Unit 4 TGE103
Unit 4 TGE103
Unit 4 TGE103
Speaking Skills:
Principles of Effective Oral Communication; Art of Public Speaking, Short Speeches for JAM (Just a
Minute) Session: Describing Pictures, Places, Situations, Scenes; Common Conversation; Debate; Story
Narration; Role Plays
Before presenting something, there should be proper planning regarding the audience, topics to
be delivered, timing, and other factors: So, a person must be well-prepared to deliver his speech.
Clear pronunciation
To make oral messages meaningful to receivers, words should be clearly and correctly
pronounced. There should not be any lack of clarity, otherwise, the communication would be
Effective oral communication desires that a message should be brief. If the sender took a long
time for talking, his message may not get the attention of the receiver.
Precision is needed to make oral communication effective. There should not be any confusing
words rather a message to be delivered should be specific so that there is no misunderstanding.
Natural voice
Any sort of unnatural voice may distort the message. A natural voice can do a lot to make oral
communication effective.
Logical sequence
Ideas should be organized in a sequential way to make the message communicative and
attractive. Unorganized ideas do not provide a clear sense while a logical sequence of ideas gives
a clear sense.
Principles of Effective Oral Communication
Suitable words
Words have different meanings to different people in different situations in oral communication,
a speaker should use common, simple, and familiar words so that the receiver can react to the
message without any problem.
Courtesy costs nothing but can earn many things. So, a speaker should be courteous while
addressing listeners. It helps create a good impression in the mind of listeners regarding the
Attractive presentation
It is another principle to make oral communication effective. A speaker should deliver his speech
in very nice and sweet language so that the receiver is attracted to take part in the
Avoiding Emotions
Speaker must control his emotions to make oral communication effective. Too much emotion
will take the speaker away from the main subject.
The speaker must be knowledgeable regarding the portion of the speech where he should give
emphasis. Giving emphasis on respective points will help draw the attention of the audience.
Controlling Gesticulation
The speaker on many occasions, consciously or unconsciously, gesticulates for expressing his
ideas or thoughts. This is a habit and should be avoided. Otherwise, the application of such a
habit may lead to % disinterest of the audience.
Besides, objective information, the capacity of the listener, interesting language, and proper
fluency should be considered also as the principles of oral communication.
Before transmitting any message, the speaker must have a pre-plan to send the message properly
to the audience or receiver. Pre-Planned communication is always fruitful.
The speaker must speak properly while communicating with the audience. The subject matter or
speech must be certain in oral communication to avoid confusion.
Information should be /Enriched with concrete, logical and relevant data in case of oral
communication. The subject matter should also be simple to catch the attention of the audience.
Attractive presentation
The message in oral communication should be presented in a nice tone. The Speaking attitude
should be catchy to hold the attention of the receiver.
Consideration of the Receiver or Audience
During oral communication, the qualification, knowledge, experience, and motive should be
considered by the speaker. The language should be simple and understandable to the audience.
The audience or receiver should be silent while the speaker is delivering his speech. The
audience must analyze arid evaluate the message provided and then he should answer properly.
The neutrality of the audience sustains oral communications.
Unrealistic information or, a message can never hold the attention of the audience. So, a speaker
should provide a realistic speech to the audience.
Free from error
If the information in oral communication contains any error then it makes the audience confused.
Moreover, the audience will lose their confidence in the speaker. So, information must be free
from errors in oral communication.
Patience is the key to the success of ineffective communication. Both the speaker .and the
audience must have proper patience while making oral communication.
Free from emotion
Oral communication should be free from emotion. Because emotion makes the subject matter to
be complicated. Therefore, the audience will make a wrong interpretation of the message
techniques or Way of Oral Communication.
Public speaking is a skill that holds immense power. It is the art of conveying a message verbally
to an audience. Whether you are conveying that message in person or through digital technology.
Public speeches can cover a wide variety of topics and serve various purposes. Topics such as
education, entertainment, or influence are common themes in public speaking. The goal is to
deliver a memorable oration that captivates the audience and effectively communicates the
intended message.
The benefits of being a good public speaker are far-reaching and can positively impact your
personal and professional life. Here we can explore some of these advantages, shared challenges
people face when speaking in public, and valuable tips to improve your public speaking skills.
The advantages of public speaking are manifold and have the potential to enhance both our
professional and personal realms. However, if public speaking were a skill easily acquired, we
would witness a multitude of individuals passionately delivering impromptu speeches on street
corners, passionately debating the superiority of various condiments for sandwiches. It is
important to acknowledge that public speaking comes with its unique set of challenges. Every
individual person possesses their own set of strengths and weaknesses when it comes to
addressing an audience. Let us explore some of the common hurdles encountered in the world of
public speaking.
Public speaking can be a daunting task for many people, leading to various challenges:
Overcoming these challenges and becoming an exceptional public speaker requires practice and
preparation. Here are some valuable tips to help you improve your public speaking skills: