BESTSELLER Restricted Substances List. 2024.Vers1.
BESTSELLER Restricted Substances List. 2024.Vers1.
BESTSELLER Restricted Substances List. 2024.Vers1.
All products supplied to BESTSELLER must meet legal requirements in all markets that BESTSELLER brands deliver to.
BESTSELLER’s Restricted Substances List (RSL) describes the limitation and prohibition of substances in products manufactured for
BESTSELLER. The RSL has been developed based on the law, a concern for the health of our customers, the working conditions inside the
factories producing our goods, and the preservation of the environment – both in production countries, and where our products are sold.
The listed values and additional notes in this document are applicable to all suppliers manufacturing or providing products for BESTSELLER.
The RSL applies to and covers all garments, shoes, accessories, and all parts of products e.g. zippers, buttons, rivets and labels (list is indicative
not all-inclusive). Suppliers must also ensure that all samples meet the requirements set in the RSL.
Suppliers must comply with all legislation, product requirements and manufacturing requirements in all countries where they are producing.
All labour, workplace, and environmental laws in the country of production must be followed. Suppliers must also be aware that additional
requirements for specific product groups might exist, e.g. for shoes (SOP for Shoe Production).
It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that products they supply to BESTSELLER meet these requirements, which must be fully
communicated to and controlled by all subcontractors and suppliers of raw materials and components throughout the supply chain.
Suppliers should note that the RSL will be updated when necessary. Messages and updates regarding the RSL will be placed on the Supplier
Changed pH upper limit for non-chrome tanned leather to 7,5
N/A Acidic and Alkaline Substances (pH)
Included additional guidance on pH levels during the tanning process.
Various Chlorophenols and Ortho-phenylphenol (OPP) Updated method to EN 17134-2:2023 for all materials
6858-49-7 Disperse Dyes: C.I. Disperse Yellow 49 Added another CAS number for already restricted C.I. Disperse Yellow 49
Updated method for Nickel Release in jewellery to include waxing areas not
7440-02-0 Heavy Metals: Nickel (Ni)
intended for skin-contact to EN 1811:2023
75-01-4 Monomers: Vinyl Chloride Updated method to EN ISO 6401:2022
Added multiple organotins with a limit of 1 ppm to align with new legal restrictions
Various Organotin Compounds
and best practices consistent with other industry restricted substances lists.
Updated methods ASTM D7359 and EN ISO 23702-1 to 2023 versions.
Added important note about draft test methods prEN 17681-1:2023 for targeted
PFAS analysis.
Various Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Added information about pending revision to EU POPs PFOS and related
substances restriction.
Added new sub-group of PFHxA, its salts, and related substances with note about
anticipated new limits based on pending EU legislation.
Various Pesticides Restated method as EN ISO 15913:2023; removed method DIN 38407-2:1993.
Various Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Added dates for methods EN 17132:2019 and ISO 16190:2021.
91-22-5 Quinoline Added note that Quinoline is not expected in non-dyed materials.
Various UV Absorbers/Stabilizers Added date for method ISO 24024:2022.
South Korea KC Mark Soluble Heavy Metal
Various Updated method to ISO 8124-3:2020 with Amendment 1 of 2023.
36355-01-8 Pesticides: Hexabromobiphenyl Added a substance to Pesticides (already included as a flame retardant).
Important points to note
Additional chemical and material restrictions
All compounds defined as: ECHA periodically updates the Candidate List; find the most
1000 ppm (0.1%) for each substance
Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in EU current version at
on the list
REACH (2006/1907) table
Banned in all products and packaging. Please note that also sheets
PVC Total ban
for transfer prints are not allowed to be PVC.
For earrings, ear stickers or any other jewellery with a pin penetrating the skin, the pin must be of pure Titanium, Sterling silver (925 Silver) or stainless steel
(316 L). Any deviation from this requires specific approval from the Chemical Responsible from Responsible Sourcing.
Transportation of goods – Packaging, Containers and cargo
Fumigating, gassing or spraying cargo or containers containing BESTSELLER products with any chemicals is banned. Levels of chemicals are
measured when the container reaches the port of destination. Levels must not exceed acceptable health and safety levels and the local legislation.
The below restriction limits are valid in the container air per destination:
1. Denmark
a. Formaldehyde: 0.3 ppm
b. Total VOC: 10 ppm
2. The Netherlands
Regardless of the source, all costs in connection with cleaning containers, damage or loss of products and any resulting lost profit will be claimed.
All product packaging and packaging additions used for storage, labelling and transportation of BESTSELLER articles must meet legal
requirements for all countries of shipment. BESTSELLER has implemented a Packaging RSL which is available on the Supplier Portal. Please
refer to BESTSELLER Supplier Manual for details on packaging standards and expectations.
Chemical Control
In order to comply with BESTSELLER’s Restricted Substances List (RSL), it is important that suppliers have full control and are aware of all
chemicals that are being used throughout the entire production network.
Suppliers must ensure that all subcontractors, suppliers of materials and accessories (including labels and packaging), dye-houses, print-houses,
tanneries, carriers, etc., are fully aware of the RSL and agree to follow. Suppliers must ensure that all parts of their production network have the
latest version of our RSL and that they assist in educating all parts of the supply chain in meeting these requirements – and only work with
suppliers that are able to do so. Suppliers should work to understand the chemical aspects of the supply chain to effectively identify and control
the risk areas.
Suppliers should select professional and well-run suppliers of materials and dyeing /printing facilities, and ensure the use of dyestuffs, printing
chemicals and any other production-process chemicals are from reputable and well-known manufacturers.
Suppliers must assume responsibility in ensuring that the production network is constantly informed of BESTSELLER’s requirements – and
that the materials coming into the factory are able to meet the standard set in the RSL. Material data sheets should be acquired from dye-
houses and print-houses to ensure that no banned or restricted chemicals are used.
Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL)
BESTSELLER have adopted the industry-aligned MRSL from ZDHC group as part of our commitment to safer chemistry use during
manufacturing ( All suppliers must ensure compliance to the most updated MRSL from ZDHC.
Definition of ages
Age Range Cl Size (for reference)
Tables of Restricted Substances
Limits Potential Uses Test Method Limits
CAS No. Substance Raw Material & Sample Preparation & Limits above which test
Textile Processing for Apparel & Footwear
Finished Product Measurement results should be
Acetophenone and 2-Phenyl-2-Propanol
98-86-2 Acetophenone Extraction in acetone or methanol
Potential breakdown products in EVA foam when
50 ppm each GC/MS, sonication for 30 minutes 25 ppm each
617-94-7 2-Phenyl-2-propanol using dicumyl peroxide as a cross-linking agent.
at 60 degrees C
Alkylphenol (AP) and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates (APEOs), including all isomers
APEOs can be used as or found in detergents, scouring Textiles and Leather:
agents, spinning oils, wetting agents, softeners, EN ISO 21084:2019
emulsifying/dispersing agents for dyes and prints,
Various Nonylphenol (NP), mixed isomers
impregnating agents, de-gumming for silk production,
dyes and pigment preparations, polyester padding and Polymers and all other materials:
Sum of NP & OP:
Total: 10 ppm down/feather fillings. 1 g sample/20 mL THF, sonication
3 ppm
for 60 minutes at 70°C analysis
according to EN ISO 21084:2019
APs are used as intermediaries in the manufacture of
Various Octylphenol (OP), mixed isomers
APEOs and antioxidants used to protect or stabilize
polymers. Biodegradation of APEOs into APs is the
main source of APs in the environment.
All materials except leather:
Various Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEOs) EN ISO 18254-1:2016,
APEOs and formulations containing APEOs are determination of APEO using
prohibited from use throughout supply chain and LC/MS or LC/MS/MS
Sum of NPEO & OPEO:
Total: 50 ppm manufacturing processes. We acknowledge that Leather:
residual or trace concentrations of APEOs may still be 10 ppm
Sample preparation and analysis
Various Octylphenol ethoxylates (OPEOs)
found at levels exceeding 100 ppm and that more time using EN ISO 18218-1:2023 with
is necessary for the supply chain to phase them out quantification according to EN
completely. ISO 18254-1:2016
Azo-amines and Arylamine salts
92-67-1 4-Aminobiphenyl
92-87-5 Benzidine
95-69-2 4-Chloro-o-toluidine
91-59-8 2-Naphthylamine
97-56-3 o-Aminoazotoluene
99-55-8 2-Amino-4-nitrotoluene
106-47-8 p-Chloraniline
615-05-4 2,4-Diaminoanisole
101-77-9 4,4’-Diaminodiphenylmethane
91-94-1 3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine
119-90-4 3,3’-Dimethoxybenzidine
Azo dyes and pigments are colourants that
119-93-7 3,3’-Dimethylbenzidine All materials except leather: EN
incorporate one or several azo groups (-N=N-) bound
ISO 14362-1:2017
838-88-0 3,3’-dimethyl-4,4’- with aromatic compounds.
Diaminodiphenylmethane Leather: EN ISO 17234-1:2020
120-71-8 p-Cresidine Thousands of azo dyes exist, but only those which
20 ppm each 5 ppm each
101-14-4 4,4’-Methylen-bis(2-chloraniline) degrade to form the listed cleavable amines are p-Aminoazobenzene:
101-80-4 4,4’-Oxydianiline restricted.
All materials except leather: EN
139-65-1 4,4’-Thiodianiline ISO 14362-3:2017
Azo dyes that release these amines are regulated and
95-53-4 o-Toluidine Leather: EN ISO 17234-2:2011
should no longer be used for dyeing of textiles.
95-80-7 2,4-Toluylendiamine
137-17-7 2,4,5-Trimethylaniline
95-68-1 2,4 Xylidine
87-62-7 2,6 Xylidine
90-04-0 2-Methoxyaniline (= o-Anisidine)
60-09-3 p-Aminoazobenzene
3165-93-3 4-chloro-o-toluidinium chloride
553-00-4 2-Naphthylammoniumacetate
39156-41-7 4-methoxy-m-phenylene
diammonium sulphate
21436-97-5 2,4,5-trimethylaniline hydrochloride
Virgin material: BPA may be used in the production of epoxy resins,
1 ppm polycarbonate plastics, flame retardants, and PVC. Leather:
Recycled material: BPS may be used as a substitute for BPA for some EN ISO 11936:2023 0.1 ppm for individual
10 ppm specific uses, including thermal receipt paper. samples
80-05-7 Bisphenol A (BPA)
Parts in contact with All other materials: 1 ppm for composite
BPS and BPF can be found in polyamide dye-fixing
mouth: 1 ppm Extraction: 1 g sample/20 ml THF, samples
agents, and sulfone- and phenol-based leather
(See definition on synthetic tanning agents. sonication for 60 minutes at 60°C,
page 7) then add methanol or acetonitrile
BPA and BPS can be found in recycled polymeric and
paper materials due to polycarbonate plastic and for precipitation prior to analysis
80-09-1 Bisphenol S (BPS) with LC/MS.
thermal receipt paper made with bisphenols entering Leather:
waste streams. 10 ppm each
620-92-8 Bisphenol F (BPF) Note for textiles: For
BPS individually: BPA, BPS, and BPB are included on the REACH SVHC
precipitation, draw the extract to
150 ppm list. Additional restrictions on the entire class of All other materials:
another container and add
Total sum of BPS, bisphenols are expected, with a revised restriction 0.1 ppm for individual
methanol or acetonitrile.
BPF, BPB: 200 ppm proposal forthcoming in the European Union. samples
Inaccurate higher results will be
77-40-7 Bisphenol B (BPB) BPAF is included under PFAS, thereby totally banned. 1 ppm for composite
obtained if the textile sample
BPA is formally restricted in items intended to come in samples
contacts the precipitation solvent.
contact with the mouth.
Chlorinated Paraffins
85535-84-8 Short-chain chlorinated Paraffins Textiles and all other materials:
100 ppm 30 ppm
(SCCP) (C10-C13) ISO 22818:2021 (MCCP+SCCP)
May be used as softeners, flame retardants or as fat
liquoring agents in leather production. Also used as
Medium-chain chlorinated Paraffins Leather:
85535-85-9 1000 ppm plasticizer in polymer production. 100 ppm
(MCCP) (C14-C17) ISO 18219-1:2021 (SCCP)
ISO 18219-2:2021 (MCCP)
15950-66-0 2,3,4-Trichlorophenol (TriCP)
933-78-8 2,3,5-Trichlorophenol (TriCP) Chlorophenols are polychlorinated compounds used
933-75-5 2,3,6-Trichlorophenol (TriCP) as preservatives or pesticides.
95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (TriCP) Pentachlorophenol (PCP), tetrachlorophenol (TeCP),
and trichlorophenols (TriCP) are sometimes used to
88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (TriCP) All materials:
0.5 ppm each prevent mold and kill insects when growing cotton 0.05 ppm each
609-19-8 3,4,5-Trichlorophenol (TriCP) EN 17134-2:2023
and when storing/transporting fabrics.
4901-51-3 2,3,4,5-Tetrachlorophenol (TeCP) PCP, TeCP and TriCP can also be used as in-can
58-90-2 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol (TeCP) preservatives in print pastes and other chemical
935-95-5 2,3,5,6-Tetrachlorophenol (TeCP)
87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
Chlorinated Benzenes and Toluenes
95-49-8 2-Chlorotoluene
108-41-8 3-Chlorotoluene
106-43-4 4-Chlorotoluene
32768-54-0 2,3-Dichlorotoluene
95-73-8 2,4-Dichlorotoluene
19398-61-9 2,5-Dichlorotoluene
118-69-4 2,6-Dichlorotoluene
95-75-0 3,4-Dichlorotoluene
2077-46-5 2,3,6-Trichlorotoluene
6639-30-1 2,4,5-Trichlorotoluene
76057-12-0 2,3,4,5-Tetrachlorotoluene
875-40-1 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorotoluene
1006-31-1 2,3,5,6- Tetrachlorotoluene Chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes (chlorinated
877-11-2 Pentachlorotoluene aromatic hydrocarbons) can be used as carriers in the
Total: 1 ppm All materials: EN 17137:2018 0.2 ppm each
541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene dyeing process of polyester or wool/polyester fibers.
106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene They can also be used as solvents.
87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene
120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
108-70-3 1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene
634-66-2 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene
634-90-2 1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene
95-94-3 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene
608-93-5 Pentachlorobenzene
118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene
5216-25-1 p-chlorobenzotrichloride
98-07-7 Benzotrichloride
100-44-7 Benzyl chloride
95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
DMFu is an anti-mold agent used in sachets in All materials:
624-49-7 Dimethylfumarate (DMFu) 0.1 ppm packaging to prevent the buildup of mold, especially 0.03 ppm
ISO 16186:2021
during shipping.
Dyes, Forbidden and Disperse
2475-45-8 C.I. Disperse Blue 1
2475-46-9 C.I. Disperse Blue 3
3179-90-6 C.I. Disperse Blue 7
3860-63-7 C.I. Disperse Blue 26
56524-77-7 C.I. Disperse Blue 35A
56524-76-6 C.I. Disperse Blue 35B
12222-97-8 C.I. Disperse Blue 102
12223-01-7 C.I. Disperse Blue 106
61951-51-7 C.I. Disperse Blue 124
23355-64-8 C.I. Disperse Brown 1
2581-69-3 C.I. Disperse Orange 1
730-40-5 C.I. Disperse Orange 3
82-28-0 C.I. Disperse Orange 11 Disperse dyes are a class of water-insoluble dyes that
12223-33-5 penetrate the fiber system of synthetic or
13301-61-6 C.I. Disperse Orange 37/76/59 manufactured fibers and are held in place by physical
forces without forming chemical bonds. Disperse dyes
51811-42-8 All materials:
30 ppm each are used in synthetic fiber (e.g., polyester, acetate, 10 ppm each
85136-74-9 C.I. Disperse Orange 149 polyamide). DIN 54231:2022
2872-52-8 C.I. Disperse Red 1 Restricted disperse dyes are suspected of causing
2872-48-2 C.I. Disperse Red 11 allergic reactions and are prohibited from use for
3179-89-3 C.I. Disperse Red 17 dyeing of textiles.
2437-29-8 C.I. Basic Green 4
548-62-9 C.I. Basic Violet 3
632-99-5 C.I. Basic Violet 14
2580-56-5 C.I. Basic Blue 26
1937-37-7 C.I. Direct Black 38
2602-46-2 C.I. Direct Blue 6
573-58-0 C.I. Direct Red 28
16071-86-6 C.I. Direct Brown 95
(Solvent Yellow 2)
6786-83-0 C.I. Solvent Blue 4
(methylamino)trityl alcohol
Dyes, Navy Blue
Component 1:
118685-33-9 Navy blue colourants are regulated and are prohibited
C39H23ClCrN7O12S.2Na All materials:
30 ppm each from use for dyeing of textiles. 10 ppm each
Component 2: DIN 54231:2022
Not allocated (Index 611-070-00-2)
Flame Retardants
84852-53-9 Decabromodiphenyl ethane
32534-81-9 Pentabromodiphenyl ether
32536-52-0 Octabromodiphenyl ether
1163-19-5 Decabromodiphenyl ether
(DecaBDE) All materials:
Flame retardant chemicals, including the entire class
All other Polybrominated EN ISO 17881-1:2016
various of Organohalogen flame retardants are forbidden.
diphenyl ethers (PBDE)
79-94-7 Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBP A)
The examples of flame-retardant substances listed
59536-65-1 Polybromobiphenyls (PBB) here have been used historically across the footwear
3194-55-6 Hexabromocyclododecane and apparel industry but are only examples and do
(HBCDD) 10 ppm each not represent the restricted chemicals. 5 ppm each
3296-90-0 2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-1,3-
propanediol (BBMP) The 10 ppm limit is established to account for
13674-87-8 Tris(1,3-dichloro-isopropyl) incidental impurities, byproducts, and contaminants.
phosphate (TDCPP) Flame retardants should not be used for any other
purpose, e.g. as softeners or plasticizers.
25155-23-1 Trixylyl phosphate (TXP)
126-72-7 Tris(2,3,-dibromopropyl)
phosphate (TRIS)
All materials:
545-55-1 Tris(1-aziridinyl)phosphine oxide)
EN ISO 17881-2:2016
115-96-8 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate
5412-25-9 Bis(2,3-dibromopropyl)
phosphate (BDBPP)
Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases
Sample preparation:
May be used as foam blowing agents, solvents, fire Purge and trap — thermal
See Regulation (EC) No 517/2014
Various 0.1 ppm each retardants, and aerosol propellants and are 0.1 ppm each
for a complete list. desorption or SPME
prohibited from use.
Measurement: GC/MS
Used in textiles as an anti-creasing and anti-
shrinking agent. It is also often used in polymeric
All materials except leather: DIN
EN 16711-2:2016
Cadmium compounds are used as pigments (especially Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-1:
Extractable: 0.03
Extractable: 0.1 ppm in red, orange, yellow and green); as a stabilizer for 2019
7440-43-9 Cadmium (Cd) ppm
Total: 40 ppm PVC; and in fertilizers, biocides and paints. Total:
Total: 5 ppm
All materials except leather:
DIN EN 16711-1:2016
Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-2:
Chromium compounds can be used as dyeing
Extractable, Textiles: additives, dye-fixing agents, colour fastness, after-
Babies: 1 ppm treatments, dyes for wool, silk and polyamide
All materials except leather: DIN
(especially dark shades) and leather tanning.
Children and adults: EN 16711-2:2016 Extractable:
7440-47-3 Chromium (Cr)
2 ppm Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-1: 0.3 ppm
Extractable, Leather: 2019
Egypt restricts extractable Chromium to 2 ppm in
60 ppm leather products for babies and 200 ppm in leather
products for other ages.
All materials except leather: DIN
EN 16711-2:2016 with EN ISO
17075-1:2017 if Cr is detected
Leather: EN ISO 17075-1:2017
Extractable: Though typically associated with leather tanning, Extractable:
and EN ISO 17075-2:2017 for
Chromium VI also may be used in the “after-
18540-29-9 Chromium VI Leather: 3 ppm confirmation in case the extract Leather: 1 ppm
chroming” process for wool dyeing (Chrome salts
Textile: 0.5ppm causes interference. Textiles: 0.5 ppm
applied to acid-dyed wool to improve fastness).
Alternatively, EN ISO 17075-
2:2017 may be used on its own.
Ageing test: ISO 10195:2018
Method A2
Extractable: All materials except leather: DIN
Cobalt and its compounds can be used in alloys,
Adults: 4 ppm EN 16711-2:2016
7440-48-4 Cobalt (Co) pigments, dyestuff, and the production of plastic Extractable: 0.3 ppm
Children and babies: Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-1:
1 ppm 2019
Copper and its compounds can be found in alloys and
pigments, and in textiles as an antimicrobial agent.
Extractable: All materials except leather:
Copper is exempt from restriction limits in metal parts. DIN EN 16711-2:2016
Adults: 50 ppm
7440-50-8 Copper (Cu) Extractable: 5 ppm
Children and babies: Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-1:
Indonesia Ministerial Regulation No. 18 limits copper
25 ppm 2019
to 25 ppm in the products: towels, bedding, and
May be associated with alloys, plastics, paints, inks,
pigments and surface coatings.
All materials except leather: DIN
For children and baby products for Illinois, USA, the
Extractable: EN 16711-2:2016
following specific warning must be labelled on the
Adults: 1 ppm Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-1:
product: Extractable:
Babies and children: 2019
7439-92-1 Lead (Pb) “WARNING: CONTAINS LEAD. MAY BE HARMFUL 0.06 ppm
0.2 ppm Total:
Total: Non-metal: CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3
90 ppm Metal: CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3
Lead in paint and surface
Indonesia Ministerial Regulation No. 18 limits coating: CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1
extractable Lead to 0.2 ppm in the products: towels,
bedding, and handkerchiefs.
All materials except leather:
DIN EN 16711-2:2016
Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-1:
Mercury compounds can be present in pesticides and Extractable:
Extractable: 0.02 ppm 2019
7439-97-6 Mercury (Hg) as contaminants in caustic soda (NaOH). They may 0.006 ppm
Total: 0.5 ppm Total:
also be used in paints. Total: 0.1 ppm
All materials except leather:
DIN EN 16711-1:2016
Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-2:
All materials except leather: DIN
Extractable: 1 ppm
EN 16711-2:2016
Nickel and its compounds can be used for plating Leather: DIN EN ISO 17072-1: Extractable: 0.1
Prolonged skin
alloys and improving corrosion-resistance and 2019 ppm
7440-02-0 Nickel (Ni) contact and Eyewear
hardness of alloys. They can also occur as impurities Release: Release: 0.1
in pigments, alloys, fabrics and leather. EN 12472:2020 and µg/cm²/week
0.5 µg/cm²/week
EN 1811:2023
Release (Eyewear Frames):
EN 16128:2015
Heavy Metals, Jewellery
ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
ASTM F2923:2020
Paints & Coatings:
Antimony and its compounds can be used as a Flame (Sample preparation for jewellery Extractable:
7440-36-0 Antimony (Sb) Extractable:
Retardant in paints, as well as a colorant in pigments. and wearables: wax areas not 5 ppm
60 ppm
intended for skin-contact: EN
ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
Paints & Coatings: ASTM F2923:2020
Arsenic and its compounds can be used in paints and (Sample preparation for jewellery Extractable:
7440-38-2 Arsenic (As) Extractable:
inks. and wearables: wax areas not 5 ppm
25 ppm
intended for skin-contact: EN
ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
ASTM F2923:2020
Paints & Coatings:
Barium and its compounds can be used in pigments for (Sample preparation for jewellery Extractable:
7440-39-3 Barium (Ba) Extractable:
inks. and wearables: wax areas not 100 ppm
1000 ppm
intended for skin-contact: EN
Metal, Substrates, ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
Cadmium and its compounds are used as pigments
Paints & Coatings: ASTM F2923:2020 Extractable:
(especially in red, orange, yellow and green). It can also
Total: (Sample preparation for jewellery 5 ppm
7440-43-9 Cadmium (Cd) be used in alloys to improve hardness or be found as a
Adults: 75 ppm contaminant. and wearables: wax areas not Total:
Children and babies: intended for skin-contact: EN 5 ppm
40 ppm 1811:2011+A1:2015)
ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
ASTM F2923:2020
Paints & Coatings: Chromium and its compounds can be used as
(Sample preparation for jewellery Extractable:
7440-47-3 Chromium (Cr) Extractable: pigments in paints. It can also be used as part of
and wearables: wax areas not 5 ppm
60 ppm alloys such as stainless steel.
intended for skin-contact: EN
Lead and its compounds may be associated with
plastics, paints, inks, pigments, and surface coatings.
It can also be found in metals as a contaminant. ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
Metal, Substrates, ASTM F2923:2020
Paints & Coatings: For children and baby products for Illinois, USA, the (Sample preparation for jewellery
7439-92-1 Lead (Pb) Total: 10 ppm
Total: following specific warning must be labelled on the and wearables: wax areas not
90 ppm product: intended for skin-contact: EN
ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
Paints & Coatings:
ASTM F2923:2020
Extractable: 60 ppm Mercury compounds may be used in paints and can Extractable: 5 ppm
(Sample preparation for jewellery
7439-97-6 Mercury (Hg) be found as a contaminant in alloys.
Metal: and wearables: wax areas not Total: 0.1 ppm
Total: 0.5 ppm intended for skin-contact: EN
Prolonged skin Nickel and its compounds can be used for plating
EN 12472:2020 and
contact: alloys and improving the corrosion-resistance and Release:
7440-02-0 Nickel (Ni) EN 1811:2011+A1:2015
0.5 µg/cm²/week hardness of alloys. They can also occur as impurities 0.1 µg/cm²/week
Pierced part: 0.2 in pigments and alloys.
ASTM F963-17 as referenced in
ASTM F2923:2020
Paints & Coatings: Selenium and its compounds may be found in paints (Sample preparation for jewellery Extractable:
7782-49-2 Selenium (Se)
Extractable: 500 ppm and inks. and wearables: wax areas not 50 ppm
intended for skin-contact: EN
500 ppm Styrene is a precursor for polymerization and may be
Extraction in Methanol
present in various styrene-copolymers like plastic
100-42-5 Styrene GC/MS, sonication for 60 50 ppm
Baby products: buttons.
minutes at 60°C
100 ppm Free styrene is restricted, not total styrene.
Vinyl Chloride is a precursor for polymerization and
75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 1 ppm may be present in various PVC materials like prints, EN ISO 6401:2022 1 ppm
coatings, flip flops, and synthetic leather.
62-75-9 N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
55-18-5 N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA)
621-64-7 N-nitrosodipropylamine (NDPA)
924-16-3 N-nitrosodibutylamine (NDBA)
100-75-4 N-nitrosopiperidine (NPIP)
Can be formed as by-product in the production of EN ISO 19577:2019 with
930-55-2 N-nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR) 0.5 ppm each 0.5 ppm each
rubber. LC/MS/MS verification if positive
59-89-2 N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR)
OPP is used for its preservative properties in leather All materials:
90-43-7 Ortho-phenylphenol (OPP) 1000 ppm 100 ppm
or as a carrier in polyester dyeing processes. EN 17134-2:2023
Ozone-depleting Substances
Prohibition from use. All materials:
See Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 Ozone depleting substances have been used as a
Various 5 ppm GC/MS headspace 120°C for 45 5 ppm
for a complete list. foaming agent in PU foams as well as a dry-cleaning
agent and are prohibited from use.
Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFAS)
All PFAS as measured by total 100 ppm
7782-41-4 Due to the usage ban of any Fluorinated compounds EN 14582:2016 20 ppm
Fluorine 50 ppm by 2025
Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS)
Various 1 µg/m2 total 1 µg/m2 total
and related substances
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)
Various 25 ppb total 10 ppb total
and its salts PFAS represents the group of per- and
Various PFOA-related substances 1000 ppb total polyfluoroalkyl substances) and the listed chemicals 100 ppb total
Perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid only serves as examples as ALL PFAS are forbidden
Various 25 ppb total in our products. 10 ppb total
(PFHxS) and its salts
Various PFHxS-related substances 1000 ppb total 100 ppb total
PFAS may be used in commercial water-, oil, and
C9-C14 Perfluorocarboxylic acids All materials:
Various 25 ppb total stain-repellent agents as well as in breathable 10 ppb total
(PFCAs) and their salts EN 23702-1:2023 or EN 17681-1:
membranes that remove moisture, e.g. PTFE.
Various C9-C14 PFCA related substances 260 ppb total 2022 & 17681-2:2022 100 ppb total
PFAS may be present unintended due to
Further Perfluorinated contamination.
Various 1000 ppb total 100 ppb total
substances(see appendix A)
Anticipated regulated Bestseller only approve the use of BIONIC ECO.
limits in the EU:
PFHxA and its salts: Refer to Appendix A (page 25-26) for a more
PFHxA, its salts, and related
Various 25 ppb comprehensive list of PFAS examples. 100 ppb total
1000 ppb
Pesticides, Agricultural
All materials:
EN ISO 15913:2003 or
Various See Appendix B for a complete list 0.5 ppm each May be found in natural fibers (primarily cotton). 0.5 ppm each
EPA 8081/EPA 8151A or
BVL L 00.00-34:2010-09
28553-12-0 Di-iso-nonylphthalate (DINP)
117-84-0 Di-n-octylphthalate (DNOP)
117-81-7 Di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate
26761-40-0 Diisodecylphthalate (DIDP)
85-68-7 Butylbenzylphthalate (BBP) Esters of ortho-phthalic acid (phthalates) are a class of
organic compound commonly added to plastics to
84-74-2 Dibutylphthalate (DBP)
increase flexibility. They are sometimes used to Sample preparation for all
84-69-5 Diisobutylphthalate (DIBP) facilitate the moulding of plastic by decreasing its materials:
84-75-3 Di-n-hexylphthalate (DnHP) melting temperature. CPSC-CH-C1001-09.4
84-66-2 Diethylphthalate (DEP) Phthalates can be found in: Measurement:
Flexible plastic components (e.g., PVC) Textile:
131-11-3 Dimethylphthalate (DMP)
Print pastes GC/MS, EN ISO 14389:2022
131-18-0 Di-n-pentyl phthalate (DPENP) 500 ppm each (8.1 Calculation based on weight
Adhesives 50 ppm each
84-61-7 Dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP) Total: 1000 ppm of print only; 8.2 Calculation
Plastic buttons
based on weight of print and
1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di- Plastic sleevings textile if print cannot be
71888-89-6 C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7-
Polymeric coatings removed).
117-82-8 Bis(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate
The REACH substances of very high concern (SVHC) All materials except textile:
605-50-5 Diisopentyl phthalate (DIPP) GC/MS
candidate list is updated frequently. Suppliers should
131-16-8 Dipropyl phthalate (DPRP) assume that the BESTSELLER RSL includes all
27554-26-3 Diisooctyl phthalate (DIOP) Phthalates on the SVHC list – whether itemized here
or not.
71850-09-4 Diisohexyl phthalate (DIHxP)
68515-50-4 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
dihexyl ester, branched and linear
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-
68515-42-4 C7-11-branched and linear alkyl
esters (DHNUP)
1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid
84777-06-0 Dipentyl ester, branched and
68648-93-1 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-
C6-10-alkyl esters or mixed decyl
and hexyl and octyl diesters with
≥0.3% of dihexyl phthalate;
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
68515-51-5 mixed decyl and hexyl and octyl
1,2-dicarboxylic acid, di-C6-10-
alkyl esters
Found as an impurity in polyester and some
dyestuffs. All materials: DIN 54231:2022
91-22-5 Quinoline 50 ppm Quinoline can be included with disperse dye testing, Methanol extraction at 70 10 ppm
as the same method is used for both. degrees C
It is not expected in non-dyed materials.
Beilstein Test – if positive then
9002-85-1 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Not allowed
FTIR must be performed
General: 500 ppm
DMFa is a solvent used in plastics, rubber, and
Water-based or
68-12-2 Dimethylformamide (DMFa) polyurethane (PU) coating. Water-based PU does not
solvent-free PU:
contain DMFa and is therefore preferable.
75 ppm
75-12-7 Formamide Byproduct in the production of EVA foams. Textiles: EN 17131:2019
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
71-43-2 Benzene 5 ppm
68-12-2 DMFa 350 ppm
75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide
100-42-5 Styrene
56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride
67-66-3 Chloroform
108-94-1 Cyclohexanone
107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane
75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene
76-01-7 Pentachloroethane
These VOCs should not be used in textile auxiliary
630-20-6 1,1,1,2- Tetrachloroethane chemical preparations.
79-34-5 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane They are also associated with solvent-based processes
For general VOC screening:
127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene (PER) such as solvent-based polyurethane coatings and Benzene: 1 ppm
GC/MS headspace 45 minutes at
Each: 250 ppm glues/adhesives. Other: 20 ppm each
108-88-3 Toluene 120 degrees C
They should not be used for any kind of facility
71-55-6 1,1,1- Trichloroethane Total: 500 ppm
cleaning or spot cleaning.
79-00-5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane
79-01-6 Trichloroethylene
Xylenes (meta-, ortho-, para-)
75-12-7 Formamide
127-19-5 DMAC
872-50-4 NMP
87-68-3 Hexachlorbutadiene
98-86-2 Acetophenone
617-94-7 2-Phenyl-2-propanol
Appendix A: Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFAS)
CAS No. Substance Name CAS No. Substance Name
Appendix A - continued: Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated Chemicals (PFAS)
CAS No. Substance Name CAS No. Substance Name
Appendix B: Pesticides, Agricultural
CAS No. Pesticide Name CAS No. Pesticide Name CAS No. Pesticide Name
2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propionic
93-72-1 1085-98-9 Dichlofluanide 465-73-6 Isodrine
acid, its salts and compounds; 2,4,5-TP
93-76-5 2,4,5-T 120-36-5 Dichloroprop 4234-79-1 Kelevane
94-75-7 2,4-D 115-32-2 Dicofol 143-50-0 Kepone
309-00-2 Aldrine 141-66-2 Dicrotophos 58-89-9 Lindane
86-50-0 Azinophosmethyl 60-57-1 Dieldrine 121-75-5 Malathione
2642-71-9 Azinophosethyl 60-51-5 Dimethoate 94-74-6 MCPA
4824-78-6 Bromophos-ethyl 88-85-7 Dinoseb, its salts and acetate 94-81-5 MCPB
DTTB (4, 6-Dichloro-7 (2,4,5-trichloro-phenoxy)
2425-06-1 Captafol 63405-99-2 93-65-2 Mecoprop
-2-Trifluoro methyl benz imidazole)
63-25-2 Carbaryl 115-29-7 Endosulfan 10265-92-6 Metamidophos
510-15-6 Chlorbenzilat 959-98-8 Endosulfan I (alpha) 72-43-5 Methoxychlor
57-74-9 Chlordane 33213-65-9 Endosulfan II (beta) 2385-85-5 Mirex
6164-98-3 Chlordimeform 72-20-8 Endrine 6923-22-4 Monocrotophos
470-90-6 Chlorfenvinphos 66230-04-4 Esfenvalerate 298-00-0 Parathion-methyl
1897-45-6 Chlorthalonil 106-93-4 Ethylendibromid 1825-21-4 Pentachloroanisole
56-72-4 Coumaphos 56-38-2 Ethylparathione; Parathion 7786-34-7 Phosdrin/Mevinphos
68359-37-5 Cyfluthrin 51630-58-1 Fenvalerate 72-56-0 Perthane
Halogenated naphthalenes, including
91465-08-6 Cyhalothrin Various 31218-83-4 Propethamphos
polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs)
52315-07-8 Cypermethrin 76-44-8 Heptachlor 41198-08-7 Profenophos
S,S,S-Tributyl phosphorotrithioate
78-48-8 1024-57-3 Heptachloroepoxide 13593-03-8 Quinalphos
52918-63-5 Deltamethrin 36355-01-8 Hexabromobiphenyl 82-68-8 Quintozene
a-Hexachlorocyclohexane with and without
53-19-0 319-84-6 8001-50-1 Strobane
DDD Lindane
b-Hexachlorocyclohexane with and without
72-54-8 319-85-7 297-78-9 Telodrine
g-Hexachlorocyclohexane with and without
3424-82-6 DDE 319-86-8 8001-35-2 Toxaphene
72-55-9 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 731-27-1 Tolylfluanide
50-29-3 DDT 1582-09-8 Trifluraline
333-41-5 Diazinone
Appendix C: South Korea KC Mark Soluble Heavy Metal Requirements
South Korea KC Mark requirements apply to the migration of Heavy Metals from surface
coatings/paints, synthetic resins, and paper materials in products intended to be placed in the mouth of
children and products intended for babies
CAS No. Substance Limits Suitable Test Method