪ Chapter 12- Fixed emergency fire pumps
▪ Chapter 13- Arrangement of means of escape
▪ Chapter 14- Fixed deck foam systems
▪ Chapter 15- Inert gas systems
▪ Chapter 16- Fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
▪ Chapter 17- Helicopter facility foam firefighting appliances (New
Amendment, Added on 01 January 2020)

➢ What is International Shore Connection (ISC)? What are its

dimensions as per the FSS Code? What is the use of ISC? How
many ISC must be there on Ship & its Maintenance?

❖ An International Shore Connection is a connection point that allows

vessels to receive an additional water supply from the shore. In the
unfortunate case of a fire, a Shore Connection functions as a backup
measure for firefighters on ships.

❖ Requirement for ISC

1) Ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards shall be provided with at

least one international shore connection complying with the Fire
Safety Systems Code.

❖ Maintenance for ISC

1) Monthly

1.1) Sight that international shore connection is kept in its designated

location with required 4 bolts, washers, and gasket.
1.2) Ensure that the location of the ISC is clearly marked.
1.3) Check that the securing nuts and bolts are free and the threads are
lightly greased. Check that the gasket is in good condition.
➢ What is the Requirement for Firefighters/Firemen Outfit as per
the FSS Code & their Requirements?

❖ A firefighter’s outfit shall consist of a set of personal equipment and a

breathing apparatus.

1) Personal Equipment

1.1) protective clothing of material to protect the skin from the heat
radiating from the fire and from burns and scalding by steam. The
outer surface shall be water-resistant
1.2) boots of rubber or other electrically non-conducting material
1.3) rigid helmet providing effective protection against impact
1.4) electric safety lamp (hand lantern) of an approved type with a
minimum burning period of 3 h, explosion-proof type
1.5) axe with a handle provided with high-voltage insulation

❖ Requirement

I. Ships shall carry at least two fire-fighter’s outfits

II. Additional fire-fighter’s outfit will be needed for passenger vessels
depending on the design of the ship, i.e. length of passenger
spaces 80 m, number of decks, vertical zones, and number of
passengers etc.
III. For tanker ships, additional two numbers of fire fighter’s outfit
should be kept onboard

❖ Maintenance

❖ Monthly
I. Verify lockers providing storage for fire-fighting equipment contain
their full inventory and equipment is in serviceable condition.

2) Breathing Apparatus

2.1) Breathing apparatus shall be a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

(SCBA) having a Volume of least 1,200 L of air or function for 30
min. Cylinders must be interchangeable.
2.2) Compressed air breathing apparatus shall be fitted with an audible
alarm and a visual or other device which will alert the user before
the volume of the air in the cylinder has been reduced to no less
than 200 L.
2.3) Maximum pressure should 180-200bars
2.4) Max. weight should not exceed 19 Kg including life line, safety belt
and harness

❖ Requirement

I. For vessels between 500-2500 tons minimum 2 sets are required.

II. For vessels between 2500-4000 tons minimum 3 sets are required.
III. For vessels 4000 tons and above minimum 4 sets are required.
IV. Tankers must have additional 2 SCBA sets.

❖ Maintenance

❖ Weekly
I. Examine all breathing apparatus cylinder gauges to confirm they
are in the correct pressure range.

❖ Annually
I. check breathing apparatus air recharging systems, if fitted, to
ensure the air quality is to a recognised national standard
II. check all breathing apparatus face masks and air demand valves
are in serviceable condition
III. SCBA cylinders should be used on a rotation basis in drills and
should have their air charge used or blown-off and refilled as per
the manufacturer’s guidelines.

❖ 5 Yearly
I. perform hydrostatic testing of all steel self-contained breathing
apparatus cylinders
II. the test pressure and test date must be stamped clearly on each
steel cylinder.
III. test certificates must be provided and retained on-board for

3) Lifeline

3.1) For each breathing apparatus a fireproof lifeline of at least 30 m in

length shall be provided. The lifeline shall successfully pass an
approval test by statical load of 3.5 kN for 5 min without failure.

➢ How will you test SBA?

1) There are 3 tests of SCBA

1.1) Pressure Test

1.1.1) Shut off demand valve
1.1.2) Open Cylinder Valve
1.1.3) Check Reading, If it is between 180-200 bar then it’s OK

1.2) Leak Test

1.2.1) Shut off demand valve
1.2.2) Open Cylinder Valve
1.2.3) Check Reading
1.2.4) After pressure test, wait 30 seconds, if pressure falls down, then it
has a leak

1.3) Alarm Test

1.3.1) Open cylinder valve.
1.3.2) Line will be pressurized with 200 bar pressure.
1.3.3) Pressure gauges indicate 200 bar pressure.
1.3.4) Close cylinder valve.
1.3.5) Check pressure should not drop 10 bar in a minute.
1.3.6) Now to make alarm test, operate demand valve and pressure will
start to reduce from high pressure line.
1.3.7) When on pressure gauge the pressure will reach around 55/60 bar
the alarm will sound which indicates that now you have only 8-10
min to escape. This test is called alarm testing of SCBA set.

1.4) Mask Leak Test

1.4.1) Wear face mask
1.4.2) Demand vale shut off
1.4.3) Take breathe
1.4.4) If demand valve open, then the mask is OK, If it does not open, it
has a leakage

➢ What are the Pre donning Tests & Checks of SCBA?

1) Visually inspect the set and check if everything has been connected.
2) All valves to be closed eps. cylinder valve and by-pass valve.
3) Open the cylinder valve and as this is done the whistle will be heard
as pressure rises in the set.
4) Check for any audible leaks and rectify.
5) Close the cylinder valve, the pressure should not fall to zero in under
30 seconds otherwise the set is not leak tight.
6) Depress the demand valve to clear it.
7) Don the apparatus for comfortable use and put the mask and visor on
and inhale to ensure that the air is flowing freely from the demand
8) Close the cylinder valve and breathe, the air in the mask and the line
shall be used up and the mask should stick to the face, if this is not
the case then there is leakage into the face mask and it is not
advisable to use the set unless in positive pressure mode.
9) Open the cylinder valve and resume normal breathing through the
demand valve, connect the lifeline and establish signals, also carry
assorted equipment like flash-light, walkie-talkie and if required, an
➢ What is Emergency Escape Breathing Device (EEBD)?
Requirements for EEBD? Maintenance?

❖ An EEBD is a supplied air or oxygen device only used for escape from
a compartment that has a hazardous atmosphere and shall be of an
approved type.
❖ EEBD shall not be used for fighting fires, entering oxygen deficient
voids or tanks, or worn by firefighters. In these events, a self-
contained breathing apparatus, which is specifically suited for such
applications, shall be used.

❖ Requirements

1) The EEBD shall have a service duration of at least 10 min.

2) It Consists of Small Cylinder Carrying 5 Litre Oxygen
3) The EEBD must have a hood or full-face piece made of flame-resistant
material, with a clear window for eye, nose, and mouth protection
during escape.
4) Brief instructions or diagrams clearly illustrating their use shall be
clearly printed on the EEBD.

❖ Numbers of EEBD

1) For Cargo Ships: two (2) EEBDs and one (1) spare EEBD

2) For passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers: two (2)
EEBDs for each main vertical zone, and a total of two (2) spare EEBDs

3) For passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers: four (4) EEBDs
for each main vertical zone and a total of two (2) spare EEBDs.

4) Machinery Spaces
4.1) One (1) EEBD at the engine control room
4.2) One (1) EEBD at the machine shop or work shop area. If there is,
however, a direct access to an escape way from the workshop, an
EEBD is not required
4.3) One (1) EEBD located near the escape ladder used a second means
of escape from the machinery space.

❖ Maintenance

• Weekly
1) Examine all EEBD cylinder gauges to confirm they are in the correct
pressure range.

• Annually
1) Check EEBDs according to the maker’s instructions

• 5-Yearly
1) Hydrostatic pressure testing of EEBD cylinders shall be undertaken at
least once every five years
➢ What are the Classes of Fire? Give Examples & Extinguishers to
use in each Class?

❖ Colour Coding for Fire Extinguishers

➢ What are the types of Portable Fire Extinguishers carried
onboard? Their Requirements & their Maintenance?

• Each powder or carbon dioxide extinguisher shall have a capacity of at

least 5 kg and each foam extinguisher shall have a capacity of at least
9 L. [Oral Question]
• The mass of all portable fire extinguishers shall not exceed 23 kg and
they shall have a fire extinguishing capability at least equivalent to
that of a 9 L fluid extinguisher.
• Vessels 1000 GT + must have at least 5 Portable Fire Extinguisher

1) Water Type (Soda Acid Type) PFE

1.1) Working Principle = Cooling effect

1.2) Use=Carbonaceous Type A fire
1.3) Safety=Relief hole and Safety pin
1.4) Body=Solid drawn steel and internally Zinc coated
1.5) Contain=9 Litre Fresh Water + 60g CO2 Cartridge
1.6) Water 9 litre minimum
1.7) Duration of working =6-meter jet length for 60 second

❖ Working
1) Carry extinguisher Nearby the fire.
2) Keep extinguisher Towards the fire.
3) Remove safety pin and strike plunger to pierce the CO2 cartridge.
4) When it will pierce the pressure created on the upper part of the
container and water from the dip tube will pass and thrown as a Jet

2) Mechanical Foam Type

2.1) Working principle on=Smothering effect

2.2) Use=Volatile petroleum, Paint, Oil Type A, B fire
2.3) Safety=Relief hole and Safety pin
2.4) Body=Solid drawn steel and internally Zinc coated
2.5) Contain= 8.45 Litre Fresh Water + 0.55 Litre Aqueous Film Forming
Foam (AFFF) + 120g CO2 Cartridge
2.6) Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)= 97% and Water= 3%
2.7) Duration of working = 6-meter jet length for 60 second

❖ Working

1) Carry extinguisher Nearby the fire.

2) Keep extinguisher Towards the fire.
3) Remove safety pin and strike plunger to pierce the CO2 cartridge.
4) When it will pierce the pressure created on the upper part of the
container and water from the dip tube will pass and thrown as a Jet

Note: Do not allow foam to strike on the surface of burning liquid. Direct
the foam to some nearly vertical surface so that the foam runs down the
side and blanket the liquid.

3) CO2 Type

3.1) Working principle on=Smothering Effect

3.2) Use=Oil, Electrical, Petroleum product, Gaseous substance under
enclosed space, Type B
3.3) Safety=control valve or safety valve, pressure relief device and
Safety pin
3.4) Discharge hose= Non-conductive material
3.5) Body=Solid drawn steel and internally Zinc coated
3.6) Contain= CO2 4.5 kg (it will different as per weight and capacity of
cylinder) at 53 bar pressure
3.7) Duration of working = 3-to-4-meter length for 20 second
3.8) Pressure tested=210 kg/cm2 prior recharge
3.9) Recharge= only at shore and when weight reduced 10% and more.
3.10) Storage=Should be at least 750 mm above the floor level, it should
not place where it likely to gain heat from surrounding equipment
or process.

❖ Working

1) Carry the extinguisher near the place of fire.

2) Remove the safety pin.
3) Direct the hose at the base of fire, starting one edge and sweeping
across the surface on burning material.
4) When use in open air the operator should stand up the Up-Wind side
of the fire.
5) Fire on electrical equipment , first Switch-Off the current supply.

4) Dry Chemical Powder (DCP)

4.1) Working principle on=SMOTHERING effect

4.2) Use= Oil, electrical, petroleum product, gaseous substance under
enclosed space, Type A,B,C,D and electrical also.
4.3) Safety=Safety pin, Relief hole
4.4) Contain= Inner shell:CO2 60 mg (it will different as per weight and
capacity of cylinder)
4.5) Outer shell: 4.5 kg of D.C.P powder
4.6) DCP powder contain mixture of Sodium Bicarbonate +
Magnesium Stearate
4.7) Duration of working = 3-to-4-meter length for 20 second
4.8) Pressure tested=35 kg/cm2 prior recharge once in 3 year

❖ Working

1) Carry the extinguisher to the place of fire and keep it upright.

2) Remove the safety pin and strike plunger.
3) CO2 will escape to main shell and push out powder in the foam of
4) When using outdoor the extinguisher operate upwind side of the fire
for better range.

➢ Requirement for Spares of Fire Extinguishers:

1) Spare chargers shall be provided for 100% of the first 10 extinguishers

and 50% of remaining fire extinguishers capable of being recharged
onboard. Not more than 60 total spare chargers are required.
Instructions to recharged onboard are carried out.
Example: If a Ship has 100 Extinguishers (Spares= 10+45=55)
Spare for first 10+ 50% of Remaining (100-10) = 90

➢ Fore fire extinguishers which cannot be recharged onboard, additional

portable fire extinguishers of the same quantity type capacity and
number as determined in the above paragraph shall be provided.

❖ Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of Fire Extinguishers

1) Hydrostatic testing is completed on rechargeable fire extinguisher
tanks to evaluate the cylinder’s ability to hold pressure. Hydrostatic
testing checks for leaks and overall strength and is completed to
ensure the safety and effectiveness of a pressurized fire extinguisher.

2) In general, hydrostatic testing is required:

2.1) Every 5 years for pressurized water, carbon dioxide, and wet
chemical fire extinguishers.
2.2) Every 12 years for dry chemical fire extinguishers.
➢ Describe CO2 Fixed Fire Fighting System, Its Regulations,
Requirements & Working?

• Requirements for Fixed CO2 Fire Fighting System

• Except for Ro-Ro and Vehicle spaces, Cargo Spaces on Cargo Ships of
2,000 gross tonnage and upwards shall be protected by a fixed
carbon dioxide

1) Quantity of fire-extinguishing medium

1.1) Cargo Spaces: The amount of CO2 available should be sufficient to

fill 30% of the largest cargo space with CO2 gas to effectively
extinguish a fire.

1.2) For vehicle and roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) spaces not classified as

special category spaces, the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2)
available must be adequate to provide a minimum free gas volume
equal to 45% of the largest sealable cargo space. Additionally, the
system must deliver at least two-thirds of the required gas for that
space within 10 minutes.

1.3) Machinery Spaces: The amount of CO2 carried should ensure that
at least 40% of the largest machinery space is filled with CO2 gas,
with adjustments made for the casing's size if necessary.
Alternatively, if considering the entire volume of the machinery
space, at least 35% of it should be filled with CO2 gas. This ensures
effective fire suppression in machinery spaces on ships.

1.4) For machinery spaces, the fixed piping system shall be such that
85% of the gas can be discharged into the space within 2 min.

1.5) In container and general cargo spaces, two-thirds of the gas must
be discharged within 10 minutes. For solid bulk cargo spaces, the
same amount of gas should be discharged within 20 minutes.
Controls should allow for the release of one-third, two-thirds, or all
the gas based on the hold's loading condition.

1.6) Reasons for the use of CO2

▪ Density is 1.5 times higher than air. So, CO2 settles down and
displaces air.
▪ It can be easily liquefied and bottled.
▪ 20% – 30% CO2 concentration extinguishes fire by smothering

❖ Working of CO2 Fixed Fire Fighting System:

1) CO2 flooding system floods the protected space under fire with carbon
dioxide, which displaces air, thereby removing one leg of fire triangle
for the extinction of fire. CO2 flooding system consist of main CO2
bottles, common manifold, master valve or distribution valve and
distribution pipe lines with nozzles
2) Main CO2 bottles contain liquid carbon dioxide at 56 bar pressure and
3) Pressure of CO2 increases with temperature: 64 bar at 25°C and 71 bar
at 30°C.
4) CO2 release cabinet activates CO2 warning alarms and ventilation
shutdown when opened.
5) The release cabinet contains two pilot CO2 cylinders with the same
pressure as main bottles. Only quantity of gas is different
6) Opening one pilot bottle valve releases CO2 to valves 1 and 2.
7) Opening valve 1 opens the master valve of the Distribution Line via a
non-return valve.
8) Opening valve 2 sends CO2 to the main CO2 bottle head assembly via
a time delay unit.
9) Pressure-operated cylinder valves in the head assembly prevent CO2
release until activated.
10) CO2 from main bottles then flows to the common manifold for
11) Two CO2 release cabinets, local and remote, operate in parallel to
allow remote operation.
12) Non-return valves prevent backflow, ensuring safe system operation.
13) Separate release cabinets and shared main CO2 bottles can protect
multiple spaces based on volume requirements.

❖ Function of Time Delay Unit

1) As soon as CO2 release cabinet opens, alarm is sounded in the

protected space. A time delay of 60 to 90 seconds give sufficient time
for any personnel in the protected space to escape, even after the
operation of both valves in the release cabinet.
2) If CO2 is released from main bottles to the common manifold before
opening master valve, there may be difficulty in opening master valve
because of the bulk CO2 pressure acting on it. Because of the time
delay, positive opening of the master valve is ensured before
releasing CO2.
3) Regulation per International Code for Fire Safety System (FSS Code) says, “The pre-discharge alarm can be automatically activated
(e. g. by opening the release cabinet door). The alarm shall operate
for the length of time needed to evacuate the space, but in no case
less than 20 seconds before the medium is released.

❖ Maintenance of CO2 Fixed Fire Fighting System:

• Weekly
1) Inform bridge before going inside the CO2 room.
2) Start ventilation blowers first and room should be ventilated for some
3) Go with a person with proper communication equipment.
4) Check all cylinders are properly secured.
5) Check all the operating lever and there accessories are properly tight.
6) check clamping.
7) Check valve actuator.
8) Flexible hose visually check and do leak test if required.

• Monthly
1) All of the above.
2) Open cabinet door and check alarm and ventilation cut off working.

• Yearly
1) All of the above
2) Blow the system with service air @ 25 bar pressure.

• 2-Yearly
1) All of the above
2) all high-pressure extinguishing agent’s cylinders and pilot cylinders
must be weighed or have their contents verified by other reliable
means to confirm that the available charge in each is above 95% of
the nominal charge. Cylinders containing less than 95% of the
nominal charge should be refilled
3) blow dry compressed air or nitrogen through the discharge piping or
otherwise confirm the pipe work and nozzles are clear of any
obstructions. This may require the removal of nozzles

• 5-Yearly
1) All of the above
2) perform internal inspection of all control valves: Spring loaded relief
valve pressure test @ 180 bar.
3) CO2 Alarm testing 5 years, every 15 years at full engine noise level.
4) Pressure testing of all CO2 piping Systems at 5-, 10-, and 15-year

• 10-Yearly
1) perform a hydrostatic test and internal examination of 10% of the
system’s extinguishing agent and pilot cylinders. If one or more
cylinders fail, a total of 50% of the onboard cylinders should be
tested. If further cylinders fail, all cylinders should be tested.

➢ How to Release CO2 in case of fire?

1) Fixed CO2 System Prior Release

1.1) Take heads count
1.2) Close all vents & openings & doors
1.3) Operated by Authorised Person (Chief Engineer)

2) Explain the proper release procedures.

➢ Describe the Fixed Foam Fire-Extinguishing Systems? Its
Requirements & Maintenance?

• Regulations for Low Expansion Fixed Foam Fire-Extinguishing


1) For tankers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and upwards, a fixed deck

foam fire-extinguishing system shall be provided
2) Foam system should be approved by the administration
3) Foam monitors should have the capacity to discharge 3
4) The system should contain five times the volume the of largest space
5) Expansion ratio should not exceed 1000:1
6) The main control station should be located away from the cargo area,
adjacent to accommodation space.
7) The system shall be capable to discharge foam, in no more than 5
minutes, the quantity should be sufficient to form a foam blanket over
the largest single area over which oil fuel is liable to spread.
8) The system shall be capable to supply foam not less than 20 minutes
on tanker fitted with inert gas system and not less than 30 minutes on
tankers not fitted with the inert gas system.
9) The rate of supply of foam shall not be less than the greatest of
8.1) 0.6 l/min per square meter of cargo tanks deck area, where cargo
tanks deck area means the maximum breadth of the ship
multiplied by the total longitudinal extent of the cargo tank spaces
8.2) 6 l/min per square meter of the horizontal sectional area of the
single tank having the largest such area
8.3) 3 l/min per square meter of the area protected by the largest
monitor, such area being entirely forward of the monitor, but in no
case should the output of any monitor be less than 1,250 l/min.
10) The capacity of an applicator shall not be less than 400l/minute
and should be capable of through foam not less than 15 meters in still
air condition.
Note: Low expansion foams are defined as those foams with an
expansion ratio of 12:1 when mixed with air. That is, one volume of foam
concentrate will create 12 volumes of foam. Low expansion foams are
effective in controlling and extinguishing most flammable liquid (Class
‘B’) fires. Foams typically used on tanker deck foam systems are of the
low expansion foam type.

• Regulations for High Expansion Fixed Foam Fire-Extinguishing


1) The system shall be approved by the administration.

2) The system shall be capable of manual activation and shall be
designed to produce foam at the required rate within 1 minute of
release. Automatic activation is not permitted unless appropriate
interlocks are provided.
3) The system and control station shall be located away from protected
4) The quantity of foam concentration shall be sufficient to produce the
foam volume equal to at least five times the volume of largest
protected space(E/R), at the nominal expansion ratio, or enough for
30 minutes of full operation for the largest protected space,
whichever is greater.
5) The system should be capable of rapid discharging foam @ at least 1
meter in depth per minute
6) The operating instruction for the system shall be displayed at main as
well as local control stations.
7) The foam generators shall be located at the place where adequate
fresh air supply can be arranged.
8) The arrangement shall be provided for the crew to safely check the
quantity of foam concentration.
9) The arrangement of foam generators and piping of the foam system
in the protected space shall not interfere with the access to the
installed machinery for routine maintenance activities.
10) The system shall be supplied main as well as the emergency source
of power.
11) The foam generator room shall be ventilated to protect against
overpressure, and shall be heated to avoid the freezing

Note: High expansion foams are those which expand in ratios over
200:1. Most systems produce expansion ratios of 400:1 to 1,000:1.High
expansion foam is especially useful for firefighting in confined spaces. As
it is heavier than air, but lighter than oil or water, it will flow down
openings and fill compartments, spaces, and crevices, therein replacing
the air in these spaces. When the high expansion foam has absorbed
sufficient heat to turn the water content in the foam to steam, steam
continues to replace the oxygen, thus combating the fire.

❖ Working of Low Expansion Fixed Foam Fire-Extinguishing


1) Foam solution itself won't make foam it requires water and air for
making proper foam. The main components of foam system are:
1.1) Foam Tank
1.2) Foam Liquid Pump
1.3) Proportioner
1.4) Sea Water Pump
1.5) Foam Monitors
1.6) Non-Return Valve Springs and Isolation Valves

2) The foam tank is generally located inside the Fire Control Station
(FCR). The tank stores the foam compound. Bilge, ballast, or fire pump
located at the engine room delivers seawater to the foam water main
3) The Foam Liquid Pump transfers the liquid to the proportionator via
the foam liquid pressure regulator. The proportionator mixes the
foam liquid with the seawater in the correct proportion and transfers
the foam solution to the foam main line.
4) From the main line, the liquid branches into hydrants and foam
monitors located on the deck.
5) When the foam solution is expelled from the monitors, it mixes with
the air and generates an air foam solution.
6) Low expansion foam is used to fight fires on ships carrying flammable
liquid cargoes. It also extinguishes fires caused by spillage on the

❖ Working of High Expansion Fixed Foam Fire-Extinguishing


1) In a High Expansion Foam System, the inductor mixes seawater with

the foam compound and generates a foam solution.
2) This foam solution is passed through spray nozzles, which scatter the
foam solution onto the nylon mesh.
3) A large fan provides sufficient air to form an air foam solution and
drives it to the protected space through trunking.
4) The foam generator discharges foam through fixed discharge outlets.
To fill the maximum space to be protected, discharge should occur at
a rate of 1 meter depth per minute.
5) The quantity of foam-forming liquid should be equal to five times the
volume of the largest space to be protected.
6) The volume of foam-forming liquid should be equal to five times the
volume of the maximum space to be protected.
7) High expansion foam is suitable for fighting fires in enclosed spaces.

❖ Maintenance of Foam System

• Monthly
1) Verify all control and section valves are in the proper open or closed
position, and all pressure gauges are in the proper range.

• Quarterly
1) Verify the proper quantity of foam concentrate is provided in the
foam system storage tank.

• Annually [Oral Question]

1) visually inspect all accessible components for proper condition
2) functionally test all fixed system audible alarms
3) flow test all water supply and foam pumps for proper pressure and
capacity and confirm flow at the required pressure in each section
(Ensure all piping is thoroughly flushed with fresh water after service.)
4) test all system cross connections to other sources of water supply for
proper operation
5) verify all pump relief valves, if provided, are properly set
6) examine all filters/strainers to verify they are free of debris and
7) verify all control/section valves are in the correct position
8) blow dry compressed air or nitrogen through the discharge piping or
otherwise confirm the pipework and nozzles of high expansion foam
systems are clear of any obstructions, debris, and contamination. This
may require the removal of nozzles, if applicable
9) take samples from all foam concentrates carried on board and
subject them to the periodical control tests in MSC.1Circ.1312, for
low expansion foam, or MSC/Circ. 670 for high expansion foam.
[Oral Question]
10) (Note: Except for non-alcohol resistant foam, the first test need not
be conducted until 3 years after being supplied to the ship.); and
11) test all fuel shut-off controls connected to fire-protection systems for
proper operation.

• 5-Yearly
1) perform internal inspection of all control valves
2) flush all high expansion foam system piping with fresh water, drain
and purge with air
3) check all nozzles to prove they are clear of debris; and
4) test all foam proportioners or other foam mixing devices to confirm
that the mixing ratio tolerance is within +30 to –10% of the nominal
mixing ratio defined by the system approval.

➢ Why Low Expansion Foam is Used for Fighting Fire On Deck?

• Foam is made up of three things: Foam concentrate, Water & Air

• Expansion ratio of the foam is the ratio in which foam is generated
from the foam solution.
• Firefighting foam generated from low expansion foam concentrate
will be heavier as it has less air compared to high expansion foam.
• Now if we use high expansion foam (Lighter) on open deck areas, the
foam blanket will break very easily with the wind. So, the high
expansion foams will be ineffective for deck fires.
• For this reason, for deck fires, it is low expansion foam that is used for

➢ What are the Requirements for Portable Foam Applicator on


1) A portable foam applicator unit shall consist of a foam

nozzle/branch pipe, either of a self-inducing (this has a built-in
mechanism to draw foam concentrate into the water stream
automatically.) type or in combination with a separate inductor (this is
an external device that is connected in the hose line between the
water source and the foam nozzle), capable of being connected to the
fire main by a fire hose, together with a portable tank containing at
least 20 L of foam concentrate and at least one spare tank of foam
concentrate of the same capacity.

2) The nozzle/branch pipe and inductor shall be capable of producing

effective foam suitable for extinguishing an oil fire, at a foam solution
flow rate of at least 200 L/min at the nominal pressure in the fire

3) The portable foam applicator unit shall be designed to withstand

clogging, ambient temperature changes, vibration, humidity, shock,
impact, and corrosion normally encountered on ships.
➢ What is a Hyper Mist System? Its Requirements & Regulations?

• The hyper mist system is a fire suppression system that is commonly

used on board ships. It is designed to quickly extinguish any fires that
may occur on the vessel, thereby preventing damage to the ship and
potentially saving lives. The system works by using a special mist that
is generated by high-pressure water pumps.

• When a fire is detected on board a ship, the hyper mist system is

activated automatically. The high-pressure water pumps are turned
on, and water is pumped through a series of pipes and nozzles to
create a mist that is then sprayed over the area where the fire is
located. The mist is made up of very fine water droplets that quickly
cool the fire and remove heat from the surrounding area. This helps
to prevent the fire from spreading and causing further damage.

• There are smoke and flame sensors on the areas where the hyper
mist system is set to activate. If both of these alarms are triggered
together then the hyper mist system will turn on automatically. Two
different sensors are employed here so that we can be very sure that
a fire has occurred before starting the hyper mist system so that
machines do not get damaged over a false alarm.

• Another way of activating the alarm is to manually trigger the switch if

a person notices a fire nearby and the detectors were not able to
detect it, then he can manually trigger the system with a switch
nearby the machines or from the main control panel.

• Hyper Mist control panel send signal to High pressure pump (Plunger
type reciprocating pump ) starter and also solenoid operating valve
according to Zone of fire. Capacity of pump: 200 litre/min @ 70 bar
pressure discharge At nozzle 12-20 litre/min @ 50 bar pressure

• These firefighting systems are placed in rooms with machineries

which have a higher chance of catching on fire, such as:

▪ Incinerator
▪ Main Engine
▪ Generators
▪ Purifier
▪ Boiler

❖ The hyper mist system stands out for its remarkable effectiveness in
swiftly extinguishing fires, even in challenging-to-reach areas, thanks
to its ability to penetrate small spaces and crevices. Its non-toxic mist
leaves no residue, ensuring safety for both people and equipment.
Notably, its automatic operation and minimal maintenance
requirements make it highly reliable and easy to upkeep. This system
plays a crucial role in ship safety, responding promptly to fires without
human intervention and preventing their spread. Widely adopted
across the shipping industry, the hyper mist system is instrumental in
saving lives and safeguarding valuable equipment, making it an
indispensable component of any ship's safety measures.

❖ Requirements for Hyper mist Fixed Fire-Fighting System:

1) Cargo ships 2000 GT and above should have this system

2) Machinery space above 500 m3 volume required an additional fixed
firefighting system.
3) It must have an independent power source or having connection from
emergency switchboard
4) The number and arrangement of the nozzles shall be such as to
ensure an effective average distribution of water of at least 5
litre/m2/min in the spaces to be protected.
5) Precautions shall be taken to prevent the nozzles from becoming
clogged by impurities in the water or corrosion of piping, nozzles,
valves, and pump
6) Should have manual as well as auto release mechanism
7) Activation shall give a visual and audible alarm in the protected space.

❖ Maintenance of Hyper Mist System

• Weekly
1) Verify all control panel indicators and alarms are functional
2) visually inspect pump unit and its fittings
3) check the pump unit valve positions, if valves are not locked, as

• Monthly
1) verify all control, pump unit and section valves are in the proper open
or closed position
2) test automatic starting arrangements on all system pumps so
3) test a selected sample of system section valves for flow and proper
initiation of alarms. (Note – The valves selected for testing should be
chosen to ensure that all valves are tested within a one-year period.)
➢ Describe the Fixed Sprinkler System? Requirements & Working?

• Working of Sprinkler System:

1) A fixed sprinkler fire extinguishing system consists of a pressure tank

half-filled with fresh water. The pressure in the tank is maintained by
supplying compressed air. A level gauge on the pressurized tank
indicates the water level in the tank.
2) The pipeline from the pressure tank to the sprinkler head is charged
with fresh water. In a dry system, the line is pressurized with
compressed air.
3) The sprinkler head is fitted with a small quartzoid glass bulb with a
liquid sealed inside it. The operating temperature of the bulb is
indicated by the colour of the liquid it contains.
4) In the event of a fire, the liquid inside the bulb is heated to a
predetermined temperature. The liquid expands and breaks the glass
5) An audible and visual alarm is triggered on the bridge,
accommodation spaces, and engine room as soon as the bulb breaks
at the sensor head.
6) This opens the pipeline at the sprinkler head, and pressurized fresh
water flows out of the sprinkler in the form of a spray.
7) As the water level in the pressure tank reduces, the pressure relay
automatically triggers a seawater pump in the engine room. The
seawater pump delivers the water, which extinguishes the fire.

❖ Requirements for the Sprinkler System:

1) It should have fitted in every cargo ship 2000 GT and above

2) Machinery space of 500 m3 in volume and above required an
additional fixed firefighting system
3) It must have an independent power source or have a connection from
the emergency switchboard for S/W pump, Alarm & Detection system
and F.W. pump
4) In Accommodation and service space the sprinkler shall come into
operation within temp range from 69°C to 79°C except where high
temp might be expected the operation temp may be increased by not
more than 30°C above maximum deck head temp.
5) Sprinklers should have good resistance of corrosion in marine
6) Sprinkler system is divided into sections, each section is permitted to
contain no more than 200 head.
7) Each sprinkler head is sufficient to cover the areas of 16 m2
8) Sprinkler heads are spaced not more than 4 m apart and 2 m from the
vertical wall
9) Each sprinkler head is capable of 100 litre/min discharge
10) The highest sprinkler head in the system is not less than 4.8 bar
11) Paint locker room shall have sprinkler with designed 5 litre/m2
12) A test valve shall be provided for testing the automatic alarm for
each section of sprinklers by a discharge of water equivalent to the
operation of one sprinkler. The test valve for each section shall be
situated near the stop valve for that section
➢ Give a Brief Description of Fixed Fire Detection and Fire Alarm
System & its Requirements?

❖ Fixed fire detection and fire alarm system should have:

1) Manually operated call points shall be capable of immediate

2) Not be used for any other purpose, except that closing of fire doors
3) Suitably designed to withstand supply voltage variation and
transients. ambient temperature changes, vibration, humidity, shock,
impact, and corrosion normally encountered in ships
4) Capacity to ensure that any fault occurring in the loop will not render
the whole loop ineffective
5) Capable of restoring initial configuration in case of power failure
6) No loop shall pass through same space twice
7) Two power sources
8) Suitable instructions and component spares for testing and
maintenance shall be provided

❖ Heat Detectors

1) Max floor area per detector: 37 m2

2) Max distance apart between centre: 9 m
3) Max distance away from bulkhead: 4.5 m

❖ Smoke Detectors

1) Max floor area per detector: 74 m2

2) Max distance apart between centre: 11 m
3) Max distance away from bulkhead: 5.5 m
➢ What are the Requirements for Emergency Fire Pump as per
SOLAS & Its Working?

• Requirements of Emergency Fire Pump as per SOLAS

• Passenger ships of 1000 GT and upwards and in cargo ships of 2000
GT and upwards must have fixed emergency fire pump.

1) Not less than 40% of the total capacity of main fire pump
2) Not less than 25 m3/hr (in any case)
3) Location: Located outside the engine room into the shaft tunnel or in
the forward of the ship. There should not be any direct access
between engine room and the fire pump. If there is access from
engine room then means of Air Interlock should be provided.
4) Pressure:
4.1) For Passenger Ships:
4,000 gross tonnage and upwards 0.40 N/mm2
less than 4,000 gross tonnage 0.30 N/mm2
4.2) For cargo ships:
6,000 gross tonnage and upwards 0.27 N/mm2
less than 6,000 gross tonnage 0.25 N/mm2
5) Jet/ Capability: At least 2 jets not emanating from the same hydrant,
using one hose length should be able to give a throw of 12 m.
6) Suction head: Total suction head not to exceed 4.5 m under all
conditions of list and trim
7) Drive type: Generally, diesel engine driven-should be able to start by
hand cranking to 0°C ambient temperature.
8) Fuel tank should contain enough oil to run it for a minimum period of
3 hours & sufficient fuel reserve for 15 hours should be available
9) Generally, diesel engine driven-should be able to be started by hand
cranking to 0°C ambient temperature.

❖ Starting Procedure for Emergency Fire Pump:

1) Before Starting

1.1) Check the fuel oil tank.

1.2) Check the cooling line.
1.3) Check the crank case oil.
1.4) Confirm the discharge valve on deck if it is open.

2) Starting Procedure

2.1) Close the exhaust line drain valve.

2.2) Open the sea water-cooling valve.(inlet and outlet)
2.3) Open the suction discharge valve of pump.
2.4) Open the fuel oil supply valve.
2.5) Put the fuel oil handle in moderate position.
2.6) Turn the flywheel manually.
2.7) After the engine has reached enough speed put the decomp lever
to running position.
2.8) Open the valve for sea water priming pump.
2.9) Engage priming pump clutch and release obtaining discharge
2.10) Close the valve for sea water priming pump.

3) Stopping Procedure

3.1) Put the fuel oil handle in stop position.

3.2) Return the decomp lever to stop position.
3.3) Close sea water suction and delivery valve of the pump.
3.4) Open the valve cylinder cleaning line by fresh water.
3.5) Clean with fresh water until sea water cooling line becomes fresh
3.6) Close the fresh water-cleaning valve after cleaning.
3.7) Open exhaust line drain valve.
➢ Provide the Requirements for Fire Main, Fire Hydrant, Fire Hose
& Nozzles? Also Provide Maintenance of these Equipment’s?

1) Fire Main [Fire main is the network of piping that distributes this
water throughout the ship to various outlets for use in

1.1) A Fire Main System must have at least two independently driven
fire pumps

1.2) Pump should be able to deliver water at a continuous pitot tube

pressure of at least 3.4bar at least two fire hose nozzles that are
connected to the highest two fire hydrants on the unit.

1.3) Pressure @ hydrant:

1.3.1) For passenger ships:
4,000 gross tonnage and upwards 0.40 N/mm2
less than 4,000 gross tonnage 0.30 N/mm2

1.3.2) For cargo ships:

6,000 gross tonnage and upwards 0.27 N/mm2
less than 6,000 gross tonnage 0.25 N/mm2

1.4) Pressure at any hydrant should not be so high that it becomes

difficult to control the fire hose effectively.

1.5) Relief Valve- Should be provided to avoid over pressure

1.6) Isolation Valve- On oil carriers and fuel oil carriers, requires
additional isolation valves to be fitted in the fire main at the poop
front in a protected position and on the tank deck at intervals not
more than 40 m to isolate damaged sections of the fire main.

2) Fire Pump

2.1) Capacity

2.1.1) Passenger Ship- Fire Pumps shall be capable of giving a quantity of

water, for firefighting, NOT LESS THAN 2/3rd of quantity given by
Bilge Pumps.
2.1.2) Cargo Ships- Fire Pumps shall be capable of giving a quantity of
water, for firefighting, NOT LESS THAN 3/4th of the quantity given
by bilge pumps
2.1.3) Cargo Ships- Each required fire pump (except, Emergency Fire
Pump) for Cargo Ships shall have the capacity not less than 80% of
the total required capacity divided by the minimum number
required fire pumps, but not less than 25 m3/hr with at least
discharge of water with TWO JETS.

2.2) Number of Fire Pump

2.2.1) Passenger Ships- for Passenger Ships greater than or equal to

4000 GT shall have at least 3 fire pumps, for Passenger Ships less
than 4000 GT at least 2 fire pumps
2.2.2) Cargo Ships- for Cargo Ships greater than or equal to 1000 GT at
least 2 fire pumps, for Cargo Ships, less than 1000 GT at least two
power-driven fire pumps and one of which shall be independently
driven fire pump

3) Fire Hydrant
2.1) The ship should have enough hydrants placed strategically so that
at least two jets of water, coming from different hydrants, can
reach any part of the ship. This includes ensuring that one of the
jets can be reached using just one length of hose.

2.2) They should be positioned in such a way that the fire hose may be
easily coupled to them.

2.3) They should be fitted with a valve for controlling the discharge.
Hydrant valves fitted in fire mains should be designed to open
with an anti-clockwise rotation of the hand wheel.

4) Fire Hose

3.1) Fire hoses of approved non-perishable material and be sufficient

length to project a jet of water to any of the space required.

3.2) Fire hose length of at least 10m, but not more than,

3.2.1) 15m in machinery space

3.2.2) 20m in other spaces and open deck
3.2.3) 25m for open decks on ships max breath>30m
3.2.4) In passenger ships, at least one fire hose for each hydrant.

3.3) In cargo ships of 1,000 gross tonnage and upwards, the number of
fire hoses to be provided shall be one for each 30 m length of the
ship and one spare, but in no case less than five in all. This number
does not include any hoses required in any engine-room or boiler
3.4) Passenger Ships- at least 1 hose for each hydrant.

3.5) The diameter of hose is normally 64 mm

5) Nozzles

4.1) Standard nozzle shall be 12mm, 16mm and 19mm

4.2) For accommodation and service spaces nozzle size >12mm need
not be used

4.3) For machinery spaces nozzle size shall obtain the maximum
pressure from two jets from the smallest pump. Nozzle size >
19mm need not be used

❖ Maintenance for Fire mains, Fire Pumps, Hydrants, Hoses and


• Monthly
1) verify all fire hydrants, hose and nozzles are in place, properly
arranged and are in serviceable condition
2) operate all fire pumps to confirm that they continue to supply
adequate pressure
3) emergency fire pump fuel supply adequate, and heating system in
satisfactory condition, if applicable.

• Quarterly
1) verify international shore connection(s) is in serviceable condition.

• Annually
1) visually inspect all accessible components for proper condition
2) flow test all fire pumps for proper pressure and capacity. Test
emergency fire pump with isolation valves closed
3) test all hydrant valves for proper operation
4) pressure test a sample of fire hoses at the maximum fire main
pressure, so that all fire hoses are tested within five years
5) verify all fire pump relief valves, if provided, are properly set
6) examine all filters/strainers to verify they are free of debris and
contamination; and
7) confirm nozzle size/type correct, maintained and working.
➢ Requirements for Emergency Generator?

1) Emergency switch board And emergency generator should located

above the uppermost continuous deck.

2) Driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent supply of fuel,

having a flash point of not less than 43°C.

3) Generated power should be capable of supplying all those services

that are essential for safety in an emergency.

4) Should be capable of giving power up to the periods of 18hrs for

cargo ships 36hrs for passenger ships

5) Emergency generator should be easily started at zero degree and if

the temp is below this heating arrangement should be provided.

6) It should come on load automatically with in 45s after the failure of

main power supply

7) Should give full rated power, when the ship is up right and when
inclined at any angle of list up to 22.5° or inclined 10 degree either aft
or fwd.

8) If fails to come on load, then indication to be given in the ECR

➢ What is Fixed Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Firefighting System? Its
Requirements, Working & Maintenance?

❖ Working

1) The DCP system comprises steel pressure vessel(s), cylinder banks

with manifolds, distribution valves, gas release arrangements, hose
stations, monitors, pressure gauges, and safety valves.
2) When the nitrogen cylinder is opened at the control station, the gas
passes to the container and opens the required distribution valve.
3) The same gas simultaneously opens the series of nitrogen cylinders
near the DCP container. The nitrogen gas released from the series of
nitrogen cylinders enters the containers and builds up the pressure of
the container.
4) When it reaches the required pressure, the main powder valve opens,
and dry powder flows to the appropriate release station via the
distribution manifold.
5) The discharge of dry chemical powder is constant until most of the
DCP is used up.

➢ What are the Contents of the Fire Control Plan?

1) Fire control plan should clearly show the following item’s number
Location with representation as per IMO Symbols:

1.1) Control stations on each deck

1.2) The sections of the ship which are enclosed by fire resisting
1.3) Particulars of fire detection and fire alarms system
1.4) The sprinkler installation (fixed firefighting system)
1.5) Location of Fire Extinguishing appliance
1.6) Location and number of Fireman’s out fit on ship.
1.7) Location and number of EEBD on ship.
1.8) Ventilations closing arrangement
1.9) Ventilation fan/oil fuel Pumps/fire Pumps controls (outside E/R)
1.10) QCV remote operation position
1.11) Primary and secondary Escape routes from E/R and
1.12) Location of International shore connections
1.13) location and number of Fire Hydrants / Hoses location
1.14) Ships particulars
1.15) location and number of Fire pumps .
1.16) Spaces protected by fixed firefighting system Co2/ Dry
powder/Foam/ water
1.17) Location of fixed Co2/Foam /Dry powder installation
1.18) Any other firefighting equipment with specific application

➢ What are the Contents of Fire Wallet?

• Fire Wallet is a wallet type arrangement (Box shaped, or Cylindrical

enclosed container type) usually located near the Entrance of the
accommodation of the Ship which contains various Important Plans,
Crew list and other Important Information required for Immediate
reference in case of Emergency.

1) General arrangement plan.

2) Shell expansion plan.
3) Ventilation plan.
4) Firefighting equipment plan.
5) Position of all watertight doors.
6) Stability information, cargo plan cargo manifest- if dangerous goods
7) Crews list.
8) Electric data.
9) A cargo plan with any dangerous cargo being specifically mentioned
➢ What are the Requirements for Fire Doors & Bulkheads?

• In order to restrict the spread of fire the bulkheads and decks of a

vessel are constructed to a particular standard. Various standards
apply depending on the type of vessel and the nature of the space
surrounded. Generally, the fire resistance of a bulkhead is expressed
as A, B or C followed by a number indicating the time that the division
will prevent a specified temperature rise.

1) CLASS “A”— A division constructed of steel or equivalent material and

capable of preventing the passage of smoke or flame for one hour.
Class “A” division bulkheads should be insulated with non-
combustible materials so that on the side opposite to a fire the
average temperature will not rise more than 139°C above the original
temperature, nor more than 180°C at any one point.

▪ Class “A-60” –must prevent the stated temperature rises for at

least 60 minutes.
▪ Class “A-30” –must prevent the stated temperature rises for at
least 30 minutes.
▪ Class “A-15” –must prevent the stated temperature rises for at
least 15 minutes.
▪ Class “A-0” –must prevent the stated temperature rises for at least
0 minutes.

2) CLASS “B”—A division capable of preventing the passage of flame for

the first half an hour of the standard test. The insulation should be
such that on the side opposite to a fire the average temperature will
not rise more 139°C above the original temperature, not more than
225°C at any one point.

▪ Class “B-15” –must prevent the stated temperature rises for at

least 15 minutes.
▪ Class “B-0” –must prevent the stated temperature rises for at least
0 minutes.

3) CLASS “C”--- These divisions are constructed of approved non-

combustible materials. They do not need to meet the requirements
for limiting the passage of smoke and flame nor limitations relative to
temperature rise. Combustible veneers are permitted provided they
meet other requirements. Fire resistance doors and doorframes fitted
to the bulkheads and decks is to be, as far as is practicable , at least
equivalent to the bulkhead or deck in which they are fitted. Watertight
doors need not be insulated.

➢ What is International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code & Its


• The International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code provides more

specific technical requirements for the manufacturing, testing,
maintenance, and record keeping of life-saving appliances.

• The number, capacity and type of life-saving appliances differ from

ship to ship depending on its size, shipping activity and voyage, and
the LSA Code stipulates minimum requirements to comply in order to
make a ship safe for its passengers and crew.

• Last Edition of LSA Code: International Life-Saving Appliance

(LSA) Code, 2017 edition

• Content of LSA Code

• LSA Code consists of 7 Chapters

1) Chapter I- General
2) Chapter II- Personal life-saving appliances
3) Chapter III- Visual signals
4) Chapter IV- Survival craft
5) Chapter V- Rescue boats
6) Chapter VI- Launching and embarkation appliance
7) Chapter VII- Other life-saving appliances

❖ Testing and Evaluation of Life-Saving Appliances

1) Part 1- Prototype tests for life-saving appliances
2) Part 2- Production and installation test

❖ Annexes
1) Annex 1- Adult reference test device (RTD) design and construction
2) Annex 2- Child reference test device (RTD) design and construction
3) Annex 3- Infant reference test device (RTD) design and construction

➢ LSA Code Latest Amendments?

❖ Entry Into Force 1 January 2024

1) Chapter VI- Launching & Embarkation Appliances

1.1) Rescue boats with a mass of no more than 700 kg, including
equipment and propulsion system but excluding the crew, do not
need to be fitted with stored mechanical power.

2) Chapter IV- Survival Craft

2.1) Lifeboats with two independent propulsion systems must have
completely separate engines, shaft lines, fuel tanks, piping systems,
and other related equipment. Additionally, free-fall lifeboats must
carry enough buoyant oars to navigate in calm seas, and each oar
must have thole pins or crutches (or equivalent) to hold them in
➢ Describe the Requirements for the Following Personal Life Saving

❖ Lifebuoys

• Lifebuoys Specifications

1) Outer diameter not more than 800 mm, inner diameter not less than
400 mm
2) Made of inherently buoyant material
3) Supports not less than 14.5 kg of iron in fresh water for 24 hours
4) Mass not less than 2.5 kg
5) Does not burn or melt after 2 seconds in fire
6) Withstands drop from stowage height or 30 m, whichever is greater
7) For quick-release lifebuoy- mass not less than 4 kg
8) Grabline at least 9.5 mm thick & length four times buoy diameter,
attached at four equal points forming loops

• Lifebuoy Self-Igniting Lights

1) Cannot be extinguished by water

2) White, burns with not less than 2 cd intensity or flashes 50-70
times/min with equivalent intensity
3) Energy source lasts at least 2 hours as per requirements of point 2
4) Withstands drop from stowage height or 30 m, whichever is greater
5) At least 50% of lifebuoys must have self-igniting lights

• Lifebuoy Self-Activating Smoke Signals

1) Emit highly visible smoke for at least 15 min in calm water

2) Do not ignite explosively or emit flames during smoke emission
3) Not be swamped in rough seas
4) Emit smoke even when submerged for at least 10 seconds
5) Withstand drop from stowage height or 30 m, whichever is greater
6) Have a quick-release arrangement to automatically release and
activate the signal and self-igniting light with a lifebuoy of mass not
more than 4 kg.

• Buoyant Lifelines

1) be non-kinking
2) have a diameter of not less than 8 mm
3) have a breaking strength of not less than 5 kN

❖ Requirement

1) Passenger Ships

2) Cargo Ships

❖ Lifejackets

• General Requirements for Lifejackets

1) A lifejacket shall not sustain burning or continue melting after being
totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 s.
2) Lifejackets shall be provided in three sizes in accordance with table

2.1) If a lifejacket fully complies with the requirements of two adjacent

size ranges, it may be marked with both size ranges, but the
specified ranges shall not be divided. Lifejackets shall be marked
by either weight or height, or by both weight and height.
2.2) If an adult lifejacket is not designed to fit persons weighing up to
140 kg and with a chest girth of up to 1,750 mm, suitable
accessories shall be available to allow it to be secured to such

• An Adult lifejacket shall be so constructed that:

1) At least 75% of unfamiliar users can don within 1 min without help
2) All users can don within 1 min after demonstration without help
3) Can only be worn one way or inside-out; not harmful if worn
4) Secures with quick, positive closures; no knots required
5) Comfortable to wear
6) Allows safe jumping into water from 4.5 m while holding lifejacket
and from 1 m with arms overhead, without injury or dislodging
7) Buoyancy not reduced by more than 5% after 24 hours in fresh water
8) Fitted with a whistle secured by a lanyard
9) Keeps unconscious person's mouth 120 mm above water, body
inclined at least 20° from vertical, within 5 seconds

• Lifejacket Light

• Each lifejacket light shall:

1) have a luminous intensity of not less than 0.75 cd in all directions of
the upper hemisphere
2) have a source of energy capable of providing a luminous intensity of
0.75 cd for a period of at least 8 h
3) be of white colour

• Requirement for Lifejacket as per SOLAS Chapter-III

1) A lifejacket shall be provided for every person on board the ship

2) for passenger ships on voyages of less than 24 hours number of

infant lifejackets equal to at least 2.5% of the number of passengers
on board

3) for passenger ships on voyages of 24 hours or greater, infant

lifejackets shall be provided for each infant on board

4) a number of lifejackets suitable for children equal to at least 10% of

the number of passengers on board shall be provided or such greater
number as may be required to provide a lifejacket for each child

5) a sufficient number of lifejackets shall be carried for persons on watch

and for use at remotely located survival craft stations. The lifejackets
carried for persons on watch should be stowed on the bridge, in the
engine control room and at any other manned watch station
6) In addition to the lifejackets required by paragraph 2 & 3, every
passenger ship shall carry lifejackets for not less than 5% of the total
number of persons on board. These lifejackets shall be stowed in
conspicuous places on deck or at muster stations

❖ Immersion Suit(Constructed of Neoprene, A waterproof type of


• General requirements for immersion suits

• An immersion suit shall be constructed with waterproof materials such

1) Can be unpacked and donned within 2 minutes without assistance,
including any associated clothing and lifejacket if required.
2) Does not continue burning or melting after being enveloped in fire
for 2 seconds.
3) Covers the whole body except the face, with gloves either attached or
permanently provided.
4) Has arrangements to minimize or reduce free air in the legs.
5) Prevents undue water ingress after a jump from at least 4.5 meters
into water.
6.1) Provide sufficient buoyancy to raise the mouth of an exhausted or
unconscious person at least 120 mm clear of the water in calm fresh

6.2) Allow the wearer to turn from face-down to face-up position within
5 seconds.
7) An immersion suit, with or without a lifejacket:

7.1) Enables climbing up and down a vertical ladder at least 5 meters


7.2) Facilitates performing normal abandonment duties.

7.3) Permits jumping from a height of at least 4.5 meters into water
without damage or displacement of the suit or attachments, and without

7.4) Allows swimming a short distance and boarding a survival craft.

8) If worn with a lifejacket, the lifejacket must be worn over the
immersion suit.

9) Buoyancy of the immersion suit must not decrease by more than 5%

after 24 hours submerged in fresh water.

• Thermal performance requirements for immersion suits

1) marked with instructions that it must be worn in conjunction with

warm clothing

2) When worn with warm clothing and optionally with a lifejacket, the
immersion suit must retain sufficient thermal protection after one
jump from a 4.5 m height into water, ensuring that when worn for 1
hour in calm circulating water at 5°C, the wearer's core body
temperature does not decrease more than 2°C.

3) An immersion suit made from inherently insulating material, whether

worn alone or with a lifejacket, if required, must provide adequate
thermal insulation after a 4.5 m water jump to ensure the wearer's
core body temperature does not decrease more than 2°C following 6
hours of immersion in calm circulating water between 0°C and 2°C.

❖ Requirement
1) One immersion suit to be provided for each person on board a cargo
ship with additional suits to be provided at work and watch-keeping
stations which are “remotely located”
2) At least 3 in each lifeboat in a passenger ship.
❖ Pressure Test Requirement & Frequency
1) Suit to be inflated to a pressure of 0.7 to 1.4 kPa, at intervals not
exceeding 3 years, or 2 years for suits over 10 years of age

❖ Anti Exposure Suit

• General requirements for anti-exposure suits

▪ An anti-exposure suit shall be constructed with waterproof

materials such that it:

1) provides inherent buoyancy of at least 70 N

2) made of material which reduces the risk of heat stress during rescue
and evacuation operations

3) covers the whole body except, where the Administration so permits,

the feet; covering for the hands and head may be provided by
separate gloves and a hood, both of which shall be permanently
attached to the suit

4) can be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 min

5) does not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally

enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 s

6) is equipped with a pocket for a portable VHF telephone

7) has a lateral field of vision of at least 120°.

▪ An anti-exposure suit shall permit the person wearing it to

1) climb up and down a vertical ladder of at least 5 m in length

2) jump from a height of not less than 4.5 m into the water with feet
first, without damaging or dislodging the suit or its attachments, or
being injured

3) swim through the water at least 25 m and board a survival craft

4) don a lifejacket without assistance

5) perform all duties associated with abandonment, assist others, and
operate a rescue boat.

❖ Thermal Protective Aid

• A thermal protective aid shall be made of waterproof material having

a thermal conductance of not more than 7,800 Watt/(metre2.Kelvin)
and shall be so constructed that, when used to enclose a person, it
shall reduce both the convective and evaporative heat loss from the
wearer's body.
▪ The thermal protective aid shall:
1) cover the whole body of persons of all sizes wearing a lifejacket with
the exception of the face. Hands shall also be covered unless
permanently attached gloves are provided
2) be capable of being unpacked and easily donned without assistance
in a survival craft or rescue boat
3) permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 min, if
it impairs ability to swim.
4) The thermal protective aid shall function properly throughout an air
temperature range —30°C to +20°C.

❖ Requirement
1) Every survival craft should have 2 thermal protective aid suits or 10%
of its total carrying capacity whichever is greater.

➢ Difference Between Thermal Protective Aid & Immersion Suit?

➢ Describe the requirements for the following Visual Signals:

❖ Rocket Parachute Flares

• The rocket parachute flare shall:

1) Housed in a water-resistant casing.

2) Includes clear instructions or diagrams for rocket parachute flare use
printed on the casing.
3) Equipped with integral ignition mechanisms.
4) Designed to avoid discomfort to the user holding the casing when
used as per manufacturer's instructions.

• The rocket shall, when fired vertically, reach an altitude of not

less than 300 m. At or near the top of its trajectory, the rocket
shall eject a parachute flare, which shall:

1) burn with a bright red colour.

2) burn uniformly with an average luminous intensity of not less than
30,000 cd.
3) have a burning period of not less than 40 s.
4) have a rate of descent of not more than 5 m/s; and
5) not damage its parachute or attachments while burning.
6) Visibility Range- Day- Up to 10 Miles & Night- Up to 40 Miles

❖ Hand Flares

• The hand Flare shall:

1) Contained in a water-resistant casing.

2) Have clear instructions or diagrams for hand flare use printed on the
3) Include a self-contained means of ignition.
4) Designed to avoid discomfort to the user and prevent burning or
glowing residues from endangering the survival craft when used as
per manufacturer's instructions.

• The Hand Flare shall:

1) burn with a bright red colour
2) burn uniformly with an average luminous intensity of not less than
15,000 cd
3) have a burning period of not less than 1 min
4) continue to burn after having been immersed for a period of 10 s
under 100 mm of water.
5) Visibility Range- 5-10 NM

❖ Buoyant Smoke Signal

• The buoyant smoke signal shall:

1) Housed in a water-resistant casing.

2) Does not ignite explosively when used according to manufacturer's
3) Includes clear instructions or diagrams for buoyant smoke signal use
printed on the casing.

• The buoyant smoke signal shall:

1) Emits highly visible smoke uniformly for at least 3 minutes when

floating in calm water.
2) Does not emit any flame throughout the smoke emission period.
3) Does not get swamped in rough seas.
4) Continues emitting smoke when submerged for 10 seconds under
100 mm of water.
5) Visibility Range- 2-3 NM

➢ What are the Pyrotechnics Carried on Ship?

1) At least 12 parachute rockets, in accordance with the requirements of

Section 3.1 SOLAS, should be on the bridge or next to it.
2) At least 4 Line Throwing Apparatus

➢ Describe the requirements for the following Survival Crafts:

❖ Liferaft

1) Construction of Liferafts:

1.1) Every liferaft shall be so constructed as to be capable of

withstanding exposure for 30 days afloat in all sea conditions.
1.2) The liferaft must work properly when dropped from a height of 18
meters into the water. If it's stored higher than that on the ship, it
needs to be a type that has been successfully tested from that
1.3) The floating liferaft shall be capable of withstanding repeated jump
into it from a height of at least 4.5 m above its floor both with and
without the canору erected.
1.4) The liferaft and its fittings must allow it to be towed at a speed of 3
knots in calm water, even when fully loaded with people and
equipment, and with one sea-anchor deployed.
1.5) The liferaft shall have a canopy to protect the occupants from
exposure which is automatically set in place when the liferaft is
launched and waterborne.

2) Liferaft Fittings:

2.1) The liferaft shall be fitted with an efficient painter of length equal
to not less than 10 m plus the distance from the stowed position to
the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition or 15 m, whichever
is the greater. The painter system, excluding the weak link, must
have a breaking strength of at least 15 kN for liferafts with over 25
people, 10 kN for 9 to 25-person liferafts, and 7.5 kN for any other
2.2) An exterior white light, manually operated, must be fitted at the
top of the liferaft canopy or structure. It should last at least 12
hours continuously and shine with a brightness of at least 4.3 cd in
all directions above.
2.3) An interior light, manually controlled, must be inside the liferaft,
capable of working continuously for at least 12 hours. It should
automatically turn on when the canopy is up and provide enough
light, at least 0.5 cd.

3) Davit-launched liferafts

• In addition to the above requirements, a liferaft for use with an

approved launching appliance shall:
3.1) The liferaft, when fully loaded with people and gear, must
withstand hitting the ship's side at a speed of at least 3.5 m/s and
dropping into the water from a height of at least 3 meters without
any damage that affects its function.
3.2) be provided with means for bringing the liferaft alongside the
embarkation deck and holding it securely during embarkation.
3.3) Every davit-launched liferaft on passenger ships must allow quick
boarding by all passengers. On cargo ships, boarding must be
completed within 3 minutes from the instruction to board.

4) Equipment

• The normal equipment of every liferaft shall consist of:

4.1) 1 buoyant rescue quoit, attached to not less than 30 m of buoyant

4.2) Each liferaft must have 1 non-folding knife with a buoyant handle
and attached lanyard, stored near the painter attachment point.
Liferafts for 13 or more people should have a second knife, which
doesn't need to be non-folding.
4.3) For liferafts with up to 12 people, one buoyant bailer is required;
for 13 or more people, two are needed.
4.4) 2 sponges
4.5) Each liferaft must have two sea-anchors with strong hawsers and
tripping lines if provided. One anchor is spare, and the other is
permanently attached to the liferaft to stabilize it in the wind when
4.6) 3 tin-openers and a pair of scissors. Safety knives containing
special tin-opener blades are satisfactory for this requirement.
4.7) 1 first-aid outfit in a waterproof case capable of being closed
tightly after use
4.8) 1 whistle or equivalent sound signal
4.9) 4 rocket parachute flares, 6 hand flares, 2 buoyant smoke signals
4.10) Each liferaft must have a waterproof electric torch for Morse
signalling, along with spare batteries and a spare bulb, all stored in
a waterproof container.
4.11) an efficient radar reflector, unless a survival craft radar transponder
is stowed in the liferaft
4.12) one daylight signalling mirror with instructions on its use for
signalling to ships and aircraft
4.13) one copy of the life-saving signals referred to in regulation V/29 on
a waterproof card or in a waterproof container
4.14) one set of fishing tackle
4.15) a food ration consisting of not less than 10,000 kJ (2,400 kcal) for
each person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate
4.16) 1.5 L of fresh water for each person the liferaft is permitted to
4.17) one rustproof graduated drinking vessel
4.18) anti-seasickness medicine sufficient for at least 48 h and one
seasickness bag for each person the liferaft is permitted to
4.19) thermal protective aids sufficient for 10% of the number of persons
the liferaft is permitted to accommodate or two, whichever is the

5) Float Free Arrangements for Liferaft

5.1) Painter system

5.1.1) The liferaft painter system connects the liferaft to the ship and
ensures that, especially for inflatable liferafts, it is not pulled under
by the sinking ship when released and inflated.

5.2) Weak link

5.2.1) not be broken by the force required to pull the painter from the
liferaft container
5.2.2) if applicable, be of sufficient strength to permit the inflation of the
5.2.3) break under a strain of 2.2 ± 0.4 kN.

5.3) Hydrostatic Release Units

5.3.1) The hydrostatic release unit must be made of compatible materials

to prevent malfunction. Metallic coatings, like galvanizing, are not
allowed on its parts.
5.3.2) automatically release the liferaft at a depth of not more than 4 m
5.3.3) have drains to prevent the accumulation of water in the hydro-
static chamber when the unit is in its normal position
5.3.4) be so constructed as to prevent release when seas wash over the
5.3.5) be permanently marked on its exterior with its type and serial

❖ Inflatable Liferaft

• Inflatable Iiferafts shall comply with the requirements of Liferafts and,

in addition, shall comply with the requirements given below

1) Construction of inflatable liferafts

1.1) The main buoyancy chamber must have at least two separate
compartments, each with its own nonreturn inflation valve. If one
compartment fails, the remaining compartments should provide
enough buoyancy to support the maximum number of people the
liferaft is designed for, with positive freeboard, ensuring each
person, weighing 82.5 kg, seated in their normal position can be
1.2) The floor of the liferaft shall be waterproof and shall be capable of
being sufficiently insulated against cold
1.3) The liferaft shall be capable of being inflated by one person. The
liferaft shall be inflated with a non-toxic gas. Inflation shall be
completed within a period of 1 min at an ambient temperature of
between 18°C and 20°C and within a period of 3 min at an ambient
temperature of -30°C. After inflation, the liferaft shall maintain its
form when loaded with its full complement of persons and
1.4) Each inflatable compartment shall be capable of withstanding a
pressure equal to at least three times the working pressure and
shall be prevented from reaching a pressure exceeding twice the
working pressure either by means of relief valves or by a limited
gas supply.

2) Access into inflatable liferafts

2.1) At least one entrance shall be fitted with a boarding ramp, capable
of supporting a person weighing 100 kg sitting or kneeling and not
holding onto any other part of the liferaft, to enable persons to
board the liferaft from the sea.
2.2) Entrances not provided with a boarding ramp shall have a
boarding ladder, the lowest step of which shall be situated not less
than 0.4 m below the liferaft's light waterline.
2.3) There shall be means inside the liferaft to assist persons to pull
themselves into the liferaft from the ladder.

3) Stability of inflatable liferafts

3.1) Every inflatable liferaft shall be so constructed that, when fully

inflated and floating with the canopy uppermost, it is stable in a
3.2) The stability of the liferaft when in the inverted position shall be
such that it can be righted in a seaway and in calm water by one
3.3) The stability of the liferaft when loaded with its full complement of
persons and equipment shall be such that it can be towed at
speeds of up to 3 knots in calm water.
3.4) The liferaft shall be fitted with water pockets complying with the
following requirements:
3.4.1) the water pockets shall be of a highly visible colour
3.4.2) the design shall be such that the pockets fill to at least 60% of their
capacity within 25 s of deployment
3.4.3) the pockets shall have an aggregate capacity of at least 220 L for
liferafts up to 10 persons
3.4.4) the pockets for liferafts certified to carry more than 10 persons
shall have an aggregate capacity of not 'less than 20N L, where N =
number of persons carried.

4) Containers for inflatable liferafts

4.1) so constructed as to withstand hard wear under conditions

encountered at sea
4.2) of sufficient inherent buoyancy, when packed with the liferaft and
its equipment, to pull the painter from within and to operate the
inflation mechanism should the ship sink
4.3) as far as practicable watertight, except for drain holes in the
container bottom.
4.4) The liferaft shall be packed in its container in such a way as to
ensure, as far as possible, that the waterborne liferaft inflates in an
upright position on breaking free from its container

4.5) The container shall be marked with:

4.5.1) Ships Name

4.5.2) Port of Registry
4.5.3) maker's name
4.5.4) serial number
4.5.5) name of approving authority and the number of persons it is
permitted to carry
4.5.6) SOLAS type of emergency pack enclosed
4.5.7) date when last serviced
4.5.8) length of painter
4.5.9) mass of the packed liferaft, if greater than 185 kg
4.5.10) maximum permitted height of stowage above waterline
4.5.11) launching instructions.

4.6) Markings on inflatable liferafts

4.6.1) maker's name

4.6.2) serial number
4.6.3) date of manufacture (month and year)
4.6.4) name of approving authority
4.6.5) name and place of servicing station where it was last serviced
4.6.6) number of persons it is permitted to accommodate over each
entrance in characters not less than 100 mm in height of a colour
contrasting with that of the liferaft.

4.7) Davit-launched inflatable liferafts

• In addition to complying with the above requirements, a liferaft for

use with an approved launching appliance shall, when suspended
from its lifting hook or bridle, withstand a load of:

4.7.1) four times the mass of its full complement of persons and
equipment, at an ambient temperature and a stabilized liferaft
temperature of 20 ± 3°C with all relief valves inoperative
4.7.2) 1.1 times the mass of its full complement of persons and
equipment at an ambient temperature and a stabilized liferaft
temperature of —30°C with all relief valves operative.

4.8) Additional equipment for inflatable liferafts

4.8.1) one repair outfit for repairing punctures in buoyancy

4.8.2) one topping-up pump or bellows
4.8.3) The knives required shall be safety knives, and the tin-openers and
scissors required shall be of the safety type.

➢ What is SOLAS Pack A, SOLAS Pack B & SOLAS Pack C?

1) All Inflatable Liferafts have an emergency pack which according to

SOLAS requirement, there are two types- SOLAS A and B. Here we will
discuss the difference between SOLAS A and B.
2) SOLAS Pack A is the level of equipment required for passenger
vessels on long international voyages and for all other vessels to
which SOLAS applies on international or domestic voyages.
3) SOLAS Pack B is used for vessels engaged on Short International or
Domestic voyages("Short international voyage" refers to a voyage
where a ship is within 200 miles of a safe port and the distance
between the last port of call and the next one doesn't exceed 600
4) SOLAS Pack "C" - Standard equipment of SOLAS Pack "C" for Coastal
Navigation for ship not engaged on international voyage.

➢ What is the Equipment Difference between SOLAS Pack A & PACK


1) Equipment which are not in Pack B

1.1) Ration/Food-10Kj
1.2) Can Opener-3
1.3) Fishing Kit
1.4) Safety Scissor

2) Equipment which are Half of Pack A in Pack B- Pyrotechnics

2.1) Rocket Parachute- 2
2.2) Handflare-3
2.3) Buoyant Smoke Signal-1

3) Equipment Which are common in Pack A & B

3.1) First Aid Box
3.2) Anti Seasickness Tablet-6
3.3) Drinking Water
3.4) Signalling Lamp
3.5) Signalling Mirror
3.6) Spare Bulb
3.7) Whistle
3.8) Survival Booklet
3.9) Sea Anchor

➢ What are the Launching Procedure of Liferaft?

1) Auto release with Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU)

1.1) HRU acts as a connecting media between life raft container and
ship deck, where it is stored.

1.2) The HRU comes in action under the pressure of water exerted on
HRU when the ship sinks below 4m of water level.

1.3) The HRU consists of a sharp knife or chisel which is used to cut the
strap lashed over the container carrying life raft, but it still holds
the painter at the weak link.
1.4) The HRU is connected to the container through a lashing
arrangement which can be disengaged quickly by means of slip
hook when launching the raft manually.

1.5) The HRU is connected to a strong point on deck through a weak


1.6) When vessel sinks, the HRU cuts the rope and the container floats
to the surface of water.

1.7) As vessel sinks further, the tension in the painter causes the life raft
to inflate out of the container.

1.8) The tension acting on the weak link will cause it to break making
the life raft free from the ship.

1.9) When vessel sinks, the HRU cuts the rope and the container floats
to the surface of water.

2) Manual Liferaft Launching Procedure

2.1) Check that the painter of the raft is well secured to a strong point
on ship’s deck or structure.
2.2) Remove the lashing from the container of the raft and open the
way to portable rail if available.
2.3) Check the ship side where the raft to be launched is clear.
2.4) Two people should lift the container from both sides horizontally
and throw the container.
2.5) Make sure the painter is still fixed at a strong point so that the raft
should not be waved away by waters.
2.6) Pull the painter with a hard jerk to fire the gas bottle to inflate the
2.7) The life raft will take 20-30 sec to inflate.
2.8) Board the life raft one by one using ladder or rope.
2.9) Avoid sharp objects like knives, shoes, and other sharp objects etc
which may damage the raft surface.
2.10) When everybody is aboard, after a headcount, cut the painter with
a sharp knife.

3) Davit Release Liferaft Launching Procedure

3.1) Tie up the painter of raft into a strong point at deck.

3.2) Open the lashing and remove the raft container from HRU by
opening the manual slip hook or bottle screw arrangement.
3.3) Keep the container in the open and attach the davit hook to the
given eye in the canister/container
3.4) Take up the raft load by davit and keep the container hanging at
embarkation deck area.
3.5) Pull the painter and inflate the raft. Have a thorough check on the
inflated raft.
3.6) Start boarding the raft without the shoes and other sharp object.
3.7) After the boarding is completed, check the bottom is clear and
release the securing lines.
3.8) Someone inside the raft will detach the hook of the davit from the
raft when raft is just above the water.
3.9) The davit operating person will board the raft either by jumping in
to the sea, raft or by other boarding means if provided.
3.10) Cut the painter and cast away the raft from ship.

❖ Number of Liferaft

1) One or more together with 100% capacity, easily transferable having

weight less than 185 Kgs
2) 100% each side, if not easily transferable, which means, weight
exceeds 185 Kgs
3) If freefall Lifeboat with 100% capacity, then Liferaft with 100%
capacity on each side.
4) For ships less than 85m no use of lifeboat then liferaft 100% on each
side, if easily transferable or Liferaft 150% on each side, if not easily
transferable. A rescue boat that may also be used as a Lifeboat may
be used for fulfilling this 150% criteria.
5) Additionally, 1 at the FWD if the length of AFT Lifeboat from FWD is
more than 100m capacity not less than 6 persons. 1)100% on each
side in cargo ships. 2)50% on each side in passenger ships.
❖ Servicing of Liferaft:

➢ All liferafts shall be serviced:

1) at intervals not exceeding 12 months (if impracticable, the

administration may extend this period to 17 months)
2) at proper service stations with proper servicing facilities and trained
❖ Lifeboats
❖ Number of Lifeboat

• For Passengers ships on long voyages

▪ 50% on each side lifeboat + additional 25% liferaft = TOTAL 125% OR
▪ At least 37.5% lifeboats and 12.5% liferaft on each side with launching
appliance + additional 25% liferaft = TOTAL 125%
▪ Launching appliances on each side
• For Passenger ships on short voyages
▪ 15% lifeboat and Liferaft 35% on each side + additional 25% liferaft
=TOTAL 125%
• 100% lifeboat on each side
• Liferafts also 100% on each side.
• If lighter liferafts(less than 185 kg) which can be side to side
transferred, then together on both sides 100%.
• If free fall lifeboat with 100% capacity, then, 100% liferafts each side
with at least one launching appliance on one side.
• If less than 85m L ship, no need of lifeboat. Then Liferafts 100% on
each side which can be easy side to side transferred; if not, then 150%
on each side and a rescue boat that may also be used as a Lifeboat,
may be used for fulfilling this 150% criteria.
• Additionally, 1 at the FWD if the length of AFT Lifeboat from FWD is
more than 100m, capacity not less than 6 persons.

1) General Requirements for Lifeboats

1.1) Capable of safe launch with up to 10° trim and 20° list either way.

1.2) Lifeboats must have rigid hulls, maintain positive stability in

calm water when fully loaded, and stay buoyant even if holed below
the waterline.

1.3) Minimum height from floor to inside roof/canopy:

1.3.1) At least 1.3 m for lifeboats accommodating 9 persons or fewer.
1.3.2) At least 1.7 m for lifeboats accommodating 24 persons or more.

1.3.3) Height determined by linear interpolation between 1.3 m and 1.7

m for lifeboats accommodating 9 to 24 persons.

2) Carrying capacity of lifeboats

2.1) Lifeboats shall accommodate no more than 150 persons.

2.2) The maximum capacity for a lifeboat launched by falls is the lesser

2.2.1) Accommodating people weighing 75 kg (passenger ships) or 82.5

kg (cargo ships) without affecting propulsion or equipment operation.

3) Access into lifeboats

3.1) Passenger ship lifeboats must be boarded within 10 minutes; cargo
ship lifeboats within 3 minutes. Rapid disembarkation must be possible
for both.

3.2) Lifeboats must have a boarding ladder at each entrance, with the
lowest step at least 0.4 m below the waterline.
4) Lifeboat Propulsion
4.1) Lifeboats must be powered by a compression-ignition engine using
fuel with a flashpoint above 43°C (closed-cup test).
4.2) The engine must have a manual or power starting system with two
independent rechargeable energy sources and starting aids, starting
within 2 minutes at -15°C, unless adjusted for specific voyages. Starting
systems should not be obstructed by the engine casing or seating.

4.3) The exhaust pipe must prevent water entry during normal operation.

4.4) Lifeboats must travel at least 6 knots in calm water when fully loaded
and at least 2 knots when towing the largest liferaft, with enough fuel to
run at 6 knots for 24 hours in expected temperature ranges.
5) Lifeboat Fittings

5.1) Lifeboats (except free-fall types) need at least one automatic drain
valve at the lowest hull point, with a cap or plug attached, accessible
from inside, and clearly marked.
5.2) All lifeboats must have a rudder and tiller.

5.3) A manually controlled exterior white light must operate continuously

for at least 12 hours with a minimum intensity of 4.3 cd.

5.4) A manually controlled interior light must operate continuously for at

least 12 hours at 0.5 cd.

5.5) For Tankers & Gas Carriers, A lifeboat with self-contained air support
must maintain breathable air and normal engine function for 10 minutes
with all openings closed, keeping internal pressure within ±20 hPa of
external pressure. It must have visual air pressure indicators.
5.6) All lifeboats to be capable of drop of more than 3 m in water &
withstand 3.5m/s slam on ship side.

5.7) Two efficient painters, at least twice the distance from the stowage
position to the waterline or 15 m, whichever is greater.

6) Lifeboat Equipment

6.1) Sufficient buoyant oars for headway in calm seas.

6.2) 2 boat-hooks(Used to bring boat closer or push away)
6.3) Buoyant bailer(Scoop) and two buckets.

6.4) Operational compass, luminous or illuminated. Fixed at steering

position in enclosed lifeboats, in others, a protected binnacle.

6.5) Sea-anchor.
6.7) 2 hatchets (Axe), one at each end.

6.8) 3 L of fresh water.

6.9) Rustproof dipper (Used for dipping into a water tank or container,
Designed to minimise spillage of lifeboat water.) with lanyard.

6.10) Rustproof graduated drinking vessel.

6.11) Food rations totalling at least 10,000 kJ per person.

6.12) Four rocket parachute flares.

6.13) Six hand flares.

6.14) Two buoyant smoke signals.

6.15) Waterproof electric torch for Morse signalling, with spare batteries
and bulb in a waterproof container.

6.16) Daylight signalling mirror(Heliograph)- It is highly reflective giving

it a range of over 10 miles, for the small mirror and longer for the
liferaft/lifeboat larger mirror.
6.17) Whistle or equivalent sound signal.
6.18) First-aid kit in a waterproof case, sealable after use.

6.19) Anti-seasickness medicine for at least 48 hours and one seasickness

bag per person.

6.20) Jack-knife attached to the boat by a lanyard.

6.21) Three tin-openers.
6.22) Two buoyant rescue quoits with at least 30 m of buoyant line.

6.23) Manual pump for bailing if not self-bailing.

6.24) Fishing tackle.

6.25) Portable fire-extinguisher suitable for oil fires.

6.26) Efficient radar reflector.

6.27) Thermal protective aids for 10% of occupants or two, whichever is

➢ Planned Maintenance System (PMS) of Lifeboat?

❖ Inspections as per SOLAS Chapter-III/Regulation-20

• Weekly Inspections (Point 1-4 as per SOLAS)

1) The Lifeboat shall be visually inspected to ensure that they are ready
for use. The inspection shall include the condition of hooks, their
attachment to the lifeboat and the on-load release gear being
properly and completely reset
2) All engines in lifeboats shall be run for a total period of not less than
3 min, provided the ambient temperature is above the minimum
temperature required for starting and running the engine, During this
period of time, it should be demonstrated that the gear box and gear
box train are engaging satisfactorily
3) Lifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, on cargo ships shall be moved
from their stowed position, without any persons on board, to the
extent necessary to demonstrate satisfactory operation of launching
appliances, if weather and sea conditions so allow
4) the general emergency alarm shall be tested
5) Check the fuel quantity
6) Forward and aft gripes are tight and safety pins are in place

• Monthly Inspections

1) All lifeboats, except free-fall lifeboats, shall be turned out from their
stowed position, without any persons on board if weather and sea
conditions so allow
2) Check the Condition of the Body including Outside & Inside Shell &
Internal Structures
3) Check the Condition of the Lifting Gears & Operating (Releasing) Unit
4) Check the Condition of the Fire Extinguisher, Its Capacity & Refill Date
5) Check the Condition of the Air Support System (If Fitted)
6) Check the Condition of the Water Spray System (If Fitted)
7) Check the Condition of the Lifeboat Equipment’s, Expiry Date of
Ration, Number of the Equipment’s are available or not as per
requirements, Expiry date of Pyrotechnics, First Aid Kit, Anti
Seasickness Medicine
8) Condition of the Boat Davits, Apply lubricating oil to all gears
9) Check the condition of Embarkation Ladder
10) Check the condition of Limit switch & its operation
11) Check the condition of Boat falls & winch gears, confirm the date of
renewal of boat falls
12) Check condition of rubber packings of access hatches
13) No air bubbles in the boat compass
➢ What are the Lifeboat Launching Procedures?

❖ Davit Launching

1) To launch the lifeboat, the following actions must be carried out:

1.1) Remove Battery Charger

1.2) Ensure that the drain plugs are in position.
1.3) Rig one painter each from the forward and aft of the boat to the
ship to prevent the boat from drifting away.
1.4) Remove the harbour safety pin.
1.5) Release the gripes at each end of the boat.
1.6) Lift the hand brake and control the speed of lowering with the
hand brake.
1.7) Lower the boat to the embarkation deck.
1.8) Allow the boat to be brought in by the tricing pendant; ensure
not to overrun and prevent the weight of the boat from
transferring to the tricing pendant.
1.9) Fasten the boat to the ship's side using the bowsing tackles.
1.10) Release the tricing pendant.
1.11) Embark the boat.
1.12) Slacken the bowsing tackles and disconnect it from the boat.
1.13) Start the lifeboat engine.
1.14) Lift the handbrake to lower the boat into the water.
1.15) Unhook the boat when waterborne.
1.16) Release the painters to move away from the ship.

➢ What are the Release Mechanism of Lifeboat?

1) Off Load Release Mechanism (Standard Release Mechanism)

❖ Carried Out When Lifeboat is Fully Water Borne & There’s No
Load on the Release Hook
1.1) The "OFF-LOAD Release" of the lifeboat means that the load is
removed from the hooks to release the lifeboat. In this method, the
ship is lowered to the water, and the water pressure acts on the
diaphragm placed underneath the lifeboat. This pressure causes
the "coxswain release handle" to move to the green position. Now,
the interlock placed in the hand lever is removed, and the handle is
pulled to release the hook, allowing the lifeboat to be free to go.

1.2) When the lifeboat is lowered to the water level, pressure acts on
the diaphragm present inside the Hydrostatic Interlock unit
underneath the lifeboat. This movement causes the Coxswain’s
release handle to move to the green position.

1.3) The interlock placed in the hand lever is removed, and the handle
is pulled to release the hooks, allowing the lifeboat to let go.

2) On Load Release Mechanism (Conducted In Emergency Situation)

❖ Carried Out When Lifeboat is Not Fully Water Borne & There’s
Load on the Release Hooks

2.1) "ON-LOAD Release" means that the lifeboat can be released in any
position, or specifically when the lifeboat hook is still under
tension. To activate this release, the interlock is removed from the
hand lever, and the glass protecting the "coxswain release handle"
is broken. The handle is then moved to the green side, and the
hand lever is pulled to release the hooks, setting the lifeboat free.

2.2) This is the emergency release mechanism, where the load remains
on the release hooks, and the position of the coxswain handle is in
the red position.
2.3) In this scenario, the interlock in the hand lever is removed, the
glass is broken, and the Coxswain release handle is manually
moved to the green position.

➢ What are Tricing Pendant & Bowsing Tackle?

1) Tricing Pendant

1.1) Tricing pendants are additional means of securing the lifeboat with
the davit arm when the boat is being released. Tricing pendants are
attached to the davit system or the frame structure. Hence, when
the boat is being launched or lowered, the tricing pendant
provides support to the vessel by holding back through its tension
forces, the tricing pendants also take a good fraction of the boat’s
weight along with the suspension links due to their tension

2) Bowsing Tackle

2.1) Bowsing tackles play a crucial role in the safe lowering of a fully
loaded lifeboat to the water surface. Unlike tricing pendants, which
are used earlier in the process while the lifeboat is being loaded,
bowsing tackles come into play when the lifeboat is fully loaded
and the lowering process begins.

2.2) Their primary function is to provide additional support and stability

to the lifeboat as it is gradually lowered towards the water. By
attaching to the lifeboat, bowsing tackles help prevent oscillatory
and random motions, ensuring a controlled descent.
2.3) As the tricing pendants are released, the load they were bearing is
transferred to the bowsing tackles. This transfer of load ensures a
smooth transition and maintains stability throughout the lowering
process. Bowsing tackles act as a more advanced means of
tethering the lifeboat during rigging operations, helping to safely
guide the lifeboat to the water surface.

➢ What are Fall Prevention Device?

1) Fall Prevention Devices are used to prevent the inadvertent release of

the on-load release mechanism. In this system, nylon loop strops of
sufficient Safe Working Load (SWL) are fitted. These can be connected
on each lower fall block and a suitable fixed point on the lifeboat.
Nylon is recommended as it absorbs the shock.

➢ What is the Lifeboat Recovery Procedure?

1) Release gear must be reset properly in order for the safe recovery of
the lifeboat. To reset the release hooks, begin by pulling the release
handle up by around 30°. Simultaneously lift the forward and aft
hooks. After ensuring the hooks have been reset properly, insert the
safety pin. Finally, reset the safety lock device and make sure it is in
the locked position.

2) Insert the winch handbrake safety pin.

3) Manoeuvre the lifeboat until it is under the lifeboat falls. Using the
winch, adjust the suspension links to the proper height.
Simultaneously connect the suspension link to both the hooks, i.e.,
forward, and aft. Operate the winch using the remote controller and
begin hoisting. Stop hoisting the lifeboat when it is just above the
water to check whether the forward and aft hooks are properly
connected. Also, confirm that the hydrostatic interlock lever has been
moved back to the locked position.

4) Continue hoisting. When the davit arm reaches the stowed position, it
strikes the limit switch, and the winch stops automatically. Let the
crew disembark the lifeboat.

5) When the winch stops automatically, manually hoist the davit arm.
Confirm that the davit arm is in contact with the platform stop. Stop
hoisting and detach the manual hoisting handle.

6) Immediately reset the davit arm stop and insert the safety pin in the
davit arm stop handle.

7) After removing the handbrake safety pin, lower the suspension block
on the davit horn by releasing the handbrake. If the suspension block
is not on the davit horn, the boat falls will remain in tension and may
get damaged. Insert the handbrake safety pin.

8) Install the forward and aft gripes and tighten them with turnbuckles.
9) The painter shall always be attached to the painter release hook at all
➢ Launching of Free Fall Lifeboat?

❖ Freefall Launch

1) Prior to launch, make sure that the water surface is free of obstacles.
2) Release the lashing line and confirm that the lashing plates have been
removed; the lashing plate is released automatically. If not released,
pull the attached nylon rope.
3) Remove the battery charge cable.
4) Pull out the release hook safety pin and open the rear hatch; the crew
should board the lifeboat from the rear hatch. Finally, the last person
entering the lifeboat will secure the rear hatch.
5) Once everyone is onboard, confirm that the drain plug is closed.
6) All people inside the lifeboat shall fasten their seat belts and grab the
rail handle in front of them.
7) The operator must confirm that all people have fastened their seat
belts, and nobody should be wearing a life jacket.
8) The operator must start the engine. Remove the release lever securing
pin and close the bypass valve.
9) Pumping the main release lever several times allows the lifeboat to
launch in freefall.
10) Never use a painter for free fall launch.

❖ Emergency Release

1) In the event the hydraulic pumping system doesn't work, the

emergency release must be used.
2) Confirm that the bypass valve is open, break the cover, insert the
emergency release handle, and turn the emergency release hook
clockwise until it comes to a stop. The stopper of the main lashing will
open, and the lifeboat will launch.
❖ Launching By Davit Arm

1) Switch on the hydraulic power pack. Operate the control lever to

lower the traverse and subsequently remove the hook lashing line.
2) Attach the boat hanging wire to suspension. Using the lever, position
the davit arms just above the boat lifting position and adjust the fore
and aft balance of the lifeboat.
3) The crew members embark the lifeboat from the rear hatch, take their
seats, and fasten their seat belts. Each member shall grab the handle
in front of them. The last person entering the lifeboat will close the
rear hatch.
4) The operator confirms all crew members are seated.
5) The operator must remove the pin securing the release lever and
close the bypass valve. Pumping the lever several times releases the
release hook and removes the main lashing.
6) After visually confirming that the main lashing has been released, the
operator on the main ship shall use the control unit to swing the davit
arm to the proper lowering position and then lower the lifeboat.
7) When the boat is waterborne and has become well-balanced, the
operator on the lifeboat shall indicate to the operator on the parent
ship to stop lowering the boat.
8) The operator shall remove the wire ropes used to suspend the boat.
9) The boat engine can be started.

➢ Recovery of Freefall Lifeboat

1) Switch on the hydraulic power pack on the parent ship.

2) The operator on deck uses the control lever to swing out the davit
arms. Lower the suspension to a height allowing the wire ropes
hanging off the lifeboat to be attached. This must be carried out in
conjunction with a person onboard the lifeboat.
3) Attach the boat hanging wire to the suspensions. After attachment, all
persons onboard the lifeboat must be seated and inform the person
on deck.

4) The operator on deck then starts hoisting the lifeboat.

5) Hold the movement of the traverse prior to coming in contact with the
hinge block and the wire rope support.

6) By operating the control lever, stow the davit arm to the boat set

7) Using the control lever, lower the boat onto the roller. Attach the main
lashing to the release hook. After confirming that the main lashing
has been attached, the crew can disembark the lifeboat.

8) The operator on deck lowers the suspensions, detaches the wire ropes
for hanging the boat, and attaches them to the plate provided.

9) Using the control lever, move the davit arm to the stowage position.

10) Attach the hook lashing line to the suspensions.

11) Attach the lashing line; the lashing plate is set automatically once the
lashing line is attached.

12) Turn off the power pack.

➢ What is Recovery Pendant & Hanging Off Pendant?

1) Recovery Pendant

1.1) Used in rough weather

1.2) These are Nylon Strops, 2 metre in length with both end with soft
1.3) It is attached to the last link of the falls
1.4) Nylon strop is attached to the lifting hook & boat is hoisted
1.5) Keep crew well clear of the steel blocks
1.6) Elasticity helps to reduce the shock
1.7) Easy to connect with the hook

2) Hanging Off Pendant

2.1) These are wire strops, 4.5 metre in length, both end with thimble
2.2) Connected to the boat when doing any maintenance/repair to the
onload release mechanism.

➢ Lowering of Lifeboat in Heavy Weather?

1) Muster all crew at the lifeboat station

2) Stop the ship
3) Remove battery charger & plug in drain plug
4) Remove harbour safety pin
5) Release gripes
6) Rig Fender
7) Fasten painter, forward & aft
8) Board the crew, except the person engaged in launching
9) Lower lifeboat to the crest of the wave then falls will be automatically
slacken during the next trough
10) Unhook the fall & let go forward & aft painter
11) Start engine & go away from the ship

➢ What is Static & Dynamic Testing of Lifeboat?

1) Static Test
1.1) It is done 5 Yearly
1.2) It is a testing for the deformation
1.3) Lifeboat loaded to not less than 1.5 times the maximum brake
holding capacity of the davit

2) Dynamic Test
2.1) It is done 5 Yearly
2.2) Lifeboat loaded to not less than 1.1 times the maximum brake
holding capacity of the davit
2.3) Release at maximum lowering speed tested for deformation
2.4) These tests are done only in drydock
2.5) It is done annually by company representative with no crew
onboard the lifeboat

➢ Minimum length of Lifeboat- Not less than 7.3 metre

➢ Lifeboat lowering & hoisting speed?

1) Lowering Speed
1.1) Should not be more than 36 m/min, which is controlled by means
of centrifugal brakes or S=0.4 X 0.2 X H m/s.

2) Hoisting Speed
2.1) Should not be less than 0.3m/second with boat loaded to its full

➢ Lifeboat Falls Renewal Frequency?

1) Lifeboat Falls renewed when necessary due to deterioration or after

not more than 5 years, whichever is earlier.
➢ Launching & Recover of Rescue Boat?

1) Switch on the power pack and open the accumulator valve.

2) Confirm that the davit swing area is free from obstruction.

3) Confirm that the boat hanging wire is attached to the release hook,
and the painter is set to the painter releasing device, located at the
bow of the rescue boat.

4) Remove the lashing strap from the rescue boat and remove the safety
pin from the handbrake device on the winch.

5) Board the rescue boat.

6) The operator on deck uses the hoisting switch to raise the boat free of
its stand.

7) During the swinging of the rescue boat, people must control the
swing with the help of the painter.

8) The crew onboard the rescue boat pulls the slewing remote control
wire and slews the davit to the lowering position.

9) When the crew onboard the rescue boat pulls the inboard remote-
control wire, the winch brake is released, and the boat begins to
descend. The operator on deck can also lower the rescue boat by
operating the deck remote control wire or lifting the brake lever on

10.1) After making contact with the surface of the sea, the automatic
release wire shall be pulled to release the rescue boat.
10.2) Automatic Release Mode: In the case of automatic release, pull
the automatic release wire to bring it into the set position for
automatic release after making contact with the water. As long as
there is a load, the automatic release mode will not activate. Once
waterborne, it will operate automatically.
10.3) On Load Release Mode: If the automatic release mode doesn't
function after making contact with the water, pull the automatic
release wire to set it. After that, pull the on-load release wire to
operate the on-load release mode.

10) After starting the rescue boat engine, release the painter releasing
device and proceed with the rescue.

❖ Recovery of Rescue Boat

1) Drive under the Davit; be sure that fender skates are fitted to ship’s

2) Catch the painter, connect to its fitting, and tighten it so that boat is
directly under davit.

3) Davit wire to be lowered to boat and to be connected

to the boat suspension arrangement.

4) Stop the engine.

5) Check safe condition of release system again.

6) If necessary correct weight distribution in boat for horizontal hanging.

7) Hoist boat up to deck level.

8) Secured the boat.

9) Disembark the boat.

10) Return boat to stowage position and lash it.

11) Re-stow all loose equipment.

12) Prepare boat for next use.

❖ Rescue Boats

1) General Requirements

1.1) Rescue boats shall be not less than 3.8 m and not more than 8.5 m
in length
1.2) be capable of carrying at least five seated persons and a person
lying on a stretcher all wearing immersion suits and lifejackets if
1.3) Rescue Boat shall be provided with a bow cover extending for not
less than 15% of its length.
1.4) Every rescue boat shall be capable of manoeuvring at a speed of at
least 6 knots and maintaining that speed, for a period of at least 4
h & must be able to tow the liferaft at with its full complement at a
speed of at least 2 knots.
1.5) Arrangements for towing shall be permanently fitted in rescue
boats and shall be sufficiently strong to marshal or tow liferafts
1.6) every rescue boat shall be provided with effective means of bailing
or be automatically self-bailing
1.7) Rescue boats shall be fitted with weathertight stowage for small
items of equipment

2) Rescue Boat Equipment

2.1) Buoyant oars or paddles

2.2) a buoyant bailer
2.3) a binnacle containing an efficient compass which is luminous or
provided with suitable means of illumination
2.4) a sea-anchor and tripping line, if fitted, with a hawser of adequate
strength not less than 10 m in length
2.5) a painter of sufficient length and strength, attached to the release
device placed at the forward end of the rescue boat
2.6) one buoyant line, not less than 50 m in length, of sufficient
strength to tow a liferaft
2.7) one waterproof electric torch suitable for Morse signalling,
together with one spare set of batteries and one spare bulb in a
waterproof container
2.8) one whistle or equivalent sound signal
2.9) a first-aid outfit in a waterproof case capable of being closed
tightly after use
2.10) two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 m of
buoyant line
2.11) a searchlight with a horizontal and vertical sector of at least 6° and
a measured luminous intensity of 2,500 cd which can work
continuously for not less than 3 h
2.12) an efficient radar reflector
2.13) thermal protective aids sufficient for 10% of the number of persons
the rescue boat is permitted to accommodate or two, whichever is
the greater
2.14) portable fire-extinguishing equipment of an approved type
suitable for extinguishing oil fires.

2.15) Additionally for Rigid Rescue Boats

2.15.1) a boat-hook
2.15.2) a bucket
2.15.3) a knife or hatchet

2.16) Additionally for Inflated Rescue Boats

2.16.1) a buoyant safety knife
2.16.2) two sponges
2.16.3) an efficient manually operated bellows or pump
2.16.4) a repair kit in a suitable container for repairing punctures
2.16.5) a safety boat-hook

➢ How many Rescue Boats to be carried onboard?

1) Cargo ships shall carry at least one rescue boat complying with the
requirements of section 5.1 of the LSA Code.
2) Passenger ships of 500 gross tonnages and over shall carry at least
one rescue boat on each side of the ship, complying with the
requirements of the LSA code.
3) Passenger ships of less than 500 gross tonnage shall carry at least one
rescue boat complying with the requirements.
4) A lifeboat may be accepted as a rescue boat provided it also complies
with the requirements for a rescue boat.
➢ What is the minimum recovery/hoisting speed of Rescue Boat?

1) The lowering speed for a fast rescue boat with its full complement of
persons and equipment shall not exceed 1 m/s & hoisting speed for a
fast rescue boat it is 0.8m/s.

2) The minimum hoisting speed for a rescue boat is 0.3m/s, and

➢ What is International Medical Guide For Ships (IMGS)? Its Use? Its

1) The International Labour Organization (ILO) Maritime Labour

Convention 2006 stipulates that all ships shall carry a medicine
chest, medical equipment, and a medical guide. The International
Medical Guide for Ships supports a main principle of that Convention:
to ensure that seafarers are given health protection and medical care
as comparable as possible to that medicines, medical equipment and
facilities for diagnosis and treatment and to medical information and

2) The Convention states that ships carrying 100 or more persons and
ordinarily engaged on international voyages of more than three days
duration shall carry a qualified medical doctor who is responsible for
providing medical care. Ships which do not carry a medical doctor
shall be required to have either at least one seafarer on board who is
in charge of medical care and administering medicine as part of their
regular duties or at least one seafarer on board competent to provide
medical first aid. Persons in charge of medical care on board who are
not medical doctors shall have satisfactorily completed training in
medical care that meets the requirements of the International
Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
for Seafarers. The International Medical Guide for Ships is a standard
reference for these training courses and is designed for use by all
crew members charged with providing medical care on board.

3) The ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006 stipulates that the

competent authority shall ensure by a prearranged system that
medical advice by radio or satellite communication to ships at sea is
available 24 hours a day - the International Medical Guide for Ships
explains when it is essential to seek such advice.
4) By carrying this guide on board ships, and following its instructions,
countries can both fulfil their obligations under the terms of the
Maritime Labour Convention 2006. and ensure the best possible
health outcomes for their seafaring population.

❖ Contents of IMGS
❖ Latest Edition of IMGS is the 3rd Edition, which came out in 2008

1) IMGS Consists of 33 Chapters & Annex A

1.1) First aid

1.2) Shock
1.3) Pain management
1.4) Head injuries
1.5) Eye injuries and diseases
1.6) Bone, joint, and muscle injuries
1.7) Abdominal and chest injuries
1.8) Wounds
1.9) Burns, chemical splashes, smoke inhalation, and electrocution
1.10) Heat stroke and other heat disorders
1.11) Poisoning
1.12) Examination of the patient
1.13) Paralysis, strange behaviour, unconsciousness
1.14) Chest pain and other disorders of the heart and circulation
1.15) Respiratory diseases
1.16) Gastrointestinal and liver diseases
1.17) Kidney and other urinary disorders
1.18) Pregnancy and childbirth
1.19) Sexually transmitted infections
1.20) Skin diseases
1.21) Bone, joint, and muscle disorders
1.22) Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use
1.23) Infectious diseases
1.24) Dental problems
1.25) External assistance
1.26) Nursing care and medical procedures
1.27) Death at sea
1.28) Medical care for survivors at sea
1.29) Environmental control and hygiene
1.30) Preventing disease and promoting health in seafarers
1.31) Anatomy and physiology
1.32) International Health Regulations
1.33) The ship's medicine chest
• Annex A: Forms for case reporting, referral, and evacuation

➢ What is IMGS Chapter 25, How to take Radio Medical Advice?

1) IMGS Chapter 25 is External Assistance

2) Medical advice from doctors stationed in ports throughout the world

is available 24 hours a day to all ships at sea. and should be sought
whenever the caregiver is uncertain about the best course of action.
The advice is given by Direct Radio-Telephonic Contact, Satellite
Communications, Fax, or Internet. Advice may on occasion be
obtained from another ship in the vicinity with a doctor on board.

3) How to take Radio Medical Advice:

3.1) Provide the doctor with all possible information about the patient,
using the form provided : Forms to be used in communicating to a
doctor information about a Patient's Illness (Part A) or Injury (Part

3.2) Form A (Illness):

3.2.1) Routine Information/Particulars about the ship

3.2.2) Routine information about the patient
3.2.3) Details of illness
3.2.4) Results of examination of patient
3.2.5) Diagnosis
3.2.6) Treatment
3.2.7) Comments by the doctor

3.3) Form B (Injury):

3.3.1) Routine information about the ship

3.3.2) Routine information about the patient
3.3.3) History of the injury or injuries
3.3.4) Results of examination of patient
3.3.5) Treatment
3.3.6) Problems
3.3.7) Comments by the doctor
4) Radio Medical Advice can be obtained through:

4.1) Radio Telegraphy

4.2) Radio Telephone

5) Whom to Contact:

5.1) World Wide Services (WWS)

5.2) Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)

5.3) Tele Medical Assistance Service (TMAS). Details of the above 3

can be found in ALRS Vol. 1.
• Maritime Telemedical Assistance Services (TMAS), sometimes referred
to as Medico services, because of its radio code, is a medical advice
service for seafarers that can provide distant assistance and support
through marine radio, e-mail, telephone, or fax. In coordination with
the local Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), TMAS
organizations also arrange for medevac to shore, emergency
treatment at land facilities and the dispatch of medical personnel to
ships with ill mariners.
• All seafaring nations are required by International Labour
Organization/International Maritime Organization convention 163 of
1986 to set up a TMAS centre that operates 24 hours a day. The
centre must be staffed by physicians trained in remote consultation
and in the peculiarities of shipboard treatment to all civilian ships
within their Search and Rescue Region (SRR).

5.4) Advice from Nearby Ships Doctors can also be taken.

5.5) International Radio Medical Centre (CIRM)

• The International Radio Medical Centre (Centro Internazionale Radio
Medico, C.I.R.M.) was founded in 1935 with the purpose of giving
radio medical advice to ships on any nationality navigating on all seas
of the world. The Centre has its headquarters in Rome, and its medical
services are completely free of charge. They also include
arrangements for the transfer, if necessary, of a patient to a ship with
a doctor on board or if the distance allows it, to evacuate the patient
for hospitalization. Requests for medical advice reaching C.I.R.M. are
handled by doctors on continuous duty at the C.I.R.M. headquarters.
These doctors’ advice on the appropriate treatment and keep in
contact with every ship that has asked for assistance, following up the
progress of the patient until his recovery or evacuation to the hospital
on shore.

5.6) Use 2 Digit Code in INMARSAT System (32- Medical Advice,

38- Medical Assistance)

➢ What is Ships Medicine Chest & Medical Scale?

1) Medicine Chest
1.1) All ships subject to the regulations established by the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Labour
Organization (ILO) must have adequate medical supplies, that are
periodically inspected, kept in good condition and are ready for
use whenever required. The quantities needed on board will
depend on the duration and destination of the voyage. the
number of crew members, and the nature of the cargo.

1.2) The medicine chest is designed to hold a range of medicinal

products needed for the most common medical emergencies likely
to occur on board ship, however distant it is from shore.

2) Medicine Scale

2.1) Category A: Seagoing or sea-fishing vessels with no limitation on

length of trips.
2.2) Category B: Seagoing or sea-fishing vessels within 150 nautical
miles from a port with adequate medical equipment. Extended to
those within 175 nautical miles of a port with medical equipment,
remaining within helicopter rescue range.
2.3) Category C: Harbour vessels, boats and craft staying very close to
shore or with no cabin accommodation other than a wheelhouse.
Lifeboats and life-rafts are also required to carry Category C stores.
❖ Annex 1 Consists of Requirements for Categories A, B & C vessels
and recommended additional equipment
❖ Annex 4 Requirements for ships carrying dangerous cargoes

➢ How to Order Medicine Onboard?

1) Following Publications/Documents must be Referred to Order

Medicines Onboard:

1.1) International Medical Guide for Ships (IMGS)

• List of Recommended Medicines & Equipment can be found in
Chapter-33 (The Ships Medicine Chest) of IMGS

1.2) Flag State Requirements: It depends on the Category (A,B & C)

of the Vessel

1.3) Medical Scale of the Ship, which Depends Upon:

1.3.1) Duration of Voyage
1.3.2) Number of Persons of Onboard
1.3.3) Nature of Cargo
1.3.4) Destination of Voyage

1.4) If a Vessel is Carrying IMDG Cargo, MFAG must be referred

➢ What is Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG)? Its Use? Its Contents?

1) Information on medical first aid is provided in the IMO/WHO/ILO

Medical First Aid Guide for use in accidents Involving dangerous
Goods (MFAG), which is the chemicals supplement to the International
Medical guide for ships (IMGS) which is published by the World
Health Organization (WHO), Geneva.

2) The IMO/WHO/ILO Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents

involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG) refers to the substance, material
and articles covered by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods
Code (IMDG Code), and the materials covered by Appendix B of the
Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) .It is intended
to provide advice necessary for initial management of chemical
poisoning and diagnosis within the limits of the facilities available at

3) This Guide should be used in conjunction with the information

provided in the IMDG Code, the BC Code, the Emergency Procedures
for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods (EmS), the International Code for
the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), and the International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
(IGC Code).

4) Treatments in this guide cater for the accidental human consequences

of the carriage of dangerous goods at sea. Accidental ingestion of
toxic substances during voyage is rare. The guide does not cover
ingestion by intention.

5) Information on the treatment of illnesses which are of a general

nature and not predominantly concerned with chemical poisoning
may be found in the ILO/IMO/WHO International Medical Guide for
Ships (IMGS).

❖ Annexes

1) Appendix 1 Rescue
2) Appendix 2 CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)
3) Appendix 3 Oxygen Administration & Controlled Ventilation
4) Appendix 4 Chemical-Induced Disturbances Of Consciousness
5) Appendix 5 Chemical-Induced Convulsions (Seizures, Fits)
6) Appendix 6 Toxic Mental Confusion
7) Appendix 7 Eye Exposure To Chemicals
8) Appendix 8 Skin Exposure To Chemicals
9) Appendix 9 Inhalation Of Chemicals
10) Appendix 10 Ingestion Of Chemicals
11) Appendix 11 Shock
12) Appendix 12 Acute Kidney Failure
13) Appendix 13 Fluid Replacement
14) Appendix 14 List Of Medicines And Equipment (Consists of
Requirements for Additional Medicines or Equipment’s that must
be carried, If a Vessel is Carrying IMDG Cargo)
15) Appendix 15 List Of Substances

➢ Requirement for Crude Oil Washing (COW)?

1) Crude oil washing (COW) is a system whereby oil tanks on a tanker

are cleaned out between voyages not with water, but with crude oil -
the cargo itself. The solvent action of the crude oil makes the
cleaning process far more effective than when water is used. (There is
usually a final water rinse but the amount of water involved is very
low.) The system helps prevent pollution of the seas from operational

2) Crude oil washing was made mandatory for new tankers by the 1978
Protocol to the MARPOL Convention. Regulation 33 of MARPOL
Annex I requires every new crude oil tanker of 20,000 tons
deadweight and above to be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning
system using crude oil washing.

➢ What is Mooring Winch Break Testing?

1) Brake is one of the most important feature of a winch. It ensures that

the winch holds drum (and consequently the mooring rope) in its
position so that the moorings are kept sufficiently tight. Another
important function of the brake is called ‘rendering’ which ensures
that the mooring line shed its load before it parts (through slipping of
drum), just in case it undergoes excessive stress. This is called Brake

2) Brake Rendering: To state simply, the “slipping of brake” resulting in

release of load or stress on the tightened mooring line , before the
mooring rope on it reaches its MBL (Minimum Breaking Load) is called
Brake Rendering. Brake Rendering of a winch ensures that the line
(which due to some reason is under excessive stress), gets paid out
before it reaches it MBL or Minimum breaking load.
3) Break Holding Capacity: It is the Maximum Capacity of the mooring
winch brake to hold the mooring drum in its position when under
tension. Technically, Brake Holding Capacity of a winch is 80% of the
Minimum Breaking Load (MBL) of the Mooring Rope, but it is set at
60% of the MBL, allowing 20% margin for safety (OCIMF guidelines).
Above this figure (of 60%), the brake renders.

4) Break Rendering Test

4.1) To determine the Brake Rendering Capacity of the Winch, a

procedure called Brake testing is carried out. This procedure
requires a Brake Testing Kit which has the following components:

▪ Hydraulic Jack with Manometer and lifting arrangements and base

▪ Plates
▪ Bolts to fasten the plates to the winch drum

4.2) The break testing kit simulates the load on the line by means of
hydraulic pressure producing a torque on the winch drum as
shown in the figure below:

❖ Brake Rendering Test Procedure

1) Rig the Brake testing kit as shown in the figure above. Manufacturers
instruction should always be consulted prior such test

2) Jack shall be placed firmly on the ground and in correct position

3) Ensure that pressure gauge on the hydraulic jack showing zero

4) Tighten the brake of the mooring winch fully

5) Now we know from calculations that the brake of the winch shall be
so adjusted that it will render at a load just above 361kN say 362kN.

Brake Rendering Force/Formula = (F X L)/R

F: Force applied by Hydraulic Jack

L: Distance of Drum Centre from the Hydraulic Jack

R: Distance of Drum Centre from the First Rope Layer [(D1+D)/2]

➢ What is Grounding, Stranding & Beaching?

1) Grounding: Grounding is when a ship strikes the seabed

unintentionally. It occurs generally through poor navigation and the
lack of under keel clearance. The severity of any damage incurred will
depend on the speed of striking and the nature of the ground that
the vessel contacts

2) Stranding: Stranding is when the ship then remains in grounding

position for some length of time. (for a few hours or so).
3) Beaching: When a vessel is grounded intentionally, she is said to be

➢ What are the Duties of 3rd Officer as per ISM?

1) Familiarize himself with the procedures of safety management system

and comply with same.

2) To keep a navigational watch at sea and at anchor as per Master’s

standing orders.

3) To keep cargo, watch in port as per directions of Chief Officer and as

per applicable rules & regulations.

4) To maintain all meteorological equipment and logs and ensure

dispatch of weather reports from vessel on regular basis.

5) To maintain in good order all flags, signalling equipment, regulation

lights and shapes

6) Conduct maintenance procedures for life saving and firefighting

equipment, cargo systems on board under direction of Chief Officer.

7) Conduct inventory of LSA, FFA, cargo systems spares and stores

maintained on board as directed.

8) Conduct procedures and tests to ensure functional reliability of critical

equipment and systems, as directed

9) Compliance with the Company’s documented safety and security

10) Carry out emergency duties as per emergency response procedures
and as directed by command and control.

11) Compliance with applicable port, terminal, and dock safety


12) Assist Chief Officer in day-to-day work with regard to ship’s

operational routine duties and preparation of reports and returns as

13) To comply with applicable rules of STCW Convention.

14) To prepare handing over notes along with handing over report while
signing off the vessel.

15) To acquaint himself and prepare for the rank above.

16) Has the authority to identify and report non-conformities and near
misses/hazardous occurrences and as per procedures defined within
this Safety Management System

➢ What are the Plans Required for Drydock?

1) Plans Required for Drydock

1.1) General Arrangement Plan: The General arrangement plan

gives a profile view of the ship along with plan views at main
deck level, and D.B. tank top level, and an end view from
forward. This drawing is used for berthing purposes alongside
repair berths as well as to get a general appearance of the
ship. Hence a reduced size drawing would do.
1.2) Docking plan: The docking plan is a detailed plan view seen from
the bottom. It shows all openings on the bottom, including the
openings for the main sea suction boxes provided at the
machinery room area on the underside. The other openings are the
individual drain plug holes normally one plug hole per tank.

1.3) Shell Expansion Plan: The Shell Expansion Plan is a two-

dimensional representation derived from a ship's line plan,
depicting the three-dimensional surface of the hull. It utilizes
contour lines erected perpendicular to the base line, indicating the
ship's length and corresponding frame numbers. By joining the
ends of vertical lines on the base line, the shell expansion outline is
formed. The surface is marked with parallel vertical and horizontal
lines, representing the strakes forming the hull. Each strake is
denoted by a letter and number, indicating its level and position.
This plan serves various purposes: (a) locating hull damage and
suggesting repairs, (b) determining painting surface areas, and (c)
providing information on strake thickness and steel quality.

1.4) Capacity plan: This plan is useful in finding the displacement of

the ship for a selected mean draft. The Displacement is required to
be known to decide on the total number of blocks to be used since
each block can support only a maximum given mass. The capacity
plan also gives information on (a) volumes of compartments/tanks
in M3 (b) location of centre of volume of compartment/tank.
Hence the capacity plan may be used for making minor stability
calculations for moments which are required for trim and heel

➢ Fire In Galley, Action?

1) Raise alarm & Inform master.

2) Muster all crew- head count & Fire party briefed.
3) Proceed to scene off fire and investigate.
4) Shut down all ventilation.
5) Start emergency fire pump & try to fight the fire by conventional
6) Maintain boundary cooling at all times
7) Due regards to be given to the type of extinguishing agent being
7.1) Foam- Oil Stoves.
7.2) DCP- Electrical Fires.
7.3) CO2 can be used as smothering agent

➢ Paint Locker Fire Fighting System?

1) a carbon dioxide system, designed to give a minimum volume of free

gas equal to 40% of the gross volume of the protected space.

2) a dry powder system, designed for at least 0.5 kg powder/m3.

3) a water spraying or sprinkler system, designed for 5 l/m2min. Water

spraying systems may be connected to the fire main of the ship

4) a system providing equivalent protection, as determined by the


➢ What is Gross Register Tonnage(GRT), Gross Tonnage(GT), Net

Register Tonnage(NRT) & Net Tonnage(NT)?

1) Gross Register Tonnage(GRT)

1.1) Gross Register Tonnage is an older measure of the internal volume
of a ship, but it only includes the cargo spaces and excludes certain
areas like engine rooms and crew spaces.
1.2) GRT includes only the cargo-carrying spaces and certain other

2) Gross Tonnage(GT)
2.1) Gross Tonnage is a measure of the overall internal volume of a
ship, including all enclosed spaces, measured in cubic meters.
2.2) GT includes all enclosed spaces of the ship.

3) Net Register Tonnage(NRT)

3.1) Net Register Tonnage is an older measure of a ship's cargo-
carrying capacity, excluding spaces not used for cargo (like engine
rooms, crew quarters, etc.).
3.2) Measures the volume of spaces available for cargo, excluding non-
cargo spaces.

4) Net Tonnage
4.1) Net tonnage is the moulded volume of the entire cargo space of
the ship. It only considers the volume of the vessel that can be
used for loading the cargo. The net tonnage is expected to be
somewhere around 30% less than its gross tonnage.
4.2) Measures the total volume of all cargo spaces but includes
adjustments for the ship's dimensions and passenger

➢ Name Drills & Their Frequencies onboard Ship?

1) Abandon Ship Drill- Monthly

1.1) Within 24 hours of leaving port if more than 25% of the crew have
not taken part in drills on board the ship in the previous month.

2) Fire Drill- Monthly

3) Survival craft muster and drill- 3 Monthly

3.1) Davit Lifeboats must be lowered and launched every three months

4) Rescue boat drills Every month but not exceeding three months

5) Freefall lifeboats- Six months

5.1) Lowered to water

6) Davit launched liferaft(Should include inflation and lowering)- Four


7) Enclosed space entry/rescue- Two months

8) SOPEP or spillage leakage- Three months

9) Security Drill- Three months

9.1) Stowaway search
9.2) Piracy attack, including retreat to Citadel.
9.3) Bomb threat and searching for devices.
9.4) Changes to ISPS Security Levels.
9.5) Any other circumstances or threats as identified by the CSO/SSO.

10) Steering gear- Three months

10.1) Emergency steering to be tested at sea. Test to be recorded in
official logbook.

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