daily checklist of crane

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Name of Crane Date

Model of Crane time

Operator Signature

Step Action Remarks

1. Pre-Operation Check the crane for visible damage Ensure no cracks, ☐
Inspection (boom, jib, chassis, etc.). deformations, or damage.
Verify hydraulic oil, engine oil, and ☐
2. Oil & Fluid Refill or report low levels as
coolant levels are within acceptable
Levels needed.
Inspect tires for proper inflation and Report any tire damage ☐
3. Tire Condition
signs of damage (cuts, bulges). immediately.
Ensure the battery is charged and Confirm battery charge ☐
4. Battery Check
terminals are clean and secure. status.
5. Hydraulic Inspect hydraulic hoses, cylinders, and Check for visible damage ☐
System pumps for leaks or wear. and leaks.
Test all safety devices (emergency stop, Ensure all devices are ☐
6. Safety Devices
limit switches, warning lights, alarms). functioning properly.
7. Lifting Inspect hooks, ropes, chains, and slings Replace or repair any ☐
Equipment for wear or damage. damaged lifting gear.
Verify that the load chart corresponds ☐
8. Load Chart Ensure that the crane is
to the crane configuration and the load
Verification within safe operating limits.
to be lifted.
9. Boom & Hoist Test the crane boom, hoist, and all Ensure no unusual noise or ☐
Function Check other movements for smooth operation. jerky movement.
10. Control Check the crane controls (joystick, Test all controls for smooth ☐
Systems switches) for proper function. operation.
Ensure outriggers are properly Check that the crane is level ☐
11. Outriggers
extended and locked in place. and stable.
12. ☐
Test the radio or other communication Ensure clear communication
systems to ensure they are operational. with ground personnel.
13. Fire Verify the fire extinguisher is present Ensure accessibility in case ☐
Extinguisher and fully charged. of emergency.
14. Weather Check the current weather conditions Avoid operation if weather ☐
Conditions (wind speed, visibility, etc.) for safety. conditions are unsafe.
Ensure the operator and crew are ☐
15. Operator PPE wearing required PPE (safety helmet, Follow PPE safety standards.
gloves, boots, etc.).
16. Load Path & Check the load path for any obstacles or Ensure a clear path for safe ☐
Obstructions hazards. lifting operations.
Start the crane and perform a quick test ☐
17. Operational Confirm that all functions are
of all functions (lifting, lowering,
Test operational.
rotating, etc.).
Check any required logs or Keep accurate records for ☐
documentation for crane operation and maintenance and safety
inspections. checks.
Conduct a final walk-around inspection ☐
Confirm that everything is in
19. Final Check to ensure the crane is ready for
order before use.

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